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Architectural Studio Portfolio of Nicholas Mc Donough


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An Architect’s Code of Ethnic’s

1. An Architect is an individual:

That demonstrates an intimate knowledge of the

construction of buildings, this includes:

Common steel, wood and masonry construction


An understanding of water and waste water


An understanding of environmental control


An Architect is an individual who should be a master

builder or possess the knowledge equivalent of a master

builder. Architects must be able to engage in dialog and

be confidant with the knowledge base they have. If

engaging in construction that is beyond the individual's

skill set, the Architect should consult with someone whom

has the knowledge and skill for understanding the


That demonstrates the ability to manage people

through the process of building, as in:

Working as a leader or member of a design

team through the process of design and


Having the ability to produce documents to

allow for the construction or presentation of a


Consult with individual outside the design

process and have them understand the end

idea of the design.

An Architect is an individual who is the center of the

design process; they are the processers of information

and coordinators of its distribution to all parties involved in

the design. Without the ability to coordinate this

information the design process will be flawed and the

final product may be incomplete. If conflict or the

inability to coordinate a design process occurs the

individual must work with someone else to ensure the

completion of the design.

That demonstrates an understanding of how to be

business owner, such as:

Write a binding contract between the

Architect and Owner.

Manage payments of employees,

consultants or any other individual hired for

the design process.

Manage client, consultant and business

partner relationships.

An Architect is a business in them-selves. If an

Architect cannot manage a business they will not remain

an Architect. If an individual cannot manage a business,

they must work with someone who does have this set of

skills until they are confident in their own abilities.

2. An Architect provides design services:

That relate to a built environment in which human

habitation is either full time or incidental.

Architects are designers of structures for

occupation and use.

Architects are designers of places and spaces

for humans to work, live and play in

Architects are designers that create places for

people to be in.

Architects are designers that provide a service that is

the creation of a place or space for humans. Art should

occupy and enhance a design, not be the design itself. It

is important that designs an Architect produces are a

product for occupation. Designs created that exist solely

to exist and not be occupied or used become art.

That is either a consultation (proposal of an idea) or

full service (the building of an idea).

Understand the difference between a design

proposed and one that will be constructed

and its impact on the process.

Proposed design services do not need

complete, they are an idea.

Full services are taking a design from an idea

to a built structure.

A created design has two main phases; the first is the

concept then the execution of the concept. The first

phase can be independent of the second, but it must be

ready to move into the second phase. Architects must

know how far each design will go and ensure the client

understands the design process.

That appreciates and accepts the environment

they are working in.

A design must complement and enhance

the surroundings so as to belong in its place.

A completed design shouldn't impact the

natural and built environment negatively.

A strong design will respect the current

environment and adapt to the future.

Architectural designs do not sit in the void and are

responsible for responding the environment that they exist

in. Without a positive relationship with the surrounding

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environment a design will not succeed fully. Without

improving both the natural and built environment the

project is not complete and it is imperative to ensure a

harmonious existence of the structure.

3. An Architect does this by:

Creating a binding contract with an individual or

individual representing the Owner of the project.

The contract is to outline the boundaries and

function of the Architects and Owners purpose.

The contract will include the reimbursement for

all work done by the Architect.

The contract should inform the client of their


The creation of a contract between a client and

Architect is an agreement made by both parties in which

they both honor what is stated with in the contract

document. Without this the Architect exposes themselves

to undue risk and should not engage in work without an

understanding of their responsibilities to. Architects must

function within the agreement and understand the

agreement they make.

Providing a schedule of when services are to be

provided that covers:

The completion of the design concept and

the provision of documentation to build the


A timeline for the completion of construction

as an estimate put together with the builder

When payments are due and who to pay as

negotiated with the builder.

The process of design must be structured to prevent

the incompleteness of a project. The construction

process itself must be orchestrated to prevent improper

function of equipment that can interfere with the design.

Architects must guide the design process to ensure the

meeting of deadlines.

Managing the process of design to it completion as

stated in the contract, as in:

Coordinating with the client and informing

them of all parties involved in the design.

Coordinating between all parties involved to

ensure the delivery of a complete and

functional design.

Ensuring that the construction is up to a

standard and design as approved by both

the Architect and the Builder.

Managing the process of building a structure is a

process of creation. This creation will hold life and it is

important to monitor and ensure the highest quality of

building. Without proper guidance the design will not live

up to original intentions.


An Architect is responsible to provide all of the

above in line with all local, regional and national codes

and standards. Their services are to ensure life safety and

building functionality along with construction integrity.

The design services should always strive towards an idea

of beauty.

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Author’s Personal Statement

The ideal presented above is the author’s ideal of

an Architect. This ideal is what the author has

experienced in ten years of professional and academic

practice of Architecture as a successful set of ideals. To

be successful in the practice of Architect, successful

being able to build structures and live of the work, an

individual need these ideals.

If an Architect doesn’t know how to build they

cannot design successfully. Architecture is the built

environment. The building of structures cannot be done

by a single individual, it’s an orchestrated event. While

Architecture contains art, it is also a profession. This is a

business, and being a business requires an understanding

of what and how to conduct oneself in a business


Architects design buildings; these buildings are for

people or animals. Anything else drifts towards

becoming a simple art exhibit. The design process for

buildings can often be divided into two main phases.

Often Architects are engaged to propose an idea or

create enough information to figure the cost of a project.

The next phase is often fallowing through and completing

the structure. If an Architect doesn’t know what extent of

services a client needs they can waste time and effort.

When providing these services an Architect must accept

the site and its conditions in as such that they recognize

the natural and built patterns working towards improving

the surround environment through their work. This

improves the success rate of built projects, and improves

client relations.

The concept of a contract is a binding agreement

between two individuals. The Architect uses this as both

a way to explain their services and to protect them from

misunderstands from the client. Scheduling is important

to an Architect; it is the only way to ensure that the

construction and design are completed. The design

process is a creative process which can become circular;

a deadline helps eliminate that possibility. If the

construction isn’t scheduled properly with the proper

people it will be a disaster. An Architect will be involved in

a project until either its client is done or the process is

finished. The project must be finished for an Architect to

be considered successful. Unfinished projects show an

inability to actually fulfill the true role of an Architect in

society. Hopefully the Architect is paid throughout the

process and the process is finished to the design intent.

This is how I believe a person can move from being

an individual into an Architect. Architecture is often

considered a lifestyle, and being such hard to define. As

the profession and demands of the profession changes

like styles, the core of its purpose does not. An Architect

helps build buildings and any places that humans


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