portfolio luisa miolano

The designer of today re-establishes the lo the public, between living people and art as such thing as art divorced from life, with bea things to use. If what we use every day is made by chance or caprice, then we shall have not field of design has a hard task ahead of him: preconceived notions of art and artists, no they condition you to think one way for the w to think that life changes — and today more r to us designers to make known our working the methods we think are the truest, the m resolve our common aesthetic problems. Any object feels the presence of an artist who living conditions and encouraging him to dev We know that only the technical means of arti art itself. The function of art has in the past bee has severed it from our daily life; but art is a sincerely and healthily.Our job is therefore t that may lead — by way of a new kind of spe technology — to a complete knowledge awareness of them. Thus our task is to make a n of understanding every kind of need: not bec knows how to approach human needs accordi make him conscious of his creative powe independent of formulas in his own work.. Wh and the surroundings we live in have become in shall be able to say that we have achieved a b

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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The designer of today re-establishes the long-lost contact between art and

the public, between living people and art as a living thing. There should be no

such thing as art divorced from life, with beautiful things to look at and hideous

things to use. If what we use every day is made with art, and not thrown together

by chance or caprice, then we shall have nothing to hide. Anyone working in the

field of design has a hard task ahead of him: to clear his neighbor’s mind of all

preconceived notions of art and artists, notions picked up at schools where

they condition you to think one way for the whole of your life, without stopping

to think that life changes — and today more rapidly than ever. It is therefore up

to us designers to make known our working methods in clear and simple terms,

the methods we think are the truest, the most up-to-date, the most likely to

resolve our common aesthetic problems. Anyone who uses a properly designed

object feels the presence of an artist who has worked for him, bettering his

living conditions and encouraging him to develop his taste and sense of beauty.

We know that only the technical means of artistic achievement can be taught, not

art itself. The function of art has in the past been given a formal importance which

has severed it from our daily life; but art is always present when a people lives

sincerely and healthily.Our job is therefore to invent a new system of education

that may lead — by way of a new kind of specialized teaching of science and

technology — to a complete knowledge of human needs and a universal

awareness of them. Thus our task is to make a new kind of artist, a creator capable

of understanding every kind of need: not because he is a prodigy, but because he

knows how to approach human needs according to a precise method. We wish to

make him conscious of his creative power, not scared of new facts, and

independent of formulas in his own work.. When the objects we use every day

and the surroundings we live in have become in themselves a work of art, then we

shall be able to say that we have achieved a balanced life’.

The designer of today re-establishes the long-lost contact between art and

the public, between living people and art as a living thing. There should be no

such thing as art divorced from life, with beautiful things to look at and hideous

things to use. If what we use every day is made with art, and not thrown together

by chance or caprice, then we shall have nothing to hide. Anyone working in the

field of design has a hard task ahead of him: to clear his neighbor’s mind of all

preconceived notions of art and artists, notions picked up at schools where

they condition you to think one way for the whole of your life, without stopping

to think that life changes — and today more rapidly than ever. It is therefore up

to us designers to make known our working methods in clear and simple terms,

the methods we think are the truest, the most up-to-date, the most likely to

resolve our common aesthetic problems. Anyone who uses a properly designed

object feels the presence of an artist who has worked for him, bettering his

living conditions and encouraging him to develop his taste and sense of beauty.

We know that only the technical means of artistic achievement can be taught, not

art itself. The function of art has in the past been given a formal importance which

has severed it from our daily life; but art is always present when a people lives

sincerely and healthily.Our job is therefore to invent a new system of education

that may lead — by way of a new kind of specialized teaching of science and

technology — to a complete knowledge of human needs and a universal

awareness of them. Thus our task is to make a new kind of artist, a creator capable

of understanding every kind of need: not because he is a prodigy, but because he

knows how to approach human needs according to a precise method. We wish to

make him conscious of his creative power, not scared of new facts, and

independent of formulas in his own work.. When the objects we use every day

and the surroundings we live in have become in themselves a work of art, then we

shall be able to say that we have achieved a balanced life’.

The designer of today re-establishes the long-lost contact between art and

the public, between living people and art as a living thing. There should be no

such thing as art divorced from life, with beautiful things to look at and hideous

things to use. If what we use every day is made with art, and not thrown together

by chance or caprice, then we shall have nothing to hide. Anyone working in the

field of design has a hard task ahead of him: to clear his neighbor’s mind of all

preconceived notions of art and artists, notions picked up at schools where

they condition you to think one way for the whole of your life, without stopping

to think that life changes — and today more rapidly than ever. It is therefore up

to us designers to make known our working methods in clear and simple terms,

the methods we think are the truest, the most up-to-date, the most likely to

resolve our common aesthetic problems. Anyone who uses a properly designed

object feels the presence of an artist who has worked for him, bettering his

living conditions and encouraging him to develop his taste and sense of beauty.

We know that only the technical means of artistic achievement can be taught, not

art itself. The function of art has in the past been given a formal importance which

has severed it from our daily life; but art is always present when a people lives

sincerely and healthily.Our job is therefore to invent a new system of education

that may lead — by way of a new kind of specialized teaching of science and

technology — to a complete knowledge of human needs and a universal

awareness of them. Thus our task is to make a new kind of artist, a creator capable

of understanding every kind of need: not because he is a prodigy, but because he

knows how to approach human needs according to a precise method. We wish to




LOVe ideas

and even



i feel

when i


a good


Still Alive


Rome Airport Bus

Let it Wine

La Spesa che non Pesa

Belle Arti 131


Mind Your Project

Eni Never Ends

Altra Cucina

Touch your Breast

Mind Your Project

The IdeaUn' infografica interattiva per permettere ai Graphic Designer di comprendere l’impatto ambientale delle proprie scelte, testare le proprie conoscenze in tema di sostenibilità e scoprire quali sono le soluzioni per ridurre l’impronta ecologica della grafica stampata.

The EnviromentGennaio 2014 Università La Sapienza, Magistrale in Design, Comunicazione Visiva e multimediale

La mia tesi è stampata su carta riccilata 100% Postconsumo certificata FSC ed Ecolabel

La mia tesi usa Ecofont, riducendo

così il 25% di inchiostro

Nero 80% Vinaccia\ terracotta

Let it Wine

The Idea

The Enviroment

Dedicata a chiunque provi

amore, interesse o semplice

curiosità verso il grande universo

del vino e dei mondi ad esso

collegati. Letitwine.com nasce

per offrire notizie, racconti,

itinerari e curiosità legati al vino,

con particolare riferimento ai

grandi vini toscani prodotti dalle

cantine Carpineto.

Marzo 2015

DPlace Digital Compaany

per Cantine Carpineto.

Nero 80% Vinaccia\ terracotta Nero 80%Nero 80%Nero 80%Nero 80%

Un nuova vita per

La Spesa che non Pesa.it,

la piattaforma per la Spesa

on line di Coop a Roma.

Nuovo logo, campagna media

(search e Display,) ed una nuova

Landing Page per

aumentare le conversioni

e portare la spesa on line

a Roma.

La spesa che non Pesa

The Idea

The EnviromentAprile 2015

DPlace Digital Compaany

per UnCoop Tirreno




Una nuova identità per la digital

company Dplace, che nasce

dall’esperienza del team

MyBestPLace. Dplace si dichiara

dinamica e innovativa sempre al

passo con l’accelerazione che

caratterizza il mondo della

comunicazione e i suoi riflessi sulle

abitudini dei consumatori


Ottobre 2015

MyBestPLace / DPlace

Start up & Digital Compaany.







The Idea

The Enviroment

Rome Airport Bus Belle Arti 131

The IdeaRomeAirPortBus è il portale

web e mobile che Schiaffini

Travel Spa ha voluto creare

per la prenotazione del servizio

bus per gli aereoporti di Roma.

Sulla stessa piattaforma

MyBestPlace ha

implementato un sistema di

ricerca “place” rivolto a turisti.


Belle Arti 131

è ila rivista on line

della GNAM, Galleria Nazionale

d’Arte Moderna di ROma.

La rivista parla di arte e di ciò

che circonda questo mondo,

con particolare riferimento a

ciò che accade a Roma

e alla Gnam.

The EnviromentOttobre 20013


progetti speciali

The Idea The Idea

The Enviroment The Enviroment2012

Università La Sapienza, Magistrale in

Design, Comunicazione

Visiva e multimediale

Atelier di Multimedia Design

Prof Federica Dal Falco



57 Vinaccia\ terracotta

Nero 91%




Still Moving

The Idea

The Enviroment2012

Università La Sapienza, Magistrale in

Design, Comunicazione

Visiva e multimediale

Atelier di Multimedia Design

Prof Federica Dal Falco



57 Vinaccia\ terracotta

Nero 91%



Eni never Ends

The Idea"Eni Never Ends",

Social Game on line ed off line

progettato in occasione

della Fiera di Rimini.

Il gioco ha l’obiettivo di ingaggiare i

visitatori della fiera e portarli a

visitare lo stand Eni .

The Enviroment2012

Università La Sapienza, Magistrale in

Design, Comunicazione

Visiva e multimediale

Atelier di Graphic Design,

Prof Cristina Chiappini


The IdeaBasta a cosa? A tutto quello che

non ci piace! Un gruppo di designer

milanesi ha fondato un

“Movimento del Basta”. Tutti

possono contribuire, con un

disegno, una fotografia, una scritta.

Ancora meglio se lo si fa con una

costruzione tridimensionale reale di

un carattere tipografico.

The Enviroment2012

Università La Sapienza, Magistrale in

Design, Comunicazione

Visiva e multimediale

Atelier di Graphic Design,

Prof Cristina Chiappini

The Enviroment


The Idea AltraCucina, una cucina equo

solidale di AltroMercato

all'interno della quale

condividere l'esperienza del

cucinare e della cucina



Elaborato per il contest "20 di

idee\Dai Avrai 2010" in

collaborazione con

l'Università degli studi di Trieste

e l'Art Director Club.

Touch Your Breast

The IdeaQuattro annunci stampa

multisoggetto ideati per la

campagna della

LILT di Trieste con l’obiettivo di

informare il target, donne dai

30 anni in su’, sulle “best

practices” per la prevenzione

del tumore al seno.

The Enviroment2009

Elaborato vincitore del contest

"20 di idee\Dai Avrai 2009" in

collaborazione con

l'Università degli studi di Trieste

e l'Art Director Club.







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Luisa Miolano

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Luisa Miolano

Luisa Miolano

luisa miolano