portfolio bret nielsen

Bret Nielsen Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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Page 1: Portfolio Bret Nielsen

Bret Nielsen

Landscape Architecture Portfolio

Page 2: Portfolio Bret Nielsen

EducationBachelors of Landscape Architecture, Minor in Ornamental HorticultureUtah State University (USU), Logan, UTGraduating in May 2014

Professional Work ExperiencePart-time Landscape Designer/ Draftsman, August 2013 - December 2013R. Michael Kelly Consultants, Millville UT• Draftedconstructiondocumentsforprojectsrangingfromsmallscaleresidentialhomestolarge-scalecommunity developments• Designeddetailsforsmall-scaleprojectssuchaspergolas,signs,andfireplacesLandscape Designer/ Draftsman Student Intern, May 2013 - August 2013 LandformDesignGroup,SaltLakeCityUT• AssistedinallaspectsofthedesignprocessfromConceptPlanstofullConstructionDocuments• DraftedplantingplansforresidentialhomesusingLandFX• CreatedfullSketchUpmodelstobeusedduringclientpresentationsandfordesigndevelopment

Additional EmploymentSupervisor May 2009 – PresentAggie Ice Cream, Logan UT• PromoteUtahStateUniversitybygivingtheUniversityapositivefaceinicecreamsales• ManagefellowemployeesensuringthattheyarerepresentingAggieIceCreamprofessionally• BalancethetillattheendofthedayDetailer May 2007 – August 2009Ensign Toyota Honda, Logan UT• Self-motivatedtodomyjobasIoftenworkedwholeshiftsalone• Learnedhowtoprioritizetasksinordertomeetstrictdeadlines• Metallchallengesincludingreductionincoworkersandincreaseinworkloadduringtherecession

LeadershipPresident of USU’s ASLA Student Chapter Fall 2013 - Spring 2014• OrganizedaMentorProgram;pairingstudentswithdesignprofessionals• Directedweeklymeetingsbetweenotheroffersandouracademicadvisor• RepresentedtheLAEPstudentbodyandaddressedissuesthatarosewiththedepartmentheadas wellastheadvancementboardCollege of Agriculture Ambassador May 2012 – May 2013CollegeofAgriculture;UtahStateUniversity,LoganUT• PromotedtheCollegeofAgricultureatUtahStateUniversitybyvisitingwithHighSchoolseniors• Communicatedwithlargegroupsofstudents• AnsweredquestionsstudentshadabouttheCollegeofAgricultureandwhatprogramswehadto offer them

Bret Nielsen

336 N 200 E Apt 2Logan, UT 84321

[email protected]


Computer SkillsInDesignIllustratorPhotoshopMicrosoftOfficeAutoCADLandFXGoogleSketchUp

Professional SkillsManagestimewellSelf-MotivatedTeam LeaderLearnsQuicklyDesignerTechnical Writing

Contact Information

Page 3: Portfolio Bret Nielsen


FAV Courtyard Design CompetionSite: FAV Courtyard, Logan, UT

For this design competition my partner and I were directed to create a lasting courtyard design that would reflect the new entrance which was being built to a performance hall. For this project we chose to direct the entrance walkway along an angle opposed to a straight path due to the complex walking paths that are within the site. The entrance pathway alternates colors as the user moves along the path helping to push the user through the site. Along the sides of the entrance path we chose to recycle bricks from the previous courtyard helping to further delineate between a path and areas where users can rest and enjoy the site. I rendered this project utilizing Photoshop and we created perspectives utilizing both SketchUp and Photoshop.



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Oudolf ResidenceCompany: Landform Design GroupSite: Oudolf Residence, Salt Lake City, UT

This residential project had challenges due to the house’s proximity to the mountains. The site in which we were given had massive changes in elevation along the entire thing. The client wanted a new way in which to access the back of the house as well as adding a pool and patio. The site was difficult to work due to it’s extreme elevation changes. I had to re-grade the site in order to incorporate the paths that were proposed as well as keeping the “natural” vegetation that was already existing on the site. I utilized SketchUp to both develop the design for the pergola, bridge, retaining wall, and pool and to have a fly by illustration to show the client who lived over seas during the designing process.

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Lundquist ResidenceCompany: Landform Design GroupSite: Oudolf Residence, Salt Lake City, UT

The owner of this residence had a small backyard but wanted to have a grand space for entertaining while also creating intimate spaces when the owners were not entertaining. The design focused on the outdoor kitchen area as well as the outdoor fire pit. I utilized SketchUp on this project to design the pergola and the outdoor kitchen. The owner wanted a pergola that was grand and provided ample amount of shade. For this purpose I had to design the pergola with beams and ties that were tall and close together to block as much of the sunlight that I could. Using LandFX I created the set of construction documents including details, layout sheets, grading, and planting plans.



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Miller ResidenceCompany: Landform Design GroupSite: Miller Residence, Sandy, UT

This project was the first project that I worked on at Landform Design Group. Throughout most of my internship I returned to this project to complete various phases of the design process. For this design phase I completed the digital rendering of the planting plan utilizing LandFX. This particular planting plan is the shrub and ground cover plan. Faded in the background is the tree plan which is located on another sheet.


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Brigham City CharretteProject Leader: Devon GibbySite: Brigham City T.O.D., Brigham City, UT

The Charrette is an annual department design project where all students, regardless of class rank, complete a group project. The 2013 Charrette was focused on Brigham City and how the city can approach their continually growing city. My group was working on a Transit Oriented Development centered around the future Frontrunner stop. My job in the group was working on the design of the T.O.D. The challenge of designing a T.O.D. in this location was the draw of the station to people living in Cache Valley and the cars that they would be bringing with them. The design is a response to moving the car away from the residents and Brigham City’s town center and making the focus of the T.O.D. on the tracks.



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Downtown South Salt Lake Design CompetionSite: Downtown, South Salt Lake, UT

This city planning project was for the city of South Salt Lake. South Salt Lake has been historically a suburb of Salt Lake City but as the city has aged the need for it’s own downtown and civic center has arisen. For this group project we focused upon the new S-Line that the city was installing and proposed that the city build a mixed use shopping district. As the S-Line is intended to revitalize the area we chose to create an area where people can move around easily as well as locating open space in direct proximity to the shopping. The city has a large refugee population and as such we chose to incorporate a large soccer field and community center in the center of the new city identity in order to help the community come together.

Open SpaceZoningPlan


Mixed Use


Civic Use






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Stevenson ResidenceCompany: Landform Design GroupSite: Stevenson Residence, Ogden, UT

I created these details to give the contractor guidance on how to create a side entrance gate for backyard redesign. I created these details utilizing SketchUp to help design the gate in proximity to the house as well as the backyard walkway. Using AutoCAD I created scalable details which calls out spacing, size of beams, materials, and other construction details. This detail was part of a large collection of details that I designed for this residence which was approved and was schedule for construction for Fall 2013.

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LAEP Field StudioInstructor: Phil WaiteSite: LAEP House, Logan, UT

These construction details were created for use at the LAEP Field Studio. The design of the site was modern in nature so I chose to create a fence with horizontal boards. Construction details must be very clean and clear because these are what the contractor uses to actually build the design. If construction details are not clear it can add a lot of time and money to the project.

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LAEP Field StudioInstructor:PhilWaiteSite: Utah State University, Logan, UT

Forthisthreepersongroupprojectourassignmentwastocreateademonstrationgarden highlighting a turf garden, a permaculturegarden,anentryplaza,andan outdoor classroom. As the group leader forthisprojectIassigneddeadlinesandhadtolearntoutilizeeveryone’sstrengthsandweaknessesintocreatingasuccessfuldesign.AswellasbeinggroupleaderIdesignedabouthalfoftheprojectfocusingonthepermaculturegardenaswellashelpingtopreparethefinalrenderingbyplacingallofthelineworkandplantlocationsintoAutoCad.


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Campus HousingInstructor: Carlos LiconSite: Utah State University, Logan, UT

This project focused on creating new student housing for Utah State University. Our project focused on creating an area where students would have an area to gather with local access to small scale shopping such as a bookstore, eating, and study rooms. Our design inspiration for the site was taken from the local Cache Mountain range which can be seen from the site. The residential units intended to look like the mountains while the center of the buildings mimics a meadow or valley surrounded by the mountain range. We chose to keep parking along the edge of the site to help create more green space and to increase the safety for the residences.

Green space



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Campus HousingInstructor: Carlos LiconSite: Utah State University, Logan, UT

This campus housing project is a close up design for the overall project found on the previous page. For this project our program consisted of creating a building which would be inviting for residents as well as designing semi-private space directly adjacent to the building. I choose to create a building that reflects the beautiful mountains that surround the Utah State University campus and create a space that would reflect a mountain mead-ow at the entrance to the building. I chose to do this by creating layering of spaces using both hardscape and softscape.



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West Logan ParkInstructor: Michael TimmonsSite: West Logan Park, Logan, UT

The site for West Logan Park runs along the Logan River to the south and Mendon Rd. to the North. The park sits at the outskirts of Logan with the main part of town to the East and rural farm land to the West. Because of this I wanted to take the idea of the urban sprawl and apply it to the park. Originating from the center or “heart of the park” the park structures are rigid and follow the 90 degree anglesthat Logan uses. As you leave the center of the park the paths and surrounding landscape becomes more wild and less mathematical. In order to further this wild theme I brought the trees right up to the paths and in many locations made the trail go straight through a grove of trees.



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LAEP HouseInstructor: Phil WaiteSite: LAEP House, Logan, UT

For the is project we were required to pick one of 3 different design methods and create a housing/special-use-site planting plan. I chose to create a plan using the Neo-Modernist ideals. This project was a real challenge for me it took a lot of research on my part to try to understand how Modernism works. The LAEP House will most likely be built this up coming summer. For this reason the class was assigned this project the top three designs were chosen which were then evaluated and redesigned into one design, I’m happy to say that my design was in that top three and the redesign is underway.



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Schematic PlanInstructor: Kristofor Kvardfort

The schematic plan is a final design document that is used by landscape architects. The intent is to show the client what has been done to meet all project requirements and in many cases shows where they have been exceeded. The Schematic plan needs to be very clear and easy to read. Symbols that are used to represent objects may be elaborate; however, the more simple the object is the quicker the plan can be completed. When creating schematic plan it needs to combine the use of mechanical edges as well as natural edges to give the drawing the appearance that it is completed and ready to be constructed.