port traffic management and resources logistics

By: hamed M. Abdel Azim PORT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT & Resources Logistics Port Controller Irshad DAS Port Control DAS Island

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Page 1: Port Traffic Management and Resources Logistics

By:Mohamed M. Abdel Azim


Port ControllerIrshad

DAS Port Control

DAS Island

Page 2: Port Traffic Management and Resources Logistics

Observation is either an activity of

a living being (such as a human),

consisting of receiving knowledge of

the outside world through the senses,

or the recording of data using scientific

instruments. The term may also refer

to any datum collected during this



Page 3: Port Traffic Management and Resources Logistics

Port OperatorA port operator is port authority or company that contracts with the port authority to move cargo through a port at a contracted minimum level of productivity. They may be state-owned (particularly for port authorities) or privately run.

Page 4: Port Traffic Management and Resources Logistics

Vessel Traffic Controller/Operator is responsible for the coordination of ships within the port or harbour. They work to avoid collisions or incidents by managing movements from a port control centre. To help them meet this goal, Vessel Traffic Controllers/Operators are well versed in the use of computerized Vessel Traffic Management systems. Working shifts to cover the 24-hour, seven days a week demands of the role, Vessel Traffic Controllers/Operators may also offer traffic information and arrange for Pilot boat to take Pilots out to ships, tugs, mooring crew, mooring boats …etc.

Vessel TrafficController / Operator

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The size of the port, and consequently the number of ship movements have a bearing on the number of tasks expected of the Vessel Traffic Controller/Operator. However, Vessel Traffic Controllers/Operators will generally operate radar and radio equipment, make use of nautical charts to record a ship’s current position, plot courses, and forecast traffic flows. Communication is key to successful Vessel Traffic Control, and operators will be in contact with the ship’s Master, shipping agents, port/terminal operators, and metrological offices.The Vessel Traffic Controller/Operator must also be able to handle emergency situations as the port control centre is the communication hub in any emergency situation.

Vessel TrafficController / Operator

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Vessel Traffic Controllers/Operators are generally employed directly by port authorities. Most openings request knowledge of port operations to include approaches, channel and port facilities, and shipboard experience is often desirable. However, while in the past VTS operators have in the main been made up of ex-seafarers, increasing demand and a lack of seafarers to take on these roles, has opened up this career to candidates with little or no maritime experience.Vessel Traffic Controllers/Operators keep the busy channels and entrances to the world’s ports free of incidents through good planning and communication. Traffic Controllers/Operators need to keep cool head to sort out the traffic flow puzzle to be able to plan and coordinate shipping movements.

Vessel TrafficController / Operator

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1 •To communicate with vessel traffic in accordance with the port information service procedures on navigational assistance and traffic management by means of radio communication facilities provided.

2 •Operating equipment for communications, data analysis for establishment of a traffic image.

3 •To transmit navigational information to aid a ship in difficult navigational or meteorological circumstances or in case of defects or deficiencies to avoid accidents.

4 •To organize vessel traffic within the Authority’s area of jurisdiction in accordance with planned movements and port’s traffic regulations & procedures,.

5 •To coordinate the use of the port’s assets (i.e. pilots, tugs & mooring parties) in conjunction with the duty pilots for the safe & efficient movement of traffic.


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6 •Respond to emergency situations such as distress, marine pollution & other special circumstances and ensure communication with all parties in such circumstances.

7 •Ships arrival & departure planning for the Marine Department.

8 •To effectively monitor anchorage control and provide Traffic guidance for safe movement of vessels in the port.

9 •To handle disaster control in a effective and proactive manner.

10 •To provide management necessary information for discussion and decision making.


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END From all presented before we can figure out

how much sensitive and important co-operation between Traffic Controller and operator (Resources controller), Which will help to control and operate the port in good manner by applying port regulation and put it into action with all concerned parties.

Source: Shipping, Ports and Road Transport