porrester prcy, agents€¦ · bourne & forrester st. francisville imitel wonder, whether...

Tnin Schedule. s en g er t r ai n l e av e s B ay o u Sara for Slanghter 5:15 a. m p. asnd ret u rn s 7 : 50 p. inL. ]Mixed train arr i ve s f r om Wood- ville 9:40 a. in., lieyes forSlaughter 10:o, 0 m. Mlixed trail arrives from Slaugih. ter 3:50 p. m., leaves for Woodville 4:05 p. mi. t Go to Mumford's for your Christ- nlas presents. made I. G. Batchelor of Innis, Pointe week. Coupee, died oil the 11th inst. Dr. Calenders, Christmas cards, toy ness t books, silver ware, toilet sets, wave 11r c re s t w are an d artificial flowers at congr Mlumford's drug store. :tdditi If you suffer from rheumatic shape Ipilns, lumbago, gout, or pains of Mlij this character, try Relief Liniment hone The best liniment iin the world. 11 will do yout good. For sale by. Vil eret & Allain Bayou Sara Kil has b bourne & Forrester St. Francisville iMitel Wonder, whether Tuesday will be a wet or a dry day to lie oew li:ings and canvas, just in at Miss II. E. Town's. coivI of se: To Cure A Cold In Oneo Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinini Tablets. Sai All druggists refund the money if it week 'fails to c ur e . E . W . G ro v e's signature is instit @ 3 e ach box. 25c. d on e Judge W. W. Leake arrived atn o Wednesday night for a brief stay nli here. day In hiliousnuess, lerbine, by expelling to 1 : from the body the excess of bile al nacid with improves theu assimillativo process, purifies t he blood and tones up an d s t rengthen s M the entire sy s te m . P ri c e b 0c . F o r s ale ow o by Kilbourne and Forroster. ]th All the stores are beginning to math show an array of Christmas toys cipal and the effect is very cheerful. inte 8tops the Cough and Works off the Cold C Laxative nomno Quinine Tabl,lts cure P';2 cold' in one day. No cure, no pay. ar c Price 2 5 c en t s. 1 t . Have you a enold A dtoe of Ballard's i'lrehound Syrup at bed time will re. ThI ,ore it. Pried 25e and 0c. For sale by ,le by u, Kilbourue andl Forrester. ie Mrs. A. F. Barrow left Friday ;.rin morning for the city. to gi A pi etty stock of Christmltas toys F•orr and ornaments at Miss II E T'own's. The Best Prescription fir Malaria 11 ('hills and Fever is a iottle ( f Grove's 'rastnless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quiuinlo ill a •tastless form. No curt, to yny. Price 50c. The colored FulIlT'lws will ce.ebrate their 1: h fauti 'trsary by fi l ie u sua l arade" tarou,,h t he i trel' t sof B a yo u S a rti 'tid St. "ra u ni- tlhe clsiille at one o,'ciock to-day. i Fruit Cake eason. hor: Is now on, )11 lld I have rcee\'cd a lra full suplly of tbe wherewit1ihal, join v iz: seedle~ss raisils, citril,, etc. ' Also firyph tl'ied apl,ls in p(und P boxes, illd l( other tchoice groterit'. il hirs. L, Farnlelyiv. - hi The young men will give a dance I'\ol at P'ythin Unal, Tuesday, Dec. a n 18th. KilL WeVo are receiving Ia lile lot -of lovclties for Clristnias..Call and clli exainiieC thie disphiy at lunilford's drug store. a The sawmill hies bnc running lo several da'ys. and We clt olrder anyllthing you need i inl the jtwelry line. Send your or :i ders in at once for Christmas plrs- tin p;te to Mumfor''s drug store. The;o nariage of 1)r. 4 . L. JohnT nex on J ad Mi• d G r ace Joecs took slllcU jee, 12. The lhappy young on 4la AvYe o ar beSt wishes fii : . I ' or isate Wa .50, 7 inlb Sqnare Wais,", " •. 8. 4.'o, 1" irch wI•Iers..... ,* 45 An ,.00,'CiaiaSiiol Cups Metal.CaSe .98C 3.00(, Elgraved Sugar bioa.... - 8 zS $.00, Enlgrav 4 Juttsr l)ishes..:. 1 9 S,10;5Bottil aistors......*.... 1 1 4.R0. Facy Fruait Stands..."... * 3 9..0 .00 o , F anu e y C r oko J a ;rs f u ll s i ze 1 3 7 � .00, Bread Ttr s,....,*......... . 1 8 � 2.50, Pickk sta' t ..... ...... 10 5 e .3.50, Cake aI•k .... r,'.,,..... 1 7 i7 F.f0, F'rni i Fitpde...... � ...... 85 pro *8.50, Syrlup Pl •w~Withl Trois.., ]8- hoi * F i ne Ch i na 15 piesI, ifAuY Fish Setas....... $4 5( pi e ib s , Dec o rated China Brjak- a " fte sets...... ;,......� .,; 4 i r e ,A5 pi c s, DN e oratlet CarlsbN 8e t e448' Stb i AIL M j lUEI SLICIITEBD. e S ch u es s le r JEWELER 212 MAI .aTRmesr. . Baston R oa u , .. V41...rf...` ' PiF ,� . _ . �~.. ... '"":•ï¿½• -" T ,"•-T ,�; �.w".. . .. " .... ï ¿½ y r vy;,p r.. + . . i .. w.. r -- +f, - o "�. -.. . t ,w~ ' ! ¿ ½ . . -... "" .'e~ '. a" "t v�'.+i :,1 " .>.� .- ' " .' �.� ' i ï ¿½ ' ' :�.� .�"� � N w � " � " "y , s�.+ � . ,-B.,.',•-.• Foretc &.. .Peri Ag s .. . . . . .... r . " .I I . :• "w "" ` w . w -,, , . . .i . .. . ,. . . . . . --,t -t a l e l i " ,l' "m- Porrester Prcy, Agents PEUItSONAL BUT POOUTE, -] -- why Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kilbourne a fu made a visit toBaton Rouge last pari week. ", )Dr. W. 11. Taylor made a busi- " ness trip to the city this week. the Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mann have our just law congratulations upon the retcent additioni to their family in the fb' shape of a little daughter. lin Miss Sallie Town is expected abr, home from Washington shortly. pan The little maid at the Rectory C18. has been named Kathleen for her M'y maternal grandmother, Mrs. Waller. with I pcs Mrs. Lombard is here on a visit berl to her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilcox. iReini 25 c• Mrs. Mentgr Barrow is slowly testi c on v al e sc i ng fr o m h er se v er e a t t' a ck at f li e of scarlet fever. T'Jl by h Sam Stern went to the city, this vill Sweek, in reference to the litigation f instituted concerning the injury le done his eye by the malpractice of all i an oculist. all nail Miss Eleanor Percy spent Satur- tite day in town, and on Sunday went one g to Baton Rouge to spend the day like Swith Miss Sarah Hereford. enu SMrs. V. Z. Catlett, Howell, wid- aboh le ow of tel.o hlate Justice Howell of andt the State Supreme Conrt, ~nd for sue] .0 many years the distinguished 1rin i s cipal of the Feliciana Female Colleg- ticia fate Institute, was a visitor at the ,er0 Id Capital on Friday. She came to l re pay a visit to her two fine boys who ilt art attending the University.-B. ath 1LR. Advocate. li r il!i( T he r e r .r o f e w a ilments so uncomfortr.- ble as piles, but they can easily be cured by nsing T'abhler's ,uckeyoe P 1 Oinmient Relief Bllows it.i se. and an} one suffelr l fring froli l lpiles'canilt atifll to neglect C to give it a triaul, riee 50e in bottles, C tilbes 75c. For sale by Kilbourne anil Je F orre s te r . Ginger \Vafers Milk Biscuits ]Lady Fii ge'rs ev Ni \ i N ac, s lFanciy Caks at at Mris Farrelly's. We aeknowledge a pIe:lsaiit call ro 4 Sfronm i'., . 1 . 1 1. CampilbelI of the the Sfir'n of Conway & Campnbhell, whose e ad is ill another col1umn. 11 says foi they cxltt to he here all Winliter, al with a hirgo and choice lot of tr hoirses and iaiilces, which should at- a tract customers from tl.is and ad- at ii, joining parishes. us The disposition of (hihdrvn argel.) do- p pnid. 4 (o i lln health, if they iire trubled with worms, they will be in itai.le., crose feveri . h ;d ]perhaps seiioisly si . ; . While . 1' C re l iln \,ollllitylg ci n worlm ex j el i ohr nod t om ic It i i n li k e t h e ni hei t lt h y d snid chicerfol. Price 25c. For salo by Kilbourio aud Forriistor. f Mrs. E. .Wl f entert;.ineid the Pa (1 cllb with all the elegance whichuhi ls usu! iihl h i'ilcte r iz o s her e ff o rt s a s ' a hioste•, 'J'lie refreshments were ogf the most, reeherche description, li and the prizes were beautiful an i" da0iyi. Mrs. J. D. Wood, M!r'. J.. n IL Ma1 ttliews and Mrs. Leopold re 1 - m ceived thtsc, te last miamnA get- n - ting the hite hand prize. mu Mrs. R. ~M. Leake entertains ' inext week. ' hr Fk or broken limbs, chi!h I ai.s, b urts, b Sso bruised shius, sore th r oa t nld WI Ssore' of every kind, a pp l y l Ia l la r d' s u iow s L in i me n t. It wi l l g iv e i m me d iato relief o anid heal any w ou n d. P ri c e 2 5c an d 5 0 o. For ale b y K il b onrne and Forrester. RM 3. I. James, 4 c hear, hts pur- chased the Hope plantation, niear Vidamia, Concordia parish, and will t•Joptio his planting operation there. Many of the best hands on .A.gol will emigrate with Mr. , Tules. Thi. is one of the disad- v.,vutagesattendant ilpon the sale of Anola 9 Ve State, The loss of .zo proui,'.• t.p oitiyen as he and of so iuch lator, at bnenfeel swroop, is u3 lemdeedciniderable. 'Twenty.l'To Year' Countai Ute Without -7* '' Fa•hm. ' ~8' Thes first bidicagt~4i otcroqp hmhovsse- 5 ne.s and in a cliild subj•2 tslt disease itnnjs emyet:akei- ana s s~fofWi ap- . preach ol" An attnek. F lnogilo.hM 1 8hoar.sea.! isa p ectuliar -rt!g h c<4gk. If i Ohanhcrlio's Aloingh Romedy is giveti as .econ a-s the 4iid lbecones hoarse, or even after tberoupy coogh aippeari it •will prevent the attteak. I t i s uied in many 8 t h ousanids of homes in this broaid Istti a-ud s ev e r d is , P p f lo t . the . . . .- 8 t~ane~iuwhild ibsoirA tuel. No ather pres ion ~ ai• il '' , af aa" e ord-twe 'ty* * . statt... .it.out a fid;sam 4. F "If prohibition does not priohibit " why do the wet people make suclt ove a fuss about granting it to the sion parish ?" some one 'dryly" asks. the 4 'Becaie," is the answer, min "though you dry people pose as 1 the "only moral" people, we are Ihe just as opposed to lb.eakiig the licit law as you are, and we much pre- evil for to get our whiskey openly and gen above board, than to patronize and blind tigers, or to import it from buy abroad, enriching the expi'ess corn- Ind panics and away-from-holme dcal- spe el'.' � of t I My son has beenl troubled for years with chronic dniarrhoea. So,,ne time ago . I perslirded hini to take sotme of Chalt- give elrlaiu's Colic, Chglera. and Diarrhoea Peo] Remedtly. After using two bottles of the 25 cent siz he e was cured. I giv, this clb s testiluothitll, llopinrg sKo one sm ilaruil rly t afflicted may read it anod be benolite.l.- 'Il;onnis U. Ilowver, Gloncoo, O. For sale trca by h illloulrno and Forrester, St. hlrancie- le m ville; Vilheret r aid Allsin, Ilayon Siu a. If prlohibition were eer r desir-n. aus ble, it striker us, Ihat this time ot ling all others, when the parish is fi- : nancially hampered by the quaran'- htin tine debt, is a most inopportune of t one for the making of any change wor Y likely to decrease the pari~h rev Star enues. The' deficit thus brought Sin - about will fall upon the taxpayer, * cov , and no wonder lihe is uneasy over N Y r such a possibility. In singgi:*h liver, }let hiui , b�y its beuo- - t ic i al action upon the hiliair tracts, ren- Sders th bile more fluid, and bringi the' Po liver into at sound, healthy condition, 1() thercl,y b.nishlii g the senuseof ('iowniless ti 0 lethargy and t l he general feeling of Mlp- da l SItihy which arise -front Ilisorder of the liver. -Price :,c." Foer •:.i e by Kilbourne anid F or r iste r .r , Bu y a Cotfederatl Calendar. dec lr 'Le Unititcd Datgc;ters of thel t Confederacy are selling a beautiful be Calendar for the 'benefit of the Jeffersoli Davis itl miient Fund. P Thell1 Calendar is a fine work of art, c o t and a souvenir that should be in da every Soiltherit Ilome, price only li 251ets. A sam;pleh.clopy canu be seen at Muniford's Di'ng Store, 'J'The volunte of bu s in i ess ov e r t hi s i road lihas ii e I so groat, of :l!e, that is Ie thlie mixed train, instead of coiing ty se .i el s.l~edtile time, has been f'rio n four to five hiouirs late, :arriving hut lil F anl hour in advance of the cveniniig of trtain .so t The amlount of freight hc.lltehd jo ( t at this sttiiion ;:ioie is now so great clt a s t o tax to the utmost the ein- r e ! le- loycs here, aniid there lhas been in hie ed (onseqnliiic c s Q hme i dlcay ili deliv e r- is " ilig freigh:t to colnsignees.; The of oflicials are :owever (doing their nI Itlyii dty, niaifull-, to meet all dc- Ac n tnre for rthollcln: itlli Chli:ilnhllirlin's i C e Pailn Bal!m is gainling a wido reputalltiOlln. 11 c li ! t .11 . Johist L n of t i ci n oi l d, In;dl., hias lirCnt trotihled with that aniloiient c ineo !Sti. In speakitg if ito beay': "I SO lieve mli nllti ul ed I11 i mllCbiibcrlain'i L Pain i ;alllnt. It arts like magic with linc My foot wa~n swollen i;nd ipaining Ine very mlluch, h i l't i nce good lappliicliliol of' Pain re,- iln relieved me. For sale by Kilbtirnee et Intid Foresterl, St. Fralncisvillc; Villerol nld Ahi llai, oito Sarna. ns The store on Aiigola plantation was bro.'enl inlto Dec. 10, and tlhe, safe rob- , bed of $1300. Mr. Etigelte Taylor, d: id who has e'arge Qf the st.ore was t S sleeping npstal•;.s, but lte burglar. I( jief or bulr'glars made ~so little liaise S that lie was not awa'ein.ed.l The il safe was an old--fashlionc'l one, fastened by a large iron iar" and , !ar ill padlock, which ~ ere ,prized ofi'~ very quietly and easily, with a crowbar. F'ortunately the thieves were niot fully inforned as to thle conltents of the safe, or did not m t'iko time to mlake a fiill examnina- of tion, as other money, amnou!ntinig to $1700i was left uiitotlchced. (COtJ ADVICE. gu Tilm iIot nmiserable 4beings in the world ot nre tloee nifering froln Dyspepsih and e.ter Complaint. More thian seventy-riiv l par cent. of the people in the United sI ,s ,~ s-arm ettioted with these tvo di- *P caeswnd" taeir effects: suclh as Sour l nf.ih, Sick elleadache, lHablitual ,os- tivncss; Pitltp1ation of the Hearut, Heatt l a:u, '#t1rbrasit,G Gsiawing andl B3urning tlin, Coite4a 'oagwn isud Disagreeable al etiste sn' tlh• iou.4i, �owningtap of .Fooil tot Eating, Low. S 1 piiits, etC. Go to . .. t l!.'• ,'•latAug' it .o i, .i C i *Z. ze 5a4 N b i~"4lahIurnas , i Po-Ret . St F a:" - - •. ;', ' . . l l ... it "W\e know prohibition cannot do I -. cht overything," •ias the franik admis a t he sion of a prominient prohibitionist. the other day, "but we expect to tihe ar, minimize the evils." reg as But will prohibition minimize 11" tre Ithe evils? Are not deceit, , i- B he licit trade, law-breaking, grea t er of t e- evils-certainly far greater d(n- 'l'hl nd gers to upright American manhood .r1' or I ize and citizenship-thlan the mere of Il ;mn buying and 'selling of whiskey ? tIol nm- Indeed, lhonor and truth and re- 190O al- sleet for law are the fgundatibis title of the repuiic. wi 2ars $25,000.00 'Given Away. ient "'h� In tjac past year Dr.' R. V. Phetce has sha i'ea- given away copies of h is great wo r k, ' Ie - . J a1 e: Peop le's C o un o mn Se n seo Medical Adviser, Ie t he at an expense to hitmi of $25,000.00 ex- 1)rC his I cliive of po s ta g e. TI i s s ta n da l d b)ook I tli i rI n m indii i .e and hygienille, coltailns 100S PaI 1.- es alnd more th ln 700 illuiltrations. It elel otreat of the greatest and gravest op l rot- pul lcls of na naln life in Tsimple JhEglish, o iftP from t Co•tlno s)l 0nse pointe of view. It the i r. a ns w ers those q ue s ti o ns of se x w h ich p e r of linger unspoken upon the lips of yoth dil -i of- ao and al : maiden. It is es4entiahlly a family all book, a1d1 its advice in a momeCnt of wil- IWC I4 den illness or accideut may be the imeans N tICe of savilng a valnable life. This groat P age work is relit a : bs l lu t ely fr e e o n r ecei p t o f I , ev stamps to defray the c os t o f m a il i ng only.' byI Send i one-ccnt stps for t he bo o k i n pre ipaper binding or 31 stamps for cloth el er co,,ers. Address Dr IR V Pierce, Buffalo, pro v'er N Y atY1, MAl11EI). "no- I Io W ELL- 1 IE B ER T .- A t, t l e h om r eI ren- o" the bride's 'ulother, tNevw ]ooa; l ' tho Pointo Coupee pari;hI, La.. Dec. j of o 0, l, W i . C. Howell of West Felici- I 1: ne"" 1 (llna, aud Miss Beatrie9 l l ebert,- he l- dauglhter of the late C. i): IlHeert. line rJ.0 which had. been set for the 1tll, pre were sadly brokeni into by the sud. tden 4ckith of the bride's father, oil 1 Friday last, and in view of this theanvy bereavement, it wzs deemed \ i best to hasten, in preference to ; i the pQst poningthe m:urriage. Pt " 1li d. cordinigly took ipace, andi Mr. How- W c"t, ell and bride arrived Lelr Tiues- C1 e in day evening. 'They wili make their pe home at Afton Villa with his moth- " 'er. Mr. I!owell is one of the mlost. Ot excelletIl and proumisiln' youn, g gen- W tis tr. 'menl of this parish, and his bride I I hat is ::s good and sweet as she is pret- iiiun ty :,nid attractive. 04o4 Our best wishes are extende'd Iut them, with the regret that thleiried- l ding; day, which was to lhave bleen so r()seute with the realizations of died joy and perfect love, was instead Ii rent cloudehd by the sadness which must Cl em- rest, upon a devoted daughter's i il heart. May it lbe with them, as it iver- is ili nature, that a grey mnorning is The often but the forerunner of a slnlit ;hir 11oo and rosy evenid ide. de Slscrilptions taken for Daily paj'ters by the week, moth or year, hin delivered Iby carrier or through the tion. minil i as pirefrred. Also agent for t ieo I)aily lpapers mnay 1e fommnd on e ' .o sal e at Frank Spohln's 1)arber shop, 1 ro- Geo. Rettig. Pain - - - - - ph I'y POPLARt SPRINSG NOTES. very Ill Pai Messrs. Will and Byron Wright hr spent Saturday mo t plecasantly with their sister Mrs. J. A. Beck- wsham.- rob- Miss Liilie Petty returned Tues.^ ylor, Iday afternoon from a lengthy visit fr was to relati\'es near Glbster. She was gla. accolm)anied bly her little niece, noise Sallie Petty, wh;o will spend the The olidays with her. ii one, Mrs, Ryder is in East Felicinma wfld with her mother, Mrs. Katie Gore, I( ot, who is quite.sick. In thi a A1 N. A. Palner has ineasles. ieves W h We are sorry to hear of the ili- hot ness of IRodney Petty whl:o is now , nina- with his graldmnother, Mrs. D. Wg to Wright. J. A. leceklham went to Wood- ville, Saturday, where be is under- going treatment for his eye. Wol Mrs. W. McGraw and Miss An'- n-dyi Petty went to oio wood Tnesday ij 4ite( shopping. J o i- -L. 8. Blckl•ham of e \ wtom l ia, was Sour I los- a pleasant caller at Athloan,Sunday. Heaft Several' from this neighlborhood riing attended the Prohibition meeting eable at Gra:nge Hall last Friday. Food1 Ed Beckham had business in S`to Wilson, \Wednesday. " ugeve Pansy. Notiee...... I msu agent for and can give spoiaal S rates on all newspapers, periodica o I -. :--�8 to Election Proclamation. St a te of Lo u ts i an a , P ar i sh of W et st . Felicinua. st Whereas, T h e P ol e ike Jury of to t h e P ar i sh of West FIeliciana at a regular session held on Nov. 7th, S 19tt0, passed and adopted the fol. lowing resolutiou : i Be it resolved by the Police Jury er of the Parishi of West Feliciuna, n - That the President of the Police A Jlury is hereby authorizeld to call, or h a ve called by the Snpervisors of Electims of the Parish, a n e l ec- t ir o on Tue'sdayDe'enl!)er the 18th, e - 1 9 00 , f o r t he pl I rp o se of suhmit- u s t li n g to t h e v ot e rs of th e P a ri s h o f West Feliciana, t he q u es t io n w he t he r o r n o t t he sa l b of i nu t ox- i c atling l i quors with i n t he Parish H s s h al l b e p r oh i bi t ed oni an d after l e J an u ary 1 , 1 9 01 . (r, l 1 , i t f u rt h er resolve d e l e, Th a t the x - P re s ident l e authorized to instru c t Ot k t l h S upe r vis o rs of Elec t i o n o f t he l o s P ar i sh to i t su e a pr o c' l :ui a tiin o f It eleetionl, that said prol imation be ) - pu b li s hed in th e T r ue De m oc r at fo r h, fifteen d ay s p r io r t o t h e d la t e o f i t t he sa i d e le c ti o n, and th a t t he Su - c li 1 ervisors aforcsnaid be instruet.ed to tth distrilbute ballot boxes, tickets and i ly al l o t he r m a tt e r and material 1 - l ne c essalry to hold the said election. t ., Now therefore we Se y mn o ur L.I , vergne at Presidentu of the l"' l ice Iury, at Har;ld- I sil. L. P. Kilhourne aidl J. W V M c Queen, t l of b vir'.ne of the an thtri y vested in ns l y. h by the law ntd thi o imlV re. l ollt i fn, as I ill president of the pdli e e j ry aild Ip e r.. t vis ' ) s of election o' the il'a'rih lofl 1 ' W e s: I'eliciana. St; t :t of Louisian:, a• co r eh y l o p roch iull' at al cle":ion shall b )io l d at ev1r y volit:; ircc i netf in ea c h w ar d hroughot 1 he IP a risih o , \Vest 1Felijciaie on th e sl l d l ay of De,. I 1 f0 fo r t h e ',1ur ]po ' ofsnulJn i tting t o t h e v ot e rs of Ih e me Parish of West Fieician.t th question- whlether or not the sale' of intoxictiui Ilhirs shall he pr lhibitdel i'n th,• l'uarish e. of West Felit i ii a li on 0 , id afte r 11t h e 1 st ci- d lay of .n. A. 1). 1911;.-1-'I e polls ,hhall . t I be opened at 7 n . i n . " an : s hall rtlnnl i 1 e rt. open continoisy until 5 p.m. th e ; t un day.. And we htrebvy appointd hif lhlw- r e, in); na u ed pers a o s A c o linna i jio. e's : n 11 ( 1 tt rks ofelection i :tid ior the v ar i oius Sprecjt aiiln i wand o f s a id pa r is h : Id Ist ward. lyvon Sara., John I'lvyn, 1 C 'hisholn, 1 1 VY i nlderlice, A We i l, cl e rk 0 11 Is id wd, St. Frai: e is v il l e. C W Te'l'enpel, .I h is " A rd , E I os1 s .G NeW a n ll c'er k i ; 2il wd . . 1 C Si l :r u ne . , O llo 1 ; nli e l s , led WVillie Davis. E I D.niaiels, clerk ; 3r I wd, ll 0F 1) H-lairalson, El l Butler, WVRI i Turner. 1 to F ' Col V etee , c l erk ; 4th111 wd , C " 1 h o w 1 . ell), )avid Ta:ylor Sr. Dnclie i n Stewar t . , V L S ti l ling. cl e I k ; , i \ I w d, Pi l me r S 1 it h 1, C 1 WP- W ] ( 'ua l mplbell, 1t 13 Le e , I1 13b Iarrow, 8' I e c l erk; 6th w it, R ol l a l oor Sr , J 1) Sad d en . , O 0 1i . s. .i l t ( l:ac:k, c' e rk ; 71 1 1 wd , W V A eir Iorter, Mobse hlW-ters, .lahe Uow. J .1 th- \\inl. ' l erk; thii w d, N 1 1 h ar r ow , F 1. McG c hee, A 1 ) P er y , A S J E vn u s, :lersl; 8t 9 th 9 w d. P 8 John l son, .) ' Mnry l il n ', f louis Weft, 1 k(, Cl t rer, trlk,; 1 0111 w l , ' en- W II Sl i ih, WVill Laver'gnile , .1 M h a rrow . P ide $ ''owl e s, chdrk, ret- S. 1,. Lnve r gn e , i t- Pres i de n it uf Police J ur y . L P. Kiloiurne, 3J. W. M c Qu i ew , l,. I [ ra |:ton, e d-. ulervis o rs of Elec t io n . CCII Tunica Notes' o f R t v. G. P. W hi t e faile d t o f i t' c a dh i s 1 p pl o il n lt e nt a t th e T u nic, l ist Chureb, last Sunday, and Mr'. Wat- e's soli Bradford, beinig a visitor h e re f ro n t N ort h Alaba m na . w a s i hi v it e d ' g i s t o h o hl service , "wlitih the did in 1 i i i li t v e ty ab l e a nd eloquen t I n ll n er , ' 0 Thie 'lunica school has been in t< *il session for several weeks, with Miss e un iie, Tibor, of Jackson, La., as for teache r . T he attlledatilfe has beet n v er y g o od an d e \ 'er l ' o ne ac e lts to 0 1 b e d ie ! ig t ed with our teacher. 0 1) , r l 'i ' . J oh n J . W i un an : d D r. Se m - pile Winnl are visitors in the city and expect to remain until after the marriage of Mliss Eula Wiinn, spiwhich will soon occur. tftly ]k- H . W \tson Bradfo r d i s a p l ea s . ant vi s it o r a t M rs . L u cr e ti a R o w s and ex p ec t s t o r e ma i l u nt i l t he ] h ol i da y s a re o ve r . l H is many i f ri e nd s g i ve ' hi n m a h e arty welcome * back once more. eece, t he Mr . S t eve ]ellish is on a b usi. ness tr i p t o N 'e w O r le n nfs. i111 Miss Ruby Jemeyson, who has ore, beei attending school at the Silli- I inan Institute, in Clinton, will spend the holidays at home. Ciltlt. Louis Row lpail a visit to his ',,ife and stayed several days in E o Tunica last week. D. _ _ _ _ _ W ES T F E LI C IA N A RIFLES. Quarterly muster with a ball as a finale took place the evening of De c . 13 t h a t P yt h ia n H a ll . T h ere was a fa ' rl y la r ge ga t he r in g o f t h e I Al- Rifles a nd th e ir fr i en d s, de s pi t e t he hday i nte m ll e y of the we a th e r. Pr o f. J, N. Anglin "will wear the gold medal for the next quarter for ,ce- day. ess in t h P c Om l lelitive drill. Sid- lood ney Frier was a close second. ting It's a gentleman's whiskey, a pure delicious heve 1 age and agrand appetizer. Don't forget the name i . " . W lIIVl"P," whiskey. The kind your grandfather used! - -S o ld by - S ol e A g en t f o r Harper and Ol d - N a tional. '. . . , . k 5st p sr, ' - tat f OfN t ry l ic e all, or . . h lth rPr o f "Sweet Bells Jangled on Out o f Tune and Harsh." ish Shakespeare's description fits thou. sands of women. They are cross, des ttcr* pondlent, sickly, nervous-a burden to themselves and their fa m il i es . T h ei r sweet dispositions adre ga, and theyike the o the bells. acrm sadl out ofLtu, b ut A"o thete is a remedy. They can n e e l n net S Mc E LR E E' S fWine of Cardu i Sor It brings health to the womanly 1ti- organism, and health there means . to wIll poisednprves, dilmness, strength. S It restores womanly vigor and power. It tones up the nerves which saufer- ing and disease have shattered. It i on. the most perfect remedy ever devised rne to restore weak women to perfect . t'; health, and to make them attractive Isi, and happy. $1.oo at all dreygists. ns For advice in cases requiring spec as, al directions, address, giving symp- p er - . toms , l "Thq Ladies' Advisory De- vi partment," The Chattanooga Medi- -- r, cine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 0 )ol, Buy. J: W. S.IT. Camden, a Frtl sys:-"My wprife used Wine of Cardul at e far fllelig. of the womb siad It entirelycared I ' her." tiuh 1737 Petars Ave., New Orleans, Ms. .l SHOPPING AGENT. -Ir ,hal1 If not coInvtini: t for you to shop in ¿ ½'i" person , 3 y our orders will be exeeutedl by un' Mrs. Oliver with prolptness and :ileuria- l l at- : Il r ll a sts of evtl r de s tr a ne i ti o in ma d e. r o ebaigens mante ircedpt for ena fare. B S Country I'atrofn e fSolfeited. erybakl NOTICE c. a g 1, 10 poll lrk II hving astned the ca;itro hi tl inman ha- airl es, ,i l hent . of lylf afairs, I hereby rovoke 4 i all pwers of ittgtacey heretofore given In rer. , e, to Jny one, without cxoeptll . t rea T o w V E Lt I NE CO N VE B i: . r t. Wr 1 S i it i , O c t. 2 , 1 90 0 . d. Cr o w, 89 Un i on r P a ti k t., Bo~lon, lass. w A i otice. ,l Having purchased the livery stable e l cr w o wm n ed by MIrS. A. MT. Itlurton, I s1hall, in , future iuin Same, inll ddittion to the one I wi, n already h a ve. 1 olicit a coni titaincee of •tow, public patronalge. Joric. Mton . At For Sale tig n Jury. bag .At q2.00 e.tachl 30 'Barred PyI'i outhm Rock Pullets. o Utility and Ih:::u'ty combined, - v l "Call and make your own Felection. of mnie, R. M. Leake, 1'ert ISt . F r ancisville, La. hen a Erilling satoy of the life of a groat mane. r veryb ldy buys; agents nIow anakilng over $100 per month; best book to sell 1 ili to colored poople ever iubliahed. 15,000 Miss colored leiolilo liet.neiid to hisii recent ad- an l.eis in D)llal. Write for terns, or l bei seld 2 4 C t. for outfit and begin at oncet . been Addrces Departuentht 11., Sthe O f E ve r y D es c ription . Persons wiinting sutch work don01e will plea adiltss oe. E NCHIS, BIox 107t - St. Fra'e incivile, 1ai1., .o i here Ita•. leas. lirepared to a nppywork of ""M Marble and Granite anay at. loweut possiblo prices. Agents Wanted. -FOR THIl- busih Electric Razor Hlonc.-Giarinlltced qiliall to tihe ,e't hloiie mae. C in nte wvater, oil or lalher. \\'ill last a life has tim1e. E11 ch. BI cII 11Wiiked ir. ucat card- Silli- honrl Ceiso. E�.i:ry oDc perfect. Just willl t he th h In i g for l)riellto Ust). Pr i Ce 75 C . W e w n~ i it .n DI gent i i : e ac h t o wn s hip to wvlom e xc l ubive sa l o wi l l h e g iv e n. <it to VWiite for s ap l the a nd .a g ce n t's outfit. *ye in Seat by wnail. Address, BARSH II'O. CO.- No. 542 West Lake St., Chicago. rig of A S. LEONARD. 'here St. 1rancisville, La )f tihe REst ',e:l e lld and ke i n t ow n . t eItisotillalbt* prices. E vE r y d ni Y i, li b pd . Pr�of. Al w;, Irlontl :l liolite attctlioln gold D ai l 3y hI r rI l fd for nll. Sid White DOove Bakery. Bayou Sava, La. J. M . V .a tInI, Proprietor. 'rhe b 5 c o 3,it i cedl that. our' bread 'is goeod*- hetter-beat. . Cart goes around the two towns every day. Cake made to erder. Baker wllrgo to SOld resident, if dosire', to make samu. - MES :KILECU RNE PHYSIO1l ; �UrS P E3 Y tE O O St, Francisville, La. Offlcb iln nildiig l at e ly bc f ti d ed by hir. S. J. PwsG. Our Way of turnillg the d ul l m o nt h into btsyer times seems to stti- most Imople. Price-Cutting does it. Watch our displays" in the show windows aid: yout're sure to cotme acruss Ssoaiething of interest. at Brgains follows bargain in quick sne- cession in clocks, etlver w i .: ••r * jewehy etc. etc. SItPays. to keep in touch with ir' i' h store, anid if saving mainey T. r is at hobby of your, I;airtt.- nize ns--we'll eucourage the y t hibby. " yeUia. . Roumai's- ir Baton Rouge, La. i- - �•i - - . meC S New oleaus. O u?- 41 ents reowned das l er. Io talls preost al.dt s O. no a racrtic s ,. ; Over 100o)1 s ad f 8i y v er M Itr ales, Diplom•s ele, awarded us by Amerieaa kad Euro,'u.. y � inpositiona; Lsommetc•nl S ia r - I s O t la i an t lo s k f gt " a .i a i , eSupeud b to sal o the i I.tw South. We own c•r eoill: builanding and have onnequa" L. alitiem ana as. uaexopi facult. Oreasatee bold podtioa ltlofver the COuntry. IustrlcUoa allrsonal. ilaving natnerous business oona•c•t~esad4 beilng untersally and reputabiy Mowt. we n l . have sujerior advantages In atdlsg stiidats ( lh teaut getBti•n L.- k AA store is "oeceted withae "ol - ;l\eii In which itudeptrd o -tdUit bstntat I I . re a l g oods pad t" epeMo nd lhery kegs thebook sO In th te lat $ bor , t.o -n " Students enter at ok7 trie, kLb i tli h . A CS . deomle, Shorthand and "B *, sNhs(1.. All s epara t e f ac u lt i rs . Sen4 feueatmle: - AMres GEO. SOUL L SONS. i-- - , -__: --- ", T e-lpass Notioe': a of The public is l]reby wanled - that the """ _ . A fton Villa, Layson and Maxwell plhnita- tions are posted agailnht all Inu'trners tiad agents of descript ion. '. M ra. V. Z. n w*4. lets. From and after..this date. allt 1,ntinig of any kind ou, Ioseadown tlantlMRilt "a positively prohibited una.:.'r penally . tion.f trespassing. Ja•, P. Bow - The public in hereby wnan ted nag.!tat - b uy i ng Wood, Tilder or o8te~k ffnme tln- ooker ants on Oklcy, Ogdihn aud ,lwn Ipla ftl- t. tions or driving theitcfrom a ly slmek n. without special jeautiionao I. ma'is L,. L.M;tthethe " rking 5,000 Froman daslter-h-m i dhte. all Iwuminmg i t a d- an d l I ab i ls h lng of'aykiml ai, liorltvly iri. f , o Ihibifed on Foret pialunttion, :t*ier, pju- o nc e . a lt y L f t h e lal\ . .IVW.,cUQuten. _ Owing to tle reported cow ,t't.lin. ip '* verina p lar t s o dt l e p tr r :, p ooaltuet iJ i er . y g�von that nl l, r.olMona nterinr Hith. - ltl plnutatimo tiat)imnt I~Wrsmhlarn will b e proeecutod rnl. n fill Oxtoelt of mlte law. No ex~dptias.a A. .'. br •now. dolln - ,Ho'day:: cnrd. 1901 Sto Car t ot e v e n d - i t a o ,utfit. onon countets or show oases when cago. you come in ask for it, You .ean thea selekt from t over .7,000 latest jewelry ar- ticle up~todate in style, adso. Lan lutly reliable.ia quality -and' sold at the very lowest prices. " Our Salesman" 101 .Cata4g io is the la~gest and bst jewelry catalog publiahed, and enables - o utQmers to stleoL fOro a ry. e• t as uoraanbn thais shown Selry vthout looki iw t ers It w ill s a ve you tousy. , an4 dl, Sgoto, .- • ' V. , ,' - 8 ~ Ji i

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Page 1: Porrester Prcy, Agents€¦ · bourne & Forrester St. Francisville iMitel Wonder, whether Tuesday will be a wet or a dry day to lie oew li:ings and canvas, just in at Miss II. E

Tnin Schedule.

senger trai n leaves B ayouSara for Slanghter 5:15 a. mp. asndreturns 7:50 p. inL.

]Mixed train arrives f rom Wood-ville 9:40 a. in., lieyes forSlaughter10:o,0 m.

Mlixed trail arrives from Slaugih.ter 3:50 p. m., leaves for Woodville4:05 p. mi. t

Go to Mumford's for your Christ-nlas presents.

madeI. G. Batchelor of Innis, Pointe week.

Coupee, died oil the 11th inst. Dr.Calenders, Christmas cards, toy ness t

books, silver ware, toilet sets, wave 11rc rest ware an d artificial flowers at

congrMlumford's drug store. :tdditi

If you suffer from rheumatic shape

Ipilns, lumbago, gout, or pains of Mlijthis character, try Relief Liniment honeThe best liniment iin the world. 11will do yout good. For sale by. Vil

eret & Allain Bayou Sara Kil has b

bourne & Forrester St. Francisville iMitel

Wonder, whether Tuesday will

be a wet or a dry day to lie

oew li:ings and canvas, just in

at Miss II. E. Town's. coivIof se:

To Cure A Cold In Oneo DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinini Tablets. Sai

All druggists refund the money if it week'fails to cure. E . W . G rove's signature is instit

@ 3 each box. 25c. d one

Judge W. W. Leake arrived atn o

Wednesday night for a brief stay nli

here. dayIn hiliousnuess, lerbine, by expelling to 1 :

from the body the excess of bile al nacid withimproves theu assimillativo process, purifies

t he blood and tones up and st rengthens Mthe entire system. P rice b0c. Fo r sale ow oby Kilbourne and Forroster. ]th

All the stores are beginning to math

show an array of Christmas toys cipal

and the effect is very cheerful. inte

8tops the Cough and Works off the Cold C

Laxative nomno Quinine Tabl,lts cure P';2

cold' in one day. No cure, no pay. ar c

Price 25 cent s. 1t .

Have you a enold A dtoe of Ballard's

i'lrehound Syrup at bed time will re. ThI

,ore it. Pried 25e and 0c. For sale by ,leby u,

Kilbourue andl Forrester. ie

Mrs. A. F. Barrow left Friday ;.rin

morning for the city. to gi

A pi etty stock of Christmltas toys F•orr

and ornaments at Miss II E T'own's.

The Best Prescription fir Malaria 11

('hills and Fever is a iottle ( f Grove's

'rastnless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron

and quiuinlo ill a •tastless form. No curt,

to yny. Price 50c.

The colored FulIlT'lws will

ce.ebrate their 1: h fauti 'trsary by fi

lie u sual arade" tarou,,h t he

i trel'tsof Bayo u Sarti 'tid St. "rauni- tlhe

clsiille at one o,'ciock to-day. i

Fruit Cake eason. hor:

Is now on, )11 lld I have rcee\'cd a lra

full suplly of tbe wherewit1ihal, join

v iz: seedle~ss raisils, citril,, etc. 'Also firyph tl'ied apl,ls in p(und P

boxes, illd l( other tchoice groterit'. ilhirs. L, Farnlelyiv.

- hi

The young men will give a dance I'\olat P'ythin Unal, Tuesday, Dec. an

18th. KilL

WeVo are receiving Ia lile lot -of

lovclties for Clristnias..Call and clli

exainiieC thie disphiy at lunilford's

drug store. a

The sawmill hies bnc running lo

several da'ys. and

We clt olrder anyllthing you need i

inl the jtwelry line. Send your or :i

ders in at once for Christmas plrs- tin

p;te to Mumfor''s drug store.

The;o nariage of 1)r. 4. L. JohnT nex

on Jad Mi•d Gr ace Joecs took

slllcU jee, 12. The lhappy young

on 4la AvYe o ar beSt wishes fii

: . I 'or

isate Wa.50, 7 inlb Sqnare Wais,", " •. 8.

4.'o, 1" irch wI•Iers..... ,* 45 An,.00,'CiaiaSiiol Cups Metal.CaSe .98C

3.00(, Elgraved Sugar bioa.... - 8 zS

$.00, Enlgrav 4 Juttsr l)ishes..:. 1 9S,10;5Bottil aistors......*.... 1 1

4.R0. Facy Fruait Stands..."... * 3 9..0

.00o , F anuey C r oko Ja;rs full s i ze 1 37

� .00, Bread Ttr s,....,*......... . 1 8� 2.50, Pickk sta' t ..... .. .... 10

5 e.3.50, Cake aI•k ... .r,'.,,..... 1 7 i7

F.f0, F'rni i Fitpde...... � ...... 85 pro

*8.50, Syrlup Pl •w~Withl Trois.., ]8- hoi

* Fine China15 piesI, ifAuY Fish Setas....... $4

5( pieibs, Decorated China Brjak- a" fte sets...... ;,......� .,; 4 i re

,A5 pic s, DNe oratlet CarlsbN 8et e448' Stbi AIL Mj lUEI SLICIITEBD. e


212 MAI .aTRmesr. .Baston Roau , ..

V41...rf...` ' PiF

,� . _ . �~.. ... '"":•ï¿½• •-" T ,"•-T ,�; �.w".. ... " •.... � yr vy;,p r.. + .. i.. w.. r --+f, - o "�. -.. . t ,w~ ' ! _ï¿

½ . • . -... "" .'e~ '. a" " t v�'.+i :,1 " .>.� .-' " •

.' �.� ' i ï ¿½ ' ':�.� .�"� � N w � " � " "y , s�.+ � .,-B.,.',•-.• •

Foretc &.. .Peri Ag s.. . . . . ....


".I I. :• "w "" ` w. w -,,, .. .i... . ,. .

. . .. - -,t -t a l e l i "

,l' "m- Porrester Prcy, AgentsPEUItSONAL BUT POOUTE, -]

-- whyMr. and Mrs. L. P. Kilbourne a fu

made a visit toBaton Rouge last pariweek. ",

)Dr. W. 11. Taylor made a busi- "

ness trip to the city this week. the

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mann have our justlawcongratulations upon the retcent

additioni to their family in the fb'

shape of a little daughter. lin

Miss Sallie Town is expected abr,

home from Washington shortly. pan

The little maid at the Rectory C18.has been named Kathleen for her M'y

maternal grandmother, Mrs. Waller. withI pcs

Mrs. Lombard is here on a visit berlto her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilcox. iReini

25 c•Mrs. Mentgr Barrow is slowly testi

conv alesci ng fr om her sev ere at t'ack atf li e

of scarlet fever. T'Jlby h

Sam Stern went to the city, this vill

Sweek, in reference to the litigation finstituted concerning the injury le

done his eye by the malpractice of alli an oculist. all


Miss Eleanor Percy spent Satur- titeday in town, and on Sunday went one

g to Baton Rouge to spend the day likeSwith Miss Sarah Hereford. enu

SMrs. V. Z. Catlett, Howell, wid- abohle ow of tel.o hlate Justice Howell of andt

the State Supreme Conrt, ~nd for sue]

.0 many years the distinguished 1rin i

s cipal of the Feliciana Female Colleg- ticia

fate Institute, was a visitor at the ,er0

Id Capital on Friday. She came to l

re pay a visit to her two fine boys who iltart attending the University.-B. ath1LR. Advocate. lir


T here r.ro few ailments so uncomfortr.-ble as piles, but they can easily be cured

by nsing T'abhler's ,uckeyoe P 1 Oinmient

Relief Bllows it.i se. and an} one suffelrl fring frolil lpiles'canilt atifll to neglect C

to give it a triaul, riee 50e in bottles, Ctilbes 75c. For sale by Kilbourne anil JeForres ter .

Ginger \VafersMilk Biscuits]Lady Fii ge'rs evNi\ i N ac, slFanciy Caks at

at Mris Farrelly's.

We aeknowledge a pIe:lsaiit call ro4Sfronm i'., .1. 11. CampilbelI of the the

Sfir'n of Conway & Campnbhell, whose

e ad is ill another col1umn. 11 says foithey cxltt to he here all Winliter, al

with a hirgo and choice lot of tr

hoirses and iaiilces, which should at-

a tract customers from tl.is and ad- atii, joining parishes. us

The disposition of (hihdrvn argel.) do- p

pnid.4 (oi lln health, if they iire trubledwith worms, they will be in itai.le., crosefeveri

. h ;d ]perhaps seiioisly si .; .

While . 1'C re liln \,ollllitylg ci n worlm ex

jeliohr nod t om ic Iti i nlik e t he ni heit lt hy dsnid chicerfol. Price 25c. For salo by

Kilbourio aud Forriistor.

f Mrs. E. .Wl f entert;.ineid the Pa

(1 cllb with all the elegance whichuhils usu! iihl h i'ilcter izos her e ffo rt s as '

a hioste•, 'J'lie refreshments were

ogf the most, reeherche description, liand the prizes were beautiful an i"da0iyi. Mrs. J. D. Wood, M!r'. J.. n

IL Ma1 ttliews and Mrs. Leopold re1- m

ceived thtsc, te last miamnA get- n

-ting the hite hand prize. mu

Mrs. R. ~M. Leake entertains '

inext week. ' hrFk or broken limbs, chi!hIai.s, burts, b

Sso bruised shius, sore thr oat nld WI

Ssore' of every kind, app ly lIa l lard' s uiow sL in ime nt. It wi ll g ive im med iato relief o

anid heal any w ou n d. P rice 2 5c an d 50o.

For ale by K il bonrne and Forrester.RM

3. I. James, 4 c hear, hts pur-

chased the Hope plantation, niearVidamia, Concordia parish, and will

t•Joptio his planting operation

there. Many of the best hands on.A.gol will emigrate with Mr.

, Tules. Thi. is one of the disad-v.,vutagesattendant ilpon the sale ofAnola 9 Ve State, The loss of

.zo proui,'.• t.p oitiyen as he and of

so iuch lator, at bnenfeel swroop, isu3 lemdeedciniderable.

'Twenty.l'To Year' Countai Ute Without-7* '' Fa•hm. '

~8' Thes first bidicagt~4i otcroqp hmhovsse-5 ne.s and in a cliild subj•2 • tslt disease

itnnjs emyet:akei- ana s s~fofWi ap-.preach ol" An attnek. F lnogilo.hM 1

8hoar.sea.! isa p ectuliar -rt!g h c<4gk. If i

Ohanhcrlio's Aloingh Romedy is giveti as

.econ a-s the 4iid lbecones hoarse, or evenafter tberoupy coogh aippeari it •will

prevent the attteak. It is uied in many

8 thousanids of homes in this broaid Istti

a-ud sever d is• ,Pp flo t .the . . . . -

8t~ane~iuwhild ibsoirAtuel. No ather pres ion ~ ai• il ''

, af aa" e ord-twe 'ty* *

.statt... .it.out a fid;sam 4. F

"If prohibition does not priohibit "

why do the wet people make suclt ovea fuss about granting it to the sionparish ?" some one 'dryly" asks. the

4'Becaie," is the answer, min"though you dry people pose as 1the "only moral" people, we are Ihe

just as opposed to lb.eakiig the licit

law as you are, and we much pre- evilfor to get our whiskey openly and genabove board, than to patronize andblind tigers, or to import it from buy

abroad, enriching the expi'ess corn- Ind

panics and away-from-holme dcal- speel'.' � of t

I My son has beenl troubled for years

with chronic dniarrhoea. So,,ne time ago .I perslirded hini to take sotme of Chalt- give

elrlaiu's Colic, Chglera. and Diarrhoea Peo]Remedtly. After using two bottles of the25 cent siz he e was cured. I giv, this clb stestiluothitll, llopinrg sKo one sm ilaruil rly

t afflicted may read it anod be benolite.l.-

'Il;onnis U. Ilowver, Gloncoo, O. For sale trcaby h illloulrno and Forrester, St. hlrancie- le mville; Vilheret r aid Allsin, Ilayon Siu a.

If prlohibition were eer r desir-n. aus

ble, it striker us, Ihat this time ot ling

all others, when the parish is fi- :nancially hampered by the quaran'- htintine debt, is a most inopportune of

t one for the making of any change worY likely to decrease the pari~h rev Star

enues. The' deficit thus brought Sin- about will fall upon the taxpayer,


, and no wonder lihe is uneasy over N Y

r such a possibility.

In singgi:*h liver, }let hiui , b�y its beuo-

- tic ial action upon the hiliair tracts, ren-

Sders th bile more fluid, and bringi the' Poliver into at sound, healthy condition, 1()thercl,y b.nishlii g the senuseof ('iowniless ti0 lethargy and t lhe general feeling of Mlp- da l

SItihy which arise -front Ilisorder of theliver. -Price :,c." Foer •:.ie by Kilbourneanid F orr ister .r,

Buy a Cotfederatl Calendar. declr 'Le Unititcd Datgc;ters of thel

t Confederacy are selling a beautiful be

Calendar for the 'benefit of theJeffersoli Davis itl miient Fund. PThell1 Calendar is a fine work of art, co t

and a souvenir that should be in daevery Soiltherit Ilome, price only li251ets. A sam;pleh.clopy canu be seenat Muniford's Di'ng Store,

'J'The volunte of bu sini ess ove r t his iroad lihas iie I so groat, of :l!e, that is

Ie thlie mixed train, instead of coiing tyse .i el s.l~edtile time, has been f'rio

n four to five hiouirs late, :arriving hut lil

Fanl hour in advance of the cveniniig

of trtain .so

t The amlount of freight hc.lltehd jo(t at this sttiiion ;:ioie is now so great clt

a s to tax to the utmost the ein- re!le- loycs here, aniid there lhas been in hie

ed (onseqnliiic c sQhme i dlcay ili deliv e r- is" ilig freigh:t to colnsignees.; The of

oflicials are :owever (doing their nI

Itlyii dty, niaifull-, to meet all dc-

Ac n tnre for rthollcln: itlli Chli:ilnhllirlin's i Ce Pailn Bal!m is gainling a wido reputalltiOlln. 11

cli !t.11. JohistL n of t i ci noi l d, In;dl., hias

lirCnt trotihled with that aniloiient cineo!Sti. In speakitg if ito beay': "I SO

lieve mli nllti ul ed I11 i mllCbiibcrlain'i L Pain

i ;alllnt. It arts like magic with linc Myfoot wa~n swollen i;nd ipaining Ine verymlluch, h il't i nce good lappliicliliol of' Pain

re,- iln relieved me. For sale by Kilbtirnee

et Intid Foresterl, St. Fralncisvillc; Villerol

nld Ahi llai, oito Sarna.

ns The store on Aiigola plantation was

bro.'enl inlto Dec. 10, and tlhe, safe rob-

, bed of $1300. Mr. Etigelte Taylor, d:id who has e'arge Qf the st.ore was t

S sleeping npstal•;.s, but lte burglar. I(jief or bulr'glars made ~so little liaise S

that lie was not awa'ein.ed.l The il

safe was an old--fashlionc'l one,

fastened by a large iron iar" and ,!ar

ill padlock, which ~ ere ,prized ofi'~very quietly and easily, with acrowbar. F'ortunately the thieves

were niot fully inforned as to thle

conltents of the safe, or did not m

t'iko time to mlake a fiill examnina-

of tion, as other money, amnou!ntinig to$1700i was left uiitotlchced.


Tilm iIot nmiserable 4beings in the world

ot nre tloee nifering froln Dyspepsih ande.ter Complaint. More thian seventy-riiv

l par cent. of the people in the United sI,s ,~ s-arm ettioted with these tvo di-

*P caeswnd" taeir effects: suclh as Sourl nf.ih, Sick elleadache, lHablitual ,os-

tivncss; Pitltp1ation of the Hearut, Heatt

l a:u, '#t1rbrasit,G Gsiawing andl B3urning

tlin, Coite4a 'oagwn isud Disagreeable al

etiste sn' tlh• iou.4i, �owningtap of .Fooil

tot Eating, Low. S1piiits, etC. Go to. .. t l!.'• ,'•latAug' it

.o i, .i C i *Z. ze 5a4 N

b i~"4lahIurnas , i Po-Ret . St

F a:" - -•. ;', • ' .. l l ...

it "W\e know prohibition cannot do I -.cht overything," •ias the franik admis at

he sion of a prominient prohibitionist.

the other day, "but we expect to tihear, minimize the evils." reg

as But will prohibition minimize 11"

tre Ithe evils? Are not deceit, , i- B

he licit trade, law-breaking, grea ter of te- evils-certainly far greater d(n- 'l'hlnd gers to upright American manhood .r1'

or Iize and citizenship-thlan the mere of Il;mn buying and 'selling of whiskey ? tIol

nm- Indeed, lhonor and truth and re- 190Oal- sleet for law are the fgundatibis title

of the repuiic. wi

2ars $25,000.00 'Given Away. ient"'h� In tjac past year Dr.' R. V. Phetce has shai'ea- given away copies of h is great wor k, ' Ie - .Ja1e: Peop le's Co unomn Senseo Medical Adviser, Ie

t he at an expense to hitmi of $25,000.00 ex- 1)rChis I cliive of postag e. TI is standal d b)ook I tli

irIn m indiii.e and hygienille, coltailns 100S PaI1.- es alnd more th ln 700 illuiltrations. It elel

otreat of the greatest and gravest oplrot- pul

lcls of na naln life in Tsimple JhEglish, o iftP

from t Co•tlno s)l 0nse pointe of view. It the

ir. answers those q uestio ns of sex wh ich pe r

of linger unspoken upon the lips of yoth dil

-i of- aoand al : maiden. It is es4entiahlly a family allbook, a1d1 its advice in a momeCnt of wil- IWCI4 den illness or accideut may be the imeans N

tICe of savilng a valnable life. This groat Page work is relit a :bs llu t ely fr e e on r ecei p t of I ,

ev stamps to defray the cost o f ma ili ng only.' byI

Send i one-ccnt stps for t he bo ok i n pre

ipaper binding or 31 stamps for cloth el

er co,,ers. Address Dr IR V Pierce, Buffalo, pro

v'er N Y atY1,

MAl11EI)."no- IIo WELL- 1IEB ER T.- A t, tl e h omr eI

ren- o" the bride's 'ulother, tNevw ]ooa; l 'tho Pointo Coupee pari;hI, La.. Dec. jof

o 0, l, W i. C. Howell of West Felici- I 1:ne"" 1(llna, aud Miss Beatrie9 l l ebert,- he

l- dauglhter of the late C. i): IlHeert.

line rJ.0which had. been set for the 1tll, prewere sadly brokeni into by the sud.

tden 4ckith of the bride's father, oil 1

Friday last, and in view of thistheanvy bereavement, it wzs deemed \ i

best to hasten, in preference to ; ithe pQst poningthe m:urriage. Pt " 1li

d. cordinigly took ipace, andi Mr. How- Wc"t, ell and bride arrived Lelr Tiues- C1

e in day evening. 'They wili make their pe

home at Afton Villa with his moth- "

'er. Mr. I!owell is one of the mlost. OtexcelletIl and proumisiln' youn, g gen- W

tis tr. 'menl of this parish, and his bride II hat is ::s good and sweet as she is pret-

iiiun ty :,nid attractive.

04o4 Our best wishes are extende'dIut them, with the regret that thleiried-l ding; day, which was to lhave bleen

so r()seute with the realizations ofdied joy and perfect love, was instead Ii

rent cloudehd by the sadness which must Clem- rest, upon a devoted daughter's

i il heart. May it lbe with them, as itiver- is ili nature, that a grey mnorning is

The often but the forerunner of a slnlit;hir 11oo and rosy evenid ide.

de Slscrilptions taken for Daily

paj'ters by the week, moth or year,hin delivered Iby carrier or through the

tion. minil ias pirefrred. Also agent for t

ieo I)aily lpapers mnay 1e fommnd on e'.o sale at Frank Spohln's 1)arber shop,

1 ro- Geo. Rettig.

Pain - - - - - phI'y POPLARt SPRINSG NOTES.

very IllPai Messrs. Will and Byron Wright

hr spent Saturday mo t plecasantlywith their sister Mrs. J. A. Beck-


rob- Miss Liilie Petty returned Tues.^

ylor, Iday afternoon from a lengthy visit frwas to relati\'es near Glbster. She was

gla. accolm)anied bly her little niece,

noise Sallie Petty, wh;o will spend the

The olidays with her. ii

one, Mrs, Ryder is in East Felicinmawfld with her mother, Mrs. Katie Gore, I(

ot, who is quite.sick. Inthi a A1

N. A. Palner has ineasles.ievesW h We are sorry to hear of the ili-

hot ness of IRodney Petty whl:o is now ,nina- with his graldmnother, Mrs. D.

Wg to Wright.

J. A. leceklham went to Wood-

ville, Saturday, where be is under-

going treatment for his eye.Wol Mrs. W. McGraw and Miss An'-

n-dyi Petty went to oio wood Tnesday ij4ite( shopping. J

o i- -L. 8. Blckl•ham of e\ wtoml ia, wasSour

I los- a pleasant caller at Athloan,Sunday.Heaft Several' from this neighlborhoodriing attended the Prohibition meeting

eable at Gra:nge Hall last Friday.Food1 Ed Beckham had business inS`to Wilson, \Wednesday. "ugeve Pansy.

Notiee......I msu agent for and can give spoiaal

S rates on all newspapers, periodica o I-. :--�8

to Election Proclamation.St ate of Louts iana , P ar ish of W et st. Felicinua.st Whereas, The P oleike Jury of

to the P arish of West FIeliciana at a

regular session held on Nov. 7th,S19tt0, passed and adopted the fol.

lowing resolutiou :i Be it resolved by the Police Juryer of the Parishi of West Feliciuna,

n- That the President of the PoliceA Jlury is hereby authorizeld to call,

or ha ve called by the Snpervisorsof Electims of the Parish, an el ec-t iro on Tue'sdayDe'enl!)er the 18th,

e- 19 00 , fo r t he plI rpo se of suhmit-

us tling to the v ote rs of the Parish ofWest Feliciana, t he qu est io nw hether or no t the salb of i nut ox-ic atling l iquors with i n t he Parish

Hs shal l be prohi bited oni an d after

l e J anuary 1, 19 01.(r, l1 , it further resolved el e, Th at the

x- P resident l e authorized to instruc tOtk t lh Super visors of Elect ion of thel

os P arish to i tsue a pr oc'l :uia tiin of

It eleetionl, that said prol imation be) -pu bli shed in the Tr ue De mocrat forh, fifteen days prior to the dlate of

i t t he said ele cti on, and tha t t he Su - cli 1ervisors aforcsnaid be instruet.ed totth distrilbute ballot boxes, tickets and

ily al l ot her ma tte r and material

1 - lnecessalry to hold the said election. t., Now therefore we Sey mnour L.I , vergne

at Presidentu of the l"' l ice Iury, at Har;ld- Isil. L. P. Kilhourne aidl J. WV McQueen, tl of b vir'.ne of the an thtri y vested in ns

ly. hby the law ntd thi oimlV re.l ollti fn, as Iill president of the pdli e e j ry aild Ipe r.. t

vis ') s of election o' the il'a'rih lofl 1 ' Wes:I'eliciana. St;t:t of Louisian:, a• co r ehy

lo proch iull' at al cle":ion shall b )ioldat ev1ry volit:; ircci netf in each w ardhroughot 1 he IParisih o, \Vest 1Felijciaie

on th e sl l dlay of De,. I1 f0 for t he ',1ur]po' ofsnulJn itting t o t he v ot e rs of Ihe

me Parish of West Fieician.t t h question-whlether or not the sale' of intoxictiuiIlhirs shall he pr lhibitdel i'n th,• l'uarishe. of West Felit iiia li on 0 ,id afte r 11the 1st

ci- d lay of .n. A. 1). 1911;.-1-'I e polls ,hhall.t I be opened at 7 n. in. "an: shall rtlnnl i 1 ert. open continoisy until 5 p.m. the ; tunday.. And we htrebvy appointd hif lhlw-

re, in); nau ed pers ao s A colinnai jio. • e's : n11(1tt rks ofelection i :tid ior the var ioius

Sprecjt aiiln i wand of sa id par ish :Id Ist ward. lyvon Sara., John I'lvyn, 1C'hisholn, 11 VYinlderlice, A We i l, cle rk

0 11 Is id wd, St. Frai:e isv il le. C W Te'l'enpel, .I

his " A rd, E I os1 s .G NeW a nll c'erki ;2il wd. .1 C Si l:ru ne. , O llo 1 ; nliel s,led WVillie Davis. E I D.niaiels, clerk ; 3r I wd, ll

0F 1 )

H-lairalson, El l Butler, WV RI i Turner. 1to F' Col Vetee , c lerk ; 4th111 wd, C " 1 how1. ell), )avid Ta:ylor Sr. Dncliein Stewar t. ,V

L Stilling. cle Ik ; , i \I w d, Pi lme r S1 it h1, C

1WP- W ] ('ualmplbell, 1t 13 Le e, I1 13b Iarrow, 8'Ie clerk; 6th w it, Rolla l oor Sr, J 1) Sad den., O0 1i .s. .i lt ( l:ac:k, c' erk ; 7111 wd , WV Aeir Iorter, Mobse hlW-ters, .lahe Uow. J .1

th- \\inl. 'lerk; thii w d, N 11 harr ow , F 1.McGchee, A 1) Per y , A S J E vnus, :lersl;8t 9 th 9 w d. P 8 Johnl son, .) ' Mnry l iln ', f

louis Weft, 1k(, Cl t rer, trlk,; 10111 w l,'en- W II Sl i ih, WVill Laver'gnile , .1 M harrow. P

ide $ ''owl es, chdrk,ret- S. 1,. Lnve rgne,

i t- Pres idenit uf Police J ur y.L P. Kiloiurne,3J. W. McQui ew,l,. I [ ra |:ton,

ed-. ulervisors of Elec t ion .CCII Tunica Notes'

o f Rtv. G. P. W hite faile d t o fi t'cadh is 1 pplo il nlt ent a t the Tunic,

l ist Chureb, last Sunday, and Mr'. Wat-

e's soli Bradford, beinig a visitor heref ront N orth Alabamna. was ihi v ite d '

g i s to hohl service, "wlitih the did in 1 iiili t vety able and eloquent I nll ner,'

0Thie 'lunica school has been in t<

*il session for several weeks, with Miss e

un iie, Tibor, of Jackson, La., asfor teache r. T he attlledatilfe has beetn

v ery good and e\ 'erl ' one ace lts to01 be die!ig ted with our teacher.




rl'i '. J ohn J. W iun an:d D r. Sem -

pile Winnl are visitors in the cityand expect to remain until after themarriage of Mliss Eula Wiinn,spiwhich will soon occur.tftly

]k- H . W\tson Bradfo rd i s a pleas.ant visitor at M rs. Lucr e tia Row sand expects to re mail unti l t he ]holi day s a re over. lH is many ifriends gi ve 'hi nm a hearty welcome

* back once more.eece,the Mr . St eve ]ellish is on a busi.

ness tr ip to N'ew Orlen nfs.i111 Miss Ruby Jemeyson, who has

ore, beei attending school at the Silli- Iinan Institute, in Clinton, will

spend the holidays at home.

Ciltlt. Louis Row lpail a visit tohis ',,ife and stayed several days in Eo Tunica last week.

D._ _ _ _ _

W EST FE LI C IA N A RIFLES.Quarterly muster with a ball as

a finale took place the evening ofDec. 13 th a t P yt h ian Hall . Therewas a fa' rly lar ge ga ther ing of the IAl- Rifles and th eir fr i ends, despi te thehday i ntemll ey of the wea the r. Prof.

J, N. Anglin "will wear the goldmedal for the next quarter for ,ce-day. ess in thP cOml lelitive drill. Sid-

lood ney Frier was a close second.ting It's a gentleman's whiskey, a

pure delicious heve1 age and agrandappetizer. Don't forget the namei ." . W lIIVl"P," whiskey. Thekind your grandfather used!

- -S old by-

Sole Agent f or Harper and Old

- National.

'. . . , .


p sr, ' -

tat f OfN



all, or . . hlth rProf "Sweet Bells Jangled

on Out o f Tune and Harsh."ish Shakespeare's description fits thou.

sands of women. They are cross, desttcr* pondlent, sickly, nervous-a burden to

themselves and their famil ies. Theirsweet dispositions adre ga, and theyikethe o the bells. acrm sadl out ofLtu, b ut A"othete is a remedy. They can n e e ln net

S McELREE'SfWine of CarduiSor It brings health to the womanly1ti- organism, and health there means

.to wIll poisednprves, dilmness, strength.S It restores womanly vigor and power.It tones up the nerves which saufer-ing and disease have shattered. It i

on. the most perfect remedy ever devisedrne to restore weak women to perfect .t'; health, and to make them attractiveIsi, and happy. $1.oo at all dreygists.

ns For advice in cases requiring specas, al directions, address, giving symp-

per- . toms, l "Thq Ladies' Advisory De-vi partment," The Chattanooga Medi- --

r, cine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 0)ol, Buy. J: W. S.IT. Camden, a

Frtl sys:-"My wprife used Wine of Cardul at efar fllelig. of the womb siad It entirelycared I' her."

tiuh 1737 Petars Ave., New Orleans, Ms..l SHOPPING AGENT.-Ir,hal1 If not coInvtini: t for you to shop in

"�'i" person , 3 y our orders will be exeeutedl by un' Mrs. Oliver with prolptness and :ileuria-l lat- : Ilrll asts of evtlr destr anei ti o in ma de.r o ebaigens mante ircedpt for ena fare. B

S Country I'atrofn e fSolfeited.

erybakl NOTICE c. a g1, 10 polllrk II hving astned the ca;itro hi tl inman ha-

airl es, ,i l hent .of lylf afairs, I hereby rovoke 4

i all pwers of ittgtacey heretofore given Inrer. , e, to Jny one, without cxoeptll . trea

Tow VE LtI NE CON VEB i: .r t. Wr 1

Si iti, Oct. 2, 1900. d.Cro w, 89 Un i onr Patik t., Bo~lon, lass.

w Ai otice.,l Having purchased the livery stable

elcrw owmn ed by MIrS. A. MT. Itlurton, I s1hall, in, future iuin Same, inll ddittion to the one I

wi, nalready h a ve. 1 olicit a coni titaincee of

•tow, public patronalge. Joric. Mton . At

For Sale tig nJury. bag

.At q2.00 e.tachl

30 'Barred PyI'i outhm Rock Pullets.o

Utility and Ih:::u'ty combined, -

v l "Call and make your own Felection. of

mnie, R. M. Leake,1'ert ISt. Francisville, La.

hen a Erilling satoy of the life of a groat mane.

r veryb ldy buys; agents nIow anakilngover $100 per month; best book to sell

1 ili to colored poople ever iubliahed. 15,000Miss colored leiolilo liet.neiid to hisii recent ad- an

l.eis in D)llal. Write for terns, or l

bei seld 24 Ct. for outfit and begin at oncet .

been Addrces Departuentht 11.,Sthe O f E ver y D esc ription.Persons wiinting sutch work don01e

will plea adiltss oe. E NCHIS, BIox 107t -St. Fra'e incivile, 1ai1., .o i here Ita•.

leas. lirepared to a nppywork of

""M Marble and Graniteanay at. loweut possiblo prices.

Agents Wanted.-FOR THIl-

busih Electric Razor Hlonc.-Giarinlltcedqiliall to tihe ,e't hloiie mae. C in nte

wvater, oil or lalher. \\'ill last a lifehas tim1e. E11 ch. BI cII 11Wiiked ir. ucat card-

Silli- honrl Ceiso. E�.i:ry oDc perfect. Just

willl t he thhIni g for l)riellto Ust). Pri Ce 75C .

W e w n~i it .n DI gent ii: e ach t o wnship towvlom e xcl ubive salo will h e given.

<it to VWiite for saplthe and .agcen t's outfit.

*ye in Seat by wnail. Address,BARSH II'O. CO.-

No. 542 West Lake St., Chicago.

rig of A S. LEONARD.'here St. 1rancisville, La)f tihe REst ',e:l e lld and ke i n town.

t eItisotillalbt* prices.E vEry d niY i, li b pd .Pr�of. Al w;, Irlontl :l liolite attctlioln

gold D ail3y hIrrIlfd for nll.

Sid White DOove Bakery.Bayou Sava, La.

J. M . V .a tInI, Proprietor.

'rhe b5 co 3,iticedl that. our' bread 'is goeod*-

hetter-beat. .

Cart goes around the two townsevery day.

Cake made to erder. Baker wllrgo toSOld resident, if dosire', to make samu. -


;�UrSP E3 Y tE O O

St, Francisville, La.Offlcb iln nildiig lately bcfti ded by

hir. S. J. PwsG.

Our Wayof turnillg the dull mont h

into btsyer times seems to stti-most Imople.

Price-Cuttingdoes it. Watch our displays"in the show windows aid:

yout're sure to cotme acruss

Ssoaiething of interest.at Brgainsfollows bargain in quick sne-

cession in clocks, etlver w i.: ••r* jewehy etc. etc.

SItPays.to keep in touch with ir' i'h store, anid if saving mainey

T.r is at hobby of your, I;airtt.-nize ns--we'll eucourage the

yt hibby. "yeUia. .

Roumai's-ir Baton Rouge, La.

i- - �•i- - .meC

S New oleaus. O u?-41 ents reowned das l

er. Io talls preost al.dts O. no a racrtics ,. ;

Over 100o)1 sad f8i yver MItrales, Diplom•s ele, awardedus by Amerieaa kad Euro,'u..y� inpositiona; Lsommetc•nl

Sia r - Is Otla iant los k fgt " a .ia i , eSupeudb to sal othe i I.tw

South. We own c•r eoill:builanding and have onnequa"L. alitiem ana as. uaexopifacult.

Oreasatee bold podtioa ltlofver theCOuntry. IustrlcUoa allrsonal.

ilaving natnerous business oona•c•t~esad4beilng untersally and reputabiy Mowt. we

n l. have sujerior advantages In atdlsg stiidats (lh teaut getBti•n • L.-

k AA store is "oeceted withae "ol -;l\eii In which itudeptrd o -tdUit bstntat Is


rea l goods pad t" epeMo nd lhery kegsthebook sO In th te lat $ bor , t.o -n "

Students enter at ok7 trie, kLbi tli h. ACS.deomle, Shorthand and "B *, sNhs(1.. Allseparate f acultirs. Sen4 feueatmle: -

AMres GEO. SOUL L SONS.i-- -, -__: • ---",

T e-lpass Notioe':a of The public is l]reby wanled - that the"""

_. Afton Villa, Layson and Maxwell plhnita-

tions are posted agailnht all Inu'trners tiadagents of descript ion. '.

M ra. V. Z. n w*4.

lets. From and after..this date. allt 1,ntinigof any kind ou, Ioseadown tlantlMRilt"a positively prohibited una.:.'r penally .

tion.f trespassing.Ja•, P. Bow -

The public in hereby wnan ted nag.!tat- buyi ng Wood, Tilder or o8te~k ffnme tln-ooker ants on Oklcy, Ogdihn aud ,lwn Ipla ftl-

t. tions or driving theitcfrom a ly slmekn. without special jeautiionao I.ma'is L,. L. M;tthethe "


5,000 Froman daslter-h-m i dhte. all Iwuminmgi t ad- and l Iabilsh lng of'aykiml ai, liorltvly iri.f , o Ihibifed on Foret pialunttion, :t*ier, pju-

once.alt y Lf the lal\ ..IVW.,cUQuten. _

Owing to tle reported cow ,t't.lin. ip'* verina plart s odt l e ptrr :, p ooaltuet iJ ier .

y g�von that nl l, r.olMona nterinr Hith. -ltl plnutatimo tiat)imnt I~Wrsmhlarn willb e proeecutod rnl. n fill Oxtoelt of mlte

law. No ex~dptias.a A. .'. br •now.



cnrd. 1901Sto Cartote

ven d -i t a o,utfit. onon

countets or show oases whencago. you come in ask for it,

You .ean thea selekt fromt over .7,000 latest jewelry ar-

ticle up~todate in style, adso.Lan lutly reliable.ia quality -and'

sold at the very lowest prices." Our Salesman" 101 .Cata4g

io is the la~gest and bst jewelrycatalog publiahed, and enables-o utQmers to stleoL fOro a

ry. e• t as uoraanbn thais shown

Selry vthout looki iw t ersIt will save you tousy.

, an4 dl,Sgoto, .- •

' V. ,,' -8 ~Jii