pork barrel system and the peoples initiative


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Post on 27-Jun-2015



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Pork Barrel


  • 1. When the righteous are in authority, the peoplerejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan. -(Proverbs 29:2)Public office is a public trust. Public officers andemployees must, at all times, be accountable tothe people, serve them with utmost responsibility,integrity, loyalty, and efficiency; act withpatriotism and justice, and lead modest lives. Sec. 1, Art. XI, ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLICOFFICERS, 1987 Constitution.

2. What Makes a Pork, PorkThe use of government funds forprojects designed to please voters orlegislators and win votes (OxfordDictionary) Lump sum amounts, the disposition of which,including the selection of the project, its amount,and the beneficiaries, is left solely at the discretionof the pork holder. (Bayan Muna) 3. In a simple understanding. . .Pork Barrel funds :1) lump sum amountso tinibook2) personal discretion3) patronage politics 4. 5 kinds of pork barrel in the Phils.1) PDAFP 70 M/year per CongressRepresentativeP 200M/year per Senator- declared as unconstitutional by theSupreme Court in Nov 2013 5. 2) DAP (Disbursement Acceleration Program) - DisbursementAcceleration Fund - P 142.3 B (2012)Supreme court rules 3 acts and practices under DAP as unconstitutional:a. doctrine of separation of powers of the executive and legislative branches.b. the transfer of savings outside the executive branch, the funding ofgovernment projects not covered by the General Appropriations Act and therenaming of unreleased allotments and appropriations supposedly for agenciesto "savings.c. use of "unprogrammed funds despite the absence of a certification by theNational Treasurer that the revenue collections exceeded the revenue targets 6. The Aquino Administration introduced the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) as areform intervention to speed-up public spending and to boost economic growth.The scheme was exposed by Sen. Estrada (DAP used to reward pro-Corona impeachment)damay-damay na tayo ditoP352.7 billion was made available at the disposal of the executive for DAP projects.DBM further notes that the total amount actually used from the fund was P114.58 billion. 7. 3. Off Budget Funds funds derived from other sources notspecified in the National Budget. Use of these funds are underthe sole discretion of the President without need ofcongressional approval.Malampaya (132 B)Motor Vehicles Users Fund (12 B)Presidential Social Fund (2.4 B)Pagcor Funds 8. 4. Special Purpose Funds - P 449 B (2014)Funds appropriated to augment the regularbudget of selected agency or department Programmed - P 310 B Unprogrammed - P 139 B 9. 5. Savings: remaining funds at the end of the year,with the discretion for use anddisbursement of the President 10. Philippine Pork Barrel SystemThe pork barrel system is notlimited to the legislators. Itincludes the pork barrel of thePresident.Nature:(1) it is a source of graft andcorruption;(2) public funds are disbursed to favorpolitical allies and withheld from theopposition in a form of politicalpatronage and legalized vote buying;and(3) its release (or non-release) is usedby the executive to control both Housesof Congress violating the constitutionalprinciples of effective checks andbalance.THE PORK BARREL SYSTEM ISINHERENTLY ANOMALOUS BECAUSEit is used for patronage politics; mererestrictions will not clean it. 11. Allocation per House MemberAGENCY ALLOCATIONDOH 10.5 MCHED 14.0 MTESDA 3.5 MDSWD 14.0 MDOLE 3.5 MDPWH 24.5 MTOTAL 70.0 M 12. House PorkDepartment Program AmountDOH Assistance to Indigent Patients 3,193,950,000DOLE Government Internship Program (GIP)and Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa AtingDisadvantaged Workers TUPADProject1,022,000,000TESDA Special Training for EmploymentProgram1,022,000,000DSWD Crisis Intervention Program 4,090,000,000DPWH Regional and Local InfrastructureProgram7,309,494,000CHED Scholarship Program 4,124,200,00020,761,644,000 13. WHERES THE NEWHOUSE PORK?DOLE = P1.022 billionDOH = P3.194 billionDSWD = P4.090 billionCHED = P4.124 billionTESDA = P1.022 billionDPWH = P7.309 billion **(**Under the new Menu, each legislator can propose up to five infrastructureprojects; the budget ceiling for each legislator is P24.5 million. Each projectshould amount to no less than P2 million. Such projects to local roads and bridges,classrooms or academic buildings, multipurpose buildings and water supplysystems. All but party-list representatives can propose infrastructure projects onlywithin their respective districts) 14. Increasing poverty 15. The role of the pork barrel system in Philippine politicsFuel for patronage politics - Projects and programsfunded by the pork barrel are designed to get the loyaltyand support of a politician's constituents and to bolsterhis/her political stock.Discretion over these funds is left solely to the politician sothat he can use it for his self-serving political agenda. Thusthe common practice of placing politicians pictures andnames on oversized billboards proclaiming certaininfrastructure projects and the denial of projects tobailiwicks of political rivals.The tendency is for the politician to act as if the pork barrelwere his personal funds so that its beneficiaries becomeindebted solely to him. 16. Political Dynasty/millionaires club(2011- 2014)75% of Senators & Congressmenbelong to Political Dynasties;80%of Governors & Mayorsbelong to Political Dynastiesandsenate, congress, cabinetthreshold of millionaires 17. Wellspring of corruption - The discretionary and amorphousnature of the pork barrel makes it especially vulnerable tocorruption. The legislator or executive official who decides on hisown how the fund is spent gets to dictate who the beneficiariesare and which contractor or supplier will bag the project. He alsogets to decide how kickbacks are to be distributed.Tool for Executive control over Congress - Because therelease of the PDAF requires the approval of the Executivethrough the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), thePresident is able to use it as a carrot and stick over senators andcongressmen. With DAP, he can control LGUs and even co-equalbranch and other constitutional commissions.For measures important to Malacanang, the threat of a delay ordisapproval of one's pork barrel allocation, or prospect of anearly and smooth release, is enough to convince legislators tovote a certain way. Thus, the pork barrel system distorts,undermines and contravenes the entire system of checks andbalances between the Executive and the Legislative branches,leading to even greater connivance among the ruling elites. 18. In a nutshell, the pork barrel system plays a key role inmaintaining the bureaucrat capitalist mode ofgovernment, using government mechanisms andresources to enrich and entrench themselves in powerat the expense of the ordinary citizen.peoples taxes went to personal pockets and/or wasted 19. Government has no money for:1. Genuine AgrarianReform/Agricultural support/subsidy2. Industrialization3. Health care and other public servicethereby the need for privatization,PPP and loans4. Other government functions 20. P E O P L E S I N I T I A T I V EtoAbolish the Pork Barrel 21. Peoples InitiativeA constitutional mandate thatempowers the people to proposeamendments to the Constitution orpropose, enact, approve or reject a lawpassed by the legislature.- Article VI, Section 32 of the Philippine Constitutionand the Republic Act No. 6735, otherwise known asthe Initiative and Referendum Act. 22. The Peoples InitiativeAN ACTABOLISHING THE PRESIDENTIAL ANDCONGRESSIONAL PORK BARREL SYSTEM,STRENGTHENING THE SYSTEM OF CHECKS ANDBALANCES OVER PUBLIC FUNDS,PROHIBITING CERTAIN ACTS, AND PROVIDINGPENALTIES THEREFOR 23. Proposed BillAN ACT ABOLISHING THE PORKBARREL SYSTEM1 Abolishes presidential and congressional PORK2 Line item budgeting3 Prohibit and criminalizes allocation and use oflump sum discretionary funds4 Violators penalty: 6 years and 1 day to 10 years5 Disqualification from holding public office 24. R E Q U I R E M E N T S 25. 1) Signatures Required- At least 10% of total registered votersbased on the last national elections- But at least 3% of total registered votersin every Legislative District 26. Procedure of PI1) Launching of PI Petition / Start of Signature Gathering2) Every end of the month, submit to Town/City Comelecall signatures gathered3) Completion of Signature Gathering4) Secure Certifications from Local Comelec (Town/City). . . how many signatures gathered5) File in Comelec of PI Petition. . . supported by all Local Comelec Certifications6) Comelec to issue Resolution. . . that PI Petition is sufficient in form & substance7) Referendum 27. 3. If signatures will be sufficient, COMELECwill have to call for a Referendum on a dateset by the Commission, to be conductedunder its control and supervision, notearlier than forty-five (45) days but not laterthan ninety (90) days after its Certificationon the sufficiency of the Petition, to allowthe Filipino people to express theirsovereign will on the proposition 28. Total Bohol registered voters 775,785.Top 10 towns/cityTagbilaran City - 51,462 votersUbay - 40,211Talibon - 31,928Carmen - 29,228Loon - 26,596Tubigon -26,591Inabanga - 26,345Dauis - 24,797Jagna - 20,643.Panglao - 20,536 29. 1st district = 254, 246Albur - 6,574Antequera - 8,774Baclayon - 11,728Balilihan - 10,995Catigbian - 13,907Cortes - 10,580Calape - 19,854Corella - 4,898Dauis - 24,797Loon - 26,596Maribojoc - 12,194Panglao - 20,536Sikatuna - 4,760Tubigon - 26,591Tagbilaran City - 51,462 30. TimetableAugust 23, 2014 - National Launching of the SignatureCampaign for the Peoples InitiativeNovember 30, 2014 - Completion of the Signature GatheringDecember 31, 2014 - Complete collections of COMELECCertifications from local COMELECJanuary 15, 2015 - Filing to COMELEC of PI Petition,supported by all COMELEC CertificationsFebruary 15, 2015 - COMELEC Resolution that PI Petitionis sufficient in form and substanceApril to June 2015 - Referendum 31. Challenges1. To educate the Filipino people on the Peoples Initiative,eg. homilies, fora2. To conduct the signature campaign among theregistered voters3. To initiate the signature campaigns in your areas ofresponsibilities4. To coordinate with other groups for the signaturecampaign.5. To support the organizations/groups in many ways; likedonations and volunteers 32. Daghang Salamat ! ! !