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Popular Times The old ice cream man. Homeopathy vs. Medicine.

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Magazine for 5th semester English Class. From classroom 2414 from CETYS Preparatoria Campus Mexicali. Made by Armando Aguilar, Julio Hurtado, Ricardo Domínguez, Angel López, Tania Delgado and Emmanuel Torres


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Popular Times

The old ice cream man.

Homeopathy vs. Medicine.

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IndexEditorial…………………………………………….………………... 1

How to: Choose a University for you………………………...................2

Interview: Suseth Gonzalez………………………………….……….. 3

Homeopathy and medicine……………………………….………….. 5

How to: Laptop Stand……………………………………………….. 7

The day the war stopped to sing ………………………………….…. 9

Top ten: Places to go to eat ………………………………..………. 12

News ……………………………………………………………… 14

Fishing with my father……….………………………………..……. 16

Literary review: One Hundred Years of Solitude………………….. 18

Product Review: “Super Crema Milagro” …………………….......... 20

Interview to: Carolina Juvera ……………………................................ 21

Meet “Don Vichy” ……………………………………………….. 22

The old ice cream man …………………………………………… 23

The amazing Spider-Man 2 ………… …………………………... 25

Interview: Ricardo Acevedo …………………………………...…. 26

Top ten: professional football venues in the US…………….…….... 27

How effective can traditional medicine be? …….……………….… 29

Whiplash …………………………………………………………. 30

Haiku collection ………………………………………………..… 31

Interview: Gabriela Arroman .……………………………....……. 32

Survey: Alcoholism. ……………………………….………..……. 34

Interview: Raquel Muñoz …………………………………..……. 38

Investigation: Bulimia ……………………………………………. 41

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Editorial: Is humanity becoming more violent?

Today, it seems as though there’s no relief from a wave of depressing news that inform us from the

violence that’s happening around the world and in our localities. From wars in the Middle East to

murders in Mexicali, it seems that humanity is as violent as it could be, and that there are only a few

people remaining that are still nice and kind with everyone else. Even the Pope Francis has warned

that a World War III may have begun with the current succession of crimes, massacres and wars.

Today, we still can see violence all around us. However, has humanity really become more violent? Or

have we actually became more pacifists than ever? According to various studies, violence by war has

actually been decreasing. The statistics demonstrate that murders are trending downward. Even in

Mexico, after a spike in violence in 2010, the homicide rate is slowly going down, and it only seems

that it will become better. But what about wars? Are modern wars more violent than before? Actually,

they are now causing fewer deaths than in any other point of history. Ever since the Korean War,

which had around 20 war deaths per 100,000 people in the world every year, the numbers have started

lowering, and today it is less than one death per 100,000 people annually.

So, the statistics show that violence is disappearing slowly, and although probably it won’t become

zero, we’re soon getting very close to that point. But, why would it seem for us that today’s world is

more violent? Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker theorizes that it is because of journalism. Now,

journalists and reporters do provide news, which are very useful for us to get an image of the world,

but they only report what actually happens, not what doesn’t happen. Rarely is it reported about a city

being in a state of peace, that there were no murders on a town, or that most countries aren’t on a


Most people watch news and assume that’s all that there is for this world. In the news, since they only

report things that actually happened, most of the time there’ll be violence in it. Even if violence seems

to be a big part of today’s news, we have to remind ourselves that in even more parts of the world,

there are acts of peace, of tolerance, of empathy being practiced even right now. They are common,

and you may even see them in your daily life without giving to them a lot of thought. A gift to a child,

a caregiver doing his or her job, a homeless shelter being functional, someone reconsidered suicide,

someone stopped a death from happening. All of that and much more is happening right now, and it

is up to us to remind ourselves of all those daily life actions.

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How to: Choose a

University for you

Some of us are only months away of graduating. Before, we thought that we had lots and lots of spare time to choose. Some did take their decision ahead of time, some didn’t. I certainly am of the ones that didn’t. Right now I have to choose where and what I will study. At the beginning, I was terrified, but then I realized I only had to calm down and make really well thought decisions. This is what I did:

Get to know what you like:You have to like what you will study, if not, you’ll have no interest in that and won’t be putting a lot of effort, it will be a tedious thing to do. Also, it is what you will, most certainly, do for the rest of your life. So don’t let it be something that you don’t like.

Choose what better fits your abilities:You know what you like, which may be a lot of things. But also you have to take into account what you are really, really good at. It might make things easier for you and even better, you will know that you will be outstanding in your field.

Don’t do it only to get off country:It might seem really cool to visit other countries and discover new cultures and traditions, but if you base your decision only on “It would be really cool to visit France!” you will be disappointed. You have to check the program of your career, the installations, the teachers, and the university’s prestige. You could do this by visiting the respective web pages of the universities you wish to attend.

It is a really tough decision to make, one that will change your life forever. But as it might seem, it isn’t at all definitive. If you ever feel that a career isn’t for you, then study another thing that you might like. Don’t stay in it only because it would be a loss of time, which would be the real loss of time. Only do the things that you like, nothing less.

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Homeopathy vs. MedicineWhen you get sick in México you have various options going from the social security health

service of the government or traditional medicine, but there is another treatment not very used

in México: This type of medicine is called homeopathy, it works on the idea of activating the

body defense mechanisms using substances that would cause a healthy person to get sick of the

same thing so your organism responds on defense helping you to fight the disease. Although

homeopathy is not highly recognized thousands of people believe in the curative powers of

toxicity, but what about normal medicine, what’s the difference?

In an emerging country like México where there’s communities that live in the fist and the

third world at the same time you can find many variety of “medical services” if that’s how you

want to call them, an already mentioned

example is traditional medicine that it’s

based on the culture of the people, for

example Chinese traditional medicine that

uses animal body parts, or you can find

high tech treatments to fist world diseases

like cancer or diabetes; but the main fact

that differentiates homeopathy from

traditional medicine it’s that the

practitioners must have medical

preparation and once they have graduated

they start studying toxic substances and their effects on the body.

How is it possible to cure with toxic substances? One may ask, Homeopathy it’s not a very

exact science because the main learning comes from experience and it’s not driven by a specific

method. Your body has mechanisms to maintain the chemical and biological equilibrium but

they are not the same mechanisms than your normal defenses, that why if you get medicated

with something that would give you

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the same exact symptoms then your body will try to regulate this phenomena caused not only

by the substance but because of the disease.

With all that I’ve mentioned, it’s still hard to believe that someone would prefer to get

poisoned than vaccinated, and if homeopathy really works then why it isn’t part of regular

medicine already? Well it works on a very different way than normal medicine, the point of

medicine is the use of substances that potentiate your defenses and control your symptoms so

you can heal peacefully; on the other side homeopathy uses toxic substances to control the body

regulating mechanisms and use them to your favor, sometimes at the cost of intense pain or

even death.

We all are free to choose how we are going to be treated on the medical aspect, if you got

more convince by the homeopath vision just remember the risks that you have and that the

process can be really painful if you don’t get

the right treatment (and sometimes even the

right one is painful), medicine has been

proven, tested and approved treatment are

surely more expensive but effective. But

remember the final choice it’s yours.


David Edelberg, M. (s.f.). Whole Health Chicago. Retrieved from



Homeopathy for Life. (s.f.). Homeopathy for Life. Retrieved from



Novella, S. (s.f.). Science-based Medicine. Retrieved from


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The day the war stopped to sing.

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Top ten places to go to eat in less than a hour.

This article judges the ten best places to eat on a free hour so you can go there, eat and return to

school without a problem. Although the places weren´t judged just by time, also we use the

service, flavor, price and hygiene categories to have a better understanding of the quality of the

restaurants. The opinions in this article are a recompilation of the thoughts of a group of

students at Cetys Universidad and not just mine, also this is a subjective test so if you don’t agree

with us don’t be offended.

• 1. Subway: Probably the healthiest option on the list came up to be the most popular and the

one that gives more satisfaction to his clients, the winning categories are flavor and hygiene.

Multiple people said that they were never disappointed by the different subs that this place

offers and as they see hoy their food is made they can assure the hygienic care that the

personal take with their products. Also it takes no time to eat and go back to school even

letting you an extra time. Now, sometimes the workers don’t feel up to the task and they aren’t

the most kindfull.

• 2. Wrap: I personally don´t like the flavor of a wrap itself, but as I talked with fellow students

it’s really liked not only because of the wraps, but their soups and salads. The strong points on

these restaurant are the hygiene and the good prices on store, when you buy in other places

the prices tend to increase in an unjustified margin. Although if you don’t have much time is

not your best option.

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• 3. Carls Jr. is a well-known place and the right option to many students, it’s not only close but

flavorful, you only get disappointed because the expectative are so high, and they are because

of the quality of their food. If these is your choice to eat just be sure to have enough money,

many of the students that commented on prices though there was overpriced food all over

the menu.

• 4. Pizzeria (Domino’s, Little Caesar, etc.):It´s not very common that students order food

because of the risk of time, but when the pizza do get in time it’s a risk that many people

would take.

• 5. The well-known “taqueria” Vichy’s has gained a respectable flavor and is the first option to

the majority of the students, but on the last semesters the prices has been going up to the

point that for the ones with a big appetite its almost impossible to afford the food so they

have to buy food on other places.

• 6. When we talk about the food and not all the products offered on the cafeteria, the flavor

really goes down. It’s the excellent service, the comfortability that gives not having to leave the

school to eat and the time the things that still have the cafeteria selling. Even the prices keeps

away clients.

• 7. Plaza San Pedro: If what you want is not eat food but desert and have a good relaxing time

with your friends, this is a good option to you. Eat some crepes and ice cream at Plaza San

Pedro. This place it’s more about hanging out than eating that’s why it is so low on the list.

• 8. Punta del cielo: This place is so low on the list just because of the prices and the store it’s

not always open, but if it’s about flavor, hygiene or service this is your best option on the

cafeteria or in the university building.

• 9. Peter Piper Pizza it’s a place where you can hang out with friends and eat the delicious

pizza, but the price is just overwhelming an it´s not the cleanest place you would see if you

ask me personally.

• 10. Burger King’s burgers are cheap and something close to have a good taste, but there’s

nothing good besides that. The hygiene depends on the workers mood and your order it’s

always late, lost, or wrong. Trust me when I say this: there are better places to eat at.

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NewsExplosion on Bangkok affects 147 subjects

On August 17th 2015, an explosion was reported in downtown Bangkok during 19:00 local

time that appeared to target a popular Hindu shrine known as the Erawan shrine by a possible political

movement due to recent political violence that had occurred in the city in February and April. The

explosion created 22 victims in which 14 of them were tourist, and they reported that 125 had been

known as injured.

Some others blame the Islamic insurgents that have been fighting for an independent state in

the south of Thailand. But some say that is not possible because of the small number of people and

they haven’t prepared some kind of attack and did not match the tactics that the insurgents use.

Investigators said that a man leaving with a backpack shown in the security cameras, was responsible

for the event. But after investigations of Thailand’s chief police said that the attack was carried out by

a network and issued a sketch of the suspect. Later on, a taxi driver confirmed that he picked up the

suspect, however the suspect was “not in a hurry, he seemed calm like a regular costumer”. In the end

the suspect of this event still unknown.

Even though CNN believes that the suspicious turn out to be garbage bags, due that the

explosion didn’t had a specific target and it came in a motorcycle, through the Bangkok post. The

police of Bangkok say that the pipe bomb used, was an improvised 3-kilogram device, still with the

suspect unknown.

The explosion in Bangkok had affected economically the city, because the tourist arrivals had

lowered approximately 17% since the implosion occurred. Tourism is important for the city because

it represent a 10% of the PIB, around 54,000 million euros (or 2.2 billion baht). But they estimate that

this number may increase in the following months.

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Explosion on Tiajin affects over 200 people

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Fishing with my fatherSome of the best experiences happen suddenly, and it is up to us if we make them as good as they

could be. I remember quite a few moments that were good because I decided to make them like that.

I remember the first time when I went out to fish in Santa Monica, back then when I was 10 years old.

It wasn’t really planned for us, me and my father, to go out and try our luck fishing there, since it was

supposed to be a weekend where we would stay with familiars and interact with them. However, my

father brought a couple of fishing rods, and so, after being a good while with our family, my father

decided to bring me with him to Santa Monica to go fishing. We started around 3 o’clock, and he said

that we would stay for a while, which turned out to be around 40 minutes. After we prepared

everything, I casted the line.

And then we waited. And waited. And waited.

At least it wasn’t useless time; we started to chitchat while we waited for a potential fish that would

take our bait, a fish that we could claim and take into our hands. I remember feeling pretty calm there;

I barely felt impatient at all, and before I could realize of how much time I had spent there, something

was tugging at my fishing rod. I immediately started to reel back, and even though I was doing it

incorrectly, since I was supposed to also lift the rod to catch the fish, I managed to get it out of the

water and close to us. It was to my surprise, though, that the fish I captured was extremely small! I

didn’t expect a giant fish of my size, but, damn, the little fish didn’t even weight a pound and it was

around 1, maybe 2 inches long. It was ridiculously small, and to think I was trying my hardest to pull

it out of the water… Anyways, my father smiled and told me that at least I managed to fish something,

but he said it in a nice tone, a voice tone that wasn’t sarcastic or angry.

We took a photo of the little fish, and my father decided to throw it back into the ocean, since it was

a baby still and there was no use in keeping it. After that, we packed up, and we returned back to the

home where we stayed during those days. In retrospective, I made that moment very enjoyable because

I decided to make it that way. Were it done in a different way, I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed it as

much as I did back then. While I don’t really like to fish, I hold that moment dearly because of how

time passed to quickly, enjoying a quiet moment with my dad. I wish I could repeat that moment again.

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Literary review: One Hundred Years of Solitude

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Product review: “Super Crema Milagro”

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Interview to: Carolina


Her name is Carolina Juvera. She is only 26 years old and is already the administrator of a whole building, more specifically, the most beautiful and high-tech edification here in Mexicali, Solarium. Carolina studied Business Management, at UABC. Her work consists in the coordination of the many departments, making sure that the clients are satisfied, and that payments are done in due time.

Why is it called Solarium?

It is something related with the sun and Mexicali, more specifically with the heat. It was an idea of the associates, they liked it a lot.

How much time did it take to plan and build Solarium?

Planning phase had a duration of about a whole year. And the construction took another year and a half. It was finished in 2010.

Who designed the building?

The american architect Tomás Zarandáin along with his team of mexican architects. They created the structure and the interior design.

Do you think that this project works in Mexicali?

It has already worked really well. It is the first building of its kind on the surroundings, it includes cutting edge elements that give us advantage over other business centers that try to follow the same path as us.

Is your building eco-friendly?

We installed something called double windows, sunlight enters but UV rays and heat don’t. That diminishes our use of A/C, which is also energy saving. We have a drip irrigation system, in our bathrooms there are water-saving toilets. And we have solar panels.

What lead you to think in making an ecological building?

Our main idea was that in Mexicali we didn’t knew about an edification of such characteristics. We saw the necessity, and put it in the market.

Do you think that a building like this interests people?

This is a very interesting concept, the ecological one. Besides that, we also have high security and a lot of cleanliness and we have appropriate conditions for working. These are important points to attract clients.

Do you believe that we as a society should raise ecological awareness?

Of course, everyone must raise awareness, from ourselves to even our whole locality.

Do you think more businessmen should follow this model?

It would be a very good thing. Everyone would be contributing to resource-saving.

You consider Solarium as a step forward to an eco-friendly society? Yes, we foment trash separation and such deeds. If every single person took this ideas and implemented them on their own homes, we would be helping our environment a lot.

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Meet “Don Vichys”

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The old ice cream manDo you remember being at elementary school just waiting ‘till the bell rings (cause let’s be realist, nobody liked

elementary school), and when it does you don’t care about anything else, you have to run, you take your things

and leave the classroom. You see everyone running from their classrooms too, but you have to be the first to get

there, not the second, not the third, you can’t be waiting, again.

Finally you get out of school, and you see it… An old man is

standing on the other side of an ambulant cart, you are the first to

get there but you still have to hurry, there are people behind you

waiting to buy. So you come closer to the cart and look inside,

there’s six different flavors and you chose the same that you always

do, lemon flavored delicious ice cream and you always add red

caramel topping. The old man fills a little cup and gives it to you

with a little blue plastic spoon.

You get out of the line and go to the school’s front yard, you eat

the ice cream piece by piece enjoying yourself and thinking about how lucky you were to be the first one there.

You finally finish and you throw the garbage at the dumpster, you turn around and see your mom arriving, you

go home and realize you can’t wait to tomorrow and eat another ice cream.

Saying goodbye…

Sometimes you don’t have to live something to be nostalgic about it. I’ve to say, even though it’s barely starting,

the last year of high school has been the most nostalgic year. Since we chose to which universities apply, I looked

to the first pictures of high school and already miss my friends. I start to think about how we grow together, the

things we have gone through and knowing that after this year we will be never again on the same classroom,

knowing that those who become a part of your life and those who you see day to day, those who you love and

you despise, to all of them you still have to say goodbye.

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If you are over 45 years old,

ask your doctor about the

risk of a heart attack.

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Interview to Ricardo Acevedo

The next interview was done to Teacher Ricardo Acevedo, having as passion the different relationships that are stablished by war or diplomacy between countries that differ from culture and history, he has done studies on international relationships and social sciences at the Autonomic University of Baja California (UABC). For the last years he has been teaching, but when he gained the experience on the topic was during the 4 years he worked on the investigation of public security and violent deaths at UABC.

1. How a person becomes a serial killer?

It can be by different influences, be it culture, society, economy, etc. But I will aim to the culture of individualism and the destruction of community as an ethical guide.

2. What motivates a serial killer to commit crimes? I would say it’s the desire for power, and using it to get over in defense people.

3. Would you say serial killers are common on Mexicali? I don’t remember any special case.

4. What’s the common age for a serial killer? From the cases I have worked the age is around 20.

5. Why is the people of this age turning to seral killers? Because on modern society is common that young people around that age feel pressure from different factors, for example their family, friends, or the general social ideology.

6. Can a serial killer be treated or cured? I’m really not able to say that, these kind of questions are better for psychologists.

7. Do you consider psychological treatment would be effective? So they could reintegrate to society. I don’t think so, modern society prefer to control mental illnesses by drugs rather than an actual treatment.

8. Why assassinations are becoming so common on modern society? People tend to be unhappy about their lives, plus the new technologies instead of

improving the communication between people they are becoming more antisocial and that desensitize a person making it easier to kill.

9. Could you mention us some example of a serial killer that impressed you? Why this case got your attention? There was an asian boy in Virginia that killed his partners and teachers in a shooting, what took my attention to this case is the age of the killer because they keep getting younger and younger, and governments are doing nothing about it when they could because it’s easy to get weapons for young people.

10. Is there something else you would like to add? No, that would be everything.

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Top ten profesional Football Venues in the USA

In this list I’m going to talk about the best professional football venues in the USA, in this list I’m

going to consider the ten best stadiums according to my own taking note, the architectural design, the

amount of technology and the capacity, not including future projects or stadiums that still in


1. AT&T stadium (Dallas): with a capacity of 85,000 spectators and huge led TVs, it’s hard to

tell if anyone doesn’t enjoy watching a football game in this particular venue. It doesn’t matter

if it is a college football game, a super bowl, or a single regular season game.

2. Levi’s stadium (Santa Clara): it has been known as the most technologically advanced

stadium in the world, the one and a half billion dollar building with a capacity of 68,000 seats

it will definitely be fun to watch the super bowl this year.

3. Lucas oil stadium (Indianapolis): finished to be built in 2009, it hosted the 2012 superbowl,

with a unique structural design with bricks, but in the inside it can be noticed the nine hundred

million budget structure.

4. Met life stadium (New York): this stadium is the second biggest in the NFL, with a capacity

of over 82,000 spectators and the four led-TVs around the corners, overall I have to say that

is one of the best structures.

5. Century link stadium (Seattle): besides the wind protecting and sound amplifying structure

design, it also creates a nice aesthetic, it may not be part of the biggest-capacity stadiums with

64,000 spectators, but this stadium deserves a spot on the list.

6. Mercedes-benz superdome (new Orleans): it might not be one of the newest stadiums like

the other ones mentioned before, but it still hosts big football games, even if the structural

design is simple, I still consider it as one of the best football venues.

7. Sun life stadium (Miami): this stadium has hosted the most super bowl games, and

personally I think that is a beautiful venue, and I believe it can be considered as a top 10.

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8. Leambeu field (green bay): opened by the year it is the oldest stadium in the list, it is in the

list because it’s a fan favorite, with renovations around its history, it looks more and more


9. Everbank field (Jacksonville): sadly, plenty of the football games showcased are empty, new

renovations to the stadium might make the stadium look better and more enjoyable to watch

a football game.

10. M&T bank stadium (Baltimore): a nice structure design is the reason that I think that this

is a top 10 stadium.

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How effective can alternative medicine be?Alternative medicine: does it really work?

Mainstream medicine has been a vital part to help us in many ways, including and not limited to

vaccines, beneficial drugs, and a wealth of knowledge of the human body and chemicals. However,

there is still a category of medicine that, while underappreciated, it might be just what one could need.

Traditional, or alternative, medicine has existed for a long time and usually brings many benefits that

only until now Western medicine is beginning to understand.

When one mentions alternative, or traditional, medicine, an image many people have in their minds is

that of a shaman, or magical doctor, that combines herbs to create medicines. However, even though

there are practitioners like that, it is far more likely you’ll find them in modern establishments, locals

that would resemble more like an hospital room than a shaman’s house. As technology progresses,

the doctors, too, progress, with the main idea of the treatments intact.

Traditional medicine may look, for some people, outdated and archaic, but even today it has many

useful applications. The fact that they have lasted for a long time proves that they have been proven

useful on many cases, and even some of the more radical or more alternative treatments, like

acupuncture, have been proven to have positive effects in the human body, and to help complement

a more mainstream treatment.

One of the most common types of alternative medicine is acupuncture, which is a Chinese traditional

treatment that consists of inserting very thing needles through specific points of the body, with the

objective of treating varied diseases. Even though Qi, the vital force which acupuncture is based upon,

hasn’t been proven, medical studies have determined that acupuncture is very effective for some

diseases, like headaches or back pain, and it is even used to help with asthma or anxiety on a person.

It is recognized as a legitimate professionand there are organizations dedicated to them.

On the other hand, while massages can be usually relaxing, they also have medical benefits. They have

been found to reduce anxiety, pain and stress, and also they are effective against some types of injuries

and even digestive disorders. Depending on the type of massage, the benefits can vary notably, and

so masseurs are usually on demand due to these varied benefits.

Even if mainstream medicine seems to be more effective, one must not forget that there are very

different treatments that can prove to be more effective under certain circumstances, and that

traditional or complementary medicine does not mean antiquated or outclassed, rather that it has lasted

for a long time. Is it time for traditional medicine to come back and help us all? The decision is up to

only oneself.

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Haiku CollectionRoutine

Walking quietly now,

I stand in the dark ashes,

Dawn leaving me now


Blessed and cursed,

The past overwhelming me

With joy and regret


The daily saviors,

Acknowledged only by one,

Forgotten heroes

Nom nom nom

“Nom, nom, nom, nom” noise

Feasting on the entire world,

Let them be for now.


White bird arriving,

Lonely arrival jointly

With black birds trailing


The past is burned,

The future is dawning,

All I have is now.

Break point

A drop of relief

Would be a miracle

In the torment sea

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Interview with Gabriela Arroman

Gabriela Arroman is the architect of the turbo power building.

1. What age do you started working, and where?

I started working around 23 years old with the URBI Company

2. Where and what career do you chose to study?

UABC in the architectural profession

3. Why did you take this position of the project?

Because it was a real challenge to me and my career to be part of this building project for this company.

4. What job activities do you like to realize?

I like to design projects that includes buildings, houses or any kind of structures.

5. What does it consists the architecture?

Design and build buildings, houses and anything that has to do with structure projects.

6. What is the first thing you need to have in mind before starting a building project?

The resources that is need to do the building project like the budget, because without a determined

capital no kind of long-term job can be made because we will not have a big plan to make the necessary

moves to make the project, the permissions, this are important because government agencies doesn’t

permit any kind of construction without this documents and most importantly the drawings because

you mainly focus on the drawings to build the structure.

7. What does it consist being a leader

Establish an order and make the people follow any kind of orders and instructions you give to realize

the project.

8. What do you think id the best age to lead a project?

I believe that there is no established age, it mainly depends on the experience you have in this kind of

building projects, because you can be old and not have an adequate experience and you can be young

but have plenty of experience of projects, so there is no determined age at all.

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9. In which way does this construction site affect the surrounding areas?

It increases the plusvalia which means that the area will have more value in the surrounding zone,

because it is an expensive project so the value of the area will increase so overall it affects in a positive

way, also because the project doesn’t interfere with the traffic and the street.

10. How hard can leading a project be?

It is pretty hard because if you don’t have the necessary resources in which you must have in mind to

do the project, the project will be a lot harder to do and it will make a lot of problems in many areas.

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Nothing at all

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Interview with Raquel MuñozRaquel Aviles Muñoz is an oratory professor that has earned recognitions at a national level. She was born

the 27th of November of 1964, being 50 years old. She’s actually working as a teacher of the Oratory course

in CETYS, Communication in English and Spanish in the Polytechnic Institute of Mexicali, and she also

participates in a radio program that’s called “Living in the Past”, transmitted Sundays from 2 to 5 pm. She

originally studied Civil Engineering, then a Bachelor’s Degree in Computational Systems, both in the


1. What made you become an oratory teacher?

a. It all started when someone invited me to an organization called Toastmasters

International, in which people practice their way of communicating so that their messages

are clearer for the listeners; it was focused to people with leadership skills who desired

to create effective communication with the people he meets. I actually liked it a lot,

started getting into competitions which I won, in Spanish Oratory, English, Humoristic,

and then started going into other States, other Toastmaster clubs, and so I ended up

competing on a national level. 15 years ago, CETYS asked me to be the teacher for the

Oratory class, and ever since I accepted, I’ve kept teaching in many parts in Mexicali: in

the Technologic of Mexicali, for PAN, the political party, and right now on CETYS and in

the Polytechnic of Mexicali.

2. Where did you work before giving classes on CETYS?

a. Firstly, I worked on EcoGas, which you may recognize as a distributor of natural gas

through pipes on Mexicali. After that, I worked on the Economic Development Secretary

of the State of Baja California, as the director of the Micro, Small and Medium Businesses.

I was also a Congresswoman in Baja California during 3 years.

3. Do you think it is a hard work?

a. No, absolutely not. Since I really like it, I don’t feel like it is really hard. Even when I first

entered Toastmasters, I didn’t think that it was really hard. I feel like it is very important,

since people do have to learn how to create effective communication, and therefore

everyone could make use of this. Some people think that oratory is just for a few persons,

but in truth it applies for almost every aspect of our daily lives.

4. Of the things you’ve done, what do you feel the most proud about?

a. I feel proud of everything, but something that stands above the rest must be back then,

when I worked in the government, we worked with people who had small businesses, and

we gave them advice and support to make their ideas become something tangible, and

before I entered, there were very few offices on the whole state, and I helped create

offices in San Felipe, San Quintin, Tecate, Rosarito, and a couple more in Mexicali and

Tijuana. Unfortunately, they have disappeared after the change of government, and

people arrived to where the offices stood and wondered where they had gone…

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5. What does “Living in the past”, your radio show, consist of?

a. It’s mostly a show where we play music of our times, we talk about things and anecdotes

that have happened to us, and we talk about the musical groups, concerts we’ve gone.

Sometimes we receive other people who participate with us and even some musicians

who either pass by or are from here.

6. What is one of the funniest or most memorable moment you’ve had in the radio show?

a. I think it is when Javier Bátiz played on our show. He is a prodigious of the guitar, and

he was just passing by through the city when he decided to be on the show one

Sunday. One of the collaborators of the show brought a guitar, supposedly for Bátiz

to judge it to determine if it was a good guitar to buy, but even though the next day

he would be playing in Tijuana, he took the guitar and played in the show.

Unfortunately, the recording of that show has been lost, but I’ll never forget it.

7. What qualities do you think someone who wants to be in a radio station must have?

a. Firstly, he [or she] must like music, also he has to like to talk to other people, not be

timid, that also can not only talk, but also listen, to make everyone participate and

have their moment to shine, otherwise the radio show will not do good.

8. Do you think someone who is on a radio station must have the qualities of a leader?

a. Yeah, coordinating is very necessary to make everyone to have their moment to talk,

and in that way make everyone shine. If only one person talks, then it is no good,

since the program just becomes monotonous and boring.

9. Do you receive any economic benefit for being in the radio show?

a. I get no money from it. I am just a collaborator in the show, and while I do participate

in it, I don’t get a single cent from it.

10. Any final words?

a. Everyone should ask themselves, every day, if they are truly happy with what they’re

doing, and if they’re not, then it is time for a change, because life flies too fast, and

before we realize it is too late. Everyone should reflect about this every day.

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Alimentary disorders have propagated in Mexico in

an almost unbelievable way. Media is affecting

teens, as they now seem to think that to be

accepted they have to be a certain way. Models are

getting thinner, there are more weight loss

products, and unfortunately, more teens are falling

into the trap.

According to the National Survey of Psiquiatric

Epidemilogy, neurophysiological disorders

represent fifth place in disease burden, taking into

account death indexes and other factors.

Within neurophysiological disorders, the ones that affect adolescents the most are eating

disorders. With this information, one can infer the carelessness that is generated in the social

context of teenagers and what takes them to those extremes.

So, what is being done to bring awareness about these topics? If anything is being done, why

isn’t it enough? If this problem isn’t attended, the young will be more tending to have a lower

self-esteem. Action has to be taken so teens can develop in a healthy way in current society.

An alimentary disorder is a mental sickness characterized by abnormal habits in a person’s

diet. Bulimia is considered an alimentary disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.

Bulimia nervosa is a disorder in which someone eats an extreme quantity of food and then

gets rid of it via laxatives, vomiting, or excessive exercise.

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Anyone suffering this illness has the following symptoms: Can’t control while eating, makes

excuses to justify money or food’s disappearance, eats until he/she feels pain, frequently goes

to the bathroom after each meal, and has many scars in his/her hands due to the vomiting

Trujillo in Adolescents and eating disorders paraphrases Berg: People suffering from bulimia

feel anxiety and depression. Their self-esteem levels are very low and have many mood

swings. They always feel guilty and shame for what they do, especially because they know

that their actions are wrong. Also, they tend to feel alone and with no one to talk to about

their personal problems.

Fearing public, and even their family and friends, bulimia suffers feel that their self-worth

depends on how thin they are and how much they weigh. While eating, they are not capable

of controlling and feel the need of getting rid of everything they eat. The more they stay to

that, the more they are stuck in it and are incapable of stopping.

Bulimia’s physical effects are the next: esophagus rupture and irritation, discoloration and

falling of teeth, gum inflammation, cheeks swelling, anemia, irregular heartbeat, tiredness,

diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, acid reflux, amenorrhea, hair loss and dry skin.

But, why do teenagers have so hurtful disorders? Although many people think that it is done

in order to be thin or fit, it is not the only reason.

Sports are where eating disorders are more present. Synchronized swimming, artistic ice

skating, gymnastics and dance are among them. Athletes do anything to please their trainers.

Also, the judges put the sportsmen under way too much pressure to be thin, as it is an

important factor in rating. Unfortunately, they get to the extremes and may end up dead. An

example is gymnast Christy Henrich. She died july 26th of 1994 at 22 years old because she

suffered of anorexia and bulimia, at her death, she weighed 22 kilograms.

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In a recent study in a control group of 600 civilians in the U.K., it was found that 90% of them

were victims of bullying at least once, and that 75% of individuals were sick of any eating

disorder. These people have way too low self-esteem and resort to this disorders, so they feel

comfortable and segregate themselves from everyone. It is important that teachers take action

and stop bullying, because it will diminish the percentage of sick students.

Stress is one of the most common causes of bulimia. It is a vicious circle: stress causes the

disorder, and the disorder causes stress. Sadly, people recur to this methods in hopes of

calming down and feeling in control of the situation. Bulimic people feel the false sensation of

emotional relief by vomiting. Although they may feel relieved, in the mid-term it will cause

more problems than the ones it “solves”.

Another important factor is the family. A lot of parents stick too much with their offspring,

and this make teenagers impotent, so they decide to control the only thing they think is the

only one they control: what they eat. This behavior can get to be dangerous.

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Bulimia isn’t a physical illnesses, it’s a soul illness. This phrase expresses that the body isn’t the

only part that needs to be fixed, it is also their thoughts and feelings. There is not deeper pain than

the pain of the soul.

Nobody has the right to judge someone that endures that, they don’t know their story. People have

to understand that ill people don’t do it for the attention, it is more of a cry for help.

Lack of comprehension can lead to more afflictions, like ire, depression and even suicide thoughts.

An example could be Kimberly Vásquez Caviedes, an eighteen years old Peruvian that ran from

home and ended committing suicide with rat poison in a hostel. Such a violent act makes us see

what is really happening, there should be more attention to alimentary disorders.