pop|llf| pbpmiii pfipiiiar iuiulftll wants...wyckoff, seamans & benedict, 9i last fourth ft....

POP|llf| SITUATIONS OFFEISEI>. .Isal<». ~ - AGENTS wanted at once: new household requisite: no talking: success a cer- tainty. Address with stamp. C. E. Stalsberg, Ov.atonua, Minn. BARBER Wanted, good white barber. C. A. Smith. Morris Minn. \u25a0 \u25a0 BOY TO LEARN plate printing; must be at least seventeen years old. 115 East Third st BOY— Wanted, a good, strong, willing boy to care for horse nd con and be gener- ally useful about the bouse. Address, stat- ing (nullifications Box 2404. City. ANVASSER-S— Wanted, tw.< experienced canvassers to sell goods nu the "road; s>al- \u25a0ry and commission, call this morning be- fore 10 at 2:; West Fifth St.. Burden's Livery. CANVANSKKS Wanted, experienced canvassers; a bigoffer. Call 412 Wa- Bha, up -in i is. CANVASSERS Salary and commission. Wheeler &Wilson Manufacturing Com- pany. :i2 West Thin! St. pOMPOSITOKS— Wanted, two iirst-rlass *^ compositors. E. Withy & Co., 244 East Fourth. DAIRYMAN— Wanted, a young man to work on a dairy. Apply at 1304 Ark- wriglit st. DO YOU WANT a situation as clerk, sten- ographer, cashier, or are you capable of holdingany responsible position? If so, it costs you nothing to tile an application \u25a0with the Mercantile Bond and Reference As- Eochition. 154 Knsit Third st. GENERAL, AND SPECIAL AGENTS fornew territory wanted; cheapest in- surance known: only twenty-one assess- ments total since UHs;*iill claims paid; state treasury reserve fund ; responsible manage- ment; literal terms; correspondence in- vited. Provident Aid Society, Portland. Me. PA I N THUS— good painters and kansomiuers at once. «C. (>. Rice 4 Co. SALEBIUEN— Wanted, ten men who have had experience r.s salesmen to farmers In the country: salary Ircm S.i ' to $150 per month and exuenues. F. M. Jones, Wells. Minn. S.«i. :\u25a0.-'-) Wanted, salesman for gen ernl commission house, acquainted with the trade: stme experience and salary ex- pected. Address A INS. Glebe. SAL i S.tIAN to Bell goods to merchants Dy samples : big pay for workers : new goods"; permanent situation: chance" to build a One trade. Model Manufacturing i'ompuuy,S>outfa Bend. I ml. Si URAPHER— Competent and ex- perienced male Etenographcr; state ex- perience and give references. Address M 3, tit. i'fiulGlobe. hoy wanted at 4Cti St. Peter. ''PEAMSTKR— Wanted, teamster for city -I delivery. 374 Kotert st. " "IT r ANTED on Ealnry oi coir.- --» » mission to hai die trie New Patent Chemical Ink-Erssing Pencil; the greatest felling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion of paper: SOU to 500 per cent profit; one agent's t-alcs amounted toSGSOm six days; another ?:J2 in two hours; we want one energetic peneral agen I for each state and territory. For terms and full particulars address The Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, La t.'ro'-so. Wis. * HORSES AJfD CAKKIAfiE. A FINE LADIES' HORSE, collar har- ness and and elegant phaeton : will sell separate if wanted: bright bay. fiveyears old, weighs 1,135 pounds; afraid of nothing: a perfect, beautiful horse. 881 Hastings ay., a;i Maria ay. car line. A GOOD HORSE fur sale cheap. Apply Ht 1003 Burns ay. BEST BARGAINS in St. Paul in car- riages of every descriDtion; first-class goods: no fancy prices, consisting of bug- gies, phaetons, coupe rockaways, victorias, extension tops, surreys, Kensingtons, wagons, buckboards, park wagons, canopy tops, jump Beats, pony carts, saddles and harnesses: dis- count todeolersand liverymen. At King's Carrth,je Rooms, corner Fourth and Min- nesota sts. L^ < » R SALE— A gentle, well bred pony; X also good cart and harness. 310 Grove st. FOR SALE— Fine driving mare, with first- class s^-seat sidebar buggy and harness; the mare is also very fine saddler: :nt!e; cheap. Apply Wright's Liver,-, 370 East IN huh st. C*OK SA Horse, buggy, harness, cutter, «- robes, etc.. all in good condition horse Is stylish gentle and a~ good roadster. I will sell all for 5250; no trade. 328 Robert =t., jHouin 2. FOX SALE CHEAP— A good, sound, leli- J- able horse, harness and open buggy. Apply 223 Iglehart 1" SALE OR TRADE—A matched team of bay colts good roadsters. J.E. Flanigan, 156 East Third st. Ol'K-YEAK-OLD 31 ARK—Well broken ami a good Irivins horse. The Black- wood Company. \u25a0','. .' Starkey st. SIX <iOOD HOUSES for sale cheap Barn. 471 Sibley. |VT OTICE In order to tillmy newDoarding 1> stable with first-class horses I willmake p. liberal discount from former boarding stable prices, guaranteeing at the same time Brst-ciass care and treatment or no charges. John J. Breiiuau, 775 Ashland ay. Telephone r»M--2. \^lsix PRUDKN stove co.— Ware » house, \u25a0\u25a0•.' ii Sil Ley st. Uncqualed ad- vantage. \ I T ANTED—Cheap phaeton or buggy for ** cash. W. J. Hiii-.nnn, 254 East Eighth. FOB SALE BAISY CARRIAGE— For sale, a baby carriage in splendid condition at a barg- ain. 4is East Tenth st. fMVE-ROOM t'LAT-East Seventh— Newly furnished; all outside rooms; 140. $75 down; rent. $16; two rooms rented piore than pay rent. Inquire 452 Wabasha. J; URNITU RE—For sale cheap, furniture. on time, in flat of five rooms; pleasant location; bath, gas, all conveniences: can take posession at once. Apply E 13, Globe. fj^t-RNITURE One oak bed room set, mattress and springs, one extension table, gasoline stove and tableware for sale, all as good as new. '.'heap. 124 West Fifth st. TLJ OIi HARNESS AND TOP BUGGY XI cheap for cash. Inquire No. 307 Thir- teenth St. OAFK—.Medium-size; used three months; O very cheap. Address ij 197. Globe. SAFES— Forty, fire-proof and some burglar Kj safes, taken for non-payment; some nearly new; very cheap; also, a big double- door, with burglar chest, and a burglar-proof Jeweler* safe.- Call or address May, 634 St. Peter st.. St. Paul. SEWING MACHINES Second-hand sewing machines, all kinds;T>iice, $10 to 620. 32 West Third st. CODA I'OLNTAlN— Bargain; a No. 1 *-? soda fountain. Inquire No. 143 Wood- yard ay., cast of Bradley. HrislT PRUDEN STOVE CO.—Ware- » house, 400-11 Sibley st. Unequaled ad- vantage. - -«. HI ISCEL.I.AXEO US. |~|R. C. £. BEAK has removed his offices XJ to the Germania Life Building. Fourth mid Minnesota sts. *CU>n KENT—Second lloor, 250 East Sev- X- enth St.: cheap, to responsible party. LA "GRIPPE The only cure for La GripDe, to come to the Grand View Hotel, Banff: National Park, Canada, Hot Sulphur Springs; take the baths. A. D. Wright. Proprietor. A LAND CEMETERY Vases and (lower beds planted, watered and taken care of during the season by J. C. Fleischer &Son, Florists, Marshall ay. and Kent st. PRIVATE HOSPITAL, ."SCHOOL OF -I-Midwifery— Mrs. H.Stenze).2O3 Martin at. O^:n;~\V~M. ELI'S carpet CLEAN- -I. ing .1.. 72* Wabasha st. : telephone S4O-5. TYrtWKiTEKS AXU SIP- PLIES. Tin: no ington typewriter— -i- Constantly improved :desks for all ma- cn'nes; paper, ribbons, carbon; send for cat. rlogue. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 9i Last Fourth Ft. PATENTS. AMERICAN Patent Market and Novelty Factory. A.M. Carlson, soliciting at- torney and manufacturer and seller of pat- ents. \u25a0 13 and i.i; Mississippi st. St. Paul. " feTOISE AAD MAIS FIXTUISES VEWAHD SECONDHAND SALOON J.* fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool and billiard tables, counters and shelving. :.l? Vashingtonuve. north, Minueapolis. PBPMIiI ! SITUATION' OFFERED, females. ~A A —HANGS cut and curled, 15 Jt\.~JrS. cents; will keep in curl from three to nineteen days. Ron-Ton Hair Parlors 424 Wnbasba. corner Seventh. A— LADIEf— Don't sell your hair, but lake it to the Franklin Wig Factory mid have it manufactured into a wig. 313 Waftasha St., Grand Block. OHA.MISEKMAID wanted immediately v- / at 47:} Wabasha st. COOK— Wanted, immediately, an experi- i enced cook and waitress for Lake Min- netonka. Mrs, O. <;. Greene, 4T7 Holly ay. OOK—Wanted, good cook; must help > with washing. Apply 239 Summit ay., before 1 o'clock. DINING BOOH girl wented: also, kitchen girl,at Hotel Sherman. TWINING ROOM (iIRI Wanted, an ex- -L-' periencod dining room girl. Apply im- mediately, 227 East Tenth. . GIRL wanted for cleaning paint at Hotel * Arlington, at Seven Corners. HOUSEWORK - Wanted - immediately, forty girls for general housework and two cooks. .«• Selbv ay. HOUSEWORK— Good German gir 1 want- ed for general housework or cook. 18fi Smith ay. OUSEWOKK— Wanted, immediately, a girl for general housework; good wages. 271 Louis St.. coiner Iglehart. OUSEWOKIi-Girl wanted for general housework; small family; references required. Apply at 715 Hollyay. HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house- -0 work at 539 Laurel ay. ; small family. HOUSE WORK— Wanted, a girl for gen- eral housework. Apply to 35t Summit ay. Mrs. Sherman Fincn. OUSEWOKK— Wanted. a sir! for general housework in small family; one that can cook. SKJ Carroll st. OUSE WORK— Wanted, girlat 2*2 iiani Bey St.: two in family: no washing. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, nice, neat girl for general housework. Call mornings atOHa St. Albunsst. OCSrIWORK— Wanted, good girl for general housework; good wages. 473 Wabasha st. OUSEWOKK— A girl v.-iML-.i in ii fam- ilyof two; will pay good wages. IS6 Dayton ay. HOL'SEWOItK -(.ood girl for housework: InEmail family; good wages. Call 629 John st. OUSEWORK— Wanted, gin to go to the lake for the summer; small family. In- quire at Breeu's, Wnuasba and Fifth. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good . girl for general housework: SIS per month and no washing. Apply at 4."4 Ashland ay. OI.'SK WORK— Wanted, girlfor general housework, at 521 Marshall ay. OUSKWOHK— GirI for general house- work. 044 Burrst, OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general housework: private family. 15 East Tenth st., opposite capitol. , OUSEWOKK— Wanted, a girl for gen- erul housework ; Dane or German pre- ferred. B. N. Cardoso. > John St., city. HOUSEWORK-Wanted, girlfor general housework in family of three, tall mornings at 453 Selby ay. OUSiSWOKK.— Wanted, good -_-irl for general housework in small family. In- quire at No. 278 St. Anthony ay. ITCIIENWORK— Wnnted, agirl to do kitchen work; no washing; good wages. 284 South Exchange. TYTIJRsTfIi IK lTwaiKed at 724 Cedar. T~ ASTKY COOK—Wanted, for hotel in thiscity. i-.'O). Globe. OKCOXl) WoTTii—Wanted at 105 Eighth O st., two girls; one to do second work, wages, 814: the other fox general kitchen work, wages Si 2. HMVODININGKOOJI GIRL> (Dulllth), -L 816; meet landlady at I)oiiglas;s'lntelli- gence, 35 Seventh. ANTED. TEN LADIES of good ad- dress for Minneapolis and St. Paul: lucrative business. Call Bto 11. 2t05. bto 8. I). L. Simmons a ( >.. Room .' .'. 327 Henne- pin ay.. Minneapolis. FIJTA^CIAI.." KM . X \VI<>liT it hON. INVE.ST- meut Bankers, loan money on im- proved property in St. Paul and "Minneap- olis at C per cent "on or before." Offices, New Pioneer Press Building, st. Paul, and Bank ofMinneapolis Building. Minneapolis. DO IOC WANT TO IIORROW A— IM> lO! WANT TO ISOKKOW money at a lower rate than you can borrow through any other agency! The American Mortgage Loan company. Room 7, First National bank building, corner Fourth and Jackson »ts., will let you have any amount. $10, S'-<>, 525. « JO.' $75," $100 or $200 in fact, any turn you wish on your watch, diamonds, household furniture, horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc.. at a lower rate than you can possibly fret it elsewhere. Goods can remain in your possession, and you can pay a part any time you want and Mop interest. Business private and confi- dential. You can have your own time in paying up principal. -A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- ANYAMOUNT of money loaned on fur- niture, pianos, diamonds, watches or goods in storage: property remains in your posses- sion; small monthly return payment taken; promptness, privacy ardl ow rates; take ele- vator"to"Room 16. Gerraania Bank building, opposite DOCtoffice; private room for ladies. A A STOP— sTOI'!-lfyouare waut- •~xlt ing a loan on furniture, pianos, horses, watches, diamonds or anything else, cut this advertisement out and* go direct to office of J. L. Strauch, 34 and 36 East Third street. Room 1. up stairs, and get it. No easier terms, lower rates or better treatment offered t.y any one in the city. All business confidential; private room for ladies. . JAKGE AJJIoUN rs of money to loan on -i improved \u25a0 property at <> per cent Gilinan & Co., New Tork"Life Building. ONE\ TO LOAN without deJa-. trom 810 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- elry, etc. : time checks, notes and second real estate mortgages bought. Minnesota Loan Co.. 117 East Fourth s-r. jl/I ONKi LOANED on life insurance pol- -L'-l- icies; or boueht. L. P. Van Norman, CIS Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis. MONEY LOANED on furniture, horses. diamonds, pianos, etc. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, Mackey. manager. Rooms 13-14, First National Bank building, corner Fourth and Jackson sts. ISIT PRUDEN STO\E CO.—Ware- house, 409-11 Sibley st. Uuequaled ad- vantage. TO LOAN, on vacant property. §5.000 or less. C. D. Welch, 1883 Dayton ay. MORITZ, 92 » PIONKER PRESS Building Mortgage loans made promptly; 6, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgages bouirht. *^1() t0 ) " tJ to ' OH " °" furniture, pianos, tjp_LV_J watches, diamonds and all goods of value, by private party; business strictly con- ' ridential. Address M 187, Globe. . &R ()()() ANl> SMALLER SUMS to '^f*J^\J\J\J loan on lots or improved. H. C'aldwell, S4 Germania Life building. TO EXCHAJaCE. EQUITY of 5700 in corner property on Iglehart st. to trade for horses. Inquire 746 Cook st. FOX SALE— A fine piece ofimproved suburban residence property, new and complete: will take live stock "or slock of merchandise for equity. Address A 195, Globe. ' . T>O EXCHANGE—Anice suburban home, -L new eight-room dwelling and large grounds; a nice home; wilt trade for fur- niture. Address 188, Globe. rpo EXCII IAN GE—Equity in good subur- J. ban residence for good delivery horses and wagons; willgive good trade. Address Nli». Globe. - - ... - •* TO EXCHANGE—a handsome modern eight-room dwelling, new, and two large lots, near depot, at St. Paul Park; a splendid suburban home: will trade equity (mortgage straight five years, 8 per cent interest) for stock of merchandise, or furnished flats, or boarding house. Address N 101, Globe. rpo EXCHANGE—Stock of dry goods, no- i tious or groceries wanted in exchange for three lots in Minneapolis; lots clear and good value. S 104. Globe. WAITED TO BUI. riLOTHIXG Gentlemen's second-hand v> clothing: highest cash price paid.- Ad- dress IS I . East Seventh St., Store. . DESK Wanted, a good second-hand office desk. Address B 109. Globe. fi ASOLINK STOVES— Wanted, old gaso- VT line stoves to trade for new ones. \u25a0 We have \u25a0 the very latest. Minnesota Hardware Company, 292 East Seventh st., near Broad- way. 1 AUNDKY machinery— Wanted to -L* buy. second-hand . laundry machinery; will trade real estate for same". Address A l'Jj, Globe. PDPULARJANJI I Ui U*_f lll \u25a0 I (I ! i i KJ» SITUATIONS WASTED. *l:ilew. BOOK ii Books opened, closed, posted, expert work, etc. F. Sprague, R00m 352, Drake block, St. Paul. < i KEEPER Experienced; wants -i-» office work: employment for say about half lime would suit. William A. Gray, 122 Kent st. OYS FOR PLACES, places for. Doys; employment bureau for poor bo'is, free. Newsboys' Club Room. Chamber of Comm- erce building: open from 11 to 1-' a. m. and from 7 to 9:30 p. in. ookkeel'EK— man wants a position who is a competent bookkeeper and can furnish other evidence of educa- tional ability. Address G. H. U., Globe. COOK— situation wanted by a first-class meat cook, hotel or restaurant. Ad- dress 15 200, Globe. ENGINEER— Would like situation as en- gineer or fireman. Address this week I) 108. Globe, ' , ' MI'LOYMEXT-A young man want! \u25a0* situation of any kind, hotel work or housework; can milk. Address Z 198, Globe. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING— If you want a clerk, stenographer, cashier or persons tor any position, either with or without bond, call or address Mercantile Bond and Refer- ence Association, 154 East 'ihird st. ' Females. CASHIER— Wanted, by a young lady with V-^ experience, a position as cashier or as- sistant bookkeeper. Address G197, Globe. jVTURSE —Wanted, situation as child nurse 1~ by lady past middle-age for one child at the lake for the summer, 667 Broadway. VTURSE Young lady would like to go •i.i abroad with a family as nurse or com- panion ; can give best of reference. Address lit.', Globe. . UI ANTED—Gentlemen's washing and » * mending. Address V159. Globe. VyOKK FOX HOARD— Anindustrious »» woman wants to work evenings and mornings for her board and room; work must be in a respectable locality. Anna Crowe. 235 South Fifth ay.. Dulutli.'Minn. KIM I.ESTATE FOX SALE. Suburban. /CHOICE LOTS (50 feet front, 143 to 150 V> deep) in Hunt's addition to St. Anthony Park, adjoining interurban motor line; fare to any part of St. Paul or Minneapolis five cents; city water. D. H. Hunt owner, St. Anthony Park. Miscellaueous.' Foit SALE—By the owner, a valuable res- idence property in Woodland Park ad- dition. I. 196, Globe. WANTED— Offer on northwest corner »" Holly and Grotto. Owner, 897 Les- lie ay. \T7 ANTED— HOUSE AM) LOT." near »V the street car barn for the Interurban line si. Paul. H. L. Nasje, 919 Guaranty Building, Minneapolis. C'J Vfin- slxlto()M nU modem J^UU house. 293 Chatsworth street near iKlehnrt. James O'Mcara. -i ' IJnetsoru BrSIA'ESS ITIAJiCEfr. ~ 3!i»,<<'ll»;iis'osi> tlnsiii<-*.s< linnces Foil SALE— Butcher shop, location cen- tral, doing nice trade; owner leaving town. Address P. O. Box 2424. X^OK SALE— Flourisning confectionery X . and cigar business: centrally located; best opportunity offered inSt. Paul. Address D 1,-0. Globe. I^OK SALE—Three-chair barbershop: best shop and trade in city. Address Hi Wells, Watertown. S. D. F'»K SALE— shoe store in St. Paul: good, -L< clean stock, low rent: a bargain for any one :ales. last year, $13,000. Address 8 198. Globe. OTEL— For rent. Globe hotel, Rush City : partly furnished. Inquire of P. H. Flynn. \\f ANTED—Stock of general hardware, » * $3,000 to $4,000, for first mortgages and land: write particulars. Address Lock Box Mil. Sioux City. 10. \u25a0 " KOAISI) OFFERED. Boaicu— pleasant front rooms with board: can also accommodate a few more table boarders. 227 East Tenth. BOARD— few more newly furnished rooms with board at reasonable rates, with bath. 27."i East Eighth st. FJOARD— For rent, two pleasant trout i rooms, with alcove and board. 633 Wa- basha st., known as the old Parr place, OAHD— Tenth St.. 194, East— Front al- cove room and single room, with good table board. BOAHD Furnished rooms, with or with- out board. 39 West Tenth st. BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, witQ board, gas, bath and piano; also table board. 226 East Tenth st. BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, withex- cellent table board and with every con- venience, and very reasonable. 201" East Thirteenth st. ' BOARD— Nicely furnished front room and board, reasonable, with home com- forts, at 58 Tilton. BOARD Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; good location; terms reasonable. 003 Jackson st. OR WOOD HOUSE— East Niutn and 1' Wabasha— Best equipped boarding house in ciiy; ceutral location; quick service; ex- cellent table; 54, $4.50, 85 per week. UTOPIA— Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, at 493 St. Peter .>'.., cor- ner Exchange. ffcST HOUSE. 80 WEST TENTH Furnished room with excellent table board, S4, 83.75; $3 for 21 meals. MIST AJ>l> FOU3iI>. COW FOUND— A strange cow at C. Seiber- Dlich's dairy, Rice St., near MeCarron's lake. HOUSE LOST—A Bla-:k mare, weight 1,100 pounds; had a halter and 40-lb weight attached to her. Please return to Dr. Mark, 815 Ashland ay.. and receive reward. OKSES LOST— pair ofblack mares, O weight, 7.V 1 : mains cut oft short; brand on left side. 1201 Edgerton st. E. Klaus. II OKSE STRAY ED—Young sorrel horse A— came to my place Sunday, May 24; owner can have sams by paying charges. Dairy Farm, three miles out Oakdale ay. PONY LOST—Black pony: white spot in face: branded A.H. on shoulder: weight, about 750 pounds; lost on the night of May 18. Jonas Smith, No. 1382 Payne ay. URSE LOST—Containing small amount ofmoney and keys. Finder willreceive- reward by returning to Frost &Brown, cor- ner Western and Selby. . ..." ATCHEL LOST—On Holly, near West- ern, lady's satchel containing keys and other articles. If tinder will return keys to 613 New York Life "he may take the cake' r " inside). ___ ' LEEVE BUTTON LOST— A gold sleeve O button. Leave at Globe office and receive reward. pe«sonai,s. ;-•\u25a0 ALL ON JIME. MOSS, the celebrated clairvoyant and magnetic healer, Room 376 Market St., near Sixth. liS\ KATK HOSKINS Magnetic' Psychometric and trance med- ium. 225% West Seventh St.. St. Paul. MRS. M. A. TUSSEY, 223 East EighthSt. Magnetic and massage treatment for nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism; also clairvoyant. Hours, 9a.m.to 9p. in. \u25a0MUSIC Al-. PI A IVO^S ONE DOLL A rirvl>VO A weeK rents a beautiful PIANOS UP * lGl »7^° \- PIANOS ONE YEAR. XiiiiWJlO WHITNEY'S- MUSIC PT A iVO^ store, - L1 All I/O 97 East Third Street. PIANO TUNING.$r.so—First-class wort guaranteed. * Samuel E. Crutchett, 525 Wabasha St., Room 2; city references. \u25a0 STORE A3.l> BAR FIXTURES. Billiard and Pools Table and Material. <-iii"~i=? \u0084««C Oft 7=^r^=~& ' 'fet^i I STEREaSMDCH \l j|||l jpt^c j j -$> R.x"nn»es«6r j! S^fF j! PfIPIIIAR WANTS I UI ULftll if nil lv. FOR REHTT. llousos. A A —MERRILL &OWENS, rental •-i*-. aoetnt9, formerly op : -41 east Fourth st., have removed to 30 East Fourth st.. Frost Block. A— WE RENT HOUSES, STORES, OF- FICES. TAKE OF RENTED PROPERTY. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGEN- CY. GLOBE BUILDING. HOUSE— For rent, No. 522 Cedar St., first- class brick house of 12rooms; allmodern conveniences; in perfect order: can be had at once at low rental : household goods for sale, if desired. Applyto occupant, or Mer- rill &Owens, 30 East Fourth st. ?'-'\u25a0' HOUSE— 518: 6-room ailmodern house, 293 Chatsworth street, near Iglehart. James OMeara. 303 Jackson street. \u25a0 . HOUSE— For rent eight-room house in lower town; papered throughout; gas fix- tures and all modern improvements. John Rogers Jr. &Bro., corner Fourth and Jack- son sts. . ' ; HOUSE ten-room house, cen- trallylosated, Bteam heat; all modern, and very reasonable rent. J. W. Crosson, Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE— house, 912 Gaultier St., at $12 per month. Inquire 200 East Third st. ' HOUsE— For rent, house of seven rooms or ten rooms; modern conveniences: also house of eight rooms, $17. Inquire 295 Martin st. HOUSE Nine-room modern house, 158" Western ay.; rent reasonable; location first-class. HOUSES— For rent, Lincoln ay., two of those new brown stone houses, corner Lincoln ay. and Grotto st, elegantly finished in hard wood ; separate steam plant each, house; every convenience. A.B. Wilgus & Co., 128 East Fourth st. .;; \u25a0'-=:\u25a0:> HOUSE— six-room house for rent. Inquire at 10 Tilton st HOUSE— For rent a tine ten-room corner . house, 557 Canada st. : modern improve- ments and in best of order. HOUSE— To rent rim-class residence. -Ii "Laura Terrace." corner Nina and Lau- rel a vs., St. Anthony Bill; nine rooms, all modern conveniences, steam heat; for terms inquire 291 Laurel ay. HOUSES— For rent moderate rent, those brown stone houses on Ramsey st, be- tween Pleasant and Summit ays. ; eight rooms, bath, furnace, laundry; every conven- ience: fine view. A. B. Wilgus &Co., 128 East Fourth st. HOUSE— Furnished house for season or longer, to small family; hill, near cable. Address <; 103, Globe. _^ HOUSE— Eight-room modern house, one i block from cable: rent, $30: house on the hill. I. L. Majian, Rogers Block. ' HOUSE— For rent, large, desirably locat- -ed furnished residence: to be rented for July and August at low figure to small family without children. E 180, Globe. OUSE FOR RENT—New house. No. (ill Westminister: all Improvements, furnace, etc. Inquire at 540 Westminister. HOUSE— For rent small house. Call 215 Goodrich ay. DESIDENCETO KENT—With modem XV improvements and barn. 103 K>rrington ay. J. H. Weed, 167 Bast Third st. VISIT PRUDEN STOVE CO.—Ware- house, 4OS>-11 Sibley st. Unequaled ad- vantage. Suburban. T li.VLI) EAGLE LAKE, two seven- room cottages, beautifully situated on tne lake shore: live minutes' walk from the depot. Edwin A. Warren. 406 Sibley st. MOUSE— For rent, good house aua out- -ll buildings with five acres of fine land, fust north of Lake Como. Cochran &Walsh, Fourth and Jsckson.sts. HOUSES— To rent cheap, two eight-room modern dwellings, mantels, grates. ' everything complete and new. located at St. Paul Park, near depot: Eplendld home; to right parties we will rent these houses for ' Sl2 per month; call and see us. Address A! 105. Globe. Flats, \ LIJION FLATS '(tire-proof), Western \u25a0tl aye. Cafe European or American plan Housekeeping flats, with heat, electric light etc. ;(one outside flat,Western ave.);also two, four and six-room . suites, furnished if de- sired ; also in Alden flats, 57 West College aye., three finesix-room housekeeping flats and bath, 525 to $28.;. Apply to Janitors. FLAT— For rent, one of the most desirable outside flats in "The Albion," to be va- cated at once. Inquire 59. "The Albion." 1 ! AT— 32O East Thirteenth St—A flat of L five rooms, up stairs or down, to rent cheap. \u25a0 FLAT .of seven rooms for rent, 311 East Seventh at. . FLAT A flat and unfurnished rooms for rent, suitable for housekeeping. Inquire A. Winter. C East Ninth st . -;'. r. FLAT— A first-closs flat forrent; steam heat and city water: all modern. Apply to I.overing the Shoe Man, 386 and 38S Wa- basba st. FtAT rent convenient flat of live rooms: cheap. 17 C Western ay. V7ISIT. PRUDKN STOVE CO.— Ware" V house, 409-11 Sibley st. Unequaled ad- vantage. ICooms. —HOTEL KRUNSWICK, lor gentle- . men only; fifty modern steam-heated rooms by da/, week or mouth. ENTKAL AY., CO, WEST— Furnished V->" room for rent. OLLEGE AY.,24 WEST—For rent, fur- ' uished or unfurnished rooms, with or without board. ( COLLEGE AY., 28, WEST— Nicely fur- v> uished rooms; gas and bath; reasonable rates. . IFTHST., 119 WEST— Rice Park— nished front room. OURTII ST.. 165, WEST— Rooms, com- fortable. well lighted and pleasant ISABEL ST., 23 WEST— West side— For 1 rent, furnished rooms; steam heat bath, grates: private residence; one block from electric car. ACKSON, 62."— Corner Thirteenth—Fur- nished room r private family. ARION ST., 531— For rent, five rooms (up stairs), with water and bath; §12. ARK PLACE, BG-Pleasant furnished room in private family; central location : 88; ; ROOMS Two comfortable furnished rooms at White Bear Lake for summer, with or without board. 13 192, Globe. ROOMS rooms for rent; also looms for light housekeeping. Inquire 217 Grove st. ROOM— rent, a large front room, . niei'lv furnished; private family. Apply Arundel st. . T. PETER ST., C34— Corner Igjeh.-irt St— ' Furnished room, in private family, five minutes' walk from court house; gas and bath: 58 monthly. MITH AY., 137. NORTH— One lilock from Cable furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. SUMMIT AYE.. 4:t-A nicely furnished room for one gentleman very reasonable. LMMIT. 75—Between St-Peterand Rice— Furnished rooms for rent S»i. ga and $10, with use of bath, in private family. I" MM IT AYE., Nicely furnished rooms fur gentleman very reasonable. rpiLTON, 56— Nicely furnished front -L room: house modern; board if desired; parlor and piano. ITT A A s HA— Tenth at., over VV \u25a0 Drug Store Furnished rooms for rent ALNUT ST., 386—For rent, three un- ~ furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. . ___ . _____ Stores^ ink STOKE for rent, cheap: good loca- \u25a0 ti on for dry goods. J. C. Highnous, 359 South Wabasha st. ALF OF STOKE and flat above for rent cheap. Lawrence Hope, 227 East Seventh st. TORE—A large new*store for rent 393 Selby ay. Apply to Loveriug, the shoe Man. 388 and 388 Wabasha st. TORE—For rent store (20x89) No. 374 Minnesota st.; cheap. Otto K. saver, 49 GilfillanBlock. Ofii«CM. FFICES—For rent, splendid offices: a few desirable offices can be had in the Globe building St. Panl ; all modern con- veniences; at reasonable rent, including steam heat Apply to J. W. Taylor, Agent, Room 18. " . OFFICE for rent on ground floor,155 East Fourth st : size. ISx22; vault privilege if desired. Cochran &Walsh. iTliscellaneoiis. __, . POX RENT— An elegant building and x location inhotel for saloon, very cheap; it great chance. Address I* 194. Globe. --\u25a0• PopuoiiriNTs: liiijis. A FOR REST. . ' JqhnHKTliicliey's Kent List. MODERN StVKX-KOOM HOUSE on i Central ay., 528. Modern six-room house on Central ay., $23. \u25a0,i Modern seven-rooms house "on Lafond, near Rice St., 820. \u25a0 ~ Five-room house, corner Douglas and Forbes ay.. SlO. ' Cottage of five rooms, 449 fglehart, st, $13. -Modern ten-room house. 307 Smith ay., 830. o- Flat of15 rooms on Wabasha st. at low re lit. --. .-.•-.,. Flat of 10 rooms on Seventh st., near Wa- basha st, $:;:.. Flat of 28 rooms on Wabasha st. at low xenti n John R. nickey, Room 131, Germania Life Building. Fourth and Minnesota sts. %\j ' DYE WORKS. O \J. KOCH EX,N. W. Steam Dye Works; U...; office, 416 Robert st., Ryan block; works, 55 and 57 Indiana ay. JA.ni>ON as to.. New York Steam Dye *»> V\ orks; ladies' and gents' clothinga spe- cialty. 14 West Sixth st. , AHI.KRT & MISTEL, Minnesota Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh. PROFESSIONAL. UCPEKFU()Is HAltt.moles. warts.etc, 0 permanently removed by electricity. Mrs. Baldwin, Suite 205, The Colonnade, corner St. Peter and Tenth: entrance on St. Peter. MORTGAGE SALE—WHEREAS, DE- i'-l fault has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made, executed and delivered by Frederic* G. Draper, mortgagor, to Hubert Moliers (who during his lifetime was also known and called Hubert 11. Hollers), mortgagee, dated the twenty-ninth day of April,A.D. 1887, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County ofRamsey, State of Minnesota, on the second day of May, A. D. 1887, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, in book "151" of Mortgages, on page 230 thereof, given to se- cure the payment of three certain promissory notes, executed by said mortgagor, for nine thousand dollars each, payable to the order of said mortgagee, on or before May 10th, 1868, 1889 and 18W, respectively, with interest thereon from May 10th, 1887, payable semi- annually. at the rate of seven per cent per an- num, until paid, and covering lots numbered one (1) to twenty (20), both inclusive, ofblock numbered one (I),and lotsnumbered one (1) to twenty(20), both inclusive, in block num- bered two (2)' in Coino Garden Lots, in the said county of Ramsey, according to the plat thereof on fileand ofrecord in the said office of the Register of Deeds, meaning thereby the west half of the northeast quarter of Sec- tion No. fifteen (15), Township No. twenty- nine (29), north ofRange No. twenty-three (23) west, subject to whatever easements are made on said plat for public streets, which said mortgage was given to secure the de- ferred payments of the purchase price of the above described premises; Whereas, The said mortgagee, by a partial release in writing duly executed byhim. bearing date on the 20th day of OctoDer, A. D. 1880, duly recorded in said office of Regis- ter ofDeeds, on November 11th, GSM, In Book "E" of Partial Release?, on page 470 thereof, for the consideration therein named, did fully release and discharge the said lots seventeen, to twenty inclusive in said block one, and the said lots seventeen to twentyinclusive in said block two. insaid Como Garden Lots, from the lien and operation of said mortgage; and \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; Whereas, The Faid mortgaged premises have, since the execution of said mortgage and the recording thereof as aforesaid, been subdivided Into blocks, lots, streets and al- leys by the then owners of mid premises under the name and title of "Midway Hills Rearrangement of Como Garden Lots," as wiilmore fullyappear by the plat thereof duly recorded and on file in the office of the Register of Deeds aforesaid, to which said \u25a0pint and the said record thereof reference is t hereby made, which said Rearrangement \u25a0'contains and includes sixteen blocks, mini- 'bered one to sixteen inclusive, and each of Mildblocks contains aud Includes thirty lots, UuuiDered one to thirty inclusive: aud - Whereas, The said mortgagee, by two cer- tain partial releases in writing, duly executed By him, both bearing date on the ioth day of November, 1890, duly recorded in the said office of the Register of Deeds on December 31st. 1S1K), and on January 10th. 1391, respect- ively,inBook "X" of Partial Releases, on rpage 99 thereof, and in Book "F" of Partial Releases, on page 4'» thereof, respectively, for value received, did fully release and dis- Vrharge from the lien and operation of said -mortgage the following descriDed blocks, lots and parcels of land in said Midway Hills Re- iftrrangement of Corno Garden ..Lots, accord- ing to the said- pint thereof, to wit: lilooks one (1), two (2), three (3). four- (4), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), the North half of Block fifteen (15), the North half ofBlock sixteen (16), Lots nine- \u25a0 teen (19), twenty-one (21), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six C-'iii. twenty-eight (28) and thirty (30). in said Block fifteen (15), and lots sixteen to twenty- ei«ht (16 to 28), inclusive, in said block six- teen (16) ; and Whereas, The said Hubert 11. Mollers did depart this life at the said County of Ramsey, on or about February 16, 1691, 'estate, leaving \u25a0 a last will and testa- ment, in and by which Nicholas Hermes, of said Ramsey county, is named as executor thereof, which said last will and testament was proven and admitted to. probate in the Probate Court of said Ramsey county, on the ISth day of March. A. D.1801, and the said Nicholas Hermes was duly appointed by the said Probate Court as the executor of said last will and testament, and duly qualified as such on the said ISth day of March.1891; and, Whereas. There is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this notice on . said mort- gage and the debt secured to be paid thereby, the sum of nineteen thousand one hundred and ninety-two 96-100 (519,192.96) dollars, and no action or proceeding has been Instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, "Now therefore, Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage and made a part thereof, and of the statute in such case made and pro- vided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged | premises therein described and remaining nnreleased there- from, and now known and designated as lots one to thirty,inclusive, in blocks five to ten, Inclusive, in said Midway Hills Rearrange- ment of Como Garden Lots, which sale will be made at public auction to the highest I.M- -der for cash, by the sheriff of said Ramsey county, at the main fourth street entrance of the Court House of said Ramsey county, in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Friday, the 12th day of June, A D.1891, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of that day, to pay Bald debt and in- terest and two hundred dollars attorney's fees stipulated in said mortgage to be paid in case of the foreclosure thereof, and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. Dated St. Paul. Minn., April 29th. IS9I. * NICHOLAS HERMES, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Hubert 11. Hollers, deceased. Mortgagee. John B. Olivier. Attorney for Executor. St. Paul. Minn. 180 East Seventh Streat ST. PAUL, - - MINN V : Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic 1 ana blood and skiu disaases of both sexes without the use of mercury or hindrance from business. NO CUKE, PAY. Pri- vate ,diseases, and all old, lingering cases, where the blood has become poisoned, caus- ing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth, \u25a0 pains in the head and bones, and all dis- eases of the kidneys and bladder, are cured for life. Men of all ages who are suffering fi^mthe result of youthful indiscretion or excesses of mature years.producing nervous- ness, indigestion, consflpation, loss of mem- . ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently ' cured.' \u25a0 " j-,:rDjv Feller, who has had many years of ex : porience in this specialty, is a graduate frtni one of the leading medical colleges of the country. He has never failed incuring any '.Cases that he has undertaken. Cases and j correspondence sacrecly confidential. Call of. write for list of questions. Medicines sent by mail and express everywhere free from risK and exposure- ST. PAUL Foundry Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Architectural Iron Work ! .Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Pattern Makers. Send for cuts of col- umns. Works on St. P., M. &M. R. R., near Como avenue. Ofnce 102 E.,Fourth street, St Paul. C. H. POWEtt, Secre ary and Treasurer. T Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad " Leaves . for Chicago, St. Louis . and down river points, 7:50 a. m. ; arrives, 1:45 p. m. dally, except Sunday. ...; . . . V ~ Leaves . for Chicago and '. St. Louis, 7:30 p. \u25a0lj arrives, 7.35 a. m., daily. auctioh BAI.ES. v K. Holloway. Auctioneer. BEAUTIFUL house and corner lot at Hamline. corner Asbury and Blair, at auction. This sale was postponed on ac- count ofrain, but willnow. be sold Friday, May 29. at 3p. m., rain or shine. The house has eight rooms,* bath, water closets, well built and all modern improvements. The entire house is heated by' a Tiiton heater. There is also a. Rood barn, and the property lies only two blocks from the electric line, and for a convenient home this willsuit you, or for capitalists seeking safe and profitable investment. It willbe to your interest to at- tend this sale, giving you an opportunity of securing a nice home at your own figures. For particulars call on B. Hollowav, auc- tioneer. Jel»b <fc Sohauer. Auctioneers. T7INE HOUSEHOLD FUKMTURK JC and Carpets at Public Auction— Thurs- day, Hay 28, at 10 a. m.. the contents of the brown stone residence 522 Cedar St.: near the corner of Tenth, and next door to Gen. John- son's former home, consisting of five fine antique oak and one black walnut bedroom suits, a large quantityof Brussels and ingrain carpets, some of which nave been laid only three weeks; three lounges, black walnut bookcase that cost 500, folding bed, willow and fancy rockers, easy chairs: oak. cherry and marble top center tables; lace curtains and lambrequins, pictures, chandeliers, sil- verware and dishes, ice box, dining room table, six-bole Home Garnet range, coal and heating stoves kitchen utensils, and all the odds and ends that complete a household. These goods have ' had good care and afford an especially good chance to parties going to the lake to secure bargains. Jebb & Schauer, Auctioneers, 422 Wabasha St. A. If. Nicolay. Auctioneer. A UCTIOX SALE OF UOUSKHOLD xX Furniture— outfit for large hotel or boarding house at 206 West Third st.. Seven corners. Friday morning. May 29, at 10 a. m. A.11. Nicolay. Auctioneer. iHiscellsmeous. _^ O USES— Auction at Russell's Stable, 220 Second aye. north, at 2 p. m., Saturday, May ;>0; twentyhead of lowa horses weigh- ing from ten to sixteen hundred, drivers and workers. This sale will be conducted as former sales made by Mr. Russell, every horse guaranteed to be as represented at" time of sale. Every hone will be sold and no hy-bidoing. W.*M. Russell. Minneapolis. Nelson, Cor. Washington Ay. and Third Ay. S. - REGULAR GRADUATE. From 20 years experience, Hospital and Private Practice is enabled to guarantee RADICAL cures in Chronic or Poisonous Diseases of the Blood, Throat. Nose, fekin, Kidneys, Bladder and kindred organs. Gravel aud Stricture cured without Pain or Cutting. Those who contemplate going to not Springs for the treatment of any Private or Blood Disease cau be cured for oLC-third the Cost. Itis an established fact, proved by post- mortem examination,' that tubercles of the lungs have become encysted and healed by natural causes. How much more reasonable is it to infer that CATARRH AND INCIP- IENT CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Disease! can be cured by judicious, scientific treatment. Dr. Nelson is so firmly convinced of the certainty of his latest treat- ment for this class of diseases that he offers free trial treatment MPRX/nijC Physicfri-and Organic INtnVUUO Weaknesses, Prema- ture Decay. Evil Forebodings, Self-Distrust, Impaired Memory, Palpitation of the Heart, Pimples on the Face. Specks before the EYE, Ringing in the EAR, Catarrh, Threatened Consumption and Every Disqualification that . renders Marriage improper and un- happy, SPEEDILY and PERMANENTLY curea. BLOOD ANDSKIN %£; Syphilis—a disease most horrible in its re- sults—completely eradicated without Uie use of mercury. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Fever Sores, Blotches. Pimples, Ulcers, Pain in the Head and Bones, Syphilitic Bore Throat, Mouth and Tongue, Glandular Enlargement of the Neck, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc.. Per-' manently Cured, when Others Have Failed. {37~Receutiy contracted I I DIM A DV or chronic Diseases POSI-vJ rtllNM l\ I TIVELYcured in 3 to 8 days by a local rem- . edy. No nauseous drugs used. Many cases -'pronounced incurable promptly yielded to : Dr. Nelson's Approved ltemetll Medicines Mailed or Expressed to any ad- dress Free from observation. Hours, 19 a. m. to 12 m.. 2 to 4 p. m.-: Sunday, 2to 4 p. in. 326 Wash. Ay. S., Miiincapolli*, Jlimi. THK ST. PAIL TRUST COMPANY Offices, ISndlcott Block, Foil . street— Acts as» executor, admin- istrator, guardian, trustee, at,' siSiicc, receiver, etc. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, RAMSEY X County— Court, Second Judi- cial District. Lena M. Christophel, Carrie O. Christophel aud Henry M. Christophel. minors, by The St. Paul Trust Company, their general guardian, aud Harvey Officer, guardian, ad litem, plaintiffs, against Katie Al- baehten (formerly Katie (;bristo|>hel> and Bernard Albaeh ten. her husband: I.ullors Quiulan, John IT. Allen, The Netherlands American Land Company, Frank W. Chase. Franklin C. Gerhard, Simon Miller, Theodore Hamm, The" Commercial Na- tional Bank of St. Paul, Minnesota Soap Company, William G. Pott*, and Peter T. Potts, co-partners under the firm liiimn of Potts Brothers, W. H. Darby, Charles Krest, and Charles Nyquist, co-partnerW doing business under the firm name of Exchange Laundry, defendants— Sum- UitrU* 1111 itCllfl. Trie < a c of Minnesota <\u25a0\u25a0 the nhov»-iir»r)ied defendants, and to all persons unknown- having or claiming an interest in the real, estate situated in said Ramsey County, and; described inthe complaint in this action, as follows: 1. Comcncing forty-four and one twelfth feet (44 1-12) south from the southwest cor- ner ot Fuller and Rice streets in the City or St.- Paul, thence west ono hundred and twenty-Jive feet (125) more or less, to west line oflot sixteen (10). thence south along said' west line forty-four and one-twelfth (44 1-12) feet, thence east one hundred and twenty-rive feet (125), more or less, to tha west line ofRice street, thence north along the west line ot Rico street, forty-four and one-twelfth (44 1-12) feet to the place* of beginning, being 44 1-12 feet on Rica street, aud 125 feet in depth, and be- ing the 44 112 feet of lots sixteen (16), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18). and of that part of lot nineteen (IS) lying west of west line of Rice street, in block number six (C) of A. G. Fuller's addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat j thereof inand for said Ramsey county. 2. The north forty-four and one-twelfth (44 1-12) teet of lots sixteen (10), seventeen (17), eighteen (19) and that part of lot nine- teen (1!)) west of Rice street, in block six (8), In Bald A. G. Fuller's addition to St. PauL according to said plat on file in said office of Register of Deeds, being same premises i purchased by Agnes Murphy, formerly Mc- Carthy, ofEmma Rauget, Nov. 11. 1679. 3. Also the south forty-four and on* twelfth (44 1-12) feet of lot* sixteen (ltf),sev- enteen (17), eighteen (18) and that part of lot nineteen (19) west of Kice street, In said I block six (6) of said addition, being same premises purchased by Agnes Murphy (for- merlyMcCarthy) of Emma Rauget, Nov. 11, IS7S. You are hereby summoned and required to . answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above-entitled action, which complaint ha* been duly filed In the office of the Clerk of said District Court, at the City of St. Paul, in said Ramsey county, and to serve a copy at your answer to said complaint on the sub- scriber at his office, in the City of St. Paul. in the said County of Ramsey, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the diy of such service and ifyou failto answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the -plaintiff in this action willapply to the court for the re- >ief demanded in the complaint; Dated April 23rd. 1801. [Signed] HARVEY OFFICER, Plaintiff's Attorney, St. -Paul. Minn. THE ST. PAUL TRUST < O.TIPANV Office*, Endicott Block, Fourth street— Acts a* - executor, admin- istrator, guardian, trustee, u»- bijiiiee, receiver. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF O Ramsey— InProbate Court, Special Term. May •_><>, 1391. In the matter of the estate of Nicholas McAfee, deceased, - On reading and riling the petition of The St. Paul Trust Company, executor of the estate of said Nicholas* McAfee, deceased,' representing, among other things, that it has fully administered said estate, and praying that a time and place be fixed for examining and allowingits final account of adminis- tration, and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled thereto: It is ordered, that said account be examined, and petition heard, by the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 15th day of June, A.D. 1891. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Probate Court Room in the Courtllouse in St. Paul, in said comity. •" '\u25a0•" And it is further ordered, that notice there- of be given to all persons interested, by pub- lishing a copy of this order for three succes- sive weexs, once in each week, prior to said day of hearing, in the St. Paul Daily Globs, a daily newspaper printed and published at St. Paul, in said county. g > Bythe Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER, ' I*. ».J Judge of Proh*ta.- ... Dr.BRINLEY, VAXDERBT-RGn BLOCK. Ilennepia Ave- nue, Corner Fourth Street. :_-^2sr-Nn_3_vp3Z__s, luriiTKr. he oldest and only reliable advertising medical office in the city, us will be seeu by consulting old files 01" the daily press. - Kegularly graduated aud legally qualified : long engaged in Chronic, Nervous and Skin diseases. A friendly talk costs nothing. If inconvenient to -visit the city for treatment, medicines sent by mail or express, iree from observation. Curable cases guaranteed. If doubt exists we say bo. Hours— lo to 11a. m., 2to 4 ana 7toß p. m.: Sundays, 2 to 3p. m. If you cannot come, state case by mail. NFRVfIIK Organic Weakness, Failing nCDI MTV Memory - Lack of Energy. U-DILIIY Physical Decay, arising from 'indiscretion. Excess or Exposure, pro due-ing some of the following effects: Nervousness. Debility.. Dimness of Sight, Self-Distrust. Defective Memory, Pimples on the Face. Aversion to Society, Loss of A3 bition, Unfltneas to .Marry, Melancholy. Dys- pepsia, Stunted Development. Loss of Power Pains in the Back, etc.. are treated with un- paralleled success. Safely, privately, speedily ni ftft rt 1 I I II I I AH Form* Alfoi-t- --n| 111 ill '"* «o«ly, *°» * I 3 81181 Throat, skin and UiaUUU Bunet, Blotches Kruptions, Acne, luztma, Old, Sores, Ulcer*, Painful Swell- liU"> from whatever <-HU-ie. pos- itively ana forever driven from the system by means of safe, time-tested remedies, Mitt' and swollen joints and rheumatism, the re suit of blood poison, positively cured. I/ 1 n ii rif AuA i ' Mi " ry ' II I IHI If <' omplal ii i«, A I I It] I" I ft>aill< " > »»"- l\l I '•""« to ° Fre- lIIUIIL I quent or Kloody Urine. ii natural Discharges Promptly Cured. C'oiiwtltii- tional and Acquired Weakness ol'lSotli Sexea treated ancec— fully. nAT*nrrn Throat. Nose and Lang Dis- OrllMnnn ease constitute an important specialty at this ollice. ii I fuDfiUir l I Although we have In ALL Urinuniu the preceding; para- niQPAQFQ graphs made mention of . K!££2r..*_ some of the special ail- A SPECIALTY ments to which pnrticu- \u25a0^>———•—"»»^liir attention is given, we have facilities and apparatus for the success- ful treatment of every form of chronic ail- ment, whether requiring for its cure medical or surgical means.- It is self-evident that a physician paying particular attention to a class of cases at- tains great skill. Everyknown application Is resorted to.and the proven good remedies of all ages and countries are used. No experiments are made. FiCKK—Pamphlet and Chart of Questions sent free to your address. All consultations, either by mail or verbal, are regarded as strictly confidential, and are given perfect privacy. ' DR. nniM.u. Minneapolis. Minn. Proposals for Sidewalks. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE— CITYOF WEST St. Paul, Minn.. May 22, 18!) L —Sealed bids, marked "Bids for Sidewalks," willbe received at this office until 12 :n. on Saturday, June 6, 1891, for the construction, repair and relaying of such wooden sidewalks for the city, according to plans and specifications therefor on tile in this office, as may be or- dered built, repaired or relaid by the Com- mon Council between April 1 and Nov. 1, 1891. A bond in tbe sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, with two responsible sureties, resi- dents of the State ofMinnesota, must accom- pany each bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .V S. GIiOFF, City Clerk. ' Oilice hours: 10 to VI a. m. CONTRACT WORK GRADING EAST SIXTH STREET— of the Bourd of Public Works. City of St. Paul, Minn.. May 18, 1891.— Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corpo- ration of the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the 29th day of May, a. 1). o.'l. for grading Rust Sixth street, from Commercial street to Maria avenue, insaid city, according to plans and specifications on tile in the office- of said board. Abond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty i JOj per cent, or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul in a sum of at least ten 1 10) per cent, of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. Said cheek .shall be made payable to the Clerk of said Board. \u25a0 The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. L. GORMAN. President. Official: J. T. Kekkbr. Clerk Board of Public Works, mayI'.)- lot NORTHERN PACIFIC rilU DIMM; OAK LIVE ToFargo, Winnipeg, Helmut, Baits and the Pacific Northwest. _ ______ ; St. PauL Dining Cars on Winnipeg and Pacific Coast Trains. I Lv. | Ar. Pacific Express (daily;, for FarKO. Jamestown, Livingston, Butte, Helena, Missoula, spekanA Seat- 9:0012:40 tie. Tacoma and Portland a.m. p.m. Pacific Mail (daily), for Fargo, Bismarck, Livingston, Bozeman, Helena. Buitc, Missoula, Spo- kane, Seattle, Tacoma and Port- 4:15 8:0} land p.m. D.m. Fargo and Winnipeg Express (daily), for Fergus Falls. Wahpc- ton. Grand Forks, Gratton,Win- nipeg. ' Moorhead, Fargo and B:rx> 7:0» Jamestown. p.m. a.m. Brainerd Express, daily (except Sunday) for Anoka, St. Cloud. 1:00 11:00 Little Falls and Brainerd >.m.la.m. Pullman Sleepprs <iallv between St. I'nul and flrnfton. Grand Forks, Winnipeg, Ktrsin Kails. Helena and Bntte. Pallnian Kirst-ClaM and Tour- istSleepen and Free Colonist Sleepers an*run on through Pacific Cons! Trains, C. E. STONE. City Ticket Ajrent, 162 East Third Street, St. Haul. ii. V. M'NKII.I., dtr Ticket Agent. V} Xicollct it..vt 9 Blot Minneapolis. GREAT NORTHERN R'Y LINE. Tini/PTO 3:16 East Third St. St. Paul; I IblvLlu3 >o Nicollet Minneapolis ' " lll ", w and Union depots Inboth elites leave St. Paul Union l>»;jK>t. i AUiuva bß:osa-rn. Wayzata.LltcliOeiai'Willmnr tjß:3op.m. bf:3)«.m.'Ker. FalU, Fargo 4 G. Fork* L>C:lop.m. b3'3op._l. Osseo, Clear A-atcr &St. Cloud ljll.Mo.ra b3:3Up.m. Anoka, St. Cloud _ Willmarl,ll:lua.ui ...Ext'pLsior and llutcliinson... hllXnj~ui WHlmar, tfiknil City, 1 I Hioux Falls, bWatertown, j bHuron Wahpeton, bAb- _C:4op.m. I erdeen, bEllendale, (Far- >\u25a0 a 7:13 a.m. | go, bCass«Uon, Grafton, j Winnipeg and Pacific I I Coast, I [tAnoka, St. Cloud, Sank! ! Center, Ferjras Fulls, Far- \ 07:40 p.m. 1 po, Crookston, O. Forlc% f uGSS a.m. Great Falls, Helena, 'vßuttc and Pacific Coast, j Eastern Minnesota. ( Dnluth, W. Superior, Elk) bl:<Vi p.m. - River, Milaca, Itinckley, >1>7 :03p.m. (.Princeton.Anoka,* ) | b, dally; b, except Sundavj. *Bu T parlor on trains to Duluth and we«t Superior. H'.ti.-.et bloopers. iDintngcars, palace iTflrnnri and :rea co lonist sleeping cars- pttSl I Minneapolis &Si. L§alj ggfjgl ; Railwi". beparting Trains. Lv.St. Paul Lv. Mpls. Chic. &Kan.Ctty Ex. j a!): 5."» am ul 0:10 am Dcs MoinesExpr. .. a 955 am alO:<i()aai Chicago "Fast Expr" d(J.2spni: d7:o7pra St. Louis -Fast Ex". bG pm b7:o7pTi De 3 Moines passe ng'r | d 6 pm d 7 :07 pm Waterville Express.. a3:">opm al:3opm Excelsrfor&Water'wn a? :00 am a- i :lsaia Northome (Hotel St. "I f aG:ooam Louis.i. Excelsior <_ j i dl>:3o am Lake Park H0te1.... }• < dl.-_)am ! ] d5:05 pm J (.: d(i:l)3pm -Ex. Sunday; bHi. Saturday; dDoily; c Sunday only. TICKET OFFICES: st. PAUL. Bnuma Crnr Ottick 'So. Citt Oftice—Xa. I East Thirdstreet, Washington aye., 3^ corner Sibiey. corner Hcunepin, ia Depot— Fourth NicolletHoase. Block, street, terminuscable Depot— Cor. Third line. I It and Fourth av.N a^^roMTO CALIFORNIA ScxBSC&^9H&M The most comforta \u25a0Rjpß9v9Mß Hble way to reucti ' ah I^^U^^^sS Hfornia is via Chicago Hjor Kans&3 City, from ! •**______________f wnich points through cars run without change. For rales and fur- ther information apply to S. M. ObQOOD. Gen. Agt, or W. M. WOODWAKD, Tarv. Am., 15 Guaranty Loan Building, Minueap olis. Minn. flr l Bl V' Is not an experiment ;it has been tested, and its enormous sale is due solely toits merit. It is made on honor, and good housekeepers say SANTA CLAUS SOAP is a necessity." Don't let your dealer give you some other kind, if he hasn't Santa Claus, but insist on having only. SANTA CLAUS SOAP. W. K. FAIRBANX & CO.. Mfr«..Chic« o t lll. 'ALWAYS ON TIME." Ticket Offices— lso East Third street, St. Paul; 13 Nlcollet Hoiue, Minneapolis, an 1 Union Depots in St. Paul. Minneapolis snd SUilwKter. Minneapolis, St. Pan! and still- water Trains— Leave St. Paul fT:45,8:3k 89:00, o:3s and 10:45 a. in., and 12:05. 52: 10. 4:05. 5:05, G:2f>, t. JO and •!'• i"i p. m. Returning, leava Still water t6:30, r:3O, 8:10, 9:40 and floao a. m.. andtl2:o.4, 1:40, 4:05, 5:10. 5:20 and s6:l) p.m. (•Daily, t Ax. Sun. ;Kx.Mon. sSua- day only.) Leave Arrive Through Trains. ,St. Paul. St. Taut. Chicago "Daylight"Ex! •7:45am *l :00 pm Chicasro Vestibule LfinM "7:30 pm :25 am West Superior I t9 Bam +s:oopm andDuluth *lO:3spin *ti:r>oain Ashland. Hurley ....> to :3sam «5 :00 pm Itaytielti ashburn ( 10:25 Dm •S^Oam ChippewaK'llsAßlk t5 :05 pm t6:lspm St Joseph & Kansas City *7:50 a m tS:OO a m Omaha Kansas City. .. 15 pm *.3:ooani Sioux City. Shakqpee, 1 •. "::..) tts:4opin Denver a. San Fran- '- Cisco ) •7:4">pm *S:ooam Pipestone A Sioux Falls. *T:50 am tß:4opm Shakopee* Maiikato... tlO:50 Dm tlo:4sain Tracy. Wnftowrufc Pierre +10:50 pm| £8 :00 am I Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Pun! itr, Trail.* leave St. Paul Union Depot as allows: For Wiaona, 1 .1 > roase, Milwaukee, Cliicafro. B, 7:3»a. in.; A 3p. m : <v 9:56 p. in.. A, •< p. in. MafonCUjr, St. Louis, KmiM.,3 City, A, \u25a0' 1. .1. in.; ( ', 7:10 p. m. Dabuqued Rock Island, IS, 7:36 a. m.: C, 7:15 p. to. Aberdeen, Mitchell. A, i. i. p. m. Culin-.ir, Prairis I daChien, Davenport, B,(his a. m. Austin & Way, A. 9:1.1,!. in.: A. 4 .'.. p. in.: C, 7:15 p. ra. Millmuk.V Way, 11, 7:1 1 o in. U hlm-liu.V I:<>i •lie.,:.-r,i:..'. i>. in. A mentis dully; B, ex. Sunday; C, ex. Saturday For lurtlier in'.urni KcoCun'iiiuiiy'HtiineUiUlej Ticket Offices, 131 Kiiat ThirdSt. aud Uniaa U«pot Cnicago, St. Paul & K. CityKy. trains leave w union depot 7:45 a. in. ex. duuday, 7:30 p m.iluily,;ir. ~.:Ma.ui.U.uly, ll:a; p.m.'ex. Sna y^^sh Ratos aro 52.30 to 50. 50 I 'Vrft&p&l lower than via any other ! Kaaftju|uui route. Detroit, $15. G0 ; pffijtUffjygl Buffalo, $2 LOO; Toronto, i yffljji! 11 '! $2fOO; Montreal, 923 OO; s *^*" Quebec, $27-50; Albany, $24.00; Boston, $24 OO; New York, $25.00' RATES to Intermediate Points proportionately low. Steam, heated trains run through solid* Ticket offices Guaranty Building, ' Minneapolis; 185 E. Third Street. St. Paul, and Union Stations. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. ! lea.* (Northern Pacificß.R.Co.Lcssee.) imw I *•<-• P. M.I I. Ml". U. |rCs*d.|!l"*Ml!'wUj' 7.MA. H. I lIX.A U. I I 1 IC, P. M. I T.IIKM. lzi.t~t'utCA^i. I I.«P. M.I «m». M. 1 ) | I DR. SAND£N'» { ELEOTRIG BELT IATEST PATMTS- *'TH EICCTRO- f BEST Z^y^&M§ HAQNETIC ' IMPROVEMENTS. ' V \^f\o SUSPEHSOaf. V!il cure without medlelos all Yte%inn» rennltlac fi-ji» «exu&l exhaattioo.draiDi, lo«»*», ocrroaa debility, tlup. lumui, Imngoor, rbeumatUm. ki-Jinj, Yntx»cl fcl» tiler coau plaiuti, lame back, lnmbago, aristi», «\u25a0 atral i'J-h«»:tb, >-t<j, bit electric belt costalos Wonderful ImproxnnUoni «a other*, au4 «iv«j a current tha! U lcstaotl^ fait \>j tb* w«tr»r urn fnrhlt<tf.OOO.UO, aad will core allof tbs abore dIM4vJ or no par. rh'.usacli bare b«»n rur«4 by this marv«Ioo« lnrentlou after ill otber r-n»-ll.!« failed, and we f ifa hoo- drediofteitlmoDlaUln tbl» and every otk«r itate. Our powerful improved KLECTRIC M mnMI !i -:tie. tTeatett boon ever offered weak men: FHKK «I r II A1,1. BKI.IS. Health an! Vl<orou« Klrrn<lh(iI'AUAXTBKO la CO to 9* DiVS. Send for lvi« llluitrsted tiampblet*, •«»;•-:, be* by mall. Addreit I SANDBHT bIiBCTRicCO., So. 47 fourth Street South, MinneaDOtia, Minn. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. J PER? EC! IKrORMS-MATCHLESS ID WAR! \u25a0lJ'iO anxious were the aoeieoM for etalwart jk| 3/ that posy boy* at bir.b were put to deatb. JaVi^^^ _^<^ Er#r y m *n «*n l>« BTRONJ VIOOBOUBiij .llrupectt. >mm YOUNG MEN OR OLD. y/jT I\V H^ sufTfring from NERVOUS DX- A/* * *>>/ j/PJ BILITY, Lo»t or Falling Mm* I "saG)^»WnkV SI flood, PbyileU Ezc»it«i, Mental I 4r!lf W V*. 5* 'WoiTy, Stunted EeTelopment, or \u25a0 \u25a0 Ts LT"! any Fer«on»l Weakneis, can It X t/ reitortd to PERFECT HEALTH \ 1 I 11 »a* the noble TfUllty of E'IEOHO f| L . V\ MEIr , th* Prida and Power cf Nations. [a I fe 1 We claim by years of practice bjr HI ml our exclusive methods a uniform ma I] " MONOPOLY OP 87CCE88" in trcßt- j'jj Ik ing all DUeaies, W«akn*ii«i and lfi»SS*^Aflletion» of Man. Testimonials * w from .>i States and Territories. nno uru/ ennv "'^ '""»'/'\u25a0"•. seaipri.po«- UUn HLW BUUI\ paid, forailmited time. O«* it whileyon can. Fill Explanation* 'or HOME TREAT- MEHT. Yon can be REB7OKED as thousands haT» beta by m. Read oar tattlmonlals. Addresa, at one* ERIE MEDICALCO.BUFFALO.N.Y* the leading remedy for lire? in Gonorrbcea A file^t. /s^r iToSI - )AYS.W The only saie remedy for l?*!3 Uu*r»nte«4 nf<t to« T.«. nrf .i r h < «,. nrWhitM F&« mum S'rictox?. sjt-accrrntcj»or»naea |2f «°^_ riet " t - I Drescrlbe it and feel Mfm m f i oaiy safe in commending it eal THEEv*N3CHEMtmCo. to all enflerera. Vh ONC!NN*Tt,OBBai A.J. STONER, M.D. N^HL v. a. a. Decatcb. LUa> *TgBTiW ||r 1 Sold by DrotocUtiK Traa^^MHw^arkl PHRK Sl.Oti, TANSY PfLLS fc are t^rfwtly ««fc alwayt Efle«tusl. Merer fall ft taa&rd»p««4jr and cc ml * relief^ Mora thaft llr^ I ** R Aaricin wom«n id them rajalarly. Gnaraateed superior HI to all other* or cash nfaalil ttjmnJr-.jtjrht doa't in> "W'lUox'b Compound Tansy Pills, " sctrpl no wofi.':!r.a \u25a0 noetraia taU to U\u25a0\u25a0; v pOd," but uni I. . <\u25a0 r "\foman'i fare <;ottr.l,-» *a.l r«ei«e the ..nlr Hb-.!ui.It reliable) [ MW^pavHaZ WILCUX SFECIFKJ CO., l'falla., fa. Sold at Ryan'*, 229 V.u+i Third street. i TA ufPii/ liri! !:airi ' rtniffrl " 1 I W If IbM|\ I Sail V youthfulerrors early decay, wanti: wcakEPs^, lost aMBIkOQd, eta. I will *4 :il avaluable ..ti^o (st-aled) containing (all particulars for homo cure, FHKK of cbarg:. X splemltU i!ie<Heal work ; olumlit hi- read by orery man who i.-i nervo«w end itftiiiii it.- 1. Adilrci^, [ Frof. F. C. I''O»VLIiK, .tloodus, lonui THE PALXT FALL DAILY GLOBE: THUESDAY MORNING, a% im . V

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Page 1: POP|llf| PBPMIiI PfIPIIIAR IUIULftll WANTS...Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 9i Last Fourth Ft. PATENTS. AMERICANPatent Market and Novelty Factory. A.M. Carlson, soliciting at-torney


.Isal<».~ -

AGENTS wanted at once: new householdrequisite: no talking: success a cer-

tainty. Address with stamp. C. E.Stalsberg,Ov.atonua, Minn.

BARBER Wanted, good white barber. C.A.Smith. Morris Minn. \u25a0


BOY TO LEARN plate printing; must beat least seventeen years old. 115 East


BOY—Wanted, a good, strong, willingboyto care for horse nd con and be gener-

ally useful about the bouse. Address, stat-ing (nullifications Box 2404. City.

ANVASSER-S— Wanted, tw.< experiencedcanvassers to sell goods nu the "road; s>al-

\u25a0ry and commission, call this morning be-fore 10 at 2:; West Fifth St.. Burden's Livery.


Wanted, experiencedcanvassers; a bigoffer. Call 412 Wa-

Bha, up -iniis.


Salary and commission.Wheeler &Wilson Manufacturing Com-pany. :i2 West Thin!St.

pOMPOSITOKS— Wanted, two iirst-rlass*^ compositors. E. Withy & Co., 244 EastFourth.

DAIRYMAN—Wanted, a young man towork on a dairy. Applyat1304 Ark-


DO YOU WANT a situation as clerk, sten-ographer, cashier, or are you capable

ofholdingany responsible position? If so,itcosts you nothing to tile an application\u25a0with the Mercantile Bond and Reference As-Eochition. 154 Knsit Thirdst.

GENERAL, AND SPECIAL AGENTSfornew territory wanted; cheapest in-

surance known: only twenty-one assess-ments total since UHs;*iill claims paid; statetreasury reserve fund;responsible manage-ment; literal terms; correspondence in-vited. Provident Aid Society, Portland. Me.

PAINTHUS— good painters andkansomiuers at once. «C. (>. Rice 4 Co.

SALEBIUEN—Wanted, ten men who havehad experience r.s salesmen to farmers

In the country: salary Ircm S.i'

to $150 permonth and exuenues. F. M. Jones, Wells.Minn.

S.«i. :\u25a0.-'-)—

Wanted, salesman for genernl commission house, acquainted with

the trade: stme experience and salary ex-pected. Address A INS. Glebe.

SALiS.tIAN to Bell goods to merchants Dysamples :bigpay for workers :new goods";

permanent situation: chance" tobuild a Onetrade. ModelManufacturing i'ompuuy,S>outfaBend. Iml.

SiURAPHER— Competent and ex-perienced male Etenographcr; state ex-

perience and give references. Address M3,tit. i'fiulGlobe.

• hoy wanted at 4Cti St. Peter.

''PEAMSTKR— Wanted, teamster for city-I delivery. 374 Kotert st.


"ITrANTED on Ealnry oi coir.---» » mission to hai die trie New Patent

Chemical Ink-Erssing Pencil; the greatestfelling novelty ever produced: erases inkthoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion ofpaper: SOU to 500 per cent profit; one agent'st-alcs amounted toSGSOm six days; another?:J2 in two hours; we want one energeticpeneral agenIfor each state and territory.For terms and full particulars address TheMonroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, Lat.'ro'-so. Wis.



AFINE LADIES' HORSE, collar har-ness and and elegant phaeton :willsell

separate ifwanted: bright bay. fiveyears old,weighs 1,135 pounds; afraid of nothing: aperfect, beautiful horse. 881 Hastings ay.,a;i Maria ay. car line.

AGOOD HORSE fur sale cheap. ApplyHt 1003 Burns ay.

BEST BARGAINS in St. Paul in car-riages of every descriDtion; first-class

goods: no fancy prices, consisting of bug-gies, phaetons, coupe rockaways, victorias,extension tops, surreys, Kensingtons, wagons,buckboards, park wagons, canopy tops, jumpBeats, pony carts, saddles and harnesses: dis-count todeolersand liverymen. At King'sCarrth,je Rooms, corner Fourth and Min-nesota sts.

L^< »R SALE—A gentle, well bred pony;X also good cart and harness. 310 Grove st.

FOR SALE—Fine driving mare, with first-class s^-seat sidebar buggy and harness;

the mare is also very fine saddler: :nt!e;cheap. Apply Wright's Liver,-, 370 EastINhuh st.


Horse, buggy, harness, cutter,«- robes, etc.. all in good condition horseIsstylish gentle and a~ good roadster. Iwillsell all for 5250; no trade. 328 Robert =t.,jHouin 2.

FOX SALE CHEAP— Agood, sound, leli-J- able horse, harness and open buggy.Apply223 Iglehart

1" SALE OR TRADE—A matchedteam ofbay colts good roadsters. J.E.

Flanigan, 156 East Third st.Ol'K-YEAK-OLD31ARK—Well broken

ami a good Irivins horse. The Black-wood Company. \u25a0','. .' Starkey st.

SIX <iOOD HOUSES for sale cheapBarn. 471 Sibley.


Inorder to tillmy newDoarding1> stable with first-class horses Iwillmakep. liberal discount from former boardingstable prices, guaranteeing at the same timeBrst-ciass care and treatment or no charges.John J. Breiiuau, 775 Ashland ay. Telephoner»M--2.

\^lsix PRUDKN stove co.— Ware» house, \u25a0\u25a0•.' iiSil Ley st. Uncqualed ad-vantage.

\ITANTED—Cheap phaeton or buggy for** cash. W. J. Hiii-.nnn, 254 East Eighth.


BAISY CARRIAGE—For sale, a babycarriage in splendid condition at a barg-

ain. 4is East Tenth st.

fMVE-ROOM t'LAT-East Seventh—Newly furnished; all outside rooms;140. $75 down; rent. $16; two rooms rented

piore than pay rent. Inquire 452 Wabasha.J; URNITURE—For sale cheap, furniture.

on time, in flat of five rooms; pleasantlocation; bath, gas, all conveniences: cantake posession at once. ApplyE 13, Globe.fj^t-RNITURE

—One oak bed room set,

mattress and springs, one extensiontable, gasoline stove and tableware for sale,all as good as new. '.'heap. 124 West Fifth st.

TLJ OIi HARNESS ANDTOPBUGGYXI cheap for cash. Inquire No. 307 Thir-teenth St.OAFK—.Medium-size; used three months;O very cheap. Address ij197. Globe.

SAFES— Forty, fire-proof and some burglarKj safes, taken for non-payment; somenearly new; very cheap; also, a bigdouble-door, withburglar chest, and a burglar-proofJeweler* safe.- Call or address May, 634 St.Peter st.. St. Paul.


Second-handsewing machines, all kinds;T>iice, $10 to

620. 32 West Third st.CODA I'OLNTAlN—Bargain; a No. 1*-? soda fountain. Inquire No. 143 Wood-yard ay., cast of Bradley.HrislT PRUDEN STOVE CO.—Ware-

» house, 400-11 Sibley st. Unequaled ad-vantage.

- —-«.

HIISCEL.I.AXEOUS.|~|R. C. £. BEAK has removed his officesXJ to the Germania LifeBuilding. Fourthmid Minnesota sts.

*CU>n KENT—Second lloor, 250 East Sev-X- enth St.: cheap, to responsible party.


The only cure for LaGripDe, to come to the Grand ViewHotel, Banff: National Park, Canada, HotSulphur Springs; take the baths. A. D.Wright. Proprietor.


Vases and(lowerbeds planted, watered and taken

care ofduring the season by J. C. Fleischer&Son, Florists, Marshall ay. and Kent st.

PRIVATE HOSPITAL, ."SCHOOL OF-I-Midwifery—Mrs. H.Stenze).2O3 Martin at.O^:n;~\V~M. ELI'S carpet CLEAN--I.ing .1.. 72* Wabasha st. : telephone S4O-5.


Tin: noington typewriter—-i- Constantly improved :desks forall ma-cn'nes; paper, ribbons, carbon; send for cat.rlogue. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 9iLast Fourth Ft.


AMERICANPatent Market and NoveltyFactory. A.M. Carlson, soliciting at-

torney and manufacturer and seller of pat-ents. \u25a0 13 and i.i; Mississippi st. St. Paul.



VEWAHD SECONDHAND SALOONJ.* fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool andbilliard tables, counters and shelving. :.l?Vashingtonuve. north, Minueapolis.


females.~A A —HANGS cut and curled, 15

Jt\.~JrS. cents; will keep in curlfrom three to nineteen days. Ron-Ton HairParlors 424 Wnbasba. corner Seventh.

A—LADIEf—Don't sell your hair, but• lake it to the Franklin Wig Factorymid have itmanufactured into a wig. 313Waftasha St., Grand Block.OHA.MISEKMAID wanted immediatelyv-/ at 47:} Wabasha st.

COOK— Wanted, immediately, an experi-ienced cook and waitress for Lake Min-

netonka. Mrs, O. <;. Greene, 4T7 Holly ay.

OOK—Wanted, good cook; must help> with washing. Apply 239 Summit ay.,before 1o'clock.

DINING BOOH girlwented: also,kitchen girl,at Hotel Sherman.

TWINING ROOM (iIRI Wanted, an ex--L-' periencod dining room girl. Applyim-mediately, 227 East Tenth. .GIRL wanted forcleaning paint at Hotel* Arlington,at Seven Corners.



immediately,forty girls for general housework and

two cooks. .«• Selbv ay.

HOUSEWORK— Good German gir 1want-ed for general housework or cook. 18fi

Smith ay.

OUSEWOKK— Wanted, immediately, agirl for general housework; good wages.

271 Louis St.. coiner Iglehart.

OUSEWOKIi-Girl wanted for generalhousework; small family; referencesrequired. Applyat 715 Hollyay.

HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house--0 work at 539 Laurel ay.;small family.

HOUSE WORK— Wanted, a girl for gen-eral housework. Applyto 35t Summit

ay. Mrs. Sherman Fincn.OUSEWOKK— Wanted. a sir! for general

housework in small family; one thatcan cook. SKJ Carroll st.

OUSE WORK— Wanted, girlat 2*2 iianiBey St.: two in family: no washing.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, nice, neat girlforgeneral housework. Call mornings

atOHa St. Albunsst.OCSrIWORK— Wanted, good girl forgeneral housework; good wages. 473

Wabasha st.OUSEWOKK—Agirl v.-iML-.iin ii fam-

ilyof two; will pay good wages. IS6Dayton ay.

HOL'SEWOItK -(.ood girlfor housework:InEmail family;good wages. Call 629

John st.

OUSEWORK— Wanted, gin to go to thelake for the summer; small family. In-

quire at Breeu's, Wnuasba and Fifth.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good . girl forgeneral housework: SIS per month and

no washing. Applyat 4."4 Ashland ay.OI.'SK WORK— Wanted, girlfor general

housework, at 521 Marshall ay.

OUSKWOHK— GirI for general house-work. 044 Burrst,

OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl forgeneralhousework: private family. 15 East

Tenth st., opposite capitol. ,OUSEWOKK— Wanted, a girl for gen-

erulhousework ;Dane or German pre-ferred. B. N.Cardoso. > John St., city.

HOUSEWORK-Wanted, girlfor generalhousework in family of three, tall

mornings at 453 Selby ay.

OUSiSWOKK.— Wanted, good -_-irl forgeneral housework in small family. In-

quire at No. 278 St. Anthony ay.

ITCIIENWORK— Wnnted, agirl to dokitchen work;no washing; good wages.

284 South Exchange.TYTIJRsTfIiIKlTwaiKed at 724 Cedar. T~

ASTKY COOK—Wanted, for hotel inthiscity. i-.'O). Globe.

OKCOXl) WoTTii—Wanted at 105 EighthO st., two girls; one to do second work,wages, 814: the other foxgeneral kitchenwork, wages Si2.HMVODININGKOOJI GIRL> (Dulllth),-L 816; meet landlady at I)oiiglas;s'lntelli-

gence, 35 Seventh.ANTED.TEN LADIES of good ad-

dress for Minneapolis and St. Paul:lucrative business. Call Bto 11. 2t05. bto 8.I). L.Simmons a ( >.. Room .'.'. 327 Henne-pin ay.. Minneapolis.


KM. X \VI<>liT it hON. INVE.ST-• meut Bankers, loan money on im-provedproperty in St. Paul and "Minneap-olis at C per cent "on or before." Offices,New Pioneer Press Building, st. Paul, andBank ofMinneapolis Building.Minneapolis.—

DO IOC WANT TO IIORROWA—IM> lO! WANT TO ISOKKOWmoney at a lower rate than you can

borrow through any other agency! TheAmerican Mortgage Loan company. Room 7,First National bank building,corner Fourthand Jackson »ts., will let you have anyamount. $10, S'-<>, 525. « JO.' $75," $100 or$200

—in fact, any turn you wish

—on your

watch, diamonds, household furniture,horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc.. at a lowerrate than you can possibly fret itelsewhere.Goods can remain in your possession, andyou can pay a part any time you want andMop interest. Business private and confi-dential. You can have your own time inpaying up principal.

-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-ANYAMOUNT of money loaned on fur-niture, pianos, diamonds, watches or goodsin storage: property remains in your posses-sion; small monthly return payment taken;promptness, privacy ardl ow rates; take ele-vator"to"Room 16. Gerraania Bank building,opposite DOCtoffice; private room for ladies.

A A—

STOP— sTOI'!-lfyouare waut-•~xlt ing a loan on furniture, pianos,

horses, watches, diamonds or anything else,cut this advertisement out and* go direct tooffice ofJ. L. Strauch, 34 and 36 East Thirdstreet. Room 1. up stairs, and get it. Noeasier terms, lower rates or better treatmentoffered t.y any one in the city. Allbusinessconfidential; private room for ladies. .JAKGE AJJIoUN rs of money toloan on

-i improved \u25a0 property at <> per centGilinan &Co., New Tork"Life Building.

ONE\ TO LOAN without deJa-. trom810 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-

elry, etc.:time checks, notes and secondreal estate mortgages bought. MinnesotaLoan Co.. 117 East Fourth s-r.jl/IONKi LOANED on lifeinsurance pol--L'-l- icies; or boueht. L. P. Van Norman,CIS Guaranty Loan Building.Minneapolis.

MONEY LOANED on furniture, horses.diamonds, pianos, etc. MinnesotaMortgage Loan Company, Mackey. manager.Rooms 13-14, First National Bank building,corner Fourth and Jackson sts.

ISIT PRUDEN STO\E CO.—Ware-house, 409-11 Sibley st. Uuequaled ad-


TO LOAN,on vacant property. §5.000 orless. C. D. Welch, 1883 Dayton ay.


Mortgage loans madepromptly; 6, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgagesbouirht.*^1() t0 )

"tJ to


"°"furniture, pianos,tjp_LV_J watches, diamonds and all goods ofvalue, by private party; business strictly con-


ridential. Address M187, Globe. .&R ()()() ANl> SMALLER SUMS to'^f*J^\J\J\J loan on lots or improved. H.C'aldwell, S4 Germania Lifebuilding.


EQUITY of 5700 in corner property onIglehart st. to trade forhorses. Inquire

746 Cook st.

FOX SALE—A fine piece ofimprovedsuburban residence property, new and

complete: will take live stock "or slock ofmerchandise for equity. Address A 195,Globe.

' .T>O EXCHANGE—Anice suburban home,-L new eight-room dwelling and largegrounds; a nice home; wilt trade for fur-niture. Address (» 188, Globe.rpo EXCIIIANGE—Equity in good subur-J. ban residence for good delivery horses

and wagons; willgive good trade. AddressNli».Globe.

- - ... - •*

TO EXCHANGE—a handsome moderneight-room dwelling,new, and two large

lots, near depot, at St. Paul Park; a splendidsuburban home: willtrade equity (mortgagestraight five years, 8 per cent interest) forstock of merchandise, or furnished flats, orboarding house. Address N 101, Globe.rpo EXCHANGE—Stock of dry goods, no-itious or groceries wanted in exchangefor three lots in Minneapolis; lots clear andgood value. S 104. Globe.


—Gentlemen's second-hand

v> clothing: highest cash price paid.- Ad-dress ISI. East Seventh St., Store. .DESK Wanted, a good second-hand

office desk. Address B 109. Globe.fiASOLINK STOVES— Wanted, old gaso-VT line stoves to trade for new ones. \u25a0 Wehave \u25a0 the very latest. Minnesota HardwareCompany, 292 East Seventh st., near Broad-way.

1 AUNDKY machinery— Wanted to-L* buy. second-hand . laundry machinery;willtrade real estate for same". Address Al'Jj, Globe.

PDPULARJANJIIUi U*_flll \u25a0I(I!iiKJ»


BOOK ii—

Books opened, closed,posted, expert work, etc. F. Sprague,

R00m 352, Drake block, St. Paul.<i KEEPER

—Experienced; wants

-i-» office work: employment for say abouthalf lime would suit. William A. Gray, 122Kent st.

OYS FOR PLACES, places for. Doys;employment bureau for poor bo'is, free.

Newsboys' Club Room. Chamber of Comm-erce building:open from 11 to 1-'a. m. andfrom 7 to 9:30 p. in.

ookkeel'EK— man wants aposition who is a competent bookkeeper

and can furnish other evidence ofeduca-tional ability. Address G.H. U., Globe.

COOK— situation wanted by a first-classmeat cook, hotel or restaurant. Ad-

dress 15 200, Globe.

ENGINEER— Would like situation as en-gineer or fireman. Address this week

I)108. Globe,',


MI'LOYMEXT-A young man want!\u25a0* situation of any kind, hotel work or

housework; can milk. Address Z 198, Globe.

IT COSTS YOU NOTHING—Ifyou wanta clerk, stenographer, cashier or personstor any position, either with or without bond,call or address Mercantile Bond and Refer-ence Association, 154 East 'ihirdst.



CASHIER— Wanted, by a young lady withV-^ experience, a position as cashier or as-sistant bookkeeper. Address G197, Globe.jVTURSE —Wanted, situation as childnurse1~ by lady past middle-age forone childat the lake for the summer, 667 Broadway.VTURSE

—Young lady would like to go

•i.i abroad with a familyas nurse or com-panion ;can givebest of reference. Address

lit.', Globe. .UIANTED—Gentlemen's washing and

»* mending. Address V159. Globe.VyOKK FOX HOARD— Anindustrious»» woman wants to work evenings and

mornings for her board and room; workmust be in a respectable locality. AnnaCrowe. 235 South Fifth ay.. Dulutli.'Minn.


/CHOICELOTS (50 feet front, 143 to 150V> deep) inHunt's addition to St. AnthonyPark, adjoining interurban motor line; fareto any part of St. Paul or Minneapolis fivecents; city water. D. H.Hunt owner, St.Anthony Park.


Foit SALE—By the owner, a valuable res-idence property in Woodland Park ad-

dition. I.196, Globe.

WANTED—Offer on northwest corner»" Holly and Grotto. Owner, 897 Les- •


\T7 ANTED—HOUSE AM)LOT."near»V the street car barn for the Interurban

line si. Paul. H. L. Nasje, 919 GuarantyBuilding,Minneapolis.C'J Vfin-slxlto()M nU modemO» J^UU house. 293 Chatsworth streetnear iKlehnrt. James O'Mcara. -i'IJnetsoru


3!i»,<<'ll»;iis'osi> tlnsiii<-*.s< linnces

FoilSALE—Butcher shop, location cen-tral, doing nice trade; owner leaving

town. Address P. O.Box 2424.

X^OK SALE— Flourisning confectioneryX . and cigar business: centrally located;best opportunity offered inSt. Paul. AddressD1,-0. Globe.

I^OK SALE—Three-chair barbershop: bestshop and trade incity. Address Hi Wells,

Watertown. S. D.

F'»K SALE—shoe store in St. Paul: good,-L< clean stock, low rent: a bargain for anyone:ales. last year, $13,000. Address 8 198.Globe.

OTEL—For rent. Globe hotel, Rush City :partly furnished. Inquire of P. H.

Flynn.\\fANTED—Stock of general hardware,» * $3,000 to $4,000, for first mortgages and

land: write particulars. Address Lock BoxMil. Sioux City. 10. \u25a0



Boaicu— pleasant front rooms withboard: can also accommodate a few more

table boarders. 227 East Tenth.

BOARD— few more newly furnishedrooms withboard at reasonable rates,

with bath. 27."i East Eighth st.

FJOARD— For rent, two pleasant troutirooms, with alcove and board. 633 Wa-

basha st., known as the old Parr place,

OAHD—Tenth St.. 194, East— Front al-cove room and single room, with good

table board.


Furnished rooms, with or with-out board. 39 West Tenth st.

BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, witQboard, gas, bath and piano; also table

board. 226 East Tenth st.

BOARD—Nicely furnished rooms, withex-cellent table board and with every con-

venience, and very reasonable. 201" EastThirteenth st.


BOARD—Nicely furnished front roomand board, reasonable, with home com-

forts, at 58 Tilton.


Nicely furnished rooms, withorwithout board; good location; terms

reasonable. 003 Jackson st.

OR WOOD HOUSE— East Niutn and1' Wabasha— Best equipped boarding houseinciiy; ceutral location; quick service; ex-cellent table; 54, $4.50, 85 per week.

UTOPIA—Nicely furnished rooms, with orwithout board, at 493 St. Peter .>'.., cor-

ner Exchange.


Furnished room with excellent tableboard, S4, 83.75; $3 for21 meals.


COW FOUND— A strange cow at C. Seiber-Dlich's dairy, Rice St., near MeCarron's


HOUSE LOST—A Bla-:k mare, weight1,100 pounds; had a halter and 40-lbweightattached to her. Please return to Dr.

Mark,815 Ashland ay.. and receive reward.OKSES LOST— pair ofblack mares,

O weight, 7.V1:mains cut oft short; brandon leftside. 1201 Edgerton st. E.Klaus.IIOKSE STRAYED—Young sorrel horseA— came to my place Sunday, May 24;owner can have sams by paying charges.Dairy Farm, three miles out Oakdale ay.

PONY LOST—Black pony: white spot inface: branded A.H. on shoulder: weight,

about 750 pounds; loston the night of May 18.Jonas Smith, No. 1382 Payne ay.

URSE LOST—Containing small amountofmoney and keys. Finder willreceive-

reward by returning to Frost &Brown, cor-ner Western and Selby. . ..."

ATCHEL LOST—On Holly,near West-ern, lady's satchel containing keys and

other articles. If tinder will return keys to613 New York Life"he may take the cake' r"

inside). ___ '

LEEVE BUTTON LOST—A goldsleeveO button. Leave at Globe office and receivereward.

pe«sonai,s. ;-•\u25a0ALL ON JIME. MOSS, the celebrated

clairvoyant and magnetic healer,Room 376 Market St., near Sixth.

liS\ KATK HOSKINS— Magnetic'—

Psychometric and trance med-ium. 225% West Seventh St.. St. Paul.

MRS. M.A.TUSSEY, 223 East EighthSt.Magnetic and massage treatment for

nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism;also clairvoyant. Hours, 9a.m.to 9p. in.

\u25a0MUSIC Al-.

PI A IVO^S ONE DOLLArirvl>VOA weeK rents a beautiful


-L1AllI/O 97 East Third Street.

PIANO TUNING.$r.so—First-class wortguaranteed. * Samuel E. Crutchett, 525

Wabasha St., Room 2;cityreferences. \u25a0

STORE A3.l> BAR FIXTURES.Billiard and Pools Table and Material.

<-iii"~i=? \u0084««C Oft—

7=^r^=~&''fet^i ISTEREaSMDCH \l j|||l

jpt^c j j -$> R.x"nn»es«6r j! S^fF j!



A A —MERRILL &OWENS, rental•-i*-. aoetnt9, formerly op:-41 east

Fourth st., have removed to 30 EastFourth st.. Frost Block.


HOUSE— For rent, No.522 Cedar St., first-class brick house of12rooms; allmodern

conveniences; inperfect order: can be hadat once at low rental :household goods forsale, ifdesired. Applyto occupant, or Mer-rill&Owens, 30 East Fourth st. ?'-'\u25a0'

HOUSE— 518: 6-room ailmodern house, 293Chatsworth street, near Iglehart. James

OMeara. 303 Jackson street. \u25a0 .HOUSE— For rent eight-room house in

lower town; papered throughout; gas fix-tures and all modern improvements. JohnRogers Jr. &Bro., corner Fourth and Jack-son sts. . ';


ten-room house, cen-X± trallylosated, Bteam heat; all modern,and very reasonable rent. J. W. Crosson,Chamber of Commerce.

HOUSE— house, 912 GaultierSt., at $12 per month. Inquire 200 East

Third st.'

HOUsE—For rent, house of seven roomsor ten rooms; modern conveniences:

also house of eight rooms, $17. Inquire 295Martinst.


Nine-room modern house, 158"Western ay.; rent reasonable; location


HOUSES— For rent, Lincoln ay., two ofthose new brown stone houses, corner

Lincoln ay. and Grotto st, elegantly finishedinhard wood; separate steam plant each,house; every convenience. A.B. Wilgus &Co., 128 East Fourth st. .;;\u25a0'-=:\u25a0:>

HOUSE— six-room house for rent. Inquireat 10 Tiltonst

HOUSE— For rent a tine ten-room corner. house, 557 Canada st.:modern improve-ments and inbest of order.

HOUSE— To rent rim-class residence.-Ii"Laura Terrace." corner Nina and Lau-rel avs., St. Anthony Bill; nine rooms, allmodern conveniences, steam heat; for termsinquire 291 Laurel ay.

HOUSES— For rent moderate rent, thosebrown stone houses on Ramsey st, be-

tween Pleasant and Summit ays. ; eightrooms, bath, furnace, laundry; every conven-ience: fine view. A. B. Wilgus &Co., 128East Fourth st.

HOUSE— Furnished house for season orlonger, to small family;hill, near cable.

Address <;103, Globe._^

HOUSE—Eight-room modern house, oneiblock from cable: rent, $30: house on

the hill. I.L.Majian, Rogers Block.'

HOUSE— For rent, large, desirably locat--ed furnished residence: to be rented

forJuly and August at low figure to smallfamily without children. E 180, Globe.

OUSE FOR RENT—New house. No.(ill Westminister: all Improvements,

furnace, etc. Inquire at 540 Westminister.

HOUSE— For rent small house. Call 215Goodrich ay.

DESIDENCETO KENT—With modemXV improvements and barn. 103 K>rringtonay. J. H. Weed, 167 Bast Third st.

VISIT PRUDEN STOVE CO.—Ware-house, 4OS>-11 Sibley st. Unequaled ad-


Suburban.T li.VLI)EAGLE LAKE, two seven-

room cottages, beautifully situated ontne lake shore: liveminutes' walk from thedepot. Edwin A. Warren. 406 Sibley st.

MOUSE—For rent, good house aua out--ll buildingswith five acres of fine land,fust north of Lake Como. Cochran &Walsh,Fourth and Jsckson.sts.

HOUSES— Torent cheap, two eight-roommodern dwellings, mantels, grates.

'everything complete and new. located at St.Paul Park, near depot: Eplendld home; toright parties we will rent these houses for

'Sl2 per month; call and see us. Address A!105. Globe.


\ LIJION FLATS '(tire-proof), Western\u25a0tl aye. Cafe European or American plan

—Housekeeping flats, with heat, electric lightetc. ;(one outside flat,Western ave.);also two,four and six-room . suites, furnished if de-sired;also in Alden flats, 57 West Collegeaye., three finesix-room housekeeping flatsand bath, 525 to $28.;. Apply to Janitors.

FLAT—For rent, one of the most desirableoutside flats in "The Albion," to be va-

cated at once. Inquire59. "The Albion."1!AT—32O East Thirteenth St—A flat of

L fiverooms, up stairs or down, to rentcheap. \u25a0

FLAT .of seven rooms for rent, 311East Seventh at. .


A flatand unfurnished rooms forrent, suitable forhousekeeping. Inquire

A.Winter. C East Ninth st . -;'. r.

FLAT—A first-closs flat forrent; steamheat and city water: all modern. Apply

to I.overing the Shoe Man, 386 and 38S Wa-basba st.


rent convenient flat of liverooms: cheap. 17C Western ay.

V7ISIT. PRUDKN STOVE CO.—Ware"V house, 409-11 Sibley st. Unequaled ad-vantage.

ICooms.—HOTEL KRUNSWICK, lor gentle-• . men only;fifty modern steam-heatedrooms by da/, week or mouth.

ENTKAL AY., CO, WEST— FurnishedV->" room for rent.

OLLEGE AY.,24 WEST—For rent, fur-' uished or unfurnished rooms, with orwithout board.( COLLEGE AY., 28, WEST— Nicely fur-v>uished rooms; gas and bath; reasonablerates. .

IFTHST., 119 WEST— Rice Park—nished front room.

OURTIIST.. 165, WEST— Rooms, com-fortable. well lighted and pleasant

ISABEL ST., 23 WEST— West side— For1 rent, furnished rooms; steam heat bath,grates: private residence; one block fromelectric car.

ACKSON, 62."—Corner Thirteenth—Fur-nished room rprivate family.ARION ST., 531— For rent, five rooms

(up stairs), with water and bath; §12.ARK PLACE, BG-Pleasant furnishedroom in private family; central location :

88; ;ROOMS

—Two comfortable furnished

rooms at White Bear Lake for summer,with or without board. 13 192, Globe.


rooms for rent; alsolooms forlight housekeeping. Inquire

217 Grove st.

ROOM— rent, a large front room,.niei'lv furnished; private family. ApplyArundel st. .

T.PETER ST., C34—Corner Igjeh.-irt St—'

Furnished room, in private family, fiveminutes' walk fromcourt house; gas andbath: 58 monthly.

MITH AY., 137. NORTH—One lilockfrom Cable

—furnished rooms

with all modern conveniences.

SUMMIT AYE.. 4:t-A nicely furnishedroom forone gentleman very reasonable.

LMMIT.75—Between St-Peterand Rice—Furnished rooms forrent S»i. ga and $10,

with use of bath, inprivate family.

I"MMIT AYE., Nicely furnishedrooms furgentleman very reasonable.rpiLTON, 56— Nicely furnished front-L room: house modern; board if desired;parlorand piano.

ITTA AsHA— Tenth at., overVV \u25a0 Drug Store

—Furnished rooms forrent

ALNUT ST., 386—For rent, three un-~furnished rooms suitable for light

housekeeping. • .___ . _____Stores^

ink STOKE forrent, cheap: good loca-\u25a0 tion fordry goods. J. C. Highnous, 359

South Wabasha st.ALF OF STOKE and flat above for

rent cheap. Lawrence Hope, 227 EastSeventh st.

TORE—A large new*store forrent 393Selby ay. Apply to Loveriug, the shoe

Man. 388 and 388 Wabasha st.

TORE—For rent store (20x89) No. 374Minnesota st.; cheap. Otto K. saver,

49 GilfillanBlock.

Ofii«CM.FFICES—For rent, splendid offices: a

few desirable offices can be had in theGlobe building St. Panl ;all modern con-veniences; at reasonable rent, includingsteam heat Apply to J. W. Taylor, Agent,Room 18.

" .OFFICE forrent on ground floor,155 East

Fourth st :size. ISx22; vault privilege ifdesired. Cochran &Walsh.

iTliscellaneoiis. __, .POX RENT—An elegant building andx location inhotel forsaloon, very cheap;itgreat chance. Address I*194. Globe. --\u25a0•


liiijis.A FOR REST. .


JqhnHKTliicliey's Kent List.

MODERN StVKX-KOOM HOUSE oniCentral ay., 528.

Modern six-room house on Central ay., $23.\u25a0,i Modern seven-rooms house "on Lafond,

near Rice St., 820.\u25a0~ Five-room house, corner Douglas and

Forbes ay.. SlO.'Cottage of five rooms, 449 fglehart, st, $13.

-Modern ten-room house. 307 Smith ay., 830.o-Flat of15 rooms on Wabasha st. at lowre lit. --. .-.•-.,.

Flat of 10 rooms on Seventh st., near Wa-basha st, $:;:..

Flat of 28 rooms on Wabasha st. at lowxentinJohn R. nickey, Room 131, Germania LifeBuilding.Fourth and Minnesota sts.


O \J. KOCHEX,N. W. Steam Dye Works;U...; office, 416 Robert st., Ryan block;works, 55 and 57 Indiana ay.

JA.ni>ON as to.. New York Steam Dye*»>V\orks; ladies' and gents' clothinga spe-cialty. 14 West Sixth st. ,

AHI.KRT & MISTEL, MinnesotaSteam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh.

PROFESSIONAL.UCPEKFU()Is HAltt.moles. warts.etc,0 permanently removed by electricity. Mrs.Baldwin, Suite 205, The Colonnade, cornerSt. Peter and Tenth: entrance on St. Peter.

MORTGAGE SALE—WHEREAS, DE-i'-l fault has been made in the conditionsof a certain mortgage, made, executed anddelivered by Frederic* G. Draper, mortgagor,to Hubert Moliers (who during his lifetimewas also known and called Hubert 11.Hollers), mortgagee, dated the twenty-ninthday ofApril,A.D.1887, and dulyrecorded inthe office of the Register of Deeds inand forthe County ofRamsey, State of Minnesota, onthe second day of May, A. D. 1887, at 11o'clock in the forenoon, in book "151" ofMortgages, on page 230 thereof, given to se-cure the payment of three certain promissorynotes, executed bysaid mortgagor, forninethousand dollars each, payable to the orderof said mortgagee, on or before May 10th,1868, 1889 and 18W, respectively, with interestthereon from May 10th, 1887, payable semi-annually. at the rate ofseven per cent per an-num, until paid, and covering lots numberedone (1) to twenty(20),both inclusive, ofblocknumbered one (I),and lotsnumbered one (1)to twenty(20), both inclusive, in block num-bered two (2)' in Coino Garden Lots, in thesaid county of Ramsey, according to the platthereof on fileand ofrecord in the said officeof the Register of Deeds, meaning therebythe west half of the northeast quarter of Sec-tion No. fifteen (15), Township No. twenty-nine (29), north ofRange No. twenty-three(23) west, subject to whatever easements aremade onsaid plat for public streets, whichsaid mortgage was given to secure the de-ferred payments of the purchase price of theabove described premises;

Whereas, The said mortgagee, by a partialrelease in writing duly executed byhim.bearing date on the 20th day of OctoDer, A.D. 1880, dulyrecorded insaid office of Regis-ter ofDeeds, on November 11th, GSM, In Book"E"of Partial Release?, on page 470 thereof,for theconsideration therein named, did fullyrelease and discharge the said lots seventeen,to twentyinclusive in said block one, andthe said lots seventeen to twentyinclusivein said block two. insaid Como Garden Lots,from the lienand operation of said mortgage;and \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;

Whereas, The Faid mortgaged premiseshave, since the execution of said mortgageand the recording thereof as aforesaid, beensubdivided Into blocks, lots, streets and al-leys by the then owners of mid •premisesunder the name and title of "Midway HillsRearrangement of Como Garden Lots," aswiilmore fullyappear by the plat thereofdulyrecorded and on file in the office of theRegister of Deeds aforesaid, to which said\u25a0pint and the said record thereof reference isthereby made, which said Rearrangement

\u25a0'contains and includes sixteen blocks, mini-'bered one to sixteen inclusive, and each ofMildblocks contains aud Includes thirtylots,UuuiDered one to thirtyinclusive: aud-

Whereas, The said mortgagee, by two cer-tain partial releases in writing,duly executedBy him, both bearing date on the ioth day ofNovember, 1890, duly recorded in the saidoffice of the Register of Deeds on December31st. 1S1K), and on January 10th. 1391, respect-ively,inBook "X" of Partial Releases, on

rpage 9 9 thereof, and inBook "F"of PartialReleases, on page 4'» thereof, respectively, forvalue received, did fully release and dis-

Vrharge from the lien and operation of said-mortgage the followingdescriDed blocks, lotsand parcels of land in said MidwayHills Re-

iftrrangement ofCorno Garden ..Lots, accord-ing to the said- pint thereof, to wit: lilooksone (1), two (2), three (3). four- (4), eleven(11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen(14), the North half of Block fifteen (15), theNorthhalf ofBlock sixteen (16), Lots nine-

\u25a0 teen (19), twenty-one (21), twenty-three (23),twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-sixC-'iii. twenty-eight (28) and thirty (30). in saidBlock fifteen (15), and lots sixteen to twenty-ei«ht (16 to 28), inclusive, in said block six-teen (16);and

Whereas, The said Hubert 11. Mollers diddepart this life at the said County ofRamsey, on or about February 16, 1691,'estate, leaving \u25a0 a last will and testa-ment, in and by which Nicholas Hermes, ofsaid Ramsey county, is named as executorthereof, which said last will and testamentwas proven and admitted to.probate in theProbate Court of said Ramsey county, on theISthday of March. A.D.1801, and the saidNicholas Hermes was duly appointed by thesaid Probate Court as the executor of saidlast willand testament, and duly qualified assuch on the said ISthday of March.1891; and,

Whereas. There is claimed to be due and isdue at the date of this notice on. said mort-gage and the debt secured tobe paid thereby,the sum of nineteen thousand one hundredand ninety-two96-100 (519,192.96) dollars, andno action or proceeding has been Instituted atlaw or otherwise torecover the debt securedby said mortgage orany part thereof,"Now therefore, Notice is hereby given,

that by virtue of a power ofsale contained insaid mortgage and made a part thereof,and of the statute in such case made and pro-vided, the said mortgage will be foreclosedby a sale of the mortgaged | premises thereindescribed and remaining nnreleased there-from, and now known anddesignated as lotsone to thirty,inclusive, inblocks five to ten,Inclusive, in said Midway Hills Rearrange-ment ofComo Garden Lots, which sale willbe made at public auction to the highest I.M--der forcash, by the sheriff of said Ramseycounty, at the main fourth street entrance ofthe Court House of said Ramsey county, inSt. Paul, Minnesota, on Friday, the 12th dayofJune, A D.1891, at ten o'clock in the fore-noon of that day, to pay Bald debt and in-terest and twohundred dollars attorney's feesstipulated in said mortgage to be paid in caseof the foreclosure thereof, and the costs anddisbursements allowed by law.

Dated St. Paul. Minn., April29th. IS9I.*NICHOLAS HERMES,

Executor of the Last Will and Testament ofHubert 11. Hollers, deceased. Mortgagee.John B. Olivier.

Attorney for Executor. St. Paul. Minn.

180 East Seventh Streat

ST. PAUL,- -


V:Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic1ana blood and skiu disaases of both sexeswithout the use of mercury orhindrancefrom business. NO CUKE, PAY. Pri-vate ,diseases, and all old, lingering cases,where the blood has become poisoned, caus-ing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth,

\u25a0 pains in the head and bones, and all dis-eases of the kidneys and bladder, are curedforlife. Men of all ages who are sufferingfi^mthe result of youthful indiscretion orexcesses of mature years.producing nervous-ness, indigestion, consflpation, loss of mem-.ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently'

cured.' \u25a0


j-,:rDjvFeller, who has had many years of ex:porience in this specialty, is a graduate frtnione of the leading medical colleges of thecountry. Hehas never failed incuring any

'.Cases that he has undertaken. Cases andjcorrespondence sacrecly confidential. Callof.write forlist of questions. Medicines sentby mail and express everywhere free fromrisK and exposure-

ST. PAULFoundry Company,


Architectural Iron Work!.Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths andPattern Makers. Send for cuts of col-umns. Works on St. P., M.&M.R.R.,near Como avenue. Ofnce 102 E.,Fourthstreet, St Paul. C. H. POWEtt, Secreary and Treasurer. T

Chicago, Burlington &Northern Railroad"Leaves . forChicago, St. Louis . and down

river points, 7:50 a. m.;arrives, 1:45 p.m.dally, except Sunday. ...; . . . V~

Leaves . for Chicago and '. St. Louis, 7:30 p.\u25a0lj arrives, 7.35 a. m., daily.

auctioh BAI.ES.vK.Holloway. Auctioneer.

BEAUTIFUL house and corner lot atHamline. corner Asbury and Blair,at

auction. This sale was postponed on ac-count ofrain, but willnow. be sold Friday,

• May 29. at 3p. m., rain or shine. The househas eight rooms,* bath, water closets, wellbuilt and all modern improvements. Theentire house is heated by' a Tiiton heater.There is also a. Rood barn, and the propertylies onlytwo blocks from the electric line,and fora convenient home this willsuit you,or for capitalists seeking safe and profitableinvestment. Itwillbe to your interest to at-tend this sale, givingyou an opportunity ofsecuring a nice home at your own figures.For particulars call on B. Hollowav, auc-tioneer.Jel»b <fc Sohauer. Auctioneers.T7INE HOUSEHOLD FUKMTURKJC and Carpets at Public Auction— Thurs-day, Hay 28, at 10 a. m.. the contents of thebrown stone residence 522 Cedar St.: near thecorner ofTenth, and next door to Gen. John-son's former home, consisting of five fineantique oak and one black walnut bedroomsuits, a large quantityof Brussels and ingraincarpets, some of which nave been laid onlythree weeks; three lounges, black walnutbookcase that cost 500, folding bed, willowand fancy rockers, easy chairs: oak. cherryand marble top center tables; lace curtainsand lambrequins, pictures, chandeliers, sil-verware and dishes, ice box, dining roomtable, six-bole Home Garnet range, coal andheating stoves kitchen utensils, and all theodds and ends that complete a household.These goods have

'had good care and afford

an especially good chance to parties going tothe lake to secure bargains. Jebb & Schauer,Auctioneers, 422 Wabasha St.


xX Furniture— outfit forlarge hotelor boarding house at 206 West Third st..Seven corners. Friday morning. May 29, at 10a. m. A.11. Nicolay. Auctioneer.


OUSES— Auction at Russell's Stable, 220Second aye. north, at 2p.m., Saturday,

May;>0; twentyhead of lowa horses weigh-ing from ten to sixteen hundred, drivers andworkers. This sale will be conducted asformer sales made by Mr. Russell, everyhorse guaranteed to be as represented at"time ofsale. Every hone will be sold andno hy-bidoing. W.*M. Russell. Minneapolis.

Nelson,Cor. Washington Ay. and Third Ay. S.

-REGULAR GRADUATE. From 20 years

experience, Hospital and Private Practiceis enabled to guarantee RADICAL cures inChronic or Poisonous Diseases of the Blood,Throat. Nose, fekin, Kidneys, Bladder andkindred organs. Gravel aud Stricture curedwithout Pain or Cutting.

Those who contemplate going to notSprings for the treatment of any Private orBlood Disease cau be cured foroLC-third theCost.Itis an established fact, proved by post-

mortem examination,' that tubercles of thelungs have become encysted and healed bynatural causes. How much more reasonableis it to infer that CATARRH AND INCIP-IENT CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Asthmaand Lung Disease! can be cured by judicious,scientific treatment. Dr.Nelson is so firmlyconvinced of the certainty of his latest treat-ment for this class ofdiseases that he offersfree trial treatmentMPRX/nijC Physicfri-and OrganicINtnVUUO Weaknesses, Prema-ture Decay. Evil Forebodings, Self-Distrust,Impaired Memory, Palpitation of the Heart,Pimples on the Face. Specks before the EYE,Ringing in the EAR, Catarrh, ThreatenedConsumption and Every Disqualificationthat .renders Marriage improper and un-happy, SPEEDILY and PERMANENTLYcurea.

BLOOD ANDSKIN %£;Syphilis—a disease most horrible in its re-sults—completely eradicated without Uie useof mercury. Scrofula, Erysipelas, FeverSores, Blotches. Pimples, Ulcers, Pain in theHead and Bones, Syphilitic Bore Throat,Mouth and Tongue, Glandular Enlargementof the Neck, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc.. Per-'manently Cured, when Others Have Failed.{37~Receutiy contracted IIDIMA DVor chronic Diseases POSI-vJ rtllNMl\ITIVELYcured in3 to 8 days by alocal rem-. edy. Nonauseous drugs used. Many cases

-'pronounced incurable promptly yielded to:Dr. Nelson's Approved ltemetllMedicines Mailed or Expressed to any ad-dress Free from observation. Hours, 19 a. m.to 12 m.. 2 to 4 p. m.-: Sunday, 2to 4 p. in.326 Wash. Ay. S., Miiincapolli*,Jlimi.

THK ST. PAILTRUST COMPANYOffices, ISndlcott Block, Foil

. street— Acts as» executor, admin-istrator, guardian, trustee, at,'

siSiicc, receiver, etc.

THE STATE OF MINNESOTA,RAMSEYX County— Court, Second Judi-cial District.Lena M.Christophel, Carrie O. Christophel

aud Henry M. Christophel. minors, by TheSt. Paul Trust Company, their generalguardian, aud Harvey Officer, guardian,ad litem, plaintiffs, against Katie Al-baehten (formerly Katie (;bristo|>hel> andBernard Albaeh ten. her husband: I.ullorsQuiulan, John IT. Allen, The NetherlandsAmerican Land Company, Frank W.Chase. Franklin C.Gerhard, Simon Miller,Theodore Hamm, The" Commercial Na-tional Bank of St. Paul, Minnesota SoapCompany, William G. Pott*, and Peter T.Potts, co-partners under the firm liiimnof Potts Brothers, W. H.Darby, CharlesKrest, and Charles Nyquist, co-partnerWdoing business under the firm name ofExchange Laundry, defendants— Sum-UitrU*1111 itCllfl.

Trie < a cof Minnesota <\u25a0\u25a0 the nhov»-iir»r)ieddefendants, and to all persons unknown-

• having or claiming an interest in the real,estate situated insaid Ramsey County, and;described inthe complaint in this action,as follows:1. Comcncing forty-four and one twelfth

feet (44 1-12) south from the southwest cor-ner ot Fuller and Rice streets in the City orSt.- Paul, thence west ono hundred andtwenty-Jive feet (125) more or less, to westline oflot sixteen (10). thence south alongsaid' west line forty-four and one-twelfth(44 1-12) feet, thence east one hundred andtwenty-rive feet (125), more or less, to thawest line ofRice street, thence north alongthe west line ot Rico street, forty-four andone-twelfth (44 1-12) feet to the place*of beginning, being 44 1-12 feet on Ricastreet, aud 125 feet in depth, and be-ing the 44 112 feet of lots sixteen(16), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18).and of that part of lot nineteen (IS) lyingwest of west line of Rice street, in blocknumber six (C) of A.G.Fuller's addition toSt. Paul, according to the recorded plat

j thereof inand forsaid Ramsey county.2. The north forty-four and one-twelfth

(44 1-12) teet of lots sixteen (10), seventeen(17), eighteen (19) and that part of lot nine-teen (1!)) west of Rice street, inblock six (8),In Bald A.G.Fuller's addition to St. PauLaccording to said plat on file in said office ofRegister of Deeds, being same premises

i purchased by Agnes Murphy, formerly Mc-Carthy, ofEmma Rauget, Nov.11. 1679.

3. Also the south forty-four and on*twelfth (44 1-12) feet of lot*sixteen (ltf),sev-enteen (17),eighteen (18) and that part of lotnineteen (19) west of Kice street, In said

I block six (6) of said addition, being samepremises purchased by Agnes Murphy(for-merlyMcCarthy) of Emma Rauget, Nov.11,IS7S.

You are hereby summoned and required to. answer the complaint of the plaintiffin theabove-entitled action, which complaint ha*been duly filed In the office of the Clerk ofsaid District Court, at the City of St. Paul, insaid Ramsey county, and to serve a copy atyour answer to said complaint on the sub-scriber at his office, in the CityofSt. Paul. inthe said County of Ramsey, within twentydays after the service of thissummons uponyou, exclusive of the diy of such serviceand ifyou failto answer the said complaintwithin the time aforesaid, the -plaintiff inthis action willapply to the court for the re->ief demanded in the complaint;

Dated April23rd. 1801.[Signed] HARVEY OFFICER,

Plaintiff's Attorney,St. -Paul. Minn.

THE ST.PAUL TRUST <O.TIPANV—Office*, Endicott Block, Fourth

street— Acts a*-executor, admin-

istrator, guardian, trustee, u»-bijiiiee, receiver.

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OFO Ramsey— InProbate Court, SpecialTerm. May •_><>, 1391.In the matter of the estate of Nicholas

McAfee, deceased,- On reading and riling the petitionof TheSt. Paul Trust Company, executor of theestate of said Nicholas* McAfee, deceased,'representing, among other things, that ithasfullyadministered said estate, and prayingthat a time and place be fixed forexaminingand allowingits final account of adminis-tration, and for the assignment of the residueof said estate to the persons entitled thereto:Itis ordered, that said account beexamined,

and petition heard, by the Judge of thisCourt, on Monday, the 15th day of June,A.D. 1891. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the ProbateCourt Room in the Courtllouse in St.Paul,in said comity. •" '\u25a0•"

Anditis further ordered, that notice there-of be given toall persons interested, by pub-lishinga copy of this order for three succes-sive weexs, once in each week, prior to saidday of hearing, in the St. Paul DailyGlobs,a dailynewspaper printed and published atSt. Paul, insaid county. g>Bythe Court:

JOHN B. OLIVIER,'I*.».J Judge of Proh*ta.- ...


nue, Corner Fourth Street.:_-^2sr-Nn_3_vp3Z__s, luriiTKr.

he oldest and only reliable advertisingmedical office in the city, us willbe seeu byconsulting old files 01" the daily press.- Kegularlygraduated aud legally qualified :longengaged in Chronic, Nervous and Skindiseases. A friendly talk costs nothing. Ifinconvenient to -visit the city for treatment,medicines sent by mail or express, iree fromobservation. Curable cases guaranteed. Ifdoubt exists we say bo. Hours— lo to 11a.m., 2to 4ana 7toß p.m.:Sundays, 2 to3p.m. Ifyou cannot come, state case by mail.NFRVfIIK Organic Weakness, Failing

nCDIMTV Memory-Lack of Energy.

U-DILIIY Physical Decay, arising from'indiscretion. Excess or Exposure, pro

due-ing some of the following effects:Nervousness. Debility..Dimness of Sight,

Self-Distrust. Defective Memory, Pimples onthe Face. Aversion to Society, Loss of A3bition, Unfltneas to .Marry, Melancholy. Dys-pepsia, Stunted Development. Loss of PowerPains in the Back, etc.. are treated withun-paralleled success. Safely, privately, speedilyni ftftrt1 IIIIIIAH Form* Alfoi-t---n| 111 ill'"* «o«ly, *°» *I3 81181 Throat, skin and

UiaUUUBunet, BlotchesKruptions, Acne, luztma, Old,

Sores, Ulcer*, Painful Swell-liU"> from whatever <-HU-ie. pos-itivelyana forever driven from the system bymeans of safe, time-tested remedies, Mitt'and swollen joints and rheumatism, the resuit of blood poison, positively cured.I/1niirifAuA i



IIIIHI If<' omplaliii«,

A I IIt]I"Ift>aill<"> »»"-

l\l I'•""« to° Fre-lIIUIILIquent or KloodyUrine. iinatural DischargesPromptly Cured. C'oiiwtltii-tional and Acquired Weaknessol'lSotli Sexea treated ancec— fully.nAT*nrrn Throat. Nose and Lang Dis-OrllMnnn ease constitute an importantspecialty at this ollice.iiI fuDfiUirlIAlthough we have InALL Urinuniu the preceding; para-

niQPAQFQ graphs made mention of. K!££2r..*_ some of the special ail-A SPECIALTY ments to which pnrticu-

\u25a0^>———•—"»»^liir attention is given,wehave facilities and apparatus for the success-ful treatment of every form of chronic ail-ment, whether requiring for its cure medicalor surgical means.-Itis self-evident that a physician paying

particular attention to a class of cases at-tains great skill.

Everyknown application Is resorted to.andthe proven good remedies of all ages andcountries are used. No experiments are made.

FiCKK—Pamphlet and Chart of Questionssent free to your address. Allconsultations,either by mail or verbal, are regarded asstrictly confidential, and are given perfectprivacy.'

DR. nniM.u. Minneapolis. Minn.


St. Paul, Minn.. May 22, 18!)L—Sealedbids, marked "Bids for Sidewalks," willbereceived at this office until 12 :n. onSaturday,June 6,1891, for the construction, repair andrelaying of such wooden sidewalks for thecity,according to plans and specificationstherefor on tile in this office, as may be or-dered built, repaired or relaid by the Com-mon Council between April 1 and Nov. 1,1891.

A bond in tbe sum of five hundred ($500)dollars, with two responsible sureties, resi-dents of the State ofMinnesota, must accom-pany each bid.

The Council reserves the right to reject anyorall bids. .V S. GIiOFF, City Clerk.


Oilice hours: 10 to VIa. m.



Public Works. City of St. Paul, Minn.. May18, 1891.— Sealed bids will be received by theBoard of Public Works in and for the corpo-ration of the Cityof St. Paul. Minnesota,at their office in said city,until 12 m. on the29th day of May, a. 1). o.'l. for grading RustSixthstreet, from Commercial street to Mariaavenue, insaid city, according to plans andspecifications on tile in the office- of saidboard.

Abond with at least two (2) sureties in asum of at least twenty iJOj per cent, or acertified check on abank of St. Paul in asum of at least ten 110) per cent, of the grossamount bid must accompany each bid. Saidcheek .shall be made payable to the Clerk ofsaid Board.

\u25a0 The said Board reserves the right to rejectany and all bids.

R. L.GORMAN. President.Official: J. T. Kekkbr.

Clerk Board of Public Works,mayI'.)-lot


ToFargo, Winnipeg, Helmut, Baitsand the Pacific Northwest._ ______

; St. PauLDining Cars on Winnipeg andPacific Coast Trains. ILv. |Ar.

Pacific Express (daily;, for FarKO.Jamestown, Livingston, Butte,Helena, Missoula, spekanA Seat- 9:0012:40tie. Tacoma and Portland a.m. p.m.

Pacific Mail (daily), for Fargo,Bismarck, Livingston, Bozeman,Helena. Buitc, Missoula, Spo-kane, Seattle, Tacoma and Port- 4:15 8:0}land p.m. D.m.

Fargo and Winnipeg Express(daily), for Fergus Falls. Wahpc-ton. Grand Forks, Gratton,Win-nipeg.

'Moorhead, Fargo and B:rx> 7:0»

Jamestown. p.m. a.m.Brainerd Express, daily (except

Sunday) for Anoka, St. Cloud. 1:00 11:00LittleFalls and Brainerd >.m.la.m.Pullman Sleepprs <iallv between St. I'nul and

flrnfton. Grand Forks, Winnipeg, Ktrsin Kails.Helena and Bntte. Pallnian Kirst-ClaM and Tour-istSleepen and Free Colonist Sleepers an*runonthrough Pacific Cons! Trains, C. E.STONE. CityTicket Ajrent, 162 East Third Street, St. Haul. ii.V. M'NKII.I.,dtr Ticket Agent. V}Xicollct it..vt9Blot Minneapolis.

GREAT NORTHERN R'Y LINE.Tini/PTO 3:16 East Third St. St. Paul;IIblvLlu3 >o Nicollet Minneapolis' "

lll",w and Union depots Inboth elitesleave St. Paul Union l>»;jK>t. iAUiuva

bß:osa-rn. Wayzata.LltcliOeiai'Willmnr tjß:3op.m.bf:3)«.m.'Ker. FalU, Fargo 4 G. Fork* L>C:lop.m.b3'3op._l. Osseo, Clear A-atcr &St. Cloud ljll.Mo.rab3:3Up.m. Anoka, St. Cloud


...Ext'pLsior and llutcliinson... hllXnj~uiWHlmar, tfiknil City,1IHioux Falls, bWatertown,jbHuron Wahpeton, bAb-

_C:4op.m. Ierdeen, bEllendale, (Far- >\u25a0 a7:13 a.m.|go, bCass«Uon, Grafton, j

Winnipeg and Pacific IICoast, I[tAnoka, St. Cloud, Sank!!Center, Ferjras Fulls, Far- \

07:40 p.m. 1 po, Crookston, O. Forlc% f uGSS a.m.Great Falls, Helena,

'vßuttc and Pacific Coast, jEastern Minnesota.

(Dnluth, W. Superior, Elk)bl:<Vi p.m.

-River, Milaca, Itinckley,>1>7:03p.m.

(.Princeton.Anoka,* )|b,dally; b, except Sundavj. *BuT parlor

on trains to Duluth and we«t Superior. H'.ti.-.etbloopers. iDintngcars, palace iTflrnnri and :reaco lonist sleeping cars-

pttSl IMinneapolis &Si. L§aljggfjgl ; Railwi".beparting Trains. Lv.St.Paul Lv.Mpls.

Chic. &Kan.Ctty Ex.j a!):5."» am ul0:10 amDcs MoinesExpr. .. a955 am alO:<i()aaiChicago "Fast Expr" d(J.2spni: d7:o7praSt. Louis -Fast Ex". bG pm b7:o7pTiDe3Moines passe ng'r | d 6 pm d7:07 pmWaterville Express.. a3:">opm al:3opmExcelsrfor&Water'wn a? :00 am a-i:lsaiaNorthome (Hotel St. "I f aG:ooam

Louis.i. Excelsior <_ j i dl>:3o amLake Park H0te1.... }• < dl.-_)am

! ] d5:05 pmJ (.: d(i:l)3pm

-Ex. Sunday; bHi. Saturday; dDoily;cSunday only.


Crnr Ottick—

'So. Citt Oftice— Xa.IEast Thirdstreet, Washington aye., 3^corner Sibiey. corner Hcunepin, ia

Depot— Fourth NicolletHoase. Block,street, terminuscable Depot— Cor. Thirdline. IItand Fourth av.N

a^^roMTO CALIFORNIAScxBSC&^9H&M The most comforta

\u25a0Rjpß9v9Mß Hble way to reucti'

ahI^^U^^^sSHfornia is via Chicago

Hjor Kans&3 City, from!•**______________f wnich points through

cars run without change. For rales and fur-ther information apply to S. M. ObQOOD.Gen. Agt, or W. M. WOODWAKD, Tarv.Am., 15 Guaranty Loan Building,Minueapolis. Minn.

flr l BlV'

Is not an experiment ;ithas been tested,and its enormous sale is due solely toitsmerit. It is made on honor, and goodhousekeepers say SANTA CLAUS SOAP

is a necessity." Don't let your dealergive you some other kind, if he hasn'tSanta Claus, but insist on having only.


'ALWAYS ON TIME."Ticket Offices— lso East Third street, St.

Paul; 13 Nlcollet Hoiue, Minneapolis, an 1

Union Depots in St. Paul. Minneapolis snd •SUilwKter. Minneapolis, St. Pan! and still-water Trains—Leave St. Paul fT:45,8:3k 89:00,o:3s and 10:45 a. in., and 12:05. 52:10. 4:05. 5:05,G:2f>, t. JO and •!'• i"ip. m. Returning, leavaStillwater t6:30, r:3O, 8:10, 9:40 and floao a.m.. andtl2:o.4, 1:40, 4:05, 5:10. 5:20 and s6:l)p.m. (•Daily, tAx.Sun. ;Kx.Mon. sSua-day only.)

Leave ArriveThrough Trains. ,St. Paul. St. Taut.

Chicago "Daylight"Ex! •7:45am *l:00 pmChicasro Vestibule LfinM "7:30 pm :25 amWest Superior I t9 Bam +s:oopm

andDuluth *lO:3spin *ti:r>oainAshland. Hurley ....> to:3sam «5 :00 pm

Itaytielti ashburn ( 10:25 Dm •S^OamChippewaK'llsAßlk t5:05 pm t6:lspmSt Joseph &Kansas City *7:50 a m tS:OO a mOmaha Kansas City... 15 pm *.3:ooaniSioux City.Shakqpee, 1 •."::..) tts:4opin

Denver a. San Fran- '-Cisco ) •7:4">pm *S:ooam

Pipestone ASioux Falls. *T:50 am tß:4opmShakopee* Maiikato... tlO:50 Dm tlo:4sainTracy.Wnftowrufc Pierre +10:50 pm| £8:00am

I Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Pun! itr,Trail.*leave St. Paul Union Depot as allows: ForWiaona, 1.1

> roase, Milwaukee, Cliicafro. B, 7:3»a.in.;A 3p. m :<v 9:56 p. in.. A,•< p. in. MafonCUjr,St.Louis, KmiM.,3 City, A, \u25a0' 1. .1. in.;(', 7:10 p. m.Dabuqued Rock Island, IS, 7:36 a. m.:C, 7:15 p. to.Aberdeen, Mitchell. A, i. i. p.m. Culin-.ir, Prairis

I daChien, Davenport, B,(his a. m. Austin & Way,A.9:1.1,!. in.: A. 4 .'.. p. in.:C,7:15 p. ra. Millmuk.VWay, 11, 7:11o in. U hlm-liu.V I:<>i•lie.,:.-r,i:..'. i>. in.

A mentis dully; B,ex. Sunday; C, ex. SaturdayFor lurtlierin'.urni KcoCun'iiiuiiy'HtiineUiUlejTicket Offices, 131Kiiat ThirdSt. aud Uniaa U«pot

Cnicago, St. Paul & K.CityKy. trains leavew union depot 7:45 a. in.ex. duuday, 7:30 pm.iluily,;ir. ~.:Ma.ui.U.uly, ll:a; p.m.'ex. Sna

y^^sh Ratos aro 52.30 to50. 50 I'Vrft&p&l lower than via any other !Kaaftju|uui route. Detroit, $15. G0;pffijtUffjygl Buffalo, $2 LOO; Toronto, i

yffljji!11'! $2fOO; Montreal, 923 OO;s*^*"Quebec, $27-50; Albany,

$24.00; Boston, $24 OO; New York,$25.00' RATES to IntermediatePoints proportionately low. Steam,heated trains run through solid*Ticket offices Guaranty Building,

'Minneapolis; 185 E. Third Street.St. Paul, and Union Stations.

WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES.!lea.* (Northern Pacificß.R.Co.Lcssee.) imw

I*•<-•P. M.II.Ml".U.|rCs*d.|!l"*Ml!'wUj' 7.MA.H.IlIX.A U. II1 IC,P. M.IT.IIKM.lzi.t~t'utCA^i. II.«P. M.I«m». M.1 )







V!il cure without medlelos all Yte%inn» rennltlac fi-ji»

•• «exu&l exhaattioo.draiDi, lo«»*», ocrroaa debility,tlup.lumui,Imngoor, rbeumatUm. ki-Jinj,Yntx»cl fcl» tilercoauplaiuti,lame back, lnmbago, aristi», «\u25a0 atral i'J-h«»:tb, >-t<j,bitelectric belt costalos Wonderful ImproxnnUoni «a

other*, au4 «iv«j a current tha! Ulcstaotl^ fait \>jtb* w«tr»rurnfnrhlt<tf.OOO.UO, aad willcore allof tbs abore dIM4vJ

or nopar. rh'.usacli bare b«»n rur«4 by this marv«Ioo«lnrentlou after illotber r-n»-ll.!« failed, and wefifa hoo-drediofteitlmoDlaUln tbl» and every otk«r itate.

Our powerful improved KLECTRIC MmnMI !i-:tie.tTeatett boon ever offered weak men: FHKK «I rIIA1,1.BKI.IS.

Health an! Vl<orou« Klrrn<lh(iI'AUAXTBKOla CO to 9*DiVS. Send for lvi«llluitrsted tiampblet*, •«»;•-:, be*by mall. AddreitI SANDBHTbIiBCTRicCO.,So. 47 fourth Street South, MinneaDOtia, Minn.


JPER? EC! IKrORMS-MATCHLESS ID WAR!\u25a0lJ'iO anxious were the aoeieoM for etalwart jk|

3/ that posy boy* at bir.b were put to deatb.JaVi^^^ _^<^Er#ry m*n «*n l>« BTRONJVIOOBOUBiij.llrupectt.

>mm YOUNG MEN OR OLD.y/jT I\V H^ sufTfringfrom NERVOUS DX-A/***>>/ j/PJ BILITY,Lo»t or FallingMm*

I"saG)^»WnkV SI flood,PbyileU Ezc»it«i, MentalI4r!lf W V*. 5* 'WoiTy, Stunted EeTelopment, or

\u25a0 \u25a0 Ts LT"! any Fer«on»l Weakneis, can b»It X t/ reitortd to PERFECT HEALTH\ 1I11 »a* the noble TfUllty of E'IEOHOf| L .V\ MEIr,th*Prida and Power cf Nations.[aIfe1 We claim by years of practice bjrHI mlour exclusive methods a uniformma I]"MONOPOLY OP 87CCE88" in trcßt-j'jj Ik ing all DUeaies, W«akn*ii«i andlfi»SS*^Aflletion» ofMan. Testimonials*wfrom .>iStates and Territories.

nno uru/ ennv "'^ '""»'/'\u25a0"•. seaipri.po«-UUn HLW BUUI\paid, forailmited time. O«*itwhileyon can. FillExplanation* 'or HOME TREAT-MEHT. Yon can be REB7OKED as thousands haT» betaby m. Read oar tattlmonlals. Addresa, at one*ERIE MEDICALCO.BUFFALO.N.Y*

the leading remedy forlire? in Gonorrbcea A file^t.

/s^r iToSI-)AYS.W The only saie remedy forl?*!3Uu*r»nte«4 nf<t to« T.«.nrf.irh<«,. nrWhitMF&« mum S'rictox?. sjt-accrrntcj»or»naea

|2f «°^_riet"t-

IDrescrlbe it and feelMfm m fioaiy b» safe in commending iteal THEEv*N3CHEMtmCo. to all enflerera.Vh ONC!NN*Tt,OBBai A.J. STONER, M.D.N^HL v.a.a. Decatcb. LUa>

*TgBTiW ||r 1Sold by DrotocUtiKTraa^^MHw^arkl PHRK Sl.Oti,

TANSY PfLLSfc are t^rfwtly««fc alwaytEfle«tusl. Merer fallft taa&rd»p««4jr and cc ml*relief^ Mora thaft llr^

I**R Aaricin wom«n idthem rajalarly. Gnaraateed superiorHItoall other* or cash nfaalil ttjmnJr-.jtjrhtdoa't in>

"W'lUox'b Compound Tansy Pills,"

sctrplno wofi.':!r.a\u25a0 noetraia taU toU\u25a0\u25a0; .« vpOd," but uni I.. <\u25a0 r "\foman'ifare <;ottr.l,-» *a.lr«ei«e the ..nlr Hb-.!ui.It reliable)

[ MW^pavHaZ WILCUX SFECIFKJ CO., l'falla., fa.Sold at Ryan'*, 229 V.u+i Thirdstreet.

i TA ufPii/ liri!!:airi'rtniffrl"1IW IfIbM|\ ISail V youthfulerrors

early decay, wanti: wcakEPs^, lost aMBIkOQd, eta.Iwill *4 :ilavaluable ..ti^o(st-aled) containing(allparticulars for homo cure, FHKK of cbarg:.X splemltU i!ie<Heal work;olumlit hi- read by oreryman who i.-i nervo«w end itftiiiiiit.-1. Adilrci^,

[ Frof. F. C. I''O»VLIiK,.tloodus, lonui