polystar jupiter brochure

Jupiter – Smart tools turn network intelligence into subscriber satisfaction.

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Jupiter – Smart tools turn network intelligence into subscriber satisfaction.

Page 2: Polystar Jupiter Brochure

Jupiter iS a revolutionary tool for operatorS, never before Seen in the telecom induStry.

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“achieving true SubScriber-focuS iS a challenge.

that’S why we developed Jupiter. we underStand that any network iS

only aS good aS the operator’S ability to See, underStand and fix problemS.

Jupiter’S unique multi-dimenSional viSualiSation of network intelligence

giveS you both the broad overSight and the deep inSight neceSSary to

optimiSe performance and keep uSerS SatiSfied over the long term.”

Mikael Grill / CEO Polystar

Jupiter System designReference data

SolutionsNetwoRk seRvice assuRaNcewireless Ps wireless cs iMs Fixed line interconnect Performance iP Performance

custoMeR assuRaNcesubscriber analytics Handset and Device analysis corporate/viP analysis

RoaMiNg assuRaNceRoaming analytics global Roaming Quality

applicationsDashboard inspector event analyser subscriber analytics crystallizer alarms

JupiterDiscover the Jupiter advantage Prioritise floods of data and focus your efforts the power of visualising with Jupiter applications

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HandsetJupiteryour subscriber focus starts here

polystar’s groundbreaking Jupiter application helps operators develop their business,

and drive the change towards customer centricity by providing a common platform

throughout the organisation. Jupiter takes oSS and performance monitoring to the next

level by giving telecom operators control over their services and the user experience.

Jupiter is a revolutionary tool that provides customised real-time views of business

intelligence to various departments of your organisation via personally adapted dash-

boards. from senior management to engineering and customer care, Jupiter makes

sense of the millions of informational elements generated every day in the operator

environment. the result is a unique, end-to-end multidimensional perspective of service

delivery and customer experience not previously available in the telecommunications


discover the Jupiter advantage

Jupiter generates customer- and business-intelligence information and puts it at your

fingertips. raw network information is collected via real-time probes and combined with

reference data from third-party sources to provide detailed information—from high-level

business intelligence down to never before seen ‘bits and bytes’ data analysis.

Jupiter includes many sophisticated and detailed reports that are presented via a

number of groundbreaking visualisation techniques. through the web browser-based

interface, you gain instant online access to usage and performance quality metrics for

voice, messaging, and data services from a customer, handset/device and network

perspective. this ability to see important information quickly—coupled with extensive

yet easy-to-use drill-down capabilities to isolate and resolve root causes—improves

efficiency, saves time and reduces costs.

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prioritise floods of data and focus your efforts

the telecommunications industry has an ever-increasing demand for instant analysis of

large amounts of complex data, as well as management of real-time information feeds.

in this flood of data, Jupiter provides crucial prioritisation. knowing where to focus your

efforts to resolve customer-impacting problems has never been this easy. through

Jupiter’s unique reporting capabilities, users can work with visualisation techniques to

easily identify and prioritise their tasks. with the help of graphs, colour, grouping, and

drill-down it becomes easier than ever to ensure that high-priority revenue-impacting

issues are resolved first. Jupiter is an ideal tool for many different departments in a

carrier’s organisation—from senior management, to network engineering and customer

care. also, having a unified visualisation tool through many areas of the business

improves inter-departmental communications and understanding.

Jupiter’s drilldown possibility takes you

from a helicopter view down to xDR-

level analysis in a few clicks.

the power of visualising with Jupiter applications

Jupiter gives the user access to all possible perspectives, from a helicopter view to

unmatched drill-down capabilities for in-depth network investigation. Jupiter’s graphical

interface encourages proactive use and inspires new data-monitoring methods to better

reveal degrading trends and other anomalies. potential problems can be dealt with

before they affect quality of service, thus increasing your competitive edge.

Jupiter applications are designed to improve efficiency and support the operational

workflow, from kpi and kqi overviews to root-cause analysis. drill-down starts with a

helicopter view in the dashboard application. when an issue arises in a dashboard, you

go to the inspector application to analyse the data in more detail, and perhaps ultimately

to the event analyser, where data can be studied on an xdr level.

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Jupiter applications are designed to provide a fast and holistic view of a telecom network with the ability to drill down into

highly specific details, wherever needed.

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the dashboard application is the nerve centre of Jupiter, where you gain an instant

overview of your network. here you can combine multiple kpi views from several

technologies, dimensions, and data sources into one view. if all systems are “go”, there is

no need to act, but as soon as performance changes from the normal state it will show

up on the dashboard. and a full analysis is quickly executed via inspector and event


the dashboard application comes with a set of predefined views. these views can easily

be adapted to fit each user, from upper management to technical support. Similarly, the

set of kpis and kqis can easily be changed or customised according to the needs of

each user.

when further analyses of kqis/kpis are required, the user can drill down to the inspector

application to investigate the kpis in more detail.

applicationS inspector

the inspector application is an advanced and flexible online data-analysis tool that

provides deeper information about selected kpis. from the network overview in

dashboard, the user can go to inspector to study a particular kpi in more detail to

determine what needs to be done. together with the kpis, a large set of reporting and

analysis functions are available, which makes it possible to customise the workflow to

each operator’s preferences and processes.

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event analyser

the event analyser application supports fast and flexible investigation of individually

stored events (xdrs) down to the level of a single subscriber. event analyser is a superb

tool for revealing the root cause of a problem, and lets the user immediately see to the


using these three Jupiter applications, operators can achieve a completely new level

of monitoring to help optimise networks performance. in a market where competition

for new customers is fierce, Jupiter helps operators to reduce churn by always being in

control of network delivery.

Subscriber analytics

Subscriber analytics is polystar’s innovative application for customer experience

management. it offers completely new possibilities for customer service or second-line

technical service to directly solve end-user problems. agents gain all the information

needed to guide the customer through problem-solving measures. agents can directly

recommend a solution to the customer, such as handset replacement or the sending of

new settings to correct a malfunction or misconfiguration.


• displays instant views of perceived quality and percentage of faults per imSi

• Shortens support-call hold time and reduces multiple call-ins

• enables fast escalation of relevant faults to second- and third-line engineers

• provides suggestions for probable fault causes using “worst performing handset” reports

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the crystallizer application is polystar’s innovative graphical user interface for managing

large amounts of complex data for real-time analysis. the crystallizer user interface

displays a multi-coloured mosaic of rectangular fields, the characteristics of which

contain information on user, service, or network performance. the size of a field reflects

the volume of the underlying data, while the colour reflects the urgency of an issue. this

offers a new and efficient method of prioritisation not previously available in the industry.


the alarms application lets you configure and view alarms, while also enabling predefined

or customised alarm definitions. alarms can be viewed in real time and filtered from a

network, customer, and service perspective, indicating degrading trends for kpis and



• absolute/percentage alarms

• trending/Standard deviation alarms

• alarm levels - critical - major - minor - info - clearing

• time-based activation of the alarms (days, time, and exclusion of defined alarms)

• alarm handler - colour marking according to severity - State mark (active, acknowledge, and clear) - filtering, sorting, and searching

• immediate prompting; when accessing the system, the user will immediately be informed of any active alarms

• links to other applications, to support further analysis of the triggered alarms

• graphical alarm presentation

• alarm distribution, for example using Snmp

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each Jupiter solution gives you a potent tool to leverage relevant data into actionable improvements – all in a real-time monitoring environment

you create with your own custom-tailored dashboards.

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Solutions supported by Jupiter:

network Service aSSurance

• wireless pS

• wireless cS

• imS

• fixed line (pStn and voip)

• interconnect performance

• ip performance

cuStomer aSSurance

• Subscriber analytics

• handset and device analysis

• corporate/vip analysis

roaming aSSurance

• roaming analytics

• global roaming quality

cutting-edge SolutionSJupiter applications and features are bundled into different solutions, suitable for

different departments within your business. the solutions gather all relevant information

for monitoring one particular area in one dashboard, for example wireless pS,

interconnect performance, or Subscriber analytics. each solution also comes with a

selection of ready-to-use reports.

what is more, Jupiter’s interface gives you a high degree of freedom to create your own

monitoring environment, with customised dashboards or views tailored to the specific

needs of your organisation.

wireless pS

mobile operators increasingly use mobile data services as a competitive differentiator and

revenue generator, particularly in competition with fixed-line operators. the popularity of

high-speed data services creates great opportunities, but also significant challenges,

when working to assure the quality of the customer experience. as mobile data services

are more widely used and the network load and complexity increases, it is vital to be able

to easily monitor the delivered quality.

polystar’s wireless pS solution leverages signalling analysis and packet inspection

technology to deliver real-time operational intelligence—from high-level applications

in dashboard, all the way down to actual packets in event analyser. this lets mobile

operators improve their network and service quality by implementing advanced service-

performance and customer-experience monitoring.

Jupiter supports 4g/lte, in addition to already supported technologies such as 2g and

3g. from a single view, you can determine which services are used, to what extent, and

the level of quality delivered.

wireless cS

the implementation of an all-ip infrastructure creates new challenges and higher

complexity, as more signalling is involved when setting up and releasing network

connections. in this environment, where voice needs to co-exist with new mobile data

services, it is crucial to ensure quality of service for end users.

mobile data is projected to make up the majority of future revenue growth. however, voice

still accounts for most revenue today. thus, a well-implemented voice assurance system

is necessary to proactively manage end-to-end quality of experience and avoid churn.

polystar’s wireless cS solution leverages signalling analysis and packet inspection

technology to deliver near real-time operational intelligence, spanning from high-level

kpi- and kqi-metrics down to conversation flow information and actual packets. by

combining analysis of both signalling and voice (rtp) on a per-session basis, you can

implement full service-performance and customer monitoring. by analysing trends in

end-to-end quality, the system helps you proactively manage qoS (quality of service)

and avoid churn.

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imS creates great possibilities, but its complexity poses challenges, as every transaction

involves several network elements and much signalling information that all needs to work

together properly to ensure a high-quality experience.

with polystar’s solutions, you can proactively manage your network by constantly

monitoring end-to-end kpis and kqis, and immediately have any degrading trends

highlighted. for instance, if part of the network reaches its capacity limit, this would

normally affect the dropped-call ratio and set-up times.

fixed line

fixed-line operators face increasing challenges and competition from wireless, cable,

and voip operators. increased churn and decreased arpu are forcing fixed-line

operators to focus on customer experience and the retention of high-value customers.

polystar’s fixed line solution delivers real-time operational intelligence—from high-

level application and conversation flow information all the way down to actual packets.

Jupiter’s unique reporting features enable you to take proactive measures to counter

quality degradation before it impacts your customers. from a single view, you can

determine which services are used, to what extent, and the level of quality delivered.

interconnect performance

as interconnect traffic represents a large proportion of any operator’s revenue, it is vital

that quality is monitored and ensured, and that Slas are fulfilled.

the polystar solution collects information about all interconnect traffic, and provides

real-time, historical and trend-based reporting and alarms on performance indicators

from interconnect trunks—per carrier, per destination, per source or any combination

thereof. the intuitive user interface presents interconnect quality information in real

time, enabling quick re-routing should any interconnect partner not meet stated

performance levels.

ip performance

ip performance measures performance indicators for ip services. measurements are

focussed on network and transport layer statistics, delivering performance and load

metrics on important servers in your core network or on the internet. data is captured

passively from one or several network interfaces, and the statistics generated are

presented by the Jupiter framework. through reports and dashboards created in Jupiter,

you can get notification about system availability, and track changes over time. real-time

alarms on service degradation facilitate rapid problem resolution.

the ip performance solution should be seen as a complement to oSix, as it delivers

more precise ip performance measurements, focussing on a per-server rather than per-

user approach.

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handset and device analysis

many problems in mobile and voip networks can be attributed to the subscriber device.

these may be the result of misconfiguration or software-related problems that cause

incompatibility issues between the application online and the application in the client. in

addition, it has become clear that some devices tend to perform poorly in conjunction

with certain vendor equipment in the network.

polystar’s solution enables full insight into how a particular subscriber handset is being

used, the quality this device is delivering, and the location of any associated problems.

analyses can be based on, for example, voice calls, SmSs, or mobile data services.

Subscriber analytics

polystar provides a specific Jupiter application for customer experience management.

the Subscriber analytics application helps you give your customers more accurate

answers to their support questions.

quickly solving problems via customer support turns potentially dissatisfied customers

into happy ones—who will then recommend your network to friends for its good service.

with the help of Subscriber analytics, you will be able to reduce churn and increase

customer loyalty. according to a study by the boston consulting group, operators may

be able to increase earnings by up to 15% just by focusing on keeping their customers,

instead of chasing new customers to replace lost business.

corporate/vip analysis

often, a large portion of operator revenue comes from a relatively small number of

subscribers. clearly, this group deserves extra attention. in addition to generating higher

revenues, vip customers are also often keen early adopters of new technologies,

phones, and devices, thus helping operators to enhance their services.

Supervision of kpis and kqis is performed in near real-time from a vip dashboard, which

displays performance indicators for individual vips. alarms for each vip subscriber can

be generated using customisable thresholds for degrading trends or failed Sla levels.

in addition, the solution has extensive reporting capabilities that enable continuous

follow-up of quality of experience, traffic volume and service usage for each vip.

roaming analytics with grq

international wireless roaming is a vital contributor to every operator’s profits. polystar’s

roaming solutions rely on our network probes to ensure that all information relating to

all roamers and their activities is seen. whether you are looking to find out where in

the network inbound roamers are lost or gained, or generating grq reports, polystar

provides real-time visibility of all roaming activity inside and outside your network.

with polystar roaming analytics you get the complete picture of the delivered service

quality, with multidimensional kpis for voice, SmS, and data/video. it helps operators

speed up the resolution of roaming qoS problems, leading to an improved experience

for the mobile user, which benefits the operator through increased roaming usage and

better customer retention.

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access your data online, using Jupiter’s sophisticated visualisation tools to display relevant views in dashboards and reports.

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vendor (nokia)model (n95)type (Smartphone) etc.


technology (2g/3g)mScs / SgSnsbScs / rncscells etc.


vipscorporategroups etc.

Jupiter SyStem deSignthe Jupiter system consists of processing, storage, and visualisation servers. the

processing server receives xdrs in real time from non-intrusively connected probes, and

the necessary processing is performed before the data is stored in the storage servers.

users access the data via the web browser-based visualisation server, where a

sophisticated toolbox of visualisation components is available to display relevant

views, in the form of dashboards and/or reports.

reference data

all necessary reference or steering data, such as vip lists, naming of mSc and

cells, etc., are automatically updated through a connection with the operator’s back-

office system holding this vital information.

hardware and software

Jupiter’s system component is hardware independent but commonly implemented

on hp’s proliant family of servers running linux. the type of server is dependent on

customer size and storage requirements. thanks to the scalability of the system, you can

start with a small installation and let the system grow in line with your needs and simply

add new hardware components as required.


the Jupiter user interface is web browser-based, which means that no installation of

client software is necessary.


all information is stored in a well-structured database built on mySql. the database

structure is implemented in an olap (online analytical processing) style, enabling

users to move freely between different dimensions when analysing a kpi/kqi.

the data warehouse component in Jupiter is typically implemented using a column-based

database engine, which is ideal for data warehouse applications, supporting complex

queries on the many times large data set available in a data warehouse. this approach

has the further advantage of achieving better data compression, which makes the whole

system less hardware intensive.

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polyStarpolystar is the premier supplier of Service assurance, network monitoring and test

Solutions to leading telecom operators, service providers and network equipment

manufacturers around the globe. the innovative product portfolio supports the complete

lifecycle of new services and technologies—from design, pre-deployment verification and

stress-testing, through roll-out, down to network assurance and service management of

in-service mobile, fixed, ip or converged networks.

polystar is recognised as one of the fastest-growing companies in Sweden. Since its

establishment in Stockholm in 1983, it has experienced a continuous and sustainable

growth, and evolved to a global presence, serving its customers in over 50 countries.

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polyStar / +46 8 50 600 600 / www.polystar.com