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  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Polymer Production Technology

    Sulzer Chemtech

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Polymer Production Technology


    Sulzer Chemtechs value proposition in the productionof polymers

    Proven technology and proven componentsfor the production of Your Polymer

    0692 2742 0682 2026-1

    Static mixing know how Piloting & Scale up

    Process & Equipment Engineering

    Production of polymers

    using static mixingtechnology

    Sulzer Chemtech is the worlds mostrenowned supplier of equipmentand related solutions in the fieldof static mixing. The combinationof engineering expertise and manyyears of application know-howenables Sulzer Chemtech to pro-vide global solutions for improvedpolymer product quality. All SulzerChemtech products and services

    rely on a successful integration ofthree main competencies:

    Static mixing know-how

    Piloting & scale up

    Process & equipment engineering

    Creating value for thepolymer industry

    The combination of static mixingknow-how, piloting and scale up,and process and equipment en-

    gineering enables Sulzer Chemtechto provide customized solutions anda process guarantee. This service isgreatly linked to the availability of apiloting facility for reliable processsolutions. We offer the flexibility ofconducting piloting programs at ourown or directly at a customers site.Individual components for pilotingas well as fixed installed equipmentare at the customers disposal.Whatever the required approachmay be, Sulzer Chemtech is areliable, global partner for optimized

    process solutions and relatedequipment.

    The road to success

    is with the customer

    A history of successful projectsclearly indicates that only a teameffort involving both the customerand Sulzer Chemtech creates valuefor both partners. The customerprovides projects with insight intothe chemistry and process details,while Sulzer Chemtech providespilot testing and broad expertisein static mixing. Newly created, in-

    novative solutions are protected bysecrecy agreements that safeguardthe interests of both partners andtheir respective contributions.

    Global support where

    and when you need it

    Regardless of your geographic loca-tion or the size of your project, SulzerChemtechs global presence meansyou will have the support you need.We talk your language and under-stand your requirements equallywell for a single static mixer or fora more complex process solution.Sulzer Chemtech always providessolutions with a focus on process ef-

    ficiency and the quality of polymer.

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Polymer Production Technology

    Reaction Technology Devolatilization Technology Upgrading Technology

    Sulzer Chemtech technologies








    I I




    IV IV

    V VI











    Legende zu PFD


    I Sulzer Static Mixer

    II Pre-Polimerizer

    III Polymerization Re-


    IV Condenser

    V Post Polymerization

    SMR Reactor

    VI Mixer - Heat Exch-

    Sulzer Chemtech has developedand introduced a new generation ofreactors based on the principle ofstatic mixing and on the continuousbulk polymerization, e.g. mass- andsolution polymerization. This reac-tor is abbreviated as SMR (SulzerMixing Reactor) and is character-

    ized by accurate control of heattransfer and mixing effects so thathigh conversion and consistentlyhigh polymer quality are achievedtime after time in order to meet var-ied and stringent requirements.

    In polymer production, devolati-lization is an important operationsince the polymerized product stillcontains a certain amount of un-reacted monomers, oligomers, sol-vents, and other impurities. SulzerChemtech has developed equip-ment specifically for the removal of

    this residual material. The single ormultiple stage devolatillization proc-ess features a heat exchanger withmixer inserts, stripping agent dos-ing mixer, and uniquely designeddegassing chambers containingspecial polymer distributors. Thisequipment, with its versatile proc-ess design, does not interfere withthe polymer properties achievedduring the polymerization. It doesremove the residuals effectively inorder to meet industry and legisla-

    tive requirements.

    After devolatillization, additives canbe mixed into the polymer in orderto upgrade the final product. Sulzerhas years of experience in provid-ing successful upgrading solutionsfor improved product quality andprofitability. Our extensive refer-ence list includes examples of

    complex applications with regard todifferences in viscosity, mixing ratioand homogeneity aspects.

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Reaction Technology


    1. Static mixing expertise . . .

    . . . for plug flow reactors

    A typical polymerization post-reac-tor consists of a set of SMR mod-ules built in series so that severalindividual temperature and mixingzones are available to meet thevarying process needs. As the po-lymerization process proceeds, theconversion increases and the mon-

    omer concentration decreases. TheSMR reactor secures a close to ide-al plug flow regime, keeping the di-minishing driving force at the maxi-mum possible level. It also results ina narrow residence time distributionto promote homogeneous polymerquality. This advantage is main-tained throughout the spectrumof the changing polymer viscosity,even at high conversion levels.

    . . . for adiabatic reactors

    Efficient radial mixing effects in theSMX plug flow reactor lead to con-tinuous equalization of concentra-tion, temperature, and velocity sothat the end result is comparableto plug flow behavior. The Boden- 0604 2701

    stein Numbers of 50/m, equivalentto 25 ideal stirred vessels, havebeen measured at full scale condi-tions.

    . . . for loop reactor

    Individual SMR reactors can beconfigured into a loop reactorand are used especially for highly

    exothermic reactions. An excellentmixing characteristic of the SMRequipment ensures the optimal ho-mogenization of local concentrationand temperature gradients. Witha densely packed heat exchangesurface area, the SMR provides reli-able heat removal and temperaturecontrol of polymer bulk so optimalprocess control is maintained. As inthe common loop reactor set-ups,virgin monomer is continuouslyintroduced to the loop while thesemi finished polymer is drained

    and conveyed to the downstreampost-reactor system.

    0605 2715

    Sulzer Chemtech has developed a new generation ofreactors based on the principle of static mixing andon the continuous bulk polymerization, e.g. mass- andsolution polymerization. This reactor is abbreviated asSMR (Sulzer Mixing Reactor) and is characterized by

    accurate control of heat transfer and mixing effectsso that high conversion and consistently high polymerquality are achieved reproducibly in order to meet var-ied and stringent requirements.

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Reaction Technology

    2. Process & equipment engineering

    Typical examples are:

    The effect of liquid viscosity onmixing, heat transfer and reac-tor performance

    The hydraulic behaviour of chem-icals and products in mixing andreaction equipment

    The reaction kinetics


    High pressure dosing

    4. Advantages at a glance

    Improved Product Quality: Plug ow prole results in narrow

    residence time temperature distri-bution with positive impact onthe molecular weight distribution

    No channelling / no maldistribu-tion and dead zones

    High Flexibility in Production

    A variety of polymer grades can beproduced in one single line due to

    exact and independent processtemperature adjustment of

    respective reactor zones

    the capability of processing uidswith a wide range of viscosities

    Lower Operating Cost due to:

    reduced consumption of rawmaterial (high conversion rate)

    prevention of large quantity ofoff-spec product during productgrade switch

    reduced energy requirements(minimum hydraulic pressure loss,lack of agitator)

    fast self cleaning and start-upprocedure

    Typical applications for SMRand SMX reactors

    Polystyrene, GPPS, HIPS Styrenics copolymers,


    Polymethylmethacrylate PMMA

    Polyethylene, PE

    Silicon polymers

    Polypropylene PP chain regula-tion

    Polyamide 6 PA6

    Terpene resins

    Polyoxymethylene POM and

    Biodegradable polymers




    Pilot skit

    Heat transfer capacity of various type ofreactors for laminar flow

    Cutaway of the Sulzer SMR reactor

    1 Sulzer SMR2 Monotube with static mixer3 Empty pipe

    4 Stirred tank5 Extruder

    The heat transfer capacity of the Sulzer SMRreactor is practically independent of the volume

    of the equipment.Q = Heat flow (kW)T = Temperature difference (C)V = Volume (m)

    0691 2738

    0698 2722

    10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 10 102 103

    V (m3)










    0695 2716

    The Sulzer Mixer Reactor (SMR) is adevelopment based on many yearsof testing and experience with

    smaller mixers used in a variety ofviscous applications. The intersec-ting bars encountered in static mix-ers are suitably replaced by tubularbundles which are adapted to thespecific process and mechanicalrequirements of each application.This layout of tubes, similar to astatic mixer, induces a product flowon the shell side that continuouslytranspositions the liquid layers ina regular and repeatable patternand suppresses the development

    of laminar layers. This effect com-bines well with an extraordinarilyhigh surface area per unit volume

    of equipment, and makes theSMR one of the highest performingreactor/heaters in the industry.

    A performance comparison isshown in the table below.

    3. Piloting & scale up

    In most cases data like physicalproperties, phase behavior andoperating problems are not read-ily available for reliable processand equipment design. SulzerChemtech maintains world class fa-cilities for testing of mixing effects,heat transfer, polymerization reac-tions and devolatilization in orderto secure reliable equipment designand desired process performance.Individual key equipment and pilotplant subsystems make it possibleto tailor pilot configurations to veryspecific requirements.

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Devolatilization Technology

    1. The concept of low residual volatile content

    2. Process and equipment design

    First stage

    The first devolatilization stage consists of the multi-tube heat exchanger with mixer inserts, followed bya specially designed vacuum flash chamber. The heatexchanger secures rapid and controlled heating of thepolymer solution without notable damage to the poly-mer properties. The separation of the residual volatilesfrom the polymer is carried out in the flash vessel. Thede-gassed volatiles are led to a column for the separa-tion of the oligomers. The polymer is discharged fromthe bottom section from the devolatilization chamberby a gear pump with special inlet section design. Fromthere, the polymer is forwarded either to the next devol-atilization stage or to the pelletizing unit.

    Why a multitube heat exchanger with mixer inserts?Unlike common multitube heat exchangers, SulzersSMXL mixer inserts induce a hydraulic regime in a pre-vailing laminar application that is close to turbulent. Theparabolic gradients of temperature and liquid velocityacross the tube diameter are successfully prevented.Sulzers heater design is characterized by greatly re-duced temperature differences required for the trans-fer of energy from heating medium to bulk fluid, by auniform residence time distribution, and by an overallshorter residence time.

    In the production of polymers devolatilization is an im-portant unit operation since the polymerized productstill contains a certain amount of un-reacted mono-

    mers, oligomers, solvents and other impurities. Forthe purpose of removal of residual materials, SulzerChemtech has developed equipment and a processconcept based on its vast experience in static mixing.The single or multiple stage devolatilization process

    features a heat exchanger with mixer inserts, a strip-ping agent dosing mixer, and uniquely designed degas-sing chambers containing special polymer distributors.

    Combined with a versatile process design, this equip-ment removes the residuals effectively, but does notinterfere with the polymer properties achieved duringthe polymerization.

    Devolatilization Technology (First stage)


    0699 2729-1


    1 3



    Legende zu PFD


    I Sulzer Static Mixer

    II Pre-Polimerizer

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production



    Devolatilization Technology

    Final stage

    Polymer solution, coming either from the polymerizationprocess or from the preceding devolatilization stage, ispassed to the final stage. The special treatment in this

    stage involves the use of stripping agent to intensifythe release of remaining volatiles. The stripping agentcould be water, nitrogen, CO2, etc., depending on theapplication. The mixture of the polymer solution andthe chosen stripping agent are flashed in the 2nd stagevacuum chamber, from where the finished polymer isdischarged again by the special gear pump. The re-leased volatiles and the stripping agent are recoveredin a downstream distillation unit.

    Typical applications of polymer devolatilization

    Polystyrene, GPPS, HIPS

    Styrene copolymer, ABS/SAN

    Polyethylene, HDPE, LLDPE

    Polyvinylacetate, PVAC



    Polycarbonate, PC

    Polyetherglycole, PEG

    Polyoxymethylene, POM

    Polyisobutylene, PIB

    Elastomer, EPM, EPDM

    Biodegradable polymers

    Why devolatilization with a stripping agent?

    The static mixer ensures the dispersion of stripping

    agent into the polymer solution which turns into afoam-like phase prior to entering the sub-atmosphericdevolatilization chamber. The special effect of this foamis in the reduction of the diffusion path for the volatilesso that the entire process of mass transfer is signifi-cantly intensied. For example. Devolatilization utilizinga stripping agent allows for consistent depletion ofvolatiles from polystyrene melt down to residue contentof 100 200 ppm. Subject to pilot test confirmation, fullprocess guarantees are backing our scope of supply.Sulzer Chemtech can perform devolatilization tests fornew or untested polymers in order to specify the proc-ess and supply the guarantees.

    3. Piloting & scale-up

    Alike in section Reaction Technology data like physicalproperties, phase behavior and operating problems are

    not readily available to perform reliable process andequipment design. In Sulzer Chemtechs testing facilityfor mixing effects, heat transfer, polymerization reac-tions and devolatilization, test set-ups can be tailoredto specic requirements. Devolatilization results areincorporated into the design of industrial size applica-tions with related guaranteed performance.

    4. Advantages at a glance


    The capital cost is comparatively moderate due to theunique process concept and equipment without mov-ing parts.

    Operating Cost:

    reduced electrical power consumption as the resultof the absence of heavy rotating equipment, e.g.extruder etc.

    reduced mechanical maintenance

    Product Quality

    Reduced polymer degradation due to:

    the prevention of damage to the polymer morpho- logy by avoiding exposure to high shear forces

    the prevention of elevated process temperature byusing efficient heat transfer equipment

    very low residue contentLegende zu PFD


    I Sulzer Static Mixer

    II Pre-Polimerizer

    III Polymerization Re-

    Devolatilization Technology (Second stage)








  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Upgrading Technology


    1. The static mixer as key to success

    After the removal of un-reacted and inert materialsthrough devolatillization, the subsequent upgradingcommonly involves the admixing of additives or dye

    to the polymer. Sulzer has many years of experiencein providing complete solutions for improved productquality and profitability for this finishing process. Wemaintain an extensive reference list with examples ofcomplex applications with regard to viscosity, mixingratio and homogeneity aspects.

    2. Process and equipment design

    Admixing of additives into polymer products is per-formed in various hydraulic regimes ranging fromlaminar to transitional and turbulent. The polymeradditive mixing ratio defines the degree of mixingcomplexity, which ranges from fair to very demanding.Sulzer Chemtechs static mixing technology is basedon equipment with open intersecting channels whichare formed by uniquely arranged corrugated platesand bars. The mixing action itself is achieved by thecontinuous splitting, extension and transposition ofthe component streams. Successive mixing elementsare rotated by 90 to ensure that local homogeneity isequalized over the entire pipe cross section.

    3. Piloting and scale-up

    In some applications, solubility of additives in the poly-mer may not be known to the extent needed for reliabledesign. Since this property is of utmost importancefor homogeneity and uniform product quality, SulzerChemtech has the capability of performing testing tai-lored to the specific project requirement and customerobjectives.

    0697 2710

    Following are some of the most common applicationsfor admixing of low viscous and semi-soluble additivesin polymers where testing has provided reliable designdata:

    UV- stabilizers

    antistatic agents


    mould release agents

    mineral oil etc.

    0694 2717

    Sulzer Chemtech patented side stream mixing system

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Upgrading Technology

    4. Advantages at a glance


    Compared to dynamic mixing equipment like extruders,Sulzer static mixing solutions are significantly lower incost.

    Operating Cost:

    Cost related to maintenance of mixer is non-existent

    Product Quality

    Prevention of polymer degradation due to lowshear force

    High and continuous homogeneity of additive enri-ched polymer

    Typical applications for Sulzer static mixer

    Admixing of additives


    Antistatic agents Antioxidants

    Mould release agents

    Mineral oil etc.

    Monomers like AN, SM, AM

    Solvents like EB, chlorobenzene, methylene- chlorid



    Polymer industries using Sulzer static mixer

    Polystyrene, GPPS, HIPS Styrenic copolymers, ABS/SAN

    Polymethylmethacrylate PMMA

    Polyethylene, PE (LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE)

    Silicon polymers and elastomers

    Cellulose bre

    Polyethylene terephthalate PET

    Polyamide PA, PA6


    Polycarbonate PC

    Polypropylene PP

    Terpene resins

    Polyoxymethylene POM

    Biodegradable Polymers

    PBTP, PB, PBS, PIB etc.




    Special polymers as additives for concrete or forother polymers

    All kind of polymers in solution or asco-polymers


    0601 2700-1

    LIF principle and set-up

    Section of pilot plant for polymer production

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Further activity related to polymers and static mixing

    Heat exchange

    Especially with regard to high viscous

    components Sulzer Chemtech acquired

    and developed a wide range of expertise

    in the field of exchange of thermal energy.Equipment concepts and designs derived

    from this expertise are characterised by

    short residence time and homogeneous

    bulk temperature. All properties ensure

    that the medium being subject to heating/

    cooling is processed in a careful manner

    which in turn means no degradation of

    product quality. Heat exchange equipment

    from Sulzer Chemtech is successfully installed in the following industries

    * Polymer Production

    * Polymer Processing

    * Production of synthetic fibres

    Typical applications:

    Heating and Cooling of polymer and polymer- solutions.

    Mixing and removing of exothermic heat during

    reaction. Melt viscosity adjustement by temperature

    variation to obtain optimal process conditions.

    Cooling polymer melts before granulation toraise the viscosity.

    Cooling polymer melts before lling plants toavoid thermal damage to packing material

    Cooling polyester melts between polyconden-sation and spinning step.

    Typical applications:

    * Heating and Cooling of polymer and poly-mer-solutions.

    * Mixing and removing of exothermic heat

    during reaction.

    * Melt viscosity adjustement by tempera-

    ture variation to obtain optimal process

    Multitube mixer-heat exchanger with removable SMXL mixingelements

    SMR plug flow reactor and heat exchanger

    SMXL Static mixer-heat exchanger

    The product-conveying inner tubes are filled with staticmixing elements, creating a radial mixing effect. The re-sult is a considerably increased heat transfer and a nar-

    row residence time distribution, making is possible toachieve a short residence time. A continuous renewalof the thermal boundary layer on the piping wall pre-vents thermal damage of heat sensitive products.

    0605 27170605 2706-6

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Sulzer has developed a unique technology for the production of EPS thatis based on the advantages of static mixing and continuous operation. Inthis versatile path of production blowing agent, e.g. pentane is continu-

    ously dosed in a bulk ow of crude polystyrene. Homogeneous mixing andtemperature conditioning is taking place prior to the pelletization of prod-uct. EPS grades manufactured with Sulzer technology can be further proc-essed as with any other commercially available EPS grade.

    The fact that Sulzers EPS technology can be applied to a wide range ofpolystyrene grades (HIPS, GPPS), this technology has clearly proven itsindustrial viability and acceptance. Some of the technologys characteris-tics are:

    Wide range of polystyrene grades can be converted into EPS pellets

    Flexibility in producing specialty grades e.g. colored beads, varyingblowing agents, flame retardants and additives

    Virtually zero emissions such as blowing agent and waste water,resulting in high operating safety and low production cost

    Technology for expandable polystyrene (EPS)

    0698 2720

    0604 2714

    Further activity related to polymers and static mixing

    EPS production unit

  • 8/13/2019 Polymer Production


    Distributed by:

    Legal Notice: The information contained in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable but is not to be construed as implying any

    The activity program comprises:

    Process components such as fractionation trays, structured and ran-

    dom packings, liquid and gas distributors, gas-liquid separators, and

    internals for separation columns

    Engineering services for separation and reaction technology such as

    conceptual process design, feasibilities studies, plant optimizations in-

    cluding process validation in the test center

    Recovery of virtually any solvents used by the pharmaceutical and

    chemical industry, or difficult separations requiring the combination of

    special technologies, such as thin film/short-path evaporation, distilla-

    tion under high vacuum, liquid-liquid extraction, membrane technology

    or crystallization.

    Complete separation process plants, in particular modular plants


    Advanced polymerization technology for the production of PLA and


    Tower eld services performing tray and packing installation, tower

    maintenance, welding, and plant turnaround projects

    Mixing and reaction technology with static mixers

    Cartridge-based metering, mixing and dispensing systems, and dis-

    posable mixers for reactive multi-component material

    Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, a member of the Sulzer Corporation, with headquar-

    ters in Winterthur, Switzerland, is active in the field of process engineering

    and employs some 4000 persons worldwide.

    Sulzer Chemtech is represented in all important industrial countries and

    sets standards in the field of mass transfer and static mixing with its ad-

    vanced and economical solutions.


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