politices of india


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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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all the political parties in india



2. Republic of India A federal republic with a parliamentary system of government . capital: New Delhi 3. A federal system 26 states and 6 centrally administered Union Territories. 2 states are partially claimed by Pakistan and China. 4. Federal system Relatively centralized Federal government controls the most essential government functions Defense Foreign policy Taxation Public expenditures Economic (industrial) planning 5. The legislature Parliamentary system of government the executive authority is responsible to the Parliament INDIAN PRIME MINISTER MR. NARENDRA MODI 6. The legislature bicameral Parliament Rajya Sabha (Council of States) Lok Sabha (House of the People) 7. Rajya Sabha (Council of States) The Upper House 8. Rajya Sabha (Council of States) not more than 250 members 12 are nominated by the President of India the rest are indirectly elected by state Legislative Assemblies The Council of States can not be dissolved members have terms of 6 years 1/3 members retire at end of every Upper House 9. House of the People Lok Sabha 10. Lower House Lok Sabha (House of the People) 545 members 2 are appointed by the President of India The rest are directly elected from single-member districts. 5-year terms unless dissolved Lok Sabha elects its presiding officer 11. INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Indira Gandhi created a top-down structure party leaders appoint party officials some limited party elections left-of-center, pro-poor political platform 12. INC moved ward the ideological center Beginning in 1984 INC today tilts right-of-center economic efficiency business interests limited government spending Indian National Congress 13. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) The major political party in India today right-leaning, Hindu-nationalist party first major party to mobilize explicitly on the basis of religious identity 14. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Traditional supporters urban, lower-middle-class groups base of support widened since mid-1980s Hindu nationalism north-central India decline of Indian National Congress Muslims as convenient 15. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) economic liberalization and stability privilege the interests of the Hindu majority 16. Prime Minister Leader of the majority party leader in Lok Sabha becomes the prime minister prime minister nominates a cabinet members of Parliament in the ruling coalition Council of Ministers effective power is concentrated in the office of the prime minister where most of the important policies originate 17. Prime Ministers of India