political entry, public policies, and the economyone reason that political institutions a⁄ect...

NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES POLITICAL ENTRY, PUBLIC POLICIES, AND THE ECONOMY Casey B. Mulligan Kevin K. Tsui Working Paper 13830 http://www.nber.org/papers/w13830 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 March 2008 We appreciate the comments of Gary Becker, Bill Dougan, Roger Myerson, Jose Plehn-Dujowich, John Sutton, Chad Syverson, Sven Wilson, workshop participants at Buffalo, Clemson, Harvard, and The University of Chicago, and the financial support of the University of Chicago's Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer- reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications. © 2008 by Casey B. Mulligan and Kevin K. Tsui. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.

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Page 1: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason



Casey B. MulliganKevin K. Tsui

Working Paper 13830http://www.nber.org/papers/w13830


Cambridge, MA 02138March 2008

We appreciate the comments of Gary Becker, Bill Dougan, Roger Myerson, Jose Plehn-Dujowich,John Sutton, Chad Syverson, Sven Wilson, workshop participants at Buffalo, Clemson, Harvard, andThe University of Chicago, and the financial support of the University of Chicago's Stigler Centerfor the Study of the Economy and the State. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies officialNBER publications.

© 2008 by Casey B. Mulligan and Kevin K. Tsui. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not toexceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including© notice, is given to the source.

Page 2: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyCasey B. Mulligan and Kevin K. TsuiNBER Working Paper No. 13830March 2008JEL No. H11,L12,P16


This paper presents a theory of competition for political leadership between incumbent leaders andtheir challengers in which the possible equilibrium political market structures range from pure monopoly(unchallenged dictatorship) to perfectly competitive (ideal democracy). Leaders are constrained bythe threat of "entry" or their ability to tax (or both), so that regimes with no challengers may nonethelessimplement policies in the public interest. We offer economic interpretations of why democratic countriesare associated with higher wages, why resource abundant countries tend to be nondemocratic, andhow technological change affects political development. By focusing on the incentives for politicalentry, we show how trade sanctions and other policies designed to promote democracy may actuallyhave the unintended consequences of discouraging political competition.

Casey B. MulliganUniversity of ChicagoDepartment of Economics1126 East 59th Street, #506Chicago, IL 60637and [email protected]

Kevin K. TsuiClemson UniversitySirrine HallClemson, SC [email protected]

Page 3: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

I. IntroductionPolitical entry is likely a¤ected by the economic conditions, and has an in�uence on public policy.

Our goal is to specify some of the basic incentives for political entry that would be common across

a variety of institutional and economic environments. In doing so, we derive e¤ects of economic

development, technical change, and other characteristics of the economy on political entry, as well

as e¤ects of political entry on public policy. Not surprisingly, citizens are better o¤ when the

political sector is competitive: that is, when their incumbent leaders make policy decisions with a

sensitivity to the threat of political challenges. However, we show that political market structure,

measured by the number of actual challengers, can be a poor indicator of political competitiveness.

Rather, political competitiveness is better measured by the size of political entry barriers.

Political entry barriers are widely discussed in political science, with a large section of com-

parative political science concerned with measuring them. Observation suggests that there may

be no ideal democracy on earth, in the sense that anyone can costlessly enter the competition

for public o¢ ce. At the same time, few (if any) polities are fully monopolized, because even the

most oppressive regimes show some sensitivity to popular support, and some concern that a lack

of popular support would hurt the regime�s survival and e¤ectiveness.1 However, many formal

models in economics and political science do not consider entry barriers, or at most treat them as

a �xed parameter.2 We help �ll this gap by building a model of the causes and consequences of a

variety of autocracies and democracies, identi�ed with di¤erent degrees of entry barriers and hence


With a model of political entry, we are able to o¤er economic interpretations of how dictators

extract more political rent compared with democratic leaders, why democratic countries are as-

sociated with higher wages, why resource abundant countries tend to be nondemocratic, and how

technological change a¤ects political development. Interestingly, political competitiveness may have

little e¤ect on a wide range of economic and social policies, like the mix of taxes, or spending on

Social Security. Instead, competitiveness is re�ected by policies like military spending, torture, and

execution, which more directly serve to protect the incumbent leader�s position. By focusing on the

incentives for political entry, it is also easy to see how trade sanctions and other policies designed

to promote democracy may actually have the unintended consequences of discouraging political


Unlike a typical �rm that shares a market with his competitors in an industry, government

1According to the POLITY IV (2000) indices of political competitiveness, at least 80% of the world, and 94%of the nonOECD countries, are imperfectly competitive in terms of the selection of political leaders, or in termsof the degree to which alternative views on policy and leadership can be expressed in the political arena. Moreimportantly, the indices exhibit signi�cant variations across countries and over time, suggesting that it is importantto treat political competitiveness as an endogenous variable.

2Earlier models usually assumed either perfect competition or no competition of any kind. Perfect competitionis typically assumed in models in which public policies are determined by universal voting or economic e¢ ciency(Becker, 1958; Stigler, 1972; Wittman, 1989, 1995). The monopoly models of government include Breton (1974),Brennan and Buchanan (1980), and Olson (1993). An exception is Grossman (1991), although the paper focuses onmass insurrections instead of entry from other potential political leaders. An overview of the more recent literaturewill be provided in section II.


Page 4: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

has long been understood as a natural monopoly on force. However, Schumpeter (1942), Becker

(1958), and Tullock (1965) explained how government may only be a monopoly in a static sense,

and an ideal democracy regularly has perfect competition for the right to run the monopoly until

the next election. It is our contention that this logic can be generalized to all regimes, even when

regime turnover may be driven by revolutions or insurrections. In this regard, both democratic

and nondemocratic government have something in common with a regulated public utility. For

example, only one �rm at a time can deliver electricity, but the �rm doing so may compete with

others for the job, perhaps via a license auction, by pleasing a regulator who answers to the voters,

etc. We interpret the degree of political (non)competitiveness as the size of entry barriers into the

process allocating the rights to temporarily run the government, or the natural monopoly on force.

Such a dynamic political competition also resembles a sequential patent race (Reinganum,1985),

in which �rms exert R&D e¤ort in innovation competition and a successful �rm can enjoy the tem-

porary monopoly power granted by the patent until he is �overthrown�by another more inventive

challenger. After a review of previous studies from the related literature, our section III begins

with a simple model of imperfect political competition, akin to a patent race.3 Perhaps one ma-

jor di¤erence between a dictator and the manager of a public utility is that the former has no

higher government to enforce agreements between he and his �customers.� Hence, following the

modern political economy literature, we assume that leaders lack the ability to commit to their

policy platform until they are in power. More importantly, we generalize the existing patent mod-

els by endogenizing the size of entry barriers, which is arguably more important in the political

sector. As a result, the political market can have various structures ranging from the most repres-

sive leviathan to a perfect democracy. In all regimes, competition creates a fundamental con�ict

between incumbent leaders and challengers.

Rents are created and limited by entry barriers. Section IV demonstrates the complementarity

between rent extraction and entry barrier policies, so that a more repressive regime will extract

more rent. Our comparative statics predict that countries with higher wages tend to have a more

competitive political sector, measured either by lower entry barriers or rent extraction. Depending

on the source of income, however, economic development may or may not encourage political

competition. By emphasizing the role of entry barriers, our theory also provides a novel prediction

on democratization (i.e. erosion of political entry barriers) based on enforcement technological


Section V investigates some consequences of political competitiveness. First, we identify condi-

tions under which all regimes choose the public policies that maximize the welfare of the society,

conditional on the citizens� income. Because entry barriers are costly to maintain, leaders from

regimes that are threatened by entry care about popular support. Moreover, when actual or even

potential political competition is su¢ ciently intense so that rent extraction is limited purely by

3Wittman (1989, 1995) adapted private sector competitive theory to the public sector in order to formulate atheory of (ideal) democratic performance. Our paper pushes Wittman�s private-public analogy beyond the purelycompetitive case. See also Baye and Hoppe (2003) for formal analogies between rent seeking contests and patent-racegames.


Page 5: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

threat of entry but not technology of taxation, both democracies and nondemocracies will choose

the same public policy. Similarly, when leaders are constrained by competition instead of their

ability to tax, we show that the actual and nominal incidence of foreign policies directed at �mo-

nopolized�political leaders are di¤erent, because of their impact on supply conditions.4

II. Previous Studies of Entry or Monopoly in the Political Sector and Their E¤ectson Public Policy

A few previous papers have modeled candidate entry.5 Some of them (such as Besley and

Coate, 1998) have no entry barriers, and �nd equilibrium rents to be zero. Besley and Coate (1997)

predict that uncontested elections are more likely when entry barriers are high. Fedderson, Sened,

and Wright (1990) formulate a model with positive entry barriers in order to show that equilibrium

candidates are still likely to be centrist even when there are more than two of them. Myerson (1993)

and Persson and Tabellini (1999, 2000, Ch. 9) compare two electoral systems, and �nd that the

system with lower entry barriers has more political parties and smaller rents for o¢ ce-holders. The

incumbency advantage has been attributed to the existence of entry barriers, and the well-known

Duverger�s law, which says the plurality rule election system tends to favor a stable two-party

system while a proportional representation system fosters party development, can be interpreted

as plurality voting�s creating a barrier to entry against new third parties (Myerson, 1999).

The aforementioned models of candidate entry feature a simultaneous game with exogenous

political survival: candidates are competing against each other, and not against the incumbent.

We model a sequential game in which entry barriers can favor incumbents by limiting competition.

The decision to compete depends, of course, on the size of the entry barrier, but also on what the

incumbent is doing. Thus, in our model an incumbent can discourage entry by behaving well.6

One reason that political institutions a¤ect public policies is that they a¤ect the identity of the

pivotal voter.7 Another reason is that policies depart from the pivotal voter�s preferred policies

(such as rents going to o¢ ce-holders), and institutions a¤ect the magnitude and direction of such

departures. Our model abstracts from the e¤ects of voting rules and other institutions on the

identity of pivotal voters by having a representative voter/citizen.

Several studies have helped explain why politicians might receive rents at taxpayer expense.

Some of these (e.g., Polo, 1998) rely on imperfect commitment by electoral candidates to the

policies they will implement when elected, in which case o¢ ce-holders are compensated in order

4Related incidence results for the private sector are familiar from the industrial organization and public �nanceliteratures.

5Many papers have also looked at practical examples of political entry barriers, including Tullock (1965), Crain(1977), Lott (1986), Gelman and King (1990), Friedman and Wittman (1995), and Wohlgemuth (1999), although notnecessarily connecting them to public policy outcomes.

6This e¤ect of competition, including potential competition, is well-known in the (private sector) industrial orga-nization literature (e.g. Davis, Murphy, and Topel, 2004; Goolsbee and Syverson, 2006). Grossman and Noh (1990,1994) apply this idea to the political sector; however, they do not model entry and entry barriers explicitly.

7For example, majoritarian (or multiple-district) elections may induce politicians to pay more attention to votersin marginal electoral districts, whereas proportional (or single-district) elections induce parties to seek support frombroader coalitions in the population. See Persson, Roland, and Tabellini (2000) and Lizzeri and Persico (2001) forstudies of how speci�c constitutional rules can a¤ect public policy, and Persson and Tabellini (2000, Ch. 8) for asurvey of the literature.


Page 6: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

to correctly reveal the state of nature and implement appropriate public policies.8 Others, such

as probabilistic voting models (e.g. Persson and Tabellini, 1999), assume that candidates supply

something in addition to public policies (such as ideology, personal appearance, etc.). In both types

of models, rents are possible because the number of candidates is �xed and �nite.9 Presumably

entry barriers are required to so limit the number of candidates, although we are not aware of a

formal political model of this type.

The existing literature on equilibrium rents with a �xed number of challengers sometimes �nds

that public policies coincide with those preferred by the pivotal voter, aside from the excessive

taxation required to �nance the rents for o¢ ce-holders.10 With an endogenous number of chal-

lengers, we �nd that some, but not all, public policies are invariant to the magnitude of political

entry barriers and the number of challengers, and thus would be the same in otherwise similar

democratic and nondemocratic countries.

Autocracy has been alternatively viewed as (a) the no-entry outcome in a sequential struggles

among competing political leaders, as in our model, Tullock (1987), and Grossman and Noh (1990,

1994),11 or (b) as the elite-as-victor outcome of a struggles between competing citizen groups, as

in Acemoglu and Robinson (2000, 2001 and 2006), Bueno de Mesquita et al (2003), and Huang

(2007).12 In particular, the latter approach suggests that democracy indicates a sharing of political

power with the poor, and thus political and economic victory for them, whereas the former approach

predicts that autocrats will help the poor for the same reasons that democratic leaders do.

In our model, democracies di¤er from nondemocracies in a continuous fashion: in terms of the

relative in�uence of incumbents and challengers.13 Several studies have modeled one of the two

extremes: democracies as competitive suppliers of public sector goods and services and autocracies

that are monopolists of the public sector, extracting the maximum possible revenue from their

�customers� (e.g. North, 1981).14 Olson, McGuire, and Niskanen predict that dictators consume

all public funds for themselves (except perhaps for expenditures to enhance the tax base) so that,

among other things, dictators do nothing to help the poor.15 In this regard, they appear to agree

with Acemoglu, Robsinson, Bueno de Mesquita et al., that democracies are better for the poor.

8Our model does not feature this e¤ect � it has no commitment yet zero rents would still be the outcome (withzero entry barriers) because citizens in our model are not trying to incentivize o¢ ce-holders.

9Polo (1998, Proposition 9) shows how more candidates dissipate political rents in his imperfect commitmentmodel. Persson and Tabellini (2000, p. 73) conjecture that more candidates would dissipate political rents inprobabilistic voting models, and that equilibrium rents are implicitly the consequence of entry barriers.10See Persson and Tabellini (2000, p. 72).11See also Gallego and Pitchik (2004) on dictator turnover, and Wintrobe (1990) on how dictators combine loyalty

and repression in order to survive.12Political and economic historians have documented that revolutionary challenges to elites come most often from

competing elites. In a sample of 89 heads of authoritarian government that held o¢ ce for at least one year and lostpower by irregular means between 1950 and 1990, Svolik (2006) �nds that only 6 lost power from because of popularuprising, while the remaining were removed by other political competitors.13Schumpeter (1942), Becker (1958), and Tullock (1965) also classify polities by the degree of competitiveness,

albeit informally.14Brennan and Buchanan (1980) have a model in which even democracies are leviathans, except as limited by their

constitutions. See Wintrobe (2000, p. 131) for a list of several other studies modeling dictators as monopolists of thepublic sector.15Olson (1993), Olson and McGuire (1996), and Niskanen (1997).


Page 7: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Wintrobe (2000) also considers autocracies to be monopolists, but comes to a di¤erent conclusion.

In his view, an interest group or voting block that is powerful under democracy is even more

powerful under dictatorship because they can repress their political opponents. If the typical

democracy redistributes from rich to poor, then Wintrobe predicts that the typical nondemocracy

will redistribute even more from rich to poor.16

III. A Model of Sequential Political CompetitionWe present in this section a model of political leadership as a monopolistically competitive

patent race with endogenous entry barriers.

III.A. Three Types of Public Policies and the Tax ConstraintPublic policies are of interest to the government leadership because they a¤ect longevity and

leadership income. We partition public policies into three types: (1) �social and economic�policies

x; (2) �barriers to entry�policies b; and (3) rent extraction r:17

Social and economic policies like provision of public goods, social security, the minimum wage,

various rates of taxation, etc., are functionally unrelated to the blocking of political challengers.

These policies do not a¤ect political competition, except indirectly by enhancing the government�s

popular support.

Barriers to entry policy instruments, like execution, torture, the degree of censorship, the orga-

nization of the military, ballot fees, vote quotas, etc., however, have the primary e¤ect of blocking

political competition. Moreover, b is not a money transfer from the challengers to the incumbent

and thus is a pure deadweight loss. As with the study of complements and substitutes in consumer

and producer theory, the distinction between x and b should be made on �rst principles, so that

theoretical implications for x-b co-movements are testable rather than tautological. Some of these

judgements are straightforward, as it seems that censorship and torture have a much di¤erent func-

tional relationship with blocking political challengers than does, say the minimum wage rate. Even

if these judgements turn out to be di¢ cult, the assumption that there are a lot of important policies

in the x vector is enough to generate some interesting results, namely that democracy should not

a¤ect public conduct in many dimensions.18 Although in application it is useful to interpret x and

b as vectors of policies, for simplicity we henceforth assume that x and b are each scalars.

Market power permits leaders to in�uence public policies for their satisfaction or personal pro�t,

16Wintrobe�s approach is also unique in that it does not hinge on the assumption that redistribution is necessarilyfrom rich to poor. Thus, Wintrobe�s more general result is that dictatorships redistribute in the same direction thatdemocracies do (e.g., from young to old, or from consumers to producers), but in greater magnitude.17 In the literature on constitution, policies are partitioned into those that can provide bene�ts to (1) many citizens,

such as broad programs in the form of general public goods, (2) a narrow group of citizens, such as barrel-porkprojects, or (3) virtually no citizens, but a speci�c group of politicians, such as salaries for public o¢ cials or variousforms of corruption (Persson and Tabellini 2003, p. 14). We do not explicitly distinguish these �rst two types ofpolicies and we combine them into our policies x: Instead, our model emphasizes two distinctive classes of publicpolicies that facilitate leaders�entry prevention and rent extraction.18 Interestingly, Tullock�s (1987) book � a book about the measures autocrats take to protect o¢ ce � is clear that

some public policies are more important than others when it comes to blocking political challengers: the death penalty(p. 6, 20, 65, 80), torture (p. 61, 62, 64, 65), press freedom (p. 154), regulation of religion (p. 108), and maintainingan army. A whole range of public policies, like education spending, revenue, pension spending, nonpension �social�spending, the corporate tax rate, and payroll taxation are conspicuously absent from his analysis of entry barriers.


Page 8: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

which is legal if the leader is su¢ ciently convincing as to the public�s interest in the policy. In many

cases, part of the political rent is spent on entry barrier maintenance. In particular, the �ow of

the net political rent is r � �b; where �b is the cost of maintaining political entry barriers in theamount b: We assume that � > 0 and b � 0: In other words, we rule out the possibility that theincumbent can subsidize entry.

The social and economic policy x is associated with a per unit cost p > 0 of policy imple-

mentation, which includes any deadweight cost that reduces national income. Similarly, when x

represents provision of a public good that enhances GDP, p can be interpreted as the net cost of

production. For simplicity, policy x and rent extraction r are �nanced through a lump sum tax

T:19 The tax T itself is a policy; however, given p and the government budget equation, choosing

x and r is equivalent to choosing x and T: The government budget constraint is:

T = r + px � �y

where � 2 (0; 1] is a parameter that denotes the maximum fraction of income y > 0 that is feasibly

taxed. �y can therefore be interpreted as the maximum point of the La¤er curve faced by the

government. y, � ; and p are exogenous parameters in our model.

III.B. Supply Side Determinants of Political Survival: The Entry ConstraintA large pool of identical citizens are potential challengers to the incumbent�s political leadership.

An actual challenger spends resources b attempting to assemble a winning coalition. From the

challengers�point of view, b is a political entry barrier created by the incumbent regime to discourage

their entry; b includes the punishments (actual or potential), censorship, and inconveniences created

by the incumbent in order to block challengers.

Each challenger proposes a policy, which both determines the pro�ts he would earn if successful

and the amount of popular support he enjoys. We assume that challengers cannot commit to their

policy before takeover actually happens:20

Assumption 1. (No Policy Commitment) Each challenger lacks the commitment to set policiesuntil he is in power.

The incumbent is, of course, concerned with the number and actions of his challengers. Each

challenger is concerned with the number, and actions of, other challengers. More important, each

challenger is challenging because he hopes to take over, and himself someday be the incumbent.

Hence, he is concerned with the next generation of challengers, whose probabilities of success will

be determined by their policies relative to his. In other words, by implementing a popular policy,

19For simplicity, we model rent extraction as if it were taken in cash. r is more than corruption, which is sometimesinterpreted as illegal cash receipts by political leaders. Some leaders receive their cash legally, as with monarchswith the legal rights to sell monopoly licenses, or dictators who legally pay themselves large salaries or build palaces,summer homes, etc.20An alternative approach would have challengers commit to their policy platform upon entry into the political

competition. We pursued this approach in an earlier version of this paper. Interestingly, both approaches havesimilar steady state qualitative comparative statics. Our no-committment approach is more tractable and perhapsmore realistic.


Page 9: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

a leader in power lengthens the expected lifetime of his regime.

Regimes are indexed t = 0; 1; ::: with 0 denoting the incumbent regime. When variables vary

over time, we use subscripts to distinguish one regime�s variables from another�s. For simplicity,

policies are assumed to be constant over time within a regime. For example, bt denotes the entry

barrier protecting regime t:

Let�s consider the situation in which the number of parties challenging regime t is ct: These

challengers are indexed j = 1; 2; :::; ct and have success hazards h1;t; h2;t; :::: Challenger j�s success

hazard hj;t depends on his policies fxj;t+1; bj;t+1; rj;t+1g and the incumbent�s policies fxt; bt; rtg;but for the moment our notation suppresses this dependence until we consider the implications of

maximizing behavior. Regime t�s (�ow) payo¤ to governing is rt � �bt. When the �rst challengersucceeds, the incumbent stops receiving this �ow: If the �rst challenger succeeds at date R in the

incumbent�s regime, the incumbent�s value of governing (from the perspective of the time he began)

is vt(R):

vt(R) = (rt � �bt)Z R

0e�isds = (rt � �bt)

1� e�iRi


where i > 0 is the usual interest rate.

The probability that regime t lasts exactly R units of time is cthte�cthtR; where ht is the average

success hazard among the challengers and ctht is the aggregate success hazard. In order to calculate

the expected value of governing as regime t; we integrate vt(R); weighting by these probabilities.

Vt �Z 1


�cthtRvt(R)dR =rt � �bti+ ctht

: (1)

In other words, the leadership has a discount rate that combines the usual interest rate with a

hazard rate ctht for ending the regime.

Challenger j�s expected pro�t �j;t from challenging regime t depends on four things: (a) the

hazard of succeeding hj;t; (b) hazard of the incumbent�s falling ctht (where ht denotes the average

success hazard among the ct challengers); (c) aggregate value Vt+1 of beginning the next regime,

and (d) the entry barrier bt: We model b as a one-time cost for a challenger, which gives him a

positive success hazard at each moment in time during which the existing incumbent is still in


If and when challenger j overthrows regime t, the challenger obtains expected leadership value

Vt+1. This expected prize Vt+1 is discounted by challenger j using the factor hj;t=(i+ ctht) because

1=(ctht) units of time are expected to elapse before regime t falls and, when regime t does fall,

challenger j�s probability of success (rather than one of the other challengers) is hj;t=(ctht). At the

21We have considered two possible variations on this speci�cation. One of them also has a �ow cost of challenging(see Lee and Wilde, 1980) for a private sector patent race model with both stock and �ow costs of challenging), whichmakes the numerator (hj;tVt+1 � bf ), where bf is a �ow cost of challenging.A second variation has the stock entry cost b enabling a challenger to challenge for a �nite period: This version has

the same qualitative implications as our present model (it modi�es only the pro�t function by changing the functionalform by which r + ch enters), so for simplicity we do not present them.


Page 10: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

point of making his entry decision, challenger j�s expected pro�ts:

�j;t =hj;tVt+1i+ ctht

� bt:

More challengers lower the expected pro�t from challenging. Let w be the opportunity cost

of challenging for any potential challenger. In other words, w � 0 is the reservation wage of

challengers.22 Challenger j to regime t earns zero expected pro�ts when

hj;tVt+1i+ ctht

� bt = w: (2)

While bt is an endogenous entry barrier chosen by the incumbent leader, w can be interpreted as an

exogenous entry barrier determined by the condition of the economy. When citizens�productivity

is high in the private sector, other things being equal, the incumbent faces a smaller threat of entry

because the opportunity cost of challenging is high.

The entry constraint for the incumbent (2) is therefore also a zero pro�t condition for actual

challengers j = 1:::ct. If the number of challengers is continuous and potential challengers j = ct:::1are atomistic,23 then equation (2) is also a zero pro�t condition for potential challengers. The

above entry condition will hold in equality in equilibrium as long as there is entry and the number

of challengers is endogenously determined. However, our model does not rule out the possibility

of zero entry because the opportunity cost of entry is prohibitive. In this corner-solution of zero-

challenger equilibrium, we havehj;tVt+1i

� bt � w:

III.C. Demand Side Determinants of Political Survival: Popular SupportThe incentives for public policy choices are related to the form of the hazard function h. We

suppose that a leader�s decisions can be in�uenced by �popular support�even if he is a dictator.

We model a leader�s popular support S as a function of utility �ow of a �representative�citizen:

S = u(z; x) (3)

where the utility function u represents a policy preferences of the representative citizen, and z

denotes his income.24

22A citizen faces a choice between being a political entrepreneur or working in the private sector. This is similar toLucas�s (1978) model of career choice between an entrepreneur or an employee in a private economy, where the marketwage rate measures the opportunity cost of the entrepreneur�s time. The general point that political participationhas a private sector opportunity cost is also made in Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin�s (1999) analysis of social security.23These conditions would hold, for example, if the number of potential challengers were large and the strategy

space for challengers and potential challengers were a probability of entry. In this case, ct would be interpreted asthe expected number of challengers, with the actual number to be determined by the random mechanism associatedwith the mixed strategy (see, e.g. Dixit and Shapiro, 1986). We follow much of the literature on private sector entryand ignore the constraint that ct must be an integer.24u can be interpreted as an indirect utility function embedding household maximization behavior subject to policy


Page 11: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

The public sector changes income of the representative citizen. Taxation reduces, and the

social and economic policy x may increase or decrease the income of the representative citizen. The

representative citizen�s disposable income is

z = y � T = y � r � px:

Under some conditions, social and economic policies x are e¢ cient in the sense that the citizens�

marginal rate of substitution between private spending and public policy is equal to the marginal

social cost of that policy, p. Since this outcome is a possibility, it is useful to have some notation

that represents e¢ cient outcomes.

De�nition 1. (Demand for Social and Economic Policies) Let x�(y�r; p) = argmaxxu(y�r�px; x)denote citizens�demand for public policies x and let u�(y � r; p) = u(y � r � px�; x�) denote theutility attained when public policies are provided in the amount demanded by the citizens.

To derive the comparative statics, we assume the following.

Assumption 2. (Citizens�Preferences) (a) u�(z;p)u�z(z;p)

is increasing in z; (b) u(z;x)ux(z;x)

is increasing in x;

and (c) z and x are normal goods.

Note that assumption 2(a) is indeed weaker than concavity of the indirect utility function,25 and

assumption (b) is a regularity condition which guarantees the second-order condition is satis�ed

when the tax constraint is binding.26 As we will see, assumption 2(c) is assumed so that tax revenue

is increasing in rent extraction; many of the comparative statics do not require it.

The identity of the representative citizen can be interpreted in several ways. First, in a ho-

mogenous society, citizens are identical and hence any of them represents the true preferences of

the society. Second, the representative citizen can be interpreted as a pivotal voter/citizen, such

as the median voter, or hypothetical person whose utility function coincides with a weighted social

welfare function that aggregates the preferences in a heterogenous society. Political in�uence in this

case may well be distributed unequally across citizens. The probabilistic voting literature provides

both positive and normative microfoundations of the existence of the representative citizen as the

pivotal voter (Coughlin, 1992). We contend that the same logic applies to all regimes as long as

the threat of entry constrains leaders�behavior and hence leaders care about support from citizens,

even in the absence of meaningful elections under nondemocracies. To focus on the direct e¤ects of

barriers to entry and rent extraction policies and to contrast the existing literature that emphasizes

the con�ict between leaders and citizens, we abstract from any dependence of the identity of this

pivotal voter on political regime, measured by b. i.e. u does not depend on b because there is a

stable distribution of political power among citizens across regimes.

Equation (3) is de�ned in absolute terms. Obviously, support matters as it compares to a

challenger�s support. We suppose, in particular, that challenger j�s hazard hj;t depends on his

parameters as in Persson and Tabellini 2000, p. 20.25Therefore, in terms of u; a su¢ cient condition is uzzuxx > u2zx.26A su¢ cient condition is uxx < 0:


Page 12: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

relative support:

hj;t =sSj;tSt

=su(zj;t+1; xj;t+1)

u(zt; xt)(4)

where s is the baseline success hazard (presumably low) of a challenger who is expected to replicate

the incumbent�s policies.27 In other words, s can be interpreted as a measure of incumbency

(dis)advantage. Note that in this �Poisson� political contest, the probability for a challenger to

overthrow the incumbent regime in any interval (t; t+4t) is therefore su(zj;t+1;xj;t+1)u(zt;xt)4t: Hence, our

dynamic model of leadership can be thought of as a continuous sequence of static probabilistic voting

games (Hinich, 1977), which can also be represented by a conditional logit model or qualitative

response model in general.

III.D. Political Equilibrium and the Fundamental Con�ict between Challengers andIncumbent

According to assumption 1, regimes choose public policies only after taking power. Because of

this assumption, when an incumbent chooses his policies, he anticipates what his challengers will

choose once they takeover. Similarly, citizens may also anticipate the new regime�s decisions, but

those decision from regime t will be treated as sunk. This means that rt and xt have no e¤ect on

Vt+1 because those variables are no longer relevant once the t+ 1 regime takes power. Formally,

De�nition 2 (Equilibrium) In any regime fy; w; p; � ; �; i; sg; an equilibrium is an in�nite sequence

fxt; rt; bt; Tt; ct; ht; Vtg1t=0 of policies, number of challengers, success hazard per challenger, andleadership expected value such that:

Vt = maxxt;rt;bt;Tt;ct;ht

rt � �bti+ ctht

such thathtVt+1i+ ctht

� bt � w � 0

ht = su(y � Tt+1; xt+1)u(y � Tt; xt)

Tt = rt + pxt � �y; ct � 0; xt � 0; bt � 0; rt � 0

for all t � 0; with regime t taking as given the sequence fxs; rs; bs; Ts; cs; hs; Vsg from regimes

s � t+ 1:

Note that our de�nition restricts attention to equilibria that are symmetric in the sense that

all challengers to a given regime are identical. Thus, we suppress the j subscript from the per

challenger hazard rate h. Equilibrium public policies are value maximizing for the incumbent, who

anticipates the e¤ect of his policy choices on the number of challengers through the political entry


27The assumption of relative support simpli�es our equilibrium analysis. It is related to binary Luce model(Coughlim 1992, p. 88-92). Moreover, our speci�cation corresponds to the proportional hazards assumption inthe duration analysis literature. In the stationary state equilibrium, our main results are robust to this speci�cation.28A couple of equilibrium concepts have been considered in the patent race literature. One of them is a Nash


Page 13: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

One important implication of the sequential patent race model comes from the zero pro�t con-

dition, regardless of whether incumbent and challengers are choosing public policies that maximize

their economic value, so it helps to further explore the condition before characterizing the equi-

librium. The zero pro�t condition creates a fundamental con�ict between the incumbent and the

challengers. In particular, using the envelope theorem,


= ���ht

i+ ctht< 0

because the Lagrange multiplier for the entry constraint �� is positive as long as there is a threat

of entry. It is interesting to note that the con�ict exists even when there is no actual challenger in

equilibrium. Because a higher Vt+1 encourages entry, the incumbent has to either increase the size

of entry barriers or reduce rent extraction to keep the number of challengers unchanged � otherwise

the his expected tenure would decline with Vt+1: The incumbent, therefore, wants this continuation

value to be as small as possible.29 It also implies that the e¤ects of permanent determinants of

leadership value of leading are blunted through their impact on challengers. The more challengers

are discouraged, the less the present value of leading is harmed; but the less value is harmed, the less

challengers are discouraged. The easiest way to see this is perhaps in a stationary equilibrium (i.e.

Vt = Vt+1 = V ) with a positive number of challengers, we can substitute the zero pro�t condition

into the incumbent�s value by eliminating ct and obtain a square root relationship between the

present value of leading and the net income �ow from leading:

V =

r(b+ w)(r � �b)

h: (5)

III.E. The Structure of the Political Market: Leviathan, Contestable Political Market,and Entry Equilibria

We de�ne sb, sc, sx; s�; and s� be the critical values of the parameter s that partition the

parameter space according to whether the constraints b � 0, c � 0, x � 0; the entry and the taxconstraints bind, respectively. Three or four market structures are possible in our model, with the

actual outcome depending on the value of the parameter vector f�; s; i; w; � ; p; yg. To eliminatesome trivial cases, we restrict attention to the subset of the parameter space according to the

following assumption.

Assumption 3. (Parameter Restrictions) (a) u�z((1� �)y; p) <1; (b) �w <pu((1��)y;0)ux((1��)y;0) < �y; (c)

px�(y; p) < �y:

equilibrium concept in which incumbents choose their policies taking the number of challengers c as given. Thismight be realistic in some private sector applications, but the government is more commonly modeled as a �leader�that accounts for the e¤ects of its policies on its citizens�behavior. Thus, we treat c as an endogenous variable.29The appendix shows that this fundamental con�ict can create a cycle in the number of challengers because, say,

even-numbered regimes face little entry threat because their few challengers (aspiring to become an odd-numberedregime) expect to face a large entry threat, in turn because their many challengers (aspiring to become an even-numbered regime) expect to face little entry threat.


Page 14: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Assumption 3(a) says that the marginal indirect utility is bounded when r = �y so that it allows

for a �leviathan� outcome in which the leadership acts as if it were a pure monopoly: spending

nothing in the public interest. Assumption 3(b) bounds leaders�net cost pu=ux of supplying at

least some strictly positive public spending x.30 Finally, assumption 3(c) simply allows for regimes

that are not constrained by the technology of tax collection, so that not all polities are at the top

of the La¤er curve. We will provide a more detailed discussion of this constraint in section V.C. In

addition to the above parameter restrictions, to simplify our exposition, in what follows, we also

focus our attention on the stationary equilibrium.31

Figure 1 partitions the parameter space according to the market structures that can result

under assumption 3. The number of challengers c is strictly positive above the sc schedule, which

is calculated by inverting the zero pro�t condition facing regime t�s challengers evaluated at ct = 0

and the steady state values ut+1 = u�(y � rt; p) and Vt+1 = rt+�w2psc�; implying sc = i2=�:

The sc schedule is only a rough indicator of political market performance. First of all, public

policies can be quite e¢ cient with c = 0 and quite ine¢ cient with c > 0. Second, a number of model

parameters have a larger e¤ect on b than on c and would therefore would be more readily detected

from data on b than from data on c. For example, when b > 0, the formula for the equilibrium

number of challengers c is:

c = max



s� i


): (6)

Only three of the seven parameters can a¤ect the number of challengers (and only then when the

number of challengers is positive) because the leadership adjusts to parameter changes by changing

entry barriers. For example, the leadership responds to an increase in the opportunity cost of

challenging by reducing the entry barrier b so that there is no net reduction in the number of

challengers. Similarly, an increase in the amount of GDP y that can be taxed has no net e¤ect

on the number of challengers and instead increases the size of political entry barriers. Thus, the

facts that entry barriers are endogenous and practically always positive further enhance the case

for using b rather than c as and indicator of political competitiveness.

Figure 1�s sx schedule provides an economically more interesting indicator of political market

performance. Below this schedule are a variety of �leviathan� outcomes in the sense that the

leadership taxes the maximum and spends none of it in the public interest: the constraint x � 0binds.32 The political market results in leviathans when entry barriers are cheap to maintain (�

small) or when the incumbency advantage is su¢ ciently large even when the leadership is not

blocking entry (i.e., s small or w large). Note that a reduction in the incumbency advantage

30Assuming that it is large relative to the cost of entry barriers � allows for the possibility (but does not require)that entry barriers are sometimes preferable to public spending as a way to enhance political survival. Assumingthat it is small relative to maximum possible rents �y allows for the possibility of a �contestable political market�outcome � in which leaders pay attention to public support even they are facing no actual challengers.31The appendix shows quite similar results for non-stationary equilibria.32Even with an Inada condition (with respect to x ), an �unthreatened leviathan� region is possible because the

leadership may be oblivious to popular support. This is the case considered by the monopoly models of dictatorshipby Olson, Wintrobe, and others


Page 15: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

can create leadership turnover (c > 0) but does not necessarily motivate spending in the public

interest. In other words, part of the parameter space has a �sequential leviathan� outcome: all

leaders tax the maximum and spend part of their rents erecting entry barriers that extend their

political survival, although not inde�nitely.

Although leadership turnover is not su¢ cient to motivate spending in the public interest, for

some parameter values it does as shown in Figure 1 as the two regions labeled �competitors sup-

plying public spending.�These are the outcomes that would usually be judged to re�ect healthy

competition for public o¢ ce, especially those in which endogenous entry barriers b are small and

an e¢ cient amount is spent in the public interest. Our model also has a public sector analogue to

the �contestable market�hypothesis of Baumol, Panzar, and Willig (1982) and Sutton (1991): a

market may have only one producer but nonetheless perform much like a competitive market. As

we show below, the most e¢ cient outcomes occur in this part of the parameter space.

IV. Economic Causes of Political CompetitivenessEconomic outcomes represented by various parameters in our model � such as military and

communication technologies, standards of living, productivity in the private sector, etc. � have

changed signi�cantly over time, and thereby provide the basis for a theory of democratization. In

this section we give attention to the e¤ects of the parameter w (labor productivity in the private

sector), the parameter y (national income), and the parameter � (the marginal cost of maintaining

and enforcing entry barriers).

IV.A. Complementarity between Rent Extraction and Entry BarriersWe have seen from the previous section that the political market structure (measured by the

number of challengers, and hence regime turnover) in general is a poor indicator of the conduct and

e¢ ciency of the public sector. Moreover, under certain parameter restrictions and hence certain

political market structures (e.g., unthreatened leviathan), political competition is trivial in the

sense that either rent extraction is limited solely by the ability to tax (i.e. r = �y) or entry barriers

are useless (i.e. b = 0). For the remaining but still rich set of political market structures, however,

the degree of political competitiveness (measured by rent extraction or entry barriers) responds

systematically to economic and technological changes. One of the oldest economic doctrines in the

industrial organization literature is that entry barriers give rise to market power, and hence higher

entry barriers should be associated with higher monopoly rent. The following comparative statics

formalize this in our political market setting.

Proposition 1. (Rent Extraction-Entry Barriers Complementarity) Consider any non-leviathanleader who spends a positive amount to deter entry (i.e., rt < �y and bt > 0). Rent extraction and

entry barriers are always complements. Moreover, (a) when the tax constraint is non-binding,


< 0; (7)


> 0; (8)


Page 16: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

and (b) when the tax constraint is binding, (7) is also true, and (8) is true when uzux � uuzx:

The above proposition says that when a leader�s conduct is constrained by political compe-

tition, there is a robust complementary relationship between political rent extraction and entry

barriers. Moreover, this result is independent of political market structure and leaders� ability

to tax. Therefore, even in a contestable political market in which the incumbent leader faces no

actual challengers or in an economy where taxation reaches the top of the La¤er curve, political

competitiveness (measured by the size of entry barriers and rent extraction) will still respond in a

similar way with respect to economic as well as technological changes.

Suppose the number of challengers is positive. When the tax constraint is non-binding, the

incumber�s problem becomes

Vt =1

su(zt+1; xt+1)Vt+1maxxt;bt;rt

(bt + w)(rt � �bt)u(y � rt � pxt; xt): (9)

Holding bt and xt �xed, the optimal rent extraction maximizes the product (rt � �bt)u(y � rt �pxt; xt);which might be interpreted as a social welfare function of net income to leadership and

citizen.33 Less rent extraction is popular and would enhance survival, but the revenue �ow while

in o¢ ce would be smaller. The optimal rent extraction is described by the �rst order condition:

rt � �bt =u(y � rt � pxt; xt)uz(y � rt � pxt; xt)

� u�(y � rt; p)u�z(y � rt; p)

; (10)

because the optimal xt will be chosen to maximize the welfare of the citizen in this case (see section

IV for the details). On the left hand side is the �ow of net income to leadership. On the right

is a function of the citizens� income y � rt: Thus, formula (10) describes the distribution of netincome between citizen and leadership. Note that since u�=u�z is increasing in z by assumption

2(a); the right-hand side of (10) is decreasing in rt; and hence �bt and rt have to move in the same

direction with respect to w and �: In other words, citizens share part of the cost of maintaining

entry barriers.

Although political entry barriers are an important source of political rents, it is constrained by

the cost of maintaining them. The optimal entry barriers satis�es

bt =rt2�� w2: (11)

Note that since y does not appear in the above equation, bt and rt move in the same direction when

y changes. The optimal conditions (10) and (11) imply

��w = rt � 2u�(y � rt; p)u�z(y � rt; p)


To show drt=dy and dbt=dy are positive, assume on the contrary that they are not. If drt=dy � 0;33Of course, the citizens�weight in this function is not determined by ethical considerations, but rather by the

e¤ect of their welfare on the regime�s survival via support.


Page 17: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

rt � 2u�(y�rt;p)u�z(y�rt;p)

will be decreasing in y; which contradicts the left-hand side that is constant in

y: Therefore, we must have drt=dy and hence dbt=dy positive. A similar argument shows thatdrtdw ;

dbtdw ;

drtd� and

dbtd� are negative.

IV.B. Democracies Pay Higher Wages, Political Resource Curse, and The Lipset Hy-pothesis

y is the amount of income available to society (i.e., leaders and citizens combined) and w is

private sector productivity. Holding national income y constant, our model implies that b and w

are negatively correlated.34 Holding w and other parameters constant, an increase in y is associated

with a higher level of b as long as the initial level of b is positive. Because b refers to policies such as

punishments, censorship, and inconveniences created by the incumbent in order to block political

competition, it is a natural indicator of the degree of (non)democracy,35 and our model thereby

o¤ers predictions about correlations between democracy and economic outcomes y and w.

Since w is interpreted as the wage in the private sector, the model predicts that, other things

being equal, more democratic regimes are associated with higher wages. Rodrik (1999) shows that

controlling for income levels and other factors, democracies tend to have higher wages and a higher

labor share. This interesting �nding has been interpreted as evidence that democratic institutions

tend to be more labor-friendly.36 Our theory o¤ers an alternate interpretation: higher wages in

the private sector are a substitute for entry barriers because both discourage challengers, and the

entry barriers are costly for the incumbent to maintain.37

A recession (economic boom) are related cases, in that private sector productivity w is tem-

porarily low (high) without much change in �permanent income.�Thus, our model predicts that

political challengers are less likely during temporary economic booms.38

An interesting and important case in which y increases but w remains constant is a discovery of

natural resource. When the opportunity cost of challenging is held constant, an increase in national

34This is indeed true even when r = �y in equilibrium.35This notion of political competitiveness is consistent with Schumpeter�s (1942) de�nition of democratic method,

which he de�nes as an �institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquirethe power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people�s vote.� It is also consistent with the way inwhich political scientists empirically measure democracy. For instance, the widely used POLITY IV dataset measuresdemocracy in terms of the competitiveness of political participation and executive recruitment.36 In particular, Rodrik (1999) conjectures that democracies might be more friendly to labor because (1) democratic

regimes are more likely to follow the rule of law, which enhances the bargaining power of labor, (2) democracies areless prone to political instability and discontinuity, which enhances the outside options of employees, (3) democraciesmay directly enhance the bargaining power of labor by allowing freedom of association and of collective bargaining,and (4) the process of political participation and competition may increase the bargaining power and reservationwage of workers by producing legislation and instutitions that are more partial to workers�interests.37Although an economy with higher wages is more democratic in the sense of lower political entry barriers, as

we have seen above, expected regime tenure (or regime turnover) is uncorrelated with wages when b is endogenous.bt + w increasing in w. To see this, assume on the contrary that it is not. The optimal condition for b then impliesdrt=dw < ��; which contradicts the optimal condition for r:38For a temporary reduction in w, holding Vt+1 �xed,

ct =Vt+1bt + w

� i


increases because bt + w decreases as w decreases, and also ht increases with a reduction in w since rt increases andxt decreases. Acemoglu and Robinson�s (2001) model has a similar e¤ect.


Page 18: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

income increases the potential bene�t of leadership and hence the gain from challenging as well. To

deter entry, the incumbent will run a more oppressive regime and increase his rent extraction, to the

point that the number of challengers remains unchanged in the stationary equilibrium, according

to equation (6).39 This phenomenon is known as the natural resource curse. Tsui (2007) provides

evidence that wealth generated from oil discovery signi�cantly slows down democratic transition.

Economic development is expected to increase both y and w, although whether one increases

proportionally more than another is an empirical question. Our prediction that y and w have

o¤setting e¤ects on b can be compared with the positive cross-country correlation between income

and democracy found empirically. This correlation, known as the Lipset hypothesis (Lipset, 1959),

is one of the central empirical �ndings of comparative political science, and has led some political

scientists as well as economists to interpret democracy as a normal good. However, this view

has been recently challenged by Przeworski and Limongi (1997) and Acemoglu et al. (2006).

Moreover, Haggard and Kaufman (1995) and Acemoglu et al. (2006) show that economic crisis

makes democracy more likely. These empirical challenges contradict the modernization theory,

which asserts a causal link between economic development and democracy. They are, nonetheless,

consistent with our theory, which emphasizes the supply side of democracy. We predict that the

e¤ect of economic development on democracy depends on the source of the development. We have

seen that when income gains are derived from natural resource, the degree of democracy tends

to be weakened. In contrast, when economic development is driven by higher productivity in the

private sector, economic growth may foster democracy because the negative e¤ect of the increase

in the opportunity cost of challenging dominates the positive e¤ect of the increase in national

income on entry barriers.40 Our model says that changes in income and labor productivity alone

(represented by proportional permanent increases in y and w), cannot explain the secular trend of

democratization (represented as an erosion of political entry barriers along with a less concentrated

political market) that occurred in the past two centuries.

IV.C. Enforcement Technological ChangeUnlike income and labor productivity, technological changes a¤ecting the military and other

political entry barriers have not received much attention among economists as determinants of

political transition.41 The parameter � is the marginal enforcement cost of deterring entry, which

may depend on military technology and other technologies available for communication, monitoring

and pursuing criminals, etc. Our theory of political entry barriers predicts that entry barriers b and

rent extraction r fall with �: In other words, technological progress that reduces � would increase

repression and hinder democracy.42 Since entry barriers and rent extraction are complements,

citizens will also su¤er more from more rent extraction. Indeed, when � decreases, not only will b

39For countries with initial b = 0; an increase in y will instead a¤ect the entry margin so that dc=dy > 0:40 In Mulligan and Tsui (2006), we also explore how citizens�freedom demand a¤ects public policy, where freedom

is inversely related to entry barriers. In particular, we show that economic development will foster democracy whenthe income elasticity of freedom demand exceeds its price elasticity in magnitude.41See, however, Huang (2007) for a recent exception.42George Orwell�s famous 1984 raised the possibility that technological progress would favor leadership.


Page 19: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

increases, enforcement expenditure �b will also rise, because from the optimal condition of b;





� w2;

which is negative. Moreover, according to equation (6), a reduction in � will have a real negative

impact on the number of challengers. This result is in contrast to changes in w or y; which a¤ect

the size of entry barriers but not the number of challengers.

Emphasizing the incentives of political entry and the cost of entry deterrence, our theory high-

lights a fundamental di¤erence between democratization due to economic factors versus technolog-

ical progress, in which only the latter can simultaneously lead to a decline in entry barriers and an

increase in regime turnover. While being ignored by economists, the role of military technology in

political change has been discussed by political scientists and historians. Finer (1997) argues that

the nature of military technology a¤ects the distribution of military power within a society and

hence the form of government. For example, historically, a disarmed population and a permanent

professionalized force opened a way for an absolutist regime in the Roman, the Byzantine, and the

Chinese empires. Our rent extraction-entry barriers complementarity is also consistent with his

notion of extraction-coercion cycle, which says a dictator can use a military force to extract taxes,

builds up that force, and with it extracts more taxes. Downing (1992) also argues that the shift

from small, decentralized knight service to large standing armies since the late medieval period

in Europe explains the destruction of constitutional government and the rise of military-centered


Communication technologies are often thought to favor challengers to the government.43 The

proliferation of the internet may help challengers to the government to coordinate with each other,

because they no longer have to rely on physical meetings or distribution of hard-copies of their

communications. By raising �; the internet should foster democracy, but not as much as it would if

government policy were held constant, because government increases their enforcement expenditures

in response to the technological change. Examples include attempts by government to censor the

internet or limit its distribution within their borders. Therefore, prior to the 20th century, � may

have increased as military technologies improved. Probably more important in modern times is the

advancement of communications technologies that have the e¤ect of increasing �. Our theory, which

predicts that democracy should decline over time as military technologies developed, and increase

over time as communication technologies improved, is consistent with the secular trends of political

entry barriers and expected regime length. Moreover, it explains why the cross-section and time

series relationships between democracy and development can be di¤erent: oil countries are more

repressive because of pure economic reasons, whereas less developed countries reach democracy

at lower living standards than the developed countries did by importing modern communication

technologies from developed countries.

V. Policy Consequences of Political Competitiveness43 In the famous moon cakes in China, rebels coordinated e¤orts by baking messages inside cakes.


Page 20: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

When the size of entry barriers is interpreted as the degree of political (non)competitiveness, the

previous section suggests that political regime matters, and in particular political competitiveness is

negatively associated with the extent of rent extraction, although they are indeed jointly determined

in equilibrium. Moreover, we have seen that this relationship does not depend on the tax constraint.

Empirically, we therefore expect correlations between the degree of democracy and public policies

that block political competition or extract rent. In this section, we consider some other consequences

of political competitiveness.

V.A. Does Political Competitiveness A¤ect Social and Economic Policies?Social and economic policies x, like social security, the minimum wage, labor regulation, etc.,

are functionally unrelated to the blocking of political challengers or rent extraction. These policies

a¤ect government�s popular support and thereby its survival as modeled by equation (4). Hence

all regimes will choose the same x, conditional on the income y� r that remains for citizens�publicand private purposes unless spending on x restricts political rents via the tax constraint:

Proposition 2. (Conditional Invariance) Consider any political market structure. (a) When thetax constraint is non-binding (i.e. rt + pxt < �y), the equilibrium social and economic policies

coincide with the citizens�demand (i.e. xt = x�): In particular, conditioning on y � rt and p,






= 0:

(b) When the tax constraint is binding (i.e. rt + pxt = �y), xt 6= x�, and xt becomes a non-trivialfunction of the regime characteristics. In particular, x will be underprovided.

Regime characteristics a¤ect policies related to the blocking of political challengers and the

amount of political rent, but they do not a¤ect the choice of social and economic policies unless the

tax constraint is binding. The taughtness of the tax constraint provides a necessary and su¢ cient

condition for the invariance result. In particular, among regimes for which the taxation constraint is

non-binding, the equilibrium social and economic policies lie on citizens�desired demand function,

and they will all choose the same policies as a function of citizens� income and �prices� of the

policies. In other words, it is the tax constraint, rather than the lack of political competitiveness

per se, which gives rise to government failure.

To prove part (a) of the proposition, we rewrite the incumbent�s optimization as a Lagrangian:

Vt = maxxt;bt;rt

rt � �bti+ ctht

+ ��(bt + w �htVt+1i+ ctht

) + �� (�y � rt � pxt)

where ht =su(y�rt+1�pxt+1;xt+1)

u(y�rt�pxt;xt) ; ct � 0; bt � 0; and �� � 0 and �� � 0 are the Lagrangian

multipliers for the entry and tax constraints respectively. The policy instrument xt enters in two

ways: as part of the tax constraint and through the challenger hazard ht. If the tax constraint

were not binding, it is simply a question of minimizing the challenger hazard, which is equivalent

to maximizing popular support u(y � rt � xt; xt):44 When the tax constraint is binding, �� > 0;

44A similar argument appears in Persson and Tabellini�s (2000, p. 72) model of politicians�rents under democracy.


Page 21: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

so that the optimal xt trades o¤ popular support with relaxation of the tax constraint. In other

words, conditional on the same distribution of income, xt will be more expensive to a leader facing

a binding tax constraint, who therefore under-provides xt.

V.B. Does Punishing Dictators Bene�t Citizens?We have built an economic model of regime turnover. One use of such a model is to help predict

the e¤ects of foreign policies intended to encourage �regime change�on the countries targeted. Here

we consider two such foreign policies: reductions in net income of the leadership of the (targeted)

country and the repudiation of odious debts. The e¤ects of these policies are very di¤erent if leaders

maximize tax revenue rather than, as in our model, trade o¤ revenue and survival. Punishing

dictatorial regimes can indeed discourage regime change and have adverse consequences for welfare

of citizens, if the punishment is not designed with attention to political competitiveness and entry

into the market for political leadership.

Suppose a country were to su¤er a perpetual loss L from its net government revenue r � �b,perhaps because it is subject to economic sanctions, has to spend on the military in order to deter

invasion (as the USSR did), etc. If the government had already been extracting the maximum

possible revenue from its citizens, then there is nothing it could do to shift the burden of L to

its citizens. However, only leviathans behave this way. Other leaders in our model � even those

facing no challengers � do not extract the maximum possible revenue from their citizens in order to

enhance regime survival. Consider the case when the number of challengers is positive.45 Leaders

and citizens share the economy�s resources with the citizens according to the income distribution

condition. When the tax constraint is non-binding, the equilibrium conditions become

rt � �bt � L =u�(y � rt; p)u�z(y � rt; p)

and �bt =rt2� �w

2� L2:

As described above, this conditions shows how the equilibrium re�ects a tradeo¤between leadership

and citizen cash �ows. Hence, both citizens and leadership su¤er lost income �ows as a consequence

of the punishment L:

Due to the reduction in leadership income, the marginal bene�t of entry barriers will also be

lower. In equilibrium, rt � L decreasing in L implies dbt=dL < 0 from the optimal condition of

bt: However, it does not follow that punishing dictators helps regime change. To the extent that

challengers expect to su¤er the same loss L if they were to lead the government, the cost of L to

the incumbent is further mitigated. The steady state formulae for V and c imply that the number

of challengers is independent of L; because the leadership value is decreasing in L:

Punishing dictators also reduces xt (i.e. dxt=dL < 0) when xt is a normal good. However, the

tax revenue rt + pxt is increasing in L, since rt increases at a faster rate. If � is not high enough,

the punishment L can induce the government to raise the tax rate to the maximum possible so

that the tax constraint binds and the provision of x becomes ine¢ cient, according to Proposition

2. Thus, if L were intended to help citizens by hastening the demise of the regime, it serves neither

45For other political market structures, see the appendix.


Page 22: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

purpose: citizens�net incomes are lower, the expected regime tenure remains unchanged, and the

provision of social and economic policy may become ine¢ cient.46

Punishments are more e¤ective, in terms of enhancing freedom and raising citizen utility, when

conditioned on entry barriers.47 For example, if L were known by the leadership to be proportional

to b; the e¤ects of the punishment are isomorphic to the e¤ects of increasing the parameter �:

According to Proposition 1, a higher � is associated with a lower rent extraction and a lower level

of entry barriers. Citizens therefore enjoy higher income than they would under an unconditional

punishment. Moreover, in the steady state equilibrium, such a policy can also encourage regime

change because the number of challengers will also increase with �:

Some of these unintended consequences occur because challengers anticipate a lesser value from

leading. It follows that punishing a dictator hastens his demise if it is known that his successor will

not be punished, regardless of his policies. Perhaps this helps explain why Germany�s unpopular

Weimar republic (unpopular for reasons including the Versailles Treaty and the Great Depression)

made fertile political ground for Hitler�s regime. However, this approach still reduces citizens�

income and, as the German example shows, gives no incentive for the successor regime to be

less oppressive. Lessons like these are familiar in industrial organization, where supply conditions

are given a lot of attention and it is widely recognized that, say, a tax on producers may hurt

competitiveness and consumers more than it hurts producers.

Odious debt � sovereign borrowing for the bene�t of the dictator and not the people � may

o¤er another example. It has been proposed (mostly recently by Jayachandran and Kremer, 2006)

that odious debts be repudiated as a way of hurting dictators and helping their citizens. Studying

all aspects of odious debt repudiation � for example, how to detect odious debt, and to ensure that

all countries can obtain legitimate economic development loans, etc. � is beyond the scope of this

paper, but an economic analysis of odious debt might bene�t from attention to the incentives for

political entry. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that odious debt were known to be accurately

identi�ed and repudiated, so that a market for it would not exist and it would never be issued. In

the context of our model, this means that the dictator cannot borrow to smooth his cash �ows.48

Hence i becomes the dictator�s intertemporal marginal rate of substitution, rather than the world

interest rate, and we presume the former is larger (otherwise he would have no desire to borrow).

In short, the odious debt market collapse can be modeled as an increase in i:

Higher i has no impact on r; b; and x: A regime�s expected tenure increases with i because

46Similarly, when the tax constraint is binding, the optimal conditions imply

��w + L = �y � xt � 2pu((1� �)y; xt)ux((1� �)y; xt)


and hence xt is always decreasing in L: The government budget constraint and the optimal condition of bt then implythat rt is increasing in L and bt is decreasing in L: Therefore, even in this case when the citizen�s after-tax incomeremains unchanged, facing a �xed tax budget, the incumbent leader will reduce the provision of xt to increase rt:47Wintrobe (2006, p. 70-1) recommends that foreign policy be conditioned on �repression�or �human rights.�48Legitimate economic development loans are part of the x vector. One Ricardian possibility (see Barro, 1974) is

that the dictator can borrow from his citizens by tilting the time pro�le for r; and then his citizens could borrowfrom abroad. In this case, which we rule out for the sake of argument, odious debt repudiation has no e¤ect on thewelfare of dictator or citizen.


Page 23: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

the number of challengers decreases.49 Thus, if odious debt repudiation a¤ects incumbent and

challengers equally, it has the unintended e¤ect of lengthening the incumbent�s tenure, while having

no impact on entry barriers or citizen�s income. Intuitively, the incumbent�s bene�ts from b are

in the more distant future than are the bene�ts from r because b serves to lengthen the regime.

If odious debt repudiation a¤ected only the incumbent�s discount rate, then the incumbent would

extract more rent because the higher discount rate makes him less future-oriented.

Proposition 3. (Unintended Consequences of Punishing Dictators) When any non-leviathan

leaders are punished by (a) reducing their political rent by L;


2 (0; 1] and dxtdL

< 0:

Although, dbt=dL < 0; dct=dL = 0; as long as the same punishment is anticipated by future leaders,

or (b) increasing their interest rate i,


= 0; butdctdi< 0;

or,drtdi> 0;


< 0; anddctdi= 0;

depending on whether challengers are positive, or the political market is contestable, respectively.

V.C. Are Leaders�Conduct Constrained by Political Competition or their Ability toTax?

A fundamental question is whether rents obtained by such regimes are limited by the threat of

challengers or whether they are limited by the taxation constraint (T � �y), because the answer

determines how the regimes� policies will react to economic development, foreign policies that

punish dictators, and other changes in their environment. Figure 2 shows how the answer is related

to market structure. The s� schedule partitions the parameter space according to whether the tax

constraint binds: it binds below and does not bind above.

The distinction between the taxation constraint and the zero pro�t condition can be further

analyzed using the comparative statics for the incumbency advantage parameter s, because it enters

the model only through the zero pro�t condition. This parameter tightens the entry constraint

facing the challenger � because challengers are willing to hurdle higher entry barriers when their

success hazard is higher � with no direct e¤ect on the polity�s tax base. The conceivable range for

s is (0;1), and can be partitioned at four critical s values s�, s� , sc, and either sx or sb dependon the magnitude of �. For s < s�, the tax constraint binds so tightly that x = 0 and r = �y. The

other critical values indicate the largest value of s for which the various non-negativity constraints


49Even though the value of leadership involves future cash �ows, incumbent present value (conditional on the valueexpected by successors) does not depend on the discount rate i because i has an exactly o¤setting e¤ect on theforward-looking challengers.50s� is the largest value of s that is consistent with a slack entry constraint. When s the entry constraint is slack,


Page 24: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

In the leviathan regions, only the technology of tax collection constrains leadership rents, which

is why the leadership spends none of its revenue in the public interest. In the parts of the contestable

market and competitor regions nearest the leviathan regions (below the s� schedule), both entry

and the tax technology constrain leadership rents. Spending in the public interest comes at the

expense of leadership rents, so leaders spend something in the public interest in order to limit entry,

but less than the e¢ cient amount.

In parts of the contestable market and competitor regions above the s� schedule, only entry

constrains leadership rents. The leaders perceive no tradeo¤ between rents and public spending,

so public spending occurs in the e¢ cient amount. In fact, the contestable market region above the

sb and s� schedules has maximum e¢ ciency because: (i) public spending occurs in the e¢ cient

amount (x = x�), (ii) no rents are dissipated by entry barrier maintenance (b = 0), and (iii) no

resources are spent challenging the incumbent ((b+ w)c = 0).

As shown in Figure 2, s� is the smallest of the four critical s values. For the purpose of

illustration, Figure 3 shows the s comparative static for a value of � that is large enough to

encourage public spending for some s, but not so large that entry barriers b are always zero. In

the region of Figure 3 with s 2 (s�; s� ), spending in the public interest px is positive and r < �y.In this region, rent extraction is limited both by competition (or potential of competition) and the

tax constraint. Competition is relevant because it motivates spending in the public interest px,

which, due to the binding tax constraint, reduces the revenue available for rent extraction.

The tax constraint does not bind for s > s� ; rent extraction is limited only by competition,

or the potential for it. In this region, public spending is e¢ cient. Maximum e¢ ciency is achieved

for the smallest s in this region because, in addition to public spending in the e¢ cient amount, no

resources are spent challenging or blocking challengers. For s > sb, leaders dissipate some of their

rents by blocking, or attempting to block, challengers.

Figure 3 is a horizontal slice of Figure 2 at a relatively large value of �. A number of the

comparative statics are similar along horizontal slices at for smaller values of �: more s causes a

monotone reduction in r; monotone increases in x and b, and a hill-shaped response of the number

of challengers c. However, as suggested by Figures 1 and 2, there are also leviathan regions in which

b and/or c are positive while x = 0 and c > 0 regions with a binding tax constraint.51

V.D. The Democracy E¤ect is at Most SmallSuppose for the moment that a �democracy� is a polity with small values of r. Under this

interpretation, part (a) of Proposition 2 allows for an e¤ect of democracy on public policies x

regimes have no reason to spend on x or b because the only purpose of such spending is to discourage entry. In thiscase V = �y=i and the expected pro�t of a challenger is


i2� w

which would not negative as long as s < s� = wi2


51Another way is to look at the comparative statics of the tax revenue T when the tax constraint is non-binding.Since z is a normal good, one can show that T is decreasing in �; and hence the tax constraint tends to be non-bindingwhen � is large. Similarly, one can show that T is also decreasing in w; and hence the tax constraint is also less likelyto be binding when w is high.


Page 25: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

only through an income e¤ect. This income e¤ect is likely small compared to the e¤ects of other

economic and demographic variables determining public policies. First of all, some public policies

may not depend on income per se because they do not reduce citizens�disposable income y�r�px(i.e., p = 0 for some public policies).52 Even for public policies that must be funded by reductions

in citizens�disposable incomes, the income elasticity of citizens�demand for them may be small.53

Finally, even if demand for a public policy were income elastic, the e¤ect of democracy on r may

not be large enough to have a signi�cant proportional e¤ect on y � r.54 Table 1 further illustratesthis point. Each column corresponds to a di¤erent income elasticity of the demand for public

spending. Each row corresponds to a di¤erent assumed impact of democracy of the rent extraction

r, measured as a share of GDP y. The entries in the top panel display the percentage point impact

of democracy, through the income e¤ect, on public spending. The entries in the bottom panel

display the percentage point impact of democracy on the tax rate T=y, assuming that democratic

governments spend 25 percent of GDP.

As shown in the Table�s �rst column (top panel), democracy would have no impact on public

spending if that spending were income inelastic. The impact on the tax rate (bottom panel) is

therefore equal to the impact on the political rent share of GDP. The middle column of the table

shows the unit elastic case, which implies that, holding the price p of xconstant, public expenditure�s

share of GDP is invariant to GDP. In this case, the impact of democracy on public spending ranges

from 1% to 10% for the range of markup impacts shown (more on this range below). The impact on

the tax rate (bottom panel) is smaller in magnitude than the impact on the political rent share by

a factor equal to one minus the fraction of GDP spent by democratic governments. Certainly there

are some categories of public activity that are luxury goods, but it has even been suggested that the

average public activity is a luxury good because total public spending increases more than GDP

over time and across countries.55 When the income elasticity is 1.2 rather than 1.0, the impact on

public spending is slightly larger and the impact on the tax rate somewhat smaller in magnitude.56

52More precisely, when p = 0 and u(z; x) = f(z)g(x); x = argmax g(x): Alternatively, when x is pure economicpolicy that enhances GDP and citizens have no preferences for it directly (i.e. ux � 0), there again will be no incomee¤ect and x will be chosen simply to maximize GDP, regardless of the degree of democracy.53When citizens have quasilinear preferences, the most widely-used utility speci�cation in the political economy

literature (see for example, Persson and Tabillini 2000), the income e¤ect is zero and hence all regimes will choosethe same policy.54Dougan and Snyder (1993), however, argue that tari¤ politics may be an exception, because for some nondemo-

cratic developing countries tari¤ revenue constitutes a signi�cant fraction of government income and hence leadershiprent.55Although Baumol (1967) explains this empirical �nding without a large income elasticity.56An income elasticity of 1.2 �ts the cross-country data pretty well and, because the impact formula is proportional

to the income elasticity, implies proportionally larger percentage impacts on public spending. Mulligan, Gil andSala-i-Martin (2004) regress total government revenue as a percentage of GDP 1973-90 on log real 1960-89 averageGDP per capita and �nd a positive coe¢ cient of 5.2 (see their Table 2), holding some other country charactersitics.At the sample mean taxation percentage of 25.8, the 5.2 coe¢ cient implies an elasticity of 1.2. Persson, Roland, andTabellini (2000, Table 1) report a coe¢ cient closer to zero (and therefore an income elasticity closer to 1.0), basedon a sample of democracies for the years circa 1990. Note that an income elasticity of 1.2 implies that a programthat was 0.5% of GDP in a poor country would be 10% of GDP in a rich country, assuming that the rich and poorcountry had per capita GDP that di¤ered by a factor of 20 and that the other determinants of x demand were heldconstant.


Page 26: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

The magnitude of the impact of democracy on the rent extraction is also important, although

less studied. Mulligan, Gil and Sala-i-Martin (2004) �nd that the most oppressive regimes only

collect slightly more tax revenue (3% of GDP) than the most democratic regimes (controlling for

development and demographics), which suggests that the middle rows of the table�s to and bottom

panels may be the more relevant ones. (note that the tax rate entries in middle rows of the bottom

range from -5.0 to -2.1). Even if the impact of democracy on the political rent were much larger

� as large as 10% of GDP � the bottom row of the Table�s top panel shows that democracy�s

impact on spending in the public interest is still small compared to some of the impacts that have

been suggested by previous studies.

A number of empirical studies in sociology, economics, and political science have found little

impact of democracy on public policies that probably do not serve as political entry barriers.

For example, Cutright (1965), Jackman (1975), and Pampel and Williamson (1989) observed an

obvious raw correlation between democracy and the introduction of pension and welfare programs,

but pointed out that economic development likely drives social programs, and is correlated with

democracy. Mulligan, Gil, and Sala-i-Martin�s (2004) cross-country study for the years 1960-90 �nds

no signi�cant partial correlation between democracy and the amount of welfare spending, education

spending, the corporate income tax rate, and whether the payroll tax is capped.57 Empirical work

in this area is ongoing; our purpose is to point out how empirical estimates of the democracy�s policy

impacts help gauge the relative importance of entry barriers versus shifts in political in�uence as

de�ning characteristics of democracies

VI. ConclusionsOur paper adapts and extends models of private sector patent races to analyze the economic

causes and policy consequences of political entry. An incumbent leader faces a tradeo¤ between the

magnitude of its �ow of rents and his regime�s survival prospects. Regime survival depends on the

number of challengers and on the policies to be implemented if and when a challenger is ultimately

successful. The number of challengers depends on the probability of a successful challenge, the

present value of rents to be obtained by a successful challenger, the amount of political entry

barriers, and the private sector opportunity costs of political activity. As noted by Sutton (1991) in

the context of private sector entry, these basic incentives are expected to be present under a variety

of institutional arrangements, so that the resulting qualitative comparative statics likely transcend

institutional detail.

One of our results is that competitiveness can be measured in several ways. In our model, the

size b=w of the entry barrier relative to challenger opportunity cost is one measure. Alternatively,

the hazard ch of the incumbent�s losing his job to a challenger is sometimes taken as an indicator of

political competitiveness, for example, when a country is considered �undemocratic�because the

57See also Easterly and Rebelo (1993, p. 436), Lindert (1994), and Mulligan, Gil, and Sala-i-Martin (2002), whofound no cross-country relationship between democracy and a number of government tax and expenditure items.Mulligan, Gil, and Sala-i-Martin (2004) do �nd that democracies are di¤erent in terms of torture, execution, andmilitary policies, but our Proposition 2 does not apply because these policies are closely linked with barriers topolitical entry. For an opposite view, however, see Besley, Persson, and Sturm (2007) and Deacon (2005).


Page 27: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

incumbent executive seems to have too much electoral success relative to challengers. However, as

with the private sector, measuring competitiveness by ch can be misleading because even an in-

cumbent without challengers may limit his behavior in order to remain that way. Commentators in

the industrial organization literature questioned the Justice Department�s pursuit of private sector

anti-trust cases based on industry concentration.58 Perhaps the same logic applies to the public

sector: our model suggests that regimes with few challengers may nonetheless be quite democratic

in the sense that entry barriers and markup rates are low. Furthermore, the possibility of endoge-

nous political entry barriers blunts the e¤ects of competitiveness on the number of challengers.

Perhaps constitutions or other political institutions designed to �police� the amount of political

competitiveness better serve the public by monitoring entry barriers and markups than monitoring

the number of competitors. In this view, it is appropriate that some of the measures of democracy

developed by political scientists are based on entry barriers rather than the number of competitors.

The �markup� or rent r is commonly used to measure noncompetitiveness in private sector

studies, and it would be interesting to examine such measures for the public sector. However, in

the public sector application, r itself needs not create e¢ ciency costs, whereas public sector entry

barriers have the dual marginal costs of maintenance �b and challenger expenditure cb. In contrast,

potential private sector entry barriers such as advertising, research and development, and vertical

restrictions (e.g., exclusive dealing) are often said to help enhance e¢ ciency. Thus, the main social

costs of noncompetitiveness are fundamentally di¤erent in the private and public sectors.

Measuring competitiveness in one or more of these ways is important because democracies and

nondemocracies have some obvious policy di¤erences including torture, execution, and censorship.

Furthermore, history has plenty of examples of nondemocracies�pursuing reprehensible policies,

but this does not mean that democracies and nondemocracies always, or even usually, have many

di¤erent public policies. The monopolistic competition model suggests that the �product mix and

design�� such as the composition of taxes, spending, and economic regulations � are functions

of economics and demographics, but not regime.59 Although we do not deny that a dictator prefers

more money to less, the fact that his taking is limited by the threat of entry means that he has

an important reason to spend much of the tax revenue in the public interest: it buys him popular

support and thereby regime longevity. Nondemocracies may collect more revenue, but they are not


If we are right that dictators are not leviathans, foreign policies designed to punish them may

have the unintended consequences of postponing regime change and lowering citizens�incomes. The

fact that the value of governing is limited by competition, and not the technology of tax collection,

means that dictators are not 100% marginal claimants on government revenues and pass on their

punishments, at least in part, to citizens and competitors. Punishing dictators conditional on

competitiveness can be more e¤ective in terms of enhancing freedom, and to focus more of the

ultimate incidence of the punishment on the leadership rather than the citizens. Future research

58See Demsetz (1973), Baumol, Panzar, and Willig (1982), Sutton (1991), and Baldwin and Gorecki (1994).59This result therefore also sheds light on the debate on the political origin of Industrial Revolution (North and

Weingast, 1989; Clark 1996, 2007).


Page 28: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

can use a model like ours to compare and evaluate dictator punishments that are conditioned on b

or c or r or some other measure of political competitiveness.

Our model of dynamic political competition also has implications for recent political events in

oil countries in the wake of the large (and, potentially, largely permanent) oil price increases of

2004-2006. These oil price increases should increase the net incomes of both citizens and leaders

in oil countries which, by itself, encourages challengers. However, many oil countries had already

been among the less democratic countries in the world, and our model predicts further increases

in political entry barriers (and further losses of freedom) as a consequence of the increase in the

value of leading relative to the opportunity cost of challenging. For example, the government of

Iran has been increasingly restricting its citizens�internet access,60 and Venezuela�s government�s

censorship has increased its international visibility. One exception may be Iraq where the value of

leading may someday be quite high due to the country�s oil assets, but the United States and its

allies are attempting to limit �with elections, press freedoms, etc. � political entry barriers. Thus,

regime challengers are twice encouraged in Iraq � once by the expected future value of leadership

and a second time by current-day political freedoms. Perhaps attempts to grab power in Iraq would

have been less intense if the country�s oil assets had not gained so much value since 2003, or entry

into the Iraqi political process were as di¢ cult as in neighboring nondemocratic countries.



Page 29: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

VII. AppendixProof of equilibrium and comparative statics

We derive equilibrium comparative statics under various political market structures.

(a) Unthreatened Leviathan: The optimization problem in this case is:


rt � �bt � Li

subject to the non-negativity constraints and

rt + pxt � �y:

In this case, rt = �y, bt = xt = ct = 0, and hence V = (�y � L)=i: Therefore, the tax constraintis binding, and small changes in w or � will have no e¤ect on any policy. The only e¤ect of an

increase in y is to increase r: Because the entry constraint is non-binding (i.e. htVt+1i � bt�w < 0);in a stationary equilibrium, this requires s < i2w=(�y � L) � s�.(b) Threatened Leviathan: This is the same as the unthreatened leviathan except that the entry

constraint is binding and b > 0. In a stationary equilibrium, the size of entry barriers is determined


V =�y � �b� L



i� b� w = 0;

which implies

b =s�y � wi2 � sL

i2 + �sand V =

i(�y + w� � L)i2 + �s


While r = �y; which is increasing in y; b is increasing in y and s; but decreasing in w; �; i and L:

Note that to guarantee x = 0; we require that the net marginal bene�t to the incumbent of x

be non-positive, which means that

p � s�V


ux((1� �)y; 0)u((1� �)y; 0) =

�s(�y + �w � L)i2 + �s

ux((1� �)y; 0)u((1� �)y; 0) ;

where the equality is satis�ed when s = sx:

(c) Actual Challengers with Non-Binding Tax Constraint : Since c > 0; we can substitute the entry

constraint into the objective function:

Vt = maxxt;bt;rt

(bt + w)(rt � �bt � L)u(y � rt � pxt; xt)su(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)Vt+1

When b = 0; the �rst-order conditions are:

rt � �w � L < 0 and rt � L =u(y � rt � pxt; xt)uz(y � rt � pxt; xt)

where xt = argmaxu(y � rr � pxt; xt): First, notice that since the equillibrium policies do not

depend on s; the condition for b = 0 can be written as � > r�Lw ; where r is is the solution to the


Page 30: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

second equilibrium condition, which is free of s: Because b > 0 was considered in the text, here we

assume that this condition holds.

Assumption 2(a) also implies that drt=dy > 0 and drt=dL > 0:Moreover, since rt is increasing in

L; we must also have drt=dL < 1: Note also since w and � only appear in the inequality constraint,

small changes in w or � will not a¤ect the equilibrium. Moreover, in a stationary equilibrium, the

number of challengers is

c =V

w� i


r(r � L)sw

� i



V =

rw(r � L)


Since, r is increasing in y, c is also increasing in y: Moreover, c is decreasing in w; i and L; but

independent of �: Punishing leaders in this case will reduce regime turnover, because b is �xed.

Finally, since c > 0 in this case, we need to have s > i2wr�L � sc, where r is derived from the above

equilibrium conditions. Note that sc is independent of � when b = 0:

(d) Actual Challengers with Binding Tax Constraint : When the tax constraint is binding (i.e.

rt + pxt = �y) with positive equilibrium x, citizens are consuming a �xed after-taxed income

(1 � �)y and leaders are facing a �xed government budget constraint �y. Therefore, from the

leaders�perspective, there is a direct tradeo¤ between rent extraction and public spending, and

hence assumption 2(a) is neither necessary or su¢ cient for our comparative statics. The optimal

conditions imply

��w = �y � xt � 2pu((1� �)y; xt)ux((1� �)y; xt)


Since the right-hand side is decreasing in xt according to assumption 2(b); xt is increasing in � and

w; and hence rt is decreasing in � and w: From the optimal condition of rt; it follows that bt is also

decreasing in � and w:

Finally, di¤erentiating the equilibrium conditions with respect to y; we can show


= 2pux� + (1� �) p2uz � (rt � �bt) [(1� �)puzx + �uxx]

3uxp� 2uxx (rt � �bt):

However, pux�+(1� �) p2uz�(rt � �bt) [(1��)puzx+�uxx] > (1� �) p2uz�(rt � �bt) (1��)puzx =(1� �) p2uz � (1� �) puux puzx � 0 when uzux � uuzx: We therefore show that drt=dy is positive.

Even when b > 0, it is still possible to have x = 0. In this case of sequential leviathans,

�pu((1� �)y; 0) + (�y � �b� L)ux((1� �)y; 0) < 0


b =�y

2�� w2� L

2�and r = �y.

Hence, b is increase in y; decreasing in w; �; L; and r is increasing in y: The condition for x = 0


Page 31: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason


� <2pu((1� �)y; 0)wux((1� �)y; 0)

� �y � Lw


or equivalently, p > �y+�w�L2

ux((1��)y;0)u((1��)y;0) :

(e) Contestable market with b > 0: First, when the tax constraint is not binding, the problem can

be written as

Vt = maxxt;bt;rt

rt � �bt � Li

such thatsu(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)Vt+1



u(y � rt � pxt; xt)� bt � w = 0

Substituting bt =sVt+1u(y�rt+1�pxt+1;xt+1)


u(y�rt�pxt;xt) �w and xt = x� into the objective function

and maximizing with respect to r, the �rst-order condition is:


i� �i

sVt+1u(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)i

uzu2= 0:

In a stationary equilibrium, Vt+1 = Vt and ht = s; and hence

V =i (r + �w � L)

i2 + �s:

Substituting back to the �rst-order conditions and rearranging, in stationary equilibrium we have


u�z� �s(r + �w � L)

i2 + �s= 0:

Assume that r is decreasing in y. Assumption 2(a) imples that u�=u�z increases as y increases,

but �s(r+�w�L)i2+�s

will become smaller when y increases, which contradicts the equilibrium condition.

Therefore, we must have dr=dy > 0. This also implies dV=dy > 0: Indeed, similar arguments show

dr=dy 2 (0; 1), dr=dw < 0, dr=d� < 0; dr=di > 0, and dr=ds < 0:Assume that r is decreasing in L. From the above equation, u�=u�z increases as L increases,

but �s(r+�w�L)i2+�s

will become smaller when L increases, which contradicts the equilibrium condition.

Therefore, we must have dr=dL > 0. Since r is increasing in L; u�=u�z decreases as L increases, we

must have r � L decreases in L from the above equation.

Substituting V into the zero pro�t condition, in a stationary equilibrium, we obtain:

b =s(r � L)� wi2

i2 + �s:

It follows that b and r are complements in w; �;and y. Moreover, b is decreasing in i and L:

Unlike the case when c > 0; tax revenue r + px is decreasing in s in a contestable market.


Page 32: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Next, consider the case when the tax constraint is binding and x > 0: The problem becomes


�y � pxt � Li

� �i(sVt+1u(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)



u((1� �)y; xt)� w):

The equilibrium formula V = i(r+�w�L)i2+�s

together with the �rst order condition with respect to x

implies�s (�y + �w � L)

i2 + �s=pu((1� �)y; x)ux(1� �)y; x)


Since the left-hand side is increasing in w and the right-hand side in increasing in x; dx=dw >

0;and hence dr=dw < 0 from the tax constraint. Similar arguments imply dx=d� > 0; dx=dL < 0,

dx=di < 0; and hence dr=d� < 0; dr=dL > 0 and dr=di > 0:

Finally, di¤erentiating with respect to y;we obtain


dy=ux�s� � puz (1� �)

�i2 + �s

�+ (1� �)�suzx (r + w� � L)

pux (i2 + 2�s)� �suxx (r + w� � L)

and hence


dy=(p�ux + p

2 (1� �)uz)�i2 + �s

�� (�s�uxx + ps�uzx (1� �)) (r + w� � L)

pux (i2 + 2�s)� �suxx (r + w� � L):

Note that (r + w� � L) = p(i2+�s)u�sux

;and hence dr=dy > 0 when uzux � uuzx:The e¤ect on b is similar to the case when the tax constraint is non-binding.

(f) Contestable market with b = 0 : First, when the tax constraint is non-binding, the problem can

be written as

Vt = maxxt;rt

rt � Li

+ �(w � su(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)Vt+1i


u(y � rt � pxt; xt))

The �rst-order conditions are:


i� �su(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)Vt+1


uzu2= 0

andsu(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)Vt+1



u(y � rt � pxt; xt)= w

with xt = argmaxu(y � rt � pxt; xt):In a stationary equilibrium,

V =iw

sand r =


s+ L

and hence r is increasing in w; i and L, decreasing in s; but independent of y and �:


Page 33: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Note that to make sure b = 0 is optimal, we need � > i�; and hence

� �u(y � i2w

s � L� px; x)wuz(y � i2w

s � L� px; x)

with equality when s = sb:

Finally, since the tax constraint is non-binding, we must have px + r = px + i2ws + L < �y;

where x = argmaxu(y � i2ws � L � px; x); which is increasing in s and decreasing in w; i; and L:

Since r is decreasing in s and x is increasing in s; tax revenue is decreasing in s when z is a normal

good. As s decreases, T increases and the tax constraint becomes binding at s� = i2w�y�px�L ; which

does not depend on �:

Next, suppose the tax constraint is binding. The problem becomes

Vt = maxxt

�y � px� Li

+ �(w � su(y � rt+1 � pxt+1; xt+1)Vt+1i


u((1� �)y; xt)):

In a stationary equilibrium, V = iws and r =

i2ws + L; and hence from the tax constraint and the

�rst order condition,

x =�y � Lp

� i2w


which is increasing in s; � ; y and decreasing in i; w;and L: Therefore, in a contestable political

market with b = 0; the taughtness of the tax constraint will a¤ect the economic and social policy

only but will have no e¤ect on rent extraction.

Finally, note that to ensure b = 0; we need � > i� and hence

� �pu((1� �)y; �y�Lp � i2w

sp )

wux((1� �)y; �y�Lp � i2wsp )


with equality when s = sb:�

Almost Stationary Equilibria and Political Cycles

Our model has a unique stationary equilibrium. For s > i2=�, the stationary equilibrium

number of challengers cand regime values V have square root closed form solutions:

V =


s(b+ w) and c =


s� i


Non-stationary equilibria also exist. Interestingly, if s > i2=�, these equilibria are almost

stationary in the sense that most of the variables are constant over time and have the same values

as in the stationary equilibrium. Only regime values and the number of challengers are vary over

time, and these follow a every-other-regime cycle. Regime net income �ows are the same as in

the stationary equilibrium, but regime values cycle every other regime because of the cycle in the

number of challengers.


Page 34: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

To see this, notice that the zero pro�t condition holds with equality for an equilibrium su¢ ciently

near the stationary equilibrium (because s > i2=�). As shown for the proof of Proposition 1, this


Vt =1

su(zt+1; xt+1)Vt+1maxxt;bt;rt

f(bt + w)(rt � �bt)u(y � rt � (p� q)xt; xt)g

The parameters of the maximization problem in square brackets are the same for every regime,

which means that all regimes choose the same policies as in the stationary equilibrium. Citizens

therefore enjoy the same constant utility �ow, and leaders the same net income �ow, as in the

stationary equilibrium. However, this does not imply that Vtnecessarily equals Vt+1. Rather, we


V0V1 = V1V2 = V2V3 = V3V4:::

In other words, V can alternate between two values � one value Veven for even numbered

regimes and another value Vodd for odd number regimes. Because b and h are constant over time,

the zero pro�t condition implies that the number of challengers alternates from one regime to the

next, with more challengers occurring prior to the high value regimes.

There are a continuum of these non-stationary equilibria, half with few challengers for the

initial regime and many challengers for his successor. For these equilibria, the initial regime has

a longer expected lifetime and therefore a higher expected value than his successor. One of the

non-stationary equilibria has no challengers for the initial regime, which means that the initial

regime lasts forever. This is a more dramatic example of the political contestable market hypothesis

because this unchallenged regime has public policies and income �ows just like those for an otherwise

identical polity that does have challengers and turnover.�


Page 35: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason


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Page 41: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Figure 1. Market Structures Consistent with Stationary Equilibria


The Figure illustrates comparative statics with respect to s and β, the challenger hazard and price of entry barriers, respectively. Three steady state outcomes are examined: entry barriers b, public policy x, and the number of challengers c. The parameter space is divided into seven regions according to which (if any) of the non-negative constraints bind: 3 leviathan regions (no spending in the public interest), 2 contestable market regions (no challengers, but spending in the public interest), and 2 regions with competitors supplying public spending.

0 ssπ= i2w/(τy)


unthreatened leviathan

threatened leviathan

competitors supplying public


c > 0

c = 0

c = 0

c = 0

c > 0

c > 0

c = 0sc= i2/β

contestable market


sequential leviathansx = 0

x > 0

x = 0

x > 0

x > 0

x > 0

x = 0

b > 0

b = 0

b = 0

b > 0

b > 0

b = 0

b > 0


Page 42: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Figure 2. Entry vs. the Laffer Curve as Constraints on Leadership Rents


The Figure illustrates comparative statics with respect to s and β, the challenger hazard and price of entry barriers, respectively. The parameter space is divided into regions according to whether the entry constraint binds, the tax constraint binds, or both.

0 ssπ= i2w/(τy)


sc= i2/β


efficient outcomes

only entry constrains

leadership rents

both constrain leadership rents

only Laffer curve constrains leadership rents


Page 43: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

Figure 3. Taughtness of the Entry Constraint (steady state)

r, x, b, c r = τy (leviathan region)

The Figure illustrates comparative statics with respect to s, the challenger hazard facing current and all future regimes. Three steady state outcomes are examined: rent extraction r, public policy x, and the number of challengers c. “Efficient” public policy x* is shown for reference.

0 ssπ= i2w/(τy) sτ


x = x*




sc= i2/β

contestable market region



fully efficient

Page 44: Political Entry, Public Policies, and the EconomyOne reason that political institutions a⁄ect public policies is that they a⁄ect the identity of the pivotal voter.7 Another reason

dr/y 0 1 1.2

-0.01 0 1.0 1.2-0.03 0 3.0 3.7-0.05 0 5.1 6.2-0.10 0 10.5 12.6

-0.01 -1.0 -0.8 -0.7-0.03 -3.0 -2.3 -2.1-0.05 -5.0 -3.8 -3.5-0.10 -10.0 -7.5 -7.0

Panel A entries display 100*(ln x for democracy - ln x for nondemocracy)Panel B entries display 100*(T /y for democracy - T /y for nondemocracy)Democracy is assumed to have r = 0. Nondemocratic r exceeds democratic r by dr

Table 1: Effect of democracy on public spending and taxation via the income effect

Income elasticity of demand for public spending

Panel A: Percentage effect on public spending amount

Panel B: Percentage point effect on the tax rate , assuming democratic T /y = 0.25