polish national dances - oliwia and maría

National Dances of Poland

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Polish National Dances


Page 1: Polish National Dances - Oliwia and María

National Dances of Poland

Page 2: Polish National Dances - Oliwia and María

Poland is a nation rich in culture, and musical tradition.

In fact, Poland has five National Dances. There are few countries in the world that have even one national dance. Other than Poland, it is only Columbia that has more than one national dance.

Page 3: Polish National Dances - Oliwia and María

Contrary to appearances, the Polka (directly translating into English - Polish woman) is not a national dance of Poland. Poland’s national dances are:

the Krakowiak (Cracovienne), the Mazur (Mazurka), the Polonez (Polonaise), the Kujawiak, and the Oberek.

These dances, which originated in the Polish countryside, were so popular that they found their way to the royal court, and were even included into classical works by composers like Chopin.

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The Krakowiak dance's origin dates back to 16th or 17th century and its name to the 18th century to the southern Polish city of Kraków (Poland’s capital in the 16th century) and the Malopolska region. Its English common name is Cracovienne (taken from French language).

Krakowiak's rhythm was the musical base of several compositions of many famous Polish composers, e.g. F. Chopin's Krakowiak op. 14 for the piano and the orchestra (1828), I.J. Paderewski Fantastic Krakowiak, K. Szymanowski Krakowiak for the piano and many others.

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The costume of Kraków is the one that is most identified with Poland. Maybe because it is, perhaps, the most decorative of all Polish folk-costumes.

Clothes used in Krakowiak:

Men - striped trousers, long coats of dark colors, belts with metal elements and characteristic caps called 'rogatki' with the peacock's feathers.

Women - long skirts with flowers ornament, white aprons, boleros with color ornaments, wreath of flowers, usually with color ribbons.

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Known as the Polish national dance, the Krakowiak's metre is counted on 2/4 with characteristic, syncopated rhythm, and is danced in groups, often forming intricate formations, like stars. The steps include shuffling, running, and heel clicking.

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The Mazur’s origin takes place in the 16th century in Kujawy and its name - in Mazovia (Mazowsze) - the region of central Poland around Warsaw, whose inhabitants were called Mazurs. The name of Mazur appeared for the first time in 1752 so it was created later than the dance itself.

In 17th century, Mazur became popular in the whole country. In was danced in villages throughout Poland. It, the same as every folk dance in Poland, had also its varieties and their pattern depended on the social status of people who used to dance it. Thus, there was an urban Mazur danced in towns and different one for the gentry and nobles.

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The dance itself spread over right after Poland lost its independence - it came to the courts of Paris, London and other fashionable meeting places of Western Europe. Mazur then was the only thing that was reminding of Poland and Poles as a great nation.

Mazur's rhythm was the main theme of many remarkable composers' masterpieces, e.g.: S. Moniuszko, F. Chopin, K. Szymanowski and many others. It found its way into famous operas and ballets. Not only Polish ones.

So popular was the Mazur in Poland that most of that country’s patriotic songs have a Mazur tempo, including the National Anthem - the Dabrowski Mazurka (Mazurek Dąbrowskiego) created in 1797 as a Song of Polish Legions.

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Since there are at least four different socio-historical versions of the Mazur, there are a variety of costumes available for


the dance of the nobility - the clothing of the 17th-century Polish nobility wearing fur-lined jackets (kontusz) and hats for men and

shorter skirts and different shoes used by the Polish gentry for women

the salon dance of the Napoleonic era - Napoleonic uniforms, and special square hats bearing the national emblem, an eagle on

the front for men and Empire gowns, long gloves and at times light, flowing scarves covering their almost-bare shoulders for women

the dance of urban folk - the costumes of different regional varieties, for instance the boldly colored, striped skirts and capes of

women from the Łowicz area in central Mazowsze, or any other type of the Mazovian costume

or a peasants' dance from central Poland - differ considerably from historically documented clothes worn by peasants from the

region in the 19th century.

Each type of dance and clothing emphasized different class characteristics of Polish society.

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With its quick 3/4 tempo accented on the 2nd or 3rd beat, and intricate steps, heel clicking, slides, and running steps, the Mazur is improvisatory in character.It is danced by couples who rotate around the dance hall and present a variety of gestures. As an "exhibition" dance it is regarded as the "most exciting and intricate of the five national dances of Poland„*. It is described the as filled with contrasts: "it combines the fiery spirit with pride and elegance, vivacity with lyricism, dignity with joy, and boldness with gallantry.„*

* Dziewanowska, Ada. Polish Folk Dances & Songs: A Step by Step Guide. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1999

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The Kujawiak originated also in the Kujawy region of North-Central Poland in the 19th century. From the very beginning Kujawiak was a dance, which was to show the dignity of dancers. It had been created as a simple, slow dance. And because of this dignified simplicity, it was quickly embraced by the gentry.

With its melancholy rhythm and beautiful movements the Kujawiak is without a doubt the most romantic of Poland’s five national dances.

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The costume worn by the dancers is that of the Kujawy region.

Clothes in Kujawiak:

Men - characteristic red shirts, blue coats and trousers, sometimes the cap

is being worn.

Women - long, blue skirts, blue boleros and white aprons tided at the back.

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In fact, the Kujawiak existed in two main forms: slow one, as it was mentioned above, and as the regional folk dance, more lively and with lots of varieties of tempo, steps and figures.

With a 3/4 tempo that alternates between very slow, and fast, the Kujawiak went through many incarnations as it passed back and forth between the peasants and the nobility, each group adding to the style of the dance. It features spinning turns and elaborate gestures, and is usually danced in a circle of pairs, which are moving around it without any particular progression or tempo changing.

The Kujawiak often features three parts: a processional or simple walking introduction, a middle section of slow graceful turns, and a lively ending full of fast spinning.

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The Oberek was originated in Mazovia region too and its name appeared for the first time in 1679 as obertas (so-called from the Polish verb obracać się, which means to spin). It was played by small village bands dominated by the violin, along with an accordion or bass, and a drum.

The Oberek, the same as Mazur and Kujawiak is regarded as a dance of Mazur rhythms as they are similar to each other and differ mainly with tempo (Oberek is the liveliest and the fastest one).

Many Polish composers used to create Obereks: K. Szymanowski, H. Wieniawski and, of course, F. Chopin, whose fastest Mazurs are indeed Obereks (e.g. Mazurek op. 56 no. 2).

On the contrary to Mazurs and Polonaises, foreign composers hadn't composed Obereks so often and the dance itself didn't become popular outside of Poland.

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Folk costumes from many regions of Poland are associated with the Oberek, though the colorful striped costume of the Łowicz area is favored by many dance troupes.

Clothes in Oberek:

Men - pants made from striped cloth, high black boots, long dark vests and white shirts.

Women - wool skirts made of striped cloth, white shirts covered with tight vests embroidered with flowers and bright kerchiefs.

The costumes are extremely rich in colours and ornaments.

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It includes many changes and progression in the circle of pairs that follow around both clockwise and counterclockwise. There are many turns and twirls, and the occasional lifting of both women and men in it. The dancers must be well skilled, as Oberek is a dance of many difficult figures of clicks.

The dance itself is very difficult as it is being danced in 3 metre with fast tempo and quite complicated steps and figures.

On the other hand, it is enjoyable and carefree, full of energy shown by the dancers.

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The Polonez, has its roots in the 17th century. It had developed from the dance called chodzony (walking dance) as its figures consist of walking around the dance hall. Chodzony traditionally opened up balls and weddings in country villages throughout Poland with the bride in the first pair and the groom in the second one. At the beginning the music was sung but later, when Polonez came into the upper class' courts, it was accompanied with music of the best instrumentalists.

The Polish name of the dance, polonez, stems from the polonized form of the French term polonaise which was introduced in the 17th century (also accepted in English); the Polish term replaced the earlier name of the "Polish dance" in the 18th century.

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While the Polonez may be danced wearing a folk costume from any of Poland’s ethnographic regions, it is usually performed with the dancers dressed in kontusze, the costume of the Polish Nobility of the 17th century.

Clothes in Polonez:

Men - large satin-and-silk ornamental belts (pas słucki), high boots, long overcoats with slit-sleeves lined with fur (kontusz) and fur hats with feathers and jewels

Women - fur-lined kontusz with long slit-sleeves, and fur hats with jewels, the long skirts and high boots.

The whole body is covered and the fabric is heavy, lustrous and rich, though without bold patterns or widely contrasting colours.

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Danced to a slow 3/4 tempo, with the characteristic knees bowing before the first step, partners do not face each other, but rather walk to the music around the ballroom forward, back, side, often bowing, but always maintaining a formal, stately posture.

Heads are put up high and turned once to the partner, once to the people around and hands put in the air on the side (ladies) and on the hip (gentlemen).

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Polonaises were being composed by many remarkable artists, among who there are Bach, Beethoven and Schubert, but it was the Polish greatest composer - Fryderyk Chopin, who made it popular and unforgettable.

In addition to the dance, the Polonaise music is often the basis for Polish Christmas carols (kolędy).The Polonez is still danced in Poland today at the beginning of many ceremonials, e.g. in schools and colleges as a first, common dance before the students’ proms.

A solemn and triumphant Polonaise by Wojciech Kilar found its way into famous movie based on the Polish national epic „Pan Tadeusz”.

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thank you for your attention

made by:Oliwia Berdys

Maria Gonzales Bueno