police 13-13 chicago police journal - 1936, volume xi, no ......$165 3 for $4.75 regulation blue...

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Page 1: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

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Page 2: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~


3 for $4.75

Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match

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Page 3: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~


~13·13'> C:.U.\lN GOD0.4.0

4 uociau EJiror

EditorUl Offices-Suite 1720, City H all Sqa;u-e Building, 139 N. Clark St~ Chicago, Illinois.


~l.UlCU, I 9!JG


Liquidating the Public Enemies . . . . .. . .... . ... By Charles De Lacy 3 The Department of J uslice defends its achievements.

The United States Coast Guard ..... ......... .. By A. A. Dornfeld 5 The facts about our mari time police.

Cases from a D etective's Notes. ... . . .. By Edward Dieckmann 8 No. 3--A Scientific reci pe for cr ime detection.

The Te xas Centennial Police .. ... .. . ...... .. By James T. Kolbert 11 Polici ng the World's Fair of 1936.

Arms Identification: Its Story ... ... ... .... By Col. Calvin Goddard 13 How "'forensic ballistics"' became a pol ice scienre.


Notes and Inquiries .................. . 2 15 Police Headquarte r s Notes . . .. ......... .

Police " 13·1 3," eatablished 1925. P ublished the first week of each month V ol. XI, No. 112. Issued to subscribc:s by ma il. Subscription. rate : $ 3.00 per year in the U . S . and Ponculons; 15.00 for two yeara. Advertising Offices, Suite 1120, City Hall Squ1re Buildinc . 139 No•th Clark Street, Clllcaco. Telephon e: Franklin 9007-9008.

The contributions of readera to the editorial columns of P olice "13·13" receive sincere conaiderat ion . Readers and fr iend• of t his journal are invited to send in aruclca a a well as cartoons. illuatratlona and __photo~aphs wh ich they consider suitable for publication. Typewritten manuscripu are preferrec!; other ma nu1cr!p11 must bo written lcaib\y . Contributions which do not deal with the 1ub jec11 of crime or police work cllnnot be conaidercd.


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Page 4: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~



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On Being Famous \ letter from a. clergyman a nd

t•itizcn or '\ ('\\ J er8e)' b ri ngs news o f :m h i ~ loriC' event:

I n1her 1ho11p:h t I was i n form ed a s t" American pl'r iodicals . bu t J do n~ t rf'<'all learnintt of your journa l 1101.11 an \ ~qociatctl l'rf'e.i item appear ed an 1oda) ' s New Ynrk Times wh ich bore rf'fe rl'nce to 1he s la lcm e nt a boul th e Oill initer <"n~e 1tiven by ) Ir. J . E. I loo\ e r.

( R F:\ .\ GEoRcE Ltm~10~. The .Uanse, Chester, 1\ '. } .

P oLJC F: '· 1 :~- 13" indeed is o n the map. Wh ile thank ing the Rev. Mr. Lem mon for the infonnat io n . may we a::k , wh at. Reverend. is Lhi:: p u b I i C' a L i o 11- t he ;-.:ew Yo rk Times? - EotTOR.

The Police man's Gun Our AssoC'ia:e Edi to r, Col. Cal­

' in G o d dard. eem l> lo h ave start· ed th is:

I n your Febncory issue, under " Noles and l nquiricl'," J read Col. Goddard's interest ing arlic le o n " T he Po licem a n·., Gun," in reply 10 Phill ip Gallagher·s inquiry from Wilkes-Barre. P a.

Col. God dard s taled 1ha1 .. personally he would swap all t he rc~Ol\"ers in 1l1c world fo r a ~oou autom at ic pis to l."

H aving owned a Colt .38 cali bre <.11per-a11tt"l matic p is 1ol for some time, I would apprcci111e a reply Crom Col. Goddard ~1ati111: some of the reasons for bi flCTSOna l fcelin(t toward~ the automat ic p is tol and his view of 1he achantages of 1hc au1oma1ic over the rt"\olver.

Thanking you. T llO 'IAS E. K£;1.1'£DY.

Chief Deputy Sh eriff. Lake Co1111ly, 117 aukecan., Ill.

Perha ps we can p u bl ish Col. Gndda rd':- rep ly next m o nth. However , no one is barred from joinin~ in the dis c u ss io n .­E otTOR.

One Police G roup P ublication of Sergi. F ranc-is

Corcoran's arlil· le , "Unite the Po­l iC'e Grou ps !" las t month 8Lirred C'o11siderable rornment in th e de­partment. This journal does nut take the po:: i t ion that the re 1s but

lforch. 19.16

I N QC I R IES one '-ide Lo th i ~ 'JUl'~lion. but llt ca n not ig nore lhl' fa<'t that Ser#. Corcoran 's vie\\;- \\NI' "idely i., d o rsed in the department. Siai. ila r expression~ will be fouod ia I h e followin~ communicatU., wh ich, we happen to know, •• 5Cnt in by a m e m ber of rank:

:\ quadruple o f orl!ani1.ation•. elll fu11 c1ion in1t inclepen1len1ly. cllle!! 'It lw rm11ni7e wi1h lhe •11iri1 11f rro0peraU,. e ndl'avor whid 1 Im• in•pircd 1he Gt. rago Police Department for IWI • ren1ury. A~ loya l r i\ic ~ldi~ IA! faith ful publ ic prnaeclors. our d~ira a nd ambi1 ions are in•l'parahle; beinc !t hound toge1hcr. 1hey i;hould be rqn. sentrd together.

A united member-hip of polia.siai can command pu!Jlie recopiilion II( rea4'1nahle reque~ •·· A dignified d& mantl from a competen1 indhi du&I .q. repre~en '" e\·ery member of 1he dtplll­m en1 a nd who ac l• a~ 1he spoke<mu If a u nited foref' will be far more dftttht 1han a p;roup of four whose indi• idllll mem ber's are determined lo ~poUlt I he <"B use of one grade only. with a llir ti i"rei:urJ for 1he C'ollec1in! Jcsire! of a II.

Perlanp". ii woulrl ~nil our purposa better an cl would ob\·iale any idea ti grade fa vor itiom 10 selec1 an oul!llJlll. in it c i1izen who i~ no1 a member of tit d epar lmenl hut who•e kno,.·ledge of tit ideals and needs of pol ire officm of d rank~ wo 11l1I enable h im. a~ our rcprt­se n ta live, to \"Oiu• 1he sen1iments of all

It i~ a "ad I rulh I hat we hue wilhia 1he deparlment a ft'w mt!mhtr.; in tile four grad t's who oppo•e 1lie idea of 1

un ited gro up for per<onal rca...<on!. k "Cems 1ha1 1hey rlo not waol 10 lose llwir iden1i1ies a• f)ll!'•e promoters for units which they repr~enl nei1ber fai1bi.tlr nor well. Some of them tn- 10 nrtt4 each other in making fin.e !pettllc:s about duly and lorah)' 10 our cit.r ... .\l ayor. el c·eaera. el <"Ciera. bu1 liulr real woa k i• arcompli•he•I "'"11 all lk comer8alinn i' clone \\ ith.

'-'' e nred one itreal or~ani1.a1ion flfllto 1i11ning 111 ,.mhraee a ll i:rade-< and II i;et ou t and reall)• do "'me1hio' for th r runk a nd file. Think ii O\er!

A \ CTEft \ '<.

T o tho::-c to \1 hom tht' wrilrr'~ identi ty :<eems a mailer nf impor· tant·e , · we will :-a\· th i!;: Poua: '' 1 :3.1:l" clues not inanufacture ii! pu bl i ·lwd corrc~pondrntt'. 1:"' \l'riter <:peak" with the authontt of po;.ition :mu e'-pcrience.-Eo.

Study at home --- _ Lenll;y trained men win h iirh J>Oaitiorus and big d ur ing IJl>t•t"O t im.,. ~of LL R. «<'~

lftlCCeaa In bu.int'tl• and pubhc hfe. B o indepcnd- La.."'8lle1t\ldent,.foundamon1r 1>noctic1iqr•t._.. ent. GN!atl'r oppOrtunl til't now than e ver befort". of f!!Ycry 11a1t! w,, furrn•hnll t<'•t mat...W •"" Bi;{ t'On>oracton• aro head"d by men will; lt'pt lnir fourt"t'n-volum•' I.aw L1hnr.'1'. ~:'".. ""Cl'fli!: traln imr. '"'"'" G<'t our •·nluable iU·P~ .... '!.111

Wo1r111de you •toip hy1tep. You <'au train at homo , and •·.E•·cde ncc .. bool.afree.. Sen<l for~· I LaSalle ExtensioD University »u•~..:.'~~;::;:11Lj:::U!u- Dept. L-268 ChlcafOt

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Page 5: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

Photo-<ltagram showing how the corp' or !ederal agents :md police bl()(.kcd John Dillinger All he crune out or 1he Biogr.apb theater, July 22, 1934. Figure No. 2 is Chief Special A~cnr Melvin Purvis; behind him IJ S«rgi. Martin Zarkovitch, policeman . Figures No. l S and 16 l'Cpresent Capr. Timothy O'Neill, Ei>st Chicago ( Ind.) policeman, and the government agent who accompanied hrm. There w:15 a second agent alonpide O'Neill who is not shown in the picwre. O'NWJ and rhe two federal men were rhe first to ca1ch

up with Dillinger; it wu their .lhots that fdled him

Liquidating the Public Enemies By CHARLES De LACY Editor of PoLce "13· 13."

THCRJ-; ha .. l>t>en n lot of \\riling and comer­'-ation pro and l'On - about the so-called

.. liquidation·· of public enemies carried OD in recent years b, the Federa l Bureau of l mestiga· tion of lht' Department of Ju .. tice. Hi~h l > paid commentator~ and mere t•ommentators have been \1 inno" ing the air "ith ge~tu re!> of reproof di­rected al the '·Oepar lmcnl o f Liquidation" in \lushington. 0. C. The '-Um of Lheir complaints ha~ been: (a J that the Department of Justice 11as inefficient; I b J that it \\as too efficient; (t'} that it " •H• in l-> idi ou .. ; ( d ) that it \\as ob, i­ous: (e) that it \\US too --ecrctiH•; If) that it Wlb too fond of publicity.

These \\!'te the \ariou-. interpretations placed upon endl<' s und detoiled discu~sion.., of the techniques ern p lO)Cd by the fede ral bureau in "l?elling criminal-. into a position \\here they t:ould b<> caught:' The \ I o rld at large was heard from, including c>ditor ... reporter!', authors, la\\ enforcing official-,. and ('\.ell th(l!-t" or the polke 11ho had had a purl in the dromalic.: cwnpaign 11hid1 came to it climax in the summer of 193 i 11i1h the death of John Dillinger. 'lill ions of word pre-.enting co untie--. opinion~ "t>re pread O\f'r lorn, of paper i11 the f::rcnl re-action lo an inttrCl>tin~ performance. There "ere char~es and <'ounter-<'ha rge.,; th Pre ''Lb flattery, justified and unj ui.tiried: there '' ere quel> t ion~ and an­"~cr. .ill rcpre-.entin~ a rather prolonged and a1m),...., c·onflicl bet'' rcn facts and rumors.

Wen• th<' publit· <'nrmit•!I g i,en no quarter? Could most of them hnve hecn token alive? Did the Uepnrtnw11L of J u~lil'C l'ondu('t a ~01 l o f un­d~n~orld pur1tc? Diel Dillinizcr hove u ~un? ll1J tlw A1torncy-Gr1wrul of the llnitecl States


demand hi capture ''dead or al i\ c "'? Was the Indiana gunman ::.hot b} redernl agents o r by police?

The queri&. \\Cnt "round and ·rou nd. The~ mi~ht ne\er ha\e tome out al all had

not a '•hi~hbro"" magoLinc propo .. ed that most o f the question" be talen -.eriou .. h. A!! a result. they ''ere and no" it .. eem .. , dt'pending a little bit on )OUT 0\\11 p;,.yfholog), that the) had heller been laid lo rci.t, for it a pprar ... that J . Edgar Ho<>'er, Di1eetor of the Federal Bureau of Jn. \'e:<t igation antl field mar~hal of the fo rces that \\ere t'enl a~ain'll the public enemies, has spoken fully aud finall } on th<' ,,h olt' ubject-nnd in a \HI y that mui.t gh e but Ii 11 le -,at is faction to Lhe critic... We ;.hould explain this according lo our interp retation or the det.1ilecl statement senl 10 the Editor of thii. journal b) Mr. Il oovcr in February and which ''a given natio1H1 ide pu~ licity b} the press ~hortl y Lhereafter . Mr. Hoo­\er expre<."'Cd in that ~tatrmcnl , '' ithout u .. ing the \\OTd"'. of <"OU l'·t'. th i!'> ' ic" : ·•1 happened to he in char~e of the "hole prott'edinp. It i altogether possible that I kno\\ omcthing about it."' " r. Hoo1,er'.., frit'nd..-. and enemies ''ill h:l\'e to admit that there ii- "omeLhing in the point. And "hen it j ... realized that e\.eq bodv but \ tr. Hoon•r bas been heard from. it. do<• .. seem to carr~ a liulc ''ei1?ht at thi .. time.

A LTIIOLCll \Ir. Hoo, er "a." \C1\ likel> 1rnare of it. the Cntt:. \CO PoucE Jot..R:'.\AL

earh· m Januan directed his attention to an an­no\ f11g situatio1; broul?ht ahout b)· publication in Harper's maga.lint' of the 'i"'"' of Howard '\1c­ullan. former offirial in th(' in\f'•<:ti~ating bureau of th(' Amcrieun Bnnk~·r·~ A<>.,o<'inliun. ~Ir. )Je­

Lell()n had omc ddinitr vir""' uhout the npprc· hcn .. ion or puh lit> t'nrmie-.. Ctmtro-.tcd with tlle bloodshed and lrouhlc thut uc•t•ompnnird the renl


Page 6: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

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Page 7: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

Th U11it d tat<~~· (~oasl Guard By A. A. OORNPELD

,,ui\ll'TEEl\TI I clll'l l i..i puli1 '" Sa·r~I. Hy11n i. p1•11l.. i11µ.··

•·Thi· j,. pul1'11l1111111 S111i1 h . S1·rw·11111, I ltnw• )! illll' 111 tlir f11 111 of Bl unk "lrt•c•I "°' clirc•1•lr1I hy 11ulio 1t1 Ill\ , . .. 1 iµn h· un nl111nd111w1I 11 11 111."

" \l't'll. it l\l"•li µa lc• 11 ."

" ll111 i1' .. 1111tl1•r "(' \ 1•11 fo1 •t of \\ ui.•r, S1·rµrn111 , ,111rl 0111 i11 .. 11111 te11 nl 1111' M'houl rf idn' t .. uy \\laul lo du in 11 1 n•t• l ik1• 111111."

" You'rr 0111• of tlw fiH• l111111lr1•il rww 0111'"· 1lio1· .. pl ain, u011 ' l'I . If 11 'i- n 1 or 11101 Im .. 1<t111k .

or 11 hual tla .11' .. 01111111 to ,j nl.. ir i1 °:. n "\\ imnw r poinit du\\ n 111 "'ll llH' om• •hoot i11µ clu r k .. out of iocnson. ff ii \, n fo1111 \' I iµh 1 Ill n iµ lat 011 1 11\ ' (' t

lhc- lokr ' '' if u 11111111•' .. b1•1•11 "'"'""· ,dry. d1111 ' t ho1lwr 1111• \\ i1h \11111· 1ru11 l1lr .. , 1·n ll thf' Li f1· S111C' rl' , \'1111 l.. 1111\\. tlw C11,1"' t G11 11rcl ."

Ser~I. H vn11 ' .. 1·1111t'rp1 uf 1h1• 1l111i1•i. nnd f111w· t ion .. of tlw Cou"'t C u11 1d. a i.; '-<'I fo rth nhov1•. may lw 1•11 11 .. iil1•1r1l I\ pirn l or '"" whul1· clrp nrl· mrnl. Auel it j,. Ci<!'il'1tli11ll ) l"OU 11d, for activit if''­uf lhr scrvic·1· 11r1• 11 1 11 11rrt1 11~. vuriNI 1111cl 8C•'m·

in!?I y unrc·l nlt'd. It i~ p ul'i"'i hli· 1 l1nl nu bod y of men hu'I 111•1•11 111o r1• rom11111i1·i1.cd , more' vi i i· fit'd, or 1110 11• 111i .. 1111clt•t l"lnod tlw11 tlw trn lho11· !lnnd llll'll \\ho 1·1111 ... 1i1ult• \\li ut i" ' '11riou14ly nn(I \Of!Ul•I k1111\\n 11'1 llw "ltff' '"ll\' l' fS," tl1C' " rCVI'·

nut' cullr ri." nr. more ru1 r lv h • 1h .. ir prope r lillt", 1lw Cou!'il C1111nl. 1•w1<p upr rs. rnn~nzint-s un cl the r1ul i11 ltn\'I' dc•p i1·1NI them Ill' .. terl in(' licrON \\lw i.i111ulturu•o11" h "rllllrh Pl t1ilorml'11 from \llllN\ µ rll\ "" \1 i1l1 otw hnn d \\ hilc mu· 1 hinc·11111111 i11;.: i 1wfT<•11 .. i\ r o r 1•\ <'n \' i rl 1101111 hoot· lrpi.ic-r• \\ i1h 11 ... ullw1 . Tiu· f.111 .. un• lhul Lht' '<'n kl' 1111 .. 11" 11 iclt• 11 r1111;.:c• nf d111 ii'" '"' u 111Nrn. polilnn poltH' fu1 1t• 1d1i1 It ii n• .. t•mhfr'I in rnnnv \HI \ • It hni. di11•1·1i1111 nf truni1· nllonl . p urticai· larlv in 1 n11\llt·cl lwrl111r' nml 1\all'n\U\S, i i palroh. rnd11 1 nc'I'•, 011d l.c•t•p .. 1111. o n i1 ,:lwrt:"i 1'111 hlumlrr 01111111111\' 111· m .... 1l1C' :\orth A1 lon1ie 'itl'31ll ltq1 1111"'"· und 1L m·t .. U" fo1'1cr futhPr lo \\ltoll' hr rcl1< 11f fu r .. , ... 1 ... r~ro 1 1 in;.r tlwm in their yC'ur h 111 i;.:1 111i1111., to t• rctlrrl t l11•111 f ro m 1l1e gun~ 01111 lu11 p o1111 .. of ponrherl'. To u vusl, if Apar:<ch· "f'lt ll'1I .. f•rlinn 11f Alu-.lrn nncl it.s nd· j:icrnt i~ l u 111k 1111' \'ii-ii o f ll1 C' Coap;I Guard Cut · Irr i lli1• 1111ly rr l iahlt' .. u 11 1n• of 111Nlirnl nn<I dl'11tnl llllC'11l i1111 , foll\ 1•111111111•rf'i11 I \ t•i.wl find in::t

•I 1• 111f11.1l1 l1• " ' "' '1111111' i11lc1 tlw"" rr11111lt• 111111 .!1111µ 1•1111111 \\Rl r r,11 , li111 1l1i11 i,. 1111 ly 11 lwl(inninJt. If,.,,. i .. ti.,. 11f111 1111 li"t.

l.1111 Fn /mriui' /)11/il" t

" ... \ 1·111 i1111 11r •11111 111t1 i""· E11(11 r1 ·1·111r111 ,.f 1lw <'11•111111" ln \\ 11. E11f1111·r 1111•11I uf 1111\'iµnlion a11e l ollit•r la w"

,:111 Prn inj.( 1111•r•·lw 111 H'•"''I" 11 1111 rn t1lor l ... uto;.

l-:11fu11 •·mrnl uf rulr• 111111 rri:ulntion'! l'O\'ern· i11J.1 n111 h11rni:r uf ""llll('I• IC:n plnin• ,,( 1hr rt>rt ). E11fu1• 1·11w11t of low 111 proviifl" fur 'lrt f l"ly of li re• 1111 113\ ianhlr \\ ll lrrll 1luri11$( rricnlln• o r 111111 i11r• pnrnclt•• .

Exnminin;z mrrrlu111t M>nmrn fo r 1·rrt ifirn l<'" " " I 1f1•l11111lmrn.

1:11 fnr1·rmr nl nf thr In\\ rrln1 ivr 10 oil 1>01 · I 111 i1111.

E11forc·1•111f'nl of 111\\11 rrlnlinj? lo immi;?rntinn. •111.irn11 1i1w ontl 111·u1 rnli tv.

l '111h'l'li1111 of ~nmr n111l lhr !!f•nl nml niter f1.lwri1·" in Aln-.kn.

1:11forc·1•11wnl of rnlr nnd rr~11la 1ions fo r ,,. ,,,,.,., ;011 ,,f 1lw C.iohl'rir" in Al11 .. ko.

E11forr t•111enl o f i111c•rnnt i111inl ro11\ N1lirms 1 .. l.11iw lo fo,fieriC'" 11 11 tlw h iizh '"'11!1 .

E11f11rrr•1ttl' lll of 1111• 111111111.w .fi,.lain~ luw. .Proll'l' tion c1f hir<I r1· ... ·rvnti11n11 r 11 lnhli11ht"d bv

E wrul i\ c 0 rtll'r . Enfnrc f'11w 111 uf 1111" n111l 1hc n1lm i11 i .. trn1icm o f

u.11 h" (:.<'llC'rnll} in >\Im.kn. l:nfort c•mc-111 o f mil'• c llane1>11" lnwJJ for nlht'r

hrarwhr o f 1hr µcl\ l' rrtmC' nl. Trun .. purlini: fl oali11~ c·ourt in Afa,ka \\hen

m•1•l'.,.,a rv. !'>up1>tt'"•ion of mutin i<• , <HI mcrd1nnt ve!!1Je'l!i.

l.ife Saui11~ aflfl Aiuutnnre Sud11~ Ii(<' and p ropnl\ upon the hijlh sen

nml nlun~ lhf' 1 oa .. t 'I of thr l ' n it<'d StalM. J\ ... i .. 111111 c l o \ C•"<' I" in di tilr<'""· Fl11ml rc-l irr 1111 tlw \\ l'~lrrn rhc-rt1. 1), ... , rm1 i1111 and n·n10\ al ri f \Ht•ck•. d«'rr l ir t!!

"' ol lwr dnn,:f'r' lo nn\ i;?nl ion . l nlC'rnali1111nl 'l'f\it I' uf ir f' 11b~C'nnt ion :uul

in· patrol in lh<' '\11r1h \ tlnnl ir Ot·<-an. E\lt•11clin~ mt'tlin1I ,11111 -. u1 ~ i1·al nicl In Cnited

Stnh· .. H'~"l' ' " <·n~.1i:1•d in tl1·cp "ta fi .,h inµ. \ .... i .. I inµ o tl ll' r lirn11rl1c'I ur thf' ;.:U\ f"rtllll('nt

in tlw pr rfornrn111 c of 1l11l i<"1 a .... i~nc>d. Tra11 .. por1in;:: Am 1•rn111rnt nµrnl 'I. Cari nµ for a ncl lrnn .. portin!( ~hi pwret·k<'d nnd

1lc· .. 1 itul<' 1wr .. 11n" i 11 A l11 ~kn nnd t' lfU'whrre . 5

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6 P 0 LI CE. ··J ~ - 1 :r· lforrli. 1'11(,

R~n~r-in~ IDMlical. ckntal and ~eral wel­f art' ~ni~ to natl\'~ in Al~ka. Car~in~ the l"nit~ Stat~ mail$. Collectinl[ !-tati~t ic:;. ~ardin~ •~~ of life anil

propt"n'· on ~1~.

a.f Bo.tswain John 0 . A.ndu-. C.ommandrr o f dw Old ~ Caa.t Guard Starion alK'e 1918

Be-low: A auf boa! ol ~ Co.ll!lt Gu.rd ri~ a he-a">' 1a11: .. ~~n

lliliran- Dulit's ·1"hC' Coo"l Guard--shall o perat«- unde r th t­

Tr~3-.un DC'p.-.rtnM"nl in tinte" o f peace a nd o p ­f'r.ltt" 1tS s part of ~ '"\a ,·y. !'ubjert lo the ordc-f' of the Sn-man (\f ~an-. in time or \\ar t>r "ht"n 1ht> Preoident ·shall ~o di~ct-:·

H l ~TORICALL). th<- Coast Guard d:itt•:o bar k. to 1790 "'hen a @ma ll maritime for1-t>

lo N>mb:ll ... mu~lin~ "' a.~ rn.•a led under Prt>!'i· dt-nt Gcof"J!(" \\a..J1in¢on "'ith lhe rumw. ··R<"\"t"'· nue Cullr r 5'-nil'c.-:· Thest" cutter~ adm ini .... le-red b,· the Trt'~ur~ Jle.parlmt"nt. "t"re for st"'eral ,·car·s 1hen-af1e r the onh· nnm·d !."CO·

J!Oilllt Iler\ iff in the' r nil<"d Slal~ : I hey anle · dat~ 1hc re~lar Na'"}' . Along with their lnw <"nfon.'t'm('nl duti~. lh<:$t- enrl v rulte~ did m u.·h r~ditablc- ~rYice in 8:1 \ inlt iin•s and propt"rt \ in the m aritime di.sa.qers of those lime.,;. hul owin~ t o their deep draft. tha t ii- tht" need of ,;taying in comparati"ely deep watl"r. lhev \H~r<' h andica pJ>f"d in attcmptin~ Tl'$<"Ut" ~·f ,;hips und r re"' $. that had btt-n 8tonn drh't"n onto be:idh' :­o r ~oals.

.-\:.- American shippin~ l!~w. nnd 11a11tira l tH-ridC'nts ~amt" m ore frequent in the early de<·ade:. o f the nineteenth r<"ntury. a new agcnc,· I<• amt'lioratc lhem mad<" its appt':tran<'r. Group!' o f \•o luntttr!>. fishermt"o for the m Mt part. o r;;-aoixed "life M \ ing r rews'' and t-quipped tJiemseh ~ " i lh Spt"t·in l hoals suiluhlc•

for launching from tht> beach lhrough the !>urf. breaches buo~ s and olher spt>cial de\l ice,.. Th~ volunteer life sa,·crs d id notable sen il'e on many occasio ns . but like the volunteer fire dt"­parlments of the p~I the~ ,.uffcrf.'d from lhis weakness: tltal important l' rrw membe~ \\Crf' too often abl>('nt on their o"n affair"' wh.-n thtir presenc-e WUl' needed in an emeq::enc~. Accord­ingly. in 1876 the GoH~rnmenl took oH•r lht work and the l'nited St:ate:i Lifr a\·inJl S.-n,ire was ereatt>d and \\ :IS plared undl'r lhe Trrnsur~· ~parlJnt>nt. It "u-. tht> counlNpar t ashore of the Revenue Cu llC'r SC'rvirc a fl nal. but 1he-r t"o s upplt'mentary urli\ il ie"' wrre not offir ially mer~ed until 1 9 1 ~. when the two " e re united to const itutc th1• Coast Guard.

I~ ORGA:\ IZATIO'\ nnd per,.onne l the> Coa~t Guard d ose I y rC'~C' mhles tllC' '\a'' Y· usin~ sim·

ilnr tit le;; a nd rat infn". The higher. or com· missioned officers art> p:radunl1'5. fo r lhe most part. of an aradc•nn lol'al1·d al '\cw London. Conn .. and enler th~ se n · it't' "ilh the rank ,,f Ensigu. work up Lhrouj!h Lieulennn l and c.)m· ma ndcr to Captain and in :<om<' ca!'C-- lo Rear Admiral. who it< 1he comma ndant of 1he sen ir<'­Tlw Enli~t t"d grnde$ :'lnrl with Surfman or Se:i· man. and work up throuj!h \'ariom• ralings l~l the rank of Ront~wain. Mnl·h inist and Elrctn· ci an, wl1it:h is j!CnC'rnll y <l l" far tt!' a n enli~lt'd man ean j!O. ahhou~h rarr inslnnce" do 01•cur


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Page 9: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

\larrh , 19% P 0 L I C /, " I :~ . I T' 7

Capt. Leroy Rcinburg. Commander of the Chicago Oi,•ision of the United States Coast Guard

Right: Removing a m enace to navigation. Coast guardsmen under Chic£ Boahwain 's Mate Cad Howell burn and sink the "Saug:lluck". defunct excursion boar , off the Chicago Harbor

in 1d1il'h ra,,te line;,. art' h rokr11 through and the former enli;,.ted m a n beC'omes a 1·ommissioned offic·c1. These ranks and ratings druw the s ame pa~ and allowances as c·orrl•sp onding ones in tl1r '\Ja1·y.

TH~ Command ant hai- h i,, headquar:ers in \ e11 York ; under him are four " Area Com·

mandt'r,,.." the Great Lake" heinf! included in the .. \orlh A rea:· the comrnau der of 11 hich re· idr- in Cle1 eland . Ohio. L ndcr him is the

Cle1eland Oi1·is ion. con.,tit uling the Eastern· mo-I of the Lake5 a nd tlu· Ch in tgo D i\' is ion. "hic·h indudcs Lake S uperio1 , ;\J ich ignn and part of Huron.

Captain Leroy Rei nburg. command('r o f Lhe Chica~o division, a vete ru11 of 1111w y years o f H'a dul) , hus under his !<Way ll'n 1·111Lcrs und patrol boats. fifty-three s tuti ons, manned by 680 rnrn . He is i11 con stant contact with his 1-pra1\lin~ romma nd by rnd io and te le p hone linr• ro11-.tructed e:op eciull y for the service. Thr•e t•ommunication faci litic-. arC' under Lbe dirc1·tion or Lieu t. S. F . Cm).

Lo<ully. the best kno11n or the Coast Guard l:nii.. is the Old Ch ica~o !'ta tion . t·ommandcd hy Chier Roabwai11 ( IJt> tlPr known ns Cnplain) fol1n 0 . Anderson. H older of tlw Cong rc:.-siona l

\l1 ·1lul, \l'h' ra11 of thirty·fi\I' .,tormy year in tlw ..,1· ni1·1• from the clays of "lailinp; t1l'h ooners arid I 0\11 111! lifrhoals. Jic ha '! i>Cl'll Ol'('ll!'Cd or b1·i11;: 11rh·foo tr d . Under h im , the s tation, for 1d1i1 h a 111•w i.trnr tu rc is 11ow bei np; 1'rected. f11ll1111 "'!! 11 tire. has ut1ai11e<l nn ('uvinblc rcpu· l;i l 11111 fo1 1·ffiC'il'nf') , fearl <'"SIH"' and twenty· f11u1 htt11 r .1l1•rtnt>;.'-,

111 th1• ;::n·ut fl ooc] .. of tlw \J j..,., i .. ..,iµ p i river .. r ICJ I I. J 'J27. and 19.H A11d1•r,on had a "har<' 111 ,1 t \pt• of fl' '' u!' I\ or J... I ill)(' k n11\\ 11 to the

.-orld al lur;.\e. the ev1w11ation of to11n-, , ch at· td.., u11cl n tllll' from tlil' lowl11 11cl.., of the l\Jis­:<i<'sippi B11s i11 I\ hen the \\ utcrs 0 1 e rwhelmed " hole rounti c!> Lrinp;i ng m iser y. dunger and ..,ometimes death to thousand . A cting under pla11;. p repared far in adrnnce of the emer· genq, as is rhc Coas t Guard c us tom. m otor -.u rf l>oats we re loaded \\ ith utmost s peed onlo flat l'Bf'> and \\ ith thei r ere \\!' \\ere hurried to derui ling points in Lhc fl ood!'d un•u;. 11 here they took up the \\ Ork of ,, uc·c·orin~ the helpless. Hcd Cro:.s offi ci als under whom they worked paid hiµ la t ribu te lo their t' fforts on these oc· l'll!lious.

OTllEH Coa~t Guard unitt- in Ch icaµo include the J ach on Park and o ulh Chicago Sta·

li on" aud the Patrol hont.s Ru ... h and the C. C. 119.

In do~in!!. lht> 11 a r rt'(' ord of tlat' ,,ervice .. !iou ld ht> mentioned. I quote tlw \1 ords o f Rear Admiral I lnrr~ G. Haml!'t , pres<>nl Com· rnander.

t Conti111te<l 0 11 page 10 }

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Ca from a Detective's Note B) ED\'\' ARD D !ECKMAN Member of the Homicide Squ.ad, Policc Ocp;1rcmcn1. San Diego, Cal.

M A"\\' T nlES the little things in crim e nr<' of the gr<'atest importance. A blood-stain ,

n dunddi on !'Ced, the wick from a child's lo\ lantern, the brns<;-like !'hcen on the head of ~ .... ledµe hammer. a piece of twine, n torn bit o f pnpcr, the fact that n loaf of bread had n pc· <·uliar lump on one end. ma y n ot com ·ict a m an. But trifles like these. together with the sta le· ment of an informant. the trac k of an auto tread, ''hen added together. may be the decid­in~ factor in an important criminal case.

In the following authentic story. the mannl."r in which a trcmendou triAe wa .. deduced to be uf such great importance and how it was util ­ized is ''ell illu · trnted. In a g reat many cal:-f',.. th<' t'\ idence furnished bv such triAes does not app<>nr in the court rec~rds. It is really be­hind the !-cencs of an investigation where bril ­liant detcct i..-c and police work is accomplished.

Durin;? the past few years more and m or<.' ... tresi. ha!l been brought to bear upon the won· derful ''ork done by scientific investigators in l'Otrnet'tion '' ith the com it'tion of crimina l!-. The \\ Ork accomplished by these talented men is truly \\Orth) o f all the praise and publicit~ i t ha!> recehed. The fact that the presentation of such evidence in court is so specta<-ular ha '> t•aused ii to over-shadow the brilliant work donc­by the investigating officers.

Th<' fact is well established that without thc­aid of the accomplishments of the various t'X·

perts the chemist, the pathologist, the expert in foren:.ic balli.lici., and man y o thers- convic· lion:. in a grc-at number of cases would never be attained. But \\hen one thinks and com e" to mnr\'d at the wonders wrought, some atten· lion i .. to be given to the men behind the sl·enes. many or \\hOm never appear in the picture' . These are the men \\ho gather the physical C\ i· dem·e and \\ho, by long and tediou efT ort , con· 11et•t it up "ith the crime. thereby assurin~ that thi:. e,·ident·e may be admitted as ''good evi­dC'nce·• ix-fore a court and jury.

It i:::. diffic u It to unden;:tand the connection ht•l\H'ell l' l'Ot1kea:::.es from wrecked automobile .... and ll H'ric•-. or ho ld safe robberies. but a rCSUlll<' of 1 lw l'n!-e of Rnbnt ~ 1 oore w i II dc>mons t rat«' \\hut can cli11d1 a ca:oe.

The t·i ty of Sun Diego. California , suffored n ,..nics or safe LurA'luries a fow years a~o. Tilt' p o lit·e dcpartmC'nt was in turmoil. This par· ti<:ulur serieR began on u Sa turday 11 iµht ; the 8

Police photograph of the s:afc showing how the combination knob had been knocked off by the burRlar

Knox Food Product"' office safe and that of tht> ~outhwestern Lumber Comp~llly \\ere the lir-t to he opened.

T HE Lurglar::- wt>re not professional,. and tht> jobs were of the ,..mash and hammer l\ pr Jnd

''ere t'urried out by means of s ledge hammer· and make-shift punches. Considerable dama~t' ''a!' done t o the safe ... m ore so than the lo-,: of act uni monc~. fl°'"~' er. the hur;:lar.;; \\ere nin· ninf! enou~h not to ll"a\ e an~ fingnprinl" on the premi!-<'!-. "\o otht>r e,·iden<c \\US found. no automobi le tire track .... no artid<" IO!'l lJ, the c riminals.

Tlw11 t\\O hi~h .... 1·houl huildiug,.. \\t'te hurgl:11 · ized and tlw nni1·e suf1•... ,..111.1,.hed opt•11 " ith -.ledgf's, and "rcl·ked. Again hut littlr mom' ' "as takt•11 hut tlw propt•rty dnamt~f· \\11:; e>.t1•11· i. ivt'. A.,.uin no dm• .... ,,ere found. ul:lwugh •1

r . l'Ureful ~urc·h \Hll'l 1·ondu1·tc·d for finp:Npnnl• and 0 1 lwr 1·v id1•m·t'.

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POL/ Cl . .. I { . ( :r· 9

Three nights late r ano ther ~d10ol building wa!.' entered. but even though the thieves worked hard. the :<afe was n ot opened. H owever. the hurnfors "ere beeomi11g en re less; the dama~c don~ by the husky s h•di;rc '' irlders wrecked Lhe ~afe. The clear imprint or a rubber heel was found on a piece of copy papn knocked to the Roor of the office. Every p<'rso n who had at·· rC!'S 10 the office was subjedcd to an examina· 1ion of his shoe soles for elim i11a 1io n purpose:-. 'ione \\ere found lo corres po nd.

SA'\ DI ECO is surroundcd b, l-C\'eral little lo\\n~. one of which is Chui~ Vista. located

t\1elve miles lo the southward. It was in this r ity that the burglar next s t ruck . He le ft his t'n lling card l><'hind h im in the form o f a wallet ('Onlainin;::- an auto mobil e dri\·er·s licen!'e and the copy of a contract o f the -:ale of a Ka:;h aulomobilt'. Th is man. R obert :\1oorc, \1 as lo· r ated in San Diego and the Chula \. ista pol ice reque~tt'd the co-operat ion o f the an Diego offi­cers in mak ing the arrest. Holx>rt ~loore read ­ily adm illed that the wallet Will' hi... Bul he· l'Ould not account for the fact that it ''as found on the scene of a burg lary. Ac·cording lo his storv. he lo!.t the wallet a month or m ore b, .. fore". He owned a car, a Nash open type, and \1hen t1li8 was exa mined the tires werr found lo be caked with red mud, si milar lo the mud uround the bui lding whe re the hurglary was c·omrnilled. H idden in a c loset in h is room wa:­found 11 pair of sh oes caked with red mud. In the car was foun d two ,,Jc d;ze hammers bot h "ilh bl ack !!rease upon lh l'ir handles. A p a ir of cht>ap, cotton glo\'es w as in o ne of the s ide pockets of the car. Moore was eunn ing . He refused to talk about himself al all.

The heel~ on Iris sh oes matC'h ed the imprints foun d in thr mud at Chul a Visln. also the print fou nd on the San Diego buqdury. The tires on his rnr matched the t ire marks in Chula Vista. But. unfortunately, the t ir<• imprints we re n ot clear enough lo show imperfcC' ti o ns in the tire itself. The ,,allet was the thing that tied Rob­ert Moore to the c rime.

And tht'n the police got \du11 appeared to be an iron·clad bit of evidence. R obert M oore's room.mate to ld officers that lie sa \1 the \1allet in Moore'~ r>osscssion the e vcnin:,t of the C hula Vi$la burglary!

So 11 complaint was issut>cl dwrging R o bert 11i1h the crime of burglary und everyone was happ}. unti l the trial. The sled~e hammers found in " oore's car were kept in the detective bureau in the m eantime and 11crc !:-h own to the 'iclims of sc\·cral machine·l'ho p thefts. They werr identified by one of thCS(> \•ic tims by secret marks that he had placed upo n the m. 'Moore. ~l i en confronted b y this evidence. merely said.

I bought them off a guy," nnd closed up like 1111 oyster.

Safe of the Knox company of San Diego aher i t had been pried open and rifled

THE offitec 11 ho inn:sligalC'd the' l\.no '\ Food Produrt'< burg lan carcfu lh examined the

hamnH'P•. The heads of thcs~ h ammers 11 e re dean: The officer obtained a s trong g ins!' a nd <'Xamincd the heads of the hammers again. The ~lass brought out some s tartling evide11ce.

Moore was questioned again. .. What did you use the s ledge hamnw~ for ? ..

he 1rns ai;ked. ··Well. I wreck cars om·e in a while. I used

the h a mmers to break up a \!ash crank-<:ase a fe\1 weeks ago:' he replied.

·'And you ne\ er u..~d them for any uther pur­poSt"?.. The detecti,·e tapped his pencil on the desk.

··No,'· Moore laughed. ··You g uys ain ·1 got 1101 hi ng on me,"

Moore's case was called in Superior Court a nd th<' prosecution produced all the evidence of the finding of the walle t, the shoe marks. the tire tracks. The officers were forced to admit that the heel marks could ha\'<' been made bv other sh oes than )loore's. Then Moore's roo~­mate ''as called.

He tc:>tificd that he had been mi · taken in his s tatement lo the officers concerning the wallet. He had not seen it for a month prior tu the nime. What a bomb-shell!

Thr dt•fense called only Lhe dcfe11du11t. i\loorc.

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10 POLICE ··13.13··

During lhf' rece&l. the officer "ho had .i"'•esti· ga1ed the hammer hea& conferred with thf' pr~tinf! attorney. Thi5 officer w:-s not a "itn~.!! in the cL-e al bar, but was an mterested t>pedator. Following the conference telephone!" "ert bas ,·. and when the case was called om•(• mo rt ~ ~ral ne" ~ iln~ were in the ('QUrl room . The prosecutor informed the court that he had t"o " iln~~ in rebuttal. The fir~t v. a .. thof" offi(-er in th.- knmc F ood Produr L .. bur~lan .

Thr<1ul!'h th i ... "itn...-... tl1r pn,~· utor hrnu~hl

A ''~• I~." When this i5 hooked to • combioacioo knob and tM bolts are tightened ~bing mmt IP- w.y

out that the metal found on safe combinations "as br~~· ; that it was nicke l-plated: that in t'\'ery Hfe burtdary for the pa.tit two months the thie\'C"S had hammered the combination knobs

U. S. COAST GUARD I Con1Uw.ctl f rarn page 7 1

.. Th.- Coa t C ua.rd has played a dis ting uished part in eve ry l\ar in which the United S tales has been enl!al!ed- l\ i lh the exception onl y of the War with Tripoli. The records show that of the 22 prizes captured by United States ves-5els during the trouble with France in l 798 and 1799, the C-0ast Guard vessels captured 18. unaided, and assisted in the capture of two others. A Coast Guard >es..c.el made the firs t capture on the sea in the War or 1812. Tbe piracy which prevailed during the first quarter of the 19th Century in the Gulf of Mexico was suppressed mainly hr vessels of the Coast Guard, which kept up a relentless war upon them bv purs uing, attacking. and dis persing them whereve r found. Vessels o f the Senice partic ipated actively in the Seminole Indian War, in the Mexican War, and in the Civil W a r. Coast Guard Cutters enga ged ac tively in the Spanish War, the Coast Guard Cutler McCul· loch servin.g \\ itb Admiral Dewey's fleet at Lhe

from the lf'.afe!' : that a careful t>xaminalinn .,f the hammt>rs found in Moore·s rar disdo~d that minute particles or hrasi;t were lo be found " " the implement..!! ; that ~oore had .!'aid that 11,.

only used thel'C hamme rs to break up \ J•li auto crank-cases.

Then came an expert from thP 1,w.11 \ ,1. f1

JG1 of burgiar tools found in 1hc pos~~on of Rob.-rt M oore by the S2n Diego police

motor car a:,?enc~ "ho tP..I iJied that thf'rr " a' n o meta I in lhe ' a"h r ran k-1·a"e that " uuld leave a br lll"SY s heen on the head of a harnnwr :Vloore had 1estifil"d . undf' r c·r oFs-examinat ion. that he had used the ... fedge b ammn" a, d.-. scribed.

Moore was convicled. All becau~ of the brassv s heen upon thr

heads or a pair of s ledge hammers .

BaLLlt> of Manila Bay, and Lhe Culler HuJMm w~ actively engaged at the Bau le of Cardenn· . un the Coas t of Cuba."

" When the l'nited Stales entered the World War in 1917, the Coast Cuard. in arcordanr·r with law, passed into the Naval Establi"hment. Coast Guard vessels fought enemy s uhmarine,. and performed esco rt and patrol dut y in thf· war zone in European wate rs . and officer s and men served with dis tinc tion in practically C\ 'en phase of naval ac tivity. The s inking of thr Coast Guard Cutter Tampa. after :;afoly escort· ing her convoy of me rchant ships to an En7· fi sh port, by an enemy submarine. on Septern· her 26, 1918, when ever y soul on board. J l:i in all , perished, cons tituted. with the "Ole et· ception of the loss or the Cyclops. the laq;e~t individual loss s us tained Lv I.;nited Stales na1 al forces during the war." ·

Few people kn ow that Bruno Hauptman \\ 8>

never convi cted of kidnaping. Trial ret·or<l· show that he was c-onvi<"ted of murder corrunittrd during the attempt lo s tea l ' ·a child's !'lttpin)! s uit."

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Police headquart.-r·~ building for the Texas Ct-nlcnnial fu.pojelllon "hich opt-n~ June 6

The Texas Centennial Police By JAMES T .. KOLBERT

"WE DO'\ I I\. '\OW just what we .will en· countt'r in the \\3\ of croo~. dips. con

mt'n. and :-tickups. hut "~ do lmow that \\e are going to I)(" prt>pattd to r~eive them with open arms.

., " ith t1 uch \\ ord!' does Capt. Lt>onard Pat'k,

al'lhe head of the police force of the Texas Ct'nl!'nninl £,po .. ition and former captain of t11e Te~a" Ran~ers. summarize the plans of officials for pro\ id in~ protet'tion a t the forth~oming Expo,,.ition. 1t is t' lea r that there exists an dnborate and c-a rt'full~· planned program which "ill he l'arried out in minutest detail starting: !!omc time ahead of the actual openin~ of t11e Exposition in Dali n!' on June 6 and rnntinuing to the last da) and be) ond.

A forrc o f approximntely 300 men "ill be used. n<·t·ording to Capt. Pack. "hkh will be dh idcd iuto uniformed men. plain clothes de­tc..:th C". ni~h t watchmen, emergency und riot squad,. and a coordinating office force.

Pre,,cnt p lan call for all law enfo rcement officers to wo rk out of a Centennial sub·station "hich ' ' ill be set up in the c lose vicini ty of the main entrance jl:ntc and have direct telephonic con11ertion <1 "ith all other entrances and exits a" well n-. carefully designated locations all o\·er the 188 ac-re p lan t.

An interestin~ C'Ommentary on the elaborate plan... no" r u.,hinl? lo" ard" c-on:.ummation is found in the "' o-wav police radio setup. de­tails of "hic-h are ai this time being \\Orked out ln an Eastt'm expert of international rrputut1on . It b the h~pe of the p olice. d~· partment to be ahl<> to ins tall a plant w1tbm tht' Centennial nround" which will be. al one and the samt' ti~c. an a ctual workin!? and use­ful pha"<' of their rquipment for protectin;; tlle ten mill ion dollar Exposition. and also. a part of the poli<'e exhibit for the public lo inspect and l>t"eomc fornilinr with . This might be p os-

'ihle. it i .. "tatt>d. throul!h c;ome or ranl?ernent thnt \\ ould permit th«' rad io divi<>ion to f!O about the dail~ \\ ork in ~ound-p roofed rooms equipped "ith one lor~e plotr glo" "indow which wou Id opl'n on thf' g rounds' ,idr of the bui lding . to facilitate th«' more or ll'"S con'llant traffic ong­inatin,: "ith pedestrians inside the gates, a n x­ious to pa"S b) and watch the actual operation of n ""'"''av radio p lant as used It) a metro­politan police department.

Direc t Y.ir~ to each {?a le and centralized zone O \ er the entire plant "ill he maintained "itll a forc-e o f operators on cons tant du ty to permit the officers detai lt'd to tlle t'ntrances and loca­tional p o;.itions scattered l~roui;h c_> ut the g_roun~s to f!Cl in instant touch with their upen ors m an emerl?ency.

FROM an eAhibitor's s tandpoint, the mammot11 plant i,, divided into three zones; £rom the

pol it-e protect in• !' t?n_dpoi~t. eac-h of 1 ~1CM: three zone;. i" further dl\·1decl mto from ;.1x to ten !lub·7.ones. it is ;; lated. und each sub-zone will be under the clo~ ~upervision of the offic·cr in i-harf!e of the master zone n~f"n. He. i~ tum. "ill report to the Centennial sub-stalton at 5loted i11ten nls to enable Cnptnin Park and his immediate force to have n con«tantl y mo,·ing pil·lure of what t'xactlr is goinj! on within the !?ale;. of their "ailed t'it y \\hid1 ,,jJI h ave a troncif'nl p opulation of from a few thous an d to SC\ cral hundrt'd thou!-and humans al one time. Con, tantl~ movin~ plain dothes detectives

,, i II min .. le "ith the cro\\ d5 and be on the alert for pick-p ocket,,. and sm oothly tolkin~ and work­in<> t•on mt'n. They will also keep an eye on th~ more 'aluable exhibits and conc~sions to ... 11 pplement the \\atd1fulness of the unifonnt'd force o n dut~ al uch points.

\t thc pre~!1t time an identification •~ under the Ccnlt'nnial force and

l'Xhaustin· l><.'hoo l of "ay lo fllllli liarize the officers on duty


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12 P OLICE .. J 3 • I lfor rli l1H11

Autht"ntic reproduction of old Tt>xas R:in~t'rs' h eadqu ;irtcrs which will be quarters for R angers assignfd 10

the T exas Centenni;J Exposition at DallM

throug hout Lhe cit y o f Da llas with k110,\11 nimi ­nals. Their ecce ntricities o r gait and speech . appeara nce fro m all views, and other means of quick identification have all been catalogued as exhausth·e l y as pa l record.s obtainable from o ther dep a rtme nts over the country will perm it.

.. h seems pre lly su re," obsen·ed Captain Pack, "tha t if a nd when a known c rook sh o ws up in Dallas. we will spot him before he ha.; been he re mora y h ou rs and slo p his operati on!' before they e \·e n begin.•·

W ith the approachin{! inlen.aliunal com·en­lion of the International Association for lden­lificalion. l o be held in Dallas. some time ha:.: been spenl-e\"en eight or nine months a head of the conventio n date-in working out lo the final detail the plans of the Dallas Police De part· ment to give their vis it ing b rothers a long· remembered progra m of e nte r tainment lo blend with the more se rio us phases o f the work wh ic·h will be accompl i hed a t the convention.

Personall y in char~e o f e n tertai nment is Cap­tain D. E . 'Val~h. Chief o f the Identification Bu reau of 1he Dallas P o lice Dep a rtment and Stat e Vicc-Pre~ ident of the Assoc iatjon. Cap­tain W a ls h hos obviated the rf't'tri ctions s m-. rounding his cntertainm<'nt plans due lo a lack of lo1owled;rc at this ea rl y dat e of the actua l extent of the " i iting o mce rs. b y making cx­h austfre plans that will adapt themselves to faci le change on n ' 'ery hort no tice. Se vera] djnner dances will precede the fina l event, he s lates. which will- from a socia l s tandpoint­bt" one of the most successful a ffa irs o f the en­ti re year in D a li n . Notables fro m all walk!< o f life, bo th loca l and 11ational, will be in at· tendancc, he asserted, a nd the g rand ball -room of Dallas' la rgest and finest d ownto wn ho tel will be reserved for tbe occasion .

For the furthering: of the educatio n of the

e1tJZenry who kno w a ll too little t· orwernin~ 1hr o peration o f their h)('al p o lice force. 1dlt're\t'r that ma y be. the Dall a P olic-e Department 11 111

insta ll. under the :<upcr\"i~ion of ln~pectur J. L Welch. a complete exhi bit co,·erin~ e1·er~ pha__,. of p o l ice activi ty in Dall as. There 11ill lie mural a nd pictogru phic• exhihits and allenclmg police o ffice rs to carry the vis iting thronj?:' from o ne phase of the work lo another. In adcliticm l o the working two-way rad io p re,·iousl1· mrn t ioned. it is expected lu have o n displa~ mnm object~ of c rim inal interest sul'h II " the irun ~ uf despera:e ou tla1\ ;; rerenth 1 a ptured in LlJllJ•.

Cape. Leonard P ack. r i,::ht, he.id o f th., politt f01tt of tht> Te>UIJI Cenrcnnial Ex:.posi1ion ... nd W iDUnl A . Webb, i;tencr"I manager o f 1hc Exposition

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The first real "ballistics" laboratory in the United State<> wh ich was shared by Col. Goddard and P . 0. Grm.:e/le and where the la tter i11vc11ted the com parison microscope

Arllls Identification: Its Story By CALVIN GODDARD Consultant o n FirC'arms, A5!1-0Ciate Editor, ChjcajtO Police' Journal.

NoTE. Thi~ i> lh<' fourth in a ;;;rrie, o f authoritathC' articlet- on the de,elopmenl of the -..c iC'nt e of 6rearm idcnti6('otion. T he serir' wa;< begun in NO\'t'mber. 193S. an<I "ill he concluded in 1he April i!!Suc.- Eo1TOR.

T ll E more ad\'anccd among American Peace Offirrrs \\ere quick lo reco~n ize the possi­

bi l itic.~ of 1he comparison micro!l{;ope. Indeed , Waite• wa:i invited to address the l nterna· tional Association for I dentification, probabl y the most scientific of American law-enforcing bodie:-. al its convention "hkh met in Los Anncle-.. in thr "11mmer of 1925. and did so. I in ~urn was on the program of the International A!!sociation of Chiefs of Police. at their con­\Cnt ion in Chica~!O in l Q26. and ga\'C them an illustrated talk which lasted nearly two hours. call irw for a vote at the end of the fiast of these ~s to \\ !tether I should embark upon the second ( which involved the showing of many slerl'opticon ,_Jides). The decisio_n to proceed wa unanimous, much to the d1Sgust of the speaker ,,ho was 10 follow me. who angrily de­ported \\ ithou t dcli\'crin~ his address! Si nce

• For further com men I on C. F. Wai1c's aS!lociatioos wi1h 1he a111hor, ~Cl' 1he Dccl'mbcr. 1935, issue of tl11s jnurnel.- EOITOR.

thal date I haH~ 1)('{'11 1m itcd annual!) to ad· dre'"' the t·omentions of the International As"o· ciation for Identification, and almost as often with respC<l to the I. A. C. P. Indeed. \\ ith in a }Car or 1wo after ou r work w as 1.a~nched. the former a:.-socialion had made prons1on for the admit1a11ce to iii:: o rganization, !heretofore com· posed almost 100 per cent of finge rprint mt>n. of practitioners of "Ballistics," and now cou rts amo11g its mcmbr r:. a consiclerable number of these.

And !>o thr work sprt>ad. Wai te's death was. in a measure, providential, for with him a live there had been u constant strugg le bet\\ een us as to 1he amount of information upon methods and 1cchnique to be d isseminated. and fi nancia l ruin fo r our or"'Llllization. which \\C had oper· aled under the<" ti tle of "Bureau of Fe rensic Balli!>lics.'' was a l o inevitable. for he had no re<>ard for the value of money, and was hope­lc;"I V bankrupt per,.ona lly at the time of his deatl°1. Fort unalely, howc\•er. his monetar y in­discretions had not proceeded to the poinl of hi~ assuming obligations against our parlner­:-hip- \, hich would certain!) have been the ne~t step had he li\'ed .. Thus, I \\ DS <:pnred the a.dd1-tional burden "h1ch lhesc would h1n·e ent:uled.

The struggle was ~everc enoug.h , _indeed. with­out any added handicaps. Establishing our part· nership on April 1, 1925, it was l\'lay. 1926. before we had a case which e\•enluated in a trial. with the ft'es i ncident thereto. which, as


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14 P 0 I. I C f .. 1 ~' · l .r Ilardi.

I ttl·oll. """'Ullh'd altl'~etht>r ll• ~oml" t" o \\1

thrtt hunJ1'1'J llollars. Jn the intt"rim Wt' t•ol . lt't ' lt'<l ft !.l in!tlt• r~ ,,f fift~· d,~ll:tr:' ! .\nd \)llf

""Pt'n~· for ,,m,..,. rt'nt :al\)nt" "a:.o a hun,l""d <md jj fl\ d,, llnn- 11 month!

ll pon W t1ilt-' :t d.-:1th. Gran-lie and FiAAt'r. ~\1-i:iftt·ll tlutl the linnwhin~ ,,f a lit'" :<t•it•nf't' '' ,, ... 1wt the fina1wial .. homm&:l .. "l1ic·h ht' lrnd p i•·­lurc.-d it. lo~ inh'n'!'l in tht' "''rk. and. ''hilt• rt•mninin~ fric.-m~lh. l'('tt~d nil llcti't' ,.,,_.~pt•r.1 · ti<'n. Thi:!l "a!.l e"'"traordinan-. for. "~ vn·,~ i . ou>ll\ :ctult>d, Waitl'. "ho lt'pl tht' b\lol~ and hnndl'-'tl 1h1~ fimmt~ ,,f th..- or~tmi1.ation. hud fnilt•tl to pa~· 1•itht"r of th~ men t\ pt'tmy r"r "t'n il' t"il thu8 far rendered. l wa~ at the time. ,.}wi{•u:ch 1uiul>lt• to n>imhun<e them. but ma n· u~t'd lo ·d,, ~'' twt'r u pt'rind o f yt'ar,.l. finnlh t•ompletin~ Ill~ lu~ mt•nthl~ payment to Gr.1-vrllt> nrou nd l9:lO. tFiS<hf'r had pn>,- i,•la~ l y bt"t'n paid in full . l Thu~ Liu• .. Bureau of Fort'n>'it· Uollii<til'$ .. J,, indled frmn four tn('n to ''lit'.

nnd up(lll nw r...11 the- full hurden of ~p.-eadin~ the ~o:cpt"I o f Lhf' rompariHlO mic ro.-c-opc-.

B E IT km-." n tbst. "'hile th~ group fum·­tiont'd. \l aitt>'s ~atm~ \\OS that of prt'>­

moler and husine&& m&IH'l~r. Gran•llf''s or pho­top-rapht'r. Fisher's that of consulting engin<"t'r on the deH·lopment of up~uatus und ~uip­mei1t. nnd mine that of ca_~ workt-r. Neither Gran•lle or Fi!'h("r had l'\'t'r devo~d mnn· Utan t ht'i r s pan· hours lo our bureau. the former ha\' ing 11 full -time positi,-.n in tl1e dC$i~n dt-­partmt>nl o f a large tt'xtilc <'~aniuiti,1n. and I he talle r br-in1? of indt-pendent mean& mt'rr l y "orkin~ "·ith us \\hen nnd as he fdt so in· el ine-d. Deprh·t"d of I lw aid of th~ mt"Jl, ii dt-,·o lvrd upon mt" to become the "Captain aud the Cn-w of tht' Nancv l.t-t":· Finant'ialh· un· able lo emplt•~ an~· offict> a&"ishmts. I ix;-mne t~·pist~ fil t> dt"rk. Hl u!<trutor I pn-parin~ dr;rn · inttto f or m y l"1.· ie11t ific: nrtide!' \. pho1,~~raph.-r. advt>rtisin~ 1nmuagf'r \ writini: the t•op~ fo r dt' scri pl ive lt'uflel!< di~triLuted to prOst'<'uluT'$. t'te. I. tran:-ltaltH 1 ur forei~n urtjdt'S on a rms idt'ntifi c-nl iou ·1 auJ dur.('11$ of other thin~~in addition l o Ill\' fundamental job or arms ex­um1ncr.

Outsidt• i111en~l i11 our aC'tlnt1es. at fi™ mNt~rt·. :.teudil~· inl'reased . The publicit~· ~ivt"n tlu• work by t11e articles in the 5uturda~· En•ning Pu~l in 1925 wruo vf t' <•u rse nutirumide. ~hile m y "Army Ordnance" paper followed b y 1.>ther.­"hich I puLlishc-d in tht• "~lilitary S ut"t-'l'Qn:· tht' "~t'W York S tole Mt'dical Jouraml." tht• .. J ounml of Criminal Law nnd Crimiuu k·~~ :· " Populur Sl'it>IH't' l\Jont bly.'' ··The S pet'tat M ... tht' "l\ lt"dku l Times.'' s nd tbe "Amerinm Rill~ man:· fomilinrizt'd th.- Legnl. ~ledkaJ. m11.l shootiJ1g frntt>rnitit>S with our t"ffo rt:o. I bc-gun to hm e in\ itu1io 11s lo addr~ orµ1miza1i,,ns of all sor~ upon lhe :-ubjt"<"t o f arms ide nti.fi,·at inn. \\-riters eommcnced to appt>nl for c~•~ hi:ittnit"s lo put into s tory form. Finnll r ktw grou~

Col. Cah-in Godcbrd .and Or. Hum.an :-;. ~ .en. tbft\ Ccwontt. looking o"~ ~ ~ usrd ID

~ ,_ lcillings of ~, 14.. t<>29. Tl:w fomMlina ol tlw crin~ IM:ior.atocy b)· Col. Goddrd - tlw ~ to bis .ctt,-ny in dw c-·s inquiry

Cl"inccd an intc.-~I. and I wa~ t'n>nlll:tlh' im itt"J to add~ I~ Criminal La"' :'.'et-tiun of 1bf. ADK"rican &r ~~iation llt their comenti,,n in Chicago in 1930. T~n-3ftcr many :;t11tc:- t....r ass-0eiations requested talks. •hich "'"'N' ,kit\ · f'r~ -~~n pnn~tica hie.

AROSTER of the u~nintion:; befon- .. ht.-h I ban:- appt"3red h.> ~i\C'• add~~ _up.111

arms iJt"ntiht."3liou • -ould inckt-d prO'\"t> in!('r· t>Stin~. :\lth,'utrh I ha\' t' no t"'ompl~e rt't"t.'nk they include : Arm~ Offi~rs Groups Bar .-\ssociatiom; En;!int't'r Soci.,-tie; Jdent ifin 1tion 5ocieli~ P o lit"C Coin-t>ntion:! Rotan· Clubs Chure-h Club$ Wt"lfart> Ct•nters SCK'iMl Org1rni~1tiun~ Law $1udt'nts Crim in ... , lo!!,. las~ Munic-ip3f Pl)lic-e lktet· tin" Bure3us Rail" a~· 5pet•ial ..\~'t·nt~ P oli,"<' Sc-hools Casu3lty A~\leiution:; P ermit me ht"re to t-.xpl:tin that I am full '

3~ lre l.hnt it has no t ~n m\ \'lr.tlorical abil il \ . whic b is sli~hl. 11or 311) other pt"rs<.u1t1I quil· i6calions "hich br,,u~ht n~ th('$(" Spt"»kinF' in· VtlatioJlS.. t Cc>~rlad~/ 1t"t'_\1 llfcWl. I

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Page 17: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~


/'Ot! CE ··13 . 1 r

ST A TION NEWS Police " 13-13" 11 alod t o pubU11h 11lnlio n new11. Captaln11 o t va,.ious dls­l1"ld11 are it"•hl"d t o 111>poln1 rorr e111•onelc 11l3 (or the ir 11tnl ion !J. Printed form• for <'n lrrinic n.-w11 ••re ~nl to the rll11trie l8 each rn()nlh by Policll "13·1 .'J.'' All molter mu81 ~ 1mbmit1eel h y th (" 22nd of th .. month pre­l"l"eflnir publkotl()n.

Police H eadquarte rs Ltr111 E11. "•'ii), 1hr populnr nn.I ahlC'

t•hiel of 1hc C :011 U1' 111il. i~ in th<• P resby· 1rrinll ho~pi1o l nl 1hi• wsitini:. The Lieu· lt'llolll 11ndl'1 W<'n1 011 0111•ri11 ion for heroin "" l•',.itlay. Fchrnnry 2fl. Act'ording lo rcporl~ from 1hc Co11 •••c l inn. hi' wa~ con· \nlr•l'intt n it·t'ly.

Quilc o numhr r n f lhc hny8 in 1hc huilcl­i1111 ~t'C'm 10 he followrr• of 1h,. Saturday ni1tl11 1Jrn11rsm pnt on hy Phil Friedlaruler o•cr WCFI.. F ril'dlontlcT dcvotf'• Sa1ur· cln)' niizh•~ to r11mment on police ac tivity in Chil'ajlo. 01111 the- rrpo>rts ore thn1 he is \l"f)' 110011.

General Orclcr No. 6 718-Detect i•·Cl! !'1einhl'rJt and Au•lint' arc hereby sh ifted In the nijlht ~icle: ot lh t' ~ome lime mem· be" of the Con Oetoil on 1he day ~hilt •hnll he permillerl thr luxury nf lhirty duys rt'<I. A me n.

Thi' pnlice dopor11111•111 will he on e;l<· hihit on the nin th flo.,r of Mondel's s1ore. l1eginning i\lorch 12. Bo1h 1he C'rime fiithlers oncl the fire·en lt'r~ ore eon1rib11t· in11 cq11ipmeo1 10 form an excellent di11· piny. A larj!c port o f 1he riolice end will he 1uke11 op wi1 l1 ir;un•. and •nme nf 1h<" 11111 1imer8 nn 1he force hove con1ril1111ctl hi• loric weupnn• which will por1ray 1he ele•elopmcnl of firenrm~ 1hro 111?h lhf' year"· Copl. William Killt·en i~ in chari:e or 1he exhihit.

The hoy11 in lhc pr.-•<, ronm and numer· 011s poliee friemls wcrt' pleased to hear 1ha1 la•1 mn111h Clem Lnue. one or 1he 1own·s heol new• hounds. hccame A•sist· uni Cily 'Ecli lor of the Chic-oj!o Daily Neot·s. Clem knows crime aml oolice wnrk in•itle 0111. fore :ind oft. lli• promolion we• ;:oocl new!' lo many polire frit'nd~.

Sergt. Jo•eph S1or~hak . in 1he '.\fb,inf!

• lo p. rrit•nd .. ! \V•• ur.- confiol«nl 1h111 T o m Wol•h will liq11 i1la1 .. 11// hi• clel11 .. Be p111ien1 o little hi t lnn!!•·r! f Whn1 rih­bin11-• they give 1hot fcll,,w. Tum Wol.-.h. h111 •e riou~ly t'VCryhndy agrl't'• 1ha1 T om i~ ju~I nhoul 1hc swclle•t Y"""" fc-llnw in lhc tlcportmen1.) lie has •hown deal he con take ii.

Seri:L William Clennon hn" heen pro· mot cd lo lake c har1u: o f a •qund in 1hc D. B. Bill mncfc a few ehangl'°" an1I issued ~nme dro•t ic r11le8. Come. enme. now, Sergeant, not 100 ha rsh.

Detecthe~ Ben En1tle•mo11 and J ohn Bra· Jriel nf the Street Sectinn made "''"',. or· res1!' la•t momth wbirh 11111 1hem on 1he lop of the Pfficieorv li<I. The did,• b roui;hl in several o f 1he i:ang !'<lll(!.hl in 1hc S1 ickup o r the 51. Charles hank. Very niC'e.

Fronk Crorly and Bill Hennes•!' of 1he Bomh St111ad have been 1'1ck. and Eel. Win\:cls will be s ic k too if he do~n·t <1ui1 smoking those b ii:. hlock .-i@nl'!I.

Fla• h!- Sergt. Tom :'\leo11her. vc1er11n Chief Clerk or 1he Octecthc Bureau. i11 1he fa1her of a 12-pouncl luiure policl'man. Thai·~ irreot. Tom, lm1 )011·11 hn' e to wo1 r h 1he Ind·" die1 or he'll hi' merwri1d11 111..e

I ~

""' were "hen he 1 01..~ 1hr exnmina1i1111. :'<lt•W - ahc-m n houl 1 l111•r l'ii:ar·c?

Tltr '!<•lo wh1rh J<>•l'(lh .. Buek .. Burhnnan wa• •d1eel11lecl I<> •init 01 lhl' •'P"" mttliniz: o r Po lirr l'o•t. ;\l orr h 2. ho• hl'cn c111l t.,I ofT. J oc, irt ti momt'nl 11f forp:r1fuln"'~ jnin('cl in o l111g...-o llin1t cnnlc-•I amnn1t h i .. nc::i,::hborM hack of the- ynrtl•. ancl :t •tiff c·n•c 11f lor)ni:iti• " ·a· 1lc, r luprd n• a re•ult.

The ••111ad• 111ulrr ~cri:1 -. Jork llonra· hon 11nrl K)'rnn t>hrh111 11111 0 11 a 1tnod •how lo•I monl h whrn I hf•y 11nvr rha•e h l a handi1 car ae ro•• the ci1y. all the whi le 1n11linic •hot" wi1h 1111• fu i:itive• . The 8core encJe•I in fowr o f 1he dic k• wi1h n11c hon · di1 wn1111cl1•1I. 1hrre caplllrt'• I. 0 1111 th irl)' · fi ve r rimr• clf'nre<I.

Friend• wrre •nrry 10 hrur nf th(' ~111 1 · clt>n 1le111h o r Jim M iller. in eharge o f the ,1 .. 11ur1men1 pri111ln1t •rc tion. Jim dc-\'rl­operl 1>11e111nnni11 onrl wa~ dl'otl whhin ti week. Funera l srrvict'•. whirh we-re he-lei \fnrcl1 2. were 0 11end('tl hy numernut or hi ~ police friends.

Whi le yo11 may atlvi•c y•111r frit•rul~ in· 1c re•1ed in tlw pol il'C' lrn•it1t"S• 1n take 1hc rhil ~rr,i r(' c x11n1ino t iun for pn1roltnan .. •eheelulccl for :\l11rd1 16. <l<•n·1 e'tpt"c t 1hat lhf'y will 111" on tht" lurc t' •ery ... Hlll. Some 2.>.000 .-hilin11' ha"• fil«'tl ap11lication•. ancl twt'nrcl in i: 10 repo rt .. rn11111a1inii; from the Ch ii !'rr,•irt" Conuni .. siun. ii will h,. monlh" hdo rc lhC"t' pnper" art" 11ra•letl and a Ji .. 1 o f e li1?ihle• i~ wepart•<I. Tht" numbt"r of oppl i.-an111 for the• ft•rl lu-uminit exnminu· lion ii' perhap" thr lurflc-"1 in 1he hi•1ory o f 1hc rle(lorlmcn1. Offirinl~ "OY it i" nnl likely 1h111 1he re11rn111eh-r .. r 1he l931 li•1 will he c·alleol until thn"e whn provr 10 hr ... ,u·ec .... i'ful in tlu• lnlf•o;ot r~nntinttliuu u.re 1·:1lled.

Pf'r<nn• B11reo11. l1u~ de•·••lopecl some in­tcr~1in1t •1111 i~1ics reflec1inir;. it srem•. 1he trend o( the flepr~--.ion in tem1c;o of 111i.;i-- ins: pcrMmB. 'Bci:inninfl with 1929. 1he Ser· (!:cant's fi(!tlrCl' ~how a C'nmparalive low in 1he 1ntal of mi«ina per•nn• for 1ha1 yea r. 469 lo be exoC' t. From 1lwn on 1he fi1rnre• mounl upwarel. reo1·hing the new hiah o f 798 in 1933. Now 1he lencienc-y i,. down· wart!, the total for 1935 he ing 670. Well. if lhC!'e rcfle .. I inn• are l"OrTeCI. i1 @ecm• we're on c111r way In hnppy tiny". An orchid for you. Serireont.

Old Chicago (ricnd~ chat o n a M iami Ja,. n. Leh to rii;ht: Walter E . '.'t'riRht. and Conner 1.icutcnanb C harles Grattan . C ha.rlcs Dudlc)" and Tho mas W a rd. Back of then> is Lieut. Gr.111.on 's deluxe trailer

Jo•eph Wrohll'w•ld und Edward Knrnev. Dc1ec1ive Burrau clcmon... havr j oinNI lore"~ as 8111•len1 • or 1l1e wnhz a nrl fox lml. anrl a rc charlt>r mt>ml1ere or the 1.on .. ly Hea rl• Cluh whi <'h mt'el • down­lown. Bo1h 1l1r•c- lt rii:h1 Y"""I! r hap,. are •ini:le. 11011 they o n1ic ipolf' ..,.,me intere.,I · ing de\'clopmenl• frum 1hf'ir new social ronncr1ionfi.. 1t•M j u .. 1 tno. loo <lh inr.

We ha'e it "" ""°'' 0111l111rit,· 1hat De· lcr1h·e llcrmnn .c;1 rinhe rj! a ncl Jum•» l.11r· lin IC.on D<'lroil\ l1rut11Cht in a r l11lo -fnn1.-ol pri!'Oner frnm Chi1•ai.:n ll ril!lll~. They ha il tlti• clan11r-ro11• rhoroc•tl'r ltn11ntf and lul'ke•I in @kid rhain• ouol ltuurlcufT., and Ore1ion hoots. II will "" jn1en-..1i1111 In '"<' what happcn1 wlll'n 111.-y mokr o pirl..up in Cin· cinna1i.

Th~ luxurious tr~il ~r b~rilt for .and O" 'n ed b y Lieut . C hnr ll'• Gr.m .1n , rC'IJted Chica>o policeman n ow ltVllljl m A o ndn A

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DI~ Ot ,,, .\LLO" ED ON \U. 'lERt'H \ ~DJSE

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HARRY PALMER & CO., Inc. 105 W. :Uadison Street

Suite 501 RAN. 1090·1091

POLI CE .. L3· 1 3 ..


Burnside TI1e boy" are i:lad to ! tt Capt. "'.m·

, tapleton back on th!! job. after sulfermg fmm a fl"C'Cnt illn~"· We wdC'Ome you. Captain. and ach i~c: you to take care of \<IUl"'C:lf.

Lieut. Eugene '.\h-C.rthy wa!' actin@: Cap­tain during the C"A rtain's illneEs and we mi1?ht s tate tha t he was a i:ood Captain 111 that. We might also ment ion that Lieut. ~nrt \lornn i;i holding his own. too.. In fat"l. we arc all i;:ootl al this ~1111 ion. and .,.l'·re r~dr to rlu~e ii up for lack of •nm,.. Of <'t1un-f'. there might be a cr ime ,..,mmi11t"J -..·hen the hors read th i!'. Why, rH"n our O .... k :O-eri:,.ant. Geo. \'rrai:~ for· ~f'I• h• '°'· - \\hot-. new ?"' h is fa ,orite I"\ pr,...· inn.. \ 0 11 1..no"'• he came from the hul'f'au anrl "'ht'n he JtOe5 throuirh the 1l1•tnrt hr J:h~ them all that "'Bureau and Burn~idc look." which would ~care

•"''"•J). Officer Jamt" Fnrr i~ i~ back with u•

a11ain. H,.· .. th<" l111v whl) c<>0k t1 that wun­tlc:rlul ":'oULhern <li•h'' that oohodv ran nt. J11"t the nthc:r day Farri!! !'aid that the ··,1ld man .. wa~ back in town again. \\" •"led !Um -..·h<> he meant. Th is i • the ~tory: Tbe Rear Admiral from the \t lantic Fleet wa" making a trip to the Pacific Coast and !>lopped O\•er in Chicago at tl1e Blacbtone Ho1el. The Admiral R'called th e fact that Farris re5ided some· wh<'re in th is hill l"ity of OUN'- The Ad· miral then got in 111ucl1 with the :\Yissing Pef"'-On i!> Bureau and through them got Farris· phone number. He phoned Far· ri.• and this il' the conversation that took place : .. Hello. Jim. uld boy. how are you? Sa)'. J im. do us a fa\or and fix up a good 110uthern dinner. becaui'e the meals at the hotel arc not a• j!("'d as youn.- " O.J<.. ... ,..id J im. and he prO<'ccded to gh·e or· tie~ to hi~ prize fii;:hter.. who li"e with him in IJj!' mo1le;.t hut l"OZ)' home. You mi11h1 be informe<I thut these fighters are called .. Sailors."' Well . the .saj lors Jup: a ditl"h in the- •now in front of J im's hou..e. iO that the Admiral cottld puJI up "ith his ballle5bip. That evening the '\druiral u well a• other naval dignitaries pulled up with t hf'ir battleships and an· rhor.-d them to firt" plu~. and panook of J im's dinner. After dinner. Jim and hi~ ,,.ife and Jim·~ nilor! were tlianked and the Oeet started back for the hotel. It "'a~ a grand t ime for all . J im's fifteen -.ailou. arc a hard)' bunch of pun('h-<lrunk priu fiJ:hters who ar e Lait for lhe cam·05.

Quite a few of 11• are gell ing soft here. There'· Officer Ah in )[ar.shall. who lets out ._.ar whoop~ all day lonj!. imitaling ··Tarzan of the A~:· His partner. George Buckley. i.s afrai<l of " Tan.an.''

Then Fleminit. O'Neil. '.\lann ini,r. Peter;i and '.\lulqueen are i:oin1t bauy over horses. T hey're trying to place bets o n milk wagon hCtl"'~. dray ho~. etc. They got a l ip from am Arson. who run ' Marie's Bar B (.lue stand at 95th and Somh Park Aw1. They put their m u m :)' on a horse ( wo&dt'n barricade I that wa~ u~ed for fcncini: olT a ~treet under WPA construction. Officer \ .1il came alonai and found the money ••n tht' horse and is now buying barbecued r ibs of an old nag that wu hea1led for the !'Oap works.

Officer F. \ 'ail (craC'k piatol shot ) went to ta rgel pract ice at 11th and S tatt- St .• and almo!!t shot the rur admiral a t the Bloclistom: H otel.


llrurh, l?Jc

Fistula and Rupture

" ••INI -111•n..-ntlr • mtlrl ...:

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~'\. •min•tle• lllH .. • \\Rill for l ltf'r .. •N-

DON CABOT McCOWAN, M. D. ZO '\ eara S pcdalldn• In R ... 10 1 Oi.._

F'-15 17 Kimhall Holl Bhl11 •. Cbira1e CO'lll'f'ER JACK SON .AND WAB\<11

11,,: 9 : 30 to 8 P - " · ._.,,ntl•y 10 lo 1% M


For 81 yrars lh1· d1oi('e of tbost• who want the hesl in food~ . ..

REID, MURDOCH&. CO. ESTAnl. IS ll F.D 18:i3



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T e l . M a u tofirhl U260

l\ORTll !110£ RtlA:-ICll 63:\5 11r ....... ,

T-et . ~bPl(lf'•k e 4"90 SOt,.11 "llORl'! MKASf'H

77:\0 S c.uiy l•l• nd A' f' · Tel. S""!lna•· tlSOO

EVAN!'TQN RR\ '\(ff 1 33 ' Rltl•e Jh • n••

Te;I . \'t•l•e:r~lh· 2700

A LBA'f\" PARlt llRA:-lf'll 382Z 1.-a• r~nre A..,f', Tel. Ko) tlon~ 9 2•10 -

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.Harrli. l ').1(1 P 0 /, I (, /-, .. , ·~ · l :r· 17


Thr d,.prr-;,.ion l111j?.<'r' on onJ "O J ne'I 1he 11·inter.

Ser11t. )!eyer, just l ike thl' i:trouncl hoi:;. came c•ut when 1he 1hermome1cr climhed.

We are thankful that the olJ boile r held 0111 durin(l the cold spell. (New r1111inecr is thr rcaw n.'

We haled lo !'CC Lieut. Marlv \lullcn lrave u .. b111 con11rn1t1ln1io1h are. in urder for hi~ promotion ond we nil wi•h him lots of 11ood luck.

Our famou~ bowling team ()ficke)' Fay, Mirr.I i> ~till II') in i: 111 heal "om1•011e.

The Cornbeef ANO D inner was a ~Uc· c~~

Patrolman Jo~eph ) l <'Carth )• ( 1he i:am­bler's shadow\ i~ toigning hi~ dcolh war· nnt . George Washington fought for free­dom. but no1 Jose11h; he i, iziving it up. He would not heed the vclcron ...

J uly and Aug11•1 will hf' in prcnt Jc. mand for furlough• now that mo~t of the boys arc 11e11in1t 1hc>ir bonus. California and Florida ~em In lie gelling the biggest play.

There will he a lot o f new autos porked about the ~t nl ion, Ion.

The leud he1ween Man )fr. and "Llnf.er., Freel )le)'cr is \I'll' top~y 111 rvy. Deller get it stroi(!htcne<I 0111. Fri11..

Patrolmen Charil!'; Cole, Loui~ Alalmau, Waldo Ander~on, Roy Coutre. Arthur Sur­prenant and O•cur Elliasen were amonf( the absent 11ar1 of Inst month owing 10 various illnc•~e~ and inj uric!'. Hurry bock, boys: it's soon time for d rowinp: Curloughs.

The hand Lall r 1•11rt 1111~ been rej uvcnated, so be prepared for 11 fa•I game. l)l)y~.

East Chicago The 29th o( JanuaT} •"' 111 the pa .. t, but

ii will J!O do11 n in the annol~ nf the 25th District o• one o f the mo•I enjoyable eYe­ning§ r -.er spent among our brother officers and friend,,. The ke)'note address of the evening 11•aa delivered hy our own Lieu· tenant, James Leo Devereux in his inimi· table fa•h ion. T he Leition was rcprc­sen1ed by our cr11ean1 J nhn T. O' l\la llcy. Commander of the- P nlicl' Post; the Police· man's Benevolent A~~11ciatiun hy 1he newly elected end cn]lohlr- Pre<iidenl. J omes Snl · livan. T he pr~~ wo~ a lso present in large number: ~loe Lam« •n. James Gavin and Ed. John•on of lhl" Trib1111e ; Jimmy ) lur­phy 11f the Times. onJ the •·carncru" of the Chicairo Amrrirnn s lafT, Buddy M<"· Hugh. The out•tnnding memhrr of lhr bar l!D"e the final charge 111 our ~uests of honor, ancl hi• ren<li1ion of Kipling's "If" was a mai.tcrpiece. II i,; always a plea~· ure to hnve ~11eh o great friencl of the polireman with 11 ~. Long mav he pro«pcr. and thank~ a million, A. L. )farovitz. for your pre.encl'. Spare do" not permit to acknnwlcdi:e all the impor111n1 p<'r;:onages pmen1.

Anflllaer l!cn1lcman 0£ the l·rime world ~de a mi•1ake IJy a llcmplinl! h i5 trade in Iha! di<l rit"t while 1•n1taged in a hnld·ur> of a grl)('ery and market. I),. didn't reckon that we lint' the Sinj!cr!' l\lidj!els o n our roll• in the 11rr!\On of Dick S111hlm11n (for· merly n[ the Barnn~. Green Ray Parkers, d e.) who made nne of 1hnse fl)'ing tackles on the <'Ulprit and th rc>w him into our ha§li)e where A 10111·hclo11•n wa' rr1tistered for our side. Oi<-k wa• 1tiven 11ond in ter·

fercn1·f' It) \\niter C11rri11.111. l'a l O':-hro. aml J im C:al1ill. a j!011tl "'''f!hl 1hru" l'r 111

hi'> own righl. 11·~ a 1:•111tl 1hin11 fur thl' •lick·u p mon tha t Dick \ porlawr tool. 1he tlay 111T or ahcrf' woultl h~, c hcrn on in· que• I. ~·e rrt"eh0eJ Officer Tlaom::i .. Ooi.ncq

lrom the Polirc Tr11 i11ing • a•hnol in 1he last lranQfer. \Velcoml' ' " our hopp)' lam· ily. Offa·cr Dnwnes.

The la<>wli njl team i .. •t ill 1akin1t ii on the chin. \VI' were ulwn)• olow start er•, but WOlrh Ollr wood fl)' in lhC home ~l rfl Ch.

West Chicago Captain J nhn J . O' Brirn ha.. retired.

The men wer<' certa inly "1rry 1n <cc him go. Captain O'Brien we<. alwa)• nn hand 10 encotira1tt' the ml'n oloni: anti hi• ad· vice and fricnd!'hip Wl"rc hard tn part with. Captain O'Hr il'n •ta1ed tha t he wac goini: to takC' a long-n .. edf'd \ara1 ion. h111 will he had: o n hand II\ hrlp the indoor team, which he in~lif!a t ed ln•I yea r 10 new laurel ~ next year.

Captain Martin E. )fullen. Jr .. i• now in command. lie is knnwn 01 1he 29th di"· trict for the splendid record hr- ha• ma1lc in the polir e deparlmcnl.

Seri:eanl T homa" )fl-Laui:hlin "''"~ tron•ferred in from the . tale"· A ltorne>'" Office. Wckome. Sergeant.

Patrolman :\fax Chri~1 (alia• Baron Munchausen \ recently tnppetl h i" rnrorcl when, a ft er on!' of t hi" ra>renl • now .. lurms and be ing late for roll ra il. h~ s1u1ed that 1he rca""" ht• wa~ late was tine 10 the fa ct 1ha1 the Claicaf!O Rapid T ran•il lra in had 10 IJack up o t.locl. and 1te1 a ·I a rt 10 make a hill. Chri•I •laltd that there were a millio n f'~plc wail in1t for 1he train. Pe1rolman Cliri•I nlmo•t lo~t hi~ title to Pe1rnlman Wm. Hnrk)•. whn staled that he wa• delayed d ue 111 1he fort that the traffic a t a certain rnrner wa~ at n s lanclst ill fur forty minute ...

The 29th d istriet howling team con· 1in11 ed it1< winnini: ~1 reak !Jy dtlcatinit Lieut. Devereaux's Ea-1 C:hica1w team. h was a hnt ma1ch- in fact, '-0 hot 1ho1 thf' bowlinir nllcr'I C4ugh1 fire durini: the nil!IH.

The 29th d i!-1ric t lea rn •1111 ha~ a .-lean s late. chalking up 1cn 'ir1nr1"'1 in inter· io1a1ion mu1rhc•. the mo~1 recent •laliun leam 10 foll before nur IK)wlcr• bein1t Cap tain Antl rew Bari') · .. llud•on Avenue 1e1101. CnJ>lllin Harry mudc the i:n ini: IOnj?h for t wcnly·11i1w hy uv<'ru1!i11i: 180 for 1he 1 hree game~.

The 29th di,trict ;;1a1i11n howlini: lraawc i~ winrlinir 110 for . the \ t'aT. A 1ln11hle~ 1011rnamc>nl will •lart iu thl' nf'ar future.

The 291h di~lri<'I indoor le->m. now in 1rnining in nne o f th r Suulh S eo J,Jnml•. i" repo rle.I lo he in thr lte•I 11f t"Ondi1 i1111. Post •l"a~un irum~ "'ill he l1<><1kNI with our good lrie111I• aml h1111e•1 r i,al•. East C:h icajlo anti tlw Hou•r ,,f Ct1rrrc1ion. The 29th di~t rirt indoor leanl will mt>el the C:ub• on Catalina I-laud in the> near fu· lllrl'. or rourse lhr 291 h rli-1rit'1 team will br hampered I•) n111 ha' ing rooter• on hand. purl icularl)' ~('rjll. Thoma• Kel­lf'hl'r.

Pa1rol111an Hu,:h Oh:1111. nur •tar ind1"1r pit r her anrl """ll' capnlilc 1>11li1·eman. wa~ reccnil )' promn1c>rl 10 ri 1i1t•11'~ tires.• nlnnir with Pat rolman Erlwonl \foni:rnn C:twd lurk, fellow@.

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P 0 f, I (' r ··1 :~ · I :r·


New City I I hr •lt•l111 I •• Ill tlM'JI n11111ri11njl al l~hJ

1 '''" .,f ...,,., Jtr.1111 \I 11 harl (""'"'II' who 1 .'<' 1 0111 ~ f'hr\111 1\ l1\1h Ill 1lw ( hi l'nKu lln .. 1111111

I 1 \I ' I.. will IX' 111.-~cu hom ,, wan nllth .. . I f' I In nll n• Ii.- '"'' 1h .. m .... 1 plrn...an l 0111 11•1111 .. niul man ,.,. <' ',.r l..n r,. , A man nf \I 11.. .-· .. , .1lt1'1•1 , an ll"'"r h<' rrrln•'·<'•I. ~II mrmho•r-. 111lf'r 1hr1r drrpl'•I .. )nlj•alh1<'11

h • 1hr '"""" 111111 «•n. \\ ,. .. 1 ...... 1Trr onr •)mpalh) lo th<' fol ·

'"'' mii: 11nmrd nwmhf'r~ 111 1lii• f'<• rnrnnnd """ 111•1 n·luli-1·~ clurinti thr rnunlh o f l-rhrnnn: l'a1r11lm1rn Alb4'rl Bilrrki; who m"urn• th•• 1, .... .,( hi• .. i~• cr. nnJ I atrol · man I ;,.,., Iott' Fo1r1 1,.r, who mourn• 1hr lou of a. <41n.

Ht>l1 n •d l '.111 .. lman \l ich• r l Bf'n"<m 1lie.J •1hl.rrnh n l hi· h.,me: nur :<)' ltllllllhy In h1t '"''' 11ml hmih . Floral o ffering!! wrre • <"Il l h• Ilic lamil ic·~ of each ,,r thr Hb<)\'e namrcl "h" lo1•t their l11H•rl onl"".

Our 1am1a1, \I irhael Foley. i~ Jl<'llinf! umhi1t1111' the•t' 11:1\l', In 11fl tl ition tn dr:Hllll! ""r • ioh' " oli.:.s o f •nnw. he l..cep" the 1T"" -.all..• dear. so 1ha1 lhe women ... rn ·hop "11hu111 pl11dclini: 1hrn111th 1hc .1 ...... '""" .

\\ r rrn'•"·tl I 'al rolman :-;1cµl1 c'11 Curn('ll """' thl' :--"h'"'I .. r ln•1ruc1i1•n nn Fi-hru · nn. l'l1h. \\" "i.h 10 wcl ('O me 1hi-. offio•er 111 ""r mul•I a11<l huJlf' hf' will f'njn) c\f'T) •Ill• r ... "' "" c·fllo u~n l police• ••ffin·r.

\\ " arr <'\ftro ·tini: \1 in , <lltr • l n l inn c•a1, tu hA,r an 11u Tt"!l"~ in tht> n t•ur futurt-.. '-rri.trant Tim o·T,,.•lt' ha~ &C,<'ritl o rdc1·!l fur l..111r11• 111111 hupri; 111111 1hrre will ht' h _·J.'1 ... j'- '"'H'll un'.

\ Ill'\\ ... prn.J ,·ar ,... , ll'"i(.? llf't l r .. r :-..111ad 16 "hie h "'11~ Ltadly nrrderL lln\l" ' " " nu tit-rd huw •lrai~hl Jn"I ~la11t1: "illl rn 1h" n c-" rar !

\ nlf' to :..IQ1h J)i,1ric1 : In thr F elin1ary i~•nc n{ l'oli<'<' "13-13" you hon~t n( ~•11111! \Cr) fine hllntlhitll 11la) ttr"· llave Mar•lrnll Carn,11 hrin11 ~'1111 .,,,.r 10 our l'ourl 1>0111c na,. \1au Quihc-r and J ohn Barrl'll will "clcomr ) 1111 hy hundinir; y11u a 1wn<I 1rim· min1t. C:all (.luihcr for nppointmenl al Yard!- 6361.

Morgan Park Tltf" mf'clwal roll la .. t munlh inrlud~cl

Lir111. Grm1•r J. \.nrmlt'y, ~r1u . John I' . 1'.c:ll). and 1'111tnlmc:n Howard !". Bell. Ja•. Dr,rrc-u'I:. l'l'lr1 T . Ka rr. llc-m1an :'1;ur· JNJ,.r.

On lhf' l'\t'llinl( uf Feb. 18 , n la r p;,. nnm· bt-r uf mcmbrr-. .. r th i1' ~·.,mmoncl ""rl' prl!!M'nl in thc- •quo..! r0<rnl, nt whit· h 1iml' a finr lfarniho11 ,.ri•t Walf' h " II.• ftrr •C'lllc•tl to Ca11taii! D1nicl C. f'lh'.t :rr11loi. I inti. ~lf'pht'n 0 \l r1110. and S..r1t1. Juhn '\"\ nl•h, fnnnl'r mrmL ... r· ••f <'Omrn11n1I. ,. ho ,.,.rt' rrl irc-•I in llt't'rml1rr . 1' hr ll•llc ""t't r 1,. ,. ~nted i n an aµpru rriatt' mnnnrr 1,, \ I oJrrman J 11h11 D111T1 o f 1hr 19th \11 ni d

A h••r lh l' 11rr«rn1a 1i-111 r rrc-muni., wrr,. '1111c- lutl('1l. tli r ii"""" 111tl n numlw r nf nthc-r mt•mh .. ,... " •'ft" pla<'l'•l m nu1o~ "" I 1111.rn In lh l' Coif C.tb in. IO 11 5 \'( 1'1.-r:I \ • r'lll lt', ,. hr11• a ol rli('1n1L• •lt'<ll.. •lannl' """ all 1h" 111 mn11n, .., "'•~ .,..,, .. 1. r,

fhr all•• r 1h1111r1 H<eal ,.._.),.. 11,.0 • .,...,,.

r r nol1•1r.t 111 •pl.-1~.h·I a&)le hy 118 1 "'••Ill I l14 r1 1r !'-• h11lrhrl1I ""Vranu, abh .. , .. ,~ 1 ,.,t h\ I .:1 11t1t111 l>u•• . 1,..,.,..,_ ( 'hatl1r \ 811,)1811 f•).i\ r •I lht' I ntlllf"' I 1 " 1 t.a, II IA ll llllll>f'I ' I

I h• f, 11' 111.-.. • 1111dnol,..J "'"" man' l a '"' ' "'" • .. 11111u·tll• 11hou1 1h,. fmr 1 ..... 1. ,.1, ""'' .111 1110•• ' ' '' ... nt " 'llt f'•....J 1hr11 dr •11r '" 1q1., 11 1hr .. 1ra 11 In thr ll<'ar fntut ..




C01\1P r\M~

L"TARU~ll EO 1871


• Adams -Wabash

Garage CllU' \t;O

• 219 ~o. \\ \I\ \ !'IH \\ t:.

\\ ahau1h 7tt00

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Page 21: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~


I l

.lfarcb, 1936



Ts. DEARBORN ST. Central 1114

OFIX G. ZELEZNY & CO. J fir>I i\lorlftllfte Loans. Proper!~'

Mnnagc 111ent. All Bra n c hes o f tn~uronC'e. Real Esta te Broke r1>. 5afrly \'null s . Phone Lawndale .1420.

3856 W. 26TH ST.


('honr Longheach 3355.


Y.-\l"GHAl~ NOVELTY MFG. CO. (Incor porated )

" annfoelurcr"' of Ach e rl isi n g NLl\'rhie" and Premium~. l'hone8 Nevada <U-44-5-f•-7.

3211-3225 CAR ROLL AVE.


Roal and E ngine " 'orks. Boat Ruilding. S1orag;e, Eng;ine Re­(lairinJ. Phone lr•·ing 6467.



Scrvinr; Your Fa•orile Liquor . Drink• in Fr iC'ndly SurrouodiolJ'S.


BEST TEA CO. ( I neorporale<I )

Teas, Coffees. Etc. Tdephones La1rndnlc 4150-51 .



l:enrra l Truckinj[. Four Trucks n l lour Srnirc-. Pboo~Jfice : .38; ne~: 266.

111E FA)llL Y KlTCilEN

UC'lidou11 Home-Cooked Meal__. Sm·~ R i•ht - Cooked Right. Gi.-.~ ns a trial.


~LILlllGA.~ MEA1· ~IARKET ln•pectl'd MPo~. \\- ,. Sell Onb 1 lhe 0l'~I . )lcab DI lhl' Lo .... ; . l:rirf'.. Frf'f' Delht"r•. Phont" I uUni:m 5599. '

10326 S. 'llCHICA:'<i AVE.

ST A TION NEWS Central Detail

The following a rt" ''" 1hf" mf"dtral mil : Patrolmen John J. Bar ry, Et!warrl J. h itz Micha el Nogle. Carl Swan•1.n. <.ant-t~ Brennon. William J . Affi,.rk. "' illiam P. Crandall, Thomas P . ll raphy, Ca•l)f"r A ller be<:. Carl F. P ittel, E'1mund J. R,.,,n~ and J\ r1hur c. w~t..

Acting Se rgeant J nh n O'\fl"3ra wa~ r;. t ired J an. 28.

P atrolman Thoma" P. ff!'aphy wa• elected Vire Presideni •Jf lhf" P . B. A .. Congrats.

Patrolman Samuel Kearn,., i• a.JI swelled up beca'™! h i• name appeared in a "·ell kno'om detective magiuine.

Anyone ""ith a difficult queot i•m will he enlightened by Bernard L Babe'. mrr Voice of Experience.

0 1lr new Desk Serir.,ant. \'ic tor L. Cul· «on. wac recei~ed on the la..•1 traruf" •>rd er wi th the CollowinJ? Parrolmen : Pet.er P. Cah ill. Edw. H. CanolL \fenin Hor'"" mann. Thomas R. Lerkey antf Law. P. Rqran.

Shellie Id T he member« of thl"' 371h Di~rict ,,...

ceived quite a !mrpri-e when r,or - Lluk Dutr h Pal .. from Milwaukee. Harry Schaf. ,.ecretary of the S tolen Aulo Section al this dist rict. har~ed out lo thl"' 0 dttthe Bureau on a recent t>rder. 1"' e a.II j<>in in wisbinii ~ou the ~I of luck. Harry. in your new endearor. ( I ~till think it WE

that <!inner al 1be Edl?ewater Beach Hrnd that clid it. I Congratulatjo05 are al!o in order to Eddie ::\lichal ik. -who ~ now work­ing on S 1ulen Auto~ in citizen·~ dr~ with Father Hii:gins. He J<>eMl't look mocli like your 500. Bill. The Criminal lnves­tigalo r -·ant~ to know bow George Col­beck ~ot o n lht creditable mention I~ Cue---s that's one of th~ un..ot'"ed aJlai~

H eard about the station ooe monli~ about 6 o'clock : John T. 'l"ani.. proud father of a new addition.. cal~ op his wife at thi~ boor to tl"'ll her tha t it ~ time to feed 1be baby. They 5af the kid w three strikes on h im already. H~ father is a copper and ~ is the baby·,. god-fatb.er. Ju~t keep a 51ill upper lip. Inrid, and probably nobody vii) t"'>er ootK-e iL

· There mu!;I be romething in the wind.. Dorf ..-~ ~ buying a half dottu pairs of h~. It woa •1 be Ion~ now.

We had a happy so:rpri..~ 1.he other dav when -Smooth~ Griffin. our old jine­nile officer. paid us a ~ii. Talk aboat ~mooth ! Loulr.11 l ike 1be new jUTI!'llile of­ficer. Biedennann. is in a dL~ by himsdL

T he memben of th is command wi!!h to

lake th is opportuni ty o( ~Ill! mrir sympathy to both 'l"illiam Haaley a:ud P ete' Han.."On duriar; their recent bena-.e­mC'nt.

The 3itb District renntly had a -additinn U• its rolls. in 1111"' pttl!Oll. of Pro­ba1ionan- Patrolman Donald Br&3 Beil of lur k to you. ~ fellow. and we ~ that your Hay hen ma! hi" a ~ ea)OY· able' one.

Ill!~ 9 YIU. , flJI l~,b Al 11J ~"II

llA"I" ., ,.,, .... , Jlf,,P • I"

, "" ~,,,, You a.,. \f ,,,... aJ 2 "'1ran•o1 ~,,,..,.


H•,,-m4'f "'20, "71

lil'Z2 Tl' ;..1· ...... he ,. ,._



RE X ~E .. ~

""7.ftnt· .-.i.-r A.Jc t o.r Cr_.,,,.,


P•U•ieal PbotojfraplL• Oar S~ialty

P.a.lirby ...... C ........ ~ 7-U L- J.OW',BDlT .t \.•--OCU~

~ ... _ C'1arl< -· - • ......, D?9

OO:'i.Ull. E STEEL PRO Dt:' CT5 co. F~ Bolt. ~ Jln"et -..i 5 tno.da:r2.I lladri.ery. T <lie,. L •

B<emlod %820 ..

:'tTH ST a: .4SllL~'"D AYE-


BOFFllA .. '-.'--.."'l'AfTOKD T.\...~

~nG CO. 1001 1"_ DCTI.SIO~ ST.

THE )LUUFS RESTAl.1-\...''T ~ CM,. s-_. CIMipt... .... < ~ ~ Cdtt '~ c.-_£.a~. 8-1 ~ - 1_. - CS<Wt:.

S......u.lor ~

~ BS0_401L~Y H:a:: an.-body beard an'<"Ut~ boa .-r­

olJ friend~ 5e~t Rudr'-&1d 1- J~ M•n

11? h l!,_J°? __ hapJK"D ~~ ~-'!""'-_!~ .. ~ 1

ST.\...,'D.UlD SBO"' CARD sri t i'"' lluulll YOU '"" ......... __. .. ·~ I .,._,-.r<r "--lo 5tt a bit of mu Oort iii a diJe.. Snn ' ~ ......

The 51. PatriCk.f pvtr ~ ~.aillJ r. ..... !" ~ -..I ~ takt" form and roa bdttt ~ lllr ~- I-"--- f • ---=- .;:,.._______ _ •atioll! in early. as tJMor will be ~ed _,_ - ~ ~ lu about IM - amomat ~ tile ~ew "'33 L~' ~---000 "'-"'&. Y..ar's eve party.

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Page 22: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

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Page 23: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~


QI \I.I I\ \H.AT \1AIC f\ ET I'll I Y. I .,, IT 111

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I' \Ill\\ It.• CA U\' S llOI'

llMll Y. l " I I AIU " IHll 1

\flllllll~ \lll :o;KAI. . .... ... ,. • ............... ,., ............. 1. 0 7 . .. . . .

llUl~fl'I ' l ll'lll AI Kii A\•"'1 1

1111. lllllCI l'AllLOll F"9C'\1Tl HF. co. ..... ,.,., .. ,. .......

\l•" •h•htrf'n Nf l'•rlwr .,. .... ..-. . 1 ... 1,..

...... ,. tt-~~·;·;~·:.-•,,..·H~tt~ • t t It l .U A\-f 'It H. I . c.t 1111 \HUT C.O.

2030 1 .AllHAll~ ., ncl't-. 1

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lllO "<II 111 I A ""I I I -.T11J·~,

liM\ ... llSAL TUI N~ CO ., t ur. \t•m•ht U1rr-n of Y. •rJrvl1... fi r.... • •ol ~ .... ,".," I ruut. . •H•I I . ,u ... · 4hrrol • l•I 4 ..... .

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l'O" l'A(, t-: ..,TA \I I'!'\ ll1111•h1- Sul.l- A1111r111"4•t l .

Ji\ \I E..., I'. HANDAi.i. I 11 ' '" ·111 Ill .\lllltlll' ., , Hf~trf

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"''•" ffh tHH'I H ......... , .. 7 0:16. ~ 11 I \"I 711Tll .,110'1-'T

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Ito. Ill 'Cllllll l'A l ll 11'A -. 111111 I

... U• AllU'S l'llAllMAC :\ ' t• .. .,,." lloul•1••r•I 2 12.U, t ., ~. f'ii u"'•" • It . t•h , l'h . 4.

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112'1 ..... r IHTll .,lHtl r

(.,\"'' H I. l'llAll \1AC' 1•,... .. ,ftlllun Un.1•••• I- r•nli.. C •••till. II . Pk t•t.•u" Hut1.-rf••l•I ' •2 39

71101 ' '"'' 1~1 \'Ill A\l.1'11

A\H.Ulc AN Sl'IU'. Mll.l .S, 111.-.

l t1tllftrlt"tft• •uil 1. rhul 11r,. o f '411h1• f or 111" \la1•uhrt urln• •n•I J••l1hhtti1 ·rr•••~. l'ko u rt '-Mp•r• .. r Of',t,o,

\Ull• •Utl l ,•ltor•h•r )' 11~v.11n """'r 1111-i111., .,IHtll

/' IJ /. I f, f. ·~ J S"


Stanton '111,. " ~11111." oa11I 1lu;1 lu 11am1rJ11 111_.1

11,,. ""' "'"' ' 11•1 W•JllJ.I •J.1 f •11 11,,. 10 f1•1f" w111tr1, 11111 10l1r11 Wr " "' • l•1••f •1f 11111 'JJJ l1rl•1w otulT, hr • fllllft"'' lu. 11111111 11,.lf I'" • 11t· w ''" " · I ,.,,. .. ,,,,,,.,. "'"•' t,.. ill ,.,.1 .•• , 11111.

" ~k'l'l'Y.. l'11rkrr r• 1111) 11.. ihr •""' •II 11111,,11 w..J I in han•f If,. ,..,.,,,.1fYt an 111•1 11111• I. 1111' 11fhrr 1l11y \ alu,.• f2JJIJ.

Tl1f"f,. ••• • al111r1a,,. ,,f "Am""' .,. ... 111 1hr •Ii.Ill• I "" \fon•la). J-•11 h lf, 'I l1al . ... 111 .. •l•r 111.1 r.av• 1'1111• I. If. ff,,,,_, .. ~ .. ,,) "'I Ill' • • 11111' of " "•rla.. I·- '11,11


u111I 11 1l tlw m1111• """'" '"'>"'"' 1111 1Jir p,. w·r· ,,,, lfl"lll'lli•.

l111l A •ll u111 awl J. II . ""~ \1.. •11iu• I ~ ll111h"' hll.f' • 1•rr1l i1 n1 a11 II'•' ,,,,,.llwr 1J1,. ,,,i,,., .1,. ,,_ 111111 uow A•ll•111 ,. , .. ,.,J, 1,, •• '""'I .. 11 ,,.,, ,,.. .... tJ 111111•111'1. .., ,,,,, • • , ,.

w11h tf1,. '"' i1a1 iona, Ir•)•." -,,.111r11n1 Jo•. \furr11y 11111 l'a11 11lt11rn ,\I

n.1, .. ll, J-'111111. tll'rjlr ll, ,,.. .. "1111111 ... 111 ( ,,..,. 11111')'. ""Ill 1hi r1rr11 ) " """ "'" " '" 11 ... , ... 1111 r1111a1r lo•t rn11111h ll1•1l<r all '"" r~ i•llllfl '""111hl)' rft'i1• ir 110 )' '"' ••r•I• '\ ,, ,. 10 1111.. mrn !

rlrr·11J11r 111 hi• rft'i1 in~ y 111 lt111•ll11111t 1 1lr•1>"r111,. • 1i111i11al in "'""r'• l'loum••" 11,,. .. 1l1rr tlay, \lflu• hH 11,.,.n a11fr1l11t,.1f "lfr~1f u.,,.,.,.,.,. H Whut'• 111111 11lr1111 111,. " l'a•loa 111 Cl•11 r"'( M ik'l wl111? Wl1r, M '"" \flto lu•ll

\f lkr l >'l>•mnrll l•111k a 11rl..,.111rr 111 1h,. lir 1lr1r1 l•1r. •nd tlwy ll•'• i•lr111ally 11111 \l lkr in 111,. • l11ir, •1111 wl'"" 111~ a•knl 111111 1lir •fllMlion• lhr ,.,.,.,11,. j1111111r1f .,, far 1l1al 1l1r mu• hin,. hrukr. u .... ,., 1111 k nr11 I '""· -;.,,,

"lum,. 111 the Ir•)'• . , ,. r11,.111n111t l11'1irt· 111rnl• for nl11alnlnJ ""'""" "'"'"' fal­l''"'''"""» uoming J 11lin I' . Hiu• 11111 m-n· 1lu11 i111t t1•1111r1hlnK ul111ul 1l1r "0.,un l>•1ra11"

'"'"'· J.,,. <:1•r1rr l• lwtti1111 i111( I•• 1li i11k t l1al tlw t1l11l 1•11 1111111 Juli l11 11•11 •tll tll" "'' "''": l ti• uwn r'Uf Wll• 1tl•1lr11 1l1r 11tlwr 1l11 y. Jur "'"'" 1lrn1 ii'• 0. K .. 11111111111 f,,.,.,.,,... l1r u11l y 11•l•I r.~,. oJnllur• 1l11wu 11 11 II. ~ •. ,II"""' II ir hartl llr1d"Y l • 111,. 11,.w

111ll r1 llff f .. r lhe -;l'fl(l'Dlll.. A .... H l•li•fll 1111.f l• h1vl111L • 11>u11h lirnr 11r1111111 th,. l1•la 111 pry """''" (mm 111,. " fiua," ( ,.,111,. •Ill. IH•)•, wak,. " I' and 11r1 111 !

l'••lt• \1in•lt'f and O,unlry ~•m•• arr 11lrki lll( hlll • 1111.-,. lo h•1l•I 1h,.ir •lur l, • l11 1lr wur ov,.r 141mr • 111t11r 111i••in1L fr•1rn 1lwlr Im hr.

l' nirulmnn Frl"•I j.,,.,... wn• )11•1 riamr•I fur · · ~I rn r1111lJlt'n1.i1 •r. (111 1 •II• k·1111 rn•n 111111 1.,. fltl\'I" thr "worrk .~ tu lut 111m111rr. Y1111 1' 1111 Ml11 111I thr ' ""' wrnl ltrr uow, ,.i. l•'r1•ol1llr?

Fillmore (),. 1lw \lrollr•I Hull : 1'111rolrrn111 P111

111 k \1 1 l1wrnry, Jemr .. llio l.r). Uan llrml 1•1 Id, , and Da"' Nt lli1urn.

J 1mmy ll ir key It'll 1l11w11 th ,. •lair. •• hr wu• 11'11\111~ Ilia lurrn•

\ l .r1i11 Flun111an i• •lill " " with • frer · 111r1•ol • luoulrlrr rrrri•r•I -. l1t•11 hr •llllfl'"'' nuol frll whllr on 11111).

111•111 Y1•! ll f'or Y1· ! 'I hr • licMI• arr l11•i11 11 1111••••11 •1 111 hy John Ju• 11111, lhl" ho11· 11y 11111111 ,,f o l11111nrl 11" ""Y·

Onvr l.k h1 rnr11rln 1111• 11•1111• lu thr j1111k l111•h11••• in K811•DI Clly I uuka llk11 h,. i• icul1111 tu 11l"r ll111rr1hrra 1 111ul r fur hual r1r11.

,,.,. ..... ,_ ........... ,_ .,.. ·- lilt,llY .. f'lf.4•M.tr,t ,.,._ ,,,_,,..,, f -

~ f • t •f .VMIW ,,. t•«.'1

,,,,,,,,,, .. "', 4' '"'""' ... jl.4.... "' ..... , ,..,,. ~ .... ~ .... """' ---- ....... ....-, -" ,._,,_ .,,,,,.,,.,_ f•io,,.._ ~, 1 ""1. SI ta..ff l~A#.11> ••l'llltl fr.

Hf IUCho~·lt ..... ,..., .,__., ,, ...... ..,., ,,,.,.,. "' ,.. . .... _.., .. , - ,._ ........ ~~·f

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AHK'S l'ASTHY 0,1101' ltl r-tlMl•1 . " ................... ,,,.,., , ......... ..,. • .,...... .. .. ,.. u,...-n ., ...... , . ....... ·~· . ......... "•>•· • JO .... 1t1 ......... ........ ..._._... ,_ .. ,,.,7.,

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JOtl'\ 'S t•LAf:t: & H~S'fALKAN'I'

2Allb Ill I ~ I "I.JI '\IJ A \°k'I f'

~ . "'· ' I 01'tlt 1,1, ,. ..... , .... ... ,...... .,, ,.,,........,,. .. , .. ,. (_.., ....... .,.,,.. . . .,..,,........ .... 4•ltl.rd4' ,,....w ......... .,.., ....

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l'O''f'IA<. Al 'I O\tOUIL~S T.a.-,. .. .,,... P .. 11••• l.070.

l""ll I '411 Ult. \"i A\ Y..'111 r HANIJOLl'll UOX lit l.AUt.1. CO . .................. , ... , ........ ,.,............. .. . .........

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KUl ·~f.tm•i, I. I ~Cll llOO~ a l¥ 'IOI rtt I.A ""' U ' .,TllD'.T

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Page 24: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~



ilosonry R e pairing, W nterproo ing. Phone Franklin 7293.


f .



D ecorating Service. R c m od e lir in All Its Brnnc·hcs. Pbon

•g cs

Triangle 6011-0012.

349 E . 75TH ST


}' umous for h 11 Juicy S1caks 7 a. n1. to 2 n. m. Phone Den r · born 1269.



Household Furniture . T c lcphon e Armitage 1456.

964-968 .l\ULWAUKEE AVE


(lnc ori>ornte d )

I Prinle r 's Machine r y Bought am Sold. Phone Haymarke t 8125 .


STORE Save 25 to 60 Per Cent on Me n ' s

High Grade S hoes.

SUPERIOR & ROBERTS ST S 700 Nortb-600 W es l


300 W. ADAMS ST .


Shee t Me tal Fabrications und Light and Heavy S tnn1pings.

4243 W. OGDEN AVE.


Tele pho n e Whitehall 6444.

500 W . D URON ST.


L iquori!, Wines nncl B eer.


P 0 l 1 C E "l 3 · J 3"'


T he cold s pell has wrouj!h l havoc rh roughout 1he r ity hut part icularly in the Dcsplaines Di~tri c 1 . II got "o ba n that Capr. Coll ins pur h i ~ car in dead sto rage fo r 1he wini er. li p 1111 1he juo-ks. e tc.

We are indelne1I tu a n unknown corre;,­pondent for the <'and id ca mera shnt, repro· d uced herewith. of 1\lr. Ed. Burn!'. him~clf t he demon news cor· rcspc>ndenL a nd de· ,..---tective assigned to stolen autos at the I 26th DistriCJ. Th is is how M r. Burns ap· peared at th e lunch­eon given recently in honor of I he Ancient Order of Resl and Ya pp. It is sa id tha t Mr. Burns co ntrived to borrow the suit fo r the occas ion and did not do as well as I mjght ha ve been ex· peeled in the ma l ter of size. However. as his frie nds know, .Mr. Bums always man­ages to gel by. Mr. Oli ff s till has a few ' of these s uits left I which will be good ~. ="--=~======• news to some of M r. Burn·s so<'ial ly ambir ious friends.

That wasn' t an ear lhquake that hit lhis dis tr ic t, just Sergea nl J oe Whi telaw on h is regula r tur n on the desk . J oe was in ex· tremely had sha pe for a while. he wai, threatened with t he loss of voice. Now if you k now the gentleman, tha t would r eall) be a catastrophe lo W hitelaw but a bless ing to Abrah am.

T here is a repor t of a sell out on h am burgers during the month. Wimpy Mc Ma hon and Tiny T im Fitzgerald are work ing lhe same watch.

i I


Looks l ike the winter is s t ill going tn cont inue cold. J ohn Frey hasn' t shed a ny o f h is five sweaters, Lhree ves ts and four pairs of socks.

I wonder who had the party where the amber fl uid flowed freely a nd he tried 1c. bring the mule in ? There were ' 'nriou& repor ts ns to the mule. whether it wns al ive or bottled. J\1 ine host won't say.

T hose i nt repid h1111 ters and great 1111· ma n i torians, " Leg,." Lahey a nd " Dlo w f.f e Down" Farre ll. went fo rth in n snfari across t he hroad expunsc of the Ch icago River near t he jungles of Washin1Iton S t. a nd a ft er exeil ing chase, in which many s hors were fired ( nol drank) they hroughr down a s pecies of a wild bird which they n~ i sLed was n dodo b ut in reali ty was a 1lain old hell d iver . The grea t h unt in i: party was accom panied by a repr esents· ive ga ther ing of press a nd photographers

s and it was d uly s pread forth across t he heets of all our leading dailies. T he b ird

wa!! presented l o Sergean t Wh itefow with ppro pr iato remarks. a



Lloyd Neher1Iall wll.$ transferred to th e Detect ive Burea u to help Sy Seymour catc h h ie••es, e nd in retu rn we got W illiam J .

Tobin from the School of Instmctiou. Welcome, Bill , nncl make yoursel£ a t


t I L

" D!ck Tracy" Je.li nek is s till assigned to 1e JOb of locatrnit Clyde He mingway. ike th e Nor thwest Mounted. he'l l get h i~

ma n, if only hy the conversation rou1e.

Marclt , I~

RELIANCE PICTURE •RA~IE CO Phoo" 5 .,.,1.,,, 23 00. •

t;ANH..AM l 035-41 SOL Tll LE4 VITT ti

Pre•t: rlpt lon L•Lora1 u ,..,. JU(#fodr•I... p ou lf!• · Tt!lr rh u nf! Pro~pect 1606.

6252 SOL T U • r.sn:a~

t;OKNl:!.LL ll£LTlflitG CO . ~ M•nu(ot' tur,.N. Pho n «- S u p•rlor 19 ...

162 WEST At"STL .. AVE.'<(.


( Noc lne . ) M•nufsu :t ure r • o f the oR No y,.•~k S.. C u a h lon . Tele pho ne Ker ••onf' 7i88

<IM>3·05 NOllTU CRA V. •' ORD A\~t t;HlU ST KJL T'.l'S BAKERY -

Phone rlcmtodc 13 0 8 . 2809 ~llST 6 3 RD ST1lltt

BYRON UPPLI NG -Cjngie.r AJe , C i@l:•r, ., CJ~areH~•. S«.11 .. 1 ~ pUra .• S por'lirt lC C o oda. ~~ Odh u . ...... He--~n t J.977.

2'4-0 I % EAST 7 STll STltl:r)

HELL K. CAHN, Inc. ~~:~~' Wrap•. Cown1. Phvae ...

2 5"3 % EAST 75TU STRo:r MARGIE FROC K S -

S1yle Leader• . Valura Abo•e All. "'­Wen two rdt. 6199.


Permane nt " ' • v &ng, Jfafr D:rein1 ........ Ung, Arll•ll~ IJ • lr Cu1t ln1. p~,._.... Wa•tng, 8J . 75 and up, wh.h Rlagld f.M.. Pbo ne f o r Appol.n1men1 . P bo1u- U...a..l 9 579. l\1A£ SIJUl\IAT£. Prop.

2 553 W"llST 63RO STlllT

ROSELAND MEAT MARKET Tlae Very Fin e • t l n Meat.,, Uo-.e-ll• S we dis h S au •ag:c•. Fair P riru. • ........ Swedlth Delleaele1. No Ot•rt:t f w 0.. U vcrle•. Pho n t!I C.om modore 0400.

_____ 109-W. SO UTH ;\llCUIC~ A\'l:\"lt

ART QUILT B . Detc h e r . Prop. F ea1b .. r Q ulho llleck le Orde r fro m y o ur own feath t!:n . Dt ... W o ol and C olton Qu.Ull i.\tad~ to ().Wr:. Feaabe ra R e n ovale d . •·urnh ure t...lls Pad•. 1'' e Call and De.UTer. ,._. Crove hlll 3 443.


Me•• Ch r b t e n J1e-n . Look You r Be.:L Pll!f'o rn•ncnt \l' a v lng a n.d Marice-IUng, F .... W •vln8 · Op.,n c•f! n l naa un1U 9 p. a. Phone S pauld l n.• 3452 .

SSS 0 'lrf..ST !\°O RTll A \'Dl.1 -=-M::-.;1=n:--= WE=s=T=--oS,,;;Pc:,:R:::.;1:.,..N,:_,G,.::::...:l\tFG. c o-:--

1'1 akc r • o ( A ll ~iml; o ( Sprtnp. f'­L a l aye-ttc 1 7 43.

463 t. SOUTU 'II, F.STER:\ AfL'"'ll

FERDINAND CAS ANAVE C u a t u ni 'l'ailo r . T elrphonf' IHarb on OJ'l..

41 "'ASlll SCTOS A&CADI Conwar h iW_,


B a r -B - Q . p~t 3 570.

PhoM ,,_.

32Ul 'IO:~T S l ~T srutr ( A c Krd.i• )

-;;Dc;:E~L"'"'U;-=-X;-;E:::.-=T::::l=R-=E:-c=o~M~P A NY C": ond ~ r ar T l_r f'.!'-11. " II la r d R•tl rrif'_.. A~ eor-lt!s . Han~ry ftrch .. r~l n•• \ \lluo~ Tf'tlf"phon~ ~·~-art 4019.

8 0 -10 :>O l!Tll ASlll.A ' II A\'F.\ll:

EIUII~ BAS TING & SON - :c--U eatcr• I" AU K t m:b or t•n-.. h . ~·It ,_j S n1ukir-d :'\I teal . tl omf' .. 'ladf' ~ ••• air


s ,-. ...... 1.1t,. Pb n n f' Cro, r h l ll 0 3 89. ~ l ~2~ "' •:.<;T 69Tlt ~

C HIC AGO M UNICIPALF OOD lfART .. S o u1h1 0 - n ·• La rttfl•t t~11od " an :• ~­ft,.pulo ll,. 7 578 .

180 1-3 111 E ... r (oJRO~ AVENl E DELICATESSEN

(.h,1a ll1 y Fo(td,,. " ,. Drlh ·f'r . Ttlf'P'\ ... S.p • uldfn 11 7 0 It.. 11 . t; o td• lrln . '

3 8 t1 1ll t :.'-T MIRT H A \ 'L'1 •


Thf' Lf.• dln• T all o '""· !'u lh \htlci I• 0 J oH pb C.1>ta . Pr<>1•·

6 11r, 43 0 0 sot , .11 1n :o11 _.


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Page 25: Police 13-13 Chicago Police Journal - 1936, Volume XI, No ......$165 3 for $4.75 Regulation Blue Shirts In Popular Nt!ckband Style with 2 Starched Collar• to Match The\ 're C\ er~

1( arch, 1936 P 0 L I C £ "l 3. J 3"




Brighton Park A 1trnbll" ralamily occ:ured at 5:00 p. m.

Fcbrua~ Z:?nrl. 1936. when the ligh1weigh1 , (harlr- O'Re(:an. en1e~ed. 1he honds o f ma1rimonr al St. .\lnunce s church. The bride wa• none olher lhnn Eleanor P e lcrs,

1 midrnl of dear old 20 for man y a day. All 1hi> wri1er can do is extenrl Chari ie h is hear1 -lcl1 !'ympathi<'• and. a~ 1he clergy· mJn " 1ll1ld •ay. " \lay hi~ soul and all the ~ul, 1•f 1hc fai thfu l departed. elc .. elc."

".\lufrle!-" \ ' inopal i• back on the job a~ain. In the pa81 fi,e days h e has p ut o n 14 ounce;>. but .\lartie M cEll igoll a11 ri­bu1ec 1hi• jlnin in weight to th e mu•tache he ~rew while ofT.

Our ol;I 11al. Ray S perling. i'< confined al 1hc Conlai;inus Hospital suffering sup­pcl"tllh from a had case on .. carlelinu. rr you a-k "" aliout it- judi;:ini: from the n y he -r ralrhe:; h im•elf- he i .. ~ullcring lrnm a bad CIL·C ol tbc moni.:e or whal hue you.

Where dirl Lieutenant Tom Lawrence 1c1 1hc i1rh Imm? Ask Beatty or Dully: I~ had it 11lcnl) bail. ~whal·a -~lan" Ostrowski had a ser iou•

case ,,f ice-iti<. The poor lad came inlo 1hc >1a1ion one night badly ben1 over. From information. we 1ta1her 1he lad " 'as !ullerinti lrom icycles on the handlebars I mu'lache).

··Snapy Joe'' Ila ml in has been scour ing 1ht d1strir1 !or •ome goals that don"t give milk to •hir to his farm in ) lichigan. By the way. Joe. who is thi s person, L en Small?

Arr 11 e 1fog1i-1cd or ore we disgusted? .~II 11·c hear '" llappy Hoolif!an·• Clarke. 1he D~·k • rr~ean1. singing is. "The Music ~ 'Rouml and 'Round"' and "Ainl ii a Swell Joh""·? Allenlion: Lieutenant Kane. ~lrtll\e Bureau.

Jimm} Lynch. who ~ince his allachmenl 10 1l1e Oepar1mcnt ha; been al Dear Old 20 1tllinl! hi• r r iminal scien<"e under 1he IUlcla~e or su~h crimc cha•crs a5 Lieu· tenanl Hu•ar arnl Lit>ulenant Lawler. was 1raMlerred h> 1he Brain Seel ion I D. B.) on C. 0. Nn, 813. Charlie Fanter come 10 20 from 1l1e chonl ol l 11-1 rue I ion.

A drive is n11 for member~ !or I he Pol ice Branrh ol St. Jude's Lcai:ue at 20. and from all appearances we will do 100 per cent, pr111•itled we 1ake in a le w of 1he SO-<:allfd "Leh Win1tcr-" •uc h as Woehler. tic. Thi• al<n includes 1ha1 distingujsbed A.P.A .• Al Lrddin.


Du~ Ill the ex1reme cold in 1hesc hyar Jllr1· .. r 1hc ci1y 1he news for thi s month •hill he •hori.

Pa1rnlmnn llus•inn. Hucrle anrl llall are s11ll nn the Medical Roll. . P•1rolman Dick Fnkkens i• SI ill o n a

2·~· c;_a1ing only >even ~quare mea ls dai ly. ~ick has been ron1rmolatini: 1he pur·

Cl L•e o[ 8 nrw pair or ~hoc•, )1111 due lo ~" h•1le; in hi~ 1ro11~er puckeh he is h uv­•ng a d11lir11h lime i:e11i 11j: e1111111th 11111 nf'y IO~elhrr.

h Scrlea111. Ari \Vcnttel an1I Hoy tellen

1.avr ieen plat'Cd in charjte o r the CXl)ed i· ~~~ lu 4 IJ1>reh e11d the 1>crpretalllrh o! rol>-ucn•- in N ,. I I A • II D . 1 8 t<lna 11111 • "' P. S1orc• in i: .. ~~·lnr1 . There' is l"On•iderable ri,alry Joi " lht> two Seri;eanls to •ee whn i" ftoung to ~core. A hog or "Cold Medal''

r goes lo the victnr.


William Fraunfc lcl• ·r I 11111 . hort<d 1• he,•ing a bit of con s t rurti"n work <lone in his mouth: he is h a\inl! a hri1lge built "" that he can sl ide h i' ''Cha w'' from o ne s ide of his mo u th 10 1hc nther. Bill C lorl.. lhc other " Hot S_h ort" _man. is p urdiasing a new car. H e rs b11 y111g 1hi• car on 1he gn\"Crnment (his hon11• l.

There i• an old Sil) in!! tha1 "Crime will 0 111." Well. 1he m)•lcry of tht> ~tolen leather n ecktie. whic h m)•te riou-.Jy di•· appeared ~evcral m 11n1h" apn from lht> wash room while P 111rulmon P e1e K rejci was washing him•elf. had h een cleared 111>. The necktie was fo uncl under the lockrr o f Pa1rolman Fred lla1·rl e. who at 1he time o f 1he commi~i11n o f 1his r rime wes !'nspccted. Of cour,e Patrolman llaer le i• now on 1he Medkal Roll. h 111 he will h ave 10 pul up a "cry :.lr"nit <left>n~e 10 over · come lh e evid«""nce apain•I him.

A new addi1ion tn thr 31•1 O i .. t ric:I in l'atmlman Andre w Ynunp: who WL• re· c-eive1I from t he P oli1·(' Traininir Sd1ool.

Summerdale The men at 1he 401h Oi~1ric1 welcome

1he new Captain and hope he ha• as much l'llcce~.s a s lhe former Captain, .\lart in O'.\ lalley.

P a t rolman John S tcfTcn has a nother hot ca«e 10 work o n in the Peacock murder case. J ohn ~ays, '")furder will out." and he expccls 10 bring 1l1c r11lprit b efore 1he bar o r j11s1 ice. eventually.

Serp:t . Marsh ell A1wcll, the Father Coughlin o f the slal iun. dnes his broad­casting a!te r m idnii.:h t thi~ monlh. Ao\'· on e wanting the copic- ran call on P AX 440. Ii i• al'fl reported thal Sergi. ) fajor Atwell rl'cenlly hecame ill while riding on 1he eS4'ala1or in \for-hall F ield'"· We au ,-cry muc h • urprisecl thnl on old ~ailor like him C'> uld hecome •ra~irk that ea"Y·

P a1rol m11 n T ltomu• Cleary or the un i· formed squad !'ays, " P-.haw. what's all thi, noist' a bf)ul Cerlie S 11·in? J',e b een us ing her ,,.tyle muny u year, "' I h11 11e. •o I lra"e· a!1d,,it ('Ollle n n n11t11 rnlJy. ~n it did, !'O ii cllfl, CIC.

P111rolmun Jume.s "Ou~o" Fanning 1tays h e know• lww that rt>llnw llodg~on !cit when he wrole "Tlw \lu•ic· Cocs Round." Dago <ur·. "Oh. Boy! Attt>ncling all lhese rune1ion • here latelv 1111• 1tol me goin g rounrl 111111 round." ·

Pa1 ro lmen Etlwanl Wal•li and J ohn )fr. Dunaith, ll1•y Jon~. Thuma" Dunderdule and Thoma8 Creely hu1t• hcl'n as~iitned 10 cili,en'.: <Ires~ work 1o aid in rounding up prowler!'. Good luck . men l

The m emht>r!' o r thi-. rommand. who arc o n 1he medico) ro ll . l la rq· Damil.t. Or­lon<lo W h eelock. J oseph Seil t'r and Leo Ca>'ey. are wi~hed u - 11rt>dy reco, cry .

11 is rumore•I t hot Pu1rolman William Kl itzke, our genial ""ugon chauffeur. is looking fo r n lmy in 0 i::••n<I used ruwhnul , ~o he will he prl'purl'•I fur the ~llfinp: 1haw.- in Frog Tnwn. t Tru<lc and hur te r or jUlni7.alinn-. pl ru•c 11111r. l

Patrolman 0110 (QI.I (.)unkcrl R11gc i• in rare form tl1cse d 11)• on the !'OOp hox. arguinit pro and con 011 1•11 r rent i~~ue!' n nd remini~cing bacl.. to th<' .lay- of the Fctl­ernl baseball lcaJ.!11 ~ when he d ro' e "' milk wop:on. wa y bal'k whe11 mrn were men ond wo men were glu rl o f ii. Be cu eful, Ot to, or they w i II get the "63 Ax" alter you.

-·~· "·--J



n.r .. r. 1' Jnr. L 1•1unre. L.-.~t Prff're. $ r u .. U.-rr. Oprn 6 130 • · • · lo 2: • · m . Trl~ythonf"" S unn1•fdf!' j262.

!01 3 LA"'IO:, CE AVE..'>I E

llARKET- RESTAURAl\T Jlom,.. C o,-1ldnc . Phone Hadf':IJ • ., .G&-&7 .

702l "0LT ll 'iTAT.: STRF.f!T

DR. 8.G.D\JDA D~nthl . Ph nnr.-Otf1rr r lfa,.-lft•r•M 1824 & " ""·: llrun•~l•k OJ1;7. llour• 9 I• 12 Noon a I to 5, 6 to () P • m .

1:; 13 "a •~ST ClllCAC.0 AV& .. LE (On .. tll o .. k •:aol nf A•hl•nd A•"•· '

Wll.LIAM BOIJ:'JETT -C•• Furn•~,.. IH•taltr•I. TJ '• C.pprr and Sh~l 'l ~••f _..ortu . ~latr. Tu,. and Gra•f"f Roofin.-. Rr1ulrlna ur All Kind_.. Pli9fM'

Sunn r>lrlr J221. ;';212 RROAD• •H •t FOSTEJt

COYl .E'S TAVERN--Po• D f'! l ,..UJU! fkf'r on T•p. Phonf" Rr-p-.h• u .. 1511 .

:l(o I I <,Ot Tll KJ:DZI£ AVE~LE

THE MA.RJEN CO. n.-.u1y Sft• r•· ......... ,.117 Sh•p-. . Th,. Ho•e of thf" P rrfrrl p,.rm•n,.nl W•Yf". llu-m•.n ll •lr <:uod• . -iwll t'h n • ~pe~l•h r. Phene -. : (..ra•ford 7220i (_. ltf"rl't 1~8.

392 I .. . 26TII .,-rKEET. C lllC.A<.n 5619 "' . 22"'11 STREET. C l r.J:•n

M . BASS FUR~ITURE CO. furnltu rf'. St ov.,.• •ntl Ru • -· · f:,,. mplrt_. Unrnr Outlittf"r•. C••h or C.r•dlt . Fer Clac..-S,..-R•••· Pht'tn r w.,nrl't,.. 5910.

J 112- " Yi"F.ST u11 c .u.o AVE;lil £ ( Oppu•hf'I Rlrkf"·rdlkr St. )

ALBEJCT DOUBE K R ftffntr: Rnnt S 1trf'lall•t. Pb une lf•rrh.en ;-:t t • · Sult~ :.o&.

20 "' E.'>"'T JA CKS O:-/ BLVD.


AU Ph-0nr• ll•Tm•r-lle"t R816· 17 J & J GR 11.L -'-"-------

..-f! ..,._nei .-ondf"rful Food . :t2R SOI T ll 11 ARA'l ll AVF-"l £

LA BOt.:NTY PRESS ~odrrn Prln l l na. Phnnr S 1.rw•r1 3300.

207-ZO~ EA'IT 7 :1Tfl STREET

J. B. ~IADSE~ STORE FIXTURE CO. ('•I lnr . )

\f anul•t>h1rr-r.- of UJc.h GrerJe Stn~ •nd B•r f'h: l uff"•. Phonf'l" '4 11 nroe 6:i l9.

16-."13-35 111 EST r.RA '>'0 AV&.'"il..E

ACi\IE ,\tOTOR SERVICE fo ... r ... m • P ef' l.. aar tn Car l~o••• •·· T., l~ph•ne Drtan•~ Irk 3'JR!l. J. £ . P f"tmon .

1808 "HlTll DA'!£" A \ ' F..N"LE

HANKEL PJCINTING COMPANY ,,,,. . ., ,., ... ,. ...... , Llno1)'1)ln•• \hulrrn lllntl~ry. H .. tt,.r Prln1·

fnJf Qolr-".~r. Tt!.' lr11hon,._. ~up~rior 1236--12117.

!ll 1-32 1 11 EST S l Pf.RHlR STREET (Nr•r Pr•nkUn . Onr Hl ttrk ~uu1h. Chi~ •.•o

•• L '' ~t•tl nn >

Ei\IPIRE FURNITL' RE CO. .~urnlturr. ~ln~r•, feu•• · C..h er F...a.•T Trnn•. 01M'·n 1'u..---,fey, Thqr-.fay and Sat· tard•J' £~f:'nln1t•. J'h on,.. llumhnlda 6300. 6 3 01.

1379·81 'llL• Al Kf!t! AVF-"Uf!

JOS. II.EDELSON f P H-• ftl.,.nt •

Prinl,.r• anrl Publl .. hrr•. l;nlon ~a.np. T .. J .. phun.., U a71nef'ILet !\ROO.

2110 SOI Tll 11-\1-"TEJ) STRF.ET

SOBOTKA.JAROS .A11e n«"J' and L•••-• f".orporathtn. Loan.._ In• •uranr,.., S• lety D r po•ll Boa.Ibo. PbotM: Cl~~ro ;;66 t .

:182!1 1100-,•:VELT RO .. c 1u ;;n o. 11.L

ROOSEVELT f'l 11tNITUR E co. ( h1 rorpnralrrl)

Furnhur~ . Our fo'•rlor ) to ) eu. Pbon• Scrlrr 8 7(10.

23 1 () "£.'T noo~FVa.T ROAD

II. & E. STANDARD AlTO PARTS ( lnro~oreted t

Trl,.r1lion,.. \ ~.i nur !l:'i·OO.

!l9!!0 NORT ll <'R \ 11 l'ORD A\' &.'"'-£

STANLEY K UNDRAT'S TAVERN T"°lr.-.ho n.- \'lralnla JI 72.

1137 KEDZI£ A\'F,..,'t,'"I:

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ACHING FEET Flat or ?ontractcd feet. vcricosc veins. or other types of deformities. Let ll'> he!1> you as we h;\\c many others. iVritc for I· I< EE 111/ or111atio11.


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Imported Czechoslovak Films.


P 0 L I C E " l 3 - 1 3·•

PUBLIC ENEMIES I Continued f rom page 4 )

and type is usually of liltle va lue. I might say. ho \\f'V~r, that it h as been my experience. and perhaps that of practica ll y a ll o the r law en forcement officers, that c rimina ls such as these tel l liul e o r nothing. In f act. the su pposition 1hat ei the r Dillinger o r Nelson would ha,•e 40talked" is more amusing than othe rwise. They were not o f that type. Neither were Clyde Barrow and Bon nie Parke r. who are refer red to late r in the art icle.

I do desire. however. to com ment briefl y upon the brilliant idea tha t Dillinge r mi~ht have been appre­hended in the moving pic tu re theate r which he attcndC'd just prior to h is deal h. Diffe rences of opi ni on, I might say. are again, of course, per­missible and rl<>sira blr. but under no circumstances would [ have a p­proved. in th is or anv othe r ins tance . any action on lhe part of the Bureau's Agents which might and probably wou ld ha,·e ll'd to any firing in a crowded movi ng pictu re rheater, en­dangering the lives of numerous in­nocent men, women and children . Such a policy would have mer ited and received severe and jus ti fied crit icism.

(Signed\ J . EocAn Hoovrn.

There are man y intell igent pe rsons who have expressed the o pinion 1ha t the effectivenes8 with which the Fed­e ral Bureau o f I11vestigat ion has op­erated against the modern under­world- in le rms of arrests and con­vict ions as well as othe r things-­commends it as a model to the pol icf' service . lt was essential, s ince th e Harper's writer previousl y had been heard upon this issue, that Mr. Hoover shou ld have been heard too. Xow that the p ri ncipals have been subjected l o the test, one against the o the r , it may be that the last ri pples of the conlro\•ersy have come to rest on the quiet !->ho res, tha t fo r a l I com­mentato rs the a rgument is over- but. as Mr. H oover says, we dou bt it.

C.R. POLICE ASS'N The Chicago Regional Po lice Asso­

cia t ion is plannin~ a year of renewed activity, accordi ng lo a recenl an­nouncement of its secre tar y, er~t. Franklin L yman of Wheaton. Ill. Las t month members we re advised h,· commun icalion that the Association is planning a meeting for the near f uture when thr year·s proj ects wil I be outl.ined . ~he group is composed of pol1rc o fJi c lllls rcp r~enting sub­urban towns .

I 11

\f arclr, l


Natural Health lnstit1te Th f! Onl) lln-b l11J1i1ut~ .,. <L..s.. An Orwanlaal lon o( 'pH-ial1•b f T~atlng Chronl~~ .;;;; tuLb.'1!11 \.il-:.

occt:rn:s ~"Tl RE Rt ILOl\t 10.000 f..,.,.t Bo•r ~1un


Frnprirtor~ of .. L .. ti. .. o .. F•mov111 No. 1 llrr-b T•ak

Phy~io-Th,.r•r" and El~c-l rl<> Trral mrnb

Co l o nlr Jrr ht•ll•n

Comt•lele X·R•r 1_.t.on1•r1 P ild Remo~eod ~ltbout ll••itAI

or L.o"-$ o f T fm.-

F~e C..t.huhalion

Vbho~ ~ rl.4"ora~

S I C.ompl,.I,. Pie Yt-l<wl ls..,•l.11••'- *' ln~ludin~ Laburelon r,.., ... £~.

1869 N. DA)IE~ A\'E. tl o u M 11 to ~. ll;un. t u 2 ri--.

\ r-miu.:~ 8200

H rrh Tr~• •n•~ nt .. und~r mt"dlnl • ..,. '\ t ... io n •t onl) t hr l"G~I uf 11 .. rb \INiirwia


----- -------




Manufocturcrs of

KNITWEA.R 1269 l\lIL WAF l\.EE .\YE.

l'hon c llumboln1 08il


N~"' La i d F4;tR:-*· r ho"" .... , •• re ....,S. 6951 S OtT ll "T \Tl

CE NTRA-=-L---=r-"A:.:.:C;,:K I NG ,{"" CR co .

l ru 1•orh "'r"li of f'o rc:l.en P r-od• tb­an d Athl('ll~ Olh'f" Oll t . Pit••" f" I L90.

AMEHICAN BRONZE CO. Arrhll f"·~tnral •nd Onumt'nl•I Pt•o" " Normal 3:?60.

13ln· l 8 ~ l.H <>Jail · --- -----DEARRORN COAL conr.

Tt'"1.-1•h unt"' Ca lu11'lr l ,..,,11 . 'lal• •ntl Y a rd e

:I l!:6-~\!: SOITll 11 \W.T111 ~

AMER ICAN FRUlT CO. Groceries, Heer, '\' in\" •• , J t .qi:):_, \ Fru it s and \ ·eaetahlc-1. l'horst 6951>. Pree Ucli< cri . R'

Z'l2:: NOHTll Cl \ ~-

SI REN MILLS- CORPOR1\TIOS Ba• ie Monufactur~n "' (.o.,...l•I• "' P r oducta. CHIC: \ Gtl. ll.L

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