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  • ELECNON IAWREVIEU'ERBy: Atty. Jaclnto Jlmenez

    , andAtty. Alberto C. Agra

    Atqreo dc Manlh bw Sdrool(1r Worklng Draft, 23 ranuary 2013)


    A. Have excluslve charge of enforcement and adminlstratlon of election law.As an lndependent constitutional body excluslvely charged with the power ofenforc:mcnt and admlnlstr.tlon of all hws and rctuhtlons rclatlve to the conduct of ancledon, plcblsdtc, lnltlathE, ruferlndum and rcc.ll, the COMEI"EC has the lndlsputableexpcdse ln thc field of clectlon and rcht d laws. (C.yetano v. Comelcc, G.R. No.1O6!t8E, 23 J.nuary 2q)6; Manzala v. Comclec, G.R. tto. f6211, 8 May 2007)

    ThG CDMTLEC ls vcsted wlth broad power to .nforcc all the laws and r.tuhtlons relatlveto th conduct of ehctlons as well as thc phnary authorlty to dccJde all questlonsaffeclng ehclons cxept th questbn as to the rlgtt to vote. (Dlbaratun v. COMEIEC,c.R. l{o. 170365, 2 February 2010}

    The COMELEC has wue dlscretlon in adoptlng means to cany out its mandate ofensurlnS frec, orderly and honcst clicdons. (Iolentlno v. Crmeleq 420 SCRA 438) ]n thecxercbc of the phnllude of lts po*rrs to pnotect the lntegrlty of the elections, theCOMEI"EC ahould not rnd must not bc straltiacketed by procedunl rules in rcsolvingeleclon dlsputes. (fohntlno v. COMEUC, G.& ilo. 187958, 187961, and 187%2,7 Aprll2010)

    ln rehbn to th. Suprcmc C.ouG Ebctoral Trlbunals and rcgular courts:

    Sugetlp Court lhc f,ndlngs 9f fact of thc GOMELEC, when supportcd by substenth!wkhncc, atc fin l, non-rsdcweHc and blndlr upon thc SuprumG Court. lt is thespcd.fizcd Cency bskrd wlth thc supcrvtbn of clcctlom ell orcr thc oouftry. Oncgh,n .n bsue to resotve, lt must enmlnc th rcords of the pmtest, evidcncc glven bythe p.rtles, and the rchv.nt electbn documents. (Basmala v. COMEIEC, G.R. No.176721,6Octobet2OX2l

    A resolutlon of the COMEI-EC en'func mNV bc rcvhwed by the Supreme Court bycertlorad fihd wlttr th httcr, rrlthln 30 days from the promuigaion thcrcof. (Falnar v,Comahq 331 SCRA tl29l Tte il0day ruh .pplhs to finrl orders, rulln$ and declslons ofthc Oonrlcc rcrdcrcd h the cxcrctc of fts .dtdlcatory or quasl-ludid.l pffn6, not lnthc cxcrdsc of lts edmlnbtrathc funcdon to cnfiorcc and rdmlnlstc. clcttion hm tocnsurc an ordc'ly Glcctlon. Tha bsuane of . Resolotlon on the allocatlon of party-list


  • seats ls ln the cxercise of the .dmlnistratlvef not quasijudlchl powers of the Comehc(Partldo ng Mantgatawa v. Comclec, G.R. lto. 164702, 15 March 2006)

    Rulc 64 of the Ruhs of Court does not forecl,ose rucours to the Supreme Crurt undctRuh 65 of ordcrs of thc Comclcc lssucd ln thc Gxcrds. of lts admlnlstEthre funCbn.(Mecrbego v. Comehc, G,i. tlo. 152163, 13 flowcibcr 2oo;ll

    ThG Suprcmc Court has no power to rcvlew an lntlrlocutory order or a final rcsolutionof a divlsion of the @MEIEC. Sald order or resolutlon must be reviewed by theCOMEIEC ea baac through a motlon for reconsideratlon'. (Panllllo v. Comelec, G,R. No.


    181478, 15 July 2(xDl Howeyer when a p.rty has hadly enough opportunlty to morefor reconslderatlon and to obtaln a swlft resolution ln tlme for the electlons, and thepetltion ln\otves transendental constltutional lssues, direct Esort to the SupremeCourt ls Justmed. (ABgC8il Bro.dcsstlng Corpor.tlon v, Comclec, 323 SCRA E11) Dlrcctreoourse to the Suprcrnc Court ls .lso rllowed when thc issuc ls . purc gucstlon of Lw.(Partklo rE Mrngagawa v. Comclec, G.R. o. 164702, 15 March 2006)

    8Ch thc Sugrlnre Court .nd @MGIEC hay concurcnt jurMictlon to issue wrlts ofcertbrati, prohibitbn, end mandtmus ocr dccbloos of trlal courts of tcneraljuridlction (rcgional trhl courts, in ehctlon cases lnvoMng Glectlve munklpal ofFdals.fhe Court that t kes lurisdlcdon ftrst shall exerdse exdushc jurisdktion orer thc case.(Carlos v. Angeles, G.R. No. 142902 29 Norcmber 2000)

    Ebaoml Trlbunals. The otatbn of thc PresHenual Elector.l Trlbunal (PETI ls wlld. IhePET, es lnt rdcd by the fremers of thc Consthutbr, ls to be ah lnstltutbn"lndeprndent,but nd s.per.te, frorn thc ludlclal department, 1.e., the Supreme Court. fhe presentConstltutlon hes .llocated to the Supremc CruG ln cooiunction wlth latte/s cxerdsc ofJttdkhl power lnheE t ln ell courts, the task of dccldlng presldenthl and vhe-presldentlal cMlon contcsts, wlth full authortty ln thc

    .cxcrclse thereof. The powerwleHed by PET is a dedvetivc of thc plqnary judkial porrcr allocated to courts df lawcxpressly prwlded ln.the Consthutbn. (Macalintal v, PgT G.R. No. 19151& 7 June 2011)

    It b thc S.n tr Elccto..l Tr&onel, not thc COMEfEq, whhh hrs cxclushe F isdlctlooorcr congblne ontcsdrf thc pmdemrtbn of $. 12! uhnlng scnatorlr! cardHrt .(Resul v. Comehc, G.R. tlo. 1:XL2; 24 ABust 19!19)

    Ihc lurbdlctbn of thc Housr of RcprscntatiyEs Ehctoral Trlbunal (HREn bcglns oncetfu party or o.ganlz.tbn of the party-llst nomlncc has been proclalmed :nd thenomlnec ha3 taken hls/hcr oath and assumed orffroc as member of thc House ofReprcsentath,rs. (J.lo6joe v: @MELEC, G.R. tlo. 19217d 26 June 2012; Abayon v. HRET,G.R" No. 1E9f66, 11 Februrry 2010) Oncc a candldatc for thc House of Rcprlsrntetive3has bccn prodelmcd end hes takcn hlt/ hcr oath, thc Coroclec loccs Jurbdktbn orrr.(flolrs to dbqo.ltfy s.H ]lprltcnt thrc. Jur&dlctlon 116 s'ltt dr! HRET. (Agt brc v.Aom.hq G.R" t{o. 163756, 26 r.nu.ry 20051 By f.alltf, to.cqulru . 3G.t, . c.nd5.tedo6 not fall undcr thc lurtdlcdon of thr HREI .s hc b not t membcr. (trng v.OOMETEC G.R, ilo. 19238a, 26 Fcbruary 20x21 Thls ruh .pplhs whcn thc amclamation lf

  • B.

    valld. Whn the declslon of the Comehc DMslon dlsqualifylng a candldatc who obt lnedthe plurality of vdes has not become ffn.1, thr prochmatlon of sald candldate was valldand thus Comclcc was di\rested of hs lurMlction. (Planas v. Comelec, G.R. t{o. 167594,10 Merdr 2q)6) Howevr, r'tren a dccislon of . COMETEC divlslon dlsqu.lwing acorgrcsslooal crndH.tc b not yet ffnrl (r modon for rcconddantbn h:vftg becn ffhdwlth th! @MEUC cn boncl, th. COMELf,C r,' Doac rctrlns lurlsdktbn, ,.e., thc HRETG.nnot .ssumc ,urbdlctlon wer thc mattcr. (C.odllla v. De Venccla, G.R. ilo. 15(f05, 10Decembcr 2d)2)

    Regulot Courtl,.T]he regular courts havc jurlsdiction to'entertain a ptitlon to enloin theconstructlon of publh work projects wlthln 45 days before an electlon. (Gallardo v.Tabamo, 218 SCM 253)

    The COMETEC fias jurlsdlction over pctftlons eot cctfromd ln lection proEsts pendlngbcforc lnfcrlor ourts. (Bcsso v. Ab.lh, 325 SCRA 1@) The OOMEIIC, not thc RqlonalTrl.l Courts, h.s .ppclht ,uddlctbn orcr dccbbns of thc Munldpal frbl Court@ocamang clc(tbn prgtcsts hvolylng brnqry orfichls (Antonlo v. Comehc, G.R. o.135E69, 22 S.ptlmbcr 19!t9), md Sanigunbn (rbetaan chalrpr]loos (Femandez v.Cor|Chc, G.R. l{o. 1762%, n Junc ZXBI, h.s ,urbdktlon to conduct pI.llminarylnvcstlgatlon of elcstlon offenses (Pena v. M.rtiz.no, tD3 SCRA 2E1), has iurMictaonover phbbcttc protrst cass lnyoMrg thc conwrslon of I munklpallty to a clty (Buec v.Comel.c, 421 SCIA 92), and has jurlsdktlon to annul a proclamation. (Gustilo v. Real,353 SCRA 1) tower oourts c.nnot issuc writs of ln unctlon atainst th COMELEC.(Comelec v. Oatu-lman, !104 SCRA 1061

    Hcar end resolrrc crss ln Dhrislon and En Banc

    The prosecutlon d ehction vlohtoE invohrs thc cxerclse of admlnktr.th/e functlonand ls thcrrforc wlthln thc juridlctlon of thr COMETEC en banc, not fts dMslons.(Munoz v. @mehc, G.R. o. 170678, 17 July 20061

    The COMEtf,C ,,, !r,nc d* not h.w th auttprty to hcar ard decHe clcctbn dses,ineludl.t pGprochm.tbn conmt,GEbs, .t thc first lnstanca. (Munoz v. Comclcc, G.R.ilo, f678, 17 July 2qr6! Th. .uthorlty to rcrohrc pctltlons tor ertlororl k|oMngIllddatrJ bsuo of rhctlon plot.sts frlcd rth.fi. low.r oourts f.lh wl$ln thc dMslonof thc OOMEUC (Sollcr v. Comchc, G.R. t{o. 139E53, 5 Scptlmbg 2(ml Thecancclhtbn of . ccrtiffc.tc of candldacy lnvohrts thr cxcrcba of quasl-ludldal functbnand thus must bc heard ln the fhst lnstancc by thc OOMELEC dMslon, (Sautlste y.Comehc, G.R. l{o, 154796, 23 October 2003)

    Declslons rcndercd by a COMEI.EC divlsbr tr iubiect to revhw yla th. tlmcly ffllng of amotlon for rcconsHcretlon bcfurc thc CI)MEIEC Gn benc. Thc tlmcly fillrg of a mclonSor rcconsHcrrdon wltft the @frEtEC en Oom conemhE r dcc{slon of lts dlvlsbnssuspcndlrg end dbquellfylry r ondH.tr dH'nd dlvrst thc fomrr of ft3 lurtdlctjoi torwlo thc rcsolutbn of thc lrttcr. Thc odcr of ttrc dlvlslon wrs uncnforcceblc rnd hadnot ett lncd fin XtV, (Codllla v. Dc VenccL, G.R l{o. 15O6Ot 10 Dccambcr 2(x}2}

  • c.

    .Qucstions lnvolvlng ffndlngs of hct (1.e., sufflciency of evldcncc) addresscd by ICOMETEC divlslon ls . propcr 3ubict of a motbn for rcconsldentlon wlth the COMETECca bone (Columbres v. Comehc, G,R. No. 142038, 18 Scpt mbcr 2mO)

    Thc csscnce of duc pocrss b to be effordcd r reercneblc opportunity to b hcard endto iubmlt any addcncc ln support of onCs clalm or dcfiansc. fhc lact thet . pctltlon.r .somchow acqulred lnowlcdge or lnformatlon of thr datc s.t for the prellmlnaryconference by means other than the ofliclal notice sent by the coMEtEC is not anexcuse to dlsmlss hlyher prot st, bcause h cannot be denled that he was not affordedreasonabh notice and time to adequately prcpare for and submlt his/hcr brlef. (MolatgSr. y. COMEIEC, G.R. No. 194141 /t October 2011)

    Ihc COMELEC En Eanc shall dccHe motlons 60r reconslderatlon only of 'declslonC of aDhrlslon. lntrdocutory ordcrs mey not bc rcsohcd by thc @MEI-EC En B.nc An order lslln l h n tu,! f lt comphtcly dlsfoscs of tlrc cntlrc cesc. But f thcru b somcthlng morcto br donc ln thr c.se .ftGr lts lssu.itcc, th.t ordcr ls lntcriocutory. ThG Grcrption lswftcn .n lntcrlocutory ordcr bsucd by r DMslon of thc CO{II|EUC docs not apprar to bespcdfrally prbvued undcr thc COMELEC Rulcs of ProccduE dr.t thr m.tter ls one thatthr COMETEC En Banc may slt rnd consHcr. (Catas v. COMEUC G.R. ilo. 194139, 24Janu.ry 2012)

    The proper way for th COMEIEC en borc to act on a motbn ,or rconsHeratk n whnth! first votlry was cqually dfuHcd ls to rehear thc mattcr, not mcr.ly to hoH a rc-comultatlon .mon$t thrmschEs. Thus, when the CoMEIIC an borc falled to hold areftcartg rcqulrcd by th @MELEC Ruhs of Proccdurc, saH body acted wlth grare.busc of dlscretlon. (Jullano v. Cornclec, G.R. ,{o. 167033, 12 Apil 1e 2006)

    Exerch supe.vision and control over officlals requlred to perfo.rm duths reletiye to theconduct of electlon

    ftc @frELEC has thc .utlto.ty to cfftrt thc tr.nsfcr of chctlon ofiers. (Dc Guzman v.Colrtchq G.E 1{o. 12911& 19 July 2000) t{o Ehctlon Off,oar shall hoU offfcc kr ep.rtl6d.r ctty or muoldpelty 6or moru than four ycrn. (Scc. tt4, Ropublk Act l{o. 81t91

    Afiorkc rny Instrumaitefi of tnc sorem'mnt, Gxcapt cMlhn homc dc'hnsc fores,to rct rs deputles

    PrcmuErte rules .nd regulrtlons

    Thc Comchc has thc dlscretlon to libcrally construe lts ruhs and, at thc samc tlmc,suspcrd thc ruhs, o. rny portlon thcrcof, ln th! lnterrst of lustlcc. Dbput6 ln theoutaolrE of elcctlons lnrohp public lnt!rcsg as snch, tedrnhrllths rnd proccdunlb.rbri rhoou mt te .llourcd to rhnd f thcy conldtutc .n obrt clc to thcdctrmh.tbo of thc truc wS d thc .hctor.tc ln thc drohc of thclr alectlvr ofrclrb.t 15 torlmllts ruci dl6put6 must br libcnlly oonstrucd to thc crd thtt thr wlll of the



  • . peoph ln th choke of publh officlals mry not be defeated by mere technielobjeCions. (Sulfuln v. Comelec, G.X. p6. 156ffi, 23 March 2006)

    Ihc COMET^EC, ln the lntcrcst of iustkc. m.y suspend the.rulc on s.d.y perbd to ffle apct[bn to conGct m.nlf.st Gro6. (DcL tbnr u Comclcc, G,R. No. 152$0, 28ilormbcr20cll

    F. Summon pertiB to a con$oyersy pcndint Hore lt (Dela tlana v. Comclcc, G.R. t{o.152080, 28 Norcmber 2@3)

    G. Determlne the true natune of the cases ffled bcfore ltH. Punlsh contempt

    Thd power to punlsh contcmpt cen bc crcrclecd onv ln connedlon wlth iudichlfundbns ..d not .dmlnlstr.tty. functions. (Gucvar v. Commlsslon on Eklons, 104Phll. 258; Mas.ntcay v. CommlsCon on Electbns, 6 SCRA 271

    l. Enforce lts dcdsions rnd ordcrsJ. Prescrlbc forms to be used ln the clection.K Procure supplies and matri.ls need.d ,or the election,L Plescrlbe l.tcst tcchnolgglcal and chctrcdc dcvlces upon noth.s to .ccldhed polttlcal

    . pailhs and candHatcs not hss than t{l drp bcforc. The Commisslon on Ehctlon lsauthorlzed to use an eutomated clcctbo svs&m for the prccass of rctln& countlng ofvotes, and canvasslng of the results. (Sac. 6, Rcpublk Act t{o, E4361

    M. Carry out campaEn to.duc.te the publh about chcionsil. Enlbt mnfards.n grcups to asslst

    ' O. Conduct hc.rinCr gn controtrcrhs pcndhg bcforc ftfhc facual findll| of dlr OOMELEC, whfCt b supportcd by substrntlal evldince, bblndlB on thc Suprcmc Court (B.dlrl u Comclcc, G.R. No. 1656n, 8 Junc 2fi)5)

    Ih. GoMELEC eilryr thc prlsumptbn of Sood hlth and rcgutarlty ln th perfornranccof officlrl duty. Thc OOMEL"EC can base lts rulftg on offfclal COMEIfC records. (Barbersy. Comclcc, G.R ilo. 165691, 15 June 2OOS)

    P. Fh pcrbds for p'r+hcrbn rrquhemcnbftc Comclcc mry abo pllscrlbG r dcrdllnc br qEtr.tbn of p.rty-llst ort nlz.tlonsbcito rd drc go{.y pcrlod undcr icpubftc Act l{o. 7941. flrc goday perlod ls r mlnimum


  • a.

    pcrlod not subject to redudlon but ]s susceptlble to protraction on acoount of.dmlnbtrrtlve nccc3shls and exlgenclrs, (Akht Asosesyon Para sa Xaunlaran ngupunan at Adhlkaln para sa Tao v. Comehc, 427 SCRA 712)

    Ihc Goflr.hc c.n oonduct spcchl chcbm for banngay ofidlh evcn bcyond th. 30deys ftonr ccssatbn of thc crusc of the fellurc of elcdon. Ttc 3Gday perlod lsdkectory, and thc de.dllnc c.nnot dcflat the right of snfkaSc of thc people.(sambannl v. Comcleg 438 SCtA 319)

    Rccommend the imposition of disciplinary action upon an employce lt has deputized forvlohtlon of hs order. (Sec. 52, Omnlbus Election Codel

    Slnce the Commission on Electlons can recommend that dlsdpllnary actlon be takenagalnst an offfcer lt had deputlzcd, h can inrcstltatr an .dmlnbtratlve ch.rBe agalnstsudr en offtccr to dctcrmlnc wtcthcr or not lt shouH rccommcrd that dlsclplin.ry.ctlon be t kcn agrlnst hlm. (Tan y. Commbsbo oo Eklons, 237 SCnA 353)lnvlst3rtc and whcrc appmprhc, proscutc cases for vlolation for cleclon lawthdudhg acts or ombslons constltutlng chclon frauds, offens.s and m.lpracthes

    The fidlng of probabl6 c.use in $e pro3ecut'lon of chctlon offlnses rests ln theCOMEIICs sound dlscretlon. (Garcia v. COMEI.Eq G.R. No. 170256, 25 January 20101

    Makc mlnor adiustmcnts of the apportionment of hgislathrc dlstricts (Scc. 2, Ordinairce..ppcndd to thc Constltutlonl

    This rlfcr rmrcly to the powcr to corrcct an cnor bccausc of thc oml$ion of amunldpalfi or en crror ln thc namc of a munlclpallty rnd docs ni* lncludc the pour.r tornake a rcappolntment of htlslath,r dlstricts. (Montcjo v. Commbdon on Elcctlons, 242scnA415l

    Adltst.th. .pportlonmcnt ln casc of crc.taon of nd provllrce or dty (Scc 3, Ordlnance.ppcndrd to thc Constltutbnl

    Thc @MEIEC b mcrclv .utftor&cd to .drust thc numbcr of R.prG.nt thrcs'.gportlooed to .n old prwttc. lf r ncw pnorlncc ls crt.tcd out of h .nd b not.uttorEGd to tn nsftr munklp.litbs from onc hglshtfvc dlstrkt to emt{rcr (Mont ro v.Commlsdon on Ehctlons, 242 SCIA 415)

    Dhdde r prwlnce wlth only onc htlslatlve dbtrkt lnto trro dlrtrhs of purposes of theclcctlon of thc membcrs of the 9nggunlant bbrtrrn. (S.c' 3 (b), Rcpublk AC. No.7166).

    Ihc b.3b of thc. dlvlsbn b thc nrmbcr of hh.bft.nts .rd not tfic numbcr rcgbtcrcdvdcrs. (lLnrra y. Commbsbn on ELctbns, 3$ SnA $6)






    To .cquire Juridhal penonality, to qualify for accredltatlon, and to b entithd to therlthti of politlc.! p.rtl6, . polltk l pany must bc rcgistcrcd s,'lth thr Commlsslon onEhcdons. {S.c 50, Omnlbus on Elcctlons, 31E SCRA 3!}6}Ihe followlng polltlcal partics cennot be registered.

    1. Relitlous sects2. Those whlch seek to achierrc thelr goals through unlawful means3. Those whkh refuse to adhere to the Constltution4. Those whktr are supported by eny forlEn govcmrn nt (Scc. 2 (5), Artidc lX{ of

    1987 @istitutftrnl

    A party whlch f.ib to obtein .t hast 101,6 of th r,otes cast in the constltuncy in wtkh itnomin.ted candid.tes shall forfeit its registration. (Sec. 60, Omnlbus Election Code)

    COMETEC has the authority to register polltical partis, oryanlzetlons or coalitkrns, andthe .uthority to cancel thc reglstratlon ofthe same on legal grcunds. The COMETEC EnBanc, has thc prcrogathre to diGct that a hc.rlng bc conducted on th. prtkion iorcanacllatbn of rgbt edon of the party llst. Th @MELEC has ,urlsdlctlon over petltlonsfor c.nellation of rr$stntlon of .ny natbn.l, rcdonal or sectoral party, ortanlz.tion orcoalitbn while ft ls th. HRET that has iuridktion mr cootests rchtlry to thcqualiftcations of a party-list nominde or ruprscnt tivc, (Alliance for Banngry CrnccmsParty List v. coMEtEc G.R. No. 193256, 22 March 2OUl

    The nalidity or invalklfi of the lxpulsion of a polfthal part/s officers is purcly amcmblrshlp lssor th.t h.s to bc tctthd s,lthin tta pafty. lt ls m krtcmel pa.ty m.tterorcr whlch thc (I)MELEC h:s no lurlsdlctbn. lt m.y htrrvlnr h dbputls hE nal to .p.rty only wlrar nccassrry to thc dlsdrrryc of lB constftutlonal functlons, sudr asrcsolvlry an htra party hadcrshb dlsgrtc es rn hddcnt of lts pouer to nSbtcr pofitlc.lp.rths. (Aticnz. v. COMCIEC, G.R. ilo. 1EE920, 16 F$ru.ry 2010)


    Dcedllnc for fillnf

    1. CrrtlfiG.trs of cadidacy must bc ftlcd not hcr t'h.n thc d.y bc{ht th..d&&.thc bcChnhU of thc cemprfn period. (Scc, 7, Republlc Ac ilo. 7165,




  • B.

    2. A certmcate'ffled bcyond the deadline ls not yalld. (Gador v. Commlsslon onElcctlons, 95 SCRA 4311

    3. A ccrtmcete whlch dkl not lndlcate the posftlon for whdr th! candld.te lsrunoltg mey bc corrcccd. (Conqulllt v. Commlsslon on Elcctlons, 332 SCRA861)

    Plohlbldon r;.lrst muhlplc crndHrdcr

    1. A prson who f,les a certificate of candldacy for more than one officc should notbe eli8lble for any of them.

    2. Bcfore the deadllne for fillng certlffcates, he may withdraw all exCept one. (Sec.73, Omnlbus Ehctlon C,odc!.

    .The withdrawal need not be fihd wlth the officdtcrr thc G.nmc.te of c.ndld.cy was fihd, as lt b not rcqufed by hw. (Go v,Commlsslon on Ehctbns, 357 SCRA 739)


    The certificate mun be swom. (Sec. 73, Omnlbus Electlon Code)

    The electlon of a candHate cannot be ennulhd becausc of formaldefects ln hls crrttfiete, such .s, lack of oath. (De Gurmrn v. Board ofC.nv.isc6,48 Phll. 211)

    2. l{ame

    A candldatr shall use hls baptismal name or, af none, the namertistcred wfth thc cMl rcglstrer or any other name .flowed by hw.

    Hc mey lndudc irnc ntd

  • EAn chctlve offfclal contlnues to hold office and ls not deemed reslgned upon the ftling ofa certmcate of candidacy for the sam! or dlfferent posltlon.

    An rppolmmnt pubfrc ofidel ls onsu.red resEncd upoo fillnt of his certlllc.tc. (sec65, Omnlbus Ehcdon @c; S.nd.rtrco u Rono, 137 SCRA 5711 Thls lncludrs .ncmployee of a gormrhcnt owncd or controllGd corporatlon organlzed under theCorporete Code, sftu thc hw makes no distinctlon (PNOC-Energy DeyelopmentCorporatlon v. National tabor Relations Commlssion, 222 SCRA 8311

    Definttbn of r GendHetc

    Under Section 79a of the Omnlbus Electlon code, a 'candidate' refers to any pe6onesplring for or seeklng rn electha public offfce, who has ffled a orrtificat of candklacyby hlmsalf (hersclf) or throqh rn iccrcdited polftkal party, .ggroupmcnt, or coalltlonof partlcs.

    Undrr Scction 15 of Rcpubllc Act t{o. 9!}69, a candHa:e b 'any person who filcs hiscertlfic.t! of candid.cy wlthln thls pcriod shall only bc considered es a candldate .t thestart of thc Gampa[n perkil for which he filed his cer{ficete of candidacy.' Thus, undcrthe law, a percon only bccomes a candldate when hc/ she has fthd a certlflcate ofcandHacy and when the c.mp.En perlod has commenced. One is not a candHatc,dcspltc havlng fihd a certiffcate of candidacy, bcforc thc st rt.of the campaign perlod.The law added, 'unlaurftrl acts or omlsslons appllcabh to a candldate shall take cfftctonly upon the start of the .forrs.ld campalgn period.'

    Howryer, a candidate ls lLbL for premature campalgning lf after filing hls/ her .

    ccrtmcatc of candklecy, hc/shc jolned a motortade whlch broadcasted her 6ling,(Penera v. Comelec, GR 1{o. 181613, u Sptember 2fiBl

    Thc rltht to cqual access to opportunftles for publh servhe does not bestow a rtht toscck en clccthp officc rlor clcvetc thc p.Mletc to thc hval of .n enforc..bh ,lght. Th.prhdcgc mey bc flmltcd by lrw es h the pro6crldbo on nubancc candldat$ undcr thcOmnlbus Elrctbn Codc. (Pematoq v. Comehc, 127 SRA 96)


    The Constltutlon prcscrlbcs the quslmcatlons (1,e, age, dtizenship, residcncy, voterreglstr.tlon aid llteracyl for the follorrlng pcsftlons: Prasldnt, Vke-Pr$ident, Scn.to6ard Reprcsrnt tlvs (oistrh and P.ny-Ust) whlle statutcs set the quallllcatbns of localofffclals.


    Thc tcm "6ldcD;!t

    b to bc undeistood not ln lts cornmon .ccptation asrdsrrlng r idrc lE: or 'h.blt tbn' but nthcr to 'domklh' or hgal


  • 2.

    resldence, that ls, the place where a party actually or constructlvely has hisprmanent home, wher hr/ shq no matter whenr may he/ sh be found at anyghren tlme, eventually lntcnds to retum and remaln. (Japson v. Comelec, G.R.tlo. lgrcE8, 19 J.nuary 2O(x))

    A domlcfie of orltln 'ls .cqulEd by crrry peBon .t bkth. Mcanwhlle, lf on.ubhes to suce$fully cffec r cfuryc of domlcth, hc/ shc must drmonstratr anactual remonl or en actual dranga of domhlle, a bonafide lntentlon ofabandoning the former place of rcsldence and establishlng a new one, anddefinite acts which corespond wlth the purpos. Wfthout clear and posftiveproof of the ooncurEnce of these three rcqulremlnts, the domlcile of oriSincontlnues. (l-lmbona v. Comeleg G.R. t'lo. 186006, 16 October 20G))

    A leas! contnct antrrcd lnto . llttb orcr a year before the day of ehctions doesnot .dcqu.rch support . drargc of domlclh. (Domlno u Comehc, G.R. No,13'm1t SJuly t99lr)

    A Fllipftro citlzcn's lmmEr.tbn to . forlBn counry constltutB .n abandonmentof domldlc .nd r6Hmcc ln thc Philpplms, Thc .cqulsltion of a pcrmanentresldcncy status ls a renuncbtion of Philipplne rcsidency status. (Gayo v.VerceLs, G.R. No. 150477, 28 Februery 20OS)

    Rcthtcrd Votcr

    A pcrson who worked ln a dlffrr.nt town but .sldes ln anotlcr and is aregktcrcd votrr end oryns property in the latter (Papaudayan v. crrnelec, G.R.ilo. 1479(8, 16 April 2002r, .nd r person who liwd ln a house that hel sheboutht for more than 25 y!.r5 and b. rcglstercd vDtr of that phce for morethan a year (Torayno v. Comehc, G.R ilo. 137329, 9 Autust 20d)) meet theresldcncy requlremem.

    Rcglstntbn rs a votcr ln enothcr phcc ls not suffichnt to oonsHrr . pcrson toherc ebrndoncd hld her rcsldcne. (Pcrcz v. Comchc, G.R. No. 133944, 28octobcr 19!R)


    For n tbdal elcctlw posltlons, thc cardHatr must be a natunFborn cftizen. Forlocalclecttire posltlons, the candurtc mry be naturallzed cidzen.


    Natur.l-bom cltlzcns ofthe Phlllpplnes who hav lost thclr Phlllpplnc dtlzenshlpby rcrrcn of thclr natunlhatloo .s cftlzrns of a forc[n'courtry c.n scekchcthc offtcc proddcd thcy rc{cqoh! Ptfipphc citlzcnshlp bry t }.ilf, $e oathof rflcalancc to thc Rcpublk grcscrlbcd undcr thc Otlrenshlp Rctcntbn .nd Rc-rcqubldon Art of a)01 end mekc e pssonel rnd sworn rctrund.tloo d.ny and.[ forutn c:lttsGnshlp bfor. .ny pubtc officcr auttorlzcd to .dmh&r .n oth.



  • 4. t gltlmaaytcgftknacl or llhgitknacy has no rclevance to ehctlrc public office. Fecson v.Comehc,424 SCRA 2Zl

    5. (Xhcr RcqulrrmcntsThe requirement und.r th! Comprehensive Darerous Drugs Act of 2fl)2 (i.e,

    . undergolng and passing . drut test) ls unconstltutlonal slnce lt partakes of anadditional rqulrcment not allowed under the Constltution for senators.(Pimentelv. Comclec, G.R. llo. 161658, 3 November 2tltl8|

    6. Dlrquellficetlon. 1. Omnlbus Ehctbn Codr

    a. Grourtds

    l. Any person declared by competnt authority lnsane orlncompctent

    il. Any prson sentenccd by fnalrudtment for any ofthe followlngoffanses:

    1. lnsunctlon, or rcbclllon2. Offcnse for whkh he w's sentenced to pcnalty of morc

    dran 18 months

    . 3. Olme inwbirE mof.l tu0ltldr (Sec. 12, OmnlbusElcctlon Codcl

    lll. A pcnn nsrt rrrHlnt b o. lmmlir.m to focBn country rrnlcshc w.hr$ sodr st tus (Scc. 6E, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codcl

    b. Removall. lns.nlty or lncompetcncc - dd.r.tlon of removel of

    dlsqu.lmcatbn by competent authority

    n. Colr!,hbn

    1) Plcmry perdon2l .&ilmsty


  • . 3l tapse of 5 yearc after servlce of sentenca {Scc. 12,Omnlbus Electbn Code)

    2. local Govcrnment Codcr. Ihosr srntencld by finel f$mcnt for rn offcnsc lrfloMng moral

    turpitude or an offensc punlshablc by imprlsonment for .t hast oneyear, withln 2 yearc after seryke ofsntencr.

    b. Those removed ftom office asa resuh of an admlnlstratlye case.c. Those condaed by flnal ludgment for vlolating hls oath of alle8iance to

    the Republlc.

    d. - Thosc wlth dual cltlzenshlp.Fugltiyls from Justkc ln crimhal or non-polltkal cases.

    Fugltlves ftom justhe include not only those who f,ce efter conyiction toarcld punlshment but also thos. who, after belnt charyed, ffc to avoid

    . pnosecutlon, (Marquer v. Commission on Elctions, 243 SCRA 538)

    f. Permanent resHents ln forc[n country or thosc who harc the rlght torcslde ebroad and continue to .v.al of lt, (Gasl v. Court of Appals, 191scRA 229)

    t. The lnsane or fecbh-mlnded. (Sec. rc, Local Goremment Code)3. RevlsedAdmlnistrativeCod-MunhipalOfftce

    a, Ecclesiastks (Pamil v. Tchron. 35 SCRA 4131

    b. Pcrsons rccrMnt complns.tbn from provlnclrl or munldpel fuirds' G 'Contr.cto6 for publlc worfs of thc munlclprllty. (Scc. 2175, Rcvbed

    Admlntrtrativc Codr)

    H. Outy to rcc.hr. ertlf,c.t 3 of cendHecV]t ls the minlsterhl duty of thr Commlsslon on Ehctlons and lts offfccrs to recelye acertiftcatc of c.ndHecy. (Scc. 75; Omnlbus Ehctbn Code)

    ' l. Dl{urllficr0oo of C.dHrtG!


  • 1. Distlnction between Oisqualification and Cancellatlon of Certlficate ofCendldacy.

    a. A petitlon for cancellation of a certiftcate of cendldacy is not based onlect of quallficetlon but on false rcprusrntatlon, wtlch may rchtc tolack of qurliffcrtion, iuci as resHcncc. A pctltion for dlsqualltrc.tionr.flrs to mrnmlsslon of prohlbltcd .cts .nd posscsslon of pcrmanentrcs'tdent status ln a foreEn country.

    b. A candldate whose certificate of candidacy was c.ncelled is not treatedas a candid.te. A candidate who is dlsqualiffed cannot contlnue as acandidate.

    c, A candidate whose certiftcate of candidacy yas cancelhd could besubstlUt d. A candH.te $'ho ls dlsqualllled can be substftuted.

    .d. A petition to c.nccl . c.rtific.te of candldecy frled may be llled not laterthen 25 days fiom thc fillq of the ccrtlftcatc of crndid.cy. A ptition fordisqualifhatlor of r nuisancc candH.te shouH be fihd wfthln 5 daysftom the hst day for .ftling certmcatc of canduacy. {Fcrmin vs.

    ' Commlsslon on Electbns, G.R. ttlo: 179695, December 1& 20081

    2. Groundsa. Violation of Omnlbus Electlon Code

    i. Glving money or other matarlal considefilon to lnfluencerotcrs or publh offtcials performing chctor.l functlons.

    li. CommiftlrE acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy (Dangkav. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 323 SCRA 887)

    iil. Sp.ndlrE h hb rhctlon campel8n ln rxc!5s of the amoumallowcd tV thc Codc

    h, Solhltine; rcccMlg or meklirg rny prohlbltcd cont.ibutlonv. Viohtion of Sect'ron 80, 83, 85, 86 and 261, paragraphs d, e, k, v,

    and cc, subpangraph 6 (Sec. 6E, Omnlbus Electlon Code)

    b. l{ulsance c.ndldatc (Scc. 69, Omnlbus Electlon CodelA nuls.nce onaiartc b dafincd as onc who, bascd on thc ancndantdrcumstancls, har no boo. ffdc Int ntlon to run for thr officc for whhhthc ocrtiftc.tc of crndldecy has bcen ffled, hls/hcr solc purposc bclngthc rcduc{on of thc votcs of a stront crndidatc, uDoo ttc cxpcctatlon

  • that the ballots wlth only thc surname of such candldate wlll bcconsldered strayed and not counted for either of them. (Martlnez lll v.HREr, C.R, No. 189034 12 January 2010)

    A pctltlon io dlsqu.llfy . c.ndldatG ior councllor for fallurc to lndlcate tnhb ccrtlffcrtc of cendidecy thc p(tclnct numbcr lnd the bar.t.y.s aEtlrtcrad rcter c.nnot bc consHcrcd . petluofl to dlsquallfy hlm forbclng a nulsance crndldate, slnce hls certlllcate was not fthd to makemockery of the election or to coofuse the voters. (Jurilla v, Commlsslonon Elections, 232 SCRA 758)

    c. Frlslty of material reprEsentation ln certmcate of candldacy {Sec. 78,Omnlbus Election Code)

    The misreprcscntatbn must bc m.tlri.l,.delibcr.t .nd wlllful. (tccsonv. ComcLc,424 SCRA 22)A candHetc who whih hr was st . mlnor, ruglster.d hlm/hcrsclf as avder .nd m&I.prls8mcd th.t h w.s al.rady of legal agc ls not gulltyof misreprcsentatlon lf hr runs for a positlon possessing the neccssaryage qualmcatlon. (Mundcr v. COMETEC G.R. trlo. 19t1076, 19 October2011)

    When a candldat k actualv qualified even lf the entrles ln theccrtlffcate of Endldacy es fflhd up ry the candldate wlll sh6w that he/

    ' she ls not, there as no material mbrprBentatlon. (Romualdz-Marcos' v. Commisslon on Electlons, 248 SCRA :nO)

    When a candidate, supported by a prepondennce of cvidcnce, bellevedthrt hr/ she was qualifrcd and thcrc was no intentlon to decefvc theehctontc .s to one's quallftcatlons for public ofhe, there is normterLl mlsGprcscntatbn. ffccsoo v. Comrhc, /124 SCRA 2771

    Th. f.lslty of thc sbtcrncot h thr c.rtlfcrte of candidrcy of aondklrta that hc wrs r rrgbtcrcd votcr b I ground for lts canc.lhtlon.(B.utbta v. Comml$bn on Elettbos, 41tf SCRA 29ll). Velasco v.Commlsslon on Elections, G.R. llo. 18q)51, Oec.mbrr 24,2@81

    fhc use by a married woman of the sumamc of her husband ln herclrtmc.te of candldacy when thch marrlage ls bfnmous does notconstltutc falslty of . m.terLl rlprcsentatbn, slnce shc had no


    lnt ntlon to dccelvr the ' publk .s to hcr ldeffiW. (Salccdo v.Commlsslon on Elcctbo$ 312 SCRA 4471

    Thi usc by a candlditc of thc nernc hc wes .uthortscd to usc whcn hlspctkbfi for chrrgc of namc ri.r lr.ntcd docs not constftute

  • mlsrepresentatlon. (Jr6tlmbaste v. Commisslon on Electlons, G.R. No.179413, t{ovember 20, 2m8}

    Falsely rtatlng ln r c.rtifiote of candldacy that a candld*c ls r certificdpublh .ccountant b not matcrial, bccausc profcsslon ls not aqu.llfic.tlon for electhc offfce. (tluz v. Commbslofi on Ehctlons, 523SCRA

    't56)3. Procedure

    lf the ground ls that the candidate is a nulsance candidate, any registeredcardldate for the same office can fih the petition. (Sec 5 (i) Republk Act No.56451 lf the ground is that . material reprcsentation ln the certificate ofcandidacy is false, or that the candldate is disqualifid or committed any actwhich ls a ground for dlsqualiftotion, any ctdzcn of voting egc or reglstercdpolltlc.l prrty m.y f,lc thc pctltlon. (S.c. 1, Rule 23 and Scc. 1, Ruh 25, ComclecRules of.Procedure)

    a. Thc ptltlon sh.ll bc fihd wlthln 5 days from tfte last day for fillngcertmcates of.candldacV. [secs. 5 (a] and 7, Republk Act No. 65tl6l

    i. The fact that no docket fee was lnltlally pald is not fatal. (Sungav. Commlssion on Elections, 215 SCRA 75)

    ii. A pctition filed rfter thc ebctlon ls ltled out of time. (toong v.Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 216 SCRA 760)

    iii. since filing by hcsimile tramhission is not sanctloned and afacsimile copy ls not ah orBinal phading, a petitbn fordlsqualiftcatbn should be deemcd filcd upon ftling of theorlgln.l petition. (GarvHa v. S.ht 271SCRA 764)

    iv. whrrc a dbqualaM candltatc was ilphccd on thc dry beforethc clectbo, . prtldon to dlsquallfy thc rcpbcrm.nt fihd onchcion day shonH bc cntGrt lncd, es h ras lmpo3slbh to frhthe pctftlon cadhr. (Abclle v. lrrrazabal, 1&) SGRA 5(D)

    v. The @mmlssbo on Ehctlons may motu ptwb reftise to givedue course or cancel a certlficate of candidacy, (sec. 69,

    . Omnlbus Elcctloo Code)

    b. Thc procecdlrU shell bc summary. tscc. 5 (d) .nd 7, RGpublk Act No.6,6{6; NoLsco v. commbslon ofi Elcctloos, 279 scRA 762)


  • 4.

    c, The Commisslon on ghctions can ddde a disquallflcatlon case dlrectlywithout referlnt h to lts legal ofrccrs of ln\restigatlon. (Nolasco v.Commlssion on Elections, 275 SCRA 762)

    d. Ttrc dcc&bn shall be ffnal and cr.oltor rftcr 5 days from recclpt unhssn yed by thc Suprume Court. lsccs.5 (c) end 7, Republk Act No. 66t51

    e. Since Scction 1 (a), Rule 13 of th Comelec Rules of Procedure prohlbiBthe filing of a motion for reconsideration, the remedy of the loslng partyis to file a petition for certiorarl ln the Supreme Court. (Bautista v.Crmmission on Electlons, 414 SCf,A 29!r).

    Aspects of a Dlsquallftcation Case

    Thr elector.l aspect of . dbqualificatlon c.s! dctelmines whethcr the o,ffcndershouH be dlsquallficd. from belng . c.ndHrt!, or fiom holdlq officc.Proccedlngs are summary in charactcr and rlquirc only char prcpoodcrance ofcvucncc. An crirE candidate may be dbqualificd cvln wfthout prlordltcrmln tbn of prob.bh 6usr ln r prrlimln.ry anvEstltatlon. ThG electoralaspect may prooeed lndcpendently of the crimlnal espec! end vice-versa. (lanotv. Comelec, G.R. No. 19858, 16 Norembcr 2(x)61

    The criminal aspect of a dlsqualfication cese determlnes whether there is .

    probabh cause to charge a candldate for .n Ghctlon offense. The prosecutor isthe C.omelec, tfirough its t w Dcpartment, whhh determlns whether probablecause exlsts. lf thcre Is probable ceusc, the Comehc, through its L.wDpartment, fihs the criminal lnformatlon before the proper court, Procedingsbefore the proper court demand a fulF.blown hrarlnt and rcquke proof blondreasonable doubt to convlct. A criminal convictlon shall resuft an thedlsquallficatirn of the offender, whlch may cvcn lncludc disqualiffcatlon fromhoHlng a futurc publlc office. The two aspecB acoount for the varhncc of theruhc on dbpocltion and rcsolutlon ofdbqurliflcetion cas.s ftlcd bcioru or rftcran :hctlon. When thc dlsqu.lifrc.tlon cesc b flcd bcforc thc chctlon+ thcqrrcstlon of dbqu.ftftcetbn ls nbcd tcloc Oc votl]t pubfic lf thc c.ndld.tc asdlsquallfied frcr tlrc clcctlon, dro6c who rrotd for hlm .ssumc thc rbl thatthclr vot6 nr.y bc d.dsrcd stray or lov.lld. Thc5c two .rpccts Gan prooldslmuhaneously. (Lanot v. Comehc, G.R, l{o, 16t1858, 16 ]{or.mbr 2@6)

    Efrects of dlsquallftcatlon c.se

    a. Votes cast for a candldate declarcd by ffnal judgmcnt to bc dkquallftedshall not bc counted,

    b. lf. c.ndk.tG is not dcchred by frn l irdgnr.nt bc6oE.n clcc{o{r to bcdlsqurftftcd, thc casc shall conthuc end hls proclamatlon may besuspended lf the cvklencc of gufit b ttroot. 6.c. 6, Rrpublk Act No.


  • c.

    66461. The Commisslon on Electlons cannot sugpnd the proclamatlonof a candidate simply because of the'srlousness of the alleSation of thepetftlon. (Codllla v. D. Venecia, 393 SCRA 639). The Commlsslon onEhctions should not dismiss the cas slmply because the respondenthas bcen proclalmcd. (SunB. v. Crmmlsslon on Elcctlons, 288 SCRA 76,lonzanldr v. Commlsslon on Electlom, 311 SCnA 602; and Coqullla v.Commlsslon on Elcctlons, !!85 SCRA 6O7; lanot v. Commlsslon onElectlons, 507 SCRA 114). Ihis does not appty f thc petltion fordisqualification was ftled after the election. (Eagatsing v. Commission onEhctions, 32O SCRA 817; Albafia v. Commission on Ebctlons, 435 SCRA98). Slnce the suspcnslon of the proclamatlon is merclypermlsslve, theproclamatlon of a candidate with a pending dlsqualification c.se is valid,lf the Commission on Elections dld not Suspend his proclamation.(Gre8o v. commission on Electlont 274 SCRA 481; Phnas v. Commissionon Electlons, tl84 SCRA 329; [.not v. Commlsslon on Ekions, 5O7 SCRA114)

    Whcrc ttp yotes cast for a nulsance endHate whosc dlsqu.lmcatlonhad not yct bccomc final on elcctbn day wcre t llH scparately, thyshould be coumed ln farror of th pctitbner. (Bautlsta v. Crmmlsslor onEhctions, 298 SCRA 48O)

    Since disqualificatlon cennot cxtend beyond the term to which thedlsquallfied candldate was clected, he cannot be disquallffed lf he wasr+chced. (TrinHad v. Commlssion on Elections, 315 SCIA 175)


    J. Subctltrtlon

    tf after the last day for filing certificates, a candidate dies, *lthdnws or isdisqualifted, hc may be substltuted by a person blongiry to his party not laterthan mld{ay of ehction day. (Sec. 77, Omnlbus Electlon CodelSubstltutlm of c.ndidates should bc rllowcd cvpn for benngry cbctbns, .s lt lsmt ptohlbltcd by hw. (Rullode v. C.ommlsslon on Elcctlons, 395 SCRA 535)

    Evtn lf thc wltfidrrwal ,., not ,rrd., o.th, the ccrtlficate of thc srbstftutecrnnot bc rnnulhd aftGr the chctlon. lvtlhnucva v, Crmmisslon on thctlons,11O SCRA 3521.

    Th nomln.tlon of . substitute cendidate who won cannot be rnnullcd on theground that ft hc*cd the signaturE of one of the authorlzed s[n urcs. (Slnaca v.Mula, 315 SCRA 2661

    tubsdtutbn b not .llosed lf drc @rtlfic.t! of th c.ndHat! to bG subtftutrdwrs canolllcd, bcceuse hc was running for thc fourth @nsaclrtirl term.(Mlrinda v. aban, 3l1 SCRA 617; Org v. Ahgrc, 479 SCRA 473f


  • 6. Substltution ls .lso nd allowed whn the odglnal candldate was dlsqualifted onthc tround of matcrlal misrcpresentatlon. (Fcrmln v. Comelec, c.R. No. 17969118 December..2008l

    ' 7, Howcvrr, r crndlhc who commits an cl.ctbn offlnsc and ls dlsgualified undeiS.ctlon 6t of thr Omnlbus Ehction Code, c.n b. substltut d, (Fermln v. Comelec,G.R. ilo. 179695, 18 Deccmber 2m8)

    8. An independent candidate who roined the party ofa disquallfied candidate maybe nomlnatcd as his substitute even if he jolned the party only after thedisquallfication. (Slnaca v. Mula, 315 SCRA 256).

    rv. cAripAtct{ Ailo ELEcnoil PnoP G toA

    A. onrln tbnofc.dld.t.1. Pr$Hcnt, vkc pGsklent, .nd sn tors

    - not Gadhr than 165 days before

    election day

    2. Congressmen, prwlndal, cfty or municipal ofricials -

    not earlier than 75 daysbcforu clection d.y. (Sc. 6, Republk Act No. 71661

    B. C.lnp.En DGdqd1. Prcsldert, vlce president, and senators

    - 90 days beforc clectlon day

    The Commlsslon on Ehctions can order the removal of billboards using thename or lmage of some to .dvertise a product lf he hter on ran for publk offfceto prlt Ent pr"m.turi! campeEnlrlt (Chavez v. Commlsslon arn Electlons, 437SCRA t019,

    2. Coqrlssmcn, provtdrl dty.nd munHp.l fficiab:45 days bcfiorc chctlon.

    day, (Scc.s, Rcpnblk Act t{o.7105}.

    c. Drfrnltbn of Grmprln

    1. The term'Ghctlon campaltn' or 'partlsan polttlcal actlvM under Section 79bof the Omnlbus Ehctlon Code refe6 to an act designed to promote the electionor dcfe.t of . pardcuhr candu.te or c.ndidatcs to r publk offfce whkh shalllncludc: (11 formlng ors.nlzatbm, assochtlons, clubs, commlttecs or othcrtroups of pcrons for thc purgocc of sollcidrg rotcs end/or undrt klry trry

    mcctltr3r, ralfict par.das, or odpr slmlbr rsccmbecs, for thc purpocc ofsofictftrt rrot6 and/ or md.rt kln! .ny c.mp.En or pmp.gand. for or a8rlmt a


  • candidate; (3) maklng speeches, announcemenG or comment riet or holdinglnErvlews for or agalnst the elcction of rny candldate for publk office; (4)

    . publishlng or dlstrlbutlng campaEn lfterrture or materials deslgned to supportor opposc the ehctlon of any candldate; or (51 dir.ctly or lddirctly solicltingvotcs, dcdgcs or support for or et lnst . candHate.

    2, ot Gvrry act of bcncficcncc from a candHatc may bc consldcred'crmpafnlng.' Thc term 'cempafnlnS: $ould not b made to epply to any andeyery act which may lnfluencr a peBon to vote for a candidate, for that wouldstrtchlry too far the manlnt of the term. Examinlng the deflnitlon andenumentlon of rlection campaBn and partisan polhlcal actMty found lnComelec Resolutlon ltio. 353O the Comelec ls convlnced that onv those actswhich aru primadly desBned to soliclt votes will be covered by the deftnitionand Gnumeratlon. The distrlbutlon of sports hems in line wlth thc lports andcducatlon protram of thc provlncr doGs not oonsthutc ehction campalgnlng

    . 3lnc. wtr.t b prchlbftcd ls thc rchesc of publh funds within th 4Hay p;dodbcfore chctlon. (Pangket Dgum v. Comchc, 376 SCRA 971

    ELctloo PrlDxtrd.

    1. lewfirl Prppagendaa. Electlon pmpaganda on tclevlsbn, cabh telcvlslon, radios, newspaperc

    or.ny othr mcdium ls ellowed. (Scc. 3, Republk Act No. 9()06)

    i. Wittcn or prlnted metcrbls not excecdlng 6 X inches by 14lnchcs..(Sec. 3.1, Republk Act No.90(,6)

    li. Handwritten or prlntcd htteB urBlnt voters to vote for ora8rlnst a party of candidatc (Sec. 3.2, Rcpubllc Act ilo. :xP6)

    lli. Postcrs not cxcrcdkrg 2 fcct by 3 fGGt, but strc.m.rs notcxcccdir 3 H by E fca mey bc dbphyld .t th. sftc of a nlly .5 days bciol! tt nly end should bc rtmorcd s'lthln 24 hourseftcrt'hc nlly. (Scc 33, n publlc Act ilo. 9m6)

    h. Pak advErtbements ln pdnt or bro.dc.st medla (Scc. 3.4,Republic Act No. !Xn6l

    v. All other forms of prope&nda not prohlbited by.thc OmnlbusEhctlon Codc or the Fah Ehctlon Act (Sec. 3.5, Republk Act l{o.9(x)61

    yl. Usc of g.dgcB and btbords erc now :lbwcd consHcrlry thcGxprcss rcpc.l of Sccdoo 65 of the Omnlbus Elcctloo Codc bythc Falr Elcctlon Act prohlbltlng thc usc of usc of bllbords and


  • 2.

    audlo-ylsual units, tln-plate postlrs, balloons, pens, lighteq.

    fans, hats, w.llets, t-shlrts, dgarcttcs, ctc..


    a. Any ehctlon propgrndt shall lndic.tc thc nrmc end .ddrcss of thecandHatc of Frty for rho5. bcncft lt ues prlnt d or rlrcd. (Scc. 4.1,Republic Act No. 9006t

    b. lf the broadcast is giiren free of chaEe, ft should andkat h waspriviOea free of charge and state the name and address of thebroadcast entity. (Sec 4.2, Republlc Act i{o. 9005)

    c. Donated adrcrtlsemenB shall not be broadcasted or exhlbltld wlthoutthc writtcn .oolpt nc. of th. candkl.te or p.rty to whom ft was.donatcd. {Scc.4.3, Rrpublh Act l{o. :XD6)

    EquelAcccss to Medh

    a. Reguhtion of volume

    i. Print adrcrtisements shall not exceed X page in broadsheet and,l pagc an tabloHs

    .thrice a week for publhation. (Sec. 6.1,Republh Act No, 90(r)

    ii. Each c.ndldatc or perty ior national offioa shal! ba Gntithd tonot mor then 120 mlnutes of televlslon advlrtlsement and lEOradio mlnutes of radio advcrtlscmpnt. (Scc. 6.e R.public Act,to.9006)

    iii. E ci c.nduatc or p.rty for local office sh.ll bG Gntftled to notmor! than 60 mlnutB o, t lcvlsbn .dylrtlscm.nt and 90mlnut.s of ,.db .dErtbcmcnt (S.c 5.2 (b), Rcpublic Act t{o.9(n61.

    Actlon by thc Commlsslon on EhClons

    i. Tlre Commlss'ron on Ehctions shall procure prirt space uponpayrnent of just compensatior from at last 3 natlonalnewspape6 to bc allocated frcc of drargc cqurlly among allcandHate for n tlon.l offtce on 3 dlffl'rnt days. (Scc. 7.1,Republlc Act No. 9@51.

    ll. Thc @mmbslon on lccdons shrfl procrrc frlc rlrdmc ftom ath.st 3 n tlonal Ela,libn nctworb and 3 natlonal radlosn tlon.ls to bc rlloc.t d ft,.. of draGt cqu.lly .motr3 .ll




  • 1.

    candldates for natlonal offfcc on 3 differem days. (Sec. 7.2,Republk Act t{o. 9006}

    iii. The Cornmission on Ehctions may requlre natbn l tehvislon'

    end ndio n.tu,orts to sponror .t hrst 3 dcb.tes amonSpresHartlal candHrtcs rnd .t h.st onc d.b.tc rmor6 vlcc

    ' prusidcntLl crndHetes.nd at h.st onc dcbat: .mong vlccpresldential cendld.t$. (Scc. 7.3, Republlc Act t{o. 9O06)

    c. Right to Reply

    Atl parties and candidatrs harc the ridt to reply to char8es publishedagalnst them. The reply shall be glven the same promlnence and shallbe prlnted ln the sam page or sectlon and ln the same tlme sht as thefirst st tcm.nt, (Scc. 1Q Rcpublic Acr ilo. 90ffi).

    d. SuplMsaon bv thc commissbn on ElectlonsTh! Commissioo on Ekions sh.ll sopcMsc th usc of the pess, radloand televlslon facllltles to ensurc cgual opportunfties to candftrates.(Sc. 6.4 Republic Act No, 9(x)61.

    e. Restrlctlons on Medla

    i. The rhedullng of r prognm to manihstly favor or oppose acsndld.te or party shall not bc allowrd, .rld . sponsor shall notbe permitted to maniflstly favor opposc a candldet or party byunduly rcferrlng to or lnc,ludhg the canduate or party ln theprotraln. (Scc. 5.4 Republlc Act t{o. 9(x)6)

    ii. Any media practitioner who ls a candadate or a c.mpeign. r,oluntcrr or is ,rt lmd by .ny p.rty of candH.tc must llsign or

    t kc . h.tt of .bscncc (Scc. 5.6 Republk Act xo 9m5)lil. Motbn pkturcs

    1) ilo motlon pkture portraylng the lfc of. c.ndldateshall bc publlcly cxhlblted durint thr campafn pcrlod.(Sec. 6.2 Republic Act No. 9006).

    2l l{o motlon pkturc portrayed by an actor or mcdlap.non llty rrlro b r c.ndld.te shrll be publlcly

    . Gxhlbltcd durlllt thc crmpaf,n pcrlod (Sec.6E RcpubllcAct No.906l.

    Postlc of c.mpaBn M.tcrials


  • a. The Commbslon on Ehctlons may authorlzc parths to erect commonposter ar.as ln not more than 10 publlc places.

    b. lndlpcndant c.rdldatca mey bc euthorlzcd to calct oommon postcrarcas ln not mor than 10 publlc placas.

    c. Onduatrs may post propaganda in private phccs wlth tha cons.nt ofthc owncr and in public places to be allocated egultabv among thecandid.tes. (Sec. 9, Republlc Act No. 9fl)6).

    5. Trutha. All membeB,of medie shall scrupulously rEport and antrrprut the nrws,

    taklng c.rc not to suppGsr c'scnti.l ficts nor to dbtoG the trutft byombsion or lmpropar emphasls.

    b. All mcmbers of media shall rccognlzc th duty to aktlmc othcr side andto coflrct iubst ntlv! crno.s promptly. (Sec. 6.5, Rcpubllc Act No, 90ffi)

    E. Elctbr|s Sur!r"y3Durlng thc clcctlon pcrlod. any person who publishes . surwy must lnclude thefollowlng:

    i". ThG namr of thr pcrson who commlssion it;2.b. The n.mc of th. pcrcon or flrm who conducted h;3.c. Thc perlod duriq whkh the suwey was conducted, the mcthodology used, and.

    thc qucstions.skcd.

    4.d. Ttrc mrsln of enor5.a. flt. qucsdon h whkh thc meCh of crror b tr!.!rr th.n thrt of th. survey6.f.


    fh! rddrcss and tclcphone numbcr of the sponsor. (Scc. 5.2, Rcpublk Act l{o.90(,5)

    F. E dt Polb.1.a. fun,.ys rh.[ not bG cooductcd uithln g] metcrs from thc polling phccs.2.b, poistcrs CtlI lnfiorm th. t otcl: dr.t thcy may rcfusc to inswcr.


  • 3.c. The rcsuft may be announced efter the dosing ofthe polls on elecdon day andmust Hcntlfy the number of respondents.nd the phces where they weretaken. Thc announoement must state that ft is unofnclal and does not rcprcsent. trcnd. (S.c. 5.5, Rcpublic Act No. qxr6l.


    1. An applicatbn for a pcrmlt for r nlly shall not bc denled cxcept on the ground .that a prlor written application for tic same purpose has been .pprovcd. Adenial ls appealable to the provincial ehction supervlsor or Commlssion onElectlons. (Sec. 87, Omnlbus Election Codel

    2. lt is unlawful to glve or ac.ept transportation, food, drinks or thin$ of rluewfthln 5 hours bcfore .nd aftrr a public nlly, brore electlon day and onchctlon day, (Scc 89, omnlbus Ehctlon Codc)

    Prohlbltcd Donadoor

    It ls prohlbltcd for any candiratc, hls spousc, rclatiw wlthin second dcgrce ofconsangulnlty or rffinity, a rcprcscntati\c to make ani contrlbution for any structure forpubllc usc or for usc of any rell8louq or cMc or8enhatlon, axcept the normal rl'rgiousdues and p.ymants for scholarshlps cstabllshed and school contributlons habhuallymad. Mor. thc campatsn perlod. (Scc. 104, Omnibus Elcction Code)

    Prohlbltcd Coilrhldoff

    No politlc.l contrlhnbn shall be mado by th. followinS:

    1. Publlc or prirrate financlal lnstltutlons2. Publh uu3iths .nd those who cxpblt natural rcsouroes.

    Thuc, rrhr'r .n op.r.tor of r publk udllty dBubcd . contributbn to ac.ndSatc for loEmor r r ben, thc prfirassory notc ls rcH. (Halill v. Crurt ofADcc.b,E3SCn 633l

    3. Pcrsons who hoH contEcts or sub-contr.cts to supply thr go,Emrmnt wlthgoods or scrvkcs

    4. Persons tr.nted .fr.nchlsc, inc.ntlves, rxcmptbns or Cmllar privlleges by thegovlrnment

    5. P.llons lnntld brns h cxccss of P25,0m by th torcmment or any of lts$bdhrlsbns or hrtrumcnt trltbs

    6. Schoob whkft rcccH Irrnts of puHh funds of .t L.st Plqr,oq)



  • 7. Employccs ln thc CMI Scrvlc. or membcrs of the Armcd Forces8. Forclgncrs. (Sec. 9g Omnl6us Ehctbn Codef9. Corpontlons (SGc. 36(9), CorDor.tlon Cod!)With rcgard io chctoral coflHbutlons, thcse rrc cxcmpt ftom p.yrn.nt of glft tax underRepublk Act No. 7166; provlded the same arr reported to the Comelec. However,cont.ibutlons made prlor to the .fklvlty of such law ane not exempt. (Abello v.Commissloner of lntem.l Revnue, G.R, No. 120721, 23 February 20051

    J. tlmldon on arDcllt61. C.ndHatas

    .. PrrCdcnt and vke presldcnt -

    P1O pcr votcr

    b. Othcr c.ndldatcs -

    P3 pcr voter ln hb consthucncy

    c lndGpcndent C.andidatc/ c.ndldate wlthout politlcal party -

    P5 peryoter

    2. Polftkal Pafty -

    PS plr voter ln thc constituency where it has candidates. (Sec.11 Rcpubllc Act No. 7165)

    f,. Strtsnalrt of oootrbutlom end crpcndltuEe1. Flling

    a. Evuy candHatc and tra.sucr of politlcal party shell ffh wlthln !x) daysaftcr chdbn dey . st trrnrrt of contlbutlons ind cxpcndlturus.

    . b. t{o pr.rsolr clcctcrt shdl rssumc fficc untll hc rnd hb poll{crl paty hrdfilcd thc rcqukcd statcntcnts"

    2, Pcn hicsa. Flrst offense

    - admlnlstrative ftne ftom P1,fiX, to P3O,0O0

    b. Subsqucnt offensl. Ad,nlnEtr.tlvu inc ftom Plllmli. Pcrpctu.l dlsqulfiatlon to hold publlc offior. (Scc. 14

    Rcpublk Act lto 716,5) '

  • 3. Effect of withdraw'lA candldatc who wfthdrew hls ertlficate of crndidacy must stlll fih a st.tementof contrlhrtloos ard Gxpendftut6, for thc hw makes no dlstlnctlon' (Pller v.Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 245 SCRA 759)


    Deflnltlon and Featurts

    Registr.tion rcfers to the act of accomplishlng and fillng of a swom application forrcglst6tlon by a quallfied voter before th electlon offic.r of the ctty or munldpalltywhcrcln hc rcsides and lncludlq thc semc in tftc book of registered vote.s uponapproral by thc Ehcdon Retistntlon Board. (Sec !!a, R.publk Act No. 8f89)

    Each wtcr is asslgncd . 'yotc/s ldctttlftc.tk n numbe/ (Vlil) anU 'lssued a 'rotct'sldcntlffcatlon card'. (S.cs. 26 end 25, Republic Act tlo. t1E9) Eadr pGdnct shall harc nomorc than 2oo yoters and shall comprise cootiguous and compact tenitorics cxoept

    .when predncts atc clustcrcd. (sc. 6, Republh Act ilo. 81E91

    The permanent list of yotcrs per prednct shall b computcrlzed. (sec. 41 Republk ActNo. s1s9) Whlh descrlbed as 'pcrmanent ' the list of vuters ls subiect to change {i.e.,addltlons and deletions) ln ca36 wher. nfl l,oters Eglster (Scc. E, Republh Act t{o.81E9), votcrs ch.ngc tlrck addresscs ln thc same (Sec. 13, Republic Act No' 81E9) or to.nothcr ctty or munftdpallty (Sec. 12, Republlc Act ilo. 6189), regBtratlon ls dracth6tedi.e., yoter later disquallfied after bling rcglstcrcd (Sec. 27, Republlc Act No. 81891 andreactlvated i,e., causc o, deacti\ratlon llfted or removcd (Sec. 2& Republh Act No.81t9), rcgBtr.tion b c.nccfled 1.c,, wftcn yotcr dies (Sec. 29, Republk Act ,{o' E1E9),rrote/s nam. ls lncludcd or cxcludd by ,udhLl .ctbn, ,.e., dcclslons on petltlom forlnclu3lon .nd Gxclushn rclpccthrcly (Se6. 34 .nd 35, n publh Act ilo. E189) and theBook of Votcrs b rnnullcd by thc @MELfC (SGc. 39, Rlpnb[c Act.ilo. 81E9].

    A r,ot /s n mG b pleed h deectvrtr flst whcn hc/ *tc b dlequallffcd to votc, f.ncd tovot! ln two pttcdirr clccdors, los hk/ hcr filldno clttscnshh and hls/ hcr Tcglstfilonls cxcludcd by thc court.

    Und.r thc svstem of cofilnulng rcglstntlon of rrot rs, applkation for reglstration ofvoters shall bc conducted daily ln the offlcc of the Ehctbn Officer durlnS rcgular offfcehou6 (Sc. 8, R.publh Act I{o. 8189} and rll rpplkatlonr for rcSlstratlon sh.ll be hcrrdand processcd on r quartcrly beCs (Scc. 17, Rcpubllc Act No. E1891 by thc ElcctlooRrtlstr.tbn Bo.rd.

    ilo rltistr.tion shall bc oondrrtcd durtq thc pcdod tt rthl3 U0 daYi bcforc a rcguhr.lcctlon alld 9O drys bcforc a spcchl dcctlon. (Scc t, R.publlc Act ilo. t1E9). ilo

  • B.

    spcclal rglstration can b conducted by the C.omelec withln said priods. (Akbayan-Youth v. Comchc, G.R. No. 14766, 26 M.rch 2001) '


    Ffrpino dtlzen

    At han 18 years old on elcctkrn day

    . Resldent of the Philippines for at least one year immediatev before the election

    Resldent of the city or municlpality where he proposes to vote at least 6 months' lmmedlately before the electlon (sec. 9, Republk Act No. 8189, A re8istered

    yotrr who f,ed to thc Unitcd Statcs aftcr the EDSA revolutbn for fear for hispceon l sehty did not .b.ndoo hls rcsHencc ln thc Phllhplncs rnd hc isGlttlthd to ]ltbtcr !s . yotcr (Romueldcz v. Rcgloorl Trlel CouG 226 SCRA 445)Any pcrsol who t mpor.riv nsHcs ln anothcr phcr bV rcason of hiscmplovmcnt, cduc.tionel .ctivftics, or dltentbn does not lc. hb orlSlnalresHence. (Sc. 9, Republk Act ilo. 8189)

    Not otherwise dlsqualified by hw. (Sec. 9, Republic Acr No. 8189t


    1. Groundsa. sentence by final Judgmcnt to imprlsonment of at least l year


    b. Convktlon by flnal iudtmcnt of any of thc followlng crlmGs:. l. Crimc involvilg disby?hy to thc gorcmmcnt, srct as rebcllion

    or sdltlrn


    . Crlme .g.inst n tlonal sccurlty

    c. lnsanity or lncompetenca declared by competent court

    2. R.moyel of disqualiftc.tlon for conylctlone. PLnrry p.rdon

    b. Ammsty







  • D.

    c. taps of 5 years after servhe of sentencc, (src. u1, Republic Act t{o.8189)

    fiStr.t .nd db.blcd rrot rr

    Thc Ehctbn Offtccr shall phce an lllitcnte pcrson undcr oath, esk hlm thr qucstions,rnd rccord hls :murcri Thc iorm shrll ttn bc aubscrlbed by thc illitet te pe6on.

    The appllcation of a physicalv disabled voter may be prepared by a relative within thefoorth detree of afffnlty or consanguinity, the Electlon Officer, or any member of theaccredlted citizenC arm. (Sec. 14 Republlc Act No. 8189). '

    lncluston end crcftrsbn cases


    e. Munklpal or Metropolltan Trial Court - original and exclusiveJurlsdkilon

    b. Regbnal Trlal Court -

    appellate ,urlsdictlon (5 days) (Sec. 33, RepublicAct No. 81E9)

    c. SuprcElc Court -.ppellate lurlsdktion oryEr Regional Trial Court on

    quqsdons of hw (15 days). [Sec 5 (2) (e), Art. vlll, 1987 Constttutlon;secthn 2, Rule 45 of the Ruhs of court)


    a. lnclusion

    i. P,lnte person whose .pplic.tlrn was dlsapproved by theElcctlon Rcghtntbn Bo.td or uftoce n.me wes strlcken outftont fic llrt of votcrs. (Sec. 31, Rcpublh Act o. 8189). F.llurc.to rqistcr b not r ground for r pctftkm for lndusloo. (Dlawan v.lnophu.r, 358 SCIIA 10)

    li. Commlsslon . on Ehctloos ISc. 2 (6), Art, lx, 1987Constfttrtiont

    Thcr ls a dlstlnctlon bctween a pgtition for lncluslon of yoters ln the llstsnd r pethlon to dcny duc coursc or o.noel a ccrtlllcttr of candldacl asto b$cs, rrllefs and rcmedics lnvohrcd. Votr/s lncluslon/cxclusbnEoo.dln$ c$cntLfly hwhrG tht lssuc d whcthcr r pcrson shall belncfudcd ln or cndudcd friom thc lbt of votcrs bas.d on thequ.mc.ffoni rcquhld bV hw end tht f.ctt proscntcd to showp6.ssion of th6. qu.llfic.tlons: On thc othcr hud, dcrrlal or



  • c.ncellatlon of Certlficatc of Candldacy prccecdin$ lnrolvrs thc lssueof whethcr thcre ls a falsc rlplesernatbn of a matcdal fac. Ihc falserrpnesntatlon must neccssarlly paftaln not to a merc innocuous

    ' mbtakc but to . m:terial ftct or tho6G th.t. rGfcrs to a onduatc'squelificrtbn for clecfirc offioe. (Prnbgul v, COMEI.Eq G.R tlo. 188671,2a Flbru.ry 20101

    b. Exclusloni. Any redster.d voter ln city or munlcipalttyli. Representative of politkal pafty

    . iii. Electlon Officcr (Sec. 39, Republlc Act No. 8189)lv. Commlsslon ori Ghctbns tsec. 2 (5), Art. lX-C, 1987


    3. Pedod for fillng.. lncluslon

    - Any dey exe 105 days beforc rcgular electlon or 75 days


    before a speclal ehctlon. (Scc.:14, Republic Act No.81E9)

    b. Exclusbn -

    Any tlrnc lxor6 l(x, days before a rcgular rbctton or 65.

    days bcforc a spcclal chctlon. (Scc. 31 Rapublk Act l{o.81&}4. Procedur

    a. Pctition for exclusion shall bc aworn. (Sec. 3t Republk Act l{o. 8189)b. E ch petltion shall rufer to onv onc pruclnct. (Sec. 32(c), Republk Act

    t{o. t1t9}c. Thc ELctlon R.gktr.tbn 8o.rd murt b .nClfrd of thc hc.ratB .nd

    m.dr . p.ity to thc c.r.. (Sh*in v. lnophucz, A.M, !fo. MfJ 9S1036,21 May 2001)

    d. t{otlc.1. Partl6 to bc notlftcd

    l. lnclusbo -

    ELcdon Rcglstnttoo Boad (Dhwen v.lnoplquz, 35E SCRA 101

    la. Erdtlsbn


  • el Electlon Redstratlon Boardb) Challenged vote6 (Sec.35(bl, Republic Act No.


    2, ManncrNotkc statftq thc placg day and hour of hcarlnt shall be servedthrouth eny of the follorlng mea ns:

    i. Reglstered mailli. Personaldellverylla. tr.yi(E copy ln possBsbn of person of sufficient

    dbcrttlon in ,lsidcncc

    iv. PodrE ln clty hall or munacap.l hall and two otherconsphrous placcs ln thc city or munhlpality it least 10 .days beforc the hearing ISec.32(b), Rcpublic Act lilo.81E91

    e. Any voter, c.ndidatc or politkal party affeCed may intervene. [Sec. 32(cl, Rcpublh Act ?lo. ElE9l

    f. llon-appcarance b prima facie cvldence the r.tlsterud voter lsfictltlous. (Sec. 32 (0, Republic Act ilo. 8189)

    t. Declslon cennot bG rendered on sdpulation of hcts. [Scc. 32(f), RcpubllcAcr No. 81891

    h. ftG dccblon ca rot b. rrndc'G{ on thc baCs of lntcMw of thcpctftioners for hddon by thc ludgc. (Mercrdo v. DytalEco, :r85 SCRA3271

    l. . Ihc dcchbn doca not conrtltutG rui ,udlc.t . (Oomloo v, Conrmlsslonon Elcctlons, 310 SCnA 5451

    J. l'lo motlor for reconslder.tlon b allowcd. (Scc. 31 Republk Act ilo.8189)

    F. Afirsln.lrt of lH ol rrctcr1. Upoo virittct comptrtrt of .ny roEr, clcctloo offrclr or r.gEtclld poiltkrl

    gE,ftt I notu proprb. tftc Commbsloo on El.(tloffi may a rul a lbt of yotarswftlch wrs not pr:percd h rqirdrne with Rcpublk Act tlo. 8189 or rrhosc

  • 2.




    preparatbn was affected with ft.ud, brlbry, forgcry, lmpersonation,lntimldation, forc. or othrr slmilar inr$larlty or b natktkelly lmprobabh.Ihe COMETCC actlng on a petatlon to.nnul hrs the.uthority to erclude aprudnct ftom.n .hctlon whcrc thcre ere no bulldlngs rnd lnhabltents h saldprudnct and ttert rrc no rtgistcrud uotcrs. {S.rang.ni v. Comelec, 3:X SCRA379)

    tlb list of voters shall be annulled within 60 days before an election. (Sec. 33,Republic Act No. 81891




    Absenter rrotlry reflrc to th! proess by whlch qualMcd cttlzrns of thcPhlllpplncs abroad cxerclsc their rlght to vote. (Sc. 3 (a), Republk Act t{o.9189).


    All cltlzens of the Phlllpplnes abroad who are rrct dlsquallfled by law, at hast 18ycars of rgc on clcctlon day, m.y vot! fur p'lsldrng yhc prsldenl semtorsand party llst repres.ntatirres. (Sec, 4), Republh Act No. 9189.


    a. Those who lost their Flliploo cftizcnship

    b. Ttoec who cxpEssly rcnounc.d thch Philhplm cidzcnshlp and plcdgcdrltcalance to r forEn country.

    c. Ilroec conlvtctea by final lu4rcm of en orffcnsc punx{rebh bylmprbooment of at hast om year, lndddlry those found gury of

    . dbloyalty under Article 137 ofth. Revised Penal Code.

    d, An lmmErant or perm.nent rcsldmt recognlzed as such ln the hostcountry unhss he exccutes an efftdavlt that he wlll rcsum physkslparmancnt rrsHencc ln th! Phmpphcs withh 3 yrars of hls rrglstratbn.

    L fhc .fffd.vtt sh.[ .bo rt tc that he h.s no rpplicd for.dtlzenshlp ln .nother muntry.


  • t.

    ll. Fallure to rtum shall be cause for remoal of hls name fromthe Gglstry of absertee voteE and hls permanent

    ' dlsquallftcetbh to votc ln ebsentla

    ln d.iEnlng , syEtem for orcrels absantce vodng, the 1997Co$tltutlon dhpcrEcd with thc rcqulrem.nt of actual resldencymentionrd ln S.ctloo 1, Arthh V of thc 1987 @nstftutlon. Thc affidavftaequird sery?s rs an expliclt axprcssion of non-abandohment of one,sdomicile of orlgln. (Macallntal v. Comehc, G.R. 1570f3, loJuly 2003)

    e. A cltlzen of the Philipplnes declared lnsane or incompetent bycomptent authority ln the Phlllppines or abroad. (Sec. 5 Repubtlc Act'No. 9189!.

    .tu..l-born cftizens of thc Phllipplnes who hayr lost thelr Phlllpplne cltlzenshipby rcrson of thclr natunllzetlon as cltlzans of r fonlgn oountry c.n vote inPhallppln. cLctlons provldcd they rc-acquirc Phlllppln. citlrenshlp. Ttey musttakc thc oaih of rl@lrncc to thr Republlc prescdbed under the CitizenshipRetcntloo .nd Re-.cquisltlon Act of 2003 [Sccs. 3 and 5 (111.

    Failur to rcoouncr forllgn cttlzenshlp ln accordance with the rxacttenor of Sectloa 5(2) of R-A, 9225 renders a dual clUren lneligible to runfor, and thus hold, any clctive public office. (sobelana-Condon v.COMELEC, G.R. No. 19E742, 10 Autust 20121

    thc rclcqulsftior of Phltipplnc cftiz.nshlg has no automatic lmp.ct orcffect on hls/her csidencc/domhile. Afte. his/her rcnunciatlon ofhls/her Amerkrn cltizenshlp,. his/her hngth of resldence ln themunklpallty shall ba determined from the time s/he made it his/herdomHh of chohc and shell not netroaG to the tlme of hls/her birth.(Sorlano u OOMEIEC, G.R. t'lo. 201936, 3 July 2012)

    Thcrc ls no prontioo h thc Ctttscnshlp Rct ntloo .rd Rcrcqubftkm Actd Nll du.l dtts nshh hw rraguldry 'duals' or durl dtlzens to.ctu.lly altrblblr rcJdcne .nd physkally qy h drc Phlllpplncs flrstbaforc tllcy can c,(Grdx thcl. rtlrt to wt . On thc contr.ry s.ld Act, lnlmplldt adrnowhdSmcnt th.t 'dualf ar! most [kcly non-resErnts,f.!ts urder lts Sectlon 5(1) the s.m. rlght of sufhage as that grantdrn .blCntc! voter under Overseas Absentec Votlng Act of 2003.(illcolasilewls v. Crmchc, G.R. t{o. 162759, 4 AuSust 2006l


    1, iquksncftts


  • 2.

    a. ValH Phlllpphe passport or certlfic.tion by the Department of torelgn.

    Affalrs that the appllcant submltted documcnts for lssuance of apassport or ls a holder of r valld passport but cannot product ft for avalH reason.

    b. Accomplish.d rqbtndon form.c. Afffdrvit dcdrrlng intentlon to r.sumc physkal permanent rresucnce

    wfthin 3 years in the case of immignnts. (Sec. 8)


    Reglstratlon shall be done ln person.

    Qurllf,ed F plno cltlz.ns may apply for Gglstratlon wlth thc lcctlonrlg&tr.tbn bo.rd of thc clty or mtmldp.llty wlrE th.y wcru doorldlcdpdor to thelr dGparture, or thc .eprrs.nt thrc of the C.ommlssbn onElcdonr h tha Phlllpplncs, or witfi en cmbessy, consuLte or any dhcrforclgo scrvto! cn bllshment.

    The reglsffibn form shall be tnnsmlttcd wlthin 5 days to theCommission on Ehctions, whlch shall coordinate with the chcfionofftccr of thc clty or munlclpality of thc Gsldence of thc applham. (Sec.61, R.publlc Act No. 9189.

    The clcctlon officcr shall sct the appfic.tbn br hcarlng.

    l. Node of the hcarlng shell bc posted ln cfi or munidpal hall at' hast one week before

    A cofy of thG appllcatlon shell bc ftrrnlshed tha rlprcsent tlvEsof po$tkel p.rths or chcr eccrcdltcd groups, (SGc 6.1,Regoblh Act llo. 91891

    f no obJcctbn b fflcd, $. clc.doo o,trc.r sh.ll ndfy the.pelc.m to tft. Ghctbn ngbtntbo board for dcctlon. (Scc.5.a Rlpublh Act t{o, 9139)

    lf rn oblectbn ls filed, the electlon officer shall nottfy theapplk nt and enclosc tha documrnts ln support of theobtctbn. Thc appllc.nt sh.ll h.w fic rlght to ffh hls courter-eftdavlt. (Scc. 6.3., Rcpublk Act |rlo. 9189)

    lf tfu epgllnkm wrs rpproncd, .lry mcllrH pady mey flc epctHon for cxcluslon not htrr thrn 21O deys bcfon clccilond.y xldr th! lnurbr cout.





  • c.

    1. The petitlon shall be dedded wlthln 15 days after itsfilinS on thc basis ofthe documents.

    2. Should thc court fall to dedde on tlmr, thc ruliu of the.hctbn qbtr.tbn board shat bc dccmcd rffirmcd.(Scc. 6.4 Republic Ac t{o. 91891

    vi. lf th application was disapproved, the .pplh.nt or hisrcpresentative may wlthln 5 days ftom recelpt of notice of

    ' dlsapproval file a pctftion for lncluslon wltft the lnferlor court,which shall decide within 5 days after the fillng. (Sec. 5.7,Republlc Act No. 9189)

    vii. A cadlfrc.te of ruglstrrtbn she[ bc l$ucd by th. Commlsslonon Elcctbns b .tl .pplk nts whos. .ppllcrtbns wcrrapprored. (Sec 5, Rcpublic Act ilo. 9189)


    Every qurllfied Flllpino citizen abroad prcviously reglsEred as a wtcr may filewfth an embassy, consulate or other foreBn srvice establishment anapplic.tlon to vote ln absntla. (Scc. 11.1, Republic Act lto. 91E9)

    The appllcation may be ffled persomlly or by mall. (Scc. 11.2)

    Thc applh.tlon shall be transmittld to the Commlsslon on Electlona (Sec 11.1,Republk Act No. 91891

    a. The Commlssion on Elctions shall act on the appllcatlon not hter than 15Odays befiore ehction day.

    b, ln case of db.pproval of thc .ppllc.tion, th. rrotar or hb authorlzedtlprsant th,. mry filc . ntoddr for rcoonsbcratlon pctldlrl, or byrc6btcrcd mrll wl$ln 10 days ftonr rrclpt of nde.

    c, Thc dcdslon of the Commlssbn on Ehctlons b ftnal. (Sec. 12, Republlc ActNo. 1989)

    D. cAsnilGoFB lloTs

    The overscrs votcr shall cast hb bdlot wlthln !D dtys bcfore clcctlon dry or 80drys tcforc .hctlon d.V kr th. carc of scafcrss, (Sec. 16.3, Rcpnblc Act ilo.91E91



  • The voter should present an absentee yoter Hentlftcitlon card. (Sec. 16.3,Republlc Act No. 91&)1,

    The voter must fill out hb ballot personalfi, ln secret, and in the embassy,onsulatc, or ioG[n srrvlcc cst.bllshment (Src 16.1, Rpubllc Act tto. 9189)Thc b.llot shall bc pLced lnsHc r spcchl cnvrlope. Otherwisc, it wlll not b.counted. {Sec. 16.6, Republlc Act No. 91891

    For z(xx, voting by mail shall be authorked in not mor than 3 countrles.Thereafter, votlng by mall ln any country shall bc .llowed only upon approval ofthe Jolnt Congressional Oversight Commlttee. (Sec. 17.1, Reiubllc Act No.918s).

    E. OOUrnNGOrEfltOrS1, Only b.llots c.st, and melled baltots rrcehr.d by cmbessics, oonsutates and

    othcr forcBn crt bli$mcots b.forc thc dosiq of voting on clcctlon day shallbe counted. (Scc 16.7 and S.c. 1E.3, Rcpublk Act ilo. 9189)

    2. fhe countlnt shall bc conducted on sftc and sh.ll b tynchrcnlzed wfth the startof countlng ln the Phllipplncs. (Scc 18.1, Republk Act t{o. 9189)

    3. sprclal Boar of Ehction lnspcctors shall be composed of a chairman and twomembcrs.

    a. Thc ambassador, consul gcncrat or career publh officer desEnated by theCommlsslon on Elcctlons shall be thc chalrman.

    b. ln the absenc. of gorernmcnt officers, two Filipino cltazens qualiffed to voteundrr thls Act shtll bc drputErd es mmbc.s. (Scc 1E.3, Rcpubllc Act ttlo.91891

    1. lnmcdhdy .ftGr th. coufitE; thc Spcd.l Bo.rds of Ehctbn lnspcdo.s sh.lltn4s[rlt by frcslmllc or clGctrooh m.ll tlt rrtult to thc Cormlss]ixr onEhctlons md thc rccruditcd maJor polldcrl parths.

    F. CATIVAIISII{G1. A SpGchl Eoard of Crnvasscrs compoaed of a hwyer pIianbly of tht

    commbslon on Ehctlons as chelrman, . rcnlor oareer ofncrr from anygdrmment atrncy m.lnt lnlng . pct rbroed rnd, h thc rbscncc of rnodrcrgorrnmcnt officcr, r cldzcn of thc Phlllpplncs quallfiGd to t ot undcr thb Act,shall bc cofftltutad to canyr$ ttc Glcctlon rlturff.






  • 2. Ihc Spcchl Board of Canvassers shall tr.nsmlt by facslmlle, chctronlc mall or.ny othr sefo and reliabh means of transmlsslon the ccrtiflcatc of canvass andthe statements of votes to the Commisslon on Elections and the majoraccrldltcd partles.

    3. Thc ccrtlficatcs of canvass .nd th! tt tements of votrs shall be the primaryb.3ls io. the national canvass. (Scc 18.d Rcpubllc Act No. 9189)

    a. The returns prepared by the Special Board of Canvasser shall bedeemed a ce ificate of canyass of a city or a province. (Sec. 18.5,R.publh Act No. 9189)

    b. The canvass of votes shall not delay the proclamatlon of the wlnningcandidate ifthe outcome of the election wlll not be affected by lt.

    c Thc winnlng c.ndu.trs drrll be procLlmed drspltc the f.ct that thesdcduled chctlon h.s not bkcn placc ln r prnkrhr country becauseof clrqrmstanccs bcvond the ontrol of the Cofirmlssbn on Ehctlons.(S.c" l8.t Rcpublic Act No. 9189)


    A. The board of chctbn inspectorc shall be composed of a chalrman and two memberc, allof whom are publk schoolteachers

    B. lf thre arc not Gnough public school teadrcrs, tcachers ln prfiatc schools, cmplnyees inthe cMl s.ryice, or other cltlzens of known problty and oompetence may be eppolnted.(Sec. 13, Republk Act No. 5646)



    Offidrl ratdcrs

    Euery rcgistcrcd p.rty or .-itlon of partlrs and acry candldatc iscntitled to one watcher pt prcclnct and canvassing counter.

    Candldates for the local lgblaturc belonglng to the same party arecntltlcd colbcthrely to one wrtdrel

    Sb( prlnclp.l watchers from 6 rccrditcd maJor pollthal pertlcs shall beEcotnlu.d. (Scc. 26 Rcpub$c Act 1{o. 7166}




    2. OdrcrWacten


  • The accredfted citizeny ams ls entltled to a wetcher ln every preclnct.

    Other clvlc organlzation mey be authorized to appolnt onc watcher in everyprecinct. (Scc. 180, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codc)

    8. lmpod.nt rldrB of tr.tdE r

    All watche6

    a. To stay lnside the precinct

    b. To lnform themselves of tte proceedingsc To file a protest atainst any lrregularfty

    d. To obtrln . cdrtlfc.tc of thc numbcr of wtrs cast for c.ch cendldatr.(Scc. 179, Omnhus Ehctlon Code)

    2. Gtizcn's armTo bc ghnn a copy of th. rhctbn return to bc used for the conduct of anunofftcialcount..(sec 1, Republh Act t{o. 8045)

    cAsTl]tG of vorEs

    A. IhG draam.n of the board of ehctbn lnspcctors shouH sfn cactr ballot at the bac*.(Sc. 24, Rcpublh Act No. 7166). Thc omlsslon of such slgn ture does not affect therr.lulty of thc ballot. (Libanan v. House of Rlpresentetlves Ehctoral Trlbunal, 283 SCRA520; Punzahn v. Commission on Ebctiom, 289 SCRA 7o2; Pacds v. Pagalilauan, 337SCRA 538; Malab.gulo v. Commlsslon on Ebctlons, :!15 SCRA 69!t; De Guzmah v. Sison,355 SCRA 691

    8. A rotar who wa3 drdhcd on thc gotrnd th.t hc h.s bcrn p.H for hb vote or madc abct od OE nsult of thc cheJon wil bc rlbuld to vffc lf hc t bs .n o.th Or.t hc dldnot corunit thc rlqEd ln orc ch.ncrtc. (s.c. 200, onnlbus Electbn codc)

    ' C. An illltcrat! or physkelly dkrbhd votcr may be essbtcd by r rclattw by efftnity orcons.Eulntty withln th. fourth degrc or any person of hls conffdcncc who bclongF tothe same household or arry mcmbcr of thc board of Glectlon lnsgcqtors. (Sec. 196,Omnibus Elcctlon Code, De Guzman v. Commlssion on Elctlons, 425 SCnA 698,


    D. lt b untrurful to usc cl.bon prpcr, prnffin prper or dur mcrm br an llnt . copy ofthc contrnts of tln bellot or to rrc r!ry mc.rc to Ecfify thc b.lh. (SGc. 195, OmnhusCLcdon Codcl. A bafla prupercd undcr sudr drcunttancE $o{U not bc countcd.

    ' (Guthmr v. Aqul0o, G.R. t{o. L-14252, Febru.ry 28, 1959)


  • F.

    Ab.nt . Vottf1. MembeB of the board of ehcton lnspectors and thelr substltutes may vote ln

    .the prccinct wher they .re .ssigned. (SGG. 169, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codr)

    2. AbsGmGc votlng for Prcsldcnq vka Pcsldant rnd scnators ls rlowcd formembers of thc Armcd Forccr of thc Phlllpplncs, Phlllpplne t{rtlonel Polkr andother tovEmmrnt cmployees rsslgncd an conncctlon whh the performance ofeleaion duties to places where they are not rGgistcred. (sec, 12, Republic ActNo. 71651

    Postponement of Ebcllon

    When for any serious cause such as vlolence, loss of election panphcmalia, forcematsurc, and othcr enalogous causcs chcdons cannot bc hcld, the Comndsslon onElcctbn shrll ,tptu Nwb or upon pctftbt bry lny lntrfcstcd paily pocponc thccbctlon not Ltcr th.n !D drys aftcr ttc crss.tbo of thc caus of thc postponemcnt.(Scc 5, Omnlbss Elcction Codc)

    .1. An chctbn officcr cannot postpone an ehction. (Basher v. commission .on

    Ehcdons, 3:n SCRA 735) Under Rcgrblk Act No. 7166, only thc COMEIEC e,,bonc can postponc an elcction.

    2. Thr transflr of the location of the pGclnct .nd the replacement of the publicsdrcol teacrEr by mlllt ry personnel es mcmber of -thG board of inspectorsmrde by rn chcdon officcr wfthout notkc end hearlng ere lllegcl. (Cawasa v.C.ommEdon on Ehctlons, 383 SCRA 787)

    F.tfur! of Elec on . '

    lf on rccount of forcc mrlcurc, vblcnce, ftaud or othcr analogous causeclccffon ln .ny prcdnct wss qot hcH or wrs suspcrdcd, or f duriE thcFrpar.tlon .td tr.nsmlssion of the clrctbfi rltrrrn3 or lo thc q!*ody orcrnnss of $c clcctlon rrtum3, thc Glc.doo rcsults ln feltur: of cledoo, ad tlpchdon wlll afu thr outcorm of thc chcdon, on pctltlon of any lntcnrtcdp.rty, thc Conrmlsslon oo Ehctbn shrll hoH spcdal clcctlon no hcr th.n 3(,days .ftcr thc cessatlon of thc cause, (Scc 6, Omnlbus Electbn Code). For thedcchntlon of r fallure of ehctbn, the lllct llty must affect morc thrn 5(,r ofthe votes c.st .nd thc good votcs must bc dtstlngulshablc from the bad ones.(Grlos v, Aryclcs, 346 SCRA 5711

    Fallurc of Ehctbn cannot b. dcdarcd h . Erchlct bcctusa of susparsbn d theelccdon lf Z2O of thc 316 rltlffi rrd..r rc]! .bh to.Et!. (8Gbor v.Conrmbslon on ELctloos, all SCn 630l




  • 5.







    Wher rrotlng resumd after armcd men ftred shots near rn llectlon prcc{nct,thcre ls no fallure of electbn. (Benlto v. Commlsslon on Electlons, !149 SCRA7os)

    Wh.ru dudry thc counting of thc ballos, rmed mcn rcphccd the ballots andcocrced thc alecdon aospccto.! to prcp.rc spu.bu3 Gtums, thcr! b fallurc ofchctlon. (Sandrez v. Commbslon on Ehctlons, 114 SCRA 4tt,

    A speclal clcction should be held if the ballot box in a preclnct was burned,(Hassan v, Commlsslon on Electlons, 254 SCRA 125)

    The destructlon of the copies of the electlon retumir lntended for the board ofcanvasseas ls not a ground for the dechration of a fallure of electlon as othercoples of the rturns can be uscd. (Sardea v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 225 SCRA3741

    The fact that lcss than 25f of thr rcglstcrcd votc6 votcd docs not constlhrtcfelluru of clcctlon, Cnc. wtln6 took place. (Mftmug v. Commissbn 6n Elcctlons,230SCRA s4)

    l,rck of notke of thc datc and tlmc of thr csnv.ss, fnud, vlolcnce, terrorlsm,and analogous causes, such as disenfranchlscment of roters, presencc of flylngvote6, and lack of qualiftcation of thc mcmbrs of thc boad of lnspcctors arenot grounds for a dechratlon of fallure of ehctlon but for .n rhctlon protest.(Boria v, crrnmlsslon on ELctlons, 260 SCnA 604; Tan v. Gommbslon onEhctlons, tl17 SCRA 532)

    Thc fact thit .rmed men sfned ard fflhd up the ballots beforc electlon day, the.lection rctums were fflhd up before chction day, votes crcdlted to e candldatrexceeded tha numbr of reglstered rcter, and that the blly sheas werc fillcdup bcforc thc couotlng of b.lhs b not a tround to decLrc a fallure of ehcbn.(Mutlbn % Commbsloo on Elcctbos, 520 SCRA 152,Thcr: b r felluru of chcthr t thc phcc of countlng wes tnnsfan:d wlthomnode to thc w.tchcrs and tfu crrlvlsshg wis rnadr wfthout ttclf prcscnt.(Soliyr v. Commlsslon on Elcctbns, 357 SCRA 3351

    The fact that the names of sonrc rcglstcred rcters werc omt$cd ftoln the llst ofr,oters, str.rBen' voted for some of the rrglstcrad votc6, a candHatr wascrcdltcd wlth less votes. than he recclved, the control data of som! chctloflrctums wcrc not filhd up, thc ballot boxes wcrc browht to thc munhlpal hrllwlthout fadlock ard scrls, .!rd th.t thcru wes . delay ln th! d.[v.ry of thechctbn rctums .r! not lrouods fur th! dcd.ratloo of fallura of cLctloo.(Cankosr v. Cornmlssbn o fuloos, 2t2 SCRA 512; M.cab.tp v. Commbsboon Elcctionr 392 SCRA 17El




  • L2.


    f r,otllu actually took place, the use of a fake ballots is not e tround to declare afailure of chclons. (Galo v. Commisslon on Elcctbns, 487 SCRA 549)

    The fact that thc supporters of a candHate filhd up rcme of the ballots and thatsornc rnembcrs ofthc board of lnspectors ftlled to slgn somc ballots at thc bac*and to rcmove thelr dctactablc coupons b not a $ound for thc dcclantlon of afallurc d clcctbn. (P.s.nd.lan v. Crmmassbn on Elctlons, 3E4 SCRA 6951

    The fact that the ballots were fillcd up by thc relatives and appolnteB of acandidate ls not a ground to declare a feilure of elections, as lt should be nisedln an ehctlon contest. (Tan vs. Commisslon on Ehctions, 507 SCRA 3521

    The fact that seyeral clection returns werc prepared by one pcrson ls not aground for the dechratlon of a fallure of chction. Fypoco v .@mml$lon onElectlons, 319 SCRA 498)

    The rcsort to manual coundng of the balhts b.cause of thc brcrkdown of theautomatcd m.drlncs do.s not constitutc. feilurc of chction. (tmry v.Commission on Ehctlons, :n5 SCRA 832)

    vote buylng and dlscrepancies ln the electlon retums are not grounds for fallureof electlon. lBanaga v. Commlssion on Elections, 336 SCRA 701).

    An election cannot be annulled bccausc of thc illgal transier of a prcclnct lessthan 45 day6 befo. the ehctlon lf the vot6 ofthosr who werE not abh to votewlll not !fter the lsutL (Ealindong v. Commissbn on Ehctlon, 25i0 SCRA ilgtl)

    There is no rcghment ry period for filirg r pctftion for annulment of an elctlonlf therc has as yet been no proclamation. (Loong v. Commlsslon on Elections,257 SCRA 1'

    IhG GOMETEC may dccHc r pc,tltlon to dcd.c . fallul of .klon .n 60& atthc first lnstanc!, slnca lt ls not a pe,pochmatbo Gai! or an ahctlon protrst.(8orre % Commbslon on Ehctlons, 260 SCRA 6(xlln patltlons to dclarc e fallurc of lhctlon on thc ground of fnud, thec,omml$lon on Ehctbns may conduct a tcchnbal examlnataon of clcctiondocuments and compare and analyre thr slgn turus and fingerprints of th.evotcrs. (loong v, Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 257 SCIA 1)

    A spcdal ehctlon ls not valid lf nothc of lts d.te and of the transfer of thepracincts *a3 tfuen hss thrn a day beforc, Cnc! thc votrrs werc deprfued of thcopportunlty to votc. (Hassrn v. C.ommlsslon on Elcctbns, 26f SCRA 1il5)

    Thc fact $.t SE spcchl elcctlon wrs sdrcdulcd moru th.n thlrty day3 .ftr theolss.tion of thc causc of the hllurc of thc clcctlon docs not affect lts valuity.







  • H.

    (Pargandam.n v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 319 SCRA 283). The prlod ls merelydlr.ctory. (sambaranl v. Commlsslon on Elections, 428 SCRA 3191

    24. Tfte fact that the candHatc who was pfirdalmed has astrmed offlce does notdcprivc the Commlsslon on Chctlons of lts .uthorlty to dcclat a fallurc ofclcctlon, slncc thc prochma0on was tlhgal: (Ampetuan v, Commlssibn onEhctlons, 375 SCRA 5031

    spclal Electlon

    ln case of a permanent vacancy in Congress at least one year' before theexplratlon of the term, the Commlsslon on Elections shall hold a spccialclectionnot arlier than 60 days or later than 90 days after the occunence of thel.ac.ncy.

    A v.c.nc1 ln ttrc Sgnate wlll bc filhd up .t thc next rrguhr clcctlon. (Scc. 4,Republlc Ast ilo. 7165,.

    The fact that tfre Commlsslon on Elections did not nottfy the people that aspeclal electlon for senator would be held, that the candidates for senatoB didnot specify *'hether thly were runnlng ln thc regular or spclal electlrns, andthat thc voterJ lnformatlon shect did not splclfy the canduetes for the speclalchctlon does not affect the valldity of the speclal electlon. (Tohntlno v.Crtmmission on Ehctlons, tt20 SCRA 438)


    x. couttnilG oFuorEs




    The board of electlon lnspectors shall rcad the ballots publhh and shall notpostpone thc untll lt ls comphtcd. (Scc. 206, Omnlbus Election Codcl

    Thc bo.rd of chctlon lnspcctors drell rssumc such posftbns es to prwHc thcr.td,cri .nd th! pub0c unlmpcdcd vlcw of th! baflot b.lrl! rued, (Scc. 25,R.publlc Act iloi 71661

    lf on account of vlohncc or Cmllar causes ft becomes necessary to tnnsfer thecountlnS of the votcs to a safer phcc, thc board of ehctlon lnspectots m.ycfiect the transfer by unanlmous approval of the board and concurrcncc of amajorlty of the watchers pr$ent. (Scc. 18, Rcpublic Act No. 6t645)

    Whcrc r oommotlon rcsuftcd ln suspcntbn of the corrntllf,; thc board ofclcctlon lnspcctors mey rcount thc brHt. (Deyrg v. Alonzo, il14 SCRA 2021


  • B.

    5. Where the usc of automated machlnB wlll rcsuft ln an cnoneous countin&. manual countlng may be used. (toong v. Commlssion on Electlons, 3O5 SCRA


    Spcc{el Prcbhrne

    Exccss bellots

    lf there are excess ballots, the poll chrt shall draw out as any balloB equ.l tothe excess without scelng them, and the otcess ballots shall not be counted.(Sec. 207, Omnibus Election Code)

    Spolled ballots

    a. Eallots ln the oompartment for spolhd ballots are presumed to bspollcd ballots"

    b. lf thc board of elcctbn lnspcctor finds th.t a valid ballot wasemincouslry deposited in thc comp.rtrcnt for spoiled balhts, it *rall be

    . counted. (Sec 209, Omnlbus Electlon Code)

    Ma*ed ballots

    a. Ma*ed ballots shall not be counted. (Scc" 208, Omnlbus Eklon Cod,

    b. A ballot ls considered marked loeny of the followlng cass3l. The wter slryed th ballot. (Fcrrcr v. De Alban, 101 Phtl. 1018fil. The name of . c.ndHate w.s written more than twice. (salalima

    v. Sabatrr, c.& No. t -

    !1E29 May 28, 1959; tGtigbak v.Mcrdozr, 19 SCRA 543; E.utbtr v. C.stro, 206 SCRA 305)

    |ff. Tftc yotrr wrotc dlc nrmcs od rcFlnown puUk figurer *lroarr not candHatcs sudl as actors, .ctrtssai, and natlonalpolltkrl fturcs" (Prct do v. DG !ron, 9 SCRA 474 P.ngort o ys.Atun n,5 SCRA 853)

    lv. Thc ballot contalns lrrcl*.nt GxprlsCons. (Bautlsta y. Castro,206 SCnA 3O5). Howevrr, the use of nkknames and appellptbnsof affectbn .nd frlendshlp, lf rcconrganhd by thc namc of thcc.rdld.t , do not .nnul thc b.td cxept whcn lt b usd toldcndfy thc rotcr. (SGG. 21f (81, Omnhus Elcctlon Codc; Or]lg v.Commhrbfl on Elcctbns, 317 SCRA 6Eil.




  • c.

    v. Ballots wlth thc words 'Jokef, 'lhs', 'Qggen' and 'lGmatlCwrlttcn on them arc martcd. (Vllhsncla v. Commlsslon onElectlonr 513 SCAA 5561.

    vl. Thc namc of . c.ndH.tc w.s wrltten ln bluc lnb s'ilh the rcstof the n mcs wr,! wrlttcn ln black ln. (Dojlllb u Commlsslon onEhctlons, 496 SCRA 48tll

    . vii. Placlng an enclrded '15' and an enrlched '16' after the namesof a candidate constltutes marking the ballo,t. (Perman v.

    . Commission on Ehctiont 515 SCRA 519).

    c. fhe us of two or niore kinds of wrftlng dos not lnyalldate the ballotunless lt cleady appeaB thrt lt was dellberately m.de to Hentlfy thevDt r. (Scc 2l,l 1221, Omnlbus EhCbn Code: Ong u Commbdon onElcctlons, :ll[7 SCRA 681; DoIlb v. Commlssbn on Ehctions, 496 SCRA,184)

    d. A b.llot wlth 'x' marls, llncs and slmihr m.rts should not bconsldcred marked ln th abslncr of any showing of an lntention tomarl the ballot. (DG Guzman y. Slson, 355 SCRA 69; Dolillo v,C.ommlsslon on Ehctlons, i096 SCRA tl84)

    e. EvHencc allunde-ls not necBsary to pmw a ballot is marted. (Bocobo v.Crmmlsslon on Ehctlons, 191 SCRA 5761

    f. A ballot ln which i stlckcr was stuck by another person to lnvatldate ftshould not bc lclccted. (lcrhs v. House of ReprcaentatiyEs ElectoralTribunal, 202 SCRA EO8,

    Ruhc of eppruchtbn of brlhts

    1. A ballot h whlch thc frrst namc or gunnmc of . c.ndHate b wrlttrn shouH becoun&{ hr htm, tf dreru b no othcr crndHetc wlth thc s.mr nama. (t!d.3 v.Holsc of Rcpreccnt th,r Elcctor.l Tdbsn l, 202 SCRA t(}B; tbIfio v. Commbslonon Elcctlons, 496 SnA 484)

    2. f only thr ffrst name of. c.ndldate b written and ft sounds llke the surname ofanothcr c.ndldate, the rrote shall bc countrd ln favor ofthe htter.

    3. lf th!rc arc two or more Gandldats wlth thc s.mc nemc .nd one of thc them islncumbcnt, tha votr shall bc oountcd h trvor of thc lncumbcnt

    4. Wtrcrr tuo or morc wo.ds aI! unltt n on dlfictrnt llncs whkh.rc thc $m.nrcsof tuo or mor! c.ndH.t6 wlth thc s.m. surn.mc for an oficc for whldr thc


  • 5.



    law authodzes the clectlon of more than om, the yote shall bc counted ln favorof all candldates wfth the samr sumame.

    Whcn thc word wrltten ls thc flrst neme of onc candHate and the surname ofanothcr candidatc, thr votG shall bc countcd for tllc httcr.

    tf thc ballot cont lns thc frst namr of onc candHata .nd thc sumam. ofanother candldate, the vote shall not be counted for either.

    An incorectly writtcn name which sounds llke the corrcctly wittan name of acandidate shall be counted ln his faror. (Bautlsta v. Castro, 206 SCRA 6t06;Cantoria v. Commlsslon on Elections, 444 SCRA 5!t8; Dojlllo v. Commission onElections, 496 SCRA 484)

    lf the word wrltt n is thG ldcntlc.l nlmc of two or mort candHatcs for thcs.ma ofno! nonc of s,hom b lncumbcnt, thc rrde shrll br cdmtad h favor oftlrc cendHatc who belorys to the seme tlcket .s all the othr candldates votedfor ln thc brllot for thc same coostitrcmy.

    The cnoncous lnftial of thr flrst namc accompanied by thc corract sumame of acandldate or the crronous lnitlal of the surname accompanled by tltc correctfirst name of a candidate shall not annul the \rote in hls favor.

    A ballot in whkh the corrrct first name but w.ong surname of a candidate lswrltten or th contct surnamc but wfoog first namr of a candldatc b written,shall not bc counted ln hls favor.

    wherc a c.ndidatc namcd Pcdro Alfonso dlcd on th cve of thc chctlon and hisdarghtrr lrma Alfonso substltuted hlm, ballots in whhh the name Pedro Alfonsowas wdttan cannot be countcd ln her favor. (Alfonso v. Comthlssion onEhctlonr, 232 SCRA 7771

    tf two o( mor! oandldatc6 wcr! voted for ln rn officc for whkh thc hwruthorLcs thc clcttbn of ooly onc, ttc yotc shfi not bc countcd h favor d rnyof thcm. (Dollllo v, Csrmbrbr ofl Elcctbtts, tl96 SCnA {8allf the crndid.tcs votad 6or excced the numbcr of those to bc electcd, the votesfor thc candklates whose names wcre ffrstty wrlttcn equrl to thc iumber ofcandldates to ba ehctrd shall be counted.

    Eyen lf thc namc of r candldate.was wrlttln on thc *ront spso!, lt should b!@untcd lf the lntantiofl to rrotc for hlm crn br dctcrmlncd, rs wllcn thcrc ls a@melcta llst of n mcs of cendHrtcs for othcr offfc6 wrltt n bdw hb nrmc orthe uot r wrotc thc ofnc. ior whhh hc was chcdrg thc crndHetc. (Codcm v.Mccrrdoo, 132 sCfA a14; tlrhs v. Hous. of Rcprcscntrdvcs Elccoral Trlbunal,202 SCRA 8(B; Seutlstr v. Ostto, 206 SCRA 3O5, Vchsoo v. @mmlsslon on





  • D.

    Elections, 516 SCRA 947). lf the space for punong bar.nFy w.s lcft blank andth name dthe candldate for punoru barangay was written on the frst llne forbarangay kagawad, it should be counted. However, ft should not be counted lf ltw.s wrltten on th sccond llnc for brraqgay krgawad. (Fetrer v. Gommlsslon onElccdons, 330 SCRA 229; Abad v5. Co, 496 SCRA 505).

    Undcr thc n.Bhboriood ruh, sc.ptcd ftom the ruh that a vut r must wrftethe nrm ofthe candidstc for whom he deslred to vote ln the proper place arcthe followlng: (11 a Seneral misplacement of an entlre series of names intendedto bc voted for the successive offces appearlng ld the ballot; (21 . slngle ordouble mlsplaccment of names wherc thc nam ls preceded or fiollowed by thetltl of the contested office or wher the voter wrote after the name of thecandidate a dlrcctional symbol lndicatlng the correct office for whlch thmlsphced nbme.was lntendcd; (31 a slngh misphccment of a name wrltten (a)offantcr ftmr thc dgBnated s9.ce,