pokemon legacy chap 4

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

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Welcome back to the NEW Pokémon Legacy! Where I try to name all 600 odd Pokémon in order. And of course I

hear that a new generation of Pokémon is in development so the 600 odd number is about to change soonish. We’ll cross that bridge when it comes I suppose.

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~Previously on the NEW Pokemon Legacy~

The quads grew up to be teens and the twin became children. At the twins’ birthday party Pony found Tara

Kody the Grand Witch too close to the legacy and warned the witch away. The altercation was unnoticed by the

family. Ani-Mei was reunited with Reias and they moved out of the simself beach house.

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“Hello? Thai? It’s Hollie, it’s Sari’s birthday today, I was wondering if you wanted to

come over and help me celebrate.”

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“Sari’s birthday, I guess I couldn’t miss that. Let me tell Pony she actually has to cook for herself

tonight.” “Hey I heard that!”

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“You didn’t have to wait outside, Hollie. It’s freezing out here.”

“Sorry, Sari just got to sleep and I thought maybe if you rang the doorbell it would wake

her up.”

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“And I wanted to do this.” “Hmph!”

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Last week had been a long hard run with all the girls being so young. But now that they were older

Cleve found that he actually had a bit of time to get caught up on the skills he needed to get the next

promotion at work.

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It was late, but Ivy and Venu were up in the dining room. Cleve left them alone as long as they kept quiet.

“How soon do you think we’ll get to go to college?” Venu asked. “I wish we could leave tomorrow.” Ivy replied, “But we should try to get some

scholarships first. Bulba and Charrie probably won’t try for any so we’ll be carrying most of the weight.”

“I suppose you’re right, I still want to leave early.” Venu sighed. Ivy shrugged, they would go in time. There was no since in rushing things since they

were going anyways.

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Morning came all too soon Anna thought as she straightened the bed. She hadn’t slept well with Ivy

and Venu talking all night in front of her door. It worried her that they had just become teens and were already talking about leaving for college. Kids grew up

entirely too fast.

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“Where’d you get the new pajamas?” Charrie asked her sister. “Dad got them for me, much better than the boring old black ones.”

“I guess.” Charrie shrugged, “He should’ve got the rest of us new clothes too.” “Well if you had said something about the ones Mom got you he prolly

would’ve.” “At least my butt doesn’t show if I bend over.”

“Mine does not!”

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Soon Cleve’s carpool and the school bus came. The girls rushed out excited for their first days at new


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Well, most of the girls were excited Rizzi hung back hoping her mom wouldn’t notice.

“Charizard Pokemon you get on that bus right now.” her mom scolded.

“But Mom, what if the other kids are mean?” Rizzi called back.

“What if they’re nice?” Anna retorted, “Go or you’ll have to walk.”

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Anna found herself alone at home for the first time since the quads were born. She made some cereal unsure what to do with

her day.

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She ended up at the easel with an idea in her head. It would be so neat if her children would have a

portrait to pass down in the family.

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The quads came home early in the afternoon. Ivy was thrilled her teachers were so awesome compared to her grade school

ones. They assigned less homework too.

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They also brought home some new friends. Opal and Juan were exchange students on from Three Lakes. It

was Bulbasaur’s idea to bring them home and the other girls went along with it. Learning about new cultures

couldn’t hurt.

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Venusaur had gone along with the invite an exchange student home plan, but she didn’t intend to befriend anyone. She had too much to do. Ivy

was right it would be them to carry the load of having enough funds to go to Sim State. She had it all planned out in her notebook to get enough skills

to get the most scholarships.

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After their homework was finished, Bulba and Charrie hung out with their new friends.

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The twins came home shortly at three. “That was awesome!” Mel grinned jumping off the bus, “The bus driver went down all the hills

really fast! It was like we were flying.” “That’s what I do.” The bus driver replied with a


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Mel was first to ask for help with her homework. She asked Momma

because girls are smarter than boys. The other girls at school had said so.

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“Momma will you help me too?” Rizzi asked after Mel ran off to play. “Of course Rizzi.”

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“Rizzi, you have to close your 8s or they look like Ss.” Charrie said looking over her younger sister’s notebook. “See you’ve left them open the whole line.”

“Oops.” Rizzi blushed erasing furiously. “Hun, you wrote your 5s backwards too.” Anna said flipping through Rizzi’s homework.

“Sorry, Mom.” Rizzi blushed hard, “I can’t really see them.” “Why are you wearing glasses in the first place? You can see fine.”

“Thai wears glasses.” “Oh Rizzi.”

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“But you’re not Thai baby. You’re my Charizard.” Anna pulled her youngest into a hug. “Go take the

glasses off so I can see your pretty eyes.” “Alright Momma.”

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“So Rizzi really like Pony’s friend then?” Cleve asked later once the kids were asleep.

“Yes.” Anna sighed, “It’s kind of cute, but I’m a little worried. She was wearing glasses like his.”

“I wouldn’t Anna, you convinced her to take them off.” Cleve patted her leg, “She’ll grow out of it. Wasn’t there someone you looked up to as a kid?”

“I guess so.” Anna relented. Cleve grinned, “So when are you gonna paint a picture of me eh?”

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Unbeknownst to her parents, Venu spent most

of the night studying. Sleep was for wimps, she

would get more scholarships than even


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“You girls are up early.” Cleve yawned sitting down with Ivy.

“No, you’re up late.” Ivy retorted, “You and Mom have fun last night?”

“Have I ever told you about tact young lady?” “I can’t possibly know what you mean.” Ivy gave him

an innocent look, “It’s your move.”

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“I hear you’re leaving for college soon.” The bus driver said as the girls boarded the bus.

“Don’t get your hopes up lava boy.” Charrie just grinned. “Now just drive real fast now, just like I told


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Anna was getting used the quiet time before her carpool showed up. She sat down to do

something she had always wanted to, write a novel. She kept it simple a tale of a young woman who was tricked into adventure by a mischievous


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She wrote until her fingers ached. Then decided to take care of the neglected apple tree in the

front yard. Cleve was supposed to take care of it. Mr. Gold Gardening badge indeed.

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The quads were always bringing someone home from school with them and while Bulba, Charrie, and Ivy were content to hang out. Venu tried her

hand at making dinner.

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“Daddy! Daddy! I got an A plus!” Rizzi jumped up and down excited, Momma was right about her glasses.

Though she still thought they were cool. “That’s awesome Rizzi.” Cleve smiled, and ruffled Rizzi’s

hair. “Now go do your homework so you can keep it.”

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Ivy was after scholarships too, but she didn’t feel the need to exert herself as much as Venu did. Venu was hardly sleeping and sneaking uses of the energizer to

stay awake. Ivy figured if the four of them lived together in college there would be plenty of money for all their needs. But she called Sim State anyways

and roped herself the Logic Grant as well as The Good Grades Grant.

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Anna came home late, but all the lights were still on in the house.

“If Cleve let the girls stay up again I’m gonna kill him.”

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“Anna Pokemon, you have been misled. You must not replace what was lost.” Tara Kody said as Anna walked into

her house. Chills ran down Anna’s spine, “Tara I think you should

leave.” “I was just going, but don’t ignore an old lady’s warning.”

Tara said with a cryptic little smile.

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After tossing and turning for hours Anna gave up on sleeping and worked on her skills for her next promotion. What had Tara been talking about? About the legacy. She didn’t have a clue. She

would have to ask Ani-Mei and Pony.

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After the girls and Cleve left Anna phoned up her friends. Unfortunately Thai and Reias both said that Pony and Ani-mei couldn’t

make. Anna tried really hard not to be disappointed, her friends had stuff to do too.

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And then someone showed up, someone Anna never thought she’d see

again. Andrew..

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“Andrew!?! What are you doing here, you can’t be here!” Anna said angrily. How dare he come back over.

“That’s how you greet someone you haven’t seen in awhile?” Andrew snorted, “Especially how all over me you were last time.” “That was weeks ago Andrew, I’m married now. You have to go.”

“Married? To who?” Andrew pressed.

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“To Cleve, it was in the papers.” Anna ground her teeth, the older girls would be coming home any minute. She did not

want them to meet Andrew. “CLEVE!” Andrew scowled then laughed, “That moron, come

on babe Cleve really?” “At least he returned my phone calls.” Anna snapped back, “Go

away Andrew, you missed your chance.” “No I’m not going anywhere until I see Cleve!” Andrew crossed

his arms and scowled.

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Then the bus pulled up and Anna had to get Andrew out of there and away from her family.

Luckily as the bus pulled to a stop, the color drained from Andrew’s face. “You didn’t say you had kids.” He said in a small voice, the color draining

from his face. “Yes, Andrew, that’s what married people do, have kids.” Anna growled

frustrated, “Will you go now?” “Yeah.” Andrew nodded and bolted.

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“Mom, who was that?” Ivy asked, her eyes wide. Anna had never yelled or even raised her voice in front of her kids.

Anna sighed, Ivy was too smart to be given a half way answer. Andrew was finally out of sight. “An old flame.” Anna admitted, “From before your dad and I got involved. I really liked him, but he didn’t return my feelings. I gave up on him and marrying your dad was the best choice I ever

made.” “I see.” Ivy was silent for a moment, “I’m glad you didn’t marry him, what kind of moron paints

his shirt on.” Anna couldn’t help but laugh.

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Bulba and Charrie took upon themselves to entertain the twins after school.

“Not so hard Charrie!” Rizzi complained as the baseball flew past her.

“Sorry, squirt, I can’t help myself.” Charrie grinned and shrugged. “Mom’s gonna kill you if you can’t help bruising her face.” Bulba called tossing the ball carefully to Mel. She really wasn’t good at

baseball, but it was the only ball they had lying around. “Yeah, yeah.” Charrie stuck her tongue out at Bulba, “You ready for

this one squirt?” “You bet.” Rizzi said bracing herself for another hard ball.

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“Cleve, I’ve been your friend for years. Haven’t I?” Tara said as they watched TV. She came home with Cleve

from work everyday since the girls were little. “Yes.” Cleve nodded absently. “Since before Anna and I

met. You can say whatever you need to Tara.”

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“What I’m getting at,” Tara cleared her throat, “Is have you and Anna decided who your heir is.”

“No, we haven’t put much thought into it. We haven’t even talked with the quads about college.”

“Yes, I know they’re eager to go. But have you thought of letting me tell them about the Sisterhood. I have watched them grow up and they have great potential.”

“No I haven’t.” Cleve replied a little uneasy, his girls becoming witches? Tara Kody was a good witch indeed and his friend. But he couldn’t imagine his little girls being witches.

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“It barely seems like yesterday they were learning how to walk. I don’t think I’m ready for them to grow up.”

Cleve said. “Just think about it Cleve.” Tara Kody said with a sigh. “I tell you what, if any of them are interested, I let you talk to them.” Cleve offered not wanting to upset Tara. “Perfect, young minds are always curious.” Tara smiled “You’re telling me Ivy and Venu are too smart by half.”

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Ivy overheard her father’s conversation with the witch. She wondered what it

would be like being a witch, a lot of work probably. She could live without wearing a

silly hat and waving a magic wand.

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Anna woke up in the middle of the night after every one had gone to bed. Something she had dreamed about woke her up. Something to do with Tara. Unable to get back to

sleep she worked on her book. She would try to call Ani-Mei and Pony again after the kids went to school.

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“Venu? You actually slept last night?” Bulbasaur looked at her sister in pajamas in shock.

“Yep.” Venu waved, “Can’t chat gotta go fix the bathtub.”

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“Dad I’m worried about Venu.” Bulba blurted out. It was rare that she caught her dad alone. “She spends all her time skilling and not making any friends. Do you think she’s pushing herself too

hard? She barely sleeps anymore and just uses the energizer.” “Your mom and I are keeping an eye on her. Sweetie.” Cleve said reassuringly, “Venu’s grades are

fine and she’s staying mentally healthy enough to use the energizer. Venu just really wants to go to college. She’s been wanting to go since your birthdays. To her being a teen is just a temporary

thing.” “Being a teen is fun.” Bulba protested.

“Bulbasaur, everyone of you girls is different, being a teenager is different for Venu than it is for you.” Cleve explained in his more serious voice, “It takes all kind to make the world go ‘round.” “I guess so.” Bulba relented and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and ran to catch the bus. She

would keep a eye on Venu too.

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As soon as the bus and Cleve’s carpool were gone, Anna called up her friends. She almost cried with relief when they both

could come for lunch.

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“What’s up Anna, you sounded distressed on the phone.” Pony asked, “Did someone bother you? Ani-Mei and I will beat them

up.” “Not when I’m premy pregnant Pony.” Ani-Mei frowned, “What

happened Anna?” “I maybe blowing false alarms, but you guys know Tara Kody?”

“I’ve met her.” Pony growled grumpily. “What did Tara do?” Ani-Mei pressed.

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“Well she said, that I must not replace what was lost.” Anna sighed she felt silly about it now. “I don’t know what she meant but it’s bothered for days.”

Pony was quiet and picked at her sandwich. “I’m not sure what it means either.” Ani-Mei admitted a puzzled frown on her face, “But cheer up

Anna, Pony and I will look into it.” “Yeah, Ani-Mei will do some snooping around.” Pony agreed. “Witches they always infer. “

“Should I not let her over?” Anna fretted, Cleve wouldn’t understand. “No, I don’t want her to know we’re suspecting something. And I don’t think she actually intends to

harm anyone. She is a good witch.” Pony said. “Tell us if she says anything else creepy.” Ani-Mei said, “Now tell us how the girls are doing.”

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After lunch, Ani-Mei and Pony got ready to leave. “You can call us anytime Anna.” Pony said, “We’re your best friends after all.” “Yeah Anna, even if we can’t come over we’re here to talk.” Ani-Mei agreed.

“Thanks you guys, I appreciate it.” Anna sighed in relief she felt better with her friends close by.

“Oh Anna, I saw that painting of you in your bedroom, it’s beautiful. The light is just perfect.” Pony grinned.

“Thanks Pony.” Anna smiled, “I never thought I would be any good at painting.” “Well life surprises us.” Ani-Mei commented.

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Before Pony and Ani-Mei could leave the living room was filled with teenaged girls. Ani-Mei

slipped out the door, Reias was waiting for her. But Pony stayed behind to talk with the girls.

Thai could entertain Bane a little while longer.

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Pony managed to have a quick chat with all the girls including

the twins. “Pony, can I take a train to

where Thai lives?” Rizzi asked hopefully.

“I’m not sure there’s a train that goes to our house from here, but you’re more than

welcome to walk over.”

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“Daddy! Daddy! Pony said I could go to her house and visit Thai!” Rizzi said jumping on Cleve has soon as he

got home. “Did she now, remember you have to ask Mom and

me before you go.” Cleve chuckled. “I promise!” Rizzi said running back into the house.

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“I see Rizzi got you.” Anna chuckled seeing Cleve’s rumpled suit.

“Yeah, wish I had half her energy.” Cleve said ruefully, “Have fun at work

tonight.” “I will, have fun wrangling the girls.”

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Ivy looked Tara up and down, “So if I want to be a witch do I have to wear a silly hat?”

Tara frowned, “Our wardrobe is but a symbol of our power, young lady.” “That doesn’t answer my question.” Ivy pointed out.

“No you don’t have to wear a hat.” Tara said with a tired sigh. “’kay thanks.” Ivy said going around Tara to the chess board.

Tara looked at Cleve confused, who shrugged.

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“And the monsters ate the beautiful princess in one gulp. The white knight was too late to and died of a broken heart.” Charrie read aloud as

both Mel and Rizzi gasped. “That’s not how it happened.” Mel protested, “Read it right.”

“Okay, okay You guys are no fun.”

A/N: I really loved this picture. Charrie is a real softie for her little sisters. Despite her gruff demeanor.

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Anna came home, exhausted, but really good. She was moving up the entertainment ladder pretty rapidly for

starting so late in the game.

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“What are you still doing up?” Anna asked surprised to see Cleve still up at the computer. Even Venu was asleep. “Writing a novel.” Cleve replied.

“Oh yeah, what about?”

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“A farmer.” Cleve said shutting down the computer.

“And what does this farmer do?” “Asks a princess on a date.”

“Oh really?”

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“Yes, want to know what the princess says?” Cleve whispered. “I think I already know what she

says.” Anna smiled.

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. . .

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The girls were up way before their parents, they all trouped outside to have some fun before school. “So I see you actually slept last night.” Bulba said to Venu.

“Yeah, was too tired.” Venu yawned. “You push yourself to hard.” Bulba sighed.

“Nu uh.” Ivy blurted, “Venu just wants to get the most scholarships. She’s got more skills than any of us. Do you want to live in a dorm in college?”

“It could be fun.” Bulba retorted, “Loosen up Ivy, we aren’t going to college anytime soon anyways. Dad and Mom don’t want us to go yet.”

“It’ll be sooner than you think, so lay off Venu.” “Umm.” Venu said in a quiet voice, “I don’t mind Bulba, I know you’re just worried about me.”

“See Ivy, Venu doesn’t care if I fuss a bit.”

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Before Ivy could retorted the bus pulled up. She closed her mouth and let it go. If Venu didn’t

mind she wouldn’t worry. “Last day of school Lava Boy, I want to see this

bird fly.” Charrie said menacingly. “Yes Ma’am.” The bus driver suitably subservient.

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As soon as Cleve and the kids were gone. Anna called some contractors. The eight of them were crammed into to small

of a house. So she had the living room and kitchen expanded and the twins bedroom rebuilt on the back of the house. The

old master suite was made into a studio and a new master suite added on. The only room that didn’t change was the quads’. But she did get Venu some her covers to match her

sisters’ better. She hoped one day to add a second floor onto the house when one of the girls came home from college.

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By far her favorite room was the studio. She loved having a room for just her. Humming to herself she set about painting Cleve’s portrait.

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“Ummm, hey bus driver this is the wrong house.” Bulba yelled as she got off the bus.

“Hey, Sweetie.” Anna waved to her, “We just got some remodeling done. I hope you like it and

don’t tear anything up while I’m at work.” “Remodeling?” Bulba stared at the new additions, “More like rebuilt the place.”

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Venu went right into the new kitchen. She loved it, there was actually counter space to

work now.

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“THAI! Guess what, I got a new room!” Rizzi shouted gleefully into the receiver. “Did you guys move?” Thai sounded sleepy. Rizzi thought it weird that he was sleeping in the

middle of the afternoon. Adults don’t take naps. “No we still live in the same house, it’s just way bigger.” Rizzi explained, “You have to see it. My

birthday’s tomorrow you can see it then. You are coming right?” “Yeah, Pony told me about it yesterday.”

“Cool, I’ll show you everything. I gotta do my homework now. Bye.” Rizzi hung up the phone. Thai was coming to her birthday!

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Late that evening, Venu called Sim State her stomach in a knot. What if she hadn’t earned any scholarships ? She was

being silly, Ivy had earned two and she had as many skill points as Ivy did. And the same GPA. But still she nearly cried

out in relief that her hard work was not in vain and she qualified for the same grants as Ivy.

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Mel and Rizzi woke up early Saturday morning, between being in a strange new room and it being their birthday they were too excited to stay in bed.

“Do you want to be like Charrie or Bulba when you grow up?” Mel asked. “Neither, I want to be like Thai, he’s cooler than they are.”

“Better not like Charrie hear you. She’d hit you with a ball next time you played. Or put salt in your sheets.”

“No she wouldn’t.” Rizzi laughed, “She just acts mean.” “I guess so.” Mel shrugged, “I want to be like Bulba, everyone likes her. And listens to what she says.”

“They would listen to you too if you spoke up Mel.” “If you say so.”

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Luckily Charrie didn’t hear the younger girls talking as they settled down to playing Don’t Wake the Llama. “I bet I can beat all you squirts.” She said carefully

balancing a stick. “Squirt? I’m older than you.” Bulba pointed out.”

“Only by mere minutes.” “More like an hour.”

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It started to grow late and Anna invited the party guests over while Cleve got

the cakes ready.

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“Thai!” Rizzi shouted and ran out to tackle him. “I told you I was coming.” Thai gasped trying to untangle his neck from surprisingly strong little

girl arms. “I know, but you haven’t been over in forever.”

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“Anna you do realize we’re the ones suppose to be giving presents.” Pony said as Anna handed her a box.

“I know, but I wanted to give you and Ani-Mei something special. This is the painting in my bedroom. I want you to have Pony.”

“Really?” Pony’s eyes went wide and she accepted the box. “Yes you dork. I can paint another. And Ani-Mei sorry I don’t have another

painting but here’s a crib and a changing table for when you have your baby.” “Anna you didn’t have to. But thank you.” Ani-Mei smiled giving Anna a quick hug.

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“Umm, hello” Rizzi waved her arms, “Birthday girls waiting to grow up!”

“We’re coming.” Anna laughed.

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Charmeleon rolled Pleasure with a LTW of being a celebrity chef.

Charizard like Ivy and Venu rolled knowledge with a LTW of being a City Planner. So many knowledge sims >.>

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The party lasted well into the night. But

eventually Cleve and Anna had to send

everyone home so the girls could get some


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“So did you tell them?” Cleve asked Anna after Venu and Ivy prepared a breakfast

spread. “Tell us what?” Charrie demanded.

“Well your father and I did some talking at last after the party.” Anna smiled.

“And…” Ivy pressed.

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Cleve left Anna and went to sit by Mel on the couch, Anna would get him for leaving her to drop the new.

“We decided that you four older kids can go to college. We have a flight booked for you late tonight after my birthday party.”

“AWESOME!” Venu shouted. “Really, I mean, I thought you wanted us to wait until almost our birthday.” Bulba looked

puzzled. “We though it would be best if you went a little earlier.” Anna explained, “You all are very

smart, I didn’t think high school was challenging you guys enough.

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After breakfast, Mel and Rizzi applied for scholarships too,

maybe their parents would let them go early too.

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Six o clock came too fast Anna though. She had done so much in her weeks in Laguna. She

could hardly believe she had lived anywhere else. She looked at her friends and family and

decided she didn’t regret a thing.

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Everybody in Laguna got on remarkably well. And the party lasted hours much like the one

the night before.

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Anna left the entertaining to her family, knowing everything would be taken care of. She had a bath and slipped off to bed. It was one in the

morning before the guests went home and Cleve took the girls to the airport.

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That’s it for the Pokemons this chapter. *sniffles* It’s always hard when your founders start to get old. You wouldn’t believe how tempting it is to fill Anna with

elixir until she explodes. She’s one of my favorite sims. But I doubt she would like being immortal. Isn’t Ani-

Mei cute ^.^. I love pregnant sims. I promise you won’t be pregnant forever Ani-Mei!

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“We should probably get Sari to the cake now.” Thai said sheepishly.

“Yeah, I’m surprised she slept so long.” Hollie blushed.

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Happy birthday Sari, hopefully you’re not too traumatized.

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“So we got our own house and our baby on the way.” Reias said stroking

Ani-Mei’s cheek, “Ani-Mei Star, will you take me to be your lawfully wedded


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“Was there ever a question about it here?” Ani-Mei laughed and

slipped a ring on his finger, “There. You’ll all mine in this verse.”

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I realize that Mel has 10 outgoing points, lets just say she’s a late bloomer. She hasn’t really shown as much individually as her siblings so I’m not quite sure how to write her yet.

I’m hope next week will be better with just her and Rizzi in the house.