points to consider while selecting solar water heater

Points To Consider While Selecting Solar Water Heater

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Post on 22-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Points to consider while selecting solar water heater

Points To Consider While Selecting Solar Water Heater

Page 2: Points to consider while selecting solar water heater

Solar Water Heater• Solar water heater is the renewable energy source of

equipment which is used from the small level concern to big level concern.

• the solar water heater has evolved more in the recent trend and they are available in more affordable cost and provides long lasting performance.

• This provides number of benefits to the human body.

• The best quality solar water heater lies in the way of choosing them. Some of the points to remember while choosing the solar water heater is mentioned below:

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Page 4: Points to consider while selecting solar water heater

Type of the house• The solar panel is adopted based on the variations in the

architecture of the house(http://www.slideshare.net/leeshin12/types-of-solar-panels-for-the-house)

• .

• The roof of the house is not constant at all the locations, they vary from straight to slanting.

• There are solar panels which provides differential aesthetic value to the house.

• Thus it is mandate to choose the type of solar heater based on the construction and type of the house

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Page 6: Points to consider while selecting solar water heater


• The members of the house is not same all time. the members varies vastly and the water consumption by each member in the house also changes to the most.

• Thus, it is mandate to monitor the amount of water consumed by the household folks and the capacity should be decided accordingly.

• There are several solar heaters available to satisfy the varied requirements.

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Page 8: Points to consider while selecting solar water heater

Climatic Condition• There are several myths that solar water heater stable

amount of energy for all the type location and climatic condition.

• But the energy delivered and consumed for the generation of heat varies based on the regions.

• So it is essential to analyze about the type of climatic condition prevailing to the most in the particular locality.

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Budget• The budget is more important than all the above

mentioned criteria

• Even the solar is ready for the installation process, the required budget should be available instantly.

• There are number of financial and non- financial institutions which provides special loans and rebates for the renewable energy installations in the house.

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Page 11: Points to consider while selecting solar water heater

• These are the very few basic criteria to be considered while installing solar water heater for the house.

• The solar is the cheapest renewable energy which are available effortlessly.

• Though the installation cost is little costly, they provide good performance over the period of time.

• Irrespective all the types of panels, periodical checking maintenance (http://www.slideshare.net/leeshin12/tips-to-check-the-quality-of-the-solar-panles ) will enhance the performance to the extended period

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• Glazer India (http://glazerindia.com) is the solar water heater producer in India for many purposes like domestic, commercial and industrial purposes.

• They also produce number of solar products which are used for many purposes.

• They provide different types of offers and benefits based on the seasonal occasions.

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• https://plus.google.com/b/112267054116946693363/

• https://www.facebook.com/Solar-energy-saver-1691155824450388

• http://solarenr.blogspot.com