point de jeunesse

Points Jeunesse du Granit Rotary District 7850 project in Support of the Lac - Mégantic Disaster (July 2013)

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Points Jeunesse du

Granit Rotary District 7850 project in Support of the Lac-Mégantic Disaster (July


Editorial note To the members of the Rotary e-Club of One World:

As one of your newest members, I wanted to share this project that my former District is pursuing. My connection to Lac-Mégantic is that from 1975 to 1985 we lived there on a small farm near the lake; our younger son was born there, and we still today have a small “camp” (cottage) on the beautiful lake. One of the victims of the disaster was a childhood friend of our sons.

I toured the disaster site last summer, and rebuilding has been very slow and complicated by environmental issues and much red tape. Ground zero remains uninhabitable, and many residents are still without permanent housing or means of employment.

Here is an excellent link to learn more about the disaster and its aftermath: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/quebecexplosion.html

If you wish to learn more, my email is [email protected].

Yours in Rotary service, David Wood

On July 6, 2013 an unattended 74-car freight train

carrying Bakken formation crude oil ran away and

derailed, resulting in a massive fire in the heart of

Lac-Mégantic, Québec.

Lac-Mégantic, small town of less than 6,000 people

nestled in southeastern Québec, was obviously

shaken to its core. 47 people perished, vaporized by

the blast.

Over 30 buildings in

the city’s center were


representing roughly

half of the downtown


In a town this small,

everybody knows

somebody who lost

their life, or their home

or their workplace.

Immediate Aftermath

Immediately after the incident, the world came to

help the people of Lac-Mégantic

The Red Cross leapt into action and collected over

$14,000,000 for the people in Lac Mégantic.

Rotarians from 7790, 7850 and many other

neighboring districts offered support.

Both Provincial and Federal governments swept in

with the promise of help.

Districts 7790 & 7850

Lac Mégantic lies within 7790; in fact there used to

be a Rotary Club there. 7790 launched a task

force, headed by PDG Laflamme.

7850 also responded immediately and (then) DG

Stephen Dates asked members of the Sherbrooke

Club to set up a District Committee to offer our


Sherbrooke, 110 kilometers to the west, is the

regional pole for Lac-Mégantic and there is a strong

cultural, geographical and geopolitical connection

between the cities.

District 7850 takes a step back

Not long after creating the committee, we quickly saw

the magnitude of the disaster. It would be quite a while

before any plan for rebuilding would be put in place.

All immediate needs were covered more than

adequately, so the committee felt that any input from our

district at that point would not be likely to have much

impact as a very small piece of a massive global effort.

Our committee wanted to find a way to help the people

of Lac-Mégantic that reflected the values of the

Sherbrooke Club and determined that it would not be

possible until some of the dust had settled.

• The Sherbrooke Rotary Club

has always placed a strong

emphasis on youth by

participating in stay-in-school,

literacy and other youth


• Many young people of this

generation living in small towns

like Lac-Mégantic feel

increasingly isolated

geographically from larger cities

and have a strong a desire to

leave as soon as they can.

• Our committee wanted to find a

project that marries the values of

the district, the values of the

Sherbrooke Club and would

have a long-lasting direct impact

in Lac-Mégantic.

The Project

Youth Centers YOUTH CENTERS are lively meeting places where

young people aged 12 to 17 plan and take part

in activities to become responsible citizens under

guidance of volunteering adults.

Each Youth Center is an autonomous community

organization which establishes its own policies and

programs. The Board of Directors and youth

assemblies form the basis on which decisions are

made. The users (youth) participate actively in the

decision-making process and in operating the


Points Jeunesse Du Granit

The Lac-Mégantic Youth Center has existed since

1984 and was incorporated as Points Jeunesse Du

Granit through the merger of two local

organizations. They operate under the framework

and rules set by the Regroupement Des Maisons

De Jeunes Du Québec (Regrouping/Integrating of

Youth Centers in Quebec).

The Center hosts over 150 young persons each

year with an average daily attendance of 15-20.

A New Youth Center

Last July’s disaster left the youth of Lac-Mégantic without a place to congregate under the structure and guidance of a Youth Center.

The City of Lac-Mégantic has supplied a site in the new City Center earmarked for the Youth Center. They now have a blank canvas on which to create the new Youth center in their image.

Some basic basic building blocks have been supplied and we see an opportunity for District 7850 to have a real and long lasting impact for the youth of Lac-Mégantic.

The Needs

Technology plays a vital role in the life of today’s teenagers. They need the equipment and the surroundings to keep up with current technologies and trends to build skills they can use in the future.

Many users have expressed interest in photography and dance. Music, as always, is a big part of youth and, of course, teenagers need a place to ‘chill’.

We wish to offer the young people of Lac-Mégantic the audio-visual and technological tools needed to make the center a success.

Equipment and Furnishings

Several desktop and/or laptop


Computers equipped with music

recording software and speakers

to complete a recording studio.

A digital camera, lenses, tripod,

carrying case memory cards.

At least one electric guitar.

Mirrors for the dance studio.

Sectional couch and lockable

storage units.

Home theater system with

wall-mounted flat screen.

Projector and screen.

Wiring and technological


Proper installation of

equipment and furnishings.

Project Objectives

Increase the sense of community belonging and make it THEIR Youth Center.

Involve the youth in creative arts and skill-building projects.

Promote social involvement.

Improve the image of the Youth Center in the eyes of the community.

Build meaningful relationships and strong ties among young persons to help minimize the problems faced by today’s youth.

Project Costs & Timeline

The cost of all the required equipment, accessories

and installation is estimated at $25,500 (CAD).

The users (Youth) will be involved in the decision-

making process for the equipment.

The administrators (Board) are committed to the

highest standards in financial administration and

oversight of the funds.

Our intention is to have the project up and running

by early in 2015 and completed by December 2015.

Project Sustainability

This Youth Center has been in existence for many years. It has the support of the City and the community and will remain in the community for many years to come.

A clean-sheet start gives the Center an opportunity to raise the bar for what it can offer the Youth of Lac-Mégantic.

We see an opportunity for the Clubs of District 7850 to participate in the long-term success of this project by providing physical support and mentoring to the users of the Youth Center.

Club level participation

With 850 Rotarians in District 7850, a participation

of $30 per member would cover the costs of the

entire project.

District funds for this year are not available and due

to our desire to have the project completed quickly,

we are reaching out to the individual clubs of 7850

to make a donation.

We are requesting a donation between $500 and

$2,000, (depending on the number of members in

your club). Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


For more information, please

contact Philippe Leblond, Isabelle

Cloutier, Faruk Seyrek, or David


The committee would like to thank

PDG Dates for initiating this project

and DG Pacht for his continued

support in the project. And

especially, all the individual

Rotarians of 7850 who have

reached out and donated
