poetry dedication project complete

To My Mother, A Poetry Dedication When I found out the assignment of a poetry dedication project, I saw the due date and knew immediately that I wanted to dedicate this to my mother. The reason being is because mother’s day and her birthday are right around the due date. Writing poems for my mom, and all the moms out there was a fun experience. I also loved reading through and finding the meaning in classic poems about mothers. My mother deserves so much more than what she gets, but this will definitely be one of her gifts for mother’s day and here birthday. I know she will love it because I took the time to thank her, and write her poems. This is the best thank you I can give her. I love you mom!

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Post on 11-May-2015



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Page 1: Poetry dedication project complete

To My Mother,A Poetry Dedication

When I found out the assignment of a poetry dedication project, I saw the due date and knew immediately that I wanted to dedicate this to my mother. The reason being is because mother’s day and her birthday are right around the due date. Writing poems for my mom, and all the moms out there was a fun experience. I also loved reading through and finding the meaning in classic poems about mothers. My mother deserves so much more than what she gets, but this will definitely be one of her gifts for mother’s day and here birthday. I know she will love it because I took the time to thank her, and write her poems. This is the best thank you I can give her. I love you mom!

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A Thank You from UsBy Maureen Devlin

To our mother, here’s a big thank youWe love you and thank you for all that you do

For the times when we’re hurting and you know what to say And the times when we need you driving everyday

All the wonderful things that you do, big and small When we stop and we think, we wouldn’t be here without you at all

As we grow older we realize this more We love you and thank you, all of us four

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“A Thank You from Us” is a poem I wrote coming from my three siblings and. This poem is to thank our wonderful mom for everything she does for us. As my siblings and I get older, we are becoming more appreciative for all that our mom does. We are so thankful to her for the stuff that she is sacrificing so we can do the things we love. There are so many times when we have tennis, or rehearsals, and our mom stops everything that she is doing and rearranges it for us. This poem also thanks her for her help. Whether its school, our sports and hobbies, or just life and its ups and downs, our mother is always there to offer her opinion and helping hand. This is a great time of the year to be thanking our mom as mother’s day and our mother’s birthday are coming up. We hope to make both of her days very special and memorable. She deserves that and so much more. I hope that if I ever become a parent in the future that I can be just like my mom. Here’s a thank you to all the wonderful moms that make their kids life much better.

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How Does A Mother KnowBy Maureen Devlin

How does a mother always know what to sayWhen you’re hurt, when you’re happy, or just had a bad day

How does a mother know what to doThose times you feel lost and she pulls you right through

How does a mother know just what you need When you don’t know, can’t explain, and she helpfully takes the lead

For all of these things we should all feel so blessedAs everyone says, a mother knows best

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When I wrote “How Does a Mother Know”, I thought of all the times when my mom knew exactly what to say or do in times where no one else did. And I know it’s not just my mom either. Other people I know find themselves saying the same thing about their mothers, or mothers they know. And even on TV shows or movies, people always say how a mother knows best. Have you ever felt like no one understands what you’re going through, or that there’s nothing you can do about your problem? I’ve felt that way before and there is no one else in the world I would rather talk to then my mother. She knows how to not only make me feel better, but to help with the issue and make it right. Or, when you really need someone to talk to and you don’t feel comfortable with anyone else, talk to mom. The great thing about mothers is they are always looking out for their kids. Their children are the number one priority in their lives. After I wrote this poem, I wanted a quote about mothers that was real, and I thought this was a very true one. "A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity; it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."-- Agatha Christie.

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Embarrassing Love of a MotherBy Maureen Devlin

There is a time in a child’s life where the little things mom does become “dumb”No more public hugs, kisses, or “I love you”s, they’re no longer welcome

It’s embarrassing when she speaks to your friends Relax; calm down, the world’s not going to end

All the sweet little things she loves to say and doThey’re all so important because they’re only meant for you

Its time you stopped caring about what everyone else will thinkThese things mean a lot to her because your childhood will be gone in a blink

Instead of ignoring, show her you love and you careGive her the memories you will always both share

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I think everyone has had a time in their life where they feel like anything their parents say or do is completely embarrassing. I know I’ve had times like that. You want nothing to do with them while you’re in public because you feel they are being totally humiliating. When I wrote “Embarrassing Love of a Mother” I wanted the readers to think about the times they felt like that. Maybe they still feel like that, or maybe, like me, they realized that it’s not the end of the world. They don’t mean to be embarrassing all the time; they just sometimes don’t realize that you’re growing up. It seems like it can especially be mothers. It’s hard for them to see you growing up and becoming more independent. It’s in a mother’s nature to feel that way; they always want to be there for you taking care of you. “Embarrassing Love of a Mother” is about finding out that your mothers (or parents) don’t think they’re killing you of embarrassment, they just want to hold on their beautiful child. When I started writing this poem I wanted it to be about all the things kids find humiliating about the way their parents can act. Once I got into it though, it slowly started to change into a way that I hoped would tell kids to go along with those silly little things, it means a lot to your wonderful parents.

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Here’s to the MomsBy Maureen Devlin

Here’s to the moms that put their kids before sleep, even if its days without sleepHere’s to the moms that drive us all over, which can be nonstop, all dayHere’s to the moms that will always love us, no matter how many times we mess up Here’s to the moms whose love is so strong, they would put their lives on the line any day for their kidsHere’s to the moms out there that do anything they can to make their child’s life that much betterHere’s to all the moms, thank you

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“Here’s to the Moms” is a poem I wrote, thanking all of those great moms out there for everything they do. There is too much for us kids to even thank them for. Everything a mother does is for her children, nothing else matters. Thank you for those times when we were babies and needed you almost all hours of the day and you were there. And as we got older you were still there helping us, no matter what. This poem is a tribute to all mothers, even if they can’t afford to give their children everything they would like to, they are always trying, and that’s all that matters in the end. It’s a thank you for teaching your children the rights and wrongs in life, and that if they mess up, it’s alright and you will always love them. I also hope that if you are reading “Here’s to the Moms” and you’re not even a mom it could act as a guide of what to do if you ever become a parent. Thank you to the mothers that teach their kids to be respectful and have the right attitude in everything they do, they will go far.

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The Joy of MotherhoodBy Maureen Devlin

The long, busy days and the sleepless nightsYou’ll get through the times that are bad and the pointless fights

The days were you have no time for yourself You pick up your book but it end up back on the shelf

The many sacrifices a mother make to make life for their children goodBut in the end it’s all worth it for the joy of motherhood

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“The Joy of Motherhood” is a poem I wrote about how all the hard things and the sacrifices are worth it in the end for just the joy of being a mother. When writing this poem, I thought of my little brother’s play where the mother of the baby ducks sings a song about how even though being a mother can be hard and not always fun, in the end she is so thankful to be a mother. It was a sweet song and nice idea. Being a mother seems tiring and a lot of hard work. It pays off though and there are nice perks to being a mother. In the song in the play the mother sings about how having little babies is so much work but teaching them the way of the world and seeing their perspective on everything is worth it all. I wanted this poem to show that, yes, being a mother is a LOT of work and it is tiring and frustrating sometimes, but, there are so many amazing things about it that you can easily forget the bad things and just find the joy in being a mom. I’ve experienced the feeling some being a mother like symbol to my pets. Yes it can be hard, but the joy of motherhood is overcoming.

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What I Learned From My MotherBy Julia Kasdorf

I learned from my mother how to love the living, to have plenty of vases on hand in case you have to rush to the hospital with peonies cut from the lawn, black ants still stuck to the buds. I learned to save jars large enough to hold fruit salad for a whole grieving household, to cube home-canned pears and peaches, to slice through maroon grape skins and flick out the sexual seeds with a knife point. I learned to attend viewing even if I didn’t know the deceased, to press the moist hands of the living, to look in their eyes and offer sympathy, as though I understood loss even then. I learned that whatever we say means nothing, what anyone will remember is that we came. I learned to believe I had the power to ease awful pains materially like an angel. Like a doctor, I learned to create from another’s suffering my own usefulness, and once you know how to do this, you can never refuse. To every house you enter, you must offer healing: a chocolate cake you baked yourself, the blessing of your voice, your chaste touch.

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The poem “What I Learned from My Mother” was written by Julia Kasdorf. This poem is about how the author learned a lot from her mother. She was dependent on her mother and sees that most of the things in life she has learned have come from her mother. I really enjoyed reading this poem because I can relate to the author, as can lots of people I imagine. Most of the things in life that I know, and I’m not talking school things, I mean all the parts of life, have come from my mom. She has taught me so many important things, and not just by telling me but by showing me. One of the lines in this poem that I really liked was "I learned to believe I had the power to ease". When reading this line I thought that perhaps the author is saying how being a mother, one of their main roles is to ease. It is a very enjoyable poem to read. It talks about the sweet, simple things the author’s mother taught her to do, such as bringing cakes to mourning families and fruit salads to worried wives. I hope that the readers of this poem learn from the neighborliness of the author’s mother and how it taught her those things like that are the right thing to do. Kasdorf starts the poem listing some of the random things her mother taught her, but then she goes into how her mother taught her how to look at life and how to be the best person you can be. While reading this poem I am sure most people went back and thought of all the things their mother taught them and how they use these things in their day to day lives. I know that’s what I did, and it makes me even more thankful for my mom when I think of all the great things she has taught me.

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Lunchbox Love NoteBy Kenn Nesbitt

Inside my lunch to my surprise a perfect heart-shaped love note lies.

The outside says, “Will you be mine?” and, “Will you be my valentine?”

I take it out and wonder who would want to tell me “I love you.”

Perhaps a girl who’s much too shy to hand it to me eye to eye.

Or maybe it was sweetly penned in private by a secret friend

Who found my lunchbox sitting by and slid the note in on the sly.

Oh, I’d be thrilled if it were Jo, the cute one in the second row.

Or could it be from Jennifer? Has she found out I’m sweet on her?

My mind’s abuzz, my shoulders tense. I need no more of this suspense.

My stomach lurching in my throat, I open up my little note.

Then wham! as if it were a bomb, inside it reads, “I love you—Mom.”

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“Lunchbox Love Note” is a sweet poem written by Kenn Nesbitt. In this poem, the author has a little heart shaped not inside of his lunchbox. He begins to wonder if it is a girl who is too shy to say that she likes him. He is hoping someone has a crush on him. He is nervous and things start to get suspenseful so he opens the note. “Then wham! as if it were a bomb, inside it reads, “I love you—Mom.”” The author opens the note and is surprised to find that it is just a note from his mother. This means no girl, no crush, just mom saying I love you. I think this is a very cute poem on how at this age of the author, he is hoping that someone likes him and is finally going to say something about it. Instead he ends up embarrassed because his mom packed him a note. That means all he hoped for and started imagining is gone, it never was. I think all kids have felt this way at least once in their life. At a certain age, especially for boys, it’s not “cool” at all to get little love notes from mom that say I love you, it’s embarrassing. And it’s that disappointing feeling for the author who thinks he is growing up and maybe he will find a girl that likes him, and then finding out it’s only mom is not only embarrassing, it’s a letdown. The hope that maybe it’s a girl that he likes sending him a note is gone in an instant now that he’s found out mom packed him a “love note”. What seems like a sweet idea from mom turns into a young boy’s worst nightmare, and maybe even biggest disappointment. But, thanks mom. And I love you too.

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A Poem For MomChampagne S. Baker

You are the sunlight in my day,You are the moon I see far away.You are the tree I lean upon,You are the one that makes troubles be gone.You are the one who taught me life,How not to fight, and what is right.You are the words inside my song,You are my love, my life, my mom.You are the one who cares for me,You are the eyes that help me see.You are the one who knows me best,When it's time to have fun and time to rest.You are the one who has helped me to dream,You hear my heart and you hear my screams.Afraid of life but looking for love,I'm blessed for God sent you from above.You are my friend, my heart, and my soulYou are the greatest friend I know.You are the words inside my song,You are my love, my life, my Mom.

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“A Poem for Mom” is written by Champagne S. Baker coming in her view as a daughter. This poem is written to show the authors appreciation to her wonderful mother. A mother and daughter bond is unbreakable. And that is what the author is trying to tell us. No matter how many times you fight, or feel like you totally messed up, your mother will always be there for you. You wouldn’t be anywhere without your mother. She shows you your dreams and tells you you can make it all happen. She is always going to be there to help you along the way and she will make sure nothing gets in the way. She is the person you can always talk to, whether its about your friends or your school or your dreams. Your mother is the one that will always love you unconditionally no matter what. As daughters get older they realize there is no other person in the world that will love you like your mother does. She is not only your mother, she becomes your best friend. When I read this poem I thought about a song by Jordan Pruitt that I always really liked. It was called “Unconditional” and Jordan wrote it about her mother and how no matter what happens here mother is there to help her and love her unconditionally. It is a sweet song and I think that every daughter should have that special bond with their mother. Jordan also sings about how our mothers know our good and bad sides but they still love you. The amazing thing about an unconditional love that mothers and daughters have with each other is that their love for one another is enough, they don’t need any gifts or big things to know that they are loved. Those bonds are the strongest.

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Do What I Can'tDebbie Leads

Make sure to call mama on mother’s dayHer birthday and the restYou know she’s sitting by the phoneWishing you all the best.

She doesn’t want to bother youSo she waits for YOU to phone.She has so much free time now.Most of it spent alone.

She knows you are very busy, now,With work and kids and wifeShe helps you out whenever she canShe is the one who gave you life.

The years go by, so fast they flyThe years just never stopShe has joined the local church andAt local thrift stores she shops.

Luckily you have an organized wifeWho sends the cards you signYou moved away for job prospectsNot because you wanted to leave her behind.

She quietly lives her lifePuttering around the yardThinking of ways she could help youAnd cherishing your beautiful cards.

Whenever you think of her,Please, listen and take the timeBecause I would give everything I haveFor just five minutes with mine.

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The poem “Do What I Can’t” is written by Debbie Leads. In this poem, the author begs that people not forget or take their moms for granted. Leads has no mother in this poem and wants everyone to know that you should take the time out of your day often for your mom. She deserves it. She is the one that gave you life. The meaning in this poem is you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Never forget about your mom, because she will never forget about you. It is in a mother’s nature to always be looking to help her children. Even If you have your own life now with a family to take care of, she will always be looking to take care of you, anyway she can. The author begs that we cherish our time with our mothers because the time goes fast, and you may never see her again if you wait. The author’s mother has passed away and she can see that you don’t have forever to take the time to love and thank your mom. You never know how much time you have. I think it is a very good point to make, especially as you get older. If you don’t get to say and do the things you love with the people you love, you may never have another chance at it. You may also feel like you regret it the rest of your life. Some of the little things matter the most, take time to do them. Your mother gave you all the time and the love in the world. Call her; make sure she’s doing alright. Say I love you. The little things mean a lot. It will be so worth it to see how happy she will be.

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Without YouBy Joanna Fuchs

Mom, without you, there would be no me.Your love, your attention, your guidance,have made me who I am.Without you, I would be lost,wandering aimlessly,without direction or purpose.You showed me the wayto serve, to accomplish, to persevere.Without you, there would be an empty spaceI could never fill, no matter how I tried.Instead, because of you,I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.Thank you, mom.I have always loved youand I always will.

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“Without You” is a poem written by Joanna Fuchs about how she would be absolutely nowhere without her mother. Fuchs first points out that without her mom, there would be no her. Then she says that her mother has made her who she is today. Without her mom she would be so lost in this world. Fuchs says that with her mom in her life, she has the joy and happiness that she wants and loves. And of course none of it would be there without mom. It seems that as kids get older, their realization of how they would be practically nowhere without their mothers becomes so much stronger. It’s a combination of things, ranging from little things you may remember her saying that help you as you become more independent, to the big things such as the times where there was no one else there for you, but mom was there helping you the whole time. Reading this poem made me think of the times my mom has helped me when I felt like no one else can, and how without that I definitely would not be where I am now. And all the sacrifices my mom has made for us, I know my siblings and I would not be in the place we are had it not been for my mother’s amazing help and sacrifices. I hope that anyone who reads this starts to feel more loving and thankful towards their mothers, and realizes that they most likely be nowhere without their mothers. I love reading poems like these because they make you much happier, and they make you really stop and think about how your mother has impacted your life. Everyone’s mother deserves a big thank you for everything that they do to make their children such wonderful people. We kids would be so lost without you.