pmp question set 2

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  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2




    (On PMBOK 5thEdition)

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 1 !o"nne is the #"n"$e% o& " hi$h end te'hni'" %o*e't+ A&te% #onths o&

    ,o%in$. the te"# dei/e%ed " %odu't to its 'ient &o% "''et"n'e+ Sudden0.

    !o"nne $ets " '" th"t so#e &e"tu%es in the %odu't "%e ee'tin$ "%e #issin$+

    h"t is the 3I4ST thin$ !o"nne shoud do

    (A) Inform the team to start building the missing features into the product and workright away

    (B) Get her team together and reprimand them for building a product that does notmeet the customer expectations

    (C) Inform the client that the product has passed all of its internal inspections whichis done during scope verification processes and hence it must be fine

    (!) Call a meeting with the customer to understand what exactly is missing and try tofind out a solution afterwards

    Question 2 Mie is #"n"$in$ "n inte%n"tion" so&t,"%e %o*e't. ,hi'h ,i 6e

    done h"se ,ise &o% " du%"tion o& one "nd h"& 0e"%+ The %o*e't is 7 #onths

    th%ou$h "nd the te"# h"s dei/e%ed the &i%st d%o &o% h"se -1 o& the %o*e't+ Mie is

    hodin$ " ,ee0 st"tus #eetin$. ,hen one o& the te"# #e#6e%s oints out th"t "n

    i#o%t"nt st"ehode% is %unnin$ into " %o6e# ,ith one o& the &e"tu%es o& the

    'u%%ent /e%sion o& the so&t,"%e+

    The te"# #e#6e% thins th"t the%e is " hi$h %o6"6iit0 th"t the st"ehode% ,i

    "s &o% " 'h"n$e in th"t &e"tu%e. e/en thou$h th"t 'h"n$e ,oud 6e out o& s'oe o&

    the 'u%%ent %ee"se+ Mie dis'usses the '"se ,ith the te"# #e#6e% "nd unde%st"nds

    th"t th"t i& the st"ehode% %e8uests th"t 'h"n$e. the%e is " hi$h %o6"6iit0 th"t the'h"n$e 'ont%o 6o"%d ,oud "%o/e the 'h"n$e+

    h"t is the BEST "'tion &o% Mie to t"e net

    (A) Ask the team member to get familiar with the feature so that the feature can beimplemented and that way the risk also will be mitigated

    (B) "irst add the risk to the issue log discuss it with the stakeholder and update aftercertain information is available

    (C) #chedule a meeting with the stakeholder to discuss the risk

    (!) "irst add the risk to the risk register and then gather information about itsprobability and impact

    Question 7 9ou "%e the %o*e't #"n"$e% o& "n "''ountin$ %o*e't+ 9ou h"/e *ust

    &inished de&inin$ the s'oe &o% the %o*e't "nd st"%ted '%e"tin$ the o%

    B%e"do,n St%u'tu%e (BS)+ To '%e"te " %oe% BS. 0ou ,ent to the

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    o%$"ni:"tion" %o'ess "sset i6%"%0 "nd &ound " BS &%o# " "st %o*e't+ 9ou "%e

    no, usin$ it "s " 'u%%ent %e&e%en'e+ B"sed on it 0ou h"/e st"%ted 6%e"in$ do,n the


    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is the too o& the ;%e"te BS %o'ess "%e 0ou usin$

    (A) !ecomposition

    (B) $emplates

    (C) %istorical &ecords

    (!) Brainstorming


  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    &%o# one its e"%ie% %o*e'ts+ ItCs no, &ou% #onths into the %o*e't "nd the 'osts &o%

    the %o*e't h"/e e'eeded @2.+ As the %o*e't h"s no, 'onsu#ed the enti%e &ee.

    0ou% o%$"ni:"tion ,i 6e &o%'ed to "0 &o% " 'osts on the %o*e't &%o# this oint


    h"tCs the BEST ,"0 to des'%i6e this situ"tion

    (A) $he cost performance index of the pro'ect is below *+

    (B) $he pro'ect has been overrun on cost front

    (C) $he pro'ect has reached the point of total assumption

    (!) $he pro'ect has ceased to be a profitable for your organiation

    Question D 9ou "s " %o*e't #"n"$e% is %eo%tin$ the &in" st"tus o& " 'osed

    'ont%"'t to the st"ehode%s o& the %o*e't+

    hi'h &o%# o& 'o##uni'"tion is "%o%i"te

    (A) "ormal written

    (B) "ormal verbal

    (C) Informal written

    (!) Informal verbal

    Question To# is #"n"$in$ "n en$inee%in$ %o*e't ,hose dei/e%"6es "%e "uto'o#onents+ >is te"# is h"/in$ t%ou6e 'o#etin$ thei% o6*e't desi$n t"ss+ One o&

    his te"# #e#6e%s in&o%#s th"t his &%iend "t "nothe% 'o#"n0 sent he% " 'o0 o& "

    desi$n "'"$e ,hi'h ,i he To#Cs te"# #eet its de"dine+ ithout th"t "'"$e.

    the %o*e't ,i %o6"60 6e "te+ >o,e/e%. To# h"s 6een in&o%#ed 60 the senio%

    #"n"$e#ent "6out the "' o& "ddition" &und &o% the %o*e't+

    h"t is the BEST ,"0 &o% To# to h"nde this situ"tion

    (A) ,urchase the design package from the other organiation so that you have alicensed copy

    (B) Ask the team member to use the package but keep the information confidentialbetween him and $om

    (C) Inform the team member that the design package can not be used and accept thatthe pro'ect will be delayed

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    (!) -se the design package from other company so that the pro'ect completed ontime

    Question 4it" is #"n"$in$ " %o*e't ,ith "n esti#"ted 6ud$et "t 'o#etion o&

    @5.+ >e% te"# shoud h"/e 'o#eted

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (C) Call up a meeting with the customer and find out what the actual issue so thatboth of you can find out a solution

    (!) Close the pro'ect and collect the fees what has been given by the customer so far

    Question 12 In ,hi'h o& the &oo,in$ ,"0s the 'ont%"'t 'osu%e di&&e%s &%o#"d#inist%"ti/e 'osu%e

    (A) Administrative closure means verification of pro'ect completion or terminationwhereas contract closure means verification of contract terms

    (B) Administrative closure is performed by the seller whereas contract closure isperformed by the buyer

    (C) Administrative closure involves the stakeholders and the team whereas contractclosure involves only the team but not the stakeholders

    (!) Administrative closure defines actions the team must take whereas contractclosure defines the legal commitments

    Question 17 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ 'ont%"'ts h"s the MOST %is &o% the 6u0e%

    (A) Cost plus fixed fee

    (B) $ime and 0aterials

    (C) "ixed price

    (!) Cost plus Incentive "ee

    Question 1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 15 9ou "%e ,o%in$ on " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't ,hose outut is #" in

    the he"%t o& the to,n+ A&te% identi&0in$ %iss &o% the 'onst%u'tion %o*e't. 0ou &ind

    th"t " 'he#i'" 6ein$ used on 0ou% 6uidin$ '"nnot 6e "ied in %"in0 'onditions+

    9ou "so 'o#e to no, th"t 0ou% s'hedue &o% 'o"tin$ the 6uidin$s '"shes ,ith

    %"in0 d"0s in th"t o'"it0+ >o,e/e%. "s the %o*e't '"n not 6e de"0ed 6e0ond the

    %"in0 se"son. 0ou de'ided to *ust ,o% "%ound the %"in0 d"0s+

    This is "n e"#e o& ,hi'h st%"te$0

    (A) 0itigate

    (B) .xploit

    (C) Accept

    (!) $ransfer

    Question 1? 9ou "%e #"n"$in$ the se'u%it0 o& the so&t,"%e s0ste#s 6ein$inst"ed in 0ou% o%$"ni:"tion+ The%e is #ini#" th%e"t o& so&t,"%e 6ein$ stoen 60

    outside% o% inside e#o0ee+ >o,e/e%. 0ou ,"nt to ensu%e th"t this %is is

    'ontinuous0 'he'ed so th"t 0ou do not oose t%"' o& this %is+

    he%e ,i 0ou "dd this %is into

    (A) &isk &egister

    (B) 2atch3list

    (C) ,robability and Impact 0atrix

    (!) &isk Analysis &eport

    Question 1D A o& the &oo,in$ "%e 'h"%"'te%isti's o& the P%o*e't M"n"$e#ent

    P"n EX;EPT

    (A) Collection of a number of subsidiary plans

    (B) 0ust be approved by pro'ect sponsor

    (C) A formal written and authoried communication

    (!) A Gantt chart which shows the order of tasks and resource assignments

    Question 1 To# is de/eoin$ the %o*e't s'oe st"te#ent &o% " ne, %o*e't+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT " too o% te'hni8ue in '%e"tion o& " %o*e't s'oe


    (A) Alternatives generations

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) #cope validation

    (C) ,roduct analysis

    (!) "acilitated workshops

    Question 1 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT one o& the toos "nd te'hni8ues used

    in Esti#"te ;osts %o'ess

    (A) Bottom3up

    (B) ,arametric

    (C) Analogous

    (!) Cost aggregation

    Question 2 Ge%%0 is #"n"$in$ " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't to inst" ,ind shieds in "no&&i'e 6uidin$+ The 'usto#e% ,hi'h is " 'onst%u'tion 'ont%"'to% h"s %o/ided the

    se'i&i'"tions+ The te"# is usin$ " %o'ess to inst" "nd /e%i&0 e"'h shied+ A&te% the

    te"# "dds the shied. the 8u"it0 inse'tion te"# 'he's it "nd "dds it to the 'ont%o

    'h"%t+ In one o& the ,ee0 inse'tions. Ge%%0 &ound th"t the %o'ess 6ein$ &oo,ed

    is out o& 'ont%o+

    h"t d%o/e Ge%%0 to this 'on'usion

    (A) At least seven consecutive measurements are inside of the control limits

    (B) At least one point is above or below the mean

    (C) At least seven consecutive measurements are either above or below the mean butwithin the control limits

    (!) At least five points are inside of the control limits are either above or below themean

    Question 21 hi'h 6"% 'h"%t sho,s the nu#6e% "nd t0e o& %esou%'es th%ou$hout

    " %o*e't

    (A) 4rganiational Chart

    (B) Gantt chart

    (C) &esource %istogram

    (!) ,areto Chart

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 22 E%in h"s identi&ied "n oo%tunit0 to otenti"0 in'%e"se he%

    %o*e'tCs /"ue+ hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is "n e"#e o& enh"n'in$ th"t


    (A) By taking additional proactive actions so that she is not in unforeseen trouble

    (B) By taking out insurance from a company so that potential cost can be reduced

    (C) By providing copyright statements so that material or final product of the pro'ectis not misused

    (!) By forming a complementary partnership with another company so that thepro'ect5s value is increased

    Question 27 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ 6est des'%i6es the P"n-=o-;he'-A't '0'e

    (A) Also known as ,3!3C3A cycles which means you need to plan and do after which

    you should check and act for each of the deliverables

    (B) It means that first plan for the pro'ect then do it then test it and then release it*

    (C) It is invented by 6uran and it is a way of tracking how soon defects are found in aprocess

    (!) ,opularied by !eming it is a method of making small changes and measuringthe impact before making wholesale changes to a process

    Question 2

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    (C) AC

    (!) C,I

    Question 2? hi'h is the 6est o,e% in/ested on the %o*e't #"n"$e%

    (A) .xpert and &eward

    (B) &eward and &eferral

    (C) .xpert and 7egitimate

    (!) &eferral and ,unishment

    Question 2D A o& the &oo,in$ "%e #ost 'o##on sou%'es o& %o*e't 'on&i't


    (A) #chedules

    (B) ,ersonality

    (C) ,riorities

    (!) &esources

    Question 2 S"nd%" is " %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't+ The 8u"it0

    "ssu%"n'e de"%t#ent o& he% o%$"ni:"tion e%&o%#ed " 8u"it0 "udit on the %o*e't+

    >o,e/e%. the0 &ound th"t so#e o& the ite#s h"s i#e#ented ine&&i'ient0. "nd th"t

    'oud e"d to de&e'ts "te% on+

    h"t shoud 6e NEXT thin$ th"t S"nd%" shoud do

    (A) 2ork with the /uality department to implement the change recommended

    (B) !ocument recommended corrective actions and then submit them to the changecontrol board

    (C) Add the results of the audit to the lessons learned so that they can be referred lateron

    (!) 0eet with the manager of the /uality assurance team and figure out the root causeof the problem

    Question 2 A %o*e't #"n"$e% in 0ou% o%$"ni:"tion ,ho is "so " $ood &%iend o&

    0ou%s does not no, ho, to e%&o%# e"%ned /"ue #e"su%e#ent+ 9ou send so#e

    ti#e ,ith hi# to te"'h+

    This is "n e"#e o&

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (A) -nnecessary use of company time and it should be used more productively

    (B) Giving access to ,0I5s proprietary information to others who are not certified,0,

    (C) Contributing to the pro'ect management body of knowledge

    (!) "raterniing and should be discouraged

    Question 7 The 'usto#e% h"s te%#in"ted " %o*e't 6e&o%e it is 'o#ete+ hi'h

    o& the &oo,in$ is t%ue

    (A) #top all work on the pro'ect and release the team immediately

    (B) -pdate the pro'ect management plan to reflect it and seek senior management5sapproval

    (C) 2ork with the team to document the lessons learned so that it can be used lateron

    (!) Call up a meeting with the customer to know what went wrong

    Question 71 9ou "s the %o*e't #"n"$e% oo "t the 'ont%o 'h"%t &o% 0ou% %o*e't

    th"t #e"su%es the de&e'ts in the %odu't %odu'ed+ 9ou &ind th"t se/en /"ues "%e

    sho,in$ u 6eo, the #e"n on the 'h"%t. 6ut the0 "%e ,ithin the se'i&i'"tion i#its+

    h"t shoud 0ou do

    (A) 7ook into the process that is being measured as it 8 consecutive points indicates aproblem

    (B) Ignore the anomaly* $his is the fist time it is happening*

    (C) It means that the mean is too high*

    (!) 9ou should ad'ust your control limits

    Question 72 Mi'h"e is " %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% " %o*e't "nd 'u%%ent0 he is in the

    %is #"n"$e#ent %o'ess+ >e uses " &"'iit"to% to $"the% oinions &%o# ee%ts "nd

    it is done "non0#ous0+

    h"t too o% te'hni8ue o& 4is Identi&i'"tion is 6ein$ e%&o%#ed

    (A) !elphi $echni/ue

    (B) !iagramming $echni/ue

    (C) #24$ Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (!) Brainstorming

    Question - 77 Mie h"s 6een "utho%i:ed to #"n"$e " ne, %o*e't &o% his


    hi'h shoud Mie do "s his NEXT "'tion

    (A) !evelop the pro'ect management plan

    (B) !evelop the pro'ect charter

    (C) Create the work breakdown structure

    (!) Create the scope statement

    Question 7

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    (A) 2ork Breakdown #tructure 2ork Breakdown #tructure !ictionary and #cope#tatement

    (B) 2ork Breakdown #tructure #cope #tatement and #cope 0anagement ,lan

    (C) 2ork Breakdown #tructure #cope #tatement and ,ro'ect 0anagementInformation #ystem

    (!) 2ork Breakdown #tructure #cope #tatement and ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    Question 7D A 'oue o& %o*e't te"# #e#6e%s "%e h"/in$ " 'on&i't o/e% "

    te'hni'" "%o"'h to thei% ,o%+ One o& the# is /e%0 "$$%essi/e. "nd t%ies to $et

    #"e " de'ision 8ui'0 ,hie the othe% te"# #e#6e% is 8uiet "nd see#s ess ,iin$

    to t" "6out the issue+ The 'on&i't is st"%tin$ to '"use de"0s. "nd the #"n"$e%

    needs to %e"'h " de'ision 8ui'0+ h"tCs the BEST "%o"'h to so/in$ this


    (A) $he manager should confront the issue directly even though one member ishesitant

    (B) >otify the senior management as this issue is dragging on for a long time

    (C) $he team members need to work this out /uickly among themselves

    (!) As it is a technical problem they should consult a technical architect

    Question 7 4o6e%t is " %o*e't #"n"$e% on " ho#e desi$n %o*e't+ >e ","0s

    ,"t'hes his te"# #e#6e%s ,hie the0 'o#e into the o&&i'e. ,hen the0 t"e thei%

    6%e"s "nd ,hen the0 e"/e+ >e e/en e%iodi'"0 ,"s "%ound the o&&i'e to 6e su%eth"t e/e%0one is doin$ ,o%+ >e is "so /e%0 "%ti'u"% "6out s#" det"is "nd "ss

    'o#ete "nd &o%#" %eo%tin$ in 'o##uni'"tion+

    h"t ind o& #"n"$e#ent theo%0 4o6e%t is &oo,in$

    (A) $heory ?

    (B) .xpectancy $heory

    (C) Achievement $heory

    (!) $heory 9

    Question 7 As " %o*e't #"n"$e% on "n oi d%iin$ %o*e't. 0ou "nned the

    ,o% &o% 0ou% te"#. di/ided u the ,o% into ,o% "'"$es "nd then '%e"te "

    o% B%e"do,n St%u'tu%e th"t sho,s ho, the0 &it into '"te$o%ies+ 3o% e"'h one o&

    the ,o% "'"$es. 0ou ,%ote do,n det"is su'h "s initi" esti#"tes "nd in&o%#"tion

    "6out ,h"t "''ount it shoud 6e 6ied "$"inst. "''ount in&o%#"tion into ,hi'h

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    "''ount it is into. %o/ided st"%t "nd &inish ti#e o& the ,o% "'"$e "nd "ssi$ned

    so#e %esou%'es to the#+

    he%e ,i 0ou sto%e " these in&o%#"tion

    (A) 2ork Breakdown #tructure itself

    (B) 2B# !ictionary

    (C) #cope 0anagement ,lan

    (!) ,ro'ect #cope #tatement


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  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (!) Identify #takeholders


  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 5 9ouC%e #"n"$in$ " desi$n %o*e't+ The %o*e't is 'u%%ent0 in the

    initi"tin$ %o'ess $%ou+ The %o*e't 'h"%te% h"s 6een '%e"ted. "nd 0ou "on$ ,ith

    0ou% te"# "%e ,o%in$ on de/eoin$ the %ei#in"%0 s'oe st"te#ent+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is so#ethin$ th"t 0ou shoud NOT do

    (A) !ocument initial pro'ect risks

    (B) Create the change control system

    (C) Identify internal and external constraints

    (!) 2rite down any assumptions that you have made

    Question 51 In ,hi'h o& the &oo,in$ %o'ess $%ou the %is %e$iste% is '%e"ted

    (A) Initiating

    (B) ,lanning

    (C) .xecuting

    (!) 0onitoring Control

    Question 52 !e"n is " %o*e't #"n"$e% on " "%$e de/eo#ent %o*e't+ The

    'usto#e% o& the %o*e't de#"nds " 'h"n$e "te in the %o*e't+ !e"n %e/ie,s the

    i#"'t o& the 'h"n$e "nd in&o%#s the 'usto#e% on ho, #u'h ti#e "nd #one0 it ,i

    'ost+ >o,e/e%. the 'usto#e% s"0s th"t the0 do not h"/e the ti#e o% 6ud$et to "o,

    the 'h"n$e+

    h"t is the BEST ,"0 &o% !e"n to h"nde this situ"tion

    (A) Go ahead with the development and inform the customer that the pro'ect will bedelayed

    (B) &e/uest the sponsor to intervene to work out a solution for this case

    (C) %ave the senior management meet with the customer to explain the situation

    (!) Call up a meeting with the customer to find out why they asking for the change

    Question 57 9ou "%e de/eo#ent #"n"$e% &o% " h"%d,"%e %o*e't+ A&te% 0ou did

    one o& 0ou% st"tus %e/ie, #eetin$ on %iss. 0ou &ound out th"t " %is o& /i%us

    in&e'tin$ 0ou% h"%d,"%e %e#"ins+ 9ou h"/e "dd%essed " othe% %iss "nd e/en "&te%

    i#e#entin$ the %esonse st%"te$ies &o% " o& the#. this %is 'ontinues to %e#"in+

    h"t ind o& %is is this

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (A) #econdary risk

    (B) &esidual risk

    (C) Contingency &isk

    (!) &isk on the watch3list

    Question 5

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    (C) "ixed price

    (!) $ime and 0aterials

    Question 5 A o& the &oo,in$ '"n 6e t"en "s "%t o& ;ost o& Qu"it0 (;oQ)

    EX;EPT &o%

    (A) $he cost of training the team members on how to build the product so as to avoidany defect

    (B) $he cost of contracting another organiation to build certain part of the product

    (C) $he cost of inspecting the product to be sure that it meets the re/uirements

    (!) $he cost of reviewing documents which is used to produce the product so thathelps in using the product and informs that it working as it is designed

    Question 5 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT " st"ehode%

    (A) A pro'ect team member

    (B) ,ro'ect sponsor

    (C) An attorney from another company

    (!) A representative from the pro'ect team5s union

    Question ? h"t is the %i#"%0 outut o& =e&ine S'oe %o'ess

    (A) #cope Baseline

    (B) 2ork Breakdown #tructure

    (C) ,ro'ect #cope #tatement

    (!) #cope 7ist

    Question ?1 The%e is " %in'ie in Qu"it0 ,hi'h identi&ies th"t %oot '"use o&

    F o& the de&e'ts in " %o*e't usin$ the 2 %ue+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ =i"$%"# o% ;h"%t do th"t

    (A) &un chart

    (B) #catter !iagram

    (C) Cause3and3effect diagram

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    (!) ,areto chart

    Question ?2 To# "s " %o*e't #"n"$e% is 'o#etin$ e"'h o& the dei/e%"6e in

    the %o*e't "nd is 'he'in$ ,hethe% it is 'o%%e't "on$ ,ith the " st"ehode%s o&

    the %o*e't+

    hi'h %o'ess To# is e%&o%#in$

    (A) 1alidate #cope

    (B) Control #cope

    (C) !efine #cope

    (!) !efine Activities

    Question ?7 9ou "%e #"n"$in$ " %o*e't ,he%e 0ou ,o% ,ith othe% te"#

    #e#6e%s. one sonso% "nd t,o su6-'ont%"'to%s+ >o, #"n0 'h"nnes o&'o##uni'"tions "%e the%e 6et,een st"ehode%s &o% this %o*e't

    (A) 8

    (B) ==


  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) 4rganiational Chart $raining needs .stimated &esource Cost and &eleaseCriteria

    (C) #ponsor 4rganiational Chart #cope 1erification ,lan and #chedule

    (!) &esource %istogram $raining >eeds &ecognition and &ewards and &eleaseCriteria

    Question ?? hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT " "%t o& &i%st s'oe st"te#ent &o% "

    ne, %o*e't

    (A) $he pro'ect goals and ob'ectives

    (B) A list of re/uested changes

    (C) A list of pro'ect deliverables

    (!) A rough order of magnitude cost estimate for the scope elements

    Question ?D !ohn is " #"n"$e% o& " so&t,"%e de/eo#ent %o*e't+ T,o o& his

    te"# #e#6e%s "%e h"/in$ " %o6e# on " te'hni'" issue "nd the0 "%e not su%e o&

    ,hi'h "%o"'h to t"e+ >o,e/e%. !ohn no,s th"t the0 '"n s"&e0 i$no%e the

    %o6e# &o% " ,hie. "nd he is #o%e 'on'e%ned th"t i& the %o*e't &"s 6ehind

    s'hedue 6e&o%e net ,eeCs st"ehode% #eetin$. it ,i '"use %o6e#s in the

    &utu%e+ >e tes the t,o te"# #e#6e%s th"t the %o6e# is not %e"0 "s 6"d "s the0

    thin it is "nd the0 '"n t"e so#e #o%e ti#e to thin it th%ou$h in " %e"ed


    This "%o"'h to 'on&i't %esoution is no,n "s

    (A) #moothing

    (B) "orcing

    (C) 2ithdrawal

    (!) Compromise

    Question ? A o& the &oo,in$ "%e t%ue "6out the P%o*e't ;h"%te% EX;EPT

    (A) It contains external constraints and assumptions

    (B) Includes a high level milestone schedule

    (C) It formally assigns the pro'ect manager

    (!) It is always created by the pro'ect manager

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question ? hi'h one o& the &oo,in$ identi&0 the %oot '"use o& the %o6e#

    (A) "ish bone diagram

    (B) ,arent Chart

    (C) &un Chart

    (!) %istogram

    Question D hi'h %is "n"0sis too is used to #odes the %iss on " 'o#ute% to

    si#u"te "nd sho, %"ndo# %o6"6iities

    (A) $ornado Analysis

    (B) 0onte Carlo Analysis

    (C) .01 Analysis

    (!) !elphi $echni/ue

    Question D1 P"t%i' "s the #"n"$e% o& " %o*e't is de&inin$ the s'oe o& the ,o%

    th"t ,i 6e done 60 his te"# #e#6e%s "nd sits do,n ,ith " o& the st"ehode%s o&

    the %o*e't to %e'o%d " o& the %e8ui%e#ents+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT " /"id %e8ui%e#ent &%o# st"ehode%s

    (A) $he /uality of the product must fit within organiational metrics

    (B) $he number of resources can not be over = people

    (C) $he work the team does must be better than they did on their last pro'ect

    (!) $here can be no more than =F schedule variance

    Question D2 =ue to tou$h e'ono#i' en/i%on#ent. the%e h"/e 6een se/e%" %ounds

    o& "0o&&s "t "n o%$"ni:"tion+ No, the %o*e't te"#s in/o/ed "%e ,o%%ied "6out

    thei% *o6 se'u%it0 "nd thei% e%&o%#"n'e h"s de'%e"sed si$ni&i'"nt0 due to it+

    hi'h theo%0 BEST suo%ts this 6eh"/iou%

    (A) Achievement $heory

    (B) 0otivation3%ygiene $heory

    (C) $heory of ?

    (!) 0aslow 5s $heory

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question D7 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT in'uded in " 'ost o& 8u"it0


    (A) $ime spent by a uality 0anager writing /uality standards

    (B) $ime spent by team members in repairing defects

    (C) $ime spent by team members in reviewing specifications

    (!) $ime spent by ,ro'ect 0anage in creating a pro'ect plan

    Question D

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) #hare

    (C) .nhance

    (!) $ransfer

    Question DD h"t is the 'o%%e't o%de% o& /"%ious %o'ess $%ous in the

    P%o'u%e#ent M"n"$e#ent P%o'ess

    (A) ,lan ,rocurement 0anagement 0anage ,rocurements Close ,rocurementsControl ,rocurements

    (B) ,lan ,rocurement 0anagement 0anage ,rocurements Control ,rocurementsClose ,rocurements

    (C) ,lan ,rocurement 0anagement 0anage ,rocurements 0onitor and Control,rocurements Close ,rocurements

    (!) ,lan ,rocurement 0anagement !irect 0anage ,rocurements Control,rocurements Close ,rocurements

    Question D A %o*e't #"n"$e% is '%e"tin$ " %eo%t o& the &in" st"tus o& " 'osed

    %o*e't to the st"ehode%s+ hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT used in " &in" %o*e't

    %eo%t to 'o##uni'"te the st"tus o& " %o*e't

    (A) 1ariance information

    (B) #tatus of deliverables

    (C) 7essons learned

    (!) #cope baseline

    Question D !ohn is the %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% " %"i%o"d 'onst%u'tion %o*e't+ The

    sonso% o& the %o*e't h"s "sed &o% " &o%e'"st &o% the 'ost o& %o*e't 'o#etion+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is the BEST #et%i' to use &o% &o%e'"stin$

    (A) .$C and 1AC

    (B) #,I and C,I

    (C) .1 and ,1

    (!) #1 and C1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question In&o%#"tion "6out the %o*e't #ust 6e dist%i6uted to "

    st"ehode%s+ hi'h o& the &oo,in$ %o'ess oututs is used to %eo%t the st"tus "nd

    'ost o& %o*e't "'ti/ities

    (A) 2ork performance information

    (B) Issue logs

    (C) #tatus reports

    (!) ,ro'ect records

    Question 1 hi'h is &oo,in$ '"n NOT 6e "n inut to the ;%e"te BS %o'ess

    (A) ,ro'ect #cope #tatement

    (B) 4rganiational ,rocess Assets

    (C) #cope 0anagement ,lan

    (!) 2B# !ictionary

    Question 2 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is the 'o%%e't o%de% o& "'tions th"t 0ou t"e

    du%in$ the ;osin$ %o'esses

    (A) Get formal acceptance release the team write lessons learned close the contract

    (B) 2rite lessons learned release the team get formal acceptance close the contract

    (C) Get formal acceptance write lessons learned release the team close the contract

    (!) Get formal acceptance close the contract write lessons learned release the team

    Question 7 9ou h"/e 6een "ssi$ned "s the #"n"$e% o& " de/eo#ent %o*e't+ At

    the 6e$innin$ o& the %o*e't. 0ou hod " #eetin$ ,ith " o& the st"ehode%s in 0ou%

    %o*e't in o%de% to &i$u%e out ho, e/e%0one ,i 'o##uni'"te "s the ,o% $oes on+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ te%#s 6est des'%i6es th"t #eetin$

    (A) Communication ,lan meeting

    (B) Dick3off meeting

    (C) 2ork ,erformance 0eeting

    (!) #tatus meeting

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2



  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    %esents " ossi6e soution+ But 6e&o%e the othe% te"# #e#6e% st"%ts to e"in his

    side o& thin$s. the %o*e't #"n"$e% s"0s. LIC/e he"%d enou$h. "nd IC/e de'ided to $o

    ,ith the soution IC/e he"%d+

    This is "n e"#e o& ,h"t ind o& 'on&i't %esoution te'hni8ue

    (A) Compromise

    (B) #moothing

    (C) "orcing

    (!) Avoiding

    Question 9ou h"/e identi&ied the %e8ui%e#ents. 'onst%"ints "nd "ssu#tions

    &o% the %o*e't+ No, 0ou ,"nt to %e'o%d the# in " do'u#ent+

    hi'h do'u#ent ,i 6e the 'o%%e't one

    (A) ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    (B) ,ro'ect Charter

    (C) ,ro'ect #cope #tatement

    (!) ,reliminary ,ro'ect #cope #tatement

    Question 9ou ,"nt to no, the "'tu" 'ost o& the %o*e't in ,hi'h the ;PI is

    +5 "nd the EH is @ 1.+ h"t the "'tu" 'ost o& the %o*e't

    A units "%e in US =o"%s+

    (A) E=+++

    (B) ;++++

    (C) ;+++++

    (!) ;;++++

    Question A%o/ed 'h"n$e %e8uests "%e i#e#ented in ,hi'h %o'ess o&

    Inte$%"tion M"n"$e#ent

    (A) ,erform Integrated Change Control

    (B) !evelop ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (C) !irect and 0anage ,ro'ect 2ork

    (!) 0onitor and Control ,ro'ect 2ork

    Question 1 9ou h"/e 6een hi%ed "s " senio% 'onsut"nt &o% " %o*e't. ,hi'h ,i

    h"/e #utie dei/e%"6es "nd h"ses+ >o,e/e%. the0 "%e not 0et identi&ied+ 9ou&i%st di/ided the %o*e'ts into h"ses "nd then into /"%ious dei/e%"6es "nd su6-

    dei/e%"6es+ 9ou h"/e "ns to di/ide the &u%the%+

    In ,hi'h %o'ess "%e 0ou in

    (A) !evelop ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    (B) Create 2B#

    (C) !efine Activities

    (!) !efine #cope

    Question 2 O/e% h"& o& 'on&i'ts on %o*e'ts "%e '"used ,hi'h o& the &oo,in$s

    (A) !efects $echnology and -nhappy customers

    (B) &esources ,riorities and #chedules

    (C) Budget Conflicting stakeholders and #chedule

    (!) $echnology Investment and &esources

    Question 7 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT " too o% te'hni8ue o& Monito% "nd

    ;ont%o 4iss

    (A) -sing .arned 1alue analysis to find variances that point to potential pro'ectproblems

    (B) Bringing in a @rdparty to review the risk response strategies

    (C) &e3visiting the risk register to review and reassess risks

    (!) Gathering information about how the work is being performed


  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) Informal 1erbal

    (C) "ormal 1erbal

    (!) "ormal 2ritten

    Question 5 A o& the &oo,in$ is &ound in " %o*e't 'h"%te% EX;EPT

    (A) %igh level re/uirements

    (B) %igh level or #ummary budget

    (C) 2ork packages which will be done in a pro'ect

    (!) An initial set of schedule milestones

    Question ? h"t "%e the st%"te$ies &o% de"in$ ,ith oo%tunities

    (A) Avoid mitigate transfer and accept

    (B) $ransfer mitigate avoid and exploit

    (C) 0itigate enhance exploit and accept

    (!) .xploit share enhance and accept

    Question D In ,hi'h %o'ess do the 4is B%e"do,n St%u'tu%e is '%e"ted

    (A) Identify &isks

    (B) ,lan &isk &esponses

    (C) ,lan &isk 0anagement

    (!) 0onitor and Control &isks

    Question 9ou% %o*e't *ust 'o#eted. "nd 0ou% 'usto#e% is /e%0 h"0+ The0

    h"/e sent 0ou " 'he8ue "s "n "%e'i"tion &o% doin$ the 6usiness+ h"t is the BEST

    ,"0 to %esond

    (A) $hank your customer and inform the management to take a decision

    (B) $hank the subcontractor and accept the fee

    (C) Ask for tickets for the entire team so that it is fair to everyone

    (!) $hank the customer but politely refuse the money

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question ="/id "s the %o*e't #"n"$e% dis'o/e%s th"t " %o*e't %o6e# h"s

    o''u%%ed in his %o*e't+ The %o6e# ,"s ne/e% dis'ussed du%in$ %is "nnin$

    "'ti/ities o% "dded to the %is %e$iste% "nd it ,i no, 'ost #one0 to the %o*e't+

    h"t is the BEST %esonse

    (A) Add the risk to the risk register and gather information about its , and I

    (B) !o not take any action as the risk was not discovered before

    (C) #top all pro'ect activity and approach senior management for advice

    (!) -se the management reserve to cover the costs of the problem

    Question 1 P"t%i' is #"n"$in$ " "%$e 'onst%u'tion %o*e't th"t h"s 6een

    6%oen do,n into /"%ious h"ses+ E"'h o& these h"ses h"s du%"tion o& 7 #onths+ At

    the end o& e"'h su6-%o*e't. 0ou "n to $o th%ou$h the 'osin$ %o'esses "nd

    do'u#ent essons e"%ned+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ 0ou shoud do &o% e/e%0 h"se

    (A) -se the .arned 1alue $echni/ue to decide whether or not to finish the pro'ect

    (B) &elease all resources from the pro'ect and contact sellers to renegotiate allcontracts

    (C) 0ake sure you don5t involve the team to avoid introducing too much pro'ectmanagement overhead

    (!) !evelop the scope statement for the phase

    Question 11 A 'o#"n0 uses " #"n"$e#ent te'hni8ue th"t e#o0s 8u"it0

    "ssu%"n'e te'hni8ues to 'ontinuous0 i#%o/e " %o'esses+

    h"t is this no,n "s

    (A) 6ust In $ime 0anagement

    (B) Daien

    (C) !elphi $echni/ue

    (!) #ix #igma

    Question 12 9ou% %o*e't h"s " /i%tu" te"#+ >"& o& 0ou% te"# #e#6e%s "%e

    o'"ted in "nothe% 'ount%0. ,he%e the0 "%e ,o%in$ &o% " su6'ont%"'to%+ The

    su6'ont%"'to%Cs te"# #e#6e%s se" " di&&e%ent di"e't o& En$ish th"n 0ou% te"#

    does+ A&te% " 'on&e%en'e '". t,o o& 0ou% te"# #e#6e%s #"e *oes "6out the ,"0

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    0ou% su6'ont%"'to%Cs te"# #e#6e%s se"+ h"t is the BEST ,"0 to h"nde this


    (A) &eport the team members to senior management and recommend that they bepunished

    (B) Correct the team members individually and hold a training session for your teamto help remove communications barriers

    (C) Immediately correct the two people in front of the rest of the team

    (!) &emove noise from the communication by contacting the subcontractor andre/uesting that the team ad'ust the way they speak

    Question 17 9ou "%e %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% "n IT te'hnoo$0 i#e#ent"tion

    %o*e't+ >e is usin$ 3ish6one =i"$%"# to &i$u%e out ,h"t 'oud '"use otenti" %iss

    on the %o*e't+

    hi'h %o'ess "%e 0ou e%&o%#in$

    (A) Identify &isks

    (B) ,erform uantitative &isk Analysis

    (C) ,lan &isk 0anagement

    (!) ,lan &isk &esponses

    Question 1e then ,o%s ,ith the 'ient to &ind ,h"t

    %e8ui%e#ents ,e%e #issed in the "nnin$ st"$es o& the %o*e't "nd ho, to "n

    6ette% in the &utu%e+

    h"t is the BEST des'%ition o& his %o*e'tCs 'u%%ent situ"tion

    (A) Alternatives analysis

    (B) #chedule variance

    (C) Gold plating

    (!) #cope creep

    Question 15 9ou "%e hodin$ " PMP t%"inin$ session &o% eoe in 0ou%

    o%$"ni:"tion to he the# o6t"in enou$h hou%s to 8u"i&0 to t"e the PMP e"#+

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    h"t this is "n e"#e o&

    (A) 4rganiational process assets

    (B) Contributing to the pro'ect management body of knowledge

    (C) 7essons learned

    (!) Improving the standards of pro'ect management in your 4rganiation

    Question 1? S"# is #"n"$in$ " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't to inst" ,i%in$ in "n o&&i'e

    6uidin$+ >e dis'o/e%s th"t one o& his te"# #e#6e%s h"s t"en " 6o o& '"6e &%o#

    the *o6 site so he '"n ,i%e his "tti'+

    h"t is the BEST ,"0 to %esond

    (A) !o nothing

    (B) &eport the team member to your manager

    (C) &eport the team member to ,0I

    (!) Call the police

    Question 1D 9ou "%e ,o%in$ ,ith otenti" sonso%s to dete%#ine ,hi'h

    %o*e't 0ou% 'o#"n0 ,i u%sue+ B"sed on the 6ene&it-to-'ost (B;4) %"tios. ,hi'h

    o& the &oo,in$ &ou% %o*e'ts shoud 0ou %e'o##end

    (A) ,ro'ect A has a BC& of 8o, #u'h #o%e #one0 do 0ou "n to send on the %o*e't

    (A) :E+E

    (B) :8E

    (C) :8;;+

    (!) :+E;;+

    Question 172 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ "'ti/ities BEST des'%i6es de'o#osition

    (A) $aking a work package and breaking it down to various activities which can beassigned to individual persons

    (B) Assigning codes to various deliverables and work packages

    (C) !ividing work packages into deliverables that can be planned for

    (!) ,utting a component into the 2ork breakdown structure and breaking it later on when correct estimation is found

    Question 177 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is the BEST de&inition o& 8u"it0

    (A) A product that passes all of its tests designed for it

    (B) A product or service is made of very expensive material

    (C) A product or service is built is with a lot of care and dedication

    (!) A product that satisfies the re/uirements of the people who pay for it

    Question 17

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    (B) #taffing 0anagement ,lan

    (C) #chedule 0anagement ,lan

    (!) Communications 0anagement ,lan

    Question 175 hi'h ente%%ise en/i%on#ent" &"'to% de&ines ho, ,o% is

    "ssi$ned to eoe

    (A) ,ro'ect 0anagement Information #ystem

    (B) Change Control Board

    (C) 2ork authoriation system

    (!) %istorical &ecords

    Question 17? 9ou% o%$"ni:"tion h"s de'ided to outsou%'e so#e o& the'o#onents+ As the %o*e't #"n"$e%. 0ou "%e 'onside%in$ t,o 6ids &%o# 'o#"nies

    on 0ou% 8u"i&ied see%s ist+ 9ou% %o*e't is on " ti$ht 6ud$et. "nd 0ou h"/e 6een

    inst%u'ted 60 senio% #"n"$e#ent to 'onside% the 'ost o/e% "n0 othe% '%ite%i"+ 9ou

    used the 'o#"n0 th"t su6#itted the o,e% 6id on " %e/ious %o*e't. "nd 0ou ,e%e

    not h"0 ,ith thei% ,o%+ The 'o#"n0 th"t su6#itted the hi$he% 6id h"s "

    %eut"tion &o% t%e"tin$ thei% 'ients ,e. &0in$ %o*e't #"n"$e% &i%st '"ss "nd

    $i/in$ the# "''o##od"tions in &i/e-st"% hotes+

    h"t is the BEST ,"0 to h"nde this situ"tion

    (A) #elect the company with the lowest bid

    (B) Give the manager at the company with the higher bid information that will allowhim to tailor his bid so that it better meets your needs

    (C) &ewrite the &", so that the company with the lowest bid is excluded

    (!) #elect the company with the higher bid

    Question 17D A o& the &oo,in$s "%e toos "nd te'hni8ues in the Qu"it0 ;ont%o

    %o'ess EX;EPT

    (A) &un Chart

    (B) uality audits

    (C) ,areto charts

    (!) #tatistical sampling

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 17 9ou "%e ,o%in$ "s " %o*e't #"n"$e% is ,o%in$ in " 'ount%0

    ,he%e it is 'usto#"%0 to "0 one de"%t#ent "s L&"ste% %o'essin$ &ee+ A #"n"$e%

    &%o# one o& the o%$"ni:"tions. ,ho is " &%iend o& 0ou%s. tes th"t it is no%#" to "0

    th"t &ee+ >o,e/e%. 0ou% senio% #"n"$e#ent in&o%#s th"t this ind o& &ee ,i 6e

    'onside%ed "s 6%i6e in 0ou% 'ount0+

    h"t is the BEST ,"0 &o% 0ou to %o'eed

    (A) !o not pay the department for fast services because that would be a bribe

    (B) ,ay the department for faster services because it is needed to pay in that country

    (C) Consult a legal authority in that country

    (!) Ask the sponsor for guidance

    Question 17 hi'h 'on&i't %esoution te'hni8ue is 'onside%ed to 6e MOST


    (A) #moothing

    (B) Confronting

    (C) 2ithdrawal

    (!) Compromise

    Question 1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) 9ou can use the earned value metrics to show that the #,I is over meaning thepro'ect is not late

    (C) 9ou must drive over the speed limit so that you can save the client relationship

    (!) 9ou must stay within the speed limit even if you lose the client

    Question 1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    ,i dou6e 0ou% de/eo#ent s'hedue "nd 6uidin$ 0ou% o,n 'o#onent ,i t"e

    e/en on$e%+ 9ou ,o% ,ith 0ou% te"# to e/"u"te the 'ost "nd i#"'t o& " o& 0ou%

    otions "nd %e'o##end hi%in$ de/eoe%s "t the 'o#"n0 th"t 6uit the 'o#onent

    to he 0ou "dd%ess %o6e#s in it+ Th"t ,i 'ost #o%e 6ut it ,i %edu'e 0ou% de"0

    60 " #onth+ h"t is 0ou% net ste

    (A) "ix the component

    (B) 2rite up the change re/uest and take it to the change control board

    (C) #tart ,rocurement ,lanning so you can get the contract ready for the vendor*

    (!) Change the #cope Baseline to include your recommendation

    Question 1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (A) Common 2ork Area

    (B) Collocation

    (C) 1irtual $eam

    (!) Active $eam

    Question 1e ,"nts to 6id

    on 0ou% %o*e't+ >e h"s done othe% %o*e'ts &o% 0ou% 'o#"n0 "nd it #i$ht 6e $ood

    &it "s ,e+

    >o, do 0ou %o'eed

    (A) 9ou disclose the conflict of interest to your company and provide your uncle

    with information that the other bidders don not have so that he has a better chanceof winning the contract

    (B) 9ou do not disclose the conflict of interest and give your uncle the bid

    (C) 9ou disclose the conflict of interest to your company and dis/ualify your uncle5scompany

    (!) 9ou disclose the conflict of interest to your company and make the selectionbased on ob'ective criteria

    Question 15 9ou "%e #"n"$in$ " so&t,"%e %o*e't+ 9ou "%e "%t,"0 th%ou$h the%o*e't. "nd 0ou% te"# h"s *ust dei/e%ed " %ei#in"%0 /e%sion o& "%t o& the

    so&t,"%e+ 9ou% te"# $i/es " de#onst%"tion to the %o*e't sonso% "nd e0

    st"ehode%s+ "te%. the sonso% in&o%#s 0ou th"t the%e is "n i#o%t"nt 'ient ,ho

    ,i 6e usin$ the so&t,"%e 0ou% te"# is 6uidin$. "nd ,hose needs "%e not 6ein$ #et+

    As " %esut. 0ou #ust no, #"e " "%$e "nd eensi/e 'h"n$e to "''o##od"te th"t


    h"t is the BEST e"n"tion &o% this

    (A) $he sponsor is being unreasonable

    (B) #takeholder analysis was not performed ade/uately

    (C) $he team made a serious mistake and you need to use punishment power tocorrect it

    (!) 9ou do not have enough budget to perform the pro'ect

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 151 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT "n outut o& the ;ose P%o*e't


    (A) ,ro'ect files

    (B) "ormal acceptance documentation

    (C) ,ro'ect closure documents

    (!) ,ro'ect management methodology

    Question 152 The s'oe 6"seine 'onsists o& ,hi'h o& the &oo,in$

    (A) #cope 0anagement ,lan 2ork Breakdown #tructure and 2ork Breakdown#tructure !ictionary

    (B) #cope 0anagement ,lan ,ro'ect #cope #tatement and 2ork Breakdown


    (C) #cope 0anagement ,lan ,reliminary #cope #tatement and 2ork Breakdown#tructure

    (!) ,ro'ect #cope #tatement 2ork Breakdown #tructure and 2ork Breakdown#tructure !ictionary

    Question 157 h"tCs the %"n$e o& " %ou$h o%de% o& #"$nitude (4OM) esti#"te

    (A) 3+F to L+F

    (B) 3;=F to L8=F

    (C) 3=+F to L++F

    (!) 3=+F to L=+F

    Question 15

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    h"t ind o& o%$"ni:"tion is she ,o%in$ &o%

    (A) Balanced matrix

    (B) ,ro'ectied

    (C) "unctional

    (!) #trong 0atrix

    Question 15? An i#o%t"nt "%t o& e%&o%#in$ st"ehode% "n"0sis is

    do'u#entin$ 8u"nti&i"6e ee't"tions+ hi'h o& the &oo,in$ ee't"tions is not


    (A) $he pro'ect must have lower cost than the previous similar one undertaken

    (B) $he pro'ect should be higher /uality

    (C) $he pro'ect must yield a =F reduction in part cost

    (!) >o deliverable can have more than ; production time defects

    Question 15D At the 'ose o& 0ou% %o*e't. 0ou #e"su%e the 'usto#e% s"tis&"'tion

    "nd &ind th"t so#e 'usto#e% needs ,e%e not &u0 #et+ The senio% #"n"$e#ent "ss

    0ou ,h"t stes 0ou too on 0ou% %o*e't to i#%o/e 'usto#e% s"tis&"'tion+

    hi'h su6sidi"%0 "n ,oud 0ou 'onsut to dete%#ine this in&o%#"tion

    (A) #taffing management plan

    (B) uality management plan

    (C) Communications management plan

    (!) ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    Question 15 ;usto#e% s"tis&"'tion shoud 6e #e"su%ed "t the end o& the %o*e't

    to #"int"in on$-te%# %e"tionshis+ hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT ","0s "n

    "se't o& 'usto#e% s"tis&"'tion

    (A) $he product is high /uality

    (B) $he customer5s needs are met

    (C) $he pro'ect is profitable

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (!) $he product meets its stated and un3stated re/uirements

    Question 15 9ou "%e ,o%in$ "s " %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't+

    9ou h"/e de/eoed the initi" %o*e't "n "nd h"/e $i/en it to the 'usto#e%+ The

    'usto#e% in&o%#ed th"t the de"dine d"te is not 'o%%e't "nd the0 ,"nt the &i%st

    h"se dei/e%0 to 6e done ,ithin &i%st ? #onths+ In &"'t. the0 #ention th"t i& thedei/e%0 '"n not 6e done in &i%st ? #onths. the0 ,i not 'onside% ,ith #o/in$ on

    ,ith the %o*e't+

    In ,hi'h se'tion ,i 0ou ut this in&o%#"tion

    (A) ,ro'ect 0ilestones

    (B) ,ro'ect Goals

    (C) ,ro'ect Constraints

    (!) ,ro'ect Assumptions

    Question 1? hi'h o& the &oo,in$ '"n 6e 'onside%ed "s " h0$iene &"'to% unde%

    Moti/"tion->0$iene Theo%0

    (A) Good relations with coworkers

    (B) &ecognition for excellent work

    (C) #elf3actualiation

    (!) Clean clothing

    Question 1?1 9ou "%e usin$ " 4un ;h"%t to e"#ine the de&e'ts th"t h"/e 6een

    &ound du%in$ "n inse'tion o& 0ou% %odu't o/e% " e%iod o& ti#e+

    hi'h %o'ess "%e 0ou e%&o%#in$

    (A) ,erform uality Assurance

    (B) ,lan uality 0anagement

    (C) Control uality

    (!) ,erform uality Control

    Question 1?2 T,o #e#6e%s "%e h"/in$ " 'on&i'tin$ "%o"'h to,"%ds "

    %o6e#+ One te"# #e#6e% e"ins his side o& the 'on&i't+ The othe% te"#

    #e#6e% %esonds 60 s"0in$. LI no, 0ouC ne/e% %e"0 isten to #0 side. so et us

    $o ,ith 0ou% oinion "nd $et 6"' to ,o%+

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    h"t ind o& 'on&i't %esoution te'hni8ue is the &i%st #e#6e% ehi6itin$

    (A) 2ithdrawal

    (B) Compromise

    (C) #moothing

    (!) "orcing

    Question 1?7 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ st"te#ent is TU4E ,hen " de&e't is &ound

    "te% on

    (A) It will be difficult to fix

    (B) It till be easier to fix

    (C) It will be expensive to fix

    (!) It will be cheap to fix

    Question 1?

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    Question 1?? O& the &oo,in$ ,hi'h one is NOT one o& the toos "nd te'hni8ues

    used in Identi&0 4iss

    (A) Brainstorming

    (B) &isk -rgency Assessment

    (C) !elphi techni/ue

    (!) #24$ Analysis

    Question 1?D 9ou "%e doin$ " %is "n"0sis o& 6uidin$ o% #"in$ " %odu't "t

    0ou% o%$"ni:"tion+ One o& 0ou% te"# #e#6e%s esti#"tes th"t the%e is " 7F 'h"n'e

    th"t the su6'ont%"'to% ,i &"i to dei/e% on 'ont%"'ted e8ui#ent+ I& th"t h"ens.

    it ,i 'ost "n "ddition" @1D.5 to "0 0ou% en$inee%s to %e,%ite the ,o%. "nd the

    de"0 ,i 'ost the 'o#"n0 @1. in ost 6usiness+ Anothe% te"# #e#6e% oints

    out th"t i& it '"n 6e dei/e%ed in house. it ,i s"/e the %o*e't @5. in en$inee%in$

    'osts+ The%e is " DF %o6"6iit0 th"t the te"# '"n t"e "d/"nt"$e o& th"t


    h"t is the ee'ted #onet"%0 /"ue (EMH) o& these t,o thin$s

    (A) :++++

    (B) :8;=+

    (C) 3 :8;=+

    (!) := +++

    Question 1? The %o*e't te"# h"s 'o#eted the %o*e't ,o%+ hi'h o& the

    &oo,in$ '"n NOT 6e done 6e&o%e the %o*e't '"n 6e 'osed

    (A) .nsure that the schedule baseline has been updated

    (B) Get formal acceptance of the deliverables from the customer

    (C) 0ake sure the scope of the pro'ect was completed

    (!) 1erify that the product acceptance criteria have been met

    Question 1? hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is not done 60 the P%o'u%e#ent Audit o&

    ;ont%"'t ;osu%e %o'ess

    (A) &eviewing the contract terms to ensure that they have all been met

    (B) Identifying successes and failures that should be recognied

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (C) !ocumenting lessons learned

    (!) -sing the payment system to process consideration as per the terms of thecontract

    Question 1D 9ou "%e %e/ie,in$ e%&o%#"n'e $o"s to &i$u%e out ho, #u'h 6onusto "0 to 0ou% te"# #e#6e%s+ h"t do'u#ent ,oud 0ou 'onsut to &ind 0ou%

    te"#Cs 6onus "n

    (A) ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    (B) %uman &esource 0anagement

    (C) Cost 0anagement ,lan

    (!) #chedule 0anagement ,lan

    Question 1D1 9ouC%e #"n"$in$ " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't to inst" se/e%" hund%ed"i% 'onditione% "nes in " ne, o&&i'e 6uidin$+ E/e%0 &oo% h"s identi'" "nes+ The

    'usto#e%. " 'onst%u'tion 'ont%"'tin$ 'o#"n0. h"s %o/ided se'i&i'"tions &o% the

    inst""tions+ The te"# is usin$ " %o'ess to inst" "nd /e%i&0 e"'h "ne+ As the

    te"# 'o#etes e"'h "ne. 0ou% te"#Cs 8u"it0 'ont%o inse'to% #e"su%es it "nd

    "dds " d"t" oint to " 'ont%o 'h"%t+ 9ou e"#ine the 'ont%o 'h"%t "nd dis'o/e%

    th"t the %o'ess is out o& 'ont%o+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ BEST des'%i6es ,h"t 0ou &ound on the 'ont%o 'h"%t

    (A) At least two consecutive measurements are either above or below the mean

    (B) At least one point is outside of the control limits

    (C) At least one point is above or below the mean

    (!) At least seven measurements are within the control limits

    Question 1D2 9ou% te"# h"s identi&ied " %is ,ith so#e o& the 'e#ents 0ou "%e

    usin$ on 0ou% hi$h,"0 'onst%u'tion %o*e't+ It is %e"0 di&&i'ut to #i the# *ust

    %i$ht "nd. 6"sed on "st %o*e'ts. 0ouC/e &i$u%ed out th"t the%eCs " hi$h %o6"6iit0

    th"t "6out F o& the 'he#i'" su0 ,i 6e ost in #iin$ %o6e#s+ 9ou de'ide to

    6u0 "n et%" 11F o& the 'he#i'"s u &%ont so th"t 0ou ,i 6e %e"%ed &o% thoseosses "nd 0ou% %o*e't ,onCt 6e de"0ed+ hi'h %esonse st%"te$0 "%e 0ou usin$

    (A) 0itigate

    (B) Avoid

    (C) Accept

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (!) $ransfer

    Question 1D7 A %o*e't #"n"$e% is "nnin$ the st"&&in$ e/es th"t ,i 6e needed

    th%ou$h the 'ou%se o& he% %o*e't+ >e &i$u%es out the nu#6e% o& eoe th"t ,i 6e

    needed in e"'h %oe o/e% ti#e "nd dis"0s th"t in&o%#"tion in " 'h"%t "s "%t o& he%

    st"&&in$ #"n"$e#ent "n+

    h"t is th"t 'h"%t '"ed

    (A) #taffing Chart

    (B) &ACI Chart

    (C) 4rganiational chart

    (!) &esource histogram

    Question 1D

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (!) $raining needs

    Question 1DD hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT " t0e o& 'o##uni'"tion

    (A) ,aralingual

    (B) Informal 1erbal

    (C) >onverbal

    (!) >oise

    Question 1D A 'o#"n0 is "6out to 6e$in ,o% on " "%$e de/eo#ent %o*e't

    to 6uid &ou% ne, 6uidin$s &o% %et"i 'h"in th"t ,"nts to oen ne, 6%"n'hes+ The

    sonso% is ,%itin$ " %o*e't 'h"%te%+ And he %e'"s th"t " %e/ious %o*e't the

    'o#"n0 e%&o%#ed &o% "nothe% 6"n %"n o/e% 6ud$et 6e'"use the te"# h"d

    unde%esti#"ted the e&&o%t %e8ui%ed to inst" the %ein&o%'ed ,"s in the /"ut+ The

    %e/ious %o*e't #"n"$e% h"d do'u#ented the det"is o& the essons e"%ned &%o#this %o*e't+

    he%e shoud the sonso% oo &o% these essons e"%ned

    (A) $he pro'ect5s work performance information

    (B) $he pro'ect5s performance reports

    (C) $he pro'ect records management system

    (!) $he company5s organiational process assets

    Question 1D The 'usto#e% h"s %e/ie,ed " the dei/e%"6es o& " %o*e't "nd

    &inds th"t the0 "%e "''et"6e+ The0 no, #ust 'o##uni'"te th"t "''et"n'e to the

    %o*e't #"n"$e%+

    hi'h &o%# o& 'o##uni'"tion is "%o%i"te

    (A) "ormal written

    (B) "ormal verbal

    (C) Informal written

    (!) Informal verbal

    Question 1 P"t%i' is " %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% "n "uto 'o#onent 6uid %o*e't+

    The %o*e't h"s " DF 'h"n'e o& #"in$ the 'o#"n0 @21. o/e% the net 0e"%+

    It h"s " 2F 'h"n'e o& 'ostin$ the 'o#"n0 @12.+

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    h"tCs the %o*e'tCs EMH

    (A) :;@+++

    (B) 3 :;@+++

    (C) :;++++

    (!) 3 :;++++

    Question 11 The %o*e't #"n"$e% &o% " 'onst%u'tion %o*e't dis'o/e%s th"t the

    o'" 'it0 'oun'i ,i /ote on " :onin$ 'h"n$e th"t ,oud oen u " ne,

    nei$h6ou%hood to 'o##e%'i" 6uidin$+ She 'ont"'ts othe% 'onst%u'tion 'o#"nies

    in the "%e" th"t ,oud 6ene&it &%o# the 'h"n$e to "s the# to "ttend the 'oun'i

    #eetin$ in o%de% to 'on/in'e the 'it0 'oun'i to /ote &o% the 'h"n$e+ A L9es /ote

    ,i 6ene&it " o& the 'o#"nies+ This is "n e"#e o& ,hi'h %is %esonse st%"te$0

    (A) 0itigate

    (B) #hare

    (C) .xploit

    (!) .nhance

    Question 12 9ou "%e inte%/ie,in$ ne, %o*e't #"n"$e%s &o% 0ou% 'o#"n0+ One

    o& the '"ndid"tes '"i#s to 6e " PMP-'e%ti&ied %o*e't #"n"$e%. 6ut 0ou dis'o/e%

    th"t she h"s ne/e% t"en the PMP e"#+

    h"t is the BEST ,"0 to h"nde this situ"tion

    (A) !o nothing

    (B) &eport the person to your manager

    (C) &eport the person to ,0I

    (!) Call the police

    Question 17 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ t0es o& o,e% is the #ost e&&e'ti/e in

    e"din$ te"#s

    (A) &eward

    (B) .xpert

    (C) &eferent

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (!) ,unishment

    Question 1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) Identify the team members who will be implementing the changes

    (C) Implement the change as re/uested by the team

    (!) Analye the change versus the plan and other constraints and see for the impacts

    Question 1 As 0ou "%e ee'utin$ 0ou% %o*e't 0ou "%e 'onst"nt0 'he'in$ 0ou%

    %is %e$iste% to 6e su%e th"t 0ou h"/e "nned %esonses &o% " o& 0ou% %iss+ At one

    te"# st"tus #eetin$. 0ou &ind th"t " o,e% %io%it0 %is h"s sudden0 6e'o#e #o%e


    he%e do 0ou ee in&o%#"tion "6out o, %io%it0 %iss

    (A) $riggers

    (B) 2atchlist

    (C) #econdary &isk ,lan

    (!) &isk &egister

    Question 1 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is NOT one o& the de&ined 'onst%"ints in

    %o*e't #"n"$e#ent

    (A) #cope

    (B) #ponsor

    (C) $ime

    (!) &isk

    Question 1 Mie is #"n"$in$ " %o*e't ,ith " S'hedue Pe%&o%#"n'e Inde o&

    1+2 "nd " ;ost Pe%&o%#"n'e Inde o& +5+ >o, ,oud 0ou BEST des'%i6e this


    (A) $he pro'ect is ahead of schedule and over its budget

    (B) $he pro'ect is behind schedule and over its budget

    (C) $he pro'ect is ahead of schedule and within its budget

    (!) $he pro'ect is behind schedule and within its budget

    Question 11 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ is the BEST e"#e o& " %e,"%d s0ste#

    (A) $he five team members who put in the most hours will get a trip to abroad

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    (B) $he team will only get a bonus if the pro'ect comes in =+F under budgetschedule and /uality metric goals*

    (C) $he team member who works with the most features will receive :;++++

    (!) .veryone will get a bonus of :;++ if the pro'ect meets its /uality goals :;++ if itmeets its budget goals and :++ if they deliver it on time

    Question 12 The%e "%e 1< eoe on " %o*e't+ >o, #"n0 ines o&

    'o##uni'"tion "%e the%e

    (A) E


    (C) +

    (!) 8

    Question 17 hi'h o& the &oo,in$ %o*e't see'tion #ethods is NOT "

    'o#"%"ti/e "%o"'h

    (A) Benefit3to3cost ratios

    (B) 7inear programming

    (C) 0urder boards

    (!) ,eer review

    Question 1

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ BEST des'%i6es the %oe o& the %o*e't sonso% on the


    (A) $he sponsor manages the pro'ect

    (B) $he sponsor negotiates all contracts

    (C) $he sponsor provides funding for the pro'ect

    (!) $he sponsor verifies that all of the work was completed

    Question 1? 9ou "%e %o6e#s in de"in$ ,ith the 'on&i'tin$ te"# #e#6e%s+

    9ou de'ided to send so#e ti#e in doin$ the %ese"%'h to no, on ho, to h"nde the

    'on&i'ts in " te"# en/i%on#ent+

    h"t is this "n e"#e o&

    (A) Increasing the expert form of power as the pro'ect manager

    (B) .nhancing professional competence

    (C) 2asting the time and money of your organiation

    (!) -nderstanding 0aslow5s hierarchy of needs

    Question 1D Se"n is #"n"$in$ " de/eo#ent %o*e't+ The st"ehode%s h"/e

    &ound " &e, %e8ui%e#ents th"t ,e%e #issed in the Initi" P%o*e't S'oe St"te#ent+

    Se"n ut the %e8uested 'h"n$es th%ou$h 'h"n$e 'ont%o "nd the0 "%e "%o/ed so

    th"t Se"n '"n ud"te the S'oe St"te#ent to in'ude the ne, ,o%+

    he%e '"n Se"n &ind the #ost ud"ted /e%sion o& the S'oe St"te#ent

    (A) In the ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    (B) In the Communications 0anagement ,lan

    (C) In the Configuration 0anagement #ystem

    (!) In the !ocument &epository

    Question 1 One o& 0ou% te"# #e#6e%s. Mie. us 0ou "side "nd tes 0ou th"t

    he ,"s insuted 60 " 'o##ent &%o# "nothe% te"# #e#6e%+ >e &et th"t the 'o##ent

    ,"s %"'ist+ 9ou #eet ,ith the te"# #e#6e% ,ho #"de the 'o##ent. !ohn. 6ut he

    s"0s th"t the othe% te"# #e#6e%Cs e%&o%#"n'e h"s 6een /e%0 oo%+ >e h"s ne/e%

    #"de " 'o##ent ie this 6e&o%e "t the 'o#"n0+ 9ou %e/ie, the %e'o%ds. "nd see

    th"t he is 'o%%e't he h"s 'onsistent0 dei/e%ed o,e% 8u"it0 ,o% th"n "n0 othe%

    te"# #e#6e%+

  • 8/12/2019 PMP Question Set 2


    h"t is the BEST ,"0 to h"nde this situ"tion

    (A) At the next team meeting reprimand 0ike for his poor performance and 6ohn forthe racist comment

    (B) Get 0ike additional help for his poor performance

    (C) &eprimand 6ohn in private for his racist comment and follow any companypolicies for reporting racism among employees

    (!) 6ohn has never had this problem before so he should be given another chance

    Question 1 9ou "%e #"n"$in$ " %o*e't th"t is 'u%%ent0 ee'utin$+ 9ou "%e

    e/"u"tin$ the ,o% 6ein$ e%&o%#ed 60 'onst"nt0 #e"su%in$ the %o*e't

    e%&o%#"n'e. "nd %e'o##endin$ 'h"n$es. %e"i%s "nd 'o%%e'tions ,he%e ne'ess"%0+

    h"t %o'ess "%e 0ou e%&o%#in$

    (A) ,erform Integrated Change Control

    (B) 0onitor and Control ,ro'ect 2ork

    (C) !irect and 0anage ,ro'ect 2ork

    (!) !evelop ,ro'ect 0anagement ,lan

    Question 2 In 8u"it0 'i%'e it is no,n th"t e%'ent o& %o6e#s 'o#e &%o#

    2 e%'ent o& the sou%'es+

    hi'h o& the &oo,in$ 'h"%ts BEST des'%i6e it

    (A) &un chart

    (B) #catter chart

    (C) Control chart

    (!) ,areto chart