pmc modbus instruction manual

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STS Modbus instruction manual

PMC Modbus instruction manual


Prerequisit : Microsoft .NET framework 1.1 should be install before PMC Modbus, otherwise, it doesnt work properly.

Unzip the file PMC into a target directory : PMC Modbus tool is installed.

Language selection

By default, there is 2 available languages: English and French. At installation time, the default language is English. To select the French language, exit the tool, launch francais.bat file. Then, when you launch again PMC Modbus tool, the language will be in French.

Its possible to adapt the language of PMC Modbus into other language.

To do that, you have to create 1 file for your specific language. For example, if you want to have the tool in Spanish, you have to copy the base_en.xls file to base_sp.xls file.

Then, you have to translate the 2 sheets label and error.

BE CAREFUL: Translate only columns LAEL3, and do not add any lines !!When you created the new language file, you have to create a spanish.bat file, with following contents:

del base.xlscopy base_sp.xls base.xlsThen, when you launch spanish.bat file, you will have the tool in Spanish language.

PMC Modbus functions

PMC Modbus tool offer the following functions :

Communication with Modbus slaves trough serial port or TCP/IP gateway

Slaves detection automatically

Basic measurements of PMC devices Reset Date and time of PMC devices

Read Modbus registers in Decimal, hexadecimal and binary format Write up to 20 modbus registers in decimal, hexadecimal and binary format

Send custom modbus request to slaves

Read TS of all sepam types Write TC of all sepam types

Read basic information of Vigilohm-System

Connection / disconnection

The first step to use the PMC Modbus tool is to open the connection with the slaves. There is 2 possibility :

Open a connection trough the serial port

Open the connection trough a TCP/IP gateway

The choice of connection type is done by the button :

Serial port connection

The serial port connection parameters are :

Following, the available values for each parameter :

Speed : 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bauds

Parity : None, Odd, Even

Data bits : 7, 8

Stop bits : 1, 1.5, 2

Ports : available serial com port on the PC

To be able to open the communication with serial port, ALL parameters should be setup.

Click connect button to open the connection.

TCP/IP connection

The only TCP/IP connection parameter is the gateway TCP/IP address.

Click Connect button to open the connection.

At any time, you can disconnect from slaves by clicking Disconnect button. All transaction in progress will be stopped.

Automatic scan

PMC Modbus tool offers the automatic scan of slaves. The scan is done only on one Modbus RS485 network at a time. It means that PMC Modbus scan :

The slaves connected to the serial com port if connection type is serial

The slaves connected to RS485 com port of TCP/IP gateway if connection type is TCP/IP

By default, PMC Modbus scan the slaves from Modbus address 1 to 247. You can change the start address for the scan by changing the parameter Start address. So, PMC Modbus will begin the scan with the specified address (in case of slaves which have high Modbus address, the scan duration will be reduced).

To launch the scan, click the start button. The scan takes a long time because PMC Modbus must test all slave address from 1 to 247. But you can stop it at any time by clicking the stop button.

Each device found are identified by his type and his modbus slave address. At the bottom of the screen, there is a progress bar to inform the user on the scan progression.

Basic measurement, date and time reset

PMC Modbus tool can display the basic measurements of all PMC devices. To display the measurement, you have to:

Select the device modbus address

Select the device modbus type

Click start button

Then, the measurements are updated every second. To stop, click stop button.

To reset the date and time of device, you have to select only the device type and click Reset D/T button : all device of this type connected will be updated.

Reading registers

This function allow the user to read directly registers from a device. The user has to :

Select de device modbus address

Select the first register address

Select the number of registers to read

Click start button

The register values are updated every second. To stop the read, click stop button.

You can change the register format in decimal (signed or unsigned), hexadecimal or binary.

Writing registers

This function allow the user to write registers into the devices. The user as to :

Select device address

Select the first register to write

Select the number of register to write

Write each register value

Click Write button

This function is a one shot function. If you want to write another value into the registers, you have to click again on Write button.

Custom requests

This function allow the user to send a custom modbus request to a slave. The user has to :

Select the device address

Select the modbus function code

Select the request parameter (data)

Click on Send request button

The request response is displayed into the response area in hexadecimal.

TS for Sepam relay

This function allow the user to have an overview of all or a part of KTS on Sepam relay. The user has to :

Select the Sepam type

Select the Sepam address

Click start button

The status (0 or 1) of each selected KTS will be display. The KTS status will be updated every second. To stop the KTS reading, click stop button.

TC for Sepam relay

This function allows the user to write KTC to Sepam relay. The user has to :

Select the Sepam type

Select the Sepam address

Select which KTC to write. The button Select all and unselect all select or unselect all KTC.

Click on Write button

This function is one shot. If the user wants to write KTC again, he has to click on Write button again.

Event table for Sepam relay

This function allows the user to empty the events tables of Sepam relay. The user has to :

Select the Sepam type

Select the Sepam address

Select the event table to read

Click on Read button

This function is one shot. The selected event table will be completely emptied. You have to take care by using this function because data will be lost !!!Basic readings for Vigilhom-System

This function help you to quick test the Vigilhom-System installation and to visualize the basic readings:

Define modbus address of XLI or XTU data concentrator

Scan the Vigilhom-System configuration by clicking on scan button: this will build a tree with all available devices connected on Vigilhom-System

Select into the tree a device and click the button start to begin the readings of basic values for this device


At the bottom of the screen, there is 2 counters : NB. pollings counter and valid responses counter. These counters could be used to be sure that the communication with devices is still alive during the measurement display or register reading for example.