pm-cat benchmark flyer

Bid & Proposal Management Benchmarking WHY USE PM-CAT FOR BENCHMARKING YOUR CAPABILITY? “We wanted to provide a benchmarking method that was credible, comprehensive in scope and quick to administer. The Bid & Proposal Capability Assessment Tool (PM-CAT) allows you to self-assess your organisation against 18 best- practice capabilities across four core capability areas. The resulting free report provides instant feedback on your current capability and specific opportunities for improvement.” Ian Sherwood CPP.APMP Bid & Proposal Director twentysix2, developers of PM-CAT Benchmarking Winners Identify the shortest route to the biggest improvements in your organisation’s bid and proposal capability with PM-CAT

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Page 1: PM-CAT Benchmark Flyer

Bid & Proposal Management


Why use PM-CAT for

BenChMArking your CAPABiliTy?

“We wanted to provide a benchmarking method that

was credible, comprehensive in scope and quick to administer.

The Bid & Proposal Capability Assessment Tool (PM-CAT)

allows you to self-assess your organisation against 18 best-

practice capabilities across four core capability areas. The

resulting free report provides instant feedback on your

current capability and specific opportunities for improvement.”

ian sherwood CPP.APMP Bid & Proposal Director

twentysix2, developers of PM-CAT

Benchmarking WinnersIdentify the shortest route to the biggest improvements in your organisation’s bid and proposal capability with PM-CAT

Page 2: PM-CAT Benchmark Flyer

Identify the shortest route to the biggest improvements in your

organisation’s capability and quickly uncover hidden bottlenecks with

PM-CAT Proposal Management Benchmarking.

instant BenchmarkingPM-CAT is a scalable benchmarking solution

that provides an initial assessment of bid and

proposal management capability in minutes.

PM-CAT looks at four capability levels:

PM-CAT considers eighteen key proposal management capabilities in four essential areas:

• Practice – how tasks are implemented during

the creation of a proposal

• Process – the way processes are applied

throughout the proposal preparation

• People – the qualifications and experience of

proposal team members

• Proposal – assesses the proposal document

against best practice, usually reinforces the

findings in the other three areas

PM-CAT is an online assessment which provides

the benchmark for preliminary discussions. It is

the first step to transforming your business

winning capability.

in-depth BenchmarkingPM-CAT provides a robust framework for an

in-depth benchmarking evaluation of bid and

proposal management capability.

Every penny spent on bid and proposal

management is an investment in your

organisation’s future. PM-CAT benchmarking

can help you to maximise your ROI by:

• Revealingpreviouslyunseenbottlenecks

which could be holding you back

• Objectivelyprovidingevidenceformaking

changes or investing in improvements

• Identifyingyourorganisation’sbiggest

opportunities for growth

The in-depth benchmarking solution includes:

• Calibratingtheinitialbenchmarkbyenterprise-

wide use of PM-CAT

• Engagingstakeholdersin1:1interviewsto

refine assessment and gain buy-in

• Conductingevidentialassessmentof

proposal quality

• Auditinginternalprocessesandtools

• Presentingrecommendationsandagreeing

timelines for implementation

The needs of the client will determine the details

of the actual implementation plan.

The Proposal Management Capability Assessment Tool is provided by twentysix2, a Bid solutions Consulting Partner.

for an initial assessment visit or talk to one of our team about your specific benchmarking needs.

Bid & Proposal Management Benchmarking

email [email protected]

Call +44(0)2089732461

evidence of Best Practice

No evidence

Some evidence



Application of Best Practice

Not applicable




Capability level