
Plyometrics Speed and strength are integral components of fitness found in varying degrees in virtually all athletic movements. Simply put the combination of speed and strength is power. For many years, coaches and athletes have sought to improve power in order to enhance performance. Throughout this century and no doubt long before, jumping, bounding and hopping exercises have been used in various ways to enhance athletic performance. In recent years, this distinct method of training for power or explosiveness has been termed plyometrics. Whatever the origins of the word the term is used to describe the method of training that seeks to enhance the explosive reaction of the individual through powerful muscular contractions because of rapid eccentric contractions. Muscle Mechanism The maximum force that a muscle can develop is attained during a rapid eccentric contraction. However, it should be realised that muscles seldom perform one type of contraction in isolation during athletic movements. When a concentric contraction occurs (muscle shortens) immediately following an eccentric contraction (muscle lengthens) then the force generated can be dramatically increased. If a muscle is stretched, much of the energy required to stretch it is lost as heat, but some of this energy can be stored by the elastic components of the muscle. This stored energy is available to the muscle only during a subsequent contraction. It is important to realise that this energy boost is lost if the eccentric contraction is not followed immediately by a concentric contraction. To express this greater force the muscle must contract within the shortest time possible. This whole process is frequently called the stretch shortening cycle and is the underlying mechanism of plyometric training. Choose the method to fit the sport

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Speed and strength are integral components of fitness found in varying degrees in virtually all athletic movements. Simply put the combination of speed and strength is power. For many years, coaches and athletes have sought to improve power in order to enhance performance. Throughout this century and no doubt long before, jumping, bounding and hopping exercises have been used in various ways to enhance athletic performance. In recent years, this distinct method of training for power or explosiveness has been termed plyometrics. Whatever the origins of the word the term is used to describe the method of training that seeks to enhance the explosive reaction of the individual through powerful muscular contractions because of rapid eccentric contractions.

Muscle Mechanism

The maximum force that a muscle can develop is attained during a rapid eccentric contraction. However, it should be realised that muscles seldom perform one type of contraction in isolation during athletic movements. When a concentric contraction occurs (muscle shortens) immediately following an eccentric contraction (muscle lengthens) then the force generated can be dramatically increased. If a muscle is stretched, much of the energy required to stretch it is lost as heat, but some of this energy can be stored by the elastic components of the muscle. This stored energy is available to the muscle only during a subsequent contraction. It is important to realise that this energy boost is lost if the eccentric contraction is not followed immediately by a concentric contraction. To express this greater force the muscle must contract within the shortest time possible. This whole process is frequently called the stretch shortening cycle and is the underlying mechanism of plyometric training.

Choose the method to fit the sport

The golden rule of any conditioning program is specificity. This means that the movement you perform in training should match, as closely as possible, the movements encountered during competition. If you are rugby player, practicing for the line out or a volleyball player interested in increasing vertical jump height, then drop jumping or box jumping may be the right exercise. However if you are a javelin thrower aiming for a more explosive launch, then upper body plyometrics is far more appropriate.

Step Training Hurdles

Excellent for agility, plyometric and sprint drill training. Available in 6 inch, 9 inch and 12 inch heights.Select this link to order your Step Training Hurdles.

Plyometric Exercises

The following are examples of lower body and upper body plyometric exercises.

Lower Body

Drop JumpingThis exercise involves the athlete dropping (not jumping) to the ground from a raised platform or box, and then immediately jumping up. The drop down gives the pre-stretch to the leg muscles and the vigorous drive upwards the secondary concentric contraction. The exercise will be more effective the shorter the time the feet are in contact with the ground. The loading in this exercise is governed by the height of the drop that should be in the region of 30 to 80 cm. Drop jumping is a relatively high impact form of plyometric training and would normally be introduced after the athlete had become accustomed to lower impact alternatives, such as two-footed jumping on the spot.

Bounding and hurdlingIf forward motion is more the name of your game, try some bounding. This is a form of plyometric training, where over sized strides are used in the running action and extra time spent in the air. Two-legged bounds reduce the impact to be endured, but to increase the intensity one legged bounding, or hopping, can be used. Bounding upstairs is a useful way to work on both the vertical and horizontal aspects of the running action. Multiple jumps over a series of obstacles like hurdles are valuable drills for athletes training for sprinting or jumping events.

Examples of lower body plyometric exercises with intensity level:

Standing based jumps performed on the spot (low intensity) - Tuck Jumps, Split Jumps

Jumps from standing (low-medium intensity) - Standing long jump, Standing hop, Standing jump for height

Multiple jumps from standing (medium intensity) - bounds, bunny hops, double footed jumps over low hurdle, double footed jumps up steps

Multiple jumps with run in (High intensity) - 11 stride run + 2 hops and a jump into sandpit, 2 stride run in + bounds

Depth jumping (high-very high intensity) - jumps down and up off box (40 to 100cm), bounding up hill

Eccentric drop and hold drills (high-very high intensity) - hop and hold, bound/hop/bound/hop over 30 metres (athletes stop and hold on each landing before springing into the next move), drop and hold from a height greater than one metre

Examples of lower body plyometric exercises are detailed on the Leg Plyometric page.

Upper Body

A variety of drills can be used to make the upper body more explosive:

Press ups & hand clap: Press-ups with a hand clap in between is a particularly vigorous way to condition the arms and chest. The pre-stretch takes place as the hands arrive back on the ground and the chest sinks, and this is followed quickly by the explosive upwards action. Once again, to get the best training effect keep the time in contact with the ground to a minimum.

Medicine Ball: Another means of increasing upper body strength popular with throwers is to lie on the ground face up. A partner then drops a medicine ball down towards the chest of the athlete, who catches the ball (pre-stretch) and immediately throws it back. This is another high-intensity exercise and should only be used after some basic conditioning.

Examples of upper body plyometric exercises are detailed on the Arm Plyometric page.

Planning a Plyometric Session

The choice of exercises within a session and their order should be planned. A session could:

begin with exercises that are fast, explosive and designed for developing elastic strength (low hurdle jumps; low drop jumps)

work through exercises that develop concentric strength (standing long jump; high hurdle jumps)

finish with training for eccentric strength (higher drop jumps)

An alternative session could be:

begin with low hurdle jumps

progress to bounding and hopping,

continue with steps or box work

finish with medicine ball work out for abdominals and upper body

Some examples and explanations of plyometric exercises for the arms and legs are detailed on the Leg Plyometric page and the Arm Plyometric page.

Warm up

A thorough warm up is essential prior to plyometric training. Attention should be given to jogging, stretching (dynamic), striding and general mobility especially about the joints involved in the planned plyometric session. A cool down should follow each session.

How many?

It is wise not to perform too many repetitions in any one session and since it is a quality session, with the emphasis on speed and power rather than endurance, split the work into sets with ample recovery in between. An experienced athlete conducting lower body plyometrics may conduct up to 150-200 contacts in a session - athletes new to plyometric work should start with low to medium intensity exercise with around 40 contacts per session e.g. 2 sets of 6 bunny hops is 12 contacts. Similar approach should be taken with upper body plyometrics.

The focus must always be on quality and not quantity.

Where to do it and what to wear

For bounding exercises use surfaces such as grass or resilient surfaces. Avoid cement floors because there is no cushioning. Choose well-cushioned shoes that are stable and can absorb some of the inevitable impact. All athletes should undergo general orthopaedic screening before engaging in plyometric training. Particular attention should be given to structural or postural problems that are likely to predispose the athlete to injury.

Conditioning for plyometrics

Higher than normal forces are put on the musculoskeletal system during plyometric exercises so it is important for the athlete to have a good sound base of general strength and endurance. Most experts state that a thorough grounding in weight training is essential before you start plyometrics. It has been suggested that an athlete be able to squat twice their body weight before attempting depth jumps. However, less intensive plyometric exercises can be incorporated into general circuit and weight training during the early stages of training to progressively condition the athlete. Simple plyometric drills such as skipping, hopping and bounding should be introduced first. More demanding exercises such as flying start single-leg hops and depth jumps should be limited to thoroughly conditioned athletes.

Conditioning programs to develop leg strength are detailed on the Lower Leg Conditioning page and the Leg Conditioning page.

Young athletes

Some authors suggest that moderate jumps (low intensity) can be included in the athletic training of very young children (Lohman, 1989). However, great care needs to be exerted when prescribing any training procedures for preadolescent children. Because of the relatively immature bone structure in preadolescent and adolescent children the very great forces exerted during intensive depth jumps (high intensity) should be avoided (Smith, 1975).


Plyometric type exercises have been used successfully by many athletes as a method of training to enhance power. In order to realise the potential benefits of plyometric training the stretch-shortening cycle must be invoked. This requires careful attention to the technique used during the drill or exercise. The rate of stretch rather than the magnitude of stretch is of primary importance in plyometric training. In addition, the coupling time or ground contact time must be as short as possible. The challenge to you as coach or athlete is to select or create an exercise that is specific to the event and involves the correct muscular action. As long as you remember specificity and to ensure there is a pre stretch first then the only limit is your imagination.

Plyometric exercise and weight training can be combined in complex training sessions to develop explosive power.

Additional Information

Associated Links

The following links may provide additional information:

Football conditioning plyometrics

Plyometrics guide

Plyometrics for sprinting

Definition for plyometrics

Basic plyometrics exercise

Plyometrics training program example

Plyometrics for runners

Improving muscular power plyometrics vertical jump

History of plyometrics

Associated Pages

The following Sports Coach pages should be read in conjunction with this page:

Arm Plyometrics

Complex Training

High Intensity Plyometrics

Leg Plyometrics

Plyometrics & Complex Training - example program


Training Books

Training Products

Associated Books

The following books provide more information related to this topic:

Advanced Studies in Physical Education and Sport, P Beashel et al., ISBN 0 17 4482345

Physical Education and the Study of Sport, B. Davis et al., ISBN 0 7234 31752

Essentials of Exercise Physiology, W.D. McArdle et al., ISBN 0 683 30507 7

Physical Education and Sport Studies, D. Roscoe et al., ISBN 1 901424 20 0

The World of Sport Examined, P. Beashel et al., ISBN 0 17 438719 9

Advanced PE for Edexcel, F. Galligan et al., ISBN 0 435 50643 9

Examining Physical Education, K. Bizley, ISBN 0 435 50660 9

Sport and PE, K Wesson et al., ISBN 0 340 683821

PE for you, J. Honeybourne, ISBN 0 7487 3277 2


By Alex Meiliunas (Ba.Sci Human Movement Maj. Ex Physiology



Since the 1960's, the Soviet Union has been practicing what we now call, Plyometrics. The Soviets had been successful in the use of Plyometrics in their training regimes. The results showed in jumping events. It wasn't until 1975, when Fred Wilt, former Olympic runner, used the term Plyometrics in North America. The Russian Yuri Verhoshansky could very well be called the "Father of Plyometrics". He has been the leading researcher and coach most recognized with the spread of Plyometrics, for more information look at any of his works.

The idea of plyometrics is to develop the greatest amount of force in the shortest amount of time. Plyometrics is one of the best ways if not the best way to improve power. Power is similar to strength except you are adding a time factor. Therefore the relation of strength and speed is what we are talking about when we talk about power. A person who can perform a specific resistance movement, such as jumping, bench press etc., the fastest would be said to have more power in that movement. So what we are looking at is not just the contraction of the muscle, but how fast will it contract. It has been shown that a muscle will contract the fastest when it has been loaded. This is why you should be able to jump higher if you crouch down then immediately jump up than if you started in the crouch. It is basically working what is termed a Stretch Reflex of the muscle. Plyometrics can help maximize power in the stretching and shortening cycle of a muscle or muscle group. They also promote reflex power through a broader range of motion than most endurance athletes use. The balance and strength aspect of the movements allow for development of optimal efficiency. These exercises also train an athlete to absorb shock better, improving resiliency in the joints and soft tissue. With plyometric training, an athlete is able to sustain repetitive contractions over time, say continuos jumping for a rebound in basketball. You develop strength and power through a broad range of motion, while creating a more versatile muscle and joint. Some exercises include: jumps-in-place, standing jumps, multiple jumps, box drills, depth jumps, bounding, and medicine ball exerc


Some Important Points

- Always warm up and stretch especially the legs.- Explosive movements are required for optimum results.- Correct foot placement is essential.- Adequate recovery between reps can not be stressed enough.- Use only your body weight when performing plyometric exercises.- Keep your body balanced.- Avoid damped landings; use sprung floors, dry grass or an athletic track.

An Example Program for Beginners

Warm Up: An absolute must prior to doing this circuit. Spend 5 10 minutes working gradually on an exercise bike, or fast walk / light jog. Follow this by a further 5 minutes of skipping, before stretching, especially your quadriceps and calf muscles.Ricochets: Staying on the balls of your feet, make rapid moves forward keeping your feet together, jumping only a few inches both forward and upwards. Aim for 3 sets of only 5 10 meters, with 30 - 60 seconds rest between sets, then walk / light jog for 2 minutes before next exercise..Alternate Leg Bound: Aim for both good height and distance, using your arms for extra power. Change the leg after each landing, 3-5 sets for 20-30 meters, rest as above.Double Leg Bound: Aim for both height and forward motion, whilst landing on both feet, (on your toes), explode off again immediately on landing and repeat. Concentrate on your landing, not squatting down to far. Perform 3 5 sets of 6 8 jumps, rest as above.Skipping: Aim to spend as much time in the air as possible, using your arms to gain extra height. Alternate your leg upon landing, thrusting the leading leg upward towards the chest and slightly forward. Perform 3 sets of 20 30 seconds then rest for 30 seconds between sets.Cool Down: by fast walking, taking long strides, and pushing up with your toes in order to feel a stretch in your calf muscles. Spend at least 10 minutes on stretching your legs, as the muscle fibers will certainly feel sore.


Power Training for Sport: Polymerics for Maximum Power Development. Tudor O. Bompa, PhD. Coaching Association of Canada, 1996.Jumping Into Plyometrics, Don Chu , Human Kinetics,2nd Edition ,1998

Plyometric Exercising Workout Plan Program Routine

Plyometric Exercising AuthorRod Ferris B.A. CPT(YMCA, ACE)Fitness LevelAdvancedType of Workout ProgramPlyometricsDays in Plan2 Day Workout RoutineRest Between Sets: N/A Sports Specific Duration of Workout30 Min per session

Plyometric Exercise is very taxing group of exercises to complete. Unless you are a highly trained athlete do not try plyometrics anymore than twice a week. Plyometrics focus on bounding, jumping and explosive movements to train your body to handle quick and immediate stressors; because of this, plyometrics are EXTREMELY important for any athlete to complete.

For more information about plyometrics please visit: An Introduction or Beginners Guide to Plyometrics. Also please see a complete list of plyometric exercises.

A planned nutritional program or schedule is one of the most important aspects of any workout program plan/routine. Please see the nutrition section to learn about protein, carbohydrates and fats. The bottom line is to make sure to get 6 small meals during the day all having protein, veggies and fruit. Also, have carbs and protein during and after a workout for muscle recovery. This is needed for increasing musculature. For an easy to follow recipe book created by the godfather of nutrition, check out Gourmet Nutrition: A cookbook for healthy people. All of these workouts can be completed by men or women.

All workout routines benefit from changing the sets, weight and reps week to week. This will help prevent a plateau. An example is:

Week 1: 6-8 reps 4 sets- Muscle MassWeek 2: 12-15 reps 3-4 sets - DefinitionWeek 3: 1-3 reps 5 sets - PowerWeek 4: 8-10 reps

The Plyometric Exercising Free Workout Plan Program Routine

Day1 - Plyometrics Workout Plan

1. Ball to Ball Twists Sets:4Reps:15 Notes: Use a heavy medicine ball and also use explosive controlled movements which mimick the action of the sport you are playing.

2. Clap Push Up Sets:3Reps:12 Notes: Complete these as fast as possible.

3. Double Stair Jumps Sets:3Reps:12 Notes: Be careful of your footing. It might be wise to have a spotter underneath you for moral and safety support.

4. Jump Rope Sets:3Reps:50 Notes: Complete jump rope for 2-3 minutes on and 4 minutes off for 3 sets.

5. Seated Twists Sets:3Reps:12 Day2 - Plyometrics Workout Plan

1. Burpee Sets:3Reps:10 Notes: Start with 10 reps for 3 sets and work your way up to 20 reps within 3 weeks.

2. Double Knee Jumps Sets:3Reps:12 Notes: Complete 12 explosive double knee jumps.

3. High to Low Medicine Ball Twists Sets:3Reps:15 Notes: Make sure to focus on your form and also try Low to High Medicine Ball Twists

4. One Foot Box Jumps Sets:3Reps:6 Notes: Explode up and focus on your form. This is a very difficult plyometric and 6 reps will be difficult in the beginning.

5. Side Box Jumps Sets:3Reps:12 Notes: This exercise is to strictly focus on speed and agility.

Plyometric Exercises Full List

This is a complete list of plyometric exercises. The idea of plyometrics is to develop the greatest amount of force in the shortest amount of time. Plyometrics are generally used in athletes, but can be tried by anyone looking to gain, strength, speed and power. These plyometric exercises sometimes requires a bench, stairs, jumping rope; everything that you could find in your house.

Plyometric or Sport Specific ExercisesImageName of PlyometricMuscle Group

Seated Twists Start with a medicine ball infront of your body. Bring the ball to one side and other side quickly and controlled. This exercise is great for developing core ...Abdominals, Obliques, Upper Body, Core Strength, Stabilizers

Stablizing on the ball This exercise is used for refining stabilizer muscles in the abdominals.

Start with the ball under your knees while holding on to something, then let...Abdominals, Stabilizers, Isokinetic

Clap Push Up Start lying face down with your hands out to the sides supporting your weight. Now explode off with your hands and then clap your hands together in the middle ...Chest, Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Triceps, Anterior Deltoid (Arms, Shoulder)

Burpee Start by standing tall and then drop to your hands and end up in push-up form (this may take some practice before you try this at 100% intensity). Stand up as ...Chest, Triceps, Deltoids, Legs, Stabilizers (Pectoralis Major, Shoulder)

Ball to Ball Twists This exercise is especially good for developing core strength.

Start back to back with a partner. Have one partner with a medicine ball pass the ball t...Core Strength, Abdominals, Obliques, Upper Body

One Foot Box Jumps Start on one side of the box/bench/whatever with one leg off the ground, then squat down and jump over the box/bench/whatever landing on the same foot. This ex...Gastrocnemius, Rectus Femoris, Biceps Femoris, Gluteus Maximus (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

Side Box Jumps Start on one side of the box/bench/whatever in a squat position. Jump up pushing off horizontally while tucking your knees into your chest. Land with two feet...Rectus Femoris, Biceps Femoris, Gluteus Maximus, Gastrocnemius (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

Jump Rope Start with a skipping rope and jump while the rope is going underneath your feet. Visit for a complete ...Rectus Femoris, Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris, Gastrocnemius, Forearm Flexors (Legs, Butt, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

High to Low Medicine Ball Twists This exercise is great for any sport involving twisting at the waist, or developing core strength. Ie. Hockey

Start with a partner and stand back to b...Serratus Anterior, Abdominals, Anterior Deltoid, Shoulders, Biceps Brachii, Obliques, Core Strength

Double Knee Jumps Start by standing in a squat position. Jump up with two feet while tucking your knees into your chest. Return to the starting position. This exercise is VERY...Thigh, Biceps Femoris, Gluteus Maximus, Gastrocnemius (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

Double Stair Jumps Start by standing infront of a set of stairs in a squat position. Jump with two feet bringing your knees to your chest while jumping to the stairs infront of yo...Thigh, Biceps Femoris, Gluteus Maximus, Gastrocnemius (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calf)

Introduction to Plyometrics | Plyometrics Training by Alex Meiliunas

Plyometrics is one of the best ways if not the best way to improve power. Power is similar to strength except you are adding a time factor. Therefore the relation of strength and speed is what we are talking about when we talk about power. A person who can perform a specific resistance movement, such as jumping, bench press etc., the fastest would be said to have more power in that movement. So what we are looking at is not just the contraction of the muscle, but how fast will it contract. It has been shown that a muscle will contract the fastest when it has been loaded. This is why you should be able to jump higher if you crouch down then immediately jump up than if you started in the crouch.

Plyometrics is basically working what is termed a Stretch Reflex of the muscle. Plyometrics can help maximize power in the stretching and shortening cycle of a muscle or muscle group. They also promote reflex power through a broader range of motion than most endurance athletes use. The balance and strength aspect of the movements allow for development of optimal efficiency. These exercises also train an athlete to absorb shock better, improving resiliency in the joints and soft tissue. With plyometric training, an athlete is able to sustain repetitive contractions over time, say continuos j umping for a rebound in basketball. You develop strength and power through a broad range of motion, while creating a more versatile muscle and joint. Some exercises include: jumps-in-place, standing jumps, multiple jumps, box drills, depth jumps, bounding, and medicine ball exercises.
















