plot summary fifth element fill gaps

Plot The Fifth Element Fill the gaps with the words in the box: The movie begins in 1914 in a ruined _____ temple, where an archaeologist and his assistant (played by Luke Perry), to a priest's dismay, uncover ancient writings describing the arrival of a  _________________ _____ every five millennia. The excavation is interrupted when an extrate rrestri al sh ip lands in the a rea. Its occupants , the ________________ , enter the temple and reveal a hidden crypt containing four stones corresponding to the four essential elements of water, fire, earth, and air arrang ed around a statue (the 'Fifth' Element) . These constitute the only mea ns by which to stop the Gr eat Evil. The Mondoshawans charge the priest with a new task of preserving the temple and its knowledge through the generations, before taking the stones to keep them from being damaged in the events of an upcoming war, pledging to return when the Great Evil reappears. Centuries later , in the year __, a Federated Navy battleship witnesses a planetary eclipse, which gives birth to the Great Evil. On Earth, at the United Federation 's headquarters in , Priest __________________ (Ian Holm) assures Federation President Lindberg that the Mondoshawan will delive r the weapon essential to Earth's survival. During their journey, however, the Mondos hawans' ship is shot down by ______ ; a shape-shifting, warlike race that was recently devastated by a conflict with the Federation. From the wreckage of the ship, Federal scientists recover the severed fist of one of the crew members, from whose surviving cells they clone or regenerate _____ (Milla Jovovich), an apparently human woman observed on a physical and genetic level as a " ". Leeloo, terrified by the scientists, escapes the laborat ory and dives into the passing, flying taxic ab driven by  _________________ __ (Bruce Willis), a recently -divorced former major in the Federated Army's Speci al Forces. Following an extensive air chase through the multi -level traffic by the NYPD, Dallas later brings the woman to Cornelius, who quickly rushes him out. The Mangalores then rendezvous with ___________________ (Gar y Oldman), a wealthy industrialist who is aiding the Great Evil and selling weapons, especially the Z F-1, to the Mangalores so they ca n have their revenge on the Federation. At Cornelius 's apartment, Leeloo reveal s that the fou r magical stones ar e safeguarded by renowned opera singer _______________ (Maïwenn Le Besco), whom Leeloo must meet. Zorg, upon learning that the Mangalores have brought him an _____________ rather than the stones of power, leaves a single crate of his weapons for the Mangalores, deliberately not revealing the weapons' self-destru ction mechanism, which is activated and kills its users. A few survivor s decide to obtain the stones of power for themselves . President Lindberg, learning about the stones and the Diva from General Munro, rigs a contest for tickets to__________________ , a space liner where the Diva will be performing, and draft s Dallas back into the Federa ted Army to retrieve the stones. Cornelius, unaware of the President's p lan, sends Leeloo and his assistant David (Charlie Creed-Miles) to masquerade as Dallas and his newlywed wife, in which disguises they will infi ltrate the shuttle flight to Fhloston. Dallas intercepts them at the JFK International Airport and boards the shuttle with Leeloo. Cornelius, learning about Dallas's sudden reappearance, hides aboard the shuttle, where Dallas is accosted by the talkativ e radio host ________________ __(Chris Tucker). The shuttle arrives at the Fhloston Paradise, followed by Zorg, while the Mangalores infiltrate the space liner. Rhod and Dallas attend the Diva's performance while Leeloo waits for the Diva in her quarters. The Mangalores storm Diva's quarters to take the briefcase that seems to hold the stones, and Leeloo remembers them from their attack on the Mondoshawan ship, gets angry and fights them single handedly. Zorg then enters and wounds her, steals the briefcase, and arranges for the liner to _____. While this asteroid, Egyptian, Divine Light, Mondoshawans, explode,  New York City, Ruby Rhod , love, Vito Corneliu s, Leeloo, Mangalores, Great Evil, perfect bein g, body, war, Korbe n Dallas, Earth, Emmanuel Zorg, elements, Diva Plavalaguna, empty case, 2263, Fhloston Paradise, moon, Mangalores 

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Page 1: Plot Summary Fifth Element Fill Gaps

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Plot The Fifth Element

Fill the gaps with the words in the box:

The movie begins in 1914 in a ruined ______________ temple, where an archaeologist and his assistant(played by Luke Perry), to a priest's dismay, uncover ancient writings describing the arrival of a

 ______________________ every five millennia. The excavation is interrupted when an extrate rrestrial ship

lands in the area. Its occupants, the ________________ , enter the temple and reveal a hidden crypt

containing four stones corresponding to the four essential elements of water, fire, earth, and air arranged

around a statue (the 'Fifth' Element). These constitute the only mea ns by which to stop the Great Evil. The

Mondoshawans charge the priest with a new task of preserving the temple and its knowledge through the

generations, before taking the stones to keep them from being damaged in the events of an upcoming war,

pledging to return when the Great Evil reappears.

Centuries later, in the year _______, a Federated Navy battleship witnesses a planetary eclipse, which

gives birth to the Great Evil. On Earth, at the United Federation's headquarters in _________________,Priest ____________________ (Ian Holm) assures Federation President Lindberg that the Mondoshawan

will deliver the weapon essential to Earth's survival. During their journey, however, the Mondoshawans'

ship is shot down by________________ ; a shape-shifting, warlike race that was recently devastated by a

conflict with the Federation. From the wreckage of the ship, Federal scientists recover the severed fist of 

one of the crew members, from whose surviving cells they clone or regenerate __________ (Milla

Jovovich), an apparently human woman observed on a physical and genetic level as a " _______________".

Leeloo, terrified by the scientists, escapes the laboratory and dives into the passing, flying taxicab driven by

 ___________________ (Bruce Willis), a recently-divorced former major in the Federated Army's Special

Forces. Following an extensive air chase through the multi-level traffic by the NYPD, Dallas later brings the

woman to Cornelius, who quickly rushes him out.

The Mangalores then rendezvous with ___________________(Gary Oldman), a wealthy industrialist who is

aiding the Great Evil and selling weapons, especially the ZF-1, to the Mangalores so they can have their

revenge on the Federation. At Cornelius's apartment, Leeloo reveals that the four magical stones ar e

safeguarded by renowned opera singer _______________ (Maïwenn Le Besco), whom Leeloo must meet.

Zorg, upon learning that the Mangalores have brought him an _____________ rather than the stones of 

power, leaves a single crate of his weapons for the Mangalores, deliberately not revealing the weapons'

self-destruction mechanism, which is activated and kills its users. A few survivors decide to obtain the

stones of power for themselves.

President Lindberg, learning about the stones and the Diva from General Munro, rigs a contest for tickets

to__________________ , a space liner where the Diva will be performing, and drafts Dallas back into the

Federated Army to retrieve the stones. Cornelius, unaware of the President's plan, sends Leeloo and his

assistant David (Charlie Creed-Miles) to masquerade as Dallas and his newlywed wife, in which disguises

they will infiltrate the shuttle flight to Fhloston. Dallas intercepts them at the JFK International Airport and

boards the shuttle with Leeloo. Cornelius, learning about Dallas's sudden reappearance, hides aboard the

shuttle, where Dallas is accosted by the talkative radio host __________________(Chris Tucker). The

shuttle arrives at the Fhloston Paradise, followed by Zorg, while the Mangalores infiltrate the space liner.

Rhod and Dallas attend the Diva's performance while Leeloo waits for the Diva in her quarters. The

Mangalores storm Diva's quarters to take the briefcase that seems to hold the stones, and Leeloo

remembers them from their attack on the Mondoshawan ship, gets angry and fights them single handedly.

Zorg then enters and wounds her, steals the briefcase, and arranges for the liner to __________. While this

asteroid, Egyptian, Divine Light, Mondoshawans, explode, New York City, Ruby Rhod, love, Vito

Cornelius, Leeloo, Mangalores, Great Evil, perfect being, body, war, Korben Dallas, Earth, Emmanuel

Zorg, elements, Diva Plavalaguna, empty case, 2263, Fhloston Paradise, moon, Mangalores 

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occurs, the Mangalores hijack the space liner, fatally wounding the Diva, who reveals to Dallas that the

stones are inside her _________ and cautions him to guard Leeloo. After extracting the stones, Dallas

repels the Mangalores and gains control of the space liner before seeking and finding Leeloo. Here, the

bomb alarm activates. As the passengers leave in lifeboats, Dallas, Leeloo, Cornelius, and Rhod hasten to

the dock, narrowly missing Zorg who, having found that the captured case is empty, returns to deactivate

his bomb. The _________________ , however, destroy the liner themselves, killing Zorg.

As Dallas and company return to __________ in Zorg's fighter ship, the Great Evil solidifies into an

 __________ and hurls itself at Earth. Leeloo, physically and emotionally wounded from the fighting,questions the validity of protecting life that is not wort h protecting, referring to humanity's acts of _____

and genocide. As they land at the temple which David has prepared for their arrival, Dallas tries to coax the

workings of the weapon needed to fight the Great Evil from Leeloo. As the group slowly discovers the

process and activates the stones by putting them into contact with their respective ____________, Leeloo

is hesitant to provide the _______________ needed to complete the weapon, fearing that humans will

inevitably destroy themselves. Dallas convinces Leeloo of humanity's hope and of his for her, then gives

her a passionate kiss, allowing Leeloo to release the fifth and final element. The Divine Light strikes the

Great Evil seconds before it reaches Earth, neutralizing the Evil and changing it into Earth's second ______.

Amidst the worldwide jubilation, the President visits the facility where Leeloo was cloned to congratulate

Leeloo and Dallas, (who are apparently having sex in the regeneration chamber).