pledge i~~yc, of. dr of any acpulrm of or isme sxcre~ma of

pledge or dispone of. or agree to I~~YC, sell. pledge or drspo.. of. my addxion.1 #ham. of. or any optima. warrants Dr rrghtD of any kmd LO acpulrm any .hare. of. their capzt.1 .toe* of any claim or any debt or eauity m~Nritiem convertible into or exchangeable for such capital mteck. t h a t maeh Company nuy Isme .harem upon the sxcre~ma of outatanding optmnm and warrmt8, or purmuant t o existing agreement.. in affect on the date hereof; Id1 not accelerate. amend or change the perlod of exercisability or ef option.. reetricted mtock or s1mXlar award. under any employee stock incentxv. plan or authorize cash paynnts in exchange for any options granted under any of mch plans *xEePt a1 required by tha term of much plan. or any relatad agreemema in elfact am of the date hereof; le1 noc 111 asmume. incur or bec- contingently liable wth reepect to any ind.btc8ne.m for borrowed mney other than (AI bormv~nga under the' cxl.ting credit fac11~tIes Of each C v n y . zf applicable Ithe "Kxmting Crcdit FaCilitiem*I. up LO the existing borr0lin9 lmir on the data hereof or other., brroringm In th. ordinary COurma of buninass Consiltant with p u t practice or I01 Cmmcmg arrmgemnts in Connection rrth the Payment of the Canh Election Price on Le- that are approved by M.trocall and Arch (In each elm much approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delavedl. liil redeem. wrchame. lgl not entar into or amend any emplaynnt. 8.veranc.. chang. in control. apecia1 pay arrang.ment wrth raipct to tcmlnat~on of employment or ocher mLni1.r arrangsdntnL. 01 .gr..mnts with any drrtcror., olfrcer. 01 kcy empleyy~.. provided, however. that If approve4 by the Arch Board. Arch My adopt a retention program for its key employeem other than those IndIvIdrula identxfi.d in Section A of Schedule 5.1 luho .hall not be entitled to partierpats in any such prcqraml providing for c1.h payment. In an aggregate amunt not to exceed the amount met forth ~n SCCtion 0 of Schedule 5 1: -19-

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Page 1: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

pledge o r dispone o f . or agree t o I ~ ~ Y C , s e l l . pledge or drspo.. of. m y addxion.1 #ham. of. or any o p t i m a . warrants D r rrghtD of any kmd LO acpulrm any .hare. of. t h e i r capzt.1 .toe* of any claim or any debt or eaui ty m ~ N r i t i e m convertible i n t o or exchangeable f o r such cap i t a l mteck. t h a t maeh Company nuy Isme .harem upon the sxcre~ma of outatanding optmnm and warrmt8, or purmuant t o ex i s t ing agreement.. in a f f e c t on t h e date hereof;

Id1 not accelerate. amend or change the perlod of e x e r c i s a b i l i t y or ef option.. r e e t r i c t e d mtock or s1mXlar award. under any employee stock

incentxv. plan or authorize cash p a y n n t s i n exchange for any options granted under any of mch plans *xEePt a1 required by tha term of much plan. or any r e l a t ad agreemema in e l f a c t am of t h e date hereof;

le1 noc 111 asmume. incur or bec- contingently l i a b l e w t h reepect to any ind.btc8ne.m for borrowed mney other than ( A I bormv~nga under t h e ' cxl.ting c red i t fac11~tIes Of each C v n y . zf applicable Ithe "Kxmting Crcdit FaCili t iem*I. up LO the ex i s t ing borr0lin9 l m i r on the data hereof or other., brroringm In th. ordinary COurma of buninass Consil tant with p u t p rac t i ce or I01 C m m c m g a r r m g e m n t s i n Connection r r t h the Payment of the Canh Election Price on Le- t ha t are approved by M.trocall and Arch (In each e l m much approval not t o be unreasonably withheld or delavedl. l i i l redeem. wrchame.

lgl not e n t a r i n t o or amend any emplaynnt. 8.veranc.. chang. i n control . apecia1 pay arrang.ment w r t h r a i p c t to t c m l n a t ~ o n of employment or ocher mLni1.r arrangsdntnL. 01 .gr..mnts with any drrtcror., olfrcer. 01 kcy empleyy~.. provided, however. t ha t If approve4 by t h e Arch Board. Arch M y adopt a re tent ion program for its key employeem other than those IndIvIdrula identxfi.d i n Section A of Schedule 5 . 1 luho .hall not be e n t i t l e d t o p a r t i e r p a t s i n any such prcqraml providing for c1.h payment. In an aggregate amunt not t o exceed the amount met f o r t h ~n SCCtion 0 of Schedule 5 1:

-19 -

Page 2: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Ihl not Increaa. the salary or mnetary c ~ n m a t i o n of any d i rec to r s . - cu t&w officer. or employees rhoac curren t annual base .alary x m In excema of 5200.000. except [ A I for incr*ames in the ordinary ceur.e of buaincas consistent with p a w prac t ice . I81 purrnuant t o cont rac tua l arrangement* an e f f ec t on Dacembr 11. 2003 or IC1 in connection w i t h tho amsunpt&on by such employe* of Mterl.1 new or addition.1 zesponmibilitiem;

collective bargaining agrement: 111 M E entab1i.h. adopt. en te r i n to or mter ia l ly amend m y

1 2 1 except as erpresaly permitted under the prov1.0 ~n sec t ion 5.11gl. not adopt. en te r i n t o or mend any peneron or retirement plan. CNSC or fund. except as required t o c m l y w i t h changer In a ip l i cab le law and not adopt. en te r i n to or smnd In any material respect any bnu.. profxt niurzng. compcnaation. stock o p t l m . defer red ewpen8atlon. hea l th care, mmplopent or 0th . r employee benef i t plan. agreement. t r u s t , fund or arrangewent for che

ordinary couree of bu.8n.m. cons is ten t with Dam Dractice or as rcoulrcd brne f l t or Welfare Of any employees O r r*tIIee. generally. O t h e r than 211 the

101 not W.L".. I.l..W. ... ign. M t C 1 . or c0mprax.e m y nu te r i a1 c1.1~1. or any material l i t i g a t i o n or a rb i t r a t ion which would. Individumlly or in t he ag9reg9.te. have an Arch Meterial Adverse Effect or M.tro'OC.11 n a t s r i a l Adverme Effect. am app11cable. and

defined in Arch'. nanagemnr Incentive Plan. or makc any mmilar award under Arch ' s IIpnagcmnt Long-Term IDC.ntIVa Plan Or acce lera te . anend or change t he p e r i d of exercimabili ty or veatlng of xmmued and outmtmding .Unl tB . an of the da te hereof or authorize cash paynents i n exchang. therefor . except am required Dy the tern. of Arch'. Management Lang-Tern Incentive Plan in effect am of the dare hereot .

. fpl not grant or c r e d x m y additional VJnIt.". am much term Is


Page 3: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

(a1 BIcapt a s prbvided below. each Conpany shall not, drrectly or mdirectly. and shall instruct ir. ~ffrecra. directors. enployass. Sub.idiar1.s. agent. and adviiorm and 0th.r r.pre.ancatlvem lincluding any inveatlcnt banker. attomoy or accountant retamed by itl. not to. dir-srly or indiractly. S O ~ I C L L . InitImte or knowingly encourage lincludlng by way of furnishing "onpublic l n t o ~ t i o n ~ . or take any Other action kn-ingly to faCi1itate. any mquiries or the nuking of any propom1 or otfer (including any'proposal or otfer co its .tockhold.r.) that constitute.. or u y reasonably be crpecred to h a d to. any Cmpeting Tranmactxon lam defmad i n Section 5.21911. or enter Into or m i n t a m Or Contlnu. O r negotiate Ylth any Permon In furtheranc. ot aueh inquulraes. or agree to or endorae any C m p t l n g Tranbaction. or authorize o r permit any of th. c4fx.r.. directors or employ... of a C m w n y or any Subsidiary tharmf. or m y znvest-nt banker. trmncial advisor. attorney. accountant or other representative retained by a C m p n y or any Submidiary thereof. to take any such action.

Ib) Nothing contained i n Section 5.21.1 shall prohibit the b m r d of directors of a C0np.n~ tram =-lying rlth Rule lad-9 01 Rule Ile-1 pr-lgated under Ch. Kxchmge Act.

Icl Prior to obtaining the Arch Stockholderm~ Approval or netrm.11 Stockholders' Approval. as the cane m y De. If the h r d of director. of a Company determine. ~n good faith that tazling eo do no would vmlate It. tiduclary duties, nothing contamed in Section 5 . l I a l 01 section 5.2Idl .lull prohlblt the b m r d of directors of such Coapany Iran considering and negotzating (including turnimhlng mnpublic m f o m t i o n ) an unso1iezt.d bona fide written proposal Ithe "Unsollcrted Bid.1 and approving or rec-nding to the stockhO1d.r. ot Buch C-ny land. xn conjunction rich such rcc-ndation. withdrawing It. rccmendation in favor Ot the Mergarl such Unsolicited Bid which I A I 1.. not received in vrolation of thim Sectmn 5 . 2 , 18) if executed OT eonsumted would bc a Canpcting 1ran.acCion. IC) is not conditioned on financing 01 111 cmditzoned on financing that i s . in the good faith l u 4 m n t of the board of directors of BuCh C-ny after consultation UIth ita fmanci.1 advrmor.. highly likely of being obtained. and (Dl the bxrd ot directors of auph Company determine. In g d taith. after consultation with Lt. f ~ n m c i a l advLsOr to euch tfttct. chat such Unsolxiced Bid provide. greater value to such C-ny'. atockholden than the Merger. taking in to consideration the financial impact of the tarmination provrmlena set forth rn Section 8.1 hareof.

c m p m y promptly. and in no event later t h m one Buaineas Day after rec-ipt. it any or otter. or any m q u z r y or contact rich any Person with respect thereto. regarding a C-Ling Transaction 1. made. Each Cmpany i-diately .hall cease and caume to be terninatad a11 exrmtlng discussions or negoczationn with any wrties conducttd hereedor. with rempet eo 8 C e r i n g Trmmaction; provided. herever. thlt nuch C-y .ha11 ?at raleau any chrrd wrty from. or r a ~ v e any prwi.ion of, an contidentiality or standatill agreement to which it I. a party. Kach Company a x a l l w e its best efforts to ensure that its officcrm. dxrectorm. employcam. sub.idiaria.. agants and advisors or other reprementac&ves (rncludrnp any m v e a t m t bnkear. attorney or accountant retained by it1 are aware Of the restrietione described i n thim SeCtlOn 5.1.

Id1 Each C q m y shall u8e its oent efforts to notify the 0th.r


Page 4: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

. .

c a p u l y Ma received th- not ica Pr0vld.d for in Section 5.11dl above, which not ice a h a l l Include t h e N t C r l a 1 term Of much C-tlng Trannactmn add t he iden t i ty oC t he Parmon or e n t l t y r r i h i n g t o en te r i n to such cmpat1r.g Iranmactxon. Purtharmore. durrng such P a r i d a Cmpany r.ccxvmng t h e offer for t h e Coaeetlng Transact~on m h . 1 1 negot ia te with the ocher Company &n good l a i t h any proposal n u h i t t a d t o such Conwny by t he 0th.r Company which addra#ema the term. Of che C-tang Tran.action.

I C I -coqetzr .g Tr.n.actzon. means any of t he roilowing invoivlng e i t h e r Conpany or any submidian of e i t h e r C 0 n p . n ~ ahd xnvolvlng an any came budnee. with net revenu.m. net In- or ammtm a t 40* or were of t h e amun t of net revenue., net I n c m or ammeti. rem~CtiV.1y. of such conpany and its SubmId1ari.e. taken as a whole:

l i l any merger. sonmolidatmn. .hare exchange. buelnaa. comblnmtion or o the r almrlar t r amac t ion :

(1,) any .ale. lea... OxchMge. metgage. pledge. t r a n s f e r or other dimpOaLtien o t 15) or mre o t t he as.etm of much par ty and i t s Submidiarms. taken as a vhol., t o a t h i r d par ty zn a 'Ingle t r ansac t ion or aarraa of r e l a t ed t ranaaet iona;

l i i r l any tender O f f e r or exchange o f k c for 1 5 t or -re of t he outstanding voting mecurit lea of auch pa r ty or t he CllIng of a r cg ia t r a t ron statm.nC under t he Sccuritiem A c t In conne=tlOn therewith; er

I i v ) any cocabrnation Of the forsgomg.


- 5 1 -

Page 5: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

much filing. and m U h L a . i O n m . Including providing copit. of -11 much document. to che non-filing party and Its adviaor. pilor to filing. and. if Iquemtad. shill assepc a11 raamonmbl. aMItIOna. deletion. o r change. muggoatad in COM.Ction therewith furn1.h a11 infomcion required for any application or other filing or .uhmI..ion to be made

Mecmcall and Arch .hell

pursuant to the rule. and ragulatlonB of ar.i applicable law xn conniction rrth the Trannactions.

Ibl The Compmrcs shall I l l pronptly land not rare than i o Bumme.. Day. from the date of this Aggreemantl file. and cause thehr r.sp.etive Subsidiaries to 111.. with thr FCC a11 neccaaary applicatxons for consent to tranafcr rn accordance with thin Agre-nc a11 1icsna.a. permits and authorriatiom issued by the FCC to either Of the C a p a n i e ~ or their rampectiv. SubaidiarIes. liil dIlIgently Promecut* a11 applxcrtLons rrth the PCC. and all r m l l a r gov.mmnta1 authoriti.. for SOnmCnt to the TransacciOIIs, Iiirl use their bcmt elforts to res1It or rcsolw any adnmistrative proce.dzng or suit. including appeal.. that may be mstituted to challenqe tkc grant or any much applrcarronm. Iivl furnish to the other party aush Informstion and as such party reamonably m y requemt in connectlon with th. pr.p.ratIon or prosecution or any much spplicatlons. IvI consult with and keep tha other party pr-tly appr1m.d Of m y C-nk.tloM with. and mnquirie. 01 rqemt. tor I n f o m t x o n from. much gevarnlDnt.1 authorItxea with respect to the tran.aetxonm contem+latcd hereby. and Iv1) urn0 the11 rSaa0Nble bemt effort. to obtain vcc approval.. Other governrrnt.1 apprwale Of the Tramactlonn and mhall not voluntarily take action. that rould glve any govemnmtal authorxtzes ground. to msticuca proceedings against exthar party.

Day. from the date hereof1 make its fllfngm under the HSR Act with respect LO the Trmeactionm and ahall use all c-rclally reasonable efforta to promptly make any other required subnismion under the HSR Act and resolve much ob].ccmnm. I f any. &a m y b amerred by a governmental agency rich rempccc to the Transa~cioni under the MtItrUsC Laws. In connection therewith. it any adminiatratlve or judicial accmn or procooding i. in.tltut.d (01. threatened to be bnatitutedl challenging any Trm.actlOn am V1OlatLVe of any M t i t N s t Ur. each Capany shall cooperate and urn. all cc-ercially reamonable =€fort. vigorously to Conteat and reslat any such aCtIOn or proceeding and to have vacated. lifted. reversed. or overturned any decree. judgment. inlunction or other Order. whether tenporary, preliminary or pcrmnent leach. an .Order‘.) that

of the Merger or the ochar Trm.aCtIon~. unlsas by nutwl agrccncnt the Cmpaniem decide that such 1LtigatLon or contemt ir not In their reapctivm b m t mtcrests. Notrithstlnding the prwia lon l of the innedrately preceding scntenca. It is cxpremaly underst4 and agreed that neither C o v n y shall have any ablrgaricn to lrtigate or conteat any .dmInistrative Or jud1ci.l a C L ~ o n 01 proceeding or any Order hyond tho * a r l z e r of 111 the date that either Ccmmn~

The Cwpanie. Shall CwpecaL. tC CQmolve any objection. to FCC and

(cl m e h Company .hall p r m tly land m not more than f i v e

~n effect and that prohlbltm. prevents, conditions or rcstrlets cone-tion


Page 6: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

. . Id) Welther Company .hall bo r .puIred t o agree. as a sondrt ion to

any approval or ralvar frcu ny gave-nt.1 authozlty. t o d1w.t I t m l f of or hold separate any Subardiary. 7 d iv lamn . businem. un i t or mter1.1 asea t .

le1 M e t r O C a l 1 and Arch each s h a l l conault with and keep t h e other Party apprrned of t he stacua of nu t t a ra r e l a t u q to c m p l e t m n of t h e TrMsactiona. Lncludmg. nlthout l i n I t a t Ion . promptly furnishing t h e Other pa r ty with sopias of notIcem or o the r cmaunicatlons received by Metrocall or Arch. as t he came m y k. or any of It. Subebdiarles. from iny t h i r d pa r ty and/or any govemtrantal authority with rempcct co t h e Merger and the hans.ctiona.

I C 1 'tach of MetrOEall'and Arch s h a l l glve 101 .hall C.U.. t h e i r r empc t rvc Sub.zdiarl.a to give) any natIce. t o thxrd Permon., and ".e. and c.u.~ cha i r re.mctIve SubmIdiarie. to w e , che l r raasonable bem effort. t o


o b t u n any t h i rd DLrmonm consents IAL necessary. proper or advimabl. t o conmumt. t he Tranmaction.. lsl othcwrme required under any c m t r a c t a . licensee.. lease. or other agreecents In mnnectlon with t h e cOn.u-tmn of t h e Tran.aCtIonm or IC1 r q u i r e d to prevent a Hetrmall Material Adwree Effec t or Arch naCrri.1 Advmrne effect rrm occurrrng P r i o r co the Bflectlv. rmr or any l i k e marerial admra. e f f e c t with IempCt to Parent from occurrlng a f t e r tha BfIccoIve TI-. In t ha event t ha t any party .hall f a l l to o b t a m any such thxrd Peram conmcnc. .uCh par ty s h a l l Y ~ C LL. reamnabla best d f o r t s . and s h a l l take any m c h aCtIon. rrnsonably requestad by the other Part&.., t o 1Imit t he adverse e f f e c t upon Metroeall. Arch and Parent. chcir respmxlv. Subaidlariea. and t h i z r respect ive bminaaaes reaultlng. or which could raasonably be expected t o remult a f t e r t he EffaCtIve Time. Crm the faI1UrC t o obtain auch Conment.

lgl Nothing zn t h l a AgreeKnt s h a l l rewire MecrocI11 or Arch t o agree t o t he ~npo.lCmn of condltiona. Cha pryrrnt OC m y N t C r I a 1 a m u n t s (o ther than f i l i n g reem and 13~pn.e. incurred by t he partien In EOM~FLIM with obtaining auch conmnts or appmu.l.1 or any requlr..*nt of dxvaecrture t o obtain any conmenta or approval. frcm t h l rd partI*a. including governmental authoricie.. rcqulred to consu-te t he Iranmactlonm. and in no w a n t .hall any par ty take. or be r-Ired LO take. any action tha t would haw 1 MetrOCa11 h t e r i a l Ldvrrme Effect or an Arch Mat.rl.1 Mv-rme Effec t .

1, (hl ne t roca l l and Arch agree t o cooperate with rcapc t to. and .hall cause each of their respctire Subsldiaziem to cooprate r i c h reapect to, and agree t o w e t h e l r reasonable best effor t . LO c0nte.t and r ea i a t . any act ion. rncludrm lsrrrdatxve. a& or i ud ic i a l action. and to have vacated.

111 I n t he w e n t any l i t i g a t r o n 1. c a ~ n c e d by any Permon r e l a t i n g Lo t he Iranmactlons, e l t h e r pa r ty a h a l l hmvc t h e r lgh t . a t I t a am expenme. t o reaeonably pa r tx ipa t . thsrern. and each -ny rill not s o t t h any much l l c i g a t l o n ~xLhouC the Consent of t he Other. which COnaent -111 noc be unraaaonably wrthheld.


Page 7: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Surviving Metmcall corporation all much nceermry action.

Of Metrocall. arch. Parent. Arch Corpratlon ahall take

d1rrctor. and Eur"1"L"g

agree to partrcipate In any matlng or dimcumion w t h ~n respect of any fllinge. lnveat~gatlon or other I n q u r y cmerrning chi. 4greemnc or the TrmaacClonm unlaa. it COnaUltm rich the Other party in advance and. to the extent pamitted by such govemmntal entity. gives the other party the opportunity to attend and participate In much mating or dincurmion.

fkl To the extent reamonably practicable. neither Conpany .hall governmental mtlty

Ill Arch and 111trnca11 .hall cmparate and cmrdinac. with each Other and m e their collmetlve r.a.onable b..c effort. LO obcain fxnmcrng required to pay the Cash Klcctzon Price at the closing fthe mPlnuleing.l a. mmn as pract~cablc after the date hereof on term reamonably matisfactery to UctrOEall and Arch. Each of Mrrocall and U c h ahall use It. reasonabl. ky *ffOrtm to rake thelr rempetlve .xecutlve officer. and other n m b . r s of unagemnt and employeem available upon reamonable advance notlee to participate in diacuaiionm vlth financing *OUI.C.S, Including roadahow8 and 1uld.r metingb. KaCh of netrocall and Arch ahall provide. or c a n e TO be provlded. accemm to Inforratmn to potential financing mources and their rrpras.ntatives on the t a m and condltlons set forth rn S-ction 6.0

11111 MLr0~al1 and Arch expect that their r.mpectiva executive d f l c e r m and other mnberm of ssnlor lunagcmnt will contxnua to parform thezr respective dutica and Obligations and intend that any such officer.' faxlure or refusal to cooparare and to take a11 actlon. and to do all thing. reasonably n.cem.ary. pr-r 01 advzsable to Consumate and make effectiva the Iran#actionm, Including partIc1patl~ i n any proxy solicitation actlvItIes with rempct to the 'rrm.aCtmn. and securing the Financing. or fully cooperate shall Con.Cltute ground. for dimimsal of ouch OffIcer with cau.e.

Page 8: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

. . mKvalUatlOn n a t e r l a l ' under F l u Nondiaclomurc Agreemmt dated October 3 . 2003 betraen Arch and *.tIOCall I the ' l lOndimCIMUIC Agraemnt'l a11 mnpubl ie &cumant# and i n f o r m t i o n fUrnl8hcd t o each Cmpany in COmctiM with the Tr.IIsaCtiMa. t h a t 111 Arch and I l a t r ~ ~ a l l m y dimcloae such i n f o r m t i o n as m y be necessary 1" connection with seeking the Arch Required SCItUtOey Approval@. Arch I tockholders ' rpprov.1. netrocall Regulred S taCu toq Approvals and H.troCa11 StockkOldorm' Approval. and 1111 each 01 Arch and Met-all m y dimclose any mfocmation t h a t It IS requared by law or judic ia1 ,or a d n i n i a t r a t I v t order t o disclose, provided. however. t h a t i n ea ther eale t he dimelommg par ty rill uae roa.onrble k s c eCKorta to aamure confrdentml t r e a t e n t i. accorded much i n f o r u t i o n

SCcLxon 6 3 Regzstration StaLment and Proxy StaL-nc.IaI Metrocall and Arch shall promptly prepare and CIlc with the SEC t h e J o i n t Proxy s raccncnt /Prospc tua . and &troeall. Arch and Parent *ha l l prmpare and f i l a with t h e SKC the ~ e g ~ c t r a t m ~ s t a t e a n t (in which the Jolnc P r a y S t a t e m o t l P r o r p c t u . s h a l l be mcludad am a Prompectuml .I p r m p t l y as prac t icable . Uatrocal l and Arch each s h a l l use. and sh.11 ciuae Parent t o uee. I t s rIl..OMble beat efKOrtS t o have the I .glStCatiM StatWmnt declared etfectxve under the SeCUrItiem Act a# promptly am prac t icable l including by responding p r m p t l y FO m y c-nt. MdC by the S I C with re.pact there to l . and p r m p t l y t h e m a t t e r mi l the JOZW proxy statcmnt/Pro.p.erus to t he Bteckhelders of Metrocall and Arch. n.troeall and Arch each s h a l l alao ume. and s h a l l cause Parent t o ume. i ts reasonable best e f for t . t o Obtain p r i o r t o the CKCecrivc d a t e of the Regiacrrtion s t a t c m n t a l l necessary state securities law or *blue mky. and approval. required in Connection r i c h the nsrger and t h e Transa~tlons and 1111 p.y all expensea hncident there to . Each p a r t y .h i l l no t i fy the o ther OC Che rece ip t of the connmtm 01 the SPC and of any rcquaBta by eke SEC Cor m e n h n m or a u ~ ~ l - n t m t o the J o i n t Prmv StaLMTnt lProm~Ctua

and e&nt on any & d n t or supplement t o the Regis t r i i lon stai-ne and t h e Joint Proxy S C a t ~ n c I P r o s p C c U . prior t o filing nuch r i c h t h e SEC. IC, at any C L N pr io r t o t he Metrocall StOCkhOlder~ YeetIng or the Arch Stockholder.

*hall eiuae Parent t o tit. Iny ac t ion lother thad&liCying t o do bu&.sa in any jurrmdist ion i n which it is not nor .O q u a l i f i e d or Cilrng a general consent to servic. OC proc.e.1 repurred eo be taken under any appl icable Cederal or .Late .ecuritie. laws m conneetion r i c h t h e ismrunce OK the Parant C-n Stock pureuant t o the Trana.stions.

r c q w s t by the o t h e r par ty . furnish the other party with all information concerning r t s e l c . I t a Subsidtariem. directors. OffIC~rs and mtOCkholdera and aueh Other MCC." a. l u y be reasonably nccamsary or advimbl. i n Conn.ction with the J o i n t P r a y St.ccmenc/Prompectu.. t he R.gimtratiOn Sta te ren t or any Other S ta tCNnt . f i l i n g . no t ice or appl icat ion made by, or on behalf of. netrocall. Arch.

(bl n e t r o c a l l and Arch each .hall. and .hall Parent LO. upon

- 5 6 -

Page 9: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Parent or any of theLC respect ive Subaidzarrer t o any thxrd par ty andlor any govammnt.1 nuthOiity in cmnect ion with the l4erg.z and the rranmaetlonm.

IC! Prior t o the da t e of approval of the hrgmr by t h e i r raspeet lve mtockholderm. each of Arch and M.troeall aha l l . and sbll caum. Parent to. correct promptly any i n f o m t r o n prwlded by I t t o be umed .pacifically i n the Jo in t Proxy Statsmnt/Proepcctua and RsgistTatiOn S ta t eMnt t h a t .hall have h c m c f a l s e or ml.1e.dir.a in anv mararia1 IC.D.CI and .hall take a11 .ten-

(dl IIetrOCI11 and Arch each sbl l , r l t h reapact to audited t1n~nci . l atatwmnLa, pro-loma Crruncial statements or o the r fmancl.1 s t a c e m n t s or other report. provided by any audi tor or other expert for inclus~on i n m y HetrOCI11 SEC Report or Arch SEc Report. re .pct ively. upon rqucmt by the ofher P r t y . Yea t h e l r c-rc&ally r.asonablc e f fo r t . to ob t s in without c0.t t o much requemting party. a conm-nt l e t t e r f r a such audi tor or e-rt to the r ewea t ing p r t y t o use s u c h a u d i t o r ' s or expert'. n.m and Include much statements or report. In any Arch SEC Report 01 M.troeall SEC Report. a. applicable. to be f i l e d by the requesting party

le1 Each of t h e C-anlem rill adviae t h e Other D r m D t l Y a f t e r i t

I f 1 tIotwith8tandxng any other provision i n thim Agreement to the contrary. no a n m h n t or supplarcnt lincluding by Inmrporat lon by reference1 t o the JOInt P r o y Statemnr/Pm.pctua o r the Registration S ta t e ren t a h d l be nude without t he approval of both c-"1s.. rhtch approval ahell not be unreamonably withheld or delayed; provided that r l t h r.spCt t o dOCUmnta f i l e d by a party which are Incorporated by reference ~n t he Regimtration S t a t e m n t or Joint Proxy sratenmt/Prosp.ctua. t h i s r q h t of approval .hall apply only with reopact t o informarlon r e l a t ing t o the other par ty or it. busin.... fmanci.1 condition or result. of ~~.ratlonsi DrOvidae. fu r the r . t ha t Arch or IICtrac.11

apply only " I t h respect to i n t o m t i o n r e l a t i r q t o the o t h r partj.'or It. business. financial COndlCiOn or result . of operat iom. and a h a l l be subject LO the r i g h t Of each par ty t o hmve It. Board of D&ree to r ln de l ibe ra t ions and conclumlon. accurataly demcrlbed. A .Ouu.lifyxng hmndment. mans an amendment 01 muppleaenr LO the JoLnt Proxy StatemenrlProapctuS or Regx.tratron S ta t emnt i including by Incorporatron by refrr.ncel t o the axtent i t contains 111 a change. in accOrdance r i t h Section 5 1 . in the reCOmndatiOn Of t h e Board of Directors of Arch or netrocall. a. applicable. with respect to Che cranaactions contemplated by t h i a Ag)r.mcnt la. ths came m y kl. lrll 4 statement of the reasons of the Board of Dlractors et Arch or U.trOC.11 1..

Page 10: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

tho case m y keel for nuking such change In i t a reccmendition md iiiii add i t iona l i n f o r m t i o n reamonably r e l a t ed to the forrping.

Section 6 . 4 Scockholders' Apppproval..Ial Arch aha l l . a8 p r m p t l y am pnctxcabl., duly take a l l actron to call. give not lco of, Conwne and hold a met ing of the Arch *cockholder. and .urni t t h i s Aggreamnc and t h e Tran.acri.m. for the approval of it. Icoekholder. .C such meeting and ahall unc i t a rrasonable bamt efforts and take a11 necessary action8 Lo obtain the Arch Stockholder.' Approval. Such lvcCing of mt=kholder. s h a l l k held am m m n am pracCIc.blm f o l l o r i t he da t e u p n which =he RI91sLration Scatemant become8 e f f e c t i v e . subjact co any Change 3 r eComnd . tLM I n accordance wLth SectLon 5 . 1 , Arch shall. through the Arch Board, recolnrnd ca its mtoekholders approval of t h i s Agrement and the tk-meactxona and cake a11 l awfu l ac t ions Co molicrt nuch adopcion and approval.

(bl Metmeall shall. a. pr-tly a. praccrcable. S u h I t duly take a l l actron t o call. give noczce of. convene 4nd hold a Met ing of the M.crocall .Lockholder. and chi. g ra -n t and the transactlonm for t h e approval of ice mtockho1d.r. a t a r e r i n g of .tockholdor. and ahall w e le. r.a*m.ble b..c e f f o r t s and take a l l necrm.ary ac t ions to obtain C k l ~ t r c x . 1 1 Stockholder.' Approval. Such u e c i n g of ecockholdera shell bm kcld am seen a. fo l lovmg the da t e upon which tha RegLatraclon Scatenmt Sublect t o any chang. ot r.canmd.tron in accordmc~ Wrth SecClon 5 . 1 . nCCCocall .hall . through t h e Metrocall BMI'd. recalnnand t o i t a Stockholder. ap rov.1 of thrm g r a s m n t and the TransaCcion= and take a11 lawful ~ C C I O I I . LO .OPICLt such adoptLon and approval.

e f f ec t ive

Section 6 . 5 COmpllanCe w i t h The Secur i t i e s A c t . Back of Yecroeall and Arch aha l l "8. its reamonable best efforcrr t o cause each officer. each d i r ec to r and each Other Person r h o 1s an . a f f i l i a t e ' of I t . for purpmem of Rule 145 under t h e Sccuriciem A c t I.Ru1. 145.1 ac the C L ~ Of the Arch Stockho1d.r. Me t ing or the Metrocall Stockholder. Meeting.. as the 5a.e M Y be. each Of r h m aha l l be IinCed i n SectLon 6.51.1 of the Arch O~m~lo.ure Schedule or SceCion 6.51bl of the Metrocall Diaclo~ure Schedule. co del iver to Parent. a t or prior LO t h e Kffmctivc T i m a r r i t c c n agreement subscant ia l ly I n the Con of Exhibit B rccrchcd hereto (an " A f f i l h t C lqieemenC*l t o the cffacc that such Pereon rill not offer t o m.11. sal1 or oth.rwime d l s p a e of an ahares of Parent C-n Stock ismwd xn the Merger. axcept. m each =..e. in rccordanc. r i c h thx t e r n of the A f f i l i a t a Agreemnt and purmuant t o an c t f e e t i v c regglmtratlon amtement or rn CO.PlI.IICC YICh Rule 115. a. amended f r m ti- t o C l l . Or i n a tr.n.aeClon uhlch. m the opinion of l ega l counsel matisfactory co Parent. 1. e x e w t frcm t h e reg1acratIon rquulrcunce of t he SeCUrItiea Act. Parent aha l l use c-rcially reamonable effor t . t o take 8uch cuBt-ry and r.amon.hla acciens, f r a CII co tIM a t t e r t he Pff.ctlvC TIm. a. are n.c.mearj and advimable co a1101 any par ty t o an A f f i l i a t e Agrccrnr t o d i s p s e of mham. of Parent Co-n Stcxk xn aeeordanes w i t h Rule 145. if applicable.

Page 11: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

de to govemnmtal e n t i t l e - In cannaetion with Che foregomg Cilinga. s h a l l be shared epual ly by PUtrOCal1 and Arch. For purposes oC t h i i Agreenenc. the term .&p.nmes' mean.. w x h re.pect LO any par ty hereto. a11 raasonabl. out-of-pocket cxpcnees fincludxng all tee. and expnsc. of counm.1. aCcoYntantm. InvestmenC banker., experts and conmultants to a par ty ha re to and I t s aCfi1iates . but cxcludmg any a l loca t ion of overhead1 Incurred by such par ty or on It. bahalf L n connection u l t h o r re1at.d to the auchorizacIon. preparation. negot1atx.n. ~X.CY~IOII and p e r f o m n c e of its ob l iga t ions puriurnt to thl. Aggremant and the ConaUIIIytlon of the Merger. t he preparation. p r in t ing . f i l i n g and m i l i n g el t he R e g I s C r a c ~ ~ Scatmenc, and the Joint Proxy StatemntlProm eccu.. t he so lxc i t a t ion oC eLockho1d.i approval. and a11 orher wcter. re lared t o c o n . m t l n g ,Re Cransactiona and the Cloaing.

S e C L I M 6 . 7 Public StatCllmtS. MCtrOE.11 and Arch a h a l l consult with each 0Ch.r before I*.umg any pres. r.1ma.e or writ ten employee C-nication or O t h e r w i l e making any public LnnoUnC.-t with rcapacc t o chi. mpreemnt. tk Tranaactlons or Otheriis. and s h a l l not ImmUe any such p res l releame or writ ten employee ComumiCatien or makc any euch publ ie statemnc w i t h o u t che p r l o r r r i c t e n approval of t he other C c q m y . except t o t he extent required b, appl icabla law or ch. requirerant. of che rule. and r e g u h t i o n e of che ssc, Nasdaq or Nasdaq a l l c a p , In which came che Iseuing Colpany .hell use a l l rcamnable effort . t o ~ o n s u l t r i c h ch . other Cmpany befor. ,.suing any meh re l ease or waking any Bush publ ic mc. tmem: pmvid.d. t ha t a Ccqany m y mak. any public ecacanunt 1 1 1 reasonably raguxred to MrraCt or Otherwise addre.. disclosure. made by the o t h e r Company In V h h t i M OC t h i s Agremncnc or l i i l b n rclponse t o I p e c i C i C qYRetlOnB by the prcae. arU.1y.L.. Investors or ttmae at tending industry conference. or f i n m c i a l anr1y.c conference call.. ~n each case eo long a. any u c h .catenentm are not mconaimt*nt with previous PI... rel.ases. public dimelosure. 01 public mtatCDncm nude joincly by che Cmpanrem and do not reveal any non-prblic inCokmLion regarding the Ocher c w n y . The Companies .hall coop.race t o develop a l l publ ic c ~ i c a t i o n m and rake appropriate rnedr. of Mnag-nt avai lable a t presentation. related t o the tran.aCt~on(I conCenp1at.d b y t h l s Agrement as coamombly reque-ced by che other Company


SectlOn 6 . 8 uotiC1Catian O f C e r t a m Mattera. Each of Metrocall and Arch agrees to give p r w t n o c x e t o the ocher of. and t o use Ccaaereially r.asonabl. efc~rcs CD remedy. 111 th. OCCurr~nCe or f a i l u r e t o occur of any event which occucrcnca or f a i l u r e co occur -auld be l i k e l y to cause any of i t s r cp re~enca t ions or W A r r m t h S in chill Agrcamnc t o be untrue or Inaccurate i n any mcerl.1 rempect on the Cloeing h t e xn any cane which would reasonably be expected to re su l t rn the C a i l u c e of on. or m ~ z e of t he ocher Colpny'm condition. t o closing set f o r t h I n Art ic le vII. 1 ~ x 1 any f a r l u r e on ICI part t o c w l y with or satisfy any cwenant . condition or agreement Lo be complied with or s a t u f i e d by i C ChereUnder I n m y came rhich would reasonably b. expected to result i n the faL1ure oC one or -re of t h e Other Compmy'm Condltzons t o set f o r t h i n Art i c l e V I 1 and 1 b ~ ~ 1 any event. developmecnl. change. or e f f e c t t ha t h a m or -1d rea.onably be expected to mater ia l ly m p l r t he oprarionm O C Che buminre. of much Company. provided. however. Chat the del ivery of any notice pUI.u?.nt EO t h i s Sectmn 6 . 8 aha l l not l i m i t or ocherrzse .fCect t h e right. or r e m d i e l w a r l a b l e hereunder LO t he pa r ty rceelvlng much not ice .

Page 12: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

effect at the EffeCtIve T i m ahall not b. amnded. repe.1.d or 0therwI.e dif1.d for a p r i d of mix yearm from the Effectiva Tim in any -Mer that would adv.rmely affect the right. tharaunder of indrvidualm rho at Lhe Sffactiw T i m ware current or f o m r director.. officer., employees or Ylente of Arch or Metrocall or their raspectrvm Submidiaries. Pram and after the Kffective T i m . Parent. Surviving Metrocall Corporation and Surviving Arch Corporatmn mhall, and ahall cawe their remqectivc Subeldiariea to. jointly a d meverally Iprowded that each Cc-pny and ita SubmidlarIem mhall only k liable vith respccc to currenc and former directors and officerm of such C y y and ita Subsidlarieml fulfill and honor xn a11 rempecta rhc obligation.. including w th respect to advancing erp*n.aa. of Parent. survzvrng uetr0ca11 Corporation and Surviving Arch Cqrporation. and their renpctiv. Sub.ld&ari.m. purmmnr to m y mdennlfieatmn agreemnts b.twen Arch or *.troc~ll, or any of their rempectiw Submidiarrem. and their rempective current and f o m r duectors and offrcerm in effect prror to the eftcctlve Time and an rneorpcratlon .nd Arch By1.w. or mtrocall CertitlCaL* of Ineorporatlon and ~ C r o c a l l Bylam. or the certrfrcate of incorporation. bylaws and comparabl. organizational dDcunencs of any such Subaidrarie., ra*pet~vely. as xn offmec on the date hemof.

ind.mIficatron provimions under the Arch Certifrcace of

Ibl In the event Parent. Surviving netrocall Corporation or Surviving Arch Corporatlon or any of their respectlre subm&d&.ria.. suc~emsorm or assigns 11) conaolbdrtes with or large. into any other Peraon and ahall not be the continuing or murvrrmg mrporataon or entity of much consolidation or M 1 g - r or 1.11 transf.rm a11 or mubatantIally all of i t m propertie. and assecm to any OCher Permon. then. and In each much case. reasonably adquare pmvzsioni *hall be nude 80 that Ita .YCC.ISOI. and assign. .hall asmum the obligation. of Parant, Surviving Metrocall Corporation. Surviving Arch Corporation. or any such Submxdiarlem. as applicable. a. net forth In this Saction 6.9 to th. extant much am.unptLon d0.s not occur by operation of law.

I C 1 For a period of six yoarm a f t e r the Effective T m e . Parent ahall Cause to be nuintrrncd an effect for each current and forper director and OffIceT of Arch and M*trocall as of the Etfectiv. Tim.. liability znaurance coverage w i c h rempect LO matterm arising at or prior LO the CtfeCCIve TI-. in such amunta and containing euch t-ma and conditronn that are not materially lema advantageous to much p r t h thin the coverage applicable to much i n tvidualm lmdirtcly prior t o the Effective TIM. The pmvislms of the Idedzately preceding sentence shell be deemed to h a w k e n .atisfled If prepaid pollcls~ have been obtained on or prior to the CffeCLiYe Tim to the .xtenC auch policies provid. much current and former dirmetors with coverage f o r the period and on the term and condltron. deBcrikd ~n the preceding e.nt.nce.

addition to. and not xn IhItatiOn of, any other right. such mdconitied party M Y h a w under thm Arch C.rtifiOat. of Iaeorporaelon or Arch Bylaw. o r U.trDc.11 Certificate of Xn~~rporation or Matrocall Bylaws. nmpectively. any ind.mification agreemmt, under tha E L . or othanlme. me prOvi.iom of this Section 6.9 shall ~ U ~ Y X V . th. conmunution of the Mrger and expre.aly are Intended to benefit each of the Ind.nur1fl.d partxms.

ldl The right. of each indennifrad party hareunder shall be in

le) Parent .hall, or shall cause one or m r c of tho surviving COrporaL~om or thelr rc.petrve Sub*idsarlee LO. p y all reamonable expense.. including reasonable attorney.' fees. that Y y ba incurred by any Permon rndemifiad hereundec in enforcing the indemnity and other obligations provided in this Sectzon 6 . 9 .


Page 13: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Saction L.10 Listlw.~trocall and Arch ahall us#, and shall caune

T I M . authoriration for lieting on thm wamdaq. upon official notice of i..urmee. of the .hama of Parent C m n Stock to be issued purauurt to the Mercer or to k reamwed Car i i s u n c e 111 upon the oxercime of Arch Stock Options. Metra.11 S t m k options or Metrocall warrant. or 1111 rn respect of Arch Stock Right. or MeeLrma.11 Stock Rights.

PaIOnt to U.0. it. rearnorubla bm.C mffOIt. to effect. at Or before tk. Rff.CtiVC

Sectam 6.11 enDloyee Yatters.laI To the extent DermiLL.d br

lbl To the extent permitted by Parent'. ewloye. bcnafit plan. and appliceble law. Parent rill Ii) I m v e all linlt1cionm an to precxieting condition., exclu.ionm urd waiting prloda .Ith respect to participatron and coverage requ&rcncnt. appllcabla to the Retained wloyees under any welfare bcncfrt plan. that such uployeem m y k eligible to participate an after the Effective T L N , other than liaitatrons or razcing wl'lcd. that are already in effect with c.spect to such mmp1oye.m and that have not k e n matisfled am the OffectIve TIM under any welfare p l m m a m t a m d lor the Rmtaimd Employee. inrdirtely prior to the Effective Time. and l i i l prmlda each Retained Employee with credit for any portion of co-payment. and deducciblaa paid prior to the Ef€.ctiw T m a which relate to any priod or portLon thereof occurring. or bncfit inuring. after the Offectir. Time &n maL1sfying m y applicaalc deductible or out-of-pocket r*quirermtm under any welfare plana that much employee. arc eligible to prticrpte in after the Effective Time.

Id) As of the P f f e c ~ i v e T i m . Parent ahall ..mum and honor in accordance with their t e n s all .npl-nt. saverance and other cmpenmatia agrcemntm and arrangerante mrilting and disclosed by Arch or netrocall. IS applicable. prloz co th. axecucion of thim y reenmt which ar. b.tre.n Arch or U~LrDC.11. a. applicable. and any remp.CLive director, offleer. 01 anp10y.e thereof Cxcapt am otherrim agro*d k c r e e n Carant and such Permn. Including the acc*l.ratLon of any vemtlng provision of any Arch Btoek option. Arch Stock Right or Metraa11 stock Option. or any unV.eted or rastrictad Arch C-n Stock issued under the Arch Stcck Plan. which may k triggered by the never

la1 As of or praptly following th. 6ft.CtivC TLM. Parmt rill e0cabli.h a key *qloy.e retention program for the h m f r t of key employeem idtntifimd an nueh by Pacent'. Board (or the cMlp.n.ation committee thereof1 with much terms a. are approved by Parent..


Page 14: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Board lor the cwpnmat ion ComLttee thereof1 and p rwid ing f o r a w r e g a t e r e t m t l o n payments t o a11 much m an amunt not to exceed $ 3 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .

r i l l eatab1i.h an e q u i t y incent ive plan for ncnbers of tha Parent h r d and off icer . and cnp1oy.e~ of Pacent and it. Subs&dxaries. and raserv. for issuance theraYnd.r l i n the form of stock wtim.. r c a t r i c t e d mtock g ran t s or am o t h a n l s e d e t e n i n a d by the Parent ward or tha ccwenmtion mmittee thereof1 a n h r of .bra. of Parent C-n Stock not t o a x e n d 1) of t he i s m u d and outarmding .harem of Parent C-n Stock .a of the Effective Txm Iexelusive of Metrocall Stock Opt&on.. Metrocall Stock nights. M e t T O E d 1 warr.ntm. A r c h Stock Optron. and Arch Steck Riphc, t ha t .r. erehlnged as Of the EfCectIve Time for socreeponding r i g h t s t o n c . l ~ e Parent CONOn Stock pursuant t o Seetien I 1 1 . The term, condition.. a l l g i b i l l t y of pardcipantm and tha allocation. co e l i g l b l c participant. s h a l l b. datemined by the P.SMt BMrd lor the eonpensatlon conni t tee thereof) and l n accordance with applicable law. ru l e and r.gu1ation.

If) M of or pranptly following the Effective TI^, Parent

lg) M of or prior t o r b I f facr lv . Time. but .Cfecriv. as of tha Effect ive T i m . Parent Shall . and Shall CaUBe Metrocall. Arch andlor any of t h e l r rcmpcctive Submidiaries. t o enter into an m l o y n c n t agre-nt and bonum ar rnngmntm with the OlicC 5ecu tzve Officer oC Metrocall a. of t h e date of thim A g r c e m t t o #em. a. the Chief KxeOut1v. Off icer OC Parent frcn and a f t e r the PCf.Ctive T m e . on and subject t o tha t e r m and condition. .at f o r t h on Schadule 6.1119) and much 0th.r cu.toury t e r m and condition. am m y k agreed amng the partre. thereto. In the event that t h e Chief Cxccutive Officer of

approve an Individual to serve aa t h e Chief UIeCuLiVa O?flcir bf Parent as follows: ( X I an lndivrdual .O melacred rho 16 employed by Arch or Metrocall or any of t h e i r respective Submldimrles am of the dace of t h i s Agreement. shall be approved by not 1s.. thm mix oC the nine permon. s d e c t o d t o serve on the Parent Board or not less than nIx O C the nine e m b a r s of tha Parent b a r d . as t M ~a.e mav be. or ( V I I n t h e event that no i n d i v i d w l referred LO i n t h e preceding ciauae (XI is approved as provide therein. an Individual who 1. not enployyed by Arch or netmE.11 or any of t h 1 r r eapc t iv . Subsxdiarie. am of t h e dare of t h i s #gLgnewant t a ..rve a. the Chief Executive o f f i c e r of Parent rill be seleccad and approved. by not le.. than five of the nine pernons .elected t o meme on t h e Parent m r d or not 1.a. than five of che nine nambers of t he Parent b r d . am t h e came may be.

1 1 1 Arch dDdm not Intend. and doe. not rntend for its SUb.IdIaries. t o take m y actLon or o m L t o take m y act ion rhlch would or could reamonably k expected to eau.. a Wung. In COntrOl. under Arch'. Wnageun t Lmm-Tern Inecntive Plan. the Arch Stack Plan or any re lated RemtrIcted Stock


Page 15: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Party thereto. am applicable. to beliwe t h t a 'Change i n Control' has occurred or will occur as a con*.quence of the m n ~ ~ t l o n of the rranaactmne.

SCCtLM 6 .11 T U - P Z W T'LMIUtlOn.(.I The *Lrsr is m t e h d to conmtitute an archang. demcribd In S.CtlOII 311 Of the Cod.. Frm and after the date of this Agre-nnt. each prty hereto shall urn. a11 raamonabl. effort. LO causa the Merger to qualify. and ahall not. without th. prior writtan conaen~ of the other parties hereto. knowingly take any actIOn0 or caum any actioru to b. taken which could reasonably be bxpscted to pravent the Uerger f r a qualrfying a. an exchange demcribed in SeCtlOn 351 of the Code I f the Merger .hall fail to qualify as an exchange demsrikd 2n S.CCIOII 351 of the Code. then the partzes hereto agree to n e g o r h t c In g m d faith to rCmtrUCture the Uergar in order that It .hall Otharwim qualify am a traruact~on that I. in rhola or in part tax-free under the Code. Following the Effectire T Z U . and Sonm1.tenL rich any .uch conmnt, neither of the S u r v l v ~ n g Corporatzonm nor Parent nor m y of their. reipeetive affiliates knoringly and voluntarily ahall take any action or caume any action to be taken rhlch could reasonably k expected to caume the Ilerger to 1.11 to qualify am mn CxChYlge demcribed rn Section 351 of the C d e 01 othchimc am a tramaction that IS in whole or in part tax-free under the Code.

Ibl FollDIling the EffectIvc Time. Parent shall conduct it, busmesa and ahall cause each of tho Suryivlng corporatlona to Conduct i t a busmesa. zn a nvnnec whim would not p o p r d ~ z e the Characterizrtaon of the Uerger as an exchange demcribed in Section 351 of tha Code or otherwine .I a transaction that i a whole or In Dart tax-free under the Code. Parent r~ll provide certain f.ctU.1 repre.cnL.tIOnS am rea.onably requested by Arch or Metrocall as neccnaary to confirm that Parent rill not take any action on or after the Effective T i r e that would jeopardize the tax free nature of the Merger am an exchange demcrikd In Section 351 of the Code or othen1.e a* a tranBacClon thac 1. in whole or ~n p8rt tax-free under the Code.

Provided that Arch and mtrocC.11 deliver. to Parent the SeCtiM 16 Informtion 1.. defined belor) with respect to Arch and MCtroca11. reBpctively. prior to the Cff.stiv. TLN. the W r d of DIT.CtOl8 of Perent Ith. .Parent 80ard.I. or a C-itte. of Non-mploye. Directorm th8reof 1.. much term i. defined fer purpoaei of Rule lsb-31dl under the Brehmgn A c L l . shall adopt remolution m advance of the effective Tim? providing that the receipt by the Inaidera la' dcfimd herein) of Parent C-n Stock rn exchange for aharc. of Arch C-n stock or Metcoca11 C-n Stock, aa applicable. and of options on Parent C-n Stock upon amsumption and convermxon by Parent of Arch Steck Cptiora or Matzocall Stock Option.. a, applxcable. m each came purrnuant to the Trans.ctions and to the sxcent that much ascuritras are listed in the Section IS Infor'Ytion. are Intended LO be exempt frm liability PYrBYMt to Rul. Ilb-3 under the Oxchange Act

Saccion 6 . 1 3 Erenprlon pro^ LIaoIIity Under Section lSlbl.la1

lbl *Section IS Infonntlon. man. infomtion accurate in all respect. regarding the 1n.sdcr.. the n w h r of share. of Arch C- stock or M~tmc.11 C-n stock. applicable. or other equity .ecurlcies thereof deemed LO be beneficially o m c d by each Insider and expected to be exchanged for Parent C a n o n stock ~n C m m c t m n with the Merger.

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Sectron 6.11 Directors of Parent and Surviving Corparatmna.

con.tItUtlng the full Parant Board shall ta am .et forth i n S.ctIm 1 05 Schedule A attached hento, and 1111 the ninth director of tho Parent mar6 shall be the individual nominated by che a c h &xed to meme on the Parent &xrd as aet forth in Saction 5 of Schedule A lor If much individual 1. unable to lema on the Parent Board &a I result of death or incapacirarion, tha Individual nomIMced by th. Arch u r d co mewe on the Parent'Board a. the m1torn.t. ninth director a. *et forth in Section 6 of Schedule AI, and Section 1 of Schedule A shall be w n d e d accordingly. Ihe parti.. Intend Chat the s.lection of th. nlnch W c r of the Parmt 8-rd .hall be d-wd Le have b.en made by the ArSh Beard and .hall not Consticute or give r1.e. upon consumtion of the rranaact1c.n.. to

.Change In COntIO1. under Arch's *.n.gemYnt Long-rem InCantIve Plan. the Arch Scoek Plan or any related R.atr1ct.d Stock Agremmnt 01 und.r tke ro.pectave employMnt agreermts of MeSara. Baker. Daniel. and Poctlc. after the BffeCtIVe rime. the C h a r m n of the Sarent Bard ahall be the member of the UCtroca11 Board d..rgnat.d am much on S.etIon 1 of Schedule A: provided Chat If prior to th. Eff.CCiV. T i m much person Is unable or unrrlling LO serve In such capacity. an0th.r permon mc1.ct.d co saw. M the Parent W r d rill h promptly .elected and a pmved to aeme a. the C h a i m n of the Parent bard by not lema than five of tR nine peraone selected to serve on the Parent B-Id. and Seccion 1 0 1 Schedule A .hall be mended accordingly

Audit Cornittee. Compensat1c.n C-rttee and NonInatxng and Mvcmance Comzttee of the Pacant Board .hall b. am mat forth In sactlona 1. I and 1. I.~peEtIYLlY. of schadule A attached h.reto. .ach much P.rmon to m.rve f r m th. e5fectIve t h e unci1 hie or her ~ U C C C ~ ~ O T ham been duly elected and qualified. or until hi. o r her aarlrer death, re.~gnat~on. or rermval ~n accordance with the Parent Certificate of Incorpormtion and Parent ~ y l w s , The ChaI-n of arch of the Audit Cmxctee. Cowenaacmn Cornittee and Nminatlng and Governance C m i t t e e of the Parent Board shall be .elected and approved to BO Beme by a mjoriry of persons selected co mewe on the Parent Board.

1.1 M of dhe Eff*CtIVe rime, l i l eight of the nine director.

Ibl M of the effective rim. the director. constituting Che

lcl In the event that any zndividu.1 1I.rod i n S e c c ~ W . 1. 1 , 1 hr 4 of schedule A rho L. i mmer of the *ctroca11 Bard On the dare hereof - - ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~

xe unable or unwx1lln~~;o .e& oi-thc P&mt Board or any COmItte. thereof a. of the Bff.ctiVe TZN. then. prior to the Effective Tim. the Metmclll &xrd ahall de.Ignate a candi&t. to replac. such 1ndxvldu.l. rhlch candidate shall bo a proved by the Arch Beard. much approval not to be unrea.enAbly rltMald. and tfe relevant section. of Schedule A .hall be .ended accordmgly

Id1 In the event Chat any LndIvidual limted zn Sectlonm 1. 1. 3 or 1 Schedul. A rho I. a m e d r of the Arch Board On Ch. d.tC hereof 1. unable or unrillin effective de. then. prior t o the Effective T I m . the Arch B-rd ahall d.sIgna~e a candidat. to mush Individual. which candidat. shall be approved by the IICtmcall, m c h approval not to b. unreamonably dthheld. and the relevant aeetlonlsl of Schedule A .hall ba amnded 4CCordlngly.

co mema on the Parent Board or any cornittee thereof as of the

Page 17: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

le1 each of n.tnx.11 and Arch shall take much action. and .hall C1U.e Parent to take ouch action. a. mhall reasonably be deemed by either thereof to be advisable to give effect to the pcoviiion. met forth i n t h u Sectlon 6.14.

I L L U c h of th. foregoing Persons ahall amwe f r m th. ,vc Tim until hrs or hcr I U C C ~ S ~ O ~ ha. bean duly .l.ctd -d n m u l ( f 4 - A

death. ccmignation. or r e m tho Parent Certlfic.te of IncorporatlM and Parent Bylaw..

Section 6.16 Redmptmn of Preferred Stock.On or pr ior to the earl ier of the record date MetrOC.11 StOCkholderm luetlng and June 30. aoo4:' M.troc.11 .hall or shall have caused the redemption of. a11 lseued and outstanding .hare. of Mctra.11 Drderred Stock. and shall have deleased. or cawed the defeasance. a11 share. of mtrOCa11 Preferred stock remcrved cor 1s.umce under the Metrocall Plan of Fmxganrratron. On or prior to the mailing Of Joint Proxy StatemenL/Prospectu.. *CtrOCall shall have d-livcrd the required notice O f such redewtion or defeasance. a. applicable.

seCL10n 6.17 Control of Other Party's Bueinels Nothing contained ~n this Agre-rrnt .hall 91°C any party. dzrectly or xndxrectly. the right to contml 01 dlrect the op.r.tIonm of m y other party prloi to the cons-tion of the Merger*. Prior to the consu-tlon of the Uergcrs. each party shall rndependmtly exerc1.e. ConmisLmt rrth the tern and condition. of this Aggreemnt, cDnplctc control and .upervisron over It. operatione.


Section 7.1 Conditions to Each Party'. Obligation to Effect the Merger The respective obligat1ona of e4ch party to effect the Ilargcr shall be aubpct to the Lulfrllnent at or prior to the Closmg Date of the following condition..

Stockholders' Ap~roval;

effectlv. by the SIC xn .ccordance rith th Q T O V I . I M * of the S.CUrItIe. Act. and no stop order sumpcnding much efCeCtivmes. ahall have been and r c u l n in effect and no proceeding for that QYWOS. shall buys h e n lnat&tuted by the SKC or any atace re9ulatOrY authorities;

I C 1 the ehares of Parent C-n Stock rmsuable In the Merger and those LO be reserved for issuance upon eXerCIee of atock optzons ahall have k e n authorized for llstlng on Namd.9 UpDn OffICial IY)tICe Of IaSuanCC?

1.1 the Arch StoekholderB' Approval and the I(etrOC.11

lb l the RegIstrat&on StaLenmf .hall hare been declared


Page 18: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

. . Id) no prallmmary o r pcraunent in]unctlM or other order or

decree by any federal or eta e Court which prevmtm. prohibit. or make. illegal the ConmQatlon of the Mer& .hall have been imsu*d and r m d n in elfact leach party agreeing to use Lts reasonable afforta LO have any m c h injunction. order or decree lifted1 i

fc) no mtatute. rule or rogulatlon ahall have been enacted by any .tat. 01 federal governlunt or govemnt.1 agancy In the lJnIted Statea which would prevent or prohibit the consunutlon of the Weqer or make the Merger illqal;

I C 1 any waiting' period applicable to consu-t10n of the

(91 the PCC ahall have granted Ita COnmnt to the Merger: and

Ihl the nunber of Appraraal Sharem ahall not exceed B t of the

Merger v d e r the HSR Act shall haw expLpIred or b..n ternlnatcd;

total nunbar.of Matroerll Rllly Diluted Shares an 0 C the ECfcctIve TI^.

Section 7 . 1 Md&tlonal COndItiOM to Obligation of Arch to Effect the Mcrger.Vn1e.s waived by Arch, the obligatzon of Arch to effect the t4eqg.r 'hall be subject to the fulfIllnunt at the Closing Date of the following additmnal cOndit&onm.

(a1 11) Metroeall .hall have pcrforaad in all uter1.l respects Ita obligation. contained in thra Agreewent required to be performed on or prior to the Clo8lng Date, l i i l th8 rsprcscntatrone and rarrantiea of Metrocall contained m this Agreement 1x1 that are WalIfzed am to Metrocall Material Adverse Olfmct shall be true and correct on and an of the date made and fcxccpt to the extent that much repr.mnt.tionm and warrantl.. meak as of an earlier date. in which case on and-.. of that date1 on and a. of-the Clcainq Dace .a if M& at and a. of such date and fyl Chat are not qualified as to Metrocall Material Adver.. Olfcct shall be true and correcc ("itbut regard to any MterIalitv maliller In anv much remiresentations o r warrantien1 on and am 0C'the date mie'and lexcept to'the exteit that a w h representations and rarrsntrel meak am of an earlier date. In which came on and as of the date) on an# as oC th; Clemxng Date & i f -de it and 1. oC much date. except for failure. of the reprb8cntation~ and warrancie. referred to m this clause 1111 to be true and correct a. would not r.aaonlbly be exwcted to have. mdlvldually or an the aggregate. a MtrOca11 Material Adverse OCfut. and lilll Arch #hall have recexved a c.rtIfIc.te of the C h h f Executive O f f i c e r of Matrocall to that effect.

shall net have wcurred m y netroeall Uateclal Adverse Effect; and tbI between the date hCI'Mf mnd the EffectLvC 'hme, th-re

IC1 Arch ahall have received a written opinlon of h c N n L Uatkme, in form and substance m..onably acceptable to It, dated a. oC the Cloalng Date to the effect that. on the Mala of the facta. IePre~enLatiMa and aamunptione met Corth or referred to in much opinion, far U.S. Cader*l Ioccaa tax purpose. the Ilerger will con.t1tute an exchange deaeribed &n Section 351 ol the code. In rend.rirq much opinion. counsel to Arch ahall b enLit1.d to rely upon assumptions and repre.mtatims rmaswbly sa~iaLacLory to such counsel. ineluding repre..ntatIon. mat forth xn c.rtIf1cat.a of offieerm of Parent. Arch ACqUiling Sub. MetrDEI11 AcquIrLng Sub. Arch and IetIQ.11.


Page 19: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Section 7.3 Additional conditionm to Obligation of bcrnc.11 to Effect the Merger.Unlcas waived by n.trOCa11. tha ObligaciM of Metrocall to effect the Mrger ohall be subject to the fulfilhent at the Cloming Date OK the follorrng addition.1 condrtions:

fa1 Ill Arch .hall have performed in a11 material respects it. Obligations c0ntazn.d bn thl. Ipramnmt required to b. performed on or p r u x to the Closing Date. 1 1 1 1 the representations and varrantlel of Arch contained i n this Agraament fxl that are qual1fi.d I I to Arch Mteri.1 Adverse Effect shall b t m e and correct on and as of the date u d e and feXC.pC to the extent that much reprementations and warrantiem .peak as OK an earlier date. rhICh caae on and .I of that date1 on and a# of the Cloming Date as If -de at and a. of such date and fyl that are not quaiafz*d as to Arch naterzal Adv-roe Effect shall be true and correct lvithout regard to any materiality qualifier I n any much rcpre.entatIons or rarrantie.1 on and a. OK the dace made uld Imxceqt to th. extent that much repressntatione and IarrantIes . p a r as of an carller dare. i n which came on and am of the date1 on and as OK the Closing Date a. I K -de at and am of much date. except for fazlurem of the rapre-antationm and rarrantrb'l refarred to In thin c h u m 1111 to be true and correct as would not rca.onably bc expected t o have. individual1 or I n the aggregate. an Arch Material Addvermc Effect. and fliil Metrocall shalr have received a Cartlficatc OK the Chief Executive Officer of Arch to chat effect.

ahall net have occurred any Arch Material Adverse Etfect, and Ibl Betwen the date hereof and Che Effective TI=, there

Ic1 Metrecall shall have received a written oplnion of SChulCe Roth b zrbd LLP. in form and submtmncc reasonably acceptable to I C . datd a. of thm Closing Dace to the effect that. on the k m i m of the facts, representationm and a..umptions .at forth or rafmrred LO in such oplnion. for U.S. federal in- tax pur-es the Merqer rill COn.txtUte an elcha9c daacrzbed i n saction 351 of the Code. In rtlnderrng m c h opinion. comael to MCtrOCa11 shall be entitled co rely upon .msumptrmm and representation. reasonably satisfactory to m c h ~ounmel. including repr.mmtatiOn. *et forth in CertifiCaCe. of of Parant. Arch Acquiring Sub. Metrecall AcquIrmg Sub. Arch and netroeall


Section 8.1 Tcmmatlon.Thi. uJr..mnt m y be teminated and the Mrger may be abandoned at any t i l prior co th. Effective Time. norrithmranding any requisit. adeption and approval of thi. Ipsreemnt. a. follow.;

fa1 by mutual wrrtten Foment duly auchorised by tha Uetroc.11 Bwrd and the Arch Board,

Ibl by either IICtroCa11 or Arch. I f the ELfaCtIVe T i m S k . 1 1 not have occurred on or Imfore D.eelb.r 31. 2004; pr0vid.d. hoIever, that i n the event chat all condition. SCL torth ~n Article VI1 are satisfied or waived and the Compamee have not comuantcd th. TramaCtIons due to a failure LO obtain on r.ason.blc t e r n the financing r.qu2r.d to p y the Cash Election Price. then much date m y b. extmded for tm longer than 60 days by either Metrocall or Arch by providing written notkc thared to the other Parson on or


Page 20: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

prror LO D e c c a ? 31. 2001; p r o n b d furthes. hawever. C h a t the right to ternmate thia Agreement under chi. Section 0.llbl ahall cot b. wallable to m y p r t y who.. failure t o fulfill any obligatron undo= thim Agreemnt shall h a w caused. or resulted in. the failure ef the P f f e c C I ~ . T i m e to =CUI on or before such date:

decree of the cw dascrlbcd m Section 7.lldI shall h a w been entered and shall h a w b e c w final and mnappalable. provided. that the party maeking LO terminate chi. Agrsamnt purmuant LO this section 8 . l l c l shall have used it, raamonable b e s t effort* to prevent the e n t v of and to ramwe such injunction. 0rd.r or decree;

ldl by Arch. if prior co the Uetroca11 Stockholderm' Approval. 1 1 1 the u~trocal1 B a r d withdraw. or m any uater1ally adveraa respect modifies or =hang.. i t s r.cnnmn&rlon of this Agreemnr or tha Merger or shall have rea01vLd to do IO; or 1111 the netrocall BMrd ahall have recommended to Lhs. at=kholdere of lrtroclll a Competing Transaction or shall have resolved co do 80:

le1 by exthcr Uetraall or Arch. If any mjunctlon. order or

le1 by Metrocall if. prror LO the Arch Stockholderm' Approval. 1 1 1 the Arch M a r d withdraws or in any nuterially adverse rCsP*Ct lodlfies or change. its reccmmndation of this Agrcernr or the Merger or .hell ham resolved to do so. or liil the Arch Board aha11 have rcc-ndad LO the etoskholders of Arch i Cmpetlng TransaCCIOn Or .hall hive reeolvcd to do SO:

inncdiately preceding provl.0 shill date set forth In Sectnon O.lIb1:

"O'C L" C " I " t b; daemd to exrend any

lhl by uetroca11. u p n breach of any reprcs.nration. warranty, C O Y ~ I I ~ I I ~ or agreement on tha p r c of Arch set torch In t h u Agreement. or i f any reprcmmt.tion or warranty of Arch shall have becorn Untrue. inemplate or 11)correcC, ~n either cane mch Chat the conditione

- 6 0 -

Page 21: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Set forth in SactlOn 7 . l f . 1 wuld not b. n.tisfi.d (a 'T.rnin.ting Arch BieaiCh"); provided. horrver. that Arch #hall h4vi 30 day. after written notlee of much default. .pecxfying reasonable detail the natur. of much &fault. i n given to Arch by M.tcoc.11 to cur. much Terminating Arch Breach. and Metrocall M y not terminate this Agrament under thls Section ~.llhl, if m c h Tcminatxng Arch nreach 10 curable by Arch through the Qrcrcime of It. raasonable effort# within such IO-day p a r d and for SO long as Arch continue. to CX~SCI#C such reasonabl. affortsi and provided further. h a e v e r . that the I-diaraly preceding provzso #hall not in any event be denrd to extend any date act forth In Section 8.llbl:

111 by Metrocall. Lf. prior to the UOtres.11 Scockholderm' Approval. the Hetrocall Board det.rminea In accordance with section 5 . 1 to approve a C-Ling Tr.nmactiOn. but Only after'Oeall fAl provrdea Arch with no h.8 than f i v e Buminesa oay. notice of it. detemimtIon to approve much Conpmtlng Trsnsaction. Including a11 matorla1 term# thereof. Is1 within much period. his in goo6 faith n.got1at.d. and has cauaed Ita f m a n c ~ a l and 14.1 advxsors to negotiat*. with Arch to nrke such adjumtwnts ln the t a m and Condition. of thia Aggrewunr am would cause the tranmactiona contemplated by thia Agreement to be mor- favorable. frm a flninclal pint of vxew. to tha atoCkho1d.r. of tUtroca11 than such Co.p.ting Tranmaction. and IC1 taking into account any amendments luda to this AgrcamenC pursuant to claume ( 8 ) . the netrocall B a r d detaminsm i n goad faith that the C w p e t m g Trsnmaction io nore favorable. crm a fmancial prnt o l VICV. to Che atockholdera of metrocall than che transaction. contemplated by this Agreement. provided that netrocallis rlght to terminate thl. Agrement under thxm section a 1111 *hall not be available i f MetreC.11 1. then &n breach of SectIOn 5 . 1 ; or

l j l by Arch. XI. prior to the Arch Stockholder.* Approval. the Arch Board determine. m aCcOrdanCe with Sa;tlon 5.2 to approve a C-ting Transaction, but only after Arch [A) provides netrocall with no 1.m. than five BYSZne.. Day. n O L l C e Of It. detemlnation tD rpprOvm mush COnpetIng 1ZAnm.CtlOn. including a11 mteri.1 term thereof. (81 within much period. has i n gmd faith ne0otxat.d. and ha. cau..d it. financial and lmal adviaor. to ruaotiate. with

fa Tabla. frm a financ&al pint of vbw. to ihe stociholdara of Arch than such C&ng Transaction. and IC1 taking into account any amndmnt. made to thin Agreesent pureuant to clauoe 181, the Arch Ward dctermmss m g o d faith that the Cnpetxng Tranaaetzon I. WIC favorable. f r o m a financial wint of view, to the mtockholdeea of Arch than the transaction. contelglatrd by Chis Agreeaunt. provided that Arch right to tcminata this hweernt under chi. saction S . l f j l ahall not be available if Arch is than In breach of nectxon 5 . 1 .

Metion 0 . 2 Rffcet of TrmInation.(a) Except .a prcrrrd.d In thi. Section 8 . 1 and Seetion 1.3. rn the evmt of tmrmlnation of thie Agreewant puraunt to sectlon 1.1. thi. Agreement #hall forthwith kcma void. t h e n .hall be no liability under thi. mrsemnt on the part Of any party hereto or any party's affiliate. or any partya. officers or diractora. and a11 rlght. and obligation. of each party hereto hall ceamc. providmd. kOlw.r. that lil the provision. of S.ctIonm 6 . 1 . 6.6. 8 . 2 . and 11.1, ACtiClC IX .hall .UTYIY. and fiil subject to Section 8 . l I d l . nothing harein shall relieve any party her-to f r m lhbility for the willful or xntention.1 breach of m y of it. representation. and warranties or the willful or xntantional breach of m y of IC. Covenants or agrcemcnta met forth in t h h Agnment.

- 6 9 -

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Ibl For a period of twlve mnthm I r a tho date of any t e m i n a t i o n of t h i s Agrement. "axher Company. nor any of t h e i r reapective Subsidiarlem. ahall. d i r e c t l y or indirectly. s o l i c i t the e r a p l o p n t of any employee of the other Coqany or It. I u b a l d l a r ~ e s . except t h a t thi. S ~ C F I M 8 . l lb l a h a l l not p roh ib i t .Ither Company or i t a Submldiaries frm ( 1 ) advert ining employment opportunl t&es in m y N t i O n a l newspaper. t r ade journal or o the r publxcacion In a u j o r mtrop1IL.n area. or any ChIZd parry Internet webeire po'tlng. or negot ia t ing with, offocing employment t o or employing much Perions contacted through iuch nd ium or llil par t i c ipa t ing In any t h i r d parry hir ing t a l r or d n r l a r event open t o t h e publlc or negotiating with. oflerrng empl-nt t o or employing such Person. contacted through much medium.

Section 8 . 3 Tmmination Fee

(a1 In the event Chat 111 e i t h e r C W Y S h a l l temINt.r . . thl . Agreement purmuanC to scc t lon 8.1111 l i l and. m OItheC Case. a t t h e t i n e of such t e m m n t i o n there m h . 1 1 -1st or b pzopmd a C-ting Rannaccion rn reapect el M.troc.11 which 1s son.-led or i l t n r..p.ct to which *.trocall emarm lhto a def rna t lve s g r m a n t within I2 m n t h s chmreaft*r. 1111 Arch shall t.rn1n.t. thim Agrement purrnuant t o Section 8 . l ( d l . or l l i i l M e t m e A l l .hall terninat. t h l i Aggrsmmnr purmunt t o Section 8.1111. then MetmCall mhall pay t o A r c h Si1 n ~ l l i o n . promptly a f t e r damand for p a p e n t Is u d c t o & t r o c a l l or. in t h e cas. of subpart 1 1 1 hereof. a f te r the execution and del ivery of such agreemnt or t he c o n s u m t i o n of such c-ting rr.n.aetmn.

(bl I n the event that 111 e i t h e r Cmpany a h a l l t.minatc chi. Agreement purauant LO Section 8 .11f11 i11 and. In e i t h e r =.-e. a t the ti- of such cecmination the re .hall e r i e t or k proposed a C-.ting Tran.action In respect of Arch which 1s conmunured or wlth rcmpct t o which Arch entar. into a dcfini t iv . ag resmnt within I2 mntha the rea f t e r . 1111 M t r o c a l l s h a l l t a m ~ n a t e t h i s Lgrecwnt pursuant t o SCEZIDII B , l I e \ . or hi,) Arch .hall terninrite chi. Agr.mant pursuant to Sectmn 8 . l l j l . thon Arch a h a l l pay t o nc t roca l l 112 mzlllon. promptly a f t e r demnd for p a p e n t I 8 made t o Arch Or. i n t he C a m Of s u b a r t l i l hereof. a f t e r t h e emcu tmn and delIverY of much amreencnt or the coniumation of auch C-ring Transaction.

IC1 Any paywnt required LO be nude purrnuant t o Chin Section 1 I s h a l l be mde not 1at.r than two n u a m e m Uaye after 1 1 1 d e l r v c y to Fhe paying par ty of notice of d-lund for psymnr. liil tha execution of a definitive agracmenc r e l a r i n g t o a Colnpcting TranaactlJn or 11111 the c o n s u m t i o n of much Co c t l n g TranBaCtion Im the c a ~ e of claumc I111 or l i i i l . t he paying Conp.ny s h g l promptly nOtIfy the o the r Ccmpany of much event and thm o the r Company s h a l l demignatc an account for .uCh papwnt I n rritlngl. as required by thl. Section 8 . 3 . and .hall be m d e by vlre transfer of w a r l a b l e fund. to an ~ C C O Y ~ L L desigluted by the other C w n y In thm ILOL~C. of dtnrnd Cox paymmc. or rn t he came of clause ( ix l or 1 1 1 x 1 . o the r rricr.n instruction. In t he e v e n t both Arch and Mstroc.11 would Other-h.. be entrt1.d LO p a p e n t . und.r S e c t ~ o n 8 1 la1 and Lb) ncl ther Company shall be requrred to r a k e any p a p e n t under t h i s scct&on 1.1. In no w e n t .hall e i t h e r cmpany be e n t i t l e d to c o l l e c t amuntm mr.uant t o Chi. S.ctiOn 8 3 r e l a t i n a t o mre than ons spec i f i ed event.

Ice. set f o r t h i n thi. Smetlon 8 . 3 a h a l l eO.I.tItutC the mole and sxclumive mmdy for any lo... l i a b i l i t y . &rage

Id1 I n the event fee. are payable under chi. Section 8.1. aueh


Page 23: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

or c l a m a r i s i n g out ai or in connection w i t h any nonprfomunca oC a covenant. breach. faI1YrC of a EOndItlOn prec.dCnt or t C m n a t I o n OC t h i s Agr.eo.nt.

le1 Each of t he partiem .eknor l~dg. t h a t the agreemencm contained in Section 8.1 are an In t eg ra l part 0 C tha Tranmactlonn. and chat. w i t h o u t these agraamntm. the o the r par ty r w l d n o t ant*r i n t o thi. Agrcenmt; accordingly. if e i t h e r o! the pa r t i e - t a i l - to pay m a txmely manner tbe amuntm due purauant t o s.etion 8 .3 and. IC order t o obcaxn aueh p a p n c . the othar p r t y maken 1 claim that result. In a judgment against th. f i rs t party for the a w u n t s set forth i n t h l e Section 0 . 3 . the Cirat par ty s h a l l pay tho o the r par ty i t s C0.t. and expen... t including attorney' . fee. and expen.e.1 111 connection with much wit. togather with IntoreBt on t he appllc.ble amuntm a t t h e pr im r a t e aa set f o r t h i n mC Wall S t r ee t Journal (Uorthea.tern Sdl t iont . an ecfcct on t he date aUCh payment -1s or ig ina l ly rcquirad t o be nude.


t h e i r r e B p c t r v s O f C i C e r a or diractorm. ahe l l have any Curtbr ob lkga tmI r i c h reapect thereto. except cor Cwenanta and ag rce r rn t s which by t h e i r t e r m exprssmly conrmpla t e perfocwncc a f t e r the EfCeCttV. Tim. rncludina anv such c 0 v ~ n . n ~ ~ and I~~CCMIIL. contained In A r t i ~ 1 ~ . I1 and IX

SectLon 9 . 1 W.ndn.nt. and Delay. and mim~iona I.) The PrOvxsLonm OC thlm Agreement may not bc uwndcd. modified. supplemented o r terminated, and r a iva ra or consent. t o departure f r m the provimron. hereof m y not be given. except by w r i t t e n &n*trumnt duly srccuted by the p a r t m a hereto by action t a t en by or on behalf Of thezr renpectlve b a r d . OC dlrectorm a t any tme p r i o r t o the KCCcctive Tim: provided. however. t ha t a f t e r t h e Arch StOCkhDldars' Approval and the MCtrOEa11 Stockkolder8' Approval. no waiver O r inandnent may be md.. except such waivers and anandmnta t h a t h a w received the r equ i s i t e mtOckhDlder approval and much I ~ I M ~ S and amendments tha t a r e permitted t o be nude r r thou t mtockholder approval under the Delaware &nerd corpor.txon Law..

Ibt m m p t as expreaely provided herein. no delay or mi.aion 20 exereme any r i g h t . -r or r-dy accruing t o any party, upn any breach of defaul t of moth.* par ty under thim S.grccmc. s h a l l impalr any much r l g h t . power or randy of much pa r ty nor .hall i t be constNed t o be a w a ~ v e r OC any much breach or d.CaU1t. or an acquiracance therein. or 0 C or in any mlarlar breach or defaul t t he rea f t e r occurring, nor s h a l l any wolv*r of Any emgle breach or defaul t be deemd a I ~ I V I ~ OC any Other breach or deL4uIt therCtOCOr'. or Lhereafter occurrrng. Any waiver 01 cO@IanCL with the prlorunc. of any obligaCion or Other a c t of m y other par ty hereto shall be val id only IC met f o r t h i n an Instrument zn wrzting mxgnad by the party or par t i aa t o be bound thmrmby.


Page 24: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of
Page 25: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

turn L Yatkina 3 5 5 Elavanth S t r e e t , W, Sui t e 1000 *a.hrngton. DC 1OOoI A t t m t x o n . Brie L. semtk .1 . m q .

Pac.mile. 110lI 617-2101 wllliam P. O'Y.xll. Emp

A l l nuch notices and comunicationl s h a l l ba dccncd t o h v c been duly given: a t the t a m e d .1iwr.d. bf delivered by hand: when noted on a confl-cion refart lor XI such dol ivery da t e i m not a Buminmm. Day, on the next Bu61nesa M y l . C sent by facsimile: on t h e next Businearn Day. if t r n e l y del ivered to a nacion.lly rccognlied muricr gu.rant&lng OvemzghL d e l i v e y . IC and r b n received. if depmi tcd i n the Miced State. mil . poatbge prepbld, Cercif1.d or regimtered. r e tu rn reccIpt requested.

Saction 9 . 4 Binding Agreement: No A m i g m n t . T h i 8 Agreement shall inure solely to the benet i t oc and be binding upon each OC t h e QArti.. hareto. mi. Agreement a h a l l not be aeslgned by any

Rerein, Chin Mreencnt L S not intended t o confer upon m y Permon. except lor the parti.. hereto, any r i g h t s or remediem hereunder.

a r t y by operation Of law or o thmniae . SUept as Otharwis* prov1d.d i n s e c t i w 6 . Y and 6.11

sect ion 9 5 Counterpsr t i . Ihis Agreement mby be executed ~n counterpairs (Including by Cacminilel. each OC which. when ao executed and del ivered, bhbll ka deemed t o be an or ig ina l and enforceable. but a11 of uhlch. taken together. a h a l l COnaLitute one and the same I n s t r u m n t .

Sactlon 9 .6 Descrlptiv. Headings. EtC.The headings In thin Aggr.emnt are fo r convenience of reference only and .hall not lime or OLherilme a t f e c t the meaning OC t e r n contamed herein. Unless the Context of chi. Agreerant otherwise req-drea: 11.1 xord. of any gander .hall be deemed t o include each O t h e r gender? l i r l words Ummg the smgular or p l u r a l number .hall a l s o include tho p lu ra l or singular nmber, respectively: l i i i l t he word1 .hereof'. "herein. and 'hereunder' and word. d 8mIl.r import when u r d zn t h i s rrJreement s h a l l r e f e r Lo t h r s Agreerant am a whale anQ not t o any p.rticu1.r of t h i s -re-nt. and Sactxon and paragraph rdermcc. are co t h e Sactmns and paragraphs of thin Agreemnt, I i v l the word 'including. and word. of a i n i l r r Import when umed In Chis Agreement means .including. wickout 1mLtat ion. . unlran othan1.c apccif ied: (VI 'or- is not a u l u a i v e : ( v i 1 pmvlaronn apply t o muccassiv. wmts and t r M ~ a C t I m s ; l v i i l ' k n o r l d g e ' . r r ch rmapect LO any party. meme t he actual knorlcdge of the e x e c u t ~ v e OC t ha t party: and l v i i i l *8usinesm My* mans any day M which the p rmc ipa l OCfiCea of the BEE i n Y..hington. D . C . are open t o accept Czlznqa. ocher than any much day bank. &n Weu lork C i t y are permitted or ccqulred by law to be C1o.ed.

SectLon 9 1 S w e r a b i l i t y . l n the event t ha t any one o r more of the proviaion.. paragraph.. . o r b . elaumcs. phrase. or .mtenc.m containad herem. or t h e appl icat ion thereof I n any circumstances. 1s held inv.1.d. 111.9.1 or unenCorceable in any rempect for any reason. t h e v a l i d l t . l e g a l i t y and en fo rceab i l i t y of any such provlsion. parbgraph, word. Ciaune. phraae or sentence i n every other respect and of the other r emin ing provimione.

imp.ired, i t k i n q Intendad that a l l r ighcs. P m r a and privilagem of the p a r t i e s hereto .hall be t o the t u l l e s t extant

pbngraph., word.. clauaas, phranem or ..IIt.nCeS b r e d Shal l not h i n bny Way


Page 26: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Section 9 9 6ntxre Agreement

Ibl The Exhibit. and Schedule. i den t i f i ed I n chis Agreement

s ec t ion 9.10 Consent t o JUriidiCtlOn.Pach p r t y t o t h l s Agreement hereby Irrevocably and unemdxt&onally a9r.C. t ha t any aCtIM. s u i t Or proceeding. a t 1.- or e q u i t y . a r i e lng out of or r e l a t lng t o t h i e Agreement or any a g r e e m t s or tr.naaCtiOns contamp1at.d hereby m y only be brought In any federal court of t he Southam Dlmtriet of ECI York 01 an s t a t e court located in New lork Comty. S t a t e of N.r York. a d hereby ~ r r e w c a b ~ y end unconditxonally expressly s u b l l t m to tha pernonal jurlmdrccron and venue of much courtm for t he puppees ChCCeof and hereby ~rcevocably and UnCOndltlonally W ~ L Y C ~ Iby ray of mtim. as a defense or otherwise1 any and a11 j u r l ~ d l c t l o n a l , venue and convmlencc object ions or defense. t ha t euch par ty m y have I n much action. s u i t or proceeding. Each p r t y hereby irrevocably and uncondl t~onal ly conments LO t he ..IYSC~ of process of any of the afom-ncion.d court.. Nothing h.r.ln conramad h e l l be &mad LO affect the r lght of m y p r t y t o .em. pr0c.s. ~n m y manner permitted by law or e-nee legal proceeding. 01 ork.rri.a pr0ce.d a9aln.t any Other par ty ~n m y o the r j u r i sd rc tmn to enforce j u d w n t m obtained i n any ac t ion . a u t OT proceeding brought purawnt to t h i s SectIan

perfom or cause t o be done and performed all much fu r the r .EL. and things and sha l l executa and de l ive r a11 much other agreement., c e r t i f i c a t e * . inmtrumnt. and document. a. any o the r par ty hereto reamonably may r q u a t rn order to Carry OYL t he in t en t and rccanplrsh the purpo... of t h i s AgjreeMnt and the c o n m u m t I m of the Tramaction.. Any ouc-of-pcket Cos t . amsocrated with complying w i t h t h h SeCtlon aha l l be Dmc by t he requuemting p I t Y .

are incorporated herel" by reference m d u d e a part kreof.

Section 9.11 Further Ammurances Each p r t y hereto s h a l l do and

- 1 4 -

Page 27: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of
Page 28: pledge I~~YC, of. Dr of any acpulrm of or Isme sxcre~ma of

Name: VinCmnL D. U l l y Title: C h i d Kxecutive Ofticar