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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?

- Paracrine – local signaling between neighboring cells- Endocrine – distance signaling thereby using the circulatory system- Review Ch 11: Cell communication

- Reception- G protein-linked receptors- Tyrosine kinase receptors- Ion channel receptors- Steroid hormone receptors – intracellular

- Transduction- 2nd messengers – Ca+2 ions, cAMP, IP3 & DAG- Phosphorylation cascades – protein kinases

- Response- Gene activation aka transcription - Enzyme activation- Cell division

} Membrane bound

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Figure 45.3 Mechanisms of hormonal signaling: a reviewSECRETORYCELL



Signal receptor













Signaltransductionand response




Synthesis ofspecific proteins

(a) Receptor in plasma membrane (b) Receptor in cell nucleus

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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?

- Simple endocrine- Simple neurohormone- Simple neuroendocrine

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Figure 45.2 Basic patterns of simple hormonal control pathwaysPathway Example

Stimulus Low bloodglucose


Pancreassecretesglucagon ( )

Endocrinecell Blood





Pathway Example

Stimulus Suckling


Hypothalamus/posterior pituitary



Posterior pituitarysecretes oxytocin( )


Smooth musclein breast

Response Milk release

Pathway Example

Stimulus Hypothalamicneurohormonereleased inresponse toneural andhormonalsignals


Hypothalamussecretes prolactin-releasinghormone ( )



Anteriorpituitarysecretesprolactin ( )Endocrine





Mammary glands

Milk production

(c) Simple neuroendocrine pathway

(b) Simple neurohormone pathway

(a) Simple endocrine pathway


Glycogenbreakdown,glucose releaseinto blood

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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?3. How can 1 ligand cause different effects?

- Different receptor types on different cells- Different intracellular signal molecules (relay proteins)

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Figure 45.4 One chemical signal, different effectsDifferent receptors different cell responses








Vesseldilates Glycogen

breaks downand glucose is releasedfrom cell

Intestinal blood vessel

(a) Skeletal muscle blood vessel

(b) Liver cell(c)

Different intracellular proteins different cell responses


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Figure 45.6 Human endocrine glands surveyed in this chapter


Pineal gland

Pituitary gland

Thyroid glandParathyroid glands

Adrenal glands




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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?3. How can 1 ligand cause different effects?4. What are some common endocrine glands?5. How does the hypothalamus control the anterior & posterior pituitary

differently?- posterior – directly via neurohormones- anterior – indirectly via releasing hormones (tropic hormones)

tropic hormones = hormones that influence other glands to release other hormones

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Figure 45.7 Production and release of posterior pituitary hormones


Neurosecretorycells of thehypothalamus





TARGET Kidney tubules Mammary glands,uterine muscles

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Figure 44.16 Hormonal control of the kidney by negative feedback circuits

ALCOHOL = Inhibits ADH release decreased H2O reabsorption increased H2O release dehydration hangover!

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Figure 45.8 Production and release of anterior pituitary hormones

Tropic Effects OnlyFSH, follicle-stimulating hormoneLH, luteinizing hormoneTSH, thyroid-stimulating hormoneACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone

Nontropic Effects OnlyProlactinMSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormoneEndorphin

Nontropic and Tropic EffectsGrowth hormone

Neurosecretory cellsof the hypothalamus

Portal vessels

Endocrine cells of theanterior pituitary

Hypothalamicreleasinghormones(red dots)

HORMONE FSH and LH TSH ACTH Prolactin MSH Endorphin Growth hormone

TARGET Testes orovaries

Thyroid Adrenalcortex


Melanocytes Pain receptorsin the brain

Liver Bones

Pituitary hormones(blue dots)

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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?3. How can 1 ligand cause different effects?4. What are some common endocrine glands?5. How does the hypothalamus control the anterior & posterior pituitary

differently?6. How is the thyroid regulated?

- Regulates metabolism- T3 & T4 hormones- Triiodothyronine (T3) & thyroxine (T4) have 3 or 4 iodine atoms

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T3 T4+

Figure 45.9 Feedback regulation of T3 and T4 secretion from the thyroid gland


What happens with a lack of iodine in the diet?

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Page 16: Please put your Ch. 40 & 43 Learning Log in the blue bin. Also, pick up all three sheets from the piles on the table!

Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?3. How can 1 ligand cause different effects?4. What are some common endocrine glands?5. How does the hypothalamus control the anterior & posterior pituitary

differently?6. How is the thyroid regulated?7. How is homeostasis of blood calcium achieved?

- Thyroid & parathyroid glands

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CalcitoninThyroid glandreleasescalcitonin.

StimulatesCa2+ depositionin bones

ReducesCa2+ uptakein kidneys

STIMULUS:Rising bloodCa2+ level

Blood Ca2+

level declinesto set point

Homeostasis:Blood Ca2+ level

(about 10 mg/100 mL)

Blood Ca2+

level risesto set point

STIMULUS:Falling bloodCa2+ level

StimulatesCa2+ releasefrom bones


IncreasesCa2+ uptakein intestines

Activevitamin D

Stimulates Ca2+

uptake in kidneys


Figure 45.11 Hormonal control of calcium homeostasis in mammals

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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?3. How can 1 ligand cause different effects?4. What are some common endocrine glands?5. How does the hypothalamus control the anterior & posterior pituitary

differently?6. How is the thyroid regulated?7. How is homeostasis of blood calcium achieved?8. How is homeostasis of blood glucose achieved?

- Insulin and glucagon

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Figure 45.12 Maintenance of glucose homeostasis by insulin and glucagon

Beta cells ofpancreas are stimulatedto release insulininto the blood.


Liver takesup glucoseand stores itas glycogen.

Body cellstake up moreglucose.

Blood glucose leveldeclines to set point;stimulus for insulinrelease diminishes.

STIMULUS:Rising blood glucose

level (for instance, aftereating a carbohydrate-

rich meal)

Homeostasis:Blood glucose level

(about 90 mg/100 mL)

Blood glucose levelrises to set point;

stimulus for glucagonrelease diminishes.

STIMULUS:Dropping blood glucoselevel (for instance, after

skipping a meal)

Alpha cells of pancreasare stimulated to releaseglucagon into the blood.

Liver breaksdown glycogenand releasesglucose intoblood.


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Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System1. What is the difference between paracrine & endocrine?2. What are the 3 general types of signaling pathways?3. How can 1 ligand cause different effects?4. What are some common endocrine glands?5. How does the hypothalamus control the anterior & posterior pituitary

differently?6. How is the thyroid regulated?7. How is homeostasis of blood calcium achieved?8. How is homeostasis of blood glucose achieved?9. How does the body respond to short-term stress, ie fight or flight?

- epinephrine & norepinephrine

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Spinal cord(cross section)






Anterior pituitary

Blood vessel




Adrenal medullasecretes epinephrineand norepinephrine. Adrenal cortex

secretesmineralocorticoidsand glucocorticoids.

Effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine:1. Glycogen broken down to glucose; increased blood glucose2. Increased blood pressure

3. Increased breathing rate

4. Increased metabolic rate

5. Change in blood flow patterns, leading to increased alertness and decreased digestive and kidney activity

Effects ofmineralocorticoids:

Retention of sodiumions and water bykidneys

Increased bloodvolume and bloodpressure



Effects ofglucocorticoids:

Proteins and fatsbroken down andconverted to glucose,leading to increasedblood glucose

Immune system maybe suppressed



(b) Long-term stress response(a) Short-term stress response

Nerve cell

Figure 45.13 Stress and the adrenal gland

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Table 45.1 Major Human Endocrine Glands and Some of Their Hormones

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Table 45.1