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BIBLE WORD QUEST – STUDY PORTION LESSONS 1 – 5 (ABRAHAM, ISAAC, JACOB & ESAU) STCJ Catechism – Year 9 (2017/2018) Page 1 of 14 Please find below portion for the Bible test on 8 th December 2017 : 1) Answer The Following Lesson 1 : Abram discovers a Guiding God Bible Passages from Genesis for study : Gen. 11:27-32 / Gen. 12:1-10 / Gen. 13:1-18 / Gen. 14:8 & 14:11-24 Sample Questions : 1) Where did Abraham grow up? (11:31) Ur of the Chaldees 2) After Abram’s father died, what did God tell Abram to do? (12:1) “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you 3) What did God promise Abram? (12:2) God would make them a great nation and make his name great. 4) What did God promise would happen to those who cursed Abram and his descendants? (12:3) God would curse them 5) How old was Abram when he departed out of Haran? (12:4) 75 6) Who did Abram take with him? (12 : 4-5) Sarai and Lot 7) Where did Abram built the first altar? (12:6) At Shechem 8) When Abram camped near Bethel, what did he build to the Lord? (Genesis 12:8) An altar to the Lord 9) Where did Abram go in order to escape the famine? (12:10) Egypt 10) After the quarrel, what land did Lot choose and where did he settle? (13: 12) He chose the valley of Jordan and settled in Sodom. 11) What kind of people lived at Sodom? (13:13) Wicked people 12) Where did Abram settle in Canaan and build an altar unto the Lord? (13:18) He settled by the oaks of Mamre, at Hebron 13) What did Abram do when he heard that his nephew Lot was taken captive? (14:14-16) He gathered his trained men and fought to rescue Lot. 14) Who was king of Salem and priest of God Most High? (14:18) Melchizedek

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STCJ Catechism – Year 9 (2017/2018)

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Please find below portion for the Bible test on 8th December 2017 :

1) Answer The Following

Lesson 1 : Abram discovers a Guiding God

Bible Passages from Genesis for study :

Gen. 11:27-32 / Gen. 12:1-10 / Gen. 13:1-18 / Gen. 14:8 & 14:11-24

Sample Questions :

1) Where did Abraham grow up? (11:31) Ur of the Chaldees

2) After Abram’s father died, what did God tell Abram to do? (12:1)

“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you

3) What did God promise Abram? (12:2) God would make them a great nation and make his name great.

4) What did God promise would happen to those who cursed Abram and his descendants? (12:3)

God would curse them

5) How old was Abram when he departed out of Haran? (12:4)


6) Who did Abram take with him? (12 : 4-5) Sarai and Lot

7) Where did Abram built the first altar? (12:6) At Shechem

8) When Abram camped near Bethel, what did he build to the Lord? (Genesis 12:8)

An altar to the Lord

9) Where did Abram go in order to escape the famine? (12:10)


10) After the quarrel, what land did Lot choose and where did he settle? (13: 12)

He chose the valley of Jordan and settled in Sodom.

11) What kind of people lived at Sodom? (13:13) Wicked people

12) Where did Abram settle in Canaan and build an altar unto the Lord? (13:18)

He settled by the oaks of Mamre, at Hebron

13) What did Abram do when he heard that his nephew Lot was taken captive? (14:14-16)

He gathered his trained men and fought to rescue Lot.

14) Who was king of Salem and priest of God Most High? (14:18)


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Lesson 2 : God’s Covenant with Abraham

Bible Passages from Genesis for study :

Gen. 15: 1-6 / Gen. 16:1-4, 15-16 / Gen. 17:1-27 / Gen. 18:1-15 / Gen. 21:1-21

Sample Questions :

1) Who was the slave heir of Abram's house? (15:2) Eliezer of Damascus

2) What was Abram’s reaction to the promises of God? (15: 6)

He believed

3) Who wanted Abram to take Hagar to produce a son? (16:1-3)


4) Who was Abram’s son through Hagar? (16:15) Ishmael

5) How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?(16:16) 86 years old

6) What was prophesied about Ishmael? (16: 11-12)

He will be a wild ass of a man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him;

7) What sort of a father did the LORD declare Abram would become? (17:4)

The father of a multitude of nations

8) To what did God change Abram’s name? (17: 5) Abraham

9) What land was promised to Abraham and his descendants? (17: 8)

All the land of Canaan

10) What was the token of this covenant between God and Abraham’s descendants? (17: 10-13)


11) To what did God change Sarai’s name? (17: 15) Sarah

12) Who did God say He would establish his covenant with? (17: 21)


13) What was Sarah’s reaction to the news that she would have a son? (18: 12)

She laughed

14) What did Abraham name his son who God gave to him? (21:1-3)


15) What was done to Isaac when he was 8 days of age? (21:4)

He was circumcised

16) What did Sarah ask Abraham to do to her slave Hagar and son Ishmael? (21:10)

To be sent away

17) What did God tell Abraham He would do for Ishmael? (21:12-13)

He would make a great nation of Ishamel

18) Where did Hagar take Ishmael? (21:14) Wilderness of Beersheba

19) What did God show Hagar when they had run out of water? (21:19)

A well of water

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Lesson 3 : Abraham learns to trust God

Bible Passages from Genesis for study :

Gen. 18:16-33 / Gen. 19:1-17 , 21-29 / Gen. 21:5 / Gen. 22:1-19

Sample Questions :

1) Why was the LORD going to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? (18:20)

Because the outcry against them was great and their sin was very grave.

2) What question did Abraham ask the Lord? (18: 23)

Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked?

3) For how many righteous people would have the Lord spared Sodom? (18: 32)


4) Why was Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt? (19:26)

Because she disobeyed the LORD and looked back at the cities.

5) What did Lot offer the men of Sodom instead? (19: 7-8)

His two daughters

6) What did the two guests do to those who were forcing their way into Lot’s house? (19:11)

The guests struck them with blindness

7) What did the angels tell Lot and his family to do? (19: 12-17)

Get out of Sodom

8) What did the Lord rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah? (19: 24)

Brimstone (or Sulphur) and fire

9) What happened to Lot’s wife? (19: 26) She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt

10) How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? (21:5) 100

11) Where was Abraham to take Isaac in order to offer him as a sacrifice to God? (22:2)

Into the land of Moriah

12) What did God tell Abraham to do to Isaac? (22: 2) Offer him as a burnt offering

13) What did the Angel of the Lord tell Abraham not to do? (22: 12)

Not to harm Isaac

14) What was caught in a thicket that Abraham offered up as a burnt offering? (22: 13)

A ram

Lesson 4 : Isaac & Jacob

Bible Passages from Genesis for study :

Gen. 23: 1-2, 19 / Gen. 24:1-4, 10, 59, 67 / Gen. 25:7-10, 19-34 / Gen. 27:1-45

Sample Questions :

1) How old was Sarah when she died? (23:1) 127 years old

2) Where did Abraham bury Sarah? (23:19) In the Cave of Machpelah in Canaan

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3) Why did Abraham tell his servant to go to Haran to find a wife for Isaac? (24:3)

Because he did not a want Isaac to marry a Canaanite woman.

4) Whom did the servant bring back to marry Isaac? (24:59)

Rebekkah, the daughter of Abraham’s nephew Bethuel

5) Isaac’s age when he married Rebekkah (25:20) 40 years old

6) How old was Abraham when he died? (25:7-10) 175 years old

7) Where was Abraham buried? (25:9) In the Cave of Machpelah, in Canaan

8) Who were the sons of Rebekkah? (25:25-26) Esau & Jacob

9) What did Esau and Jacob become? (25:27) Esau became a skilled hunter and Jacob was a quiet man who stayed at home.

10) Why did Isaac prefer Esau over Jacob? (25:27) Because Isaac enjoyed eating the animals Esau killed.

11) Why did Esau sell his birthright to Jacob? (25:30-33) He was very hungry and wanted to eat the bean soup Jacob had prepared.

12) When Isaac grew old and blind, what did he ask Esau to do? (27:1-8)

To kill an animal and prepare a meal so He could eat and then give Esau his blessing.

13) How did Rebekkah dress Jacob to deceive Isaac that he was Esau? (27:6-10)

She put Esau clothes on him and hairy skins of the goats to cover his hands and neck.

14) What was Esau’s reaction when Isaac told him he had already blessed Jacob? (27:33-34)

He cried out loud and asked Isaac to bless him too.

15) How did Esau feel toward his brother Jacob? (27:41-42)

Esau hated Jacob and wanted to kill him.

Lesson 5 : Jacob’s exile & Return

Bible Passages from Genesis for study :

Gen. 28:1-5, 10-19 / Gen. 29:9-35 / Gen. 30:1-13, 17-24 / Gen. 32:3-7, 13-15, 22-29 / Gen. 33:4 / Gen. 35:1-3, 16-18, 23-26

Sample Questions :

1) What charge did Isaac give to Jacob ? (28:1) Not to marry a Canaanite woman.

2) Where did Jacob flee to? (28:1) To Haran, to the house of Laban, Rebekkah’s brother.

3) What did Jacob dream? (28: 12-15)

A ladder went from earth to heaven & the angels were ascending & descending on it.

4) What did Jacob do with the stone pillow? (28:18-19)

He set it up as a pillar, poured olive oil over it and called the place Bethel.

5) Whom did Jacob fall in love with ? (29:11) Rachel

6) Describe the terms which Jacob proposed as wages for his service to Laban: (29:18)

To work for 7 years for Rachel, the younger daughter

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7) Who did Laban give Jacob as a wife after working seven years? (29: 21-25)

His daughter Leah

8) How many more years did Jacob work in order to marry Rachel? (29:18)

Another 7 years

9) How many years in total did Jacob work for Laban? (30:31)

20 years

10) How many sons did Jacob have when he left Laban? 11 sons

11) How many men did Esau take with him to meet Jacob?(32:6)

Four hundred

12) Where did Jacob wrestle with the angel? (32:22) At the river Jabbok

13) What happened to Jacob physically in his wrestling match with the angel? (32: 25,31-32)

The hip of Jacob was put out of joint.

14) What did Jacob request of the angel? (32: 26) I will not let you go, except you bless me

15) What was Jacob’s name changed to? (32: 27-28) Israel

16) Where did Jacob settle after he was reconciled with Esau? (35:1)


17) Who was the last son of Jacob born at Bethel? (35:18) Benjamin

18) What happened to Rachel when Benjamin was born? (35: 16-19)

She died


Lesson 1: Abraham discovers a guiding God

1) The Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and ___ to the land that I will show you. (12:1) a) False gods b) Your kindred and your father's house c) farmland

2) And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a ___________________. (12:2) a) Blessing b)Happy c) Comforted

3) What promises were given to Abram? (12:2-3) a) I will make you a great nation b) I will make your name great c) I will bless those who bless you d) All of the above

4) I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you, I will _______________, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” – (12:3) a) Cause them to get sick and die b) Curse them c) Take revenge on them seven fold

5) So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from ___________. (12:4) a) Haran b) Bethel c) Ur of the Chaldeans

6) How old was Abram when he departed from Haran? (12: 4) a) 60 b) 70 c) 65 d) 75

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7) Now there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to ________ to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land. Gen 12:10 a) Bethlehem b) Jerusalem c) Egypt

8) Lot separated from Abram. To which city did Lot go? a) Zoar b) Gomorrah c) Sodom d) Canaan

9) And he (Abram) journeyed on from the Negeb as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between ___________, - (13:3) a) Bethlehem and Nazareth b) Jerusalem and Shechem c) Bethel and Ai

10) Which of the following is 'not' one of the reasons given as to why Abram suggested that he and his nephew, Lot, separate? Gen 13:5-8 a) There was strife between Abram and Lot b) There was strife between the herdman of Abram and the herdman of Lot. c) They each had too much stuff (flocks, herds, tents) to dwell together

11) Who lifted his eyes and saw all the plains of Jordan? (13: 10) a) Adam b) Moses c) Lot d) Aaron

12) Toward what city did Lot pitch his tent? (13:12) a) Gomorrah b) Jerusalem c) Sodom d) Zoar

13) So Abram moved his tent and came and settled by the oaks of Mamre, which are at ________, and there he built an altar to the Lord. (13:18) a) Sodom b) Hebron c) Gomorrah

14) How many trained servants did Abram arm, after he heard that Lot had been taken. (14: 14) a) 120 b) 230 c) 318 d) 530

15) Who was king of Salem and priest of God Most High? (14:18) a) Abimelech b) Abraham c) Chedorlaomer d) Melchizedek

Lesson 2: God’s Covenant with Abraham

1) To what would the number of Abram's descendants be compared? (15:5) a) As the drops of water in the ocean b) As the birds in the sky c) As the stars in the sky d) All of the above

2) And he said to him, “I am the Lord who brought you out from __________ to give you this land to possess.” – (15:7) a) Egypt b) Haran c) Ur of the Chaldeans

3) Abram and Sarai were now old, so anxious about God's timing, Sarai gave a slave-girl to Abram to bear them a son. What was the slave girl's name? (16:2) a) Hagar b) Jezebel c) Rachel d) Tamar

4) What land was promised to Abraham and his descendants? (17:8) a) Babylon b) Canaan c) Garden of Eden d) Ur of the Chaldees

5) How old was Abraham when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin? (17: 24) a) 100 b) 75 c) 99 d) 85

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6) When Abram was 99, God spoke to Abram about the sign of his covenant. Which of the following Jewish customs was mentioned as this sign? a) The eating of only clean animals b) The wearing of beards c) Observation of the Sabbath d) Male circumcision

7) What was Sarah's reaction to the news that she would have a son? (18:10-12) a) She rejoiced b) She laughed within herself c) She told all her friends

8) - The Lord appeared to Abraham near the oak of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. When Abraham looked up, what did he see? (18:1,2) a) a great light b) a vision c) sheep grazing in the distance d) three men standing nearby

9) The Lord knew Sarah laughed when he announced the birth of their son. The Lord asked Abraham why she did this, so Sarah was afraid. What did she do next? (18:13-15) a) apologized b) lied c) wept d) left

10) Concerning Abraham …., “all nations on earth will be __________ through him." (18:18) a) ruled b) established c) destroyed d) blessed

Lesson 3: Abraham learns to trust God

1) The Lord said the outcry against two cities was so great and their sin so grievous that he would go down and see if what they had done. What were these two cities? (18:20,21) a) Sodom and Babel b) Babel and Gomorrah c) Sodom and Gomorrah

2) Abraham asked God to spare Sodom. What was the first and highest number of righteous people on whose behalf God agreed to spare Sodom from destruction? (18:22-26) a) 50 b) 75 c) 99 d) 100

3) What was final number of righteous people, God promised to spare Sodom? (18:32,33) a) 20 b) 15 c) 10 d) 5

4) When lot was sitting in the gates of Sodom, how many angels came to Sodom? (19: 1) a) 4 b) 2 c) 7 d) 1

5) What does Lot offer the people of Sodom instead of his visitors? a) Nothing...he just runs away b) His best head of cattle c) His two virgin daughters

6) What did the Lord rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah? (19:24) a) Dust b) Fire and brimstone c) Hail d) Lice

7) What happened to Lot's wife? (19:26) a) Became barren b) Became a pillar of salt c) Smitten with leprosy

8) How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? (21:5) a) 60 b) 75 c) 90 d) 100

9) What did God tell Abraham to do to Isaac? (22:2) a) Appoint him as his successor b) Appoint him as Priest c) Offer him as a burnt offering d) Train him in the way he should go

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10) He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you _______ God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” (22:12) a) Fear b) Love c) Want to be obedient to

11) And the angel of the Lord said to Abraham, …. and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have ____________.” (22:15-18) a) Obeyed my voice b) Had faith in me c) Had faith in Jesus Christ

12) God asked Abraham to prove his faith in Him by sacrificing his own son on an altar. But God stopped him and provided an animal for the sacrifice. What kind of animal was it? a) A cow b) A ram c) A chicken d) A goat

Lesson 4: Isaac and Jacob

1) What did Abraham purchase in order to bury Sarah? (23:16-19) a) Cave of Machpelah b) Mount Moriah c) Threshing floor of Araunah d) Zoar

2) How old was Sarah when she died? a) 127 b) 136 c) 105 d) 99

3) Who did Isaac marry? (24:67) a) Leah b) Rachel c) Rebekah d) Ruth

4) For what did Esau sell his birthright? (25:34) a) His herd of sheep b) His hunting weapons c) Some stew of lentils d) Thirty pieces of silver

5) With whom did God reconfirm the promises that He had made with Abraham? (26:1-4) a) Isaac b) Joseph c) Judah d) Melchizedek

6) Isaac grew old and blind. When he wanted to bless his eldest son Esau, instead, Jacob brought him the food, disguised himself as Esau so he could be blessed. Whose idea was this? a) God b) Jacob c) Rebekah d) Esau

7) What was done in order to fool Isaac into thinking Jacob was Esau? (27:15-17) a) Make savory food b) Put on Esau's clothes c) Put goat skins on his hands and neck d) All of the above

8) What did Esau plan to do to Jacob? (27:41) a) Forgive him b) Kill him c) Sell him d) Throw him in a pit

Lesson 5: Jacob’s exile & Return

1) On the run from his brother Esau, He dreamed of a ladder with angels climbing. God spoke to him in this dream, and promised him several things. Which of the following was NOT one of them? a) "The land on which you lie I will give to you and your offspring." b) "Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be everyone who blesses you." c) "Your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth." d) "Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go."

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2) What did Jacob dream? (28:12) a) Ladder that reached to heaven b) Seven fat cows and seven skinny cows c) Seven fat heads of grain and seven skinny heads of grain d) All of the above

3) Laban had two daughters, Rachel and Leah, both of whom would become Jacob's wives. Which one did Jacob marry first?

a) Rachel b) Leah

4) Who did Jacob want for a wife in exchange for working seven years? (29:18) a) Leah b) Rachel c) Rebekah d) Ruth

5) Who did Laban give Jacob as a wife after working seven years? (29:23) a) Leah b) Rachel c) Rebekah d) Ruth

6) What was the name of Rachel’s first son? (30:24) a) Benjamin b) Joseph c) Judah d) Levi

7) Chapter 31 finds Jacob on the run again. Who was he running from this time? a) Laban b) Leah c) Esau d) God

8) How many years in total did Jacob serve Laban? (31:41) a) 7 b) 14 c) 20 d) 21

9) Tired of running, Jacob made his way home to meet Esau. When he was alone, a man approached Jacob and wrestled him all night. Who was this man? a) Laban b) Leah in disguise c) Esau d) God

10) What happened to Jacob physically in his wrestling match with the angel? (32:25 ) a) Broken arm b) Hip out of joint c) Nose bloodied d) Twisted knee

11) To what was Jacob’s name changed? (32:28) a) El-bethel b) Israel c) Patriarch d) Peniel

12) When Jacob saw Esau approaching, he separated his family and went ahead to meet his brother. How many men did Esau have with him? a) 400 b) 700 c) 100 d) 1,000

13) What did Esau do when he met Jacob? (33:4) a) Ran to meet him b) Embraced and kissed him c) Wept d) All of the above

14) On the way, Rachel born her son Benjamin. What complications arose from his birth? a) No troubles b) He was premature c) Rachel died in labor d) Rachel had labor for a week

15) Where did God tell Jacob to return? (35:1) a) Bethel b) Isaac's house c) Jerusalem d) Laban's house

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No. Statement True / False

1 Lot was Abram's son. (12:5 ) FALSE 2 A quarrel broke out between the men taking care of Abram's and Lot's

animals. Then Abram said to Lot, " We are relatives, and your men and my men should not be quarrelling. So let's separate. Choose any part of the land you want. You go one way, and I'll go the other." (13:8 )


3 Lot stayed in the land of Canaan and Abram settled among the cities in the valley and camped near Sodom. (13:12 )


4 "Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him." (14:18-19)


5 The Lord said to Abram, Look at the sky and try to count the stars; you will have as many descendants as that. (15:5 )


6 "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, 'I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.' " (17:1)


7 But Lot's wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of sand. (19:26)


8 "Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a goat caught in a thicket by its horns." (22:13)


9 "Then Rebekah took the choice clothes of her elder son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob her younger son." (27:15)


10 "Then Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on top of it." (28:18)


11 Now Jacob loved Rachel; and he said, 'I will serve you nine years for Rachel your younger daughter.' " (29:18)


12 Jacob’s men reported to him that Esau had 400 men with him. TRUE

13 Jacob prayed to God to deliver him from the wrath of Esau. FALSE

14 He prepared more than 500 animals as a gift to Esau. TRUE

15 Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. TRUE

16 Esau saw the groups of women and children, and was jealous of his brother.


17 Jacob journeyed to Succoth and finally dwelt in Shalem, a city of Shechem.


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4) WHO SAID IT, AND TO OR OF WHOM (Underline the answer)

1) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you."? (12:1)

a. God, to Abram b. God, to Noah c. Abram, to Lot d. God, to Israel

2) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren."? (13:8)

a. Jacob, to Esau b. Abram, to Lot c. Reuben, to Judah d. Isaac, to Ishmael

3) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "He shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him."? (16:12)

a. The angel of the Lord, to Hagar, referring to Ishmael

b. Isaac, to Rebekah, referring to Esau

c. God, to Adam, speaking of Cain d. The angel of the Lord, to Isaac,

speaking of Jacob

4) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "I did not laugh"? (18:15)

a. Joseph, to Pharaoh b. Lot, to the angels, in Sodom c. Sarah, to the Lord and to

Abraham d. Ham, to Noah

5) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "Look, [here is] the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"? (22:7)

a. Jacob, to Esau b. Abel, to Cain c. Joseph, to his brothers d. Isaac, to Abraham

6) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary."? (25:30)

a. Esau, to Jacob b. Judah, to Joseph c. Cain, to Abel d. Manasseh, to Ephraim

7) According to the Book of Genesis, who said: "I will not let You go unless You bless me!"? (32:26)

a. Abram, to the angel of the Lord b. Jacob to the man he wrestled c. Potiphar's wife, to Joseph d. Lot, to the angel of God

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STCJ Catechism – Year 9 (2017/2018)

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1) " And he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; there he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD." (12:7-8).

2) "Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom (13:12)

3) And Abram "gave him a tenth of all." (14:20)

4) God told Abraham to take his son and go to mount Moriah (22:1, 2).

5) King Melchizedek of Salem was the High Priest (14:18)

6) "And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness (15:6)

7) "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar (16:1)

8) Abram was 86 years old when Hagar bore him Ishmael. (16:16)

9) "And they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness both small and great, so that they became weary trying to find the door."(19:11)

10) When Lot's wife looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, she turned into a Pillar of Salt (19:26)

11) "Now Abraham was a 100 years old when his son Isaac was born to him." (21:5)

12) "Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, 'My father!' And he said, 'Here I am, my son.' And he said, 'Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?' " (22:7)

13) Rebekkah became Isaac’s wife. (24:15)

14) Hagar was the mother of Abraham's son Ishmael. (25:12)

15) "So the boys grew. And Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a mild man, dwelling in tents." (25:27)

16) Rebekah "put the skins of the kids of the goats on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck (27:16)

17) "Then Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar and poured olive oil on top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel" (28:18-19)

18) "Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah and the name of the younger was Rachel. (29:16)

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Down 1. Who was Abram’s wife? Sarai (Gen 12:5) 2. How many sons did Jacob have? Twelve (Gen 35:22) 3. Rebekah’s brother ________. Laban (Gen 24:29 ) 4. Lot asked to flee to a small town named ________ instead of the mountains. Zoar (Gen 19:18-22) 5. Jacob was a man with smooth skin. How was his brother Esau? Hairy (Gen 27:11) 6. What sacrifice did Abraham tell Isaac that God would provide on Mount Moriah? Lamb (Gen 22:8) 7. Who was Abram’s father? Terah (Gen 11:27)

Across 1. How many years would Jacob work for getting Laban’s daughter in marriage? Seven (Gen 29:18) 2. Jacob’s name changed to ______________. Israel Gen 32:28 3. Isaac's wife Rebekah became pregnant and was going to give birth to ________. Twins (Gen 25:21-24) 4. Sarai was ____________; she had no child. Barren (Gen 11:30)

5. After separation, where did Abram build an altar to the Lord? Hebron (Gen 13:18) 6. Isaac was old and blind; who did he ask to bring him to eat before he died? Esau (Gen 27:1-4) 7. Hagar bore Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name ___________. Ishmael (Gen16:15) 8. Bethuel's father and Rebekah's grandfather ______________. Nahor (Gen 24:47)


































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STCJ Catechism – Year 9 (2017/2018)

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Across 1. God changed his name to Israel JACOB 3. His name means laughter - ISAAC 4. Wicked city destroyed by God SODOM 6. Isaac's wife - REBEKAH 9. Rachel’s first son. - JOSEPH 11. Name of Sarai’s slave girl. - HAGAR 12. Where Abraham went to escape the famine -

EGYPT 13. Lot’s Wife turned into a pillar of this SALT 14. Sold his birthright for a Bowl of Soup ESAU

Down 2. First Patriarch - ABRAHAM 4. Abraham’s Wife - SARAH 5. What did Sarah say God made her do? (21: 6) -

LAUGH 7. Place where Rachel was buried. BETHLEHEM 8. Abraham’s Nephew - LOT 10. Name of the land promised to Abraham and

his descendants CANAAN