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A Project on Finger Licking Good Chicken @ KFC

A Project on Product Life Cycle of “Finger Licking Good” Chicken @ KFC


Debadrita Chakraborty

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Table of Content:


1.1.Product Life Cycle

1.1.1.Stages of Product Life Cycle

1.1.2.Critisism and Limitation of PLC

1.2.Introduction to the company

1.2.1.Company Profile

1.2.2.KFC India

1.2.3.Value of KFC

1.2.4.CHAMPS Programme

2.Marketing Analysis of the Product

2.1. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis


2.3.SEC Analysis


4.SWOT Analysis

5.SEC Classification

6.4P’s of Marketing

7.Customer Relationship

7.PLC of KFC Chicken

7.1.PLC Stages of the product

7.2.Sales Data


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1.1Product Life Cycle:

Like human beings, products also have their own life-cycle. From birth to death human beings pass through various stages e.g. birth, growth, maturity, decline and death. A similar life-cycle is seen in the case of products. The product life cycle goes through multiple phases, involves many professional disciplines, and requires many skills, tools and processes. Product life cycle (PLC) has to do with the life of a product in the market with respect to business/commercial costs and sales measures. To say that a product has a life cycle is to assert four things

I. products have a limited life,II. product sales pass through distinct stages, each posing different challenges, opportunities,

and problems to the seller.III. Profits rise and fall at different stages of product life cycle, and products require different

marketing, financial, manufacturing, purchasing, and human resource strategies in each life cycle stage.

1.1.1.Characteristics of different stages of PLC

Stage Characteristics1. Market introduction stage 1. costs are high

2. slow sales volumes to start3. little or no competition4. demand has to be created5. customers have to be prompted to try

the product6. makes no money at this stage

2. Growth stage 1. costs reduced due to economies of scale2. sales volume increases significantly3. profitability begins to rise4. public awareness increases5. competition begins to increase with a

few new players in establishing market6. increased competition leads to price


3. Maturity stage1. costs are lowered as a result of

production volumes increasing and

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experience curve effects2. sales volume peaks and market

saturation is reached3. increase in competitors entering the

market4. prices tend to drop due to the

proliferation of competing products5. brand differentiation and feature

diversification is emphasized to maintain or increase market share

6. Industrial profits go down

4. Saturation and decline stage 1. costs become counter-optimal2. sales volume decline or stabilize3. prices, profitability diminish4. profit becomes more a challenge of

production/distribution efficiency than increased sales

1.1.2.Criticism & Limitation of the product life cycle:

The PLC is a dependent variable which is determined by market actions; it is not an independent variable to which companies should adapt their marketing programs. Marketing management itself can alter the shape and duration of a product life cycle.

Thus, the life cycle may be useful as a description, but not as a predictor; and usually should be firmly under the control of the marketer.In many markets the product life cycle is significantly longer than the planning cycle of the organisations involved. Thus, it offers little practical value for most marketers. Even if the PLC (and the related PLM support) exists for them, their plans will be based just upon that piece of the curve where they currently reside (most probably in the 'mature' stage); and their view of that part of it will almost certainly be 'limited ' (and limited), and will not encompass the whole range from growth to decline.

Another factor is that differing products would possess different PLC "shapes".It can probably be said that a given product (or products collectively within an industry) may hold a unique PLC shape, and the typical PLC model can only be used as a rough guide for marketing management. This is why its called the product life cycle.

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1.2Introduction to the company:

1.2.1.Company Profile:KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe ®, Extra CrispyTM, and Colonel’s Crispy Strips® chicken with home style sides and five new freshly made sandwiches. Today, KFC is the world’s largest and most well known chicken restaurant chain, with more than 10,000 locations worldwide, in 78 countries. KFC and its franchisees employ more than 200,000 people worldwide.· KFC serves more than 4.5 billion pieces of chicken annually, to approximately 7 million customers a day, worldwide.

1.1.2.Values of KFC :

Focus all resources to the restaurants operation because that is where they serve their customers.

Reward and respect the contributions of each individual at KFC.

Expand and update training with time and be the best they can

Be open, honest and direct in their dealings with everyone.

Commit themselves to the highest standard to the personal and

professional integrity at all times.

Encourage new and innovative ideas because these are the key to their

competitive growth.

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Reward result and not simple efforts.

Dedicate ourselves to continuous growth in sales, profit and size of


Work as a team.

1.1.3.CHAMPS Programme: Champs stands for our belief that the most important thing each of us can do is to focus on the customer. It stands for our commitment toprovide the best food and best experience for the best value.CHAMPS stand for the six universal areas of customer expectationcommon to all cultures and all restaurants concepts.





Maintenance of Facilities

Product Quality

Speed of Service

2. Situational Analysis:

2.1.Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:

1. Entry:KFC holds the first-mover advantage into the 'non-veg food specialty food segment' that gives them free reputation. brand name is already established

2.Buyer/Supplier Bargaining Power:The customers of KFC, especially as individual buyers, have almost no bargaining power because if only one customer threatens to no longer eat at KFC, the store is not going to lower its price because the cost of losing one customer is not very great. The suppliers, like the buyers, have very little bargaining power. In terms of food, KFC, upon its move into India, urged many of its U.S. suppliers to also extend branches into India. KFC also began helping local suppliers by giving them technological

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support to improve their products. This is a brilliant strategy because the supplies that KFC would otherwise need to import from the U.S. can now be obtained domestically, and if the U.S. suppliers decide to raise their prices, KFC can easily switch to the local suppliers. This gives us a brilliant strategy. With this strategy, KFC created competition among its suppliers, lowering the suppliers’ bargaining power. In terms of human resources, labor cost is extremely low because the supply of non-skilled workers great exceeds the demand for them. With so little buyer and supplier bargaining powers, KFC is able to have a very tight control over its prices and expenditures. 3.Threat of Substitutes:There are a few major competitors in the fast-food industry in India for KFC, namely McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Domino's and Subway. The substitute products, in this case, would be burgers, pizza, and sandwiches. Though they are competitors, their primary products differ greatly from each other, in that they sell, chicken, burgers and fries, pizzas, and sandwiches. Traditional Indian dining, home-cooked meals, and grocery stores with ready-to-eat foods are also substitutes, as families could choose any one of these over fast food for a meal. These substitutes are definitely considered healthy as compared to the fast food chains. Even foods from street vendors count as substitute goods. While other fast foods serve as substitute to KFC, they can also serve as complements for fast foods as a whole. If the general price of fast foods goes up,KFC’s price rises as well, and the same can be said of the quantity sold of these products, which make them complements to each other. KFC also sets up stores located near popular tourist attractions, so tickets to these tourist spots are also complementary goods because the more people tour these attractions, the more customers KFC will get. 4.Rivalry :Unlike what one would expect, KFC has little rivalry with similar fast-food chains in India. The primary reason is that their core products are different, as in they sell different kinds of fast foods with very different tastes and styles. For example, if KFC raised its price for chicken by a small amount, Indian chicken lovers who may not be as accepting to pizzas (many Indian people strongly dislike the taste of cheese) are not going to switch to Pizza Hut just because the price for KFC increased. In addition to that, these restaurants have such different target customers that the fluctuation of price for one restaurant is not going to affect the others. For example, a full meal at KFC ranges about Rs. 100, whereas a full meal at Pizza Hut can cost over Rs. 300. The drastic difference in price assures no price competition between these restaurants.

Unique Recipe:

6 cups Crisco Shortening1 egg well beaten2 cups Milk2 cups Flour2 teaspoons ground pepper3 tablespoons salt

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1 teaspoon MSG1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder1 dash paprika2 Frying Chickens cut into 6 pieces

Place shortening into the pressure cooker and heat over medium heat to the shortening reaches 400F. In a small bowl, combine the egg and milk. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining six dry ingredients. Dip each piece of chicken into the milk until fully moistened. Roll the moistened chicken in the flour mixture until well coated. In groups of four or five, drop the covered chicken pieces into the shortening and lock the lid. When pressure builds up cook for 10 minutes.

5.Promotional Strategy: KFC does not go for too much of advertising. Like their product, their promotional strategy is also unique. Their tagline “Finger Licking Good “is their USP.The picture of the crispy chicken and the famous brand name gives the product an unique exposure.

2.2.Current target market :

2.2.1.Segmentation :

KFC has divided the market of world into distinct groups of customers withdifferent demands, tastes and behavior who require separate products ormarketing mix. They have made segments of the market on the following bases.


By using these three bases they segmented the market as under.


In demographics their first segment is consisted of the income factor i.e.

high income, average income and low income

Behavior Basis:

In behavioral aspect they segmented the market on the basis of quality, taste

and price. Following are the different possible segments in this regard.

Taste conscious Quality conscious

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Class conscious Combination of Price and quality

Geographical Basis: The location in which the customer lives in, that also influences the customer’s characteristics. Profile criteria: 1.Gender: KFC is for each gender both male and female.2.Income: Everyone can use the KFCservice upper and middle class .3.Age: age limitation for using this product above 154.Occupation: By profession also everyone can use this product means businessman student workers and other peoples. 5.Education: It has no need more education that why the person who know something can easily enjoy with this product. 6.Family life cycle: KFC is suitable in every stage of life like single married couple and also those who have children can use this product. 7.Lifestyle: This product is used in every level of social class like upper, middle class. 8.Attitude : When the customers once buy this product after that they can use the product continuously. 9.Purchasing decision: Often KFC changes the purchasing decision of customers because of its good attributes. 10.Geographic region: Geographically KFC is used in every part of the country as well as all over the world.

3. Product positioning :

Customer perceive this product as a unique product that other are not giving .The attitudes of the public is very good people like our this new product like others. Purchasing process:

Competitive analysis


You cannot enjoy the business without competitors. No organization can afford to ignore their competitors. It is very important for a marketing managers to monitor the activities of their competitors, what they are doing? KFC adopted such sort of strategy that there is no competitor for spicy chicken, which is made by KFC

4.Market Share: KFC has a very long history and has the most recognize able brand in chicken with over 50% of the market share. It becomes difficult for the companies like Sub way, Mc Donald’s, Chicken planet, Dixie or those who may want to enter in the market of fast food restaurants. In the chicken sector,KFC has throughout maintained the No.1 position.

5. SWOT Analysis of KFC:

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SWOT analysis mean strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and the SWOT analysis of KFC are:

A. Strengths:

a. Goodwill and reputation: The product certainly has earned a good name and reputation by its previous products.

b.Employee Loyalty: Employee Loyalty is one of the major strengths

c.Customer Loyalty: Despite gain by Boston Market and Chick-fill A, KFC customer base remained loyal to the KFC brand because of its unique taste.


a.KFC was losing market share as other Chicken chain increased sales at a faster rate.

b. KFC share of Chicken Segment sales fell from 71 percent in 1999 , to less than 56 percent in 2009 , a 10 -years drop of 15 percent.


a.New Markets: Globalisation has opened doors for new markets for

the company. As the developed markets are mostly saturated, the developing countries like India and

China promises a good market and generation of demand in the future. With more than 70% of the

markets in india being unexplored and un organised, KFC has a good scope of expanding its operations

in the country as well as other third world countries.b.Cross Culture: Generally there is a good acceptance of American

culture of fast food in other countries. People are opening up to fast foods more regularly in their daily

lives and not just keeping it a once in a month affair. Thus c. Youth population

As the young generation are more open to fast foods and demand it more, this is a good news for the

company. d.New variety: Company can also come up with new variety in the menu like Pizzas, garlic breads to attract more customers.


a.Competition: Competitor companies like McDonalds are fast catching up the market.McDonald’s with sales of more than 19 billion in 1999, accounted for 15 percent of the sales of the India’s top 100 restaurant chains.

b.Anti-KFC Campaign: Organizations like PETA People for Ethnic Treatment for Animals have given a bad name to the company which may prove disastrous to the image of the product. Currently, KFC is under massive attacks from animal organisations, questioning the way KFC’s suppliers are threatening

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the chicken, before they got slaughtered. Anti-KFC campaigns, such as the one from PETA are affecting KFC’s brand image in a negative way and result in direct dollar losses, as less people are consuming KFC chicken .

c.Saturated US Market: Now KFC cannot rely on just its home market to generate sales. As the US markets are already saturated and leave no or little scope for growth, company necessarily needs to look at offshore foreign markets to generate sales and gain profit

MARKETING STRATEGIES OF KFC There are different strategies adopted by KFC for different events. They market their products on different events and in different activities as they are helping SOS village. According to KFC, kids become the future permanents customers and we know very well that without any marketing strategy no marketing program and no product is successful because we depend upon customers, customer not depend on us.

KFC is following Niche Marketing and Societal Marketing techniques.

KFC possess a western culture because some of the Indian people are also following that culture.

KFC are moving from Divisional Level to the District level by opening branches

KFC also offer free home delivery. KFC open their outlets on reachable places. KFC menu consists of more than 30 products. KFC gives more priority to Family.

6.MARKETING Since 1982, KFC’s “All-American salute to Mothers” national card contest has been KFC’s way of honoring moms and their families for making mother’s Day KFC’s biggest sales day of the year. The contest encourages children to creatively express their feelings for their moms by making a homemade card and give them chance to compete for more than $10,000 in cash and prizes. Educational packets, including language, history and art exercises highlighting Mother’s Day, were sent to thousands of schools nationwide. 6.1. 4 P’s of Marketing:


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Production: Basically the product is anything that be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. KFC is specially dealing in the chicken products; Basically, KFC has the special raspy for chicken products that is why, KFC known as a chicken specialist all over the globe. KFC target the Asia and east side because they observe that they people are like the chicken products, so they enter in the market due to the demand of their chicken products. KFC product variety of product in the chicken, those products are:

PRODUCTS: • Original recipe® chicken• Extra Tasty CrispyTM chicken• Hot WingsTM pieces• Tender Roast® chicken• Chunky Chicken pot pie• Kentucky Nuggest®• Colonel’s Crispy Strips®• Honey BBQ sandwich• Original Recipe® Sandwich• Tender Roast® Sandwich• Triple Crunch® Sandwich• Triple Crunch ®Zinger® Sandwich


There are three brands of the KFC: 1) Taco bell 2) Pizza Hut 3) Long john silvers

1.Pricing: KFC during pricing their products keep the different points in the mind like they adopt the cost base price strategy. Pricing of the product includes the Government taxes and excise duties and then they come at final stage of determine the price of their products. KFC prices of products are a bit high according to the market segment and it is also compatible to the stander of their products.

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Calculation of the price under Cost Based Pricing Strategy: Total Pounds of Chicken Served in KFC Restaurant Annually= 1.914 Billion Total KFC Chicken Pieces Sold Annually = 5.89 Billion Total Retail Sales = $8.9 Billion Sales Price of per Chicken Piece = Total Retail Sales / Chicken

= $8.9 Billion / $5.89 Billion=$1.51We assume that Fixed Cost is = $6000000000 Variable Cost = $675000000 Profit Margin is Or Mark Up = $225000000(25% of Sales) Per Unit Variable Cost = $675000000 / 5890000000 = $ 0.115

Unit Cost = Variable Cost + Fixed Cost / Chicken pieces Sold = 0.115 + 6000000000 / 5890000000= 0.115 + 1.02= $1.135Now suppose manufacturer wants to earn 25% mark up on sale. The manufacturer mark up price is calculated: Mark Up Price = Unit Cost / (1 – Desired Return on Sales) =1.135 / (1-.25)= 1.135 / 0.75= $1.513.Promotion: Promotion is one of the necessary plates in any form of business or in other words you can say that promotion is the key of success. If you promote your product at the right time. KFC also known the importance and significance of promotion so they uses the bill boards the major source of advertisement and one of the most important thing that they uses media especially the newspapers to promote their products. They are also creating awareness among the masses about their existing product range as well they tell us about the future product. Marketing efforts to be taken by the restaurant: Paste delivery posters at petrol pumps, flats, colleges, plazas, and Departmental stores. Distribution of delivery flyers in residential areas, markets, plazas and institutions (as per the plan) Visit offices and business places. 4.Placement: In the case of the KFC the placement of the product is not important but the placement of the restaurant is important. The products of the KFC is cooked at the sport and then served after that. KFC Cavalry branch opened in June 1998, in the main commercial zone of Cavalry Grounds near the Jinnah Flyover. The restaurant is a three-story building including the basement (where the chicky play area is located). It is ideally located in the center of a main commercial and residential area of Lahore. The

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area that KFC Cavalry caters for is the residential and office area of Cavalry Grounds and Cantt, as the main target market. Another branch the KFC opened in the Lahore is in Garden Town (opposite to Barkat Market). KFC also target the Faisalabad and open its branch in D ground. Now we can easily judge that the KFC target the place for their restaurant, which is well known and is in the Porsche area where the income level of the people is high then the middle class level. Because the prices of the KFC products is high with comparison to the local products manufacturer who are dealing in the same kind of product in which KFC is dealing but the prices of the KFC is high due to special taste, high quality, and due to international brand, it is the world recognized fast food restaurant all around the world. So, for the placing strategy, KFC chose the well income class area for their restaurants.


This research measured and compared the brand identity of Kentucky FriedChicken (KFC) in India. Brand identity was defined as the customerimpressions of four different KFC identity elements - properties, products,presentations, and publications. A survey of young consumers in thecountries (n = 795), showed that the respondents were more apt to eat withinKFC restaurants, and spend more time doing so, than the Americans. TheChinese also had much more positive impressions of KFC. Brand identityimpressions were correlated with overall customer satisfaction and withfuture patronage intentions for both groups. These findings support a modelwhere differences in cultural frames of reference lead consumers to activelylocalize the brand identity of this nominally globalized product.

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Promotional Issues:

Sales Promotion

For the sales pormotion KFC introduced their goods like watches , keychain, e.t.c to the

customers .

Advertisment The advert titled Pool was done by OGILVY & MATHER, New Delhi advertisingagency for KFC ZINGER BURGER (KFC company) in INDIA. It was released in theJune 2009. Business sector is Fast food outlets & restaurants.

One of KFC's latest advertisements is a commercial advertising its "wicked crunch box meal".

In 2007, the original, non-acronymic Kentucky Fried Chicken name was resurrected and began to reappear on company marketing literature and food packaging, as well as some restaurant signage.

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7.Customer Relationship:

KFC applies a unique policy for taking customer feedback.After the cutomers are finished with their food,KFC staffs give a feedback form to each customer regarding their experience in the cutomers and also the birthday and anniversary of the feedback.They wish their customers on their special dates.This way they make a personal ralationship with the customers.The example is given below-


1. Tick Your Choice (√) Perfect Above Average Average Below Average Poor Food QualityFood TemperatureWaiting Time

Menu Board

Sitting Arrangement

Restaurant Temperature


Restaurant Cleanliness

Overall Experience2. When will you be back? Next time I blink (very soon) May be sometime later When I win a Nobel Prize (Never)3. How many people were in your group? I was alone Just me and someone For me, three is company 4 or more4. Would you rather order than Dine in? Yaa, I like to mostly order at home Sometimes, but I mostly like to dine in No fun without Dine in5. How close is your house to your nearest KFC outlet? Within 1 Km Between 1 – 3 Kms Between 3 – 5 Kms Above 5 Kms

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6. Do you want a KFC home delivery service? My dreams are coming true That would help Doesn’t make much of a difference No thanks Thank You

8.Product Life Cycle of KFC chicken:


Now as we have discussed about different strategies adopted which made the product a history, we can identify the product life cycle of the unique delicious chicken. Achieving success in US, the company launched its franchaisee in different countries of the world in its growth phase.So in different of the world this product is not in the same phase of PLC.This depends on all the factors which we have discussed previously.

1.Introduction Phase: The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, though the idea of KFC's fried chicken actually goes back to 1930 when he actually invented the recipe for its unique chicken. The company adopted the abbreviated form of its name in 1991. In the introduction phase-

Sales growth rate was fast Due to lack of identification the producer had to struggle As this was a homemade recipe, many people raised their eyebrows The marketers applied proper marketing mix to position their product in the minds of proper

target segment

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They applied slow penetration policy, the price of the product was not very high and in spite of spending too much money on the promotions, the marketers went for better quality and word-of-mouth communication

The marketers got the pioneering advantage in this type of innovative approach because of the uniqueness of the product


After the introduction phase, KFC enters into it’s best phase of life cycle.In this phase ,the product captures international market successfully and remains there for a very long time.

Sales increases exponentially PepsiCo takes over the company KFC goes for globalization Enters into third world countries like India and Pakistan The marketers successfully identifies the self concept of the generation ‘y’ who are day by day

becoming nore inclined towards the American culture Marketers open up a lot of franchaisees in the global market The entry in global market gives birth to different controversies in the later stage


KFC today is bascally in the maturity stage.It has been holding the position of ‘Market Leader’ for a very long time.As KFC reached the growth stage and started earning huge profits various types controversies started peeping in,such as

KFC owners force fully feed the chicken to increase their flesh. Their was a controversy regarding the species of the chicken also,some people said that it was a

hybrid between chicken and some large bird Question was raised regarding the hygine factor also,a rumour was spread that rats and

cocroches were found in the kitchen. They charged different price in different countries,that caused some problem. Their world famous recipie of the even more famous chicken was out,that caused some amount

of decrease in sale

Again plenty of rivals started coming into the market,which caused them into some amount of market share loss. Still KFC because of its extremely strong base is able to hold the market leader position till now.But the groth rate which used to be exponential in the growth stage ha now become linear.

4.Decline Stage:After the maturity stage comes the decline stage where sales start decreasing and finally the product comes to an end.As KFC is now in the maturity phase it should take preventive method to save its unique product from being extinguished.

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8.2 Sales Data:


sales(in Billion$)

1964 0.21970 0.71977 1.21980 2.41987 4.11990 6.1691995 7.122000 10.62001 12.832002 16.92003 14.92007 14.12008 11.52009 13.52010 15.13

8.3PLC graphs:


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1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 20200










PLC curve for 1964-2010

sales(in Billion$)


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 20120










PLC curve for 2000-2010

sales(in Billion$)

Explanation of PLC of the product through the graph:

In the PLC curve for 1964-2010, in the period 1964 to 1977,the PLC curve is increasing but at a lower rate,as the cost of production is high so profit is less.It implies that it is the introduction phase of the product.As this chicken has the pioneering facility so KFC captures the market very fast and enters into the growth phase.

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After 1977 we see in the first graph that the plc curve is increasing in an exponential rate,it achieves the t

position in the market.It enters into almost 60 countries of the world,which again proves to be a right decision.The sales in different countries contributes to the net sales of the chicken.In a survey,it has been seen that every KFC francahisee outside US has an average sale of 1.2 Million,which is quite higher than the average sale for franchaisee of US which is 0.07 Million.

After that we consider the year span-2000-2010,which is our main concern.After the extensive sale the product reaches it’s maturity phase and it is still producing there. In this phase first the sales reaches the highest value in 2002 and then it drops drastically in 2007.After that sales again starts increases but this time the growth rate was much lower.The reason for fall in sales in 2007 was due to those ressons discussed earlier. KFC has a huge experience and highest market share due to that they have been able to recover the fall in sales.But in maturity phase it is very important that KFC should start taking extra care in promotional strategy and put stress on innovation


The product has made a history in the fast food industry by maintaining the No.1 position.Starting from the introduction in 1964,the product has continuously gained in sales.

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Usage of excellent marketing strategies has given the product an unachievable position in the fast food industry all over the world.

Even in religious countries like India and Pakistan the product made a niche segment separate fron the traditional food.

They also did a lot of research on the culture of all the countries wherever they have entered and formed the menu accordingly.

They targeted the generation ‘y’ in the developing countries who were not too much concerned about money ,rather they had greater concern for getting something which is ‘American’

The pricing strategy was very good .That can be noticed by looking into the menu in various countries.

Though it faced some amount of decline in sales but it was good enough to balance that. IT also faced a lot of controversies, but that again gives the proof of the success of the product


1.The product may seem to be monotonous for some customers so the company may try some amount of innovation in the product.

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2.KFC should treat their labours properly and be selective while recruiting staffs.

3.Sales force should be modified.They should be motivated by giving rewards,increment.

4.They should give more attention in understanding customers.

5.Thay should improve their communication mix by more advertising more in youth catchy mediums like Facebook and other Social Networking Sites .

6.They should do proper value chain analysis.


1.Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

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