play framework and activator

Play Framework and Activator Getting started with the Play Framework with Activator

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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A deep-dive into the core features of the Typesafe Activator and Play Framework.


Page 1: Play Framework and Activator

Play Framework and ActivatorGetting started with the Play Framework with Activator

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Topics, goals, context


• An introduction to Typesafe Activator

• An introduction to the core features of Play 2.x

• What is a Reactive application, and how do you build one with Play?

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Introduction to Typesafe Activator

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“Typesafe Activator is a browser-based or command-line tool that helps developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform.”

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Getting started with the Typesafe Activator UI


• Download Typesafe Activator


• Optional (Mac)

• ~ $ rm -R .sbt

• ~ $ rm -R .ivy

• Unarchive and execute (Mac)

• $ ./activator ui

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Activator tutorials and seeds


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Activator Overview


• Learn — In depth tutorials

• Develop — Code, compile, test, run, inspect

• Deliver — Monitoring integration with AppDynamics and New Relic

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Code view


• Activator • Browse code

• Make small changes • IDE

• Generate IDEA or Eclipse project files

• Dig into the template in your favourite IDE

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Development monitoring


• Incoming requests • Controller • HTTP verb (GET, POST, etc)

• Response code

• Invocation time

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Inspect — Development monitoring


• Actor metrics • Throughput — messages/s

• Max time — high watermark

• Max size — mailbox

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Monitoring and support


• Application monitoring • Need production caliber monitoring?

• AppDynamics or New Relic integration • Support

• Ready to take your application to the next level?


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Contributing a template — tutorials vs seeds


• Seed • Boilerplate code as a starting point

• Tutorial • Teaching about a particular focused topic or integration

• Components

• Activator templates are just regular sbt projects with some additional components

• Metadata (, license, sbt build file, tutorial (tutorial/index.html)

• Contribute!


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The Typesafe Activator UI is a Play framework application. !

Peek behind the covers… !

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Play 2.3 overview


• Stateless MVC framework with routing, a template engine, REST support, etc

• Dynamic class reloading

• Support for Java 8 and Scala 2.1x

• sbt-web to implement an asset pipeline

• Akka interoperability for highly concurrent web applications

• Built on Netty 3.9.x

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Play application overview





Slick JPA WS




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Creating your first view

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Simplified HTTP request


renders views.html.admin HTML

2. Browser fetches static assets served

from outside of Play

3. Ajax requests — Play serves JSON

via a RESTful API

HTML for views.html.admin(...)

Browser Play



JS, CSS, images, etc



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Example template with AngularJS


• Scala template rendered by Twirl and returned by Play controller

• HTML inserted into ng-view by Angular controller after initial page render

@(customer: Customer)!!<head>...</head>!<body>! <div class="wrapper">! <header>…</header>! <h1>Welcome!</h1>! <section id="body" ng-app="ngAdmin">! <div ng-view></div>! </section>! <footer>...</footer>! </div>!</body>!</html>

HeaderPlay handles navigation


load async || fail whale

load async || omit


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Creating your first routes and controllers

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GET !/admin!! ! ! ! controllers.AdminController.index!GET ! /admin/login! ! ! controllers.AdminController.login!GET ! /admin/*any! ! ! controllers.AdminController.angularWildcard(any: String)!GET ! /ws/some/service! ! controllers.ServiceController.service

• Routes must be declared in order

• /admin and /admin/login are used to render Scala view templates

• /admin/*any will be intercepted by client-side routing in AngularJS

• Client-side routes may hit the server if the URI has been bookmarked

• Nothing special about web services aside from payload (JSON vs HTML)

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Sample controller action


/**! * Renders the admin template.! */! def index = Action.async {! implicit request =>! val account = loggedIn! Ok(views.html.admin()).withCookies(Cookie(“…”, …, httpOnly = false))! }

• Controllers should stay thin and delegate the real work

• Controllers actions should always be async • Controllers are stateless so context must be stored in cookies or cached

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Asynchronous vs synchronous processing times


Process 1

Process 2

Process 3

0 ms 425 ms

200 ms

75 ms

150 ms

Asynchronous - 200ms

Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

0 ms 425 ms

Synchronous - 425ms

• Staying async — and in the future — ensures that processing time is not bounded by IO

• Async processing is limited by only the longest running process

• Synchronous processing is limited by the combined processing times

• Stay async!

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Asset pipeline and sbt-web

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An intro to sbt-web


• sbt-web brings the notion of a highly configurable asset pipeline to build files

pipelineStages := Seq(rjs, digest, gzip)!

• The above will order the RequireJs optimizer (sbt-rjs), the digester (sbt-digest) and then compression (sbt-gzip)

• These tasks will execute in the order declared, one after the other

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Asset pipelines


• Example asset pipeline

• source file →

• step 1: linting →

• step 2: uglification/minification →

• step 3: fingerprinting →

• step 4: concatenation (optional)

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Asset pipelines


• Linting

• Inspect source code for suspicious language usage

• Uglification/minification

• Mangle and compress source files, e.g, remove whitespace, etc

• Fingerprinting

• Change the filename to reflect the contents of the file for cache busting

• Concatenation

• Combine multiple source files to reduce browser load times

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sbt-web and asset fingerprinting


• Asset fingerprinting makes the name of a file dependent on the contents of the file

• HTTP headers can be set to encourage caches to keep their own copy of the content

• When the content is updated, the fingerprint will change

• This will cause the remote clients to request a new copy of the content

• Known as cache busting

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Turning on asset fingerprinting


• Turning on asset fingerprinting only requires one additional route

GET /assets/*file! controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)

• Then request each asset as versioned

<link rel="stylesheet" href=“@routes.Assets.versioned('assets/images/example.png')">

• A digest file and new file will be created based on MD5



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sbt-web plugins


• sbt-coffeescript

• sbt-concat

• sbt-css-compress

• sbt-digest

• sbt-filter

• sbt-gzip

• sbt-handlebars

• sbt-html-minifier

• sbt-imagemin

• sbt-jshint

• sbt-jst

• sbt-less

• sbt-mocha

• sbt-purescript

• sbt-reactjs

• sbt-rjs

• sbt-stylus

• sbt-uglify

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Model-tier and data access

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Model-tier considerations


Think in verbs rather than nouns…

• save(model) • SRP — save is likely a simple function that does a single thing

• • Violates SRP — tougher to test

• Play makes it easy to implement your preferred solution to persistence

• CRUD, CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), etc

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Scala — Slick example


• Slick is a Functional Relational Mapping (FRM) library for Scala where you work with relational data in a type-safe and functional way

• Developers benefit from the type-safety and composability of FRM as well as being able to reuse the typical Scala collection APIs like filter, map, foreach, etc

• Can also use plain SQL for insertions, complex joins, etc


// This code:!coffees.filter(_.price < 10.0).map(!!// Will produce a query equivalent to the following SQL:!select COF_NAME from COFFEES where PRICE < 10.0

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Scala — JSON Writes example


• Simply define a Writes in implicit scope before invoking toJson

implicit val locationWrites = new Writes[Location] {! def writes(location: Location) = Json.obj(! "lat" ->,! "long" -> location.long! )!}!!val json = Json.toJson(location)

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Scala — JSON Reads example


• Also elegantly handles Reads • Build in validate using standard

types (e.g, Double, Int, etc) or define your own validators

implicit val locationReads: Reads[Location] = (! (JsPath \ "lat").read[Double] and! (JsPath \ "long").read[Double]!)(Location.apply _)!!val json = { ... }!!val locationResult: JsResult[Location] = !! json.validate[Location]

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Futures, Actors, and WebSockets

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- Derek Wyatt, Akka Concurrency

“If you want to parallelize a very deterministic algorithm, futures are the way to go.”

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• Great for handling immutable state

• Intensive computations, reading from a database, pulling from web services, etc

• Composition — futures guarantee order when chained

• Parallelizing a deterministic algorithm

def index = Action.async {!! val futureInt = scala.concurrent.Future { intensiveComputation() }!! => Ok("Got result: " + i))!}

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- Derek Wyatt, Akka Concurrency

“Add behaviour to an algorithm by inserting actors into the message flow.”

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• Great for handling mutable state

• Easy for imperative developers to dive into quickly

• Don't guarantee order

• Easy to change behaviour by inserting new actors into the message flow

• Messages are directed to a specific actor, avoiding callback hell

package actors!!import!!object SomeActor {!! def props = Props(new GameActor)!}!!class SomeActor extends Actor {!! def receive = {!! ! case request: SomeRequest => {!! ! ! sender ! SomeResponse(...) !! ! }!! }!}!

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• Play provides two different built in mechanisms for handling WebSockets

• Actors — better for discreet messages

• Iteratees — better for streams

• Both of these mechanisms can be accessed using the builders provided on WebSocket

def websocketAction = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[JsValue, JsValue] { request => channel =>!! SomeActor.props(channel)!}!

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Test framework comparison


• ScalaTest • Human readable output — in English

• FeatureSpec

• Matchers


• Great writeup by Gilt


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Test framework comparison


• Specs2 • Enabled by default in Play

• Good choice for international teams who gain less from English readability

• Both Specs2 and ScalaTest are fantastic!

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Coming soon to Play 2.4

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Play 2.4


• Built-in dependency injection support

• Experimental support for running Play on akka-http

• Experimental support for handling IO in Java and Scala using Reactive Streams

• Slick over anorm, JPA over ebean

• Pull anorm/ebean support out into separate modules in GitHub playframework repo

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