platinum gazette 29 august 2014

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad email: [email protected] [email protected] Platinum Gazette Platinum Gazette Tel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147 29 Augustus 2014 Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business Park ark ark ark ark Shop where South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 © Platinum Gazette ConCourt hears about Bapedi kingship On Tuesday 26 August 2014 at 10h00 the Constitutional Court heard an application for leave to appeal against a judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal concerning the validity of the decision taken by the Commissioner of Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims (the first respondent) regarding the Bapedi Kingship. The dispute was between the Mampuru royal family and the Sekhukhune royal family. Having considered the evidence before it, the Commissioner ruled that the Mampuru royal family had lost the kingship 150 years ago to the Sekhukhune royal family in 1861. Instead of taking the challenge of Sekhukhune, to fight for the kingship, Mampuru II fled and sought refuge from another traditional community. He later returned and killed Sekhukhune I but did not ascend the throne. The Commissioner, therefore, determined that the kingship resorts in the lineage of Sekhukhune I. The Mamone Royal House (the applicant) unsuccessfully brought an application under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act to review the Commissioner’s decision. in the High Court arguing that it was irrational and based on an incorrect application of the rule that kingship could be usurped through “might and bloodshed”. The Mamone Royal House’s appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal was also not successful. In this Court the Mamone Royal House persists with its contention that the Commissioner acted irrationally, failed to take relevant facts into account and deviated from the principle of primogeniture by which succession to traditional leadership is established. The Commissioner argues that the customary law rule of usurpation through might and bloodshed was established and applied rationally in determining where the Bapedi kingship lay. The court reserved judgment. Yes! The singer, Bongi, proved to be one of the main attractions at the Winterveld Festival last week Saturday. The festival proved to be a huge success. More information and photographs inside.

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Local newspaper for Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad and surrounding villages in Limpopo Province, South Africa.


Page 1: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstademail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

29 Augustus 2014

Burgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business ParkarkarkarkarkShop whereSouth Africa shops! TTTTTel: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227

© P





ConCourthears about


On Tuesday 26 August 2014 at 10h00 the Constitutional Courtheard an application for leave to appeal against a judgment of theSupreme Court of Appeal concerning the validity of the decisiontaken by the Commissioner of Traditional Leadership Disputes andClaims (the first respondent) regarding the Bapedi Kingship.

The dispute was between the Mampuru royal family and theSekhukhune royal family. Having considered the evidence before it,the Commissioner ruled that the Mampuru royal family had lost thekingship 150 years ago to the Sekhukhune royal family in 1861.Instead of taking the challenge of Sekhukhune, to fight for thekingship, Mampuru II fled and sought refuge from another traditionalcommunity. He later returned and killed Sekhukhune I but did notascend the throne. The Commissioner, therefore, determined thatthe kingship resorts in the lineage of Sekhukhune I.

The Mamone Royal House (the applicant) unsuccessfullybrought an application under the Promotion of Administrative JusticeAct to review the Commissioner’s decision. in the High Courtarguing that it was irrational and based on an incorrect application ofthe rule that kingship could be usurped through “might andbloodshed”. The Mamone Royal House’s appeal to the SupremeCourt of Appeal was also not successful.

In this Court the Mamone Royal House persists with itscontention that the Commissioner acted irrationally, failed to takerelevant facts into account and deviated from the principle ofprimogeniture by which succession to traditional leadership isestablished.

The Commissioner argues that the customary law rule ofusurpation through might and bloodshed was established andapplied rationally in determining where the Bapedi kingship lay.

The court reserved judgment.

Yes!The singer, Bongi, proved to be oneof the main attractions at theWinterveld Festival last weekSaturday. The festival proved tobe a huge success. Moreinformation and photographsinside.

Page 2: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

2 NEWS 29 AUGUST 2014

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, LydenburgTel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054

E-mail: [email protected]

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Office in Lydenburg now also open!

Are you at the point where you feel like hidingwhen the end of the month is coming? Are thepeople you owe money to about to take yourhome, car and the clothes off your back?If you are employed and don’t have any legal ac-

There is help!For Sale - Needto settle debt

Not able to pay your bills?

tion pending against you for non-pay-ment, a visit to a registered Debt Coun-sellor may save you and make life mucheasier.The Debt Counsellor will assist you indrawing up a budget that will allow youto repay your debt, but still havemoney for living expenses such as food, transportand utility bills.With the assistance of the Debt Counsellor youcould be placed under Debt Review. The DebtCounsellor can also renegotiate terms of paymentwith the companies you owe money. Your install-ments may become lower, but you will not be al-lowed to make any new debt. The up side is thatwhile you are under Debt Review the bank can-not take back your car or house. Furniture shopscannot simply come and collect your lounge setbecause you defaulted on the payment. If you arein the process of negotiating for better repaymentterms through your Debt Counsellor your belong-

ings are safe. It is however important that yourealize that you will have to repay the money youowe and that a debt free life is eventually pos-sible.The sooner you visit a registered Debt Counsel-lor to assit you, the faster you could be debt freeagain.Remember it is important to make use of a regis-tered Debt Counsellor that is registered with theNational Credit Regulator. This will ensure thatthe payments you are making will be going to-wards paying off your debts and not disappearinto someone’s pockets.Act now, and end this year debt free!

Passport to Future Project, a youth careerdevelopment initiative of the Olifants RiverWater Resources Development Project Phase2C (ORWRDP-2C), held a cocktail function onthe 21st of August at the Winterveld RecreationClub.The purpose of the cocktail was to publicisethe project to potential employers.Representatives from mining companies,government and businesses attended theevent.The project manager, Mr Jimmy Mnisi gave abrief presentation of the project alluding to allemployers to not look further than Passport toFuture for permanent employees, interns orlearnerships. Project beneficiaries havetechnical qualifications which include, amongstothers, electrical, mechanical and industrialengineering, and welding. Other qualificationsinclude office administration, humanresources, home based care, basic ambulanceassistance and others. Some participants onlyhave matric/Grade 12 certificates but they arejust as motivated and hard working as thosewith post matric qualifications. An appeal wasalso made to different institutions forparticipants who would like to study beyondmatric/ grade 12 to pass on bursaries, studyloans, apprenticeships, and learnerships etc.ORWRDP-2C is planning a career expo forGrade 10 – 12 learners from the 15th to 17th ofSeptember 2014. Mines, municipalities(various departments), hospitality enterprises,finance houses, retail companies and all othercompanies are invited to attend and give talkson different career paths available in theirindustries. Different representatives from

various universities, technikons, colleges andFurther Education and Training (FET) collegeswill be present to assist with academicapplications, bursaries and loan applications.Passport to Future Project appealed to allemployers in every industry to assist inalleviating poverty and unemployment incommunities, by developing the youth andgiving them a head start in the different careerpaths they wish to follow.Enquiries: 013 230 4131/4135(Information: Passport to the Future Project).

Mr Jimmy Mnisi, project manager.

Giving the youth a passport to the future

Page 3: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014


A bakkie for SebongileSupa Save Burgersfort held the draw for thethird bakkie the group is giving away, onSaturday last week.More than 8000 people attended the eventand all of Supa Save’s customers for the daywere also treated to a free braai.Ms Sebongile Hlongwa from Ga MagobaVillage was the lucky winner of the NP 200bakkie.Mr Adam Mzimba from Burgersfort won thesecond prize of R10 000 cash and Mr SilverSedikela from Driekop walked away with thethird prize of R5000.

During the course of the day lots of otherprizes were also given away and promotionalitems from suppliers were distributed.Thobela FM’s Baby Mankoko and theVakhegula Vakhegula Football Clubconsisting of Magogo’s were also present.The owners and management of Supa SaveBurgersfort would like to thank everyone oftheir customers for their support and invitethem to keep on shopping and entering thecompetition which will see it’s last draw on 6December 2014. Competition details areavailable in store.

Page 4: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

4 Advertorial 29 AUGUST 2014

During May, the SHEQ Department along with theLife Clinic hosted Tubatse Chrome’s first ‘First Aidcompetition’. F irst Aiders from differentdepartments were challenged to compete invarious scenarios where they had to demonstratetheir First Aid knowledge on live ‘models’. Skillstested included: CRP; control bleeding and patientimmobilization and stabilization. A fun time washeld by all with East Plant taking first place, closelyfollowed by the Power Generation Plant and theWater Treatment Plant taking third place.

The year of Heroes at Tubatse Chrome

Departmentschallenged in First Aid


Cross Departmental teams doinggood in the community

In an effort to increasegroup cohesion,employees on the D-band level have beendivided into groupsmade up of membersfrom differentdisciplines within thecompany. Each teamthen has to identify aneed in the surroundingcommunities andaddress that need asbest they can.

Team Dragos: Installed a water pump to the Jojo tank at the RomanCatholic Church in Eerste Geluk.

Moral Advocates: donated study guides to schools in the area including: Kgahlanong; Lehlaba;Makopole; Mashupye and Seokgomo.

This year, the Samancor Chrome MaintenanceCouncil hosted its first Maintenance Quiz inWitbank. Teams from all the business units wereinvited to put their knowledge to the test. TheTubatse Chrome teams were the clear winnersof the night, taking first place in the groupcategory. Christopher Beyleveld and CarelGroenewald placed first and second respectivelyin the Individual category for fitters. In theindividual category for Maintenancecoordinators; Theo Visagie took first place andJohannes van Rensburg took third place. It’sgreat to know that we have the best of the bestworking at Tubatse Chrome!

Tubatse Chrome takesgold at Samancor

Chrome MaintenanceCouncil Quiz

This past July, Tubastse Chrome employees werechallenged to use 67 minutes of their time to dosomething good for somebody else. The

children were able to receive ablanket and a sweet parcel. Thecompany also donated a fridge.The Engineering/ Automation andSystems department cleaned up thePink ‘n Pay parking area in Steelpoortas everyone uses that Pick n Pay atsome time or another. The teamshowed such good spirit that theyeven managed to get the onlookersto give a hand with picking up all thelitter. After the clean-up, theydistributed meals to the car guards.

departments stepped up to the plate and reallylet their ‘Madibaness’ shine on Steelpoort.Members of the Logistics Maintenance teamvisited the Bophelong Home Based Care Centre inGa-Mampuru. This centre looks after the well-being of child headed families. The departmentmade a generous donation of groceries to assistthese families.The PGP, PSP and WTP departments visited theDilokong Hospital. They gave out 67 flowers andcoldrinks, wishing the patients a speedy recovery.The HR team visited the Will-Kathy crèche in EersteGeluk. With the R67 donation from thedepartment members (some gave even more), 50

Tubatse Chrome active on Mandela DayGiving 67 minutes and more

Employees who celebrated their 5th year ofservice with Tubatse Chrome wereacknowledged for their continued service andcontribution to the company. The event washeld at the Chrome Club and enjoyed by all.

Long ServiceAwards - 5 years

of work rewarded

Competing for the fifth time at theannual FPASA National Firefightingcompetition, our EmergencyResponse Team proved yet again whythe people of Steelpoort can restassure in their abilities to assist us inemergencies. The team obtained anoverall 3rd place with individuals takingvarious medal positions. TrevorForrester took first place in the 3DTransformer category; Wickus vanTonder and Trevor Forrester placedfourth in the Transformer categoryand the entire team took fourth placein the hose drill category.

Firefighters victorious in competition

Bring out your inner girlIn commemoration of National Women’s Day, the ladies ofTubatse Chrome were taken back to a happy time in their liveswhere days consisted of nothing but fun in the sun. This year’stheme “Bring out your Inner Girl”, called on the women toremember those characteristics which they held as girls andto bring it out again in all that they do as women today. Afteran insightful addressfrom our guest speaker,Juanita Erasmus, theladies went back tobasics and enjoyed afun filled day of oldchildhood games suchas hopscotch andmagusha.

Page 5: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014


“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap norgather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.Are you not of more value than they?”- Matthew 6:26 (English Standard Version)

The Helping Hand Food Bank is an NGOinitiated and run by 7 young people fromMapodile. It operates from the MapodileThusong Service Centre and is a helping handin these difficult economic times. They arehelping to feed and care for needy families inthe area.The Helping Hand Food Bank operates throughthe various Thusong Service Centres atLeboeng, Kgautswane and Mapodile and hasassisted more than 8000 people since 2012.They are also taking hands with other NGO’ssuch as Life after Prison.The project would like to thank Steelpoort Pickn Pay which is one of the project’s mainsponsors for their contributions. They are alsoappealing to anyone who can assist withtransport, cold storage or any other type ofassistance to contact Ouma Nkosi at 079 3704139 or [email protected](Photograph and information: Helping HandFood Bank).

Station Commander Captain Solomon Moholane (Leboeng PoliceStation), Steve Mopana,Ouma Nkosi (Helping Hand Food Bank),EricMakhubela and Peter Ramandzi (Life After Prison).

Being a helping handThey’ve assistedmore than 8000

people since 2012

Creating awareness at Mogale wa BagaleThe Burgersfort SAPS, the YouthAgainst Crime and Women AgainstCrime initiatives visited Mogale waBagale Secondary School in Burgersfortlast week.The team spoke to the learners aboutwhy they should stay away from crime.Const. Victoria Maluleka informed thegirls about what procedures to followshould they be victims of rape. SandraLesese talked to them about substanceabuse. Dangerous weapons was also

one of theday’s topics.The learnerswereencouragedto break thesilence onabuse andreport it to theSAPS.(Photographs&Information:BurgersfortSAPS)

Going door-to-doorThe Burgersfort SAPS hosted a door-to-doorcrime awareness campaign in Burgersfortlast week Saturday.They visited homes in Elephant’s Hill, AloeRidge East and West as well as Lion’s Rock.The Youth Against Crime and WomenAgainst Crime members also participated inthe initiative. They distributed pamphlets withsafety tips, information on the prevention ofhouse breaking and theft as well as thecontact numbers of the local police station.“We are discouraging people from buyingstolen goods as well,” said Const. VictoriaMaluleka from theBurgersfort SAPS.“The communitymust know that if thepolice find them withstolen goods, theywill be arrested for“Possession ofStolen Property”.People are alsoencouraged to reportthe possession ofsuspected stolengoods.(Photographs &Information:Burgersfort SAPS)

Page 6: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

6 NEWS 29 AUGUST 2014

Steve Ramaila is your friendlypharmacist at Pharmacy at Spar.

Take care ofsprains and


Your body is made up of many parts, but your ligamentsand tendons surround the joints of the body. When a jointgets twisted beyond normal, the tendons and ligamentsbecome stretched and may even tear slightly. The bodyresponds to this injury by releasing chemicals in the areacausing swelling. This can also occur when the musclesare damaged.Common treatments for sprains include rest, ice, compres-sion and elevation. Limit the use of your injured body part.Initially apply ice to the injury. Ice should not be left longerthan 20 minutes at a time and can be used several times aday. Use a bandage to wrap around the injury. Don’t wrapit too tightly. This well help prevent too much swelling. El-evate the injury above your heart when possible. This willalso assist with the prevention of swelling.Your local pharmacy stock a variety of bandages and cool-ing ointments that can be applied to a sprain. Ask yourfriendly pharmacisit for the best options available.

Artists who performed at the event included Adam Tas (above),Bongi, Leandri Small, The Rustlers, Dusty Dixon, Armand theSinging Cowboy, Vasti and Charne Grabe. These artists kept thebeat going while people took to the dance floor.

Milicent Mashele was the winner of the Miss WinterveldFestival Competition. First princess was Maclien Wagnerand Second Princess was Mapule Mosoma.

CarinaKnoesen wasthe winner ofthe talentcompetition.

WinterveldFestival 2014

The Winterveld Festival tookplace at Winterveld RecreationalClub last weekend. This annualfestival was once again a hugesuccess with hundreds of visitorsgoing through the gates.The programme was packedwith lots of exciting events - trulysomething for everyone.

Page 7: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014


Every participating team in the potjiekos competition was also judgedon their decor and team spirit. Tubatse SUPERSPAR sponsored thecompetition and it took the form of a Master chef kitchen and pantry.

Something for everyoneThe Winterveld Festival 2014 had somethingfor everyone. The two days were filled withfun and excitement. Many prizes were wonand even a few donations were given away.Read more about this on page 11.

The talent competition drew afew very high quality entries.Visitors had lots of stalls tobrowse through (like theWestvaal one on the right).The Strongman competitionhad the crowd in awe, withsome of the locals also tryingtheir hands at lifting theweights.The paintball competitiontook place on Friday and wasgreat fun.

Saturday kicked offwith the soapboxderby. This was astradition dictates,one of the highlightsof the festival.There was more thanenoughentertainment for thekids. An amusementpark kept them busyfor hours.

Armand the Singing Cowboy had the crowd in awe with what he andhis horse could do.

Page 8: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

8 NEWS 29 AUGUST 2014

• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints •Brake Pads • Aircon fans • Radiator fans • Condensers • Carburettors •

Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936 Re-build engines for sale

Tubatse Towing

24 Hour Towing Services,including insuranceregistered vehicles










To advertisein


Celliers on083 543 1676

or e-mail:adverts@


everyTuesday at


Burgersfort NG Kerk hou basaarOp 29 en 30 Augustus hou die Burgersfort NG Kerkbasaar. Die gemeente nooi graag almal in diegemeenskap uit om saam met hulle te kom kuier.Die naweek sal afskop met ‘n veldfliek Vrydagaand.Die Saterdag is ‘n heerlike kuier geleentheid met iets vanalles.Die geleentheid beloof om ‘n koeksister van ‘nouwêreldse basaar met moderne elemente te wees.Kom kyk wat alles verkoop word - vars groente, koeke,terte, wit olifante en sommer nog baie meer. Kom eet

lekker saam poeding en ander basaar eetgoed.Verlede jaar se basaar was ‘n heerlike dag en grootsukses en die gemeente wil graag weer die lekkerte metalmal deel.On 29 and 30 August the Dutch Reformed Church aboveSupa Save will be hosting a festive day. They are invitingeveryone to come and support the day. There will beloads of fun and stalls with goodies to buy. It promises togive a taste of a traditional ‘Afrikaans basaar’. So mark thedate and don’t miss out!

Mathsperformers at

Itirele PrimarySchool

Itirele Primary School in Praktiseerwas one of 33 schools thatparticipated in the annual St.Thomas Maths Challenge. Thewinners receive bursaries for theirsecondary schooling at St Thomas.Ayanda Mogakala (second fromleft) came 4th, Aziz Mohlala(middle) was43rd and AleciaMamogale was 8th. The top 10performers received trophies andall the participants receivedcertificates. With them are theschool principal, Ms RI Komaneand Deputy Principal and mathsteacher Mr KD Magoma.

Ms Regina Phasha was the lucky winner in the TubatseSUPERSPAR’s Wild Weekend competition. She received a R500shopping voucher from Ms Thandi Mkhabela from Spar.You can still enter the competition in store and stand a chance to beone of the lucky winners.

Regina won at TubatseSUPERSPAR

Glencore ECM cares with TB screening

Glencore Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) held a TB screeningcampaign of all their employees at various shafts. This includeLebowa, Borwa, Thorncliffe, Magareng and Helena.The campaign ran from 18 - 22 August and employees had theopportunity to have a free screening for TB. The Eastern Minesoccupational health clinic in partnership with the Department ofHealth drove the initiative.A total of 2942 employees were screened and 139 of these werereferred for follow-up testing.One third of the world’s current population has been infected with M.tuberculosis and new infections occure at the rate of one per second,but there is hope. It is a curable disease if people with active TB seekmedical help. (Photographs & Information: Glencore ECM).

2942 employees were screened and 139 of these werereferred for follow-up testing

Page 9: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014


Learnthe skills:


Preparation forjob interviews;

Career guidance;Team work;

Communicatingeffectively; Organizing and

managing oneself;Basic Computer literacy

(including internet job searchusing cellular phone);

Project management;

Phase 3 of 3 intakesBY:


Applicants are invited to apply for the Passport to Future Project third intake (group 3),those who previously applied are encouraged to do so again. The project is searchingfor 100 participants to be part of training.

Minimum requirements· Grade 12 matric or equivalent· Must between 16 and 35 years· Must be from in and around the project area (the Olifants River Water Resources

Development Project- ORWRDP2C pipeline)· Applications must be accompanied by Traditional Authority Stamp or a Proof of

Residence Letter issued by the Municipal Ward Councillor or signed by the areaProject Liaison Committee Member (PLC).

Programme duration3 months

To apply, please submit CV accompanied by certified copies of your qualification/ s andcertified ID copy at the Basil Read Offices situated at:180 Gathlane RdSteelpoort Park Ext 3Steelpoort


The closing date for applications is 11 September 2014

VACANCY: SAFETY OFFICERREQUIREMENTS:• Grade 12 • Opencast Mining experience • SAMTRAC for Mining • OSHAS 18001 systemexperience • Computer literate • Certificate of fitness • Valid Driver’s Licence

SKILLS, QUALITIES AND ABILITIES REQUIRED:• Good communication skills (verbal and written) • Planning and time management •Problem solving skills • Ability to work on his/her own

GENERAL DUTIES:The successful candidate will be responsible for the following:• Maintaining of the OSHAS 18001 system • Compiling Safety Statistics • Legalinspections and follow ups. • Conduct accident and incident investigations • All safetyrelated matters.

If you meet the above criteria, then please send your CV to [email protected] before orby close of business on 8 September 2014. Please note that if you have had no response toyour application by 19 September 2014, please consider your application unsuccessful.

Public Notice

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort;PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150;Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467;Website:


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1) of the Local Government MunicipalProperty Rates Act,2004(Act 6 of 2004) read together with Section 78 of the Act,thatthe Supplementary Valuation Roll for the financial year 2013/2014 will be open forpublic inspection at the Civic Centre, Kastaniastreet 1, Burgersfort at well as at thesatellite offices in Ohrigstad, Tubatse(praktiseer) and Ga-Mapodile during normal officehours(8:00 to 16:00) for a period of 30 days starting from 1 September 2014 to 10October 2014

All invitations is hereby made in terms of Section 50(1) of the Act that any owner ofproperty or other person who so desires may lodge an objection on the officialprescribed application form which is obtainable at the offices of Greater TubatseMunicipality ,in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the supplementaryvaluation roll 2013/2014 within the above-mentioned period .

The Supplementary Valuation Roll for 2013/2014 affects the following propertiesi.e.1. Subdivided or Consolidated Properties during 2013/20142. Improved Properties e.g. newly constructed houses/buildings

Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of Section 50(2) of the Actan objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not againstthe valuation roll as such

The completed and signed forms must be returned to the Municipal Manager, KastaniaStreet 1, Burgersfort on or before 10 October 2014.


Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks a suitable Company tosubmit a proposal for the revamping of Change House.Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburgand 40km form Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group andworld-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as TopEmployer 2014.


Tender Requirements:· All Civil works to comply with SABS 1200.· Valid Workman’s Compensation Certificate of good standing under

the Compensation for Occupational Injuries· Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate· Valid and original or certified copy of SANAS accredited BBBEE

Certificate or an Auditor’s/Accountant’s letter confirming your EMEstatus.

· Preference will be given to companies in possession of an NHBRCcertificate

Further Details regarding the Tender Enquiry may be directed to:[email protected] or fax: 0866 101 887.

Please quote the relevant reference number in the subject line of youre-mail or fax.No telephonic queries will be entertained.

A Compulsory Clarification / Site Meeting / Briefing will be held atDwarsrivier Mine:Venue: Training CentreDate: 05 September 2014Time: 10:00

*Should you not be contacted within 60 days of closing date of tender,please consider your enquiry unsuccessful.

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William ZwartTel: 083 271 9151E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising: Beánnla CelliersTel: 083 543 1676E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150


Printers:Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, CityDeep Production Park, City Deep.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / orother material contained in the Platinum Gazette areexpressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the CopyrightAct (98 of 1978).

Get the newspaper at these distribution spots:Mototolo


Dwarsrivier MineSediman’sTuckshop -Kalkfontein

Morena’s TavernKubu Tavern

Glencore TrainingCentre

Tubatse Village

Winterveld VillagePick n PaySteelpoort

One Stop MotorSpares SteelpoortVyfster Slaghuis


KleuterskoolSasol SteelpoortDepartment of

Let us knowabout yournews andevents!

Call 083 2719151 or 013

231 7147 or fax013 231 7147or e-mail yourinformation to




advertising islike winkingat a girl in

the dark. Youknow what

you aredoing, but

nobody elsedoes” -Stuart


Education Circuitoffice BurgersfortTwickenham Mine

Dilokong MineModikwa Mine

Praktiseer SAPSBurgersfort SAPSLeboeng SAPSOhrigstad SAPSBronrich Slaghuis


OhrigstadHandelshuisTotal Garage

OhrigstadOasis KafeeOhrigstad

GMC BurgersfortCash TraderBurgersfort


Dr Lorna MedicalCentre




MTN MaroneCentre


SUPERSPARCheap Cheap#2Tubatse Build ItGreater Tubatse

Municipality -Civic Centre

Magaba FillingStation

Mooifontein Kafee

Page 10: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

10 Platinum Gazette 29 AUGUST 2014

Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031



1.Sport Klubs /Sport




4. Oornag




5. Troeteldiere/Pets

6. Persoonlik/


7. Allerlei/


8. Finansies/


9. Te Huur/To Rent

10. Te Koop/For sale


Khadima’s Lodge nowopen. 171 Nyala

Street, Ext. 5,Burgersfort. Opposite

Department ofLabour.

Contact:076 666 1100/013

231 8609

Washing machinebroken? Get thespare parts here!Your number oneoutlet for fridge

compressors, gas

7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous

4. OornagAkkommodasie/


9. Te Huur/For Rent

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10km buiteBurgersfort op

Lydenburg pad virR5500pm.

Kontak Drienie082-461-8808.





1. Position : CashierDivision : RevenueRemuneration : Post level 9 (R147, 489. 00 basic salaryexcl benefits)Nature of Contract : Permanent

Minimum Requirements :· Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent· Computer Literacy· Good communication skills· Ability to interact with the public· 1 year experience in a municipal financial environment· Advanced Computer Literacy

Key Performance Areas :· Issuing of receipts to the public· Handling all daily payments· Assist clients with account balances· Open new accounts· Reporting on daily cash summaries· Reconciliation of payments collected· Receiving of tender deposits and issue tender documents


2. Position : Assistant Internal AuditorDivision : Internal AuditRemuneration : Post Level 8 (R175,891.00 basic salary per annum, exclbenefits)Nature of Contract : Permanent

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:· National Diploma or Degree in Internal Auditing or equivalent· A minimum of one year Auditing experience· Knowledge of MFMA and IIA Standards· Knowledge of Performance Framework, Risk Management and GRAP

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS:· Perform clerical assignments related to internal audit· Assist staff and auditors in documentation of audit, policies and procedures· Provide the necessary assistance during internal audit reviews

A detailed CV accompanied by a signed covering letter indicating the position applied for, certifiedcopies of qualifications, academic records, identity documents, and any other supporting documentsshould be submitted to the Greater Tubatse Municipal Offices, Human Resources Division, no. 1Kastania street in Burgersfort, 2nd Floor, Office no 222, or they can be posted to: The ActingMunicipal Manager , Greater Tubatse Municipality , P.O Box 206 , Burgersfort , 1150

Closing date : 12 September 2014Time : 16H00Enquiries : Human Resources @ 013 231 1158/1123

Applications received after closing date and time will not be considered. Faxed or emailedapplications will not be considered. The selection process will be influenced by the municipality’sEmployment Equity Principles. Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlistedcandidates only. Applicants who have not been contacted within 30 days after closing date mustassume that their applications were unsuccessful.

NB : Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and background checks

The municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments.

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort;PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150;Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467;Website:



Fleet Board Administrator

We are urgently looking for a highly motivated, passionate and self-driven person who is lookingfor a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has becomeavailable at NBC situated in Steelpoort.

The Fleet Board Administrator will ensure that all Fleet Board equipped vehicles’downtime is minimized through fleet management diagnostics and maintenancescheduling.

A N4 in Mechanical Engineering/Automation and 1 - 3 years Mechanical experience arerequirements.

To apply fax a 2-page CV to 013-230 5856. Shortlisted candidates can bring all originaldocuments with them to the interview.Closing date: 5 September 2014 (If you have not received a response within 15 days of theclosing date, please assume your application was not successful).

Performance outputs:· Monitor and identify technical faults on vehicles as per on board diagnostic computer· Liaise with drivers to ensure faults are identified according to the uptime report

recommendations· Identify possible faults through root cause analysis· Write reports on fault findings to technical department· Ensure vehicles are registered and removed from fleet board· Ensure vehicles are allocated to the correct route groups as determined by ops

department· Receive uptime recommendations report weekly· Provide relevant feedback to internal stakeholder regarding vehicles timeously.· Provide relevant information after diagnostic findings or repair. Provide feedback to

external original Equipment Manufacturing suppliers· Assist with weekly maintenance schedules of vehicles· Assist technical department with administrative requirements· Ensure drivers communicate effectively to technical department on vehicle

maintenance requirements

Knowledge and Skills· Bilingual· Computer literate· Interpersonal skills· Analytical· Attention to detail· Knowledge of document control· Administrative skills· Communication skills

Report writing· Telephone etiquette


3. Dienste/Services

New in SteelpoortService Lights anderror codes drivingyou crazy? We canreset and diagnose

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back of Capitec andold ABSA Bank, next

to Supa Save (oldPost Office Building).

Tel: 076 111 8405

1994 Mercedes Benz200E. Grey, 200

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10. Te Koop/For Sale

Let us know about yournews and events! Call083 271 9151 or 013

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[email protected]

Platinum Gazette

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that youradvertisement in Platinum Gazette meets

the highest standards with regard to designand reproduction.

Contact her [email protected] or

013 231 7147 / 083 5431676

Venter Bushbaby4X4 Trailer te koop.Tent met twee ekstra

kamersYskas en kombuisslides met kaste

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Water en diesel Jerrykanne

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Page 11: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014


Mr Mike Nell (right) was the lucky winner of a Weber braai ina national competition by Shell. To enter clients had to buy aspecific type of oil over the course of the last three months.This is available from Supa Quick Burgersfort. Mr StanleyHayes handed him his prize.

Winning at Supa QuickBurgersfort

Bring out the Bling: Casual Day is on Friday 5 September2014. Casual Day provides the country with theopportunity to show their solidarity with persons withdisabilities, at the same time enjoying teambuilding andcamaraderie with their fellow participants.“The theme is appropriately celebratory,” says ProjectLeader Celeste Vinassa. “We have been dressingcasually for the past two decades, but this year is a specialoccasion. We thank all the celebrities who have helpedus raise awareness for our project, including every MissSA for the last 19 years. Rolene Strauss, the current MissSA has also shown her support for Casual Day.“So ourmessage to you is to rustle up a little razzle dazzle, anddress up in the official colour of the year, dazzle blue.Casual Day is all about fantasy and dressing up in thingsyou can find around the house. Be creative with glitter,fabric, shiny paper or just wear your sticker and a poshcasual attitude!”

Casual Day is South Africa’s most successful fundraisingproject for persons with disabilities – and the amount raisedfor last year has climbed to R24.8 million. .Stickers are available from:Edgars, Jet, JetMart,Boardmans, CNA, Red Square and Legit;Absa outlets; Game and DionWired stores; Shoprite andCheckers stores.Or you can donate online. You can contact the organisersof the project on 011 609 7006 or visit our website

Remember Casual Day next week Friday!

Supa Quick sê dankie vir ondersteuning met veldtogSupa Quick Burgersfort het by dieWinterveld Fees wieldoppies tenbate van Kansa verkoop. Die veldtogsamel geld in om mobielemamogramklinieke op die been tebring en so te help om borskankerte beveg. Die doppies kos R50 vir 4en is steeds by Supa QuickBurgersfort beskikbaar. Daar isSaterdag meer as R2700 met diédoppies ingesamel. “Ons wil graagSamancor bedank vir diegeleentheid dat ons by die fees metdié projek kon wees,” sê PietPretorius van Supa Quick.

Prizes and donations at the Winterveld Festival

Tubatse’s Hedgehogs took first place in the soapbox derby.

Steelpoort Academy’s choir received a donation in honour of their recent achievements.

Bohelong Care Centre received a R5 000 donation.

Thabangfrom SehlakuHigh Schoolin Driekopwashonoured fora specialtribute hewrote aboutSamancor.

The Wildevy Manne (photo above) had the best team spiritin the potjiekos competition.The team from Tyre Corporation (photo right) prepared thebest potjiekos in the competition.

The paintball competitionwas won by the team calledBomskok and Tweefontein 1came second. ECM HR hadthe best team spirit in thisevent. Tubatse Hedgehogscame first in the soapboxderby with Hell Riderssecond and Tubatse 4 inthird place. Doornbosch hadthe best team spirit.Samancor ECM alsodonated money to threedifferent institutions/individuals at the event.

Page 12: Platinum Gazette 29 August 2014

12 29 AUGUST 2014

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subscribe to get iton e-mail by

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Chrome GolfClub course

closedThe Chrome Golf Club’s golf coursewill be closed for the month ofSeptember. This is for hollow tyningand other upgrades to the course.Temporary greens will be cut in frontof the greens. Green fees forSeptember will be R20 per person.Contact Martin van Rooyen on 072564 2811. The Club’s managementwould like to thank all players inadvance for their patience andunderstanding.The next official competition on thecourse will be on 4 October 2014.This will be in the form of the GreenKeeper’s Revenge. You are welcometo book your space for this everpopular competition. Come and enjoythe fun. Contact Martin van Rooyenon the number above for entries.

Mighty Aces face-off withTubatse Masters FC

On Saturday 23 August the Tubatse MightyAces football academy hosted the TubatseMasters at Kweledi Secondary School sportsground in Praktiseer.The masters dominated the game in the firsthalf, creating many scoring opportunities ofwhich they managed to convert 2 into goals.They were scored by Titus Mashaba andLekgotla Motswiane. The hosts created a fewchances as well, but failed to penetrate thedefence of the Masters. The half time scorewas 2-0 in favour of Tubatse Masters. In thesecond half both teams made an effort toimprove their play. The hosts scored their first

goal by Moeketsi Maradona Seroale just a fewminutes from the restart to make the score 2-1.The Masters’ third goal was scored by ThapeloMaredi and a few minutes later Pitso Sehlabelaalso scored for the Masters. Late in the secondhalf the hosts’ Lazzy Rooney Seleme scored 2goals. The final score was 4-3 in favour of theTubatse Masters. (Photographs: Thato Maredi;Information: Jerial Movundlela).