planting in portland

Planting In

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Page 1: Planting in Portland

Planting In

Page 2: Planting in Portland









Mission and Vision

Why Plant?

Why Portland?

Core Values

Who We Are

The Roles



Page 3: Planting in Portland

Planting In

MissionWe exist to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus among our neighbors and the nations.

VisionWe will love and labor to see Jesus renew individuals, families, and communities in Portland and around the world through:

(1) cultivating the gospel in the context of the be-­lieving community and

(2) planting healthy, reproducible churches through the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father.


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The Scriptures give clear and consistent witness of God calling and sending people to display and declare His glory as a means of making disciples. Throughout the New Testament God’s people, the church, committed to extending God’s kingdom and glory through planting churches. Church planting continues to be one of the most

disciples of Jesus Christ, it will happen as both believers and churches reproduce themselves. This becomes all the more important as 3,500 churches across the U.S. close their doors every year. We must be committed to joining God’s great work of making disciples among all peoples through sending and supporting laborers in the harvest.

Why Plant?

evangelistic -­11.7-­-­3.4-­

One study revealed that established Southern Baptist churches baptize 3.4 people per 100 resident members, while new churches baptize 11.7.

The church-­to-­population ratio in the United States peaked at one church for

today there is only one church for every 6,194 people.

populationGROWTH 1>>430


Planting In


of less than 300 years, our world will have shifted from one in which only 3 percent of people live in cities, to one in which 80 percent are

in. The Gospel of Jesus Christ must call a new generation of committed Christians into these teeming cities.”

-­Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Why Portland?

Portland, Oregon ranks second in the United States for cities

any religious body. While some may see a city given to pornography, homosexu-­ality, micro-­breweries, and an obsession with being weird, we see a city full of people made in God’s image who desperately need the gospel of Jesus Christ in order to be restored to a relationship with Him. Portland is a city surrounded by the majestic beauty of

city where environmentalism is celebrated, but the Author of the

expression but denies being made in the image of God. We desire to see God transform lives through the power of the gospel. We desire to see disciples of Jesus made in the midst of this incredible city.

2//32/3 of Portland residents

religious body

There is only one SBC church per 28,283 residents

There is a metropolitan population of 2.3 million



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1. Gospel Centrality We value the gospel as the good news through which God is creating a new people for Himself. The reason this is good news is that when we, as condemned sinners, trust Jesus’ life and work for us—His death and resurrection—we receive new life and the presence of the Holy Spirit. As a message to be believed and proclaimed, the gospel is central in the life of the church in word and through mission. The gospel gives purpose and direction to all we are and do.

Goal: To keep the gospel central in everything we think, say, and do.

(1 Cor. 15:3-­4;; Rom. 1:16-­17;; Rom. 3:21-­26;; Gal. 1:3-­5;; Eph. 1:3-­14, 2:1-­10;; 1 Cor. 2:1-­5)

Church Plant Core Values:

2. Corporate Worship We value worship as the natural expression of a heart that has been transformed by the gospel of Jesus as revealed in the Word of God. Therefore, the church worships through singing the Word, hearing the Word, preaching the Word, praying the Word, and seeing the Word through the ordinances of baptism and

-­ously and gladly gives for the furtherance of the Word. The content of our worship is rooted in the Word, yet the expression of our worship is rooted in the culture.

Goal: To see people respond to the gospel in worship.

(1 Tim. 4:13;; Rom. 10:17;; Ps. 98:1;; Rev. 5:9;; Col. 3:16;; Matt. 28:19;; 1 Cor. 11:23-­26;; 2 Cor. 9:6-­7)

Planting In


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3. Community Groups We value community groups as the context wherein believers love one another and live on mission together. The Christian life is meant to be shared with others. Community groups provide a natural environment for believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus through meaningful and authentic relationships with one another. Community groups also provide a natural environment for engaging unbelieving neighbors through lives that authenticate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Goal: To help one another integrate a life of faith and obedience into the world in response to the gospel of Jesus.

(Acts 2:42-­47;; Acts 4:32-­35;; Eph. 4:11-­16;; 1 Thess. 3:12-­13;; 1 Pet. 2:9-­10, 4:8-­11)

4. Glocal Missions We value missions because God is on mission to gather

commissioned His church with the mission of making disciples of all nations through the proclamation of the gospel. As we go, we are committed to caring for the poor and the oppressed. We will engage in local and global missions with the purpose of making disciples and gathering them into healthy and reproducing churches.

Goal: To plant healthy, reproducible churches among our neighbors and the nations.

(Matt. 28:18-­20;; Luke 24:45-­49;; John 20:21;; Acts 1:8;; Acts 13:2-­4;; 1 Tim. 2:2;; Rev. 7:9-­10)


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Ben and Catherine have been married since 2004. They have two children, Will and Sidney, and are adopting their third child,

been working as a me-­chanical engineer since graduating from the Uni-­versity of Alabama in 2005. Catherine has been a faculty member at the UA

since 2006. Ben and Catherine have faithfully served Jesus as members of Emmanuel Baptist Church. They desire to see the glory of God spread through the worship of Jesus among the people of Portland.

Justin and Chandra have been married since 2002 and have four children: Madelyn, Catharine, Eliza-­beth and Luke. Justin attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Semi-­nary prior to serving the Lord Jesus with his family in South Asia through the

Justin currently serves as the Associate Pastor of Missions and Discipleship at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, AL. Chandra gladly devotes her-­self to serving her family, church, and community. Justin has been approved as a church planter by the North American Mission Board.

Who we arePlanting In

The Dockerys

The Martins


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As elders, in the early stages of church life, both Justin and Ben will serve in multiple capacities, namely evangelism, team leadership, and discipleship. During this time, Justin will also serve as a church planting apprentice with Trinity Church in Happy Valley/Portland. Ben will work full-­time as an engineer. As the church grows, Justin’s primary role will be lead-­ing and preaching. Ben will serve as an elder overseeing community groups, while continuing work as an engineer. Chandra and Catherine will be primarily devoted to caring for their families and building relationships in the community.

The Roles


along with their families. Their love for the Lord and commitment to follow Him in obedience to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ in Portland is an example and encouragement to me, personally, and to our entire church family. We consider it a privilege and blessing to be their sending church, and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will use them for His glory in this worthy venture.”

-­Dr. Pat Powell Pastor-­Emmanuel Baptist Church

“NAMB and the Northwest Baptist Convention are excited about Justin

Chandra and their family will do well in Portland and we are thrilled to see what God will do through them.”

-­Clay HolcombNAMB – Portland, Send City Coordinator & Northwest

Baptist Convention – Region 3, Team Leader

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Participate: (Short-Term)

We genuinely need people committed to praying for us and those we will serve. We confess our utter dependence upon God to work in, through and for us. Therefore, we desire to mobilize 744 people to pray for us on a weekly basis.


arding all of our resources with the vision and mission in mind. To reach our stage 2 budget we need:

37 individuals giving $50/month20 individuals giving $100/month12 individuals giving $250/month10 churches giving $250/month4 churches giving $500/month2 churches giving $1,000/month


Planting In

As we seek to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ with the intention of planting a church, we need your help. There are four tangible ways you can partner with us to plant a church in Portland.


“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of

Philippians 1:3-­5

You can plan to come on a short-­term trip. We desire to mobilize three short-­term trips a year during stage 2.

Participate: (Long-Term) You can participate by moving to Portland to join our church planting team.


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Church plant budget

Pastor’s Compensation [i]Leadership Development [ii]Outreach/Marketing [iii]Relocation Expenses


Pastor’s CompensationLeadership DevelopmentOutreach/MarketingCreative Arts LeaderFacility RentalCommunity GroupsCooperative Program/MissionsServe Portland


Stage 1 (2014)*

Total $99,750

Stage 2 (2015-­2016-­2017-­2018-­2019)

Total $160,325

Projected 6 Year Budget Total = $901,375


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[email protected] Baptist ChurchMemo: Portland4612 Rice Mine Road NETuscaloosa, AL 35406

Send Contributions to:Contact:


Justin Martin (205.431.6010)

Ben Dockery (205.792.3413)