planning presentation

Potential Filming Ideas

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Potential Filming Ideas

Idea 1

A schoolboy is attached to a radiator in a warehouse type area. Over the

shoulder shot of the man who has done this. Changes after to the boy waking

up in his bed after some sort of dream. He will then get up and go to school.

On his way he starts to notice someone/something following him. The boy

starts to run away then the screen blanks out.

Possible names for the film

-The Following


-The Watcher

Idea 2

A schoolboy is on his way to the shops when he notices a figure in an

alleyway nearby, he goes to check out what is going on then his vision

goes blurry and wakes up in a warehouse next to another man tied to a


Possible names for the



-Strange times

Idea 3

A boy goes out filming in the fields for a project. He starts to film when he realises

someone is around and becomes anxious. He then starts to walk away quickly

becoming into a jog. The man then appears behind the boy as he trips over with

the camera on the floor filming the man beating him up.

The next shot is of the boy with his own camera on the table filming the boy

unconscious lying on a warehouse floor.

Possible names for

the film


- The Film

Locations Of Potential Ideas

Crick location 1st potential idea.

This is going to be

our abandoned


This is the

character’s house

where he wakes


We chose this location on the left because we know that it

is an available abandoned building. In this screenshot

however there is a car boot sale which will not be going

on when we film as we wont be filming on a Sunday when

it happens. This location will help us hit the thriller

conventions as the ally way in the corner were we will film

part of the film is a confined space and has bars in a

fence. There are loads of shadows which we can use to

hit the thriller convention.

The house below is definitely available because it is the

home of a member of our group. The abandoned building

is only a short walk down the round so it is very practical.

There are also bars down the banisters of this house

which we will film through. we might add in the before the

first shot the character washing his face with running

water from the tap to have more thriller conventions.

This is the location is near Kingsthorpe

and is a bridge going across a stream.

This is where the character will wake up

tied to another man. In this location there

is bars along the bridge which follows a

thriller convention. However can be

unsafe and dangerous if someone fell in.

There is also a building hear which could

be used in the film.

This is the alleyway where the

character gets distracted down

and then loses vision and passes

out. This is a confined area and

there is a fence with cross linked

bars to make the film hit thriller


This is the shop

where the character

was originally going

to go until he gets


Kingsthorpe location 2nd

potential idea

We chose this location

as it is close to a

member off our groups

house so it is an easy

meet up point. The shop

and abandoned bridge\

warehouse is also not

very far and is in walking

distance. The bridge

therefore is very

available for use.

I will film along this stretch where we

will film the main body of our opening

scene. This is where the character will

be attacked and the camera dropped.

This is a good location as it has several

shadows and running water down the

left hand side to hit the thriller

conventions. However as the stream is

in a ditch there is some health and

safety aspects to consider. For example

breaking an ankle if fell down ditch.

I will film here for the very start of the filming as it is

one of our group member’s house. This is useful as it

is a very easy place to access. It also it not very far at

all from the area that we will film the main body of our

opening scene. There are shadows round this area to

hit thriller conventions.

East Haddon location 3rd

potential idea

We chose this idea as it is around one of our

group member’s house. It also makes it easy

for us all to meet up and create the piece of

film with ease. The two locations are a

minute walk in between each other to make

it easy to walk from one to the other.

Chosen Idea

We chose potential idea three because we feel like it’s a challenge for us to create a short two minute opening scene that has all the three techniques we have learnt. Match on action, 180° rule and shot reverse shot. This will be harder as we intend to have a mixture of film that is filmed from the actual character filming himself and the standard shots from a fixed camera. By mixing these together we can get a varied number of shot types and camera angles. We will do this by editing the normal recording camera symbols like power and a red circle to show that camera is recording. Using the a camera that the character will be filming himself with will make the audience concerned and wanting to see what is happening. This will enable us to create a disorientated shot that the audience cant quite make out what has happened. We will try to incorporate the typical thriller conventions into our film for example running water, bars, shadows, being chased and isolation. We use running water by using the brook next to the location were we will film and the character washing his face at the start of the filming. For the bars and shadows we can use the house stair way bars and we can create shadows in the house as well. We can have shadows from the trees in the location to create shadows depending the time of day we film at, for example 4pm when the sun starts to go down. We will have the character being chased and trapped to allow us to incorporate these thriller conventions. During the filming we will mix the locations to have crick location house and East Haddon's surrounding fields. We can mix these together through the editing process, to make it look normal we will film these two scenes about 30mins apart from each other to have continuity by the time of day and weather etc.

I will film along this stretch

where we will film the main body

of our opening scene. This is

where the character will be

attacked and the camera


I will film here for the very start

of the filming as it is one of our

group member’s house. This is

useful as it is a very easy

place to access. It also it not

very far at all from the area

that we will film the main body

of our opening scene.

We are

going to use


locations for

the filming

this house is

in crick and

the long thin

stretch is in



Final location

Character Profiles

Character 1 - Stuart Pierce


Acted by Connor Gerrard

16-18 Year old school boy

Interested in technology


Very Independent

No close family

Character 2 No name

(Antagonist) Acted by

Jordan TownsendPeople know very little about him

Although he is always seen

around in a black tracksuit

Looks very buff

Sneaky character

Props and Costumes

Props Secondary camera.

We will need a secondary camera

so that the actor can use this

camera when we film him

pretending to film himself. When

he is actually filming himself he

won’t need to use the secondary



We will use this to chain the

character to a object like a bar or a

radiator. The antagonist won’t be

carrying this round with him.


The hoodie will be lying on the

characters bed before he goes

out to film and he will take it

with him when he goes out to


Costumes Main character’s costume

White T shirt, blue jeans, dark blue

hoodie and normal van’s shoes.

We will use these clothes because

it is the standard average cloths

that a teenager would wear. This

costume doesn't’t have a thriller

convention. this is because we

want him to look normal.

Antagonist’s costume

Black jumper, black shoes, dark

green moleskin jeans and a black

gas mask

This person will be wearing these

clothes because they make the

character follow some of the thriller

conventions. For example the gas

mask creates a sense of mystery

and uncertainty. The black clothes

show danger and make the

character someone you would

avoid and would’nt want to come

into contact with.

Story board

Shot list

Pre production shot list

Thriller Genre ResearchThis table shows the

amount of films released in

a certain category. As you

can see thriller isn't the

most popular but still quite

popular due to the amount

of released films in that

genre. The most popular

film in thriller genre is called

Prisoners. I found this

information from the bfi

statistical year book.

PrisonersFrom the genre Thriller research I found out that the film

named prisoners had a couple different genres along side the

main Thriller. Drama and Crime. We will use aspects of these

genres in our film as this film showed to be popular.

This film has bad things happen to the characters in it. We are

going to have this in our film to one of the characters.

The crime aspect will be heavy in this film as the main

character gets attacked and then kidnapped.

We will not have much if not any drama elements to our film

like prisoners does because even though its popular I think it

will take away the thriller aspects of the film as we only have 2

minutes to fill with media.