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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.


There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project.

Costs: i will not have to pay for anything during the making of my product as the college provides all the content i need.

Available resources: At college i have a lot of resources available, i have computers for me to use to do the production of my book. On the macs there is photoshop, this helps me as i can create the characters for my book. I have use of the internet and books which the college owns which i can use for inspiration and to help me when making my book.

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Quantity: My story is based of the story of the three little pigs, which is a well-known popular book for children. So for this reason I will produce 200,000 copies, it will be sold in places like WHSmith and amazon. Lots of children books sell in the millions if the become popular, if this happened then more copies would be made and sold.

Audience and Target Market: The audience for my book is 3-5, also it is for both boys and girls, my book will in english as my main target audience is for the UK market, the wording is simple this is so the older end of my audience will be able to read this with help.

Quality Factors: To make sure that my book is finished to the best of my ability need to, practice using Photoshop to familiarise myself with the tools. I also need to make sure that I surround myself with people who will not distract me, so that I can easily stick to my plan.

Codes of Practice: The publishers association created rules that need to be kept by both the publisher and the author. One rule is that publishers must keep authors in the loop when important decisions, which may concern the book, are made. Another rule that must be abided by is that the only time the contract is aloud to be stopped is if the author fails to meet the set deadlines.

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Regulation: Under the EU all toys must pass the toys safety directive test, which ensures that all the children’s toys are not a risk to there safety.

Copyright: My story is based off the three little pigs, however there are no copy right restrictions as there is no original author. If i decide to use image or fonts from the internet i must ask the criers permission and my have to pay a fee. I also nee d to ensure i don't copy other cartoons as this may be seen as breaking the copy right law.

Ethical Issues: Equality act means that i cant discriminate against groups of people this includes, gender age religious, sexuality and race.

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Resources: A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.

If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Resource:Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it?

Mac Book YesI need to come into college and attend all my lessons to have access to macs

Photoshop YesI can either download it onto my laptop to use it at home or use it on the computers at college

Scanner Yes

All scanners are at college and i just need to access my emails in order to get what i have scanned. I don't think i will use it because i do not want to use any hand drawings

Internet Yes

I can get internet access at home or connect to the student wifi at college. This way i will be able to access the internet.

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Production Schedule: Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Each session is a half day of college.

Session 1:

Make first shapes for the reindeers, separate arms legs body and head - save all with layers

start putting together the first reindeer - take the shapes make the reindeer front of firstly for the first page, make the fairy lights for the antlers for my first reindeer.

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Start on making the second reindeer, by doing the same as the first, but instead of lights, give him a scarf - do this my making the shapes too and merging them with the body.

Session 2:

Make third reindeer, same as other two but instead of anything on this one make it plain but darken the fur slightly, do this by changing the colour overlay colours on the body parts.

start making santa the same as the reindeers, making the separate body parts then linking them up together facing forward for the first page.

Make the first background which will be used in a few other pages, make it buy having the gradient background from blue to white then add in snowflakes. Keep this saved separately as it will be needed again

Session 3:

I will make the 3 insides of the house, i will make theses by making a simple room first.

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i will make each room individual for each reindeer i will add windows, photos, tinsel, and for my third reindeer a bed

Session 4: i will make the third reindeer look as if he is sleeping in the bed, by having his feet out the end of the bed, i will also put a cover over him and make him look asleep

i will finish the third reindeers room by adding tools and wood, and any extra bits needed.

Session 5:

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I will make the reindeer one and two side ways on for when making their sleighs

number 2 will have a pile of wood and tools but look like he is building it

number 1 will have a sleigh made which he is just finishing off.

Session 6:

i will start with the sleigh testing pages, these are out side so all 3 can have the background from page 1

The first reindeer will be copied along with santa turn to look on there sides, this will create the next page

Session 7:

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I will place the sack of presents on the logs and this will finish that page.

For the next two pages i will need the sleigh, one sleigh will be finished and the other took like unpainted.

The sack of presents will be used in both, the page for Allens sleigh will have the presents falling through the sleigh

I will take the sleigh and cut it in to two half to show this.

Session 8:

The other sleigh will be fine and the presents will be shown to b being lowered on to it.

For both of these pages santa will be stood on a few steps to help him up to the sleigh.

On the first page i will do santa standing front on with a sad face to show he is disappointed.

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Session 9:

For the second i will do stand side on, and the reindeer watching.

The next two pages will be fast and easy to do, these will both be done buy taking previously made items and placing them.

For the first i will take the sleigh and presents and place them together in the background, then used a zoomed in santa for the foreground, i will change his frown to a smile.

For the second to last page i will take the 3rd reindeer and zoom in on him, make this large and in the front of the page, i will recolour his nose red, and crop stands arm out and make it look as if it is placing the nose on him.

Session 10:

For the last page i will take the first background and make it a darker sky to look like night. i will also take the houses and change where they are placed.

For the sleigh i will do this by doing a rotascope, and colour overlaying it black to make it look distant.

I will take the 1st an 2nd reindeers and take off their faces o make it look as if they are being shown from the back, enlarge these and make them look as if they are watching the sleigh from a distance.

I will finish by adding all text to the pages, and checking for anything else to add.

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Health and safety: Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.

Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from happening.

Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?

Eyes straining or hurting

By taking lots of breaks while working on the computers can help reduce the straining on the eyes, also if you were glasses these should be worn at all times.

Back and neck stiffness

Sitting up correcting in your chair will help, by sitting correctly with out slouching is good for your back and neck, and leaning in to the computer can cause pain in your neck from straining, so zooming in will be more effective.

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Bags and other hazards on the floor

Keeping bags and coats under the tables and tucked away will make the working area safer for people to move around with out any obstructions.

Electrical items near liquids

Only being aloud to drink water near these items makes it safer as if anything is spilt the water will not do as much damage as fizzy drinks. Also when drinking water lean away from electrical items just in case, and keep them in a bag with a lid on with not in use.