planning and communicating your business concept


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Speaker: Tony Redpath, MaRS Venture Group Advisor More information on this event, including a webcast:


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`Planning andCommunicatingYour BusinessConcept

Presented by:

Tony Redpath,Business Advisor, MaRS DD

20 February 2008

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Presentation Overview

Tools of the Trade

Myths and Truths

Overview of the Tools

The Elevator Pitch

The ‘One-Pager’

Executive Summary

White Paper

PowerPoint Presentation

The Business Plan

Outlines and Content


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Tools of the Trade

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Tools of the Trade

The ‘Elevator Pitch’ – 30 second outline of business concept

The ‘One-Pager’ – 1 page overview of your business

Executive Summary – 3-5 page overview of your business

White Paper – Layman’s summary of your technology, product(s),

the uniqueness and the value

PowerPoint Presentation – ~15 slide outline of your business


Business Plan – Detailed description of your business plan: product

plan, go-to-market strategy, management team and financials.

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Why do we need these tools?

These tools are generally used to:

Lay out a vision and plan for building the business

Solicit investment - by communicating to investors why your idea is

good, how you will execute and what return they can expect

Communicate to customers - why they should do business with you

Communicate to partners - why they should do business with you

Communicate to employees or potential hires – what is the mission

and plan is and what role they will play

These tools are used for planning and communication

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Communication vs. Business Planning

The primary purpose of these documents is to communicate the

value of your business idea – EXCEPT THE BUSINESS PLAN.

Be conscious of the huge difference between communicating your

business concept and building your business plan.

A business plan is an internal planning document seldom shown to

anyone outside the company

The other documents are external communication documents used

to sell the value of your business idea to outside parties

Business plans are an internal execution tools

The other documents are external communications tools

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Keys to Communication

Know your audience:

Institutional (Financial) investor, Strategic investor, Angel investor, Strategic partner,

Customer, etc.

Speak to your audience in language that they understand:

Institutional investor – do not speak ‘techie’, tie everything back to money

Strategic investor – may be more technical; will be interested in your idea’s as they impact

their business

Strategic Partner – mix of technical and business; understand how a relationship will be

mutually profitable to both parties

Angel Investors - access their background; understand their interests

Customer – understand their needs

Give your audience the information they are looking for:

Do not assume they want to see the depth of your scientific knowledge

Speak to them with their interests in mind, not your interests in mind

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Myths and Truths

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Myths and Truths


That you only have 30 seconds to get a VC’s attention

If you get develop your communication tools right, you will have longer than that

That a VC will ask you for all of these documents

That you should start by building your business plan


What you can provide depends on how far along you are in developing your

business concept

The vision you are communicating must be grounded in reality

You should be strategic about what you provide and when you provide it

That your documentation should radiate professionalism – grammar, spelling,

diction, illustration, layout, etc.

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Overview of the Tools

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The Elevator Pitch


A 30 second overview of your business concept

To a certain extent, an internet bubble invention – at least in terms of raising money

Strangely enough - 60% of the worlds venture capital is in the bay area in low-rise

office buildings without elevators


To quickly communicate your business concept in a chance meeting or phone call


In a cold call to an investor, customer, potential partner, etc.

Good for networking at trade shows, networking events, etc.

Dos and Don’ts:

Do not spend forever practicing and refining this – should come naturally; may sound


Figure out a few key messages you would like to get across to use as a loose script

Distribute key messages to outward facing employees – standardize message

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The ‘One-Pager’


A concise one-page summary of your business concept and management team


A ‘teaser’ document meant to generate a request for more information

To offer a very general non-confidential overview of your business


When blasting out to many potential investors – select interested VCs from large list

When you don’t want to offer any confidential details – chance encounter, potential


Dos and Don’ts:

I’m not a big fan – Part of ‘shotgun’ approach to fundraising, not my preferred method

Often just enough detail to say no

Often adds an additional and debatably unnecessary stage to a process - VCs might sit

on the one-pager for a few weeks

If you are going to build one, make it fairly non-contentious and allude to missing


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The Executive Summary


A concise 3-5 page summary of your technology, product, sales plan, revenue path and financial


Significantly more detailed but succinctly expressed, coherent and highly readable


Again, a ‘teaser’ document meant to generate a request for more information or a meeting

Readers will want to get their head around the concepts quickly – short attention span

Primer for a more detailed explanation of your product plan and business strategy


When you have a ‘warm’ intro or an invitation to contact someone

Integral first interaction with an investor

Rides the line between confidential and non-confidential – some degree of trust

Dos and Don’ts:

This is a critical communications tool – imperative that it is strong and well written

Has to have the right emphasis given the maturity of the business concept - Tech, Sales, Revs

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The Whitepaper


A fairly concise layman’s summary of your technology, product(s), the uniqueness and

the value


Not all (or few) investors will be scientists, engineers or experts in your area of


You have to go easy on the technical details in the communications documents

This is the place to fully display your technical knowledge and product vision


After investors are curious or have bought into the big picture business vision

Great to give to customers and partners to help them communicate internally

General education of analysts, customers, potential partners, etc.

Dos and Don’ts:

Put the whitepaper on your website

Stay high level - Don’t go so deep as to give away all of your secrets

Keep it as short as possible and fully explain all acronyms

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The PowerPoint Deck


A ~15 slide outline of the key aspects of your business plan


Provide an overview of the business plan in point form

Allows people to absorb a lot of key information in a short period of time

Easy to adjust and adapt to a new audience


Usually the second piece of information a VC will receive after the exec summary

VC’s love these because they can flip through them very fast

Medium to Highly proprietary – requires a greater degree of trust

Dos and Don’ts:

Critical document in the fundraising process –present a sound story; make it look good

Practice speaking to it, preferably in front of friendly people who will ask lots of questions

Use graphics as much as possible – max absorbance of information

Tune emphasis given the maturity of the business concept

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The Business Plan


A rigorously prepared and executable description of how you will build your business


This is your roadmap for how you are going to build your business

Describes roles and responsibilities for building various aspects of the business

Outlines revenue targets, financial details and investment requirements


When you have assembled enough solid information to write it

Highly proprietary – requires a high degree of trust to give it out; later stages of


Wait for the VC to ask for it

Dos and Don’ts:

Often made a condition of financing or a board requirement – can provide after the fact

Re-write with every major change in strategic tack

Avoid the temptation to turn this into a sales tool – preserve its integrity as an


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Outlines and Content

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Executive Summary ~ 3-5 pages

Company Description – 1 paragraph

Basic Need and Company Solution - 1 paragraph

Technology and Product(s) - 1 paragraph; diagram

Value Proposition – couple of bullets

Market Size and Growth - diagram

Sales Plan - 1 paragraph

Competitive Advantages – couple of bullets

Management – detailed bullets

Revenue Growth Projections - diagram

Financing Requirements - 1 paragraph

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PowerPoint Deck ~ 15 slides

Company Overview, Management and Vision – 2-3 slides

Need and Existing Solutions – 1-2 slides

Technology, Products and Product Rollout – 2-3 slides

Market Opportunity – 1 Slide (Graphical)

Competitive Overview – 1 Slide – (Largely Graphical)

Sales Strategy and Channels - 2-3 slides

Partnerships and/or Partnerships strategy – 1 slide

Financials and Path to Liquidity – 2-3 Slides (Largely Graphical)

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MaRS Venture Group

A MaRS Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

The Pitch Deck.

Draft Version 5.2 April 16, 2007

For Discussion Purposes Only

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The Business Plan ~ 30 pages

Executive Summary

Company and Opportunity Summary

Product and Technology

Market Size and Growth

Sales and Marketing Plan

Competitive Overview

Operations Plan

Management Team

Financials and Investment Requirements

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Advice from the trenches…

Do not start by building your business plan

You will not have the information you need

You will examine issues out of priority

You will expose lack of understanding

Do not offer to supply a business plan off the bat

Start dumping your ideas into the Powerpoint Deck

Use the Powerpoint Deck as receptacle for all ideas and information that comes to light

– easy to manipulate, organize and adapt

Build your executive summary and eventually your business plan based on your

Powerpoint deck

Give investors your exec summary and offer to walk them through the Powerpoint slides

in person or on the phone

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More advice from the trenches…

The main idea of all of this is to entice investors to take a deeper look

Leave the details for diligence (except in the business plan)

Do not assume that your audience is technically literate or savvy

Investors predominantly come from a financial background

Do not overload the documentation

Try to get across a few key messages instead of telling the whole story

Your audience will only absorb the key messages

Do not make your information detail rich / noisy – Use graphics as much as possible

Templates exist for all of these documents

Don’t re-invent the wheel

Surf the web or go to

Email me: [email protected]

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Tony Redpath

[email protected]
