planets iker oier

PLANETS by Iker and Oier

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Post on 11-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Planets iker oier

PLANETS by Iker and Oier

Page 2: Planets iker oier

The Earth´s orbit

We live on the Earth. It has got air we can breath. 71 percent is water in our planet.

The Earth is 149 million kilometres away from the sun. It takes one year to go around the sun.

Page 3: Planets iker oier

The sun

The sun isn´t a planet. It is a star at the centre of the solar system. it formed 5 billion years ago from a cloud of gas and dust.

The sun´s diameter is 1,392,000 kilometres. It is much bigger than the Earth.

Page 4: Planets iker oier

The eight planets

There are eight planets in the solar system. All eight planets go around the sun. The journey around the sun is called an orbit.

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Mercury´s orbit

Some planets take a short time to go around the sun. Mercury orbits the sun the fastest. It only takes 88 days to go around the sun.

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Mars is a very exciting planet. It is called the red planet, because it has got lots of red rocks.The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars.Billions of years ago there were rivers and lakes on Mars. There is no water on Mars today, but there are river valleys.