plan-it theory book 6.25.15

Plan-it Theory GOD=7_4 algorithm/code or FOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor Design Worlds Theory The ‘Theory of Everything’ Covering Interdisciplinary Science including Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory, Mathematics, Comparative Religion, World History/Culture, Linguistics, Music, Art, Architecture, & Sports

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Plan-it Theory GOD=7_4 algorithm/code or FOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor

Design Worlds Theory

The ‘Theory of Everything’Covering Interdisciplinary Science including Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory,

Mathematics, Comparative Religion, World History/Culture, Linguistics, Music, Art, Architecture, & Sports

Richard ‘Brad’shaw Watson II

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When God first thought of this planet, He had to plan-it.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence…

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The ‘Theory of Everything’ covering Interdisciplinary Science including Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory, Mathematics, Comparative Religion, World History/Culture, Linguistics, Music, Art, Architecture, & Sports

Plan-it Theory GOD=7_4 algorithm/code or FOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor

Design Worlds Theory

‘True Earth-like plan-its’ are worlds with not only all the Goldilocks features required for the evolution of intelligent life, they have actually produced humanoid civilizations in their past, present or future. Our planet and all true Earth analogs are designed through a very simple mathematical model/algorithm/code of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 that includes…

Variations of 7_4: 7+4, 7-4, 7×4, 7÷4, 7.4, 74, 4.7, 47, 704, 407, 7004, 4÷7, 4 7s, 7 4s, 77 77, 7 40; most common are 7+4, 7×4, 74, 47, 704 (GOD), and 7004 (GOOD).

Variations of 6_4: 6+4, 6-4, 6×4, 6÷4, 6.4, 64, 4.6, 46, 604, 406, 6004, 4÷6, 4 6s, 6 4s, 66 66, 6 40; most common are 6+4, 6×4, 64, 46, 604 (FOD), and 6004 (FOOD).

Furthermore, since 4 is a given, GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 can be simplified to FIG=6|7 (F is the 6th letter, a vertical line of separation, and G is 7).

Definition of Terms

algorithm: a rule for carrying out a calculation; a logical arithmetical or computational procedure that if correctly applied ensures the solution of a problem; a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task; a set of steps that are followed in order to complete a computer process.

code: a system used for brevity or secrecy of communication, in which arbitrarily chosen words, letters or symbols are assigned definite meanings.

fractal: a curve or other figure which repeats its overall pattern or shape in portions of constantly reducing size, so that each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth,

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fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation. The essence of measuring or describing a fractal is to isolate the basic pattern: its initial recursive mathematical function.

mathematical model: is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language to represent how the real world works. The process of developing this is termed mathematical modeling.

pattern: a repeated form or design; a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics; a discernible coherent system based on the intended interrelationship of component parts. (math) A set of numbers or objects in which all the members are related with each other/arranged by a specific rule or rules; a certain sequence following a rule(s). (physics) Repeated numbers, ratios, shapes, characteristics, recycling data.

given: an assumed fact. (math) Known or independently determined.

sacred geometry: patterns (numerical), shapes, and forms observed in nature and attributed to a system of universal design by the gods/Creator-God. This geometry was then copied by architects. A temple became hallowed if it was constructed according to certain sacred proportions and aligned in a specific direction.

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gematria: (Linguistics) 1. The geometry of the language/alphabet. 2. A cryptogram in the form of a word whose letters have the numerical values of a word taken as a hidden meaning. 3. The kaballistic method of explaining the Hebrew Scriptures by means of the cryptographic significance of the words. The Greek term is isopsephy since gematria is Greek for geometry and in Arabic its abjad numerals or hisab al-jumal. We know it as Simple6

74 English774 Gematria8


I've discovered a very simple repetitive numerical pattern/algorithm/‘fractal’/code that's prevalent throughout nature and global culture that I call Plan-it Theory. Actually, this simple combination of 7 & 4 was first observed in the heavens and recorded by the ancients: Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Hebrews and

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others. It was encoded through the precept of "As above, so below"[1] which was the leading principle of the practice of sacred geometry.

“Sacred geometry was designed to reflect the order of the heavenly bodies. It was an ancient art & science that was practiced openly in temple architecture for millennia until the Inquisition forced it into occult practice.” - The Woman with the Alabaster Jar by Margaret Starbird[2]

Anytime an idea19 is connect59/74ed to nature, it's not only logical59 - it was inevitable.

Note: This book utilizes some exposed Simple674 English7

74 Gematria874* (Linguistics) whereas the number of

letters in a word/name is expressed as a superscript and the alphanumeric sum is displayed as a subscript.

The Ancients observed…

There are 7 moving objects in the heavens774 seen with the naked eye against the background of stars. They

are known as the 7 planets of the ancients or 7 Classical Planets[3]: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn and 4 of these don't cast shadows on Earth (Venus can on a moonless night); 4 can't easily be seen during the day (Venus can be on a clear day). These 7 planets are also known as the 7 Luminaries or 7 Heavens.

The ancient site of Metsamor, Armenia (c. 5000 BC - ) is known for its observatory and temple complexes which consisted of 7 sanctuaries.[4] The astronomers/astrologers there preceded the Sumerians by 1,000-2,000 years with their astronomical observations although very little is known about them.

The Sumerians appear to be the first to have developed writing (cuneiform) and to have kept thorough writ-ten astronomical/astrological records. They grouped their constellations in systems of 7 [5] and they were the first to keep track of the ‘4 seasons’ (4 constellations separating the year[6] and 4 divisions of year: ‘short days’, spring equinox, ‘long days’, fall equinox). The Sumerians and the later Babylonians often built their observatories/temples - ziggurats - to be 7 levels/six stories high.[7] They also observed the 4 lunar phases being a little over 7 days (~7.4 days) each (varying due to apogee and perigee) = 29½ days*. The lunar year (12 lunar months74/354 days) + 7 day week + 4 days = 365 day solar year; [7.4 × 4 × 12] + 7 + 4 = 366 day leap year. The cycle of Mars was observed as returning to the same position against the background of the stars and in the same relationship to Earth and the Sun every 47 years.

*The Lebombo bone is one of the earliest known tally sticks at app. 44,000-years-old and according to the The Universal Book of Mathematics, its 29 notches suggest “it may have been used as a lunar phase counter, in which case African women may have been the first mathematicians, because keeping track of menstrual cycles requires a lunar calendar." Bushmen in Namibia today continue

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to use calendar sticks that are similar to the Lebombo bone.[9] 29 also appears elsewhere in ancient counting, including a supposed lunar calendar in the Lascaux caves 15,000 BC):

Sumerian Akkadian Planet Godship

Aku Sin Moon Sin/Suen

Bišebi Šamaš Sun Šamaš

Dapinu Umun-sig-êa Jupiter Marduk/Amarutu

Zib/Zig Dele-bat Venus Ištar

Lu-lim Lu-bat-sag-uš Saturn Ninib/Nirig/Ninip[3]

Bibbu Lubat-gud Mercury Nabu/Nebo

Simutu Muštabarru Mars Nergal

“In Babylon, the gods associated with the planets were Ninib (Saturn), Marduk (Jupiter), Nergal (Mars), Samash (Sun), Ishtar (Venus), Nabu (Mercury), and Sin (Moon). The 7-day week comes to us from Babylon, with each god ruling a particular day, and Babylonian astrologers gave every hour of the day a ruling god, with the same pattern of gods repeating every 7 hours and then starting over again, throughout the course of the week, and of course coming back to where it started at the beginning of the next week. Because of this progression, the first hour of each day was ruled by a different god, referred to as the ‘Controller of the Day’. So time was definitely under the control of the planets.” [8] The Sumerians/Babylon- ians held the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days of the month sacred. (This 7-day period was later regularized and disassociated from the lunar month to become our 7-day week.) They marked time with lunar months and they held certain activities during several days of the month, particularly the…

1st day - the first visible crescent7th day - the waxing half-moon 14th day - the full moon19th day - dedicated to an offended goddess (Metonic cycle of every 19 years solar & lunar calendars align) 21st day - the waning half-moon

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28th day - the last visible crescent29th day - the invisible moon and/or 30th day (possibly) - the invisible moon (lunar ‘moonth’ = 29.53 days) The earliest recorded New Year’s festival – c. 2000 BC – came from the Babylonians. Akitu was an 11-day religious festival that occurred on the new moon following the spring equinox.

The 7-day week was recorded as first being instituted in Ur and other Sumerian cities after Sumer was conquered by Sargon I the ruler of Akkad. (Sargon II [727 – 707 BC] is historically linked to being the first to use gematria as he encoded the numerical value of his name when he built the wall of Khorsabad 16,283 cubits long.[9]) The 7 days of the week were and still are named after these 7 moving heavenly objects in many cultures. In English, 4 days have names not associated with astronomical bodies today and were named after Norse gods and goddess: Tue’s-day, Wedne’s-day, Thor’s-day, and Fria’s-day leaving Saturn-day, Sun-day and Moon-day. (Saturn was also a Roman god.)

The Enuma Elish: The 7 Tablets of Creation myth of the Babylonians/Annunaki. From the 4th tablet: “42. The 4 winds he stationed so that nothing of her might escape; 43. The South wind and the North wind and the East wind and the West wind… 46. And the fourfold wind, and the sevenfold wind… 47. He sent forth the winds which he had created, the 7 of them”.[10] “The 7 gods of destiny…” – Tablet VI v. 81

7 Polestars: Draconis, Ursa Minor (Polaris), Kepheus, Cygnus, Lyra, Hippopotamus, and Hercules (man).

The Babylonians grouped the stars in companies of 7, i.e. the 7 Tikshi, 7 Lumashi, 7 Mashi[11].

The Big Dipper – possibly the most recognizable star formation (asterism) - consists of 7 stars with 4 making up its quadrilateral ladle. Its 4th star in the middle is its brightest. The Big Dipper points toward Polaris which is the end of the handle of the Little Dipper which is also 7 stars with 4 making-up its quadrilateral ladle. Polaris has been the North Star/Polestar since about the time of the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD.

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The Constellation Orion's 7 brightest stars form a distinctive hourglass pattern and 4 stars - Rigel, Betel-geuse, Bellatrix and Saiph - form a quasi-rectangle: the “shoulders and feet of the hunter”. In the center are the three stars of Orion’s Belt: Altnitak, Alnilam (the 4th brightest of the 7) and Mintaka. There’s a 32,500 year-old depiction of Orion carved into a mammoth tusk found in a cave in Germany.[12]

The 7 Sisters of Pleiades star cluster in Greek mythology, (7 daughters of Atlas and Pleione): Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Sterope (Asterope), Calaeno, and Merope. They were the sisters of Calypso, Hyas, the Hyades, and the Hesperides. The 7 Sages of Greece in the 7th & 6th century BC were Thales of Miletus,

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Pittacus of Mytilene, Bias of Priene, Solon, Cleobulus of Lindus, Myson of Chen, and Chilon of Sparta. One of the famous cave paintings of 16,500 years ago at Lascaux, France shows a map of the 7 stars of Pleiades.[13]

The constellation Corona Borealis – ‘Northern Crown’ - is made up of 7 stars in a semicircle and the Southern Cross (Crux) is formed by 4 stars.

“The Milky Way ‘milk circle’ was just one of 11 circles the Greeks identified in the sky, others being the zodiac, the meridian, the horizon, the equator, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles, and two colure circles passing through both poles.”[14]

“Some old Persian names in astronomy have barely survived. The names of the 4 Royal Stars which were standing guard at the equinoxes and solstices still resembles the modern ones. Aldebaran, Watcher of the East; Regulus, Watcher of the North; Antares, watcher of the West; Fomalhaut, Watcher of the South were used by the Persians. Today’s equivalents would probably be Alcoyne, Regulus, Albireo and Bungula.”[15]

The ancient Egyptian story of Osiris74 may be the world’s oldest recorded religious belief. In it, 74 conspired against Osiris (and Isis): his brother Set, Ethiopian Queen Aso and 72 others.[16] The last line from Spell #74 from the Coffin Texts is “Osiris, live! Osiris, let the great Listless One arise!” The Egyptians connect74ed Osiris with Orion.

7 nuit or nomes of ancient Egypt: these were 7 territories marked out, limited, and bounded by the 7 atlu (atru) as river, canal, conduit, or water-boundaries. This was long before boundary-stones (stele).

The Egyptians took the standard (biblical) cubits of 6 palms × 4 fingers = 24 digits (see the graph of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man) and added a palm to create the royal cubits of 7 palms × 4 fingers = 28 digits.[17] Pharaoh Djoser's Step-Pyramid at Saqqara (the first pyramid and 7 levels/6 stories high), the Sphinx, Pyramids of Giza - all Egyptian sacred buildings - were designed by their architects using the 7 & 4 combination to invoke the heavenly gods. Osiris was held by the Egyptians to have lived 28 years and there are 28 days of visible moon in each month."[18]

Royal Cubit Stick showing Lunar Associations

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Djoser's Step-Pyramid

The 7 lamps on 4 connected branches of the Hebrew menorah774 mystically represent the 7 Classical Planets

as do the 7 Archangels: Gabriel/Moon, Raphael/Mercury, Israfel (Uriel/Anael)/Venus, Michael/Sun, Samael/Mars, Sachiel/Jupiter, and Cassiel/Saturn with 4 being most prominent: Michael7, Gabriel7, Raphael7, and Israfel7/Uriel.[19] “On the lampstand there are to be 4 cups” – Exodus 25:34 . Moses – the “Prince of Egypt” – was educated in the sacred Mysteries (Acts 7:22). The menorah was designed “according to the pattern shown to Moses by GOD on Mt. Sinai” – Ex 25:40. “In I Enoch 82:7-8 the archangel Uriel is in control of the heavenly bodies, and in III Enoch 17:4-7 four subordinate angels have power over the sun, the moon, the constellations, and the planets.”[20]

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The 7 Metals of Antiquity - silver/Moon, quicksilver (mercury)/Mercury, copper/Venus, gold/Sun, iron/ Mars, tin/Jupiter, and lead/Saturn - were said to portray the characteristics of the 7 Classical Planets by the alchemists of old who also connected the 7 Vital Organs of Antiquity: brain/Moon, lungs/Mercury, kidneys/ Venus, heart/Sun, gall bladder/Mars, liver/Jupiter, and spleen/Saturn.[21] There were 4 Classical Elements (earth, air, water, and fire) until Aristotle erroneously added the ether.

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“Astronomically, the visible Helios (Sun) occupies the central position among the 7 planets – Kronos, Zeus, Ares, Helios, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Selene in a descending series.” [22] “The Greeks assigned their 7 vowel sounds, one to each planet, for they believed the musical notes the planets sang in their orbits were the mystical vowel sounds forever singing the name of God: 1. Moon - A (Alpha), 2. Mercury – E (Epsilon), 3. Venus – H (Eta) Long E, 4. Sun – I (Iota), 5. Mars – O (Omicron) Short O, 6. Jupiter – Y (Upsilon), 7. Saturn – O (Omega) Long O.”[23] The Greeks called the days of the week the Theon hemerai - "days of the gods": hemera heli(o)u - "day of the Sun", hemera selenes - "day of the Moon", hemera Areos - "day of Ares", hemera Hermu - "day of Hermes", hemera Dios - "day of Zeus", hemera Aphrodites - "day of Aphrodite", hemera Khronu - "day of Cronus" . The Romans substituted their gods for the equivalent Greek gods as the two pantheons were very similar. The Germanic peoples substituted somewhat similar gods for the Roman gods, Tiu (Twia), Woden, Thor, Freya (Fria), but kept Saturn.

Pythagoras’ sacred tetractys - 10 points arranged as a triangle – has 7 points in the bottom two rows and 4 in the bottom row. Pythagoras considered the #7 sacred as it combined the sacred triangle and the sacred square.[24]

Spartan boys were sent off to military training at age 7 and 11 years later, they joined the army.

“In the Persian mysteries of Mithras, (Jacob’s) ladder of 7 rounds was symbolic of the soul’s approach to perfection. These rounds were called gates and in allusion to them the candidate was made to pass through 7 dark and winding caverns which process was called the Ascent of the Ladder of Perfection. Each of these caverns was the representative of a world or state of existence through which the soul was to pass in its progress from the first world to the last, or the world of truth. Each round of the ladder was said to be symbolic of metal of increasing purity and was dignified also with the name of its protecting planet (god)… 1. Lead/Saturn/1st World, 2. Quicksilver/Mercury/World of Pre-existence, 3. Copper/Venus/Heaven, 4. Tin/ Jupiter/Middle World, 5. Iron/Mars/World of Births, 6. Silver/Moon/Mansion of the Blessed, 7. Gold/Sun/ Truth… Among the Hebrews, the staves of (Jacob’s) ladder were originally supposed to be infinite. The Essenes first reduced them to 7, which were called the Sephiroth, whose names were Strength, Mercy, Beauty, Eternity, Glory, the Foundation, and the Kingdom.”[25] In the Brahman (Indian) mysteries, there’s the same reference to a ladder of 7 steps with similar names and also 7 caverns. In Scandinavian mysteries, the tree Yggrasil was the representative of the mystical ladder.

There were 7 Wonders of the Ancient World: Great Pyramid, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemisat Ephesus and 4 that were destroyed by earthquakes: Hanging Gardens of Babylon (or Nineveh), Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

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There were/are 7 Roman numerals: I V X L C D M (1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000) and 4 have an emphasis on the number 1 (1, 10, 100, 1000). There was also an additional 4 symbols: Φ) 5000, (Φ) 10,000, (Φ)) 50,000, ((Φ)) 100,000.

Julius Caesar and his advisors constructed the Julian calendar with its 7 thirty-one day months + 4 thirty day months + February’s 28 (7×4) days. (The Gregorian calendar is exactly the same as the Julian calendar while tweaking the leap years over the centuries so to reflect the exact solar year of 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds or 365.2422 days.) The 28-year solar cycle of the Julian calendar occurs because leap years occur every 4 years and there are 7 possible days to start a leap year.

The 7 Hills of Roma47: Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal. Istanbul is known as the City on the 7 Hills (Turkish: Yedi tepeli şehir). The city has inherited this denomination from Byzantine Constantinople consciously following the model of Roma.

In 7 BC (747 AUC), Caesar Augustus and his advisors appear to have chosen to dissect the City of Roma 47

into 14 regions based on "As above, so below": the primary concept behind the practice of sacred geometry. This was part of the sacred Mysteries taught by the Roman Collegium: Collegia Fabrorum. It was clear to everyone around the world that it was easy to halve the lunar month into two 14-day periods between the new moon and full moon (or the two half-moons). This 'number from nature' as reflected in Pagan Roma's 14 regions is probably the basis of why in 1731, Pope Clement XII extended to all churches the right to display the Stations of the Cross and at that same time the number was fixed at 14 (usually 7 on the left wall and 7 on the right).

There had been an 8 day week – the nundinal cycle - in the Roman Empire until a change between the 1st

and 3rd centuries. Then there were 7 Roman gods of the planets connected to the 7 days of the week: Diana/Moon-day, Mars/Tuesday, Mercury/Wednesday, Jupiter/Thursday, Venus/Friday, Saturn/Saturn-day, and Apollo/Sun-day. Jupiter the king of the gods is the 4 th day. (The Planet Jupiter is this solar system’s largest planet.) There’s a lost work by Plutarch (46 AD – 120 [74 years]) titled Why are the days named after the planets reckoned in a different order from the actual order? [26] This is the earliest ‘attested’ association of the 7-day week with heavenly luminaries. Note the names of the 7 days in the following languages…

Latin French Spanish Italian English

dies lunae (day of Luna)dies Martis (day of Mars)dies Mercurii (day of Mercury)dies Iovis (day of Jupiter)dies Veneris (day of Venus)dies Saturni (day of Saturn)dies solis (day of Sol)

Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dimanche

Lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo

lunedì martedì mercoledì giovedì venerdì sabato domenica

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

The Roman Empire covered what is today 47 countries.

The Goths had 7 deities: the Sun, the Moon, Tuisco, Woden, Thor, Friga, and Seatur from whose names are derived the English names of the week.

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“Then the human being rushes up through the cosmic framework, at the first zone (the moon) surrendering the energy of increase and decrease; at the second (Mercury), evil machination, a device now inactive; at the third (Venus) the illusion of longing, now inactive; at the fourth (the sun) the ruler’s arrogance, now

freed from excess; at the fifth (Mars) unholy presumption and daring recklessness; at the sixth (Jupiter) the evil that comes from wealth, now inactive; at the seventh zone (Saturn) the deceit lies in ambush. And then,

stripped of the effects of the cosmic framework, the human enters the region of ogdoad; he has his own proper power, and along with the blessed, he hymns the father.” – Hermes Trismegistus[27]

‘D’ in the Ogam alphabet used by the Celts in Medieval Ireland was the 7th letter.[28]

In India and surrounding areas, the 7-day week is also named after the 7 Classical Planets. The 7 main chakras are Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhishthana, and Muladhara.

East Asia’s (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Tibetan) 7 Luminaries (7 Classical Planets) are also their names of the 7 days of the week: Sun, Moon, and 5 elements of Fire/Tuesday, Water/Wednesday, Wood/ Thursday, Gold or Metal/Friday, Earth/Saturday. There are 7 lucky gods of Japanese mythology: Hotei, Jurōjin, Fukurokuju, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Daikokuten, and Ebisu. There are 4 shrines to them: Toka Ebisu Shrine Fukuoka, Nanyo – Kanjizaiji (観自在寺) Shikoku, Nishinomiya Shrine Hyogo, and Imamiya Ebisu Shrine Osaka.

Stonehenge (Amesbury, Wiltshire SP4 7DE) had religious, mystical or spiritual elements but according to archaeoastronomers, its design included an astronomical observatory function which allowed prediction of months, lunar & solar years, eclipses, solstice, equinox and other celestial events. The ancient Britons hadn’t developed writing but it’s safe to assume they recognized the repeated 7 & 4 celestial patterns.

In alchemy, the 7-pointed star or heptagram can refer to the 7 planets known to the ancient alchemists and it’s used in the flag of the various bands of the Cherokee Nation and the badges of Navajo Nation Police. The heptagram is a symbol of perfection or GOD in many Christian denominations and was used to symbolize the 7 days of creation and became a traditional symbol for warding off evil.

The 7-day week and 24 hours is a HUGE cycle that everyone follows. The 24 hour day is divided into 4 parts: pre-dawn, morning, afternoon, and evening.

Humans and most mammals have 7 orifices in their head: two ears, two nostrils, two tear ducts, and the mouth along with 4 appendages: two arms and two legs.

4 Cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. 4 Seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are strongly encoded with

GOD=7_4 (God’s Signature)

Judaism & G-d=7_4

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Practicing Jews write G-d instead of God (or G-D instead of GOD) out of respect; you can’t put God on paper. If ‘God’ is written, then that paper (book, digital record, artwork) becomes sacred and can’t just be simply disposed of. But the third reason – the secret Kaballa7

40 reason – for writing G-d is that it equals 7_4, whereas G is the 7th letter and D the 4th: GOD=7_4 (7 symbols in this equation with the 4th being the equals sign).

YHWH4 letters64 = Yehowah7

70=Y25+E5+H8+O+W23+A1+H8 (Yahweh670=Y25+A1+H8+W23+E5+H8). There were 7 ways that the

tetragrammaton was pronounced at different times by the patriarchs from Methuselah to David: Juba, Jeva, Jova, Jevo, Jeveh, Johe, and Jehovah. In these names, j is to be pronounced as y, the a is ah, the e as a, and the v as w.[29]

ית אש% ר) א, ב* ר, ים ב, לה% ת, א0 ים א) מ2 ש, ת, ה2 א) ץ ו* אר7 ה, (translation) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth." - Bereshis 1:1/Genasis 1:1. The original Hebrew of the first verse of the Torah47/Bible has 7 words and 28 (7×4) letters; it is God's signature.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28. “Created” is used 7 times describing God’s creative work in Genasis 1:1, 1:21, 1:27 three times, 2:3, and 2:4 (4 of these examples are not in Gn 1:27).

Gn 1:14, "God said, 'Let there be a system of light-bearers in the vault of the sky to separate day from night, and they shall serve as signs and for festive seasons, and for cycles of days, months74, years (and omens of eclipses)...God saw it as Good...the 4th day (of 7)." GOD=GOOD. Guardin’ 774 of Eden4


Eve and Adam ate the fruit74=F6+R18+U21+I9+T20 which was a FIG. “Their eyes were opened, they realized they were naked so they sewed FIG leaves and covered themselves.” – Gn 3:7. FIG=6|7 is a BIG code! (All ‘true Earth-

like plan-its’ are built simply on 6 or 7. The Star of David/Magen40 David40 is a 6-pointed star with 7 polygons including its center. The FIG=6|7 Code will be explained later as a shorter version of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4.)Noah’s Ark and the Courtyard of the Tabernacle/Ark of the Covenant were both one hundred74 cubits74 long and fifty cubits wide. Fifty cubits74 = 74 feet if one cubit is 17.76 inches (7/4/1776 Masonic7

74 code4). Gn 7:4 introduces the recurring Bible theme of the #40, "For in 7 days it will rain for 40 days and 40 nights". (The ancients observed the Venus Pentagram as having a 40-year cycle with a 40-day regression. Morning7

Star4/Evening7 Star4.) Abraham made “7 ewe lambs” witnesses in Gen 21:28. Pharaoh's dream related to Joseph of the "7 plump cows, 7 lean ones, 7 plump heads of grain and 7 lean ones" - Gn 41:1-7 . The 7 Laws of Noah. Jacob/Yakov74 was renamed Israel.

The ancient Hebrews had a lunar calendar, a 7-day week, and a New Moon Celebration that recognizes the lunar month is a little over 4 7-day weeks long (29.53 days). All Hebrew months start on a new moon. There are 4 observances of the Sabbath7/ Shabbat7/Shabbos7 – the holy4 seventh7 day - in a ‘moonth’. “Hallelujah” is found 28 times in the Bible.

1st Day of Lunar Month - New Moon Celebration

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8th Day “ - Sabbath15th Day “ - Full Moon Sabbath22nd Day “ - Sabbath29th Day “ - Sabbath (The Hebrew lunar calendar alternates between 29 & 30-day months. At some point, the Hebrews broke away from the ~7.4 days lunar week [varying due to apogee and perigee] and adopted the exact 7-day week. Yet, in Scripture, there is no proof of a Sabbath on any other day than designated by the Moon. Noah’s Ark was 30 cubits high and so was Solomon’s Temple. 30 representing the moon - a number from the heavens – that is 7.4 x 4 = 29.6 rounded off.)

Moses married Zipporah one of 7 daughters of Jethro the Ishmaelite priest of Midian where Moses spent 40 years. The 7th Egyptian Plague was hail4 and the 4th Commandment: "Keep the 7th day holy". Moses, Aaron and his two sons, and 70 elders were on Mt. Sinai (74 altogether) – Exodus 24:9. 7 times Moses ‘did’ the #40: (A) At age 40, he left Egypt, (B) after 40 years in Midian, he returns to Egypt, (C) the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years, (D) 40 days on Mt. Sinai, (E) another 40 days on Mt. Sinai to receive the 2nd set of 10 Commandments, (F) he sent spies out for 40 days, (G) Caleb the spy was 40-years-old.

“And with each (of the 7) lambs, ¼ of a hin (of wine). This is the monthly burnt offering to be made at each New Moon during the year.” – Numbers 28:14

Deuteronomy 6:4 - the number 174 Jewish Prayer. The first pivotal words of the Shema are…

� יהוה יש��רא�ל עש��מ� דא�ח יהוה א�ל�ה�ינו  - Shema Israel YHWH Eloheinu YHWH Ehad. "Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One." Two larger-print letters in the first sentence (ayin ע and daleth ד) which when

combined, spell "עד". In Hebrew this means "witness". ע ain24 70 + ד daleth50 4 = 74= עד or 70,4 GOD=7_4 or 704 or 7154

The ancient Hebrews had no separate numerical system; like the Greeks ‘next-door’, their alphabet doubled as their numerals. Hebrew numeral combinations which would spell out words with negative connotations are sometimes avoided by switching the order of the letters. For example, 744 which should be written as תשמ״ד meaning "you/it will be destroyed", might instead be written as תשד״מ or תמש״ד meaning "end to demon".

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When the Hebrews first settled in their Holy Land, they began to observe 7-year cycles which culminated in a Sabbatical year, known as Shemita75, or literally: “to release.” The Shemita year freed slaves, waives all outstanding debts (Deuteronomy 15:1-2) and gives the land a rest (Leviticus 25:3-6).

Joshua74 was named by Moses and chosen64 by GOD7_4/YHWH64 to cross74 the Jordan River. Later, he had the Hebrews and 7 priests with 7 horns74 circle Jericho once for six days. On the 7th day, they circumambulated 7 times. They shouted and blew their horns74, and the Walls of Jericho crumbled.

“They brought 7 bulls, 7 rams, 7 male lambs, and 7 male goats as a sin offering.” - 2 Chronicles 29:21

"Selah" – a musical directive - is used 74 times in the Bible (71 in Psalms & 3 in Habakkuk). Psalm 74 is David’s Prayer at the Destruction of the Temple. “Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon, on the day of our Feast; this is a decree for Israel, an ordinance of the GOD of Jacob. He established it as a statute for Joseph when he went out against Egypt.” – Psalm 81: 3-5. “The moon marks off the seasons.” – Psalm 104:19

Isaiah began his prophecy c. 740 BC. Isaiah 11:2 defines the “7 Spirits of GOD”: 1. wisdom, 2. understanding /insight, 3. counsel, 4. power, 5. devotion, 6. reverence/fear of GOD, 7. enjoyment. "From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another…" - Isaiah 66:23

Ezekiel 46:1 says, "Thus says GOD/YHWH; ‘The gate of the inner court that looks toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath day and in the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.”

Thus, the three types of days. Both New Moon and Sabbaths are different than ordinary work days; they are both worship days and the 1st day of the week began after the New Moon or Sabbath worship day.

“Mene, mene74; your days are numbered and finished74” from the Hand of GOD74/The Writing on the Wall –

Daniel 5:26. Daniel Chapter 7 begins with a vision of “the 4 winds of heavens…and 4 great beasts”.

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There were 7 Jewish religious feasts in Biblical times: Passover (7 days), Shavout (Pentecost), Rosh 4

Hashana7, Yom Kippur, Sukkot (7 days commemorating 40 years of Exodus), Hanukkah8 (8 days), and Purim. The Ushpizin are 7 special guests who visit each Sukkah during Sukkot: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, and David.

The 7 Species were the staple foods consumed by the Hebrews in Israel during Biblical times: olives, grapes, wheat, barley, figs, dates, and pomegranates. Every 7th year was a “year of rest” including for the land.

The Passover Seder Plate (Hebrew: ke'ara קערה) is a special dish containing 6 symbolic foods: maror & chazeret (bitter herbs), charoset (a mixture/salad of apples and nuts), karpas (parsley or another leafy green spring vegetable), z’roa (lamb shankbone), and beitzah (egg). These are eaten or displayed at the Jewish Festival’s first night’s commemorative dinner. Each of the 6 items arranged so on the plate has special significance to the retelling of the story of the ancient Hebrews’ Exodus from Egypt, which is the focus of this ritual meal. The 7th symbolic food item used during the meal is a stack of three matzos. Kiddush is the blessing for the wine when during the seder, everyone has to drink 4 cups of kosher wine or grape juice.

It took a 4 month march for the two tribes to return from the Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem and 7 days later, they began to lay out the work of Zerubbabel’s Temple (the 2nd Temple). There were 74 Levites – Ezra 2:40 & Nehemiah 7:43.

King4 Solomon7 began building the Temple in the 4th year of his reign, it was finished74 in 7 years, it was dedicated in the 7th month, and the festival lasted 7 days. King Herod I was born in 74 BC, he ruled from 37-4 BC and Herod’s Temple – the 3rd Temple - was 174 feet high[30]. It was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD after 4 years of war: 74 years after Herod’s death in 4 BC. The Great Jewish Revolt ended when Masada surrendered in 74 AD.

The colored veils of the Tabernacle symbolized the 4 elements: white/earth, scarlet/fire, purple/sea, and blue/air.

In Kaballa740, the Zoehar73 sees the Bible having hidden meaning and a secret code. GOD’s name has power.

Christianity & GOD=7_4

Greek Isopsephy (Gematria) Chart

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The Greek alphabet doubled as their numerals. They preceded Hebrew numerals by 300 years or more.

In the Torah47 and Tanak47 or Old Testament, “seven” appears 287 times (7×41), “seventh” 98 times (7×14), and “seventy” 56 times (7×8). In the entire Bible, the #7 is used 735 times (54 times in the Book of Revelation alone) plus “sevenfold” 6 times and “seventh” 119 times for a total of 860 references. "Message" is found 7 times in the Scriptures as is "Holy Spirit", and "his servants the prophets" with 4 examples being outside 2 Kings (Jeremiah 25:4, Daniel 9:10, Amos 3:7, and Revelation 10:7). In each case, the prophets are the recipients of the Word of GOD. The title, "the Word" given to Jesus son of Joseph, is found 7 times. The #7 is the foundation of GOD's Word.

John447 the Baptist7 was born on 12.11.747 AUC/November 12, 7 BC/3755 HC (Matthew 11:12); six months

before his second-cousin Jesus son of Joseph.[31] Herod I died in 4 BC. Y'shua74/Joshua74/IESVS74/Jesus74 was born on 17.4.748 AUC/April 17, 6 BC/3755 HC, he was an Aries the Ram/Lamb.[32] (In Matthew 4:17, Jesus teaches for the first time.) Datewise, 17.4 = 4.17 or 17 April = April 17. The square root ( ) of 17.4 = 4.17 (4.171330722); this is the only date of the year that has this mathe-matical relationship. DIG = 4I7.

The Jewish74 Messiah74 - the king74 of the Judeans74 – rode a donkey74/burro74 on Palm Sunday, and received 39 lashes and was on the Cross74 on the 1st Day of Passover: Good7__4 Friday74 7.4.783 AUC/April 7, 30 AD/14 Nisan 3790 HC, again under Aries the Ram/Lamb. The Christ is considered the "Lamb of GOD" literally replacing the “sacrificial lamb” of Passover. Mariamne74 (Mary Magdalen).

The #30 – a reference to the lunar cycle - is found in several important locations in the Bible30, i.e. the fulfilled prophecy of Zechariah 11:12 of “30 pieces of silver (coins)” when Judas Iscariot turned Jesus over to the chief priests/Sanhedrin. - Matthew 26:15, “Jesus himself was about 30 years old when he began his ministry.” – Luke 3:23.

"On Earth as it is in the heavens." - Jesus' The Lord's Prayer (a rewording of "As above, so below"). With 7 loaves of bread, Jesus fed 4,000 and had 7 basketfuls leftover. - Matthew 14:34-38, Mark 1-10

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was GOD.” – John 47 1:1. Scientifically, this is stating that the GOD=7_4 algorithm is the number 174 universal constant that was present at the Big Bang and has been a constant ever since and will be forever74.

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The 7 Creation Miracles of Christ: The Word is eternal (John 1:1-2), The Word is GOD (John 1:1), The Word is The Creator (John 1:3), The Word is the source of life (John 1:4), The Word is the source of salvation (John 1:12), The Word became flesh (John 1:14), The Word is the begotten of GOD sent by the Father (John 1:14). Jesus performed 7 miracles on the Sabbath7: he healed the withered hand of a man attending synagogue services (Matthew 12:9), at a Capernaum synagogue he casts out an unclean spirit that possessed a man (Mark 1:21), right after that Jesus heals Peter's wife's mother of a fever (Mark 1:29), a woman attending synagogue who was made sick by a demon for 18 years is released from her bondage (Luke 13:11), Jesus heals a man with dropsy while at a Pharisee's house eating a meal with the host and several lawyers (Luke 14:2), a man who is disabled and unable to walk is healed at the pool of Bethesda ( John 5:8- 9), and Jesus heals a man born blind at the pool of Siloam (John 9:14). The 7 Last Words/Sayings of Jesus on the Cross.

There were 4 Female Family Disciples: Mary Mother, Mary Magdalean – wife, Martha – sister-in-law, and

Aunt Salome. And there were 7 Female Non-family Disciples: Mariamne sister of Philip, Arsinoe, Susanna, Joanna, Junia, Priscilla, and Thecla.

Mary4 of Magdala7, “out of whom Jesus had driven 7 demons.” – Mark 16:9, Luke 8:2. The Mariamne74

ossuary was found in the Jesus Family Tomb on the tallest hill in East Talpiot between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.[33]

The Sadducees tried to trick Jesus with the “7 brothers and the widow at the resurrection” – Matthew 22:25-33, Mark 12:18-27, Luke 20:27-40. The “7 woes” of Matthew Ch 23, Mark 12:38-39, Luke 20:45-46.

In The Revelation, the #7 occurs 54 times. It begins with a letter from John of Patmos (Apostle7 John4?) to the “7 churches of Asia”…

“The 4 Goals and 7 Parts of Each Letter To fully grasp the significance of these 7 letters, we need to understand that each letter was intended to meet 4 different goals or applications: · Literal – The reprimand in each letter was intended to be applied immediately to the very real problem being faced by the actual church to which the letter was addressed.· Symbolic – Because the issues raised in each letter are universal issues faced by every church, the 7 churches in Revelation can be viewed as symbolic of all churches throughout history.

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· Personal – Because these 7 messages were also given to any individual “who has ears to hear”, we know they have something of significance to say to you and me! · Historic – If you examine, in order, the challenges outlined in each of the 7 letters, you will find that they address the same problems and phases that have characterized the chronology of the church over the past 2,000 years – and in the same order! So each (of the 7 letters) was written with 4 purposes in mind.”[34]

The Christ “holds the 7 stars in his right hand… (which) are the 7 angels of the 7 churches (lampstands)” – Rev 1:16-20. “The 7 stars indicate the heavenly connections of the little churches… When one says that every church below has its angel in the heights… The 7 lampstands indicate the sense of the churches as the earthly basis for a heavenly light.”[35]

In Rev 4:2, “the 7 Spirits of GOD and the 4 Creatures”. “7 Spirits of GOD” appears 4 times in Revelation. In 5:1-10:11, the "7 Seals" are opened yet produce only "4 Horsemen". Rev Ch 7 begins with “4 angels, 4 corners of the earth, 4 winds of the earth”. Rev 7:4, “Then I heard the number…” Rev 15:7, “And one of the 4 beasts gave to the 7 angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of GOD.”

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Conquest, War, Famine & Death by Victor Vasnetsov (1887). The Lamb is visible at the top.

7 times in the Book of Revelation blessings of God are promised to His people. These are called the 'Beatitudes of Revelation' and are found in Rev 1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7, 22:14.

signet74: a ring of a king, a seal used officially to give personal authority to a document in lieu of signature. In Haggai 2:23, GOD refers to Zerubbabel as "my servant…and make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you" (also “signet ring” in Jeremiah 22:24). To the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Mesopotamians, Greeks and Romans, the signet ring symbolized a ring worn on the hand of God; that a king held divine favor.

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The “7 Seals” are revealed as ‘beyond Einstein theories’ on the cover of the “book/scroll” (the 74-page booklet) titled There Are No Coincidences – there is synchronism, nonlocal cause-and-effect, design-and- alignment.[36] The 4th Seal/theory appears as the largest on the cover. 1. The Conglomerate of Universes Theory (Universe Creation Theory), GOD-guided Evolution Theory, 2. Plan-it Theory: GOD=7_4 algorithm/ code or FOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor (Design Worlds Theory), 3. Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory (M-theory + time analysis providing a very simple symmetry) – Physics’ “Theory of Everything”, 4. S=19 (18.6) Theory – A Simple Repetitive Pattern/Algorithm/‘Fractal’, 5. GOD defined, Speed & Power of (GOD’s) Thought Theory (similar to Quantum Entanglement), 6. God-incarnate defined/Theory of Renativity, Universal Energy eternal/Universal Relationships eternal theories (based on E=mc2), 7. Reincarnation Theory & its 26 Principles including Theory of Luck (ex. Einstein returned as Watson).

The “destruction of Babylon7” is literally (Baghdad7) Iraq4. Many Bible experts recognize that The Revelation was written in code, i.e. Babylon7 then meant Roma4.

The Lion and the Lamb Code utilizes astrological signs and GOD=7_4. Jesus son of Joseph was born as an Aries the Ram/Lamb in the 4th month of the year: April 17, 6 BC / 17.4.748 AUC. Therefore, the 2nd Coming of the Christ must be born as a Leo the Lion in the 7th month of the year: July.

The Bible is divided into 7 parts74 with the Gospel74s being 4th: (A) Genasis – Deuteronomy: Law, (B) Joshua – Malachi: Prophets, (C) Psalms – Chronicles: Writings, (D) Matthew – John: Gospels, (E) Acts, (F) James – Philemon: Epistles, (G) The Revelation. There are ‘7 seasons’ of the Roman Catholic (and some Protestants’) Liturgical Year: Advent, Christmas Season, Ordinary Time, Lent, The Triduum, Easter Season, and Ordinary Time. Easter is the 4th season after Christmas. Menorah’s 7 lamps and Advent’s 4 candles. Pope Gregory connected the 7 Deadly Sins or 7 Vices to the 7 Classical Planets.[37] Catholics also recognize the 7 Works of Mercy and the 7 Sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick.

In 1582, Pope Gregory dropped 10 days of the calendar to bring it back into synchronization with the seasons. By the time Britain and her colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, 11 days (7 day week + 4 days) were dropped.

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The 4 Cardinal Virtues from Greek philosophy are Prudence, Justice, Temperance (Restraint), and Courage (Fortitude). The 3 theological virtues (from St. Paul) are Faith, Hope, and Love (Charity). These were combined and adopted by the Church Fathers as the 7 Virtues.

According to the Kebra Negast, King Solomon impregnated Queen Mekeda (Queen of Sheba) who gave birth to their son: Prince Menelik who took the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem and founded the Solomonic Dynasty that ruled Ethiopia until the overthrow of the 237th Emperor Halie Selassie in 1974. King Lalibela of Ethiopia constructed 11 monolithic churches hewn out of one solid rock: 7 are like caves and 4 are connected only at their base.

According to Joseph Smith founder of Mormonism, the angel Moroni was from the Pleiades.

Christian Science defines GOD the Supreme Being as Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, and Principle.[38]

Unitarian Universalist Association has its 7 Principles…(A) The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

(B) Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;(C) Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

(D) A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; (E) The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

(F) The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;(G) Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

“God is Good”, GOD=GOOD, 7_4=7__4 (O=15th letter or zero)

Islam & GOD=7_4

There is also a gematria to the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet known as abjad numerals/hisab al-jummal…

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There are 7 verses in the first sura (chapter) of the Qur’an and there is the 7 oft repeated verses. The 4 Quls: 4 chapters in the Qur’an that begin with “Qul”; each of them particularly composed as spells for spiritual protection. Islam recognizes Muhammad74 as the last4 prophet7. And while the Jews recognize 7 Archangels, Muslims recognize only 4 Archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Azrael and Isrefil. (Kaballa7

40 recognizes the 7 Archangels + 4 more: Zadkiel, Jophiel, Haniel, and Chamuel.)

In Mecca, Muslim pilgrims annually observe Hajj & Umrah with Tawaf: the circumambulation of the 4-sided Kaaba 7 times with 3 fast pace rounds on the outside (ramal) and 4 at an ordinary pace on the inside. Pilgrims also walk/run between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah 7 times as a tribute to Hagar when she desperately ran between the two hills in search of water for her dying son Ishmael. And Pilgrims are also required to throw 7 pebbles at three walls in the “Stoning of the Devil”.

The Sufis74 are the mystic Muslims. Al Quds74 is Arabic for Jerusalem. Qur’an Ch 18 has the “7 Sleepers”. The Qur’an frequently refers to the “7 heavens” (7 Classical Planets) and they are associated with Adam, John the Baptist, Joseph, Enoch, Aaron, Moses, and Abraham. Muslims also recognize the “7 Gates of Hell”.

Hindus and GOD=7_4

Hindu Bhagvad7 (Bhagavad) Gita4 and Mahabharata74. The 7 Sages or Saptarishi were connected by some to the Big Dipper: Ji Kang, Liu Ling, Ruan Ji, Ruan Xian, Xiang Xiu, Wang Rong, and Shan Tao. Hindus also recognize the “7 Heavens”.

Buddhism and Sacred 7_4

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The “miracle birth” of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha describes him immediately having walked 7 steps in each of the 4 directions and uttering 4 profound statements or 4 lotus open representing the Buddhist 4 immeasurables: love, compassion, joy and equanimity. The Buddha sat under the Bodhi Tree for 7 weeks to gain enlightenment. He then taught for the first time and the lesson was the 4 Noble Truths which became the cornerstone of Buddhism.

Ancient Chinese

The 7 Sages (Worthies) of the Bamboo Grove were a group of Chinese scholars, writers, and musicians of the 3rd century AD: Ji Kang, Liu Ling, Ruan Ji, Ruan Xian, Xiang Xiu, Wang Rong, and Shan Tao.

Astronomy History Timeline follows 7_4 Algorithm/Code

In 1543, the Copernican heliocentric system reordered the Ptolemaic geocentric system of 7 Planets with the Sun being the 4th farthest away from Earth. Copernicus recognized that 6 planets and the Moon orbit the Sun. Earth was now considered a planet for the first time and was either the 3 rd or 4th of the 7 celestial objects from the Sun, or the 4th or 5th object farthest from the fixed stars depending on the position of the

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Moon. In Copernicus’ diagram from De revolutionibus orbium coelestium - On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres - he lists, “I The Fixed Stars, II Saturn, III Jupiter, IV Mars, V Earth & Moon, VI Venus, and VII Mercury.”

Copernicus presented 7 Postulates in the 40-page outline of his Commentariolus (c. 1514)...

1. Celestial bodies do not all revolve around a single point

2. The center of Earth is the center of the lunar sphere—the orbit of the moon around Earth

3. All the spheres rotate around the Sun, which is near the center of the Universe

4. The distance between Earth and the Sun is an insignificant fraction of the distance from Earth and Sun to the stars, so parallax is not observed

in the stars

5. The stars are immovable; their apparent daily motion is caused by the daily rotation of Earth

6. Earth is moved in a sphere around the Sun, causing the apparent annual migration of the Sun; Earth has more than one motion

7. Earth’s orbital motion around the Sun causes the seeming reverse in direction of the motions of the planets.

On December 28, 1612, Galileo Galilei was the first to observe and document ‘a 7 th planet’ (Neptune, not the 7th planet Uranus) while he sketched the movements of Jupiter's 4 large moons which he had discovered two years earlier with his much-improved telescope. But Galileo either didn't recognize the star as a slowly wandering planet or he feared the reaction of the Roman Catholic Inquisition to such a discovery.

Isaac Newton took it upon himself to identify 7 colors of the spectrum (‘7 colors of the rainbow’) linking it to the 7 notes of the musical scale, the 7 Classical Planets, and the 7-day week in 1704. [39] Newton was convinced the Bible held a secret code.

Free4masonry7 encoded GOD=7_4 in many locations including 7/4 = July 4th

“The #4 was frequently blended and mixed up with the #7 and was esteemed to have similar universal properties.” “The #40, which was also sacred, and bore a reference to the #7.” [40] The ancient operative masons encoded their secrets in granite74. Freemasons recognize that symbols encode universal truths and Mason47s see God as the “Grand Architect of this Universe” (G.A.O.T.U.) or “Grand Geometrician”. Mason=47=M13+A1+S19+O+N14

with the 7th letter in the 4-sided Square & Compass is the Masonic774 logo4. (The G is more common in

the US.) Knowledge of sacred geometry/gematria and the sacred combination of 7 & 4 has been passed on through the centuries by the Mystery schools and operative masons/architects of many cultures primarily through oral transmission. The Freemasons have been documented as using the GOD=7_4 Code for five centuries now in many important places and events. They put great emphasis on the Pythagorean Theorem partly because it’s Euclid’s 47th Problem. They acknowledge the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences with its trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric and the quadrivium of geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and music.

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“7 Freemasons – six Entered Apprentices and one Master Mason – acting under a charter or dispensation from some Grand Lodge, is the requisite number to constitute a Lodge of Masons, and to initiate a candidate to the 1st Degree of Masonry.”[40] Hiram Abiff was the architect of King Solomon’s Temple and is the focus of the initiation ritual of the Entered Apprentice. Hiram=47 in the Francis Bacon “Kaballistic Masonic Code/Cipher” (Elizabethan Simple and Kaye Cipher Table c. 1624).[41]

Freemasonry has always put a lot of emphasis on John the Baptist (the old king – Jesus was the new king) and John the Evangelical. John=47=J10+O15+H8+N14. According to Masonic lore, John4 d’1 Baptist7 died on June 2474, 27 AD[42]. According to the Roman Catholic Calendar, his Feast Day is celebrated on June 24.

John Dee was a Rosicrucian and possibly a Mason. He wrote On the Mystical Rule of the Seven Planets (1583). “It’s no secret that John Dee had a tremendous influence on Queen Elizabeth I. She constantly relied on his advice with regard to astrology and numbers. As an operative in her Majesty’s spy network, Dee ostensibly conducted his business under the secret identity of agent 007… Dee regarded the number 7 to be the most significant of all numbers…Dee came to regard 7 to be ‘his number’. First, there are 7 letters in his name.”[42]

King James I (spelled Iames47 until 1629) of the United73 Kingdom73 (Britain73, crown73) – a Grand Master Mason (GMM) - had his Authorized Version of the Bible begun in 1604, 47 scholars finished74 it and it was published 7 years later in 1611. The Jamestown Colony – the first colony of the British Empire - was founded in 1607: 4 years before the KJV appeared. There are 774,746 words in the KJV. “Moses” appears 740 times and 7 times he ‘does’ the #40 (including New Testament [Acts]). “Gospel74 according74 to St.74 Matthew7/ Mark4/Luke4/John4

47” appears as the title of each gospel.

There were 74 male and 28 female passengers on the Mayflower.

“The 7 Primary Mysteries, which were Astro-Mythological. We ordinary Masons…only have these 7 Mysteries (from the old Egyptian Stellar Mythos Cult)…The Knights Templar’s 4 oaths are well known.”[44]

On 24 June74 1717, 4 London74 Lodges47 formed the first Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge of Germany est. 1741. Grand Lodge of France47 est. 1743.

In 1734, the Pennsylvania State House - Independence Hall - was built by Freemasons.

In 1754, Benjamin Franklin moved to London74 to represent the colonists. On 17/4/1774 (Jesus’ Birthday), the first Unitarian Universalist Congregation convened in London with Franklin in attendance. Also in 1774: Britain’s Coercive Acts aka Intolerable Acts, Continental Congress met for the first time, Benjamin Franklin (in London) realized he was an ‘American’. Franklin had a life-long belief in reincarnation and was obsessed with keeping the fragmented country together and abolishing slavery in his last years. 74 years after his death on 17/4/1790 (Jesus’ Birthday), Abraham Lincoln was reelected in 1864.

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Benjamin Franklin National Memorial in Philadelphia

7/4=July 4th which Commanding General and Grand Master Mason George Washington (VA) first marked in 1775 with just his second General Order declaring, "The United Provinces of North America." He eventually had 74 generals in the Continental Army (33 were Masons). The Declaration of Independence was signed on 7/4/1776 only by President of Congress John4

47 Hancock740 (GMM MA) and attested by Secretary of

Congress Charles Thomson74. 7/4/1776 was also marked by the founding of the Committee to design the Great Seal of the United States which was led by Benjamin Franklin (GMM PA). He encoded 7_4 in his essay, The Whistle, “At 7 years old…I had given 4 times as much for it as it was worth.”[45]

Noah’s Ark and the Courtyard of the Tabernacle/Ark of the Covenant was “one hundred74 cubits74 long and fifty cubits74”/74 feet wide if one standard cubit is 17.76 inches: 7/4/1776 (74’=888”, Ἰησοῦς=888).

In Masonry we find the ladder of Kadosh, which consists of 7 ascending steps: Justice, Equity, Kindness, Good Faith, Labor, Patience, and Intelligence. The idea of intellectual progress to perfection is carried out by making the top round represent Wisdom or Understanding. Jacob’s ladder in Craft Masonry should also be 7 ascending steps: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, Justice, Faith, Hope, and Charity. But in usage, the ladder has dropped 4 rungs leaving the three principal rounds that represent Faith, Hope and Charity.

47°0’N 0°0’E falls within France47. The French Revolution is celebrated on 14/7 (‘1 France47’).

The Forever774 Stamp features the Liberty7 Bell4. There were 74 representatives to the Constitutional

Convention from 12 states (only 55 attended and Rhode Island sent no representatives). The 7 Articles of the Constitution were written on 4 pages. (74 years after the Constitution was written in 1787, the Civil War began in 1861.) Federal7 Hall4 in Federal7 City4, Lady4 Liberty7’s crown with 7 spikes and 4-sided pedestal with 4 columns on each side on top of a unique 11-sided former fort, “MDCCLXXVI” (all 7 Roman letters) – New York7 City4 40°N 74°W. The US’ first foundry – the Springfield Foundry – was established by President George Washington in 1794.

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Ft. McHenry’s original Star Spangled Banner and a smaller storm flag cost $574.44.

74 years after construction began on Federal City/District of Columbia in 1789, 1863 marked the Emancipation Proclamation, the ‘winning’ of the Civil War with the Union victories at the Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg on 7/4, “IN GOD WE TRUST” put on US currency for the 1st time, the Capitol7

Dome4 completed after 7 years and Lady4 Freedom7 statue placed atop it.

Washington Monument: obelisk #174 has been shortened to 554’ 711/32” due to lightning strikes.

Thanksgiving Holiday74 on the 4th day of 7-day week in the 47th week. (33rd Degree FDR locked this in.)

Colorado was admitted as a state one hundred74 years and 28 days after 7/4/1776 (8/1/1876). It was designed by Congress with its longitude covering exactly 7 degrees and its latitude exactly 4 degrees. Later, legislation for the Territory of Wyoming designed it as exactly 7 degrees longitude and 4 degrees latitude.

“Nuts74” was the one-word reply to the German surrender demand at Bastogne/Battle of the Bulge.

74 members of the Council on Foreign Relations were present at the first meeting of the United Nations in 1945. UN in NYC 40.74°N 74°W. US’ 7 Uniformed Services: 4 under the Department of the Defense. The US State Department’s emergency phone number for a citizen outside the US is 888-407-4747.

The 7 Classical Planets were also called the 7 Governors by the ancients. “The 7 members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate… The Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board are named by the President from among the members and are confirmed by the Senate. They serve a term of 4 years. A member's term on the Board is not affected by his or her status as Chairman or Vice Chairman.”

74°F is ideally comfortable; Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was a Mason. NASA had the temperature of the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station at 74°F when women were onboard.

The IBM 704 Computer (1954) was the first mass-produced computer with core memory and floating-point arithmetic.

Deke4 Slayton7 was scheduled to be the 4th of the 7 NASA Mercury astronauts to fly but he was grounded and replaced with Scott77 Carpenter. (Christ77 the carpenter.) Apollo 7 was NASA’s first manned Apollo mission and 4 missions later, Apollo 11 was the first to land on the Moon. The crew brought back 47 pounds of rocks and soil. Buzz Aldrin is a 33° Scottish Rite Freemason. (He conducted Communion in the Lunar Lander.) Apollo 13 safely returned on April 17/17.4 (Jesus’ birthday). The Space Shuttle carried up to 7 astronauts, yet once – 7/8/11 – it did carry only 4, and the new Orion capsule will carry 4. There were 7 Apollo Moon missions (6 landed); 4 after failed Apollo 13.

1 World Trade Center, completed in 1972, was the tallest building in the world for two years, topping the Empire State Building’s 1,250 feet / 417 yards tall, which had held the record for 40 years. The North Tower was 1,368 feet / 417 meters tall. (Jesus’ birthday of 4/17.)

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All In The Family’s Archie & Edith Bunker lived at 704 Hauser Street in Queens. The Simpsons live at 742

Evergreen Terrace in Springfield; to their left live the evangelical Flanders at 744 Evergreen.

Through Congressional demand, 1974 was the last time anyone saw the gold at Fort Knox.

US paper currency now has 7 bills: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, & $100. 4 of these don’t start with a 1; 4 are Revolutionaries/Founding Fathers: Washington $1, Jefferson $2, Hamilton $10, Franklin $100. Coins have had LIBERTY7 written on them in a semicircle with the 4th letter E being at the pinnacle74.

Liberty7 Head4 Quarter7 Mercury7 Dime4

After 9/11/01, the Dow Jones plunged to a ‘bottom’ of 7400 before investors bought in again.

The ’04 National Treasure movie starring Nicolas7 Cage4 as Benjamin Franklin Gates dealt with Freemasonry and the Declaration of Independence being encoded. Its first scene took place in 1974 and included other references to 7_4. Its sequel National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets came out in ’07, it ended with a BIG emphasis on “page 47”, and its closing credits against the background of “Four score and seven years ago”.

11/4 – November 4th – is Election Day. US senators now make $174,000 annually.

History Channel & History Channel 2 (H2) usually begin their programming at 7 am and end at 4 am.

Freemasonry Encoded Golf At St. Andrews

“This special knowledge of architecture – ‘sacred’ special geometry – was inherited and passed on to modern builders. The concept of combining what nature has provided with the architectural talents

of humankind is evident…” - The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar[43]

“It is often said that no one ‘designed’ the Old Course, as if it were some kind of spontaneous miracle. Yet human hands and minds most certainly did play their part.” - The World’s Great Golf Courses[44]

The history of golf is intertwined with the history of Freemasonry. [45] The first golf societies/clubs in Scotland were Masonic lodges and the Masons encoded golf and The Old Course at St. Andrews. William St Clair of Roslin (1701-78) – descendent of William Sinclair the builder of Rosslyn Chapel (a 1½ hour drive

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from St Andrews) – was the first Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the first captain of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers (est. 1744 and they held the first recorded open championship on 2 April 1744). St Clair signed the decree of the Society of the St Andrews Golfers (predecessors of the Royal and Ancient [R&A] est. 1754) to change the Old Course from 22 holes to 18 on October 4, 1764[46] thus establishing the 18-hole round. Three times St Clair was captain at St Andrews and four times captain at Leith Links (Edinburgh): 5 holes in 1744, adding 2 holes later. St Clair presided over the Masonic ceremony of laying the cornerstone for the clubhouse at Leith on July 2, 1768.

It wasn’t until 1857 that the Old Course at St Andrews settled into the 18 different hole design that we know today. The world’s oldest golf course – The Cathedral of Golf - has 7 par 4s on the ‘out nine’ and 7 par 4s on the ‘in nine’. It uniquely has 7 double-greens and 4 single greens. The first 7 holes go out and the next 4 curl around to form the ‘Shepherd’s Crook’. The 7 th Hole and the 11th uniquely cross one another (St Andrew’s Cross). #11 is now 174 yards, it has a stroke index (S.I.) of 7, and it was the first golf hole to use a metal cup. The 7th Hole is a Par 4 with a 4 S.I. The 17 th – the signature Road Hole – is a Par 4 and #18 is a Par 4 with the S.I. 17 (1 GOD=1 7_4, Jesus was born 17.4.748 AUC/6 BC; 4.172 = 17.4). The 16th Hole – the 7th of the back nine – is a Par 4. (Hole One74/Number 174). Sunday play - the 7th day - is allowed on only 4 occasions, otherwise the Old Course receives its “day of rest”. (In 1860, Willie Park Sr. won the first [British7] Open4 at Prestwick with the score of 174 [36 holes]). The St Andrews Links Trust was established by an act of Parliament in 1974 and it governs 7 public courses with the 4th built being Eden4


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Also in 1974, the World Golf Hall of Fame was established. Men's and women’s golf tour74naments are played on 4 days of the 7 day week and men often compete on 7,400 yard courses with a rating of 74, i.e. Augusta National Golf Club: 7,435 yards, Hole 7 Par 4, Hole 17 Par 4 with the Augusta Scottish Rite Center directly across the street from Magnolia Lane. The Masters begins with the Ceremonial Tee Shots on Thursday at 7:40 am and the first official group tees off at 7:45. Freemason Arnold Palmer (member of HOF Class ’74) – ‘The King’ - in 7 years won The Masters 4 times. Rolex74 rankings.

Starting in 2014, Augusta National partnered with the USGA and PGA to present the Drive, Chip and Putt Competition for juniors. The 10 finalists in the different age groups for boys and girls compete at Augusta the Sunday before The Masters. (In 2015, it was Easter Sunday.) They rank the 10 finalists in this manner for the three categories and then add up their score…

1st Place - 10 points2nd Place - 9 points3rd Place - 8 points4th Place - 7 points

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5th Place - 6 points6th Place - 5 points7th Place - 4 points8th Place - 3 points9th Place - 2 points10th Place - 1 point This alignment of 7 & 4 only works with 10 competitors and this point system.

In the 2015 Men’s US Open, Chambers Bay played at Par 70 over 4 rounds.

US Presidents and GOD=7_4

74 years after George Washington was born (2/22/1732), Robert E. Lee was born (1/18/1807) 7 miles from Washington’s birthplace and 7 years after the Virginia general’s death. Washington endowed Liberty7 Hall4

(est. 1749) in 1796 and they in return renamed it Washington Academy. (It later became Washington College and then Washington and Lee University.)

Benjamin Franklin died on 4/17/1790 (Jesus’ Birthday) and George Washington 6’2” (74”) died on 12/14/1799. The only two presidents that signed the Declaration of Independence - John Adams & Thomas Jefferson 6’2” (74”) - both died on 7/4/1826: the 50th Anniversary of July 4th.

It was during the 4th President James Madison’s term that the War of 1812 took place which ‘ended’ with the Andrew Jackson led rout of the British in the Battle of New Orleans. This propelled Jackson into becoming the 7th president.

James Monroe died on July 4th: 7/4/1831.

Ulysses S. Grant was forced to resign from the Army 7 years before the 4 year Civil War began.

7 Southern States seceded before Lincoln’s Inauguration and 4 seceded soon after. The Confederate Stars and Bars Flag had 7 stars symbolizing the original 7 states with the 4th star elevated.

The Confederate Battle Flag contained two diagonals of 7 stars each intersecting at their 4 th star producing 13 stars. (The Rebels had hoped that the Border States of Kentucky and Missouri would also leave the Union.) The Battle of Antietam – the worst single day of fighting in American history – occurred on the 75th

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Anniversary of the signing of The Constitution and 74 years after it was ratified by the 13 Original United States.

'Father Abraham' Lincoln's "4 score & 7 years ago, our fathers..." was a variation of Genasis 16:16, “4 score & 6 years” - KJV. (This is the first time “score” appears in the Bible.) The Gettysburg Address was given in 1863: 4 score & 7 (87) years after 7/4/1776. General Robert E. Lee - who began his command in the 7 Days Battles after Gen. Joseph Johnston was wounded at the Battle of 7 Pines and had 7 children/4 girls - began his retreat from Gettysburg on 7/4/1863. Also on that day, Vicksburg surrendered to Gen. U. S. Grant after a 47-day siege.

Pres.4 Lincoln7 at Fort4 Stevens7 on 7/11/1864 became the only president to come under enemy fire. Grant sent his first letter to Lee of an exchange of 7 dispatches referring to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on April 7, 1865/ 7.4.1865. Lincoln (who was not a Mason) died from an assassin’s bullet exactly 74 years to the day after Federal7 City4’s (Washington City/Washington DC) first boundary marker was laid by George Washington and other Masons on April 15, 1791 (Abraham7 Lincoln7 & Mary4 Todd4). This boundary marker on the shore of the Potomac in Alexandria is the first national monument of the US. Capitol7 City4

which was originally a square/diamond and was one hundred74 square miles. In Indiana near his boyhood home, the Lincoln State Park is 1,747 acres. The smallest currency now is the penny74 (Lincoln) and the largest is the hundred74 (Franklin). The 1974 aluminum penny74 is extremely rare as if intentionally. The Lincoln Memorial is 74 feet deep.

Andrew Johnson was the first president to be impeached. By just one vote in Congress, he wasn’t removed from office. The 17th president served 4 years.

Congress and 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason President Franklin Roosevelt passed the 21st Amendment which wouldn’t take effect until Dec. 5, 1933 but prohibition effectively ended on April 7 (4/7), 1933 when the Blaine Act (passed on Feb. 17, 1933) went into effect, thus modifying the Volsted Act to legalize 3.2% beer (alcohol by weight, 4% by volume). To celebrate, Augustus Busch Jr. and Adolphus Busch III presented their father with the original set of the famous Clydesdales, who carried the first case of legalized Budweiser to be presented to New York governor Al Smith in front of the Empire State Building on that day.

FDR promoted 7 Navy and Army commanders to five-star rank from Dec. 15-21, 1944; three were admirals and 4 were generals: George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Henry H. Arnold.

The highest military rank in France is 7 stars and in Portugal 4 stars.

President Nixon – the only US president to resign – resigned in 1974. Also in 1974, Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter announced he was running for president and promised, “I’ll never lie to the American people”.

The Zero Year Curse or Curse of Tippecanoe had 7 presidents (4 from Ohio) beginning in 1840 with William Henry Harrison die in office until the 40th President Ronald Wilson Reagan survived his gunshot wound. Reagan was one of 7 heads of state when he hosted the G7 Summit in 1983. Just six months after leaving the White House, he was bucked off a horse on July 4th: 7/4/1989.

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President George Walker Bush Jr, after declaring war on Iraq and Saddam Hussein, asked Congress for $7.4 billion to initially fund the invasion.

The National WWII Memorial on the National Mall covers 7.4 acres.

The historic election of Barack Obama in 2008 occurred when he was 47-years-old.

2012 Democratic Convention held in Charlotte area code 704. Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney (b 1947) announced at 7:04 pm that he’d announce his VP choice the next morning; he did so at 7:04 am. His well-known “47%” quote helped lead to his defeat.

On 9/10/14, President Obama announced he was “sending 475 advisors to Iraq”. On Th 1/29/15, President Obama announced he was going to ask Congress for an addition $74 billion in spending.

Math & GOD=7_4

Our base 10 decimal system naturally originated from our 10 fingers (8 fingers & 2 thumbs). When counting on our fingers to 7 from left-to-right, that same finger is the 4th from right-to-left. And when we reverse this to count to 7 from right-to-left, that same finger is the 4th from left-to-right. (Having our palms up or down doesn’t matter.)

The #7 can be written with 7 angles with a crossbar in the middle that adds 4 angles (above) or . Most people in Europe and Latin America write 7 with a line in the middle 7, sometimes with the top line

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crooked. The line through the middle clearly differentiates the symbol from the #1, as these can appear similar when handwritten and in certain fonts. This glyph is used in official handwriting rules for primary school in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland, other Slavic countries, France, and Germany.

4 is in the middle of the first 7 whole numbers: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28 making 4 the average of the first 7 numbers; 4 is the majority of 7. Also, 7 is the 4th prime number and 7 is the 4th Heegner number.

7+7=14, 7×7=49; 7 'generates' 4. 4÷7=.571428... This is a repeating decimal where its pattern repeats endlessly; this is symbolic of GOD. In 7-segment digital displays, 7 is written with 3 or 4 line segments.

Science & GOD=7_4

~74% of this universe's element74al mass is hydrogen. (The Milky Way/most galaxies are ~74% hydrogen, most solar systems' mass is ~74% hydrogen, the Sun's/most stars' mass is ~74% hydrogen, most gas giant planets/Jupiter's atmosphere is ~74% hydrogen.) Hydrogen gas forms explosive mixtures with air at 4-74%.

~74% of this universe is dark energy (~69%) and ordinary matter (~5%) + ~26% dark matter.

Besides Earth (similar perspective to the 7 Classical Planets), this solar system has 7 planets and the 4 th from the Sun of these is the LARGEST: Jupiter. Out of these 7 planets, 4 are non-rocky gas or ice giants. Venus is .7 AU & Mercury .4 AU from the Sun (Venus .7233322, Mercury .3870987 with aphelion at .47). Saturn's '4 seasons' are each ~7.4 years long. 74% of the planetary gravitational/tidal forces on the Sun are caused by Jupiter. Including Earth, Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun and it has the 4th largest mass. Not including Earth, Neptune is the 7th planet from the Sun and is the 4th heaviest. Both Uranus and Neptune have diameters 4 times Earth’s.

Venus’s orbit is 224.7 Earth days which is ~7.4 months (avg. 30.4 days). The Earth-Moon barycenter is ~74% of Earth's radius from its center to its surface. 4-7 eclipses occur annually. The longest theoretically an eclipse can be is 7 min. 40 sec. Our Sun has an 11-year sunspot cycle. Earth's magnetic field is tilted 11 degrees from its spin axis.

7 solid worlds in this solar system – Venus, Earth, Mars, Titan, Triton, Pluto, and Eris – have dense enough atmospheres to produce weather; 4 of these are not planets. (Titan is a moon of Saturn and Triton a moon of Neptune while Pluto and Eris are dwarf planets.) Active geology has been observed on 4 worlds – Earth, Io, Enceladus, and Triton – and is predicted on Venus, Europa, and Titan for 7 altogether in this system.[46]

47-degree solar elevation angle difference between the horizon and the sunrise/sunset solar azimuth angle from summer to winter on the equator is 47-degrees.

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7/4 (July 4th) exactly at midnight this year (2014) was Earth’s aphelion. 7/4 is the hottest day globally and has the most lightning strike deaths. On 7/4/12, the discovery of the Higg’s Boson – the “God particle” – was announced at CERN.

There are 7 stages of a total lunar eclipse: (A) Penumbral eclipse begins: This begins when the penumbral part of Earth's shadow starts moving over the Moon. This phase is not easily seen by the naked eye. (B) Partial eclipse begins: The Earth's umbra starts covering the Moon, making the eclipse more visible. (C) Total eclipse begins: Earth's umbra completely covers the Moon and the Moon is red, brown or yellow in color. (D) Maximum eclipse: This is the middle of the total eclipse. (E) Total eclipse ends: At this stage, the Earth's umbra starts moving away from the Moon's surface. (F) Partial eclipse ends: The Earth's umbra completely leaves the Moon's surface. (G) Penumbral eclipse ends: At this point the eclipse ends and the Earth's shadow completely moves away from the Moon.[47]

Earth has 7 continents (4 continents were recognized in the Renaissance) & 4 seasons, ('7 Seas') & 4 oceans, ~74% of Earth's surface is water (~71% oceans & seas + lakes, rivers/canals, swamps, ice caps, glaciers74, year-round snow, etc.). The troposphere contains ~74% of the gases in the atmosphere. The human brain, heart, muscle, newborns, chicken eggs, and living trees are ~74% water. Human pregnancies are 40 weeks (7×40) from ovulation. A woman’s average menstruation cycle is 28 days (7×4). The skull has 28 bones: 14 facial, 8 cranial, & 6 ear bones.

Hominidae (aka great apes/family of primates) includes 4 extant genera covering 7 species: chimpanzees (2), gorillas (2), humans (1), and orangutans (2).

74,000 years ago, the Super-Volcano Toba erupted which set off a volcanic winter. This sudden catastrophe caused a great population crash in early humans and animals.[48] “A genetic bottleneck” occurred where all humans today are descended from those that survived.

Chaos theory’s 4.6692016090 (~4.7) Feigenbaum constant.

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Tungsten: atomic number 74. Of all the metals in pure form, it has the highest melting point, lowest vapor pressure, the highest tensile strength, and the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion. Tungsten is the heaviest element known to be biologically functional. It was named “wolfram” in 1747.

7.4 pH level. 74 beats per minute is woman’s average heartbeat at rest.

World History/Culture, etc. & GOD=7_4

Tropical storms become hurricanes at 74 mph sustained winds (Hurri.74 Katrina74 reached 174 mph). The speed-of-sound is 742.5 mph (at sea level, 0° centigrade) and it was first exceeded in 1947. The US Air Force was established in 1947. 747 airplanes. One horsepower = 746 watts.

Hadrian’s Wall is ~74 miles long.

The 4th letter of the Russian alphabet Г is similar in sound to G the 7th letter of the English alphabet. It's followed by the letter with the D sound Д which in cursive is written as Dg. The Russian AK-47 is the most popular and widely used assault rifle in the world. The Russian ring finger is 4 th on the right hand; 7th from the left.

The Chinese get an average of 7 days off work during the 40-day Lunar New Year.

4G Internet service. 4GB ram is the most common computer. G4 TV Channel. G4S (security service). The 7D (Disney’s 7 Dwarfs). 407-W-Disney. 7 ET 4 PT. Rush hour begins at 7 am & 4 pm. The wedding7 ring4 is placed on the ring finger: 7th from the right/4th from the left (with palms up). 7-Eleven. M*A*S*H* 4077th. NYC’s 740 Park Avenue may be the world’s most expensive apartment building and many celebrities have lived on 74th Street including Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Onassis, and Michael Jackson. 7-Eleven Stores. 7 For All Mankind. The 7-Mile Bridge begins at MM 40 going north from Key West to MM 47. Ken Jennings set the Jeopardy record with 74 straight victories.

US Patent No. 174,465 – possibly the most valuable patent ever issued - was received by Alexander Graham Bell for the invention of the telephone.

7 or 11 in Craps. When rolling two dice, there are 11 different combinations with #7 being the highest probability.

Trekkies recognize how the numbers 47, 74, and 7 & 4 have been encoded in the original series and episodes from Star Trek: TNG Seasons 4-7. The ‘47 Code’ continued in other Star Trek series.

“The dog407 is man’s best friend.” The world’s most expensive car is a $7.4 million Lamborghini Veneno Roadster with 740-horsepower. Rolex74 and “Cartier74 since 1847”.

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UFO crashed 74 miles from Roswell7 Army4 Air Base, NM seen in air on 7/4/47. Dead Sea Scrolls – 7 ancient scrolls of leather - authored by the Essenes (mystical Hebrews) found in 1947. United Nations resolution recognized nations of Israel and Palestine in 1947.

Werner Heisenberg – the discoverer of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics – died at age 74.

“A theory should be simple74 and have beauty74” - Albert Einstein born on 3.14 (pi)/March 14: on leap years, it’s the 74th day of the year. Einstein and Marilyn Monroe had a tryst in 1947 (they we’re both single at the time). Einstein also retired in 1947. (After he had been with Marilyn Monroe, maybe he figured he didn’t need to keep working.) He was 47 years older than her. Marilyn died 7 years after Einstein. I was born 4 years after Einstein’s death.

74-gun ships were first developed by the French Navy in the 1740s. They spread to the British, Spanish, Dutch and Russians.

On Dec. 7, ‘41, Pearl Harbor was attacked. At 07:40 the Japanese pilots flew over Oahu and at 07:49, “Tora, Tora, Tora” was announced. The 7 US battleships on Battleship Row were bombed and 4 were sunk. (4 US aircraft carriers were not at Pearl.) The USS Arizona exploded and remains as a memorial. The USS West Virginia and USS California returned to service. The USS Oklahoma was refloated but sunk while under tow to the mainland in ‘47. Japan’s population in 1941 was 74 million.

In the Battle of Midway, 7 aircraft carriers were involved and all 4 Japanese carriers were sunk. American bombers raided Iwo Jima for 74 straight days before its invasion.

General Dynamics Corporation (GD NYSE).

SETI’s message to extraterrestrials was sent in 1974. California Governor Ronald Reagan saw a UFO. The personal computer first emerged in 1974. Lucy, the earliest hominid/human ancestor – the 3 million-year-old missing7 link4 fossilized skeleton – was found in 1974. Nixon resigned in 1974. I shot 74 and came in second in the Miami-Dade County Junior High Golf Tournament in 1974. The Golf Hall of Fame was established in 1974.

4-letter-words + ing become ‘7-letter-words’.

Harry Potter’s 7 Horcruxes and Hogwarts’ 4 Houses

"Voldemort's creation of Horcruxes is central to the later storyline of the Harry Potter novels. As the #7 is a powerful number in magic, Voldemort intended to split his soul into that many pieces, with six Horcruxes and the last piece reposing within his body. When Voldemort attacked the Potter family, he inadvertently

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created the sixth Horcrux, Harry. When his body was destroyed by the rebounded Killing Curse, a piece of his soul splintered off and attached itself to the only living thing remaining in the room, Harry Potter, which made Harry a Horcrux. Later on, Voldemort, unaware of Harry being the sixth Horcrux, went on to complete his collection of the intended six Horcruxes by turning his snake Nagini into one, thus fragmenting his soul into a total of eight (counting the one residing in his own body), not seven, pieces. Complicating things even further, no more than six Horcruxes (including Harry) ever existed at any one time in the series: by the time Nagini had been made a Horcrux, one of the Horcruxes (Tom Riddle's diary) had already been destroyed."

"Pick any 4 from these: diary, ring, locket, cup, diadem, Harry Potter, Nagini"

Hogwarts is divided into 4 houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff.

Sports and the GOD=7_4 Algorithm/Code

Basebol, basketbol, and hockey championships are best 4-of-7 games. It’s been said, “The most exciting thing in sports is game 7.” Football and soccer teams have 11 players per side and are often split into 7 & 4 offensive and defensive schemes, i.e. Notre Dame’s 1924 “4 Horsemen” (& “7 mules”). By rule, in American and Canadian football, 7 is the minimum number of players who must be lined up on the line of scrimmage by the offense. Usually, #74 is an offensive lineman and in the movie The Blind Side, the main character of the left-tackle wore #74 and he appears on its DVD cover. It’s 7 points for a touchdown (6 + extra point[s]) which is 4 points more than a field goal.

The Miami Dolphins had their ‘perfect season’ in ’72 but possibly the team was better the next year (tougher schedule) when they won their second Super Bowl in January ’74. Russel Wilson – the 2014 Super Bowl winning quarterback – was picked by the Seattle Seahawks in the 2012 NFL Draft after 74 others had been chosen.

Basebol’s 7th Inning Stretch is followed by 4 exchanges of field if the home team is ahead after the top of the 9th inning. Position #7 (left field) sometimes bats 4th/clean-up, i.e. Barry Bonds (home run leader).

The greatest hockey game in history – the 1980 Olympic Miracle on Ice – had 7 goals scored: USA 4 USSR 3.

(Golf was covered.)

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The ‘Da Vinci Code’ of GOD=7_4

Much has been made of The Da Vinci Code by author Dan Brown but he missed alot of what Leonardo encoded in his famous painting of The Last Supper including GOD=7_4. There are thirteen characters depicted in the church wall mural with Jesus son of Joseph in the middle: he is the 7 th from the left or right. The Twelve Apostles (or eleven with Mary Magdalen, or ten including her sister Martha) are uniquely portrayed in 4 groups of three. (The actual ‘Last Supper’ was a Passover Seder held on the first night of the 7-day festival Thursday 6.4.783 AUC/April 6, 30 AD/14 Nisan 3790.)

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Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man famously ‘squared the circle’ through the sacred geometry of the ratios of the human body. Notice the graph on the bottom which breaks down the standard cubit of 6 palms with each palm divided into 4 fingers: 6 palms x 4 fingers = 24 digits (this is explained below the graph in Italian). Was Leonardo aware of the cosmically designed Egyptian royal cubits of 7 palms x 4 fingers = 28 digits?

Music’s G & D

G clef & 4/4 (C: common time) are by far the two most frequent things a musician sees at the beginning of their written music. There are 7 notes of the musical scale (A-G). In the key of G, D is its dominant. (In many classical examples of G Major or G Minor, the two timpani are tuned to G & D.) 7th chords are 4 notes: root, third, fifth and seventh. G7sus4 = F/G. In solfeggio, G is sol (Latin: Sun god) and D is rā (Egyptian: Sun god). Composer74, melody74, songs74. Duke Ellington may be America’s greatest and most prolific composer. He died in 1974 at age 74.

The Key of G Major has one sharp and D Major has two sharps. G Minor has 2 flats and D Minor has one.

The tritone of the 4th & 7th of a Major scale or Harmonic/Melodic Minor scale creates harmonic function.

Ironically, the Medieval Church referred to this as the ‘Diabolus in Musica’: the Devil’s interval. G# & D form a tritone in an E7 chord (key of A Major or A Minor).

The first two open strings (from its lowest note) on the violin are G & D. A viola’s and a cello’s open strings are tuned to C-G-D-A. The guitar’s and electric and upright bass’ D & G strings are next to each other. The soprano pan (C steel drum) has G & D right next to each other. A 7-string electric guitar has 4 wound strings and 3 plain. Pianos have 88 keys: 7 octaves + 4 notes ([7×12] + 4). Beginning guitarists often learn the G chord first because of its simple74 fingering and the D chord second. (One can play alot of songs 74 with just these two chords: I V.)

In pop music, 8-bar phrases are the norm. These often consist of 7-bars of repeated rhythm then 4 beats with variation. A 7-piece jazz or R&B band will have a 4-piece rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, & drums) + horns74.

Mussorgsky’s 1874 piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition (orchestrated by Maurice Ravel 47 years later) used 7/4 two bars before and two bars after Rehearsal #47 in the Promenade. Gustav Holst’s (b 1874) symphonic masterpiece The Planets is in 7 movements in this order: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (the 4th planet from the Sun is first and the largest planet is 4 th). He conceptualized it using astrology rather than astronomy explaining why ‘Earth’ wasn’t included.

Several 20th century composers have effectively used the 7/4 time signature including Bela Bartok, Heitor Villa-Lobos, and Leonard Bernstein. Possibly, the most effective and dramatic use of 7/4 is the end of the Finale of Igor Stravinsky’s The Firebird.

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In 1936, all 73 musicians in the newly formed Palestine Symphony were recent Jewish exiles from Europe. This orchestra would eventually become the Israel Philharmonic. For its inaugural concert, it had one of the greatest musical conductors of all time: Arturo Toscanini. That's 74 altogether.

“When the Moon is in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.” – Aquarius from Hair

Light is a series of operas by the German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen…

1. Thursday (Jupiter) / Donnerstag aus Licht (1978-1981)

2. Saturday (Saturn) / Samstag aus Licht (1981-1983)

3. Monday (Moon) / Montag aus Licht (1984-1988)

4. Tuesday (Mars) / Dienstag aus Licht (1977, 1987-1991)

5. Friday (Venus) / Freitag aus Licht (1991-1994)

6. Wednesday (Mercury) / Mittwoch aus Licht (1993-1998)

7. Sunday (Sun) / Sonntag aus Licht (1998-2003)


So then to be more accurate, I've discovered what is generating this observed repetitive 7_4 pattern on Earth, this solar system and throughout this universe…

Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory (M-theory + time analysis providing a very simple symmetry) - Physics' "Theory of Everything"

Superstring theory (10 dimensions) and supergravity theory (11 dimensions) state that the 4 fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong & weak nuclear) are united by the smallest things possible: ultra-subatomic strings of energy74. M-theory unifies these field theories of 6 or 7 higher-dimensions/ hyperspace + the 4 common dimensions.

Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory (M-theory + time47 analysis) documents the macroscopic effects of strings (many are listed in this booklet) and provides a very simple symmetry by adding the dimensional aspects of time eternal (DATE)…

6 or 7 aspects of regular time47: (A) beginning: the Big Bang, (B) end: this universe's final entropy, (C) past, (D) present, (E) future, (F) void?: beyond the boundary/event horizon of an expanding universe, and (G) a constant: the speed-of-light.

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4 aspects of hypertime: (A) fast-forward/time dilation: moving clocks run slower than stationary clocks and clocks run faster in less gravity, (B) reverse: thought (information), tachyons, torsion waves, and quantum non-locality/entanglement 'information' can travel faster-than-light; in another frame-of-reference, they are traveling backwards in time (natural & artificial wormholes warp space), (C) pause/stop-time: photons and all electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed-of-light are in a domain where time stops 74 in that reference point74, and as the event horizon of a black hole is approached, time slows down relative to that of distant observers - stopping completely on the boundary/event horizon, and (D) before the beginning and after the end: this universe had a birth and may have a death, yet, it is but one of the infinite 'nonparallel-universes' in 'The Conglomerate'/multiverse (supermassive black holes Big Bang [supermassive white holes] into new universes). Note: The 4 aspects of hypertime are like operating a video player: fast-forward, reverse, pause/stop, before the beginning and after the end.

Using unified strings U21/S19 as a foundation means that designing a habitable planet to run on 6_4 can be built64. (10D superstring theory is now considered "incomplete", yet it can be engineered.) Earth is proof that 7_4 has been engineered at least once.

M-theory/Supergravity Theory

7D hs + 4D = 11D st (4D = 3D rs + t) 11 dimensions of spacetime

dimensions (D), hyperspace (hs), spacetime (st), regular space (rs), time (t)

Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory

3D regular space + 7 dimensions hyperspace + 7 aspects regular time + 4 aspects hypertime = 21 dimensions/aspects of21 spacetime

3D rs + 7D hs + 7a rt + 4a ht = 21D/a st

aspects (a), 'regular time' (rt), 'hypertime' (ht)

Note: Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory possesses a very simple symmetry of 7+4 and 7+4. Most string theorists use the term "higher-dimensions" although physicist Michio Kaku wrote the book Hyperspace. I use the term hyperspace because it’s comparable to hypertime.

Note: Possibly the most important day in history was the Crucifixion. If GOD was involved in that event, why was it apparently important to have two other rebels crucified along with Jesus on Golgotha? (Even though the Bible refers to the other two condemned criminals as being “robbers”, the Romans didn’t crucify thieves. Only those who were found guilty of sedition/rebelling against the Roman Government – like Jesus – received the sentence of the horrendous torture of crucifixion.) There were three crosses – t t t (t in Cosmic Sans MS font) – on that hill that day. Now take another look at the above equation reduced to 40

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characters and spaces. There are 3 uses of t (regular time, hypertime, and spacetime): three crosses. Physics’ “t” is an abbreviation for “time” and the Western World marks time from Jesus’ (incorrect) birthdate. The above equation also has three addition signs which are also the same symbol of the Greek Cross: + + +. It’s said that the Greek Cross represents the 4 Cardinal Directions and is “one of mercy” since its geometrics couldn’t support a body nailed to it; it would topple over.

*Simple674 English7

74 Gematria874

The spoken word is connected to the written word which is based on its alphabet which has a numerical order and geometric shapes that are based on history, nature and scientific laws.

The English language may appear to most to have developed randomly but this is not the case. English is Earth's primary language; it's due to a constant conscious/subconscious feedback loop with nature. English7 letters

74=E5+N14+G7+L12+I9+S19+H8 is alphanumeric: A-B-C becomes 1-2-374 (A=1, B=2... Z=26 [O=15 or zero]). This pairing7

74 between774 a letter7 and a number7

74 is Simple674 English7

74 Gematria874. The key74: GOD=7_4,

7/4 = 7 April or July 4 (Masonic774 code4) ≈ aphelion, hottest day globally and the most lightning strike

deaths in US. Y'shua74/Joshua74/IESVS74/Jesus74 (born 17.4.748 AUC/April 17, 6 BC/3755 HC; nailed on74

Cross74 on G7ood4 Friday74 7.4.783 AUC/April 7, 30 AD/14 Nisan 3790 HC). France47's Revolution on 14/7.

Isopsephy (Greek), Gematria (Hebrew), and Abjad numerals (Arabic) are all ancient alphanumeric codes/ ciphers that have the same ratios: (in English) A-J=1-10, K-S=20-100, T-Z=200-800. This code produced the needed large numbers. But the Hindu-Arabic numeral system (which appeared c. 800 AD and spread worldwide) made it unnecessary for languages (i.e. English) to have an overt alphanumeric code and unnecessary for the key to produce large numbers. Therefore…

A=1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 or zero P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26 (O=15 or zero, i.e. 715154=GOOD, 7004=GOOD)

simple=74=S19+I9+M13+P16+L12+E5 English=74=E5+N14+G7+L12+I9+S19+H8 gematria=74=G7+E5+M13+A1+T20+R18+I9+A1 the key=74=T20+H8+E5+K11+E5+Y25 (the lock74) A-B-C becomes 1-2-3=74=A1+B2+C3+B2+E5+C3+O15+M13+E5+S19+1+2+3connect=74=C3+O15+N14+N14+E5+C3+T20 pairing=74=P16+A1+I9+R18+I9+N14+G7 between=74=B2+E5+T20+W23+E5+E5+N14 converge=74=C3+O+N14+V22+E5+R18+G7+E5 a number=74=A1+N14+U21+M13+B2+E5+R18+E5+D4 granite=74=G7+R18+A1+N14+I9+T20+E5

objects=74=O15+B2+J10+E5+C3+T20+S19 shadows=74=S19+H8+A1+D4+O+W23+S19 heavens=74=H8+E5+A1+V22+E5+N14+S19 months (moonths)=74=M13+O+N14+T20+H8+S19 forever=74=F6+O+R18+E5+V22+E5+R18 cubits=74=C3+U21+B2+I9+T20+S19 energy=74=E5+N14+E5+R18+G7+Y25 occult=74=O15+C3+C3+U21+L12+T20 Sargon=74=S19+A1+R18+G7+O15+N14 ruler=74=R18+U21+L12+E5+R18

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GOD=7_4 “God is Good”, GOD=GOOD=7_4 Osiris=74=O+S19+I9+R18+I9+S19 religion=74=R18+E5+L12+I9+G7+I9+O+N14 Genasis=74=G7+E5+N14+A1+S19+I9+S19 Guardin’=74=G7+U21+A21+R18+D4+I9+N14 Eden=28=E5+D4+E5+N14 man=28=M13+A1+N14

Judeans=74=J10+U21+D4+E5+A1+N14+S19 Jewish=74=J10+E5+W23+I9+S19+H8 menorah=74=M13+E5+N14+O15+R18+A1+H8 Ain Daleth=74=A1+I9+N14+D4+A1+L12+E5+T20+H8 Eloheinu=74=E5+L12+O+H8+E5+I9+N14+U21 Yakov=74=Y25+A1+K11+O15+V22 mene mene=74=M13+E5+N14+E5+M13+E5+N14+E5 finished=74=F6+I9+N14+I9+S19+H8+E5+D4

Jesus=74=J10+E5+S19+U21+S19 Y’shua=74=Y25+S19+H8+U21+A1Joshua=74=J10+O15+S19+H8+U21+A1 IESVS (Latin on placard)=74=I9+E5+S19+V22+S19 the king=74=T20+H8+E5+K11+I9+N14+G7 preacher=74=P16+R18+E5+A1+C3+H8+E5+R18 donkey=74=D4+O15+N14+K11+E5+Y25 burro=74=B2+U21+R18+R18+O15 Messiah=74=M13+E5+S19+S19+I9+A1+H8 nailed on=74=N14+A1+l9+L12+E5+D4

Cross=74=C3+R18+O15+S19+S19 Good7__4 Friday=74=G7+O+O+D4+F6+R18+I9+D4+A1+Y25

Gospel=74=G7+O15+S19+P16+E5+L12 John=47=J10+O15+H8+N14

Holy See (Pope/Bishop of Roma)=74=H8+O+L12+Y25+S19+E5+E5 Roma=47=R18+O15+M13+A1

Muhammad=74=M13+U21+H8+A1+M13+M13+A1+D4 Sufis=74=S19+U21+F6+I9+S19 Al Quds (Arabic: Jerusalem)=74=A1+L12+Q17+U21+D4+S19

London=74=L12+O15+N14+D4+O15+N14 Mason=47=M13+A1+S19+O+N14 Masonic=74=M13+A1+S19+O15+N14+I9+C3 lodges=47=L12+O+D4+G7+E5+S19 gavel=47=G7+A1+V22+E5+L12 judge=47=J10+U21+D4+G7+E5+D4 jury=74=J10+U21+R18+Y25 Iames (James)=47=I9+A1+M13+E5+S19 France=47=F6+R18+A1+N14+C3+E5 gothic=47=G7+O+T20+H8+I9+C3 obelisk #1=74=1+O15+B2+E5+L12+I9+S19+K11 Gloria=47=G7+L12+O+R18+I9+A1

composer=74=C3+O+M13+P16+O+S19+E5+R18 melody=74=M13+E5+L12+O15+D4+Y25 songs=74=S19+O15+N14+G7+S19 time=47=T20+I9+M13+E5

The ancient principle of gematria was that words/names/phrases that converge74 on the same sum would have a connect74 between74 them. But this is actually Step #2 of a language’s gematria. Step #1 is simply counting the number of letters in a word/name/phrase and giving it symbolic meaning...

Genasis7 Code4 Guardin’7 of Eden4 Burning7 Bush4 King4 Solomon7 Western7 Wall4 eternal7 life4 John4 the Baptist7 4 Gospels7: Matthew7, Mark4, Luke4, John4 Holy4 Trinity7 Vatican7 City4 Eternal7 City4

Liberty7 Bell4 Federal7 Hall4 Federal7 City4 Lady4 Liberty7 Capitol7 Hill4 (Jenkins7 Hill4)

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Lady4 Freedom7 on Capitol7 Dome4 Masonic7 logo4/code4 Morning7 Star4/Evening7 Star4 seventy7four4

Note: This is not an example of ‘cherry-picking’; it’s an example of code-breaking. The above examples all have an obvious connect7

74ion to one another. The English774 language has been designed and monitored by

Mason47s (and others), and acknowledging it as a code means that’s there’s noise; with over a million words, a lot of noise! Gematria is NOT numerology. Numerology is subjective while gematria is objective. A numerologist can use gematria, but they can also use one’s height, weight, area code, zip code, etc.

The Planet Nestor - our 'next-door neighbors' - is built on FOD=6_4 algorithm

Using the closely connect74ed plan-it and unified strings U21/S19 theories, I can now reveal the nearest Earth-like exoplanet where humanoids have evolved: the Planet Nestor (not to be confused with 659 Nestor: an asteroid orbiting Jupiter). 'Nestor' sounds like 'next-door' and humans may have a 'nest or' colony there. King Nestor was a figure in Greek mythology. (It’s been a tradition to name planets after Roman and Greek gods.) This Earth analog is ~4.6 billion-years-old and has...

6 continents & 4 seasons, ('6 seas') & 4 oceans, ~64% of its surface is water, Nestor's large moon has 4 phases of 6.4 days each (6 day weeks & 24 [6x4] hours), and it has 12 lunar months (25.5 days per) for a lunar year of 306 revolutions + 6 day week + 4 days = 316 day solar year with a leap year every 4th year produced by 4 × 6.4 × 12 + 6 + 4 = 317 days. (There are 24 days of visible moon in each month.) All of these characteristics will be directly observed through great advances in future technology. However, with the new space telescopes, new land-based telescopes, and new techniques that we'll possess by 2016, we'll be able to test64 and confirm Nestor and its two inner planets orbit64ing at .6 AU & .4 AU and/or outer planets at 6 AU & 4 AU. (Nestor's 1 AU ≈ Earth's 1 AU).

Their ‘Venus’ has an orbit of ~168.64 days (6.4 months × 26.35 days avg. Nestor month). Their ‘Mercury’ has a 4.6 AU aphelion. There are 6 moving objects in their heavens that can be seen with the naked eye from Nestor's surface and 4 are planets (+ sun & moon). Their Big Dipper consists of 6 stars with 4 in its quadrilateral ladle. It points towards their North Star which is the end of the handle of their Little Dipper which also consists of 6 stars with 4 making-up its quadrilateral ladle.

Besides Nestor, their system has 6 planets: the 4th from their Sun is the LARGEST. Out of these 6 planets, 4 are non-rocky gas or ice giants. Including Nestor, the 6th planet from their Sun has the 4th largest mass. Their nearby 'colony planet' has a 46-year cycle which they observe as returning to the same position against the background of stars and is in the same relationship to Nestor and their Sun. 4-6 eclipses occur annually, the longest an eclipse can be is 6 min. 40 sec., its sun has a 10-year sunspot cycle, and Nestor's magnetic field is tilted 10 degrees from its spin axis. ~64% of the gases in its atmosphere are found in its troposphere. There

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are 6 solid worlds in their solar system that have dense enough atmospheres to produce weather; 4 of these are not planets (they’re moons or dwarf planets). 6 worlds have active geology in their system. Nestlings speak (& spell64) 'Eqfish6

64', acknowledfe 'FOD'(=6_4) as The Creator, practice 'famatmia64' (gematria74), use standard/byblical cubits of 6p × 4f, and recofnize a 'simfle64' (simple74) and elegant64


M-theory/Superstring Theory

6D hs + 4D = 10D st (4D = 3D + t) 10 dimensions of spacetime

If the observer avoids recognizing the void (this universe and a supermassive black hole in another universe share the same event horizon), simple symmetry is maintained with 6 aspects of regular time + 4 aspects of hypertime...

Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory

3D regular space + 6 dimensions hyperspace + 6 aspects regular time + 4 aspects hypertime = 19 dimensions/aspects of spacetime

3D rs + 6D hs + 6a rt + 4a ht = 19D/a st

Note: Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory's universal laws can be localized, yet effects are felt nonlocally...

S=19 (18.6) Theory explains Ancient Mysteries

Unified Strings U21/S19 Theory produces 21 or 19 dimensions/aspects of spacetime and as I have shown, this can produce two different world models running on either the GOD=7_4 algorithm like Earth or FOD 6_4 like Nestor. And because of this holism and non-separability[48], 19D/a st should affect Earth. In fact, it has in a BIG way and thus explains mysteries thousands of years old.

The following data can now be seen as another very simple underlying repetitive numerical pattern in nature that has been observed for possibly 7,000+ years, yet its explanation had eluded Science. It has been consciously and subconsciously mirrored on important occasions in global culture. S=19 is a Strong example of Sacred gematria Secretly Sealed in the Genasis Story Starting with the Symbolic S: Shape/Symbol/Sign of the Snake/Serpent/Staff, Satan/Sin (*Six/Seven) and is a direct result/reflection of U21/S19 theory. S=19 (18.6) is also an algorithm/code and acts like a fractal (chaos theory)…

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Metonic cycle=19 tropical years=235 synodic or 254 sidereal months74. Eclipse series=19 eclipse years= 223 synodic months. Eclipse year/two eclipse seasons is 18.6 days shy of a year. Nutation: Moon’s 18.6 year cycle (US coastlines mapped every 18.6 years). Earth orbits at 18.6 mps with an orbital diameter of 186 million miles. The speed-of-light (SOL) = 186,282 mps. A black hole of one19 solar mass = Schwarzschild radius of 1.86 miles.

Rā19, King Tut died at 18-19 years old. Bhagvad7 Gita4 18:6 & 18:62-3 (Mahabharata74).

Hebrew calendar’s 19 year cycle, A1d4a1m13=19, Eve (in Hebrew)=19. S=19th letter: Soul, She, Source, $in, Shame, Smart, Sex, Son, Secret. Moses 19th Dynasty. "185,000 Assyrians" – 2 Kings 19:35 & Isaiah 37:36. Mary Mother born 19 BC; she is referred to 19 times in the Bible. Jesus’ 18._ ‘lost years’, 12 male + 7 female disciples (12/7), Wedding at Cana19, Mt 19:19, Josephus Jewish74 Antiquities 18.63: “Y’shua74, Messiah74, Christ77ians”. Major Church Father Origen of Alexandria was born in 186 AD. Knights Templar on Jerusalem Temple Mount in 1119 AD.

Ben21 Franklin's 2/12/1790 Anti-Slavery Bill and exactly 19 years later, Abraham Lincoln was born. Antietam 1862.71: Sept. 17, 1862 (74 years of Constitution). 1863: slaves freed, US coins' “IN GOD WE TRUST”, Civil War 'won' on 7/4 (1863.51, 18:63:51≈7:04 pm), Thanksgiving, Lady4 Freedom7 on Capitol7 Dome4. 186,000+ Union black troops. White House complex (including Visitor’s Center): 18.5 acres ≈ 7.4 hectares, 19 WH 18’6” Christmas Trees. Great Seal's 19 orbs. Smithsonian's 19 museums. The average American adult weighs 185 lbs.

Uranus 19.19 AU.

1919: WWI treaty, Woodrow Wilson promotes League of Nations and suffers a stroke, Theodore Roosevelt died, labor strikes, Black Sox. Albert Einstein: divorced & married, relativity proven, met with Zion64ists, and received Kaluza’s 5D theory (Kaluza’s theory was published in 1921 and Einstein won the Nobel Prize and visited the US in 1921; note the ‘coincidence’ of U21/S19 theory), Hitler’s political career began.

Empire State Building's 1,860 steps. Herod’s Temple (19 BC-70 AD) 1,863 years to Hitler 1933. Uranium 19× denser than water. A-bomb 1,850' over Hiroshima. Nixon tape's 18.5 min. Yom Kippur War 19 days.

Space Shuttle Columbia’s cabin was compromised at 18.6 mach. There were 19 shuttle rollbacks. Flight 19 (FT-74) 7:04 pm in 1945 from Fort Lauderdale (Chalk’s Seaplane [est. 1919] crashed off Watson Island in Miami: 19 bodies found initial74ly). Flight 191 » 1 World Trade Center186 186' high base/19 floors » 19 9/11 hijackers, “Over Hellfire are 19 angels” – Qur’an 74:30.

Some Muslim scholars recognize 'Code 19': numerical patterns existing in the text of the Qur’an mostly using the #19 as a common denominator.[49] The Qur’an’s first verse – “bismi'llah al-rahman al-rahim”/"In the Name of GOD, the Beneficent, the Merciful!" - is composed of 19 letters in Arabic. Qur’an 19:19 has the Angel Gabriel announce to Mary “the gift of a righteous son (Jesus)”.

Baha'i calendar of 19 months of 19 days each and 19 year and 361 year (19×19) cycles.

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Golf’s R&A19, 19th Hole, Jack Nicklaus' 18 major victories + US Amateur & 19 2nd place finishes. Football goalposts are 18’6” wide.

DNA19/idea19/egg19/QB19/PC19/Dan19/Jah19/Cop19/log19. FL18/FLA19 was ceded to the US in 1819. 7/4 (July 4 th) = 185th/186th day & aphelion. 19th Amendment. Sputnik ~185 lbs, Apollo 18 & Soyuz 19. 19-gun salute. Adult at 18.5 years-old; age 19 is the last year of being a teenager. 18-wheelers+spare. Christianity's 1,900 years. John 19:19. Product 19 cereal. 19-of-21 killed in Luxor balloon crash.

I was 19 when my father had his stroke. There Are No Coincidences – there is synchronism, nonlocal cause-and-effect, design-and-alignment.

More sympathetic resonance provides clues to Nestor's existence

Earth is ~4.6 billion-years-old. Our Moon contains two clues to Nestor's predicted characteristics: the Moon travels around Earth at .64 miles per second and the Moon's crust is ~64 kilometers deep. Would Nestor's large moon travel around it at .74 mps and have a ~74 k deep crust as a reflection of Earth's existence? Mars contains a huge clue to the prediction of Nestor's 24/6: Mars has a 24.6 hour day. Would a potential colony planet near Nestor have a 24.7 hour day as a reflection of Earth's existence? Pluto also contains a huge clue to the prediction of Nestor running on 6_4. The reclassified dwarf planet is 648 miles wide and its fifth moon has been observed (a 6 body system). Pluto rotates with a 6.4 Earth-day period and its largest moon - Charon - circles it every 6.4 Earth-days. (Because of this, Pluto and Charon uniquely always show the same hemisphere to one another.) Would a distant 'dwarg planet' in Nestor's system be 748 miles wide, have 6 moons, and it and its 'companion moon' have a 7.4 Nestor-day revolution/orbit 64 as 'sympathetic resonance' of Earth's existence? Is Genasis74 6:4 and its "Nefilem64" a coded message from GOD/FOD? Many Bible experts define Nefilem (Nephilim) as extraterrestrials.

The Milky Way Galaxy has a 64-million-year oscillation cycle (Earth years). In 1604, a supernova took place that was recorded by Johannes Kepler.

Nestlings' primary global language is connected to nature: Eqfish664

A world's primary spoken language (Holy4 Tongue6) is based on its written language which is based on its alphabet which is based on its numerical order and geometric shapes which is based on nature/science: its primary algorithm.

Earth and its civilizations have evolved consciously and subconsciously on GOD=7_4. Nestlings and their civilization would have evolved consciously and subconsciously running on FOD=6_4. Their primary global language - lingua64 pura - would inevitably be Eqfish. Eqfish has 6 letters and its second syllable begins with the 6th letter of the alphabet (Eqfish). Chaos theory states that there are underlying patterns, constant

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feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, self-organization, Feigenbaum constant, Butterfly effect, and reliance on programming at the initial74 point74 going on in chaotic complex systems. 6_4 (& 7_4) acts as a fractal. Therefore, Eqfish=64(E5+Q17+F6+I9+S19+H8) and their 1 deity64: FOD=6_4. As stated above, on Earth, this pairing74 between74 a letter & a number74 is known as Simple74 English74 Gematria74. Nestlings would pronounce and spell64 it: Simfle64 Eqfish64 Famatmia64. FOD=10/25 and Eqfish (very similar to English) has 25 letters (no Z). They'd focus64 on F...

Nestor's Byble46, "In the befinninf, Fod created the healens64 (heavens74) and the Nestor ('The 10 Words').

This is Fod's signature. "In 5 days, Fod created everythinf and rested on the 6th day." - Fenkis64 (Genasis74)

The 4th Commandment: "Keep the 6th day holy."

"In the befinninf was the Word, and the Word was with Fod and the Word was FOD." - Juan46 1:1

Esus64 Chrift64 their Ewish64 Meisiah64 was born on 16.4.647 AUC/4.16.7 BC. F6ood4 Griday (Good Friday) was on 6.4.682 AUC / 4.6.29 AD.

Nestor's Qur'ag64, "The 6 ogt repeated verses" and 6 verses of Surah 1.

"Fod created 6 healens64 and og Nestor a similar number. The 1 divine64 command descendinf."

Nestor's Copernicus would diagram their heliocentric system with Nestor being the 3 rd or 4th of the 6 celestial objects from their Sun or the 3rd or 4th from the fixed stars depending on the position of their Moon. Their Galileo would discover a 6th planet besides Nestor while diagramming Jupiter’s 4 moons. Nestor’s Newton would recognize 7 colors of the spectrum connecting them to the 6 Classical Planets. Their Albert Einstein would say, "I want to know Fod's thoufts in a mathematical way." "When I'm judfinf a theory, I ask myselg whether, ig I were Fod, I would have arrange64d the world in such a way."

"Anytime an idea is connected to nature, it's not only lofical (logical) - it was inevitable."

“Fod is Food”, FOD=FOOD, 6_4=6__4

Nestor's tropical storms become hurricanes when their sustained winds reach 64 knots/74 mph. The temp-erature 64°G is ideally comfortable. When I’m 64 – Beatles/Paul McCartney song. A cube has 6 squares. Taoism’s I Ching “Book of Changes” and its 64 hexagrams. Copper Scroll and its 64 items. Gene Roddenberry proposed the original series of Star Trek in 1964; Spock=64=S19+P16+O15+C3+K11. The next year, The Flinstones’ Great Gazoo(64=G7+A1+Z26+O15+O15) appeared on TV. The Last Supper on 6.4.783 AUC. The International Space Station was built with 46 Shuttle missions. orbit=64=O15+R18+B2+I9+T20…

true=64=T20+R18+U21+E5 YHWH=64=Y25+H8+W23+H8 G.A.O.T.U.=64=G7+A1+O15+T20+U21 Avraham=64=A1+V22+R18+A1+H8+A1+M13 Lincoln (6’4”)=64=L12+I9+N14+C3+O+L12+N14 Moriah=64=M13+O15+R18+I9+A1+H8 Zion=64=Z26+I9+O15+N14 Israel=64=I9+S19+R18+A1+E5+L12 Shema=46=S19+H8+E5+M13+A1 chosen=64=C3+H8+O15+S19+E5+N14 mother=64=M13+O+T20+H8+E5+R18

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elegant=64=E5+L12+E5+G7+A1+N14+T20 dust=64=D4+U21+S19+T20 spell=64=S19+P16+E5+L12+L12 test=64=T20+E5+S19+T20 Peter=64=P16+E5+T20+E5+R18 Saint #1=64=S19+A1+I9+N14+T20+1

Note: St. Peter was crucified upside-down on October 13, 64 AD at age 64 after the Great Fire of Roma.

Beginning at 1 and doubling each number produces 64 in its 7th step (an algorithm).

Nestor is ~4.6 billion-years-old and has ~6.4 billion humanoids which is very similar to Earth. Music is considered a universal language. It’s no 'coincidence' that G clef (treble clef) and F clef (bass clef) are used in conjunction to depict all the various notes. Is Nestor real? “That’s the $64,000 Question”. Founder is abbreviated as ‘Fod.’ as Director is abbreviated as ‘Dir.’

Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit74: the FIG is a BIG Code, FIG=6|7

Everyone knows the Genasis74 Story of Eve and Adam biting the apple from the Tree of Knowledge/Tree of Good and Evil. But there was no apple; the Bible refers to “fruit74=F6+R18+U21+I9+T20” and it was a FIG. “Their eyes were opened and realized that they were naked and sewed fig leaves.” – Gn 3:7 . FIG=6|7. All Earth analogs are built on and run on 6_4 or 7_4, or simply 6 or 7. The 4 is a given: all earths have 4 seasons and a large moon with 4 lunar phases, 4 cardinal directions, 4 divisions of the day, 4 types of matter (solid, liquid, gaseous, and plasma), 4 bases of DNA, 4 fundamental forces, and 4 common dimensions.


Anytime an idea19 is connect74ed to nature, it’s not only logical – it was inevitable. This was/is the basis of “As above, so below” and sacred geometry. The ancients observed the #7 in the heavens especially but they also observed 7 & 4 together.

The spoken word is connected to the written word which is a product of its phonetic alphabet which has a numerical order and geometric shapes based on nature and scientific laws. This is the basis of Simple6


English774 Gematria8


Unified theories in physics have been criticized for “their lack of concrete predictions”. Primarily by using unified strings U21/S19 as the building blocks of spacetime, Plan-it Theory makes the BIG prediction that all true Earth-like planets with evolved humanoids run on FOD=6_4 (like Nestor) or GOD=7_4 (like Earth). But even more important than prediction is explanation. I’ve now explained a great deal of observed 7_4 data, 19 (18.6) data, and some 6_4 data.

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The GOD=7_4 algorithm is “a set of instructions that are followed in order to complete a computer process” (def. of algorithm). This universe behaves as a quantum computer where particles not only collide, they compute.[50]

At the initial74 point74 of the Big Bang was ‘a number74/the Word’ and this algorithm was thee universal constant, and it was GOD=7_4 and/or FOD=6_4 (John47 1:1/Juan46 1:1 tweaked).

The historical Y’shua74 ben Yosef – Jesus74 - was born on 17.4.748 AUC and nailed on74 the Cross74 on 7.4.783 AUC; both dates under the sign of Aries the Ram/Lamb.

The sacred combination of 7 & 4 has been known by a select few over the ages (Freemasons) and encoded

in many important things and events, i.e. the Egyptian royal cubits74, Genasis74 1:1, the world’s first golf4

course7, the English74 language, 7/4/1776, Empire State Buildings is 417 yards high and the former 1 World Trade Center was 417 meters high.


1. Trismegistus, Hermes, Emerald Tablet, line #2 (ancient & 2nd century) 2. Starbird, Margaret, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, (Bear & Co., 1993), p. 3. Ptolemy, Claudius, Almagest (2nd century) 4. Aivazyan, Dr. Suren, From the History of Ancient Armenia 5. Mackenzie, Donald, Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, Ch. 13 (EBook #16653, 2005) 6. Fix, John D., Astronomy – Journey to the Cosmic Frontier, (college textbook, McGraw-Hill, 2008), p. 38 7. 8. 9. 501 Things YOU Should Have Learned About...Math (Metro Books, 2014), p. 47 9. Encyclopedia Judaica (Keter Publishing House Ltd., 2007) / Gematria, Jewish Virtual Library 10. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 11. Mackenzie, Donald Alexander, Myths of Babylonia and Assyria (EBook #16653, 2005) 12. Rappengluck, Michael, The Anthropoid in the Sky: Does a 32,000 Years Old Ivory Plate Show Constellation Orion…, Symbols, Calendars, and Orientations, IXth Annual Meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC), Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, p 51-55 13. Whitehouse, David, Ice Age star map discovered, BBC News Sci/Tech, 14. Eratosthenes (1997). Condos, Theony, ed. Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Sourcebook Containing the Constellations of Pseudo-Eratosthenes and the Poetic Astronomy of Hyginus. Red Wheel/ Weiser. ISBN 1890482935.

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15. 16. Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride 17. Skinner, Stephen, Sacred Geometry (Sterling, 2006), p. 31 18. Lemesurier, Peter The Great Pyramid Decoded (Barnes & Noble, rev. 1996), p. 172 19. Book of Enoch (Enoch 1) / The Magick of the Seven Heavens (ArchAn Publishing, 2014) 20. The Interpreter’s Bible, Volume XII, (Abingdon Press, 1957), p. 376 21. Ball, Philip, The Devil’s Doctor: Paracelsus and the World of Renaissance Magic and Science, ISBN 978-0-09-945787-9 22. Pack, Roger, “Notes on the Caesars of Julian”, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association (1946), 77: 151-7 23. Lawrence, Shirley Blackwell, The Secret Science of Numerology (New Page Books, 2001), p. 74 24. Mackey, Albert G., Lexicon of Freemasonry (edition Barnes & Noble, 2004), p. 216 25. 26. Richards, E.G., Mapping Time, the Calendar and History (Oxford, 1999), p. 269 27. Copenhaver, Brian P., Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation with Notes and an Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 95 28. Sora, Steven, The Lost Treasures of the Knights Templar (Destiny Books, 1999), p. 209 29. Mackey, Albert G., The Symbolism of Freemasonry – abridged version Revered Wisdom: Freemasonry (Sterling 2010) p. 154 & 329 30. Batty, Otto D., An Easy Dig Thru “39 Ancient Sites” (Xulon Press, 2001), p. 141 31. Powell, Robert A., Chronicle of the living Christ: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ: foundations of cosmic Christianity (Anthroposophic Press, 1996), p. 68, ISBN 9780880104074. 32. Molnar, Michael, The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi (Rutgers Univ. Press, 1997) 33. Jacobovici, Simcha, and Pellegrino, Charles, The Jesus Family Tomb (HarperCollins 2007), DVD The Lost Tomb of Jesus 2007, 34. Crouch, Paul, The Shadow of the Apocalypse (Berkley Books, ), p. 49 35. The Interpreter’s Bible, Volume XII, (Abingdon Press, 1957), p. 554 36. Watson II, Richard ‘Brad’shaw, There Are No Coincidences – there is synchronism, nonlocal cause-and-effect, design-and-alignment (self-published; ,1997 revised 2014) 37. History Channel 2 (H2), Seven Deadly Sins, Pride (7th), (S1Ep7, 2009) 38. God (definition), 39. Newton, Isaac, Opticks (1704) 40. A Dictionary of Freemasonry p. 515-516 40. ibid 41. Duncan, Malcom C. Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor (Evinity, 2009 [1866]), p. 6-7 42. Sora, Steven The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar (Destiny Books, 1999), p. 212 42. Wagner, Richard Allan, The Lost Secret of William Shakespeare (ebook, 2010) ISBN 978-1-4276-4325-4 43. Sora, Steven, The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar (Destiny Books, 1999), p. 244 44. Hobbs, Michael The World’s Great Golf Courses (Gallery Books, 1988), p. 91

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45. 46. 44. Churchward, Albert, The Arcana of Freemasonry (George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1915) 45. Franklin, Benjamin, Life of Benjamin Franklin (Hurst & Company, 1788), p. 234 46. Compare the Planets, The Planetary Society 47. 48. Mega Disasters: Volcanic Winter (History Channel, 2010) 48. Holism and Nonseparability in Physics, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (revised 2008), 49. Khalifa, Rashad, Quran: The Final Testament (Universal Unity, 2001) 50. Lloyd, Seth, Programming the Universe (Vintage Books, 2007)

Richard ‘Brad’shaw Watson II, Miami - multidisciplinary independent researcher and theorist. I attended 7 different colleges; 4 were local (Miami-Dade Community College, Broward Community College, Florida International University, Peabody Conservatory of Music/Johns Hopkins University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music/University of Cincinnati, and University of Miami). I taught at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. I’ve presented at the NASA Conference Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020 held at the Pasadena Hilton on April 21-23, 2009 and had a paper on the website of The Lunar and Planetary Institute for several years.

6/26/15 10:03**

Synchronic reactions

10/29/14 In the 7-game World Series, the San Francisco Giants won their 4th game. In the bottom of the 9th Inning with two out in the final game, #7 --- for Kansas City hit a sinking liner towards #4 --- the SF center-fielder for a triple. MVP Madison Baumgartner then got --- to hit a pop-up foul to end the Series.

11/2/14 NASCAR’s 7th ranked Brad Keselowski was attacked after the race by 4th ranked Jeff Gordon. The top two drivers are currently tied with 4072 points.

$74 billion was spent on Halloween.

An unmanned rocket blew up at NASA Wallop Island trying to take supplies and experiments to ISS which has 6 astronauts orbiting Earth. Just days later, the Virgin Air spacecraft – which was designed to hold 6 passengers – destructed with Michael --- killed and Peter --- floating back to Earth.

Ben Roethlisberger threw 6 touchdowns (6×7 points) in back-to-back games for the 1 st time in NFL history. Miami beat San Diego 37-0 and looked like a Super Bowl team for the 1st time in over a decade. NFL best Phoenix is 7-1.

11/4/14 Midterm Election produces 7 new Republican senators and 4 new Republican governors. AC/DC drummer arrested on murder charges. (I’m a drummer.)

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LeBron James played 7 years for Cleveland, 4 for Miami, got two championships, and returned to Cleveland. Last night, 11/4/14, Cleveland was routed by 19 points and James didn’t score in the 2nd Half.

11/5/14 Dow Jones record high of 17,484.

Movies The Theory of Everything (about Stephen Hawking) and Interstellar open tomorrow (11/7/14).

After putting a FOR SALE sign in front of my No. Miami Beach house – the former home of The Center for the United Religions of Earth (The CURE) - on 11/8/14, the first person to arrange an appointment, and came by and saw it on 11/15/14 was Jésus ---. Pete --- came by the next day and made an offer.

11/21/14 7’4” record snowfall in Buffalo, NY suburb of Cowlesville.

11/24/14 Miami Dolphins & Miami Hurricanes were both 6-4 heading into the weekend; both lost. Miamian Pitbull appeared on AMA & GMA (ABC) with 6 males in his band & 4 female dancers.

1/19/15 I wrote the jazz composition 7-Mile Bridge - a G Blues – that begins in 7/4.

1/29/15 President Obama asked Congress for an addition $74 billion in spending.

2/1/15 Super Bowl: New England Patriots defeat Seattle Seahawks 28-24 & scored 7,7,7,7. Tom Brady had 74% passing completion.

2/22/15 ABC advertised the Academy Awards beginning at 7e 4p.

5/12/15 Amtrak Derailment north of Philadelphia, 7 Cars - 4 on their side.

6/5/15 American Pharoah won the Triple Crown by winning the 147th Belmont Stakes.

Synchronisms while tweaking: 11/3/14 09:21 “That’s quite a coincidence!” 09:31 “Take it easy, Mason.” – Daniel Boone on MeTV. 10:45 After I added ‘National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets’ to this paper, America’s Book of Secrets is on H2 (History Ch 2). 11:10 “US 1st foundry – Springfield Foundry – was est. by G. Washington in 1794 – HC 11/4/14 10:10 Ancient Hebrew found in rock in US – America Unearthed, Lost Relics of the Bible, History Channel. 11/4/14 21:36 “The headhunters only attack to drums”. Drummer broke his drumhead. “The drums have stopped.” – Gilligan’s Island, Topsy Turvy (1966) on MeTV. 11/5/14 09:14 “What do you want, a BIG drum?” – Daniel Boone on MeTV. 10:00 “Election results: 7 new Republican senators and 4 new Republican governors.” – CNN. 17:30 “Scientists say string theory…”, “G-string theory” – opening dialogue on ESPN’s Pardon The Interruption. 11/6/14 06:00 After I posted John the Baptist’s birthdate, security cameras recorded a patient attacking 4 nurses at St. John’s Hospital in Minnesota. 20:14 “7 proms and 4 were ‘Under the Sea’” – Penny74 on The Big Bang Theory on CBS. 11/8/14 11:39 I tweaked Matthew7…while watching America Unearthed, Secret Blueprint of America (Masons encoded DC) and 11 ibis showed up outside my window in groups of 7 & 4. 11/10/14 07:17 “The Lost Gospel is being released this week that details a found documentation of Jesus marriage to Mary Magdalen and the name of their children.” 07:20 ad for the movie The Theory of Everything - GMA ABC. 08:09 47 killed by Nigerian suicide-bomber. 11/12/14 05:55 While watching Star Trek TNG on BBC America and writing “Trekies use of #47…”, CNN announced ESA Rosetta probe is to land on a distant comet today. 08:05 After writing “Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism”, GMA ABC announced that in-fact, “Joseph Smith had had 40 wives and was estranged from his first wife who had opposing views”. 11/13/14 19:04 (11704 words) “Perhaps I’ll come up with a unified field theory in humor?” – Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory 11/14/14 09:59 I had left the house 30 minutes earlier and found the neighbor’s dog and also two dogs from 740 --- Drive loose. I then wrote “A dog407 is a man’s best friend.” I switched on CNN and they were discussing “Number 174 Mississippi State Bulldogs”. 18:30 I decided to add “3 crosses t t t in equation”…and Gf called to say, “There’s a guy named Jesus (Spanish) that is interested in buying the ‘Pink House’.” 11/18/14 13:15 “Ax-wielding Muslim terrorists attack 6 (7) at Jerusalem synagogue killing 4 rabbis.” – CNN. 11/19/14 12:05 “Average for Lower 48: 19 Degrees” – CNN. 11/22/14 05:50 “San Francisco window washer fell 11 stories on Muhammad Noorzad‘s car and survived.” 05:55 “AK-47” – CNN. 07:08 “11 hurt in London hotel explosion.” – CBS. 11/24/14 09:21 “Ben Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac” – Daniel Boone S6/E14 (began in ’64 & ran for 6 seasons). 09:24 “Avg. cost of a funeral is now over $7,300 – Colonial Penn ad on MeTV. 12/10/14 08:05 “Hawaiian fisherman who gave SOS 46 miles offshore

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12 days ago was found 64 miles south of Oahu.” – GMA, ABC. 12/13/14 20:25 While writing “Reagan bucked off his horse on July 4 th

– 7/4/1989” actor Kyle Wagner said, “Declaration of Independence” (when I wrote that they said it again) on Wonder Woman on MeTV. 12/23/14 12:00 Once I added the examples of “7 times Moses ‘did’ the #40”, the computer cut off and “Mt. Sinai” appeared on History Channel from Quest for the Lost Ark which Tudor Parfitt claims was a large drum. 12/27/14 07:46 “Recognize repetitive pattern in history”, “Dr. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita – professor of mathematics has discovered an algorithm to predict world events.” – Next Nostradamus on History Channel. 1/3/15 08:03 “7-year-old survived a small plane crash in Kentucky; her 4 family members were killed… I was a miracle she survived.” – GMA, ABC. 13:46 “The 7 of us”. – end of St. Elmo’s Fire movie. 1/5/14 08:44 While tweaking and adding “Saturn was also a Roman god”, History Channel mentions Saturn in The Universe, Alien Moons. 14:34 “Supernova of 1604 recorded by Johannes Kepler”, The Universe, Star of Bethlehem 1/6/15 09:45 Right as I finished tweaking this, the phone rang: “This is Joel Osteen’s call center.” This was the first time they’ve called my girlfriend’s condo. 1/9/15 22:29 “At the end of this week – January 11 – Mercury & Venus will be seen together.” – Stargazers on PBS. 1/22/15 08:05 “The Declaration was agreed on July 2nd and signed August 2nd.” – Brad Meltzer’s Decoded, Declaration of Independence – History Channel 2 (H2). 1/24/15 19:04 “I’ve confirmed string theory and forever changed mankind’s understanding of the universe.” – Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. 1/26/15 09:20 Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers – History Channel. 1/27/15 14:20 “Blizzard - Winter Storm Warnings In 7 States, 4,700+ flights cancelled, hurricane winds of 74 mph recorded.” – CNN. 2/1/15 11:20 “Chaos theory” said while aliens contemplate continuing the reality TV show of ‘Earth’ on South Park – Comedy Channel. 2/4/15 08:59 Kaballa on History Channel. 10:04 “Flight 19”. 10:07 “Flight 74” on Bermuda Channel, History Channel. 2/5/15 07:40 Pick 4: 7-4-0-7 ABC. 2/8/15 08:05 “7 th Hole Par 4” – Malaysian Open on Golf4 Channel7 . 10:50 “Freemasonry’s ‘G’ inside the Square & Compass represents the ‘Grand Architect of this Universe’”… “6 have died trying to find the treasure. According to legend, 1 more must die.” – Curse of Oak Island on History Channel. 2/15/15 12:29 “I’m living on my father’s walnut farm and I like working with a different set of nuts74.” - Leon4

Panetta7 former CIA Director on CNN. 2/23/15 08:49 “17,777” Brahman BMW ad on ABC. 14:59 Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery ad on CNN. 3/7/15 01:06 The player in the field with the most majors – Phil Michelson – shot 74, 74 so far in the Cadillac Championship at Doral – Miami. (I attended yesterday.) 4/16/15 Masters winner Jordon Spieth shot 74 in the 1st Round of the RBC Heritage Harbortown. The previous Masters winners – Bubba Watson and Adam Scott – both shot 74 in the final round of The Masters. 4/22/15 “Mini Cooper $7474” - Braman Cooper ad on Ch 10 ABC. 19:58 “My Optima has 274 horsepower.” – ad. 4/29/15 11:37 Dow -75.74 – CNBC. 5/24/15 11:10 “--- High School Pecan Queen of 1947” – Jeff Bridges in Nadine (1987) on Movies! TVNetwork. 12:15 I just found out mathematician John Nash and his wife immortalized in A Beautiful Mind were killed in a car accident. 5/25/15 11:57 New Friskies 7 flavors cat food shows 4 cats eating it in TV ad on CNN. 6/7/15 07:26 “G7 Summit” – CNN. 6/8/15 Tiger Woods shot 74 on Sunday at The Memorial. 6/9/15 11:51 “74,000 years ago” – Mega Disasters: Volcanic Winter (Volcano Toba) on History Channel. 6/18/15 22:19 Charleston church mass-murder Dylann Roof captured on “Highway 74. I was an instrument of GOD”. – CNN. 6/21/15 13:37 Golfer “Jason Day collapsed with vertigo in the US Open then in the next 7 holes he went -4.” 14:37 As I added “Was Leonardo aware of the cosmically designed Egyptian royal cubits of 7 palms x 4 fingers = 28

digits?”, History Channel 2 is showing mysteries of the Pyramids explained. 6/24/15 14:36 “Not to beat the drum any further” – CNN. **6/26/15 10:04 After I added “Arabic abjad numeral/hisab al-jummal”, CNN reported Muslim extremist terrorists in France and elsewhere. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage throughout the country.

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"At the beginning of this universe - the Big Bang - was the Algorithm, and the Algorithm was with God/Fod, and the Algorithm was GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4."