plan. • drainage plans


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Page 1: plan. • Drainage plans
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DASub 2

plan. • Drainage plans - is the drainage from the block going to run into the storm water

channel or do they plan to run a storm water pipe from the property to the ocean as

neighbours were requested to do • Water Diversion – are further changes planned in addition

to existing changes by the owner. • Business Storage Areas – currently the business uses two

(2) storage areas: one adjacent to the second dwelling (studio) and one at the top of Wallami

St. Is the lower storage area intended to be increased or is the top storage area being

relocated elsewhere • Parking – what is the intended parking arrangements for the 3rd

dwelling • Proposed dwelling future – if this dwelling is being built with a view to sub-dividing

the property, then the DA should reflect this Right of Way • The ROW was designed and

approved based on the originally intended number of premises not taking into account the

additional dwelling and subsequent number of cars. • The ROW already requires cars to back

up for an extensive distance due to the turning area being either used for additional

commercial storage or additional parking • Increased traffic will further increase the level of

noise to the detriment of neighbours and wildlife. There is already very limited parking at the

end of Turriell Bay Rd and the extra residence will create further issues. • Does the ROW

need to take into account Fire vehicle access Environmental Impact • The environment is very

unique and functions as a wild life corridor. Each subsequent development impacts the flora

and fauna. • What are the plans for how the dwelling will be built with regard to builders labour

and material access. Access from the lower level would impact the environment and damage

would be permanent • Current dumping of earth works, foreign plant material, introduced soil,

weeds, gravel, building materials, plastics containers currently impact the once native bush

site. Initially we thought this was a temporary situation due to building works on the property.

This is causing a problem with changes to drainage, plants, mature established trees,

animals, topography (covering sandstone ledges), introduction of weeds and the look of the

environment. • We have been here for over 25 years and have seen a dramatic change to this

beautiful and unique waterfront area that we share with our neighbours. • We and our

neighbours signed up to the Green Web project many years ago together with our neighbours

to help maintain what is remaining and conserve for the future this special area. We have

many variety of birds including the powerful owl, boobook owls, tawny frogmouth,

kookaburras, king parrots, ringtail possums, brush tail possums, golden crowned snakes and

blue tongue lizards that live and depend on this environment. • We strongly believe the

proposal does not meet the Council's stated objective of "minimum disturbance to the

environment, the natural landscape and existing features" and should not be approved.

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I am informing my Disagreement to the proposed DA construction of a “Granny Flat“ with

large surrounding balcony at 31A Turriell Bay Rd Lilli Pilli. Firstly it should be noted that the

actual location of the property is 27 Wallami St Caringbah South if you look clearly on a map.

The proposed dwelling would be situated very close to curb end of Wallami st (not Turriell Bay

Rd). It makes little practical sense to access by the shared lane way that runs between 29

Turriell Bay Rd and 31 Turriell Bay Rd. 1 - The location, is off Wallami St Caringbah South.

This should be the the actual address as was originally stated when the property was

purchased 8 years ago. 2. - The proposed location of the premises is relatively near to

Wallami St, and well away from the ROW (right of way) off Turriell Bay Rd. The elevation

above the ROW would make access, construction difficult and damage to the sandstone

slope. 3 . -The ROW is currently shared with 4 properties. This narrow 4m laneway would run

the risk of accidents with increase of further traffic, lack of turning space, disturbance to

neighbours and the native green web area that it runs through. 4. - The ROW and properties

adjacent along the waterfront is part of the Sutherland councils Green web which establishes

corridors of local habitat and maintaining bio-diversity links. Further development on this

property, which already has 2 dwellings, will further degrade and add to the removal and

damage the unique native area that has taken place on the property over the last 7+ years. I

oppose the construction dwelling being erected as currently stated in the DA

We object to the proposed DA on a number of considerations 1) The DA asks for a 2nd

dwelling – But this will be the 3rd dwelling a) Observed behaviour – It is apparent that the

applicant is already using the “studio” as 2nd dwelling – so this DA is about a 3rd dwelling b)

Is SSC prepared to set 3-dwelling precedent? 2) Removal of dead trees a) Conveniently dead

trees b) Not long dead c) How did they die? 3) Removal of at least 3/4 tall mature established

trees and associated loss of canopy and habitat Highly likely to impinge on health of

established trees in proximity to proposed 3rd dwelling 4) Applicant’s track record of doing

whatever he pleases a) Significantly altered waterfront Now nothing like depicted in 2015

Heritage Report i) Sunk piles ii) Built cabana/ shed iii) Covered heritage stone pier with

decking b) Uses “studio” as 2nd dwelling c) Uses property as parking for business fleet d)

Uses property as dump and as storage for landscaping business Altered topography of

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property adjacent to Wallami St due to dumping Current dumping of earth works, foreign plant

material, introduced soil, weeds, gravel, building materials, plastics containers, dumped boat

trailers, dumped fencing materials currently impact the once native bush site. This dumping/

storge has increased and dramatic changes to the area causing a problem with changes to

drainage, plants, animals, topography (covering sandstone ledges) and the look of the

environment. The recent death of a gum tree and other native coverage is a visual example. f)

Will this DA be adhered to? Or, got around another way later? 5) 3rd dwelling Vehicle access

Vehicle access via existing ROW i) ROW already overloaded with his trade vehicles private

vehicle ii) Likewise, Turriel Bay Rd parking iii) The ROW was designed and approved based

on the originally intended number of premises not taking into account the additional dwelling

and subsequent number of cars. iv) The ROW already requires cars to back up for an

extensive distance due to the turning area being either used for additional commercial storage

or additional parking v) Increased traffic will further increase the level of noise to the detriment

of neighbours and wildlife 3rd Dwelling Pedestrian access? i) From ROW, occupants of 3rd

dwelling will need to make their way up a 5 metre steep slope to footings of the 3rd dwelling ,

then up a further 2 metres to 3rd dwelling floor level. 7 metre climb in all. Really? Hard to

believe that this is the real intention ii) OR, enter from Wallami? (1) Only passing mention in

DA – no more than passing – I believe the DA to be deficient/ incomplete in this regard.

Another DA later? (a) Or, amendment once it is nearly complete? (b) NO! enough already

with incremental chipping away [see 4) above] (2) Would require removal of additional 4

trees, relocation of two electricity poles, and fresh consideration of easement/ stormwater

drain (3) As a Wallami Street residents I want Wallami entry ruled out. (a) A narrow cul-de-sac

(b) Small turning circle at bottom (c) No room for extra vehicles at bottom of street, particularly

commercial vehicles (d) If unable to turn at bottom, Garbage trucks and commercial vehicle

must do blind dangerous multi-point turns or reverse up street 6) 2015 Heritage Report is out

of date, has been largely ignored, and is irrelevant a) Applicant seems not to have complied

with 2015 report, which concentrated with area close to waterfront [see 4) above] b) 2015

report does not address section of property the subject of this DA c) Need new report that

addresses adherence to previous DAs, and to address part of property in question and the

impact of proposed 3rd dwelling and erection of such on entire property 7) EIS deficient a)

Does not address building and construction impact on land, flora, or fauna, or neighbours

(WFH, in particular) b) What are the plans for how the dwelling will be built with regard to

builders labour, machines, and material access? How much of the environmental damage

would be permanent? Can it be mitigated? How? c) Does not address de-watering on steep

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sloping waterfront land or of construction water entering bay d) Does not address long-term

effects of ecosystem i) This is NOT a typical Sutherland Shire block ii) There are many old

growth trees iii) The environment is unique and functions as a wildlife corridor. Each

subsequent development impacts the flora and fauna iv) It is habitat to many species, tawny

frogmouths, powerful owl, boobook owl, kookaburras, King Parrots, ringtail possums, brushtail

possums, bluetongue lizards, blue groper……. v) Water seepage from the rock shelf is the life

blood of the ecosystem How will this be affected by DA? vi) Moreover, it is apparent that

much of the rock shelf is to be excavated away for the proposed building. How will this affect

the life blood of the ecosystem? vii) Need to address impact on entire property and

neighbourhood. e) Unthinkable that this will fit within Council’s stated objective of minimal

disturbance and impact. Far otherwise. 8) Design a) Will the area under the floor around the

poles be enclosed? i) If not enclosed, concerned about applicant’s track record of storing

“stuff” impinging on neighbour amenity ii) If enclosed, how? Don’t want another opportunity to

go beyond DA b) Will the roof be visible from Wallami? c) Service easements. Are power,

water, drainage and sewage coming from/ going to Turriell Bay Rd or Wallami Street? The

impact needs to be understood and stated in the plan. d) storage/ dump areas – are they to

remain/ or go?? e) Must be hard constraints to departures from DA. f) Proposed dwelling

future – if this dwelling is being built with a view to sub-dividing the property, then the DA

should reflect this DA must be completely thought through Thank you.

Dear Sir/Madam, We have received the above neighbourhood notification and wish to make

an objection. Our objection is specifically to the proposed new pitched roof addition which

exceeds the 8.5m foreshore building code height. The maximum height of the application is

11.1m. A variation of 30.6%. The application states " the only areas of non compliance with

the 8.5 building height control is for parts of the first floor located on the western side of the

dwelling and thus not visible from the street." This is not taking into consideration the new roof

line view from neighbours No 28/30/32. The highest point, being on the western side is critical

to the vistas from all levels on the eastern side and whichever side the roof exceeds the 8.5m

height is an increase. The proposed height is not consistent with other approved

developments in the locality. No 31 exceeds the height by 2.6m. Also note the waterscape

elevation in the submission with the heights of No 33 and 29. The dwelling is clearly

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Frogmouths are nocturnal. Ringtail possums also active at night are a food source for the

Powerful owls. Extra lights and noise at night will disrupt their ability to hunt for prey. 8. Any

ongoing attempts to further change/ modify this wonderful natural landscape will only benefit

the owner in the short term. The long term damage to the Sutherland shire & future

generations will be permanent. 9 We are already affected by cars reversing at speed from the

right of way onto Turriell Bay Road, which is narrow and lacks space for parking and bins.

The addition of any further vehicles, adding to the four existing, would exacerbate this

problem. 10. This vulnerable ecosystem is well known and valued not for the man made

buildings already on it, but for its natural landscape. This is in itself reason to discontinue any

further systematic overdevelopment.

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Re: Development Application No.DA20/0815 31A Turriell Bay Road, Lilli Pilli Applicant: James

Hatton-Ward Construction of a secondary dwelling and associated landscaping Submission

from: xxx: 26 October 2020 Note: The street address of 31A is 27 Wallami Street; A

secondary dwelling already exists at 31A; This DA is essentially a proposal for a third

dwelling. We have viewed the development proposal, plans and documentation provided on

the Council's website. Figure 1 Area affected by the DA20/0815 overlaid on current SCC plan

of the area for the proposed residence (red circle). The 30 m foreshore setback is

approximately represented by the blue line and the ROW by the green. 1. Unique and Fragile

Environment The applicant’s site together with the adjoining properties provide a unique area

of natural bush, with continuity for the wildlife corridor and contributes to vital habitat

protection for native animals. This can be seen in the treed areas in the Council aerial

photograph shown in Figure 1. This site has been described by a Council Bush Care Officer

as a rare example of remnant littoral rainforest in private ownership. The site is located within

the E3 Environmental Management Zone with a 30 m setback from the shore. The Sutherland

Shire LEP 2015 lists the house, estuarine and bush setting as having local heritage

significance. Within, and adjacent to the site are areas of aboriginal heritage significance. 2.

Not a Second but a Third Dwelling This proposal must be read as for a third dwelling. A

second dwelling already exists, see Figure 2. In addition to the main residence, there is a

substantial three level building in the middle of the property, accessed from Turriell Bay Road

via a ROW. This 3 level building includes the “Studio”, a self-contained apartment at the top,

Level 3, above a four car garage at the parking level, Level 2, and a fully brick enclosed area

below the garage with external door access, Level 1. The building has been designed to look

like a weatherboard house with small paned windows including three bay windows on the top

level. The studio apartment as shown on the DA at Level 3, has a shower and toilet room, a

gallery kitchen, and an open living area. The open space is a generous room capable of

providing a separate sleeping space at the bathroom end and space for lounge and dining at

the kitchen end. The apartment has two bay windows on the west side with views of Great

Turriell Bay and a third bay window looking into bush on the east side. The level 3 studio

apartment is entered from the north side by steps from the main residence and parking area.

The middle level 2 is the four car garage with a parking apron. The garage is divided in two

with a central column and two wide roller doors. The garage also has a “front door” with a

covered awning on the south side adjacent to the landing at the apex of the Inclinator. The

lower level 1 is approached from this point via a ramp and also from the north side steps. It

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encloses the space under the cliff face and has a standard door on the west side. This is a

substantial dwelling designed to look like a suburban house and is in our plain sight. To all

intents and purposes this building is a secondary dwelling, in which case, this DA is seeking

approval for a third dwelling. Figure 2 The existing second residence on the site. The top

photo shows the 3 levels of the structure from the west. The lower photo from the south side,

shows the front door and business related refuse spilling on to the neighbours’ property. This

second building has had a detrimental impact on the site which was previously identified as

remnant littoral rainforest. The complete eradication of plant life seems to have occurred on

and over the cliff face. The diversion of the water flow and drainage of the pre-existing marsh

has completely dried off the cliff face and the caves underneath. The area under this building

has been stripped of native plant cover and replaced with pine mulch and non-native shrubs.

These areas are under aboriginal heritage and environmental protection, Figure 3. Figure 3

The existing second residence on the site, the red arrows indicate the dry cliff face, the lack of

native vegetation and the areas of wood chip and imported plants. 3. Access via the Existing

ROW The Right of Way (ROW) to 31A was approved in 2013 and completed in 2015 to

accommodate three dwellings: Forster Gibson (31), Hatton-Ward (31A) and the new

residence pending construction for Sturevski (31B), see Figure 4. The ROW is on an incline

and has a bend that restricts sight lines and requires adherence to mandatory speed limits

and no reversing. Figure 4 View south along the ROW from 31B showing uphill slope with

bend and restricted sight lines. The residents of No 31 (Forster & Gibson), owners of the front

block on the ROW, have two cars and have a two car carport, with two additional parking

spots on their property. There are four driver residents of 31A (Hatton-Ward), at the end of the

ROW, who have two sedans and two trade vehicles. Both families have regular and frequent

visitors parking on site or on the road. Gillian and Boris Sturevski who own 31B, the middle

block on the ROW, have not yet finalised their plans, but have previously submitted a DA

design for a four bedroom house with swimming pool, a double garage and the need for a

potential visitor parking spot. We have concerns regarding any increased usage of the ROW:

1. The need for access for ambulance, fire and other emergency services; 2. The speed of

vehicles using the ROW; 3. Limiting vehicles reversing up the ROW; 4. The danger when

gardening beside the ROW; 5. Increased pedestrian traffic for parties and visitors; 6. The

need for coordinated management of the vehicles, excavation, rubbish and deliveries during

construction of the extra dwelling, and potential concurrent construction at 31B. 4. Parking

The DA claims the additional dwelling will be accessed from and will share the parking space

in the four car garage and parking apron. The applicant runs a landscaping and decking

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business (JHW Landscaping and Decking). The family has two trade vehicles and two family

cars and a parking spot on their property. The parking apron accommodates four cars behind

each other two by two, but leaving no turning area. Turning a car when exiting the garage can

only occur if the positioning of any vehicle on the parking apron is out of the way Figure 5 and

Figure 6. Currently the parking apron in front of the garage/studio always contains one or two

vehicles which limits turnaround area. Cars sometimes need to drive out in reverse, which

contravenes the regulation over the ROW, or use the currently available driveway of 31B to

turn around. The owners of the ROW at 31 also make use of this currently available driveway.

Figure 5 showing limited turnaround space with one vehicle parked on apron. Figure 6 The

parking apron at 31A and surrounding area. 5. Wide dispersal of rubbish on the property. A

landscape business requires the storage of tools and equipment. There is a regular turnover

of materials, hard fill, debris, garden furniture and refuse removed from properties belonging

to clients, stored around the building and parking area. In addition there is frequent recycling

of green stuff in white bags and debris piled at the entrance to 31A beside the ROW, and at

times, overflowing on the neighbours’ currently vacant property at 31B. The site above the cliff

line has accumulated disposed landscape waste and stored materials over the years,

including unsightly refuse at the top of the block at the Wallami Street entrance. The number

of items and scale of these materials scattered through the bush is possibly suffocating the

“remnant littoral rainforest” beneath the load. 6. Restricted parking and bin places on Turriell

Bay Road The access to the proposed new dwelling on the property at 31A (27 Wallami

Street) is planned to be from 31 Turriell Bay Road via the existing ROW. This section of

Turriell Bay Road comes through a narrow neck between rock faces and drops sharply. It is a

dangerous blind crest which limits road side parking. Visitors to homes at 20, 22 and 24

Turriell Bay Road must park on the verge because of the blind steep crest. There are perhaps

two car parking spaces on the road side at the bottom of Turriell Bay Road. Space for the bins

of current residents is seriously limited. The council has recently yellow lined the lower end of

Turriell Bay Road to enable garbage and service truck turnaround. Properties on Wareemba

Place and Turriell Bay Road must use the bin bay at the intersection with Turriell Bay Road so

cars cannot park in that area on weekly bin days & nights. On other days & nights the bin bay

provides for only two car parking spaces and these are already in regular use by visitors and

trades vehicles. 7. 27 Wallami Street Access The street address of 31A is 27 Wallami Street.

The property has a fifteen metre road frontage which would provide the most logical access to

the dwelling proposed in this DA. The upper portion of the 31A property has direct and wide

access to the street at its 27 Wallami Street entrance. If any building is designed for this

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section of the property it should use that road frontage for access and thus alleviate the need

to use parking off the ROW from Turriell Bay Road. 8. Living with this proposed dwelling As

proposed in the DA, residents and visitors will access the third dwelling from the parking area

at 31A. The stairs will need to be at least ten metres to reach the base of the proposed

dwelling, an additional three and a half metres within the house, and a further two metres to

walk out on to Wallami Street. The proposed third dwelling has windows on four sides. The

south side will overlook and impose on the privacy of the impending new residence on 31B

owned by Boris and Gillian Sturevski. The northern deck imposes on the privacy of the

northern neighbour at 25 Wallami Street. 9. Statement of Environment Effects The Statement

of Environment Effects is misleading and out of date. a. It does not have current block

configuration on the plans, to show the surrounding affected properties. There is now an

approved house and garage on the adjoining property at 31 Turriell Bay Road. There is the

potential development of another affected residence on 31B Turriell Bay Road. b. There is no

indication of anything but basic site management during construction. c. There is no indication

of the access to the site on this steeply sloped block; d. There is a claim that there is only

limited excavation required. 10. Statement of Heritage Impact The Statement of Heritage

Impact was written in November 2015, before the imposition of extensions and structures,

land clearing and material storage of the current owners. The Statement describes the

renovation and extension of the property proposed at that time. It does not examine the

heritage and environment impact of a third dwelling imposed on the cliff face and hill on the

upper half of the property. e. The record of description of the property in the Statement of

Heritage Impact 2015 does not reflect the current reality. f. The photographs in the Statement

are seriously misleading. 11. In Summary We strongly object to this Application. This DA is an

application for a third dwelling on the one property. It overlooks the existence of the multi-level

building of a self-contained studio apartment above a 4 car garage and enclosed storage

underneath. The proposed additional dwelling has limited space for onsite parking and there

is limited availability of parking on the road side. This proposal places a demand for five

dwellings wanting access via a Right of Way (ROW) which is designed for three dwellings.

The access to the new dwelling on the property at 31A is planned to be from 31 Turriell Bay

Road along the existing ROW. This section of Turriell Bay Road is already under pressure for

bin access, service vehicles and visitor parking. There is no consideration for the

management of the construction of the new dwelling and coordination with any concurrent

construction at 31B also using the ROW. The site, together with the adjoining properties has

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provided, until recently, a unique area of natural bush with continuity for the wildlife corridor

and contributes to vital habitat protection for native animals.