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Page 1: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - fileviii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, the writer would like to express the humble gratitude to Lord Jesus Christ for his blessing



Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 094214041








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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 094214041








Page 3: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - fileviii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, the writer would like to express the humble gratitude to Lord Jesus Christ for his blessing



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First of all, the writer would like to express the humble gratitude to Lord Jesus Christ

for his blessing and unconditional love so that the writer can finish this undergraduate thesis.

However, the writer also realizes that this undergraduate thesis cannot be finished without the

support given by the writer’s family. Therefore, the deepest gratitude goes to the writer’s

beloved father, mother, brother. The writer thanks them for their endless love, patience, and


The writer’s sincere gratitude goes to the thesis advisor, Dr. F.X. Siswadi M.A. The

writer is really grateful that he is the man who shows the writer that goal requires not only effort

but also determination to move forward. Besides, the writer is really thankful to Drs. Hirmawan

Wijanarka, M.Hum, and also Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S,S., M.Hum. for all the suggestion to

the writer.

The special gratitude goes to my friends such as Dias Dwi Iswarindi, Andreas Hargo

Satrio Wibowo, Novie R.S and other friends who cannot be mentioned one by one here. The

real friendship is the real support to the writer in finishing this undergraduate thesis.

The last but not least, the warm gratitude goes to William AdiPutra de Jesus Tavares.

The writer is really grateful to God for the fact that he does exist.

Ridho Christina Sari Aritonang


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TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL PAGE …………………………………………………………….. ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ………………………………………………………… iii


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY …………………………………………… v

MOTTO PAGE …………………………………………………………………. vi

DEDICATION PAGE ………………………………………………………….. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………………. viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………. ix

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………….. x

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………………. xi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………… 1

A. Background of the Study ……………………………………….. 1

B. Problem Formulation ……………………………………………. 5

C. Objectives of the Study …………………………………………. 5

D. Definition of Terms ……………………………………………… 5


A. Review of Related Studies ………………………………………. 7

B. Review of Related Theories ……………………………………… 10

C. Theoretical Framework …………………………………………… 20

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ……………………………………….. 22

A. Object of the Study ………………………………………………. 22

B. Approach of the Study ………………………………………………. 23

C. Method of the Study ……………………………………………… 24

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ………………………………………………… 26

A. The Characteristics of Major Characters ………………………….. 26

B. Occultism as Represented by Major Characters …………………… 39

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ……………………………………………… 55

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………….. 59


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RIDHO CHRISTINA SARI ARITONANG. A Study on Occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University,


Occultism (or it is well known as paranormal) is a controversy topic for centuries. There

is a debate on occultism that occultism is considered as a source of fear and occultism possesses

evil power. On the other hand, occultism is considered as a part of culture. The writer finds that

the controversy cannot be separated from the nature of occultism itself. Besides, the writer also

realizes that the various definition of occultism depends on who views it. Because of these facts,

the writer chooses occultism as the topic of this study. The writer wants to know what occultism

really is from the view point of the occultist. The writer argues that Paulo Coelho’s Brida is a

novel which describes the definition of occultism from the view point of the occultist.

In order to reveal occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida, the writer formulates two research

problems. The first problem is related to the characteristics of the major characters. The second

one is related to how occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is represented by the major characters.

After formulating those two research problems, the writer then uses two kinds of sources

which provide supporting theories in answering those problems. Those sources are the primary

and secondary sources. Primary source is Paulo Coelho’s Brida itself. The secondary sources

are books and e-books which provide theories on character and characterization, theories on

occultism, and also theory on study. These sources can be found through library and internet


By using Paulo Coelho’s Brida and the other secondary sources, the writer finds that

occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is the occultism which consists of theosophy and occult

science. Occult science in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is the practice of witchcraft which includes

exploring Brida’s past life and magic. Another part of occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is

theosophy. Theosophy is a theoretical occultism which can lead Brida, as a major character,

into the self transformation through a new way of looking at Brida’s self and world. Besides

leading one to self transformation, theosophy also helps Magus, another major character, in

finding his own wisdom. Therefore, the writer concludes that occultism which is described in

Paulo Coelho’s Brida is the practice of witchcraft which can also lead the major characters into

self transformation and wisdom.


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RIDHO CHRISTINA SARI ARITONANG. A Study on Occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida.

Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Okultisme (atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai paranormal) merupakan sebuah topic yang

kontroversi selama berabad-abad. Ada sebuah perdebatan tentang okultisme bahwa okultisme

dianggap sebagai sumber ketakutan dan okultisme memiliki kekuatan iblis. Di sisi lain,

okultisme dianggap merupakan kepunyaan dari kebudayaan. Penulis menemukan fakta bahwa

kontroversi ini tidak terlepas dari sifat okultisme itu sendiri. Selain itu, penulis juga menyadari

bahwa pengertian okultisme dapat menjadi sangat beragam tergantung siapa yang melihatnya.

Oleh karena itu, penulis memilih okultisme sebagai topic dalam penyelidikan ini. Penulis ingin

mengetahui okultisme yang sebenarnya dari sudut pandang okultist. Penulis membuktikan

bahwa novel Paulo Coelho yang berjudul Brida adalah novel yang menggambarkan pengertian

okultisme dari sudut pandang okultist.

Untuk mengungkap pengertian okultisme, penulis merumuskan dua masalah penelitian.

Masalah yang pertama berkaitan dengan karakteristik dari karakter-karakter utama dalam novel

Brida. Masalah yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana okultisme digambarkan melalui

karakter-karakter utama tersebut.

Setelah merumuskan kedua masalah penelitian tersebut, penulis kemudian

menggunakan dua jenis sumber yang menyediakan teori-teori pendukung untuk menjawab

masalah-masalah tersebut. Sumber-sumber data tersebut berupa sumber data yang pertama dan

kedua. Sumber data yang pertama adalah novel Brida. Sedangkan sumber data yang kedua

adalah buku-buku dan buku-buku elektronik yang menyediakan teori tentang karakter dan

karakterisasi, teori tentang okultisme, dan teori untuk penyelidikan ini. Sumber-sumber data

tersebut dapat ditemui melalui penelitian perpustakaan dan juga internet.

Dengan menggunakan novel Brida dan sumber kedua, penulis menemukan bahwa

okultisme dalam novel Brida merupakan okultisme yang terdiri dari teosofi dan ilmu okult.

Ilmu okult dalam novel Brida adalah praktek ilmu sihir yang mencakup eksplorasi kehidupan

masa lalu Brida dan juga sihir. Bagian okultisme yang lainnya adalah teosofi. Teosofi

merupakan okultisme teoritis yang dapat menuntun Brida, sebagai seorang karakter utama,

menuju sebuah transformasi diri melalui sebuah cara pandang baru dalam melihat dirinya dan

dunianya. Selain itu, teosofi juga menuntun Magus, karakter utama lainnya, dalam

menemukan kebijaksanaannya. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa okultisme yang

digambarkan dalam novel Brida adalah sebuah okultisme dengan praktek ilmu sihir yang

dapat menuntun karakter-karakter utama menuju transformasi diri dan juga kebijaksanaan.


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A. Background of the Study

Occultism (or it is well known as paranormal) has word occult as its root

word. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance states that ‘the word “occult” is

derived from the Latin word “Occultus” which means “hidden”.’

(, April 12, 2013). Besides, according to Tiryakian, occult deals

with hidden forces in nature which cannot be measured by the science. It is stated by

Mercia Eliade as below

“By ‘occult’, writes Tiryakian, I understand intentional practices, techniques, or procedures which: a) draw upon hidden or concealed forces in nature or the cosmos that cannot be measured or recognized by the instruments of modern science…” (1976:48)

Therefore, it can be concluded that the nature of occultism is hidden forces which

cannot be recognized or measured by modern science.

The nature of occultism as stated above gains controversy toward occultism

itself. There are so many debates on occultism through many years and even

centuries. Melton (2000:viii) shows some controversies on occultism in the past. In

the 17th century many people believed in occultism while others considered it as “a

source of fear” and it caused death. The controversy on occultism continued in the

18th century. Nevertheless the topic of controversy changed. In the 18th century, the

existence of occultism was questioned by the emergence of Deism. Deism was a



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belief that merely admits the existence of God as the Creator of the world. The belief

in Deism which questioned occultism is explained by Melton as below.

Deism affirmed the existence of God the Creator, but suggested that God had merely established a system of natural law, leaving the world to govern itself by that law. By implication, God was divorced by the world, and supernatural events did not occur, rather the “supernatural” was merely the misobserved “natural”. Furthermore, neither angels nor spirits communicated with humans, and, in turn, prayer did not reach God. (2001:viii)

According to the quotation above, Deism considered occultism with supernatural

power never existed. According to Deism, world was not governed by God since God

only created world. Therefore, according to Deism, there was no angel and prayer

was not required since it did not reach God. This view point of Deism is contrary to

occultism. Occultism admits there are angels and prayers since God is no mere the

world’s creator. Occultism believes that God governs the whole world.

Furthermore, in 20th century the controversy on occultism became wider. It

came from not only experiences in real life, as what happened in the 17th century, but

also from fiction works and TV programs. Spotlight Ministries says some people

argued that fiction works and TV programs which have magic, witchcraft or any

occult powers as the theme would not lead the readers and viewers to the real thing.

On the other hand the others thought those fiction works and TV programs were

considered as harmful especially to the readers and the viewers since those works and

TV programs could introduce them to the occult world (,

May 23, 2013).


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The facts above show that occultism gains controversy in fiction as well in

real life. These facts become the reason why the writer chooses occultism as the topic

of this study. The writer also realizes that the definition of occultism can be various

depend on who views it. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance state that

conservative Christians view occultism possesses evil or demon

(, May 25, 2013). On the other hand anthropologists have their

own view on occultism. James Lett says that occultism (paranormal) is an “emic”

which means that it belongs to cultures. He also says that paranormal is an “emic

belief” concerning “the unreal real” (, May 25, 2013).

The differential concepts about occultism as stated above make the writer

want to analyze what occultism is from the view point of occultist and how the

occultist views occultism. Scott (1974:3) argues that the cause of ‘bad name’ attached

to occultism is not the nature of occultism. It is because of ‘the nature of public mind’

that judges a whole of occultism just by a little part of it. Just because of hearing only

the ‘evil side’ of occultism which is done by some believers, then public judge it as

bad as evil. Besides Scott also stresses that only few people who know enough about

occultism to judge it at all.

What Scott says as stated above is reflected in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. Paulo

Coelho’s Brida talks about a journey of a twenty one-year-old girl, Brida, in the

process of learning magic. In Paulo Coelho’s Brida the author tries to describe a

different view on occultism through the main characters. The characters in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida can describe how the nature of occultism can bring positive or good


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things in human life, in this case Brida. Through this journey Brida finds that

occultism helps her not only in learning magic but also in solving certain problems

such as how to face her fear and how to be confident in taking every step in her life.

Finally at the end of her journey Brida becomes a witch. Her ability as a witch is

determined not only by her knowledge on magic but also her view toward her life that

is affected by occultism.

Paulo Coelho’s Brida is worth analyzing because it does not merely concern

occultism and human life. The way Paulo Coelho describes the occultism may help

the readers to understand the occultism. He mentions common matters in human life

such as fear and faith. Besides Coelho also describes that occultism is connected to

religion in order to emphasize the importance of religion in occultism.

The way Paulo Coelho describes occultism is affected by his life story. Paulo

Coelho is a Brazilian author. Before he becomes an author, Paulo Coelho had great

experience in his life. Paulo Coelho ever attended Jesuit school and he was sent to

mental asylum since he rebelled his parents, who did not support him in becoming a

writer. These facts indicate he has knowledge of religion and also experiences hard

life. These knowledge and experience affect him in the way he views things happen

in his life. As Coelho says : “I have forgiven. It happens with love, all the time when

you have this love towards someone else but you want this person to change, to be

like you, and then love can be very destructive (, April

30, 2014). Besides, Alan Riding says Paulo Coelho also joined the Alternative

Society that advocated drugs and practiced black magic before he returned to


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Catholicism. His return to Catholicism happened when he traveled to Spain

( , April 7, 2013). Coelho’s hard life, his knowledge in religion and also

his experience in occultism affect him in the way he writes Paulo Coelho’s Brida in

which it talks about occultism, religion and also human life.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to understand occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida, the writer

formulates questions as follows.

1. What are the characteristics of the major characters in Paulo Coelho’s Brida ?

2. How is occultism represented through the major characters in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida ?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study tries to understand occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. In order to

gain the aim this study has two objectives of the study. The first objective is to

analyze how the major characters are described. The second objective is to analyze

how occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is represented by the major characters.

D. Definition of Term

To avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity as well as to obtain a clear

understanding on the study, it is important to give a clarification of the term as



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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky states that occultism consists of two parts. They are occult

science and theosophy. Occult science is the practical occultism while theosophy is

theoretical occultism (, July 6, 2014). Occult science can be various.

Melton mentions some practices of occultism. They can be exploring one’s past lives,

divinatory, witchcraft, psychokinesis, and magic (2001:1135). On the other hand,

theosophy or theoretical occultism covers self-transformation and also personal

wisdom. However, the writer does not discuss all of these parts of occultism. In this

undergraduate thesis, the writer only discusses theosophy, magic, exploring one’s

past lives, and witchcraft. These parts of occultism are the main issue described in

Paulo Coelho’s Brida.


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A. Review of Related Studies

The first undergraduate thesis the writer refers to is done by a student of Petra

Christian University; Gina. According to Gina (2011), as she says in “Brida’s

Psychosocial Problems and Self Treatment in Paulo Coelho’s Brida, Paulo Coelho’s

Brida is a novel which is less popular than other Paulo Coelho’s novels. However,

Gina realizes this novel as an interesting one. According to Gina, Paulo Coelho’s

Brida, as a fantasy novel with the elements of magic which is not real, is different

from other fantasy novels. Paulo Coelho’s Brida tells about life that all human beings

know and understand. It also makes Gina know the view point of the author about life

which is different from her own view point. Besides Gina also says that she can find

some values she never knows before. An interesting novel by a qualified author with

a lot of values within becomes the reasons why Gina analyzes Paulo Coelho’s Brida.

In this undergraduate thesis, Gina focuses on the major character of Paulo

Coelho’s Brida. Gina argues that Brida faces psychosocial crises when she learns

magic. Those crises cause some problems to her. Therefore the aim of Gina’s thesis is

to discover what the problems are and also how she overcomes those problems. It is

stated in the conclusion part of her undergraduate thesis as below

Furthermore, to analyze those problems, I emphasize two main points to discuss. Firstly, I analyze what problems that Brida faces in the novel. And secondly, I analyze how Brida overcomes her problems. Thus to analyze these



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two main points, I use the theory of Erik H. Erickson, the psychosocial crises or development, a theory about the eight stages that human has to face, such as trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative versus guilt, industry versus inferiority, identity versus role confusion, intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation and integrity versus despair. But, from these stages, I only use the first five stages to analyze the first of my analysis and the first four stages to analyze the second point of my analysis (2011:38).

The second undergraduate thesis the writer refers to is done by a Maranatha

Christian University student, Ariston. Different from Gina’s undergraduate thesis

which captures Brida as the girl with crises, Ariston (2011) in his undergraduate

thesis entitled “Analysis of Theme through The Portrayal of The Protagonist in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida” tries to get the theme of Paulo Coelho’s Brida trough the portrayal of

Brida as the protagonist character. Therefore Ariston needs to examine the

characteristics of Brida. According to Ariston, Brida is a teenager who is ambitious,

brave, and optimistic. Ariston explains one of Brida’s characteristics as he stated in

the conclusion part as below

Brida’s optimistic characteristic is shown by her open mindedness. She is willing to accept others’ suggestion which might help her to find her path. She is willing to learn about her calling. Brida is willing to listen to others and to change her perception if necessary. In the beginning, she has a doubt about who she really is, but after she meets Wicca and listens to Wicca’s suggestion she changes her perceptions about herself because finally she realizes that she has a gift and that she is an extraordinary person. She is willing to learn about Tradition of the Moon and do the tests given by Wicca and Magus (2011:16-17).

According to Ariston, those characteristics help Brida in facing all circumstances in

pursuing her dream; learning magic. Finally, Ariston concludes that hard work and

good characteristics are required in achieving goals with satisfactory results.


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Compared to the two undergraduate theses above, the study made by the

writer is completely different. In Gina’s thesis, Gina analyzes the problems Brida

faces in learning magic and how she solves those problems. In order to do her

analysis, Gina uses theory about psychosocial crises by Erik H. Erickson. This Gina’s

view point makes the difference between her study and the writer’s study. In this

study the writer details the occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida while Gina in her thesis

analyzes the problems Brida faces when she learns occultism. Gina also does not

analyze the occultism at all because according to Gina, magic is something which is

not real. The writer argues that the author (Paulo Coelho) tries to describe what

occultism is through the major characters. Therefore, the main focus in this study is to

analyze what occultism is.

The study made by the writer is also completely different from Ariston’s

undergraduate thesis. In his undergraduate thesis, Ariston reveals the theme of Paulo

Coelho’s Brida by analyzing the Brida characteristics. Although Ariston admits that

Brida is an extra ordinary girl who has a gift, he does not analyze the occultism at all.

On the other hand the writer analyzes the occultism described in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida. The writer also analyzes the characteristics of main characters while Ariston

focuses only on Brida’s characteristics.


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B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is one of the crucial elements in a fiction. Abrams (1999:46) defines

character as a person who has certain “intellectual”, “emotional qualities”, and

“moral”. According to Forster in Aspects of the Novel there are two kinds of

characters based on the complexity of the characteristics. They are flat characters and

round characters. Flat characters are simply understood and remembered since they

are built only by one characteristic and the characteristic is not changed by

circumstances. On the other hand round characters are more complex and they often

surprise the reader in a “convincing way”.

Besides flat and round characters, character is also divided into major and

minor ones. Elizabeth Sky says that major characters are the ones who appear

throughout the plot or in the major section. They also involve in the important action

and conflict. Besides minor characters are the ones who enter the plot for certain

reason but then they may not be heard of again or they may enter throughout the plot

but they still in the “shadow of the major character”. Their existence in the plot

strengthens the position of the major characters (, September 12, 2013).

Furthermore Henkle (1977:92-93) describes the criteria of major character.

According to Henkle, major characters are the ones who ‘deserve’ reader’s attention.

Besides major characters are also whom the readers build expectations and desires to

since they are the ones who capable in presenting and also convincing the issues in

the novel.


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Character in a fiction cannot stand alone. There is no character without

characterization and vice versa. As Gill says that character is a person in literary work

while characterization is the process in which a character is created (1995:127).

Abcarian stresses the importance of characterization towards the character. Abcarian

says characterization is required since it makes the character seems alive to the reader


According to Abrams (1999:33-34) the characterization can be done by using

two different methods. The first method is showing method. Showing method is that

the author just presents the characters talking and acting, and then the author gives a

chance to the readers in viewing how the character is. However, in this method the

author can also put the thought and feelings of the character. Otherwise the author can

use the second method; telling method. Telling method is that the author describes the

characters as she or he views them. The author tells the readers straight forward about

how the character is and the author often tells the reasons of what the character says

and does.

However, the characterization can be done in various ways. Roger B. Henkle

(1977:161-173) states there are nine ways of characterization using different angle.

The first angle which can be used in characterization is the appearance of a character.

The author can describe a character through the appearance or the clothes so that the

readers can easily imagine the character. The second angle is speech. By using this

angle, the author lets the reader view a character based on what he or she says.

Besides the speech, the author also can use a conversation of other characters as the


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third angle in characterization. By showing the conversation of others characters, the

author allows the readers to judge a character from the view point of other characters.

The fourth angle which the author can use in characterization is a character’s past life.

A character’s past life can be explored in order to shape the characteristic. It can be

explored through the direct comment of the author, the character’s thought, the

character’s speeches, and also thought of the other characters. Another angle which

can be used in characterization is reactions. Reactions can show the image of a

character through how the character responds toward certain situations and events.

Besides reactions, the sixth angle used in characterization is thought. A character can

be viewed from the way of thinking on something. In order to show the thought or the

way of thinking, the author can directly give certain information about what the

character thinks about or the way of thinking of a character. The next angle is

mannerism. In order to shape a characteristic of a character, the author can show the

mannerism, habits or some peculiarities. By showing this angle, the readers can know

the characteristic of a character. The next angle in characterization is another

character. The author uses another character in defining a characteristic of a

character. The author uses point of view and opinion toward another character in

defining the characteristic. The last angle which can be used in characterization is

direct comments. The author puts the direct comment on a character so that the

readers directly know what the author wants to say about the character.


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2. Theory of Occultism

Occultism is derived from a Latin word “occultus”. Ontario Consultants on

Religious Tolerance states that “the word occult is derived from the Latin word

“Occultus” which means “hidden”.” (, April 12, 2013).

However, the definition above is not enough to describe what occultism really

is. Another specific concept is given by Scott. According to Scott, occultism consists

of two parts. They are theoretical and practical occultism (1950:8). Similar to Scott,

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky also states that occultism consists of two parts. However,

Blavatsky uses different terms for those parts. She uses theosophy instead of

theoretical occultism and occult science instead of practical occultism (,

July 6, 2014).

In order to understand the concept of occultism as stated above, the writer

begins with the theosophy first. Theosophy is derived from Greek words. John Algeo

(1969:8) states that those Greek words are “theos” which means divine and “sophia”

which means wisdom. Therefore John Algeo calls theosophy as “Divine Wisdom”.

The term of theosophy was first used in English in 1650. At this time, theosophy was

used for some teachings of ancient sages, and it was then applied to the thought of

Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus. Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus were the founders of

Alexandrian School of Neoplatonism in Egypt in the early third century AD. For

them Theosophy was divine knowledge which explains about Greek mysticism. Since

then, the term was also used by a Protestant mystic, Jakob Bohme, and also 17th and


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18th writers on spiritual subjects. Besides, theosophy also has been applied to such

school of thought such as Gnosticism and Alchemy.

However since 1875, as the emergence of Theosophy Society, the use of the

term of theosophy has been expanded. It is not only limited to Greek mysticism and

spiritual subject in the 17th and 18th century. This expansion is brought by Helena

Petrovna Blavatsky. Blavatsky was a Russian woman who then became a naturalized

American citizen. When she was young, Blavatsky decided to leave Russia and travel

around the world in seeking of explanation of mystery of life and wisdom. Since then,

according to David Pratt, Blavatsky had contact with religious and mystical traditions

in many parts of the world. Blavatsky also had an instruction from her teacher in

Tibet to spread the theosophy in America. However, the teacher declared a new goal

of theosophy which was only limited to mysticism before. Hence, theosophy has

become modern theosophy which is brought by Blavatsky as one of the founder of

Theosophy Society (, July 6, 2014).

Modern theosophy has three main objectives. David Pratt gives explanation

on the three objectives. The first objective is called universal brotherhood of

humanity. It is a principle that there is no distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, and

race among human beings. It teaches that human beings must try to be loving and

forgiving, calm and patient, kind and altruistic, treating others as how human beings

wants to be treated, concentrating on correcting our own faults rather than criticizing

others, and above all, we should live to benefit others ( , July 6,2014).

Related to this objective, the law of karma can take a place within. John Algeo


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(1969:56) says that karma is a law of cause and effect. Karma originally comes from

a Sanskrit word which literally means “action” and it implies the totality of action

(action and reaction). The term karma itself now becomes an ordinary English word.

The concept of karma can be found in all great religions, and philosophies. According

to law of karma, universe is a place where nothing happens by chance. Thus, every

action of human beings affects their relationships with their family, friends, business

associates and even the strangers they meet. Therefore in order to have good karma,

one must thread others as how one to be threaded.

The second objective of theosophy, as stated in David Pratt’s article, is study

of the world’s religions (, July 6,2014). John Algeo says that religion

comes from a Latin term which means “to link back” 1969:10). Therefore, each

religion links its believers back to the Divine based on its own way. Although each

religion has its own way, according to David Prat, theosophy finds that the world’s

religions have more similarities than differences. World’s religions advocate the

golden rule of universal love. Theosophy also speaks of enlightened teachers such as

Krishna, Buddha and Christ. Therefore John Algeo also provides a statement of the

second international president of Theosophy Society, Annie Besant, about Theosophy

and religion. She states that theosophy does not ask a man to leave his religion.

Whatever his religion, a man should live it (1969:10).

The third objective of occultism, as stated by John Algeo (1969:47), is the

study of the mystery of nature such as the explanation on the growth of an organism

from a seed or an egg, and the psychic powers latent in a man such as an out-of-body


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experience. Besides, related to this objective, theosophy has certain belief and

fundamental doctrines. For example: theosophy believes that a soul is for a body, not

a body for a soul. According to this view point, theosophy argues that thinking a

physical body for a soul is mistaking a house for the man who lives inside it. It should

be a man for his own house. This view point is related to a doctrine of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is derived from the words “re” which means again, “in” which means

into, and “carn” which means flesh. Therefore reincarnation means a soul repeatedly

entering into a fleshly body.

Through the three objectives above, theosophy offers a way of looking at

one’s self and the world. By offering a different way of looking at one’s self and the

world, theosophy stimulates a self-transformation. As John Algeo states that

theosophy is dedicated to preserve and realize the ageless wisdom which embodies a

world view and a vision of human self-transformation (1969:14). Furthermore Fay

Van Ierlant quotes statements of Shirley Nicholson. Shirley Nicholson states how

theosophy can lead into self-transformation as below

We may also see more and more ways in which these ideas relate to our daily lives. They may begin to reflect in our emotions too, as new levels of love and compassion and the desire to serve. Thus we ground these principles in experience and in our inner life so that they affect us at every level. As this process deepens, we may find that our attitude toward life is changing. We may become more able to remove ourselves from the limitations of our immediate situation and see its meaning from a broader perspective, from a more long-range view, as we look to larger goals. Thus this process of turning ideas into experience engages our whole being. What starts as intellectual comprehension grows into intuitive insight and become grounded in practicality. Our faculties at all levels become focused on the quest, and we become involved in an unending process of growth, continually creative and fresh, that will go on year after year. We discover for ourselves that a true


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encounter of the self with the esoteric vision has the power to transform us (, July 6, 2014)

According to the statements by Shirley Nicholson, the writer concludes that

theosophy does lead a man into self-transformation. Self-transformation, according to

Shirley Nicholson, is a process in which the principles within the theosophy turn into

experience which engages the human’s whole being. One can have this process

through three steps. The first step is realizing the principles of theosophy are related

to daily life. Then the second step is that the attitude toward life starts to change

because of the realization. The third step is discovering a true encounter of one’s self

(self-discovery) through occultism has the power to transform one.

Fay Van Ierlant, a member of Theosophy of Dutch Section, also states that

self-transformation is a process in which a man can discover wisdom which lies in his

own life and it cannot come from without (, July 6, 2014). Similar to that

statement, Theosophical Society in England states that wisdom cannot be enclosed

within words. Wisdom must be discovered and experienced by a man for himself

(, July 6 2014). Therefore in this sense, the concept of

wisdom is really personal.

The second part of occultism is practical occultism. Melton states several

practices of occultism. They are exploring one’s past lives, divinatory, witchcraft,

psychokinesis, and magic (2001:1135). Psychokinesis is an ability to move objects at

a distance by mental power (2001:1217). Divinatory can be varied depends on the

medium used to divine. It can be astrology or divining one’s fate or future according


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to the juxtaposition of sun, moon, and planets when one births (2001:108). Others

method can be done by using 22 symbolical picture cards or tarot cards (2001:1532),

by analyzing line and mark on one’s hand or it is called palmistry (2001:1174), and

also by calculate the numerical values to the letters of one’s name and/or birth place

(2001:1127). Witchcraft is the practice of magic which is done by the practitioners

who are usually women who have psychic powers (2001:1678).

The last practical occultism is magic. J.P. Chaplin defines magic as ‘a

paranormal power or influence’ (1976:95). In order to understand what magic is, it is

important to know the explanation about magic. Mouni Sadhu (1973:199) divides

magic into black and white magic. According to Sadhu, those two kinds of magic are

determined by its aim. Black magic is driven by egoistic and selfish intentions. On

the other hand if someone uses magic unselfishly or without any profit for himself

that could harm others then it is define as white magic.

Sir James George Frazer divides magic into negative and positive magic. It is

called positive magic (or it is called sorcery) since it suggests the believers to do

certain things in order to get certain desirable effect. Otherwise, negative magic (or it

is called taboo) warns the believers not to do certain things in order to prevent

undesirable effect (, June 15,2013).

The idea of black/white magic and positive/negative magic may be

understood well if it is described through the principles of magic. Frazer explains

there are two principles in magic. The first principle is law of similarity. This law


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works when a magician can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it. The

act of magic based on this law is called homoeopathic or imitative magic. This law

can be applied for either good or bad purposes. The bad purposes (black magic) based

on this law can be done in order to injure or destroy other. For example, according to

Frazer, when an Ojebway Indian wants to harm his enemy then he can make a little

wooden puppet of his enemy and prick a needle in some parts of that wooden image

such as head and heart. By doing so, it is believed that the enemy will get the same

effect as the puppet get. Besides if an Ojebway Indian wants to kill the enemy

outright, he can burn or bury the puppet while he utters some magic words

(, June 15,2013).

On the other hand this principle of magic can also be done for good purposes.

Frazer mentions several Imitative magic which are done by some tribes for good

purposes. For example, in the island of Nias, if a wild pig enters the pit prepared for

it, then the wild pig will be taken out and its back will be rubbed with nine fallen

leaves. It is believed that by doing so then nine more wild pigs will fall into the pit

just as the nine leaves fall from the tree. This kind of imitative magic is also

considered as positive magic (sorcery). On the other hand there is a negative magic

(taboo) in imitative magic. For example: in Madagascar the soldiers are forbidden to

eat the knee of ox since it will make the soldiers’ knee become weak

(, June 15,2013).


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The second principle in magic, as stated by Frazer, is Law of Contact or

Contagion. The act based on this law is called Contagious Magic. Different from law

of similarity, this law is not produced by imitating some objects in order to get certain

effect. According to this law, a magician can produce certain magical effect resulted

only from the parts of human’s body. Those parts can be various. They can be

someone’s teeth, navel-string or afterbirth, blood and even footprint. For example : In

Germany many people believe that if a child’s milk-tooth falls out then it is better to

insert it in mouse’s hole. By doing so it is believed that it will prevent the child from

having toothache and the child’s teeth will be as strong as mouse’s. Not only the part

of physical body but also the sign left by the body can also be used in order to

produce magical effect. For example: the natives of south-eastern Australia believe

that by injuring the footprints of their enemy they can injure their enemy’s foot. They

can put sharp pieces of glass or bones in their footprints (,

June 15,2013). Lady Sabrina also mentions others things which can be used in

produce contagious magic such as a person’s picture, clothing and handwriting.

Those things are called magical link (2001:155).

C. Theoretical Framework

The topic which the writer wants to analyze in this undergraduate thesis is

occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. In order to analyze occultism in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida, the writer uses some theories on character and characterization and also

theories on occultism.


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Theories on character and characterization are required since the writer

analyzes the idea of occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida through the major characters.

The writer argues that major characters are the most appropriate entrance to come

into the occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. The writer sees that major characters in

Paulo Coelho’s Brida have their own value to represent occultism in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida. Therefore, the writer describes the major characters before coming into the

occultism. After describing the major characters, the writer analyzes the idea of

occultism. Hence, the writer provides several theories on occultism which can help

the writer in analyzing the idea of occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida.


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A. Object of the Study

In this undergraduate thesis the writer analyzes a novel entitled Brida. Brida is

written by a Brazilian author; Paulo Coelho. This novel was first published in 1990 in

Portuguese version. It was then translated into English version in 1993 by Harper

Collins. However, the writer uses the book published in 2008.

This novel consists of 247 pages. In the beginning there is quotation taken

from Luke. They sounds “…what woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one of

them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?

When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, “Rejoice

with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.” (Luke 15:8-9). This quotation is

also followed by a warning given by Paulo Coelho. Paulo Coelho warns that the

rituals described in this novel are the same as those practiced over the centuries and

they require experience and practice. Therefore practicing those rituals without

guidance is dangerous, inadvisable, and unnecessary. It also can hinder the spiritual


In the end of this novel there are some facts about the book, about other Paulo

Coelho’s novels, and also about Paulo Coelho. Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de

Janeiro in August 1947. He is the son of Pedro Queima Coelho de Souza (an

engineer) and Lygia (a housewife). The most important thing described in this part is



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how Paulo Coelho returns in Catholicism and studies the kindness of magic. This

novel is ended with description of others novels written by Paulo Coelho.

Paulo Coelho’s Brida is a fiction novel which talks about a journey of an Irish

girl, Brida, in learning magic. Brida wants to learn magic because she wants to learn

about the occult power and she thinks magic can help her in finding answer to some

questions she has regarding life. Unexpectedly she finds that occultism is quite

different from what she thinks. Occultism is not easy as what she thinks. This fact

often makes her want to give up. However, learning occultism does not merely brings

difficulties to her. Through the difficulties Brida understands what occultism is and

finally she becomes a witch. She also realizes that magic as a part of occultism does

not answer her questions regarding life. However, it helps her in accepting her own


B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing Paulo Coelho’s Brida, the writer uses objective theory in

analyzing a work of art.

According to Abrams (1953:26-28), objective theory regards a work of art in

isolation from the external points of reference such as universe, author and readers. A

work of art is not an imitation of a universe since universe itself is an object in a work

of art. In order to place universe as an object in a work of art, objective theory uses

such a centripetal method which assimilates the external elements into the attributes

of the work of art. It is by letting the universe reenter the discussion as the plot,


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character, and thought which together with diction, melody, and spectacle. These

things compose the universe into an object in a work of art. In this sense, Abrams

calls a work of art as a “self-sufficient entity constituted by its parts in their internal


Objective theory also regards a work of art as a heterocosm. It is a world of its

own whose end is not to instruct or to please but simply to exist. According to Kant, a

work of art as a heterocosm, exhibits Zweckmāssigkeit ohne zweck or purposiveness

without purpose. In this sense, Kant argues that the beauty of a work of art is

disinterested and without regard to utility. However, Kant does not neglect the mental

faculties of its creator and receptor. Another critic, T.S.Eliot, says that a work of art

must be considered as a work of art, not another thing. It should not mean but it

should be.

The writer argues that this objective theory is the most appropriate theory to

analyze Paulo Coelho’s Brida. In order to analyze occultism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida,

the writer does not refer to the external points of reference. The writer analyzes the

internal elements and their relation which make up the idea of occultism in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida.

C. Method of the Study

In order to do this undergraduate thesis, the writer took several steps which

were required in finishing this thesis. The first step was that the writer read Paulo

Coelho’s Brida several times in order to understand what the author really wanted to


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say. After reading several times, the writer argued that the main point in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida was about the definition of occultism. The author wanted to define

what occultism really was. The writer could have such argument by having attention

to the details within Paulo Coelho’s Brida which build the definition of the occultism


The second step was that the writer formulates the problem formulation. In

answering the problem formulation, the writer used two kinds of sources. They are

the primary and secondary sources. The primary source was the novel itself, Paulo

Coelho’s Brida. It was used to analyze the story and to get the supporting answers of

the problem formulation. The secondary sources were the books that provided

theories on character and characterization, theories on occultism, and also theories of

the study. Besides, the writer also had library and internet research. The writer used

library research in finding all of the secondary sources. However, the internet

research was also required in finding some of the secondary sources such as several

theories on occultism. The internet research also helped the writer in finding other

undergraduate theses which discussed Paulo Coelho’s Brida through official online

library of certain universities.


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In order to answer the questions which are stated in problem formulation, the

writer divides this chapter into two parts. The first part discusses how the major

characters are described and the second part discusses the occultism which is

represented through the major characters.

A. The Characteristics of Major Characters

Elizabeth Sky says that major character is the one who appears throughout the

plot or in the major section (, September 12, 2013). According to this

definition, the writer finds there are three major characters in Paulo Coelho’s Brida.

They are Brida, Magus and Wicca. These characters are the ones who bring occultism

as the main issue in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. Besides, Abrams also says that there are

two kinds of characters based on their complexity. They are flat character and round

character. Flat characters are the ones who are simply understood and remembered

since they are built only by one characteristic. Besides, their characteristics are not

changed by circumstances. On the other hand round characters are more complex and

they often surprise the reader in a “convincing way” (1949:46). According to this

classification, the writer finds that Wicca is a flat character. On the other hand, Magus

and Brida are the round characters.

Besides, in order to describe these major characters, the writer also uses

theory of Henkle which explains nine ways of characterization. The writer finds there



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are five ways of characterization based on Henkle’s theory used in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida. They are mannerism, speech, thought, reaction, and also direct comment. The

writer describes the characters as below.

1. Wicca

Mysterious Teacher

Wicca is a teacher of the Tradition of the Moon. In Paulo Coelho’s Brida , the

Tradition of the Moon is a way in learning magic through time and things which are

imprisoned in time’s memory for (2008:10). As a teacher of the Tradition of the

Moon, Wicca is described as a mysterious character. Wicca is mysterious for she

shows some oddities. The writer finds that the author shows this quality of Wicca by

describing Wicca’s mannerism. The author describes certain peculiarities about

Wicca. For example, Wicca can possess a red British classic car. It is a well-

preserved British classic car which can only possessed by certain people since it does

represent luxury. The author describes this first oddity as below.

At the appointed hour, Wicca was waiting outside in a red MG convertible, with the top down. The car, a British classic, was exceptionally well preserved, with gleaming bodywork and a polished dashboard. Brida didn’t even dare hazard a guess at how much it must have cost. The idea that witch should own such an expensive car frightened her a little. Before she’d known anything about the Tradition of the Moon, she’d heard all kinds of tales in her childhood about witches making terrible pacts with the Devil in exchange for money and power. (2008:133-134)

Through this description, it is shown that the fact that Wicca can posses of such

luxury car frightens Brida. It is not her possession of that luxurious car which


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frightens Brida, but it is about how Wicca can possess a luxurious car. Wicca is

described as a woman whose job is teaching magic. Besides, Wicca even teaches

Brida without any payment. Therefore, Brida feels it is really odd how Wicca, who

teaches magic, can possess that car which only few people can have it. That car is not

only expensive but also luxurious. This oddity makes Brida remembers that before

knowing the Tradition of the Moon, Brida thought that witches can have a deal with

devil in order to exchange power and money.

Besides Wicca’s possession of a luxurious car, there is another thing which is

seems so odd. It is about Wicca’s choice of apartment. Wicca lives in an apartment

which is located in the center of the town. She designs its interior with a with best

taste design. She designs the interior with arts such as paintings and sculptures. It also

looks beautiful with the light from outside which is filtered by white curtains. The

apartment is also comfortable with the arrangement of sofas, dining table, Italian-

armchairs and also well-stocked library.

The way Wicca decorates her apartment shows that she loves art and she has

good taste. However, the interior of Wicca’s apartment is contrary to the exterior of

the building. The author gives description through Brida’s view point when she sees

the building for the first time as below.

The old building was in the centre of town, in a place that is now only visited by tourists in search of a little nineteenth century romanticism….and now she was standing outside a mysterious gray building, struggling to contain her excitement… There was no elevator. She went up the stairs slowly so as not out of breath when she reached the floor she wanted, and when she arrived, she rang the bell of the only door there. (2008:23).


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Based on this description, it is stated that the building looks mysterious from the

outside. It shows plainness and there is no luxury at all so that Brida needs to collect

her excitement before she decides to come in. It even has no elevator. Wicca’s choice

of apartment is really strange. The strangeness is that why Wicca, as a person who

has good taste and she even can posses luxurious car chooses such an old plain

building to live in.

Another Wicca’s oddity described by the author is her attitude. Wicca is a

character with close personality. This quality is proven through the description given

by the author as below.

…and she was hurt because, up until then, her teacher had never shown theslightest interest in her private life. Their conversations never went beyond what Brida needed to know in order to work within the Tradition of the Moon. (2008:133) Whenever the conversation turned to personal topics, Wicca would respond vaguely or evasively, but she spoke with great verve about trivial matters-price, clothes, rude shop assistants…(2008:137)

These descriptions show that Wicca is a character with close personality. She is a

character who does not show any interest about personal life topics. What she

discusses is all about tradition of the Moon. Each time the conversation turns into

personal topic, Wicca avoids it by mentioning unrelated topic such as clothes,

matters-price, etc. This strange attitude strengthens Wicca as a mysterious character.

Wicca’s peculiarities as described above define Wicca as a mysterious

character. The peculiarities are described without any explanation at all so that the

other character, Brida, feels that things about Wicca are a mystery. All things about


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Wicca gain such wonder and they have no explanation. There is no explanation on

how Wicca can have luxurious car, why she must live in a mysterious old building,

and why she never wants to talk about her personal life.

2. Magus

Wise Teacher

The second major character in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is Magus. Magus is

about 40 years old. The author directly describes him physically as a man with

grizzled hair. His skin is burned by the sun and he had the physique of someone used

to walking in the mountains (2008:9).

Magus is a teacher of the tradition of the Moon. In Paulo Coelho’s Brida, the

Tradition of the Sun is a way in learning magic through space and the world around

human beings (2008:10). As a teacher of the Tradition of the Sun, Magus is described

as a wise characteristic. The author reveals this quality through Magus’ reaction in

facing his internal conflicts. For example, when Magus gives Brida the first lesson in

learning magic is actually the moment in which Magus gets his first internal conflict.

That first lesson is called Dark Night. It is a lesson where Brida has to stay alone in a

forest for a whole night. Giving such lesson to Brida is a conflict for Magus since that

young girl, Brida, is his Soul Mate. The author gives direct comment on how the

conflict Magus feels and how he reacts towards that conflict as below.

Leaning against the trunk of an old tree, the Magus watched the girl vanish into the woods. He had listened to her fears and heard her cries during the


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night. At one point, he had even been tempted to go over and embrace her, to shield her from her terror, saying that she didn’t need this kind of challenge. Now he was pleased that he hadn’t, and he felt proud that the girl, in all her youthful confusion, was his Soul Mate (2008:18)

From the description above, the author states both the conflict and how Magus’

reaction toward the conflict. The conflict which Magus faces is that the fact that

Magus is a Teacher and also a Soul Mate at the same time. Magus is a Soul Mate for

Brida. Magus knows this from the very first time he meets Brida. Magus knows this

when he looks into Brida’s eyes. Tradition of the Sun in Paulo Coelho’s Brida notices

Soul Mate from the eye. Those eyes shine a particular light which can be seen only by

the Soul Mate (2008:87). As a man, Magus has a temptation to save his Soul Mate,

Brida, from her fear. Besides, as a Teacher, Magus knows that he must be consistent

to let his pupil stay alone in the forest for a night. Facing this situation, Magus

chooses to be a teacher instead of a soul mate. He decides not to help Brida. He

chooses to let Brida stay alone in that forest. Magus’ reaction toward his conflict

results in pride. Magus proud of that young girl, is actually his Soul Mate for she can

pass the Dark Night.

The quality as a wise teacher is again proven when Magus has a conflict

within his self. The second internal conflict is a moment when Magus and Brida are

in the forest. At this moment, Brida asks Magus to let her know how to gain power

through sex. Gaining magic power through sex becomes important since it is a phase

that Brida must pass before she can get officially initiated as a witch. At this moment,

Magus has a slight thought that he can tell Brida outright that he is her Soul Mate.


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Doing so can make her path in learning magic become much easier. Besides, it also

can complete both Magus and Brida’s encounter in magic. The author shows this

situation by giving a direct comment and also showing Magus’ thought as below.

The Magus was staring at the bare, snowy branches. He could, at the moment, forget he was a Teacher and be merely a Magus, a man like any other man. He knew that his Soul Mate was there before him. He could be talk about the point of light he could see, and she would believe him, and their reencounter would be complete. Even if she left in tears, she would come back eventually, because he was telling the truth-and she needed him as much as he needed her. That was the wisdom of Soul Mates; they always recognized each other. …..For a moment, he thought: “I could give up magic for her,” but immediately realized how foolish that thought was. Love didn’t require that kind of renunciation. True love allowed each person to follow their own path, knowing that they would never lose touch with their Soul Mate (2008:123-124).

The descriptions above show how wise Magus is. Again, Magus faces a

moment which challenges him as a teacher. At this moment, Magus can stop

considering himself as a teacher for a while and let Brida knows that he is Brida’s

soul mate. However, this moment even strengthens the characteristic of Magus as a

wise teacher. Soon, Magus realizes that thought is absolutely unnecessary. He

realizes that soul mate will recognize each other. Sooner or later they will find their

way. Therefore the only thing Magus needs is only a kind of patience.

Magus is not only a wise teacher but he also a wise man. A proof of this

quality lies in the last part in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. It is a moment after Brida is

successfully initiated as a witch. After being initiated, Brida wants to stay with

Magus in the forest for she knows that Magus is actually her soul mate. Brida also

wants to leave her recent boyfriend; Lorens. However, Magus does not agree with


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Brida. He even asks Brida to go with her boyfriend. The author shows how wise

Magus through Magus’s statements as below.

“People give flowers as presents because flowers contain the true meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in a field, you will keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell damp earth and the clouds on the horizon.” “That is why the forest taught me. That you will never be mine, and that’s why I will never lose you. You were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith. “Knowing that my Soul Mate would come one day, I devoted myself to learning the Tradition of the Sun. Knowing that you existed was my one reason for continuing to live.” Brida could no longer conceal her tears. “Go in peace,” said the Magus. “And dry those tears, or tell him that the smoke from the fire got in your eyes. Never forget me.” (2008:209-211)

This situation as described above proves that Magus is really wise. Although Magus

knows that he has a chance to be together with his soul mate, but Magus does not take

it at all. He even asks Brida to go with her recent boyfriend. Magus does so because

he realizes that finding his soul mate is more than enough. Besides, Magus also

understands that love is liberty. He cannot simply take the chance and let Brida leaves

his recent boyfriend, Lorens. This reaction proves that Magus is a wise man for he

does not let his love becomes an excuse to hurt the other one; Lorens.

3. Brida

Brida is a 21-year-old girl who wants to learn magic. In order to describe

Brida, the writer divides this part into two parts. The first part is how Brida is

described before she learns magic and during the process she learns magic. The


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second part is how Brida is described after she learns magic till she is initiated as a

witch. In the first part, the writer describes Brida as a faint-hearted person. The writer

describes it as below.

a. Faint-hearted

Brida as a faint-hearted person can be proven through Brida’s reaction toward

certain situations. Brida’s reaction shows that she is not brave enough. The first

situation is that when Brida has to face the first lesson given by Magus, Dark Night.

Dark Night is the first and important lesson in both of the Tradition of the Sun and

the Tradition of the Moon. It is inspired from a poem entitled Dark Night by St. John

of the Cross (2008:12). Facing this lesson, Brida has to stay alone during a night in a

forest. Initially, Brida is afraid of being left alone. Therefore she tries to convince

herself in order to overcome her fear. Initially she can overcome her fear. However,

it does not last longer. Brida starts to get panic. Her panic begins with the

contradictory views about Magus. Some people say that Magus is a powerful

magician. Others say that he is a black magician. She even gets more panic when

Brida suddenly hears noise nearby. Those things almost make Brida want to give up.

It is proven by Brida’s statements as below.

“Where are you?” she cried…She simply wanted to get out of there. “I want to get out of here. Help me!” There was only the forest and its strange noises. Brida felt so dizzy with fear she thought she might faint…(2008:14)

From the description of the situation above, it can be seen that Brida is not

brave enough. She is afraid because she imagines such wild animals, childhood


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ghosts, and a bad magician before her while in fact there are only forest and its

strange noise. Her being of not brave enough is proven by Brida’s reaction toward her

own fear which is not real. Brida even shouts that she wants to get out of the forest. It

almost makes Brida fail to pass the first lesson.

Brida is also a person who lacks courage especially in taking risk. Once again,

the author tries to reveal this quality by letting the readers know how Brida reacts in

certain situations. The first situation is a moment when Magus gives Brida a crucial

question. The question is which one Brida will choose between love and magic. Brida

has to answer Magus’ question with total honesty. Brida’s honesty in answering the

question determines whether or not Magus accepts her as pupil. Although Brida has

the answer which comes from her own consideration, she tries to avoid giving the

answer. It is proven from the dialogue between Magus and Brida as below.

“I see no contradiction between my search and my personal happiness,” she said.

“Answer my question.” His eyes were still fixed on hers. “Would you give up everything for that man?” Brida felt a tremendous urge to cry. It wasn’t so much a question, it was a choice, the most difficult choice anyone would have to make in life…(2008:8)

From the dialogue above, it is obvious that Brida indirectly avoids giving

answer to Magus’s question. Brida’s statement, which says that there is no

contradiction between her search and personal happiness, means that her ambition of

learning magic does not oppose her personal life. Therefore, she thinks that she does

not have to choose between love and magic. However, after being forced to give an

answer, Brida tries to ensure herself with her own consideration as described below.


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She continued to avoid Magus’s gaze. Her eyes were fixed on the village and its twinkling lights. People had been trying to understand the universe through love ever since the beginning of time. “I’d give it all up,” she said at last. …”Look at me,” said the Magus. Brida felt ashamed, but did as he asked. (2008:9)

After having sureness of her own consideration, Brida chooses love instead of

magic. However, after giving her answer Brida even feels ashamed and disappointed.

She feels that way even before she knows whether Magus accepts her as pupil or not.

In this situation, there are two facts proving that Brida lacks courage for taking risk.

First is the fact that Brida avoids giving answer. Second is the fact that Brida feels

ashamed and disappointed even though she does not know yet whether or not she is


Another way the author tries to show that Brida is afraid in taking risk is by

letting the readers know how Brida thinks about herself. For example, there is a

moment when Brida remembers of her childhood experience. It is an experience

when her father asked Brida to check how the temperature of the water on the beach

was like. Brida then did as what her father asked. She just went to the edge and

dipped in a toe. Seeing how Brida checked the water, her father then said a little

advice to Brida. He said that in order to know something Brida must be brave to

plunge straight in it. After remembering that advice, Brida then realizes that she is

afraid in taking risk since her childhood. The author describes how Brida feels about

herself through Brida’s thought and also direct comment given by the author as



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“I’m afraid of committing myself”, she thought to herself. She wanted to follow all possible paths and so ended up following none. Even in that most important area of her life, love, she had failed to commit herself…She feared pain, loss, and separation…(2008:75)

The description of Brida thought and the direct comment proves that Brida

lacks courage in taking risk. Things which frighten Brida are not difficulties. What

frightens her most is a fact that she has to take risk. It is because she is afraid of pain

if she takes the wrong decision. Her lack of courage for taking risk also affects her

being of unconfident in making decision when Brida has to answer Magus’ question

with total honesty.

b. Brave

This second part of Brida characteristic describes Brida’s characteristic after

she learns magic. After going through all phases in learning magic, Brida is going to

be officially initiated as a witch. The days before the initiation, Brida shows a change

of her character. The author lets the readers know it through Brida’s thought and

reaction toward a situation when she feels a conflict within herself at a moment she

wants to make decision. The situation is that when Brida stands outside a church

which she used to go when she was a child. She is not sure whether she must enter

that church or not. Honestly Brida wants to enter the church but on the other hand she

thinks she cannot enter that church for she learns magic and she is going to be

initiated as a witch. She thinks that magic is a different path from God’s. Besides, she

thinks that she will betray her forebears who died in a witch hunts centuries before.


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However, soon Brida realizes that her thought is not correct. The author shows

Brida’s thought as below.

“But then I was burned at the stake, too,” she said to herself. She remembered the prayer Wicca had said on the day commemorating the martyrdom of the witches. And in that prayer, she had mentioned Jesus and the Virgin Mary…(1008:171)

Based on Brida’s thought, it is shown that she realizes that Wicca, also prays

to the God and Virgin Mary. Besides, Brida also realizes that she will not betray her

forebears since she is a part of them. In her past life, Brida is an incarnation of a

witch named Loni. Therefore, Brida just continue her steps into that church. Brida’s

thought and also her action of entering the church though she has doubt prove that

Brida is no longer afraid in making decision.

After entering the church, Brida just stares at an image of a man who is nailed

to the cross and says a little prayer as below.

“Lord, we’re all in the world to run the risks of that Dark Night. I’m afraid of death, but even more afraid of wasting my life. I’m afraid of love, because it involves things that are beyond our understanding; it sheds such a brilliant light, but the shadow it casts frightens me.” (2008:173)

Through Brida’s speech in her prayer, it is shown that she realizes that as a human

being, she absolutely has fear. She admits that she is afraid of death. However, she

tends to be more afraid of wasting her life time because of that fear. Brida used to

think that life is so complicated. She has to take risk, follow some paths and abandon

others (2008:75). She also realizes that she has fear of love because love is such a

mystery. She used to think that love offers both romanticism and separation

(2008:75). However, she then realizes that she is more afraid of being the shadows of


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love. As a human being, she absolutely has a fear of pain caused by love. However,

that fear should not stop her in loving other human beings. This moment shows that

Brida is no longer afraid in taking risk for now she understands that life cannot is

about taking risk.

B. Occultism as Represented by Major Characters

In this second part of analysis, the writer analyses how occultism in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida is represented through the major characters. Analyzing this part, the

writer uses the theory given by Blavatsky which states that occultism consists of two

parts. They are occult science as practical occultism and theosophy as theoretical

occultism. Therefore, the writer divides this chapter into two parts. The first part

discusses occult science and the second part discusses theosophy.

1. Occult Science

In chapter II, it is stated that Helena Petrovna Blavatsky uses term occult

science in referring to practical occultism. Occult science can be various. Melton

states several practices of occultism. They are exploring one’s past lives, divinatory,

witchcraft, psychokinesis, and magic (2001:1135).

The writer finds the occult science described in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is

witchcraft which includes exploring one’s past live and magic. Witchcraft in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida is represented by Wicca.The characteristic of Wicca does strengthen

the position of Wicca as the major character who does stand for the occult science. As


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described in previous part of this chapter, Wicca is a mysterious character. Wicca

shows some oddities which are inexplicable. Similar to Wicca, Witchcraft in Paulo

Coelho’s Brida is also a mystery. It cannot be explained by logic. Besides, Wicca

who is mysterious, acts as the one who teaches the whole practices of witchcraft

though there are two teachers described in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. There are Magus as

a teacher of the Tradition of the Sun and Wicca as a teacher of the Tradition of the

Moon. Therefore, the writer argues that Wicca is the one who stands for witchcraft in

Paulo Coelho’s Brida.

As stated previously, the occult science which is described in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida is witchcraft which includes exploring past lives and magic. According to

Wicca, the first thing she has to do before she teaches Brida is that knowing her gift.

In order to know the gift, Wicca explores Brida’s past lives. There are two methods

which Wicca uses. The first method is using a vision through tarot cards. Another is

using a vision through such a time travel. From the vision of tarot cards, Wicca

notices that at some point in one of Brida’s past lives, she set along the road of magic

(2008:46). Besides, from the vision through such a time travel, Wicca knows that in

Brida’s past lives, she was a reincarnation of a female witch who lives in the Cathars

era named Loni. Loni was a woman who can discern spirit during her life time

(2008:66). Therefore, it is known that Brida’s gift is discerning spirit.

The second type of occult science in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is magic. As stated

in chapter 2, that witchcraft is the practice of magic which is performed by the

practitioners who are usually women who have psychic powers (2001:1678).


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Therefore, in this sense witchcraft cannot be separated from magic. There are two

types of magic and two laws of magic stated by Frazer. The first one is positive

magic which suggests the believers to do certain thing in order to get certain desirable

effect. The other one is negative magic (or it is called taboo) warns the believers not

to do certain things in order to prevent undesirable effect Besides, there are also two

principles of magic. They are law of similarity and law of contact or contagion. Law

of similarity is producingany effect a magician desires merely by imitating it. On the

other hand, law of contact is producing certain magical effect resulted only from the

parts of human’s body (

index.html, June 15,2013).

In Paulo Coelho’s Brida, magic which is presented by Wicca is positive

magic which has both law of similarity and law of contact within. These kinds of

magic are presented through several rituals taught by Wicca. For example, there is a

positive magic with law of similarity which Wicca asks Brida to do. It is a ritual of

drinking water which is cut using a dagger. In order to do this ritual, however, there

are some order must be followed. The author describes the order directly as below.

…There was a ritual she had to perform whenever the moon changed itsphase; she would place a cup of water on the windowsill so that the moon was reflected in the surface. Then she would be stand so that her own face was reflected in the water and the moon’s reflection was right in the middle of her forehead. When she was completely focused, she would cut the water with the dagger, causing the reflections to break up and form smaller ones. This water had to be drunk immediately, and then the power of the moon would grow inside her. (2008:96)


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Based on the description above, it is obvious that this ritual is a kind of

positive magic with the law of similarity. It is a positive magic since by doing this

ritual, it is believed that the power of moon will grow inside the believer, Brida.

There is also a law of similarity within this ritual. It is by imitating the moon itself by

placing a cup of water on the windowsill so that the reflection of the moon can be

seen on the surface of the water.

Besides, there is another ritual taught by Wicca which represents positive

magic with law of similarity. It is a ritual where Wicca teaches her apprentices about

the secret of herbs. The author also describes directly about this ritual as below.

Once a week, they went to the wood, and Wicca taught her apprentice the secrets of herbs. For Wicca, everything in the world bore God’s signature, especially plants. Certain leaves resembled the heart and were good for heart disease, while flowers that resembled eyes could cure diseases of the eye. Brida began to understand that many herbs really did bear a close resemblance to human organs, and in a book on folk medicine that Lorens borrowed from the university library she found research indicating that the beliefs of country people and witches could well be right. (2008:98)

From this description, it is stated that according to Wicca, plants bear God’s

signature. According to Wicca, certain plants which resemble certain human’s organs

can be used to cure certain diseases. It is a kind of positive magic with the law of

similarity because this ritual teaches the apprentices to cure certain diseases by using

certain plants which resembles or imitates certain organ which wants to be cured.

Another kind of magic taught by Wicca is a positive magic with the law of

contact. It is a ritual which has aim to awaken Brida’s gift. Wicca asks Brida to


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separate good and bad clothes. Wicca also asks Brida to wear all the good clothes

every day. Wicca explains this ritual as below.

“..The clothes you brought are part of you, and they represent those special times when you left the house wanting to splash out a little because you were happy with the world, times when you’d been hurt and wanted to make yourself feel better or times when you thought you should change your life.” “Clothes always transform emotion into matter. It’s one of the bridges between the visible and the invisible. Some clothes can even be harmful because they were made for someone else but have ended up in your hands.” “Get rid of any clothes that were not intended for you,” Wicca went on. “And wear all the others…”(2008:106).

From these Wicca’s statements, it can be concluded that this ritual is a kind of

positive magic with a law of contact since this ritual uses Brida’s clothes as the

magical link. It is important to perform this ritual since according to Wicca, this ritual

can awaken Brida’s gift. In order to awaken the gift, Wicca uses clothes as the

medium. According to Wicca, clothes are part of human being not only because

human being wears them anytime but also because they represent moments in human

life. However, Wicca also believes that certain clothes may be harmful if they are not

belongs to certain human beings. Therefore Wicca suggests Brida to wear only

clothes which are good for her.

2. Theosophy

The second part of occultism is theoretical occultism or it is called theosophy.

As stated in chapter II theosophy, especially modern theosophy, has three objectives.

They are universal brotherhood, study of world religion and study of mystery of

nature including the psychic and spiritual powers latent in a man. Those objectives


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can lead one into self-transformation through a different way of looking at one’s self

and the world. The self-transformation also can help one in finding wisdom in one’s

life. In this sense, wisdom is really personal. Therefore, according to this theory, the

writer divides theosophy into two parts. The first part is self transformation which

involves the objectives in theosophy. The second part is personal wisdom in

theosophy. The writer describes these two parts in theosophy as below.

a. Self transformation

In Paulo Coelho’s Brida, the major character who stands for self

transformation is Brida. However before going further about the self transformation,

it is necessary to discuss the objectives in theosophy described in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida and theosophy as a different way of looking at one’s self and the world. It is

required since self transformation does not come without those objectives and it also

cannot be separated from a different way of looking at world.

There are two objectives of theosophy which are described in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida. They are the study of psychic power latent in Brida and study of religion

especially Catholic. The first theosophy’s objective described in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida is a study of psychic power latent in Brida. In Paulo Coelho’s Brida, the first

step Brida must do before learning magic is that knowing what kind of gift she has. It

is necessary because it determines which way of learning magic (Tradition of the

Moon or Tradition of the Sun) is appropriate. In order to know her gift, Wicca as a

teacher of tradition of the Moon sees Brida’s past lives through the vision from time


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travel and tarot cards. From the vision of tarot cards, it is known that in one of her

past lives, Brida set along a road of magic. Besides through the vision of time travel,

it is known that Brida’s gift is discerning spirit. Therefore, related to the first

objective of occultism, a psychic power which Brida has is discerning spirit.

Second objective of theosophy which is described in Paulo Coelho’s Brida is

study of religion. Paulo Coelho’s Brida speaks a lot about faith. It tries to describe

faith by using the term of Dark Night. Actually, Dark Night is a name of first lesson

Brida has in learning magic. It is a lesson in which Brida must stay alone in a forest

during a whole night. There is only Brida with no light at all in the middle of the

forest. During this lonely Dark Night Brida gets herself in panic. She is terrified of

the images of wild animals and ghost which may appear before her.

However, Brida realizes that she must overcome her panic so that she can pass

the lesson. She starts to remember what is taught by her grandmother when she was

child. Her grandmother taught her about some words taken from Psalm 91 which

begins with “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High…” (2008:15).

Reminding those words, Brida then believes that there are God and Guardian Angel.

Brida has faith that God and her Guardian Angel will guide her going through the

lonely Dark Night. Having faith in God and her Guardian Angel is the only way

which can help Brida goes through the Dark Night; a situation in which Brida is alone

and cannot see anything. Otherwise, Brida knows she will despair. Brida starts to feel

calm for she understands now the difference between danger and fear. She

understands that what frightens her is only her fear. It is a thought of wild animals


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and ghost which exist in her mind, not around her. At the end, Brida succeeds in

passing her first lesson, Dark Night.

Going through Dark Night, Brida has sense that her first lesson is not merely

about the struggle while staying alone in the forest for a whole night. More than that

experience, Brida realizes that every moment in life is a Dark Night. It is proven

through Brida statements below.

“I learned about the Dark Night.,” she said to the now silent forest. “I learned that the search for God is a Dark Night, that Faith is a Dark Night. And that’s hardly a surprise really, because for us each day is a dark night. None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, and yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith (2008:17).

Through Brida’s statement, it is obviously stated that each day is a Dark Night for

everyone since human beings can never know what may happen in the next second.

However human beings still continue their own life simply because of having faith.

Hence the term of Dark Night is used to define faith. Faith is a moment when human

beings knows nothing yet still continue their own life or their own path.

Besides presenting Dark Night as the first lesson in order to define faith,

Paulo Coelho’s Brida also touches upon experience owned by the Virgin Mary. It is

described through the moment when Brida and Wicca are at a Japanese restaurant. As

described in previous part in this chapter, Wicca admits that she is a teacher and she

knows her limit. She knows that there are things in this life which are only known to

God. Therefore, according to Wicca, the only thing she can do toward things she

cannot know is simply she accepts it. In order to explain her idea, Wicca then

mentions an experience of the Virgin Mary. Wicca mentions it as below.


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“As soon as we accept this, life takes on a sacred meaning, and we experience the same emotion the Virgin must have felt when, one afternoon in her otherwise very ordinary existence, a stranger appeared to her and made her an offer. “Be it unto me according to thy word,’ said the Virgin. Because she had understood that the greatest thing human being can do is to accept the Mystery.” (2008:138-139).

As stated above, Wicca mentions an experience of the Virgin Mary. It is an

experience when an angel comes to the Virgin Mary and tell her that she will have a

son and she must named him Jesus. Responding to what the angel told, the Virgin

Mary answered “Be it unto me according to thy word.” This Mary’s reaction toward

the shocking news brought by the angel shows an act of having faith. It is an act of

having faith that the Virgin Mary can accept inexplicable thing in her life without any

question. She accepts her fate that she will have a baby even though it does not make

sense for she is still virgin. This Mary experience can describe what faith is. Faith is

an act to accept inexplicable things in life because of knowing that God will always

guide human beings.

Besides mentioning the experience of the Virgin Mary, Paulo Coelho’s Brida

also touches upon an experience of Jesus. As stated in previous part of this chapter,

Brida finally enters the church before she has doubt within. After entering the church,

Brida just sees the image of Jesus who is nailed to the cross. Brida realizes that image

is an answer for her doubt before entering the church. That image of Jesus who is

nailed to the cross explains to Brida that Jesus, as a human being, also has a doubt but

he also continues his path. That is what a priest taught her when she was a child at a


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Sunday catechism class. Soon Brida realizes that Jesus, a son of God, also faces a

Dark of Night.The author describes what Brida feels as below.

She looked again at the image, and for the first time in her entire life, felt closer to it. There perhaps was a man, frightened and alone, facing death and asking: “Father, Father, why has thou forsaken me?” If he said that, it was because He wasn’t sure where He was going. He had taken a chance and plunged, as all men do, into the Dark Night…(2008:172-173)

According to the priest and also what Brida feels, it is described that Jesus,

who is a son of God, faces a Dark Night. Although he knows that he is a son of God,

but he still has a doubt because he is a human being. However, Jesus still has faith in

his heart so that He still continues his path as a son of God who must die on the cross

in order to save all human beings. This time the author again defines what faith is by

mentioning this experience of Jesus. Faith means keep going forward in each moment

in life though human being has doubt.

By understanding the sense of faith, Brida now has a new way of looking at

world. The word “a new way” indicates there is“an old way”. Therefore the writer

argues it is necessary to know Brida’s old way of looking at her world. Before

learning magic, Brida is confused with her life. Since Brida thinks that her life is

really complicated then she tries to find the answer. It is proven through the dialogue

between Magus and Brida as below.

“Why do you want to learn about magic?” he asked. “So that I can find answers to some of the questions I have regarding life, so that I can learn about the occult powers, and possibly, how to travel back into the past and forward into the future.” (2008:3)


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This dialogue happens when Brida meets Magus at the first time. Based on Brida’s

answer, it is stated that one of her reasons in learning magic is that she wants to find

answers to some questions of her life. From this answer, the writer argues that Brida

is confused about her life so that she thinks she needs an explanation for her

confusion. How Brida is confused about her life can be proven through her way of

thinking toward her life. For example, when Brida almost gives up in reading tarot

cards, Brida thinks that life is not fair to her. Brida’s thought about her life is

described by the author as below.

Once again, she felt that life was not treating her as it treated other people; it gave her every chance to achieve something, and just when she was close to her objective, the ground opened up and swallowed her. That’s how it had been with her studies, with her certain boyfriends, with certain dreams she had never shared with anyone. (2008:36-37)

From this description, it is shown that Brida is confused about her life. Brida is

confused with her life since she thinks that her life is complicated. She argues that life

is not fair to her. Life offers her opportunities to get close toward her objectives.

However suddenly things happen and throw her far away from her objectives. That is

how life treats her studies, her love life with former certain boyfriends, and also with

her dreams which she never shares.

The author also describes another Brida’s thought which proves that she is

confused. It is a moment when Brida remembers her childhood experience with her

father as the writer describes in the analysis of Brida’s characteristic. Right after

remembering that experience, Brida feels that her life is so complicated. The author

describes Brida’s thought as below.


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Even in that most important area of her life, she had failed to commit herself. After her first romantic disappointment, she had never again given herself entirely. She feared pain, loss, and separation. These things were inevitable on the path at all. In order not to suffer, you had to renounce love, and the only way of avoiding them was by deciding not to take that path at all. In order not to suffer, you had to renounce love. It was like putting out your own eyes in order not to see the bad things in life. “Life is so complicated.” (2008:75)

From those two descriptions of Brida’s thought toward her life, it is shown

that Brida is confused about her own life. She feels that life is complicated and she is

hopeless toward her life. These thoughts build Brida’s way of thinking before she

learns occultism. Because of her thought, Brida thinks she needs answer or

explanation toward her life which is so complicated. However after learning

occultism, Brida now understands that she does not need to understand life. Now she

understands that she does not need to find the answers. She only needs to accept her

life. She needs to be brave enough to accept the mystery of life. Being brave

absolutely requires faith. It is proven through Brida’s new way of thinking as

described by the author below.

…She didn’t need to understand the meaning of life; it was enough to findsomeone who did, and then fall asleep in his arms and sleep as a child sleeps, knowing that someone stronger than you is protecting you from all evil and all danger. When the ritual was over, she said a little prayer in gratitude for the steps she had so far taken. She was grateful because the first person she had asked about magic hadn’t tried to explain the Universe to her; instead he had made her spend the whole night in a dark forest. (2008:141)

Based on this description, the writer finds that Brida changes her way of thinking

toward her life. She then realizes that she does not need to find answer to her

confusion toward her life. Having someone who loves her whole being in her


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confusing life is enough. Besides, Brida is also grateful for the first thing she

understands in magic is about Dark Night.

This new way of looking toward her world and herself leads Brida into self

transformation. Before learning occultism, Brida is an ordinary young girl who is

faint-hearted. She used to think that her life is complicated then she thought that she

needed an answer. Before knowing occultism, Brida used to be afraid of taking risk in

her life. She used to be afraid in making decision though it was her own

consideration. She used to be afraid of totally loving someone because she was afraid

of loss, pain and separation.

However after learning occultism, Brida is a young girl with the psychic

power within herself. She is a girl with a gift which is discerning spirit. Besides, she

is no longer a faint-hearted girl. Now she is brave enough to accept her own life

without any answer required. She is a brave girl who dares to take risk in her life by

deciding her own path on the road of magic and just walk through it. Now Brida

transforms into a brave witch. This transformation of Brida’s characteristic does not

come immediately. She has the transformation because she has the new way of

thinking which is affected by the sense of faith. Brida now understands that having

faith is about keep moving forward though human beings have doubt, having faith

means simply accepts the mystery of life, and having faith also means being brave

enough though human beings know nothing about what will happen toward life since

God will always guide human beings. After passing the phases in learning magic,


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Brida is officially initiated as a witch. Finally Brida is a brave witch since she has


b. Wisdom

Besides self-transformation as represented by Brida, there is another part in

theosophy. It is wisdom. As stated in chapter II, wisdom is really a personal. It must

be discovered and experienced by a man for himself.

A major character who stands for wisdom is Magus as a teacher of the

Tradition of the Sun. As the writer describes in first part of this chapter, Magus is a

wise teacher and a wise man. For Magus, being wise does not happen in an instant

way. He must pass a tough experience before he can be such a wise man and a wise

teacher. That tough experience happens when Magus is a pupil of the Tradition of the


Before becoming a teacher in the Tradition of the Sun, Magus was once a

pupil in the Tradition of the Moon. Magus and Wicca were pupils in the same

Tradition. One day the Teacher said that Tradition of the Moon was not appropriate to

Magus. However, Magus insisted to learn that Tradition since, according to Magus,

Tradition of the Moon was more interesting with lesson of rituals. Therefore the

teacher let Magus learnt the Tradition because the Teacher argued the Tradition of the

Moon might lead him to the appropriate one; Tradition of the Sun. At the beginning,

everything went right. Magus and Wicca learnt the same Tradition and they fell in

love each other. However, both of them knew that they were not soul mate for each


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other since they do not see the signs of Soul Mate. Tradition of the Sun notices a Soul

Mate through the point of light from the eyes. On the other hand, the Tradition of the

Moon recognizes a point of light above the left shoulder of a Soul Mate. Although

they do not see those signs, they decided to keep their love till their time would end

up. One day everything changed. Wicca met another man; an ordinary man who even

did not know about magic at all. They fell in love each other and Wicca realized that

her time with Magus ended up.

Magus, however, could not accept that Wicca fell in love with another man.

He even begged and implored Wicca not to leave him, yet Wicca just ignored it. One

day, Magus could no longer stand the pain. He then infringed one rule in the

Tradition of the Moon. It was a rule which forbade the pupil to interfere with one’s

free will. Magus interfered Wicca’s free will to love another man. The author

describes it as below.

One night, when he could stand the pain no longer, he ate of the forbidden fruit. Using the power and knowledge that the wisdom of Time had taught him, he removed that man from the woman he loved…However, his Teacher knew. His Teacher always knew everything, and the Tradition of the Moon was implacable with those Initiates who used Black Magic, especially to influence the most important and most vulnerable of human emotion: Love (2008:150).

From this description, it is stated that Magus infringes the rule in the Tradition of the

Moon. He also uses black magic to remove the man whom Wicca loves. Therefore he

must responsible for what he has done. The Teacher condemns Magus into a lonely

forest till he finds his Soul Mate.


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Magus’s interference in Wicca’s free will and using Black Magic sends him

into the lonely forest. During his lonely days in the forest, Magus learns the

appropriate Tradition; Tradition of the Sun. His teacher is right. Tradition of Moon

will lead him into the appropriate Tradition; Tradition of the Sun. Besides, this

experience also becomes a reason behind Magus’s wisdom. As the writer describes in

the previous part which discusses the characteristics of Magus, it is stated that Brida

wants to stay with Magus for she knows that Magus is actually her Soul Mate.

However, Magus chooses to let Brida goes with her boyfriend since Magus does not

want to interfere in Brida’s free will to love Lorens; her boyfriend. His tough

experience teaches Magus in making such good decision in this situation. He asks

Brida to go with her recent boyfriend instead of allowing Brida stays with him.

Magus does so for he now understands what he has learned during his loneliness in a

forest. Magus explains it to Brida as below.

“People give flowers as presents because flowers contain the true meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in a field, you will keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds on the horizon.” ‘That is what the forest taught me. That you will never be mine, and that is why I will never lose you. You were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith. Knowing that my Soul Mate would come one day, I devoted myself to learning the Tradition of the Sun. Knowing that you existed was my one reason for continuing to live.” “Then you came, and I understood all of this. You came to free me from the slavery I myself had created, to tell me that I was free to return to the world and to the things of the world. I understood everything I needed to know, and I love you more than all the women I have ever known, more than I loved the woman, who quite unwittingly, exiled me to the forest. I will always remember now that love is liberty…” (2008:209-210)


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The statements above show how wise Magus is. His quality as a wise man and

a wise teacher comes from the process of learning his mistake. He learns to accept his

lonely days for he knows that one day his soul will set him free from the punishment.

Till one day Magus finds Brida. However at the end, Magus just simply sets Brida

free though he knows that she is the one whom Magus waits for so long. Magus lets

her go though she is his soul mate. Magus does so because he does not want to

interfere in Brida’s free will to love his recent boyfriend; Lorens. He does so for he

has his own wisdom that love is liberty.


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This part discusses the conclusion of A Study on Occultism in Paulo Coelho’s

Brida. The writer concludes that Paulo Coelho’s Brida is a novel which gives a

definition on occultism from the view point of the occultist. This conclusion comes

from two problems which are analyzed. The first problem is the characteristics of the

major characters. The second problem is about how occultism is represented by the

major characters. According to first problem, the writer finds there are three major

characters in Paulo Coelho’s Brida. They are Wicca, Magus and Brida. Wicca is

described as a mysterious teacher. Magus is described as a wise man and a wise

teacher. The last major character, Brida, is described as a faint hearted girl who then

turns into a brave witch.

After analyzing the first problem, the writer then analyzes how occultism is

represented by those major characters. Paulo Coelho’s Brida defines occultism by

describing the parts and elements of occultism through the characteristics of major

character. Occult science or practical occultism is represented by Wicca since Wicca

is the one who teaches Brida the practical occultism. Besides, her characteristic as a

mysterious teacher strengthens the quality of the practical occultism which cannot be

explained by logic.

On the other hand, theosophy as another part of occultism has elements of self

transformation and wisdom. Magus, as a teacher of the Tradition of the Sun, stands



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for wisdom. Magus is portrayed as the one who gains his own wisdom through his

personal experience. On the other hand, Brida, as the one who learns magic, stands

for the self transformation. Brida is portrayed as the one who experiences self

transformation since she shows how her characteristic changes because of learning


The writer argues that by representing those parts and elements of occultism

through the major characters, Paulo Coelho’s Brida wants to define what occultism

really is. In Paulo Coelho’s Brida, occultism is not merely about possessing gift and

practicing occult science. It is about practicing the occult science and understanding

the theosophy at the same time. It is important to understand the theosophy since

theosophy can lead Brida into self transformation and also leads Magus into wisdom.

Through those major characters, Paulo Coelho’s Brida states that theosophy, which

covers self transformation and wisdom, is equally crucial as occult science.

Therefore, by doing so, Paulo Coelho’s Brida does give a view point on occultism

from the occultist. It is the occultist’s view point that occultism consists of occult

science as the practical occultism and also theosophy, which covers self

transformation and wisdom, as theoretical occultism.

Finally, by presenting occultism as a whole through the occultist’s view point,

Paulo Coelho’s Brida also tries to break through the debates on occultism. By doing

so, Paulo Coelho’s Brida tries to reject the bad name attached to occultism. It tries to

reject the idea that occultism is bad as evil. It is not occultism which is bad as evil. It

is the bad mindset of the ones who practice and believe occultism which then drives


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them to do something evil. Therefore, it can be concluded that the reason behind the

bad name attached to occultism is not the nature of occultism. It is because of some

people who practice occultism in a bad way. Besides, the writer also concludes that

by describing occultism as a whole, Paulo Coelho’s Brida lets the readers to judge

occultism as a whole too. It is important for the readers to know what occultism really

is before judging it. Therefore, hopefully the readers will judge occultism objectively.


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