placing daniel 11 in perspective frank w. hardy chico, ca november 8, 2015

Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

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Page 1: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective

Frank W. Hardy

Chico, CA

November 8, 2015

Page 2: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 2, 7, 8-9

Part 1

Page 3: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 2, 7, 8 & 9

Empire Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8 Dan 9I Gold Lion - -II Silver Bear Ram -III Brass Leopard Goat -IV Iron (& clay) Beast (& horn) Horn Prince

Problem: How to relate the four-part sequence in Daniel to the seven-part sequence in Revelation.

Page 4: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 8 and 9: Overview

• Explanation• “I have now come out to give you insight and understanding” (9:22)• “Therefore consider the word and understand the vision” (9:23)

• Shared time terminology• “Evening-mornings” = Days broken into their parts• “Weeks” = Days gathered into their groups

• Animacy hierarchy

Page 5: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 8 and 9: Animacy Hierarchy

Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8 Dan 9[-animate] [+animate]    




    [-human] [+human]

Table 2

Page 6: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 8 and 9: Overview

• Explanation• “I have now come out to give you insight and understanding” (9:22)• “Therefore consider the word and understand the vision” (9:23)

• Shared time terminology• “Evening-mornings” = Days broken into their parts• “Weeks” = Days gathered into their groups

• Animacy hierarchy

• Complementary distribution

Page 7: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 8 and 9: Complementary Distribution

Empire Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8-9I Gold Lion -II Silver Bear RamIII Brass Leopard GoatIVa Iron Beast PrinceIVb Iron and clay Horn Horn

[Table 3]

Page 8: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 8 and 9: Overview

• Explanation• “I have now come out to give you insight and understanding” (9:22)• “Therefore consider the word and understand the vision” (9:23)

• Shared time terminology• “Evening-mornings” = Days broken into their parts• “Weeks” = Days gathered into their groups

• Animacy hierarchy

• Complementary distribution

• Reversed sequence

Page 9: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 8 and 9: Reversed Sequence

• Dan 8• Horn• IVb

• Dan 9• Prince• IVa

Page 10: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 2, 7, 8 & 9 (Narratives)

Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8-90.00%










References to Empires in Dan 2, 7, and 8-9Narrative by Narrative

Chart 1

Page 11: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 2, 7, 8 & 9 (Empires)

I II III IVa IVb0.00%












References to Empires in Dan 2, 7, and 8-9Empire by Empire

Chart 2

Page 12: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 10-12

Part 2

Page 13: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 10-12: Overview

• Three chapters• Inclusio (11:2a / 12:4)

• Three sections• Middle section (11:16-28)

• Three recapitulations (0, 1, 2)• 11:23 ûmin hitḥabberût ɂēlāyw And from the alliance with him• 11:36 weyacaś hammelek kirṣônô And the king will do as he

pleases• 12:1 ûbācēt hahîɂ And at this time

• Seven phases of power

Page 14: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Sections: Dan 11:16 (Formula)

Ref English Formula Empire

8:4He did as he pleased and became great.

wecāśâ kirṣōnô II


"Then a mighty king will appear, who will rule with great power and do as he pleases."

wecāśâ kirṣônô III

11:16a"The invader will do as he pleases; no one will be able to stand against him."

weyacaś . . . kirṣônô


11:36"The king will do as he pleases."

wecāśâ kirṣônô IVb

Table 4

Page 15: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Sections: Dan 11:16 (Parallels)

Dan 9 Dan 11Ref Term Ref Term

9:26The prince who is to comenāgîd habbāɂ


He who comes against himhabbāɂ cêlāyw

9:27Its endwecad-kālâ


Destruction in his handwekālâ beyādô

9:26Shall destroyyašḥît


To destroylehašḥîtāh

Table 5

Page 16: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Sections: Dan 11:16-28 (Initial Predicates)

Vss Ref TextClause Initial



weyacamōdweyāśēm pānāywweyāšēb [weyāśēm] pānāyw weyāšēb pānāyw

we + yiqtol

2 2021

wecāmad cal kānôwecāmad cal kānô we + qatal

1 22 ûzerōcôt we + N

2 2324

ûmin hitḥabberût ɂēlāywûbemismannê medînâ we + PP



weyācēr kōḥôweɂōklê pat-bāgôûšenēhem hammelākîmweyāšôb ɂarṣô

we + (mixed) Table 6

Page 17: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Sections: Dan 11:16-28 A’ (Summary)

A B C B’ A’Verses (ref.) 16-19 20-21 22 23-24 25-28Verses (count) 4 2 1 2 4Violence + - + - +Peace/cunning   bešalw

â  bešalw


Table 7

BH (1937): (1) conj c fin 23, (2) aut l ‘ במש ובשלוה Preserves textBHS (1977): (1) prb l ‘ ( , ובש ‘ (2ב al cj ‘בש c 23 Preserves verse number

Page 18: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulations: Uriah Smith

• Uriah Smith• First recapitulation

• Smith got this one right.• Second recapitulation

• Smith went forward here rather than back. This mistake took the church on a detour that has lasted a century and a half.

• If Smith’s mistake was to go forward, going forward again is not a solution.

• Third recapitulation• Smith correctly relates “this time” to 11:45 rather than 11:40, but does

not correctly capture the cause and effect relationship between Michael’s act of standing up and the king coming to his end.

Page 19: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulations: Uriah Smith

• Uriah Smith• Smith’s problems in Dan 11 are confined to a bloc of ten verses.• Outside 11:36-45 he was substantially correct.• Inside 11:36-45 he was badly wrong.

Page 20: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulation #1: Dan 11:23

• First recapitulation (11:23)• ûmin hitḥabberût ɂēlāyw• And from the alliance with him

• 11:16-22 / 11:23-28• Uriah Smith

Page 21: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulation #2: Dan 11:36

• Second recapitulation (11:36)• weyacaś hammelek kirṣônô • And the king will do as he pleases

• 11:29-35 / 36-39• Baldwin 197• Goldingay 304 (“The paragraph begins resumptively”)• Jordan 597• Montgomery 462• Newsom 353 (“These verses interrupt the flow of historical narration”)• Also: Hardinge, Heppenstall, Keough

Page 22: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulation #2: Dan 11:29 & 36 (Begin)

Empire III Empire IV(a) Empire IV(b)

11:2b-15 (3*)*11:16-22 11:29-35 > < 11:40-4511:23-28 *11:36-39 12:1-4

Verses 11:29 and 11:36 mark the same beginning point.11:36 chronologically adjacent to 11:28.

Table 9

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Recapitulation #2: Dan 11:35 & 39 (End)

Empire III Empire IV(a) Empire IV(b)

11:2b-15 (3*)*11:16-22 11:29-35 > < 11:40-4511:23-28 *11:36-39 12:1-4

Verses 11:35 and 11:39 mark the same ending point.11:35 chronologically adjacent to 11:40.

Table 10

Page 24: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulations #3: Dan 12:1

• Third recapitulation (12:1)• ûbācēt hahîɂ

• And at this time

• 11:44-45 / 12:1-3• Hartman & Di Lella 306 (time of the king’s death)• Uriah Smith (time, yes; cause and effect, no)

Page 25: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Recapitulations: Uriah Smith

I II III IVa IVb Before

IVb During

IVb After

Smith’s Problem Verses

11:23 11:36 12:1

Page 26: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Phases: Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 (Five Parts)


Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8-9 Dan 10-12

I Gold Lion - -II Silver Bear Ram 10:1, 13, 20;

11:1III Brass Leopard Goat 11:2b-15IVa Iron Beast Prince 11:16-28IVb Iron and clay Horn Horn 11:29-12:3

Table 12

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Phases: Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 (Empires)

I II III IVa IVb0.00%











28.57% 26.53%


References to Empires in Dan 10-12Empire by Empire

Chart 3

Page 28: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Phases: Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 (Seven Parts)


Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8-9

Dan 10-12 Seq

I Gold Lion - - 1II Silver Bear Ram 10:1, 13, 20;


III Brass Leopard Goat 11:2b-15 3IVa Iron Beast Prince 11:16-28 4

IVbIron and clay

Horn Horn11:29-3911:40-4311:44-12:3


Table 13

Page 29: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 7, 11 / Rev 13, 17

Part 3

Page 30: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Intertextual Relationships

Dan 7 A Dan 11

B   D

Rev 13 C Rev 17

Page 31: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

A: Dan 7 / Dan 11

• Dan 7• Lion (I), Bear (II), Leopard (III), Beast & little horn (IVa, IVb)

• Dan 11• - I• 11:2b II• 11:2b-15 III• 11:16-28 IVa• 11:29-39• 11:40-43 IVb• 11:44-12:3

Page 32: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

B: Dan 7 / Rev 13

• Dan 7• Lion A• Bear B• Leopard C• Beast D

• Rev 13• Beast D• Leopard C• Bear B• Lion A

Page 33: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

C: Rev 13 / Rev 17

• Rev 13• Ten horns and seven heads (AB) 13:1• Blasphemous names on its heads 13:1 (also 13:3, 6a, 6b)• A mortal wound 13:3

• Rev 17• Seven heads and ten horns (BA) 17:3, 7• Full of blasphemous names 17:3• “Was, and is not” 17:8a, 8b, 11• “Five have fallen, one is” 17:10

Page 34: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

C: Rev 13 (and 12)/ Rev 17

Rev 17 Expression Rev 12 Rev 133 into a wilderness 6, 14  3 a woman 1, 4, 6,


3 a scarlet [kokkinon] beast 3  3 blasphemous names   1, 3, 63 seven heads and ten horns   111 an eighth, of the seven   (2)8a, 8b, 11 “was,” “is not” 310 “five fallen,” “one is” 3

Page 35: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

C: Rev 13 / Rev 17

Rev 17 Scope Statement Rev 13

8a Beastwas, and is not, and is about to rise

Sea beast

8b Beastit was and is not and is to come

Sea beast

10 Headsfive of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come

Earth beast

11 Beast was and is not Sea beast

Page 36: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

C: Rev 13 / Rev 17

• Rev 13 says there would be a mysterious period of inactivity in the sea beast’s long career. Rev 17 shows when this period of inactivity would occur. It occurs during the period of the sixth head.

Page 37: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

D: Dan 7, 10-12 / Rev 13


Dan 7 Dan 10-12 Rev 13

I Lion - Head #1

Sea beast

II Bear 10:1, 13, 20; 11:1 Head #2

III Leopard 11:2b-15 Head #3

IVa Beast 11:16-28 Head #4

IVb Horn

11:29-39 Head #511:40-43 Head #6 wounded Earth beast

&Sea beast

11:44-45 Head #7 healed

Table 14

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D: Dan 7, 10-12 / Rev 17


Dan 7 Dan 10-12 Rev 17:8ab, 11

Rev 17:10

I Lion -

Once wasFive have fallen

II Bear 10:1, 13, 20; 11:1

III Leopard 11:2b-15

IVa Beast 11:16-28

IVb Horn


11:40-43 Now is not One is

11:44-45 About to rise Not yet come

Table 15

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Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12

Page 40: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015


• Method• Connection with earlier material (Dan 2, 7, 8-9)• Connection with later material (Rev 12, 13, 17)

• Purpose• To validate the principles that motivate and inform the outline

Page 41: Placing Daniel 11 in Perspective Frank W. Hardy Chico, CA November 8, 2015

Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 (Narratives)

Dan 2 Dan 7 Dan 8-9 Dan 10-120.00%










References to Empires in Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12Narrative by Narrative

Chart 4

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Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 (Empires)

I II III IVa IVb0.00%











24.73% 24.91%


References to Empires in Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12Empire by Empire

Chart 5

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• Dan 2, 7, 8-9 Dan 10-12

• Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 Rev 12, 13, 17

• Our doctrinal roots Our current situation

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• Dan 2, 7, 8-9 Dan 10-12 Dan/Dan

• Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 Rev 12, 13, 17 Dan/Rev

• Our doctrinal roots Our current situation Past/Pres

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• Dan 2, 7, 8-9 Dan 10-12 Dan/Dan

• Dan 2, 7, 8-9, 10-12 Rev 12, 13, 17 Dan/Rev

• Our doctrinal roots Our current situation Past/Pres

• Dan 11:40-45 GC 35-40 Dan/SP

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• Christ at the center of• Inner inclusio 11:21 / 23• Section 11:16-28• Chapter 11:2b-12:3• Outer inclusio 11:2a / 12:4• Narrative 10-12

• All of that in Daniel’s culminating vision