placido gets i news tile sjajt...

MB THE SALT LAKE EERMJD FRIDAY JANUARY 2 ins 12 r PLACIDO GETS LIFE SENTENCE Reward of Filipino Who Helped Capture Aguinaldo- AN ADEPT IN TREACHERY ETTNSTON INTERVIEWED yaE GABDING HIS COMRADE Denver Colo Jan 1 Manila dis- patches received at the headquarters of the army of the Colorado in this city state that Hilario Placido a Filipino who aided General Funston In the cap ture of Aguinaldo has been sentenced- to lifeimprisonment for murder De tails of the crime are lacking but Gen- eral Funston and other army officers here who know the scout believe that the crime was committed since they left the island as it does not seem probable that Placido could have been called to account for something done during the time he was engaged as an active par- ticipant in the revolution In speaking- of Placido General Funston said He was never my spy and the only money he ever received from the United States was for the part he took in the capture of Aguinaldo He fought against the Spaniards and then took up arms against the United States In 3S99 he was severely wounded beinsrshot y t t i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < gn the lung He recovered anti again tok an active part in the war The following year he surrendered at the same time that General Garcia did He was a prisoner lor about three months and then I released him He took the oath of allegiance and often times of his own volition gave me in formation regarding the enemy He was not a spy in the sense of the word that lie was in the governments employ nor did he ever into their lines for in formation for our use X apture of I took him along He did not know the object of the ex- pedition until we were well under way I then explained my plan to him and he agreed to help me In order to carry out the scheme he became the nom inal commander of the expedition as it was necessary to make natives be lieve that we Americans were prison ers When we reached the camp of Aguinaldo rushed in and threw his farmer chief on the floor of the but and held him there until we made him prisoner For his part in this work he was paid by the government THE DEATH RECORD Tames Christian Lamb Richmond W Va Jan 1 James Chris tian Lamb exjudge of the chancery court and a prominent lawyer of Rich- mond died today aged 4S years Elias Ellis Kansas City Mo TaIL 1 Ellas Ellis a retfran of Mexican and who tured the Mexican general Laveja alter a personal conflict at Independence Mo today aged 80 years John Noffseiger Aged 96 Dakota City Neb Jan 1 John Not leiger oldest resident of Dakota county died today lit his S6th year He i colony from Canada which member of the fifth sixth and seventh sessions of the Nebraska legislature Austin H Brown Jan a A stln H Drown died at his home here toUay He vas a brother ot Admiral George Brown bad been prominent in this the great- er part of his life and had held many positions of trust in the city state and iational government He was 74 years ot afce and was the son of William J Brown time secretary of state of Indiana a member of Edgern B Hogle Cleveland 0 Jan 1 Edgern R company second division tiled on the operating table at a local hospital after an oneratlon for u ttipposed abscess of the brain but which was not found by the surgeons- Mr JIngle has been with the express company for years and came to Cleveland from Toledo twenty yearsago Dr George B Weeks Los Angeles Cal Jan L Dr George TJ Veeks a native of Ohio who took a notable part in the civil war died at his At tb close of the war in 1S6B he engaged in business in Little Boek He held sev- eral important state and municipal post lions both elective and appointive in Arkansas and time was president of the First National bank of Little Rock When I arranged the plan for the e war Tndlana bid I on an congress o the tates h In this city He iI old for Autna1do set tied here Mr NoUselger was a general superintendent United hnme was years a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Bev Dr J B Michael Springfield 0 Jan Dr J B- Mtfhuel formerly president of Mdnmouth- fllesre Monmeuth fell dead shortly after he entered the of reek United Presbyterian church near Xenla last Members of the church hastened to hie side but when they reached him he was dead He graduated from the Xenla Theological in IMS and in 1S was elected president of Monmouth college where he tsirved for twenty years A P ilidgeon- Torrington Conn Jan I A private dspalch received here announced th death in Jacksonville Fin of A F Midgeon of this city one of the wealth l t and most prominent business men of onnecUcut Midgeon went south for Ins health two weeks ago He was in- terested in business enterprises in president ef the Needle c ompany the Eagle Bike company and Hardware company of city nod a director in various copper silver and gold mining companies west His age was Mrs W A Clark jr Butte Mont Mrs W A Clark died aXliSu ibis morning Mabol Fos Clark tltrae ngo Pa the daughter of John H I wno catn to near- ly seventfem Jiesrs ago On June 19 13M she WPS wedded to William A Clar- kr A Clarf- cba gave Jifi- 3lrs a yoUng woman of rare grace aid of char- acter her to of Mrs Mary E Dockery Jefferson City Jan 1 Mrs Eliza beth Dockery wife of Governor Dockery who for several weeks had been suffer ing an affection of the heart died at 54 a m away quietly after days of suffering Mrs was In 1850 She was a native Missourian and a lineal descendant of Commodore children of Governor and Mrs Dockery died In Infancy and none Dopkery was Miss Mary Bird before her marriage funeral services were conducted at the mansion at S oclock tonight The remains taken on a special train to Calllicothe Mo Mrs Cookerys birthplace The mansion and executive are drapod In mourning New Years festivi- ties of an unusual arranged for 8M6 weeks previous to were postponed when it became evident she could not get well Best Liniment on Earth Henry D Baldwin superintendent city waterworks ShUllsburg Wis writes I have tried many kinds of liniment but have never received much benefit until i used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains 1 think it the best liniment on earth 25c 5c 100 bottte at Z C M drug department i BACK TO ST PESCEBSBUmG Vienna Jft Jt- Abis evenins for St Petersburg 1Rev en ng t don jr tr ars l1 r Senar let kl born Dee 2 Cl Tit1 mind hrn itdeef d a Sb ed rn t tcn fo Jntcrment I I h mInister foreign Y o 5 < be- t ian ath Tlar yOUnt son of for whom Hp ai1 friends from 4 were a hCiJizht Iamsdocjt ciati f here U e C < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I NEWS fROM OVER TIlE POPULAR MERCUR i COUPLE MARRIED SJAJt MB AND MBS J B JARVIS T Mercur Utah Jan 1 At the home of the brides parents this evening Mr J R Jarvis city recorder and Miss Maggie McKellur were married by Bishop Bryan It was a home wed and only a few n ar friends were present Miss McKellaris the beauti ful 17yearold daughter pf Mr arid Sirs Huglf JKellar nd Mr Jarvis is one of the most popular young men or Mercur Their many friends are congratulating them EXPERIMENT STATION- A Prosperous Farmer of Axtell Utah Has Proffered to Give 100 Acres of Land 4 ¬ ¬ Manti Jan According to the fig- ures of State Mine Inspector Gomer Thomas the coal production of the Sterling Coal Coke company located miles South of ManU is tons this year as compared with 18S6 tons last year For the past few weeks the output has averaged 100 tons a day which is an increase from the output the beginning of the year of our enterprising citizens in this county are trying hard to have an experiment atation in this neighbor hood and we have learned that Axel Emerson a prosperous farmer of Ax tell Utah has proffered to give 100 acres of the best land in this county- to assist in establishing a station Bishop Madsrn of GunnisOiT in a state iqent published in the Sanpete Free Press gives the amount of appropria ties necessary as follows Experiment station buildings 25000 equipment 10000 annual running expenses 500 The counties to be included in this enterprise would be Sanpete Sevier Juab Millard Carbon and Emery as they constitute contra Utah The regular monthly priesthood meet- ing of the south Sanpete stake will be- held in this city Saturday of this week babies veere to Mr and iVs Spencer Madsen of this city a few days boy and a girl The boy lived a short time Stanley Crawford of this city has re- cently been appointed a salesman for- th Western Electrical Supply com SOl i win sincea I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ pany was the installation of the Foun- tain Green plant which is in full operation and working perfectly T L Foote and family of Nephi have been visiting in Manti during the holi days with relatives and friends The Manti temple will open for busi ntfss Tuesday of next week The dis trict schools will open Monday next Will Silver the Provo printer visited Manti during the holidays Mrs Heesch of Salt Lake City is in Manti a guest of her son and daughter who reside During the holidays every night has been occupied by most of our citizens- In various attractions and next week some show company performing here every night which will give alt a chance to put in another week of flrsthuslness for that com- pany now amusements here ¬ ¬ ¬ The students who are attending school away fromhome ithfe season in tend leaving to complete their studies Sunday CELEBRATE OLD POLKS DAY The People of EphraimEntertain Them at a Banquet Dec 31 If we may judge a town from the respect shown by its peo- ple to those of elderly years Ephraim stands In the front Yesterday there was witnessed the greatest time of the season It was called Old Folks day The of arrangements was Henry Beal Moss and Andrew Thompson One week ago it was announced that yesterday the old folks of the of the over the age of 00 years the widows widowers and wives of the absent missionaries would have a banquet at the of the people of that ward and committees were duly pointed for that purpose At 11 oclock- a m teams under the direction of a special committee began bringing the old to the academy and at same time teams began to bring in the things that the people had pre- viously prepared for the occasion There were and a number of waiters Christensens or- chestra was present to liven up the oc The dinner was the finest perhaps ever Sven in Kphraim course of the afternoon an elegant cane was presented to Ivan J Olsen for being the ears old President Henry Beat made the presentation speech Mrs Mary Beal was presented with a of Joseph Smith on when he was qommamer of the Nauvoo legion or being the oldest member in the Mdr In the evening there was a chalk and toe pnrty in the Peterson pavilion for The old fol that it was the best they have had in the way of entertainment for many a Miss Alice Lund has issued invitations for a to be at her parents home Thursday evening Anderson came home from Salt Lake City yesterday A force of men at work sink ing on the voin of the South Tent Oil companys property They will face down the shale justtlles it they will erect an oil retort FIRE DESTROYS A HOME While the Pamily Is Absent Attend- ing the Funeral of a Relative Richfield Jan 1 The past week has been an eventful and a sorrowful one In the town of Joseph In county Following a few minutes later the death of the veteran Samuel Wells last Saturday that of the 10 yearold daughter Hyritm Webb A double funeral was held Tuesday The town turned out almost in a body and scarcely had the earth begun to fall on hoHdfev coffin boxes It was dis covered that residence of James H Wells just quitted a short time before by a group was in flames Before could ar- rive the flames were beyond control but valuable papers and some furni- ture were saved building was a Ephraim ca lon Durin oldest lng 13 mon ev it the thIs was ot mourners commit- tee north- ward people itt the north por- trait than The rbe a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ neat residence and the loss is all of 1000 with no insurance The fire was started in a bedroom closet upstairs by two 3yearold chil dren child and grandehlld vfho had remainedat home With MrlY sl e aging badly worn out attending sick When she heard an unusual noise rushed dip arid dis- covered the fire but not being able to find the children who had hidden and fearing they might be burned she gave her attention to them and the tIre much headway to be con- trolled That same evening a daughter Mr and Mrs A C Shipp died of diph- theria There have ben number of exposures from this ease before its nature was discovered and as several children have died this winter at that town of the disease there Is a great deal of uneasiness Altogether it has been a gloomy holiday for Joseph people There are other tcwns in which dreaded diseases have appeared Mr and Mrs J CB Jensen of Elsinore lost a child from diphtheria a few days ago scarlet fever exists in the family of H W Rawlins in this city and two cases of smallpox are reported at Salina AN ENJOYABLE HUNT Nephi People Royally Entertain Citizens of Provo Provo Jan 1 Nan Years day was happUy spent in Provo being princi- pally devoted to family gatherings and- a general exchange of courtesies of the season About 125 couples went to Nephi on the special Oregon Short Line train to enjoy the rabbit hunt and sociable pro vided for the visitors by the Nephi people Of the number about 200 were from Provo and the remainder from Salt Lake and Springville Five pas- senger coaches and one baggage car mode up the train The baggage car will be returned to Salt Lake With rab bits fqr those who couia not on the excursion It is exjwfteH the excuj- sionlsts will return tomorrow after feasting and the Nephites last night unless are BO gener ously entertained that they decide to remain longer t th gottoo o the With she dancing they ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DEATH OF ANDREW NELSON Sandy Jan L This morning at P oclock Andrew Nelson died from pneu- monia leaving a large family to mourn his loss He had been ilL but a few days when he was called away The de ceased was a highly respected man in his community being of largeintellect- as well as physIque He had taken the contract for grading and repairs on the branch Oregon Short Line to Alta from Sandy He had always been a most devoted husband and father doing all in his power for the advancement not only of his family but the community in which he lived The infant child of George Allsop Is very low from bronchitispneumonia All hopes of its recovery are given up It has been ill only three days The case is an extremely sad one as it is the only its parents having buried seven little ones before Much pneumonia prevails The cli- mate is and misty with a light snow falling DEATH OKMBS HTTGGINS- Provo l3Hr Harriet S Hug gins mother of Mrs Joseph Clark died at the home of her daughter yesterday from general debility The deceased NOBODY IS EXEMPT- A New Preparation Which Everyone Will Need Sooner or later Almost everybodys digestion is dis ordered more or less and the common est thing they do for it is to take some one of the many socalled blood puri- fiers which in many cases are merely strong cathartics Such things are not needed If the organs are in a clogged condition they only a little help and they will right themselves Ca- thartics irritate sensitive linings of the stomach and bowels and often do more harm than good Purging Is not what is needed The thing to do Is to put the food in condi- tion to be readily digested and assim Hated Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets do this perfectly They partly digest what Is eaten give the just the help It needs They stimulate the secre- tion and excretion of the digestive fluids and relieve the congested condi- tion of the glands and membranes They put the whole digestive system- in conditionto do its work When that Is done you need take no more tablets unless you eat agree with you Then take one or two tab them needed help and you will have fib trouble Its a common sense medicine and a common sense treatment and It will cure Not only cure the disease but the cause Goes about It d perfectly sensible and scientific way book but we dont publish many jf them However Mrs E 5L Faith 6F Byrds Creek WIs I have taken all the Tablets I got of you and they have done their work well in my case for I feel like a differ- ent person altogether I dont doubt if I ha not should have been at rest by this time H E Wlllard Onslow Ia says Mr White of Canton was telling me of your Dyspepsia Tablets curing him of dyspepsia from which he suffered for eight years As I am a sufferer myself J wish you would send me a package by return mail Phil Brpoks Detroit Mich says Your Dyspepsia Cure has worked wonders my case I suffered for years from dyspepsia but am now en- tirely cured and enjoy life as I never have Before I gladly recommend them i much Tablets will help you Try tlicm the best way to decide j Q Jan tle what does not letsgive every time cure We have testimonialS enough toJiI says In will 6llJ 0 It cost0c toflni3 out justhmv ituanis ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < was born in Sheffield England 77 years ago and came to Utah at an early day She lived several years in Fairview Sanpete county but has made her home in Provo for many years Two daughters and several grandchildren greatgrandchildren are to mourn her departure The deceased was a most estimable woman and leaves a large circle of friends The funeral will be held Friday at 11 oclock from the Third ward meeting house PROVO NEWS NOTES ExSheriff John A Brown has re- signed the position of special agent of the Rio Grailde Western and is now claim agent for the Salt Lake City street car company Bishop Myron Tanner whose health Is failing has moved to Salt Lake where he will make his home with his son Dr J M Tanner Sheriff Wilde of Summit county and Deputy Sheriff Sloan brSalt Lake were in Provo yesterday each with a pa tient for the asylum Mr Sloan who has made frequent visits to Provo during the past two years on errands Similar to the one that brought him down today informed his many friends that he is not coming any more on official business which brought an ex- pression of regret congratulation or condolence depending on the state of mind and the politics of the hearer but wishes for future prosperity and happiness from all- Y M C A GETS 200000 Studebaker Bros Co Makes a New Years Gift Naw Years day brotglit a gift of 5200 000 to the Y M C A of the country T m donor is the Studebaker Bros Co G A Quigley local of the company received a dispatch yesterday from the main office In South announ- cing that the company had given this sum to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in business The money will be applied as deemed beit the national Y M C A Dr J U Giesy returned yesterday from- a two wetks visit in San Francisco Dr WH Hopkins has returned from a trip to southern California and Mexico Ben T Lloyd returned last night from- a trip to his mining properties In Beaver county Mr and Mrs Harry C Evans have from their bridal tour They parents in Scranton Pa apd visited New York and Chicago before re turning COLLIERIES Miners Declined to Labor en New Years Day Scranton Pa Jan effort was made by all the coal operators to work their collieries today but it met with ill success At each colliery the went around yesterday and gave notice to all hands that the company was very desirous of working that the relieving of the coal famine might not retarded Some men reported atevery mine was only In a few that enough reported to make a start The Delaware Western company got four of Its nineteen col lieries started but at had to shut down the hand particularly the slate pickers refusing to The Delaware Hudson got two of Its twen tytwo plants started but they wore worked only a few hours The Erie started two plants and one of them the Katydid at ran all day None of the thirteen Ontario Western oc rf the eight Temple Iron companys col lieries even made a start It is feared that tomorrow will see a repetition of the sexperience of the day following n only about halt the men reportea CARNIVAL OF FLOWERS Festival at Pasadena Attracted Much and A mana er QD 1- IPerson1 ntian j spent the Christmas holidays with Mr 1 SHUTDOWN I IAn fore n I butit rot iaO I re- turned ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << Attention Pasadena CaL Jan 1 Dense crowds of visitors and residents of Pasadena wit nessed the tournament of loses procession today which surpassed In point of attractiveness any preceding tournament parade- In the early morning the visitors pouring into the spite of a ape cial the capacity of the railroads were overtaxed that ful ly 40000 people witnessed the floral parade The procession was a engthy one thin ty minutes being consumed by the hewer bedecked horses and carriages automo bItes bicycles and carts to a point The floats with their handsome and artistic decorations of southern Call omias wide variety of productions made an Impressive appearance as they glided smoothly the city The Navajo and JloquI Indians with their squaws and papooses represented abor iginal In the and attracted much a polo game and exhibition drill concluded I the carnival EAST SIDE The german given by the East Side club last evening at the home of Miss June McIntyre was the prettiest- of private dancing parties The hand some home was decorated in Christmas colors and the favors roy the various figures were hung on a large Christmas tree About forty dancers enjoyed a merry evening the two parlors and the hall being u ed for dancing An or chestra was stationed on the balcony and supper was served in the dining room BRYAN COMING NORTH Mexico City Jan L William J Bry an with his family has returned from hot country and will return north tomorrow He is much interested in the fact that many young Americans with small capital have started in life in Mexico as planters Though greatly pleased with the prospects of the tropical agriculture Mr Bryan says he is still very well with his little farm on the outskirts of Lin coln Neb VISITED HER DEAD Canton 0 Jan 1 Mrs McKinley spent the first day of the new year quietly Early in the morning she vis- ited the tomb of her husband and re- mained for some time in meditation She also visited the graves chiU dren and placed flowers thereon At 1 oclock she went to dinner at the Judge W R Day Several telegrams from friends in official life at Wash Years greetings MAY YORE GETS MONEY London Jan 1 The Central News an nounces that the claim of May Yohe for 45000 against the estate Lord Francis Hope has been settled amicably The terms of the settlement not been published Sixty Years Experience of an Old Nurse Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the physicians and nurses in the United States and has been used for sixty years with neverfailing success tijr millions of mothers for their children During the process of teething its value- is incalculable It relieves the child from pain cures diarrhoea griping in the bowels and wind colic health to the child it rests the mother Price 25 cents a bottle Call Tor County Warrants Notice is hereby given hold- ers of warrants of Salt Lake county that all registered warrants presented payment to Jan 1 1S03 and under reSister number 58239 are now payable at my office and that from this date Salt Lake ei W I yDK County Tan 2 1SQ3 I I ser e attentionBand CLU S GERMAN oDe e I ofher home- r I ingtOl were receIved containing New I female t the f t1 or- t a best te allinterest upon saidwkrtat eed treasurer ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ REPENTS IN THE JAIL Prisoner Writes a Letter and Spends New Years Day Praying- One prisoner in the county jail turned over a new leaf yesterday The leaf Is apparently a religious one He spent entire In a private cell pray lug for forgiveness for his past sins in a constructed and spelled letter To Jailer Thomas he declared that he In tended to lead a new life from now on and forsake the ways of sin and crime The prisoner Is awaiting a hearing on the petit and has often protested his Innocence to the jailer Yes Iterday morning as the prisoners were brought out to breakfast this prisoner a letter to Jailer Thomas and aft er breakfast asked if he might be allowed- to KO into one of the private cells for a- while He was granted the request and spent the entire morning on his knees praying The letter was as follows Hapy New Yahrs Dear Br Thomas With of this Xew Yahr I will beginning a better living I will right wit in and pray to the Lord to vorgive me me sinn But 1 am innocent i am not guilty Now will you let me have for me a room alone so can pray The letter was signed with the prison- ers name which the jailer did not care to disclose BERT DESHAZOS TROUBLES- Shifts Scene of Criminal Operations to Butte Mont According to Information from Butte Bert DeShazo who is well known in criminal circles it Utah and especially this city is under arrest Butte for bogus checks When arrested he gave the fictitious name of Bert Sweet but communication with the Ogden police authorities brought out the fact Be was noneother than the famous Bert De Shazo who hold up two policemen in only a few months ago in an effort- to make his escape and who has a long record here for petit larceny and passing checks DeShazo it is said has been passing tonsil checks very freely in wanted now in Ogden on a similar charge and if the Butte authorities cannot con vict officers expect to make requisition for him DeShazo was but recently released from the county jail here where he served a six months term for holding up the police officers SALT LAKE GIRL A STAR June Mathis Comes to This City in Whose Baby Are You When Whose Baby Are You company plays in Salt Lake next week the will have the pleasure vf seeing a Salt Lake girl June the part the soubrette under the title role of Miss Madge Mor- ton in that production Miss Mathis is only IS years of age but has made quite a reputation for herself since she has been on the stage She is the daughter of Druggist Mathis of the drug firm of W Mathis Co The manager of the company is another Salt Laker E T Carruthers For five years he was assistant manager of the Grand theatre and also had charge of the Salt Palace for a season putting on one of the best troupes which ever held down the boards in that summer play house Mr Carruthers spent yesterday in the city shaking hands with his fellow Elks being a member of lodge No and his many friends FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral cortege of Mrs Bernard Sprenger will leave her late residence 31S East Second South Saturday morning at 9 oclock thence to Marys cathedral where a reaulem mass will be celebrated commencing at 930 a m Interment cemetery Friends Invited Re mains can be viewed at the residence GEODPYPER MfiNAGE- KCG3IMN63S m lareen a this tIt thEo iss ath S Ie KIJR LAKE start pass- ing iwn and has admitted his lie is S of 5ALTTTP i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Tonight Tomorrow and Saturday Matinee Indorsed by the Eastern Press and Public from New York City to San Francisco- A Continental Convulsing CareKilling Corker Gladsome Gleams and Grins of Joy Direct from Their Successful Run at the Metropolis Theatre New York The I Minstrel Other Famous White Celebrities INCLUDING THE WORLDS FAMOUS CARr DAMMANN TROUPE From the Winter Cirrus Berlin Germany CONTAINING- More Mirth Melody and Music than Comic Opera or Musical Extravaganza Ever Written Also the GREATEST MINSTREL BAND THAT EVER CROSSED THE CONTINENT NEXT ATTRACTION SEATS ON SALE THIS MORNING LOUIS FREDK IN A SUMPTUOUS SCENIC PRODUCTION OF Monday and Tuesday Nights and Wed- nesday Matinee Wednesday Night THE TEMPEST Only the most nutritious part of the wheat finds its way into Thats what the latest and most expensive milling machinery does We spare no expense- or pains to make HUSLERS FLOUR the best If you have forgotten to send a present to some one come right to us and see how nicely and quick ly we can help you Mail Orders Specialty MASTODON Wll JAMES AND WRDE fRANCESCA DA RIMINI I e Four Q o HMERIYS WIthGEORGE AND- a100 ia1OU iiLa 7 cr I I ¬ ¬ > what the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp Root will do for YOU Every Reader of The May Nave a Sample Bottle Sent Mail What a Sample Bottle of Swamp oot ToProv Her- ald Free bid y by W F Lohnes a prominent man of Springfield Ohio write UM editor of the Springfield Ohio Republic Springfield Ohio Feb 21 1901 Having heard that you could procure a sample bottle of SwampRoot free by mall I wrote to Dr Kilmer Jfe Co Binghamton N Y a sample bottle and it was promptly sent I was so pleased after trying the sample bottle that I sent to the drugstore and procured a supply I have used SwampRoot regularly for some time and consider it unsurpassed as a remedy for torpid liver loss of appetite and general derangement of the digestive functions I think my trouble was due to too close confinement in my business I car recommend it highly for all liver and kidney complaints I am not in Ilk habit of endorsing any medicine but in this case I cannot speak too much Jn praise of what SwampRoot has done for me W F LOHNBS I As 43 West High Street S r The mild and extraordinary effect of the worldfamous kidney and bladder remedy Dr Kilmers SwampRoot Is soon realized It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases EDITORIAL NOTE If you are sick or feel badly bin taking the won derful discovery Dr Kilmers SwampRoot beccuae as soon as your kidneys- are well they will help all the other organs to health A trial will convince anyone You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful remedy SwampRoot sent absolutely free by mail also a book telling all about SwampRoot and contain- ing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women who owe their good health in fact their very lives to the great curative properties of SwampRoot In writing to Dr Kilmer CO lUng hamton N Y be sure to say that you read this generous offer In the Salt Lake Daily Herald If you are already convinced that SwampRoot is what you need you can purchase the regular fiftycent and onedollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere Dont make any mistake but remember the name SwampBeet- Dr Kilmers SwampRoot and the address Binghamton N Y on every bottfe f i strong endorsement or the great SwampRoot 0 I i t lowing ktdflCl 1fldY t U + ¬ ¬ rii In the treatment of private diseases such as Varlcooele Im potency Blood Poison Stricture etc to which our practice la limited and to which we have devoted the best of cur lives we give a written legal guarantee to effect a and permanent cure In ease undertaken for treatment or by letter Is free you decide to take treatment charges wHl not Be than YOU are willing to pay for the benefits received COOK MEDICAL CO 116 S MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY ALL MEDICINES FREE FOR ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES TREAT MID CURE CATARRH and all diseases of the Lungs Heart Stomach Liver Nerves Skin Brain and all diseases of roan women and children OUR HOME TREATMENT CURES Write for symptom list CoasultaJioiv FREE DISORDERS OF MENPAY WHEN CURED DISEASES Of MEN pet eve 3 WE I 1 PRWATE I I tZzfr part mere AMONTH- s t1r > If you surer from of the weaknesses or YO0 ARt THE VERY PERSON WE WANT TO TALK TO We have oar skill in curing nil CHRONIC diseases publishing thousands of i voluntary testimonials of people giving names pictures and addresses WE CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES IN PRJVATE DISEASES Because It would betray confidence Hencei have to prove our skill ia this class of troubles la another way This is our plan excess or con caused Ignorance Office Hours 9 a m to 4 p m evenings 7 to 8 Sundays and Holidays 10 to 12 ORS SHORES SHORES Expert Specialists LYON BLOCK 6W2ndSct- I SALT LAKE CITY In starting this New Year be make no mistake in the kitch- en That good coal suits best there The on LAST WEEK OF THE AD CONTEST Hotel Knutsford 6 S Holmes Proprietor elegant In all Its appoint Beats 360 rooms single and ea- Taetca with BREITEMBUR6ER PCBTLAHD GEMEHf German HERCULES Brand STRONGEST A2 FINEST CEMENT IMPORTED Now wsed on City Public Work by P J MORAN Board o Trade Buildtajj Salt Lake TJU sureand B m berger lan f 1 and t i t f iII I f ct n c 7j Nee Mdta bat r ¬ > = We cure you and then sale a FEE are You cars e pend upon our word any In Utah wlH endorse it thousands of patients tave endorsed us NOW WE WANT TO CUBE YGT with the distinct understanding that we will not a FEE until we cure you MANHOOD Senii al Weakness rhoea Gonorrhoea Syphilis and weaknesses of men We cure Varicooete or it dont cost Consultation and advice FREE by letter or in person GALL OR WRITE frt w cur Ve S abu y REASON- ABLE de- mand ¬ TIlE NEW i IS BRiGHT of here an den goo better at lower With of thing are Mae and A complete mot New Diamond Merchants LYON CO 13 St TeL 16 z SAVE YOUR you to for you young are apt some sever later If your is way can prop er you your sight V wont a cent your Rushmers ParnfS 0 7 Wet Frt Q VER with a certainty better jewelry selling than ever end equally greater for de- pendable sell pnicSs the coming 1it several lit tie improved a call see sshat line of the ap- propriate lear Manufacturing ejewelera MaIn u If neglect care while you conasqoences your weak they strengthened by the use glasses If sight defective in au it be overcome with lenses and can thus c charge you t teat eyes Optical

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Reward of Filipino Who Helped

Capture Aguinaldo-



Denver Colo Jan 1 Manila dis-patches received at the headquarters ofthe army of the Colorado in this citystate that Hilario Placido a Filipinowho aided General Funston In the capture of Aguinaldo has been sentenced-to lifeimprisonment for murder Details of the crime are lacking but Gen-eral Funston and other army officershere who know the scout believe thatthe crime was committed since they leftthe island as it does not seem probablethat Placido could have been called toaccount for something done during thetime he was engaged as an active par-ticipant in the revolution In speaking-of Placido General Funston said

He was never my spy and the onlymoney he ever received from the UnitedStates was for the part he took in thecapture of Aguinaldo He foughtagainst the Spaniards and then tookup arms against the United States In3S99 he was severely wounded beinsrshot











gn the lung He recovered antiagain tok an active part in the warThe following year he surrendered atthe same time that General Garcia didHe was a prisoner lor about threemonths and then I released him Hetook the oath of allegiance and oftentimes of his own volition gave me information regarding the enemy He wasnot a spy in the sense of the word thatlie was in the governments employ nordid he ever into their lines for information for our use

X apture of I took him alongHe did not know the object of the ex-pedition until we were well under wayI then explained my plan to him and heagreed to help me In order to carryout the scheme he became the nominal commander of the expedition as itwas necessary to make natives believe that we Americans were prisoners When we reached the camp ofAguinaldo rushed in and threwhis farmer chief on the floor of the butand held him there until we made himprisoner For his part in this work hewas paid by the government


Tames Christian LambRichmond W Va Jan 1 James Christian Lamb exjudge of the chancerycourt and a prominent lawyer of Rich-

mond died today aged 4S years

Elias EllisKansas City Mo TaIL 1 Ellas Ellis aretfran of Mexican and who

tured the Mexican general Laveja altera personal conflict at IndependenceMo today aged 80 years

John Noffseiger Aged 96Dakota City Neb Jan 1 John Notleiger oldest resident of Dakotacounty died today lit his S6th year He

i colony from Canada whichmember of the fifth sixth and seventhsessions of the Nebraska legislature

Austin H BrownJan a A stln HDrown died at his home here toUay Hevas a brother ot Admiral George Brown

bad been prominent in this the great-er part of his life and had held manypositions of trust in the city state andiational government He was 74 years otafce and was the son of William J Brown

time secretary of state of Indianaa member of

Edgern B HogleCleveland 0 Jan 1 Edgern R

company second divisiontiled on the operating table at a localhospital after an oneratlon for uttipposed abscess of the brain but whichwas not found by the surgeons-

Mr JIngle has been with the expresscompany for years and came toCleveland from Toledo twenty yearsago

Dr George B WeeksLos Angeles Cal Jan L Dr George

TJ Veeks a native of Ohio who took anotable part in the civil war died at hisAt tb close of the war in 1S6B he engagedin business in Little Boek He held sev-eral important state and municipal postlions both elective and appointive inArkansas and time was president ofthe First National bank of Little Rock

When I arranged the plan for the



Tndlana bid


on ancongress

o thetates


In this city He iI old



settied here Mr NoUselger was a

general superintendent United

hnme was years












Bev Dr J B MichaelSpringfield 0 Jan Dr J B-

Mtfhuel formerly president of Mdnmouth-fllesre Monmeuth fell dead shortlyafter he entered the ofreek United Presbyterian church near

Xenla last Members of thechurch hastened to hie side but whenthey reached him he was dead Hegraduated from the Xenla Theological

in IMS and in 1S was electedpresident of Monmouth college where hetsirved for twenty years

A P ilidgeon-Torrington Conn Jan I A privatedspalch received here announcedth death in Jacksonville Fin of A FMidgeon of this city one of the wealth

l t and most prominent business men ofonnecUcut Midgeon went south forIns health two weeks ago He was in-

terested in business enterprisesin president ef the Needlec ompany the Eagle Bike company and

Hardware company of citynod a director in various copper silverand gold mining companies westHis age was

Mrs W A Clark jrButte Mont Mrs W A Clark

died aXliSu ibis morning Mabol FosClark tltraengo Pa the daughter ofJohn H I wno catn to near-ly seventfem Jiesrs ago On June 1913M she WPS wedded to William A Clar-

kr A Clarf-cba gave Jifi-

3lrs a yoUng woman of raregrace aid of char-acter her to of

Mrs Mary E DockeryJefferson City Jan 1 Mrs Eliza

beth Dockery wife of Governor Dockerywho for several weeks had been suffering an affection of the heart diedat 54 a m away quietlyafter days of suffering

Mrs was In 1850 Shewas a native Missourian and a linealdescendant of Commodorechildren of Governor and Mrs Dockerydied In Infancy and noneDopkery was Miss Mary Bird before hermarriage

funeral services were conducted atthe mansion at S oclock tonight Theremains taken on a specialtrain to Calllicothe Mo Mrs Cookerysbirthplace

The mansion and executive aredrapod In mourning New Years festivi-ties of an unusual arranged for8M6 weeks previous to

were postponed when it becameevident she could not get well

Best Liniment on EarthHenry D Baldwin superintendent

city waterworks ShUllsburg Wiswrites I have tried many kinds ofliniment but have never received muchbenefit until i used Ballards SnowLiniment for rheumatism and pains 1think it the best liniment on earth25c 5c 100 bottte at Z C M drugdepartment i


Abis evenins for St Petersburg


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Mercur Utah Jan 1 At the homeof the brides parents this eveningMr J R Jarvis city recorder andMiss Maggie McKellur were marriedby Bishop Bryan It was a home wed

and only a few n ar friends werepresent Miss McKellaris the beautiful 17yearold daughter pf Mr aridSirs Huglf JKellar nd Mr Jarvisis one of the most popular young menor Mercur Their many friends arecongratulating them


A Prosperous Farmer of AxtellUtah Has Proffered to Give

100 Acres of Land4



Manti Jan According to the fig-ures of State Mine Inspector GomerThomas the coal production of theSterling Coal Coke company located

miles South of ManU is tonsthis year as compared with 18S6 tonslast year For the past few weeks theoutput has averaged 100 tons a daywhich is an increase from the outputthe beginning of the year

of our enterprising citizens inthis county are trying hard to have anexperiment atation in this neighborhood and we have learned that AxelEmerson a prosperous farmer of Axtell Utah has proffered to give 100acres of the best land in this county-to assist in establishing a stationBishop Madsrn of GunnisOiT in a stateiqent published in the Sanpete FreePress gives the amount of appropriaties necessary as follows Experimentstation buildings 25000 equipment10000 annual running expenses

500 The counties to be included in thisenterprise would be Sanpete SevierJuab Millard Carbon and Emery asthey constitute contra Utah

The regular monthly priesthood meet-ing of the south Sanpete stake will be-held in this city Saturday of this week

babies veere to Mr andiVs Spencer Madsen of this city a fewdays boy and a girl The boylived a short time

Stanley Crawford of this city has re-cently been appointed a salesman for-th Western Electrical Supply com












panywas the installation of the Foun-

tain Green plant which is in fulloperation and working perfectly

T L Foote and family of Nephi havebeen visiting in Manti during the holidays with relatives and friends

The Manti temple will open for busintfss Tuesday of next week The district schools will open Monday next

Will Silver the Provo printer visitedManti during the holidays

Mrs Heesch of Salt Lake City is inManti a guest of her son and daughterwho reside

During the holidays every night hasbeen occupied by most of our citizens-In various attractions and next weeksome show company performinghere every night which will give alt achance to put in another week of

flrsthuslness for that com-pany







The students who are attendingschool away fromhome ithfe season intend leaving to complete their studiesSunday


The People of EphraimEntertainThem at a Banquet

Dec 31 If we may judge atown from the respect shown by its peo-ple to those of elderly years Ephraimstands In the frontYesterday there was witnessed thegreatest time of the season It wascalled Old Folks day The

of arrangements was Henry BealMoss and Andrew Thompson

One week ago it was announced thatyesterday the old folks of theof the over the age of 00 years

the widows widowers and wives ofthe absent missionaries would have abanquet at the of the people ofthat ward and committees were dulypointed for that purpose At 11 oclock-a m teams under the direction of aspecial committee began bringing the old

to the academy and atsame time teams began to bring inthe things that the people had pre-

viously prepared for the occasion Therewere and anumber of waiters Christensens or-chestra was present to liven up the oc

The dinner was the finest perhaps everSven in Kphraim courseof the afternoon an elegant cane waspresented to Ivan J Olsen for being the

ears old President Henry Beatmade the presentation speech MrsMary Beal was presented with a

of Joseph Smith on whenhe was qommamer of the Nauvoo legionor being the oldest member in the Mdr

In the evening there was achalk and toe pnrty in the Petersonpavilion for The old fol

that it was the best they havehad in the way of entertainment formany a

Miss Alice Lund has issued invitationsfor a to be at her parentshome Thursday evening

Anderson came home fromSalt Lake City yesterdayA force of men at work sink

ing on the voin of the South Tent Oilcompanys property They will facedown the shale justtllesit they will erect an oil retort


While the Pamily Is Absent Attend-ing the Funeral of a Relative

Richfield Jan 1 The past week hasbeen an eventful and a sorrowful oneIn the town of Joseph In countyFollowing a few minutes later thedeath of the veteran Samuel Wellslast Saturday that of the 10yearold daughter Hyritm Webb Adouble funeral was held Tuesday Thetown turned out almost in a body andscarcely had the earth begun to fallon hoHdfev coffin boxes It was discovered that residence of JamesH Wells just quitted a short timebefore by a group wasin flames Before could ar-rive the flames were beyond controlbut valuable papers and some furni-ture were saved building was a


ca lon


oldest lng13



it the



ot mourners




itt the north


















neat residence and the loss is all of1000 with no insuranceThe fire was started in a bedroom

closet upstairs by two 3yearold children child and grandehlld vfho hadremainedat home With MrlY sl eaging badly worn out attendingsick When she heard an unusualnoise rushed dip arid dis-covered the fire but not being able tofind the children who had hidden andfearing they might be burned shegave her attention to them and thetIre much headway to be con-trolled

That same evening a daughterMr and Mrs A C Shipp died of diph-theria There have ben number ofexposures from this ease before itsnature was discovered and as severalchildren have died this winter at thattown of the disease there Is a greatdeal of uneasiness

Altogether it has been a gloomyholiday for Joseph people

There are other tcwns in whichdreaded diseases have appeared Mrand Mrs J CB Jensen of Elsinorelost a child from diphtheria a few daysago scarlet fever exists in the familyof H W Rawlins in this city andtwo cases of smallpox are reported atSalina


Nephi People Royally EntertainCitizens of Provo

Provo Jan 1 Nan Years day washappUy spent in Provo being princi-pally devoted to family gatherings and-a general exchange of courtesiesof the season

About 125 couples went to Nephi onthe special Oregon Short Line train toenjoy the rabbit hunt and sociable provided for the visitors by the Nephipeople Of the number about 200 werefrom Provo and the remainder fromSalt Lake and Springville Five pas-senger coaches and one baggage carmode up the train The baggage carwill be returned to Salt Lake With rabbits fqr those who couia not on theexcursion It is exjwfteH the excuj-sionlsts will return tomorrow afterfeasting and the Nephiteslast night unless are BO generously entertained that they decide toremain longer t
















DEATH OF ANDREW NELSONSandy Jan L This morning at P

oclock Andrew Nelson died from pneu-monia leaving a large family to mournhis loss He had been ilL but a fewdays when he was called away The deceased was a highly respected man inhis community being of largeintellect-as well as physIque He had taken thecontract for grading and repairs on thebranch Oregon Short Line to Alta fromSandy He had always been a mostdevoted husband and father doing allin his power for the advancement notonly of his family but the communityin which he lived

The infant child of George Allsop Isvery low from bronchitispneumoniaAll hopes of its recovery are given upIt has been ill only three days Thecase is an extremely sad one as it isthe only its parentshaving buried seven little ones before

Much pneumonia prevails The cli-mate is and misty with a lightsnow falling

DEATH OKMBS HTTGGINS-Provo l3Hr Harriet S Huggins mother of Mrs Joseph Clark diedat the home of her daughter yesterday

from general debility The deceased


A New Preparation Which EveryoneWill Need Sooner or later

Almost everybodys digestion is disordered more or less and the commonest thing they do for it is to take someone of the many socalled blood puri-fiers which in many cases are merelystrong cathartics Such things are notneeded If the organs are in a cloggedcondition they only a little helpand they will right themselves Ca-thartics irritate sensitive linings ofthe stomach and bowels and often domore harm than good

Purging Is not what is needed Thething to do Is to put the food in condi-tion to be readily digested and assimHated Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets dothis perfectly They partly digest whatIs eaten give the just thehelp It needs They stimulate the secre-tion and excretion of the digestivefluids and relieve the congested condi-tion of the glands and membranesThey put the whole digestive system-in conditionto do its work When thatIs done you need take no more tabletsunless you eat agreewith you Then take one or two tab

them needed help and youwill have fib trouble

Its a common sense medicine and acommon sense treatment and It willcure Not only cure thedisease but the cause Goesabout It d perfectly sensible andscientific way

book but we dont publish many jfthem However Mrs E 5L Faith 6FByrds Creek WIs

I have taken all the Tablets I got ofyou and they have done their workwell in my case for I feel like a differ-ent person altogether I dont doubt ifI ha not should have beenat rest by this time

H E Wlllard Onslow Ia saysMr White of Canton was telling me

of your Dyspepsia Tablets curing himof dyspepsia from which he sufferedfor eight years As I am a sufferermyself J wish you would send me apackage by return mail

Phil Brpoks Detroit Mich saysYour Dyspepsia Cure has worked

wonders my case I suffered foryears from dyspepsia but am now en-tirely cured and enjoy life as I neverhave Before I gladly recommendthem i

much Tablets willhelp you Try tlicm the bestway to decide





what does not


every timecure

We have testimonialS enough toJiI





It cost0c toflni3 out justhmvituanis












was born in Sheffield England 77 yearsago and came to Utah at an early dayShe lived several years in FairviewSanpete county but has made herhome in Provo for many years Twodaughters and several grandchildren

greatgrandchildren are tomourn her departure The deceasedwas a most estimable woman andleaves a large circle of friends Thefuneral will be held Friday at 11 oclockfrom the Third ward meeting house

PROVO NEWS NOTESExSheriff John A Brown has re-

signed the position of special agent ofthe Rio Grailde Western and is nowclaim agent for the Salt Lake Citystreet car company

Bishop Myron Tanner whose healthIs failing has moved to Salt Lakewhere he will make his home with hisson Dr J M Tanner

Sheriff Wilde of Summit county andDeputy Sheriff Sloan brSalt Lake werein Provo yesterday each with a patient for the asylum Mr Sloan whohas made frequent visits to Provoduring the past two years on errandsSimilar to the one that brought himdown today informed his many friendsthat he is not coming any more onofficial business which brought an ex-pression of regret congratulation orcondolence depending on the state ofmind and the politics of the hearerbut wishes for future prosperity andhappiness from all-

Y M C A GETS 200000

Studebaker Bros Co Makes a NewYears Gift

Naw Years day brotglit a gift of 5200000 to the Y M C A of the country T mdonor is the Studebaker Bros Co G AQuigley local of the companyreceived a dispatch yesterday from themain office In South announ-cing that the company had given this sumto celebrate its fiftieth anniversary inbusiness

The money will be applied as deemedbeit the national Y M C A

Dr J U Giesy returned yesterday from-a two wetks visit in San Francisco

Dr W H Hopkins has returned from atrip to southern California and Mexico

Ben T Lloyd returned last night from-a trip to his mining properties In Beavercounty

Mr and Mrs Harry C Evans havefrom their bridal tour They

parents in Scranton Pa apdvisited New York and Chicago before returning


Miners Declined to Labor en NewYears Day

Scranton Pa Jan effort wasmade by all the coal operators to worktheir collieries today but it met with illsuccess At each colliery thewent around yesterday and gave noticeto all hands that the company was verydesirous of working that the relieving ofthe coal famine might not retardedSome men reported atevery minewas only In a few that enoughreported to make a start

The Delaware Westerncompany got four of Its nineteen collieries started but at hadto shut down the hand particularly theslate pickers refusing to TheDelaware Hudson got two of Its twentytwo plants started but they woreworked only a few hours The Eriestarted two plants and one of them theKatydid at ran all day Noneof the thirteen Ontario Western oc rfthe eight Temple Iron companys collieries even made a start

It is feared that tomorrow will see arepetition of the sexperience of the dayfollowing n only about haltthe men reportea


Festival at Pasadena Attracted Much



mana er

QD 1-

IPerson1 ntian j

spent the Christmas holidays with Mr




fore nI














AttentionPasadena CaL Jan 1 Dense crowds

of visitors and residents of Pasadena witnessed the tournament of loses processiontoday which surpassed In point ofattractiveness any preceding tournamentparade-

In the early morning the visitorspouring into the spite of a apecial the capacity of the railroadswere overtaxed that fully 40000 people witnessed the floral paradeThe procession was a engthy one thinty minutes being consumed by the hewerbedecked horses and carriages automobItes bicycles and carts to apoint The floats with their handsomeand artistic decorations of southern Callomias wide variety of productionsmade an Impressive appearance as theyglided smoothly the city TheNavajo and JloquI Indians with theirsquaws and papooses represented aboriginal In the andattracted mucha polo game and exhibition drill concluded

I the carnival

EAST SIDEThe german given by the East Sideclub last evening at the home of MissJune McIntyre was the prettiest-

of private dancing parties The handsome home was decorated in Christmascolors and the favors roy the variousfigures were hung on a large Christmastree About forty dancers enjoyed amerry evening the two parlors andthe hall being u ed for dancing An orchestra was stationed on the balconyand supper was served in the diningroom

BRYAN COMING NORTHMexico City Jan L William J Bry

an with his family has returned fromhot country and will return north

tomorrow He is much interested inthe fact that many young Americanswith small capital have started in lifein Mexico as planters Though greatlypleased with the prospects ofthe tropical agriculture Mr Bryansays he is still very well withhis little farm on the outskirts of Lincoln Neb

VISITED HER DEADCanton 0 Jan 1 Mrs McKinley

spent the first day of the new yearquietly Early in the morning she vis-ited the tomb of her husband and re-mained for some time in meditationShe also visited the graves chiUdren and placed flowers thereon At 1oclock she went to dinner at the

Judge W R Day Several telegramsfrom friends in official life at Wash

Years greetings

MAY YORE GETS MONEYLondon Jan 1 The Central News announces that the claim of May Yohe for45000 against the estate Lord FrancisHope has been settled amicably Theterms of the settlement not beenpublished

Sixty Years Experience of an OldNurse

Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup is theprescription of one of thephysicians and nurses in the UnitedStates and has been used for sixtyyears with neverfailing success tijrmillions of mothers for their childrenDuring the process of teething its value-is incalculable It relieves the childfrom pain cures diarrhoea griping inthe bowels and wind colichealth to the child it rests the motherPrice 25 cents a bottle

Call Tor County WarrantsNotice is hereby given hold-

ers of warrants of Salt Lakecounty that all registered warrantspresented payment to Jan 11S03 and under reSister number 58239are now payable at my office and thatfrom this date

Salt Lake ei

W I yDKCountyTan 2 1SQ3



ser e







rIingtOl were receIved containing New I




f t1






allinterest upon saidwkrtat eed














Prisoner Writes a Letter andSpends New Years Day


One prisoner in the county jail turnedover a new leaf yesterday The leaf Isapparently a religious one He spent

entire In a private cell praylug for forgiveness for his past sins ina constructed and spelled letterTo Jailer Thomas he declared that he Intended to lead a new life from now on andforsake the ways of sin and crime

The prisoner Is awaiting a hearing onthe petit and has oftenprotested his Innocence to the jailer Yes

Iterday morning as the prisoners werebrought out to breakfast this prisoner

a letter to Jailer Thomas and after breakfast asked if he might be allowed-to KO into one of the private cells for a-while He was granted the request andspent the entire morning on his kneespraying

The letter was as followsHapy New Yahrs Dear Br ThomasWith of this Xew Yahr I

will beginning a better living I willright wit in and pray to the Lord

to vorgive me me sinn But 1 aminnocent i am not guilty Now willyou let me have for me a room alone so

can prayThe letter was signed with the prison-

ers name which the jailer did not careto disclose


Shifts Scene of Criminal Operationsto Butte Mont

According to Information from ButteBert DeShazo who is well known incriminal circles it Utah and especiallythis city is under arrest Butte for

bogus checks When arrested hegave the fictitious name of Bert Sweetbut communication with the Ogden policeauthorities brought out the fact Bewas noneother than the famous Bert DeShazo who hold up two policemen in

only a few months ago in an effort-to make his escape and who has a longrecord here for petit larceny and passing

checksDeShazo it is said has been passing

tonsil checks very freely in

wanted now in Ogden on a similar chargeand if the Butte authorities cannot convict officers expect tomake requisition for him

DeShazo was but recently releasedfrom the county jail here where heserved a six months term for holding upthe police officers


June Mathis Comes to This City inWhose Baby Are You

When Whose Baby Are You companyplays in Salt Lake next week the

will have the pleasure vfseeing a Salt Lake girl June

the part the soubretteunder the title role of Miss Madge Mor-ton in that production Miss Mathis isonly IS years of age but has made quite areputation for herself since she has beenon the stage She is the daughter ofDruggist Mathis of the drug firm of W

Mathis CoThe manager of the company is another

Salt Laker E T Carruthers For fiveyears he was assistant manager of theGrand theatre and also had charge of theSalt Palace for a season putting on oneof the best troupes which ever held downthe boards in that summer play houseMr Carruthers spent yesterday in thecity shaking hands with his fellow Elksbeing a member of lodge No and hismany friends

FUNERAL NOTICEThe funeral cortege of Mrs Bernard

Sprenger will leave her late residence 31SEast Second South Saturday morning at9 oclock thence to Marys cathedralwhere a reaulem mass will be celebratedcommencing at 930 a m Interment

cemetery Friends Invited Remains can be viewed at the residence















iwn and has admitted his lie is











Tonight Tomorrow and SaturdayMatinee

Indorsed by the Eastern Press and Publicfrom New York City to San Francisco-

A Continental Convulsing CareKillingCorker

Gladsome Gleams and Grins of Joy

Direct from Their Successful Run at theMetropolis Theatre New York

TheI Minstrel

Other Famous White CelebritiesINCLUDING THE WORLDS FAMOUS

CARr DAMMANN TROUPEFrom the Winter Cirrus Berlin Germany

CONTAINING-More Mirth Melody and Music than

Comic Opera or Musical ExtravaganzaEver Written Also the





Monday and Tuesday Nights and Wed-nesday Matinee

Wednesday Night


Only the most nutritious partof the wheat finds its way into

Thats what the latest and mostexpensive milling machinerydoes We spare no expense-or pains to make HUSLERSFLOUR the best

If you have forgotten tosend a present to someone come right to us andsee how nicely and quickly we can help you

Mail Orders Specialty











AND-a100 ia1OU

iiLa 7cr






what the Great Kidney Remedy SwampRoot will do for YOU Every Reader of The

May Nave a Sample Bottle Sent Mail

What a Sample Bottleof Swamp oot


ald Free

bid y


W F Lohnes a prominent man of Springfield Ohio write UM

editor of the Springfield Ohio RepublicSpringfield Ohio Feb 21 1901Having heard that you could procure a sample bottle of SwampRoot freeby mall I wrote to Dr Kilmer Jfe Co Binghamton N Y a sample bottleand it was promptly sent I was so pleased after trying the sample bottlethat I sent to the drugstore and procured a supply I have used SwampRootregularly for some time and consider it unsurpassed as a remedy for torpidliver loss of appetite and general derangement of the digestive functions Ithink my trouble was due to too close confinement in my business I carrecommend it highly for all liver and kidney complaints I am not in Ilkhabit of endorsing any medicine but in this case I cannot speak too much Jnpraise of what SwampRoot has done for me

W F LOHNBS I As43 West High Street

S rThe mild and extraordinary effect of the worldfamous kidney and bladderremedy Dr Kilmers SwampRoot Is soon realized It stands the highest forIts wonderful cures of the most distressing casesEDITORIAL NOTE If you are sick or feel badly bin taking the won

derful discovery Dr Kilmers SwampRoot beccuae as soon as your kidneys-are well they will help all the other organs to health A trial will convinceanyone

You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful remedy SwampRoot sentabsolutely free by mail also a book telling all about SwampRoot and contain-ing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received frommen and women who owe their good health in fact their very lives to the greatcurative properties of SwampRoot In writing to Dr Kilmer CO lUnghamton N Y be sure to say that you read this generous offer In the Salt LakeDaily Herald

If you are already convinced that SwampRoot is what you need you canpurchase the regular fiftycent and onedollar size bottles at the drug storeseverywhere Dont make any mistake but remember the name SwampBeet-Dr Kilmers SwampRoot and the address Binghamton N Y on every bottfe

f istrong endorsement or the great SwampRoot

0 Ii


lowing ktdflCl 1fldY t U




rii In the treatment of private diseases such as Varlcooele Impotency Blood Poison Stricture etc to which our practice lalimited and to which we have devoted the best of curlives we give a written legal guarantee to effect a andpermanent cure In ease undertaken for treatmentor by letter Is free you decide to take treatment charges wHl not Be

than YOU are willing to pay for the benefits received




TREAT MID CURECATARRH and all diseases of the Lungs Heart Stomach LiverNerves Skin Brain and all diseases of roan women and children

OUR HOME TREATMENT CURES Write for symptom list CoasultaJioiv FREE









tZzfr part





If you surer from of the weaknesses orYO0 ARt THE VERY PERSON WE

WANT TO TALK TOWe have oar skill in curing nil

CHRONIC diseases publishing thousands ofi voluntary testimonials of people giving


Because It would betray confidence Henceihave to prove our skill ia this class of troublesla another way This is our plan

excess or concaused Ignorance

Office Hours 9 a m to 4 p m evenings 7 to 8 Sundays and Holidays 10 to 12


In starting this New

Year be makeno mistake in the kitch-

en That good coalsuits best there

The on


Hotel Knutsford6 S Holmes Proprietor

elegant In all Its appointBeats 360 rooms single and ea-Taetca with



IMPORTEDNow wsed on City Public Work

by P J MORANBoard o Trade Buildtajj Salt Lake



B m bergerlan















We cure you and then sale aFEE are You cars e

pend upon our word any In Utah wlHendorse it thousands of patients tave endorsedus NOW WE WANT TO CUBE YGT withthe distinct understanding that we will not

a FEE until we cure youMANHOOD Senii al Weaknessrhoea Gonorrhoea Syphilis and weaknessesof men We cure Varicooete or itdont cost Consultation andadvice FREE by letter or in person GALLOR WRITE

frtw cur


abu y






herean dengoobetter at lowerWith of

thingare MaeandA complete motNew

Diamond MerchantsLYON CO

13 St TeL 16 z


you to for youyoung are aptsome sever later If

your isway can proper youyour sight V wonta cent your

Rushmers ParnfS 0

7 Wet Frt



with a certainty better jewelryselling than ever end

equally greater for de-pendable sell

pnicSsthe coming 1it several lit

tie improved acall see sshat

line of the ap-propriate lear

Manufacturing ejeweleraMaIn


If neglect carewhile you

conasqoencesyour weak theystrengthened by the use glassesIf sight defective in au

it be overcome withlenses and can thus

c charge yout teat eyes
