
1 How will the data be used? Each type of assessment addresses specific aspects of an individual. Behavior assessments reveal data about people in their work environments, and personality assessments ascertain people’s personality types. Decide which type of information would be most valuable to your organization. 2 Is the data reliable? Are people’s scores consistent and repeatable over time? Does the assessment effectively predict important workplace behaviors that drive metrics such as sales, customer satisfaction and turnover? 3 What is the pricing model? Each assessment is priced differently: they can be subscription- based or pay-per-user. Determine what you’ll be using the assessment for and the number of employees who will be using it to help you choose which pricing model is best for you. 4 How long does it take to complete? Assessments vary in length from six to 60 minutes (and sometimes more) to complete. Consider your employees’ and potential employees’ time when evaluating different options. Data accuracy and reliability does not correspond to the length of the test. 5 How is the data gathered? Tests can be either free choice or forced choice. Free choice means that the test takers select only what they feel applies to them, while forced choice gives a set number of answers and the testers are required to pick one. Evaluate which format gives you the most useful and relevant data. 6 How are the assessment results presented? Results of assessments can either be written in the form of a report or a more visual graphic, where data is presented in a quick snapshot that can be interpreted immediately. Some assessments have a combination of the two. Decide whether access to the underlying assessment data helps you apply insights more broadly in your organization and how your reviewers will best process assessment information. NAVIGATING THE WORLD OF ASSESSEMENTS: 10 Questions to Help You Cut Through the Complexity Assessment tools make the difference between gut-feel-based hiring and employee development, and having concrete data to guide the critical decisions about employees and potential employees. But not every assessment is right for every environment and circumstance. Below are the 10 key questions to consider when selecting an assessment solution.

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1 How will the data be used?

Each type of assessment addresses specific aspects of an individual. Behavior assessments reveal data about people in their work environments, and personality assessments ascertain people’s

personality types. Decide which type of information would be most valuable to your organization.

2 Is the data reliable?

Are people’s scores consistent and repeatable over time? Does the assessment effectively predict important workplace behaviors that drive metrics such as sales, customer satisfaction and turnover?

3 What is the pricing model?

Each assessment is priced differently: they can be subscription-based or pay-per-user. Determine what you’ll be using the assessment for and the number of employees who will be using it

to help you choose which pricing model is best for you.

4 How long does it take to complete?

Assessments vary in length from six to 60 minutes (and sometimes more) to complete. Consider your employees’ and potential employees’ time when evaluating different options.

Data accuracy and reliability does not correspond to the length of the test.

5 How is the data gathered?

Tests can be either free choice or forced choice. Free choice means that the test takers select only what they feel applies to them, while forced choice gives a set number of answers and the testers

are required to pick one. Evaluate which format gives you the most useful and relevant data.

6 How are the assessment results presented?

Results of assessments can either be written in the form of a report or a more visual graphic, where data is presented in a quick snapshot that can be interpreted immediately. Some assessments

have a combination of the two. Decide whether access to the underlying assessment data helps you apply insights more broadly in your organization and how your reviewers will best process assessment information.

NavigatiNg the World of assessemeNts:10 Questions to help You Cut through the Complexity

Assessment tools make the difference between gut-feel-based hiring and employee development, and having concrete data to guide the critical decisions about employees and potential employees. But not every assessment is right for every environment and circumstance. Below are the 10 key questions to consider when selecting an assessment solution.

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7 What level of support is required?

Tests can be administered by someone certified within your organization or by the test company. Determine if the ability to administer and interpret test results within your company is a better

fit for you or if it makes more sense to work with an outside firm. Also confirm that there’s ongoing support from the test vendor and that the company understands your business challenges.

8 Is the assessment global?

If you have a global workforce, it’s important to be able to administer the test in an employee’s native language and have analyst support within your area. Verify that the assessments and

results are available in all relevant languages.

9 Can the data be used with groups and teams?

In addition to providing data about individual employees, some assessments can also give insights into group dynamics, which can be used to address group conflicts and evaluate performance vis-à-

vis other groups. If group analysis is important, make sure the data is available for that use.

10 Is the assessment EEOC compliant?

Standards organizations, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), provide compliance guidelines for different aspects of assessments. Ensure that

the solution you choose is free of bias with respect to the respondent’s age, gender or ethnic group.

About PI Worldwide

Trusted advisors to a global client base, PI Worldwide and their 400 experienced consultants change the way clients find the right people, develop leaders at all levels, and achieve growth goals. PI Worldwide’s PI assessment has proven time and time again to be the most effective tool to quickly gain an accurate and detailed understanding of employees’ behaviors and motivational needs in relation to the roles they’re meant to fill, their team members and the company. If you’re looking for an easy-to-administer and interpret, quick, bias-free, standards-compliant behavior assessment, the PI is for you.

Contact us to learn more about PI Worldwide’s PI assessment or read about the Predictive Index system at www.piworldwide.com.