pittsburgh scntmt^ port henry woman is fatally...

fe • Ar© Willing •» Throw Aw*y Cash for Display. Too <iu|ny Americans have a cne*nta *9m spending money solely to displa) \ lit possession, and most of them oan- 8Kft,:*fforji It. A few rig* Tien art VstffUosed *with thts 'form «/ megal- «.s*t!MfcQJa>teat*as a rule, they are not ,» sjp«»dt&r<ft*, otherwise they would not ' V !flfc*teh.. The money mefmlanmntac k * tkt tn*Jn#tay of Broadway's "lobstei fMtfftCes" ind he is called a "lobster' tn the •jtpressJve slang ©f that dls- wrote a letter to a clt> complaining that w*it restaurants tried u eat meat cooked in foretgr. to him. when he wantet utton chops or porterhouse tent seemed to b* on the idea that tm i tiftott him by showing how U Surely he cannot think If well when he confine* t efforts to a monotonous f «&»* and mutton chops. A* ftf* 4f mind In typical of Ms eta i sin important bearing on tht, :\ot Uv4og, wfcicn in such. i cost of high living, tSiere- * are worth consider-: mi #M»tttut nMfttsr on th ReaistratiooInGeunty 4B VBR.lt* TOWXfe SHOW ] INCHKAWfc: IN 1HK M HUt-IIt OF VOTKKS 11KGIBTKKMU —IVCUKASE IS IN STRONG BBPt?lJ. LIC7AN TOWNti That there is great interest amonu 1 PENSION'S. Are pensions in general wise- Should a State pension it* workers? tthotttd it pay pensions to teachers Any more than to any other clawt of employees? TheKo ar<« questions ddscuntted in u bulletin Just issued by tht* I'nltrd States liureau of education. Tin* Immediate purpose of the bulletin in to describe the pension systemn' f Great Britain, but in the course Pittsburgh Scntmt^ October 24*913 PORT HENRY WOMAN IS FATALLY BURNED . HOY—WARWICK j In thf humc of Mr antl Mr-- Ch M. Hills. 70 Dewe> street, Worcemt j >f^.--j»., at 7 ,3u o\-Uu-k, O< t. 18, the ; was one of thf in-ftttcst w«.-dti'.uK> ;th«- fall s«-acyn. wh»-n Mss- Winnlfn ^i, Hoj w:t* nicirnt-d to Ji«. .\f. M-. > in W.irwick. 1 u? I ,\U;n sircc, sm Mr. ana Airs' Frano r Wir'Mi- Willcanui, Australia. l j Breaker, paxtur uf tht- j Masonic Gathering , CONVKNTiON IIV HOICV( OVF.lt SMITH. GJtVSl> iiKii or THK WATB K\HKRS AT THK John He voters in the cumin* <•»•<*»«" |*j of tnc tuid juyrnond W. files, th <howa in the fact that aUtwu*a liU thown in the fact that although it s what is generally termed an "oil year" th c registration is within 132 of what it WH* a year afro when a oresident was elected. 1 borne of the towns show a flight falling eff in thc lumber of voters register.nl, t ,i . h< freatest fal'.tng off la In this city. In :he strong an 1 relJftble Republican towns, such ai l*e>kmanotvn. Cham- ireased refimrstlon. Thj /t juris for author, takes occasion to discus* th<; i •* Al underlying all pensions, and especially teachers' pensions in the I'nited States. Teachers' pensions and pension systems, according to i>r. ste*. r«>- present one phase of what ) come a universal movement .imoutc j .•fvtllsed peoples movement l»MKHK.Xt'K OF MIX!) TO, MAY AM, TKLKPIIONK CKNTRAL AND INFORM HEH OF HKIt OONMTION UTVRfft FCH'K HOIKS AFTER, ACC'IlftENT A terrible aoclJen* eccurred at iN.rt ..J Henry Tuesday afternoon *htii u woman named Mrs. Dahw, the cuxe- 1n the George R. Sherman man : Tin: Nlr; TI:MI:UK ait. i3 - >JH' Hut <M(lore<l fn<|u|r> — AH Bishops \n* Askwl Jo Answer Six Tli«> 2*d District Masonic Coriven- lon ijfia .is. Musuiiic Hall last even- V.K «a* the scene nf one of the lar«- -; i;.iiheiinRs uf Ma*,.p.s in this city" •A\\\ts :inu ;iI1 ., nun> t,,, r tlf y»>ars. Visiting Ma- l ' it " >l1 ' 1 |-i.ii:i' <lfl#Rat<-s representing practi- 11.^ t...)K ! rillli *' v '" r > ; *HJ«V m th.. district werp th.-y M.-otl 'present, background [ Tho convention wu.t under the Ki* n- ithi« H-»ly "dispose of the superannuated and i »l»n. recently purcHased by the Cath- ntss. th« PUIM- SS Prefe disabled individual and to Mb old I olic Order o f l N Sister* of Charity, j ed all t>\*r the world an Nre of Its economic terrors." Pensions 1 ! *<tt.!Z±-™^™\~^^ZrT. to De Converted by them Into an tiun on mixctl <3W«go packer. d<m« to -,-r-K #tialt butcher, th* its* I m e country compWne oithU I ^ . th« tHoat «x. I Luckily for the pur4 , moet American* who! chape 6o not] they •« talking about. Oa-i chope of this 4e«bri|lHo^ y people wtm^ < ,^athe« I alone, If o*f fiob- Irtksted oft thtt pfcrot H • JWOUW be. \a» 11M . Hi* ;hose of last year are as Vltona, No. 1 vltona No. 2 Vusable No. 1 \aaable No. 2 9eekmantown Stack Brook No. 1 Blai* Brook No. S . Jhamplain No. l , . "7h*mplain No. 2 . .. ph*tnpialn No. 3 .. vnts out.! academy, was sf» tr-rrlbly burned that hng th- have existed in Germany in aome 1 ** 1 * ^ Ied wlthln| a few hours without ] tht- opv Iform or other for two or thr«e oen-. W** a°le to tjell how the accident ri.iKt* i ^tw by r*c,u ,46* J tarles, and In other European coun J occurred. j triea for the better *oart of a century ' rh * wom * n ^ as a! opinion «>r rtumty ..f favoring such mar n cerinln c»untrU-a. licLittnl The .louhit- iisrd b*"Hi!« man> n_l ami surrounding places. Mr Warwick and Sl-.vS their marriage \ uws «h>ii :n a front parlor, with A of autumn foliage., with Ui> iree« on] ptrviilitn of U. VV. Louis MlHer. I). l>~ the side and at th.- top w.ih aspara j C. M., of this csty imd presided over sus ferns. The mantels ami rireplace l hy II. \V, Horace W. Smith, Grand were hanked with leaves and asparu-! Lecturer of thf State of New ^?ork. ferns. The dining room was Uon«> Exemplification of the-work wa» •en- tries for the better T>art or a century or more. On the continent the bem>- tJannetnora No. 1 . Dannemora No. 8 Mooert Ko. «B l| ". fits of teachers' p#«»ions have often been extended to Include widows and teachers. In Scotland a ayatem has been deve- loped, based on #cle>nUf)e Insurance priftoipls*. which Dr. Blo« considers ea|»f9la41y vaJuabie for the United penaioh* afaall ,be suwjort- ed In whole or io part by the State. or whether the? a^all financed en- tirely by the UAcbere M»«maelves. is a problem that has been solved dtf- ftl«ttlly in different countries. : In Qmmuny the «Ut* finance* the aaUre m tst til ^ ^ 481 «own> Platttburgh <fQrw%? Ko, S tit- 197 ?!atti«>urfh (town) No. t 1*1 t#S Lttabargh «aty> f... ...t*8 tttsVargh Yclty) 4 .., .rt« (Plattstmrgh <*lty) e .... 683 ;]^I«Uburgh (ektf) .... MS he 4hlat!t» it *acr more generous to 4*1 ^ tMfihera, but because he consld- *1§1 •*• Jt b * tl * r busineas for the State ^ || fi sad manage the system it hbW tht i ' burden it ultimately shifted to ntl! the teachers. *'.<••.*-/ «*'• Stti (gchuyler Falte Wo. l* .... tSO : Sfhuyler Pills No. a .... lit 1 I The law require* that out and a, hmlf timer as «uu^ vote* «• printed \&T nth eleotlon district ets there are registered voters «ud that there ai m be printed, for «*e& district one- aoarter as many sample ballots as there are votera. It will thus be seen that a total of e>oat l«.5M offlKrtftl and 4,400 sample %>allou w4U be re quired for the county. Mna< than comfort. In-, unity of peo-i I neighbor- Suter To Lecture ^Umay» Oot. *i—A few hoars after had sigiied k contract to deliver l i t lecture* at f 1.000 each, W inlffn deposed O*>v««n»r of roifc SUts, MtnotM»oe4 last night lie; would accept the Progressive nomtna lion for s DUtrtct, be nbly in the, tr'bntions whatsoever. In Prance the i to keep Io the i States th* tendency Is to ask xibution* from the teache-rs. tefeff are heavily tho pension syst«m going. Ufe S h d Am ± permanent arrai^rem*nrt Dr. 8tes f the Qarman plan, not because that in any' event While admitting, therefore, that contributions may be necessary to pension system, h* ; they should be discontinued M soon aa possible. In hie opinion eonlfibotiotn from teacher* as a per* t feature not only add nothing to th* effectiveness of a- pension plan, j oBJrRCT LESSON rX)R j An airirmutiv answr-r from lone in the house [ hierarchy would m^an xhe A t used at the time of the accident and when j Of the famous >fe Tenure d«ir^.-. im aseiAAnce reachied her she W*s In) inquiry is ordered in u letter •i^iied sudh ajrony from her burns that It * w | i>> t'arrtmul lUnux.iiR in wh>;i t\ •: in pink and white, asters h< The hride was attended l»y M:> Eva IFills, as maid uf honor. nt\> 11 lu " j Mi«s Jennie R. Shaft, Lowell, a m.iid. Miss Bhaw \sa« «i srhoolmat ufterno'on Xt\<l ducted during thf evening. t After the eveninjr session of thrt cunvontioii. a banquet was servml in ih<» i-anquet room of Masonic Halt at impossrble for h< p 1 lars surrounding the sad affair. About j "What was ten years atto «t),l 4 o'clock the operator In fhe central; i 3 tod*>- in your diweese. the askinr them to gi the woman. Wh to tell the part leu-1 follonlhg nuvstions an- a.sked: d ffi Ab j telephone office la that village receiv- ed & message froii the Sherman house informing h^r that Mrs. P*nw. whe was the person and asking the ststftbce to her of Catholics, men <\nholies and no 'What Waion flre.jjnuea perator t^ send a*- j concluded or Hthout delay., ~ ie averaffe numoet igos which h.i\o bo attempted in tht- I; operator at one > telephoned for A phyeKiian and several other persons to the assistance of >n then reached the Sherman house a terrible sight met their gase, for they found Mrs. Dahw with her clothing almost entirety burned off and her flesh so badly burned that when they attempted to care for her It almost dropped from her body. ten years with and without iHptr.- satlon? •'Have the precautions such a,* prescribed beea omitted or rtfftibtd, and 4n how many cases? "ln other cases what results have such precautions brought, the on» concerning the education of alt the children la the Catholic religion en pecialiy? "Finally, what rites, especial'v i-ft- er the promulgation of the Ne Te- The rtttfortunate woman was tak-j mwa d4creet are f O t ro ve<t tn the t«>. en to her home, Where she lingered in J e b raJ t ion pg SUC h «n*rriagft4' Are great agony until atarot 8*0 o'clock L hey celebnlted l n t h e ch urch. ire when death put an end to her suffer- th ^ y annoullc ^ d at the 8Oun4 uf l h , in* It is sarppo#ed that while thej U1||k wfcUe tha pfMta , ng prJedt ja unfortunate woman was wo ™" n «r i c j a 4 in p^erdotal vestments with the around the kitchen range her clothing] ugltJfo of tne orR c«ugt>t flre. and realising her danger i Qf tho rJnK a ' Mf she ran tq the telephone to call upon ! -with all the the operator to «end her assistance j pIeftge formulatft your ansW ers on the and that in running she fanned th*. f|>llowl que8tion: , n yaur flanien which soon enveloped her. Mm. Dana was of the ,organ, th* bt»ne lic'iun rmon or not? oiivwcrs you will •oon envelope* nBr -1 con«iderln« the particular ciroum- about 60 rears of age; 8tance8< wouJd it be cunvenk . nl in , hf and survived by her husband and six children. I future to f i marriage??" vor or to oppose but they "Introduce needless com yr they arc a source of constant; Irritation and misunderstanding, Mtti jn an j mH|fiDe j change in hitman na- th pibl f a vst amount > PHACK FANATICS To thone deluded people who find j th*y are responsible for a vast amount ofunn tar>" bookkeeping and other clerical work." Dr. Siee concludes thoU|rhftful with a strong recommendation for a rtoncontributory pension *>*stem Amerlcap teachers. for lure a reason for believing in 1 ly censing of wnrs we commend & j uwl ot th<> following j article in iHe Outlook extrart fn>Tn of Oot. 11 by Frank Hunter Potter. Clubbed With Rifle ! ' they **ek torob« $Gh: \*r apartment i that is «he extent o< hip, Ot they buy l pay more for i oaa afford for houW l deprive them- » Pi»a««r* <4 going to th* h epwa tNvoatMP* they will f smlk-ry. M they mnnotj i goingtothe ttiestre weh of e^ow any- way wr go to movJngi hen they think no seeingteecaueethey i drive up io the •*• kom^blte. New Tork place that Is a w ••"- - - that J to eat there never do ex> ey «annot drive tip" In style, makes mU«*tta the lives ; They worry themselves about lneon»eo.tientialB, and keep wp what they think p^rnnee they lose pe>et The man who > walk into an opera hoove I tattlionaires drive tip In carri- ' and Automobiles, has lost his st.*—<New Tork Commercial. thU win be a Mopping stone to the* apoakerftfaij) of the next Assembly and finally lead to his nomination and election as Governor next fall. Feeling assured his election to the lower hens*, wilttoeby an almost un- animous vote, particularly after hav- ing beau personally atpture* by Harry {Cop, the Republican candidate, that he -would -withdraw in the ex<lover- nor's fa*qr. Mt. Suiter.at a, )ate hour }«* n|gbt isaeed this sfaietnent: , "I» vtow of th* ttrgan* pleading* from lifelong friends, and the request In vritinsT from- more than, half of the registered voters ot the Sixth Assem- bly District, regardleaeo?jparty srffilla- tlonav bftSging me ta accept the nomi- nation (for memfber of Assembly* to further the cau«e of honest govern- ment. I have consented to come ba/ek to Albany, as a member of the Assem- bly, for the food that 1 oan do. "Of bourse I appreciate the confi- dence of some of my old constituents; and no <wordsj of mine oan tell them how grateful I am for their support and unwavering loyalty. "I slts£i*b* a non-partisan candidate havtar*o,*xe to grind, and no motive iHiiPWl other than to do what 1 ean for tht cause of good government the wtPbgsgle 1or which aocompUsh- went brought «A>out tny removal from the GovernorsSUp by an arrogant boas whose dtetetes to do wrong t defied." entkleU, "The Conflict in TUfter." Mr.} Potter is an American who has lately | been in great Britain and hus studied the varying p-hases of the. jrreat re- i lifrtotis controversy which has been —— j raging in Ireland nvi-r lh* Muestlon Game Protector Cassius Winch, or | whether the Protestant* of thai is- land should submit to the domina- tion of an Irish Parliament which would be three-fourths Roman CYtfho- llc. As well kmnrn, the feelSnit «yf the .Protestants is st> bitter that a pro- visional government has been already planned In I'teter, and a threat ihat Lake Placid, was on Sunday after- noon brutally assaulted by a hum*., who clubbed him over the head with ft rifle butt until Winch was half dead, and today Abram Kllburn was held for the grand jury on a charge of assault, second degree. The assault Took place ln Wilmington Notch Suu j civil war will follow an attempt to day afternoon, about 2 o'clock when I force Hume Rule U4*>n that province ; Winch demanded to see the hunter's! ha» been openly made at jcr«U mftus 1 rh was driving toward ! meeting* held 4n various cities under} when hft-saw Kllburn Mhe direotron. no^t of a few inoonse I fFROH PA Rift TO CAIRO, BOITT L Oct. 2i.<—In a rainstorm and •Aviator Pierre l>aucourt. great- it . of if. Danton. today Rt\\ ott his proposed 3,150 mile , Bgypt. He carried i , Henri Roux, a former non Officer of the French irt planned to make the aeroplane journey in three Stopping at Constantinople, t arerosalem. He was the first bird- rio 0f from Paris to Berlin with* stop. BAY STATE COStTOREXCF. Northampton, Mass*. Oct. 21:— Smith College and the town of North* unrpton are hosts of the tenth annual meeting of the Massachusetts St«t« Conference of Charities, which con vened today for a three <iay«' session. Organised charity workers, public officials, medical men, educators, churchmen ahd others are here fron. sit parts if the State to take part in the proceeding)!.. k* , cross'I** highway. Winch called to him, td stop, bttt'Kilburn went on ln^ to the' woods. Winch followed, ana says that when he come up with Kli- burn the hunter struck him three times over the head with his riflb btbtt Clifford Turner of Yonkors, who was driving with Winch got him inlo the carriage and drove him home. Winch was unarmed at tht? time of the alt, having left his rifle' In he carriage when ho started In pur suit of kilburn. Division chief pro- tector Byron Cameron, of Karanau Lake secured evidence Monday which Was presented before Justice George Storrs of Wilmington yesterday after- noon. Kittmrn's bail was fixed at *«00. Winch is recovering from the as- sault. Winch has killed several Wound* in the woods this fall in enforcing the antl-bdtindhjR law, and threats- t had been tnaUe by,owners of th»- dugs io ~get M the protector. PREPARING VOn WIMTK11 quential fanatics, but ,l»y leading men of the country, such as Sir K\iwnni Carson and others. We have been told so often that <he spread of Chris- tianity has so softened men's passions that arbitration must noon take the place of war and that religious intol- erance will soon be & thine; of the past that, were we not slow to be- v lieve in the chamrlng <*f humantaa-: ture. we should he surpri.«ed to read in this article by Mr. l\«t«-r the OM- sertion that for a parallel to thc hH-; ternesji of Mec.larian hatred in Ireland ; we must jfo back to the «lay* t«f thc relijrioust inaseiacres of tlu- MiddU- Aga*. Mr. Totter n:iy«; "(.Catholics aiHl Protestants in the north of Ireland hate t-ach uther with un intensity un«<iuulcd else-when- since thc Massacre oT St. Hartholo- m«-w or tho days of Alva in * of the bride In the Lowell schools. Mr. Warwirk had I^eonard J. Hoy. brother of the bride, as be«t man. I'ahers were forest II. Sticknev r*nd Albert T. Thaw, Lowell. Kvelyn 9arsent and Sadie Charlton IT" ribbon girls. They held the white satin ribbon to form an aisle for the bridal party to pans thronghj an eloqueaL-addrass. Following'ibis on the way from the anteroom to I R. W. W. W, Jsfifrles. Past District where the service was read in th from part of the house. A lovely gown of white satin, drap ed model, made en traine, embellish- which were seated over 160 memfhen* of the fraternity from the lodges of thts city and from lodges throughout th«* district. R. W. Louis Miller. Th D. (;. M., acted as toast master of th« occasion. Thefirstspeaker sailed up- on was H. W. Horace W. (3rand Lecturer of the state who f* ed with a yoke on chiffon and prin- cess lace and pearl and rhlnestone buckle was worn by the bride with a full length white tulle veil caiighx with a seml-chaplet of valley Ulles. Her flawsra were lilies of the valley. Mrs. Warwick received a ruby vena ant from her husband. Her •ravel- ing suit was a brown broadcloth suit with a velvet hat to match, orn- amented with white plumes an j gold lace. y Miss Hills wore nlle green silk pop !in. gamitured with pink roses. This was also a draped model, and she carried taft roses la an arm bouquet. Miss 8haw wore a daittty pale pink crepe de chine .gown trimmed with silver-beaded passementerie and a silver buckle. Her flowers were pink roses. The taide gave Miss Hills and Miss Shaw rbinestone hair bandeau and they wore these In their coiffures for the wedding. Miss Sargent wore a pink silk mui lln frock trimmed with shadow lace and Sadie Charlton, another ribbon girl, wore white satin striped volte. The beet i i given monogram Df-puty, responded to a call trot) tha chair. R. W. J. H. Ksefe. Grand Chaplain of the state ot New Tork then addressed th* assembled' Ma- son a. Amo&f the other speakers of ig ^ iM the ten M >v wer* reprssenutives of many ot tike lodges of the ltd District. The- convention and ihe following ,wUI oe r*m*oib*r*a;%^|lf who were present a* bejnf oa$ of;the most successful »nJ eftjofibil etfttU of the kind ever Hidtothis tfaftftftlc > Frank <M-:I \.-. [)]•' run l.n- x-i s ipilwr. If. t>> IM n t n M«d 11 H A \ ll^-k ... tiuprfme Ky and has Appeal.i by cuv JudKe 'V th« State ami UK.uiv till-; \\\u;.\no\ TLOSL'S Nov. so erlands. They Jo not Mv« tt»v I there in a Protentaut (»iiarter fOHthnllc ijuarter in Melms< a : HI in I*)niii»n'dt-rry. ami it i«« m < ' p.f>wa<lays for :v man uf i>n«- r An unusual Spectacle for this sec-}*" «« llU " i * lnt " Ul «' ^ iu:irur Ia> Hot'ii Ann Duncan \V. I iu will rmiai t.l 1 Nuvt'iutM cufflinks by the groom, and the ush ers received monogram tie clasp* Miss Bertha B. Botrwortl), West Boyl- ston, who played the wedding music, received a lingerie clasp from Mim Hoy. The wedding march from "Loh engrtn" and Mendelssohn's wedding march were given as> a processional and recessional. At the reception, the bndal part> members were assisted In receiving by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hills am Clarence M. Hills. Mrs. Hills wore a dark blue silk foulard with beaded urnamentatlons and whit her corsage. In the dining room damriea wer* served by Misses Mildred Holt. Ada M. Pierce. Flora li. Bum pus, Linda Smith. Sadie Charlton, Mabel Peters, from the Dewey-street Baptist church all of whom wore pretty gowns ot white. The many guests ^^MUd with ln- terost the large display of ^ifts pret- tily arranged in A anteroom. These included sliver, cutglasm china, stfttu- I ary. linen bric-a-brac, paintings, and bed rurnl8hlnRs. Conspicuous was * beautiful clock 4n a fine case from fellow members of the uroom in the men's to&racca class at the Dewey- street Baptist church, also a large cheek from Australia and Europe. Mr. Warwick le grand master of the Orangemen and is aho a Red Man of the Worcester tribe. He formerb was a grocer at Webster square In : business for himself, hnt !s employed j for the Walker-Armin^ton i'o. at Its J Webster-square branch store. Tht, ,' Unde 'was a stenographer and book- | keeper for Macgown & McOowan, 203 i l>ay building, whert* she workM four years. : Mr and Mrs. Warwick left Worces- ; tor for a trip to Maine, and *>n their j return will live at 33. Stoneland road. j where they will be at home after Pet, EDUCATION JVOTSS Fresno. Cat,, has a model open-atj» school building costing lea* than 1500. Teachers lit Or**tsviH*. Mise.. ar* required by the schoot -boafd to At- tend summer school at a at least once every thrfe* year*.* SRlaHes rtcMvia graduates of ^he nbmeecoadttiltSk course of the TJteyerttty 4 of Wtsconsta range from *TIO to ti.OOO for th* first year** work tip to i i . i t * fori&ft third year of employment. The University of THttsfaurgh baa opened a free "Schoor of Childhood" for children 4 to 7 y«*r» of *g* fa which It hopes to "combine the best features of thefeindarjFtrtett,*h« Uoni playground, and th* school." Tha importance of the personality of' the teacher in any system of schools emphasised by Dr. Clftxton, u. a.Cojnmiaaietter at cation. In a rec«t je$*r to 409 feounty, towns«p, ; }iaRe superintendents in the p«" Students- from India «ft»< country havl orgatftstd tan Association of the »i ft 4*' for other Totnt* NeiHy every tlon and lire W i of >h in the South which trip available for free i tiott by tn* VnHed. 8taU» fi« BducatfOp. ' Bemsttno County, Nif ? a stipirinteftdfrht ot i " only »cnoolh»as«i bu'^ We-dash, thoroughly e^uipperi tn meet modern demands for rural edu- cation. HTEEN ABOVE, ZFRO IS tHMFEHATTHK AT IH' : VfldSP llRiVEXLV SEC'RETK (.-• Spokane. Wash., net. 21.—'Indian" ^ra*e«% it fulMhlodf>d Simkrne Tn- ' dfan, dwhirwi that lone befnn- th*» "White man dlsrovered the u*»e of the flnger-pr^tt for dentIfloation ihe In- dians used It. DocumpntB. agreements, treaties— I>uluth, Minn., net. y a gale, a fleet of n was sighted early today headed for lion of the country 4s the work of beavers now to -be neen near thr« mouth of the A usable River helow Valcour. The busy animals huv.»j been hard at wofk cutting down pop- lar trees and laying them on the riv- er bottom. The 'heavers are not build-; o f .r.i; ore of their well know "beaver; ^r- dams" as there is plenty of witir at this »polnl and tha current ot the stream-is too swift *>qt It is known that they cut down trees with tend- er bark, like the poplar, and nf»rc upon a IIMIJT mtfTenpsr ^ them under water tor th*' \v;nU»-;,,f hypi>«-rit;<-:U talk ni.mtns -when they eat off \h* *<a«^ 1 jt,u*«nir vi'ttn-« uf mi upon Which they largely xuhjv.Mt dur- i f»iktn»- niv^toriooH \ % n ingxthe freezing weathoi JVavers have been very scarce during tiie past score of ye.ar» in thiH pa»t of th^ -country ilue to the former icame l.iwv ! o>ther." i Thm .ii with tin at the Hiim* tim«- it i student of hutn.iu ^ shallowneret of tht ^* nntlon.il virtue :imi h hav«» h e e n I'K I many, if no\ .ill ern «'f unl\«-r*Ril I't-ati. liWMTt i'f tho Pariu K t l •mrnt of tfii milln n do' ur> . wHh the vustt s u m s a\a la'ili f m<rth:iifir t:ia*t muM Till owt j>rofo-jnd reicr»'t. eakii'--!S »" ! I retrn-ion-4 *«ut ^ 11 M l »f -MO ].!< .< Th. 4«- i 1 I k f ti i ! n li. IIIMT.J will llu i li 'i nnpl i K i ill. tiir •i-.l t li ih.. drift of l un c in. NEXT MTATB OIIASfOE AT POCGHKBKPSIR Announoeiamu Made at Meeting of ttin ExecnUTo CSnwnrittro Tuesday The next meeting of the New Tork state grange will be held the arst Tuesday in February at Pougtakeep- sie. This announcement was made on Tuesday at the office of State Master W. H. Vary of Watortown. Two im- portant committee meetings wer» held Tuesday afternoon in Mr. Vary's office. The executive committee dw- ] cussed several matters of Interest'to FISTIC liATTLK ( grang«ra. although no announcement i was made of what took place 64 tnt. H«-rk*-'»>\ <\i\. Oct. J! -Ace r.tn- , ui«>t»*tn^. Those present were \*» II. not blight the chivalrous instinct, as j Vary, mairter of the stat<' Rran«e, W. Fdwin t'otlon. 82, and Knbort Kirhy x <;S:»NS or Skanoateles. state, secre- 7* M<tntJ\ demonstrated when the> ( tary a«id KJwin Knickerbocker of flnisrh with fTst« atul | lianxall and Ira Sharp of Lowvllle. ,\t thf s;unt« time a meeting of Flora'!* court of the state grange and th** women's work committee was neld. Those preMtMu wore Mrs. W. H. Vur>. Watertown. Mrs. Kdwin Knick- ..ib.H'k.T of Ilangall. Mrs. p. S Al- dnrh ot I'.ilmyra. Mrs. W. W. Wan* of IUta\ii. Mrs. W. N. OIU'S of Skan- .•At«>lt-«*. Mr* K»lw:n <:hamberU:n of Klmira. Ml«s M.i5«el Hogahoom of ounce-1 Mrs. Warwtfjk was ln.rn itt Kile ;•>• I In n ran W. . itt, r|? uhere shf hn» many friends of publir'i ivtn iIs i i foi th. for th< > ' » *•< ^, i>ni)1 ( fought to t to iheh-'^n ' 1%fr i o sen- ! d HI « k . wunwn '. •oth I STORM Jmir- ; Rn*n .iml' t iken j !»<• pultod apnrt ; her ninir lmt now that the law ' gives them 1 the grreater protection th»\ ri'JT «n>i this port. Boats were held in the har- 'to increase and huv i'or last Sight. KtKht vesseU overduo 1 A usable river into th« Bll were sealed with : "Always vnn U'll who thnmli print. '"." h«# Imd not been heard from ejuly tljiy. At Ai*hlnnd, Wi«.. the heavi»..*t toln»r Hnowntorni nlm*i» JS08 MtrJfk !^ik»* 8uperior. Heavy *ea» and .i I'.fMi'e NnowKtnrm ar«» reported. The teinperntut-i" at Inilutli today went as low JIM IS above zero. The - ' Ktream. Tho j i i»i<-h«>« t«» J the .»».»se aiti ii. off a t<»M u i The h«»aver«« ' thf'lr trees si ami in th:s < altno 1 *! th" dir ase into .if th.i •• fi,-nt Mind ( 1 .: "f.-'.l ' . ~. \X)hS DAMAGF IX N'KW KNUL\M» . tv: : i - Tinjfle.l « i w ,; <1 (r-<-« anil n'h.-r jnl.ind | c m:irkv*l th<* w.i\»> t'uia 1 ol J ••toi-m »h.* l Ail o f w h .-h i <ih«-nt .m.l wa> down tho Ss. W'lie rondi!i'ju> in northern No PUnrf t of MOUJ riv i»it<>\ I tut Mixty trees h;i\«> heen cut down nl"iis , f thf l»ank>* of thu river duniiK tlu* i* i>-t ' 1 ^ »*ar \'\ ih»* mi malt*. [ \ la<*t vk'nier due. it W,»N st Ml tit •••« U'.'l '•») nkiMl P< M*.e-«. svuh -i-< Concord, ard. Rutland. wen» t^lesr. ioone«t loi so\.'t,\i »v»'""*• dix The -tturm <loareil thv ti uul tho sun hrt«ke t u> nis for tlv* first 11mt> th»-r.« 'anoc Tin Sh.i i! the M;U.* , on Thnrsduv of l,-)'.v- wi ih-a •ittend-

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Page 1: Pittsburgh Scntmt^ PORT HENRY WOMAN IS FATALLY BURNEDnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075736/1913-10-24/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · ^Umay» Oot. *i—A few hoars after had sigiied k contract

fe• Ar© Willing •» Throw Aw*y• Cash for Display.

Too <iu|ny Americans have a cne*nta*9m spending money solely to displa)

\ l i t possession, and most of them oan-8Kft,:*fforji It. A few rig* Tien art

VstffUosed *with thts 'form «/ megal-«.s*t!MfcQJa> teat* as a rule, they are not

,» sjp«»dt&r<ft*, otherwise they would not' V !flfc*teh.. The money mefmlanmntac k* tkt tn*Jn#tay of Broadway's "lobstei

fMtfftCes" ind he is called a "lobster'tn the •jtpressJve slang ©f that dls-

wrote a letter to a clt>complaining that w*it

restaurants tried ueat meat cooked in foretgr.

to him. when he wantetutton chops or porterhouse

tent seemed to b*on the idea that tm

i tiftott him by showing how USurely he cannot think

If well when he confine* W»t efforts to a monotonous

f «&»* and mutton chops. A*ftf* 4f mind In typical of Ms e t a

i sin important bearing on tht,:\ot Uv4og, wfcicn in such.

i cost of high living, tSiere-* are worth consider-:

mi #M»tttutnMfttsr on th

ReaistratiooInGeunty4B VBR.lt* TOWXfe SHOW ]




That there is great interest amonu 1

PENSION'S.Are pensions in general wise-

Should a State pension it* workers?tthotttd it pay pensions to teachersAny more than to any other clawtof employees?

TheKo ar<« questions ddscuntted inu bulletin Just issued by tht* I'nltrdStates liureau of education. Tin*Immediate purpose of the bulletinin to describe the pension systemn'f Great Britain, but in the course

Pittsburgh Scntmt^ October 24*913



j In thf humc of Mr antl Mr-- ChM. Hills. 70 Dewe> street, Worcemt

j >f .--j»., at 7 ,3u o\-Uu-k, O< t. 18, the; was one of thf in-ftttcst w«.-dti'.uK>;th«- fall s«-acyn. wh»-n Mss- Winnlfn^i, Hoj w:t* nicirnt-d to Ji«. .\f. M-. >in W.irwick. 1 u? I ,\U;n s i r c c , s mMr. ana Airs' F r a n o r Wir'Mi-Willcanui, Australia. l

j Breaker, paxtur uf tht-j

Masonic Gathering ,CONVKNTiON




He voters in the cumin* <•»•<*»«" | * j o f t n c t u i d juyrnond W. files, th<howa in the fact that aUtwu*a l i Uthown in the fact that although its what is generally termed an "oilyear" thc registration is within 132of what it WH* a year afro when aoresident was elected.1 borne of thetowns show a flight falling eff in thclumber of voters register.nl, t ,i . h<freatest fal'.tng off la In this city. In:he strong an 1 relJftble Republicantowns, such ai l*e>kmanotvn. Cham-

ireased refimrstlon. Thj /t juris for

author, takes occasion to discus* th<; i •*A l

underlying all pensions,and especially teachers' pensions inthe I'nited States.

Teachers' pensions and pensionsystems, according to i>r. ste*. r«>-present one phase of what )come a universal movement .imoutc j.•fvtllsed peoples movement



A terrible aoclJen* eccurred at iN.rt..J Henry Tuesday afternoon *htii u

woman named Mrs. Dahw, the cuxe-1n the George R. Sherman man

: Tin:Nlr; TI:MI:UK

ait.i3 -

>JH' Hut <M(lore<l fn<|u|r> — AHBishops \n* Askwl Jo Answer Six

Tli«> 2*d District Masonic Coriven-

lon ijfia .is. Musuiiic Hall last even-

V.K «a* the scene nf one of the lar«-

-; i;.iiheiinRs uf Ma*,.p.s in this city"

•A\\\ts : inu ; i I 1 ., n u n > t , , , r t l f y»>ars. Visiting M a -l ' i t " > l 1 ' 1 |-i.ii:i' <lfl#Rat<-s representing practi-

11.^ t...)K ! r i l l l i *'v'"r> ;*HJ«V m th.. district werp

• th.-y M.-otl 'present,

background [ Tho convention wu.t under the Ki*

n- ithi« H-»ly"dispose of the superannuated and i »l»n. recently purcHased by the Cath- ntss. th« PUIM- SS Prefedisabled individual and to Mb old I o l i c Order o f l N Sister* of Charity, j ed all t>\*r the world anNre of Its economic terrors." Pensions1

!*<tt.!Z±-™^™\~^^ZrT.t o D e Converted by them Into an • tiun on mixctl

<3W«go packer. d<m« to-,-r-K #tialt butcher, th* its* Im e country compWne oithU I

^ . th« tHoat «x. ILuckily for the pur4, moet American* who!

chape 6o not]they • « talking about. Oa-i

chope of this 4e«bri|lHo^

y people wtm^ <

, ^ a t h e «

I alone, If o*f fiob-Irtksted oft thtt pfcrot H

• JWOUW be. \a» 11M

. Hi*

;hose of last year are as

Vltona, No. 1vltona No. 2Vusable No. 1\aaable No. 29eekmantownStack Brook No. 1Blai* Brook No. S .Jhamplain No. l , ."7h*mplain No. 2 . . .ph*tnpialn No. 3 . .

v n t s out.! academy, was sf» tr-rrlbly burned that hng th-have existed in Germany in aome1**1* ^ I e d wlthln| a few hours without ] tht- opv

Iform or other for two or thr«e oen-. W** a°le to tjell how the accident ri.iKt*i

tw by r*c,u


J tarles, and In other European coun J occurred. jtriea for the better *oart of a century 'rh* w o m * n ^ a s a!

opinion «>rrtumty ..f favoring such marn cerinln c»untrU-a.

licLittnl The .louhit-iisrd b*"Hi!« man> n_l

ami surrounding places.Mr Warwick and Sl-.vS

their marriage \ uws «h>ii:n a front parlor, with Aof autumn foliage., with Ui> iree« on] ptrviilitn of U. VV. Louis MlHer. I). l>~the side and at th.- top w.ih aspara j C. M., of this csty imd presided oversus ferns. The mantels ami rireplace l hy II. \V, Horace W. Smith, Grandwere hanked with leaves and asparu-! Lecturer of thf State of New ^?ork.

ferns. The dining room was Uon«> Exemplification of the-work wa» • e n -

tries for the better T>art or a centuryor more. On the continent the bem>-

tJannetnora No. 1 .Dannemora No. 8

Mooert Ko.«B l |

" . fits of teachers' p#«»ions have oftenbeen extended to Include widows and

teachers. In Scotland aayatem has been deve-

loped, based on #cle>nUf)e Insurancepriftoipls*. which Dr. Blo« considersea|»f9la41y vaJuabie for the United

penaioh* afaall ,be suwjort-ed In whole or io part by the State.or whether the? a^all b« financed en-tirely by the UAcbere M»«maelves. isa problem that has been solved dtf-ftl«ttlly in different countries. : InQmmuny the «Ut* finance* the aaUre


til ^ ^


«own>Platttburgh <fQrw%? Ko, S tit- 197?!atti«>urfh (town) No. t 1*1 t#S

Lttabargh «aty> f . . . . . . t * 8tttsVargh Yclty) 4 . . , .rt«

(Plattstmrgh <*lty) e . . . . 6 8 3;]^I«Uburgh (ektf) • . . . . M S

he 4hlat!t» i t *acr more generous to4*1 ^ tMfihera, but because he consld-*1§1 •*• Jt b*tl*r busineas for the State

^ | | fi sad manage the system ithbW t h t i '

burden i t ultimately shifted tontl! the teachers.

* ' . < • • . * - / « * ' • Stti

(gchuyler Falte Wo. l*.. . .tSO :Sfhuyler Pills No. a . . . . l i t 1

I The law require* that out and a,hmlf timer as «uu^ vote* « • printed

\&T nth eleotlon district ets there areregistered voters «ud that there aim be printed, for «*e& district one-aoarter as many sample ballots asthere are votera. It will thus be seenthat a total of e>oat l«.5M offlKrtftland 4,400 sample %>allou w4U be required for the county.

Mna<than comfort. In-,

unity of peo-iI neighbor-

Suter To Lecture^Umay» Oot. *i—A few hoars after

had sigiied k contract to deliverl i t lecture* at f 1.000 each, Winlffn deposed O*>v««n»r ofroifc SUts, MtnotM»oe4 last night lie;would accept the Progressive nomtnalion for s

DUtrtct, benbly in the,

tr'bntions whatsoever. In Prance thei to keep

Io thei States th* tendency Is to ask

xibution* from the teache-rs.

tefef f are heavilytho pension syst«m going.U f e S h d

Am ± permanent arrai rem*nrt Dr. 8tesf the Qarman plan, not because

that in any' event

While admitting, therefore, thatcontributions may be necessary to

pension system, h*; they should be discontinued

M soon aa possible. In hie opinioneonlfibotiotn from teacher* as a per*

t feature not only add nothingto th* effectiveness of a- pension plan, j o B J r R C T LESSON rX)R

j An airirmutiv answr-r fromlone in the house [ hierarchy would m^an xhe

A t


at the time of the accident and when j Of the famous >fe Tenure d«ir^.-. i maseiAAnce reachied her she W*s In) inquiry is ordered in u letter •i^iiedsudh ajrony from her burns that It * w | i>> t'arrtmul lUnux.iiR in wh>;i t\ •:

in pink and white, asters h<The hride was attended l»y M:>

Eva IFills, as maid uf honor. nt\>11 l u " j Mi«s Jennie R. Shaft, Lowell, a

m.iid. Miss Bhaw \sa« «i srhoolmat

ufterno'on Xt\<lducted during thfevening.

t After the eveninjr session of thrtcunvontioii. a banquet was servml inih<» i-anquet room of Masonic Halt at

impossrble for h<p 1lars surrounding the sad affair. About j "What was ten years atto «t),l4 o'clock the operator In fhe central; i3 tod*>- in your diweese. the

askinr them to githe woman. Wh

to tell the part leu-1 follonlhg nuvstions an- a.sked:d f f i Ab j

telephone office la that village receiv-ed & message froii the Sherman houseinforming h r that Mrs. P*nw. whewas the personand asking theststftbce to her

of Catholics, men <\nholies and no

'WhatWaion flre.jjnuea

perator t^ send a*- j concluded orHthout delay., ~

ie averaffe numoetigos which h.i\o boattempted in tht- I;

operator at one > telephoned for AphyeKiian and several other persons

to the assistance of>n then reached the

Sherman house a terrible sight mettheir gase, for they found Mrs. Dahwwith her clothing almost entiretyburned off and her flesh so badlyburned that when they attempted tocare for her It almost dropped fromher body.

ten years with and without iHptr.-satlon?

•'Have the precautions such a,*prescribed beea omitted or rtfftibtd,and 4n how many cases?

"ln other cases what results havesuch precautions brought, the on»concerning the education of alt thechildren la the Catholic religion enpecialiy?

"Finally, what rites, especial'v i-ft-er the promulgation of the Ne Te-

The rtttfortunate woman was t a k - j m w a d 4 c r e e t a r e fOtrove<t tn the t«>.en to her home, Where she lingered in J ebraJt ion pg SUCh «n*rriagft4' Aregreat agony until atarot 8*0 o'clock L h e y c e l e b n l t e d l n t h e church. irewhen death put an end to her suffer- th^y a n n o u l l c^d a t t h e 8 O u n 4 uf l h ,in* It is sarppo#ed that while thej U 1 | | k wfcUe t h a p f M t a , n g prJedt jaunfortunate woman was wo™"n«r i cja4 in p^erdotal vestments with thearound the kitchen range her clothing] ugltJfo o f t n e orRc«ugt>t flre. and realising her danger i Qf t h o rJnK a ' M fshe ran tq the telephone to call upon ! -with all thethe operator to «end her assistance j pIeftge f o r m u l a t f t y o u r ansWers on theand that in running she fanned th*. f | > l l o w l q u e 8 t i o n : ,n y a u rflanien which soon enveloped her.Mm. Dana was

of the ,organ, th* bt»ne lic'iunrmon or not?

oiivwcrs you will

•oon envelope* nBr-1 con«iderln« the particular ciroum-about 60 rears of age; 8tance8< w o u J d it be c u n v e n k .n l in ,hf

and 1« survived by her husband andsix children. I future to f

i marriage??"vor or to oppose

but they "Introduce needless comyr they arc a source of constant;

Irritation and misunderstanding, M t t i j n a n j m H | f i D e j change in hitman na-th p i b l f a v s t amount >

PHACK FANATICSTo thone deluded people who find j

th*y are responsible for a vast amountofunn tar>" bookkeeping and otherclerical work." Dr. Siee concludes thoU|rhftfulwith a strong recommendation for artoncontributory pension *>*stemAmerlcap teachers.


lure a reason for believing in 1ly censing of wnrs we commend & j

uwl ot th<> followingj article in iHe Outlooke x t r a r t f n > T n

of Oot. 11 by Frank Hunter Potter.

Clubbed With Rifle ! '

they **ek to rob «$Gh: \*r apartment

i that is «he extent o<hip, Ot they buy

l pay more for i• oaa afford for houW

l deprive them-» Pi»a««r* <4 going to th*

h epwa tNvoatMP* they willf smlk-ry. M they mnnotj

i going to the ttiestreweh of • e^ow any-way wr go to movJngihen they think no

seeing teecauee theyi drive up io the •*•kom^blte. New Tork

place that Is a

w ••" - - - thatJ to eat there never do ex>ey «annot drive tip" In style,

makes mU«*tta the lives; They worry themselves

about lneon»eo.tientialB, andkeep wp what they think

p^rnnee they losepe>et The man who

> walk into an opera hooveI tattlionaires drive tip In carri-' and Automobiles, has lost his

st.*—<New Tork Commercial.

thU win be a Mopping stone to the*apoakerftfaij) of the next Assembly andfinally lead to his nomination andelection as Governor next fall.

Feeling assured his election to thelower hens*, wilt toe by an almost un-animous vote, particularly after hav-ing beau personally atpture* by Harry{Cop, the Republican candidate, thathe -would -withdraw in the ex<lover-nor's fa*qr. Mt. Suiter.at a, )ate hour}«* n|gbt isaeed this sfaietnent:, "I» vtow of th* ttrgan* pleading*from lifelong friends, and the requestIn vritinsT from- more than, half of theregistered voters ot the Sixth Assem-bly District, regardleaeo?jparty srffilla-tlonav bftSging me ta accept the nomi-nation (for memfber of Assembly* tofurther the cau«e of honest govern-ment. I have consented to come ba/ekto Albany, as a member of the Assem-bly, for the food that 1 oan do.

"Of bourse I appreciate the confi-dence of some of my old constituents;and no <wordsj of mine oan tell themhow grateful I am for their supportand unwavering loyalty.

"I slts£i*b* a non-partisan candidatehavtar*o,*xe to grind, and no motive

iHiiPWl other than to do what 1ean for tht cause of good governmentthe wtPbgsgle 1or which aocompUsh-went brought «A>out tny removal fromthe GovernorsSUp by an arrogant boaswhose dtetetes to do wrong t defied."

entkleU, "The Conflict in TUfter." Mr.}Potter is an American who has lately

| been in great Britain and hus studiedthe varying p-hases of the. jrreat re-

i lifrtotis controversy which has been—— j raging in Ireland nvi-r lh* Muestlon

Game Protector Cassius Winch, or | whether the Protestant* of thai is-land should s u b m i t to the domina-tion of an Irish Parliament whichwould be three-fourths Roman CYtfho-llc. As i» well kmnrn, the feelSnit «yfthe .Protestants is st> bitter that a pro-visional government has been alreadyplanned In I'teter, and a threat ihat

Lake Placid, was on Sunday after-noon brutally assaulted by a hum*.,who clubbed him over the head withft rifle butt until Winch was halfdead, and today Abram Kllburn washeld for the grand jury on a chargeof assault, second degree. The assaultTook place ln Wilmington Notch Suu j civil war will follow an attempt today afternoon, about 2 o'clock when I force Hume Rule U4*>n that province ;Winch demanded to see the hunter's! ha» been openly made at jcr«U mftus1

rh was driving toward ! meeting* held 4n various cities under}when hft-saw Kllburn Mhe direotron. no t of a few inoonse


L Oct. 2i.<—In a rainstorm and•Aviator Pierre l>aucourt. great-

it . of if. Danton. today Rt\\ott his proposed 3,150 mile

, Bgypt. He carried i, Henri Roux, a former non

Officer of the Frenchirt planned to make the

aeroplane journey in threeStopping at Constantinople,

t arerosalem. He was the first bird-r io 0f from Paris to Berlin with*



Northampton, Mass*. Oct. 21:—Smith College and the town of North*unrpton are hosts of the tenth annualmeeting of the Massachusetts St«t«Conference of Charities, which convened today for a three <iay«' session.Organised charity workers, publicofficials, medical men, educators,churchmen ahd others are here fron.sit parts if the State to take part inthe proceeding)!..

k* ,cross'I** highway. Winch called tohim, td stop, bttt'Kilburn went on ln^to the' woods. Winch followed, anasays that when he come up with Kli-burn the hunter struck him threetimes over the head with his riflbbtbtt Clifford Turner of Yonkors, whowas driving with Winch got him inlothe carriage and drove him home.Winch was unarmed at tht? time ofthe alt, having left his rifle' Inhe carriage when ho started In pur

suit of kilburn. Division chief pro-tector Byron Cameron, of KaranauLake secured evidence Monday whichWas presented before Justice GeorgeStorrs of Wilmington yesterday after-noon. Kittmrn's bail was fixed at *«00.Winch is recovering from the as-sault. Winch has killed several Wound*in the woods this fall in enforcingthe antl-bdtindhjR law, and threats-thad been tnaUe by,owners of th»- dugsio ~getM the protector.


quential fanatics, but ,l»y leading menof the country, such as Sir K\iwnniCarson and others. We have beentold so often that <he spread of Chris-tianity has so softened men's passionsthat arbitration must noon take theplace of war and that religious intol-erance will soon be & thine; of thepast that, were we not slow to be- v

lieve in the chamrlng <*f human taa- :ture. we should he surpri.«ed to readin this article by Mr. l\«t«-r the OM-sertion that for a parallel to thc hH-;

ternesji of Mec.larian hatred in Ireland ;we must jfo back to the «lay* t«f thcrelijrioust inaseiacres of tlu- MiddU-Aga*. Mr. Totter n:iy«;

"(.Catholics aiHl Protestants in thenorth of Ireland hate t-ach uther withun intensity un«<iuulcd else-when-since thc Massacre oT St. Hartholo-m«-w or tho days of Alva in *

of the bride In the Lowell schools.Mr. Warwirk had I eonard J. Hoy.brother of the bride, as be«t man.I'ahers were forest II. Sticknev r*ndAlbert T. Thaw, Lowell.

Kvelyn 9arsent and Sadie CharltonIT" ribbon girls. They held the

white satin ribbon to form an aislefor the bridal party to pans thronghjan eloqueaL-addrass. Following'ibison the way from the anteroom to I R. W. W. W, Jsfifrles. Past Districtwhere the service was read in thfrom part of the house.

A lovely gown of white satin, draped model, made en traine, embellish-

which were seated over 160 memfhen*of the fraternity from the lodges ofthts city and from lodges throughoutth«* district. R. W. Louis Miller. ThD. (;. M., acted as toast master of th«occasion. The first speaker sailed up-on was H. W. Horace W.(3rand Lecturer of the state who f*

ed with a yoke on chiffon and prin-cess lace and pearl and rhlnestonebuckle was worn by the bride with afull length white tulle veil caiighxwith a seml-chaplet of valley Ulles.Her flawsra were lilies of the valley.Mrs. Warwick received a ruby venaant from her husband. Her •ravel-ing suit was a brown broadclothsuit with a velvet hat to match, orn-amented with white plumes an j goldlace. y

Miss Hills wore nlle green silk pop!in. gamitured with pink roses. Thiswas also a draped model, and shecarried taft roses la an arm bouquet.Miss 8haw wore a daittty pale pinkcrepe de chine .gown trimmed withsilver-beaded passementerie and asilver buckle. Her flowers were pinkroses. The taide gave Miss Hills andMiss Shaw rbinestone hair bandeauand they wore these In their coiffuresfor the wedding.

Miss Sargent wore a pink silk muilln frock trimmed with shadow laceand Sadie Charlton, another ribbongirl, wore white satin striped volte.

The beet i i given monogram

Df-puty, responded to a call trot) thachair. R. W. J. H. Ksefe. GrandChaplain of the state ot New Torkthen addressed th* assembled' Ma-son a. Amo&f the other speakers of

ig ^ iMthe t e n M >vwer* reprssenutives of many ot tikelodges of the ltd District.

The- convention and ihefollowing ,wUI oe r*m*oib*r*a;%^|lfwho were present a* bejnf oa$ of;themost successful »nJ eftjofibil etfttUof the kind ever Hid to this tfaftftftlc

> Frank

< M - : I \ . - .

[)]•' r u n

l.n- x- i

s ipilwr.




n t

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l l ^ - k

... tiuprfmeKy and has

Appeal.i byc u v JudKe'V th« State

ami UK.uiv till-;

\ \ \u ; . \no \ TLOSL'S Nov. so

erlands. They Jo not Mv« tt»vI there in a Protentaut (»iiarterfOHthnllc ijuarter in Melms< a: HI in I*)niii»n'dt-rry. ami it i«« m

< ' p.f>wa<lays for :v man uf i>n«- r

An unusual Spectacle for this sec-}*" «« l lU" i* l n t " Ul«' ^ i u : i r u r

Ia> Hot'ii AnnDuncan \V. I

iu will r m i a it.l1 Nuvt'iutM

cufflinks by the groom, and the ushers received monogram tie clasp*Miss Bertha B. Botrwortl), West Boyl-ston, who played the wedding music,received a lingerie clasp from MimHoy. The wedding march from "Lohengrtn" and Mendelssohn's weddingmarch were given as> a processionaland recessional.

At the reception, the bndal part>members were assisted In receivingby Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hills amClarence M. Hills. Mrs. Hills wore adark blue silk foulard with beadedurnamentatlons and whither corsage.

In the dining room damriea wer*served by Misses Mildred Holt. AdaM. Pierce. Flora li. Bum pus, LindaSmith. Sadie Charlton, Mabel Peters,from the Dewey-street Baptist churchall of whom wore pretty gowns otwhite.

The many guests ^^MUd with ln-terost the large display of ifts pret-tily arranged in A anteroom. Theseincluded sliver, cutglasm china, stfttu-

I ary. linen bric-a-brac, paintings, andbed rurnl8hlnRs. Conspicuous was *beautiful clock 4n a fine case fromfellow members of the uroom in themen's to&racca class at the Dewey-street Baptist church, also a largecheek from Australia and Europe.

Mr. Warwick le grand master of theOrangemen and is aho a Red Manof the Worcester tribe. He formerbwas a grocer at Webster square In

: business for himself, hnt !s employedj for the Walker-Armin^ton i'o. at ItsJ Webster-square branch store. Tht,,' Unde 'was a stenographer and book-| keeper for Macgown & McOowan, 203i l>ay building, whert* she workM four

years.: Mr and Mrs. Warwick left Worces-; tor for a trip to Maine, and *>n theirj return will live at 33. Stoneland road.j where they will be at home after Pet,

EDUCATION JVOTSSFresno. Cat,, has a model open-atj»

school building costing lea* than1500.

Teachers lit Or**tsviH*. Mise.. ar*required by the schoot -boafd to At-tend summer school at aat least once every thrfe* year*.*

SRlaHes rtcMviagraduates of ^he nbmeecoadttiltSkcourse of the TJteyerttty4 of Wtsconstarange from *TIO to ti.OOO for th*first year** work tip to i i . i t* fori&ftthird year of employment.

The University of THttsfaurgh baaopened a free "Schoor of Childhood"for children 4 to 7 y«*r» of *g* fawhich It hopes to "combine the bestfeatures of the feindarjFtrtett, *h«

Uoniplayground, and th*school."

Tha importance of the personalityof' the teacher in any system ofschools emphasised by Dr.Clftxton, u. a.Cojnmiaaietter atcation. In a rec«t j e $ * r to409 feounty, towns«p,; }iaResuperintendents in the p«"

Students- from India «ft»<country havl orgatftstd „tan Association of the » i ft 4 * ' for

other Totnt*NeiHy every

tlon and lire Wi of>h in the South

which trip available for free itiott by tn* VnHed. 8taU» fi«BducatfOp. '

Bemsttno County, N i f ?a stipirinteftdfrht ot i "only»cnoolh»as«i bu'

We-dash, thoroughly e^uipperi tnmeet modern demands for rural edu-cation.


: VfldSP


(.-• Spokane. Wash., net. 21.—'Indian"^ra*e«% it fulMhlodf>d Simkrne Tn-

' dfan, dwhirwi that lone befnn- th*»"White man dlsrovered the u*»e of theflnger-pr^tt for dentIfloation ihe In-dians used It.

DocumpntB. agreements, treaties—

I>uluth, Minn., net.y a gale, a fleet of n

was sighted early today headed for

lion of the country 4s the work ofbeavers now to -be neen near thr«mouth of the A usable River helowValcour. The busy animals huv.»jbeen hard at wofk cutting down pop-lar trees and laying them on the riv-er bottom. The 'heavers are not build-; of.r.i; ore of their well know "beaver; r-dams" as there is plenty of wit ir atthis »polnl and tha current ot thestream-is too swift *>qt It is knownthat they cut down trees with tend-er bark, like the poplar, and nf»rc upon a IIMIJT mtfTenpsr ^them under water tor th*' \v;nU»-;,,f hypi>«-rit;<-:U talkni.mtns -when they eat off \h* *<a« 1 jt,u*«nir vi'ttn-« uf miupon Which they largely xuhjv.Mt dur- i f»iktn»- niv^toriooH \% ningxthe freezing weathoi JVavershave been very scarce during tiie pastscore of ye.ar» in thiH pa»t of th^-country ilue to the former icame l.iwv

! o>ther."i T h m .ii

wi th tinat t h e Hiim* tim«- it is tudent of hutn. iu ^shallowneret of tht *nntlon. i l v ir tue :imi

h hav«» h e e n I ' KI many , if no\ .ill

ern «'f unl\«-r*Ril I't-ati.liWMTt i'f tho Par iu K tl

•mrnt of tfii mi l ln n do' ur> .wHh t h e vustt s u m s a \ a la'ili f

m<rth:iifir t:ia*t muM Tillowt j>rofo-jnd reicr»'t.

eakii'--!S »" !I retrn-ion-4

*«ut ^ 11 M l»f -MO ].!< .<T h . 4«- i 1 •

Ikf ti i ! n li.


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•i-.l t l i i h . .d r i f t o f

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Announoeiamu Made at Meeting ofttin ExecnUTo CSnwnrittro Tuesday

The next meeting of the New Torkstate grange will be held the arstTuesday in February at Pougtakeep-sie. This announcement was made onTuesday at the office of State MasterW. H. Vary of Watortown. Two im-portant committee meetings wer»held Tuesday afternoon in Mr. Vary'soffice. The executive committee dw-

] cussed several matters of Interest'toFISTIC liATTLK ( grang«ra. although no announcement

i was made of what took place 64 tnt.H«-rk*-'»>\ <\i\. Oct. J! -Ace r.tn- , ui«>t»*tn . Those present were \*» II.

not blight the chivalrous instinct, as j Vary, mairter of the stat<' Rran«e, W.Fdwin t'otlon. 82, and Knbort Kirhy x <;S:»NS or Skanoateles. state, secre-7* M<tntJ\ demonstrated when the> ( tary a«id KJwin Knickerbocker of

flnisrh with fTst« atul | lianxall and Ira Sharp of Lowvllle.,\t thf s;unt« time a meeting of

Flora'!* court of the state grangeand th** women's work committee wasneld. Those preMtMu wore Mrs. W. H.Vur>. Watertown. Mrs. Kdwin Knick-..ib.H'k.T of Ilangall. Mrs. p. S Al-dnrh ot I'.ilmyra. Mrs. W. W. Wan*of IUta\ii . Mrs. W. N. OIU'S of Skan-.•At«>lt-«*. Mr* K»lw:n <:hamberU:n ofKlmira. Ml«s M.i5«el Hogahoom of

ounce-1 Mrs. Warwtfjk was ln.rn itt Kile;•>• I In n ran W. . itt,r|? uhere shf hn» many friends

of publir'i

ivtn iIs ii foi th.

for th< > ' » *•<^ , i > n i ) 1 ( fought tot to iheh-'^n '1%f r

i o sen- ! • d HI « k. wunwn '. •o th


Jmir- ;Rn*n .iml' t iken j

!»<• pultod apnrt ;her ninir

lmt now that the law ' gives them 1 the

grreater protection th»\ ri'JT «n>i

th i s por t . B o a t s w e r e he ld in the har- ' t o i n c r e a s e and huvi'or last S ight . KtKht v e s s e U overduo 1 A usable river into th«

Bll were sealed with :"Always vnn U'll who

thnmli print.'"." h«#

Imd not been heard from ejulytljiy.

At Ai*hlnnd, Wi«.. the heavi»..*ttoln»r Hnowntorni nlm*i» JS08 MtrJfk! ik»* 8uperior. Heavy *ea» and .iI'.fMi'e NnowKtnrm ar«» reported.

The teinperntut-i" at Inilutli todaywent as low JIM IS above zero. The

- ' Ktream. Thoj i i»i<-h«>« t«»J the .»».»se aiti

ii. off a t<»M ui T h e h«»aver««

' thf'lr t r e e s siami in th:s <

altno1*!th" dir

ase into

.if t h . i•• fi,-nt

• Mind ( 1 .:"f.-'.l ' . ~.


IX N'KW K N U L \ M »

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c m: i rkv* l th<* w.i \»> t ' u i a 1 o l J

• ••toi-m »h.* l Ail o f w h .-h i <ih«-nt . m . l

wa> down tho Ss.W'lie rondi!i'ju> in northern No

PUnrft of

MOUJ riv i»it<>\ I tut

Mixty t r e e s h;i\«> heen cut d o w n nl" i i s , fthf l»ank>* of t h u river duniiK tlu* i* i>-t ' 1^ »*ar \'\ ih»* mi malt*. [ \

la<*t vk'nier due. it W,»N stMl t i t •••« U'.'l '•») nkiMl P<M*.e-«. svuh -i-< Concord,ard. Rut land . wen» t^lesr.ioone«t loi so\ . ' t , \ i »v»'""*•d i x

The -tturm <loareil thvti uul tho sun hrt«ke t

u> nis for tlv* first 11mt>


Tin S h . i

i! the M;U.* ,on Thnrsduv

of l,-)'.v-

wi ih-a•ittend-