pittsburg dispatch. (pittsburgh, pa) 1892-01-20 [p 3].sassf financially well fixed. jruelty llednced...

ss&sassf FINANCIALLY WELL FIXED. Jruelty llednced to a Minimum Keport of tlicpfucers ortlio Haxnnue Society Snow It to Ko In n Flourinliinc Conditiou Officers Elected for tho Ensuing Year. The seventeenth annual meeting oi the Jumanc Society was held at 3 o'clock yes- - erday afternoon. A lsre representation f members was pre-cn- t, and the reports eccived careful attention. Rev. Roiert W. Grange opened the meet-n- j by .prayer. This was followed by the mnua' address of the President, Leonard H. Eaton. The address was short but of an ntcrcsting character. The work of the cciety was relieved in a general nauner and its good points clearly shonn. The decrease in cruelty 30th to neonlc and to beasts was commented 3ti and the efforts of the society to spread a wider sene of kindness throughout the ani- mal kingdom and in the treatment of :hildren were given in a manner to reflect the real of this work as exhibited in Allt-;ben-v county and of the appreciation in nbich it is held. The report of tbe treas- urer showed a balance of 5801 2a The re- ceipts during the year were 4,209 05. The Secretary in his statement showed that lMl" informations I.ad been made and 159 of thc-- secured conviction; 42 were not proton. Seven liunared and eleven cases were remedied. The cases attended to in- volved 1,505 animal, 79 of which were dis- patched to relieve suCerins; 137 ere cases oj torture to animals. There were 10G cases of creulty to a;ed persons; ali of these conviction. Five hundred and twelve cruelty to children cases were at- tended to, 53 of which suffered conviction, the others having been settled. Entertaining addre"es were made by Rev. E. H. Donohoo, Rev. A. A. Lambing, Kef. Georse Hodges, Rev. M. M. Shcedy and Kev. Mr. Grange. The election ot officers resulted as follows: President, L. H. Eaton; Vice Presidents, John Dnnlap, Alex Nioiick, Joscnh Home, (Seorge "WiNon, ". G. Johnston, Felix IS. Brunot, William Wade, J. G. Waiter, John S. Ritenour, F. P. Case; Secretary, Samuel Davidson; Treasurer, Fr?d Rine-liar- t; Trustees, H. Lee Mason, J. G. Walter: Physician, Frank McDonald. M. IX; Solici- tors, G F. McKenni and F. V. Smith; Veterinary Snrgcoas, E. L Carter and H.F. Dnrns. Uoard of Managers, Mrs. Samuel McKce, Mr-- - J. CI Nevvmever, Mrs. Dr. William "Wallace, Mrs. S. S. Carrier, Mrs. H. Lee Maon, Mis. John Dunlap, Mrs. Peter Young, Mrs. E. M. Butz, Mrs. Judge Stowe, Mrs. If. E. McPherson, Mrs. S. S. Piuker-to-n and Messrs. J. H. McCreerv, H. Lee Mason, Jr., J Walter Hay, S. L. Fleish- man, J. L. Cravens, J. D. Jicrnd; agents, S. F. O'Brien and George E Adams. Lifce'y to Visit rorI;n Markets. Mr. K. Solomon, of the new firm of Solo- mon & lSuben, stated yestcrdav that there was a stron possibility of his making a business trip to Europe in the near future to personally attend to the import orders of the lina. Elections. The CiiAitTirr.s; Valley Gas Comi-an- l PlTTMir-K- Pa.. Januarv 10, ISC ( NOT1CE-1- HE ANNUAL 5IEET-lNG- of the stockholders of this compMiv will - held at the oihce of tbe ounnans. Garrison building, corner Wood st and Third "a . Pltts-bui- g. Pa., on Till RMJ Y. January 2S. 1892. at 2 o'cocki' i.. forlhccHviir.n of a board o fill rec- tors to sine lor the year, and for the trauiclion of uch other bulres a ma eome be- fore the T. J. TENLR, bee. ja!7-2- 0 lllidci.ds. The Kev Fravkliv Ixsukance Compan t or the cit of allec5uexy. pa., ALLIOHLXI. Jannarv 11. 13D2. 5 DiUECTOIlb 1FTHI- - this div declared adtvldendor THREE (3) PER CENT, Jl 53 per share, pavable on demand. SI. A. FORD. jalj-M-- p beereUry. AMI JlFI:CIIAVTS' ) iNSUieANCECO.. Office 417 Moodstree-- t Pinrnt.ito, Pa , Janunn-19- . 1812. J I' this coMijiinv hae this dav a divi- dend of ONE AND A HALF "DOLLARS : 5)) jk" pa; able on demand. jaSO-Sl- WSI. T. ADAIR. Secretary. Office ok tub Ct thal Thactiox Co., ) PlTTSI'.FKt:. I'( Jan. 14, lf: J "Y"OTICE TO vTOCKIiOI.PXR-i-Tli- Board of -- Director if this co'npa'ir b'js this c'av de- clared a tock dlllend of HVF PER CENTUM. or2 59per bbare, Mpoa the cjipltil toek of tbe coinpanv, iiaal)lelivacr-Jltt- . lie indorsed on the certificates of toek. ujon which all ass.essmcuts bac been paid, ou premutation or tin' aii:c at the on.(e of the compauj's transfer agents the Union Transfer Compauv. Fidelity building. Fourth av.. Pitubitre, Pa., on and after FEB- RUARY 1. 1S9I block books will lie closed rrora Jauuarv 25 to February 9, liotli dates inclusive, r. L. STEpHENbON. Treasurer. Ja20-8-1 I'ns:'ies Clinntiei. Dissolution of Thompson Glass Co., Lim. Notice is liercbv gl en that the ptrtocrship lim- ited, known as Thompson Glass Compauv, Lim.. as bv ora majority of the stockholders in nuinberandlmaluc ot Interest, at a stockhold- ers' meeting held Januarv 14. 1691 dlssoU t d. The tin dersigned have been elected bv the memlicrs of the Association t lib full power to wind up the concern aud distribute the net assets thereof under the di- rection of the Court of Common Pleas No. 2, of juiegueuy county. J. W. SCIIAFER, JOHN E1BEKT. THOSIAS S1ILLER, jalS-II-- D Liquidating Trustees. Notices. Office or Cocxtv Commissioners, ) Pittsuukg. Jan. 18. IS32. ( TnE COPNTY COMMIbbiONERS WILE KOED from tbe triennial asen.ent of lt2 for the i'i en 1 districts named, ou tbe day and date given below; MONDAY. Januarv 25.1802. Forward township, Lectlowniip. Pine tonusblii, McCandless Verllles twn,hip. ILl-SDA- January tfi, isi Edgewood bor- ough. Rrushton berough, l.'eluhoover borough, Milt ale borough, tbree vards. WEDNESDAY. Januarr S. ISC Chartlers borough. Mansfield boroueb, xkmont borough. TllUteDAY. Jsnuarv i1?, ISC First and Sec- ond vrards bevilekley borough. I irst, Second and Thin! wards Tarentum borongb. FRIDAY. January 23. is&L bcr-ong- h. Mest E'lrabelh tnirougli, AViut Bellevue borough, erona buret gh, R. E. MERCER. J. G. MT.IR. 1). J. Bui LE. Conntv CommiiAloner. Attest: r. TV. Sieekrt. Clert. Jais-- si Lfcal Notices. I am prepared to do work for tbe lcgaj profession, writing deeds mortgages or 'rgal or other documents: satisfaction maranwd; terms moderate. Mortimer Starllne. Room Zi, W) Fourth av. NOTICE-TA- KE NOTICE ..1, 'eHLrt r administration upon the estate orWHdim II. KIrkpatrick. late of Allegheny City, deceased, have been issued by the Register of Alle- ghenv county, Pennsylvania, to C.V. Robb, of Pittsburg, ra.;all persons indebted to said estate will pleas-ca- ll and settle and those having claims against said estate are requested to present the same,prpperlvprobated, at theofBce of the Admin- istrator'in M.N Icholas Law Building. Na 170 Fourth av., Pittsburg, Room No. 2i G V. ROBB, Administrator. ITTTEEUiiG, December 15, 1891. del6-41-- ROBT. MAI.ONF, AttomevatLaw. Cor. I mil and AV) lie are. JCi deceased. Notltclsui-nb- given DUNBAR. that letters T I 5 i, iSL" on Ihe,etate of Elizabeth Dun-''- V .fJSS? K,rante1 to tbe undersigned, to or 'w',10mJ.PPlIls.lnc"'1,,', t0 "W estate a re- - ?m:r"'e P5Tnent, and those liavingclaiirsara shou cthcm known wltliout delay. JOHN O. PURVIS vtn,.vJiIt,,cl11' Butler Co.. Pa.. OrEOBT. ALONE, Cor. Filth and Yvlic ave. c"y-- Ja20-l.v- w & ROBERT H.1H)J!GLAS. Attorney at Law. " btrcet. T7STATE OF JOHN DOUGLAS ary on the estate ot John 'f Douglas lettentVstanlent: have been lo the undersigned, to all Indebted to said estate are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those havliclalms tbe tame should mate them known 5?tay. JI. M. DOUGLAS. E. AV. HITCHEY. L. J. McMAbTER, Or ROBERT H. DOUGLAS, 403 Grani"t!Utr8-1al3-14-v- v FOUND. A J. J. Aland. 131 Fifth IOUND-Th- at av.. Is riving purchaser of an umbrella, cardigan Jacket or negligee-shir- t a handsome silk scarf A. D. WILSON, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGES, 55 FEDERAL ST., JalS3-Mw- s ALLEGHENY. -- TTNFEttllKNTED GKAPE J DICE. A delicious beverage with all the medic- inal properties or the grape, absolutely free with of alcohoL In quart bottles. GE6 K. bXEVilNSON & CO., 6Ut:th av. ' ' Mist EfDisplau advertisements one dollar per fjuare or one insertion. Classified real estate advertisement on this page ten cents per linefor each insertion, and none taken or less than thirty certs. - UNTIL FURTHEK OTIOK ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following hi idlnRS will be ac- cepted at the rate of OXE CEXT PEIt 1VOKD FOR EACH INSnKTJON when piMfor in ad- vance cither at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of atlJUnds, SUCII AS SITUATION. EOOJIS, MALE HELP, MOAllDING, rcmiE HEW, BOARDER. .IGrNTS. MI&CXLLAXEIH7S, PKRSOX.1T,e, TO LET BOOMS, MISCLLLAKEOU FOR SALES, LOST AND rouNn. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. SmjthCeld anil Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN". ERtXCII OFFICES AS TOLLOWS. WHERE WANT. FOR bALF, TO LCT. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 3 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver- tisers alrcanv have accounts with The DisrATcn. FOR ALLFGHEXV. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE am. FOR THE bOUTHblDE. NO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 0022. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE, 8ia PENNAV. riTTbBURR-ADDITION- AI THOJrAS MCCAFFREY. 3303 Rutler street, EMU. U. STUCKEY. 21th street and Tenn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITION- AL. F. II. EGGERP A SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS SlrHEVRY. Western and Irwin avenues. PERRY JI. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ays. ANTED. 3!uln Illy. drug clerk: must be temperate; ASSISTANT Call at Kaercher's Pharmacy, 62 Federal. Allegheny. JOY ho has bad experience In grocery business J J to work about grocery. Addresb Grocer, Dis patch office. to learn Hie bakir trade. Apply at John Dovle's, 1811 Pcnn av. a leading wholesale and r BOOKKFEPER-H- y house: first-cl- position for man of practical experience aud proper references. Address W. SI.. office. alarvto good men. Wheeler Jt CANVA'-SKR- Jlfg. Co.. No. G sixth st. WOOD WORKER to go to Mounds-- j ville, W Va.:steidvjobtoacimiiuan. Inquire JIcWhinneyACo., 927 Liberty st. rtARRIAGE PA1NTV1 For bo-l- work a 1 striping: applv with reference. II. Hm & boa, 816 Fifth av , city. rvRUO CLERK-- Q. A : reference required : 1 ' manentbituatlun. Drugs, Dispatch office. TRY CLERK Slust be good writer and I?N rect in figures: sala-- v. SiO month: state age and exiie-lenc- o. Addiess Y. L. R..Ulpatcli office. JOB and cllnder st. press feeders. fl'aith Bros., 77 With push wanted In each cltv and town MAN introduce our new paste stove polish among housekeepers: no labor, no brush, dust, dirt or smell; pays ST 50 per day. Addresi, with K'smp. Champion Compauv, 44 North Fourth st., Philadelphia. Pa. MAN Intelligent man ownlrg horse and light agon to call at 1GU Penn av.; reference re quired. MANAGER Industrial insurance manager inr Pa. department: must invent (1,00) in co.'s stock as sccuntv. 413 Tempi" Court, N. Y. wanted -- Responsible REPRESENTATIVES financial corporation in all cities and towns: liberal terms. The North American Finance Company, Minneapolis, Slrnn. reliable real estate salesman and SALESMAN W. T:. Hamnett & Co., Milkins-bur- g. Pa. SOLIC1TOR-- A good solicitor. Call at 1611 "VTrANTED Are you a Catholic? are joti unem-1- 1 ployed? will you work fur SIS per week? Write to mi at once. J. R. Gay, 194 Slaalson St., Chicago. 111. WORKER" Wide awake workers everywhere greatest hook on earth, 'hepp's PhotognpVs of the World:" .costing SPO.OOO; mammoth illustrated circulars and terms free: un- paralleled success; Mr. Thomas L. Martin. Ccutcr-vlll- e, Tex., cleared S711 in nine davs: Miss Rose Adams. Wooster, O:. 223 in 49 minutes; Rev, J, Howard Madison, Lvons. N. Y.. S101 in seven hours: a bonanza: maeninccnt outfit onlv fl: books on credit: freight pit 1. Address G'obe r.lblc Publishing Co.. No. 705 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa., or Chicago, 111. 117'OUNG MAN Comnctert ? man as tvpe-J- L writer, stenographer and general assistant inoiT'Cc: lULst be a good writer and correct in salary expectel. Audrcsa C. Y., Dis- patch ofiee. "V'OUNO SI AN fur general oiT.cework and who JL Is wllltrg o riake lilnse,f generallv useful; stale ag. gn e references and salary wanted. Ad- dress, feqaare, Dijpatch ofSc. Aceitt. 'Ann'e. 4 GENTS or either sex, throughout tbe United xx States and Cana-ia- , to handle our celebrated corn aud bunion cure: its application auoids.il- - most Instant relief and every box is aeromranied I ov a 55 guarantee, w rich amo'tn. wo wt.i jrrrlt in I every instance where our remedy fails to perfect a permanent cure: sainplabex25e, six boxes fl; wo will pay good agenH 13 per div to Introduce our goods Into their section: no postals. For terms and particulars address the mvnufacturers. II. ShroderJtCo.. U2-1- Fifth av.,Chicsgo. 111. Men- tion this paper. AGENTS On salarv or commission to handle patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot paper: 30 to Soo per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to JK0 in six 0ay6; another SMln two bours: we want one energetic general pgent for each fctate and Tcrritorv. For terms and fullpartlcn-iar- s, addivss The Monroe Eraser Mlg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. (Xli). AGENTS-- To sell the PlnVs notheaT.lne: the cv cr Invented that holds the clothes without pins: a perfect snecess: patent recently issued; sold onlv by agents, to whom the exclu- sive right is given: on receipt of 50 cents wo will send a sample line by mail: also circulars; price list and terms to agents: secure territory at once. Address The Plnlcs. Clothes Line Co., 87 Uennon St., AVorccster, Mass. AGENT. Bllziard horse ice creeper; sharpen horse at home: saves money and wait- ing altc smith's; any one can put themonqroiT or put in -- lew calks: for single sets send shoe out- lines ard fl OO: I pay exp-es- s; extra calks, 20 cents persetoflG: vrorth more than cost for emergen- cies: bl money for agents; cirenlsrs free. S. W. Kent, Merldn, Conu.. solo manufacturer. give a pas. require no trimming and never lirm out: they don't make a blicfc smoke to diiTlnrtheehtmncr; four samples bv mail. 13e; sell at 10- - eac:. Frinl Sehwarti. AViconsln, writes: "ItookKO oricrs vesterdav artemooo. thev- - sell at " V. &. V. O'DouucIL 3 Chi'sllinst.. Phi adelpbla. Pa. AGENTS for the greatest health and comfort in the vond: our carriage, sleigh and wagon neater.; no coia ieet; no la grip: big ready sales. Tor agents. Speciiltv Co., :0fcmlthfleldi.U AGENTS Several general agents to travel and local agents on our pnbllcatlonnrnnst bav e experience, ability and best references. B.H. AYoodward A Co., Baltimore. Md. S3 to f7 dailv: experience unnecessary. AGENT A Co.. Perfumers, West AVinsted,Ct, Female Help Wanted. ClOOKS and girls for housework at Employment 130 Robinson St., Allegheny. GIRL Good girl for general housework, at 227 av., E. E. LADY For good position; no selling. Apply 9 A. M., Wednesday, 4if Sixth it.. Room 5. ADIES AND GENTLEMEN-AVl- io are out of J emplovment to tit themselves for filling a clerical nosttiun bv taking a course in booVVe.-nin-r shorthand and typewriting at the Actual Busi- ness Colltge, Nos. o and 7 Sixth av.; dayand night; now open. ADIEStodo rancy work at their homes; we rurnlsh material and pay by the pleco. Call and see work, or address with sump, J, M. Lemar Co.. 90 Fonrth av., near AVood. IAD1 sewers aud others to learn and cutting. Call or write Muie. Bona, HJO Penn av. ADIES-O- no learner; bring reference. & Bee Hive, 33 Wjlleav. STENOGUAPUER-Exp- ert lady stenographer, apply; mtnt be both rapid and accura'e; state experience, also shorthand and r speed; first-cla- ss salarv to one filling nqulremcnts. Address Remington. Dis- patch olHca. OTENOGRAPHER Lady stenographer and tvpe-- O writer. 4410 Ellsworth av. Jlnlo and I'eir.ale Help AVflntert. 40 FEW beginners in China and oil paintiug. Address D., Dispatch office. ClUAMBERMAID. cooks, nurses, dining room laundresses German and colored girls, cooks rur restaurants and boarding bouses, chambermaids and dishwashers ror hotels, middle-age- d woman lor small family, white and colored walt-'r- Tarm hands, drivers. Mrs. E. Thompson, 603 G rant st. HELP At once. 4 experienced dining room girls, cook, f30 per month; dishwashers, cleaning girls, girl to work in bake shop, hotel chambermaids, nurse girls, bouse girls, chamber- maids, cooks, colored waitress and cook. Meehan's Agency, S4 Grant St. Telephone. 90. HELP 1,000 coal miners: 200 railroad laborers; liouse girls: male and female cooks; drivers, bakers, butchers and clerks: no fee charged to females. Keystone Agency, ClOGrantst.- - Sitnatlons AVonted. a POSITION A gentleman aged 40. with 25 years' at books and thoroughly conversant oflice management and work in all Its details, offers his sen ices as manager for a large business; correspondence solicited. Address p. It., Dispatch oflice. THE' PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY,- - JANUARY- - 20, .1892. 3 t WANTED. Situations Wanted. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER OR POSITION-- AS by energetic young man; rapid penman, accuratb accountant, experienced; best reference; wages no object. Address R. R., IDi- spatch ofSce. As salesman on road; elRhtyears' experience In jrrooers1 specialties: have trav- eled in Ohio and Kcntuckv: references. Address Ohio and Kentucky, Dispatch oflice. By a young man with five vcars of- fice experience and knowledge of bookkeep- ing; references. Addrtss llarry, DlspatUi ofllcc. POSITION Bv middle aged lady In private give mutlc lessons: terms very rea- sonable. Address M. J. 31., Dispatch office. POSITION Br stenographer owning typewriter: references. Address II. P. B., Dispatch office. QITUATION By a married man. w ith thorough O business knowledge acquired bv 20 years' ex- perience: willing to travel or represent in any loca- tion. Answer E. F., Dispatch office. SITUATION -- Ry a xoung man, speiklug Ger-- O man, French and English, as clerk or at al- most auvthiiig: good reference. Address Victor Folrlllc. 1827 Jane St., S. b. OITUATION Ry middle agcdlady, a house-- O keeper, chambermaid or nurse in lamlly. Ad- dress M. J. M. Dlspatcn oflice. SITUATION As waiter or porter; long cxper-- O lence. Address Waiter, Dispatch office. SITUATION Bv competent shoo salesman, Ad- - Dispatch office. "ITTORK bvyouug man willing to he useful in any H kind of business house; best rciercnccs. Ad- dress K. 10, Dispatch office, Alleghenv. IIoardlnR "Wanted. TT7ANTED Room and board in the vicinity of t V Oakland or East Llh rty:a liouse with grounds and a stable preferred, bvtwovoung businessmen pennanciitl located in the city. Address R. T., Dispatch office. Instruction. To enter shorthand clas. beginning Slonday evening. January 23; tuition payable monthl ; for jiarllcular call or address Private Shorthand Institute, 415 Smlthfleld st. Hookkeeplns Acouants, Etc. "Wanted. AUDITING and accounting I attend to the line or intricate accounting, auditing Ihe books of corporations, manufactur- ers, merchants, hotels and others. A. P. Sawhlll, 187 Federal St., Allegueny, Pa. Penmanship or shorthand successfully taught by oirect personal corre- spondence: a rare opportunity to learn at leisure: scholarship 5, payablo at completion of the course. Address stating references. Pittsburg Correspondence Busiuces College, Postofiice box Tinsiness Oprortunlties Wanted. T7"ANTED-T- o Invest J5J0 In some paying busi-1- 1 nes. P. It., office. Permanent Guests Wanted. T7AST END HOTEL Penn av.J East End near av.. under new management and thoroughly renovated: on line of electric carat five minutes' walk from both cable roads and East Liberty station: this hotel, with Its spacious of- fices, parlors and rooms, large porches and beauti- ful liwn. offers special inducements in rates to single gentlemen who desire n home other than a boarding house; transient guests also solicited. A. H. Wilson, Proprietor. "Fire Insurance Wanted. B FN'SWANGER & ZAIIN Firo insurance. Fourth av. ET. SCIIAFFNER. real estate agent. Insnr- - placed at lowest rates; 72 Washington av.. Thirty-fir- st ward. ONON'tlAHELA INSURANCE CO. lohn IT. Clancy, fccc'y,, W. A. Caldwell, Prcs't; 98 Fourth av, Financial "IVanten. stocks, mortgages and other securities. Ed Wlttisu, 410 Giant St.. Pittsburg. T)Y A. J. Pentecost. 413 Grant st.. 810,000 to S15.- -I 0T0 in mortgage to exchange forcltyp-cpert- y; small farms near the city to exchange for city property. To loan in large or small amonnts on MONEY city or Alleghenv property, Mortimer btarlltig. Room 34, 103 Fourth av. to loan on mortgage: no delav: lowest interest. Howard Brown, 131 Fourth av. on city or Allegheny conntv prop- erty at lowest rates. Heury A. Weaver & Co., f2 Fourth av. T EAL ESTATE brokers reontrlng derdp. J.V. niorteaccs. or transcribins of any description done with promptness and accuracy please call on me: terms moderate, Mortimer bUrlinjr, Room 34. 1CS Fourth av. rro Loan 5201, pco on moncages: S100 and un- - jl waraaicpcr ceni; J500.CO0 at 4'4 per cent on residences or business oronertv. vacant lots or farms, b, II, French, 123 Fonrtli av. Miscellaneous TVanteq. ALL who are opposed to convict labor to buy Seal Brooms. an1 dealers to huv Roneless Rolled CIROCER- - sausage, pork, sparerlbs. lard, all kinds stnokel meat cheap. E. A. liclnemau, 16 Pitts. Market. , PAINTING and vlatcglass glazing. R. C. Miller," St., Pittsburg. o. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor. 131 Jlfthav., ncxtLeader. Pittsburg; no delay. rpEUNK Inuied to and Iron East End for 50c. 1 Campbell & Davis, 12 Seventh ay. Telephone 276. USE Jones' Redbug raralyrcr .Tones' Magic, Powder: contains no nolsonj roae.hes banished by contract; Ion civen omopy. Prepared by Geo, W. Jonos, 222 Federal st Alle- - cneuy, eoiu ovaunrsi-ciassaruggis- WANTED To exchange a Quen Anne frame and ot lot, situated slv. miles from cltv, for a smaller hpiieeln Oakland or that neigh- borhood; house has clghtrooms and finished attic: butler's pantry, and bath room with w. c., hot and cold water, and natural gas. Address Y., Dis- patch oflice. WANTED-Evervho- dv to know that Pickering, furnisher, will sell 810 worth of goods on credit for SI down and 50c a week, Pick- ering, corner Tenth and Pcnn av. TtrANTKD- - House in EatEnd. about ten rooms. T modern imnrovemeuts: stable rent about 60. r. o. box 54, city. WANTED-Dc- sk room in office bv stenographer. II. P. B.. Dispatch office. rOE SAtE MISCEI.I,ANEOUS. Musical Instruments. "pIANO Inquire No. 239 Jackson St., Allegheny. Coal For Sale. COAL Anthracite and bituminous coal and coke for domestic purposes: general hauling. Latimer, Myers & Co.. Fourth aud Try sts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts. Horses. Vehicles. Uvo Stock for Sale. DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles; make. Wm. Beckert, 840 to 341 Ohio St., Allegheny. Telephone, S13). M' Fine Kentucky saddle hore;dark iroa pnv: nertectlv ?altcd: irood buirev borse. Mnple or double: scares at notlilnv; can lie seen at vcneuiev idling Acaocmv. 1). v. uonatdson.caro Porter A Donaldson, 824 Liberty St.. nttsburg.Pa. PHAETON Never used; cost ?a. P. O. Box s; LEIGn Inquire atlOResaca st., Allegheny. Blaclilnery and Metals For Sale. Automatic bafetv Engine and boiler, built from one to five horse power, natural gas or common carbon oil as fuel, no engineer required, perfectly safe and reliable, economy in fuel and durability a special feature. No. 4 Fifth av. J. Prager. General Agent. BOILERS and engines, second-han- d: all sires, to 100 li. p. ; cheapest In the market: 43 boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta- ble, upright boilers, mounted luroi engine, etc.; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 310L 3-2- 5 Park way, J. S. Young. Allegheny, Pa. I ENGINES and boiler ofevery description: brick j 3ard supplies; contractors, and rolling mill ma- - chlnerv. j nomas uanui'S sons, L.acoek and san- - dusky its., Allegheny. all sizes, for all kinds of grinding; Oralglctth. Newcastle. Nova Scotia and other grits: iron frames and fixtures lor hand, foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery wheels and grinders. Win. M. Klrby, 133 First avenue. SECOND-HAN- D planing mill machinery; two surfacers: two single surfacers; one single surfacer and matcher: one new hand Joiner: wood and Iron pulleys anil hangers. Butler Gardner, short and Liberty sts. miscellaneous for Sale. JiOUR new pool tables complete for 9500; cost. No. 90 Diamond st. LADY'S flne silk plush sacque, 3S bust, cost &50; cheap for cash or exchange for any- thing of value. Iuvalld, Dispatch oflice. LEASEHOLD of one of the best business stands three-stor- y brick, 60 ft, front bv ft. deep, on lot CO ft. by 100 rt at present, as for the past lo rears, occupied by manufacturing es- tablishment which needs more room. Address O. O., Dispatch office. OCCULT and theosophlcal works for sale. II. Co., 6126 Penn av., East End, Pittsburg. - POOL TABLES-Fi- ne new Brnnswick and Balke TO and billiard tables: also, room 2oxfi0 and shooting gallerv and room 8x50. Apply or address AV. M. Sibley. Dnqnesne. Pa. TJ ED BRICK. in large or small quantities, AVitt-JL- V mer Brick Co.. Lim., li Federal sU, y, Pa. FOB SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. AN opening in business for a man with a small capital; a very small Investment will purchase hair Interest In an established business in Pitts- burg. Address Theo Type aud Engraving Co.. 83 Diamond St., Pittsburg.'- - BARBER SHOP-a- nd bathroom having a good will sell at a bargain. O. C. Martercr, n No. 220 Arch ft-- , Allegheny. vr. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Unjinesj Opportunities For Sale. For sale: located centrally in the prosperous, growing city Warren, Ohio; owner sells because of ill health: a good bargain; write or call on George Jones, Warren, O. ClHEAr A good paving mllilnerv business on av near Sixth st. Address Box 13. O., Dispatch office. CONFECTIONERY STORE-- A good business for selling. rent 117 Twelfth St., bouthslde. DRUG STORE-Go- od location: invoices 1.70O; cheap. S.Dawes, adminitrator. Ad- dress II. L. King. 437 Grant St. TVRUG STORE A big paving corner drug store XJ in Allegheny; will trade ror real estate: owner wishes to retire. For particulars see John K. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal st. SALE Express business Willi an estihllshed ? paling trade: owntr must retire. For par- ticulars see John K. Ewing & Co.. 107 Federal st. GROCERY An old established grocery store in a everything clean an salable: fine opening: 111 be sold cheap for cash If sold soon: good reasons for selling. Address Grocery, Dispatch office. HOTEL Doing a good business; first-cla- ss bar also livery In connection. Address Central Hotel, Petersburg, Mahoning county, O. T'lVERY BUSINEf-S-Wit- Xj big sacrifice: business grocery Biurcs, 9WJ lo ?3,uw, coumrv Eiures. gnoe stores, cigar stores, bakery at half price. Perclval & G n, 439 Grant st. ONE-FOURT- H interest in n good manufacturing clothing and gents1 furnishing store; fine restaurant; grocery stores.200 to 110.000; cigar biuxe; uaacry; miiKciepot; nsn anu oTscer market; butcher shop : jewelry store, at a bargain. Holmes s.;o., rajsmim field st. SHOE STORE Was established 29 year ago; be a very good chaucn for any industri- ous man; the goods arc in good coudftfon: reason forselling out will be given on request. Inquire at 150 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. QjJQrj will buy new and second-han- d furniture tipOUU 6toredolnga good business: rent low; must sell on account of sickness, Address W., P. O. Box 71, Johnstown, Pa. Business Properties For Sale. TT'OR SALE Storeroonr and leasehold or one of V the best locations for business in the town of Oakdale, now the center of oil operations, on the P.. C. & St. L. R. R. For particulars address Guy ANesblt, Oakdale station, Allegheny Co., Pa. FOR SALE Anderson House, corner Robinson Walnut sib. ; all furnished: will be sold cheap at once with an cstibllshdd trade. For fur- ther particulars call or write to Robinson St., East Liverpool, O. rPUE extensive Crescent Foundry plant on South 1 av., fronting on railroad and river and near the Union bridge, Allegheny: two large buildings, each 0x150 feet, with engine and boiler, cranes, cupolas, patterns and complete equipment for car- rying on an extensive loundrv business: all to be sold at public sale as an entlretv on Thursday after- noon, January 2i, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Fuller partlct,lars from Ja. W. Drape & Co.. Agents aud Auctioneers. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. lOIt SALE IMPROVED REAL .ESTATE City "Residences. CENTER AV.. near Erin st.-B- rick house, eight rooms, attic, bath room, laundry, fur- nace in ccllir, elegant slate mantels, tile hearths, best gas saving appliances, side cntrauce: lot 24x 1M with valuable front on Wyiie for business stand or residence; good neighborhood. Inquire 21 Seventh av. I70ESALE Cheap-$V- 00 Two good houses ot each, both now renting for f350 per year; a good investment; on Jane St.. S. S. : terms easy. (S31.C) W. A. Herron & bona, 80 Fourth av. (J2Q 100 No. 270 Alain St., Seventeenth ward, OOi lot 23'4t110x37 feet, with an elegant brick dwelling of ball, vestibule, ten rooms, attic and bath; all modern conveniences; terms to suit: owner going South is the reason for selling, bee Thos. McCaffrey. 3300 Butler 6t. Knst End Residences for Sale. PENN AVENUE. East End, house and lot on of cable cars; an excellent brick house of 8 nice rooms, bath, sasand water, dry cellar, wide vestibule and hallway, wide covered porch overthe e'ltire front, all in pi ime order: good lot, alley in the rear, side entrance, small plot in front between sidewalk and porch; this property can be bought on accommodating terms, and as the owner has moved Fast it must be sold, Jas. AV. Drape & Co.j 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. 5 ACRES of land, covered with forest, fruit and shade trees: uever falling spring of water: modern style house of 15 rooms; asphalt walks and drives about premises; situated on Negley av.. Nineteenth ward; this Is one of the most pleasant and desirable pieces ot property offered for sale. Herr A Hastings, IG6 Fourth av.. or C. A. AVarm-castl- e, Penn and Phadvavs., E. E. CjQ 800 Fran-eo- f 0 rooms and finished attic; CHO) has tw o porches, good cemented cellar, balh, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, ehlnamarblewash-btand- s, china and other closets, elegant brass chan- deliers, electric bells, both gases, etc.: large lot with stable in rcan terms, 5600 down, balance to suit purchaser; a bargain. Baker A Co., C227 Penn av E. E. Qf aoo Handomo frame of 9 rooms and recep-3- 5t tlon hall In a llrtt-cla- ss neighborhood; handy to North Highland av.: haall modern improve- ments and Is complete In every particular; lot40x ISO. Baker &Oo 6ZR Penn av.. E. E. A lleffheny Residences For Sale. A I.EEGHENV'RESlPENCE-At- a. reduced iig-C- X ure. to close up the affairs of an old CO. : good brick residence of 10 rooms, with bath, w. c, laun- drv. etc.. etc.; all In prime condition, and lino lot. MulGO lectio an alley. Jas. VT. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. T70R SALE Send for new printc 1 list or Alle-- J; gheny real estate. JolmK. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal st. TINDENAV. Alleglicny. new frame house, 8 attic, tile hearths, slste man- tels, furnace, bith, w. c.. hot and cold water, sewered, eltvwater, natural and illuminating gas; lot SOxia to an allev; beaulirnl lawn,rrult and shade trees, fine view of both cities: a most excellent home; removal of owner cause of sale, inquire of John Scott, 31 Sampson St., Allegheny. MONTEREY ST., near North av. and park?, of 7 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, finished attic Sid. entrance and all modern con- veniences, with lot 20x110 rcct through to a ot allev: price ?6,500; terms easy. A. Z. Byers Co.. 93 Federal st. SHEFFIELD brick of 9 veotlbule. bathroom, toilet room, stationary washstands, s!atcmantcR fine cemented cellar; all modern conveniences: In first-cla- ss condi- tion ; lot 20x124. A. Z. Bj ers A Co., 93 Federal st. SHEFFIELD ST., neir BMwell St.; cheap; brick dwelling, tin room", modern Improvements: lot, 22x124; elegant location. A, D. Wilson, S3 Federal St., Allegheny. WESTERNAV. Near theprrX3. brick with all modern conveniences; lot 46X120 feet; on account of owner com- pelled Jo go south: immediate possession; low price, Baxter, Thompson & Co.. 162 Fourth av. 2" 400 Small pavment down, balance 1n a)A monthly Installments same ns rent: new frame house of five rooms: lot 25x100 feet: Teutli ward. Allegheny City, near electric cars; good neighborhood: nice location. John E. McCrickart. 140 Fifth av. Tel. 1C76. Suburban Residence For Sale. WILKINSBURG-Ncwframehouseof- ten rooms rooms on first floor, live rooms on second floor, tile hearths, bard wood cabinet maniei, nam, w. c., not ana cold water, large rooms, sewered, city water; lot 521120 to an allev: j this is a commodious and excellent home: removal of owner cau-- of sale, eastern exposure, goodlo-catlo-n. Hodman ,t Baldrldgc, A Uklnsburg, op- posite depot. Telephone, 7248. TT7TLKINSBURG Choice lots on sewered street ir with stone sidewalks: within live minutes of ! x: it. k. oepot, ana one square or electric line: surrounded with good improvements, bnildlng line and restrictions; size, .1012-- to an alley 20 reet wide. Hoffman A BaIdridge,AVilklnsburg, opposite depot. Telephone 7248. WILKIN8BURG-- 3 minutes from station, rooms, bath. h. and c. water w. e., slate mantles, eleotrio light, front and rear porch; stable in rear; lot 52x122 feet to alley; low price. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 162 Fourth av. qlQ 000 New stone front brick of 9 rooms on HDV) good street: handy to all traction lines and P. R. R. ; has all latest improvements and is hand- somely finished and papered throughout; excellent neighborhood; lot 30x120 to alley. Baker & Co..-622-7 Penn av., E. E. KNOXVILLE. "POR SALE-SO- BEAUTIFUL HOME- S- One brick house, two lots. Orchard Place. M.000. One brick house, one lot, paved street. Two brick houses, lots 37xl00 each. Orchard Place, $3,750. One framo house, one lot, paved 6treet, One frame house, one lot, pived street. $2,700. One brick, house, two lots, paved street, $3,250. One brick liouse, one lot, paved street. $2,750. Five frame houses, paved street, each SI, SCO. Twelve brick houses, paved streets, each $2,300, Seven brick houses, very pretty, $2,700. Elght4-roo- m brick cottages, one lot, each$l,700. Any of the above lovely homes In this greatly fivored city of beautiful homes will be sold on terms to suit buyers. BUILDING LOTS-2- 00 of the most beautiful build- ing lots to be found In the county are offered at prlcesmuch less than property havlnir slmllarlv attractive reatnrcs can be had for. The P. & B. "1 j racuon win nave ineir new electric railway in operation through the center of the borough by May 1 next. This will give a wonderful Impetus to values, and those who secure any of the above properties or a lot will be fortunate. LET A number of 3, 4. 5 and houses at moderate rents to good paying tenants. None .!.. ..A..., ,....1.. Take any of the Sonthside street cars. KNOXVILLE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO 85 Knox avenue, knoxvflie. 10 lOIt SALE LOTS st. East End Lots For Sate. I?!ls.A.IlF-A.,0,'.')rl- ce' '1M0- - "he level lot. alley in rear bt. Clair st.. Baun Grove. (108) AV. A. Herroa & Sons, 80 Fourth av. Suburban Lots For Sale. LARGE LOTS for business and dwellings in the mjjnnfacturlng town of Avonmorc on AVestPenu Railroad; a rapidly growing town and ay"1 yta.3 w uim&c auruuMuju lureinueuE, das. jjrape A Co., 31J AVood s Plttspunt. on .FOIL SALE LOT!). Suburban Lota For Sale. SnERADEN-Ve- ry desirable bnildlng lot: will for cash. Address Owner, Dispatch office. SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlcrs Fine building tmo, according to size and location, within sight of the Court House: Chartlers Is the most acces-sibl- of any suburb of Pittsburg, being reached by the P. & L. E. R. In 12 minutes, bv Chartlcrs packets in 3 minutes and by electric cars, which are to take tho place of the present horse car line next spring, in 25 minutes; these lots front on line of eiectrlc road. For fnrtherparticu-lar- s. T. H. Dickson. j) Fourth av.. Room 39. TO LKT. Cltv Residences TO LET-S- 15 per month, half price to April 1, a neat and modern brick house, six rooms, on Plymouth st. ; easily reached. W. A. Herrou & Sons, SO Fourth av. East End Residences To Let. TO LET-J- M per month, one-ha- lf nrlcc to April I. a stone house Just finished, seven rooms, be- sides bith. lamidrv; one of the best locations in East End; Nineteenth ward, near Stanton and North Hlland avs. ; send for list. IV. A. Herron & Sous, 8J rourtu av. TO LET East End modern residence. 10 rooms, all modern conveniences of latest features: location choice and surroundings unsurpassed; three-ye- ar lease only. Heury A. Breed, 510 Market street. TO LET Forbes 6t. . Oakland.house 14 rooms.large grounds fronting Fifth av. as well; modern fixtures: very desirable for a boarding house, bend for list. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. r LET April 1 North Highland av.. brick liouse. nine rooms and attic. laundry and stable; lot 60x180. W. D. King. S4 Fourth av. Allegheny Residences To Let. TO LET No. 1 Ridge avc. Allegheny. $30 per month; three-stor- y brick house, eight rooms. Mtb, cemented laundrv, botlitgascs: Immediate possession. Applv to V. W. Lawrence &Co., Water st., below Pcnn avc., Pittsburg. TO LET Allegheny av., very desirable residence, nine rooms: all conveniences; location choice. Henry A. Breed, 51S Market St. TO LET Bv John K. Ewing & Co., 107 Federal St., several Allegheny bouses atreducedrents. Send for printed list. LET Nice m dwelling Federal st. aO extension. Inquire of J. R. JIcKee, 703 Penu av Room 611. mo nce No. 243 Federal st. near the X parks, Allegheny. A J. Pentecost, 413 Grant TO Ewing Co., 107 Federal St., for AUegbeny houses. Suburban Residences To Let. LET House We want a tenant for a modern TO built house of 15 rooms with live acres of ground: to a good tenant who will look after samo rent will be lrec until April I. Herr & Hastings. 166 Fourth av., or C. A. Warxscaslle, Penn and Shady avs., E. E. Rooms To Let. ROOJI-Vc- ry near Castle Shannon IDRNISHED Bailey av. Address It. 31.. Dis- patch odce. ROOMS To one or two gentlemen, or gentleman wife, room with alcove: private family; good neighborhood, near railroad aud electric ears; excellentboard: eiery refinement and com- fort. Box 30, Wilkinsburg. T OOMS Large, elegantly furnished parlor, with t folding bed, and two pleasant third-stor- y rooms; good board next door. 315 b. Highland av.. .. A. T) OOJt Nicely furnished large front room; gen-JL- ki tlemenonlr: good board convenient. No. 5 Marchaud St., East End. p OOSIS-Sec- ond and third floor 641 Smlthfleld st. LI Inquire Slaltby's Oyster Depot. IO03t RENTING AGENCY, 130 Robinson St.. T OOSIS Four unfurnished rooms: S10. 1C3 For- - li lietli'at. Business Stand To Eet. TO IET Separate storerooms with railroad track: all receiving, handling, shipping and delivering facilities; also oflice room. Inquire of V. A. lloevcler. Storage, Pike and Twelfth sb) Pittsburg. Pa. TO liET Space with power Cor. Penn and Third av. : three floors: M.000 feet spae-e-: abundant power: good light: splendid location; every con- venience. Apply Nicola llros., 20 Fifth av. TO EET Desirable storeroom. Diamond st. In new Dispatch building: light and heat fur- nished. Apply to Ruslness Office The Dispatch, corner Smltune! J and Diamond sts. rpo LET Only f 1,500 per year, a largo ware or JL business house, 50x30 feet: three stories: Eos. near Third av. ; send for list. AV. A, Herron 4c Sons, SO Fourth av. TO LET The very deslrabV storeroom (with basement) No. 205 Smlthfleld St.. Central Hotel building. Apply at Kauftn-inns- ' store. TO LET-Fl- no basement on Fourth av.; snitable for barber, tailor or light business. .Baxter, Thompson & Co., 162 Fourth av. TO LET Store and cellar. Pennav., nearSevcnth st,; onlv 1,203 per year; send for list. TV. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth av. r a 0 LET Storeroom with cellar.320 Liberty street, 21x75 feet in the clear, extending through to Third avenue. Fnrms To Xer. TO LET Dairy farm. Center av.. Fourteenth ward: the bstin the city: about 80 acres: large barn, outbuildings, good dwelling; send for list. AV. A. Herron it Sons, 60 Fourth av. mO T.ET Farm. .10 upres. under Ann cnltlvnHnn J. good stables, femes, etc.. at Ingram. Pa. Ap- - ! iv i mi'Jias jt xiiiAiu. or 1JJUJUU3 Jl, JILf d, 153 Fourth av.. Pittsburg. TO LET The Hamnett farm, aboutMacres, one directly nick of Homestead, Pa. Inquire of C. J. liamnetl. Homestead. Pa. PERSONAL. Novelty Printing Co., 77 Diamond et. ; all kinds of printing; best work at lowest prices. PERSONAL Fallert's new studio, second floor. st. ; handsomest In the tno cities; photos and crayons. PERSONAL-Crcd- it, yes. credit on fine dress satlns,wraps.etc., at J.Dwyer's, Room 4, McCance block, 701 Smlthfleld. PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver J ewclry repaired ; new work made to order. Chris. Ilaucli. 541 Smlthfleld. PERSONAL Dr. Griffith's grip corners la pneumonia every time; Cough ovrup. Tonic and Pills never fall. Head- quarters Third and Grant. Pittsburg, Pa. Estab- lished 31 years. (Copyright.) PERSONAL Have you subscribed ror your and periodicals for '92? ir not. come and sec us before doing so; it will pry you; also, new and old books at reduced prices. Frank Bacon A Co., 301 bmithfleld st. Open every even- ing. PERSONAL To the public: Having disposed of etc., 443 Wood St., to A. AV.Mc-Clo- y, trust my patrons will continue thclrdealings withmv successor. AVith manv thanks for their kind patronapp, I am, respectfully, II. C. orMcKnight's book store. PLR'-ONA- l. When lirm a small nov mvmother ! renalred mv breeehen nml l.ir0t k flncelgottobeagreatbigman. Dickson, the well- - ! i Si,r,t.t,Ki;,r.,JM.Sv.-S- fi "!??5 ?' : great shape. Tel. 1553. PERSONAL Have purchased the business, book store, 443 AVood st, : will continue at both. Including my Smlthfleld st. store: wholesale and retail patrons will receive the usual attention, etc., at either store: $1C,OCO worth of stock will be sacrificed on account of expected alterations. A. AV. McCloy, bookseller and sta- tioner. AUCTION SALE. - n n.re BY JAS. W DIt APE & CO. PUBLIC SALE Of the Extensive and Complete CRESCENT FOUNDRY, Situated on South avenue below the Union Bridge, AHezheny, fronting; on railroad and river, adtoinlng the caa works and tho larce iron mills of Lindsav 4 McCuteheon. To be sold on THURSDAz AFTERNOON, Jan- uary 28, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. There are two substantial iron-cla- d build- ings about 60x150 feeteach.includinR pattern and flttlns shop together with the complete outfit, engine and boiler and other cranes, two cupolas core ovens, pat- terns, flasks, and all the tools and appli. ances on and around tho premises. Evcry-thinsri-- in full runninjr order; all the depart- ments fully equipped for carrying onnn ex- tensive and profitable business. This is a rare opening for anyone who desires to get into the foundry bnsiness, and as the present owner has determined to sell regardless of cost a chance Is presented to make a favor- able purchase. Satisfactory reasons for sell- ing. I'urther particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, jan!7-10- 7 313 "Wood Street, Pittsburg. AUCTION! AUCTION! CLOSING OUT SALE. Furs, Unit, Capes, Jackets, Coats, eta, THURSDAY, January 21st at o'clock, at the rooms of the Henry Auction Co., Zi and 26 Ninth The entiie stock of a store, gotns out of business. Muffs, Collars, Capes, Seal Jack- ets, Sacques, Coats; Notions and Dry Goods: Sale positive. HENBY AUCTION CO.. Ja20-5- Auctioneers. C. H. WEltfHAUS, AUCTIONEER. 1532 RMITHTMF.T.Tl BT Sales of merchandise at store and residences rrouintlv attended to. Cash advni.p mnrtn nil consignments. JalHI I ' CHOICE PROPERTIES. rpo LET O Largo office on first floor; best location on street for Broker's office. See BLACK BAIRD. 05 Fourth avenue. ( npo LET 108 FOUR! AVENUE. Larze office room, snitable for Rent Estate, Insuranco or Broker's office. Kent low. BLACK & BAIKD, 93 Fourth avenue. rrio LET-l-- iX AVENUE. Office BUILDING, Choice location; canelve long lense; rent only $1,500. . BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. ja20-3- 2 EAST END DWELLINGS. Modern houses, late Improvements, fine locations. $S fiflfl 8 rooms; beinjr finished: Edwin iptl.dUU st., near Ililand ave. (79.) Jtjv fiflfl 8 rooms; almost new; corner lot; vpejuuu eastern exposure; good residence street: two squares from Fifth ave. (37.) $4,500- - New liouso 8 rooms; JIarchand, near Deuuiston ave. (83.) 9 rooms: street improvements made; one of the test locations In Oakland. (7L) Send for List. w. A. HERRON & SONS, E0 FOURTH AVE. ja5-72-- Two larze fonr-stor- y FOE P.ENT brick warehouses, front- ing S. E. CORNER 43 feet on lVood st. TVOOD ST.- - CHAMBERS GLASS CO., AND Vestlngliouse Building-- , SECOND AVE. Cor.Penn av. and Ninth street. Jal9--5 Now being finished; fine OAKLAND. new house eight rooms; $7,000. very latest fixtures: large lot; location desirable (S3). FOR SALE. W. A. nERRON A SONS. SO LFourth av. A flno houseflrooms FOR SALE modern fixtures:one of the best locations $5,500 in Hazelwood. W.A. HAZELUOOD AV. Hen on & Sons, 80 Fourth av. jal3-70-w- 8 A corner office, 33x16 feet: two TO LET offices with vault connecting; IN lono large office on Smithfleltl; EISSELL (also several other stores and BLOCK, offices to rent. Apply Boom 209, . Bissel Block'. Jal7-6- 6 FOR SALE, Easv payments. A store and dwelling. FORBES ST., Price madej low to sell quick. (79) $1,500. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth av . jal545-lj,20.25.;- 1NSCKANCE STATEMENTS. OF THE TEUTONIA STATEMENT Company, of Allegheny, Pa., lor tno year enaniir December 31, 1501: Capital stock.. ..$12.') 000 00 Authorized to increase to 2.0,100 00 ASSETS. Bonds ard mortgages, first liens. .$219323 59 Interest due and accrued . 3.533 02 Real estate . 41033 Bank stock . 8,7V) 00 Premiums in course of collection. 10,72 72 Cash in bank and office 4 614 36 $251,0S2 97 LIABILITIES. Cnpltalstock $125,000 00 Unpaid losses 6.CO0 00 Reinsurance reserve 56S40 10 Net suiplus, overall liabilities C3.242 87 $251,082 97 RECEIPTS. Premiums $97,424 57 Less reinsurance, returned premiums and rebates... 12,413 39 85.011 18 Interest 13,476 14 $ 98.4S7 32 DISBURSEMENTS. Fire loss of 1890 paid $3.240 00 Fire loss of 1891 paid 52 444 32 55,684 33 Commissions 17,64136 Salaries, taxes and all other ex- penses 8,837 86 Dividends Nos. S6 and 37 10,000 00 $92,163 54 Receipts over expenditures.. 6,323 78 jal943-1- 9 20 EDUCATIONAL. CURRY OIvilVERSITV, SIXTH STREET. CUKKY Collogiaro Department. TheTSest. r.nRnir Normal snhruil. The Rest. 1 CUKBir Emrlish TrainingSohool, The Best. CURRY Business College, The Best, i CUKKX School of Shorthand, The Best ' ' CUKRV Conservatory of Music, The Best CUKKY School of Elocution. . ;ine jsest CURRY Faculty and Discipline, The Best Call or send tor catalogue. 11. M. KO WE, President. ocxH-3-1 FREE That RAILROAD buying TICKETS. .V ra?i g,CL: f CHOICK PROPERTIES. rpo LET BLACK & BAIBD'S . COMPLETE RENT LIST Can be obtained at the ibllowinc well-kno- stores from now until April 1: PITTSBURG. D. A. HOSSLER, 2801 Penn Avenue. E. A. SCHAEFEK, No. 388 Fifth Ave. H. B. SCHWEITZER, 233 Center Avenue. W. L. BECK, Herron Ave., near Center. S. S. HOLLAND, Corner SmithfieW 'and Liberty Streets. LOUIS H. VOGEL, Cor.TTcbster Ave. and Kobert Street. ELBA PHAB3IACY, Cor. "Wylie Avenue anil Junilla Street. EMIL G. STUCKr & CO., Cor. "Wylio Ave. and Fnlton Street. P. A. McCULLOUGH, Cor. Penn Ave. and Thirteenth Street. JOHN BECK, Corner "Wylie Avenue and "Washintrton Street. THOJIAS B. UPD1ICE, Corner Penn Ave nue and Eighteenth Street. sodthside: B. J. STENGER, No. 1601 Carson Street. HARRY a 3IURTO, 2907 Carson Street. SPOHN & jriJRPlIY.No. 2 Carson Street S. HAAV'iHORN, Grandriew Avenue, near Buquesne Incline. AIXEGHKNY. JOSEPH F. 2TEELY, No. 400 Rebecca St. E. MANGOLD, 01 Lowrie St., Troy HilL H..J. MCBEIDE, Cor. Federal and Ohio- - Street". J. P. URBAX, Cor. Franklin and Fnltoa Street". G. EISENBEIS, 113 Federal Street, Cor. ParkAVav. JOHN BKITTAIN, 190 Beaver Ave., Cor. Locust Street. W. S. HIXENBAUGH, Cor. Manhattan and Itebecca Street". G. A. KISSEL, Corner Buena Vista and- - Jackson Streets. W. 3L AVHITE, Corner Anderson and La-coc- k Streets. T. K. 3IOEKI8, Corner Preble Avenue and Hanover Street. ,E. HOLDEK & CO., No. 63 Federal St., Corner Lacock Street. GEOEGE E. FOSTER, Corner Washing- ton Avenue and Fremont Street. CHARLES L. AVALTHER, No. 04 Chest- nut Streer. 171 Chetnut Street. E. R HECK'S, Park Drug Store, Corner lederal St and Montgomery Ave. L A AVRKN CEVITX1 X D. S BLACKBURN. No. 3343 Penn Ave. TOTXEN & BENDER, 4301 Butler Street EAST USD. R. D. BRENT. 3621 Fifth 'Ave., Oakland, W. E. McCARTHl Cor. Liberty Ave. and Cedar Street. MARKELL BROTHERS, Corner Penn and Frankstown Avenues. J. R. McCREARY, Cor. Homewood and Hamilton Avenues, Homewood. HAZEI.AA OOD. Xj. VT. INK & CO., Corner Second and Hazelwood Avenues. TEMPEKANCEVILLE. J. L. SWEARER, Cor. Main and "Wabash Streets. CHAKTIEKsJ. H. D. KRAMER, Chartiers AveDue. SEKICKLET. C. G. 'WOODS, Corner Broad and Beaver Streets. specialTnotice! For the convenience of those not being within close proximity of any of the above named drugstores, we will, upon request, mail yon a copy of this list once a week "Wednesday, free of charge. Write name PLAINLY and give full RESIDENCE ad- dress street and number. When you get suited please notify us so we can take your came oil the mail list BLACK 95 FOURTH AAE. Machine shop con- taining Manufacturing valuable ma- chinery and pat- terns. An extensive Business and paying business. Machinery, patterns and business to be sold, with long lease of the building. The For Sale. location is the most central and conve- nient in the city. Good reasons for Well Established selling For information see Very Central. I AV. A. HEREON & SONS, R. R. Switch. 80 Fonrth avenue. jaUVWonvy CONNER & BEST, Real Bstate Agents, No. S and 7 Sixth avenue, corner AVood street, Pittsburg, Pa. (Actual Busi- ness College Building.) The most Competent and reliable real es- tate agents in tho cltv. Satisfaction guar- - anteou. Properties piacea in our hands to be bougnr, sold, renteu or otherwise uls- - posuu ui win raumvo uur uuiuviueu alien tion until n satisfactory disposition of them 3 niade. AVe solicit the patronage of the public generally. PUBLICATIONS FREE Address Miss Mary Lyman, 19 Oakland Square, Pittsburg. ial2-t-s all who contemplate Lots in the new manufacturing and resi- dence city may visit KENSINGTON Without expense, free transportation will be furnished there and return. Purchases made now will realize handsomely soon. Many of the finest sites for Business or Home purposes are still open. Woik on the extensive Glass Factories of the Chambers Glass Co.'s buildings is pro- gressing rapidly. Salesmen always fcn the ground who will give all information. ' THE BURRELL IIHNIENT CO., HO. 9S FOURTH AVENUE, "Pittsburg, Pa. ' -' . ' t ,y;f. & leAi x, 'v , ., 7 " qKifr - vi.. . vyv " 'VS& m m wis r' f"" r il ' 'jri . - '

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Jruelty llednced to a Minimum Keport oftlicpfucers ortlio Haxnnue Society SnowIt to Ko In n Flourinliinc ConditiouOfficers Elected for tho Ensuing Year.

The seventeenth annual meeting oi theJumanc Society was held at 3 o'clock yes- -

erday afternoon. A lsre representationf members was pre-cn- t, and the reportseccived careful attention.Rev. Roiert W. Grange opened the meet-n- j

by .prayer. This was followed by themnua' address of the President, LeonardH. Eaton. The address was short but of anntcrcsting character. The work of thecciety was relieved in a generalnauner and its good points clearlyshonn. The decrease in cruelty30th to neonlc and to beasts was commented3ti and the efforts of the society to spread awider sene of kindness throughout the ani-

mal kingdom and in the treatment of:hildren were given in a manner to reflectthe real of this work as exhibited in Allt-;ben-v

county and of the appreciation innbich it is held. The report of tbe treas-urer showed a balance of 5801 2a The re-

ceipts during the year were 4,209 05. TheSecretary in his statement showedthat lMl" informations I.ad been made and159 of thc-- secured conviction; 42 were notproton. Seven liunared and eleven caseswere remedied. The cases attended to in-

volved 1,505 animal, 79 of which were dis-

patched to relieve suCerins; 137 ere casesoj torture to animals. There were 10G casesof creulty to a;ed persons; ali of these

conviction. Five hundred andtwelve cruelty to children cases were at-tended to, 53 of which suffered conviction,the others having been settled.

Entertaining addre"es were made byRev. E. H. Donohoo, Rev. A. A. Lambing,Kef. Georse Hodges, Rev. M. M. Shcedyand Kev. Mr. Grange.

The election ot officers resulted as follows:President, L. H. Eaton; Vice Presidents,John Dnnlap, Alex Nioiick, Joscnh Home,(Seorge "WiNon, ". G. Johnston, Felix IS.Brunot, William Wade, J. G. Waiter,John S. Ritenour, F. P. Case; Secretary,Samuel Davidson; Treasurer, Fr?d Rine-liar- t;

Trustees, H. Lee Mason, J. G. Walter:Physician, Frank McDonald. M. IX; Solici-tors, G F. McKenni and F. V. Smith;Veterinary Snrgcoas, E. L Carter and H.F.Dnrns.

Uoard of Managers, Mrs. Samuel McKce,Mr--- J. CI Nevvmever, Mrs. Dr. William"Wallace, Mrs. S. S. Carrier, Mrs. H. LeeMaon, Mis. John Dunlap, Mrs. PeterYoung, Mrs. E. M. Butz, Mrs. Judge Stowe,Mrs. If. E. McPherson, Mrs. S. S. Piuker-to-n

and Messrs. J. H. McCreerv, H. LeeMason, Jr., J Walter Hay, S. L. Fleish-man, J. L. Cravens, J. D. Jicrnd; agents, S.F. O'Brien and George E Adams.

Lifce'y to Visit rorI;n Markets.Mr. K. Solomon, of the new firm of Solo-

mon & lSuben, stated yestcrdav that therewas a stron possibility of his making abusiness trip to Europe in the near futureto personally attend to the import ordersof the lina.

Elections.The CiiAitTirr.s; Valley Gas Comi-an- l

PlTTMir-K- Pa.. Januarv 10, ISC (NOT1CE-1- HE ANNUAL 5IEET-lNG- of

the stockholders of this compMiv will- held at the oihce of tbe ounnans. Garrisonbuilding, corner Wood st and Third "a . Pltts-bui- g.

Pa., on Till RMJ Y. January 2S. 1892. at 2o'cocki' i.. forlhccHviir.n of a board o fill rec-tors to sine lor the year, and for thetrauiclion of uch other bulres a ma eome be-fore the T. J. TENLR, bee.

ja!7-2- 0

lllidci.ds.The Kev Fravkliv Ixsukance Compan tor the cit of allec5uexy. pa.,

ALLIOHLXI. Jannarv 11. 13D2. 5


this div declared adtvldendorTHREE (3) PER CENT, Jl 53 per share, pavable ondemand. SI. A. FORD.

jalj-M-- p beereUry.AMI JlFI:CIIAVTS' )

iNSUieANCECO.. Office 417 Moodstree-- t

Pinrnt.ito, Pa , Janunn-19- . 1812. J

I' this coMijiinv hae this dav a divi-dend of ONE AND A HALF "DOLLARS : 5))jk" pa; able on demand.

jaSO-Sl- WSI. T. ADAIR. Secretary.Office ok tub Ct thal Thactiox Co., )

PlTTSI'.FKt:. I'( Jan. 14, lf: J"Y"OTICE TO vTOCKIiOI.PXR-i-Tli- Board of-- Director if this co'npa'ir b'js this c'av de-clared a tock dlllend of HVF PER CENTUM.or2 59per bbare, Mpoa the cjipltil toek of tbecoinpanv, iiaal)lelivacr-Jltt- . lie indorsed on thecertificates of toek. ujon which all ass.essmcutsbac been paid, ou premutation or tin' aii:c atthe on.(e of the compauj's transfer agents theUnion Transfer Compauv. Fidelity building.Fourth av.. Pitubitre, Pa., on and after FEB-RUARY 1. 1S9I block books will lie closed rroraJauuarv 25 to February 9, liotli dates inclusive, r.L. STEpHENbON. Treasurer. Ja20-8-1

I'ns:'ies Clinntiei.Dissolution of Thompson Glass Co., Lim.

Notice is liercbv gl en that the ptrtocrship lim-ited, known as Thompson Glass Compauv, Lim..

as bv ora majority of the stockholdersin nuinberandlmaluc ot Interest, at a stockhold-ers' meeting held Januarv 14. 1691 dlssoU t d. The tindersigned have been elected bv the memlicrs of theAssociation t lib full power to wind up the concernaud distribute the net assets thereof under the di-rection of the Court of Common Pleas No. 2, ofjuiegueuy county.


jalS-II-- D Liquidating Trustees.

Notices.Office or Cocxtv Commissioners, )

Pittsuukg. Jan. 18. IS32. (

TnE COPNTY COMMIbbiONERS WILE KOEDfrom tbe triennial asen.ent of lt2

for the i'i en 1 districts named, ou tbe day anddate given below;

MONDAY. Januarv 25.1802. Forward township,Lectlowniip. Pine tonusblii, McCandless

Verllles twn,hip.ILl-SDA- January tfi, isi Edgewood bor-

ough. Rrushton berough, l.'eluhoover borough,Milt ale borough, tbree vards.

WEDNESDAY. Januarr S. ISC Chartlersborough. Mansfield boroueb, xkmont borough.TllUteDAY. Jsnuarv i1?, ISC First and Sec-

ond vrards bevilekley borough. I irst, Second andThin! wards Tarentum borongb.

FRIDAY. January 23. is&L bcr-ong-h.

Mest E'lrabelh tnirougli, AViut Bellevueborough, erona buret gh,

R. E. MERCER.J. G. MT.IR.1). J. Bui LE.

Conntv CommiiAloner.Attest: r. TV. Sieekrt. Clert. Jais-- si

Lfcal Notices.I am prepared to do work for tbe lcgaj

profession, writing deeds mortgages or'rgal or other documents: satisfactionmaranwd; terms moderate. Mortimer Starllne.

Room Zi, W) Fourth av.NOTICE-TA- KE NOTICE

..1, 'eHLrt r administration upon the estateorWHdim II. KIrkpatrick. late of Allegheny City,deceased, have been issued by the Register of Alle-ghenv county, Pennsylvania, to C.V. Robb, ofPittsburg, ra.;all persons indebted to said estatewill pleas-ca- ll and settle and those having claimsagainst said estate are requested to present thesame,prpperlvprobated, at theofBce of the Admin-istrator'in M.N Icholas Law Building. Na 170 Fourthav., Pittsburg, Room No. 2i G V. ROBB,Administrator.ITTTEEUiiG, December 15, 1891. del6-41--

ROBT. MAI.ONF, AttomevatLaw.Cor. I mil and AV) lie are.

JCi deceased. Notltclsui-nb- givenDUNBAR.that letters


5 i, iSL" on Ihe,etate of Elizabeth Dun-''- V

.fJSS? K,rante1 to tbe undersigned, to or'w',10mJ.PPlIls.lnc"'1,,', t0 "W estate a re--?m:r"'e P5Tnent, and thoseliavingclaiirsara shou cthcmknown wltliout delay. JOHN O. PURVIS

vtn,.vJiIt,,cl11' Butler Co.. Pa..OrEOBT. ALONE, Cor. Filth and Yvlic ave.c"y-- Ja20-l.v- w &ROBERT H.1H)J!GLAS. Attorney at Law.




ary on the estate ot John 'fDouglaslettentVstanlent:

have beenlo the undersigned, to allIndebted to said estate are requested to make im-mediate payment, and those havliclalmstbe tame should mate them known 5?tay.JI. M. DOUGLAS.E. AV. HITCHEY.L. J. McMAbTER,

Or ROBERT H. DOUGLAS, 403 Grani"t!Utr8-1al3-14-v- v

FOUND. AJ. J. Aland. 131 FifthIOUND-Th-at av.. Is rivingpurchaser of an umbrella, cardiganJacket or negligee-shir- t a handsome silk scarf




A delicious beverage with all the medic-inal properties or the grape, absolutely free withof alcohoL In quart bottles. GE6 K.bXEVilNSON & CO., 6Ut:th av.' 'Mist

EfDisplau advertisements one dollar perfjuare or one insertion. Classified real estate

advertisement on this page ten cents per lineforeach insertion, and none taken or less thanthirty certs. -


ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGEClassified under the following hi idlnRS will be ac-

cepted at the rate ofOXE CEXT PEIt 1VOKD

FOR EACH INSnKTJON when piMfor in ad-

vance cither at main or branch offices.Wanted Advertisements of atlJUnds,





Cor. SmjthCeld anil Diamond Streets,ALWAYS OPEN".


Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver-

tisers alrcanv have accounts with The DisrATcn.FOR ALLFGHEXV. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST.,





THOJrAS MCCAFFREY. 3303 Rutler street,EMU. U. STUCKEY. 21th street and Tenn avenue.


F. II. EGGERP A SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets.THOMAS SlrHEVRY. Western and Irwin avenues.PERRY JI. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ays.

ANTED.3!uln Illy.

drug clerk: must be temperate;ASSISTANT Call at Kaercher's Pharmacy,62 Federal. Allegheny.

JOY ho has bad experience In grocery businessJJ to work about grocery. Addresb Grocer, Dispatch office.

to learn Hie bakir trade. Apply at JohnDovle's, 1811 Pcnn av.

a leading wholesale and rBOOKKFEPER-H- y

house: first-cl- position forman of practical experience aud proper references.Address W. SI.. office.

alarvto good men. Wheeler JtCANVA'-SKR- Jlfg. Co.. No. G sixth st.

WOOD WORKER to go to Mounds-- jville, W Va.:steidvjobtoacimiiuan. Inquire

JIcWhinneyACo., 927 Liberty st.rtARRIAGE PA1NTV1 For bo-l- work a 1

striping: applv with reference. II. Hm &boa, 816 Fifth av , city.

rvRUO CLERK-- Q. A : reference required :1 ' manentbituatlun. Drugs, Dispatch


TRY CLERK Slust be good writer andI?N rect in figures: sala-- v. SiO month: state ageand exiie-lenc- o. Addiess Y. L. R..Ulpatcli office.

JOB and cllnderst.

press feeders. fl'aith Bros., 77

With push wanted In each cltv and townMAN introduce our new paste stove polishamong housekeepers: no labor, no brush, dust,dirt or smell; pays ST 50 per day. Addresi, withK'smp. Champion Compauv, 44 North Fourth st.,Philadelphia. Pa.

MAN Intelligent man ownlrg horse and lightagon to call at 1GU Penn av.; reference re


MANAGER Industrial insurance manager inrPa. department: must invent (1,00)

in co.'s stock as sccuntv. 413 Tempi" Court, N. Y.wanted --ResponsibleREPRESENTATIVES financial corporation in

all cities and towns: liberal terms. The NorthAmerican Finance Company, Minneapolis, Slrnn.

reliable real estate salesman andSALESMAN W. T:. Hamnett & Co., Milkins-bur- g.


SOLIC1TOR-- A good solicitor. Call at 1611

"VTrANTED Are you a Catholic? are joti unem-1- 1ployed? will you work fur SIS per week?

Write to mi at once. J. R. Gay, 194 Slaalson St.,Chicago. 111.

WORKER" Wide awake workers everywheregreatest hook on earth, 'hepp's

PhotognpVs of the World:" .costing SPO.OOO;mammoth illustrated circulars and terms free: un-paralleled success; Mr. Thomas L. Martin. Ccutcr-vlll- e,

Tex., cleared S711 in nine davs: Miss RoseAdams. Wooster, O:. 223 in 49 minutes; Rev, J,Howard Madison, Lvons. N. Y.. S101 in sevenhours: a bonanza: maeninccnt outfit onlv fl:books on credit: freight pit 1. Address G'ober.lblc Publishing Co.. No. 705 Chestnut St., Phila-delphia, Pa., or Chicago, 111.

117'OUNG MAN Comnctert ? man as tvpe-J- L

writer, stenographer and general assistantinoiT'Cc: lULst be a good writer and correct in

salary expectel. Audrcsa C. Y., Dis-patch ofiee."V'OUNO SI AN fur general oiT.cework and who

JL Is wllltrg o riake lilnse,f generallv useful;stale ag. gn e references and salary wanted. Ad-dress, feqaare, Dijpatch ofSc.

Aceitt. 'Ann'e.4 GENTS or either sex, throughout tbe United

xx States and Cana-ia- , to handle our celebratedcorn aud bunion cure: its application auoids.il- -most Instant relief and every box is aeromranied IIov a 55 guarantee, w rich amo'tn. wo wt.i jrrrlt in Ievery instance where our remedy fails to perfect apermanent cure: sainplabex25e, six boxes fl; wowill pay good agenH 13 per div to Introduce ourgoods Into their section: no postals. For termsand particulars address the mvnufacturers. II.ShroderJtCo.. U2-1- Fifth av.,Chicsgo. 111. Men-tion this paper.

AGENTS On salarv or commission to handlepatent chemical Ink erasing pencil;the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erasesInk thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion otpaper: 30 to Soo per cent profit: one agent's salesamounted to JK0 in six 0ay6; another SMln twobours: we want one energetic general pgent foreach fctate and Tcrritorv. For terms and fullpartlcn-iar- s,

addivss The Monroe Eraser Mlg. Co., LaCrosse. Wis. (Xli).

AGENTS-- To sell the PlnVs notheaT.lne: thecv cr Invented that holds the clothes

without pins: a perfect snecess: patent recentlyissued; sold onlv by agents, to whom the exclu-sive right is given: on receipt of 50 cents wowill send a sample line by mail: also circulars;price list and terms to agents: secure territoryat once. Address The Plnlcs. Clothes Line Co.,87 Uennon St., AVorccster, Mass.

AGENT. Bllziard horse ice creeper; sharpenhorse at home: saves money and wait-

ing altc smith's; any one can put themonqroiTor put in --lew calks: for single sets send shoe out-lines ard fl OO: I pay exp-es- s; extra calks, 20 centspersetoflG: vrorth more than cost for emergen-cies: bl money for agents; cirenlsrs free. S. W.Kent, Merldn, Conu.. solo manufacturer.

give apas. require no trimming and

never lirm out: they don't make a blicfc smoke todiiTlnrtheehtmncr; four samples bv mail. 13e;sell at 10- - eac:. Frinl Sehwarti. AViconsln,writes: "ItookKO oricrs vesterdav artemooo.thev- - sell at " V. &. V. O'DouucIL 3Chi'sllinst.. Phi adelpbla. Pa.

AGENTS for the greatest health and comfortin the vond: our carriage, sleigh and

wagon neater.; no coia ieet; no la grip: bigready sales. Tor agents. Speciiltv Co.,


AGENTS Several general agents to travel andlocal agents on our pnbllcatlonnrnnst

bav e experience, ability and best references. B.H.AYoodward A Co., Baltimore. Md.

S3 to f7 dailv: experience unnecessary.AGENT A Co.. Perfumers, West AVinsted,Ct,

Female Help Wanted.ClOOKS and girls for housework at Employment

130 Robinson St., Allegheny.

GIRL Good girl for general housework, at 227av., E. E.

LADY For good position; no selling. Apply9 A. M., Wednesday, 4if Sixth it..

Room 5.

ADIES AND GENTLEMEN-AVl- io are out ofJ emplovment to tit themselves for filling a

clerical nosttiun bv taking a course in booVVe.-nin-rshorthand and typewriting at the Actual Busi-

ness Colltge, Nos. o and 7 Sixth av.; dayand night;now open.

ADIEStodo rancy work at their homes; werurnlsh material and pay by the pleco. Call

and see work, or address with sump, J, M. LemarCo.. 90 Fonrth av., near AVood.

IAD1 sewers aud others to learnand cutting. Call or write Muie.

Bona, HJO Penn av.ADIES-O- no learner; bring reference. &

Bee Hive, 33 Wjlleav.

STENOGUAPUER-Exp- ert lady stenographer,apply; mtnt be both rapid

and accura'e; state experience, also shorthandand r speed; first-cla- ss salarv to onefilling nqulremcnts. Address Remington. Dis-patch olHca.

OTENOGRAPHER Lady stenographer and tvpe-- O

writer. 4410 Ellsworth av.

Jlnlo and I'eir.ale Help AVflntert. 40FEW beginners in China and oil paintiug.Address D., Dispatch office.

ClUAMBERMAID. cooks, nurses, dining roomlaundresses German and

colored girls, cooks rur restaurants and boardingbouses, chambermaids and dishwashers ror hotels,middle-age- d woman lor small family, white andcolored walt-'r- Tarm hands, drivers. Mrs. E.Thompson, 603 G rant st.

HELP At once. 4 experienced dining room girls,cook, f30 per month; dishwashers,

cleaning girls, girl to work in bake shop, hotelchambermaids, nurse girls, bouse girls, chamber-maids, cooks, colored waitress and cook. Meehan'sAgency, S4 Grant St. Telephone. 90.

HELP 1,000 coal miners: 200 railroad laborers;liouse girls: male and female cooks;

drivers, bakers, butchers and clerks: no feecharged to females. Keystone Agency, ClOGrantst.- -

Sitnatlons AVonted. aPOSITION A gentleman aged 40. with 25 years'

at books and thoroughly conversantoflice management and work in all Its details,

offers his sen ices as manager for a large business;correspondence solicited. Address p. It., Dispatchoflice.



by energetic young man; rapidpenman, accuratb accountant, experienced; bestreference; wages no object. Address R. R., IDi-spatch ofSce.

As salesman on road; elRhtyears'experience In jrrooers1 specialties: have trav-

eled in Ohio and Kcntuckv: references. AddressOhio and Kentucky, Dispatch oflice.

By a young man with five vcars of-fice experience and knowledge of bookkeep-

ing; references. Addrtss llarry, DlspatUiofllcc.

POSITION Bv middle aged lady In privategive mutlc lessons: terms very rea-

sonable. Address M. J. 31., Dispatch office.

POSITION Br stenographer owning typewriter:references. Address II. P. B., Dispatch


QITUATION By a married man. w ith thoroughO business knowledge acquired bv 20 years' ex-perience: willing to travel or represent in any loca-tion. Answer E. F., Dispatch office.

SITUATION -- Ry a xoung man, speiklug Ger-- O

man, French and English, as clerk or at al-most auvthiiig: good reference. Address VictorFolrlllc. 1827 Jane St., S. b.OITUATION Ry middle agcdlady, a house-- O

keeper, chambermaid or nurse in lamlly. Ad-dress M. J. M. Dlspatcn oflice.

SITUATION As waiter or porter; long cxper-- O

lence. Address Waiter, Dispatch office.

SITUATION Bv competent shoo salesman, Ad- -Dispatch office.

"ITTORK bvyouug man willing to he useful in anyH kind of business house; best rciercnccs. Ad-

dress K. 10, Dispatch office, Alleghenv.

IIoardlnR "Wanted.TT7ANTED Room and board in the vicinity oft V Oakland or East Llh rty:a liouse with grounds

and a stable preferred, bvtwovoung businessmenpennanciitl located in the city. Address R. T.,Dispatch office.

Instruction.To enter shorthand clas. beginning

Slonday evening. January 23; tuition payablemonthl ; for jiarllcular call or address PrivateShorthand Institute, 415 Smlthfleld st.

Hookkeeplns Acouants, Etc. "Wanted.

AUDITING and accounting I attend tothe line or intricate accounting,

auditing Ihe books of corporations, manufactur-ers, merchants, hotels and others. A. P. Sawhlll,187 Federal St., Allegueny, Pa.

Penmanship or shorthandsuccessfully taught by oirect personal corre-

spondence: a rare opportunity to learn at leisure:scholarship 5, payablo at completion of thecourse. Address stating references. PittsburgCorrespondence Busiuces College, Postofiice box

Tinsiness Oprortunlties Wanted.T7"ANTED-T- o Invest J5J0 In some paying busi-1- 1

nes. P. It., office.

Permanent Guests Wanted.T7AST END HOTEL Penn av.J East End near

av.. under new management andthoroughly renovated: on line of electric carat fiveminutes' walk from both cable roads and EastLiberty station: this hotel, with Its spacious of-fices, parlors and rooms, large porches and beauti-ful liwn. offers special inducements in rates tosingle gentlemen who desire n home other than aboarding house; transient guests also solicited.A. H. Wilson, Proprietor.

"Fire Insurance Wanted.

BFN'SWANGER & ZAIIN Firo insurance.Fourth av.

ET. SCIIAFFNER. real estate agent. Insnr- -placed at lowest rates; 72 Washington

av.. Thirty-fir- st ward.ONON'tlAHELA INSURANCE CO. lohn IT.

Clancy, fccc'y,, W. A. Caldwell, Prcs't; 98Fourth av,

Financial "IVanten.stocks, mortgages and other securities.

Ed Wlttisu, 410 Giant St.. Pittsburg.

T)Y A. J. Pentecost. 413 Grant st.. 810,000 to S15.- -I0T0 in mortgage to exchange forcltyp-cpert- y;

small farms near the city to exchange for cityproperty.

To loan in large or small amonnts onMONEY city or Alleghenv property, Mortimerbtarlltig. Room 34, 103 Fourth av.

to loan on mortgage: no delav: lowestinterest. Howard Brown, 131 Fourth av.

on city or Allegheny conntv prop-erty at lowest rates. Heury A. Weaver &

Co., f2 Fourth av.

T EAL ESTATE brokers reontrlng derdp.J.V. niorteaccs. or transcribins of any descriptiondone with promptness and accuracy please callon me: terms moderate, Mortimer bUrlinjr,Room 34. 1CS Fourth av.rro Loan 5201, pco on moncages: S100 and un- -jl waraaicpcr ceni; J500.CO0 at 4'4 per cent onresidences or business oronertv. vacant lots orfarms, b, II, French, 123 Fonrtli av.

Miscellaneous TVanteq.

ALL who are opposed to convict labor to buySeal Brooms.

an1 dealers to huv Roneless RolledCIROCER--

sausage, pork, sparerlbs. lard, all kindsstnokel meat cheap. E. A. liclnemau, 16 Pitts.Market. ,

PAINTING and vlatcglass glazing. R. C. Miller,"St., Pittsburg.o. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor. 131

Jlfthav., ncxtLeader. Pittsburg; no delay.rpEUNK Inuied to and Iron East End for 50c.1 Campbell & Davis, 12 Seventh ay. Telephone


USE Jones' Redbug raralyrcr .Tones' Magic,Powder: contains no nolsonj roae.hes

banished by contract; Ion civen omopy.Prepared by Geo, W. Jonos, 222 Federal st Alle- -cneuy, eoiu ovaunrsi-ciassaruggis-

WANTED To exchange a Quen Anne frameand ot lot, situated slv. miles from

cltv, for a smaller hpiieeln Oakland or that neigh-borhood; house has clghtrooms and finished attic:butler's pantry, and bath room with w. c., hot andcold water, and natural gas. Address Y., Dis-patch oflice.

WANTED-Evervho- dv to know that Pickering,furnisher, will sell 810 worth of

goods on credit for SI down and 50c a week, Pick-ering, corner Tenth and Pcnn av.TtrANTKD- - House in EatEnd. about ten rooms.

T modern imnrovemeuts: stable rent about60. r. o. box 54, city.

WANTED-Dc- sk room in office bv stenographer.II. P. B.. Dispatch office.


Musical Instruments."pIANO Inquire No. 239 Jackson St., Allegheny.

Coal For Sale.COAL Anthracite and bituminous coal and

coke for domestic purposes: generalhauling. Latimer, Myers & Co.. Fourth aud Trysts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts.

Horses. Vehicles. Uvo Stock for Sale.DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles;

make. Wm. Beckert, 840 to 341 OhioSt., Allegheny. Telephone, S13).

M' Fine Kentucky saddle hore;dark iroapnv: nertectlv ?altcd: irood buirev borse.Mnple or double: scares at notlilnv; can lie seen atvcneuiev idling Acaocmv. 1). v. uonatdson.caroPorter A Donaldson, 824 Liberty St.. nttsburg.Pa.

PHAETON Never used; cost ?a. P. O. Box

s;LEIGn Inquire atlOResaca st., Allegheny.

Blaclilnery and Metals For Sale.Automatic bafetv Engine and

boiler, built from one to five horsepower, natural gas or common carbon oil as fuel,no engineer required, perfectly safe and reliable,economy in fuel and durability a special feature.No. 4 Fifth av. J. Prager. General Agent.

BOILERS and engines, second-han- d: all sires,to 100 li. p. ; cheapest In the market: 43

boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta-ble, upright boilers, mounted luroi engine, etc.;steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.Telephone 310L 3-2- 5 Park way, J. S. Young.Allegheny, Pa.

IENGINES and boiler ofevery description: brickj 3ard supplies; contractors, and rolling mill ma- -

chlnerv. j nomas uanui'S sons, L.acoek and san- -dusky its., Allegheny.

all sizes, for all kinds ofgrinding; Oralglctth. Newcastle. Nova Scotia

and other grits: iron frames and fixtures lor hand,foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emerywheels and grinders. Win. M. Klrby, 133 Firstavenue.

SECOND-HAN-D planing mill machinery; two

surfacers: two single surfacers; onesingle surfacer and matcher: one new handJoiner: wood and Iron pulleys anil hangers. Butler

Gardner, short and Liberty sts.

miscellaneous for Sale.JiOUR new pool tables complete for 9500; cost.

No. 90 Diamond st.

LADY'S flne silk plush sacque, 3S bust, cost &50;cheap for cash or exchange for any-

thing of value. Iuvalld, Dispatch oflice.

LEASEHOLD of one of the best business standsthree-stor- y brick, 60 ft, front bv

ft. deep, on lot CO ft. by 100 rt at present, as forthe past lo rears, occupied by manufacturing es-tablishment which needs more room. Address O.O., Dispatch office.

OCCULT and theosophlcal works for sale. II.Co., 6126 Penn av., East End,

Pittsburg. -

POOL TABLES-Fi- ne new Brnnswick and Balke TOand billiard tables: also, room 2oxfi0 and

shooting gallerv and room 8x50. Apply or addressAV. M. Sibley. Dnqnesne. Pa.TJ ED BRICK. in large or small quantities, AVitt-JL- V

mer Brick Co.. Lim., li Federal sU, y,



Business Opportunities.

AN opening in business for a man with a smallcapital; a very small Investment will purchase

hair Interest In an established business in Pitts-burg. Address Theo Type aud Engraving Co.. 83Diamond St., Pittsburg.'- -


bathroom having a goodwill sell at a bargain. O. C. Martercr, nNo. 220 Arch ft--, Allegheny. vr.


Unjinesj Opportunities For Sale.For sale: located centrally in

the prosperous, growing city Warren, Ohio;owner sells because of ill health: a good bargain;write or call on George Jones, Warren, O.

ClHEAr A good paving mllilnerv business onav near Sixth st. Address Box 13. O.,

Dispatch office.

CONFECTIONERY STORE-- A good businessfor selling. rent 117

Twelfth St., bouthslde.

DRUG STORE-Go- od location: invoices 1.70O;cheap. S.Dawes, adminitrator. Ad-

dress II. L. King. 437 Grant St.

TVRUG STORE A big paving corner drug storeXJ in Allegheny; will trade ror real estate: ownerwishes to retire. For particulars see John K.Ewing & Co., 107 Federal st.

SALE Express business Willi an estihllshed? paling trade: owntr must retire. For par-

ticulars see John K. Ewing & Co.. 107 Federal st.

GROCERY An old established grocery store in aeverything clean an salable:

fine opening: 111 be sold cheap for cash If soldsoon: good reasons for selling. Address Grocery,Dispatch office.

HOTEL Doing a good business; first-cla- ss baralso livery In connection. Address

Central Hotel, Petersburg, Mahoning county, O.T'lVERY BUSINEf-S-Wit-Xj big sacrifice: business groceryBiurcs, 9WJ lo ?3,uw, coumrv Eiures. gnoe stores,cigar stores, bakery at half price. Perclval & G n,

439 Grant st.

ONE-FOURT- H interest in n good manufacturingclothing and gents1 furnishing store;

fine restaurant; grocery stores.200 to 110.000; cigarbiuxe; uaacry; miiKciepot; nsn anu oTscer market;butcher shop : jewelry store, at a bargain. Holmess.;o., rajsmim field st.

SHOE STORE Was established 29 year ago;be a very good chaucn for any industri-

ous man; the goods arc in good coudftfon: reasonforselling out will be given on request. Inquireat 150 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa.QjJQrj will buy new and second-han- d furnituretipOUU 6toredolnga good business: rent low;must sell on account of sickness, Address W., P.O. Box 71, Johnstown, Pa.

Business Properties For Sale.TT'OR SALE Storeroonr and leasehold or one ofV the best locations for business in the town ofOakdale, now the center of oil operations, on theP.. C. & St. L. R. R. For particulars address GuyANesblt, Oakdale station, Allegheny Co., Pa.

FOR SALE Anderson House, corner RobinsonWalnut sib. ; all furnished: will be sold

cheap at once with an cstibllshdd trade. For fur-ther particulars call or write to Robinson St.,East Liverpool, O.

rPUE extensive Crescent Foundry plant on South1 av., fronting on railroad and river and near

the Union bridge, Allegheny: two large buildings,each 0x150 feet, with engine and boiler, cranes,cupolas, patterns and complete equipment for car-rying on an extensive loundrv business: all to besold at public sale as an entlretv on Thursday after-noon, January 2i, at 2 o'clock, on the premises.Fuller partlct,lars from Ja. W. Drape & Co..Agents aud Auctioneers. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg.


City "Residences.

CENTER AV.. near Erin st.-B- rick house, eightrooms, attic, bath room, laundry, fur-

nace in ccllir, elegant slate mantels, tile hearths,best gas saving appliances, side cntrauce: lot 24x1M with valuable front on Wyiie for business standor residence; good neighborhood. Inquire 21Seventh av.

I70ESALE Cheap-$V- 00 Two good houses oteach, both now renting for f350 per

year; a good investment; on Jane St.. S. S. : termseasy. (S31.C) W. A. Herron & bona, 80 Fourth av.(J2Q 100 No. 270 Alain St., Seventeenth ward,OOi lot 23'4t110x37 feet, with an elegant brickdwelling of ball, vestibule, ten rooms, attic andbath; all modern conveniences; terms to suit:owner going South is the reason for selling, beeThos. McCaffrey. 3300 Butler 6t.

Knst End Residences for Sale.PENN AVENUE. East End, house and lot on

of cable cars; an excellent brick house of 8nice rooms, bath, sasand water, dry cellar, widevestibule and hallway, wide covered porch overthee'ltire front, all in pi ime order: good lot, alley inthe rear, side entrance, small plot in front betweensidewalk and porch; this property can be bought onaccommodating terms, and as the owner has movedFast it must be sold, Jas. AV. Drape & Co.j 313Wood St., Pittsburg.

5 ACRES of land, covered with forest, fruit andshade trees: uever falling spring of water:

modern style house of 15 rooms; asphalt walks anddrives about premises; situated on Negley av..Nineteenth ward; this Is one of the most pleasantand desirable pieces ot property offered for sale.Herr A Hastings, IG6 Fourth av.. or C. A. AVarm-castl- e,

Penn and Phadvavs., E. E.CjQ 800 Fran-eo-f 0 rooms and finished attic;CHO) has tw o porches, good cemented cellar, balh,slate mantels, tile hearths, range, ehlnamarblewash-btand- s,

china and other closets, elegant brass chan-deliers, electric bells, both gases, etc.: large lotwith stable in rcan terms, 5600 down, balance tosuit purchaser; a bargain. Baker A Co., C227 Pennav E. E.Qf aoo Handomo frame of 9 rooms and recep-3- 5t

tlon hall In a llrtt-cla- ss neighborhood; handyto North Highland av.: haall modern improve-ments and Is complete In every particular; lot40xISO. Baker &Oo 6ZR Penn av.. E. E.

A lleffheny Residences For Sale.A I.EEGHENV'RESlPENCE-At- a. reduced iig-C- X

ure. to close up the affairs of an old CO. : goodbrick residence of 10 rooms, with bath, w. c, laun-drv. etc.. etc.; all In prime condition, and lino lot.MulGO lectio an alley. Jas. VT. Drape & Co., 313Wood St.. Pittsburg.T70R SALE Send for new printc 1 list or Alle-- J;

gheny real estate. JolmK. Ewing & Co., 107Federal st.

TINDENAV. Alleglicny. new frame house, 8attic, tile hearths, slste man-

tels, furnace, bith, w. c.. hot and cold water,sewered, eltvwater, natural and illuminating gas;lot SOxia to an allev; beaulirnl lawn,rrult and shadetrees, fine view of both cities: a most excellenthome; removal of owner cause of sale, inquireof John Scott, 31 Sampson St., Allegheny.

MONTEREY ST., near North av. and park?,of 7 rooms, hall, bath, laundry,

finished attic Sid. entrance and all modern con-veniences, with lot 20x110 rcct through to a ot

allev: price ?6,500; terms easy. A. Z. Byers Co..93 Federal st.

SHEFFIELD brick of 9veotlbule. bathroom, toilet room,

stationary washstands, s!atcmantcR fine cementedcellar; all modern conveniences: In first-cla- ss condi-tion ; lot 20x124. A. Z. Bj ers A Co., 93 Federal st.

SHEFFIELD ST., neir BMwell St.; cheap;brick dwelling, tin room", modernImprovements: lot, 22x124; elegant location. A,

D. Wilson, S3 Federal St., Allegheny.

WESTERNAV. Near theprrX3. brickwith all modern conveniences;

lot 46X120 feet; on account of owner com-pelled Jo go south: immediate possession; lowprice, Baxter, Thompson & Co.. 162 Fourth av.

2" 400 Small pavment down, balance 1na)A monthly Installments same ns rent: newframe house of five rooms: lot 25x100 feet: Teutliward. Allegheny City, near electric cars; goodneighborhood: nice location. John E. McCrickart.140 Fifth av. Tel. 1C76.

Suburban Residence For Sale.WILKINSBURG-Ncwframehouseof-

ten roomsrooms on first floor, live rooms

on second floor, tile hearths, bard wood cabinetmaniei, nam, w. c., not ana cold water, largerooms, sewered, city water; lot 521120 to an allev: jthis is a commodious and excellent home: removalof owner cau-- of sale, eastern exposure, goodlo-catlo-n.

Hodman ,t Baldrldgc, A Uklnsburg, op-posite depot. Telephone, 7248.

TT7TLKINSBURG Choice lots on sewered streetir with stone sidewalks: within live minutes of !

x: it. k. oepot, ana one square or electric line:surrounded with good improvements, bnildlng lineand restrictions; size, .1012-- to an alley 20 reetwide. Hoffman A BaIdridge,AVilklnsburg, oppositedepot. Telephone 7248.

WILKIN8BURG-- 3 minutes from station,rooms, bath. h. and c. water

w. e., slate mantles, eleotrio light, front and rearporch; stable in rear; lot 52x122 feet toalley; low price. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 162Fourth av.

qlQ 000 New stone front brick of 9 rooms onHDV) good street: handy to all traction lines andP. R. R. ; has all latest improvements and is hand-somely finished and papered throughout; excellentneighborhood; lot 30x120 to alley. Baker & Co..-622-7

Penn av., E. E.



One brick house, two lots. Orchard Place.M.000.

One brick house, one lot, paved street.Two brick houses, lots 37xl00 each.

Orchard Place, $3,750.One framo house, one lot, paved 6treet,One frame house, one lot, pived street.

$2,700.One brick, house, two lots, paved street,

$3,250.One brick liouse, one lot, paved street.

$2,750.Five frame houses, paved street, each


Twelve brick houses, paved streets, each$2,300,

Seven brick houses, very pretty, $2,700.Elght4-roo- m brick cottages, one lot, each$l,700.Any of the above lovely homes In this greatly

fivored city of beautiful homes will be sold onterms to suit buyers.

BUILDING LOTS-2- 00 of the most beautiful build-ing lots to be found In the county are offered atprlcesmuch less than property havlnir slmllarlvattractive reatnrcs can be had for. The P. & B. "1

j racuon win nave ineir new electric railway inoperation through the center of the borough byMay 1 next. This will give a wonderful Impetusto values, and those who secure any of theabove properties or a lot will be fortunate.LET A number of 3, 4. 5 and housesat moderate rents to good paying tenants. None.!.. ..A..., ,....1..Take any of the Sonthside street cars.

KNOXVILLE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO85 Knox avenue, knoxvflie.


lOIt SALE LOTS st.East End Lots For Sate.

I?!ls.A.IlF-A.,0,'.')rl- ce' '1M0- - "he level lot.alley in rear bt. Clair st.. Baun

Grove. (108) AV. A. Herroa & Sons, 80 Fourth av.

Suburban Lots For Sale.LARGE LOTS for business and dwellings in the

mjjnnfacturlng town of Avonmorc onAVestPenu Railroad; a rapidly growing town and

ay"1 yta.3 w uim&c auruuMuju lureinueuE, das.jjrape A Co., 31J AVood s Plttspunt. on


Suburban Lota For Sale.

SnERADEN-Ve- ry desirable bnildlng lot: willfor cash. Address Owner, Dispatch


SUBURBAN LOTS at Chartlcrs Fine buildingtmo, according to size and location,

within sight of the Court House: Chartlers Is themost acces-sibl- of any suburb of Pittsburg, beingreached by the P. & L. E. R. In 12 minutes, bvChartlcrs packets in 3 minutes and by electriccars, which are to take tho place of the presenthorse car line next spring, in 25 minutes; these lotsfront on line of eiectrlc road. For fnrtherparticu-lar- s.

T. H. Dickson. j) Fourth av.. Room 39.


Cltv ResidencesTO LET-S- 15 per month, half price to April 1, a

neat and modern brick house, six rooms, onPlymouth st. ; easily reached. W. A. Herrou &Sons, SO Fourth av.

East End Residences To Let.

TO LET-J- M per month, one-ha- lf nrlcc to April I.a stone house Just finished, seven rooms, be-

sides bith. lamidrv; one of the best locations inEast End; Nineteenth ward, near Stanton andNorth Hlland avs. ; send for list. IV. A. Herron& Sous, 8J rourtu av.

TO LET East End modern residence. 10 rooms,all modern conveniences of latest features:

location choice and surroundings unsurpassed;three-ye- ar lease only. Heury A. Breed, 510 Marketstreet.

TO LET Forbes 6t. . Oakland.house 14 rooms.largegrounds fronting Fifth av. as well; modern

fixtures: very desirable for a boarding house,bend for list. W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av.r LET April 1 North Highland av.. brick

liouse. nine rooms and attic. laundry andstable; lot 60x180. W. D. King. S4 Fourth av.

Allegheny Residences To Let.

TO LET No. 1 Ridge avc. Allegheny. $30 permonth; three-stor- y brick house, eight rooms.

Mtb, cemented laundrv, botlitgascs: Immediatepossession. Applv to V. W. Lawrence &Co.,Water st., below Pcnn avc., Pittsburg.

TO LET Allegheny av., very desirable residence,nine rooms: all conveniences; location choice.

Henry A. Breed, 51S Market St.

TO LET Bv John K. Ewing & Co., 107 FederalSt., several Allegheny bouses atreducedrents.

Send for printed list.LET Nice m dwelling Federal st.aO extension. Inquire of J. R. JIcKee, 703 Penu

av Room 611.

mo nce No. 243 Federal st. near theX parks, Allegheny. A J. Pentecost, 413 Grant

TO Ewing Co., 107 FederalSt., for AUegbeny houses.

Suburban Residences To Let.LET House We want a tenant for a modernTO built house of 15 rooms with live acres of

ground: to a good tenant who will look after samorent will be lrec until April I. Herr & Hastings.166 Fourth av., or C. A. Warxscaslle, Penn andShady avs., E. E.

Rooms To Let.ROOJI-Vc- ry near Castle ShannonIDRNISHED Bailey av. Address It. 31.. Dis-

patch odce.

ROOMS To one or two gentlemen, or gentlemanwife, room with alcove: private family;

good neighborhood, near railroad aud electricears; excellentboard: eiery refinement and com-fort. Box 30, Wilkinsburg.

T OOMS Large, elegantly furnished parlor, witht folding bed, and two pleasant third-stor- y

rooms; good board next door. 315 b. Highland av.... A.

T) OOJt Nicely furnished large front room; gen-JL- ki

tlemenonlr: good board convenient. No. 5Marchaud St., East End.p OOSIS-Sec- ond and third floor 641 Smlthfleld st.LI Inquire Slaltby's Oyster Depot.

IO03t RENTING AGENCY, 130 Robinson St..

T OOSIS Four unfurnished rooms: S10. 1C3 For--li lietli'at.

Business Stand To Eet.

TO IET Separate storerooms with railroadtrack: all receiving, handling, shipping and

delivering facilities; also oflice room. Inquire ofV. A. lloevcler. Storage, Pike and Twelfth sb)

Pittsburg. Pa.

TO liET Space with power Cor. Penn and Thirdav. : three floors: M.000 feet spae-e-: abundant

power: good light: splendid location; every con-venience. Apply Nicola llros., 20 Fifth av.

TO EET Desirable storeroom. Diamond st. Innew Dispatch building: light and heat fur-

nished. Apply to Ruslness Office The Dispatch,corner Smltune! J and Diamond sts.rpo LET Only f 1,500 per year, a largo ware orJL business house, 50x30 feet: three stories: Eos.near Third av. ; send for list. AV. A, Herron 4cSons, SO Fourth av.

TO LET The very deslrabV storeroom (withbasement) No. 205 Smlthfleld St.. Central

Hotel building. Apply at Kauftn-inns- ' store.

TO LET-Fl- no basement on Fourth av.; snitablefor barber, tailor or light business. .Baxter,

Thompson & Co., 162 Fourth av.

TO LET Store and cellar. Pennav., nearSevcnthst,; onlv 1,203 per year; send for list. TV. A.

Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth av.r

a 0 LET Storeroom with cellar.320 Liberty street,21x75 feet in the clear, extending through to

Third avenue.

Fnrms To Xer.

TO LET Dairy farm. Center av.. Fourteenthward: the bstin the city: about 80 acres: large

barn, outbuildings, good dwelling; send for list.AV. A. Herron it Sons, 60 Fourth av.mO T.ET Farm. .10 upres. under Ann cnltlvnHnnJ. good stables, femes, etc.. at Ingram. Pa. Ap- - !

iv i mi'Jias jt xiiiAiu. or 1JJUJUU3 Jl, JILf d,

153 Fourth av.. Pittsburg.

TO LET The Hamnett farm, aboutMacres, onedirectly nick of Homestead, Pa. Inquire of

C. J. liamnetl. Homestead. Pa.

PERSONAL.Novelty Printing Co., 77 Diamond

et. ; all kinds ofprinting; best work at lowestprices.

PERSONAL Fallert's new studio, second floor.st. ; handsomest In the tno cities;

photos and crayons.

PERSONAL-Crcd- it, yes. credit on fine dresssatlns,wraps.etc., at J.Dwyer's,

Room 4, McCance block, 701 Smlthfleld.

PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silverJ ewclry repaired ; new work made

to order. Chris. Ilaucli. 541 Smlthfleld.

PERSONAL Dr. Griffith's grip corners lapneumonia every time;

Cough ovrup. Tonic and Pills never fall. Head-quarters Third and Grant. Pittsburg, Pa. Estab-lished 31 years. (Copyright.)

PERSONAL Have you subscribed ror yourand periodicals for '92? ir not.

come and sec us before doing so; it will pry you;also, new and old books at reduced prices. FrankBacon A Co., 301 bmithfleld st. Open every even-ing.

PERSONAL To the public: Having disposed ofetc., 443 Wood St., to A. AV.Mc-Clo- y,

trust my patrons will continue thclrdealingswithmv successor. AVith manv thanks for theirkind patronapp, I am, respectfully, II. C.

orMcKnight's book store.

PLR'-ONA-l. When lirm a small nov mvmother !renalred mv breeehen nml l.ir0t k

flncelgottobeagreatbigman. Dickson, the well- - !i

Si,r,t.t,Ki;,r.,JM.Sv.-S- fi "!??5?' :great shape.Tel. 1553.

PERSONAL Have purchased the business,book store, 443 AVood st, :

will continue at both. Including my Smlthfleld st.store: wholesale and retail patrons will receive theusual attention, etc., at either store: $1C,OCO worthof stock will be sacrificed on account of expectedalterations. A. AV. McCloy, bookseller and sta-tioner.



PUBLIC SALEOf the Extensive and Complete

CRESCENT FOUNDRY,Situated on South avenue below the UnionBridge, AHezheny, fronting; on railroad andriver, adtoinlng the caa works and tho larceiron mills of Lindsav 4 McCuteheon. Tobe sold on THURSDAz AFTERNOON, Jan-uary 28, at 2 o'clock, on the premises.

There are two substantial iron-cla- d build-ings about 60x150 feeteach.includinR patternand flttlns shop together with the completeoutfit, engine and boiler and other

cranes, two cupolas core ovens, pat-terns, flasks, and all the tools and appli.ances on and around tho premises. Evcry-thinsri-- in

full runninjr order; all the depart-ments fully equipped for carrying onnn ex-tensive and profitable business. This is arare opening for anyone who desires to getinto the foundry bnsiness, and as the presentowner has determined to sell regardless ofcost a chance Is presented to make a favor-able purchase. Satisfactory reasons for sell-ing. I'urther particulars from


jan!7-10-7 313 "Wood Street, Pittsburg.


Furs, Unit, Capes, Jackets, Coats,eta, THURSDAY, January 21st ato'clock, at the rooms of theHenry Auction Co., Zi and 26 NinthThe entiie stock of a store, gotns out ofbusiness. Muffs, Collars, Capes, Seal Jack-ets, Sacques, Coats; Notions and Dry Goods:Sale positive. HENBY AUCTION CO..

Ja20-5- Auctioneers.


Sales of merchandise at store and residencesrrouintlv attended to. Cash advni.p mnrtn

nil consignments. JalHI I '


rpo LET O

Largo office on first floor; best location onstreet for Broker's office. See

BLACK BAIRD.05 Fourth avenue.



Larze office room, snitable for Rent Estate,Insuranco or Broker's office. Kent low.

BLACK & BAIKD,93 Fourth avenue.

rrio LET-l--iX


BUILDING,Choice location; canelve long lense; rentonly $1,500. . BLACK & BAIRD,

95 Fourth avenue.

ja20-3- 2

EAST END DWELLINGS.Modern houses, late Improvements, fine


$S fiflfl 8 rooms; beinjr finished: Edwiniptl.dUU st., near Ililand ave. (79.)

Jtjv fiflfl 8 rooms; almost new; corner lot;vpejuuu eastern exposure; good residencestreet: two squares from Fifthave. (37.)

$4,500-- New liouso 8 rooms; JIarchand,near Deuuiston ave. (83.)

9 rooms: street improvementsmade; one of the test locations InOakland. (7L)

Send for List.



Two larze fonr-stor- y

FOE P.ENTbrick warehouses, front-


43 feet on lVood st.TVOOD ST.- -


Vestlngliouse Building--,

SECOND AVE.Cor.Penn av. and Ninth

street. Jal9--5

Now being finished; fineOAKLAND. new house eight rooms;

$7,000. very latest fixtures: largelot; location desirable (S3).


A flno houseflroomsFOR SALE modern fixtures:one

of the best locations$5,500 in Hazelwood. W.A.HAZELUOOD AV. Hen on & Sons, 80

Fourth av.jal3-70-w- 8

A corner office, 33x16 feet: twoTO LET offices with vault connecting;

IN lono large office on Smithfleltl;EISSELL (also several other stores andBLOCK, offices to rent. Apply Boom 209,

. Bissel Block'. Jal7-6- 6

FOR SALE, Easv payments.A store and dwelling.

FORBES ST., Price madej low to sellquick. (79)

$1,500. W. A. HERRON & SONS,80 Fourth av .



lor tno year enaniir December 31, 1501:Capital stock.. ..$12.') 000 00Authorized to increase to 2.0,100 00

ASSETS.Bonds ard mortgages, first liens. .$219323 59Interest due and accrued . 3.533 02Real estate . 41033Bank stock . 8,7V) 00Premiums in course of collection. 10,72 72Cash in bank and office 4 614 36


Cnpltalstock $125,000 00Unpaid losses 6.CO0 00Reinsurance reserve 56S40 10

Net suiplus, overall liabilities C3.242 87

$251,082 97RECEIPTS.

Premiums $97,424 57Less reinsurance, returned

premiums and rebates... 12,413 3985.011 18

Interest 13,476 14


Fire loss of 1890 paid $3.240 00Fire loss of 1891 paid 52 444 32

55,684 33Commissions 17,64136Salaries, taxes and all other ex-

penses 8,837 86

Dividends Nos. S6 and 37 10,000 00

$92,163 54Receipts over expenditures.. 6,323 78

jal943-1- 9 20



CUKKY Collogiaro Department. TheTSest.r.nRnir Normal snhruil. The Rest. 1

CUKBir Emrlish TrainingSohool, The Best.CURRY Business College, The Best, i

CUKKX School of Shorthand, The Best ''CUKRV Conservatory of Music, The BestCUKKY School of Elocution. . ;ine jsestCURRY Faculty and Discipline, The Best

Call or send tor catalogue. 11. M. KO WE,President. ocxH-3-1




.V ra?i

g,CL: f


rpo LET



RENT LISTCan be obtained at the ibllowinc well-kno-

stores from now until April 1:PITTSBURG.

D. A. HOSSLER, 2801 Penn Avenue.E. A. SCHAEFEK, No. 388 Fifth Ave.H. B. SCHWEITZER, 233 Center Avenue.W. L. BECK, Herron Ave., near Center.S. S. HOLLAND, Corner SmithfieW 'and

Liberty Streets.LOUIS H. VOGEL, Cor.TTcbster Ave. and

Kobert Street.ELBA PHAB3IACY, Cor. "Wylie Avenue

anil Junilla Street.EMIL G. STUCKr & CO., Cor. "Wylio

Ave. and Fnlton Street.P. A. McCULLOUGH, Cor. Penn Ave.

and Thirteenth Street.JOHN BECK, Corner "Wylie Avenue and

"Washintrton Street.THOJIAS B. UPD1ICE, Corner Penn Ave

nue and Eighteenth Street.

sodthside:B. J. STENGER, No. 1601 Carson Street.HARRY a 3IURTO, 2907 Carson Street.SPOHN & jriJRPlIY.No. 2 Carson StreetS. HAAV'iHORN, Grandriew Avenue, near

Buquesne Incline.

AIXEGHKNY.JOSEPH F. 2TEELY, No. 400 Rebecca St.E. MANGOLD, 01 Lowrie St., Troy HilLH..J. MCBEIDE, Cor. Federal and Ohio- -

Street".J. P. URBAX, Cor. Franklin and Fnltoa

Street".G. EISENBEIS, 113 Federal Street, Cor.

ParkAVav.JOHN BKITTAIN, 190 Beaver Ave., Cor.

Locust Street.W. S. HIXENBAUGH, Cor. Manhattan

and Itebecca Street".G. A. KISSEL, Corner Buena Vista and- -

Jackson Streets.W. 3L AVHITE, Corner Anderson and La-coc-k

Streets.T. K. 3IOEKI8, Corner Preble Avenue and

Hanover Street.,E. HOLDEK & CO., No. 63 Federal St.,

Corner Lacock Street.GEOEGE E. FOSTER, Corner Washing-

ton Avenue and Fremont Street.CHARLES L. AVALTHER, No. 04 Chest-

nut Streer. 171 Chetnut Street.E. R HECK'S, Park Drug Store, Corner

lederal St and Montgomery Ave.


D. S BLACKBURN. No. 3343 Penn Ave.TOTXEN & BENDER, 4301 Butler Street

EAST USD.R. D. BRENT. 3621 Fifth 'Ave., Oakland,W. E. McCARTHl Cor. Liberty Ave. and

Cedar Street.MARKELL BROTHERS, Corner Penn

and Frankstown Avenues.J. R. McCREARY, Cor. Homewood and

Hamilton Avenues, Homewood.

HAZEI.AA OOD.Xj. VT. INK & CO., Corner Second and

Hazelwood Avenues.



CHAKTIEKsJ.H. D. KRAMER, Chartiers AveDue.

SEKICKLET.C. G. 'WOODS, Corner Broad and Beaver


specialTnotice!For the convenience of those not being

within close proximity of any of the abovenamed drugstores, we will, upon request,mail yon a copy of this list once a week"Wednesday, free of charge. Write namePLAINLY and give full RESIDENCE ad-dress street and number.

When you get suited please notify us sowe can take your came oil the mail list


Machine shop con-tainingManufacturing valuable ma-chinery and pat-terns. An extensive

Business and paying business.Machinery, patternsand business to besold, with long leaseof the building. TheFor Sale. location is the mostcentral and conve-nient in the city.Good reasons forWell Established selling

For information seeVery Central. I AV. A. HEREON


R. R. Switch. 80 Fonrth avenue.jaUVWonvy


Real Bstate Agents,No. S and 7 Sixth avenue, corner AVood

street, Pittsburg, Pa. (Actual Busi-

ness College Building.)

The most Competent and reliable real es-tate agents in tho cltv. Satisfaction guar- -anteou. Properties piacea in our hands tobe bougnr, sold, renteu or otherwise uls--posuu ui win raumvo uur uuiuviueu aliention until n satisfactory disposition of them

3 niade. AVe solicit the patronage of thepublic generally.

PUBLICATIONS FREEAddress Miss Mary Lyman, 19 Oakland

Square, Pittsburg. ial2-t-s

all who contemplateLots in the new

manufacturing and resi-

dence city may visit

KENSINGTONWithout expense, free transportation will befurnished there and return. Purchases madenow will realize handsomely soon. Many ofthe finest sites for Business or Home purposesare still open.

Woik on the extensive Glass Factories ofthe Chambers Glass Co.'s buildings is pro-gressing rapidly. Salesmen always fcn theground who will give all information.



"Pittsburg, Pa.



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