pittsburg dispatch. (pittsburgh, pa) 1889-01-20 [p ].€¦ · fired on the fug german forces at...

DOUBLE NUMBER. FORTY-THIR- D YEAR PITTSBITRGr, SUOTDAY, JANTTABY "1889. -- i ... 'Cx 'S FIRED ON THE FUG German Forces at Samoa Shoot and Tear Down the Stars and Stripes, THE NATION INSULTED. n Americans Cut, Beaten, Ar resit and Their Houses Burned. OUR CONSUL'S PROTESTS UNHEEDED. Sensational Stw from Samoa Cause for War Between the United Statci nnd Germany German Men-ot-W- Fire Upon the American Fine The Stars and Stripes Trailed In the Dust German Bailors Attempt to Assassinate Ameri- can Citizens Americans Held ns Prison-er- a OurConsnlTrcated With Contumely Secretary Buyard Notified. The sews from Samoa this morning is of the most startling character. The German forces, which have espoused the cause of Tamasese against Mataafa, hare deliberate- ly insulted and outraged the American cation. The Stars and Stripes haTC been treated as a rag worthy of no respect. It has been fired ftpon by German men-of-wa- r, torn down from above the homes of Ameri- can citizens, and trailed in the dust. The fragments hare been secured and sent to Secretary Bayard for his action. In addi- tion to this Americans hare been stabbed, beaten and imprisoned, and the American Consul has been treated with the utmost disrespect In contradiction to this course of action, when the Germans accidentally fired in the direction of some English officers, the most profound topologies were at once made. AriA, Samoa, January 19. The most serious state of affairs exist in Samoa. On the night of December 18 the sailors from the German men-of-w- Adler, Olga and Eber attacked Mataafa's soldiers, under the direction of the German Consul and Cap- tain Fritz, the senior naval officer in the port. As the result of the encounter, 22 German sailors were killed and 32 were wounded. Since then the German war ships hare burned American houses, torn down the United States flag, seized Ameri- can citizens in the neutral waters of Apia i arbor, taken them prisoners on board the German men-of-wa- r, and fired upon the American flag. King Mataafa's party, who had been fighting almost constantly since the battle at Lautcnua, killing and wounding many ofTamasese's men, began to fail of ammu- nition, but were able to obtain 20,000 Snider cartridges, mortgaging their lands to pay for ammunition. Tamasese's Men Deserting. Tamasese's men were reported becoming more dissatisfied daily and desertions from his ranks became very frequent, several villagers leaving his body in a party and going to their homes. ' A detachment of Mataafa's men succeeded in carrying the upper end of Tamasese's big fort, Lantuando, on December 12. On the same day the German man- - of.war Olga arrived from Marshall . . xsianas. The boat had on board the deposed King Malietoa, whom the Ger- mans had decided to bring back from Afri- ca, where he had been taken. Malatioa had been left at Marshall Islands, not having been brought back to Samoa. On the night of December 16 a large party of German sailors, numbering 180, came ashore at Apia, and entered the stores, sa- loons and native houses in search of Ameri- cans, Englishmen and half-caste- s. They entered the residence of George Scanlan, United States Marshal in Apia. Kilting; Americans. He was not in, but the sailors found him nnd his brother, Morris Snider, alo an American citizen, further up the street, and fctartinr a mmrrpl KtnMipil hnili f 41. Americans in the back. The Scanlans escaped to a native church, where their wounds were dressed and found not to be fatal. The German sailors ran through the streets, attacking all persons ihty met, ex- cept the Germans, and injured the adherents of Tamasese. and among th number were native women and children. Some of the Mataafa's soldiers came in from the bush and were anxious to begin shooting, but were urged by United States Consul Blackloek not to fire. On December 17 the United States con- sul sent a protest to the German consul, as- serting that the conduct of the Germans had been outrageous, and had placed Amer- ican lives and American property in great jeopardy. At 7 o'clock on the morning of December 17, the Olga left Apia, steamed up the coast and returned that evening with Tamasase's secretary on board. That night the secretary wrote a letter to his wife in Apia, stating that the Germans would at- tack the town named Matafagatele during the night and would attack Mataafa's men w hile they were sleeping. The woman told the news to one of her relatives in Apia, who in turn sent word to Mataafa's soldiers. A Midnight Attack. Before midnight 200 armed men had as- sembled on shore, a short distance above the English Consulate, and, concealing them- selves in the bush, waited for the appear ance of the German boats, which, it was said, would contain a number of Tamasese men as well as German sailors, who had been brought from Saluafata by Olga. An American newspaper man named John C. Klein accompanied the Mataafa men to wit- ness the proceedings in the interest of his paper. About 2 o'clock in the morning three Ger- man men-of-w- boats approached about half a mile above the British Consulate, and were distinctly seen by the British Consul. It was evidently their intention to land, and proceed to Matafagatele on foot. Soldiers of Mataafa gathered on the shore, and asked Klein to ask the Germans not to land, as it would be regarded as a hostile act, and that they would be fired upon. This was shouted to them when the boats were 50 yards from the short, The boats came on to ward the shore, when they received a second warning. A Rase. Two" boats pulled out toward the sea and went to a village called Vailele, lour miles from Apia. A third boat kept along the coast, being still followed by Mataafa's soldiers. "When opposite Mataafatele the boat pulled straight across the bay to a point-o- the other extremity. AMataafe chief, followed by eight or nine men, ran around the edge of the bay to intercept the boat "When opposite the village of Fageli Vailele the boat pulled rapidly forthe shore. At the same moment three men on horse- back, carrying lanterns, rode out of the bush and signaled the men in the boats. Simultaneously a number of German soldiers rose from the bottom of the boat, where they had been concealed, and began tn wade ashore. Some of Mataafa's men had come up in the meantime, and the Ger-- ! mans began shooting at them. The natives did cot leturn the fire. The Germans were soon landed, and took shelter behind some rising ground. The Germans Defeated. As soon as they gained this position they at once opened fire on Mataafa's men. With- in a minute fully 200 shots had been fired by Germans and black laborers, natives of other islands, who were employed on Ger- man plantations. A hot fight then ensued, and the soldiers increasing in number, began firing from behind trees at the German sailors, who number 150, having been reinforced. The sailors finally became panic-stricke- n, threw down their arms and took to the bush, where they were followed by the natives and slaughtered when overtaken. A few of the sailors managed to escape by taking to the boats. The next day the German Consul sent word to United States Consul Blackloek that he was going to send men-of-w- up ;tbe coast to stop the fighting . and to disarm "Hr r 1 m Blackloek protested in the rfhme of the United States against the action of the German Consul, which would place the lives and property of the Americans in greatest danger, and that their action was in direct conflict with powers conferred upon the representatives of the three treaty nations. Soon after the Nipsic arrived at Latongo Captain Mullan, with three-o- f the ship officers' went on board the Adler to de- mand Consul Knappe's reason for having declared his intention to stop the war with- out consulting the Consuls. German Discourtesy. ' The German Consul reolied discourteous ly to Captain Mullan, and said he would hold no communication with an American naval Captain, and would be responsible for his acts to his Government Soon after this the Captain of the Adlef sent word to I Captain Mullan, who had returned to the nipsic, tuai uc imenueu iq uoiuoaru xiauiy before dark. A protest was sent to the Captain of the Adler, and as the latter had shown no incli- nation to notify Mataafa to remove the women and children, Captain Mullen sent one of his officers ashore for that purpose. The Adler did not bombard the town that night, but returned ou the following morn- ing and began to bombard Ladly, which had been evacuated the night previous. Thirty-fou- r shells were fired by the Adler, and then four boat loads of "sailors were landed from the Olga and Adler, who burned the village, including two small Boman Catholic Churches. The ships then returned to Apia. Fighting for Their Liberty. On December 18 Consul Knappe had sent a letter to Mataafa telling him the German ships would shell his villages unless he came on board the German man-of-w- ar be- fore noon on December 20, and cause his people to give up all their guns. Mataafa did not replv to this letter, but sent back word after the battle that he was sorry to kill the German sailors, but that the Samo-au- s intended to fight for their liberty, and would fight whoever attacked them. Ou the afternoon of December 20, the three Consuls met to arrive at some settle- ment of the trouble, Mataafa's presence was desired by the United States and the British Consuls, but the German Consul re- fused to meet him, and the meeting had no result On the followine day the German Consul issued a proclamation ordering the Samoans to bring their firearms on board the Olga during the day, and that if this was not done the ship would bombard the village of Matafagatele. Consul Blackloek at once returned a protest, and at the same time in- formed him that E. L. Hamilton, an Amer- ican citizen, and formerly the United States Vice Consul iu Apia, owned three houses in Matafagatele, over which the American flag has been placed, and adding that if this property was damaged, the German Gov- ernment would be held responsible. The German Consul made no reply. Tore Down the American Flng. About 7 o'clock on the morning of the 21st the Olga went to Matafagatele, anchor- ing one mile from shore. At 9 o'clock she began throwing shells, no Samoans having come on board with arms. After firing 25 shelis the vessel sent three boatloads ashore and destroyed the village by fire. Hamil- ton went to the destroyed village in the afternoon and found his three houses in ruins. A large American flag formerly used for consular purposes, which had been placed on one of the houses had been burned by the German then torn down. Fragments of the flae were taken to Ariia aud'delivered to Consul Blarklock, who has forwarded it to Secretary Bayard. The German Consul afterward wrote to Consul Blackloek declaring that he had been in- formed that the Americans had led the Mataafa's forces on the night of the 18th, and fired the first shot Consul Blackloek replied that he had investigated the rumor and fonnd it to be untrue. An American Arrested. On the 21st a boat from the German man-of-w- ar Olga was chasing a native boat in neutral waters opposite the American Con- sulate. The Germans fired a number of shots at the boat, which was in direct range of the boat containing two Englisn officers, the latter of whom narrowly escaped being shot The commander of the Olga after- ward apologized to the English officers. Charles Brown, an American citizen who was on the shore, was requested by the English officers to ask the Germans to "cease shooting. The Germans seized Brown, car- ried him on board of the war ship Eber, and after handling him roughly released him. The Germans have made no further upon the villages since the bombard ment of Matafagatele, and are evidently awaiting reinfercement Should they make the second attack upon Mataafa's forces they would certainly be defeated, as the latter hare 4,500 well armed troops. It is claimed that about 1,000 of Tamaseses forces have joined Mataafa since the bombardment by the Germans, not sympathizing with the at- tack upon their countrymen. The United States Consul, Blackloek, has telegraphed all the facts respecting the situ- ation here, informing Secretary Bayard that the American flag had been shot at and torn down and burned by the Germans; that American citizens have been taken prison- ers by the Germans, and states that the lives and property of American citizens are in great danger. FUN FOE FARMERS. Tho Standard Faying 8150 an Acre for Land in Bellnirc, ISPECIAL TELEGBAM TO TUB DISPJLTCK.1 Bellaibe, January 19. The Standard Oil Company has a great deal of faith in the oil find,at Glcncoe and is paying 150 an acre for all the land in that vicinity. Several capitalists of 'Washington, Pa., are here leasing territory, but are not so bold as the Standard .men. Some sconts from Pittsburg were at the well, but were summarily bounced. ' A PENITENT PARISIAN Dies In Poverty Near Baltimore Jailed far It rrcnllor Swindle, She Come to This Country nnd Spent Her Days in Poverty nnd Prayer. rsrraAL teleoiumto the dispatcii.i Baltimore, January 19. Madame Pey-nan- d, better known in Paris as Madame Guinaud, died last night in a little hut near Catonsville, Baltimore county. For eight years she has lived iu seclusion, shun- ning her neighbors, and venturing out only when it was necessary to lay in a supply of food or when going to church. Madame Peynaud was born in Paris, and up to the time of her marriage enjoyed the respect of all who knew her. Soon after her wedding her husband, a barber, died, leaving her in possession of the secret of beautifying the complexion. She continued the business, but ft wasn't sufficiently re- munerative, whereupon she conceived the idea of compelling her customers to pay more liberally. Selecting the wealthiest of her patrons, she gave them a mixture which, when ap- plied to the face, brought out blotches in- stead of roses. When they applied for re- lief she would demand an exorbitant sum to effect a sure, which her victims only too gladly paid. She continued this business successfully for some time until a MibS Nichols, who was victimized, had her ar- rested for swindling. She was tried in Paris in 1875 and sentenced to prison. After serving several years she managed to escape and sailed for New York where she lived very quietly. One day she attended ehurch and over- come with remorse, sought the officiating priest and confessed ner sins, stating at the same time her readiness to do penance. The priest advised her to forsake, her evil ways and spend her days in prayer. She at once came to this ritv and bought the hut on the Catonsville road in which she passed the re- mainder of her life. THE CORRIGAN DECREE. McGlynn's Friends Say That It Will Have No Effect oa Them. rEPECIAX. TZLEQKAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, January 19. The publica- tion of the circular addressed by Archbishop Corrigan to the priests in this archdiocese, directing that all Boman Catholics who at- tend the meetings of the Anti-Pover- ty So- ciety meetings be refused absolution by the confessors, caused something of a sensation among Dr. McGlynn's followers. Archbishop Corrigan has taken no new' stand, or, in reality, no new departure. It has long been perfectly clear to all the priests and to all the Boman Catholics in the e, that the goings-o- n at the Anti-Pover- ty meetings were re- garded by the Holy See and its representatives here as a public scrndal, and that attendance there on the part of Boman Catholics was a sin, A Dispatch reporter who talked with some of the McGlynnites found that they fully appreciated the case as the Catholic authorities stated it Though most of them were somewhat reluctant to talk about the matter, they manifested all their old defiance of Arch- bishop Corrigan and for whatever he might do. Said one of the most prominent of Dr. McGlynn's friends: I am clad that the case has come just when it has. The weaker and trembling ones among us will drop out and we will form one compact and united bodv. But there will be few seced-er- s. If any. Nobody has left us, to speak of. since the decision in the McQuira case, and that was a trial severe enough. If people had been going to abandon Dr. McGlynn. they wonld nave done so before skis. Archbishop Corrigan will find we don't scare worth a cent, and I should think he wonld bare found this out already. AN ELECTRIC CIPHER Discc vercd bnt Not Trnnslatcd by President t'ottetill, of the Sugar Company. TELEGRAM TO THE DlSrATCH.l New Yoek, January 19. The latest de- velopment in the electrio sugar quicksand yesterday was in the shape of a dispatch from Detroit It mentioned that great ex- citement had resulted there from the belief that President Cotterill had found, in some unexplained manner, a paper apparently containing the sugar refining process used by French. The momentous information, continuing, said that the secret was in cypher, and that Mr. Cotterill was making great efforts to translate it. Treasurer Eob-ertso- n had heard the news, but was calm. "I always understood that the news was to be given us in cipher," he said, "and perhaps the paper now in Mr. Cotterill's possession will help clear up matters." ' President Cotterill, before he went to Michigan this last time, said the whole business was a fraud, perpetrated on him and his associates by the Friends and the Howards. Mrs. Friend and the How ards, according to him, were in "Windsor, Canada, and he was to start straight off and have them arrested. Instead, he discovers a cipher. Mr. Bobertson has repeatedly said that shares in the company were not worth a centj and that the company would never be revived. But he backed the news abont cipher business yesterday. BABCOCK'S BRIDE To bo Selected by a Committee In Com petitiTO Examination. tSFECIAL TELEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Ann Arbor, Mich., January 19. J. L. Babcock, who is to receive 5500,000 from his uncle's estate provided he marries in five years after the latter's death, has received so, many letters from lovelorn maidens that he proposes to select his wife by means of a competitive examination, held by a committee. All the letters have been filed, and in due time all the writers will be notified to appear and be examined as to the general health, intelligence, beauty, age, disposition, etc. One Cincinnati beauty wrote to Babcock recently: "I am tired of reading articles about you in the papers. If.youwanta wife, why don't you get one in Ann Arbor, where you are? If you are not suited, write me a line." A Boston publisher has offered an Ann Arbor photographer 10 for a picture of Babcock. but the latter modestly declined to furnish a photograph. Babcock said to- day: "I am still receiving an immense number of photos and letters, and I could have more photos if I requested the fair writers to forward them." ELOPED WITH THE DRIVER. A Handsome Heiress Rons Away With tho Married Driver of a Stage. I SPECIAL TELEOBAll TO THE DISPATCH. Le Eaysville, January 19. Herbert Gilman has for many years driven the stage that connects this village with Owego, N. Y. He Jived in Owego, where he has awife and children. Miss May Sibley is the daughter of Samuel Sibley, a rich and prominent farmer, whose splendid estate is along the road between this village arid Owego. She had for some time been going to Owego to take mnsic lessons and always rode to and fro in Gilman's stage. She is a handsome girl of abont 20. On Wednesday Miss May went to Owego as usual but did not return. Gilman did not appear at his hope that evening as usual. Yesterday morning it was learned that he and Miss Sibley had taken a west- bound train on the Delaware and Lacka- wanna Bailroad. Nothing has been heard of the runaway couple since. WKECKED BY PASSION The Soul's Light of a Fair Girl Ex- tinguished by Unrequited Love. SAD TALE OP FLORENCE HAFFA. She Becomes Infatuated With a Son of Chief Justice Williams. HE TUBUS HER OUT OP HIS HOUSE And Flatly Denies That Ho Brer Promised Her Hs Wonld Many Her. A beautiful young woman is consigned lo an insane hospital as the resultof loving the only son of Chief Justice "Williams, by whom her affection was not reciprocated. Dr. "Williams, indeed, claims he never' told Miss Haffa he wonld marry her. She de- clares he did, and that he has wrecked her young life. Her mother confirms the girl's story, but the love-sic- k maiden is carried away to an almshouse "crazy ward," SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH. Philadelphia, January 19. Florence E. Haffa, a lovely young woman, richly dressed, was taken to the insane department at the almshouse, She had been arrested at the request of Dr. Charles N, "Williams, of the northwest corner of Twenty-fift- h street and Columbia avenue. Dr. "Williams is the only son of Chief Justice "Williams, of this State, and Miss Haffa is a daughter of the late Judge Haffa, of the Federal Court at Vieksburg," who was assassinated by the Kn Klnx during the reconstruction days of the South. The commitment of Miss Haffa to an 'in- sane asylum is the sequel of a strange story of love. She first met young "Williams when he was a medical student at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and both are said to have fallen in love with each other at their first meeting. Miss Haffa claims that Dr. Williams has repeatedly promised to marry her, and it was while she was beg- ging him to keep his alleged pledge to wed her that she was arrested by the police. THE TOLICE CALLED IK. It was on Thursday evening, about 8 o'clock, when Twenty-thir- d District Officer Brown was called by Dr. "Williams to take away a young woman who had refused to leave his doorway. Dr. "Williams charged that the young woman was annoying him, and she was taken to the station house at Twentieth and Jefferson streets by the officer, who said that she had been at Dr. "Williams' place all the evening. She was a gentle-mannere- brown-haire- dark-eye- d girl, with a graceful figure. She at first refused to fell who she was, but finally gave her name as Florence E. Haifa, of 1941 Norris street She told Captain Brown and Lieutenant Lyons a story of how she had called on Dr. Williams and recalled his promise to many her, and how he had turned her into the street Lieutenant Lyons sent the young women to her home on Norris street The next morning, Friday, she was again brought to the station house by Officer Kelly. She had called on Dr. "Williams, at his office and drugstore, just after break- fast, and the patrolman was asked to" take her away. SHE COULDN'T KEEP AWAT. Dr. Williams failed to make a charge against Miss Haffa, and she was released and once more sent'home. -- Late in at Dr. Williams' borne, and they were having a quarrel, when Of- ficer Blattean was summoned.' He took the young woman in charge and had Dr. Will- iams also accompany her to the Jefferson street station house. Lieutenant Lyons had exhausted all his efforts to settle the mysterious trouble of the doctor and the young woman, and he sent for Magistrate Biley. The magistrate sent for the mother of th'e young ladv. She is now the wife of David S. Boot, the arjist She charged Dr. Williams with having wrecked her daugh- ter's happiness by his failure to keep bis promise to marry Florence. The mother said that Florence was at the home of her aunt on Walnut, above Thirty-thir-d street, when she was introduced to Williams, about eight years ago. She was then arosy-cheeke- d, light-hearte- d, generous-nature- d girl, who fell deeply in love with young Williams, who was a university medical student. He seemed to return the love of the young girl and is said to have asked for Florence's hand and heart the sec- ond time he met her. He wrote to her con- stantly. "One night recently Florence remained away from home all night," said the mother. "The next day she told me she had been at Dr. Williams' house all night One even- ing later, when he called to see her, Florence asked him if he would not fulfill his promise and make her his wife. He re- fused, and said the promise he made was but a freak of his youth." Dr. Williams denies thathe ever promised marriage. He says the girl has been per- sistent in her efforts. THE ATLANTA WILL BAIL For Fort Hajticn This Morning, and Will Then Go to Asplnwnll. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yoek, January 19. morning, bright and early." This was Admiral Bancroft Gheradi's reply to the question, "When will the Atlanta sail?" Decks were cleared up, running gear was overhauled, and just at sundown topgallant masts were housed aboard the big cruisers. "All officers must be aboard at 10 o'clock said Lieutenant Conden, "and none of the ere w will be allowed to go ashore before sailing." Sweethearts and wives went aboard to say farewells during the day, nnd the men were getting their clothes and bags stored awav. Captain J. A. Howell, who commands tfie Atlanta, was found in his cabin on the Btar-boa- quarter, under the spar deck. "We shall sail for Cape Haytien," said he "and then find the Admiral. I don't think we shall stay there very long, but go on to Aspinwall, where there may be trouble when the Panama Canal men are dis- charged." The Atlanta carries a crew of 286 men and the following officers Captain J. A. Howell, Lieutenants A. K. Conden, N. E. Niles, G. A. Cahoun, G. H. Peters, En- signs H. S. Knapp, A.L. Lev, F. M. Poyer, Chief Engineer J. P. Kel'ly, Paymaster Edwin Putnam, Surgeon M. G. Drennan, Lieutenant of Marines Morris S. Mercer, Surgeon S. H. Dickson,- - First Assistant Engineer W. F. Worthington, Assistant Engineers C. F. Talcott and A. McAlester, Naval Cadets Bobertson, Hubbard, Miller, Crose, Franklin, Eeid and Morgan, Carpen- ter Craic, Gunner F. Messinger, Pay Clerk A. V. Chester. BEER AND OIL FAILURES. Creditors of Two Boston Firms Wlll Tnko 40 Cents on the Dollar. Boston, January 19. The BellowB Falls Brewing Company, 63 Haverhill street, with brewery at Walpole, N. H., has failed. The liabilities are about 94.000 and the nominal assets about 200,000. The creditors have agreed to accept 40 cents'. Alvah, Walker & Co., oil dealers, 40 Clinton street, have failed with liabilities of 36,000. The creditors have agreed to accept 40 cents. jumped the teack. A Passenger Conch Makes a Fntnl Plungo From tho Halls Lieutenant Gover- - sor of Michigan and a From! ncnt Iron Man of Cleve land Among tho Killed. Marquette, Mich., Jannary 19. As the east-boun- d passenger tr.iiu on the Northwestern Bailroad neared Elmwood, a station 16 miles east of "Watersmeet, at 1 o'clock this afternoon, one of the tracks under the rear coach broke and threw the coach off the track. The coach was derailed about five car lengths, when it struck a stump and was smashed to pieces, killing or injuring all the occupants. The killed are: , JOHN A. MCDONALD, Lieutenant-Governo- r of Michigan, WILLIAM CORCORAN, of Escanaba. H. A. TUTTLE, of Cleveland. The woanded are: Mrs. Percy Beaser, of Ashland, Wis., spine injured, very bad: Mrs. McClurc, of Watersmeet wife of a train brakeman, badly cut and severe internal In- jury; Mrs. E. P. Foster, of Iron Mountain, se- vere cut in head and Injury to spine; Conductor A. B. Armstrong, injured in head and leg broken. Mr. O. C. Davidson, of Commonwealth, nt the time of the accident was playing cards with Lieutenant Governor McDonald, Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Corcoran. He says that the first intimation that he had that any- thing was wrong was a jolting sensation. The car then arrayed two or three times and thenturned on its side. He remembered nothing more until he found himself 200 or 300 feet in the rear of the train in the snow. It seems that the car in turning over struck a stump, which penetrated it between the men who were playing cards. Mr. Tuttle. who was seated in the seat to the rear of the table, was instantly killed, his neck being broken. Mr. McDonald was in the same seat with him, and his arm was torn out of the shoulder, and was found at least 40 feet from the body. He lived about one hour, and was conscious for a few minutes. The whole side of the car was torn out by a second stump, and it seems miraculous that any escaped. The dead were picked up and brought to Watersmeet, where they remained up to this writing. A special train will convey Mr. McDonald and Mr. Corcoran to Escanaba, where they resided, , Mr. JIcDonald was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1886, and last No- vember. He was 62 years of age, and leaves a widow and a son and daughter. His estate is valued at over 500,000. Mr. Tut- tle was well known in Cleveland and in the Lake Superior mining districts. He leaves a widow and one child. E. P. Foster, of Iron Mountain, is a prominent mining man whose operations extend over the Mar- quette, Menominee and Gogebic ranges. The message informing Governor Luce of the fatal accident to Lieutenant Governor McDonald contained no particulars. He immediately wired Mrs. McDonald, extend- ing his sincere sympathy. A proclamation covering the sad occurrence will be issued from the Executive office Monday. MISS COFFIN CREATES A SCENE. In the Court Boom She Cnlli Mr. Bellow Her Love, Her Life and a Reptile. tSPXCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBB DISPATCH.l New Yobk, January 19. Miss Harriet B. Coffin, who threatened to shoot Kyrle Hellew last night, because he didn't recip- rocate her love, made a scene in the police court this morning. She shrieked Mr. Bellew's name all the way from her cell to the prisoners' pen. She tried to tear her- self away from the policeman who accom- panied her. At the entrance of the court ftSom she attempted to throw herself on -- the floor) called her love, her life and a reptile, and then cried hard. A big, curious crpwd, which had gathered in the court room to stare at her, was quite still during the rumpus. When Miss Coffin was taken away to the Commissioners of Charities and Correction, she shouted her protests and jabbed the keeper in the arm with a hat pin. She will be examined as to her sanity. Late this afternoon Miss Coffin was ex- amined by Dr. Stewart Douglass, who has charge of the insane pavilion, and Dr. M. D. Field, as to her mefital condition. She was found to be insane. Her disease is akin to monomania. Her mother and two friends were present, and her mother signified her intention of having the daughter removed to' a private asylum. Miss Coffin was consigned in ward 39 of the insane pavilion. She will prob- ably be removed on Monday. At the hos- pital she has been quiet and supercilious. BERNHARDT THE YOUNGER. He Has Set Up as a Parisian Swell of the First Water. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TnE DISPATCH.l New Yoek, January 19. The buyer for a large commercial house, who has just re- turned from Paris, remarked y that Maurice Bernhardt had jumped into the foremost rank of Parisian swelldom. "His mother," the traveler said, ''allows Maurice an income of 1,200 a week, and the young man is spending every cent of it. His manner of dispensing the money is not particularly modest either. Instead of driving in the Bois, he is a familiar figure on the boulevard, and in most of the business streets. Every- where that he goes he is surrounded by evi- dences of wealth. "He has lived long enough in America and England to have a correct idea of horses and carts, and his stable is now one of the best in Paris. When he drives down through the Boulevard Capucines,he usually holds the reins over a pair of perfectly matched English Cobs, and he is clad In the prevailing London mode. He is not re- ceived at all in society, by the way, despite the fact that his wife has some soft of right to call herself a countess, but he is probably as thoroughly contented as any man in the French capital." MRS. EIKERT WAS SCARED When She Fonnd the Body of Felix Rolchert Hanging In the Cellar. (SPECIAL TELXORAK TO THE DISPATCH. New Yobk, January 19. Mrs. Catharine Bikert, of 105 Orchard street, went into the cellar this morning to get coal, and thought she saw a very tall man standing in the dimly-lighte- d passage through which she had to pass. She waited a moment, and as the man did not move, she attempted to brush past him. When she touched the figure it swung from her and back against her. It was the body of Emil Beichert, 54 years of age, a shoemaker, who had hanged himself by a rope from the gaspipe. Ex- cessive grief over his wife's death is be- lieved to have been the cause for his sui- cide. .A DEMORALIZING EXAMPLE. Stinging Rebnko of Extravagance in a Very Conspicuous Place. Washington, January 19. The com- mittee appointed to investigate the work of construction of the new library building to- day submitted a report to the House. It says that in this case many men with high salaries were employed, resulting in an un- warranted expenditure of the money which Congress intended should be faithfully used in the construction of the building. The committee regards the example of extr vagance iu this case more reprehensible and demoralizing in its effect because it oc- curred within sight of the Capitol of the nation and under the supervision of.men in high positions. A BLOODY BUTCHERY. Thomas Hollowell Kills and Almost Decapitates Adam Slater WITH ONE SWOOP OF A BIG KNIFE. Two Paddlers at Cork's Run Fall ' Out, Drink aud Enact a Tragedy. AN AWFUL SCENE NEAR MIDNIGHT. The Batcher Knife Unwittingly Varnished by a Woman While She Laughed, Adam Slater's head is reported to have been cut almost off his bodyabout 11 o'clock last night by Thomas Hollowell in a Cork's Bun boarding house run, by a man named Golden. They had quarreled; they drank and Slater talked of death, not as if he in- tended to inflict it upon anyone else, bnt as if be courted it himself. A horrible homicide, in which a man's head was cut almost off by one swoop of a butcher knife, occurred in Chartiers about 11 o'clock last night. At that hour, Thomas Hollowell and Adam Slater were sitting in the sitting room of their boarding house, on the river road, near Cook's Bun, in Chartiers town- ship. Both men had been drinking heavily, and when they enterea the bouse, were quarreling about some trifling matter. They continued the heated discussion, and at- tracted the attention of Mrs. Golden, wife of the proprietor of the place, who entered the room with a butcher knife in her, hand. Slater complained to her that some persons had threatened to whip him, whereupon Hollowell, who was sitting opposite him at a table, laughed. Mrs. Golden also joined in the merriment, and Slater became exasper ated. He exclaimed to Mrs. Golden: "Why don't you cut me with the butoher knife?" Mrs. Golden laughed a( the question, when Slater said: "I'm tired of living, anyhow. I would just as soon die now as not!" A TRAGIC SCENE. Hollowell arose to his feet, and, steadying himself, said: "Give me that butcher knife!" With that he turned aronnd very sudden- ly, and hastily grabbed the knife in his right hand. .He swung it in the air, and then brought the sharp edge of the blade against the back of Slater's neck. The force of the blow was so great that Slater's head was almost severed from the body. When the corpse of the victim dropped to the floor the head rolled around as if already de- tached from the body by severing the few chords that yet bound it "Upon realizing what he had done, Hollo- well gave a gasp of horror, and, throwing up his hands sank to the floor. The knife fell from his grasp and rolled over towards the head of the murdered man. Mrs. Golden was speechless with terror at what she had seen done, but ran- - screaming from the house. She sent a messenger to the office of 'Squire Bryan at Chartiers, and that official immediately repaired to the scene of the i murder. When he arrived at the house Slater had breathed his last. THE 'SQUIRE TOOK POSSESSION of everything, and placed all the inmates of the house under arrest These were brought to this city at an early hour this morning and locked up in the county jail. Hollowell did not try to escape, but, when 'Squire Bryan approached him he seemed to be dazed. He resisted slightly at first, but soon found that was useless and quietly consented to go along with the officer. Both Hollowell and Slater were pundlers in Long & Co.'s mill, at McKee's Bocks. A slight disagreement had existed between them for some time, and it is supposed that the homicide last night was the result of it. Slater was a married man; but, a short time ago, he separated from his wife. The latter refused to live with him, on account of his drinking habits. At 3 A. ii. the Chartiers officer arrived at the jail with the alleged murderer and four witnesses of the tragedy, including Mrs. Golden. Chris. Steinmiller, it seems, was the first neighbor who dared go into the bloody room after the butchery to lay out the corpse, or, as he found he might .do. hold the yet dying man while he gasped his last. AN AWFUL CHILLY AEBIVAL. Probably no company that has ever been brought to jail shivered more on the road than the quintet that came up from the scene of the homicide this morning. It was in a large spring wagon that Constable Klishum, of Chartiers, came up with his five prisoners. They were the alleged mur- derer, Hollowell; Joseph Golden and bis wife; Joseph Bolleson and John Cochrane. The men were arrested as witnesses of the crime. While coming up to the city Hollowell is alleged to have said to Assistant Constable Steenemiller: "Did you see Slater? Didn't I make a good job' of it? That is the first man's head I ever cut off, and I think that it was done all right!" The constable asked him why he commit- ted the deed, and he is said to nave replied: "Well, you see Slater asked me to do it. I didn't want to kill him; but when he said he wasn't any good in this world and wanted to die I thought that I might as well kill him. I was sorry for it after- ward; but I do not feel sorry now." Mrs. Golden is a small Irish woman and would not talk to The Dispatch reporter. one seeoieu iu ue uut oi ner minu over the occurrence. IS IT A BUNKO BUREAU? OnoMan Who Got More Mall Than Any Firm in Canton. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATC8.1 Canton, January 19. Copies of recent city papers have contained advertisements in want columns in which the Traveler's Bureau, of Canton, promised situations to the unemployed as commercial travelers in various lines of business, the bureau being represented as agency for a vast number of large wholesale and manufacturing con- cerns daily in need of traveling salesmen. As the concern was unknown to the public here, and the bulk of mail lately arriving for it exceeded that of the largest manufac- tory in the city, a postoffice inspector was sent hers to investigate. Decoy letters elic- ited the fact that D. B. Bosche, an employe of the Hampden Watch Works, constituted the alleged bureau, and is alleged to have been gulling the guileless public. , In answer to' applicants for positions, he sent circulars asking for a remittance of S3, merely as guarantee of good faith, adding that iu only a few special cases had he failed to secure employment for those de- siring it. As all his statements are false and misleading, the Postoffice Department will withhold his further mail and prob- ably arrest him tor misuse of mails, if not on graver charges. Just how much money was raked in is not known, but remit- tances to him were numerous. "" '" " . I SIXTEEN PAGES. - 2.p: , ' "w . HABBISOFS DAY' OF N Ho Takes a Flying Pleasure Trip to Ten Haute The New White House Team Makes Its Appearance One Tlsitor nt I.ast. tSPECTAI. TXLEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH.: Indianapolis, January 19. It is possi- ble to make a definite announcement that no Cabinet positions were slated here y. At an early hour this morning General Harrison started out for a day of pleasure and to visit hi3 old friend, the Hon. W. B. McKeen, at Terre Haute. Besides Mrs. Harrison, Dr. Kitchen, Judge Martindale and Mr. Mose McLain accompanied him. A hand- some special car was used and the party were met at the station by Mr. McKeen and Colonel Thompson. Carriages were in waiting and the party drove direct to "Edgewood," some distance east of the city, where they dined with Captain Boyes, who has charge of the farm. After dinner they visited the stables and inspected the fine horses and cattle. A pair of spanking thoroughbreds were hitched np and the General took a drive with the venerable of the Navy. While General Harrison was looking at Mr. McKean's horses, down at Terre Haute, the team behind which he will himself most frequently appear during the next four years, was being driven for the first time. General Harrison secured one horse for the White House team some time ago, and there has been a search kept up ever since for a good match for it. One that would do was found a few days ago, and to-d- it was brought to this city, and the two animals were hitched together for the first time. They are bright bays, 16 hands high and finely formed. They went well together and will make a worthy successor' to the famous seal browns of the Clevelands. General Harrison has not yet seen the team. It is not known that General Harrison has yet secured a driver for tne two bays, but sevsral of the personal attaches of the White House arc sure of their jobs for the next administration, whether Albert Haw- kins transfers his allegiance from the seal browns to the bays or not. When Buther-for- d B. Hayes was here some time ago he put in a good word forseveral people who had been put into the White House by him and retained 'by Mr. Cleveland, and it is understood that these thus "spoken for" are all right. This was one of the matters that occupied tne attention of the President- elect and the President-never-electe- d during that famous conference when they were sup- posed to be talkiug Cabinet and other State matters. One of the callers who wished to see Gen- eral Harrison y and didn't was the Bev. A. W. Mann, a deaf mute from Cleve- land. His visit wasn't political. A MYSTERIOUS PRISONER Who is Supposed to Havo Embezzled S165, O0O From His Employers. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. New Yoek, January 19. D. Morgan Hlldreth, counsel for W. S. Lawson &Co., stock brokers at 49 Exchange Place, 945 Broadway and 179 Fifth avenue, called at police headquarters yesterday afternoon, presumably to find out whether he could get a mysterious prisoner who is confined there released on bail. The prisoner's name is said to be Wyatt or Wyath, and it is alleged that he is an embezzler, whose offense dates back-- a couple of years. The amount of his alleged embezzlement is variously stated. Detective Sergeant Mangin, who was in charge at po- lice headquarters last night, admitted that there was a prisoner there, bnt would not say anything about him or what he had done. It is said that the younsr man is of good family, and that bis victims wish to settle the matter. Wyath was arrested by a private detective named Irving, who said that the amount of the embezzlement was $163,000, and that the money was embezzled from W. S. Lawson & Co. An official of the police department said that the embezzlement amounted to less than $100,000. The firm, it is said, is not anxious o press the case against Wyath. BOBBED AND BANKRUPT. A New York Jeweler Loses $10,000 Worth of Dlnmonds nnd Falls. fSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. New York, January 19. The failure of C. Eosswog & Son, manufacturing jewelers and dealers in diamonds at No. 5 Maiden lane, has caused much comment in the trade. Yesterday it was reported that the senior partner had lost or had been robbed of a large quantity of loose diamonds in an elevated railroad car, about two weeks ago, and that this precipitated the failure. The value of the diamonds was variously stated to be from 510,000 to S20.000. Mr. Bosswog, it is said, was in the habit of carrying the loose diamonds home every night in a satchel from the store, and about two weeks ago, on bis way home iu a Third avenue elevated train, he missed his satchel. He could not tell whether he had left the satchel somewhere or whether it had been stolen. It is said that he kept the matter quiet, hoping to recover1 the diamonds and did not even notify the police. His loss caused the failure. Some of the creditors yesterday said that Mr. Bosswog had just informed them of the loss of the diamonds. CONSIDERED TOO COSTLY. Movable Dams In the Ohio Hirer a 3ood Thing but Too Dear. Washington, January 19. The Secre- tary of War has sent a communication to the House relative to the practicability of improving the navigation of the Ohio river by movable dams. He quotes Colonel Mer-rit- t, of the Engineer Corps, as reporting that the four additional dams proposed would increase from one to three months the time during which coal tows may reach Cincinnati. This increase in the capacity of the river might amount to 25,973,200 bushels of coal annually, worth $1,818,124. The Secretary says the estimated cost of the improvement is 3,600,000, and thaj un- less there is a very great increase in the means of transportation of coal by boats and barges, the large expenditure proposed would not be justified. MRS. WARD'S NEW BOOK. to Tho Author of Bobert Elsmer Too Busy for an American Trip. New Yoek, January 19. Mrs. Hum- phrey Ward, author of "Bobert Elsmere," writes from London: "I have been much gratified by the pleasant sentiments evoked in the American newspapers by a report that I am shortly to visit your country. There is, however, no foundation for the statement, and I should be very glad if you would be so kind as to contradict it through the American papers." Mrs. Ward is devoting all her time to the new religious novel she has under way, and this is the principal reason for her inability to come to America. A Mad Act. ISPECIAL TSLEOBAK TO THE DISPATCH.l Bellaire, O., January 19. A tramp pulled the throttle of a yard engine on the C.L.,& W. road, at Bridgeport,this morning, and then skipped. The iron horse run to this city at Hghtning speed, and collided with some loaded boxcars. The engine and several cars were wrecked, but no one was injured. $ FIGHT IS OVER, . & Qx .yandMageeBecomeEecon-cile- d Through Cameron. MATTHEWSTAtf LEY ON TOP Goyernor Beaver and Don Cameron Bow Humblv Before Him. NOTHING IS TOO GOOD FOR HIH. The Senior Senator Wants to Recover Hii Lost Heritage. MAGEE A LIVELY POLITICAL CORPSE The staff correspondents of The Dis- patch at Harrishurg and Washington are assured that a reconciliation has been ef- fected between Senator Quay and C. L. Magee, and harmony now falls with sooth- ing effect upon Pennsylvania Republican politicians. Senator Cameron and Gover- nor Beaver are both bidding for Quay's friendship, the former because he wants to succeed himself in the United States Sen- ate, and the latter because he wants to suc- ceed Cameron. rrsou a BTAir coBSEBrorosxT. Haeeisbubo, January 19. If doubt ex- ists anywhere that Mr. Quay is in charge of the State of Pennsylvania, it is not shared in and about the Capital of the State. No one looks to any other quarter for instruc- tions, and anything Mr. Quay wants he can have. There seems to a general belief that nothing is too good for the silent man from Beaver, and the impression is very general here that if he wants the earth fenced in he has only to say the word and the fence will go up. He and C. L. Magee have fallen out many titne3 and fallen in again, but the last fallout is largely held to have been final, and Mr. Quay has frequently been quoted as determined on the political anni- hilation of the Gas City statesman. While minor politicians and the general public have thus ostensibly determined that if Mr. Magee is not a political corpse he has at least had a bad stroke of paraly- sis, Senator Cameron has not given up the case as hopeless. Mr. Magee went to Wash- ington this week on the senior Senator's in- vitation, and the latter has endeavored to act as mediator between the triumphant Matthew Stanley and the man who is so often referred to as his fallen foe. A LIVELY POLITICAL CORPSE. A gentleman who is spending bis second session here and who has mingled more or less in politics for a. much longer time, to- day asked the interesting question: "Have you ever thought what would happen if Quay should head an expedition in search of Stanley or drop out of sight in some other way? Why there would be chaos in Penn- sylvania politics. Now everybody looks to him for direction. Then there would be no one to look to. There wonld be endless quarrels and combinations and the politi- cians would be in the dark half the time while trying to solve vexed political prob- lems." "But who," was asked this prophet, "do you think would at last bring order out of chaos?" "I think," was the emphatic reply, "that the only man capable of doing so is Chris Magee. Watch him; he's not dead yet" Mr. Magee is now, I am informed, in New York, but whether before his depart- ure from Washington Mr. Cameron suc- ceeded in restoring peace and thus provid- ing for harmony against the time the Legis- lature meets to' elect a United States Sena- tor to succeed him is yet an open question. LOST HIS POLITICAL HERITAGE. In this effort at reconciliation Mr. Cam- eron is not working exclusively in the in- terest of the contending statesmen or even of the Republican party. The senior Sena- tor has permitted the -- political heritage turned over to him by his father to slip from his grasp, until now the name of Cam- eron 13 little better than a political memory. J. Donald Cameron is almost as de- pendent on the will of his junior col- league as though he had never held the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the hollow of his hand. He desires to succeed himself in the United States Senate, and since the true condition of affairs in the political world impressed itself upon him after the November election, he has paid assiduous court to the man who forced him from his place as the chief of his party in the State, and wrested from him his politi- cal power. His attentions to Mr. Quay have been marked, and he has clearly shown that he depends on the latter to send him back to the United States Senate. No one can say that Quay will do so. No one can say that he will not. The time for the election is yet far off, and many things may happen in the meantime to change the whole political situ- ation. BEATER'S AMBITION. Another prominent person who would like to be United States Senator is the Gov- ernor of the State. General Beaver has been very kind to Mr. Quay. He obligingly appointed to a vacant Philadelphia Judge- ship a relative of the Beaver man who had been one of his bitterest opponents, and has in very many ways shown Mr. Quay that he has unbounded confidence in his judgment and advice. Whether this will count atjhe proper time is considered in confidential quarters more doubtful than the problem of whether anything is likely to come of Mr. Cameron's courting. The story that Gover- nor Beaver is likely to oppose Mr. Quay in anything from now until after the Senato- rial election may be set down as more imag- inary than real, and the story that he and Cameron are likely to combine with Magee down Quay may be placed alongside it Senator Cameron and Governor Beaver are rivals for the Beaver man's aflection, and each is most likely to endeavor to out- do the otherthan to fight Besides, Beaver has not been a Cameron favorite for a long time because of a certain disavowal of the Cameron collar which he made years ago. It may be remembered that it was thought particularly hard in some quarters that he should have been defeated by Pattison oa Cameron's account, while not a Cameron man. OTHEE SENATORIAL ASPIRANTS. Wharton Barker is another man men- tioned for United States Senator, on whom Jlr. Quay has as yet cast no frown, andit is said in no whispered tones that the light- ning may strite Hon. Thomas M. Bayne, of Allegheny, if he is not careful. That Mr. Delamater, of Meadville, is Quay's candidate for Governor, has long been talked in all corners of the State. That Adjutant General Hastings has also been looked on with a great dsfree of favor by the same gentleman since his fine speech in the Chicago convention, is not so gener- ally known. Gossip has it, however, that General Hastings has drawn himself out of Continued on Eighth Fage. n$3 .'.' ", k .Vr; 'r iMiii. sasa dSstiiXiiliBss&BUfcffiDlBs&asHX&iV 9 3

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Page 1: Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-01-20 [p ].€¦ · FIRED ON THE FUG German Forces at Samoa Shoot and Tear Down the Stars and Stripes, THE NATION INSULTED. n Americans Cut,






German Forces at Samoa Shoot

and Tear Down the Stars

and Stripes,


nAmericans Cut, Beaten, Ar resit

and Their Houses Burned.


Sensational Stw from Samoa Cause forWar Between the United Statci nndGermany German Men-ot-W- FireUpon the American Fine The Stars andStripes Trailed In the Dust GermanBailors Attempt to Assassinate Ameri-can Citizens Americans Held ns Prison-er- a

OurConsnlTrcated With ContumelySecretary Buyard Notified.

The sews from Samoa this morning is of

the most startling character. The German

forces, which have espoused the cause of

Tamasese against Mataafa, hare deliberate-

ly insulted and outraged the American

cation. The Stars and Stripes haTC been

treated as a rag worthy of no respect. It has

been fired ftpon by German men-of-wa- r,

torn down from above the homes of Ameri-

can citizens, and trailed in the dust. Thefragments hare been secured and sent toSecretary Bayard for his action. In addi-

tion to this Americans hare been stabbed,

beaten and imprisoned, and the AmericanConsul has been treated with the utmost

disrespect In contradiction to this course

of action, when the Germans accidentallyfired in the direction of some Englishofficers, the most profound topologies were

at once made.

AriA, Samoa, January 19. The mostserious state of affairs exist in Samoa. Onthe night of December 18 the sailors fromthe German men-of-w- Adler, Olga andEber attacked Mataafa's soldiers, under thedirection of the German Consul and Cap-

tain Fritz, the senior naval officer in theport. As the result of the encounter, 22

German sailors were killed and 32 werewounded. Since then the German warships hare burned American houses, torndown the United States flag, seized Ameri-

can citizens in the neutral waters of Apiaiarbor, taken them prisoners on board theGerman men-of-wa- r, and fired upon theAmerican flag.

King Mataafa's party, who had beenfighting almost constantly since the battleat Lautcnua, killing and wounding manyofTamasese's men, began to fail of ammu-nition, but were able to obtain 20,000Snider cartridges, mortgaging their landsto pay for ammunition.

Tamasese's Men Deserting.Tamasese's men were reported becoming

more dissatisfied daily and desertions fromhis ranks became very frequent, severalvillagers leaving his body in a party andgoing to their homes. '

A detachment of Mataafa's men succeededin carrying the upper end of Tamasese'sbig fort, Lantuando, on December 12.On the same day the German man--of.war Olga arrived from Marshall. .xsianas. The boat had on boardthe deposed King Malietoa, whom the Ger-

mans had decided to bring back from Afri-ca, where he had been taken. Malatioa hadbeen left at Marshall Islands, not havingbeen brought back to Samoa.

On the night of December 16 a large partyof German sailors, numbering 180, cameashore at Apia, and entered the stores, sa-

loons and native houses in search of Ameri-cans, Englishmen and half-caste- s. Theyentered the residence of George Scanlan,United States Marshal in Apia.

Kilting; Americans.He was not in, but the sailors found him

nnd his brother, Morris Snider, alo anAmerican citizen, further up the street, andfctartinr a mmrrpl KtnMipil hnili f 41.

Americans in the back. The Scanlansescaped to a native church, where theirwounds were dressed and found not to befatal. The German sailors ran through thestreets, attacking all persons ihty met, ex-cept the Germans, and injured the adherentsof Tamasese. and among th number werenative women and children. Some of theMataafa's soldiers came in from the bush andwere anxious to begin shooting, but wereurged by United States Consul Blackloeknot to fire.

On December 17 the United States con-

sul sent a protest to the German consul, as-

serting that the conduct of the Germanshad been outrageous, and had placed Amer-ican lives and American property in greatjeopardy.

At 7 o'clock on the morning of December17, the Olga left Apia, steamed up thecoast and returned that evening withTamasase's secretary on board. That nightthe secretary wrote a letter to his wife inApia, stating that the Germans would at-

tack the town named Matafagatele duringthe night and would attack Mataafa's menw hile they were sleeping. The woman told thenews to one of her relatives in Apia, whoin turn sent word to Mataafa's soldiers.

A Midnight Attack.Before midnight 200 armed men had as-

sembled on shore, a short distance above theEnglish Consulate, and, concealing them-selves in the bush, waited for the appearance of the German boats, which, it wassaid, would contain a number of Tamasesemen as well as German sailors, who hadbeen brought from Saluafata by Olga. AnAmerican newspaper man named John C.Klein accompanied the Mataafa men to wit-ness the proceedings in the interest of hispaper.

About 2 o'clock in the morning three Ger-man men-of-w- boats approached abouthalf a mile above the British Consulate, andwere distinctly seen by the British Consul.It was evidently their intention to land, andproceed to Matafagatele on foot. Soldiersof Mataafa gathered on the shore, andasked Klein to ask the Germans not to land,as it would be regarded as a hostile act, andthat they would be fired upon. This wasshouted to them when the boats were 50yards from the short, The boats came on to

ward the shore, when they received asecond warning.

A Rase.Two" boats pulled out toward the sea

and went to a village called Vailele, lourmiles from Apia. A third boat kept alongthe coast, being still followed by Mataafa'ssoldiers. "When opposite Mataafatele theboat pulled straight across the bay to apoint-o- the other extremity. AMataafechief, followed by eight or nine men, ranaround the edge of the bay to intercept theboat "When opposite the village of FageliVailele the boat pulled rapidly forthe shore.At the same moment three men on horse-back, carrying lanterns, rode out of thebush and signaled the men in the boats.Simultaneously a number of Germansoldiers rose from the bottom of the boat,where they had been concealed, and begantn wade ashore. Some of Mataafa's menhad come up in the meantime, and the Ger-- !mans began shooting at them. The nativesdid cot leturn the fire. The Germans weresoon landed, and took shelter behind somerising ground.

The Germans Defeated.As soon as they gained this position they

at once opened fire on Mataafa's men. With-in a minute fully 200 shots had been firedby Germans and black laborers, natives ofother islands, who were employed on Ger-man plantations.

A hot fight then ensued, and the soldiersincreasing in number, began firing frombehind trees at the German sailors, whonumber 150, having been reinforced. Thesailors finally became panic-stricke- n, threwdown their arms and took to the bush, wherethey were followed by the natives andslaughtered when overtaken. A few of thesailors managed to escape by taking to theboats.

The next day the German Consul sentword to United States Consul Blackloekthat he was going to send men-of-w- up

;tbe coast to stop the fighting. and to disarm"Hr r 1 m

Blackloek protested in the rfhme of theUnited States against the action of theGerman Consul, which would place thelives and property of the Americans ingreatest danger, and that their action wasin direct conflict with powers conferred uponthe representatives of the three treatynations. Soon after the Nipsic arrived atLatongo Captain Mullan, with three-o- f theship officers' went on board the Adler to de-mand Consul Knappe's reason for havingdeclared his intention to stop the war with-out consulting the Consuls.

German Discourtesy. 'The German Consul reolied discourteous

ly to Captain Mullan, and said he wouldhold no communication with an Americannaval Captain, and would be responsiblefor his acts to his Government Soon afterthis the Captain of the Adlef sent word to

I Captain Mullan, who had returned to thenipsic, tuai uc imenueu iq uoiuoaru xiauiybefore dark.

A protest was sent to the Captain of theAdler, and as the latter had shown no incli-nation to notify Mataafa to remove thewomen and children, Captain Mullen sentone of his officers ashore for that purpose.The Adler did not bombard the town thatnight, but returned ou the following morn-ing and began to bombard Ladly, whichhad been evacuated the night previous.Thirty-fou-r shells were fired by the Adler,and then four boat loads of "sailors werelanded from the Olga and Adler, whoburned the village, including two smallBoman Catholic Churches. The ships thenreturned to Apia.

Fighting for Their Liberty.On December 18 Consul Knappe had sent

a letter to Mataafa telling him the Germanships would shell his villages unless hecame on board the German man-of-w- ar be-fore noon on December 20, and cause hispeople to give up all their guns. Mataafadid not replv to this letter, but sent backword after the battle that he was sorry tokill the German sailors, but that the Samo-au- s

intended to fight for their liberty, andwould fight whoever attacked them.

Ou the afternoon of December 20, thethree Consuls met to arrive at some settle-ment of the trouble, Mataafa's presencewas desired by the United States and theBritish Consuls, but the German Consul re-

fused to meet him, and the meeting had noresult

On the followine day the German Consulissued a proclamation ordering the Samoansto bring their firearms on board the Olgaduring the day, and that if this was notdone the ship would bombard the village ofMatafagatele. Consul Blackloek at oncereturned a protest, and at the same time in-formed him that E. L. Hamilton, an Amer-ican citizen, and formerly the United StatesVice Consul iu Apia, owned three houses inMatafagatele, over which the American flaghas been placed, and adding that if thisproperty was damaged, the German Gov-ernment would be held responsible. TheGerman Consul made no reply.

Tore Down the American Flng.About 7 o'clock on the morning of the

21st the Olga went to Matafagatele, anchor-ing one mile from shore. At 9 o'clock shebegan throwing shells, no Samoans havingcome on board with arms. After firing 25shelis the vessel sent three boatloads ashoreand destroyed the village by fire. Hamil-ton went to the destroyed village in theafternoon and found his three houses inruins.

A large American flag formerly used forconsular purposes, which had been placedon one of the houses had been burned bythe German then torn down.Fragments of the flae were taken to Ariiaaud'delivered to Consul Blarklock, whohas forwarded it to Secretary Bayard. TheGerman Consul afterward wrote to ConsulBlackloek declaring that he had been in-formed that the Americans had led theMataafa's forces on the night of the 18th,and fired the first shot Consul Blackloekreplied that he had investigated the rumorand fonnd it to be untrue.

An American Arrested.On the 21st a boat from the German man-of-w- ar

Olga was chasing a native boat inneutral waters opposite the American Con-sulate. The Germans fired a number ofshots at the boat, which was in direct rangeof the boat containing two Englisn officers,the latter of whom narrowly escaped beingshot The commander of the Olga after-ward apologized to the English officers.

Charles Brown, an American citizen whowas on the shore, was requested by theEnglish officers to ask the Germans to "ceaseshooting. The Germans seized Brown, car-ried him on board of the war ship Eber,and after handling him roughly releasedhim.

The Germans have made no furtherupon the villages since the bombard

ment of Matafagatele, and are evidentlyawaiting reinfercement Should they makethe second attack upon Mataafa's forces theywould certainly be defeated, as the latterhare 4,500 well armed troops. It is claimedthat about 1,000 of Tamaseses forces havejoined Mataafa since the bombardment bythe Germans, not sympathizing with the at-tack upon their countrymen.

The United States Consul, Blackloek, hastelegraphed all the facts respecting the situ-ation here, informing Secretary Bayard thatthe American flag had been shot at and torndown and burned by the Germans; thatAmerican citizens have been taken prison-ers by the Germans, and states that thelives and property of American citizens arein great danger.


Tho Standard Faying 8150 an Acre for Landin Bellnirc,


Bellaibe, January 19. The StandardOil Company has a great deal of faith inthe oil find,at Glcncoe and is paying 150an acre for all the land in that vicinity.

Several capitalists of 'Washington, Pa.,are here leasing territory, but are not sobold as the Standard .men. Some scontsfrom Pittsburg were at the well, but weresummarily bounced. '


Dies In Poverty Near Baltimore Jailed farIt rrcnllor Swindle, She Come to

This Country nnd Spent HerDays in Poverty

nnd Prayer.rsrraAL teleoiumto the dispatcii.i

Baltimore, January 19. Madame Pey-nan- d,

better known in Paris as MadameGuinaud, died last night in a little hutnear Catonsville, Baltimore county. Foreight years she has lived iu seclusion, shun-ning her neighbors, and venturing out onlywhen it was necessary to lay in a supply offood or when going to church.

Madame Peynaud was born in Paris, andup to the time of her marriage enjoyed therespect of all who knew her. Soon afterher wedding her husband, a barber, died,leaving her in possession of the secret ofbeautifying the complexion. She continuedthe business, but ft wasn't sufficiently re-

munerative, whereupon she conceived theidea of compelling her customers to paymore liberally.

Selecting the wealthiest of her patrons,she gave them a mixture which, when ap-plied to the face, brought out blotches in-stead of roses. When they applied for re-

lief she would demand an exorbitant sumto effect a sure, which her victims only toogladly paid. She continued this businesssuccessfully for some time until a MibSNichols, who was victimized, had her ar-rested for swindling. She was tried inParis in 1875 and sentenced to prison. Afterserving several years she managed to escapeand sailed for New York where she livedvery quietly.

One day she attended ehurch and over-come with remorse, sought the officiatingpriest and confessed ner sins, stating at thesame time her readiness to do penance. Thepriest advised her to forsake, her evil waysand spend her days in prayer. She at oncecame to this ritv and bought the hut on theCatonsville road in which she passed the re-

mainder of her life.


McGlynn's Friends Say That It Will HaveNo Effect oa Them.


New York, January 19. The publica-tion of the circular addressed by ArchbishopCorrigan to the priests in this archdiocese,directing that all Boman Catholics who at-

tend the meetings of the Anti-Pover- ty So-

ciety meetings be refused absolution by theconfessors, caused something of a sensationamong Dr. McGlynn's followers.

Archbishop Corrigan has taken no new'stand, or, in reality, no new departure. Ithas long been perfectly clear to all thepriests and to all the Boman Catholics inthe e, that the goings-o- n

at the Anti-Pover- ty meetings were re-

garded by the Holy See and itsrepresentatives here as a public scrndal, andthat attendance there on the part of BomanCatholics was a sin, A Dispatch reporterwho talked with some of the McGlynnites

found that they fully appreciatedthe case as the Catholic authorities statedit Though most of them were somewhatreluctant to talk about the matter, theymanifested all their old defiance of Arch-bishop Corrigan and for whatever he mightdo. Said one of the most prominent of Dr.McGlynn's friends:

I am clad that the case has come just whenit has. The weaker and trembling ones amongus will drop out and we will form one compactand united bodv. But there will be few seced-er- s.

If any. Nobody has left us, to speak of.since the decision in the McQuira case, andthat was a trial severe enough. If people hadbeen going to abandon Dr. McGlynn. theywonld nave done so before skis. ArchbishopCorrigan will find we don't scare worth acent, and I should think he wonld bare foundthis out already.


Discc vercd bnt Not Trnnslatcd by Presidentt'ottetill, of the Sugar Company.


New Yoek, January 19. The latest de-

velopment in the electrio sugar quicksandyesterday was in the shape of a dispatchfrom Detroit It mentioned that great ex-

citement had resulted there from the beliefthat President Cotterill had found, in someunexplained manner, a paper apparentlycontaining the sugar refining process usedby French. The momentous information,continuing, said that the secret was incypher, and that Mr. Cotterill was makinggreat efforts to translate it. Treasurer Eob-ertso- n

had heard the news, but was calm."I always understood that the news was

to be given us in cipher," he said, "andperhaps the paper now in Mr. Cotterill'spossession will help clear up matters." '

President Cotterill, before he went toMichigan this last time, said the wholebusiness was a fraud, perpetrated on himand his associates by the Friends andthe Howards. Mrs. Friend and the Howards, according to him, were in "Windsor,Canada, and he was to start straight off andhave them arrested. Instead, he discoversa cipher. Mr. Bobertson has repeatedlysaid that shares in the company were notworth a centj and that the company wouldnever be revived. But he backed the newsabont cipher business yesterday.


To bo Selected by a Committee In CompetitiTO Examination.


Ann Arbor, Mich., January 19.

J. L. Babcock, who is to receive 5500,000from his uncle's estate provided he marriesin five years after the latter's death, hasreceived so,many letters from lovelornmaidens that he proposes to select his wifeby means of a competitive examination,held by a committee. All the letters havebeen filed, and in due time all the writerswill be notified to appear and be examinedas to the general health, intelligence,beauty, age, disposition, etc.

One Cincinnati beauty wrote to Babcockrecently: "I am tired of reading articlesabout you in the papers. If.youwantawife, why don't you get one in Ann Arbor,where you are? If you are not suited, writeme a line."

A Boston publisher has offered an AnnArbor photographer 10 for a picture ofBabcock. but the latter modestly declinedto furnish a photograph. Babcock said to-

day: "I am still receiving an immensenumber of photos and letters, and I couldhave more photos if I requested the fairwriters to forward them."


A Handsome Heiress Rons Away With thoMarried Driver of a Stage.


Le Eaysville, January 19. HerbertGilman has for many years driven the stagethat connects this village with Owego, N.Y. He Jived in Owego, where he has awifeand children. Miss May Sibley is thedaughter of Samuel Sibley, a rich andprominent farmer, whose splendid estate isalong the road between this village aridOwego. She had for some time been goingto Owego to take mnsic lessons and alwaysrode to and fro in Gilman's stage. She is ahandsome girl of abont 20.

On Wednesday Miss May went to Owegoas usual but did not return. Gilman didnot appear at his hope that evening asusual. Yesterday morning it was learnedthat he and Miss Sibley had taken a west-bound train on the Delaware and Lacka-wanna Bailroad. Nothing has been heardof the runaway couple since.


The Soul's Light of a Fair Girl Ex-

tinguished by Unrequited Love.


She Becomes Infatuated With a Son ofChief Justice Williams.


And Flatly Denies That Ho Brer Promised Her Hs

Wonld Many Her.

A beautiful young woman is consigned loan insane hospital as the resultof loving theonly son of Chief Justice "Williams, bywhom her affection was not reciprocated.

Dr. "Williams, indeed, claims he never' toldMiss Haffa he wonld marry her. She de-

clares he did, and that he has wrecked heryoung life. Her mother confirms the girl'sstory, but the love-sic-k maiden is carriedaway to an almshouse "crazy ward,"


Philadelphia, January 19. FlorenceE. Haffa, a lovely young woman, richlydressed, was taken to the insane departmentat the almshouse, She had beenarrested at the request of Dr. Charles N,"Williams, of the northwest corner ofTwenty-fift- h street and Columbia avenue.Dr. "Williams is the only son of ChiefJustice "Williams, of this State, and MissHaffa is a daughter of the late Judge Haffa,of the Federal Court at Vieksburg," who wasassassinated by the Kn Klnx during thereconstruction days of the South.

The commitment of Miss Haffa to an 'in-

sane asylum is the sequel of a strange storyof love. She first met young "Williamswhen he was a medical student at the Uni-versity of Pennsylvania, and both are saidto have fallen in love with each other attheir first meeting. Miss Haffa claims thatDr. Williams has repeatedly promised tomarry her, and it was while she was beg-

ging him to keep his alleged pledge to wedher that she was arrested by the police.

THE TOLICE CALLED IK.It was on Thursday evening, about

8 o'clock, when Twenty-thir- d DistrictOfficer Brown was called by Dr. "Williamsto take away a young woman who hadrefused to leave his doorway. Dr. "Williamscharged that the young woman was annoyinghim, and she was taken to the station houseat Twentieth and Jefferson streets by theofficer, who said that she had beenat Dr. "Williams' place all the evening. Shewas a gentle-mannere- brown-haire- dark-eye- d

girl, with a graceful figure. She atfirst refused to fell who she was, but finallygave her name as Florence E. Haifa, of 1941Norris street

She told Captain Brown and LieutenantLyons a story of how she had called on Dr.Williams and recalled his promise to manyher, and how he had turned her into thestreet Lieutenant Lyons sent the youngwomen to her home on Norris street Thenext morning, Friday, she was againbrought to the station house by OfficerKelly. She had called on Dr. "Williams,at his office and drugstore, just after break-fast, and the patrolman was asked to" takeher away.


Dr. Williams failed to make a chargeagainst Miss Haffa, and she was releasedand once more sent'home. -- Late in

at Dr. Williams' borne,and they were having a quarrel, when Of-

ficer Blattean was summoned.' He took theyoung woman in charge and had Dr. Will-iams also accompany her to the Jeffersonstreet station house. Lieutenant Lyons hadexhausted all his efforts to settle themysterious trouble of the doctor and theyoung woman, and he sent for MagistrateBiley. The magistrate sent for the motherof th'e young ladv. She is now the wife ofDavid S. Boot, the arjist She charged Dr.Williams with having wrecked her daugh-ter's happiness by his failure to keep bispromise to marry Florence.

The mother said that Florence was at thehome of her aunt on Walnut, above Thirty-thir-d

street, when she was introduced toWilliams, about eight years ago. She wasthen arosy-cheeke- d, light-hearte- d, generous-nature- d

girl, who fell deeply in love withyoung Williams, who was a universitymedical student. He seemed to return thelove of the young girl and is said to haveasked for Florence's hand and heart the sec-

ond time he met her. He wrote to her con-stantly.

"One night recently Florence remainedaway from home all night," said the mother."The next day she told me she had been atDr. Williams' house all night One even-ing later, when he called to see her,Florence asked him if he would not fulfillhis promise and make her his wife. He re-

fused, and said the promise he made wasbut a freak of his youth."

Dr. Williams denies thathe ever promisedmarriage. He says the girl has been per-sistent in her efforts.


For Fort Hajticn This Morning, and WillThen Go to Asplnwnll.


New Yoek, January 19.morning, bright and early." This wasAdmiral Bancroft Gheradi's replyto the question, "When will the Atlantasail?"

Decks were cleared up, running gear wasoverhauled, and just at sundown topgallantmasts were housed aboard the big cruisers.

"All officers must be aboard at 10 o'clocksaid Lieutenant Conden, "and

none of the erew will be allowed to go ashorebefore sailing."

Sweethearts and wives went aboard to sayfarewells during the day, nnd the men weregetting their clothes and bags stored awav.Captain J. A. Howell, who commands tfieAtlanta, was found in his cabin on the Btar-boa-

quarter, under the spar deck."We shall sail for Cape Haytien," said

he "and then find the Admiral. I don'tthink we shall stay there very long, but goon to Aspinwall, where there may be troublewhen the Panama Canal men are dis-charged."

The Atlanta carries a crew of 286 menand the following officers Captain J. A.Howell, Lieutenants A. K. Conden, N. E.Niles, G. A. Cahoun, G. H. Peters, En-signs H. S. Knapp, A.L. Lev, F. M. Poyer,Chief Engineer J. P. Kel'ly, PaymasterEdwin Putnam, Surgeon M. G. Drennan,Lieutenant of Marines Morris S. Mercer,Surgeon S. H. Dickson,- - First AssistantEngineer W. F. Worthington, AssistantEngineers C. F. Talcott and A. McAlester,Naval Cadets Bobertson, Hubbard, Miller,Crose, Franklin, Eeid and Morgan, Carpen-ter Craic, Gunner F. Messinger, Pay ClerkA. V. Chester.


Creditors of Two Boston Firms Wlll Tnko40 Cents on the Dollar.

Boston, January 19. The BellowB FallsBrewing Company, 63 Haverhill street,with brewery at Walpole, N. H., hasfailed. The liabilities are about 94.000and the nominal assets about 200,000. Thecreditors have agreed to accept 40 cents'.

Alvah, Walker & Co., oil dealers, 40Clinton street, have failed with liabilitiesof 36,000. The creditors have agreed toaccept 40 cents.

jumped the teack.A Passenger Conch Makes a Fntnl Plungo

From tho Halls Lieutenant Gover- -sor of Michigan and a From!

ncnt Iron Man of Cleveland Among tho

Killed.Marquette, Mich., Jannary 19. As

the east-boun- d passenger tr.iiu on theNorthwestern Bailroad neared Elmwood, astation 16 miles east of "Watersmeet, at 1o'clock this afternoon, one of the tracksunder the rear coach broke and threw thecoach off the track. The coach was derailedabout five car lengths, when it struck astump and was smashed to pieces, killingor injuring all the occupants. The killedare: ,

JOHN A. MCDONALD, Lieutenant-Governo- r

of Michigan,WILLIAM CORCORAN, of Escanaba.H. A. TUTTLE, of Cleveland.The woanded are: Mrs. Percy Beaser, of

Ashland, Wis., spine injured, very bad: Mrs.McClurc, of Watersmeet wife of a trainbrakeman, badly cut and severe internal In-jury; Mrs. E. P. Foster, of Iron Mountain, se-vere cut in head and Injury to spine; ConductorA. B. Armstrong, injured in head and legbroken.

Mr. O. C. Davidson, of Commonwealth,nt the time of the accident was playingcards with Lieutenant Governor McDonald,Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Corcoran. He says thatthe first intimation that he had that any-thing was wrong was a jolting sensation.The car then arrayed two or three times andthenturned on its side. He rememberednothing more until he found himself 200 or300 feet in the rear of the train in the snow.It seems that the car in turning over strucka stump, which penetrated it between themen who were playing cards.

Mr. Tuttle. who was seated in the seat tothe rear of the table, was instantly killed,his neck being broken. Mr. McDonaldwas in the same seat with him, and his armwas torn out of the shoulder, and was foundat least 40 feet from the body. He livedabout one hour, and was conscious for a fewminutes. The whole side of the car wastorn out by a second stump, and it seemsmiraculous that any escaped. The dead werepicked up and brought to Watersmeet,where they remained up to this writing. Aspecial train will convey Mr. McDonaldand Mr. Corcoran to Escanaba, where theyresided, ,

Mr. JIcDonald was elected LieutenantGovernor in 1886, and last No-vember. He was 62 years of age, and leavesa widow and a son and daughter. Hisestate is valued at over 500,000. Mr. Tut-tle was well known in Cleveland and in theLake Superior mining districts. He leavesa widow and one child. E. P. Foster, ofIron Mountain, is a prominent miningman whose operations extend over the Mar-quette, Menominee and Gogebic ranges.

The message informing Governor Luce ofthe fatal accident to Lieutenant GovernorMcDonald contained no particulars. Heimmediately wired Mrs. McDonald, extend-ing his sincere sympathy. A proclamationcovering the sad occurrence will be issuedfrom the Executive office Monday.


In the Court Boom She Cnlli Mr. BellowHer Love, Her Life and a Reptile.


New Yobk, January 19. Miss HarrietB. Coffin, who threatened to shoot KyrleHellew last night, because he didn't recip-rocate her love, made a scene in the policecourt this morning. She shrieked Mr.Bellew's name all the way from her cell tothe prisoners' pen. She tried to tear her-self away from the policeman who accom-panied her. At the entrance of the courtftSom she attempted to throw herself on --thefloor) called her love, her lifeand a reptile, and then cried hard. A big,curious crpwd, which had gathered in thecourt room to stare at her, was quite stillduring the rumpus.

When Miss Coffin was taken away to theCommissioners of Charities and Correction,she shouted her protests and jabbed thekeeper in the arm with a hat pin. She willbe examined as to her sanity.

Late this afternoon Miss Coffin was ex-amined by Dr. Stewart Douglass, who hascharge of the insane pavilion, and Dr. M.D. Field, as to her mefital condition.She was found to be insane. Herdisease is akin to monomania. Hermother and two friends were present, andher mother signified her intention of havingthe daughter removed to' a private asylum.Miss Coffin was consigned in ward39 of the insane pavilion. She will prob-ably be removed on Monday. At the hos-

pital she has been quiet and supercilious.


He Has Set Up as a Parisian Swell of theFirst Water.


New Yoek, January 19. The buyer fora large commercial house, who has just re-

turned from Paris, remarked y thatMaurice Bernhardt had jumped into theforemost rank of Parisian swelldom.

"His mother," the traveler said, ''allowsMaurice an income of 1,200 a week, andthe young man is spending every centof it. His manner of dispensing themoney is not particularly modesteither. Instead of driving in the Bois, heis a familiar figure on the boulevard, andin most of the business streets. Every-where that he goes he is surrounded by evi-

dences of wealth."He has lived long enough in America

and England to have a correct idea ofhorses and carts, and his stable is now oneof the best in Paris. When he drives downthrough the Boulevard Capucines,he usuallyholds the reins over a pair of perfectlymatched English Cobs, and he is clad In theprevailing London mode. He is not re-ceived at all in society, by the way,despite the fact that his wife hassome soft of right to call herself a countess,but he is probably as thoroughly contentedas any man in the French capital."


When She Fonnd the Body of Felix RolchertHanging In the Cellar.


New Yobk, January 19. Mrs. CatharineBikert, of 105 Orchard street, went into thecellar this morning to get coal, and thoughtshe saw a very tall man standing in thedimly-lighte- d passage through which shehad to pass. She waited a moment, and asthe man did not move, she attempted tobrush past him. When she touched thefigure it swung from her and back againsther. It was the body of Emil Beichert, 54years of age, a shoemaker, who had hangedhimself by a rope from the gaspipe. Ex-cessive grief over his wife's death is be-

lieved to have been the cause for his sui-cide.


Stinging Rebnko of Extravagance in a VeryConspicuous Place.

Washington, January 19. The com-

mittee appointed to investigate the work ofconstruction of the new library building to-

day submitted a report to the House. Itsays that in this case many men with highsalaries were employed, resulting in an un-warranted expenditure of the money whichCongress intended should be faithfully usedin the construction of the building.

The committee regards the example ofextr vagance iu this case more reprehensibleand demoralizing in its effect because it oc-

curred within sight of the Capitol of thenation and under the supervision of.men inhigh positions.


Thomas Hollowell Kills and Almost

Decapitates Adam Slater


Two Paddlers at Cork's Run Fall ' Out,Drink aud Enact a Tragedy.


The Batcher Knife Unwittingly Varnished by aWoman While She Laughed,

Adam Slater's head is reported to havebeen cut almost off his bodyabout 11 o'clocklast night by Thomas Hollowell in a Cork'sBun boarding house run, by a man named

Golden. They had quarreled; they drank andSlater talked of death, not as if he in-

tended to inflict it upon anyone else, bnt as

if be courted it himself.

A horrible homicide, in which a man'shead was cut almost off by one swoop of abutcher knife, occurred in Chartiers about11 o'clock last night.

At that hour, Thomas Hollowell andAdam Slater were sitting in the sittingroom of their boarding house, on the riverroad, near Cook's Bun, in Chartiers town-

ship.Both men had been drinking heavily,

and when they enterea the bouse, werequarreling about some trifling matter. Theycontinued the heated discussion, and at-

tracted the attention of Mrs. Golden, wife ofthe proprietor of the place, who entered theroom with a butcher knife in her, hand.Slater complained to her that some personshad threatened to whip him, whereuponHollowell, who was sitting opposite him ata table, laughed. Mrs. Golden also joined inthe merriment, and Slater became exasperated. He exclaimed to Mrs. Golden:

"Why don't you cut me with the butoherknife?"

Mrs. Golden laughed a( the question, whenSlater said:

"I'm tired of living, anyhow. I wouldjust as soon die now as not!"


Hollowell arose to his feet, and, steadyinghimself, said:

"Give me that butcher knife!"With that he turned aronnd very sudden-

ly, and hastily grabbed the knife in hisright hand. .He swung it in the air, andthen brought the sharp edge of the bladeagainst the back of Slater's neck. The forceof the blow was so great that Slater's headwas almost severed from the body. Whenthe corpse of the victim dropped to the floorthe head rolled around as if already de-

tached from the body by severing the fewchords that yet bound it

"Upon realizing what he had done, Hollo-well gave a gasp of horror, and, throwingup his hands sank to the floor. The knifefell from his grasp and rolled over towardsthe head of the murdered man. Mrs. Goldenwas speechless with terror at what she hadseen done, but ran- - screaming from thehouse. She sent a messenger to the office of'Squire Bryan at Chartiers, and that officialimmediately repaired to the scene of the i

murder. When he arrived at the houseSlater had breathed his last.

THE 'SQUIRE TOOK POSSESSIONof everything, and placed all the inmates ofthe house under arrest These were broughtto this city at an early hour this morningand locked up in the county jail.

Hollowell did not try to escape, but, when'Squire Bryan approached him he seemedto be dazed. He resisted slightly at first,but soon found that was useless and quietlyconsented to go along with the officer.

Both Hollowell and Slater were pundlersin Long & Co.'s mill, at McKee's Bocks.A slight disagreement had existed betweenthem for some time, and it is supposed thatthe homicide last night was the result of it.

Slater was a married man; but, a shorttime ago, he separated from his wife. Thelatter refused to live with him, on accountof his drinking habits.

At 3 A. ii. the Chartiers officer arrived atthe jail with the alleged murderer and fourwitnesses of the tragedy, including Mrs.Golden. Chris. Steinmiller, it seems, was thefirst neighbor who dared go into the bloodyroom after the butchery to lay out thecorpse, or, as he found he might .do. holdthe yet dying man while he gasped his last.

AN AWFUL CHILLY AEBIVAL.Probably no company that has ever been

brought to jail shivered more on the roadthan the quintet that came up from thescene of the homicide this morning. It wasin a large spring wagon that ConstableKlishum, of Chartiers, came up with hisfive prisoners. They were the alleged mur-derer, Hollowell; Joseph Golden and biswife; Joseph Bolleson and John Cochrane.The men were arrested as witnesses of thecrime.

While coming up to the city Hollowellis alleged to have said to Assistant ConstableSteenemiller:

"Did you see Slater? Didn't I make agood job' of it? That is the first man's headI ever cut off, and I think that it was doneall right!"

The constable asked him why he commit-ted the deed, and he is said to nave replied:

"Well, you see Slater asked me to do it.I didn't want to kill him; but when he saidhe wasn't any good in this world andwanted to die I thought that I might aswell kill him. I was sorry for it after-ward; but I do not feel sorry now."

Mrs. Golden is a small Irish woman andwould not talk to The Dispatch reporter.one seeoieu iu ue uut oi ner minu over theoccurrence.


OnoMan Who Got More Mall Than Any


Canton, January 19. Copies of recentcity papers have contained advertisementsin want columns in which the Traveler'sBureau, of Canton, promised situations tothe unemployed as commercial travelers invarious lines of business, the bureau beingrepresented as agency for a vast number oflarge wholesale and manufacturing con-

cerns daily in need of traveling salesmen.As the concern was unknown to the publichere, and the bulk of mail lately arrivingfor it exceeded that of the largest manufac-tory in the city, a postoffice inspector wassent hers to investigate. Decoy letters elic-ited the fact that D. B. Bosche, an employeof the Hampden Watch Works, constitutedthe alleged bureau, and is alleged to havebeen gulling the guileless public. ,

In answer to' applicants for positions, hesent circulars asking for a remittance of S3,merely as guarantee of good faith, addingthat iu only a few special cases had hefailed to secure employment for those de-

siring it. As all his statements are falseand misleading, the Postoffice Departmentwill withhold his further mail and prob-ably arrest him tor misuse of mails, if noton graver charges. Just how much moneywas raked in is not known, but remit-tances to him were numerous.

"" '" ". ISIXTEEN PAGES. -

2.p: ,' "w



Ho Takes a Flying Pleasure Trip to TenHaute The New White House Team

Makes Its Appearance One

Tlsitornt I.ast.


Indianapolis, January 19. It is possi-ble to make a definite announcement thatno Cabinet positions were slated here y.

At an early hour this morning GeneralHarrison started out for a day of pleasureand to visit hi3 old friend, theHon. W. B. McKeen, at TerreHaute. Besides Mrs. Harrison,Dr. Kitchen, Judge Martindale and Mr.Mose McLain accompanied him. A hand-some special car was used and the partywere met at the station by Mr. McKeen andColonel Thompson. Carriages were inwaiting and the party drove direct to"Edgewood," some distance east of the city,where they dined with Captain Boyes, whohas charge of the farm.

After dinner they visited the stables andinspected the fine horses and cattle. A pairof spanking thoroughbreds were hitched npand the General took a drive with thevenerable of the Navy.

While General Harrison was looking atMr. McKean's horses, down at Terre Haute,the team behind which he will himself mostfrequently appear during the next fouryears, was being driven for the first time.General Harrison secured one horse for theWhite House team some time ago, and therehas been a search kept up ever since for agood match for it. One that would do wasfound a few days ago, and to-d- it wasbrought to this city, and the two animalswere hitched together for the first time.They are bright bays, 16 hands high andfinely formed. They went well togetherand will make a worthy successor' to thefamous seal browns of the Clevelands.General Harrison has not yet seen the team.

It is not known that General Harrison hasyet secured a driver for tne two bays, butsevsral of the personal attaches of theWhite House arc sure of their jobs for thenext administration, whether Albert Haw-kins transfers his allegiance from the sealbrowns to the bays or not. When Buther-for- d

B. Hayes was here some time agohe put in a good word forseveral people whohad been put into the White House by himand retained 'by Mr. Cleveland, and it isunderstood that these thus "spoken for" areall right. This was one of the matters thatoccupied tne attention of the President-elect and the President-never-electe- d duringthat famous conference when they were sup-posed to be talkiug Cabinet and other Statematters.

One of the callers who wished to see Gen-eral Harrison y and didn't was theBev. A. W. Mann, a deaf mute from Cleve-land. His visit wasn't political.


Who is Supposed to Havo Embezzled S165,O0O From His Employers.


New Yoek, January 19. D. MorganHlldreth, counsel for W. S. Lawson &Co.,stock brokers at 49 Exchange Place, 945

Broadway and 179 Fifth avenue, called atpolice headquarters yesterday afternoon,presumably to find out whether he couldget a mysterious prisoner who is confinedthere released on bail. The prisoner'sname is said to be Wyatt or Wyath,and it is alleged that he isan embezzler, whose offense dates back-- a

couple of years. The amount of his allegedembezzlement is variously stated. DetectiveSergeant Mangin, who was in charge at po-lice headquarters last night, admitted thatthere was a prisoner there, bnt would notsay anything about him or what he haddone. It is said that the younsr man is ofgood family, and that bis victims wish tosettle the matter.

Wyath was arrested by a private detectivenamed Irving, who said that the amount ofthe embezzlement was $163,000, and that themoney was embezzled from W. S. Lawson& Co. An official of the police departmentsaid that the embezzlement amounted to lessthan $100,000. The firm, it is said, is notanxious o press the case against Wyath.


A New York Jeweler Loses $10,000 Worthof Dlnmonds nnd Falls.


New York, January 19. The failure ofC. Eosswog & Son, manufacturing jewelersand dealers in diamonds at No. 5 Maidenlane, has caused much comment in thetrade. Yesterday it was reported that thesenior partner had lost or had been robbedof a large quantity of loose diamonds in anelevated railroad car, about two weeks ago,and that this precipitated the failure. Thevalue of the diamonds was variously statedto be from 510,000 to S20.000.

Mr. Bosswog, it is said, was in the habitof carrying the loose diamonds home everynight in a satchel from the store, and abouttwo weeks ago, on bis way home iu a Thirdavenue elevated train, he missed his satchel.He could not tell whether he had left thesatchel somewhere or whether it had beenstolen. It is said that he kept the matterquiet, hoping to recover1 the diamonds anddid not even notify the police. His losscaused the failure. Some of the creditorsyesterday said that Mr. Bosswog had justinformed them of the loss of the diamonds.


Movable Dams In the Ohio Hirer a 3oodThing but Too Dear.

Washington, January 19. The Secre-

tary of War has sent a communication tothe House relative to the practicability ofimproving the navigation of the Ohio riverby movable dams. He quotes Colonel Mer-rit- t,

of the Engineer Corps, as reportingthat the four additional dams proposedwould increase from one to three months thetime during which coal tows may reachCincinnati. This increase in the capacityof the river might amount to 25,973,200bushels of coal annually, worth $1,818,124.

The Secretary says the estimated cost ofthe improvement is 3,600,000, and thaj un-less there is a very great increase in themeans of transportation of coal by boats andbarges, the large expenditure proposedwould not be justified.


Tho Author of Bobert Elsmer Too Busy foran American Trip.

New Yoek, January 19. Mrs. Hum-

phrey Ward, author of "Bobert Elsmere,"writes from London: "I have been muchgratified by the pleasant sentiments evokedin the American newspapers by a report thatI am shortly to visit your country. Thereis, however, no foundation for the statement,and I should be very glad if you would beso kind as to contradict it through theAmerican papers."

Mrs. Ward is devoting all her time to thenew religious novel she has under way, andthis is the principal reason for her inabilityto come to America.


Bellaire, O., January 19. A tramppulled the throttle of a yard engine on theC.L.,& W. road, at Bridgeport,this morning,and then skipped. The iron horse run tothis city at Hghtning speed, and collidedwith some loaded boxcars. The engine andseveral cars were wrecked, but no one wasinjured.


&Qx .yandMageeBecomeEecon-cile- d

Through Cameron.


Goyernor Beaver and Don Cameron

Bow Humblv Before Him.


The Senior Senator Wants to Recover Hii

Lost Heritage.


The staff correspondents of The Dis-

patch at Harrishurg and Washington areassured that a reconciliation has been ef-

fected between Senator Quay and C. L.Magee, and harmony now falls with sooth-

ing effect upon Pennsylvania Republicanpoliticians. Senator Cameron and Gover-

nor Beaver are both bidding for Quay'sfriendship, the former because he wants to

succeed himself in the United States Sen-

ate, and the latter because he wants to suc-

ceed Cameron.

rrsou a BTAir coBSEBrorosxT.Haeeisbubo, January 19. If doubt ex-

ists anywhere that Mr. Quay is in charge ofthe State of Pennsylvania, it is not sharedin and about the Capital of the State. Noone looks to any other quarter for instruc-tions, and anything Mr. Quay wants he canhave. There seems to a general belief thatnothing is too good for the silent man fromBeaver, and the impression is very generalhere that if he wants the earth fenced in hehas only to say the word and the fence willgo up. He and C. L. Magee have fallenout many titne3 and fallen in again, but thelast fallout is largely held to have beenfinal, and Mr. Quay has frequently beenquoted as determined on the political anni-hilation of the Gas City statesman.

While minor politicians and the generalpublic have thus ostensibly determinedthat if Mr. Magee is not a political corpsehe has at least had a bad stroke of paraly-sis, Senator Cameron has not given up thecase as hopeless. Mr. Magee went to Wash-

ington this week on the senior Senator's in-

vitation, and the latter has endeavored toact as mediator between the triumphantMatthew Stanley and the man who is so

often referred to as his fallen foe.


A gentleman who is spending bis secondsession here and who has mingled more orless in politics for a. much longer time, to-

day asked the interesting question: "Haveyou ever thought what would happen ifQuay should head an expedition in search ofStanley or drop out of sight in some otherway? Why there would be chaos in Penn-

sylvania politics. Now everybody looks tohim for direction. Then there would be noone to look to. There wonld be endlessquarrels and combinations and the politi-

cians would be in the dark half the timewhile trying to solve vexed political prob-

lems.""But who," was asked this prophet, "do

you think would at last bring order out of

chaos?""I think," was the emphatic reply, "that

the only man capable of doing so is ChrisMagee. Watch him; he's not dead yet"

Mr. Magee is now, I am informed, inNew York, but whether before his depart-ure from Washington Mr. Cameron suc-

ceeded in restoring peace and thus provid-ing for harmony against the time the Legis-lature meets to' elect a United States Sena-tor to succeed him is yet an open question.


In this effort at reconciliation Mr. Cam-

eron is not working exclusively in the in-

terest of the contending statesmen or evenof the Republican party. The senior Sena-tor has permitted the --political heritageturned over to him by his father to slipfrom his grasp, until now the name of Cam-

eron 13 little better than a political memory.J. Donald Cameron is almost as de-pendent on the will of his junior col-

league as though he had never heldthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania inthe hollow of his hand. He desires tosucceed himself in the United States Senate,and since the true condition of affairs in thepolitical world impressed itself upon himafter the November election, he has paidassiduous court to the man who forced himfrom his place as the chief of his party inthe State, and wrested from him his politi-cal power.

His attentions to Mr. Quay have beenmarked, and he has clearly shown that hedepends on the latter to send him back tothe United States Senate. No one can saythat Quay will do so. No one can say thathe will not. The time for the election is yetfar off, and many things may happen in themeantime to change the whole political situ-ation.


Another prominent person who wouldlike to be United States Senator is the Gov-

ernor of the State. General Beaver hasbeen very kind to Mr. Quay. He obliginglyappointed to a vacant Philadelphia Judge-ship a relative of the Beaver man who hadbeen one of his bitterest opponents, and hasin very many ways shown Mr. Quay that hehas unbounded confidence in his judgmentand advice. Whether this will count atjheproper time is considered in confidentialquarters more doubtful than the problem ofwhether anything is likely to come of Mr.Cameron's courting. The story that Gover-nor Beaver is likely to oppose Mr. Quay inanything from now until after the Senato-rial election may be set down as more imag-inary than real, and the story that he andCameron are likely to combine with Magee

down Quay may be placed alongside itSenator Cameron and Governor Beaver

are rivals for the Beaver man's aflection,and each is most likely to endeavor to out-do the otherthan to fight Besides, Beaverhas not been a Cameron favorite for a longtime because of a certain disavowal of theCameron collar which he made years ago.It may be remembered that it was thoughtparticularly hard in some quarters that heshould have been defeated by Pattison oaCameron's account, while not a Cameronman.


Wharton Barker is another man men-tioned for United States Senator, on whomJlr. Quay has as yet cast no frown, andit issaid in no whispered tones that the light-ning may strite Hon. Thomas M. Bayne, ofAllegheny, if he is not careful.

That Mr. Delamater, of Meadville, isQuay's candidate for Governor, has longbeen talked in all corners of the State.That Adjutant General Hastings has alsobeen looked on with a great dsfree of favorby the same gentleman since his fine speechin the Chicago convention, is not so gener-ally known. Gossip has it, however, thatGeneral Hastings has drawn himself out of

Continued on Eighth Fage.

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