pit bull attacks on animals pt2 may-aug, 6 2010

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From the Cravendesires blog. News reports about pit bulls attacking other animals. Sanitized version without the graphic images. Republished with blog owners permissionBlogposts from:http://cravendesires.blogspot.com/search/label/frankenmauler%20roundup


Attacks on animals by pit bulls. May, 25 till August, 6 2010. Collected by Cravendesires. Without the graphic pictures.

http://cravendesires.blogspot.com/ (Warning: this blog contains graphic images)

Friday, August 6, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 8/6/10 a monk seal 7/31/10 hawaii a pit bull attacked a monk seal, an endangered species with a population of approximately 1,100. the attack lasted about a minute, the seal was able to get back to the ocean where it no doubt will become shark food. David Hall and Pat 8/1/10 UK another law abiding citizen and his dog crashed into a pit bull type dog while out on a walk. the pit nutters got off scott free. Hall has launched a petition to force the police to take action. the police are doing nothing because they do not see it as malicious.

8/2/10 missouri 2 pit bulls attacked a beagle leaving the dog in bad shape and the owner with a $7000 vet bill. Halo 8/3/10 brownstown twp, michigan a lab/gsd mix was attacked by a pit dog INSIDE an animal shelter. the pit would not release its grip and was euthanized with its teeth engaged on the Halo.

8/3/10 gilroy, california this litte dog was loose and was attacked by a loose pit bull in the yard of another person. police shot and killed the ugly mutant. someone called to report a missing pit bull, so they found that $%#@. police are searching for the owner of the little dog. call police at 8460300

Edward and Courtney Pritchett and Abbey 8/3/10 edenton, north carolina the Pritchett were walking their 2 small dogs when they crashed into a loose pit bull. neighbor Mark Dawson heard them screaming and came to their aid. he got a hold of the frankenmauler and lead it away. Tink was killed. the pit nutter was in the hospital, not yet but

about to be dead from a gunshot wound. the ugly mutant was in the care of his sister, KIMBERLY BOSTON, who has been cited for dog at large. the dog has been banned from the city of edenton which has a pit bull since 2004there are more than one KIMBERLY BOSTONs and they all seem to have criminal records, go figure. Pelusa walks with a limp 8/4/10 lincoln, california a neighbor's pit bull broke through the fence and attacked several dogs in Lupe Guittierez's yard. Pelusa was injured, three other poodles died. the pit nutter refused to comment on the news 10 camera and the news did not name the low life scumbag, but through animal control, we learn that he had the ugly pit for 8 years and the pit bull has never been a problem with people. the ugly dog has been seized and hopefully has a purple needle with his name on it. Peggy and Pepper 8/4/10 UK Peggy Hume and her sister were walking their dogs when they encountered a woman and a younger woman with a baby in a pram, a gsd and an unleashed ugly staffy bull. the staffy bull attacked Pepper. the pit nutters of course went on their merry self absorbed way. 8/5/10 faulkner county, arkansas a man found a pit bull in the pen with his dead pigs. he shot the dog and dumped its ugly carcass in front of the apartment that he believes it belongs with a note that said I killed your dog. Call me. i like this guy!

8/4/10 calera, alabama another BELLA!! this ugly dog SOMEHOW got loose and ran into a garage and killed a cat in front of its owner. BELLA also SOMEHOW got loose and attacked a toy breed that was being walked by its owner. a city council meeting was filled with angry residents, dog rescue kooks and friends of the pit nutter MELANIE SMITH. SMITH said the problem is BELLA is an escape artist and offered to make amends by reimbursing her neighbor's vet bills and the neighbor whose cat was savaged by the ugly dog. i wonder if that offer to reimburse includes psychological counseling for not only loosing your beloved pet to a violent dog but also witnessing it!? SMITH said "I'm going to pay whatever fines I get. I just don't want them to put Bella down; she really is a sweet dog." "Bella has been with us since she was a puppy," Smith told the council. "She was not raised to be aggressive. I'm willing to take every precaution to keep her with us." what a shame that she is not willing to take every precaution to keep her neighbors safe from her ESCAPE ARTIST. note: BELLA has been moved to louisiana with relatives until the small city calms down.

8/4/10 canada a 3 am police stop nearly cost this K9 officer his life when an off leash pit bull launched an attack. the pit nutter has been cited. a dangerous dog charge is coming, the dog at large fines in surrey range from $50 to $2000. the vet bill for Atos is $1000. 8/4/10 france a pit bull killed a poodle.

8/4/10 UK a pit bull type dog and a mastiff type dog savaged a shetland pony.

8/4/10 UK Pauline Paetz watched in horror as her yorky, Roddy was savaged on her daily walk. My dog was screaming and crying. The young man was punching his dog to try to make it let go, but it just wouldnt. When it stopped, Roddy was split open. The little dog was left dying with its guts hanging out and the boy then just ran off. It was absolutely horrific. Police have asked for anyone with information on the attack to call them on 0300 123 1212 quoting the reference 10987/26th Jul.

Authur Singfield and Daisy 8/5/10 UK Singfield was walking Daisy(dog) when a staffy bull attacked. a passerby helped save Daisy's life from the little ugly frankenmauler but not before rupturing her spleen. 8/5/10 frisco, texas 50 yr old Rodney Smith was walking his golden retriever Cali when he heard a woman yelling "come back! come back!" Smith turned to see the pit dog charging him and Cali. as Smith fought the pit dog, he saw another pit dog coming at them. "I just made up my mind -- I'm not going to let my dog die like this." fast forward to the meat of the story, the pit nutter. the owner of pit dogs says that Smith attacked the ugly dog UNPROVOKED. Mr Smith, please send me the pit nutter's name. 8/5/10 grady, alabama an ugly pit bull nearly killed a neighbor's jack russell. the owner's mommy says the punk has 24 hrs to get rid of it. 8/6/10 sioux falls, south dakota police responded to a vicious dog call. the residents told the officer that the pit had just attacked 3 dogs. the cop tried to contain the ugly mutant until ac arrived but the pit dog approached him in a menacing manner and he shot. it was later euthanized. the pit nutter, 42 yr old ADAM BEIER of 507 N Indiana Ave was cited for dogs at large and no proof of rabies vaccines. 8/6/10 canada Becky Smith was walking along a beach, carrying her cat when pit bulls happened. she tried to protect her cat. the ugly mutants knocked her to ground and left her injured and bleeding. Smith is upset, not only was her cat killed but the police are not filing charges. Dead cat, woman covered with blood, pit bulls not on leashes I mean, it's pretty basic. Saint John Deputy Police Chief Bruce Connell said that criminal charges are usually only laid in cases of dog attacks when it was something the owner had intended to happen. updates huron county, michigan 25 yr old MATTHEW LEESE pled guilty to having an unlicensed dog and leash law violation from the june 3 sheep killing and mauling rampage of his two ugly pits. fifty five sheep were either killed or injured. LEESE was warned TWICE approximately one month prior to the rampage to keep his ugly dogs contained. LEESE will have to pay restitution to the

sheep owner in the amount of $19,603.63. LEESE was also ordered to pay impound and boarding fees for his two 2 yr old pits. he will also have to have the dogs euthanized at his expense. LEESE will be sentenced on september 3rd. he will be facing possible jail time as well as fines. bennington, vermont the pit bull that broke through a window screen to attack another dog this past june was euthanized. rutland, vermont ZOEY, a pit bull/lab mix was was declared not vicious after it attacked a man and his dog in a park last april. it is not clear if the pit nutters WILLIAM and MARTINA MILLER will have to remove the frankenmauler from the city. williams, california residents are rightfully upset that a killer pit bull was returned to the neighborhood. the 29 yr old pit nutter Luis Alberto Ramirez, declined to comment. the dog attacks that the media never reports Oliver 8/3/10 canada a loose gsd ran onto a woman's porch and killed a maltese/poodle and attacked a schnauzer. the woman was bitten on both hands. a neighbor came to her aid. a woman and a girl came and got the dog, they called it KEETA but denied it was their dog. Anyone with information about the dog's location and owner is being asked to contact Amherstburg police at ******* Posted by cravendesires at 8/06/2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 7/31/10 sorry this is late! 3/2/10 concord, california this was brought to my attention as a result of the recent fatality. a man was injured trying to protect his pomeranian from an insane frankenmauler that lept out of a moving vehicle to attack it. a friend of the victim reports that pom suffered a broken leg, cuts to the chest and eye. a concord city employee came to their aid. 5/12/10 north st. paul, minnesota Deb Pellend took her two small dogs for a walk around silver lake and encountered a loose pit dog. the ugly mutant grabbed Spike, the jack russell/shi tzu mix and shook. she kicked the dog off but he grabbed Spike again. Spike went into shock the next day died of internal injuries. Pellend is trying to get the unnamed female pit nutter to reimburse her for the vet bill but she has been uncooperative and unsympathetic. when Pellend told Ms Nutter that she thought her ugly dog should be added to the dangerous dog list "she accused her of harassing her and hung up on me". Deb, i would be more than happy to play the part of harasser. i just need a name.

7/20/10 franklin county, ohio a pit dog owned by DONALD MOORE attacked a rottweiler last february. 7/21/10 houston, texas roaming pit dogs have been terrorizing a houston neighborhood. one of them broke through a window screen and killed a cat INSIDE the home! see also i dont care how loud toellner rinalia, reynolds and ledy scream they aren't, pit bulls ARE different Felicity 7/22/10 walls, mississippi 3 pit bulls crashed through a window and attacked Felicity as she walked to the mailbox with her owner who was also injured trying to save her dog. see also i dont care how loud toellner rinalia, reynolds and ledy scream they aren't, pit bulls ARE different Julie and Pepper 7/22/10 UK Julie's husband was walking Pepper and their other greyhound when they saw a women with a staffy bull, unleashed and unmuzzled across the street. it charged across the street and launched at Pepper. the other greyhound Sparky, was terrified he ran off. Pepper suffered bites to her body and legs. the attack was reported to the police but they do not investigate dog on dog attacks. 2 days later her leg began to swell and she developed blood poisoning. 7/22/10 atlantic beach, florida a woman was walking her gsd when they were attacked by a pit dog. the gsd was bitten several times and the woman was bitten twice. neighbors responded with shovel and pots and pans and beat back the ugly pit. the pit nutter said the dog broke free of its collar while it was on a leash in the front yard. the gsd owner declined to press charges. grrrrrrrrrr. YOU HAVE TO PRESS CHARGES PEOPLE!!!! 7/22/10 charlotte, north carolina an ugly frankenmauler jumped the fence into the neighbor's yard at 5 am and attacked her husky mix. the pit nutter said he was sorry and he would pay the vet bill. we'll see. at the time of the attack, the pit nutter had outstanding animal control citations: no leash and no license. ac issued him 4 more citations and canvassed the area talking to neighbors and found his dogs have been a problem. they seized the pit. 7/23/10 fort meyers, florida 2 pit bulls attacked 2 pigs, killing one and severely injuring the other. one of the pit dogs charged the owner and he fired a warning shot at it. too bad he didn't take aim. 7/25/10 bakersfield, california Gene and Shirley Takach were walking their pug, Otto when he was attacked by a loose pit bull. 7/26/10 UK a loose pit dog savaged a spaniel that was being walked by his owner. the pit dog, described as "American-style pitbull" was taken into custody. dirt nap please! a 30 female was detained for questioning. she was eventually released on bail.

7/23/10 montreal, canada home invasion Gatti's neighbor's frankenmauler ran into her condo and after her dog Puppy. she grabbed him and held him above her head. the ugly pit dog jumped up and tried to grab Puppy but instead got a hold of Amanda, biting her on the leg, shoulder, under her arm. neighbors say the ugly dog has been a problem. the frankenmauler was seized and is now dirt napping. photos of amanda's injuries. 7/26/10 dallas, texas 45 yr old Frank Ybarra was walking Bear, his chow/lab mix when the pit bull named BEN charged from his back yard and attacked. Ybarra's hand was injured trying to save his dog. Bear received minor injuries. Ybarra said this is not the first time that he and Bear have been attacked by pit dogs. this link also covers two other separate human pit attacks that occurred over that weekend, a 63 yr old man and an 8 yr old boy. 7/27/10 fountaintown, indiana 2 more people have been added to the "i'm afraid to leave my property" list. joy fowler and her husband went for a ride on their mule and horse when a neighbor's loose pit dog attacked. fowler's husband fired a gun with blanks that spooked the ugly % $#@! long enough for another neighbor to grab it and put it in her car. under the wheels would be my preference. looks like after the quarantine, ugly beast will be going home as the aco can't find anymore more history on the dog. 7/27/10 brownwood, texas police responded to a complaint of a pit bull getting loose and threatening a woman's small dog. by the time LE showed up the dog was chained up but going berserk. photos were taken and a dangerous dog application was filed. the owner signed it and was cited for not having another dog properly vaccinated. 54 yr old pit nutter MARK GILBERT 7/27/10 fitchburg, massachusetts mr pit nutter here told the cops that he USUALLY put his 3 ugly frankenmaulers on a leash but he didn't see anyone so he just let 'em go. the ugly pit dogs spied Patrick Godly and his dog and took off after them. Godly suffered lacerations to his legs, head, and chest. no word about his dog. 7/28/10 pasadena, california a pit bull mix and a mixed breed dog got into a fight. a neighbor shot the ugly one. it appears both of the dogs lived in the same home. 29 yr old pit nutter CRISTA DAVIS 7/29/10 gothenburg, nebraska JOSEPH and CRISTA DAVIS' pit dog sent a neighbor to the E.R. after he tried to save his dog from the pit dog. this is the second time they have had to answer to the city about their frankenmauler. of course wiggle butt would only lick you to death. Dusty 7/29/10 woodcliff lake, new jersey the career of a 9 month old seeing eye dog in training was ended when a pit dog owned by KRISTINE B. HEINEMANN charged out her house and attacked Dusty. Dusty's foster was walking him and another german shepherd when the ugly mutant escaped through a door that was left ajar, charged into the street and attacked the young dog. HEINEMANN screamed at her dog but he was in pit bull mode and not responding. contractors working nearby did

respond however with hammer in hand. they began to beat the ugly dog in the head and MASON the frankenmauler finally let go. Roger Woodhour's hand was severely injured trying to save Dusty. the tip of his middle finger was severed. the pit nutter managed to get control of her ugly dog and lock it in her car. Dusty was taken to the vet and underwent 4 hours of surgery. he required sutures to its neck and leg. he also had lacerations to his head and ear and four front teeth were broken from the attack and were extracted. the nutter who resides at 178 Woodcliff Avenue was issued a summons. 7/30/10 tracy, california a woman was was walking her 2 dogs on the 100 block of manzanita lane when 2 pit bulls exited a house and attacked her dogs. one of her dogs was killed. the police took a report.

7/30/10 tyler, texas an 83 yr old woman walked to her mailbox and was attacked by a pit mix. she made it back to her house, the ugly dog followed and her husband shot it :) she received 50+ stitches and is still using a wheelchair. her dogs have recovered. look on the bright side, it could have been attacked by a raccoon. 7/31/10 north platte, nebraska an ambull bit an off duty trooper's dog and was shot. :) the ugly dog was later euthanized. updates 7/26/10 mount shasta, california the ugly mutant pit dog owned a hobo that killed a 15 yr old cock a poo, named Nikki last month, got his dirt nap. Nikki's owner, Rhonda Bryant was left the trauma of seeing her buddy of 15 yrs savagely killed and of course like the majority of pit attacks, she was left with vet bills. Those wishing to make a donation for Bryant may do so at the Siskiyou Humane Society. Call Latos at ****** for more information. oh and the ugly dog had a violent history in the L.A. area. 7/27/10 williams, california a small poodle named Spider was killed by an ugly pit dog on june 30th as he was walked by a teenager. the 29 yr old pit nutter LUIS ALBERTO RAMIREZ, got his dog back. the neighborhood is understandably UPSET that ugly CHINO was not given a dirt nap and has returned to maul again. of course the pit nutter said his dog has never shown an iota of aggression prior to the fatal mauling. yeah, right. and the dog attacks that the media NEVER reports 7/22/10 fort collins, colorado NICOLE ANDERSON'S boyfriend's australian shepherd/"lab" mix killed her poodle. she had her ex-husband come over and hold the dog down while she slit its throat. go to the link for the rest of the gory details. 7/22/10 gainesville, florida a rottweiler went after a small dog and the small dog owner went after the rott. he stabbed it multiple times. it was later euthanized.

7/23/10 bonita springs, florida CHRISTOPHER LINGERNFELTER owns 3 akitas and takes them to work at the vacuum depot. two came out of the business and attacked a mini dachshund walking with his 76 yr old owner. the man was knocked down and his dog bitten. LINGERNFELTER apologized, is paying for the vet bills and is no longer bringing his FIGHTING dogs to work. yeah, that's right pit nutters, i don't like this breed either. i don't like ANY breed with fighting or baiting in its history.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 7/21/10 rip Teddy 7/15/10 sacramento county, california a loose pit dog killed a 10 month old maltese and injured the teenager walking him when he tried to protect his dog. rumor has it the owner of the ugly dog is in jail and the pit is being watched by a friend/neighbor. 7/16/10 kerrville, texas an ugly ambull escaped from its yard and mauled a 71 yr old woman and killed Franny, her little mutt that she was walking. it is dirt napping now. 7/16/10 canby, oregon 2 loose pit bulls killed a cat in front of the 5 yr old owner and 2 chickens. only one of the ugly dogs has been caught. rip Gigi 7/16/10 davidson county, north carolina Gigi (Yorky)was killed by a loose pit dog on the fourth of july while out for a walk with her owner and Cocoa the chihuahua. 7/19/10 lubbock, texas this cat who was attacked last week by a pit/boxer and pit last week died. the 83 yr old cat owner was also injured. the dogs are still on the loose. Harry recovering with family 7/19/10 australia Harry was mauled by 2 ugly pit dogs. they are still on the loose. 7/19/20 colorado springs, colorado a pit mix killed Shy a yorkie mix while out on a leashed walk with a 10 yr old girl. pit mix > dirt nap 7/20/10 fort lauderdale, florida Kallen Gonzalez was sitting in the park with a silky terrier when they were attacked by BOBBY and SHELBI, two ugly pit dogs. the small dog was killed, Gonzalez received 25 stitches in her face and the two ugly frankenmaulers received dirt naps. 9/21/10 jackson, mississpippi a small pack of wild dogs described as lab/pit mixes that has killed cats is now beginning to menace people.

dog attacks the media never reports 7/20/10 shrewsbury, massachusetts a rottweiler is on death row for attacking people and dogs. Posted by cravendesires at 7/21/2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 7/14/10 rip Bennie 6/26/10 oakland, michigan an ugly frankenmauler broke down a 6 ft privacy fence and killed Bennie(dog). Tyson(Yorky) 7/8/10 UK Tyson's spine was broken and his lung punctured in a savage attack by a leashed staffy bull who broke away from his owner. the nutters fled with ugly dog. 7/8/10 durant, oklahoma 2 pit bulls belonging to DESIREE ELLISON attacked her miniature pony. the next day it attacked a man walking down the street. (but, but, animal aggression and human are two different issues!) one dog was shot by police and the other is dirt napping. certified pit nutter MICHELE CROUSE made an appearance to defend wiggle butts. CROUSE had her very own man biter a couple of years ago. 7/9/10 UK a senior couple and their dog were attacked by a pit bull during a walk in the park. 7/9/10 niagara falls, new york a cop beat a pit bull with his baton that was attacking another dog. he then shot it when it charged him. 7/9/10 martha's vineyard a pit bull being walked by its nutter's mother broke away from her and killed a cat. the dog ran home with bits of it in its mouth. the dog has a previous history of attacking ANIMALS. the ugly dog received a dirt nap despite the protests of the nutter's mother and selectman ISRAEL, who wanted to give the nutters 5 days to consult the catholic church on the proper way to shuttle it off of the island and into someone else's backyard. 7/9/20 new zealand a pit bull cross shredded a goat. Ziggy(dog) 7/9/10 UK Ziggy was out with his owner when a pit bull cross approached. the frankenmauler was friendly at first, licking Ziggy's owner's hand even. (i think he was thanking her for bringing him a snack) Ziggy's spinal column and jugular were torn and is unlikely to make a full recovery. but hey, that's a small price to pay to be able to own the dog of your choice. rip Princess 7/9/10 houston, texas Princess was killed by 2 ugly pit bulls while sunning in her yard. Princess' owner pursued the 2 pit bulls as they charged into yard after yard before finally finding and killing a second cat. Princess' owner called 911 three times, the cops only responded after he told them

that he would shoot the dogs himself. 7/9/10 auburn, california home invasion I am a caregiver for a 91 yr old lady who had a cat which was her companion and never left her side, a wonderful and perfect and meek tempered Calico. She was the most beautiful Calico we have ever seen. Wednesday night 7-7-10 about 5:00 pm she had her back sliding door open a bit for the cat to come in and out, and they were both resting in her house, and a pitbull came in through the back sliding door and seen the cat and ran after her through out the house and caught her in the other side of the house and literally tore the cat up shaking her and biting her and the lady was so scared and alone she thought she had to do something to save her loyal companion, so got her cane and tried hitting the pitbull and screaming and no one came. How this lady did not have a heart attack is beyond me. She thought her cat was dead so after resting 30 minutes and getting up the strength to walk down to these peoples house , she told them what had happened but by then they had washed their dog off and called me the caregiver and this was by then 6:30 that the owner called me to come and take the cat to the Vet. which was just down the street. Well she didn't make it as both Vets told me that her injuries were too extensive for save her and it would cost several thousand dollars and she may not still make it. This lady has been devastated and grieving so bad over what she witnessed and to see the mess of the house after the attack was terribly upsetting, as I am so mad that nothing has been done, other then Animal Control came out and gave her a report to make. This is such a shame she has no protection in her own home. The man asked her, if she left her door open, what a slap in the face that he would ask her that, instead she should have asked him why the dog was loose and not contained, but she was to in shock to come back at him. He is a Bully asking her that. I am a shamed at the people who don't take extra precautions owning a dog who is recognized for their behavior and attacks on people and other animals and their locked jaws that you can not unlock. This was an unnecessary accident that could have been prevented. 7/10/10 wisconsin rapids a loose pit bull tried to attack a woman and her dog. 7/11/10 somewhere in texas 2 ugly pit bulls were left unattended in their yard while their owners went to the "store". one or both of the pits escaped and tried to attack a man walking his dog. he very successfully fought off the dog(s) with a box cutter. marley the frankenmauler is taking a dirt nap. Mr Bing (dog) 7/12/10 red bank, tennessee Mr Bing was in his own yard surrounded by an electric fence when Mr Ugly came a knockin. Mr Bing suffered torn muscles, multiple bites and a broken rib. the pit nutter was not cited. 7/12/10 tracy, california a pit bull was picked up for attacking other dogs. rip Chance & rip Stella 7/12/10 chandler, arizona a white pit mix and a black lab mix have been running loose. they attacked and killed these two dogs, Chance and Stella and possibly others. it is interesting to note that the witnesses report that ONLY the white pit mix is attacking, not the black lab. they are still on the loose.

7/13/10 troutdale, oregon a craiglist frankenmauler killed a cat within minutes of acquiring the "awesome" dog.

7/13/10 UK 57 yr old Mike Barnett rescued a horse from a vicious attack launched by a "psychopathic" apbt/staffy cross. 7/14/10 steamboat springs, colorado a male and a female pit bull SOMEHOW escaped a house and attacked a 12 yr old lab being walked by its owner. several people responded and beat the pit bulls until they finally ran off. the lab was later euthanized due to its injuries. the pit nutter was issued a citation and happily signed over his frankenmaulers for dirt naps. steamboat springs shelter manager Molly Waters said these 2 pits were the 5th and 6th dogs to be euthanized this year because of aggression. the other four dogs: pit, heeler, aussie and boxer. she then said that "she finds pit bulls are no more likely to be aggressive than other breeds" despite the fact that 50% of the aggressive dogs she has euthanized for aggression were pit bulls. 7/14/10 UK a bull mastiff/staffy bull cross savaged a small terrier in the shopping area. the victim rushed her dog to the vet and the punk fled with his ugly dog. 7/14/10 riverdale, maryland 3 yr old cocker spaniel named Peluche was attacked by a pit bull. firefighters and medics were called to the scene to help with the "uncontrollable bleeding". UPDATES 7/9/10 huron county, michigan the prosecutor is seeking damages in the amount of $16,700 from 25 yr old MATTHEW LEESE. his 2 ugly pit bulls reached maturity and celebrated by killing FIFTY ONE SHEEP! LEESE is charged with an unlicensed dog and a stray dog with a possible sentence of 90 days in jail. 7/14/10 livingston county, michigan JACOB RUSSELL HARRIMAN pled guilty in may for allowing his pit bull to roam. HARRIMAN failed to show for sentencing this week. a warrant has been issued for his arrest. the pit bull attacked 2 german shepherds april 15 resulting in the death of one of the dogs. btw, the frankenmauler was euthanized. see april 23rd frankenmauler roundup and the attacks the media NEVER reports 7/14/10 livermore falls, maine HOOCH, a bull mastiff/mastiff/rott mix previously declared dangerous after it attacked a letter carrier in 2007, SOMEHOW got loose to attack again. this time HOOCH killed a jack russell terrier, a service dog named Jack who was leashed and walking with a 14, 16 and a 19 yr old. 41 yr old MARTIN VINING of 46 Park St. MARTIN has ben charged with dangerous dog, an unlicensed dog and dog at large. Posted by cravendesires at 7/14/2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 weekly frankenmauler roundup 7/7/10 it's been an unusually slow week for frankenmaulings. 7/3/10 lynn, massachusetts a loose pit dog attacked a cat. the cat's owner lost a fingernail as she tried to pry the dog off. the frankenmauler's owner ALICIA J. COCHRANE of 2 Ames St was fined $50 for not having her dog vaccinated for rabies and $25 for violating the leash law. THAT OUGHT TO TEACH HER! 7/3/10 mahopac, new york Duke the 11 lb shih tzu was murdered on his front lawn in the presence of his 10 yr and 4 yr old owners. this is apparently kill number 2 for the frankenmauler that SOMEHOW keeps getting loose. and the pit nutter... 45 yr old MARIA PREVOSTO of 11 Birch Lane, goes to court july 12. 7/4/10 linden, new jersey 2 pit bulls attacked Bruno last easter while he was outside with his owner. the owner ran back to his grage and grabbed his 357 and killed one of the dogs. this pit bull attack was only reported because the VICTIM was charged with a crime. the pit perp's identity is protected. look out new jersey, it is smack down time. supreme court says so. 7/4/10 carson city, nevada a woman's dog was attacked by 2 pit dogs while out on walk. 7/5/10 ellis, kansas a woman and her 18 yr old daughter were attacked while walking their dogs. the 18 yr old and the dog that she was walking were both injured. the 18 yr old received lacerations to the face, arms and legs. the dog's injuries were not specified. JOHN DENISON has been charged with harboring a vicious animal. 7/6/10 new zealand 16 sheep were killed by pig dogs. in april, pig dogs killed 24 sheep. 7/6/10 winter haven, florida a pit bull attacked a cat. the ugly dog was taken to ac. 7/6/10 york, maine a sharpei/pit mix attacked a 22 yr old tennessee walking horse. the frankenmauler belongs to 22 yr old ROGER T PRATT of 1 New Mill Creek. the horse owner said the same dog attacked her goat last month (oops, the biased media missed one!). PRATT has been charged with keeping a dangerous and unlicensed dog. sept 9 court date. 7/1/10 melrose, massachusetts a pit bull retriever mix jumped over the fence, ran across the street to attack a leashed shiba inu. the shiba's owner is stuck with a $2000 vet bill. she said the pit bull has come after her shiba before but never harmed it. people, you need to report ALL instances of dog aggression, even failed instances.

7/7/10 bennington, vermont back in june a pit bull went through a screen to get to a dog being walked by its owner. the unnamed pit nutter has promised the city they would jump through hoops if they can keep their frankenmauler. the pit nutters said the dog was rescued from a bad environment and wasnt aggressive toward people only other dogs. that BAD ENVIRONMENT is called DNA. 7/7/10 sheridan, illinois (dan meagher's redneck of the woods) during the july 4th parade, an ugly frankenmauler, broke restraint and attacked a yorkie. the pit nutters signed wiggle butt over for a dirt nap citing LIABILITY. this is the second time wiggle butt has demonstrated LIABILITY. it's dirt napping and the owner received a citation. the attacks the biased media NEVER reports 7/1/10 melrose, massachusetts a leashed german shepherd killed a cat. the owner fled. Posted by cravendesires at 7/07/2010 Thursday, July 1, 2010 weekly frankenmauler roundup 7/1/10 my hero 65 yr old Monica Sorel and her dog Pepper featured frankenmauler attack providence, rhode island Monica sorel was just sitting on her porch with Pepper when she saw a pit bull break free from the person walking it and charge after her dog. Monica did an awesome job of protecting Pepper. she beat the pit dog back 3 times and was finally forced to wrestle with the ugly frankenmauler to save her dog. Monica held the 60 lb pit dog in a head lock while her neighbor called 911. Monica and Pepper were both injured. "He's never been aggressive with me in any way, shape or form. He's been around young children. He has been around other dogs varying in size ... and there has never, ever been a problem." LAUREN FONTAINE FONTAINE said her mommy was walking the ultimate canine gladiator, when FRANKIE spied a squirrel and his super duper prey drive kicked in. FONTAINE insists that FRANKIE is not vicious. i don't know, beating a dog back three times? putting it in a head lock? i have yet to meet the lab that does't retreat when i stomp my foot and yell at it to go home. nit wit examiner CHERYL PHILLIPS claims Monica provoked the pit bull because she used her hands as a break stick to save Pepper's life: "Under RI state law, a dog can be declared vicious for several reasons, among them unprovoked attacks on humans or domestic animals. The question is, was this attack provoked or unprovoked? Although Sorel claims the dog attacked her, the report indicates that the pit bull went after Sorel's Boston Terrier and she blocked the pitbull. She was then injured by the pitbull, apparently having to bandage two fingers that were bitten when she tried to pry the pitbull's jaws open when it attacked her dog." PHILLIPS cited the state law. what part of dogs are vicious if they launch unprovoked attacks against people or domestic animals doesn't she understand? CHERYL PHILLIPS is heartless.

rip Corky 6/22 peoria, illinois Corky the lab/cocker mix lived 15 wonderful years, well except for the last few minutes of her life when she became victim number 3 of a neighborhood pit bull. the pit bull belonged to CARLOS BROOM of 2105 W.Moss Avenue is pictured below. BROOM has a history of multiple violations with multiple dogs. this frankenmauler will get his dirt nap and BROOM will get another pit dog. BROOM is living the dream, while Corky's owner is stuck with the nightmare. 6/26 australia Bailey and his owner were walking along the beach when one of 2 pig dogs being walked by their collars SOMEHOW managed to wriggle out of it and tried to attack Bailey. Bailey's quick thinking owner grabbed her dog and ran for the water. unfortunately, she tripped and the dog bit her head. the pig dog owner smacked his dog, yelled sorry and left. 6/26 elgin, illinois a 63 yr old man fought off two loose pit bulls as they tried to attack him and his german shepherd while out for their evening walk. rip Manchas (chihuahua) 6/28 richmond, california Manchas was killed protecting his family from 2 pit bulls who entered into their home. i thought ONLY pit bulls loved their owners enough to die for them? these two ugly white dogs are Manchas killers, JADE and BEAST. 6/28 jacksonville, florida two ugly frankenmaulers have been in control of a neighborhood for the last few weeks; barking, roaming, menacing people and their pets. the pit dogs finally succeeded in killing a dog. animal control has been called out a few times but the dogs are too fast and ac is too gutless to call in an armed officer to neutralize the threat. remember jeff daniels? his panties were all in bunch because he was careless about his dogs in the yard. when they got loose, ac was called. when ac couldn't catch one after nearly an hour, they shot it. florida you need to refer to north carolina on the proper handling of these situations. it is estimated that there are 350,000,000 guns in the united states and not a one are in this jacksonville neighborhood? 6/28 UK an ugly staffy bull attacked several sheep. one sheep died, another is still fighting to live and others sustained serious wounds. 6/29 benton, arkansas WILLIAM and TERESA McPEAK'S ugly frankenmauler SOMEHOW how got loose and mauled the neighbor's dachshund, Rusty, so badly he was euthanized. that was saturday morning. the McPEAKS were issued a citation that requires the attacking dog to be quarantined for 10 days. on monday, the ugly pit dog chased Rusty's owner back into his house. 350,000,000 guns. where are they? 6/29 lehigh acres, florida 7 yr old 10 lb mini pin Prince and his 70 yr old owner are recovering from an encounter with a pit bull. is it just me or is lehigh acres turning into a pit bull shit hole from hell? or maybe it is the entire state?

6/29 indiana county, pennsylvania 2 ugly frankenmaulers received their much deserved dirt naps when they SOMEHOW got loose and attacked the neighbor's white tail deer. the man who raises the white tail deer returned the dogs to the owner. the dogs immediately came back and attacked, killing one deer and severely mauling some of his fawns. the only thing the deer rancher returned this time was fire. he should have shot them the first time. AMBER CALO and RAPIST MIKE TYSON 6/30 saline, michigan AMBER CALO'S 2 yr old female pit bull named GRINGA got loose and attacked a 7 yr old leashed beagle on its evening walk. the responding police found a chaotic scene involving several people, including a frightened man holding GRINGA by the choke collar. the ugly frankenmauler was described as exhausted and covered in the beagle's blood. CALO paid for the vet bills and claims to feel "really bad" yet she plans to try and save GRINGA'S life and promises to move her out of the neighborhood. 6/30 ottawa, canada another freaky LEDY VANKAVAGE type lawyer is working to save the life of 3 yr old PRINCESS. the ugly pit dog is too young to have been legally grandfathered into the 2005 pit bull ban. she is not spayed and of course she mauled a small dog. JAIME STEPHENSON filed a stay of execution on behalf of the frankenmauler. i'm sorry but a stay of execution? for a dog? for a dangerous dog? they don't call them nutters for nothing. 6/30 australia a pit bull killed a cat. the pit nutters were described as 2 middle eastern men, aged 63 and 35. they were overheard saying this was the second cat the dog killed in 2 weeks. 6/30 australia 3 pit mixes (pig dogs - i like this name) SOMEHOW escaped their yard and went on a killing frenzy, taking out 5 sheep. one pig dog was shot and 2 are in custody. 7/1 mexico, missouri a pit bull got loose and killed a poodle. 7/1 UK a loose staffy bull attacked Pippa, a west highland terrier and Ruby, a pom/chi mix. This was going on for about ten to 15 minutes and Pippa was dripping with blood, she was screaming, Ive never heard a dog make that noise and I hope Ill never have to do it again. (i've heard that noise) the owner has been arrested and the ugly dog seized. this is the frankenmauler's fourth attack. and the dog attacks that the media NEVER reports: 6/23 redding, california ROBERT BELASCO'S japanese tosa (a fighting dog) attacked a woman at a dog park. the victim's little dog let out a cry and she picked up her dog. the cry got the attention of the tosa and he bit the woman in the arm, requiring 40 stitches. tosas have as much business at dog park as pits, dogos and presas. this is the second DOCUMENTED attack at the dog park involving one of BELASCO'S dogs. 6/24 florida a 4 yr old shih tzu named CYRUS was declared dangerous after it attacked a little boy

in april. this is the first small dog incident that i found. they have been large: great danes, boxers, rotts, tosas, bullmastiffs, cane corsos... 6/25 fall river, massachusetts a bull mastiff grabbed a shih tzu through the fence and "ripped its jaw off". the little dog died. witnesses say the owner of the bull mastiff looked pleased. 6/29 shrewsbury, massachusetts the board of selectmen ordered a dirt nap for a rottweiler belonging to MARY E TROST of 10 Latura St. the 4 yr old dog terrorized people and animals for 2 years. good riddance. i hope they banned TROST from owning any more dogs. 6/30 australia a bull terrier/cattle dog mauled a cat. UPDATE remember the little dog named Sophie who was attacked in downtown san francisco by a pit bull, the owner tried to flee leaving her dog behind? T-SHA SULLIVAN, the owner of COCO the attempted killer dog has been banned from owning dogs for 3 years. and COCO? pit nutters became outraged that the ugly frankenmauler was going to get a peaceful death. "In the case of Coco, however, Officer John Denny of the police department's dangerous and vicious animals division says Coco reacted so poorly to being in confinement that evaluators could not even get into the cage to interact with her." COCO is dirt napping. :) Posted by cravendesires at 7/01/2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 6/22/10 Panda Bear 6/16 pittsburgh, pennsylvania a woman was out walking her american bulldog Panda Bear, when it was attacked by 2 pit bulls. the pit bulls grabbed the larger ambull and drug it into the street. the ambull owner was bitten on the leg. a good samaratin and a cop tried to stop the attack. the good samaritan used a pipe and the officer used a baton and a taser without success before shooting and killing one of the ugly mutants. the ambull owner says the first three shots didn't phase the dog, it went down on the 4th shot. the other pit bull ran off and has not been found. 6/16 mount shasta, california Nikki, a 15 yr old cocker/poodle was savaged by an ugly frankenmauler. Nikki has to be euthanized the next day. the pit bull was owned by a transient from the LA area. mount shasta fire chief sprayed the mutant dog twice with mace. then an aco seized the "highly aggressive animal". here are the events that led up to the mauling, she was walking Nikki (who was on a leash) past the Stage Door when she saw the pit bull. The owner was covering the dogs eyes with his hand and assured her that everything was fine, she said. I told him I didnt think so, and started to cross the street... The next thing I knew, the pit bull lunged and got my Nikki... there was nothing I could do.

Zoey (boxer) 6/16 adams county, colorado 2 yr old Zoey nearly died after one of the her neighbor's 3 ugly pits broke through the fence and attacked Zoey in HER YARD. the county ACO said there was nothing they could do because there was "not enough damage to Zoey". taking a cue from the catholic church, the pit nutter shuffled his frankenmauler into another unspecified, unsuspecting neighborhood. 6/17 ridgefield park, new jersey the owner of 4 pit bulls called 911 to report that 3 of his dogs were attacking a fourth. the police shot one of the frankenmaulers, unfortunately it survived and is on the mend. "The officers found the pitbull that was being attacked in "exceptional distress." the police are holding the dogs and asked the judge to designate them as vicious.

TINY 6/17 springfield, oregon a 9 lb italian greyhound was attacked by a pit bull at an OFF LEASH park. the pit nutters tried to run but the victim memorized the license number and called police. they wouldn't take her report. ACO TRACY SPARKS stated "Unfortunately in an off-leash dog park animals are allowed to roam amongst themselves, and be interactive. And the ordinances like 'dog at large' are not going to apply. Nor 'vicious dog' are going to apply." OBVIOUSLY 'dog at large' would not apply, as to the lack of a vicious dog ordinance in an off leash park, well this is called anarchy people and you should respond appropriately. ;) 6/17 bibb county, georgia SULEMAN HILL'S pit bull launched itself after a man and his wife while walking their dog. the victims report this is the SECOND attack by the this same mutant dog. Sugar (dog) 6/17 new bedford, massachusetts Sugar was out for a walk with her owner when a pit bull mix SOMEHOW escaped its gated yard and attacked Sugar. the pit nutter claims to have been home during the attack but didn't hear anything. passed out drunk no doubt. mr pit nutter is playing the race card, he says he feels singled out for owning a terrier dog that "looks like a pit bull." the ugly mutant frankenmauler must now be confined to a kennel when in the yard and muzzled when off of the property. one more strike and it's dirt nap time. Harry (dog) 6/17 UK Harry was attacked by a pit bull/staffy cross while on a walk with his 62 yr old owner. Harry received 14 stitches, two 4.5 inch gashes on his shoulder and multiple bites to the head and feet. the police refused to do anything because no human was not bitten. 6/18 clifton, colorado 26 yr old MICHELLE B ESSLINGER of 3206 Bunting Ave in Clifton, Colorado was ordered to pay restitution to owner of Tigger Tiny, a chihuahua, after her UNLICENSED ugly dog named RAZOR, SOMEHOW broke free from its tie out and attacked the small dog. ESSLINGER can get her ugly mutant frankenmauler back after she meets the dangerous dog requirements: build an escape proof kennel, RAZOR must be kept inside when ESSLINGER is not home, muzzled leashed and under the control of an adult when not in the home or in the kennel. she can not transfer ownership and animal services wants RAZOR registered with the department of agriculture. (?) Tigger Tiny died by the way.

6/18 ontario K9 officer Max was injured by a pit bull during a pot growing bust. i hope that they shot the ugly pit bull. Joseph Mark Guy Beaulieu, 21, of Shelburne, Ontario was charged with production, possession of drugs with the intent to traffic, theft of electricity and a prohibited weapon (the pit?). 6/5 jacksonville, north carolina a neighbor's pit bull viciously attacked, mangled and killed a sixpound dog, named Taffy. (not sure why this is hitting my mailbox 2 weeks late) 6/19 los angeles TWO attacks in LA last saturday. in the first attack, a woman was just starting out on her walk with her bassett when her neighbor's pit bulls attacked. she went into her apartment and got gun when she and the pit nutter were unable to break them off. she shot and killed one, the other ran away :) the bassett had non-serious injuries. pit nutter witness Adam Mason says the gun was unnecessary. i disagree. in the second attack, a woman was walking her 2 maltese when 2 pit bulls attacked. one of her dogs, 11 yr old Precious, didn't survive. the pitbulls were caught. this is one of ugly mutants and it will be "put down peacefully". 6/19 fort wayne, indiana a pit bull tried to attack a man walking his dog. a neighbor came to his aid and prevented injury. Isabella 6/20 hanover, new york Isabella, her owner and a friend were out walking when a malamute and a pit mix bolted out of their yard and charged Isabella. the victim reports that the malamute did not engage, it just stood by while the pit dog savaged the husky. the pit nutter, DON LaDOLCE, heard the commotion and responded. he managed to get his 6 yr old pit mix "who sleeps with them and has been raised with his granddaughter and nieces". do you hear the violin playing in the background? LaDOLCE'S girl friend, BONNIE GUNTHORPE claims the dogs were tied down but blames all of the rain for making it easy for them to pull out there stakes buried 2 ft. question for the victims: were the pit mix and the malamute dragging chains and axels? LaDOLCE describes his ugly mutant frankenmauler named STAR, as calm and social and refuses to give up the mutant monster, stating "If you removed every dog that ever got into a dog fight, you'd be getting rid of almost half the dogs in this country." LaDOLCE swears that this will be an isolated incident and promises it will never happen again and adds that his ugly dog was also shaken up by the experience. let's take look a little closer at LaDOLCE, shall we? DON is a 46 yr old loser musician. he is divorced and has at least 2 kids and apparently, he is a drug dealer. yep, that description matches the face and %$% ***** comments regarding his ugly mutant pit dog. 6/21 howard, wisconsin a pit bull mix attacked a 56 yr old woman's golden retriever at an OFF LEASH park. she was bitten on the ankle trying to save her dog. the asian pit nutter called his dog BUDDHA and then fled in a red pick up with a woman and a toy poodle. the sheriff wants to hear from you (920) 448-4241.

and the attacks that the media NEVER reports: 6/16 reno, nevada a boxer named ASTRO was deemed dangerous after it attacked a woman and her 2 small dogs back in february. the pomeranian was killed and the dachshund's lung was punctured. the owner of small dogs had two surgeries on her arm and a skin graft. 44 yr old ERIC WAGNER is the boxer owner and if he fails to comply with the special enclosure, warning signs and $50K insurance policy within 60 days, ASTRO will be taking a court ordered dirt nap. 6/16 UK a lurcher savaged Bailey, an 11 yr terrier while being walked by its owner. Ms Gamedogs, care to dazzle us all with knowledge about lurchers? 6/17 UK a "mongrel terrier" (a new code word for pit bull?) was ordered a dirt nap after MENACING a guide dog which led to the guide dog's owner being injured. now that's what i call appropriate action! UPDATES back in the april 23rd frankenmauler roundup, i reported that 20 yr old BRITTANY EDWARDS', (stuart florida) ugly mutant frankenmauler attacked a golden retriever on a beach. EDWARDS and her ugly dog NINA are in trouble again. EDWARDS opened the door to her apartment and let her pit dog out. it promptly attacked a 10 lb dog being walked by its owner. EDWARDS took her dog back to her apartment and refused to open the door for police. after 8 attempts to contact her, the police finally succeeded and seized NINA. the pit dog is back in this psycho's possession. based on these two attacks and her myspace page, i think she is a hideous excuse for a human being. someone seems to dislike her so much that they created a fake myspace page of her. and it is not flattering. hope you had a lousy birthday CYDNEY CROSS!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 6/15/10 rip Holly (cocker spaniel) 6/7 australia 9 yr old Holly was killed in her own yard by an unregistered pit dog. 6/7 UK an ugly staffy bull killed a cat in its own yard. the owners of the cat followed the dog and encountered 2 men who denied it was their dog. they were described as short and chubby, in his 40s, while the other was in his late 20s, of thin build and had a receding hairline. they were on bicycles and the dog left with them. Anyone with information about the attack should contact Cambridgeshire police on 0345 456 4564. what's up with the UK banning the apbt but not of their own frankenmauler? 6/7 florida recall the pug that was killed in its own yard by pit bull owned by a habitual criminal? the death of Baily pushed Gina Brashear over the edge. Brashear owns the Affordable Animal Care Clinic in Fort Meyers and says that in the last year they have had a dozen people run in carrying their dogs who have been savaged by pit dogs and they have only saved 2. Brashear favors banning

pit bulls. Brashear is also a pit bull owner. according to Brashear, "They're used for fighting and guarding. It's a people problem. But if we can't do away with bad owners, we need to get rid of the breed." JUNE IS THE MONTH FOR PIT BULL OWNERS TO WAKE UP! 4 yr old Harry and Cathryn Sharpe 6/7 UK Harry and his mom's boyfriend went to the park to play football. an ugly staffy bull attacked a jack russell, then bit the mom's boyfriend and then Harry's face. when police arrived they said the dog did not appear to be "dangerously out of control". but, but dog aggression is different from human aggression! 23 yr old Elizabeth Scarrott 6/8 UK SCARROTT'S 4 yr old staffy bull broke away from her control and attacked a labrador. the owner of the lab was bitten trying to protect her dog. this bimbo pit nutter says "Just because Staffie's aren't tiny chihuahuas doesn't mean they haven't got hearts of gold like my dog Boss." WT*? the judge must have been smitten with this nitwit. he ordered her to pay restitution and take 6 dog training classes. the dog gets off because the bite to the human happened in the midst of a dog fight. outrageous. 6/9 middletown, maryland 4 pit/lab mixes attacked 15 dairy calves. all of the calves survived with cuts not punctures. the dogs ran off. please call Animal Control Officer Rachel McVey at 301-6001544 with information. 6/9 woodland, california Oscar Villafana Jr. of 3806 Cherry Lane, two pit bulls got loose and killed a 15 yr old 1000 lb horse. it was found with a broken front leg and bite wounds covering 60% of its body. VILLAFANA'S ugly pits were found covered in blood. they're now covered in dirt. what a surprise, VILLAFANA has a criminal record! 6/10 philly an ugly pit mix became so frightened that it SOMEHOW slipped its collar and attacked a carriage horse. 6/10 clemson, south carolina Heddon saw a pit bull attacking a womans' dog. he parked his truck, grabbed the metal bar and became an instant hero. the police later caught the frankenmauler. THANKS CHRIS! 6/12 new haven, connecticut Aiden (dog) was walking with his owner when he was attacked by 2 ugly pit bull that were being walked by a dog walker. a neighbor came to their aid and saved the day and most likely Aiden's life. Thank you Patrick McCreless! 6/12 oklahoma county this little grey dog was attacked on TWO separate occassions by the neighbor's pit bulls. he didn't survive the second attack. the owners have tried talking to the neighbors but we all know how that goes. the problem reached a head when the frankenmaulers killed another dog in the household. there are no leash laws in the county. the police told the victims they have a right to defend themselves and their property and that's just what they did but not before snapping a photo of the mutants with their most recent kill. one of the ugly pits' gunshot wound lead

to its euthanasia. the little black thing in the photo below is victim number 2 (or 3 depending on how you count the little grey dog), an 11 lb manchester terrier named Nickles. 6/13 washington DC area Victoria and Rafferty were attacked by a loose pit bull while out on a walk with their owner. the feisty owner put up a good fight and her dogs were not seriously hurt. 6/14 sterling heights, michigan a woman was seriously injured defending her 2 cocker spaniels against her next door neighbor's 2 pit bulls. the police shot one of them. 6/14 bennington, vermont a pit bull broke through a screen door and viciously attacked another dog. rip Barney 6/14 UK a staffy bull killed a cat and savaged a 17 yr old terrier named Barney. Barney was later euthanized. the incident called for another friendly reminder from the police: "We advise all dog owners to keep pets on a lead when in public. 6/15 katy, texas a pit/rott mix got into a neighbor's yard and killed one of the 2 chihuahuas that live there. the police issued a dog at large ticket to the pit/rott owner. 6/15 salisbury, north carolina an off duty deputy sheriff shot his neighbor's pit bull when it came onto his property and charged his 3 small dogs. the ugly dog had a history of running loose and attacking dogs. 6/15 derry, new hampshire Obi the beagle was the target of a neighbor's pit bull. Obi's owner tried firing a warning shot, but the dog continued. Red received a dirt nap :) the paper interviewed the aco for this article who said that just yesterday she quarantined a pit bull for biting a woman and released another pit bull from quarantine that bit another dog. neither of which made the news, hmmm.... the aco also added that "Not all pitbulls are bad. We're trying to get away from that idea, that they're bad."

rip Canela (dachshund) 6/15 garland, texas a neighbor's pit bull attacked and killed 7 yr old Canela. updates 25 yr old MATTHEW LEESE the owner of the pits that killed 20 sheep is being charged with unlicensed dog and stray dog. Each charge carries penalties up to three months in jail. LEESE said his pit bulls ran off the earlier that evening. 44 yr old remorseless SANDRA ARNETT pled guilty to the pit bull attack that left Maggie dead. she was somewhat argumentative before the judge. as she pled guilty, she added Actually, I dont

believe I am guilty. the judge advised her to not plead guilty if she didn't believe that she was. she responded I just want to get it over with. the judge ordered her to have a little pow pow with her PUBLIC defender. when she came before the judge again, she pled guilty and added, My dogs got loose. she was ordered to reimburse the victim for their vet bill of $451 and a $202 fine and 6 months probation. the dog attacks that are never reported 6/7 UK a lab/tosa mix killed 4 alpacas last january and is suing the dog owner 51,567.16. the fighting dog nutter denies his dog it. 6/11 UK a 10 yr old yorkie lost its leg and nearly his life to a bull mastiff. Twiggy is not out of the dark yet. she may not survive.

Saturday, June 5, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 6/5/10 6/1 orange county, texas a 2 yr old horse received face and neck injuries when a pit nutter (after being warned about her ugly pit bull running at large) allowed her frankenmauler to escape YET AGAIN! the pit nutter was also cited for not having proof of a rabies vaccine. 6/1 deerfield, oregon a woman and her 9 yr old daughter were walking their 2 dogs, a 8 month old golden retriever and an older dog when an off leash male pit bull attacked the puppy. the pit nutters also had a female pit on leash. the idiot male in the pit nutter couple had a lot of difficulty getting his ugly dog to release the puppy but it eventually did. mr and mrs pit nutter offered up the obligatory spiel "i'm sorry, he's never done that before." 6/1 temperanceville, virginia a beagle was attacked by a neighbor's ugly pit dog while he was tethered in his yard. the beagle's owner was bitten on the face and hand trying to save his dog. 6/2 bristol, rhode island 6 yr old Teddy was killed may 22 outside Animal House of Grooming at 654 Metacom Ave. Teddy was going in to be groomed as WRECKER was coming out. the pit nutter offered this ridiculous explanation: Mr. Giampietro said he believes Wrecker might have become scared or startled when it unexpectedly encountered the pomeranian just outside the business. and this ridiculous explanation: When she (his wife) came around the corner the pomeranian was right there. Then it started yelping like little ones do and I think that might have made (Wrecker) lose it. Its a really bad accident, and Im sorry for it. i wonder if WRECKER passed the ATTS? WRECKER is a 120 lb Land of the Giants line of pit bulls. not a lot of info on these dogs, they were created by KEN BUZZELL in massachusettes using the COLBY line of pit dogs for his foundation. (these dogs look more like pit Bandogs) the big ugly dog belongs to 47 yr old of course this is not WRECKER'S first offense. he killed a raccoon and was quarantined. about the same time a dog disappeared but they were never able to prove WRECKER was the culprit.

6/2 ewing, new jersey a loose pit bull attacked a terrier and bit its owner when she tried to save her dog. the terrier had to be euthanized. 6/3 australia a jack russell was attacked by an ugly pit bull that SOMEHOW managed to slip its leash. this occurred outside of a DOG PARK. 6/3 UK a staffy bull has been ordered to take a dirt nap after attacking a women who tried to shield her west highland terrier from it. the pit nutter, 44 yr old RICHARD JAMES HARRIES has been banned from owning dogs for 5 years. the ugly dog is still above ground!! 6/3 grants, new mexico a pit bull attacked and killed a dog out for a walk with its owner. the ugly dog has been certified dangerous but is nowhere to be found. 6/3 southeast, missouri a loose pit bull attacked a leashed dog at a crowded outdoor event. many people came to their aid. the pit nutter did not step forward. surprise! 6/3 normandy, missouri police shot and killed an ugly pit bull that attacked a resident and killed his yorkie. the city council has given the police a big thumb's for shooting these ugly dogs. 6/4 milan, michigan a cairn terrier was seriously mauled and eventually euthanized after a loose ugly pit bull collapsed one his lungs, broke 3 ribs and broke canine teeth. the victims are stuck with a $1700 vet bill and a dead dog. pit nutter TERRY BELL could not explain how his frankenmauler got out of the yard and bit his THIRD VICTIM. the ugly dog, HOOCH is now dirt napping. 6/4 huron county, michigan 2 unlicensed roaming pit bulls killed TWENTY sheep out of a herd of 32. i'm sure they would killed all 32 if they had not been interrupted. the unnamed pit nutter admitted that his 2 yr old male pit bull ran off the night before. he has PROMISED to compensate the owner of the sheep for his losses. 6/4 knoxville, tennessee a man was walking his newly adopted dog when a neighbor's loose pit bull attacked. the man was bitten defending his dog. the frankenmauler had JUST bitten another man. a deputy happened to witness the second attack and gave this story a happy ending. DIRT NAP!! 6/4 bordentown, new jersey a woman walked her 3 children to school and took her 15 yr old terminally ill beagle, Allie with her. on the way home, a loose pit bull attacked Allie. Lori Boberg flew into action kicking and punching the ugly frankenmauler. two men came along and helped Boberg save her dog. many children witnessed the attack but not Boberg's. the pit bull was accompanied by his house mate, a dreaded LABRADOR! gasp! but the lab wasn't involved and apparently strayed during the mayhem. the loose dogs belong to DEBRA SMITH and she promises to pay the vet bills. she also claims to be a "responsible" pit bull owner.

update on the scottsdale serial killer DIRTNAP for DOGGETT'S DOPEY!

and the dog attacks that are NEVER reported. 6/2 UK a 5 month old jack russell suffered a punctured lung and 2 broken ribs after being mauled by a rott and a bull mastiff. the owners fled

Sunday, May 30, 2010weekly frankenmauler roundup 5/30/10 5/24 clearfield, pennsylvania a pit bull attacked a poodle, the owner was bitten when she tried to save her dog. the pit bull then attacked a second poodle. 5/25 australia a 69 yr old woman was bitten by a pit bull while she walked her 2 dogs. 5/25 hookset, new hampshire 29 yr old DANIELLE GRAVELINE'S pit bull and cocker spaniel (gasp!) charged out to the street where a woman was walking her 2 dogs. the pit bull attacked a 10 yr old golden retriever. there's lots more to this story. GRAVELINE has earned some special attention. 5/25 accomac, virginia two loose dogs (one pit bull) killed a cat that was lying on its porch. 5/26 conway, south carolina 18 yr old AMBER NICOLE TUCKER doesn't know how her ugly pit bull escaped her yard and killed 7 cats. TUCKER was arrested and posted a $700 bond for allowing her dog to kill. rip Bailey 5/26 lehigh acres, florida 27 yr old LORENZO HOOD'S ugly pit bull named GATOR killed Bailey the pug in his front yard. the police were called and the ugly dog was shot. LORENZO HOOD needs a little personalized attention too. 5/27 liverpool, england a leashed ugly staffy bull overpowered its pit nutter and attacked a swan at sefton park. the swan died later. 5/28 hastings, florida a farmer shot and killed a pit bull that attacked one of her cows. the owner of the ugly dog, 38 yr old MICHAEL BLANTON, was just fined $500 2 weeks ago for an attack on one of her goats earlier this month. second link. 5/28 beaumont, texas police were called to a dog attack and found a man holding an ugly dog down. the dog had already bitten him and his dog. the pit bull got free and tried to attack the man and his dog. the cop shot and killed the pit bull.

5/28 UK thugs and pit bulls terrorized a small herd of docile ponies used to help disabled people. they chased the ponies in their car and then turned the dogs loose. the ponies were cut up in fencing trying to escape. their vet bill is already 500. 5/29 oakland, california two pit bulls escaped from their fenced yard and savaged a dog being walked on the sidewalk. a good samaritan stopped to help, he knocked one of the pit bulls unconscious with a car jack. the other pit dog ran away. 5/31 UK (late edition) a woman and her 9 yr old akita were attacked by a loose pit bull. a good samaritan came to her rescue and beat the pit bull with bricks, it was captured. the ugly dog appears to be well cared for. the woman underwent emergency surgery while her dog spent the night at the vet. UPDATES aussie camel attack the thug who owns the ugly dogs was fined $500 and one of the dogs was declared dangerous. it must be muzzled and leashed and wear a special collar. the owner must also post a sign: ugly dog live here. SANDY KELLEY greene county, missouri remember BARTY? and his dingbat owner SANDY KELLEY? BARTY killed a chihuahua and attacked a doberman last november. KELLEY of course tried to deny it was her dog. eventually BARTY was given a dirt nap and KELLEY has now been found guilty of animal cruelty. she received 2 years probation, ordered to pay restitution to her victims, and ordered to attend counseling (someone has finally recognized the pit nutter illness!). her remaining dogs will be temperament tested and her ability to control the dogs will be assessed. if either fail, she will not be allowed to own dogs over 15 lbs. here's the best part. SANDY KELLEY has SIX MONTHS to repair her rickety fence! see also ice house beer, hot dogs, dirt nap and here's TWO of the dog attacks that no one EVER reports! 5/25 omaha, nebraska three cane corsos SOMEHOW got loose. one of them killed a poodle while it was on its own porch. aco pit nutter mark langan states the dogs were not licensed, vaccinated or did not have the proper insurance. too bad the cops didn't shoot them. 5/28 and 5/29 philly two great danes attacked two dogs on 5/28 and then again on 5/29. the dog owner of the first attack was also bitten. the idiot owners of great danes gave false information so now the victim of the first attack must undergo rabies shots. a $1000 reward was being offered for the identities of the great dane owners. greatdaneattack.com the great danes and their owners have been identified! Posted by cravendesires at 5/30/2010 Labels: pit bulls