pipeline engineering training manual


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Training Manual
























1.0 OBJECTIVEThis pipeline engineering discipline training manual is intended to provide information about pipeline engineering and to list design deliverables produced by the discipline. It also includes guide to the pipeline engineer on the methodology and basic approach/work process towards producing the deliverables. Furthermore, it x-rays the work interface with other engineering disciplines and departments in NETCO with respect to the pipeline engineers responsibility on a project. It is however not intended to be a design manual.


A pipeline is the means of conveying fluid from one location to another or generally from source to user. There are three major groups of oil and gas pipelines namely: Gathering, Transmission / Trunk and Distribution pipelines.

Gathering pipelines connect individual oil/gas sources to central treating or processing facilities.

Transmission pipelines refer to pipelines that transport gas, crude oil or refined products.

Flowlines are relatively small diameter pipelines that convey untreated oil/gas to a central facility for processing.

Distribution pipelines are mostly applicable to gas transportation where they are used in a network to convey gas from utility companies to end-users.

Pipeline engineering involves the scientific task of designing, constructing, operating and maintaining pipeline systems. The pipeline engineer should decide on which specific pipeline installations (materials and otherwise) are suitable for transporting the fluid involved. In deciding this, the pipeline engineer utilizes some codes and standards and recommended practices to ensure a safe pipeline system. Note that pipeline involves fluid transportation off-plot (outside the plant area) in contrast to piping which relates to the pipework in and around the plant area or facility.

This training manual presents aspects of pipeline engineering relating to the design of a pipeline.


PipelineA tubular material used to convey variety of liquids, gases and solids over distances that range from a few metres to hundreds of kilometres.

Flow LineA small diameter pipeline transporting untreated fluids from one or more wells to a gathering center, generally less than 20kms.

CondensateLiquid hydrocarbons that are sometimes produced together with natural gas or the liquid formed when a vapour cools (condensation).

DewpointTemperature at which a vapour, contained in a closed vessel at a given pressure, will first form liquid on the subtraction of heat.

HydrateA solid compound formed by the chemical union of water with a molecule of some other substance. Hydrocarbons with one or four carbon atoms can form hydrates under the right conditions if free water is present.

LNGLiquefied Natural Gas, mostly methane, held in liquid state by the application of low temperature, to facilitate storage.

LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas, mostly propane/butane held in liquid state by the application of pressure and/or low temperature.


Natural Gas Liquids, condensate derived from natural gas.

Natural GasolineThose liquid hydrocarbon mixtures containing essentially pentanes and the heavier hydrocarbons, which have been extracted from natural gas.

Sour GasGas that has sour components, e.g. H2S or other corrosive sulphur compounds.

Sweet Gas

Hydrocarbon gases essentially free from sulphur compounds.

Acid Gas

Gas which contains a significant amount of CO2.

Two Phase Flow Simultaneous flow of gas and liquid in the same pipeline.

Multiphase FlowSimultaneous flow of two or more fluid phases (i.e. gas, oil and water) in the same pipeline.

PigSolid or semisolids (i.e. gel) tool which is driven through the pipeline by differential pressure developed across it. This is used for cleaning, gauging, inspection and batch separation.

Pig TrapPressure vessel designed to allow pigs to be launched (pig launcher) and received (pig receiver) using pipeline fluids as the driving medium.

Pig Signaller

Externally located indicator which detects passage of pigs.

Sphere PigAn hydraulically inflated rubber/polyurethane sphere used as a pig to separate fluids in a pipeline, or to remove condensate, filled with inhibited water to a 102-105% of diameter.

Scraper Pig

Pig fitted with scraper blades to remove wax coating.

InhibitorSubstance added to pipeline fluids to inhibit corrosion or hydrates.

Slug CatcherVessel designed to collect periodic slugs of liquid from a two-phase pipeline.

Peak ShavingThe practice of augmenting the normal supply of gas during peak or emergency periods from another source where gas may have either been stored during periods of low demands, or manufactured specifically to meet the demand.

Line PackA method of peak shaving by withdrawing gas from a section of the pipeline system in excess of the input into that section, i.e., normally, the difference between the actual volume of gas in the pipeline at low flow (increased pressure) & that at normal flow.

Design LifeTime period to which the pipeline is designed to operate from initial installation or use until decommissioning of the pipeline.

Design factorRatio of the hoop stress in the pipe at the design pressure to the yield stress of the pipe material.

MAOPMaximum Allowable Operating Pressure is the maximum pressure under routine operating conditions or maximum value of all pressures including random transient pressure surges caused by unexpected incidents.

Safety factorMaximum allowable ratio between the stress produced by the maximum service pressure of the circulating fluid and the elastic limit of the steel.

Laminar FlowFlow with Reynolds number less than 2000. In this flow, the flow patterns of fluid patterns are laminar and parallel, since any tendency towards turbulence is counteracted by forces of viscosity.

Turbulent Flow

Flow with Reynolds number in a range going from between 1000 to 4000, to a high limit depending on the roughness of the pipe wall.

Absolute Pressure

Gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric PressurePressure of the weight of air and water vapour on the surface of the Earth. Approximately 14.7lbf/in2 at sea level.

Gauge PressurePressure generally shown by measuring devices. It is the pressure in excess of that exerted by the atmosphere.

SCADASupervisory Control and Data Acquisition.

A system that controls the gathering and polling of data relating to the pipeline(s), processes the data, controls the running of any pipeline model, and activates alarms and other monitoring routines.


America National Standard Institute


America Society of Mechanical Engineering


Institute of Petroleum


British Standard


Institute of Gas Engineers


America Petroleum Institute


Det Norske Veritas


America Society of Testing and Material


National Association of Corrosion Engineers


Some of the applicable Codes and Standards used in the design, construction and testing of pipelines include:

ANSI/ASME B31.8Gas transmission and distribution piping system

ANSI/ASME B31.4Pipeline transportation systems for liquid hydrocarbons and other liquids


Specification for line pipe


Recommended practice for railroad transportation of line pipe.

API 5LWRecommended practice for transportation of line pipe on barges and marine vessels


Pipeline Valves

API 1102Recommended practice for liquid petroleum pipelines crossing railroads and highways

API 1104Standard for welding pipelines and related facilities

API RP 1110API Recommended practice for pressure testing of liquid petroleum pipelines

API RP 1111Recommended practice for design, construction, operation and maintenance of offshore hydrocarbon pipelines.

ASME B16.34 Steel valves (Flanged and Butt-welding End)

ASME B16.20 Ring-Joint gaskets and grooves for steel pipe flanges

ASME B16.5 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings

ASME B36.10M Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe

BS 8010 Part 1&2 Pipelines on land: Design, construction and installation.

BS 8010 Part 3 Subsea Pipelines: Design, construction and installation.

DNV Rules for submarine pipeline systems

DNV RP E305On-bottom stability design of submarine pipelines

IP (Part 6)Model code of safe practice - Petroleum pipelines

NACE RP0169 Control of external corrosion on underground or submerged metallic piping systems

NACE RP0675 Control of corrosion on offshore steel pipelines


Pipeline design covers the full design life of the pipeline, and consequently, maintenance and inspection methods / procedures should be considered during the design process.


A number of work procedures are applicable in the pipeline group. Project specific procedure usually called Pipeline Discipline working procedure is prepared by the responsible discipline engineer in a project and endorsed by the project QA/QC personnel prior to approval by the Project Manager.

Basically, the discipline working procedure states the pipeline intended scope of works and highlights the resources (codes/standards, software, discipline team, etc) to be used in executing the project.


For any proposal, the scope of work to be undertaken is determined by the pipeline engineer from relevant documents provided by the Client. Also, since most projects are interdisciplinary by nature, proposal meetings are held where the pipeline engineer interacts with other discipline personnel to further clarify his scope of work and responsibilities.

The input to proposals by the pipeline engineer can be broken down as follows:

(i) Preparation of Man-hour EstimateA list of deliverables expected to be produced during the project execution is prepared based on proposed designs to be undertaken and materials required. Based on the number of deliverables and the extent of activities expected, the man-hour estimate is prepared.

The methodology involved in producing man-hour estimate includes:

Step 1

Carefully study the pipeline engineering / discipline scope of activity contained in the tender / proposal document

Step 2

List out the expected deliverables (studies, calculations, specifications, drawings, data sheet, material requisitions, etc.)

Step 3Using the Engineering scope and man-hour summary form (F-5054-Pipelines), input the information of step 2 including the associated hours. See Appendix for form

F-5054 Engineering scope and man-hour summary (Typical) for the Pipelines group.

Step 4Pipeline LDE to check the deliverables / estimated hours against the standard discipline default man-hour and revise as appropriate.

Step 5

Submit the LDE approved man-hour to the Proposal Manager for review/approval and subsequent inclusion in the overall engineering man-hour summary.

(ii)Execution plan

Arising from the project specific requirements, discipline execution plan is prepared. This would be in accordance with the ITB and is to be submitted to the Proposal Manager for inclusion in the proposal documents. The basic information to be contained in the discipline execution plan includes:

Outline of activities to be executed by the discipline

Expected deliverables

Methods and tools to be used

Deviation from Client ITB method if any

Any other requirement(s) as may be directed by the Proposal Manager

3.3DESIGN DELIVERABLESFor any project involving pipeline design activities, the deliverables list depends on the work-scope established by the Client. However the following list includes the common deliverables produced in a pipeline design effort:

Design Studies

Routing studies

Design Basis

Material Specifications (Line pipe, Bends, Valves, Risers, Pig traps, etc.)

Other Specifications (Welding, Installation, Hydrostatic tests etc.)

Pipeline Hydraulics

Pipeline Mechanical Design

-Wall thickness determination

-Stability calculation

-Stress Analysis (Buckling, expansion, span, crossing, installation etc.)

Material Data sheets (Linepipe, valves, bends/fittings, pig traps, etc.)

Material Take-off (MTO)


Pipeline planimetry (route map)

Pipeline alignment sheet

Crossing drawing (Road, river, pipeline, rail, etc.)

Riser drawing

Riser guard / clamp detail

Kilometer marker post drawing

Pig launcher / receiver details, etc.

(a)Design studies

In some projects, pipeline design studies are necessary in order to carry out effective, efficient and safe design. The common areas include routing, material selection, pigging, hydraulic study, constructability study, etc. In each study case, experience and sound judgement are pertinent.

(b) Route selection report

This deliverable only applies where the client has not firmed up the desired route for the pipeline. The methodology for routing a pipeline involves extensive studies and discussions with landowners and appropriate authorities. The major factors governing the choice/selection of a pipeline route includes economic, technical and safety considerations. The shortest route may not always be the most suitable. In choosing a pipeline route, the following main factors should be considered:

Pipeline operating conditions and requirements

Terrain and subterranean conditions

Hazards and obstructions

Environmental impact

Permanent access

Existing and future land/seabed use etc

It is noteworthy to mention here that it is necessary to carry out a survey of the pipeline route and choosing a tentative route should be preceded by a desk study.

(c)Design Basis

This is sometimes referred to as design premise, basis of design, design memorandum etc. It contains all the information necessary for the specific design, installation and testing of the pipeline. This includes information on the route, pipeline operating conditions (flow, pressure, temperature etc), fluid characteristics, design and installation requirements etc. As the name implies, it outlines the design requirements of the entire pipeline system and serves as a guide to the engineering design of the pipeline. Therefore, the deliverable is first among others.

(d) Material Specifications

These documents outline the technical requirements for the specific pipeline items/equipment in question. The commonly prepared material specifications include those for:

Line Pipe and Bend Material

Pipeline valves

Flanges and other Pipeline fittings

Pig launcher and receiver etc.

Pipeline material/equipment specification must state the following as a minimum:

Process of manufacture of the material/equipment

The tests to be carried out on the item(s)

Quality control/assurance measures

Transportation / Delivery conditions.

For the above information, appropriate codes/standards are used in addition to Client specific requirements and experience. (Refer to Section 2.2 for Codes and Standards).

(e) Construction / Installation Specifications

This is similar to the above except that here, the pipeline engineer specifies the types/methods of construction/installation, testing and pre-commissioning / commissioning requirements. Use of codes/standards/Client requirements and experience is also necessary.

(f) Pipeline Hydraulics

Hydraulics is the study of flow of fluids under an external force. In pipeline hydraulics, the engineer considers fluid flow conditions, whether the fluid is compressible (gas) or incompressible (liquid). This is with the view to determining the appropriate pipe or line size for the pipeline. This is achieved by determining the pressure loss and any temperature changes along the pipeline length. The analysis of pressure losses in pipelines is critical as these losses have a significant impact in installation cost, operating cost and also the pipeline capacity i.e. size.

Some design software/literature are available for hydraulic analysis. Software includes PIPESIM, PLGAS, and PIPEPHASE etc.

Typical ranges of economic velocities are as follows:

Liquid Pipelines

-1.5 to 2.5 m/s

Single phase liquid

-1.0 to 4.5 m/s

Single phase gas

-less than 18 m/s to limit noise

Two phase gas/liquid-Greater than 3m/s and less than fluid

erosional velocity

(Erosional velocity, Ve = 122*1/1/2, where is fluid density, Kg/m3)

(g) Pipeline Mechanical Design

This relates to the overall design for strength and integrity of the pipeline system. The engineer carries out calculations and analysis to determine the appropriate requirements for the pipeline. The calculations/analysis carried out include:

Pipeline wall thickness calculation

In most cases, the pipeline wall thickness calculated is governed by applicable codes/standards (e.g. ANSI B31.4 & B31.8, DNV etc.). The wall thickness determination is based on the design internal pressure or the external hydrostatic pressure (in the case of subsea pipelines). Reference to the pipeline design codes/standards or specific requirements from the Client should always be made.

Pipeline stability calculation

Stability analysis of pipelines is usually carried out where the pipeline is planned to be installed in a swamp (high water table area) or offshore area (on the seabed or buried). In each case, the hydrodynamic loads on the pipeline are analyzed and the required submerged weight for stability of pipeline is determined. Depending on the required submerged weight, concrete coating of the pipe may be necessary.

Stress analysis

Stresses are imposed on the pipeline by internal and external factors. These include stresses due to fluid operating conditions (pressure and temperature), environmental and installation conditions. The stresses are analyzed under various criteria e.g. buckling (lateral or upheaval), pipeline expansion, span analysis, installation stress analysis, crossing (due to specific crossing requirements) etc. In each case, the imposed stress is obtained and checked against the code or Client allowable stress value. However, in span analysis, the intent is to determine the allowable pipeline span length based on the avoidance of excess stress levels (which may lead to pipeline vibrations or oscillations). Design software like AUTOPIPE etc. can be useful.

(h) Pipeline Material Take-off (MTO)

This summarizes the pipeline material requirements obtained through the engineering design. It presents quantities of materials, type, grade, class of material etc. In preparing this, a percentage (1% - 10%) margin or allowance is usually given to allow for possible wastage or contingency.

(i) Material Data sheets

Data sheets are used to summarize the technical requirements / information about the respective pipeline materials. Design/operating parameters, testing conditions, material type, quantity, tag no. (if applicable), material requisition number (if applicable) etc. are information given in the data sheet.

(j) Drawings

Various pipeline construction drawings are produced based on the specific project requirement. The most common drawing is the Pipeline Alignment sheet. As the name suggests, the drawing summarizes all the relevant data needed to define the pipeline route and the detail design of the pipeline from one point to another. The sheet(s) covers consecutive sections of the pipeline and are usually divided into strips containing the following information:

Plan of survey details, ground profile and construction details.

Other pipelines drawings include crossing drawings (river, rail, road, pipeline crossing etc.), kilometer marker post, bathymetry drawings, riser detail drawings, pig launcher/receiver drawings etc.



In NETCO, there are other disciplines that feature in pipeline projects. These may include Corrosion, Control systems / Instrumentation, Mechanical, Civil / Structural, Piping, Process and Electrical. Direct interface or coordination with any of the discipline engineers depends on the project scope and requirements. For instance, the corrosion engineers input is required in determining the corrosion rate of the internal/external environment of the pipeline. Also he advises on the right corrosion control/mitigation methods to be adopted. Similarly, the process discipline engineer would advise on the fluid operating conditions and sometimes provide initial design conditions.

In the final analysis, there should normally be review of project deliverables by other relevant disciplines prior to issue of such documents to the Client. This ensures uniformity of information from the project team.

4.2 PROJECT CONTROLSInterface with project controls on a project is always present. As the project controls section is always involved in project planning, monitoring, cost control and cost estimation, the pipeline engineer makes necessary input to the project controls specialist on the project. The pipeline engineers man-hour estimation vis--vis deliverable preparation status is checked and reported on by the project control specialist as part of project management effort. The pipeline engineers responsibility under here include:

Preparation of weekly discipline project report highlighting deliverables started, completed or reviewed/issued for internal checks/client review or approval.

Completion of weekly/Biweekly man-hour timesheets.

Participation in the weekly progress meeting, etc.

4.3 PROCUREMENTProcurement activities on a project (where applicable) involve the acquisition/purchase of pipeline equipment/materials and services for the project. Included in this acquisition is the checking/review of vendor or manufacturers data. The pipeline engineers responsibilities include:

Preparation of material take-off (MTO)

Preparation of material requisitions (MRs)

Participation in the preparation of bidders list

Evaluation of technical bids/proposals

Review/approval of vendor or manufacturers drawings and data.

Vendor Liaison meetings

Inspection at Vendor / Manufacturers shop (if applicable).



=25.4 mm

1 ft

=0.3048 m


=1.609 km

1nautical mile=1.852 km

1 fathom= 6ft=1.8288 m


1 in2

= 6.4516 cm2

1 ft2

= 0.0929 m2


1 in3

= 16.387 cm3

1 ft3

= 0.028317 m3

Liquid Volume

1 oz

=29.574 ml

1 gal (US)= 0.134 ft3=3.785litres

1 gal (Imp)


1 barrel= 42 gal (US)=158.99litres = 5.6146 ft3


1 lbm

= 0.4536 kg

1 slug

= 1 lbf sec2/ft

1 slug

=32.174 lbm = 14.59 kg


lbm = pound of mass; lbf = pound of force



Weight = force when gravity is 32.17 ft/sec2 or 9.81 m/sec2.

1 lbf

= 4.448 N

1 lbf

= 32.174 poundals

1 N

= 1 kg*m/sec2 =0.225 lbf

1 ton (short)

= 907.2 kg

1 ton (long)

= 1016.0 kg

1 lbf/ft

= 14.59N/m

1 lbf/ft

= 1.488kg/m

1 lbf/ft2

= 47.880N/m2

1 KN

= 224.8 lbf


1 lbf/in3

= 27.68 g/cm3

1 lbf/ft3 (pcf)

= 16.02kg/m3 Pressure or Stress

1 psi

= 0.006895 Mpa = 6.895 kPa = 6895Pa

1 psi

= 68947 dynes/cm2

1 psi

= 0.0703 kg/cm2

1 psi

= 0.0680 atm

1 psi

= 0.0685 bar

1 psf

= 47.88 Pa

1 psf

= 4.882 kg/m2Flow

1 gal/min

= .0631l/s

1 ft3/sec

= 101.94m3/hr

1 ft3/min

= 0.472 l/s

1 bbl/hr

= 0.159 m3/hr


= 158.99 m3/day


Kinematic ()

1 ft2/sec

= 929 cm2/s (stokes)

1 ft2/sec

= 92903 cs (centistokes)

Absolute ()

1 lbm/sec*ft

= 14.88 Poise (g/s*cm)

1 lbm/sec*ft

= 1488 cp (centipoise)

1 lbf*sec/ft2

= 47880 cp


= 0.001 Pa*s

Note: = /


1 cal

= 4.184 J

1 Btu

= 778.2 ft*lbf

1 ft*lbf

= 1.3556 J

1 ft*lbf

= 0.324 cal

1 ft3*lbf/ in2

= 46.66 cal

1 Btu

= 1055 J = 252 cal

1 Btu

= 0.2931 W*hr

1 Btu

= 0.000393 hp*hr


1. The SI unit for energy is the Joule (J) but calories are commonly used.

2. The conversion factors for Btu and calories depend on the temperature. The values given above are the main values.


1 Btu/hr

= 0.2931 W

1 Btu/hr

= 0.00039846 hp (metric)

1 hp (Imp.)

= 745.7 W = 1.0139 hp (metric)

1 ft lb/min

= 0.0226 W

1 ft lb/sec

= 0.324 cal/s

Note:The SI unit for power is the Watt (W) = 1J/s; however, horsepower (SI) is often used (735.5W). SI and Imperial systems have different hp units.

Specific Energy (or Latent Heat)

1 Btu/lbm

= 2.326 J/g

1 Btu/lbm

= 0.556 cal/g

Specific Energy per Degree (Specific Heat)

1 Btu/lbm*oF

= 4.186 J/g*oC

1 Btu/lbm*oF

= 4186 J/Kg*K

1 Btu/lbm*oF

= 1.0007 cal/g*oC

1 Btu/slug*oF

= 130.1 J/Kg*K

Note:Degrees Celsius and Kelvin can be used interchangeably in these formulas.

Heat Flux

1 Btu/hr*ft2

= .0003155 W/cm21 Btu/hr*ft2

= .00007535 cal/s*cm21 Btu/hr*ft2

= .2712 cal/hr*cm2

Heat Transfer

1 Btu/hr*ft2 *oF

= .0005678 W/cm2*oC

1 Btu/hr*ft2*oF

= .0001356 cal/s*cm2*oC

1 Btu/hr*ft2 *oF

= 4882 cal/hr*m2*oCThermal Conductivity

1 Btu/hr*ft *oF

= 0 .0173 W/cm*0C

1 Btu/hr*t *oF

= 1.731 W/m*0C

1 Btu/hr*ft*oF

= 0.004134 cal/s*cm*0CSpeed

1 knot

= 0.514 m/s = 1.688 ft/s

1 mi/hr (mph)

= 1.61 km/hr


OR= (9/5)*K

OF= [(9/5) *0C] + 320F

OC= (0F - 320F)*(5/9)

OC= K 273.15

OF= OR 459.67

OR= Degrees Rankine

K= Degrees Kelvin