pip’s internal conflict - quia · 2021. 1. 7. · pip’s internal conflict “and now, because...


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  • Pip’s Internal Conflict

    “And now, because my mind was not confused enough before, I complicated its confusion fifty thousand-fold, by having states and seasons when I was clear that Biddy was immeasurably better than Estella, and that the plain honest working life to which I was born, had nothing in it to be ashamed of, but offered me sufficient means of self-respect and happiness.”

    “At those times, I would decide conclusively that my disaffection to dear old Joe and the forge, was gone, and that I was growing up in a fair way to be partners with Joe and to keep company with Biddy - when all in a moment some confounding remembrance of the Havisham days would fall upon me, like a destructive missile, and scatter my wits again” (132-133).

  • Bildungsroman Pip's development or education, makes this

    novel a bildungsroman; a novel of education- coming of age

    The bildungsroman typically follows the hero's process from childhood innocence to experience.

    One of the great ironies of this novel is that Pip's financial and social rise, which results from his having "expectations," is accompanied by an emotional and moral decline or deterioration.

    Does any good come out of his expectations?

  • The Title- Chapter 18

    "Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations." “Joe and I gasped, and looked at one another.”

    "I am instructed to communicate to him," said Mr. Jaggers, throwing his finger at me sideways, "that he will come into a handsome property. Further, that it is the desire of the present possessor of that property, that he be immediately removed from his present sphere of life and from this place, and be brought up as a gentleman - in a word, as a young fellow of great expectations.“

  • Pip’s Expectations

    “I never could have believed it without experience, but as Joe and Biddy became more at their cheerful ease again, I became quite gloomy. Dissatisfied with my fortune, of course I could not be; but it is possible that I may have been, without quite knowing it, dissatisfied with myself.”