pinterest 101

Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

Post on 18-Sep-2014




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DESCRIPTION An introduction to Pinterest. Have you been wondering what Pinterest is and why you would need to use it?


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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.


I hope you find the following Pinterest introduction helpful.

Pinterest is a great tool for your business.

If you need help with understanding social media, be sure to

contact me. I can help you expand your reach, build

relationships, generate more leads, and increase your sales.

Most importantly, I can help you to save time with your

marketing, leaving you with more time to do what you do


I also offer a great Do-it-yourself Pinterest Video Training

Series here:

Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to

chatting with you soon.

Jennifer Henczel

Marketing Motivator

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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social network that allows its users to share what's important to them.

The hook of the website is that it is very visual. People share photos and images by

“pinning” them. Users can either use images they find online or ones they take

themselves. You can also “repin” other people’s photos and images. You can create

virtual bulletin “boards” in Pinterest, where you collect "pins" that revolve around a

common theme.

Pinterest is very much focused on a person's lifestyle. Users can share their tastes and

interests with others and discover likeminded people. The social network's goal is to

"connect everyone in the world through the things they find interesting."

It is also extremely effective for business. People like to spend time there and the

stats and demographics are great.

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Why is Pinterest So Popular?

There's no doubt that Pinterest is popular right now. In fact, it's the fastest growing

website in history! Many people call the website "addictive." So what's the intrigue of

this website? For one thing, it allows you to create your ideal self. It gives you a

canvas to express yourself and organize those thoughts into a place you can come

back to and add even more later. Each thing you collect is a piece of what you either

are or hope to be. You might find a better way to organize your home and pin that,

or you might find something about what the latest fashion trends are, or even collect

pictures of homes in your quest for a new home. These all point back to that "ideal

self" you hope to create.

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Businesses can feature new and innovative products. It’s great for jewelry, crafts,

furniture and much more. Services can highlight people and products. Travel

businesses are booming on Pinterest with beautiful landscape pictures. You can

develop your own place on Pinterest by telling your business story through images.

To add to it, Pinterest also allows you to see what others are pinning. That means,

you get a peek into someone else's "ideal self." You get to see what's important to

them and what they strive to be. It's a great place to get to know someone much

better. You can tell a lot simply by looking at what boards someone has and what they

have pinned to them.

How Do You Sign Up for Pinterest?

Pinterest used to be an "invite only" site, but it is no longer that way. You can

connect by using your Facebook account. Pinterest users are always happy to help

another get involved. Ask around and you'll be pinning in now time. Just go to and sign up now!

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I’ve Joined Pinterest…Now What?

When you first join Pinterest, it can be a bit intimidating. What do you do? Where do

you start? A good first step is to start following people. Pinterest makes you follow a

handful of people when you first join. This is determine by questions they ask you

about your hobbies, passions, and other interests when you first sign up. There's no

way to opt out of that at the moment, but you can always unfollow these people later.

So you are already following people. But, what about real people…people you already


To find friends from other social networks like Facebook, go to your name in the

upper right hand corner and click on the arrow. A drop down menu will appear and

you can click on “find friends” to see which of your friends are on Pinterest. The

people on the left hand column that pulls up will be people you can invite. The people

on the right hand column will be people you can follow. The more people you follow,

the more pins you see on the main page. This is when the real fun begins because you

not only see what other people are pinning, but you can also snag some of their pins

as "re-pins" for your own boards.

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Start Creating Boards

Once you've got a few friends to follow, it's time to start creating boards. Think about

what type of items you would like to collect. Are you looking for inspiration for a new

business? Looking for your family's next vacation? Want to find healthy recipes? Or,

maybe you just want to find some cool things that really speak to you and your

audience. Whatever the case, create a few boards to reflect what you're looking for.

You don't have to set them up all at once because you can add more any time you


Pinterest sets up a few boards for you when you first set up your account. If you don't

like these, you can always delete them. Simply go to the upper right hand side of your

screen to the drop down menu. Select "boards." You will then see all of your boards.

Click on "Edit" and then scroll down to "Delete Board."

To add a new board, go to the upper right hand side, you will see "Add" with a cross

next to it in the upper right hand corner, next to your drop down menus. Click this

and it will pull up a menu that asks if you want to "Add a Pin," "Upload a Pin," or

"Create a Board." Select "Create a Board" and it will ask you for the name of the

board and the board's category. Categories are already pre-determined by Pinterest.

This menu will also ask you who can contribute to the board: you or a group of

contributors. If you select that you want others to be able to contribute, you will need

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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

to provide that person's Pinterest name or the email they used to set up their Pinterest


If you're not sure what you're looking for just yet, take a spin around the site first and

let the boards of others' to inspire you to create some of your own. Remember, you

can always delete them later if you change your mind.

Start Pinning!

There are two ways you can pin. You can pin your own photos or something you find

on the web that you want. Or you can re-pin something that is already on Pinterest.

To Pin Something on the Web Outside of Pinterest

Some websites are extremely "pin friendly" and already have a "Pin It" button with

the content. This makes it super simple to pin something, as you just have to click the

button to be taken to Pinterest to "pin" it. When you click that, you are taken to a

screen where you are given a choice (if there is a choice) of which pictures to pin.

Once you select the image, you will automatically be taken to Pinterest to categorize

the pin, write a description of it, and actually pin it.

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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

If you don't have the "Pin It" button option, you can also install a bookmarklet on

your toolbar. Then, you simply click it when you want to pin something. You will go

through the same classification process above.

As a last option, you can always take the url and go to the Pinterest website itself and

hit "Add" in the upper right hand corner. It will give you the option to add a few

things, select "Pin." Then you can enter the url in the box and go through the same

process as mentioned above to get it pinned to your board.

"Pin It" When You’re on Pinterest

When you pin something you find in Pinterest, it's called a "re-pin." The process is

very easy for you to grab that pin as your own. Simply hit the "repin" button. (You'll

see it pop up when you hover over the image.) Once you hit the "repin" button, you

will asked to classify and make any comments you might want about the item.

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Like, Repin, and Comment

Pinterest might not seem like much of a community as much as social networks like

Twitter and Facebook. But it actually is very similar in many ways. When you hover

over a picture, you see the options for "Like," "Repin," and "Comment." These are

excellent tools to use to interact with others on Pinterest. Simply re-pinning

something someone already pinned is the equivalent of a great compliment on

Pinterest. The same could be said for the "Like" and Comment" functions, too.

Pinterest is Image Based

You can’t pin something that doesn’t have an image on the webpage. So if you find a

great article on Christmas, you probably won’t be able to “Pin It” unless it has a large

image accompanying the article.

Surfing Pinterest

Want to look for something on Pinterest? You can surf the website for things you

need or want to look at. There is a search bar in the upper left hand corner. Simply

enter your search terms in there and see what pops up! This is when Pinterest can

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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

become very addicting because there seems to be an endless supply of inspiring

pictures on your chosen topics to weed through. The tough part is to know when to

stop looking!

Pinterest Etiquette

There are a few things to keep in mind when looking around Pinterest. Remember,

most of what you are seeing are re-pins, so it's easy for the message the pictures are

attached to get lost in the shuffle. But if you're the first to post something, make sure

you give it a great description to catch other people's attention. BUT…don't copy and

paste the entire post. This is wrong on many levels (ever heard of "copyright?"). The

original website owner (wherever the pin came from) deserves some credit and some

clicks back to their article or item. So, it's only considered "polite" to somewhat whet

the appetite of someone who might re-pin something. If they're interested, they'll click

through to read the entire post for themselves. You've been given "virtual permission"

to link to their webpage, so be polite and let them get some credit.

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How Can Pinterest Help Me?

First, it's important to remember, Pinterest is what you make it. You can also use it to

bookmark recipes, DIY projects, or anything that interests you in your hobby or in

your life in general. It can be a huge time waister if you're not careful. However, if you

want to use it to "escape" for a bit, then you're in the right place! Just use limits. If

you spend all your time pinning and not doing, what’s the point?

Be Strategic

When using it for business, it is extremely important that you use it very

strategically. Pinterest can be a very good marketing vehicle for your business

if used correctly.

Pinterest provides ample opportunity to expand your business. Pinterest is a

place where you can: 1.) Tell your story visually 2.) Provide your audience with quick

solutions and value added content.

It's more than just about the images. It's a great place for inspiration. It gives you an

opportunity to inspire your audience and draw their attention.

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More and more businesses are starting to take note of the marketing power Pinterest

has. If you have a business, big or small, it's worth investigating how Pinterest should

be a part of it.

Many people say they find many noteworthy things that actually save them time in the

long run on the website. For example, if you're planning a meal, you might find great

recipes to use on Pinterest. Could you find them on the web? Sure, but it can actually

be quicker to surf Pinterest and see pictures of what the dish looks like before you

even look at the recipe. That way you know if it's even worth clicking through to the


The same could be said about home decorating projects, or anything else that requires

some visualization on your part. Pinterest takes at least part of the equation out for

you by showing what the finished project will look like.

Ready to Start Pinning?

Only you know for sure if Pinterest is right for you. If you were to use it, what would

your goals be? They might be worthy goals (don't forget "relaxing" is a worthy goal)

and something you should pursue. It's just important to remember to keep things in

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perspective. Don't neglect other parts of your life because you spend hours on

Pinterest. One Pinterest user recommends setting a timer for her allotted Pinterest

use. When the timer goes off, she's done!

Find a method of using Pinterest that works for you. Follow Pinterest's mission

statement: "Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they

find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common

link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is

connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.

Just find a way to follow Pinterest's mission statement of finding things you like with

a plan that works for you and you've struck gold!

If you need help with this stuff, take a look at

this helpful video training series.

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Learn how to use Pinterest for your Business from the comfort of your own computer with our Pinterest Video Training Series.

An easy to follow, step-by-step video training series that will show you how to use Pinterest to build relationships, build your exposure, build your branding,

and build your business: