pinocho's tale

Pinocchio Pinocchio Pinocchio Pinocchio By By By By Carlo Collodi Carlo Collodi Carlo Collodi Carlo Collodi

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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ByByByBy Carlo CollodiCarlo CollodiCarlo CollodiCarlo Collodi


Verònica Pazos de la Torre 3333er er er er E.S.O. E.S.O. E.S.O. E.S.O. ---- BBBB


Once upon a time, a long time ago ,there was an old carpenter called Geppetto,who loved to make puppets. He always dreamed to be father and with so much illusion he took of his workshop a piece of wood. Then , he made an originally wooden puppet.

It looks nice! It looks nice! It looks nice! It looks nice! - he said he said he said he said ---- What a pitty! What a pitty! What a pitty! What a pitty! He's not alive.... He's not alive.... He's not alive.... He's not alive.... ---- He saw unhappy He saw unhappy He saw unhappy He saw unhappy ---- But But But But that is like waiting a miracle!! that is like waiting a miracle!! that is like waiting a miracle!! that is like waiting a miracle!! ---- He thought He thought He thought He thought a lot of things... a lot of things... a lot of things... a lot of things... ---- I will call him Pinocho .I will call him Pinocho .I will call him Pinocho .I will call him Pinocho .


A few minutes later , Geppetto was watching his puppet when a fairy enter in the room. The fairy with her magic wand, touched Pi-nocho and gave him life, but wooden life. She gaves also a small partner to help Pinocho. His name was Pepe Grillo.

- Hi father!Hi father!Hi father!Hi father!----said Pinocho happy.said Pinocho happy.said Pinocho happy.said Pinocho happy. ---- Eh? Who speaks?Eh? Who speaks?Eh? Who speaks?Eh? Who speaks?----shouted Geppetto shouted Geppetto shouted Geppetto shouted Geppetto looking everywhere.looking everywhere.looking everywhere.looking everywhere. ---- It's me ,Pinocho!It's me ,Pinocho!It's me ,Pinocho!It's me ,Pinocho!----said with a big said with a big said with a big said with a big smile.çsmile.çsmile.çsmile.ç ---- Am I dreaming? I have a child!Am I dreaming? I have a child!Am I dreaming? I have a child!Am I dreaming? I have a child!


In this moment , Geppetto was the happiest man of the world. He thought that Pinocho had to go to school.. But he hadno money. He sold her coat to buy the school books. All mornings , Pinocho went to school .

- When I will have a lot of money I will When I will have a lot of money I will When I will have a lot of money I will When I will have a lot of money I will go to shop to buy a coat for my go to shop to buy a coat for my go to shop to buy a coat for my go to shop to buy a coat for my father!father!father!father! When he was walking , he heard a strong noise.

- Come in ladies and gentlemen! Come Come in ladies and gentlemen! Come Come in ladies and gentlemen! Come Come in ladies and gentlemen! Come and see our puppet theater!and see our puppet theater!and see our puppet theater!and see our puppet theater!


There was a puppet theater like him . He danced with them some time and later he saw the threads and understood that they didn't have life.

---- Good,good !Good,good !Good,good !Good,good !---- shouted the audience shouted the audience shouted the audience shouted the audience watching Pinocho.watching Pinocho.watching Pinocho.watching Pinocho. ---- Do you want participate in the Do you want participate in the Do you want participate in the Do you want participate in the group?group?group?group? ---- said the theater's owner finishing said the theater's owner finishing said the theater's owner finishing said the theater's owner finishing the performance.the performance.the performance.the performance. Pepito Grillo whispered him: Don't do it!Pepito Grillo whispered him: Don't do it!Pepito Grillo whispered him: Don't do it!Pepito Grillo whispered him: Don't do it! ---- No, because I have to go to school...No, because I have to go to school...No, because I have to go to school...No, because I have to go to school...---- said Pinocho. said Pinocho. said Pinocho. said Pinocho. ---- Then , take this coins to pay your Then , take this coins to pay your Then , take this coins to pay your Then , take this coins to pay your dancing workdancing workdancing workdancing work----said a man.said a man.said a man.said a man.


Pinocho walked so happy to school when suddenly:

- Woh,who! Where are you going so Woh,who! Where are you going so Woh,who! Where are you going so Woh,who! Where are you going so hurry, young?hurry, young?hurry, young?hurry, young?----said a liar cat.said a liar cat.said a liar cat.said a liar cat. ---- I'm going to buy a coat to my father I'm going to buy a coat to my father I'm going to buy a coat to my father I'm going to buy a coat to my father with this money.with this money.with this money.with this money. ---- But not!But not!But not!But not!----said a foxsaid a foxsaid a foxsaid a fox----That's a few That's a few That's a few That's a few money for a coat. Do you like to have money for a coat. Do you like to have money for a coat. Do you like to have money for a coat. Do you like to have more?more?more?more? ---- Yes ,but...¿How?Yes ,but...¿How?Yes ,but...¿How?Yes ,but...¿How?----asked Pinocho .asked Pinocho .asked Pinocho .asked Pinocho . ---- It's easyIt's easyIt's easyIt's easy----said the catsaid the catsaid the catsaid the cat---- If you bury If you bury If you bury If you bury your coins at Miracles Country it will your coins at Miracles Country it will your coins at Miracles Country it will your coins at Miracles Country it will grow a plant that gives you more grow a plant that gives you more grow a plant that gives you more grow a plant that gives you more money!money!money!money! ---- And...where is the country?And...where is the country?And...where is the country?And...where is the country? ---- We will bring youWe will bring youWe will bring youWe will bring you----said the said the said the said the


And then, lying and not listening to the advice of Pepito Grillo, the bandits took Pinocho to a place so far of the city, They stolen him the coins and tied Pinocho to a tree. He screamed and screamed, but nobody heard him, only the blue fairy. - Where did you lose your coins?Where did you lose your coins?Where did you lose your coins?Where did you lose your coins?----said said said said the fairy.the fairy.the fairy.the fairy. ---- Crossing the river!!!Crossing the river!!!Crossing the river!!!Crossing the river!!!----said Pinocho, said Pinocho, said Pinocho, said Pinocho, while his nose was growing up.while his nose was growing up.while his nose was growing up.while his nose was growing up.

He realized that he had lied, and looking his nose, he started to cry. - This time your nose will be the This time your nose will be the This time your nose will be the This time your nose will be the same, but it will grown up if you're same, but it will grown up if you're same, but it will grown up if you're same, but it will grown up if you're lying again lying again lying again lying again ---- said the blue fairy.said the blue fairy.said the blue fairy.said the blue fairy.


And then Pinocho went to the city and found a boys jumping and laughing very happy. ---- What’s happening?What’s happening?What’s happening?What’s happening?----asked pinocho.asked pinocho.asked pinocho.asked pinocho. ---- We are going to funny island, where We are going to funny island, where We are going to funny island, where We are going to funny island, where everyday is holyday and there aren’t everyday is holyday and there aren’t everyday is holyday and there aren’t everyday is holyday and there aren’t schools and teachers!!!!¿Do you want toschools and teachers!!!!¿Do you want toschools and teachers!!!!¿Do you want toschools and teachers!!!!¿Do you want to come with us?come with us?come with us?come with us? ---- Come on, let’s go.Come on, let’s go.Come on, let’s go.Come on, let’s go. Pinocho, again, didn’t hear the advices of ‘Pepito and he joined to the children group. The blue fairy, appeared again. ----Didn’t you promise me to go to school?Didn’t you promise me to go to school?Didn’t you promise me to go to school?Didn’t you promise me to go to school?----

she asked.she asked.she asked.she asked. --------YesYesYesYes----lied Pinocholied Pinocholied Pinocholied Pinocho---- I have been.I have been.I have been.I have been.

And suddenly a pair of donkey ears starting to grow.


Pinocho realized that the ears had grown because he was lying again and he was sorry sincerely. He went to the school and then home but Geppetto has gone to look for him to the beach, with so bad luck that when Geppetto entering to the water , was shallowed by a whale. - I’ll save you father I’ll save you father I’ll save you father I’ll save you father ---- cried Pinocho.cried Pinocho.cried Pinocho.cried Pinocho. He went to the beach and waited for the whale to swallow him. Inside he saw Geppetto, who embraced him very strong. ---- We'll have to get out of here, so light a We'll have to get out of here, so light a We'll have to get out of here, so light a We'll have to get out of here, so light a fire and the whale will open his mouth!!.fire and the whale will open his mouth!!.fire and the whale will open his mouth!!.fire and the whale will open his mouth!!.

They did, and came out very fast swim-ming toward

the shore.


The puppet’s father didn’t stop hugging Pi-nocho. Suddenly the blue fairy appeared again. See-ing the love, they felt,she decided to make Pi-nocho a real boy, not more wood!!!. A boy like the other ones.

Geppetto and Pinocho were happy for many, many years.

The EndThe EndThe EndThe End



ByByByBy Carlo CollodiCarlo CollodiCarlo CollodiCarlo Collodi

Verònica Pazos de la Torre 3333er er er er E.S.O. E.S.O. E.S.O. E.S.O. ---- BBBB