
Sammy Peterson

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This is a collection of short stories about me- Sammy Peterson


Page 1: Pink

! Sammy Peterson


Page 2: Pink

Table of Contents

..........................................................................................................................................Title Page 3

........................................................................................................................................Dedication 4

......................................................................................................................Advice from an Adult 5

..................................................................................................................................The Big Game 6

................................................................................................................A Silver Worthy Birthday 7

...............................................................................................................................Trouble, Trouble 8

..........................................................................................................................................My Name 9

...........................................................................................................................Favorite Holidays 10

................................................................................................................A Happy Time and Place 11

...............................................................................................................................................Maya 12

..........................................................................................................................My Neighborhood 13

............................................................................................................................................My Job 14

! Sammy Peterson

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Page 3: Pink


By: Sammy Peterson

! Sammy Peterson

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Page 4: Pink

This book is dedicated to my cousin Maya Brenna.

She is the best cousin anyone could wish for.

I love you Maya.

! Sammy Peterson

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Advice From an Adult

My parents are my biggest role models in my life and they are constantly giving me

advice. My dad tells me that honesty is the biggest key in life; without it you will have nothing.

My mom tells me that if I want to grow up to become a wonderful woman I need to treat people

with respect. She says that I should try and step in his or her shoes and see what it is like for a

day. My parents tell me that I need to follow the golden rule: Treat others the way you would

want him or her to treat you.

Another big influence in my life is my varsity basketball coach, Mr. Malott. He is always

telling us to look at the bigger picture. In the end of it all, it doesn’t matter who has won the most

basketball games. It comes down to what your character and personality is made of. If you don’t

treat people with respect, they won’t show you any respect back. He also tells us that to

accomplish our goals as a basketball team, we must work as one unit. If we all try and become

the hero, we will lose. If we all work together as a team, we will win games and become better

people. One person cannot defeat the other team single handedly. We need the special abilities of

every single person, and each person must fulfill their role in the team, so we can become


! Sammy Peterson

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Page 6: Pink

The Big Game

On February 14, West Salem Lady Panthers took on the Westby Norsemen, but this

wasn’t an ordinary basketball game. Not only would would the outcome of this game decide if

we could compete for the conference title, but it was a pink out. Chloe Stauffer’s senior exit

project was a breast cancer awareness fundraiser, and both teams sported pink uniforms. There

was pink everywhere. Pink shirts were sold to both team’s fans, and even pink bracelets were

sold. The gym was packed with pink.

We started the game and both teams brought there best game. We battled back and forth,

each team scoring bucket after bucket. Towards the end of the game it was close, and in the last

minute we were tied. The final buzzer sounded and we were tied 38-38. Overtime. We battled

through, and when the overtime buzzer sounded it was 44 West Salem Lady Panthers and 41

Westby Norsemen. We came out with the win, giving us the chance to win the conference title.

The student section stormed the court creating a huge mob of kids crying, laughing, hugging,

cheering, and jumping up and down. It was the best feeling in the entire world. To know we have

come from the bottom and built up to this point. Coach was so proud, he didn’t know what to

say; it was amazing.

After the game, both teams lined up along the sideline to become one team in the fight

against breast cancer. Everyone in pink packed into the bleachers behind us to join the team. It

was a great way to create awareness and play a very important game all in one night.

! Sammy Peterson

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A Silver Worthy Birthday

My thirteenth birthday was my favorite birthday, because in the same weekend we were

in Wausau, Wisconsin for the 8th grade state basketball tournament. My team had to play seven

games on Saturday and Sunday.

Our first game was against a really tough team and throughout the entire game we battled

and fought. We were down by two points with only a little time left; my teammate brought the

ball down and threw it to the another teammate, Sydney. Sydney dribbled twice and threw the

ball at the hoop from five feet behind the three point line. The buzzer sounded. The ball,

somehow went through the hoop and we won by one point. The most strange part was that the

time the ball went through the hoop was the same time that I was born.

We went on to win every other game that day! The next day was almost as good. We won

the first game easily, but the next game would prove to be a hard one. We would have to play

tough as nails. We were scheduled to play a private school from a big city that recruited most of

its players. We ended up winning and the victory sent us to the championship game.

In the championship game, we had to play the team that had won in our division each

year before. They were a really hard team to beat, but we were determined. In the end we didn’t

come out with a victory, but we were proud of how far we had come.

! Sammy Peterson

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Page 8: Pink

Trouble, Trouble

As a kid, my brother and I fought a lot, especially over the silliest things. I was a lion and

he was the zebra, and sometimes the other way around. Sometimes our parents would have to

separate us, and send us to different rooms, but one day I got into a lot of trouble.

My neighbors, my brother, and I made up a game to play during the summer when we

were bored. It involved a playground, or swing set, a ball, and at least four people. The object

was to stay on the swing the longest without getting the bottom of your foot hit with the ball.

Two people would swing, one person would be the judge and the other person would try and

throw the ball at the swingers feet.

Usually we would try and run to be the first or second person to the swing set, so we

could start on the swings because it was the most fun. The last person would have to be the

judge, and the third person would be the thrower. My brother and I were running and we were

both trying not to be the last person to the swings; I had the ball in my hands and my brother was

in front of me. I didn’t want to lose, so I threw the blue soccer ball, as hard as I could, at his feet.

He tripped in the middle of the road, and scraped his face, knees and arms. He started bawling

and ran inside and told on me. I remember the horrible feeling in my stomach. I’m in huge

trouble. I’m in huge trouble.

! Sammy Peterson

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My Name

My name, Samantha, was given to me because my uncles name is Samuel. My parents

thought it was important that I was named after a family member and they really liked the name


The meaning of the name Samantha is listener, or flower. It is the female version of

Samuel, my uncles name. I think the first meaning, listener, fits me well because I have always

done well in school and I listen and take advice well. The other meaning, flower, is like a fish our

of water for me. I’m not a huge girly girl; I like a lot of sports and being outside, not buying new

clothes and wearing tons of make-up. I don’t mind doing stuff like that, but I would rather be

playing or watching sports.

My dad didn’t want my name to be Samantha because he thought it was too close to

Samuel. My mom loved the name and she decided to talk to my uncle to make sure it was alright

that I be named after him. My uncle said that he would absolutely adore it if I was named after

him! He said it would be really cool to have a niece named after him.

I don’t think I would ever change my name. The only thing I would change is to have

people call me Sammy, because I like that name a little bit better because I used to only be called

Samantha when I got in trouble. I still like my name, and I would never want to change it.

! Sammy Peterson

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Page 10: Pink

Favorite Holidays


Fun, Friendly

Opening, Giving, Receiving

Surrounded by my family.



Spooky, Scary

Scaring, Running, Hiding

Worried, Spooked, Excited, Overjoyed


! Sammy Peterson

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Page 11: Pink

A Happy Time and Place

Cabin Lake House Sun Fun Summer Swimming Tubing Tanning S S U U M M M M E E R R T T I I M M E E Playing on the beach and in the sand.

! Sammy Peterson

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Ever since I was little I’ve wanted a sister, but all I ever got was my brother. I wished and

wished for a sister, but my parents didn’t want another kid; that is why I am so thankful for my

cousin Maya.

Maya is a only ten, but she is my only girl cousin. She lives in Cumberland, Wisconsin so

I rarely get to see her, but when I do it is so much fun to be with her and hang out with her. She is

the one who keeps me from bursting when all the boy cousins are running around and screaming.

I remember when Maya was born and I went to the hospital to meet her. I was so happy

to have a little girl in my arms. When she came to my house for the first time, I was so excited

that I woke up super early to set up a play area for her. When she finally showed up, all she

wanted to do was sleep, and I was so sad, until my aunt told me I could hold her for a while. She

slept in my arms and I was so happy.

Today, Maya and I are even closer. She will come to any of my games that are close to

Cumberland, and every summer we go camping and to each others houses. When we camp we

ski behind the boat together, holding hands and laughing the entire way. She in her bright pink

suit and pink life vest and me in my multicolored suit and red life vest. I love Maya, and she will

always be my favorite cousin.

! Sammy Peterson

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My Neighborhood

My neighbor hood is quiet. My neighborhood is peaceful. My neighborhood is full of

busy children. My neighborhood is great.

I live in a beautiful neighborhood near Highway 16 in West Salem. It has lots of growing

families and many retired grandparents as well. Its a variety of people that are always helping

each other, whether it’s with yard work, babysitting, or even cooking for each other. Our

neighborhood is fantastically friendly.

My neighbors and my family have dinners during the summer that we call “driveway

pizza.” Each family orders a type of pizza and we sit in one family’s driveway or in their house

and enjoy pizza together. Each person must bring his own drink and any other snack they want to

eat with the pizza. It’s kind of like a pot luck, but even better.

Sometimes, my neighbors and I even have sleepovers. We will set up a tent in a backyard

in the summer, or if its too cold, we will sleep at someone’s house. We talk, sing, dance, and do

hair and makeup. We always find someway to have tons of fun when we are together. My

neighbors are like my sisters and brothers.

In my neighborhood, if you need any help at all, you just have to ask the person next

door, and chances are, they will help you. That is why I love my neighborhood.

My neighbors are helpful. My neighbors are friendly. My neighbors are considerate. My

neighbors are completely perfect.

! Sammy Peterson

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My Job

Since I have no official job, I babysit a lot to get money; and the girls I usually babysit

for are a blast to take care of.

Betsy and Kate, two girls who are as energetic as cheetahs. They are the easiest people to

babysit ever. They enjoy playing outside in the woods near their house or sledding down the

huge hills. They like to make blanket forts and have tea parties in them. When I watch them play

and interact with one another, you can tell they are true friends and true sisters. They may fight a

little bit, but what else are young sisters for? They are going to be great friends when they get

older I can already tell.

Another group of kids I babysit for are not as easily entertained and they tend to fight a

lot. They are different genders, so I suppose that is why they don’t get along as well as Kate and

Betsy do. These kids also are farther apart in age than Kate and Betsy, so that is probably another

factor in why they don’t get along as well. I still enjoy babysitting for them, but I love

babysitting for kids who enjoy my presence and get along.

As for other babysitting jobs, I would love to babysit more often, so that I can save up for

a car or gas money. I love babysitting, even if it’s not always considered a real job. I think

babysitting is enjoyable and a great way to make money.

! Sammy Peterson

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